TO Tiir-;
Rev. Messire BERNIEE & J. A. CHARLEBOiS, N. P.
! ■
.-i'3( •. ^
■•-- ■''•*■■
Ml Pri'iii/'cr,
Tlio niiiso of pom- iuitl iibiunlonod rlilldi-ou is (>vory one's
(•iiiisc. This is why, in answer to the repeated ri-qiiests (tf
Rev. Mr. liernier, I loiive my aociistonied rnli' to address
yon. r do not intend to make a speeeli. !»ut merely to snh-
mit you a tew I'oniarks witli rot'erenee to tlie laws iivtvei'nin^-
onr lletbrmatory and Indus trial Schools, and. at the sani(»
time, to expose as briefly as possible the olijeiMions whi<-]i the
(.allies of the Good Shepherd have to the e.)ndition otall'iirs
created by tlie new le^'islation.
The lietter to understand the present aspee: of the tpies-
tion, 1 consider it necessary to state the law as ir existcil
previous to 18il2 ; we will then pass to the law as it now
exists since the amendiuiMits adopted at tlie sessions of l.S'.li'
and 1S0:1.
L 't us lirst studv the law which i>-nverns IJeforniatorv , n''';"iiiuiui.v
S(diools. AVe lind it at articles -JS!)! and i'ollowin,u\ and
articles :;174 and i'oUowinii' ot the Revised Sta'ntes oi" the
Province of (Quebec.
The U 't^)rnia.toiy 8;ho,)!s are e^tablisliel to provide a J'^^;i;';' "' "'"
better disei|)line for juvenile ott'enders of both sexes, under
10 years of a<:;e, sentenced to inii>rlsonment ai'tev com-
mitliui; an otfenee and to save them, if possible, fi-om the
contamination to which they would be exposed if they were
teiiteneed to p.ii. their tinxc of detention in a cornnion gaol.
I' '.si
1 *
Those 8cliools jiro ostabli.slicd in virtuo of a ocrtilioato Oi«nii.-';iti..ii
.yraiiti'd hy tlio Lieutonant-Govcnior — the (liroctorrihavctlu'iiicit ..i ii..- it.
powers ota goxci'iiorof'a prison ; — witliiii ein'lit days from llic' '
iiiilii'isoiiiiic'iit of an oifbiider, tlio dirootors ai\' bound toyivi'
nolicc to tlie rroviiicial Secrutai'v ; — tlie dirccttirs luav phuc
I 111. tlic (U'linqnoids witli a poi.-'Oii ot oontidi'iioc, but such
lioriiiissidu must Ix' roiicwi'd i-vcry throe months and may he
(■ancelled hy the d'u'oetors, at any time, at xvi!h
'I'he Iiofonnatory Soltools nnist he inspootod at h^ast om-e
a yeiir hy ou(^ of the prison inspectors.
'IMie delinquent was eontlned on tlie ordei' o|' a district
niai'ihtrato of Justices of the peace het'ore whom the (^>Hbuder
was ]iro.-eeute(L
In lSi)2, the mo(h' of confinement was clianired and hy lln^ i.m d isna
act rp5-')t) Victoria, chapter 1*7, tlie jiislice of tlio i»eaee of ',„'„' i'/!.r '','M:,r
district ma.i4'istrate before wliom the case is tried is »)hli<;vd ";,',';,''''''"'"
to take notes of tlio evidence which notes are aftcfwards
liausmitt(.'d to the Provincial Socrotary.
Tt is true that tin- man'istrate has [lowor to issue the ordoi'
of commitment, haf Ihe iiornrnineiit is responsihle for tlic cost/
nj iiniintfii(tih-p. of the chilli oiil If if fin: /'i-nt-'iii'-i il Serrr/iiri/.
liiisiiHj I'ifi oi>ii)ioii oil tlir, (lo'iiiiienls sent la him, in/orniH thf.
iliitdoys: (ift/w /ufor/iidlori/ Sr/mol t/i it t!if;i cait /:
, J'
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111 my ]innil)Io oi.inion, I do not think that the justifos of
tlic |i('ii«'0 oi' tlic niniiistriitc tivinn' ii Juvenile oU'ender ninlcr
the piMvisions uftlie ('(xh'arc lioiiinh in onh-r to iniprisoii tlie
olK'ii(h>r, to suliniit tlii'ir sentence to the Jiidgnieiit in revi-
sion oftlie I'l'iiviiieiiil Seeretary.
Tliis sliitule .'ilso contains otiiei' i)rovisions wliieli do not
fitlect tlie iiderests jit stake ill this case.
I now iir(;t'eed to examine tlie laws i;'()\(,'rnin_i;' Tiidiislrial I'-in ni'i
Sc]iool> as contained in articles OliiT and folluwinu' of the' " "
h'evised Stadites I'. (,».
Tlie fndnstrial, like the lieforniatorv, School is estahlished
liy a certillento o-i'iinte(l Ity the iiieiilenant CJovei'iior. One ol"
the iirison insjieetors is selectt-d hy tlu' Lieutenant (lovt'rnor
to insiiect the Industrial School- — the Lieiiteiiaiit (iovernor
ill Council may i, -sociale aiir>ther |iersoii with him - the
liidiisirial Schools mn-1 he iiis]iected oiico a vear.
TJinh'r tills law, the cliildreii wlio could he coiiliiieil in (-' iisvurciri:-
f I . , , , , , iln-ll II til cull il
IndnKt rnil Schools, were sent tlu're on the followinii'ix! roi linoiin
formalities : *'
I. Two rate iiayer.s (jould hriiii;' hefore two jiistleos oi' the
peace (n- mau'i.-trate any chilil under 12 vears :
('/) If he was liitlu'rless or motherless and if the siir\ivinu-
jiaieiit was disorderly in coinhiet ;
(//) If file |iareiits were criminals sent to the peiiitontiary ;
(r) If, ill I'iilu'r case, the" child liad no means of siii>i>ort and
lio relative Ixinnd to sii]H>ort him ;
If llu\jnd_«i'e, after weii^'hinu; the evidence, fniind that the
eliild came, undei- tin- iirescrilied conditions, heiL;:ave the order
to send him at once to the Iiuliistrial School ;
ir. 'i'lie father or mother could likewise have any viei«)iis
child whom tlu'y could not control, conlined on an (U'der of
a niaii'istrate, hut the latter gave this order only after ha vine,-
received a certain deiiosit from the parents to /over (he cost
ot the ehihrs keep tor one month, over and ahove th«' ]iro-
vincial eontrihiitioii ;
Iff. Tho mayor ot n municii)ality with the 'aiitlioriz-ation
of the council of such miiiiii'ij.ality coiild also hrini>; Itefore a
§9* \
A' '
m '
1 j?i(.a
iiistii't' (if ilif iiciu'c or iiiiiiiist mtc, miiv cliilil mi(K'r \1 vonvrf
olun'c who, owiiii;' tot lie v-oiitiiiual illiii'ssor cxhviiu' pow rty
or vicious lml)its ol' liis |)iiivnts, ivt|iiirc(l tojjc protoctcij iiiid
iisl< lliiit Hull cliild !)(- sent 1o iiii liidtistriiil School. (Ml
sildicicMt lH'oiif. llic iiiiiii'isli'iitc onlcivd that ihi- child be
coiiliiicd and in such case the iiuiiiicii»ality hccniiu' rcs|ioii-
sihlc tor one haH'ol' the <'<»st of maintenance
in virfiii' ot'lhis law, a child could not he contini'(l in an iMiniinicM
I I , • I . . I I I I' 1 I- II :iii>l iiiii\iiiiiiiil
industrial >>clio,iI lietorc lie was seven yeui's ot aj;\' iior c'ou ii I ,,!„,,,. „, ,..,,|.
he he kept tliei'e atter he was \-2 vears old. uidesshis i »a i-i'U I s ;''■■" ^' ':'"""'''
1 • ' 111' I- itllllM.I III
iindertooU to pay his hoard or unless he were pre\'eiited l. s.
iVoiii Icavinu' throuuli illness or intirmily.
'I'his ni-ilcr to keep the child could he exeoiiled only al'tef
liaviiiL',' het'ii appi'oved hy the j'l'oviiicial S.-ctrelai'v.
The law, atler havinii' so provided lor the ileleiition ol the .m.mI.m.i ,ii--
children, laid down the I'ornialilies to he; ohscrved in the ''"''"'
orders ol' discdiain'c. liave a cei'tain ri'C' .u rse a u'ainst niiinici-
paliliesand intlividuals and afterwards determined the mode
of discharsiv as follows :
(ii) The Lieutenant < iovornor ci)uld order that a child ho
1ransferr<.') lie could likewisi' order that a (diild he dischari;vd
from an industrial seliool eitlu'r ahsolutely oi' conditionally.
In IcS.S^i and 18!)0 some i-hanii'es wen' made in the law l,c-i-.iai;..ii
H'liverniiiii' Industrial and Uofonuatory Schools. Thus art."
•■>,l:j■• » '• "'
Matutcs as to the manner ot proceedmg for obtainmg tlu-
ftrder and sidistitnt<>s tlie mode wliich I will explain as brief.y
as possible.
Till' eoni[ilaint is made before two justices of the peaci' or
a magistrate, after notice given to the parents.
Thejiistiee of the peace, if satisfied that the child comes
under the prescribed conditions, does not give the order luit
re|»orts to the Provincial Secretary to whom he sends bis
n(»tes and a copy of the complaint.
The Proviucial Secretai'v, after examining the documents
sent to him, deeide-i whether the child is to be continiMl and
ir is oidv after such examination that he signs the order of
a order is tlu^ warrant which anthori/es
the detention of tin' child.
May 1 be ]ierinitted to observe here, in passing, that this S!,.\n e? i.r
maclimery is e iin[ilicated and bicely to ofler swioiis draw- |„,..',r,i:ii .
liaeUs wlien ])ut into practice.
There will be no lack ot cases where the eontiuement of
a child must bo etlecteil without delay and wlu-rt^ the i'acl .
of refusing it will be a cruel act because it will prolong the
t!uftering of a poor little being who has no protection beyond
Ihat which tlu> State is pleased to give him.
We have now <'onie to the law of last session wbidi I will t,e:;i hni.Mi
endeavor 1(^ go over rajtidly with you.
oniiM 1)0 placed out in a jirivatc iamily l>y the Dircc-tois nfi..ic is'i:;.
ihc institution; this pcfinission could ho ivvokcil at anytime
and the children so placed out wore under the sat'cifuard of
the Directors of tlio school from which they came. It may
he easily inia^'ined ihat the nnniber tor each srhool must
naturally have 1»een linuted.
Art. 31.")7 'I., amendiuti- art. :51.j7 of the Kevised Statutes, I'lann-ont ..|
' • _ c'lilili'iii iiiiili r
•••ivcH to the Provincial Secretary the i>ower t(» phn-e out in ittfji-iitiion d
'" • 1. •!• 1 •! 1 11 ■• 1 • IT IH'i:! : IHiwrr-
privato laninu's, the cliihlrcn ah'eady <'onnne without consulting any omv
I do uot wish in any way to rellect on the good I'aith of
the Provincial Secretary nor on his desire fodo well, hut can
he assure us that his successors in the future will not ahuse
of these extraordinary powers, that they will devote the same
attention and labor, as he, to the performance of his duties
fowaids these little unfortunates. (See Appendix 1).)
Having given, in as few words as possible, a synopsis of
tlie legislation on Kehirmatory and Tndusitrial Scliools, I will
now retrace my steps and expose the objections we have to
oxistinn' h'uislalion.
1 1
iJoforo tlio sossioii of 1.S92, it \vn>; fi coninnnitivclv oii^v ^-'j^'^'" "
1 - • rca'licn.
niiittcr to olttMiu julniissiiin to nolonuiitorv anil TiKliistriiil i'Kt'"-' "' u^-•••
Scliools ; tliofi' may liavi' hiHMi almsi's, but wo think that
these abnsos, it'anv lliere were, lia\e hei-n i^ivatly oxaijii^eratiMl.
It was souii'lit to ilo away witli pivtenih'il al)Uses and, we
may l)e jierniitteil to say, llie I'esult lias Ixvn Imt to I'all into
the eont rary excess.
Tn a nu'mui'ial wiiieh wc submitted to the I'l-ime Ministor nisas.ioiis
, . . , . , 1 . r 1 lipsillt 111' l;l*t
on tins same (piestion dnrnii^-tlie month ot .lannary, last weic-i^inion.
said : '• Since the 1st July lS!t2 there lias not boon a sinii'le
" admission to tlie Industrial School in (^ueliec ; a little !n'irl
•'• may have Ikhmi admitted to the llot'ormatory Sidiool. Thi'
•• same remark apjilies fo the IJet'ormatory and Industrial
•• School of St. ,l()se|ih de la I )elivranei' do Jiuvis ; up to the
" 2'Uh Xovember last, not a .-iuLjle child had boi'ii admitted
'• to the lioformatory or Industrial School. Is it to that end
'• that the Government wishes to maintain Ket'oi'matory and
'• Industrial Schools ? "
Can it be that in the whole district ol' Qu,-l>ee — whiidi
for that purpose, 1 think, comprises all that pai't of the
Province to the east of Three Rivers on one side of the ri\'er
and Arthubaska on the other — theri- has not been during-
that period of six months more than one child to send to the
It is dilKeult to belicvt' that in the whole of that vast
extent of territory there has not boon, durin;;' (h.at periid,
a sin2,'le (diild abandoned by its parents, a single (diild with
driniken or vieions parents and in danger of being lost who
should not liavi' been sent to the Industrial School.
Terhaps some children who might not have had the
right to go to the Industrial S.'hool hav(> been refused
admission, but at the same time the admission has been
prc\'ente(l of a nnmlier of childi'on, who for very grav((
i-easons shoidd have bt'on admitted. Still moi-e, under the
](retext o\ removing an abuse, children eon lined for some
linu^ who shoidd not have been dis(diargeil, have been set
at liboi'ly. In some eases, it was inlnnnani> ; in others, it was
something worse, as we will shorlly prove.
Ijot us study more closely the Ituv (Ui Industrial Schools. ui,;.i tiniKt..
it may poruaps not be madvisaltle to AWtw the didlinetion j, ,<,
If" "if
_ n _
wliicli iiiiist !»(( iiiiiili' l)Ot\V(H'ii llic Ili'toniiiitory Scliool iind
the [nil list rial School. If tlio Uot'onnatory School is useful,
wo '•iiMt not o\-tn-look the tact that the TiulMstrial School is
iioiio the less luM^cssary ami that some consider the Industrial
School as :i nmn" useful in-ti(ution to society than the
Itcforniatory Schdnl.
The Ui'lonii ilorv Scliool recfivcs children w ho :iro alreaiiv ,
_s>;uilty. The Industrial School receives children still innocent it'
Imi in sciidus danu'cr of hecoiuini; crimiiial. 'I'he tirst,!,,
assumes the ever i^ainful oliliu'atioii df iiunishiiiii- and the
duty of reftiriniiiii', if i)(»ssihle ; the mis ' -n of the si'cond is
to preserve threatened innocence and strtMiu'then it for future
strn!>-<;'Ies. To I'esume, f would say that the object of the
K'.'fornuitorv ScUool is to nudcir a j^'ood citi/eii out of a
criminal ; the Industrial School jtivvenls \\> inmates from
beconiin.!;' criminals ; one acts on minds already hliiilited, the
other jirevents l»livrs of ovil associations, ol' bad exam[ile and
]ieniicious counsel, h'ate evil •
tliev are only little uiifoi-iunates al)andoned by heart K-ss
parents, or (juite little thinii;s whom lost women cannot
properly brinn' up near them : they are children to be pitied
but wliom no one can blamo.
The consef|Uence of this definition is that if •the doors
ot our Keformatory Schools should be o[ieii 1o our yoiiin;' '
od'eiiders, thost' of our Industrial Schools sliould be ol' as
easv actH'Ss. i reu'i'ct to say, thai contrary, (o the opinion of
idi who are autlioiiti(\-; on the subject, conli'ary lo llie
recommenilations fi\Mpiently expri'ssed under nnniy toi'ins by
the i>rison inspectors ajipoiuted and paid by the (b)vernmenl.
('hauii'es have been nnnle in existing- laws in which the /•('/.'
'and utilitv nfour Induslrial Schools si'cms to have been
iii'iiored. I f on the one hand it. lias been soin;-ht to kt>ep ;i
viii'ilant eve on admissions to our schools, on the other hand
it has been sought as it were to close their doors. W'hat
luis to be done to-day to get a chihl si'ut there / It is necessary
to have an imiuiry before a magistrate or two justices of the
peace who must take note.-, of the evidiMice ; senil a report
with a co|iy ot the comi>laint totho Provincial Secretary who,
in his til I'll, di'cides i.r jinrli whether tlie child is to be coii|iii('\.
=' > '1;
1 ■ V
I !>.(
It > :
Xotwitlif^taudiiiy: tlio coiiMdciuH' we iiinv luivc in tlu'siliility
i>rili(' minister in ciiiii-u,!' ni' tliaf |)c|i!ivrnj(Mit, wi- tnko tlif
liluM'ly (»f rtspt'cffnlly stating (lint wt- liuvo stronir doiilits as
Ti) tin' I'flicaoy of siicli a system. Tlu' l"n»vincia! Sccictai'y
Ir ^ too many tilings to »tc'ii|iy his attciititin to In- aMr to do
jiistici' to tliosi' casos wliicli in many instaiieos have to ln>
docidc'd [H'oin]»tIy. It nii'.st not Ik- lorj-'ottcn that tlic ivasons
whioli render the adniisi^ion ot a eliihl to an Indusrrial School
necessary are ncai'ly always nriicnt and rei|iiire that il he
-al way of
securing the jiroper worl-ht have retained tln' iDwcr which thev •'";'-","
had to ordor confinement in Industrial S,'hoo!s, hy iiiviny llu rhiin |M,»ei .
Trovineial Se<'retarv the rii;'ht to revise tin- sentence of the
niagisti'ates when, from infornitition ohtained, it would have
heen ostahlished that the child shoidd not have ln'cn sent to
the industrial Sclmol.
\\'"lth lc<;'islatioii such as that which ii'(>verus us. entrance incoivi-
,,',,, ' , fi 1 nii'iHv-^ ti> in-
to tlie ludu.-;triai Schools may hi' stopped wiieii we liUe, i>ut i,i-ir:.-.
there is a danger of doing tliis without disciMiunent.
1 Avouhl go I'veii further and say that this legislation
exposes the .\[inister, ovon if he was the most perfect of
men, t(» he solieiteil to make admission to tlu'se schools a
matter of political favour, in our eyes, the cause <»f lost anti
ahandoned children isone which interests society to too high
a degree to ho left for an instant at the mercy ot tlie Huctua.
ti(Uis of political jiarties.
Up tr> 18it:1, the legislation might have hcen detective :_^,. |;j;i;;;''';'j;;;
hut, if I m IV h;' oermitted to resiteetfullveN'rtress iny (>i»inion, iiiMi-^uois
I would say tha' that ot last session lias not imi>rovt'(l it. isi.'.
Far from it, this legislation has introduced in our laws
principles with reference to the manner of conducting our
Industrial Schools wliich are diametrically op]»osed tocvery-
thiiig which has heen written and saiti <*\\ *lu' snhject for
tliirlv years.
! Hiil
' v>i
' 1
— 10 _
Til cfrcct, tilt' iiiost alisoliifi' luiwfrs <;ivfii in iiiiv oin' Ai.-oiun.
niiiii ill'*' iilwiivs 11:4 (liiiitferoiH loi' liiiii win) f'xt-rciises
tlu'Hi lis I'or tlioso \vli(» urcsubjc'ottMl to llioiii. Not only can
the ^[lnist('l• at his itleasiu'c coittiiicii chiM, siiMpond or rt'liisc
siicli (•()nliiu'iiit'iil, iMit liL' niav it' Iu'cIiooho soikI a diild oithor
to an I iidiHtrial school or intt) a private taniily oii such condi-
tions and ti>r sin-li tiino as ho may think i»roi»cr. It' tlic
report ol a Jiidt-c rccoiiinu'iids the inaxi'miin Icn^jfth ot con-
llncniciit, the Secretary may, if pleases, tVt'c thecliihl. The
sat'cii'iiard ])rovided hy the old law and which recpiired the
ohlainiiiii; of an order of the liieiiteiiant-tioveriior in roinnil
no lonj^er exists.
if there be u:reat ohjoctions to the svstem hy wliich the i»ni,,,.i:,,.i. hi
• •It '• • 1 • ' I • ' • II inini'liT
rrovincial Secretary is c-nstitiiti'd judu;e in lirst and last (i.kin;.' .M!
... 11 .• <• t • ii 1 1 il ilrc'ii II iilcr liii
rt'sort ot all causes ot C( •innemeiit in the scliool, there are,. ij||.„,,_
still more to his taking' direclly under his i-hara;e all the
uhildreii in the I'rovinoe who are tu' who may hereafter
heeontiiiccl in ihem. As a matter of i»rincii)le. we ohject to
replacing the eclueation and control wlii(di a yoiiiii;" child
would receivi' in onr Industrial Si-hools hy the cMliicatioii and
control which might be given to him in any private family.
We repeat that a minister has not e:i'> igh tim ■ t ) a't.-.rl •'^•' i- ■•'■ '■■'
, ' , no I'll' It- ■•llllJ
to llu' fate and wellare ot tlie ehddren ho may phu-e out in lo i.H.k iuiit
various parts of tlie rrovince and wliom ho must, look after
when he has [)laced ihemont, Mven if the iniiiiln'r were
(c.dy iifty he would not tiiid a way and still less the leisure
to altt'iid to the numerous details necessitated by tlie
supervision of these children. And after all could any family,
even with the best of cer>ili<'ates, always fidlill its obligations
towards the child 'i
Ainoiiii'st the families who pn-sent theiiisi'l\-es bel'ore tlie
Secretary provided with a certiticale of respectability, is il
not possible that s nne may have* olitained the certillcate by
falsi' and fraudulent moans 'r And then what would be the
fate of the unfortunate children, delivered over to the
cujiidity ot nersons unworthy of i iig their [>rotectors, who,
for the bread they will give them, will exact excessive labour
from them or to fathers of families who will resjieet nothing,
not even tlieinnoceneeof the cliildren <'ontbled to their care "r
AVill the rroviiitial Secretary hear the complaiiitts of these
tlir I'lliMiBii.
— 11 —
imrniliiiiiil.' victims. t's|M'ciiillv wlu-n tlicy arc liiiii(ln' ni
iiiilfs iiwiiy rioui I lie ciipiliil '! Iiis|n'fti(>ii is m-fcssjiry. Wy
wliuhi iiinl li.iw will tlicsf iMiiiilirs willi wliuiii tin* i-liildri'ii
arc iiiatcd, l.c iii>|i(v(r(l ? 'I'liis iiis|i('ftiuii. if i-iimctj out, will
I'lHt soiiiclliiim,' t.) I lie I'rovintc in salarifn, Inivcllin;;,
('X|l('llrl^2.(|>. 41).'"'"'"
tlir I iis|n'ctors sav :
•■• lliindi't'ds of voiitli-; aiv now skilled i-n'rluiMit's, iroctd 'M'' ''"""i
• _ _ _ (.'.iVIIIIIIl Mil
workincn and Iioiu'st cili/cnsowinn' ciitii't'ly to tlicst- sidntols, i, ^|.vi,.,-
wliicli iIu'v wore t'ortiinati' i'iioii sccnre a future in the society of lionest men.
In tlie re|tort for 1S,'<') we find tlic loljowiiig' remarks on
Kcfornnitory and Industrial .Selioiils, paii'cs
" 'IMicrc iirc niiinl>crs of tlicse s(dioi)ls in all conntries
wliieli are more or less siicces>rd the
spirit of discipline; 4th the (pialities of the teachers and of
t he directors.
•'1 would oulv sav a few \V( as regards the two latter
\ •.;
I !
1 I
i Ell
— ll> —
(.'inist'rt, MS tlu?y Mi'f tlh' iiiosf iiii|toitiitir iiiid brst calfuliitt-d to
])i'()Vt' that Hilly |n'i'S(His ill rcliiiious ordors or a tow rxoop-
tioiial hiyiucii aiv caiial)!!! ot" disidaviiiii" such dovoti'diicss,
and deep iVHTiiitiS nl' charity, and sudi kindness tdoliicrs.
In liic lirst phicc. as rcti^ai-ds tiic s|iirit of (liscijilino, — wh.il
er of children there. There are I'lioiigh
of them whom vicious and hi'arth'ss ]iarents ahandoii, give
scandal to and lead to certain ]ierdition. 'Phis is what is
iloiie to them and soon there will he hut the gaol for i-cfugc
)f the hand ot charity does not come to their assistance hy
]M'ovidiiig religious instruction ti'ijm tlieiu, and (hies not turn
them from their evil ways hy means of good advice and
good I'xaniple, "'
" Is it the education of a family, in niostinstanees unknown,
which it is sought to suhslitute to that given hy these
admirahh" ins'.itutions of which we have just s[)oken and in
which the State has every possihle guanuitee that it is
worthily represented with the, children coiiHdod to them and
which it can control hy the yearly ins|»i'ctierhaps not aware of th(> ',',,,, rvio'iwom •
r.'ports made hv its oilicers and did not foresee all the draw- ""•'"'"'■"'""'
ha»'k;< which it wouhl meet in the carrvinu* out of the law.
' \
h t
?J i
— ]:] —
I stated jiisf now (hat llio lei>'islatioii of 1S0:3. \vlii<-li u'avi- tin-
rn»\in('ial Socivtaiy iHtwcr to (U'cidc, l»v liimscU, wlicii a
child sshoidd hi> .>cctois.
'I'liosc who aiv charii'c I liy the < iovcrnniciit with the duly
of iusjicctinur these schools jiave constantly advised the
(Jovornnieiit to conic to an undtM'standini': with the diiector
oi- din'ctress of the sch(tol hetofe grant! ni»' the di.-*ehai'"e of a ,
In the i'('itoi-t ot' li^OD. wc find tin- followinu" at i»aii-e IH I :
'■ Docs it not ajt|ieai' that it woidd he more |irn(h'nt to as|<
thc nireetor once evory <[uartcM'. or e.very six weeks tor a list
of the ehihlri'n who have distinijiiished tluTiHelves l.y their
^•()od eondiicr. and to tfrant them, accordint;- to their merits.
from one to six months diminution of sentence. 'I'liis would
he a powerfid incentive, tn induct; th • ]»!iitils to h^-havc
themselves i»roj»erly : tiles.' rewards would also touch llu'ir
hearts to such an <'Xteat tluit they would not leave thcscho)!
without havinu' seriously amend(Ml their conduct.
•• It is evident that this line ot action would lie the most
just and the most likely to leail to i>'ood ivsults ; it woidd
tU)uhlothe ascendancy of the. manai-'inu' statt". which woii'd
exercise an extensive influence (»vt'r the hehaviour o| the
children, tor the hope of obtainiiii:- thi' promised reward.
wi as t(» the intention of the ins-
pectors :
'• Ii lias been [iroved a tlioiisand times ov«'r, that pardons ru.wiv.Mi.n.
UTantedtoo soon and tooroadilv have invariahlv heen a cause IT, ""'"'' '."'^
of misforttine to those whom it was intended to favre-
vious sanction and ajiproval of the Superior of tlie eslahlish-
ment, and in case hi- should deem it expedient to witliold
it:. 8
" 'in
.>.^ I
• ' ■ ' ; ■!*! •
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v» »l
— 14 —
liis coiisiMii. iiui until hiirh time as lie (tlic |»|.(irtnii('. Tlic |iiii' i-oconinn-udfil l-v tlii'
iiis[K'ft(»rs who aiv tin- in .st c iniiKHcnt judsi\'s in tin-sc niat-
t»!rs wlu-n they s|»i'ak- of th,' dis.diariiV's when made in an
iiicoiisidoratc manner. K'epoit of ixs:',. |,. :t\,j
" Tiie law should also authorl/e the diivct(»is not to u-ivi- |.,.;„,„,.-,l
l»ack ivally rcl'ornied ehildivn to their i)aivnts when thcv juv '''''''"'" " ' '"
f'crtani tiiat sueh parents are di-unkards. prortin-ates or'" ""'"'Hii.v
ahandoned wouu-n. hceause returninu' them to sueh porsons ' "'""
would evidently cause these unlcu-tunatos to relapso into
crlnio and place thom on the edo-e (tf rhc ahyss into which
their luiworthy parents wish to prccipitatt- tlicni om-o more
and further because it would render useless the expenditure
of large sums of money by the < Jov»'n.meut in favour of the
retorniation of these children ar..l sacrili-c the vears of car.'
and solicitude of those who havechar-th and have lived honestly lon«>- enoui^h to be
a]»leto walk alone in the [lath of honour ant' ikm'sohs wlio liiivo
ill'Vntcd tllflllSt'IVl'S to (lie fJlMSC o|' tllCSl' iiiilordiiiiitfs wliosc
I'mIc wc ;irc Mow coiisidiM-iliti- ;iiiiisi' iiiy iii'ii-iiiiu'iitsoii llic ojiiiiion
;iiid ri'|ioris of tiio olliccrs who ciijoy tli(^ coiiliih'WiT (tf the
< !o\cniiiH'iit.
As we h:i\i' )il-l x'L'li 1)\- till' cxtniffs ;iho\r (iIIoUmI. thi' , "V'"'"" "f
. . , , . ■ lii-|pc'i-lor<
o|iiiiioii of the iMsji.'ciors of houses of ih'ti'iition is oiitiri'lv in riouii.Mc i..
fiivour o|' oiii- inuMiiiiciil ; their o[iiiiioiis nri' ours, thoir
iii!iiiii(>r ofjiKlgiiig iiiid iipiireciiitiiii;- thiii-i-s e :-iiu'idos \vith
ouis. Mild to eoiuhat our itru-miu'uts it umst he (h'chuvd that
the reports of thi- inspeetors whose expenses arc paid by the
rro\iiice, have no weisi'ht wliatever and tliiit such inspeetions
iire iin uiiueeessarv expense.
Tlie diivetresses of the schools art- aeeused of kceimi-- " "''""''''J
tlie eliildreii and ol desiring- to miiieeessarilv proloii"' their
eojiHtieiuent for the sordid iiioti\e of inakiiin- more nujiiev.
1 will not stop to refute that oharge which is as unfounded
us it is unjust. J will simply say that as tlie Sisters of the
(lood Shepherd have devoted themselves to the work of
refoiTiiiny (duldreii. they wish the work they have done to
proiliiee fruits, that the money spent lor .'Javiiig tlieso children
from moral I'uin he not needlessly s[ient : they desire thiit
children t-xposed to return into the same sphere where
they were found, he protected for a lonu'er time until thev
have aerpiired enough strength, liave lived an honest life
long enough to he able to walk sately in tlio path of honour
and (hity. This maimer of judging the ipicstion is the only i-in-c nmn-
truc one and it is hased on the opini(jn ot those who are an l'or,'e,!l!,'ui! '.'','".
authority (.n tiie subject. I wdl now go further and sav that^'r/,'?;'',''''','''';.
the statistics wiiich give the nnmlier of children disidiai'ired •"'' •''''»! i.-^.
iVom the St. ("hiirles school of Quebec and the ciuises of their
discliarge sliow that, last year, for the period extending from
the month ot .\[invh IS't;^ to the month of Mar. -h iSO.'l. the
H !«
1 I
I i <
— in —
miiiilicr of iliscliaricc^ tVuin tlir L't'loincitoiT iiml tVtuntlu-
Iiidii-trial ScIum.Is \v;is S4 iiml ol'llii-; iiiiiiiIm'I' lil, tli:it is J.'»
|ifi' fi'iif well- (lis(liiii-<;:i'(| licr.irc tlic cxiiinit.ifni ot'tlicir time,
:it tlic rt'(|iit'st. <.r till' hircctivss i.l' the Sdionl ulm ha I
siM'cccdccI ill |ila<'iiii:' lln-iii in safety.
T'lit. w »• ai'c tdld lliat uc rffiiscd to obey llic onlci' ot' tlic 't'i'"-«'i t.>
rroviiK-ial Sc.-rcfaiT oroiit<' to Xa|Mili'()ii Moi'iii. and tliat a ^'
tlircatcnini;- Icllcr was i'c(|nlrcd to make lis oltt-y. To that we
answer tliat. as dii'i'ri icsscs of a lioiisc of dctiMition. we wci'f
ol(lii>t'ii to confonii to the law : (hat. in'cxioiis to last session,
llic law rt'i|iiircd that every order for a diseliar<>-e he given
hy the liieiit<'iianl-( io\-eriior : that |>ositi\<' orders from file
Provincial Soeretai-y. dated the Jiid Anjinst ISSO, stated thai
ehildren eonfiiK-d in the >eli(i(.l should he diseliarcrio(l has not
e\|(ired (See dociinieiits .V. I>. ('.annexed.)
As Eva Lahonti'-'s term liad not e.vpired and the oi'der foi-
lior diseliarge made no • 'iitioii of any order in (•omiell, we
had to reliise to o-ix-e her iip. ..\s the Department t()(d< iiiioii
itself tlie res|ionsihility of the discdiai'in'e hy u second let tt-r
dated the Jdtli .laiiiiary. we eom|ilied wifli that order as we
Were no loMcjei- resp 'iisilih'. 'i'liere wa> tln'refore no
nnwillino-lcss on the part of the directresses of the s«diool ;
their rondiict was (|uitc reu'iilar, that nl the !><'partment was
1 have exposed the (pu'sti .ii I>y ii'ivin len'islatioii
of 1S!)2 iiiidrr tlie idi'as which inspired it. The i)ietiire is a
sad one and the story of liicsf unfortniies is sometimes
painl'ul to relate.
What \\v ari' alioiit to tell are facts in all their sorrowful rn.-..in<"ni«ii-
realitV. c-.-s r.-s„l.in-
Iriiiii oerhiiii
1. On the loth ^^ay 1S!)l', Dhuu'he Aiirore X au'ed »..i'kin,i? I'l'iie
harely !•, was dis(diarrand father and
grantl mother, her only interested relatives, she was of
-t— ««i» 4U_HUU»»»-
1 1
5 '
— 17 —
iiisiiltord'uiiilt' and vi»'iitiirt rliiinicti'i' wIkm in contiift witli
otliiT cliildi'cii. Tlio sii|u'rior('ss of tlu' asyliiin inlni'nu'il llu'
lK'|tailiiK'iit of till' si-riuus t-lU'cts of nt noaiinwi'i' was lyivni to
tlu'si' olMcrvutioiirt. Her old jijraiid parents i-anio 'ionu- wt'ck-
after and coinpliiiiu'd to tlu' HUp ■ ioivss that tliov wd'e in
tlcspair aliont tin- <*liild, tluit tlu'V .'onid no lonu'cr cxtTi-isc
any conti'ol ovi'r lici', tlmt licr only idea was to i'sca|n' and
rnii al»ont the stn'cts. wlndi slic still docs.
± On tlu'.'JOtli May 1892, Marie Lonise X a.^ed 1:5,
eriii|tled and iieaf, was dis('liar<^et on false iin-tenees ; she took
the ehild with luT into a disorderly Intiise. Ue[»resi>ntiiti()ns
were made in time to tin- Department hy the snpcriore 's of
the Asylum as to the sad late which would hcfall thi' ehihl'
Moreover the child was intirm ami for that reason alone I In-
law allowed the extension of her period of confim'ment. hut
no lieed was paid either to the danjj;er of immorality nor to
the intii'mity ; the iliseliartve was maintaiueil. Later on the
child coniplained to the supei'ioress of the ill-ti'i'atment sin-
was mad(- to undei'"() to induce- her to c uiimit evil.
:5. On the L'Tth June, I'liilomenc- X a.ii(-d 10, left
aft(-r tin- i-xpirption of lu-r term. She was wickt-d and
ditlicult til manage; tli - c ):itiiiu:ilio:i of Inr «'ontinement
was applied for and refused. Shi> was pla<-ed out in servi<-t'
liuf runaway twice, she- is now on the streets,
4. On the llth didy, 1802, Marie Louise X a,i;-cd S,
of iusul)f)rdinate eharacti-r. The pr(-vious refu.sals pn-vcnled
any attempt at lurther r(>pro.sentations.
'). Delima .\ , aji'ed 7, disehari>'cd on the oOth ;\nnMist ; a .•! ii.i ..r 7
she was ot instinctively immoral character, vicious and Inid ^^Jii'i'",,!',!,','",,','"^'
no reliiti\i's. Xo one kn(»ws wher*- the mother is. tor a |on<>'"'',> i""''"' *"
, ■ IllKC rli:c III
time : she is helieved to he a lost woman. ii<"i'-
The child was on the streets tor several weeks, going from
one p<»lice station to another. Protection was refused her hy
the mayor; the Govoniiiient always refused to contimi*-
her term of confinement notwithstanding weighty reasons ; a
lady tried to take her hut had to put her out at the end of
foui' davs. She would still he on the streets were it not for
>t ;
. I
t: ^
'i ''
;?' :■ ■
Vf' ,
1^'* • 1 % ■
M: If '
^>' ■ . ■ '
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— 18 —
lli«' fliiirify of lilt' SiistiTs (if tlic (Jood Slu'plicrd, who ('(Mi-
.M'iit»M| to take luT Wiirk lit'ciiiist; till' 'liiM luid no lioiiu' liiit
till' strcotH. Wlioii she cnmoto tla'asyliiin slu* waH t'xliaiiHtod.
Sjii> had rtlc|it for two ortlirtu- nitjflitsoii the woodoii <:;uard- Tiu- .ImM
II r i.1 !■ A. I.' 11' II .• 1 i' 1 ;iiM»i'K ^'I'Vrnil
iicMs ol the |>ii|ico station and Ik'<;i;«m1 Ikt tood from tin- ,,1^1,1, j, ,,
1 ml ill', |.Mi.«.ii(i..'.
This sad story shows what |irocaiitions should bo takt-n
licfoi'i' li'iantin!; a discharur. When the Department ifranls
a disehariif it shoiiid ascertain whether the parents, ijiiMrd-
ian or tutor will Ito there to roeeive the ehild ; it is absolute-
ly neeessary that steps be taken to hand lu'r over to those
In a christian ami fivili/ed society, the ease of I),'Iini;i .V.
should not 1»e repeateil.
t'l. Alliertii \., ai;'ed 12, -itinnUe child jiassed herself off as her
s stci' and as such <'laimed the ehild at the Department. In-
loiiuation was asked by the latter and accurately y'ivi n by tin- •
-uperioress. This did not however pr.'ve:il th.' mo Iier from
. minn' on that very day t'» the asylum with a formal order
from (he (Jovernment lo dischar<;e the chihl.
8, Blanche X , a'j,\' I 7, dischar<;ed «>:i the 18th
(>ctobei', at the expiration of her term. This child had, with
ditliculty, been removed tVom the baiu'fiil Inlliu'ucc of hei-
mother who Was a drunkard ; she was handed over to Icr
mother and has no diic to protect her.
J). Azilda X , aged 10, dischart-vd on the 8th No-
vember, term Mot exjiired. insubordinate character, no explan-
ations iiiven.
10. KmmaX. parents iiidvnown, aged 14, disehargt'd ^ 'i'''' !'•'-
. ' vcs ill'.' rt'liir-
011 28th March, 1892. Could not bo placed out owing to liermntorytoi/oto
.. -1, 1. iTi. 1 i ic n llii' I'oiiiiiiiiii
vieion.s conduct and msul)ordinate tdiaracter hehire tlit'..,„._
month of June.
1 1
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10 —
]lvv iiijisU'is tioui licr a\v:iyso(iii at'tfi'. Slio rliani-'r*! itlaces
scvi'ial times and finally took to tlic strtH't on whit-li slir
was a \iia;.- the eost of her im|U'isoninent
and niainteiuiUiH' ? It costs lio cents a day at the]irison; it
Would cost 18 at tlu' Ivcfoi-niatoi-y. The chihTs nuuals must
he luotoetod : why then send lier to ii'aol in ]>retorenee'r
11. Amanchi X disehari>'e I'll
VICIOUS uielniations, ha asylum with an ordor lor
her discharii'e: that sister was luxler the iuHuence of li(|Uor.
What con<'lusions are wo to <1 raw from the facts I have l»f:f«t,< oi
till! >\-l<'lll.
just placed heforo you? They are mimerous and not to detain
y( u too loiii>- 1 will mention those which seem to u\o to hv
the most important.
1. Too young children have heen replace! ii\ tht> sphere c; i .ii^n-.'-.it
,.',,'" 1 1 1 . I 1 1.1. Ill; lo litil
li'om winch they were drawn. tluM>'l»y exposins;' tliem to lose ^i,,.,.,,,,,,,!!,,^,...
the tVuit ot the sacririces made to pivvent them from hcing
contaminali'd. I'y so doinsi' the Department has ♦•ompliod
witli the letter hut not with tlu' *piiit ot the law. Tlu-se draw-
hacks show once more the necessity there is tor ehaniiiui!,"
nur lei>'islat!on.
2. Willi a \icw to economv and to renu'dv what was iti'initis i.i
' , ' |)i'ip|i)nx fciii-
thouu,'ht to he an ahuse, the Department has, in soiiio cases, iLioim-nt ..■
shortened, in an imprudent DUinner the term of detention oi
some derni(pie-;ts without consultin_ii' the directress ot t!ie
s(diool and s<>mctinies against her most ur-^eid, representa-
tions: in others, tlu're was urgeid necessity for ])roloniiin if
the teiin of eoidinemont of some children especially when
iiijiriii i\v .sir/:, Ihit, for rea.sons which we i«>'nore, the Depart-
ment has refused t(» avail itself of the law lo favour these
i i:il
' •.?
— :iO —
". Sotuo discliiU'n'cs liavi' bocn onlcivd widiotit takiiiti' tlii' i!'''""-*'''
iKM'ossai'v iii't'ciUitioiis fitlicr t<) IiuikI ovit (lio cliildix'ii to »;iii<>u- iu.e<-
tlK'ir itaroiitsur tutors ciiiiiihlc^ of siipportmi; tlu'in oi- iiitoii,,,,..
tlio hands of ri'sponsildc' jiersoiis disposed to imilortakc tlu'ir
(•ai"<- and odiication, tlicri-liy, cxposiiiii- tln'sr children to he
al»an(htn('d and even to hcins:,' w ithout shchfi'.
4. ThtM'epi'cscntations made l»y tlic ilii'ccti'css ot" th*' si-liool x.. lari i<
1 I - 1 • ' • ^ 11 ^'ivcii 111 ifiiic-
havc not always Ixtii taken nito account ; it avouim sccni as.emiii..n- „r
if it were tliouirlit t lat she could not iiavc any other motive!'""''""""
tliaii to improve the iinaneial position of her estaliii>linu'nt,
Ai)i)lications liave hoon matle since tlie list Mav last. At Ai.-..:iiii-
' ' . ..." MI|.ll.Sii.l| III
K'ast twenty cases liave occurreuehec liKhistrial Scliool h)r very
special and serious reasons. Ife w;is refused like tlie others.
To show the williuii'ness of the Nuns in the midst of these rnvesiiaa-
difln-ulties. they submitted, without comi>laint, to tiie species cii.h.io.Si.i,,,,,!.
of investiiiation which it was soiiyht to make ahont their
aH'airs, contrary to Ijiw. to verify the correctness o|' tlieir
Tnformation wliich coiihl liave Ijceii ohtained hy eorres- li.viulnciin-
])ondeiuH' with the buperioress or ht. Lluu.es .Vsyhim or,,,,„;,i b,.
throuii'li the inspector, was sought for hy scndini>- a ,v»>nng','',| j'^'p' J/j.V^^^^^^
man who wasnotauth(M'ized hy order in Council as lie slionld '''''•
have Ikhmi done To jndii'e hy his C(Mi(hicl lie had neithi-r
the ahility, tlu" discernment nor the prudence necessary t(»
]>erf<)rm a mission as ditticult as it was delicatv'. For over
a week the children were questioned in a more or less discreet Ai. iinexpe-
maiiner hy tliis Ci,>mmissioiier. He did not liesitati' diirin <;•„„,„ u -"em i»
liis iiKpiiry to run the lisk oi'awakinu: in these yonnii- minds ;,l^','[|]-','j|]'"'
the almost extinguislied ri>collection of shameful acts which"'
occurred yours ago and which it would have boon better for
some of these young offeiuh'is to liave left forever in ob'ivioii.
Forgetful ot his duties and of tho respect due to a lady, ii« r.igeis
the Superioress of the school then present, he pushed indis-|j,'",',*g*."'"','^',
civtion, (T nrniht use a harsher ternO so far as to make one '■"•>•
V i
^ Ifi
— 21 —
of tlic iinuiitt's ii'latf the iii(lc'('«'nt assiiiill wliidi Iht iiiisciji-
l)le fiitlicr liiul coiiiinitlcd oii her itcrsoii.
I will Ki\\ no iiioro on that siil/n'ct to <|n:ility llw acts ami
ilccds of tliat g't'iitU'iiiaii. Tliosf wlio lioai' mo will atlinit,
that if no ciyiiiii' iiijii.stict' has liccn conuuittctl. no (lo('|t himii-
liation inliiclefl *>n wonicn, then' has ccrtainlv lu'on an iiic-
UMilaritT and a groat iiu[)nidoncc to say no niort-.
ILas confnh'nco hcon lost in tlu'si' Xuns who, if they liavf
dis|ilay('d too inuch zoal. havo doni' so thi'on's !
The Insneetor of these rdiools has not, to onr knowledtr*-, '''"' '""l"'-
tailed m Ins duty, lie, a man of exporioneo and taet.aiid eoiild i.ic.|,.i' |.fiM.ii
have "'i von the Govornment all the infornnitioii it re(|nireil '""*'"''"'■•
withont hnrting- any one's feolintfs. \Vc tee) that if we have
tions and of arduous labour, and now wo are stopped by this
new leg-islation ; our hesitation is such that after having pni-
chascdthe Marine Hospital \voar(> debatini;' whether we have
not gono too fast and whether all these changes, tho.--.c inquiries
are not premonitory signs (tf an order which will soon be
>erveil up(»n us to close our doors to thoso whom we have f*
hitherto snecoun^d and whom we mn:it abandon U> their
miserable biti'.
In eoui'hision we respectfidly submit :
1. That the application nunle of the law in force ,ip to t'..ii.iii«ii.n.
ISO.', has been an errorneons application which has led toiv',i.'"'' "^'"
serious abuses which must be remedied.
2. That the discharges should be eonti'olled by a commis-
sion consisting of the Inspi'ci.trs of Ivelbrmatoiy and Indns-
I ^*
I,!' J'
trial scIiooIh and luvsidod )»y llic» I'roviiicial Srcivtarv. 'I'liis
(• pleases sbonld beabolislied
and the eounniHsion above mentionod mig-ht Ite anthori/A-il
to come toun understanding with the divoetors of the various
schools as t(» placing out the childreu. '
5. The present law should be ai.iended so as to favour the
admisiiion into tlic Reformatory and Industrial Schools of the
children of vicious, dishouest and drunken parents.
t!. To protect children exi>osed to become vagrants tlic
moral sense of municipalities must not be relied on and coii-
scpiently art. 3140 (5o-5(; Vict., chap, -li)) should be amended
s»o as to allow the mayoi- ol' a municipality to use the powers
conferi'ed on him bv this iirticic without iv((uirin<>- the
authorization of his council.
7. The judges who pi'eside at criminal terms should have
power to send to Reformatory and Industrial schools the
young children of persons sentenced for criminal offences and
this at the expense of the municipality in which they reside,
when it appears by the trial that these persons have com-
mitted outrages or assaults on tlu-ir children, or when the
i'ondiU't of the fathers, or motheis, or other persons bavin n'
charge of them is so viciousor disorderly that there is reason
to fear for theeducation ofthese childivn. This i)Owcr should
be exercisel"
tin- case with llu' »'vi(lcii('c iiiid flic ix-asmis lor tii\ iiiu,- tli
onlcr. Tlic I'roviiifial Si'ci't'taiT iniiiflil liavf tlic |»o\\'(.!r t
irvisc tliiil ordci'iii till' cvi'iit oftln' iiis]M'ctoro| tlicsc s(;li()ols
r<'|iortiiig tlint tlic ivasons arc not suflicii'iit and in siudi casi-
llic di'cisioii ol" tlic rioviiicial Secretary slioidd l»c notified !<>
tlie Miasi'istrafes ami directors ot" the school an who would he anienahlc to ii line
it" they lelnsed to come lor it.
!'. 'i'he a<;'e at which children arc to leave [ndnslrial
Schools shonld he Idas lor IJct'ormatorv s(diools.
(iiiclM.,-. iNlili .Fiuiuiiiy. \S\r.\.
Ukvkhexi) Sistkr Dikkitiik.ss,
.Inn Aforiii liliK-ksmitli »»t" Si.
IvuphiU'I, comitv of J5clloclia^<-si'. Eva Lal)Miit.'. i>t' QucIxt-.
(•niiflm'tl ill your liidiistria! Sdiool siiici' the Iiltli Dcct'iiiltta'
I liavc llii" lioiKiiir ti> Iti'
^'oul• (ilu'diciit sci'vaiif, •
(Sioiic.l) .lOS. IJOTVrN',
Assistant Provincial, Secretary.
I.S. \\ V.
Qiiolicv, 2<)tli .Taimary, ISO;].
Industrial Sdiotil. (^»ticl)cc.
!Mi'. Na])olcon Moiiii reports a( tins otlicc that yon ivfiisc
to hand Eva Lahontc over to Iiini in accordanoo witli the
instiuctions contained in uiy letter of the 2i>th January I8O0
and that you require an order from His Ifonour the Lieuto-
uant Governor. In view of these faets, the HononrabU-
Provincial Secretary directs me to inform you that His Honou r
is absent trom the capital for a tbrtni_sj,'ht and that the order
cannot bo obiainod before the expiratiou ot" that delay.
IP ■
f ■
If;. ■, •■
l>f I-
— •_>•» ^
If vdu do lint ooinjily villi tlir onlfr <,'iv»'H yon on (lie
2»!tli of tliin iiiontli, yon '.vill not be |>nini ill*' LMitli instiint until mIic is trH<"liiirgi'7.'. 'I'lir ri«i\iiicl;il Sccivmrx miiv.iit auv tiuio, oi'dtT ''•""' 'o"
,.,,... . • * ' rrov.iu'i il
iiiiv cluld (Ictiimcil 111 nil iii.lusti'ial scliool to be pliioc'tl. on s>. •etuv n,,'
.. 1 I'i" 1 1 11 1 . • •.! clii'ili'cn 111 I •
siu.-li loiHlitioiis as lie sliall (U'tci-mino, witli a person or j,:ape,i .nr.
family of ics|u'ctaliiliry and Avortliy of confiden^-e ^vho
coiisiMits to it'cciw. iV'cd, maintain and lodsi'c liim in a
siiifal'lc iiianncT.
'• {JS5T/). Ill tlu' t-asi's mciitioiK'd in section 4 of tlu- aei .Vpi.iimii. n «r
.).:>-.)() \ letona. eiiaiitei- 29. the rrovineial Secretary mayiriie> k. .v>-
also ni-dcr lliat tlie eliild. instead of l.eino- transferivd to aii^'"^y"'- ""'
industrial scliool. sliall In' |i!aee(l out as indieafed in article
•• tiHiti; 'I'lic I'lYiViiieial Seeretary may, in bis disen^tion, <" iM iim.\ i«
, ,• 1 1, iiMii'i- II" 1 iflit'feil in 111
at any lime ord-^r fliat any .--mdi ebild be relieved trom tbe oi.iii^jii.n mm-
oliliyafioii of liviny; with the persons or families with whom 'It'''-'"'''''*'
lie lias lii'cii so ]ilaeed.
■• JII.17'/. The time diii'iim' whieh a ebild is absent from •'<•.; i.iii hm
1 11 1 1 ■• 1 1^ • • 1 . . •" imii'il ii'
tiie seliool. uikU'I' an order oi the 1 rovincnd N'orotary. is imit diiiis
eoiisidiTiMl as an inteo'ral portion ol the term .>f bis con- *'"""'"■""■"'•
•••^l«>/('. A enild. who escapes ironi the bouse ot the \M'»t is «oii-
■ 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 mI( r.'tl lit iiii
person v,itli whoni Ik' is phic d luider siicli an order, orroii*.
who refuses to r(>tnrn i:o the school after the caiu'ellinii' of
the onbr. or on the exiiiry of lli(> tei-m fixed therein, is
considered as liavin!^' escapeii from tlu- school.
•• ;?!"»7/'. NotbiiiL;' is due the directois of a school for tlie iiimi u!" m
board and maintenance of a child from tin reception ot the l'j'„|'"Jl* ',',', •',''
order ot' tbe rroxincial S\'creta.y and diirini:ii\ii;n. C/i'ijihnt, nf l/ui ('innrnl i i' //.,:
ll'.n'l Sin jih, r,l ill (Jiijii.r. mi thr 'I^Ul. Jfiirrl' 1S!>:',, lir/hm
the Jli.iiOiii I'll III r J'^xiriitiri' ('miiicil «/ //"' I'rurinri: nf
IIiiMMi! Aiii.K ( )i:.\i'i.i:.\ii:n-.
Ml" Cliiirlclioi- ha- sliow h _\ oil \vlial llir laws wcrr wliicli
_i;'<»\Tni Uoronaatorv and liidiisti-iMl Si-liooU ciglit or ti-n
\•e:l^^ ui-o. tlic cliniiii'ts niailc in tlu-ni siiu'*- tliiif i\atv iiiitl
fspccially tilt" Mniciuiint'iits ni:i(l(' in lSil2. lie lias also sliowod
vuii Imw iln'sc laws ]ia\f wnrkod since tli'si- anit'iidincnts.
\<>u iiiav lijivr,i)lis('rvc(l, ^-LMitKiiR'n. tlni! iftlifrcaro ithnscs
in llic applK'ution oi' these laws, the reniedie- which liavt'
lifcn souu'lit I'tu' the e\il Iia\c Car from offocted a euro, l>iit
that, on the contrary, these renuMlies iiave caused so violent a
comniotion in the work of reronnatorv and indnstrijil schools
that they are threateneed on the iniinicipalliti<'s? lam
inclined to Ixdieve that it is due to all tlire*' of the ahove
causes. The remarks nnide l»y Mr Ciiarlehois arc very deal'
and the facts he has pointed out spejik for thcmst ncs.
Kvidoutly there is a serious deicct. Still, roi'onnatory hchools
are an ahsolutc neccf^sity and it is positively ussertod that
there is a desire to nuiintaiu them. Can they lie inaiutained
without someahusomcrcoping in r I do not think so, however
willinu-one may he both in reforniiu_t.li on the >ido ol'tho pai-ents. owiiin' t<> llieif sitiialioii i>r
their (lis|M»sirions and on the siih- of the children. It is ini-
possihle tt t'oirseo everythinii-. Wy placinsi' niinion>ns and
dilHenlt ol>slaeles in the Wiiy. the enfi'aiiee to these Asyliiins
will oventiially he <'losed.
Jt sociiis to n)«\ thei'etofe. iniportaiit in even kii'islalion to
thoi'oiiii'hly nntlei'staiid the suhjeet niatt<'f ol such leii'islalion
jio as to |ti'ovide lor {-Yi'vy re(|nii'enienl and ohtain all the
ii'o d |)ossihle tVoni il.
\Ai;ir,it nivni'i'ioNs anh sitcations ok thi; rHii.i)i!K\ i'i:kvioi ,s
•{■o in NT I \i: mi: NT.
Children liahle to eonie und*-!' I lie laws u.'ovei'iiinn' rel'or-
luatofy and industrial schools u-eiierally h lonii' to the pooi'
<*lass('s. It vei'v seldom hapiieiis, altlionu'h if may o.-ea-
sionally, that childi-en ot'l'aniilios in cotnt'urtablc cii'ciiinstaiices
are sent to reformatory schools. These I'iniilies place snstal)l'shments at an early aii,"*' lo
protoct and reform thcni. This is done (^nietly anil wiilmnl
tnakiiiii' any noise abi'nt it.
The poor classes have not the same advjintaifes. llowcvei-.
in these classes, the e: lidren who _ii'<'nerally come to the
reformatoiy and industrial schools are those whose jtosition
in their families has ceased to he normal or thoso whose
tdiarneter is had and vicious. 1 tnoaii hy ahiiormal position
that of a child who has lost its father or mother or hoth.
In the eonutry places oi'phans are easily placed in families,
foi- there is much compassion for these unfortunati's and
charity provides lor tlii'in in some way »' casi's oi" iiriivih'v ami «'.\trt'iiu' lu'ccssitv. .\s Idiii:' ats
rlio parontfi arc ti'ooil, lianl-workin!^, in iri-fat l>iit toiii-
ponirv troubk', you an' siuu' to sec llicsc ihhm' [larciits stniir-
•i'liii''- agaiut poverty, Itccoiiiiiiii' more attaclicil than ever
to tlielr I'liililron, srckiiii!,' protection here an
• •ritical a situation. It is not the child ron of su(,'h laniilic-
who cunic to ihc rct'ornialory anurvivinu' mother is la/.y. licart.U'ss. stn]iid.
addicted to dnuikonness or other vices, what will hecoinc of
thcchihircn ! Sucii situations, if rare in country [larts. arc hut
too frequent in towns and lariic villui»\'s. To circumstances
already vory (huii>vrous for chihln'U. mtist he alatc Father in
his Coujfregation, the nnv in his parish or a mcmI»erof the
8t. Vincent de Paul Society who iinilertakes this charitalile
mission, a mission of devotedness and heroic patience, a
e taken not to uftend any one and there
nro sometimes many difliculties to be overcome.
!►(» you sujipose. now. that it is always easy to decide the
l>aronts or otlier intert'sted jicrsons to uive >ip (heir chihlrcn
tlnit they n)ay be sent to the iJefornnttfuy and Industrial
scliools 't It is sometimes most ditKcult, especially in the
country. Many itrc)U(lices and erroneous im[>rcssions n_a,'ainst
Reformatory and Industrial scIk'oIs liave to be set aside ;
all tlie otHcious biisybodies in the parish or amonu'st the
relatives have sonH'thinu' to say about it. For them, these
schools arc worse than prisons ; the children are badly,
cruelly treated in them ; they h'ar thcr will ne\cr see the
children again, etc., etc.
k- 1'
» > ' >:
— :50 —
Tlu'si' iirc fatis wliicli wf coiistaiillv n>in«' iHT«>>s in iii-sl
I'oiintry parfs. It is otton a vitv serious iii\(lortakinif !»»
lU'c^ido (lio |iaf('nts to let llioir ciriiiln-ii «>-o. Oiicc tlicsc
olistaclos an- ovcrfoint', must we af-'uiii I'l'Vcrt to that series ol
ililUfult |iroeee«lini>'s wliidi it is ini|»ossil»Ie In ohst-rvi' in
ucarlv all onrninii inuiii('i|»alirK's ':
As a nili', you w ill liuil the iicai'aiul distaut relatives, cvi-n
those wiio life notoriously seaudaloiis, attai-htnl to tlieir
rhihlivu and liny will do llicii- l.cst to kci-ji tlicin iVoiu
heiuy; sent away.
Thus it is that, in the ('(tuntry |iai'i-. cases ot ndinission to
lietornudoiy and Industrial schools arc rav(> in iirojtortion In
the ]»o]tulation. They arc nmrc tVc(|in'nt in towns tor three
reasons :
1. There is less i»reJ!idice aj;-ain.-.l the schools : the parents
are on the spot ; they sec with their own i-yes, and Hnd out
for theniselves how the children are ti-eatecl in thesi? schools :
'1. The ihildren nrc more exjiosed In the danyvr ol"
perversion than in country paits : there is aLfglomeration ami
want (tf room : most of the children have only the stre(>t
to live in and are constantly exposed to perversion : aild lo
that the painful necessity in which the father or luotln-r is
sometimes placed of |<»avini:" the house and earninji' the livinu'
of the family ;
'•'<. It is more diitienlt to place the children in town than in
the eountry.
I woidd take the liberty of observiiii;- that when a ehihl
retpiires to he sent to an Industrial or Refoiinatory school,
whether he be in the eountry or in the town, it is necessary
that the law autlion/.in, fi>r its bcinjf put in
\4.'- ;■■
In'- ^'
■^ :U —
(>)i«'rnlion. niii;tisti-iiti'f< wlin i-iiii ln>|»l a ri'^nlur ((.ml. ll^
ivpirds till- pnuvdmv. N.-w. ;if Irawt tlin'r tourtlis of tli<;
Miral imMiiciitalitio^ an> not orniini/('ortniH> nn ner, tlie takinu- of an oiitli wlieii
l»art'uMdar eirenmstanees re<|nire it.
Witli respeet lo llie various >itnations and couditiMiis of
the ehildren helore eontinenient. I ha\<' onl.v one word more
t(» r\\illdo Ix-tter in the school than she
could in any private family, with very tew exceptions; she
will lind in the school cverylbinu- she wants for the cultiv-
ation of her mind and intolliu-enee, for relii^ious instruction,
initiation in work. et<-. ; she will iind there triu' mothers full
of dovotedness, whose only object is to promote the wi'lfarc
aiul liapjiincss of the child. What more can she iind in a
family to which slu' is a stranu-er ? Will she Hn rt'iiiiiM' Intiii ilio i'crnri«'
• iiroi-tioii lU tlu'p*)' iiistifiitioiiH tiif t-liildicii < lest i net I to tli«-rt«>
mi;Iio()Ih nixl coiitHlc llifiii to privnt*' tainilif-i. 'J'luMt' mnv !»<•
wciiU'hty ri'JisoiiK toJiHtit'y tins. Itiit it 'h looifall.v (litH<'iiIt t.>
WluMi a yomij;' gii-l lias compU'tcd Ihi- iti-m is all work
ami attention over as far asslu- is coiinTiicil 'r I> tlicic iiolliiiiii'
IoIk' (loiw lun-oiiil sottiiiii; Imt fVco '!
No ; tlictsc who liavf liail fliaig'e ol llic cliild u|* to
tlui' iiioint'iit iimst not ahaiidon lu'i- to Iwr tat*': tlu'v
must afl'onl lici means to |ilac»' lioiself siiitahly.
r>iit l»(.'tur(' placinti' lu-f we nnist not ov»'rl<»ol< tlic point
ot (lopai-turc : the child cHmc to the school to correct hersell'
or to Itc protected against tlu' danircr of perdition. Th ■
• piestion to be then asked is: Is the speclablc
family. JJntwlien tin- term of eontinenient expires, if the (diild
be not sntHciently refonued, ifitbe found that she is still of a
liiid an.fi —
iJiil >!ii •(■ till' iiioiilii of May la -I llu' children luivc ln't'ii
scf at lildTiv aiivl.ow ; cvfii. all tliosi' wlio were iuiiriii
all lioiiyii til.' law allows tlif f(t:itliiiiatii>ii ot' 1 lu'ir trnii.
'I'iicsc disi-liai'u- '^ iiinl.".' surli ciivnin-itaiii-cs arc most dango-
I'oiis and d('[(l(>ral)K'. It siiii|ilv means rciidcriiiii" uiinoct's-
s.iry tlic sa<-i'Ilu'('s wliicli tlic ( !((\rniiiK'nt or tlic imiiiiciiia-
litit's have liitlicrro made I'ur in'oli-ctiuti- those ihildrcii. Is
tli('i'<' not ill this an nru'ciil ncci'ssiiy lor amcndiiiu' the law
so as III avoid >n(di >a(l coiisimiiU'Iu'cs ?
It hi^.iltcii h iji|n.'ii('d that tdiildrcii scut to tlif liulustrial
Sidiool h;i\-c harely s|(;'nt a few iiioiit lis in the asylnm hidoit-
it was I'onnd that thcscMdiildrcn should he. not in the Indus-
trial hilt in the IJoforniatory Sidiool, owing to the wiidvi'il
and \ii-ioiis instiiu-ts which showed tliomsclvcs in thcin. Tln"
law should [irovido I'oi' snrh cases so tliat the Directress
miglit he able to classifv th si- 'hildivii ]iroji;'r]y,
1 conliiie niyscli'io these oliservations. What we have said
on the siihjert shows that muidi more still iniglit he said. As
i remaiked jusl now, the sit iiati'Oi- in wintdi thctdiildreii ot'
the ]io(ir classes are |ilaced ar(' \aric(l and miiltiidied ami the
ilangcrs of perdilion siirronnding these ehihlren are great
and ire(|nciit. I'specially in the towns. Since the lu'cessity of
these schools is a(lmitteisteis who have if oVtserved,
gives these children the liahir of a iVii'nlar life, a taste for
work and the means of eaniino- their livino; lionestlv.
'• Those estaitlishnn-nfs are not snHicientIv nnineroiis, espe-
eially in Iar;ii'e modern -itics. Admission to them slionid It •
easier and society is