THE ALBANY CLUB, INCORPORATED 1882. ( Au Subscribed m . - - . 7,725. Authorized Capital, - - - - $13,665. . To Provide a Convenient Place for Social AND Business Purposes. / Its Affairs are Manae empowered to vacate the place of any Member of the Directorate by a vote of two-thirds of the Share- holders present at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. 11. Suspension or Forfeihire of MemhcrKhij) or Expufsion. The Board of Directors shall have power by a vote of two- thirds of its Members present at a Special Meeting of the Board called for the purpose to suspend or forfeit the member- ship of, or to expel any Member for any conduct on his part likely to endanger the M'elfare, interests, or character of the Club ; or for wilfully infringing any of the By-laws, Rules, or Regulations of the Club. 12. — Election of Memhern. No person' shall become a Member of the Club unless a Conservative, and until he shall have attained the age of twenty -one years ; every candidate for admission must be proposed by one Member and seconded by another previous to his name being submitted to the Board of Directors (five Members of the Board to form a quorum) ; his name, and with it those of his proposer and seconder, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the Club House at least one week before being submitted to the Board for Ballot. No Candi- date for membership shall be elected should two black balls be cast against him. 13. —There shall be five classes of Members : (1) Members Resident in the City of Toronto. (2) '* Non- Resident (Province of Ontario). (3) ** ** (outside Province of Ontario). (4) " Special. (5) " Transient or Privileged. THE ALBANir CLUB. 9 Eaclt Resident Member shall pay an entrance fee of twenty- five dollars, and an annual subscription of fifteen dollars, payable in advance. The subscription shall date from the fifst day of the month of election. Non-l»esident (Province of Ontario, but ten miles distant from Toronto), Non-Ilesident, without the Province of Ontario, and Special Members arc subject to election in the same manner as Resident Members. The Annual Subscription for Xon- Resi- lient Members residing in the Province of Ontario shall be ten dollars, in advance, without entrance fee; for Ncn- Resident Members without the Province of Ontario, the Annual Subscrip- tion, without entrance fee, shall be five dollars, in advance ; and for Special Members the Annual Subscription, without entrance fee, shall be hfteen dollars, payable in like manner and on the same conditions as those of Resident Members. Privileged or Transient Members (necessarily Conservatives) are entitled to the privileges of the Club for a period not to exceed two weeks, without entrance fee or subscription, but shall have no right to introduce any friend, or to in any way interfere with the management of the Club ; such Privileged or Transient Members nmst be introduced by a Member of one of the other four classes of Members, and the name of both the person introduced and the Member shall always appear in the Visitors' Book upon the day of introduction, specifying day and date and duration of privilege, always subject to the Board of Directors. 14. — Supernumerary Memhers. Any ordinary member who shall remove his residence to a greater distance than ten miles from Toronto (all his sub- 2 ■ •, ■•.,•:■■.• ,..■ 10 BY-LAWS AND RULES OF scriptions then due being paid) may give notice in writing to the Secretary of such removal, and of his intention not to make use of the Club thenceforward ; and such ordinary member shall cease to be liable to pay the yearly subscription so long as he shall continue to reside at such distance from Toronto, and does not use the Club, shall be considered a Supernumerary Member, and his name shall be entered by the Secretary in a book kept for that purpose. Any such member shall be reinstated to all his privileges upon his return being notified in writing to the Secretary, and such notification be given within one month of his return, and upon payment of his subscription for the then current year ; failing in such notification and payment such Member shall be considered as having withdrawn himself from the Club, unless the Cor .nittee decide otherwise. 15. — Visit or f<. Any Member, at his own expense, has the privilege of introducing one or more of his friends to the Visitors' Room, and to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the name of each such friend shall be entered in the Visitors' Book. Guests of any Member, with whom they have dined or lunched at the Club, shall, providing they are Conservatives, have the privileges of the Club, while such Member is with them ; but if not known to be Conservatives, then only privi- leges as regards the Visitors' Room, Private Dining Room, and Billiard Room, while such Member is with them. « \6.—Club Rules and Hows. The Club shall open every day for the reception of Members from eight o'ch)ck in the forenoon until one o'clock a.m., but no game to be commenced after twelve p.m. THE ALBANY CLUB. 11 Upon obtaining special leave from some Member of the Directorate, or the Secretary-Treasurer, the hour ot closing may be extended to two o'clock a.m., except on Saturdays and Sundays, when the hour of closing shall be twelve o'clock. Every Member is to pay his bills for every expense he may incur in the Club before he leaves the house. Any cause of complaint by any Member is to be by letter to the Secretary-Treasurer, and any inattention or improper con- duct on the part of a servant is also to be stated by letter to the Secretary -Treasurer ; the name of any Member com- plaining is made known only to the Board of Directors, and if so desired only to the President or one of the Vice-Presidents. No gambling shall be permitted in the Club, and no games of any kind on Sundays. Dogs are not to be allowed inside the Club on any pretence. Newspapers, books, or other articles, the property of the Club, are not to be taken from the Club. Strangers calling to see Members will be required to remain at the entrance of the Club until it is ascertained if the mem- ber be within. The Waiters and all other servants of the establishment will be subject to the order of the Steward and Secretary, and will perform such duties as they may prescribe. No stranger shall be admitted into the Club House except on business, and the servants are strictly prohibited from receiving visitors or followers. No Member shall give, and no servant shall receive a gratuity in the Club on any account whatever. r- 12 BY-LAWS AND RULES OF If any money or articles supposed to be the property of Menil>ers shall be found by the servants in the Club House, they shall be delivered to the Secretary through the Steward. The servants' entrance in the rear will be under lock, and the key thereof be in the custody of the Steward, and servants must not enter or go out of the Club except by servants' entrance at the rear of the building. Members will till up their bills for meals themselves, and must on no account employ the waiters to do so. Articles of glass, earthenware, &c. , which may be broken by tiie Members, either in the Coffee Room or elsewhere in the House, must be paid for by them. No advertisement shall be allowed to be laid on the table, or put up in the Club by a Member ; but any pamphlet, &c., which it may be wished to be made known to the Club shall be sent to the Secretary, to be laid before the Co nmittee. Writing materials will be piovided in the Reading Room. Members will be careful to check the tickets before paying. 17. — Smokiwj. No smoking shall be permitted in the Member's Dining Room. IS. —Caufies of Forfeiture of Membership. No Member in arrear shall have the privileges of the Club after having been notified of his indebtedness signed by both the President and Secretary. THE ALBANY CLUB. 18 Any Member who shall withdraw, resign, or whose Mem- bership shall become forfeited from any cause shall i}yso facto cease to be a Member of the Club, and to have any right, privilege, or use of the Club in any way whatever. 19. — Annual aud other Meetings. There shall be a General Annual Meeting of the Sh.ire- holders, to be held at the Club House on the second Tuesday in September. The Board shall also have power to call from time to time Special Meetings of the Shareholders. Notice of all Meetings of the Board shall be given in writing to tlie Members thereof by the Secretary-Treasurer. 20. — Any amendment to the Constitution shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Capital represented, in person or by proxy, at a General or Special Meeting of the Shareholders called for the purpose. 21. — Sc)'utineer.s. The President or presiding officer at the Annual or Special Meeting shall appoint two Scrutineers from among the Share- holders, whose duty it shall be to open the polls and count the ballots in the presence of at least three other shareholders, and those persons having the greatest number of votes shall be entitled to office, and shall enter upon their duties forth- with after the date of their election. 22. — ConMrurt^on of Count it uti(/n and By-Laws. In respect to a!ll iquc^stioris of ;thtj* f^^/is^ruckion cf the Con- stitution and By-Laws, the decision of the Board once made thereon shr.U be final and obligatory, un^^^ii resoir.qeci by the Board itself at any Cerer^l or opeci^l Meeting. . . '