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Ai a quarterly meeting of the Cuakitable Ibish
SOCIETY -held at the Mason Hall, on the 17th day o
Ma#l8S2, the foUo.,ing Eesoluuons were proposed and
adopted by the Society ;—
■ Wherms it has become necessary for the ^ler fovern-
''""r,'^if TharCrs. Joseph Q«na., Patkkk
Thomas Ci'NMiN form such Committee.
The Committee having brought in their Beport at a
pectin, held 17th of November, 1853, the same being
"cel-ed and adopted, the following Resolution «as pas-
'"^ 'n,...a/.^od./y.
*> I •*
»^ ■»•
I .
«yj i i i l^T
RULES, &c.,
When the helpless state of man, if left in his natural
condition, is considered, he, of all the animal creation,
will be found most in want of society. By means of
well reirulated society the weakness of man is protected,
his wants are relieved, his misfortunes alleviated, and his
m?; al nature improved,
Sooietv at large k highly benefitted by every institu-
i.'oii ^^hicb ha.j a tendency to promote private friendship ;
tlio mzt observance of which gradually enlarges the mind
ancf hum3ni''.eb tie heart. Friendship at first is confined
within a ^ ery nuriow compass ; extending its care and
otteiition to a k^ individuals. The sentiments of bene-
^ olence prociaced by such intercourse, soon beget a strong
mclination in the human mind to extend the bounds of
friendship : Societies of particular ranks and descriptions
of men are formed ; new sources of benevolence are dis-
covered : the understanding is improved : and at length
!j;eneror ■■ sentiments of friendship to all mankind arise
amongst those who at first associated only to extend their
friendship to the natives of some particular spot of the
earth. A mind thus prepared, considers the human race
but as one society, and the wants and misfortunes _ of
every indiviilual etiually entitled to compassion and relief.
On the 17th day of January, in the year 1786, a
number of Natives "of the Kingdom of Ireland, inhabi-
tants of the Town of Halifax, in the Province of Nova
Scotia, (sensibly feeling the obligations which they owed
to society, and zealously wishing to promote and encou-
rage friendship and good will amongst men,) held a
meeting at ihe house of Mr. John O'Brien, in Hahfax,
and signed Articles of Association, for the purpose of
relieving the wants and misfortunes of their countiynien :
which Association was styled Tlie Charitable' Irish
Experience proving the utility of such Society, its
funds and numbers have rapidly increased, and the So-
<5iety finding that the originial Articles of Association
were in many respects insufficient to govern the Society
in its improved and enlarged state. 'CfiARLES Kill rra'd
Richard John Uniacke. Estjuires. Avere. on the 17th
day of May, in the year 1T1>4. appointed a Committee xo
review and examine the former Articles, and to report
ii-new a set of Constitutions for the future resrulation of
ihe Society.
On the 17th day of February, in the year 1705. at
the Anniversary meeting of tlie Society, at Mr. Gallag-
her's, in the town of Halifax, the Committee made its
report, and a special meeting of the Society was ordered
to be held on the 2r)th of March follov. ing"! for the cou-
sideration thereof; on which day the Society having met
and considered the report of thr- Committee, the fjliow-
uig Constitutions for the future rep.ilntion of the Cbari-
TAiUE Irish Society, were nuoptcl rtrn] agreed to l)e
ol)served by all its Members.
The Tide of t/u Socip/y,
The Style and Title of the Society and it? Ser.i to
remain as established by the origmnf Articles of Asso-
QualifiaU'um of Memhfrs.
.Natives of Ireland : descendants of Irishmen or wo-
men : persons born in the province of Kova Scotia :
natives of any other country, wlio are inhabitants of this
province, and who are not members of any national
swiety estabhshed therein : and descendnnts of nny ])re-
sent or future Memlser of thi^ Society . are m.
and tluAr Dutij.
The officers of this Society shiill consist of a President,
Vice President, and tv,o Assistants, a Treasurer. Secre-
tary, and As.^istant Secretary, who shall he chosen annu-
ally, by nomination and ballot. o.u the ITtli day of Feh-
ruavy, unless the same shall liapppn to fall on a Sunday.
in which case tlie election of oiiicers shall take place on
the day following. The officers to enter on their func-
tions the 1st dav of ]\[areh.
Jivery candidate for office shall be put in nominatiori
by a member : and n^ candidate shall be considered elec-
ted uidess he shall have a clear majority of the votes of
the members present.
When the ballot has been taken, the President shall
declare the number of votes each has received, upon whi i[\
the name of the candidate havirjo; the least number of
votes shall bt withdrawn, and the bailotin,L' for the others
proceeded v;ith until one shall be declared elected.
Tlio President, or in his absence, the A'ice-Presidcnl.
or ni his absence, the Assistants, according to seniority
of appointment, shdl, in car.e of nocesoity. have power
to assemble the Society at the usual place appointed for
meeting in the town of IPdJfax. and shall lay 'before the
Society the cause or causes of such special meeting, the
same to be considered according to the usual modeliere-
totore practised.
One of the foregoing Officers shall preside, according
to rank, at all meetings, and tlie remainder of such Offi'^ ■
eers shall aid and assist him in such manner as he shall
think best according to the usual practice of the Society.
The presiding fjfficer shall state to the Society all
questions which may arise for consideration, and, "after
debate, shall declare the opinion of the Society accordinir
to the will of the majority thereof present at "the debate":
and in case any doubt shall arise with respect to the iudg-
ment of the presiding Officer as to the maioritv. he^shall
inin>l» >iii iyi » ^ iii
, i aii. iiiiiii ii wif> i» iii n ii ii iii p m w w
'. n$in :i 0w^^ -^ igfle^ -^^^w^^iSl^^i^mm^^*
wiBl-!jP«« ■— •
The Treasurer shall hokl all the funds of the Society
in his name, he signing and sealing an instrument in wri-
ting, declaring the uses, and giving a receipt to the
Secretary for the amount thereof, Avhich instruments and
receipts the Secretary shall carefully preserve with the
papers of the Society. All receipts and payments shall
be made by the Treasurer, and he shall exhibit his books
to the Society at each meeting, in Avhich a regular account
of all receipts and payments shall be entered : and at
each February meeting he shall exhibit an abstract of the
receipts and payments, together with a state of the funds
belonging to the Society, which shall be entered by the
Secretary in the proceedings of the Society, after the
same shall have been examined and passed.
The Deputy Secretary shall aid and assist the Secre-
tary in his duty, and shall officiate in his absence.
In addition to the foregoing Officers, there shall be
chosen annually, at the February meeting, two Commit-
tees, viz : A Committee of Charity, and a Committee of
Collection and Examination,
The Committee of Charity shall consist of six mem-
bers, three of whom [the senior members] shall retire
from office annually, and the majority of the Society shall
elect three others in their place. This Committee shall
have power to appoint as many times for their meeting as
it shall think necessary, and shall from time to time dis-
tribute the ordinary relief of the Society to such persons'
as it shall think most deserving, and in such manner as
shall be most beneficial to the persons who receive the
same, rendering regular accounts quarterly to the So-
ciety, of the expenditure of the sums which shall be voted
to them at each quarterly meeting. No relief to be
granted but with the consent of a majority of the Com-
mittee, and in cases of doubt or difficulty, it should con-
sult with the President. Vice President, Treasurer, Se-
cretary and Assistant Secretary, in which cases one at
least of the before named Officers should join in opinion
with such majority.
As the community in which we live makes provision
every six months for the support of the poor, to which we
t*fi^' 1
all contribute, it is the tluty of the Committee to interest
itself on behalf of the (listvessed, (who by residence are
entitled to a share of the public relief,) and to put them
in a way of obtaining that assistance from the community
at large, T\-hich bv law they are entitled to ; By such
proceSling the funds which the Society appropriate to
the Committee for general relief, will extend further, and
the Committee be enabled more effectually to succour the
unfortunate who have no claim on the community at
large. , \. ,, ^
The Committee shall also attend carefully to orphans,
and the children of parents whose misfortunes or vices
have put it out of their power to support their offsp:ing,
taking care to have such children bound to good masters
or mistresses who may bring them up to some useful
employment, and. in cases of difficulty, to apply to the
Magistrates and Overseers of the Poor, who by law are
bound to interpose their authority to relieve distress of
this description Attention to this duty will be the means
of rescuing many helpless children from ruin, and save
the community the pain of daily seeing hungry and dis-
tressed children begging food from door to door.
In a town like this, the sources of vice are numerous,
and much of the distress which we are called upon to
relievo arises from the temptations into which the incon-
siderate and unguarded fall : it will therefore be the
peculiar duty of the Committee to point out to the Society
at every quarterly meeting such measures as shall appear
necessary for the Society to adopt to discourage as for as
in its power the growth of vice an-"" immorality.
In all cases wliere the poor suffer oppression, it will be
the duty of the Committee to interpose its interest in their
behalf; and if occasion sluill require it, to cnll for the aid
of the Society, which, as far as its means will permit, will
have recMurse to the legal authority of the country tor
their relief. ^ . v -i ^ in
In all cases where the misfortunes of indiviihials sliall
re .aire assistance beyond the means furnished to the
Cmniittee .juarterly by the Society, (under the denomi-
nation of the fund for the onlinary relief of distressed
r,<.rsons •) ikc Comm.two diall report to the Society, at
hm next luarterly meeting, tiie ease of such inaivulual
or iS^H andpoin' oul to the Society the means of
rdet- a the Society «'.ll receive no application for its
mridinury interposition until the Committee shall _
''^^hfcomS' o'ToUcction and Examinalion shall
cons St of four memhers, two of whom the senior
rubers shall retire from office a™-»y., »- ' '« ^^-
vitv of the Society siiall elect two others m then pUce.
Thl C nmUtec slall apply to the Secretary, from time
to Lie for an account of alUums due from members
wl- have been absent for any time from the boeiety, and
Thall proceed to eoUeet the same from such ^A^entees and
sW also ur.'e such pcrsors to attend to meetings of the
Socie V more" punctuully in future, and sha reiider an
St of their proceedings quart 'rly to the Society,
wfthTreport of t he causes of such members' absence ;
w ich Sunt and report, after it shall have passed he
sSy shall be entered in the Secretary s hook with the
^eToSins of tlic Society thereon ; and f^^fJ^X,
bers shall be crediteil by the Secretary witli the sums by
iliom Bvid to such Committee.
Sis Committee shall also explain to the hc.,ev-olent
,n,t wdl-disposcd. the nature of the Society and the ob-
e : ' i it Im in view, and shall solicit contributions
from such persons to support the funds of the Society
''llnioies which the C.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
inf strifi^^^^^^^^^
tn ton of every person who shall be proposed as a
Ser of the 'so'eiety, and shall ^^^^%^^^
tiiereon in the manner directed m the ord Section ol
""^i*;u"™;blie'':::;asions the Officers of the Society are
,„ weai a green Sash, with such motto thereon as the
Society Bhafl IVoin time to time decide on . and the nieni-
hers ol the Committees of Charity .md Collection are to
wear ulain greeu Sashes.
ity, at
ans of
for its
n shall
m time
ty, and
;es. and
i of tlie
uler an
bscnce ;
:sed tbe
with tbe
\i mem-
aUTis by
. tbe ob-
sball be
ad (j[uali-
jed as a
d report
k'Ctiou of
)ciety are
>n aB the
tlie mem-
01 J are to
Dnlij of the Members.
„si„S every means «^^^^^ , uv n e ulividuil
una harmony in t ;e boe t , „nd M.ce ^^^ ^^_^^^^.^^^_
mernbci-!! ol it. 1 liey ai c^ to ue i ^ ^^ ^^^^j
£a- as tlioiv circumstances and aW t s F mK
^s«i«t a mcnilier wlion m ailvc-vsity oi tioun k,. ^ •'
^;:^ rf any a.«erc,.e or '^f^^:tT^^-
nny two moniLers ol t .c S=o'^';>\ff ;;.,,,„:, ,„e„ns
diatoly to intcrlore an.l to ^'^^^^^,,,, matter
to reconcile tie parties, and to a.l)usl ^^"'', ,,,,„„
member or members of the Society, whose interference
they may think would have more influence with the par-
ties at variance : and if they shall be unable to reconcile
them; it is their duty to report the parties at variance to
the Society at their next meeting, that effectual means
may be taken to adjust the matters in dispute between
them. '\Vhen one member sees another injuring or likely
to injure himself by any imprudent conduct, it is his duty
privately to admonish such member, and if he finds him
persist in doing what he conceives to be wrong, he is pri-
vately to advise with other members of the Society on
the subject, and to request their aid ; and if such wrong
doer will not profit from the united admonitions, it is thejr
duty to report his case to the Society, that more efiectual
means may be taken to reclaim him The members are
by ail honest means to promote each other's interest and
happiness. They are, in cases of sickness or death in any
of their families, to tender their services to the afflicted
family ; and if the situation of the family require it, they
are to attend it in such numbers, and at such times as
the Committee of Charity shall appoint. In case of the
death of a member, it is their duty to aid and assist at
his funeral, in such manner as the officers of the Society
shall direct, and by all moans in their power to comfort
and assist the widow and orphans of the deceased. Fi-
nally, it is the duty of the members by their punctual
attendance at the public service of the several religious
Societies to which they respectively belong, and, by the
regularity of their lives to set a good example to others,
and thereby encourage the well disposed to unite in the
support of a Society, which has no other object in view
but to comfort the afflicted, and to promote harmony and
good will amongst men.
Times of Meeting and Cchbration of the Annual
For conducting the business of the Society, it shall be
assembled, at such places in the town of Halifax, as the
th the par-
:o reconcile
variance to
tual mearko
te between
Igor likely
is his duty
3 finds him
g, he is pri-
Society on
mch wrong
3, it is thejr
)re effectual
embers are
nterest and
eath in any
the afflicted
lire it, they
h times as
case of the
id assist at
the Society
to comfort
cased. Fi-
ir punctual
il religious
nd, by the
3 to others,
inite in the
ect in view
armonv and
le Annua/
, it shall be
fax. as the
majority shall appoint, three times in the year (besides
its anniversary meeting on the ITth day oJ/^^J^^^^J'
before mentioned) that is to say, on the 17 th day of May,
:7th day of August, and 17th day of November, unless
Sunday i^hould intervene, in such case the meetmg to be
the Monday following. The meetings in the wniter sea-
son to be at 7 o'clock in the evening, and n. summer at
8 o'clock, at which hour the presiding Officer is, precisely
to take the chair. Half an hour afterwards, the list ot
members summoned, is to be called over, ^id every ab-
sent member fined one shilling, unless a sufficient excuse
(to the satisf^^'^tion of a majority of the feociety) shall be
made for such neglect. ,
Honorary Members are excused from being summoned,
and in case the situation or business of any other member
should make his attendance inconvenient, the I'residtnt
nay, with the approbation of a majority of the bociet ,
excuse such member from being summoned nevertheless
it is expected such excused member wdl attend as otten
as he can conveniently. m • 4^* r^
Thoroughly sensible of the blessings of the Christian
religion, the Society will celebrate their Annual Festival
on the 17th day of March, being the day which imnae-
morial custom has set apart for the commemoration ot t e
holy St. Patrick, who first preached the Christian reh-
.ion to many of our ancestors. On that day the mem-
bers of the Society are to wear in their hats and on their
breasts, a sprig cf the Shamrock, which as tradition in-
forms us. many of the first Christians wore as a symbol
of their belief in our holy religion. It having been used
by St. Patuick as a Type to explain to his hearers a
part of our religious mystery. If the l.th ot Maich
should happen to be Sunday, ihe Festival is to be cele-
brated the Monday following. The moc e ot ^clehmt ng
this Festival annually, shall be regulated ^by the bocitty
at the anniversary meeting on the 17th oi Ijeoruaiy.
Finids of ihe Socichj.
The Funds ot" the Society are to conbist of the monies
now at interest, and in the hands of the Treasurer, the
donations of new members, and the contributions of the
charitable and well disposed ; in addition to which each
member (except honorary ones) is to pay the sum of two
Shilhngs every quarter. When the money in the Trea-
surer's hands shall amount to twenty Pounds, over and
above what shall be necessary to defray the current ex-
pences of the Society, the same shall be let out to inter-
est, and invested in the public securities of the Province
by the Treasurer, if to be purchased ; and if not, then
to be let in sums not less than twenty Pounds to such
person or persons, and on such securuy as the Society
shall appoint.
The Society, at every quarterly meeting, shall vote
such sum (as its circumstances will admit) to the Com-
mitttee of Charity, to be by them applied to the ordinary
relief of distressed persons.
At every meeting of the Society, each member present
shall also pay one Shilling, to defray the expences of the
Provision in case of ike absence, removal^ or death
of any of the Officers.
If any of the officers of the Society are by removal, .
sickness, death, or otherwise prevented from attending
the duty of their respective stations, the Society shall at
their next regular meeting, choose others to serve n\ their
room for the remainder of the year ; or if the necessity
of the case shall require it, a special meeting shall be
called for that purpose.
Certificates to be oranlrd, and a frlmdli/ iniorcourse
kept uji v:illi o'lmr Societies.
The Society will, by every means in their pow-er cul-
tivate and keep up a friendly intercourse with all Socie-
ties which are or shall be formed for the j)urpose of grant-
ing relief to the distressed, and will use their best endea-
vours to promote the happiness and prosperity of such
by I
.,^^^HflS^*"*''ip'' ^
of the
;h each
I of two
e Trea-
i^er and
•ent ex-
ot, then
to such
all vote
le Corn-
• present
es of the
Cortificates u^der the Seal of the Society, and ,\-rn^^
.y^;t*e. shall ^e^nt^-^^^^
Society, and entered in its proceedings.
Conslitutions to he printed.
The Constitutions shall be entered in ^^^^^^^^^^^
book, and printed with a hst of tho-vaine^ of P-^ office
and members since" tl.e formation ^l^'^"''^^^
Wlion the Consttations are printed, eacn jntm^-
memters ^vho shall be admitted Ueroafter.
removal, .
■f shall at
i in their
shall be
tercoun gham
John Hogan
Thomas Moncrieffe
John Smithwick
John Meany
William Frizle
David O'Brien
Edward KavHiiagh, jun.
Michael Hickey
Mathew Bull
Timothy Murphy
Thomas Watson
Malachy O'Laiighlan
Winck worth Tonge, sn.
Voster Lombard
John M'Monagle
Charles Hill, junr.
John Lawlor
Patrick Lanigan
William Law lor
John Cunningham
Patrick HiHernan
Edward Butler
Michael Bennett
Hamilton Moore
Peter Lynch
Thomas M'Gory
,lohn Blair
Michael Head
George Wright
John Magnirt.
Robert O'Brien
Ji^hn Gleesnn
John Kelly
Edmi.nd Dvvyer
John Curtin
Edward Rowe
Martin Meagher
John I^onurd
James Fitzgerald
Thomas Keys
James Whitehead
Michael Foid
[Rupert George
Isaac Wilson
Charles Dickson
JAlexander Howe
iLawrence Phelan
Charles Morris, ju.ir.
jEdmund HusBcy
Luke M'Gralh
jWinckworth Tonge, jr.
jWm. Cottnam Tonge
Garret Stark
Garret Hodiiett
^Richard Kenefeck
j Edward Potts
jMichael Dinney
jThomas Power
Thomas Murphy
1 Morgan Murphy
jRobert Hii|
John Lanigan
jJohn M'Quaid
jWillian Reardin
Paul Minchin
iBryan Meighan
iRoss VVelsh
Thomas Filiis
Thomas Cahill
William B. Brinley
David Lawson
John Sands
John Cleaveland
Daniel Noonan
Michael Dv.yer
Edward Si. George
Daniel Dickson
Francis Kearney
Henry J. Reynett
Robert Ross
Thomas Fiizsimons
i\iii'.hael Scott
Jidm M'Evoy
{John Stealing
jRt Rev.Dr.Ed... Burke,
i Catholic Bish.ofN.S.
John M'Daniel
John NevilUj
Patrick Ryan
Jolm P . Beresford
John Deinsey
Joseph Manning
Joseph Mitchell
John Lanchman
Nicholas Foley
Lieui. Savllle
James Miller
Lieut. Howe
Patrick Pmsell
John Meigher
Garret Miller j
William Keys j
John Galvin '
John Balturd
Adam Murphy
Capi. Rue
«« Birmingham
Mr. Mnmforii
Miij '•■ Burroughs
«» Domville
Lieut. Denpard
Dr. Irwin
Major Jackson
Lieut. Keating
.' Wilson
Mathevv Connell
James Cinueuion
Frederick Major
B. Sullivan
Charles R. Pi escott
Andrew Powe,
Ebeii. Ear nam
Lieut. O'Brien
Joseph Allison
Th()!«''8 Wallis
Junies Tol)in
John Heniiessfy
Lawrence Doyle
John Connor
Charles Cody
Philip CoU'ord
Nicholas Smith
Philip Gorrell
John Fillis
James Ryan
Rev. Mr. Gilmar
Daniel Donivan
Lieut. Foizis
EuMK" M'Crohan
Dr. M'Cashin
Thomas Tobin
Rev. Mr. Wethera
Edward Power
James Foley
Joseph Fennell
Daniei M'Herron
Patrick Mullans
Thomas Bennett
Michael Leonard
Thomas M'Cullock
John Cock
Lieut. Burke
James Kerwick
Dennis Ring
Isaac O'Brien
Gen. Murray
Maj. Murray
Samuel Head
Andrew Williams
Robert M'Briar
, James Kavanagh
I Patrick Kavanagh
i Thomas Finn
I James Redman
i John Murphy
! Michael Finn
William Gallagher
Wvndham Maddei.
Richard Shey
1 Joseph Chnrchell
i John Power
Patrick Fogertv
Alexander Allan
Michael Tobin, junr
Bryon Conroy
J.,hn Neville, junr.
I James Butler
I Marshall Story
1 William Story
1 Mansall Newton
Edward Larkins
John Landrigan
I Philip I'ursell
I Michael Siapleton
Michael Mickey
William Hore
Edmund O'Leary
Williain Morrissee
1 William Bayer
i Litui. Ballard
! John Meagher
j John Howe
1 Hugh Cleary
John Hennerbv
Michael I'helan
William Newman
Lawrence Kavanagh
Nicholas Power
I James F lemming
i John Falvey
■ Dennis Farrell
1 Michael I'helan
Daniel Farrell
Daniel Kelly
Michael Power
Thomas Phelan
Edmund M'Daniel
Johr. Martin
Peter Martin
John Pursell
Pierce Clancey
Archibald Gay
Francis LaGuire
La .vrence Phelan
Thomas Dulhanty
James Malone
Thomas Morris
James Dulhanty
Michael Fitzgerald
Patrick Huut
Robert Hughes
John R\an
Edward Laffin
John Phelan
Capel Hians
John Carey
Pierce Landrigan
Thomas Diggins
Charles S. Hill
I George N. Russell
ICrolion Uniacke
John Phelan
I Mich. Houlihan
iJohn Ryley
Richard Harney, senr.
Capt. BlaUe, 101st.
»« O'Grady
•« Brown
" Kilkelly
Lieut. Lynch
i <' Blake
ICol. Dillon, H.M.
Jam.es O'Rourke
iEdm. Hennessey
I Thomas Smith
i Morgan Doyle
Rich Chapman
James Dulhanty
Patrick Le..my
John Albro
Gerard Hawe
Robert Phelan
N icholas Dobin
Edward Marra
Henry Austin
Sam. George Hood
John Clarke
William Conroy
John Letson
\ Richard Huberlin
1 .
^C . .
Dr. Thos. (J. Kecgaii
William I'ovxer
ThiMiiius f'enerly
Capt. Win. iVli:ileiion
John Newman
John I'eiidei j{iist
Capt. John I'ower
Capt. Micluiel Moran
David Fk'tcher
Jdsejih AllitioM
Jatsepli Hamilioii
William Fe-.-riy
Aiidievv Wright
Michael Moarley
Isaac Mansfield
Le'vis Dtmiolilor
Michael Cieauier
•John Skerry
Joel Marl in
(icorge Wal.-h
Kohert t'arUer
John Ford
Doctor llolTnian
Doctor 0'l')risn
Joseph O'Brifn
Thomas Houlihan
Jiihn fioott
William Donovan
Rev. P.M. Mignault
Kol)t'rl Henry
Capt. William Power
John W. P>ke
iSFichael Coil
V\ illiam Miller
Thomas Cleary
James Lyons
Martin Walsh
Samacl Alhro
Capt. M. Head,R. N.
John Miuin
John Alltn
R, D. (ieor<;e
Lieui.J t^aij;, R. N
James McGrath
D. S. ClarUe
Edward McSvvinry
William Uackott
J. W. Nutiini;
Samuel Cnirard
Cornelius O'Neal
George Thomson
Timothy llefTt nan
Richard linl^er
Richard Harney, jnnr
r ho mas O'Maia
R. J. Uniacke.jnnr.
William Fraser
Oliver Goldcndth
John Hare
R. T. Hogan
James S. Alport
Edward Cleary
W illiam Dickson
Robert Dickson
Thomas Dickscni
James Cochran
Richard Hane
William Ross
Lienl. Lyster, R. A.
JaincB Dovl'
Charles J. Hill
Edmnnd Ward
Thomaa Toliin
Thomas Fennell
Richaid Inglis
Doctor Cantrill
John Wh\ttal
Michael Haniey
Lieut. RadcldV, R. N.
Israel Allison
(Jeorge N.hii Cnr/.ier
John Maher
Thomas Leonard
Con. Falvey
Peter Furlong
Edward Walsh 1
James C. Tohm
Henry Kin^' 1
Jones Duke I
John DeArcy
Thomas Maher
Joseph* Bennett
Garret DeCourscy
John L. Starr
l.ieut. Silver, U. i^^
Peter Manning
Peter Manning
Major Tew, 34th regt.
Lieut. Neucomb, "
Charles Daly
William WaL' TiUman
W'illiam L-rchidiz
W iliiam 'I'ol'i"
. }^^^' U \1 C John Croinpton
Edwa-.a Lane, H. M. -> J « t. Filli=*
Darnel Buckley ; Gto.„e ^^^^^^
.lamis Cochran I y^^^^.^,^y
John Stuart
Bernard Kenny
Samuel Lnwreiice
William F. Slayner
Patrick Kent
Martin Ray
Joseph fJrowner
Thomas Colweil
Michriei Doran
John ftliirphy
James Howard
William Connors
Jerem. Copway
John James
Thomas Jpfiery
Edward Haynes
John Lnjilish
Jerem. Calnan
John Kelly
William Rlurphy
Thomas Forrester
Robert English
William Neil, Qr. M.S
John Shean.Ur. M. S.
IVlichaal Murray
William Kavanagh
James C. Doyle
John U' nn
Peter Lynch, junr.
Michael Higgins
James Crnnoily
Law. RoCi.e
Timy. Tucker
Edward Kelly
Patrick Moran
Edward Harte
Timothy Caddigan
Thomas Holden
Matthew Forrester
James Troy
John Dillon
Dr. Charles Head
Jacob llousner
David Donovan
Alexander Flockhart
Michael Donovan
Henry U. D Twining
Thomas Mniraj
Michael Monaghan
John Holden
Ceorge Hill
Patrick Mahony
Bernard O'JVeil
Thouias Lyons
Andrew Huriter
John Manning;
Patrick Murphv
Patrick Griftin"
Edward Daly
Edwai-d Kavanagh
John Condon
Michael McDuff
William Cordon
Capt. William Farrel
William Ki.nnt'dy
John I'-rnes
Capt. Ti.onat! Perran
Edwar.i '.ustace
John McGiiire
S,rnuel Giav
Thomas O'.Neil
Ben. James
Man. Mooney
Rev. R. B. O'Brien
Rev. Laur. J. Dease
Rav. James Ken-iedy
Matt. Quirk
John Punch
Peter Walsh
James Dalton
Patrick Deegan
James Bowlen
Rev. John Quinan
Edward Hackett
William J. Warde
Thoiiips Murphy
Capt. Eneas Daly
Capt. James Daly
Wm. M. Hoffman
Patrick Maher
William White
Thomas Tracy
John Walsh
Ricliard Anderson
WilJiani Maher
John McCurmack
I George Ritchie
I John (Jililjons
I Patrick Flinii
Ed\';c 1 G. (Jlensou
'I'iionia.- )J Ti 'marsh
John .^tsl.an
Joiiii (ui!(jy
Saumel Marshall
Charles Eaton
Owen Kelly
Michael Power
1 at rick (.Jov\aii
Patrick Talent
Bat. Joyce
James McDonald
Matthew Young
Valentine Molloy
Patrick Now land
John Bailie
Michael McCormack
Patrick Fitzpatrick
Patrick Tobin
Michael Hockney
Patrick Lonergan
Michael Lanigan
Thomas Croker
Ed«ar(' Walsh
John Dnggan
Anthony Connelly
George A. V. Paw
Jeremiah Donohoe
John Wir.ters
Richard Nugent
William Saunders
Mathew Heflernan
James McKeagney
.John Fahie
Michael Holland
James Langford
Michael Power
John Robert Fitzgerald
Edwsrd Whelaa
Joh-, Klyne
John Hollihan
John Cronan
Henry Parker
William H. Tidmarsh
John P. Walsh
Doctor Kernan
Edward Keefe
Patrick Donohoe
Bernard Quinan
James Furlong
John Cailaghan
William Do>le
Michael fowhili
John Connors
'. P. Hagarty
Benjamin Janies
Jainef; Monaghan
Too as Walsh
'i homas Doyle
Edward Kavanagh
Rev. Edward Doyle
Charles Kavanagh
John Maher
Michael Walsh
John Fitzg, raid
Thomas Moouey
John Sweeney
Thomas Cunningham
Thomas McDonald
Edward Power
James Sullivan
Buimiiww i
Patrick Conners
Thomas I'owfr
EJv -rd Laviii
Patrick Lyons
William Lync;li
Thomas Piaiidy
Andrew Cidlarloii
David McDonald
David Kiihy
Edward Murphy
William VVaUh
David Condon
William Keating
John Loiigard, junr.
Owen Fitzgerald
Robert Simple
John Deneen
John McDonough
John Conroy
James Mogan
Andrew Delhanty
Edward Gaul
Thomas Carberry
Michael Croiiin
Rev. Knov- Ian
Right Rev. Dr. Walsh
Rev. Thomas Connelly
Thomafi 8haw
Maurice Bride
Joseph Ddgg xn
John Tobin
Michael Keating
John Shorten
Edmund Jarber
Bartholom. McDermott
Andrew Stephens
John Higgins
William Plow
J 84 4.
John Etchingham
Edward Farrell
John Hollahau
Patrick Power
William Lahy
Mich >'jl Keefe
Patrick Magea
Patrick Lonergan
Thomas Brown
John Power
John Waehington
William Conners
John Murphy
Thomas Casey
John Barron
Thomas Calahan
Patrick Lahy
John Gilloylu
John Rigg
John McGrath
Thomas Faneli
Richard I'ower
Joseph Barron
Thomas Donohoe
William Farrell
Peter Duval
John Sheehan
John Totihill
Jerf'Tiiah Murphy
Liuieu'^e Gooly
Henry Craven
Peter Bulger
Thomas Minahan.
John Hogan
John Manning
James Donnelly
John Fitzpatrick
William Brown
Williiim Smith
Joh.i Hennessy
George Sinclair
Charles Dicknon
Peter Loughliu
Maurice Downey
John Lynch
James Toole
William O'Brien
Maurice Power
David Dillon
Patrick shields
Michael Sea II, on
; Michael McDonnell
Dr. J. Steverinaii
Riciiard Bi.niis
Roderick McCarthy
Timothy Kidney
John R\aM
Peter Kiely
Rev. Michael Hannan
James Duggan
Timothy (irady
Maurice Hiilloran
Jo'.iii Aylworth
Ktephan Carew
Michael Sullivan
Thomas Reaidon
John Hannan
Patrick Corcoran
William Hacketl
William Leavis
John Egan
Richa d McNcilly
James Murphy
Cornelius Biiuimer
James Boy Ian
18 19.
William Walsh
Michael Nugent
James Kiyne
Patrick. Delaney
Thomas "'. Ryan
John Donovan
Thomas Shea
William Kelly
Patrick \aughnn
Michael Punch
; Jo' ' Pringle
John Cahill
Jaii.3s McCaftVey
James Forristall
Arthur Anderson
John Doii'jvan
Patrick Coak'y
Patrick Drummond
Edmond O'Doimell
James Lonergan
William Barron
Thomas Walsh
Matthew Camplan
VVilliam Ryan
Dennis Sweeny
Vairick Godfiey
Thomas M
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