^, ^^^^2. O /*>.^, \y "^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // <_ "% >. ks ^\ I K:'- CON§TITUTIpI^, , and List Of MemlDers. B«Tl8ed OototMr. 18$«. TORONTO: PBI17TBD VOR THB SOOIBTY. iMtop B MliMitNMi /■ The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADI ANA S^ueen's University at Kingston ^ ^^^.Tsl^^oy;,^^ pipitg mi mit* ESTABLISHED 22nd FEBRUARY, 1884. " Omnium reyina rerum omtio.'* I < » I CONSTITUTION, By-Laws, and List of Members. Reyised October, 1886. ■ <•» — TORONTO : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. U ^ 5 C C O O. .•^ "*""T^'^T J. J. c. . V J THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 4: -A 5 c C o a. Literary and Scishtific Society. ^atr0n0 : Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.E. President of University College. E. J. Chapman, Fh.D., LL. D. G. P. YouNQ, M. A.. LL.D. James Loudon, M. A. R. Ramsay Wright, M.A., B.Sc. W. H. Pike, M. A., Ph. D. M. HuTTON, M. A. T. C. MiLLIOAN., B.A. T. B. p. Stewart. | J. 0. Miller. G. C. BiGOAR. $Wi)rjbin0 (Secretary : H. A. AiKiNs. ^xtMViXtx : F. H. SUFFEL. (E>oxxtapoxibi\xQ §tcxti^x^ : F. A. C. Redden. Curator : M. V. Kelly. ^tjcrttarg of (Eommittee0 : J. H. Moss. J. A. Garvin. J. N. Elliott. C. Marani. (EoundUorg : W. p. Thomson. J. H. RODD. G. LOGIB. v? 4 TUB UNIVKRSITT OOLLBOB CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF OFFICERS. PRESIDENTS : 1854 A. Crooks, M. A., (06.) 1855 William Wedd, M.A. 1856 William Wedd, M.A. 1857 WiUiam Wedd, M.A. 1858 T. Hodgins. M.A., LL.B. 1859 W. J. Rattray, B. A. (ob.) 1860 J. A. Boyd, M.A. 1861 B. F. Fitch, M.A. 1862 J. Munro Gibson, M.A. 1863 VV. A. Reeve, M.A. J. Loudon, M.A. 1864 J. Loudon, M.A. 1865 J. Campbell, M.A. 1866 J. King, M.A. 1867 J. King, M.A. 1868 J. A. Patterson, M.A. 1869 W. H. Ellis, M.A., M.D. 1870 W. McDonald, M.A. 1871 W. H. Rennelson, M.A.(o6.) 1872 D. Black, B.A. 1873 0. R. W. Biggar, M.A. 1874 J. G. Robinson, M.A. 1876 W. Houston, M.A. 1876 J. T. Small, M. A. 1877 Alfred Baker. M.A. 1878 W. E. Perdue, M.A. 1879 W.H. vanderSmissen, M.A. 1880 Fred. F. Manley, M.A. 1881 R.E.Kingsford,M.A.,LLB. 1882 G. Acheson, M.A. 1883 R.RamsayWright,MA.B.Sc. 1884 J. R. Teefy, B.A. 1885 Wm. Houston, M.A. 1886 T. C. MUligan, B.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1854 W. W. Baldwin. C. E. English. 1854 J. E. Sanderson. E. Orombie, B.A. 1855 J. McKeown, B.A. C. E. English, B.A. 1865-6 N. 0. Walker, B.A. 1856 T. Hodgins, B.A. M. Crombie, B.A. 1857 T. Hodgins, B.A. M. Crombie, B.A. 1858 T. Moss. A. T. Cattanach, B.A. 1859 R. Sullivan {ob.) J, A. Boyd. 1860 D. Ormiston. J. 0. Ogden (ob.) B. F. Fitch, B.A. 1861 S. Woods. W. A. Reeve. 1862 W. Tytler, B.A. 1862 D. W. Ballantyne. 1863 J. McMillan. W. Mulock. J. Campbell. 1864 J. E. Croly. J. A. Patterson. 1865 J. A. Patterson. J. E. Croly. D. Junor. 1866 H. M. Deroche. W. G. Falconbridge. J. Taylor. 1867 H. M. Deroche. W. H. Rennelson (ob.) 1868 J. Scrim^er. R S. Wiggins. J. H. Hughes. 1869 W. Armstrong. J. G. Robinson. 1870 W. Houston. J. Black (06.) LITERARY AND SCIBMTIflO SOCIETY. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF OFFlCERH^(Continued). VICE.PRESIDENTS.-n/inMerf. ; (06.) A. A. L.B. B.Sc. 1870 A. W. Ross. 1871 J. Fletcher. J. H. Long. 1872 E. H. Wallace. F. B. Betts. 1873 W. Johnston. A. R. Dickey. 1874 W. Fletcher. W. G. Eakins. 1875 J. Cameron. S. P. Davis (06.) 1876 J. E. Wetherell. S, C. Smoke. 1877 S. C. Smoke. J. D. Cameron. 1878 J. W. Elliott. W. T. Herridge. 1879 W. T. Herridge. W. S. Milner. 1880 G. H. Carveth. 1854 E. Crombie. T. Hodgins. 1855 T. Hodgins. 1855-6 James Ross. 1856 James Ross. W. H. C. Kerr. 1880 E. P. Davis. 1881 W. F. W. Creelman. J. McKay. E. Wigle. 1882 H. R. Fairclough. G. W. Holmes. H. E. Irwin. 1883 T. 0. Robinette. A. J. McLeod. A. H. Young. 1884 D. MacKay. J. Graham. J. S. MacLean. 1885 J. Ross. C. J. Hardie. O. H. Hodges. 1886 T. B. P. Stewart. J. O. Miller. G. C. Biggar. SECRETARIES : 1867 W. J. Rattray. (06.) 1858 W. J. Rattray. (06.) 1859 D. Ormiston. 1860 S. Woods. 1861 J. Munro Gibson. , RECORDING 1862 J. Morrison Gibson. 1863 W. N. Keefer. 1864 J. Campbell. 1865 W. G. Falconbridge. 1866 E. H. Smythe. 1867 W. Mitchell. 1868 C. R. W. Biggar. 1869 Z. C. Spencer. 1870 W. Dale. 1871 A. W. Ross, SECRETARIES : 1871 J. D. Christie. 1872 W. Barwick. 1873 G. W. Thompson. 1874 L. Hartstone. 1875 W. G. Eakins. 1876 J. W. Bell. 1877 E. R. C. Proctor. 1878 J. A. Culham. 1879 W. J. Loudon. 1880 I. M. Leyan. THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF OFFICERS.— (Conimwerf.) RECORDING SECRETARIES. -(Continued ) 1881 J. McGillivray. 1882 E. J. Molntyre. 1883 A. Henderson. 1884 M. S. Mercer. 1885 J. McI). Duncan. 1886 H. A. Aikins. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES : 1862 J. Campbell. 1863 G. S. Goodwillie. 1864 W. G. Falconbridge. 1865 J. H. Miller. D. H. Mooney, 1866 E. G. Patterson. 1867 A. Hamilton. 1868 R. E. Kingsford. G. Gibson. 1869 R. D. Eraser. 1870 W. R. Burnham. 1871 J. White. 1872 J. P. Craig. 1873 H. S. Griffin. SECRETARIES 1869 J. D. O'Meara. 1870 W. H. Ballard. 1871 J. Crerar. 1872 J. K. Fisken. 1873 F. F. Manley. 1874 W. N. Ponton. 1875 E. R. C. Proctor. 1876 J. E. Dickson. 1877 W. J. Loudon. 1874 J. J. Henry. 1875 D. S. Patterson. 1876 G. W. Beynon. 1877 D. R. Keys. 1878 J. Gibson. 1879 J. Ballantyne. 1880 J. S. Mackay. 1881 W. H. Blake. 1882 R. U. McPherson. 1883 J. McGillivray. 1884 F. H. Sykes. 1885 I. E. Martin. 1886 F. A. C. Redden. OF COMMITTEES : 1878 F. W. Jarvis. 1879 A. E. O'Meara. 1880 A. F. Lobb. 1881 G. F. Cane. 1882 L. P. Duflf. 1883 H. B. Cronyn. 1884 J. C. Stuart. 1885 T. A. Gibson. 1886 J. H. Moss. 1854 J. E. Sanderson. M. M. Crombie. 855 W. H. Bowlby. 855 6 N. Monsarrat. 1856 N. Monsarrat. 1857 T. Moss. 1858 B. F. Fitch. 1859 J. 1 horn. TREASURERS': 1860 J. Munro Gibson. 1861 J. Morrison Gibson. 1862 J. McMillan. 1863 S. Foster. 1864 J. Muir. 1865 G. Bryce. 1866 A. Hamilton. 1867 E. T. Paul. .. LITERARY AND SCllNTIflO SOCIETV. ed.) OHRONOLOGIt . LIST OF OFFICERS,— {Continued) TREASURERS.— (C7onlic Ucbaie, iheru shall be alluwccl to each speaker fifteen miautes, and live minutes for a reply, if he bo entitled to reply. 4. The order uf business at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows : (a) Minutes read, approved, and signed. {b) Reports of General Committee and Treasurer. (c) Reports of Special Committees. {(i) Business arising out of the Minutes. ((?) Election of Officers. 5. All Essayists, Readers, and Debaters for Ordinary Meet- ings shall be chosen in turn from the number of those who have paid their fees for the current year. 6. No member entitled to wear a gown shall speak unless in academic costume Mo member shall speak after the third Ordinary Meeting of the Society till he has paid his fees for the year. 7. Every member in speak .ig shall address the Chair, con- fine himself to the subject under discussion, and avoid person- alities and indecorous language. 8. No member shall speak more than once upon any ques- tion, unless with the permission of the Society, except in explanation of a material part of his speech which may have been misconceived, and no new matter shall be introduced upon such explanation. A reply is allowed to a member who has opened a debate or moved a substantive motion other than those enumerated in Rule 15, but not to the mover of an amendment. 9. When two or more members rise at once to speak, the Chairman shall determine their precedence. 10. When a member is speaking, no person shall interrupt, except for the purpose of calling him to order or asking a question. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCTETV. 49 I, the lUpt, Ing a r 11. A member called to order shall at once sit down until the point is stated and determined by the Chairman, whoso decision shall bo given without debate, unless, being in doubt, ho shall invite discussion. If such decision is appealed from, the grounds of appeal and the reasons for the decision having been stated, the question shall, without debate, be put as fol* lows : " Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained ?" 12. Any Member may require the quosticm under discussion to be read at any time, but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. 13. When a member is speaking, a motion being read, or a vote taken, no member shall walk out of or across the room, or make any noise. Conversation calculated to disturb any mem- ber while speaking or reading, or to hinder the transaction of business, shall be deemed a violation of order, and if persisted in, shall incur censure. 14. Every motion shall bi seconded and read from the chair before it is discussed. 15. All motions and notices of motion shall be in writing, except votes of thanks, and motions to reconsider, to adjourn, to take the previous question, to close the debate, to lay on the table, to postpone the discussion to some future meeting, to divide (when the sense will sdmit of it), or to refer. 16. A motion to adjourn shall be in order at any time^ except when a member is speaking, during a division or elec- tion, or immediately after a motion, or the adoption of the previous question. A motion to adjourn simply shall be decided without debate. 17. The previous question shall precede, and, until decided, preclude all amendments to the main motion, and shall be in the form : "Shall the main motion be now put ?" 18. On the adoption of a motion to close the debate, the main ) .otion and all amendments already moved shall be put in the usut^l order without further discussion. 7 oO THE UJSlVEliSlTY COLLEGE 19. Only one amendment to an amendment shall be in order, and no irrelevant amendment shall be permitted. 20. One week's notice in writing shall be given of motions for the ap])ointmeut of Committees, the suspension, expulsion, re-election, or censuring of a member, the reconsideration or discussion of any question or resolution, to amend the Laws or llules of Order, or for a return from any ollicer or committee ; and the riesident may, subject to an appeal to the Society, direct any motion made to :>tand as a notice. 21. A motion to reconsider the decision of the Society on any question must be made by a member av ho voted in favor of such decision. 22. The Society may, by a vol j at any Regular IVIcuting, either alter, add, strike out or suspend a Ivule of Order, change the order of business, or suspend a member. 23. When tlio Society goes into Committee of the whole, the President may leave the chair and callupo-: some other member to preside. Tiie minutes of the Committee shall be kept by the Secretary of Committees in the Special Committee Minute Book. 24. Twenty-four hours' notice in writing of the meeting of every Committee shall be posted up in the I'^ntrance Hall. 25. Reports of Committees, other than reports of progress, shall be in writing, signed by some officer of the Committee. 2G. When the report of any Committee has bee.i read to the Society, it shall be deemed to be received, without any motion to that effect, and may then be adopted with or without amend- ment, considered in Committee of the whole, referred, or laid on the ta])le. 27. Any member may admit a visitor to the Reading Room, or to a private meeting of the Society. 28. Cases not provided for in the foregoing rules shall be governed, as far as possible, by the practice of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. i LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 51 B-X"-L.A.^WS OP THE HOUSE COMMITTEE. 1. The Reading Room shall be open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, during the continuance of Lectures. 2. One member of the Committee shall be in charge of the Reading Room each day of the week by turns, whose name shall be posted up in the Reading Room, and who shall be responsible for the preservation of due order and decorum. 3. No person shall cause any disturbance by conversation or by any noise in or about the Reading Room or in the Halls durine; the meetings of the Society. 4. No smoking or spitting shall be allowed in or about the Reading Room, or in the Society's Building. 5. No person shall cut or otherwise deface the Periodicals or the walls or furniture of the Building or Reading Room. 6. No intoxicating liquor shall be allowed on the Society's premises. 7. It shall be the duty of the member in charge to enforce the foregoing By-Laws. In case of any offence against them^ he shall warn the person so offending to desist, and if the offence be persisted in or repeated, he shall suspend the offender from the privileges of the Reading Room until the Committee shall have met and adjudicated upon his conduct. Immediate suspension shall be imperative for the following offences : (1) Drunkenness ; (2) Profanity j (3) Spitting j (4) Damaging the property or rooms of the Society. 52 THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE i 1 8. Immediately after suspending an offender, the member in charge shall notify the Chairman of the Committee, who shall call a meeting of the Committee at the earliest possible time, when the offence shall be dealt with according to its merits. 9. Any member may extend the privileges of the Society to members of other Universities, for a period not exceeding one week at a time, on entering his name in the Visitors' Book kept for that purpose. 10. A List shall be posted in the Reading Room of all persons entitled to the use thereof. •i ■•% LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 63 r o e ko le »k til i RBa-TJL.A.TI03SrS FOR THE LOAN of PERIODICALS from the READING ROOM 1. The House Committee may lend to any member of the Society, who has paid his fees for the current year, for a period not exceeding one week, and subject to the Regulations hereinafter mentioned, any of the following Periodicals, after their removal from the files : — London Quarterly, Edinburgh Review, Nineteenth Century, Fortnightly Review, Scribner's Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Macmillan's Magazine, Popular Science Monthly, Contemporary Review. Week, Harper's Magazine, Princeton Review, North American Review. 2. Any person neglecting to return a periodical at the pro- per time shall be fined the sum of five cents for each day of retention beyond that time, the offender to be suspended from the use of the Reading Room until such fine is paid. 3. In case a Periodical is returned in a damaged condition, the member in charge to whom it is returned shall assess the damage done, and charge a corresponding fine, the offender to be suspended from the use of the Reading Room until such fine is paid. 4. Not more than one periodical shall be lent to any mem- ber at one time. 5. A Register of all Periodicals so lent shall be kept by the Members of the House Committee. 6. The member in charge shall attend in the Reading Room during an hour appointed by the General Committee to give out and receive Periodicals in accordance with the above Regulations. 54 THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE PRIZEMEN. 1860 Gibson, J. M. 1861 Reeve, W. A. 1862 Campbell, J. 1863 Tyner, A. C. 1864 King, J. Crcly, J. E. 1865 Bryce, G. Smythe, E. H. 1866 Junor, D. Mooney, D. H. 1867 Ellis, W. H. Patterson, E. G. 1868 Robinson, G. H. j McDonald, W. I Scrimger. J. 1869 Mills, T. W. Coyne, J. H. 1870 Armstrong, W. Kingston, W. H. 1871 Houston, W. Dale W. 1872 Waliace,' F. H. Fletcher, J. 1873 Long, J . H. 1882 McBride, W. 1860 Boyd, J. A. 1861 Gibson, J. M. 1862 Woods, S. 1863 Fleming, W. 1864 King, J. 1865 Campbell. J. Croyly, J. E. ESSAYISTS. 1875 Bryant, J. E. Cameron, J. 1876 Bryce, P. Ross, H. C. 1877 Hunter, J . M. Bell, J. W. 1878 McDonald, J. Russell, J. W. 1879 Lydgate, J. M. Herridge, W. T. 1880 Herridge, W. T. Lydgate J. M. 1881 Brown, J. H. Creelman, W. F. W. 1882 Clark, J. M. Mclntyre, E. J. 1883 Stevenson, A. Balmer, R. 1884 MacMurchy, D. J. Sykes, F. H. 1885 Sykes, F. H. McBradv, W. 1886 Miller, J. 0. GRADUATE PRIZE : SPEAKERS : 1866 Paterson, J. A. Deroche, H. M. 1867 Black, D. McDonald, W. 1868 Deroche, H. M. Mitchell, W. 1869 Biggar, C. R. W. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. SVEAKEJXS.— {Continued.) 55 1869 Scrimger, J. 1870 Armstrong, W. Fraser, R. D. 1871 liobinson, J. G. Houston, W. Mclntyre, E. J. 1877 Wetherell, J. E. Wolverton, N. 1878 McColl, D. McGregor, M. 1879 Cameron, J. D. Herridge, W. T. 1872 Fletcher, J. 1880 Herridge, W. T. Craig, J. P. Thomson, R. Y. 1873 Perdue, W. E. 1881 Hanna, W. G. Wallace. F. H. Laidlaw, W. 1874 Johnston, W. 1882 Davis, E. P. Aylesworth, A. B. McKay, J. 1875 Aikins, J. A. M. 1883 McKay, J. Carscaden, T. Lobb, A. F. 1876 Field, G. W. 1884 Leslie, R. J. Cameron, J. Duflf, L. P. REAl )ERS. 1860 Roger, W. M. 1875 Kerr, F. W. 1863 Gibson, J. M. Dobbs, 0. G. 1864 Fleming, W. 1876 Wolverton, N. 1865 Tyner, A. C. Enghsh, E. N. 1866 Falconbridge, W. G. 1877 Eastman, S. H. 1867 Stewart, McL. J. Aikins, H. W. 1868 Croly, J. E. 1878 Keys, D. R. McDonald, W. Hamilton, H. R. P. 1869 Armstrong, W. 1879 Hamilton, H. R. P. Smith, J. B. Corcoran. T. P. 1870 Spencer, Z. C. 1880 Laidlaw, W. Coyne, ./. H. SmelUe, W. K. T. 1871 Teefy, J. R. 1881 Haddow, R. Ross, A. W. Lobb, A. F. 1872 Christie, J. D. 1882 Lobb, A. F. Stevenson, E. Henderson, A. 1873 Long, J. H. 1883 Henderson, A. Kerr, F. W. MacMechan, A. M. 1874 Stevenson, E. 1884 MacMechan, A. M. Embree, L. E. Duff, R. J. 66 THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. MoMURRICH MEDALLIST. 1867 Mitchell, W. 1868 Atkinson, C. T. 1869 Wilkins, D. F. H. 1870 Fraser, R. D. 1871 Fotherincham, T. F. 1872 Gibson, J. 1873 Wallace, F. H. 1874 Betts, F. P. 1875 Fletcher, W. 1876 Bryce, P. 1877 Panton, J. H. 1879 Cameron, E. R. McMurrich, J. P. 1880 Lydgate, J. M. 1881 1882 Claik, J. M. COLLEGE SONG. 1881 Laidlaw, W. 1882 Wade, F. C. 1884 Hodgins, F. B. ETY.