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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 & partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de hcut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 ■•^''«»VMWt»^"Wii»« |»V»!» 1 . ■■* ■ ■> , Itt^a.!! S^^-^e^.9^3^ m pntiteil h "!W«" 1 . '^^.■- ., ^ ■'f< '•*■, rA=;rr> Y E K AW.' %'r X ■GO'D ,^ i.tliroughout tes Majeftt's Pro^^ m$htir/Uay the Eighth Day of 74' appointed by Proclamation for a —pMO to Almighty God, for putting jpody, extended, '^d ^xpenfive War ■tricv-ased.. [Mr OCW- t^e LlE0TE»Atr*-4l>0VERN0R. jji^Miijiii inriifM-ii »iipip»» \^ prfnteil by J(>' ^.y. / XL 4- 1 *•■••*• Wf**!* >«■♦♦« -r/f ^■0%f. if ■'■ffi 1 Q -7 •« '^9 \: Si 11 FORM OF P R iV Y E R AND THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD. w ^ The Service fiall be the fame with the ufual Office for Holy' days, except where it is in this Office Qtherwife appointed, ^ Let him that minijlereth read with a loud Voice thefe Sen- tences of Scripture ; and after them the Ei^hortaiion, Dearly beloved Bretjiren, Iffe. ASCRIBE unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the People : afcribt unto the Lord, Worfliip and Power. Unto Thee, O God, will 1 pay my vows : unto Thee will I give thanks. I will offer to Thee the facrifice of thankfgiving, and w ill call upon the Name of the Lord. At- % Inftcai >«*i»«it«.i««ii^M~«^@^i»iMlMiMi&'. 4 Morning Prayer. o ^ Jnjlead of the Venite, this Hymnjhall he ufedy Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and his Mercy endureth for ever. f Let them^ive thanks, whom the "Lord hath redeemed, and dc' livered from the hand of the Enemy, O love the Lord all ye his Saints, for the Lord pr^fei-veth them that are faithful, and plenteoufly rewardeth the proud doer. The Lord Jhallfiand by them, andfave th^m ; JjeJhalldeH' ver them from the ungodly, and fiall five them, becaufi they put their trvft in Him. He ruleth with his Power for ever: His eyes behold the People, and fuch as will not bqjieve, fhall not be able to exalt themfelves. // is of the Lord*s Mercy, that we are not confumed, becaufi His compaffions fail not. Thou, O Lord, art my defender : Thou art my Worfhip, and the lifter up of my Head. 7 will always give thanks unto the Lord, His praife Ooall be ever in my mouth. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was, l^c* f Proper and his and dc' fei-veth ; proud ^all delh bey put old the to exalt fy becaufi \forfhip, ' (hall be I" Proper Morning Prayer. Sr If Proper Pfabu, XXTX, XXXIII. CXLVI, r //>/?, Lcvit. XXVI. 3—12. *" Proper Lefons ; ■< Tc Deum. ' (^S^^flwc/,Matt. V. I— 26. Jubilate Deo. «r Th€ Creed, S:c. to the End of the Lord's Prayer, '•■ Then tjpe PrieJl,Jianding up,]hallfay: prl-fl. '' Lord, fh'^w thy mercy upon us. uinfi. Artd gmnt us thy falvstion. fV'.^.^ O juord. f:!ve the King. .;«/:.'. Who pb'"eihh-s r.rulHn Thee. Priejl Send him heir f; on thy holy Place. Anfw. And evermore mightily defend him. ^ Pr/e/?. Let his Eneini-es have no advantage agSinlt him:, •Anfw. Let not the wicked approach to hurt him, PrlcJl. Endue thy miniaers with righteoufnefs. y^/z^/'^t;. And mr'-e thy chofen people joyfuL Priejh O Lord, fave thy people. Anfw. And blefs thine inheritance. Priejl, Give Peace in our time, O Lord. Anfw. Becaufe there is none other that fighteth for us, but only Thou, O God. Pr/V/?4 O God, make clean our hearts virithin us. Anfw. And take not thy holy Spirit from us. _ ^- ^- , jk MHiuiA^ -5H» Morning Prayer. ^ f hjleadof the Firji Colkaforthe Day, ihe following Prayer Jhall be ufed. Q Almighty Lord God, who ruleft in all the kingdoms of the earth, bringing to nought, by Thv ^ifdom, the devices of the Prudent, and cafling down, by Thy Power, the might of the Stout-hearted : we yield Thee thanks and praife for Thy abundant loving kindnefs, in putting a ftop to the rage and devaftations of War, and refloring, to this and other Countries, the BleiTing of Peace. Give us grace, we befeech Thee, to improve this, Thy great Mercy, to Thy Glory, ^he Advancement of Thy Truth, and the good of Mankinu, Cleanfe us, O Lord, from all our Abominations, and renew a right Spirit within us ; that henceforth we pro- voke not, as many times heretofore we have done, Thy wrath and indignation againft us, but become a holy nation, an obedient people, walking in the ways of godlinefs, and knit together in Love and Charity, Unity and Concord. And mercifully vouchfafe to grant, that we may tranfmit to our pofterity the bleffings which, through Thy Goodnefs, we have fo long enjoyed, of our free Monarchy and pure Religion. Thefe things we humbly beg in the Name and Mediation of Jefus Chrift, Thy ,Son, our Lord. Jmen, 1 Then Jlsall /qIIow the Second and Third Colleas at Morning Prayer, ■"Wf^ IPP .^^ The Litany. 6. 3f at ^ In the End of the Litany^ which jlmll beufedonlhls Day, the following Prayer Jhall be faid after the Colled, '^ We humbly belbech Thee, &c.'* OLORD our Creator and Preferver, who haft made of one blood all nations of men upOn the face of the whole earth, haften, we befeech Thee, that blefl'ed time, when nation fhall not lift up fworJ againft nation, neither fhall they learn war any more ; but the work of Righteouf- nefs fhall be Peace, and the effed of Righteoufnefs, quietnefs and affurance for ever ; and the whole Earth fhall be filled with the light of the glorious Gofpel of thy Son, to whom with Thee, O Father, and with Thee O Holy Ghoft, be all Honour, Praife, and Thankfgiving, world without end. Amen, ^ Then read to the End of MoTmng'Pr2Ly er, adding afer the General Thankfgiving the following Thankfgiving, OMOST Merciful Father, of whofe gift k cometh that the Earth is fruitful, we give Thee humble thanks^ that, of Thy great bounty, Thou haft crowned the laft year with plenty in the parent State ; and haft thereby removed the diftreffes of our fcUow-fubjecls which were occafioned by dearth and fcarcity. And whilft we recognife tbe^e, with thy other mercies conferred upon them ; be graciouiiy pleafed to accept of our grateful praifes for Thy manifold bleifings vouchfafcd to the Inhabitants of this Province ; efpe- cially *»-^ ' — .„iii^ ■^ww . i£*"'^ s. Thankfgiving, daily for our prefervation during the late unexampled war, whicli has been marked by the grcatcft calamities in every quarter of the world. Under the proteding (hicld of Thy Providence, we have remained in fafcty. We have, with- out interruption, enjoyed the light and privileges of Thy holy Golpel ; whiiil pcrfccution, even unto death, for adhe- r(?nce to Thy word, has been the portion of multitudes. Hcaldi, and plenty, and tranquility have prevailed in our Jiighly favoured land ; whilft peftilence, and famine, and all the dcfolating ravages of war, have vlfited fo many other ico.'ntries, and multiplied the miferies of mankind. Not unto us, O Lord : not unto us, but to thy adorable name, be the praife afcribed. G make us duly fenfible of thy good- nefs, and unfeignedly thankful for Thy unmerited favours. Give us Grace, we befeech Thee, to improve them to Thy Glory. Continue, O Thou overIlo^ving fountain of bene- ficence and mercy, continue Thy loving kindnefs towards us ; and may a deep and lading fenfe of Thy mercies beim- prefled upon our minds ; and lead us to unfeigned repen- tance, reformation md zeal in thy caufe. Enable us, ac- cording to our bounden duty, to adorn the Gofpelof our Lord and Saviour by holin els of life, and unw»earied endea- vours to pleafe and ferve Thee ; through Jefus Chrift, our ever biefled Redeemer. J/nen. The ■\ -«_--iii^^^ mmn "I ^»*5 . '-%4 (9) The Communion Service. % Ivjlcad of the Colka for the King, " Almighty God S^hoie Kipgdom, iJ:c.'* ' ihcfcllavin^fiallbAifcd: ac- o The Alrrfiglity Lord God; to xvhcfe powerful |.rOte6cion, righteous Kingfe owe the proi^ rity of their govern- ment, and the la.fcty of their perfons, \vc, Thine unworthy fcrvants,offer unto Th^e our unfeigned TJi^rMgiTings forThy great Goodncfs, fo often manifeiled to dii*j nation, in tlip prefcrvation of the life of Thy Servant our Sovereign, upoji various occafions dui^ing the hte political diftradlioiis, from the defigns and attempts of wicked men ; by which Thou haft refcued this Church andKingdom from deftruaion. Pre- fcrve Iiim evermore, we befeech Thee, from the gathering together of the froward, and from, the infurrec1:ion of evil doers. Infatuate the counfels, and fruftrate the attempts of his enemies. G rant him Idng to continue thenurftng Father of Thy church, and the faitjiful JMinifter of Thy Bleflings to hl5 People, that after, a prolonged and profperous reign on Earth, he may receive in Heaven the crown of Glory which fadeth not away,' through the merits of Jefus Ch^il^ Thy Son our Lord. Jmctu The A ji m' rra r:^ >^ -«i\ >• 10. The Communion Service, Jnjlead of the Colleft of the Day* OMOST merciful God, who, in Thy Mercy, haft given us reft fr#m our enemies ; give us alio under- ftanding to fee, and hearts to follow, the things that be for our Peace. Put away from us all bitiernefs and wrath, all malicious and revengeful thoughts ; and give us grace freely to forgive, as thou has commanded, thofe who have injured or offended U5, and to be reunited wiih them in the bands of Chriftian Charity. Grant, O Lord, that being de- livered from our enemies abroad, w^e may live in godlinefs and honefty at home, in dutiful fubjection to the King, and in brotherly Love and Charicy one tc^\ arvls nnother ; that ^o in all things we may adorn The Goi;jp'i of IT^y blelTed Son, our Saviour, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all Honour and Glory, world without end. Amen. The Efi/lle, I John IV. 7— 12. 1 The GofpeL St, Matthew V. Ver, 43, to the End. f Then Jhall follow, the. Nicene Creed ; and after that the SermoJiy 4(^er ^' '^hee ] r \ / The Communion Service, lu haft t J/ter the Prayer " for the whole ftate of Chrift's Church." the following Jhall be ufed, OLORD our God, abundant' in goo%efs and truth, whofe tender mercies are over all thy works, we im- plore thy compaffion for the whole race of man, but more efptcially we befeech Thee to look down with pity on the Church, which thy Son has purchafed with his blood, par- ticularly on the reformed parts of it. And we humbly entreat Thee, to enlighten all thofe who are in darknefs and error, and to bring them to the underftanding and acknowledgment of Thy Truth j that we may all become one Fold, under one Shepherd, Jefus Chrift the Righteous, our only Mediator anti Advocate. Jmen, C^ RANT, O Lord, i;/e befeech Thee, that the courfe of X this world may be fo peaceably ordered by thy Gov^r^ nance, that Thy Church may joyfully ferve Thee in all godly quietpefs, tlirough Jefus Chrill our Lord. Jmen, J(iter ALMIGHTY God, who haft promifed to hear the Peti- tions of them that alk in thy Son's name ; we befeech ihce merciiuUy to incline Thine Ears to us that have made •4.>-uA- i'4^^ ■ I '€ < Ite" tlU' tol|y i^eceflity, tPlfrf Colrtlfikfiidtt ^ I S^ic^'cattioftsufltd^ Thee f, and graM, I ^^ayp f^itht^jljy aiked according ||ally be obtaine4, to the relief of ouf - |n|i f brtl^ cjf Thy GJpry , ^rpiigl* f " Then th Jl keep y< of. aod, a^ 3|efrmg of Holy Crhoft Amcrik, I men* ^wth this Bleffl^ .*;-. "■ ' - i- ■ -y-v^-^ ,1^ I, ' • l^h a^Hiiti^iAanding, i4 niiii!^.t^etoptsfle<^ a^d49v.e: fl "J^fus; CKrift oiir Lorn r and tl^ jhty ' the SH^iy^ the §onr, and tl^e ^ you, and remain with you alway|* ^. % :-*-^m ^m \-. ./■ ' :.:l ,f. # ,.i 7 ^. • J!— ^-f "..fc iii«P«*'-- kee,;"and graM, [ked according Lhc relief of ouf - Glpry, throughb •een 4-' VM initj^r^anding, tsfledg

e Lo'rdr and the iCSiOTt, and tljc Si^h you alway|.«r m \ mmmmmfmmmiii^/