IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ >V 1.0 I.I 1.25 ! ^ I Hi Ui u 2.2 2.0 18 lA 11116 V] r speakir g. 5. ler or Praelice, Warilen shall I..™ done ! onlc, Councillo, wiije, ,o ,x„l.i„ ° , °^?""« '» •!»•' '>"» MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. cot.dcr written thereon. wrmng, vvilh the names of the mover and ae- rcrn.jSBion of the Council. ^ ''^'^'^® Jecision or amendment with ^^J'lV,:;ut^^^^^^^^^ either in the ofHrmative or motion forrecor«ideraiion tride on (tEh ^^ >l'e Council, and in cLso the I'Clent for a mnjority of the Co^rTcfllnJ, nr» V,^ "'" '^°' '''■^«"' '» «''»" be com- nnd uhi,h recinsij'ernt. n s I .ki^E ' ^°'« "'" ^""""'-Jeration, 'vards ; but if the motion for recon.tde a'L Ln . "" ^"•^"•yf""^ hours ;vns taken. ,ho snl.jocl sliall nmroo„nX,, ?!.'"'''' ""'" ■"'" ''^>' «"" "'« ^''^'^ C">.ncil shall vote fhercf.rj no 1!^^^ nnt'' ? '"I^"^''^ ''^ "'« "''"'<> any vole he pcrniiited. ^® '•"'" °"^ """""n '"' reconsideration of ,'" g«, l„„e ,l„ll Ix |,m »,«' ' "'' "^'"2 '"""■ »'■=" '!■« I»i»« ...n,, „„! 6. COMMITTEES. Rule 2 6 t ii • All ComniillcBP, except H|>ec.io1!v menliiineil in a motion, thnll l>o nomeJ by IliU Council, tlio Councillor Til 8t nomed to be the Cliairninn ; but in cnsc of hit nljscme, lliu Cuiiiiniiie;) niiull liuve [tuwcr to appoint a Choirinan, pro tenipure. HuLB 27th. No Committee of the Couiiril uliail cunsist of less than three, or more than Ave Couricillom. RuLt 28th. A iiiDJ rity oftl.n whole nua.bor of any Committee ihull be a qiiorunn compe- lor.l to prucceJ to busiiii'sB. E V L B 2 Q T H . Coiiimilli'cs appoinicil to report upon uiiy subjort rrfeireJ to ihcm by tho (' 'iiT.c;!, slia.l rojxjit a tlatcinciil of fact:", nnd tlirir opinion ttiprcon, in writing; mill ny rpporl t>lriil lie received iin!csj ngrecd to in Comin ttco actually asteiiibleil, iiiid B ( I y a innjorily of liiC wln.lo nuuiLer of sui;Ii Commil'ee. Rule 30th. r.verv Counrillor who sbull introduce any Dy Liw, Potliion or mmion upon nny s^iliji'ct whi<'li iiiny Irj rcforipil to a Conimiltce shnll !)e one of tho rommittco ^^illll^ll hcifi; t-pccinlly finiiicd ; but in no ciise is a Councillor moving the rel'er- t'lice ii (.0 coii^iileicil us ono of tho ('Oininittce, viihoiit being numcJ by the (,\iiiM.'il, uij!os3 tiie muHcr referred was introduced by hici. ny LAus. Rule 3 1 s t . T'i;i( ore days jolice siiall LJrtajs be given of iho intention to introduce or a:!',ei J a 13 v Law. Rule 32nd. T';:nt nlien any Rv Liw is lead the Clerk shall certify the readings and the t:ii;o 1 ;i the bj-grc.' ly d.e U'iiu.Vr. I! u I, E .'I 4 T ir . >'" Ry I.-'w- 1 roiiulit into the Council shnll hnve more ir£; ti|>, idiennt! «.r diveniigof irny ex.btii'g roiid, in which lutlcr cote M,i.ii li,> L.w lo.iy liavo lliieo readings on tiiesume day. PETITION'S. Rule n :> r ii . r.v'iv ration rr.e.Mbe introduced by a Councillor, who must sign lil» nairn ,„. i;,,' liii'u'tlioreof; sMdl be brouthi inmin.cilialciy afier the Minutes ore reii.'. •„i ,1 ..V ,:•! 1 ^lion n;., nwM be doiC by n m'Mion regnliu-ly >:ec.ndr(!. No such ;iol;- t-..n,M)..evers:i-l'l lie taken i^p, urt'il it htit; t:,in on the tablo one day. Th. havfl bei Bliall ita third reo Tha cillor vvhi iho HaiJ i I That those whc Members 5 That Tha ! All Sti , n mannvr f f paper, th( le same to i^ardeii, fo ind if any d lie seme of Bules a Phairman. Itoll l>e nameJ \>y bill in cn»e of hit , pro leniiiore. le, or more llian fivo e a quorum cunipe* 'eJ lo them by tlio ipreon, in writing; actually aisfteiiiLleJ) i' "JJ""^""'^'". ^''nll not .l.all .(and f.r«, o„ ,l,e Order of « dI X-l'"'''^''''"^ "" "'° ""'^' ''''^•. '""^ ll.ird reading of By LawH. ^' """ ""' ""'^'"i ^^ J''-''iiu.n» ;i;,d il.o R u I. E 3 5 T II . ''''""wiienovcr any iteinon thaOnic-rortlinn, ■ ciilor whoiolroJ„cod li.e same, if preVer' Vl, n.?? ' '''?"''' ""' "'" <^"''"- ihe «aid item shall be placed u^JfZZ'lkfoZ,] PoTy/" '''""'''' "'^■'""'' YEAS AND NAYS. ft " I. e 3 a T H . ''''','" "PO" a division in iheCouncil, ilie mmaa^r*! l "Ithoae who vole against ihe Question g. I,,'? """^^ "f t''""" vvho vole for, nn,l of :Wember8 require it. ' '^ ""'"^'^^ "l""' '''o W"'uie., ,f two R U I. B 3 9 T II . That in voting ,he Yeas do rise in their placed, and the Nays continue to ... ion to introduce or readings and liie cs, nnJ wlicn pnss- 1 one rending on tlin IV new roiul, or lor n wbidi lutlcr cute STANDING COMMITTEES. Rulb40th. The Standing Committees shall consist of Committee on Roads and Bridge?, tommitlee on Finance and Accounts, t-ommittee on Education, t'Ommitteo on Contingencies. I ma^ilffSng^eTh cTncl^'^r^ "' ''' ^'''^'"' °"^ ''^ ^^P'^>'^^-^ Ifpaper. the namea^of as manv Sn..'''"" '""'"' "r^'' "'° ^^''^ *" "•'''« "" ••> ^lip I.e sam^ to the Clerk ^vho shll.^t '" °' "^ '° ^"'"^ ^"'='' commit.oe, and deli.-r garden! for the informalio7o^^^^^^^^ '^' ''"^ "^'^' ''"'' ^^P°^' '" "'" Ind if any difficuirsh^S d arU« . ""*"'' '^''? ''"'^ '"°«' ^"''^'^^ in their favour ; Le„.e^oftKoUSanb:fcrr[3 [r.ufi fiign his nniro ; Miiiutrs ore rcio', Ird. No siicli ;>cli- c ilnv. Bales applicable to the Warden shall, in khairiiuin. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN. RuiB 42nd, his absence apply to the Temporary 8- SUSPENDING AND ALTERING RULES. Rule 4Srd. No Standing Rule or Order of the District Council shall be suspended, unless three fourthB of the Councillors present shall consent thereto, nor shall any Rule or Urder be repealed or amended, without one days notice being given of the Motion therefor, nor unleii a majority of the whole Council shall concur therein. RvLE 44tu. ^ In unprovided cawi, the Warden shall decide, aubject to an appeal to the % ULES. all be suspended, unless 0, nor shall any Rule or ing given of the Motion :oncur therein. et to an appeal to the i5 Y E . r. A W S , O-V ROADS A.\D HIGHWAYS &o lYn. Passed, J4th Mat/, ]Si:. i;i«i "">;-» "rA„';v;i?;:t ?::is:i ";■!;'-■, "■-"■-"^ '-■> »«... " '<> FOvuIb lor i!ie bftter intn,,,. I , ,!. '""""'^''' "'^ CanaJ.i, ontiile.l, '« An Art '• n-cipa! autl.urities iherein," a j i i . fiXt h '.' " ."' ^■^'^''"^'""^n, „! M,,. ors as oi-casioH ,„ay ron„i,e o !nr T, . i ^? ^"""'''' '" '"TPo'nt R.-a.I Su, vev- ijJ^oaU. .er.e one of He. M,..;^'^:^-:^ .t;-- ^^^ 'J^ .,- And >r on complaint or otherwise isha, , TV' , . or IS ...competent lo the discha.g.. o7 is d tV' '' • ' ^""r'' """ ""^ ^>'rvf }- '«.l.ali be,| Cor tho Conned toretoJe him "'^ ^^'"' '" '''° ."^^^'''"•"-n^-e ^.f !-, ;ea.S.L;^;::r^:;;,t£n,;;;n-yor H^ , .,, ,,„^,, ^^ ovvs: Application will be made a, he7ex"!llrilX"'^ T '^° C°""^". »« r..!- I ave a Roa.i established (:,r altered as the SL I^ ^ V ° ^'"""-'ril Council t, t;-e intended Road as near as poShle ^ ''"'^ ''>' ^'^'"8 « description .wel^'iveSienKSt'^sS^^ «-'' «--y- ''^• "eig bourhood of the said /reel I e,? 2 n lo"^- '"'''''° "'^''^^^^^ "^ «"«'''" "'^«=°f- Ji''''' ''"' ra. T^r.Ii::tXSt:S^ ."l^ ^^"'-'o" °'- ^"e sevo- ^7, is now bylaw provided, and b^hem bVn.l P"k"'^ '" *''" "'"^ '"anner a.Md paid atthetiLanSintheirCeT-rov^^^^^^^ °'^'-'' ,, ^"'. theret^;aisS?nS^i!;ariaP3:!;^?-t ^"' '^'''^^^ '" "^ D'^'-'-'^' ^''" ment roll, in lieu of ih* presen vild i^Xx P^^^^ in >he a8.cs.-.|d paid t and that the same do eoLence ad take e£tfo^^^^^^^^^ '^^"'^'"f ^" ""e.'fdto.v next, and be paid to the Treasure/of the Eirt „ " /V" \''^^'"' "^'^ °f JuK'ter. collected by him, in the same manner, and li,bl« .'oThi" '^"^'"" ""''°'"' '' ^''^" '^''' '• 9ih. salecfIandsforthe„on-paymenu£o"'a Is^^wbyC^^^^^^^^^ ""' '° "'^^'* ^"'f ^ to the present District and road tax on wild land" established, in respect jq^,,^ 5th. That the sum of money to be raised undpp ihia n.,„ t j • t$eive no year, shall be limited to the sum of Five SsandPon,^^ """ Hih saidrateorsumof three farthings an acre on Ia„,i« 7''°"'' '''"• '" «=««« "'« f^e Pound on rateable propertrassessed w1"h "h'e Dif,ri°.r T n"^ '^""'-P^""^ '" ^ "^ caedthesumof FiveTjsa^Pou„d^E!;';^5i^:Ka:^'|,^S,E -^ | 3 a ; tune hcing slinll bo alloivo,! wiMc.i lie dha'l be necessarily^ le District as tUe Council may ary to alter any Higluvay or (1 bliall become unnecetsaary stnct Surveyor to sell sucli line under his hand and sea] ?gal ti'.Ie to tlie purcliaser. roug'i vvhjch liie new roa.j nsation, the District Survev- ofllio District. Any funds H. be npporiioneJ and nssesep.l ^n ..m d,ngly. —J .'^.-ly upon all the said property and reduced accor- ^^^' ^^'^^^LIAN, Warden. THE SALARIES OF ISTRICT OFFICERS Ce it Enact ^"' ^- ^^^'^''' ^*"' ^^"'^' '^'*^' '"i ^.seniMed by° i!?ue of^n^'V'^' ^°"'"=" "''"'<' District of Bo.h., . oni.e District. Any fund. "^ it Enacted by ij.e Distrin r , . er, and to be appropriated by '^ '' ,«'"i assembled by virtue of and ^n i "">"' °'^"'<' ^'s'rict of Bathur.f . .-. ^ parliament of Cinniio • ? '. " """^'" < le ntithoriii,' «f f'"""'^sf, constitii- :SSMEi\TS. tD, lilh J^Iiiij, 184.2. "meniofthalmrto .;.• D ""' '^" Act to provide for tL. ..'''. P"^^'^ ''" '''« admrslDi,,™,, „o„„i,„,ej ' , 2J. Tl.a, f™„, .„j„,„ „r,, _^ ,^ ' ' "" " ""='"'"•'" l'"" I.. Prevmc, or ll|.|„, Ca. . 3J. Thai ,he CWk "r 1 n ' W™""- ' '"'*'""» ">• n Of money to meet the "t"'- That from and omnnK "'"as been allowed ire be assessed and levied • J paid to the District Clerk i?! f ^°"^"' ''""'''' of H>e District .1 ■ Weasnrer of the Di<;.rir. • ^ ^^'^'"i' "f One Hundr^,! p^'"'= » •''"e be allowed Lv I.alf penny in the Poun.M 5,h. S !? A JiZ^^^^^^^^ ^-"'^3. payable by tlj 1 JO m this District, accor. their duties accordrngiXr^l^ ■?''''■'■'=' Council shall at all ,• after provided. ^ '""' ^^ "'»""' any fee or i.erquis e evcpn. T' °"'"'' '« !>a Collectors of the seve- , 6th. Thafrom and out of th ' " '"^^'"■ ^^r:;i;^s.^Sir'^'^rr.::^^^^ - in this Distri.Tr ^ 'S:;^£r^^^ S!.^J^^tai!tnh Thtb ^^'"""''^'^^•^"-^^'^-^P^y^e^;^^^^^ .;^;^# ^;rovUi;f Sf:itS'S^-yor. Cler. of .e Council Au li 'TrS5Sr-=^«S"'»-»' • -y u.o iiiai uay Of J lefault thereof, it shall me increase, and to u shall in any year cx- 3ase, the said rates shall 1 o 3 4 5 C Feeding a Cow twenVfourhoJra, I 1 3 10 9 9 hiilj prirc. Que, half price. 12. « Inki/'gn Pig into pourul, . ' " ' 9 Feeding a Pig, „.enty-four hours * " ! OlVunderCnonlhsoM, ' ' ' ' n iouishee,, c(]ualioaCou-. * * ' • ^^-^-^toJo!:^\u^VuZf^^^^^^ '^ »"y oni.c above name.i ^^EX- I^I'MILLAN-, Wankn. BVE-LAW RELATING TO STATUTE LADOUR. Passed, lO.h aW. 1842. ;-J -Hi o^-sea:ble,lir:i.';ue t'f ^nd uJ' S°""'^'l "'" ^''^ ^=^'''""' ^^i^'-'. conrli..,. '""lent of fanada, intituled « \nA.t "" ""."'r^' "''''" Act passed i nl.e - 'Pe-' Canada, by the establislm"e,Vof III m^' "°."^'"""^'' H'e Province ..f Up- " - '.e,eb,. enacted by .he aulhorirSct^ne -'"'"' "'"'"^'"^'^ ""='^"' ' ' -' ' ,^'M-;::;on.!::;i:;3;;/'-^^^-i;,|^e,,,eduty or tl. Ccnnl ,o „pp.i,„ u.roo 'I'^'^ll'albn.asicr.inallot.irandennn ' \^''°^^ ^",'3' «''"ll l^e to form a Board t ■»cnm,„„,.,|,.i,s,Mmel. i';" l;''ii ,2''™^'"i*'»y pe-on or po. on. ;'»;' ^*"'"'"^'" "■" - -''i'^" ^S'Te t,r.7SLr;;:.'4r,»ei",! tbi Co to I Jt'P Pol ebij 7o fnerl; |\'iclc fidlj price, 2 G < G half price. I)} any ofilie above named 'MILLAN, IVardcn. E LAIJOUR. Bailiiirst District, conriidi. fan ActpasscJ in the I'ar- e belter internal Govern- itulcd tlie Pfovinre vi Up- 1 uiillioriiies therein j" and Coiiniil (o nppiM/it thrpo and Toivn oflVith wiih all be to form a Hoard to nroniiance o( the Siaiuio by the Magisli-ales, and t > 'lit and snbslanlial manner Imvn of Penh, and the "• Platiile iabonr for any '[ "1 which anv moncv loivnship, and iiitewjs'i' 'sposal of of the several 13. biSt'JSS-''^^ '^r "-e Township of „ , , ALEX. McMillan, Warden. A JR Y E LAW 4 I leenngs on the first Mon.iny in hfmon (^ nf' ?""' °"""°'' '° ''°'J «"cl' Tou2i^ |V\ hereas also, in and by the said L? «( January pursuant to Lnw a ^. Tlanls may hoM Sessions ■' ll'ey sliall give proper II or before the fust dav Win exibtence: nvo Jf "loiise the Paihmasfers '"iir, at any time through- bour through any casual- Jive them a certificate to •ar; the person or pcr- as the law noiv directs, iny person or po, ons lice per day, m he pai.l I May in each and every ake and sign the foliow- I alter his appointment, Illy discharge the duly '--b "'I'i Town^hirOffi^ri?, e'^:;'''^'r "'^ "' , B^i^'ii^reforeLceT'.'^^^^^^^^^^ " " "rst ,n Councl assembled l7y v^ ,ue of ? T'^ F"""^'""''^.^ of the District of B. 'rnvinrn r,r r^ — 1 . . .' ^^*'nueol and under Iip omi,-. •, '-"-'r,ci oi ±!a- "AnacltonroviXr ',"''^'°':'.'-^'°'^=" Act of the I'lovince of C^^^^^iSJ'^^Z-^'lr' ''''' "- nm c^t^ of r^?^. If^r l^ye-La IS a !d I "le next Town.Meetina 31 A , , ^* •' °"'"=u townsliipsi •"'(I cJ lUJ 'I'oWMsllip Olllf llie To 'lefure 80 n( 'iiiiii ■ " iiMd np """"or OS if he ), Jrr''?" ^V"'°"'^'' -n U,e Town.lWp Cle'lfs bJI ' '""'"'' ""'' ;;''lered De.lara ions io he .! "'' '" P'-^^i'le ami koZa Bo I ,^ ;'""«'"/' Clerk ""•n^l'ip Clerk slul i ,' f ""'' "'"' '■"^'" ""^v pr '("d 1 j""'" '''^" ^'« "'■ Oir.fc, and to si. I?; "''-^'"'^'ed,.hnl! nrglec,o.-pf 1! "'''?'"'' ^'''"''pillo-s -Md. nr makL «a^ri)'' I'""' ""'"in^'ion and!,"-' ' ' ^"°'' ^^•""'" Pl^nlmenUn marii;;"; a^^' I'm llio duties of pay n Slim of nut "'■y 8ucli neglect ■ior s fved jMe.i fas SL 4t>' be i|)ssim |i( bIio fheret "Jvacar iaiid 11 4iny T I'rescri •*V'arde pen to |li'Jn as '^nd vol be fVardei fo ca'ii fniised i'le man fcy the a «•!■ be I forenooti iiialij cl [1 f ^iJ eleci ■^•" pro.;,, for iJ.e .acatl,,, oul \ ^Z ^ '^ "" ' No. 2. ^'''''^' ^''"' ^'*- 1843. called th ake Bye- li^v bcreqi or nnj every Pan.I.«n.I Ue U Book ,n ,|,e «n„.e ai a ToivnsI,,,, Meeiw,,, ;y juc). Tovvii,, c& .) a Rook wherein shall Le "on3oefu.ce,„ering<,„,he re.«..l, Ihn. if any jer..,,, ^etomakeiheDedarn.ioM >'erk's Dook vvi,lun ci.h. o"ilinentinninMi,erafo!-. 'etoperformihoduliesof ';'f> nml,,aya8..raofn,.t 3j 'or every such neglect '.'I'at nil arxlevorv Town- er aforcsai.l, hy virtue of _ vesie.l with the same orofhcers h-ouI,1 have ' a Township Meeting sai't, that when and s., J o( the oppointmcn"ts 'oMhe cause or causes ind Councillors of ilie .nerehy fully authoriseJ 'cers in their sten,), who ^ook after being noiifi- «ve the same powers nominated and appoin- I-AN, Warden. e Dinirict Council ttf 7lh Feb. 1843. f Members 01 the Ms- ared vacant. ,"ie District of Ra- "y of an Act of the I-'- intprnal Govern- ho Province of Up- |-vrulfcrany,neud; ::";,:SS,;!f ''-/JNtl-orityann-esaii.::;"^^^ fczlr?!''T.-i-edToSi;;::^rr';-;--i.orenr,er;oS^ ' ' ilip oaths ;»'en to the Council nn ti.n r , "' '"^'" wr nine fiialnll ),V , ^"""Cillor lu tl,,,- llion as aforesaid an3 H "'.'.''^f "^ ""-''' "=eeiiL af . ' it '"'' """'i! ''>' ^^^''^^'^r- •i"'' vote in such Col ih '!"''' "'" "'" ^''"'o number of '''■'"i'*' "'^^"^'* '•"^"'g".-- "H'-'ber shall beand i" 1' "'' T?'^"'- i" ^-'^b re" g afi' T" '^' '"""^'^ '" ^" ^VorJen .here.,,Jon 'o . *? '>' #^'^^«'' '« l^e vaca S ' d i ll" ll" ri '"' ""^" <" cavpe an diction to i"!^","'!.'''"'''"' '" "'e Clerk of! « T m' '''^^■'^"' '""' "'" J-nused hy such re J ;; I'^J ^^ \^^ ='..1 proper perst ,.?'?'{' '"'"^'''''''g '"'" I'-e manner and fornf p e "r 1 1 ^1'''' '"'' "'''«^'' «^'d E'ect on 'I^ ^i, '^ ^■''^■"'"'y iv the authority aforesnu,'!;'-''^'^'^^- ^^^''Jed alvvat anf. :"" ''' '"-"''' '" / be holden as a ore 'id , 'IT ""'^ "^''^ eSo , u^^ V' '""'^>' '^"^'''e-' ««(/ ,mi:asnm',il of ,,,, nilnl, i °'°" "»'«<■'''■"« ™„fr„/ "■""" " "" «-"/'» * tif ;«:!:::'" """"■"■■" -- W„t„p,. , No. 3. '"■'«'». 1WR-J.1S13. ' '^cl cnm:r!(in- Ui orany ofilieoi);ecls' liu IG. '"; period, precis V'K'"'" '"^ "'« ^^^^^^^^ tZ;! • /S,?; ^l- : ^ . Bo It therefore enacleJ b^ ih« ir . "acia (v,il„, enacted by theSnr[t„ r. °'' ^^""'''''P^' autl.oriier.'.Z '. "' ^'''''"' ^'''"»''^' vinciai SU11II8 oonn ,1 ° "'"' '"' ''i« "Mio (|,e , ,„ !! ','. '"""« "i"mM .k." n,ou:. e'S wi h" r s ;;? "™ ,'° "'""0' "',,:„' fes, ',?"*' ni lit jdn f «f ; an< I sail \Ck (lut; eaci the I and Clof Ihoi his I men IhQ I; lotvni lionin pies said C bo pet duty (I puted ' require lo taiie Disirirl 7. I ligation I the Oisl |Cle/k, a 8. Collectoi which h( »hail deli [have tak( [nameaof pectiveljr, Wdes, tog( [Peace for 'Strict 0/ To W P'slrict of I ^■3rc-speci,wolv.-An.| where 1 ', a,)|,n,,,n,-,iiM^ ari.l a..- :'7''"'<"-<' /■'or ..o,rean,>, o.vvellns, "'" I^<^^vn8l.,i. Ollicera (viiliij lorscftl.eDijuicfofBathur. ";niy of our Act „f ,he l',; Province ul Upper Cana,l. '"<^^°'".' anc^ i, i3 |,e,cl,' lunv or l.rreufier (o be die: iovvnship, or place in il| lie now existing La IV or | ;' '" 's liereby required to rel '1'e.^by .J.rected lo be ma.J^f cad. and every year, to 6, ' "'eir first sitting thereafter "m now allowed by the IVc erk of the District Counc 'erkoftho Peace as herelc. i'f "I'/'J' ">='ke up the J,„ ■'pother purposes for whic fice. Nor shall the A,,-, III. the necessity of p„iii„, eTownshjpasnowreqii, cli and every Assessor sha '6 sum of Seven Shillin.- sxceeding one hunJre.l, ,, '' exceeding one and nti 17. <^'or. orthe Peaces n^o^^'jl^.^; l^'^^^^o. of the T;:L^i:;^td^7lL^'!;: Clerk shaii report to the District rf'^r"'"" '"^ "'« «a'ne JJSd If ''^.'l'^' Ccrk, .^e .onth „, ky in cuh ^ T very l"' V'''' ''"'"^ - "'" t d^T °r '"=' Ills iJis ricl who Inira „„i "•'rj jear, (he names nf nii a "'-^""u j uesJay a »l'o l3w direct.. ' "" '' '^ 'delinquent Assessora ma^bo procSeJ -''"" '■ wo;:;:Lt^,:;";rote^wt° "".'""'^ "^--'<'. Thatlir'"' " » «»iJ rates and fnr^°„, ?'"'."« P"."' '" >l'o Clerk of. " n!' ° ""'"» «>' «'- a'J, that when and so ofj 5ct any rate or assessnien lulic expenses of the Dij. 'is hereby required «r,o' fd.8 as aforesaid, to (livid, ion of the Warden, „po, "18 named, and liable i sonal, in accordance wit nat purpose; and havir wch and and every peri ^f the said District Clerl for each and every Co,' such Assessment List o v;ery such Collector sha OIerk,and not as hereto. ment List or Roll so ex. |o-nJeshere.I;::Sy:r:i:r^-'''""«y»'i-aid, Thatthes,,. "oning (1.0 said rates and for mnt, "^ ''""' '" "'<> Clerk of . .« P T" ^' "'- Pie»of the said Asses "nentS'"^^"".'.' "'"' ^'''P'""g eV m „« ? nn7" '^^V'""^" «o.d Clerk of the Pence , hot ! * >' !■ "'"" «»«« and bo n„ ,n '"""*''' '=<^- i^o performed by the Dis Li'^S,;^"'^ '" ''•""- being 'ra^sfXT to 5 ,';:;i,.;:;- <'n.y of each" aid' every ''cXr^'^^^ T, , . P'itod Township or 2co in fh?n""'"'"""^'' »"'' ipoir ted for ' "' r '''"" '''^ '^o 8 A I K • ■ 0» II Barnes of the parties in deS „"'' ,°", '^^'* '»''<'o""', and for Lh"^;'""' ''« *='«!'r>8 lo P^'ively, and the cincesS'an 'm '' T"""' '" '"«'" due J^^ J/r?"r' "•'"' "'« h'es, together with an nm u ". ^* Number of the Lot or r^r, ^rr ^^^' defaulter res- 18. forth in the annexed writing, with the names ol the parties attacheJ thereto iJ been taken from the Aiseisment Roll of the Townihip of as returned to me for collection, that I have used all due diligence to collcci •ame, but have been unable to do ao, and that I know of no legal menn^ by wl j any of the tumi therein stated can be recovered by mo, and secured to llie i.»iJ use. ' ^ Sworn before me at the Township of ) this day of 184 \ 9. And be it further enacted by the authority oforesai.l, That upon the i duction to the said Treasurer of any such olalement in detail, sworn to as sforeJ It shall be lawlul for him, and he is hereby authorized and required to allow tn ery such Collector, in his accounts with the District, whaiever sum or sums appear therein as nncoUeclable. A B Y E - L A W Relative Jo Jhe appointment of Superintendents oj Highways. Passed, Feb. 18, ISii No. 8. 1 Be it enacted by (he Municipal Council of the Bathurst Diatricf, ronstiJ and assembled by virtue of and under an Act passed in the Parliament of Can] entitled, «« An Act to provide for the better internal Government ol that pait ofl Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by tlie esl Jishment of Local or Municipal Authorities therein," and it is hereby enacted bvl authority of the same. 'I And be it enacted, - «^oiim.keo,.. k (including a detail K,e, T.° '''? ""'l"''« °' "''"«='' ''« *vns eloc \nce\8cc.) ?n., of wll .e £ Z t'i„ / 0^/' "'"""« ■"^'''"vc to cnt.Ie, vhere the meeting wa, |,c!,J. tl.o ot S I « «• ii ? ."r""^!'"^"""" "•«""" at the ,,Iace pleik; indefoult whereof he. all Seh hi n^^^^ transmit to Iho DiWict f«s than Twenty Shillings 'nor ™.n„ v d*' ''?'^ ^° ''"^'^ '" " P«"">"y "ot ', & Act. 4th i 5d. ViS "c^ToTser 60tr '^""'^' '"'* ''"' '"' ^''«='- "P- L ISa^: SK K VSS;i'.f^'„!-tr'l : Decla.-ntio„.» in „. founship Clerk himBeir, and brolMKr T " '•''^A°Jj'" ""^ ''S-'cd by the [illiin twenty days oftor .ho o d^nVof L . T?»v"sl,.p Officers of the Township h than TwL.y ShiinnVs, no n "fe I an f" ve" p''' "l"'''"^' ."""^^^ " ^ «""">• "^ "°t f-the office of the de/«ultl.r'. Sec 9dl, ,"t Vk, .I^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^''^ "•« '"^fe""" «. I Form of Declaration. |i ig ° E^^e loi '? n^ f " '!'" "^"^^"^'"P O"^"" !^^i List to any JusUce of the Pea?e vv d,in tK^ Declaration, and to transmit Nmay proceed against the deSeVo SX« n'n' '.t" • u""* "'^ ''"^ J'"" 22. 'i;'"n;yoiirt!,oyh,Ji,eeneIecleJala towns cap. 21. ' "^y ''"'^ '^"» appointed to fill. Sec. 9lh, 1 l""siljiliiir,s as ^ ict. can. 21. lient sureties ( T. " Bund''-.'' Towns/up Clerk:' , and D. K. of , and T. H. of ovvtisli is such, iliai if the above bounden K T .i,«n ii • f°"''""'-'' °'^"'e above bond cllice .nJ appI,ci,Lleioll,egens,.l use. of (lie fownsliip, anj M,,, ETm.i,^ -bhgation IS null and void, or otherwise to remain in full force! '^"'"'''' "'"" ''^'^ (Signed), K. L., Townahip Glerk. D. K. T. H. To ol/lain from the Assessor's Roll of the Township a Ust of all nersons in (he 1o^tn,\ui> liable to perform Statute Labour, shewing the number of day each ner- jun has :o work and submit the same to the Supenntendents of HlgS ways at • « f., .t mee mg in the year, so as to guide them in apportioning the Statute Labour to be done >n the Townsh.p. Sec. 21.t, 1 Vict. cap. 21, and By-Law of the CouS To attend the meeting* of the said Superintendents of Highways throuchout the year, and to record their proceedrngs.-(by.Law. mrougnoul the To witness the execution of the Township Coirector'a Bond, and certify to the Treasurer of the District that the sureties thereto are Freeholders.- (By-Law. To receive all monies from Oyo. Justices of the Peace of the District which they maj have levied as fines on any Township Officer or Officers, and also all moni/s vv they nriay have received as commutation money in lieu of Militia Service, to- gether with a 1 monies from the Treasurer of the District accruing from assessments on vvild Lands— and pay the same over to the Pathmastere under the directions of lieSuperintendenls of Highways for the Township, for the improvement of U.e roads. Sec. 10th, 1st Vic. cap. 2], & By-Law, Nov. 1842. To demand and receive from each and every Palhmasler eight days before the Inst meeting of the said Superintendents of Highways, an account or .tatement in v\ riling, ol all the monies which may have come into the hands of the said Path- master byvirtue of his Office, applicable to the improvement of the roads, either by commutation of Statute Labourer from any other source, shewing the nature of the expenditure thereof, together with the vouchers therefor, properly executed, which uicount or statement shall Le subscribed by such Pathmasterj-and shall at tha saine time demand and receive from each Paihmaster another account or statement 23. rt'^;;:';;!^"^"'--'"-.»"re-nswi,i, boil s±"-5 '.'■; q"-..i.y ir Err: ■'! :r :'"•.";■ ;""'"■■■"" s™^.= t. At or before the exnirv ^r ^« . ^. f^" -^ '» & "V-Law. Ndi,- icio vember SeEsion of each'Z° ^ '",?""' "'^^^■- '!'« n^'-.g of, he C , ,n li ,f iT" v -«r.{;frst7:'^s:,™LVrptt ."";'"" "«--'" — .' .-»vu ""^;"/ ""^« ■■-- '■--ci. S!" "s7c!irirc':'::'4"'= '» ••'■""^'^•"■ SsEiS^?-=^-'^^S"si-^ " To obtain the Wnrmm r.^ Dacemte, 1„ eaol vein n^," '"' '''"''""U ""m no. " h ?r':7'.'''e''''" equireVolrii ^ f " '" ""'J ''" "I" »«iJ Dili;, .''t?''"""' "™ "ft'er Jl:, Given anJer o„, h,„J, ,„J ," J, ,, """""•'■ *r. • »"» , on (ho 21. on Monday, Iho day of January next, nt , fi-r the purpose of I choosing and nominating Township Oflieera for tlie ensuing year. No'.ica ia hereby f given, that the annual lownsliip meeting, nf the township of , will bo hoI.Jtn | "* f on Monday, the day of January , at iho hour of trtclvo o'- clocii noon, accordingly. Dated ^^ Po^vn Clerk. At the township meeting, tho Town Cleik takes the Cliair until a Chairman ,J chosen, previous to wiiicli he \s required to cxiiibil in some conspicuous -dace, a ro. py (if his account current with the township, as rendered to iho Audiloia in tlio manner bclbro mentioned. Sec 2d & llih, Isl Vict. cap. 21. _ In the event of therebeirgan election of a Councillor or Cinnciliors, ho is re, quired to administer an oath U) any voter on the cerlifiod roll furnishel as arores.-ii,!, whose identity, or righ; to vole may bo dlsn-'tod. Sec. 6t!), 4-th & 5ih Vic.cap. lO.j For.M OF Oath. «' I do swear (or solemnly rlTirm,) tiiat I am i^. B. whns3 name is enlerel on the assessment Roll for the township of , anil llial I have not already volej at this election." f He is also required to keep Poll lists of such ch'ction, a ropv of which lie will require to transmit to the Disliicl Clerk, at the termination thereof. Sec. 7ih. 4th kl Oih Vict. cap. 10. ' ' fn case tlie Townaliip Cleik should ho clerfed tho Chairman or Presiding 0'.- ficer at tho election of any Councillor or Councillors,--hi3 duties, as PnsidiJ Of-\ ficer, are pointed out in the 7ih 8ih & 9ih Sections of the Municipal Act. At the termination of the election of a Councillor or Councillors, the townshipi meeting resumes for tlio purpose of proceeding with tho nomination and amoir.t. ment ol Township Officers, on which tho Town Clerk resumes tho Chair, u'nld a Chairman 18 chosen. Sec. 2d, 1st Vict. cap. 2l. If tho Township Clerk is superseded at the then meeting, hy the election of another person in his place, he will reqdm to deliver over to his successor all tho township Books and other documents in hia possession appertaining or belonginj thereto ; and he is further required to pay over to his successor the balance of Casli in hi9 hand's due to the township, as shown in his account current already ailudid to. Sec. 7th, Is; Vict. cap. 21. ' For the various duties he is required to perform yearly on account of the town- ship, the Township Clerk is allowed Six pounds per annum, if tho township f.rl which he acts returns two Councillor?, and Four Pounds for any other townshin re turning only one Councillor.— (By-Law, May 18i2. If he omits to sign tho declaration before referred to, within twenty days after! his oppoinlmenf, or if, after making such declaration, he neglot ts or refuses to perform r the duties ofhis office agreeably to law, his otRco becomea forfeited, and may has filled up by any two Justices of the Peaco within tho District, appointing anoihor^ person in hm stead. Sec. 9ih & 36th, 1st Vic. cap. 21. i ^. , A Clerk so appointed must sign tho declaration as aforesaid before he enleri. oX his duties, 18 liable to the same responsibilities, and has ail the powers and amhoritJ M If lie bad boan elected at an annual meeting. Sac. 9ih, ist Vic. cap 8l ^ elect from an i assei c'glil claro S.'iilii Justi( son innkii vviioli is req ed, gi tice o 1 which t>> inal pies'cr 7 'his ele Pound II [atity rieik's DiBtric A same n (By-Lr A iliey ha blank b townsh Tl rattabli \m her, real est (. K't or lo the sam number 1st Vic. He on or be rateable I* , fiif tlie purpose of I ig yC9r. No'.ica is hereby j f , will bo holik'n I at llio hour of trtclvo o'- j — ^— , Town Clerk. Cliair until n Chairman ts\ ! conspiciioua ;)lace, a co«j J (() tiio AuJilois in liiul "I r or Cruinciliors, !i9 i< re- oil fiirnislie I as a Tores.'! i; li, 4-lli & Sth Vic.cai). 10. lio93 name is entcre 1 on 1 1 have notaireaJy voloJ a ropy of which ho will) lliereuf. Sec. 7ih, 4ih &) lairman or Presiding Of 1 lilies, 09 Prtsidiiiii Of Juniciiml Act. ouncillors, the township j ion:iiiialion and appoin uiiiea tlic Chair, until >] ncciing, hy t!ic election j r to his successor all ihoj pperlaining or belongin,)| aor the balance of Cash I current already ai!uJitj| on account of the town- 1 m, if the townslilp fi-rj any other township re- 'ilhin twenty days oftetf ic ts or refuses to perform p forfeited, and may bo I ict, appointing anoihorj said before ha enters oi«j e powers and authority [ it Vic. cap 81. 23. elected or^.'r^shall £vefll r''"'" \''° ^'°''; '^'' '^'"■<='' '•" *'''■'" ''^ve her. fn.m dis.h.!- iMg his'dwty ' a a jn lion '' "'; f^r,'^'' '.-«''■■■" '-' i-apadtnted an I ,„ay be appointed by t! o \V , " an °^ /'"'''y/ickness, a «ur,ccUr ca. us-sembled-CUye-Liu-, Feb. isli: ^ l^ouncdlors of ,he l).«,nc., in Counnl cVitS^sS'u!: rJ^dJi'SlilrfSte"-^'^ ''° "'''^'^' ^''"^•-'' -•^'^' tiara.i.n in hi,, boul,, as in other cis u'n °r . '"^Z^ '"-"'''^" ""'^ ^''«" "^« '><^- S!>i!li,.gs nor nm,e than F,ve >m„u oZ 'V ''?"">' ^' "'" '''^^ "'•'^" t^ventv Justice, of the rence.-(i3ye.L.Iv Fob ,01,'""^'*='^''" complaint before any tu;. Should a disonto arise between ilm '3 , . ■ son or person, vvi'th whom the^, y L^e^;;:;!? ''7'^ -'fHlghways and any ,.- mnkirgof any part of a road, |,e uXZ7TstT^'' agreement relative tn',|,„ whole of the number of P„|,nal3T,?«r " ""^° Puthmasters from t.'.o is required to appoint a time ordpnVef'l ''"''''' '"'■'""' '"•''' '''^'""^' ^"'l ''" ed. givingeach of ,hem, and al.oSepn te n'''''T'f"'^ ""^ I^"hn>ns,er. .', ,.„!„, -^ -rthe time andpla.e so app.^^^ iL'S; U V;rS;^; ■•"^^' """ T^^t^f ,:''k''''^ '^^"'"^ ^^""^^ COMMrSSroXFR. To attend all the meetings of the Srhn, I r •• '^''"-''^f'lvS. which he arts, and to record their proceei^^^ ^-' "'^ Sownsbip in to make out their report, and transmit S If , "'' '" '^^^^T'C^Mhat p,u, o.e P.eecribed by law. \, '^^^^X! ^^t!'^ :^:^^^^ - ll.'l..^; assessorT" 1 sign the declaration in the Townshin C\o,\.i i i • , :1ns election under a penal-y of not le s £ ^ttySh ,::""" '"""••^- '' -^- ^•'" Pound., and the forf.-iture of his office. Sec 9 , Vv ^' "'"■ "'"'■^' "'«" t'>ve 11 he has been appointed bv the rn.'.nV i • ' "^- "'''P- 21- inctyofhis predecessor, e iCirSl'" '.r^'^'r'^" '''''''''' ''-nth or innn- ne.k'sbookwithineigh/daysafteT Si;^ol n r '''^^^,^'-''^'«" '" t^.o Toan^i, „ j.y te;;s;!a,LT:t«-": v^,^ '';"™' ?'"^. - .«™ ., bhnkbook, or Form. fo,i,k:n, ,he en™"„i' „ .,f .n t"','/" "" """' knoivledge and belief, So hel . mo God » ' assessment, to the best of Sivorn before me at * j ""3 day of ,81 ; on or b:^;^^"^'"^?' Zt^ ";;; ":^;|r''-^ - »--i. '^ «l.e Distric, Co,, -n tl,e .ownship, not included i7tha A ses^m „t 'S ^ r 1'"'"'^ °''^" "'^ '"'"'^ only. Sec. 4ls,, ,«. Vic.car2r& Bfi;:v;:'Kl'^8ir "'""' '^ ^ . FORM OF SCHEDULE. A Schedule of Land, ia the Township of . , ~ Lois or part of Lots. Ihe lonriullin for lh« insneclim VThC™., f^ ° ?T" «°»»?i»"o»3 place is p«tlhen.meof8„K™o„7o7Llr,f?h.D'''°" «;i"i?J •"•! bound „ „. before deli7erl»g in JT-Ssmlnt Roi? ^ ,h. n ,™; ™'",''''"'°'> '<""<'"< *!• By the Act4.|h & 5th Vie ran <19 hrf., M ^ i . . '"' ^*' ^"'* c^P' 21. habitants in the lowns^irtopeiher ^th rlr.l T^ '°-''^° ,^ ''°"«"« °f 'h« in- five years, according toTforrtoreSniSferhi.?'^^ inrormation, every or before thofirst day of FebTua^v in the tar fl? Y '" ^'"■'^'" °'^"'° °'«'"«'' "" ^ould he fad to deliver the Assessment Roll to thloisTdc. blerk on or befora It » s J •wnsliip OlFicer's Art, as III tnake an iiffi iavii of ii^ e Peace of the D.stricl.— ntains a irue ernimeraUnn ssessmeiit, to the best of smit trtdie Disfricl CIptk Sche-liile of all ihe Ian. Is I'nii \a also required tj Feb. I8t3. in (lie District of 'nsliip for the year : Number of Acres. he Assessment Roll eo 3 conspicuous place in lants 'sts. , and for the use of Sec. U, 1st Vic. Assessment Roll, a'' ""' ^^eeeaipg within the DiM.ict rr„ny appoint a Lvv A 1 ' T^ "''" ^"'"■''" '"'"'<' P"c^ 3e.h 1.V.C,. cop. o/, ,1.1, i;'l-;j,^^;7--nh,s room. Sec. 9,h, 15.1, 5. .i:eir^ .•:r;:^^e;^i;::;:^i;f j:l:^i;tr;;;^'''^ r-'^' -'" '^ -''^^d of s L'n the declnr«lion in the TownS Ip C Ik'^ b o . ""r ' '' r^''''^^ '» '"«ke ar^d ..■■ke ,m from ,he Dis.rict CK^k.o rSe ,he I, J ^'^^^^ '"' -ill require to or for.r, f,.r toking the as.ses8.n.M < of (he ownsh . 7 . ?'"' "'* '''""'' '^""'^ «ion of this duty on the part of hi. pre lecerri 1 L^' "''''"'''' '^'' ^°'" "'« •">'!«- l.l Vict. cap. 21, and By-Law. '^'"^'""'''^"'^ "'«« ''^ was appointed.). Sec. I5ll,, Assessors so appou.ied hy the Jiislicei hivo bII ►!,„ arc suhje.t to the sume responsibiline oTi ev " /fl''""'" ^['J, ^"''^"^i'y and lownsh-.p meeting. Sec. 15th, Isl Vict, ca'' 21 ''^"'"'^' "'^'^"^^ "''^ If any Assessor shall die within the vp'aMnr ..,» • i i, or appointed, previuns to the completing .f '.;;«! 'fl','""^- '''^' ^'"^ ^'«'='^'' leave ihe t..wnship, or shall be incanaciTated^rnr . . ' "f'"'" ^""^^' ""• ^''^It I'ndily sickness, or mental alien ioKSce^^^^^^^ "' ■'^"'^ '^J' ^^''^''^ "'' tod by the VVanlon and Council, in Co ncT '^'.^1'" "V"^' ''''' ^' "PP"'"- to he notified of hi, appointment hy tl°e Di ,rLt Se I ^ " 1 ^''T'" ^''''"'"'^'* roti-m in the Town.h/p Clerk^« iLk wkl relh ial ,7 r?"*^ ''^f "'^ ''^'■'^- povvers and aulhoritv, and he liable to the s.,rl^ 1 ''"^ "./hereafter, .„ have a]| u,e elected a, a townshij/n.eeting - (By-Law FeblS"" ''' °* "" '"' ''^^ '^'^'^ oil, c^b:';::i,;:f ;;;S^'s;;[^^^:;^- js '^^ *"^*^""'^"^^' ^°- .om S ";t:e:^^;n:^.r:i^^^'n:i^^j^r ?^""^^'- ^--" of ..^Act 1. Vict. cap. .., have been oil^SbrtKSIiqS;^;.?^! .nou!^tsrs;^:^^ Above ^50 and under ^100, 6 1-2 per cent. 100 150 200 250 300 All above 350, (I (( (( n <( C( J 50, 200, 250, 300, 350, COLLECTOR. 6 percent. 5 1-4 per cent. 4f 3-4i per cent. 4 1-4 per ceiit. 4 per cent. 3 1-2 per cent. If he has been aiinoinied bv ihf rn„n«:i • ' ' nolicpoflns nppoinin;cnt, r„m lliPil lit 1 1... . . ■• i^ He IS require.!, on or before the first dav of I„!v • . .> HO re.SMrer of ,l,e District, execute, in ' ll r ^ '" '"'' ^''"''' '" '''?"*•" » bon.I ("I.., shall b, Freolujlders.) ina ,3' . 1 • ^?'' ''''"' '^^•" «""^cienl sureli.., <'.' oil ru.o. ,0 be c.i!ec.e.l i.^ the o. "s i,^' Xh 1 "I'l '^^T'~'''""^^ '" "^ -"""'' ni!>, Ac. I„. V.ct. cop. o|, and Bye-Law^Feb. ISJ^;"'' *' °""*"-^^ ^>' '*'"'• ^ec. ,. „ ^'"" " CoLLECTou'. Bono. ami F V r ' '" '''° i'lStikf . | , ^ r\ '"^/^^-- "^ '• • " in the su^r:^ ''' -' «r'^ '^-"" '"^- --^'-'-^r I'»Hl ,0 ,1.0 saij J. 0., Treasurer, a. aforesaid or l,f. '"''""'■'' '" '^'^ '^''^" ""'I ""'v M^J'nem well ,.n.l truly to he n.ade t H he" rf n '""7'7 '" ""''•''' '•"• ^vhi.i. .everal.y, our i,, executors a.d in ir,l^ at^s li/T .'"'^ r''^'''' i"-"">- »"'' w, I. our eeal., and dated this dnv f ' "'Y ''•'' "''"« ■^^^''''"'S sealed lie rondition of ihe above bond is sue! ihn. t .i '" ','" J'^""- "''"'" Lord .^>l!ect all rote, and assessments o | e 'fovn T "'P.»'"'^'l''"'""len , ehall '7"e year eighteen hundred and ^"''?; ^""'."fjP "^ Townships of ' s all ,,aj all monies which he n.ay so colk4t A^x'^e ' f • '"" ''''" "Pl-.nted, nnJ of, he District, «" or before iLhiraAll'^' ' "n" I''''' ^'^"'"g^) to ,he VLMr eighteen lu„ulr.>d then il 1 ^'""day ,n Derendjer, in the said w:se to re.nuin in full force n.d Virtue. '"^"2"'""" ^"''' '^'^ """ «"J vo.d, or other' „ ;;'• the Township, which Jj^Il^" t J ! ^.S :^ V"'' V' ''" ^«— "' I^ ■ pny >J^;"::r ^^tr'tJ^^Kr:^:- S^S;:^.^^^^ - ^e cCleeted, and ^ l^ih, lstVie,.cap:2l. ' °" "'"'^ "'^n "^^t anniiaitown ineeii.g. Sec. '^'^^'^^^'^"'^^^^^^^^^ °^,f««^J l-ora housoorto- t^essment and the tima of the colWii.Vnr fi '^'^'ween the lime of taking the as- '■-: to clemand,. clahn. and rec'Jer' 1 le L'lSV!.''"? '' 'T'"' "'^ '^^^""«- =Kiid house or tenement only, from die « . ^°^' '"''^ ''^^" "-'^'^'''sed on the '» n,ns, be n.a.le fo.uteen a " L he?"" ''^T.f' f "''' •'^'"="'' ''•■""' "'O year : - If ,h. year expires be ,' e t e Co I !? ,'' """''"'^ '" December in each. i;--.'nily ,,al,e for tl/e an..,, J ' :,^ ' ?, "i:'^^^ r''\ ''^'"''"''' "^^ ''^''"'"'^^ lU-less his recourse against ,he tenn " andma n. 'T'^"*.*''^ ^''^ector has never- "f Ihc said rates by a U'airant ofD 1',! V "^ "'?^'' ^S^'"'' '''"' 'or the rocoverv S«. lOih, U V;ct. cap. 21. "'^ '°"'"'^'P '" "'''cl» lie was assessed. ' I 'jcacli y Iprocee I Jus, ice i l«}'nc I prior ti Jrily lol !; rules, i ? of such ' I»! V\v If (.'ive nil licliire I piiioiini ■Sec. 4( r:iiiinr9 To Townsli Her Mo, jrated on ithat the I filmt it is ifoniman iilie said ; ivith the Led by la Givi The ship vvlii( |(:'r h'om |W, 1st V Ifit |vvliom it jconscqiiei jver (0 ih( j amount h j account t [amount ir her of the [inched (lie [nlTidavitsl [ District of Tol land rcs;)e( jailached i! aa ofliis nppoinin;cnl, r..m tlie preceding Scclion fity omlaresiilijoff to all a towiisliij) nitelii'g.— . ill year, to deliver o bond f' two siidicienl siuelics npiMtidiied lolhe oniouiic d slinll be exeriiied and "ceniCcJby hiii,. Sec. florol'ilie rnles for (he • nnd C. D. ul" 1(1 to J. O. Treasurer nf . to Lc well atJtl iiuly sor in „(Ti,.p, i„r whieii d ourselves, jointly nnd ■ ilicse preacnis, sealed enrofour Lord ^I'oi.nden , eliail ov\nsliips (if :' been nppomted, nnJ ^" l>er cenlago) to ilie "ereiiiber, in the said "II and void, or otiiei-- lio will then moke op- f ''ilie V\ssessinent Roll ^ '■ting all eun;a lliercon, '• t>ec. I7ih, Isi Vic. can be collerlcd, and unt with the Treasurer ' ilefaiih whereof lie is I town inectirg. Sec. sed for a liouso or (c- time of taking tlie as- lavvful for the Collec- I been assessed on the cli ilemand from tho r' in December in each' •leninnd, he becomes e Collector has never- t liim lor the recovery seal of a mngislrat.^ lich he was assessci.!. I J It, , T> ^°^'^ °^ Wahhant op Distress. pallinrst District, > To Mr 's^rlss, 4,„''^^^'"/ i VVhereas, Collector of the- Eequire, one of stands for tlie sum of .1 , .1 . , - '3iiiiiines and Pu«-.« i i- . "^ *""' "i (Jivcn uiiJor my l,j„j a„j je.! „, I'e said goods and chatiel. as prrs'l: »'•'* day of s!ii]-i The Collector mav be aiithnrt^oi i i- . A B, J. P^ p' -l-h n.ay ^^^^eVuoltr^e^^^^^^^^ the rate, in a town- consequence of indigence, or from anV nil.;!. ' ^]^ "'' '''"y »<«"d charged, in ver ,0 the Treasurefof t/.e Scl ^a t "^7';^ ""••""'" '"^ ^^'"'"•^'^ ' ^'eli- nmount he claims to have taken oiran'lleSedrrlTh'''"^^^ ^"''^ "'« ''"11 nccountand for what- reason, m^h ZnZJT^^ rnmu,, m det.,1 due by each defaulter especTeU ^7^''^ '" '^''''"'•' ""^ ""o l-er o( the Lot or part of the Lot on whiph^l!^ ' '^ "'^ Concession and nu-n- .nced thereto, an J .vvo:n to btfc.esom J fcH? if' l^^^"'";-"' ^" "'"Javit at- ,«irulav.t shall be in ,he following form,^"/" ' ^''" of theD,slfi«t, whicl.. Risirictof nmli^rs' ) T p i. . - , . ^" ^V. : ,„,, Di,, .^, ^^Co lee or of the Township of ;„ ^.^ .1 rcs;>ect,ve s.tms .ei forth iu the annexed wrTtrt ^-.k","*^ "'^'' "''' "'« ««^'«''-«l auached .hereto, have been taken fn,rt ^e 1 « S; '^I '''r.^'"'' ^'^ "''' P^'^'«^* " -."".ed t. „. fo. .necion, th.YC S.f ^H ful'diiSnctrfolle., 30. •ISC. cu can ue recover Oil by mo and securcl to the puLl.c Sworn hePdre me at the loivnship of in the sm.l Disirici, tins dny of lS4 '^ Feb. 1813 ^""^<^'"' l'^' '!'e a.nou„t so ur.culleciable -(Hye-Uw No. li, 'i.a Q^S^S!";-;;^?;;?,:;;; ^jrr ""''^' '•;? "T""'" ^^^ "•« p^-'' "^ '-'^-^ '■y II e D.sirloi T e Lrer wh„ '"'• •'?'', ""' -' "'»' '""^ ''« l'^«''^'ede.l ng,i„s « Collecor. Sec" Sth. ulv^ "eVp"^?" °"^ '"'"'"^ "''"■•^'' '->' '^^ '^"^ '^y Clerl^SS,;:S,::;S;''V"7" "'^ "''^'''"''''" >" "- ^ownslnp Jive Pounds, norlesshrTvetvSMIIifr .'''■""'' ';"'"">' ""' ^^^^^^'''-'s 1^1 v^ic. ca... 2.1 '^^ "^ Collector in his room. Sec, 9t'n and 36ili, .^1- cffioe. S.C. 9Jriit Vic c?p o,' " '^'"^■' ""'" ""= "'^"^'^^'"''^ I'^""")'' '''"J '"^^ iH>e.t;s:^:;;;;:sl;:;i:;E'{f|^j^:;;'".''^ey-^ "^^ ...ich he shau have ^, or shall lei -eteTS/o^^^^^^^^^^ °'' ""^ "'' ''^^ duly bv reason, .flu; 11, ^"""^"'1'. or shall be incapacitated from discharging Lis nnd will within i^h "S-r^he^ e !l°?r^P"'?'T' ''^ "'' ^'"'"'' ^'^^^' I stiin Cieik's book m llr .iL c^ i ^ ^'i'' "S" "'® Declsrotion in tiie Town- | .•an J e!=m:y 1|-Sr^.=^:'^S. ^^"-'-' -""^^ ond -'ett^nrerin" hf^^'lfch^^ P"'' '" "'« <^""-tors. will be fixeJ .equire. S^Sh^l.Sdlh'l^r';:;' T """ '" '"" " ciicun,s,ances ma, '.y .1. J5'is?S"':'u.e Acr I'X' Zt "r^'r non-payment of Rates is fi.xeJ each distress and sale. ' ''''•~^' '' "''"" ''"""'8« °"'l '"""^ Pe"ce la, SUPERINTExNDANTS OF HIGHWAYS ^ Are required within one month after the receipt of a notice from the Disiri,i T ; ,si i "cLiiirrt:''";'-' "'r'%*^'"^'^^ ''' ^'^^ ^ De:i:r<„:''Lef^.:' M^7 '"''^' 1?^^""^' "'''^" expedient, but not less than two in each year r' wli cl, they shall give proper noiice, ihe first on or before the l«t day" f Apnl ,| last on or before the 1st day of November, at all of whi.h the To ' .hip C fivill all - will foi A will su >; iiic ti) I I) worl Hjveral and at rniits a Orders T, Rtaiitial lieu of lliree yi 5 parties ? ways a I to such ' ihe pers i the full ! If : Icct or I [ ogreeme I like pen their sta If and in p thereby of High fulfilmei Pathmas he draw in the T( who sha ballot sill parties, and placi masters a them, an them sha be final. The the imprc taiion of i Treasurei 8liip, also as commt any defau may be ir '"iprovem rnn!p£il mpansl.'v u-hirh and securei] to the public iithorizpd and required lo ble— (Bye-Law No. ,'i, at the period of lioiding iine lie proceeded ngiin^t lit VVnrranis of Disttesi e which may be due by •ation in the Township ill have oniiiied or refii- and (Ijscharge his ijuiy l>enaliy not exceed I I'g I Justices of ihe I'etul I. Sec. Oi'rt and 3Gili, 'reof, after wliich he is ownship Clerk's Bonk, bresaid i)enaliy, and lusi ' which he shall have mplelidg of any of h s 3d from discharging l.ij . successor can, in any in Council assembleil'i - hy the District Clerk, laration in the Town- ince in such case ; he aine responsibilities as February, 1843. le Municipal Counci;, 3. ollectors will be fixeJ t as circumstances luov 31. Two of their number at any auch meeting, ill nent of Eates is fixed gs and nine pence ki YS lice I'rom the Disirin Declaration before tie jd to act,, under a pen- two in each year, ' 1st day of April, the the Towi.&hip Cle,; I will allt'nd t(» record their proceedings. ivill form a qiiirum. At their first meeting to be holden at the time aforesaid, the Townshin Clerk w,l sub,n,t to them a is, of all persons on the Assessment R^H of the Tow ,ip I - bio to perform stalut. labour, showing the number of d^ys evorv s "cl ,e ' U work, which said statute abaur thev are rcciuired -.„ 1 tin,..,, i . '. Hoveral places in the Township tL ll S ,, li i' "^ '^ °'''""""" ? "'" and at disorotioi, to sucl ph..:;: S." ^Ifla' o!!;' S^ T JJEd T't^^ oZ\::;::^^r'"'' ^-^ '"^'-^' >"epa,hm3st.sri:pect,vc?;';:'cX at .anti^mf;iriiV;^':^:;p!;rR,nr;;^t^f^ ''"•"^"^"' "•"' -- heu of such person'uf persons s^athbr',: ; i''*; /TT""'" 'T'^'V "' ^.l.roeyears,'anJtobe'governedtheL'.,;s£';'i;r^ """^ ""' ^'^^"^'"'^ I A 1 agreement^ of this nature shall be committed to"writine and s^encd bv li... I parties thereto, and thereupon it shall be binding on the S.Sme d'nSf f Hi. I r;s;; E;ti;: ;r;";,:r; "fx^^i^^^'i" ''r- "'" ■ "" the.r statute labour. Sec. 4.3, Isi Vic. cap Vl "' '"'^ '" " '"''^''■"' If any person or persons shall have ma"de and entered into s.».h n„... and m pursuance thereof, shall have made a nart or ti.l . \i r f, "g'^'^^'"''"'' masleri ats roqii re4 lo meei, anj alter lia»i„, h, I f .,■ ■ "'"'""■ "" '"<'' ralii- *«"., and examining ni/prei i i iu K' r if, I "^r"'"' *"l""i"«J <■■ *om.l,.llappea,i,fsundS rtc a^A'i^^^^ be Bnal. Sec. 46ili, Ul Vic. ca|r 2 1 ^'"'''"^ »" "'* !"""' "•'' I Treasurer of the District as accruing from Road Taxes on wTir^ ^.lerk Irom tno al'ip, also all monies received by the Townshio ClPrl fr? .T r "^' "' ""^ ''•^^•"- aa commutation of Militia service or as fines _i "« J^^'"='^s of the Peace -.p™ve™,n.„. .r,,.e H:a\V:;::":5£r,,^l°7^r,hrat;^'„^^';il ™;;:- 32. i3y ilieSJ clause of ihosai.I Bve-Liiv ii.„ c •empowered to direcl Puil.maslera at anv . m. r ^r'""?''*-'"'' of Higl.wny., u^o |.er»on or pers-.ns liable to perfor,,. S.SLo / a t ' » " /'" ^'''''' '" •'•^" "" ai, breach wluch n.ny he causeri in a pu lie "l.t^; l/r'aU'l " '" "'""^ '"'^- ""^J^' llierwise, or for the repairing of any Im.W or r3« V V^''^ '"""J-^''"n or o- or for mending any ro'ad deLoyeL! J/ S^or T'^ "'^'^' '""''' 8-«" ^A Blruclu.n in sut-h road by reason of faML-.i'ii,. I... ■^' ' ''"" '"'"'"^al of any o' I or to fix or set up bea J,a „r .taL t^ ' X :.;\Sr"" "'■^""^' ^' ""'--'- mars, plain. oro.l,erplace.-(Bye.Lav.tN v [«^^ > -V^'"' "">' ^"■'''" ^^^'''-•J The Superintendents of Higl wavs are r,n',.i ,V ^ "'"^ ^''- '^' ^"■- "p. CI. before the l.t day of November' e-, Tea? uvlic ";.'" ""-''^ '"«' '"<^«^'i"g o" "r^ mand tro.n each Tathmaster in tl.e Township ' ,„ ' ' "^ ^'"^ ""'liori^^ed .0 Je.j (provided «„cl. 1.33 not been furnished SuXt^ irr*" ""[""''V"' '" >^'"i"J manner in which the Statute Labour that tv a UiL ! lowneh.p Cle.k,) of ,! j lormod, showing the names of the per on «r,l"r nlf ? '"^J'^-'"'"" I'ns been porJ elected .0 workfand shall at sucl ume au?ho.' ^ '' | " I>a ,? "'? ''^"^"^ ''^^'^'^ "^ "^' against the defaulter or defaulters in tl.d rl-^^^^^^^^ athmas.ers to . ,/orrc the In. cribed by the 27th Section of the Act 1. V c c.^" ' ^'''•""'' '' '""'"'' '^'" demand from each Pathmaster another acoount oT^tM.r. . ' '^'"" *' '''•='' '''"^ nerin which the monies have been expended htn?? '" '"''"'"^ °^ ""O "'an- applicable to the improvement of the rS. fn Jl .1' V^ "°"'' '"*" '''^ '"""'- previously been furnished to the TownshpCerkWi I. '. I ' ""°""' ''" "°' '^'^^ ceipts for the expenditure ; also an ncco nt ol" anv an j alf ''!"'"'' '"'l'^''"^" "'' ''■ perlormed more Statute Labour than bv Law iCJ f ' °?°"' "'"^ ""ay ''^ve accounts shall severally be subscribed by 'e SmalV'""".'^ to perform- whic. fore a Magistrate, and shall bo filed whhL riZiV".'^ ''J'"''^ on oa>h be' ■Highways. Sec. 31, Isl Vic cap.2l. ""''^' ""^ "'° «"Perintendents .1 If any Puihmaster neglect or refuse to produce :.ri.l ,.,!„„;, „ , ,. accounts 33 aforesaid, the Superintendents rJayTrecr,T "."^ '/l'^ °" «"4 force the law against such defLutlingPathmSrinL Townsh.p Clerk to en] 81st Section of the Art Ist Vic. cap. gj ' " "'^ """"" P''esc.:bed by t|,e( Sec. f9?Sls7vrcl;if '"'^ ^^^°"^ -» '^ -^° ^y '"e Town Warden. 80, they are liable to be imprisc.ed for a re. iod no^ exrn'. r"*^ "^^^''7 ''^"'' '° 4 they have no chattels lrom\vhich a fine ca'n t^d and Slel '" '"''' ^''M Persons whose names have been, throuch an Prrnrn-wi" l I Assessment Roll, are nevertheless liable o do S.hl/ , ""'^ '^''^ P'-^"^'' °" ""I « authorized to.vVarn them a ccordirely! *°Sec 3i th?is';!V?c:;f j';! ^'"""«^'''' TOWN WARDENS. .Th= Town Warieni .re «,«ircJ lo noiif, ,he Palh™>,i„„f,h,„ J ET^i9ia£i.^nB«H:=' 3). Sit|; uinyljavogveii wnv,, • «lie roiiioval of ntiy ol'.i niiilorsMow.trotlierivif £ ii.).'er«Mj. froz..|)wat.-r.' 'O^cc. IsiVic. cap. CI., I'l llieir last ineeiing on orj ''cy are aulliorized lo (le.f or slaloinonl in \vnu,J lownshij) Cleik,)or t.V lis division has been noff may havo refused or no. Masters lo ,i/orro Ihe In, ions in ij.o manner prcsJ J shall niso at such time i» m writinj of iho man- ave come into his \\anM li account lias not aL ! proper voucherti and ref persons who may have uiind to perform-whit!i| and verified on oaih he] «ho Siiperifitendents til J^mit any and all shcJ Township Clerk lo enT inner presciibed by ilJ Ijy tlie Town WardemJ •ein, ore required by tliJ and if they refuse (o J "ling six days, providej »vied. f itlod to bo placed on tlii ur, and the Palhmagieil ic.cap. 21. in which Iho claimant for cjcempiion reside*. 'own Wardens are eiir, isbip, who hasnotbeeJ performance ofSlatua water of the division iJ Hy ilio 13th Section of the Act 1st V\ct ,■.« o, I," '" ■"• to the Migi.trates of the DiHiricrtliH na, ,1- r "^ ' """^ '"■" ''''l "'^•^'' '" '°P"» i'.l.ahi;,n(s of the to^ynS ' ^ '^ '"«" '" ""' ^'"'«^'" "'' "'« l'^"*'" "( ^ho Th ■ '■ Nor have they ,he power t"o fix and rrg-daio the Poundke^ tcpers' rov/iicia hnnnon »„ „„ ir . ' tiiiuitt»,l.S ailllOSl CVOry COniUlHBIU happen 'lo occur Vidc- 'I'ha 5jh clause of (he old Aot n/ -JQ I r- .. i ^i ll'e^l^i.cluusa uf the 12ih cap. Act 4ih, Wm. 4ih. iiL-y that iii:iy h provideil I'lat Overseers nee Viewers, wa!]>ca!e.5 l-OtJND KEEPERS, f,am^>,r, or doing da,na,e. bee. 32. Ac, ll' Vi . ^'ft '"""<""' ''"'S'' '-*- orth/:;;j;S •;; ;:;Lrt;';;rl;,:r j^i rf '''-- ^-« - "- ^-^ ^-per •weeper's duty lo do so-hei^s ^y:^;ir^[:/ZZ''T'^ '''' '' '^ "^ P-'' ' fi^ may be br.ougl.t to hi„^, Sec/aa. 1st Vic canT. '*'' "" ''"'"'' «"'^'' '""■"^!^ ^nnk"tnnl:VST^^i -"-'-^ ''i-'^'' wi... .ecessar. Ud and tune and ph..e at which he inte 1 1 .tTot; le j: J^^ '"^•^i" o*- i-e if there be a.v overplus after ded-uotin. iuT^Sk^J'^ / ""'*""* ""■ "'^•■" 5 «"-^ Mtinicipa Council, and t!,o amount KiuVrla^T,:''"?^^^ fi.ed hv ihe F>-s. the Pound keeper shall return the same^ , ' ""^' ''^ ''"'""-'J '"'■ '!'" Tres- -rear to „aim .,. .ucney, ,1. PouS S^; iriJ^S l^^^^ i!,- '-^ ^S 34. 'tl.o,.j.,.of.hoTown.I.i,Cle.MorthcLenerw.r.^^ Scc.3.V, ,.t V. H.e exn.radon of .he first f.fJen day.' not ?^7 u S','.'"' ''f.^^'"'-"^''' at ..r bef.„e «c t .cm. bnl ,l,all MoMpone .!,e Llo f r fortv tv ""' ^'T' "'''•'" "'" ""-'^ winch forty day« the h.und keeper «hal 1 fn ^^^ ''^° expir,.tl„n of -crpln, after paying hi, co„.. a'ndt el" ''",:',,:: "'^ '""7'' "'"' ^^•"»^" "'« «|.acc ofthree n.oiuh», if not. to the Tou n r?.' I V"'' '^ •''"""^J "i'l'i" H.o l.lVic. cap. 21. ' ° '""" ^''•''' '"' '" 'I'o lu»i Section. Sec. 32, The porgoii taking any aniinal or animnl. i« n i ,• mn,. wl.hin twen.y-f.Sr hiur. do : " i^.u:";' p" '?,'"" ""'' ''"-«''. H nlo.nent ,n wriiirg of the amount of his cl«i,u f ' i° f""'"' '"-•^P'-•^gi^'e Im., a Vu-. rnp. 21. "" *='""" '"' stJcl. dan.oge. Sec. 31ih, l,t If tlio owner of the ralile ohiect to ihn nm«i.„i wr . ns aforcnid. the Pound keeper irr q i red tcTZ <•. I '""P ''''''"^'' ''' ""•""•" • or householders, furn.ers, tT ,tle ., ? '" '^"'"''^'"'e.l, rommiited, and «l.o to judge of the a Encv ff .t'TT ""T^ '« ''"ve been ivheren, suchaninmls were found doi,^ damace^ n n H Jj " ""'"'""« "'° 8^""'"' exammc Biich fence within tvventy-fuur hourlnft^V ?i ^. "' ""y '*^^^ notice, and de.ernnme wl,e,her the fe e avvLl ? '''r ''" °' l''".^""'"' '''^«^I^«'''' lationa, and if it be so, then they a ^Ln i p7 , ''''''"^ " ''*« ^"'^"^'-ip rpg"- |H.t their award in wri'ting, w iS they m3 aiLV'''^T''' ""* '''""^»« ''""« ""^ receipt of.he Pound keeper'. nolicSirawa?; to be""!;' '" ''7"'>Y""'- ''ours or. Sec. 35, 1st Vic. clp. 21. '^ ""^ delivered to the Pound kee|>- If the animals which have done the damnee are n,.i rr«« „. I'itrators do not req.iire to examine the fence a" all but „ '^'''°-^"'"'""'"^". Hie Ar- of damnge. Sec. 35, 1st V.c. cap. 21. ' "' "' ""'° '^°'^"^''" "" ^''^ "mount Persons notified by the Pound Itppnur tn «.>..- • n,ay corns lo, and ll,e cl»in,nn( refu.o, ,„rt .°m 1^ , L '"" "'? " "'• •»«fJ PATHMASTERS. penalty of not le.s than One plul nor mlffh"i.''' " n '"*'" "^"^"""P' "'•''«•• ^ of their ollice. Sec. 9d., i!t V^c caj "1^ "' ^'"'"^ ""^ "'' '""^'"^''''^^ iifiliiiissi J«. Sec. 3J.!, l.i Vie. HdrnoH, Cow ot Cow« lie ciniiiic.l ai or be(oio ii'lkeopcr»liall iioltliei ; 01 ihc cx()irii|i(.ri „f jCtheiii, mill retiM-n il,e r, if cliiiiiiej wiiliiti ilio an Section. Sec. 32 ' Irespans nmj dainnge, mill kecpcr.give liiui n nogo. Sec. aiili, 1,1 ?8 clnlmeJ in mnnner 8iiilerc«lC(l iiilialjiiaiit alleged 10 Imve Leen incluning the groiiml any two of il,em slmll ot llie Pound Iceepei'o tlwToivnsliip rcgu- o dnmaye done and veiny-fuur hours al'ier J to the round kee|)- jommoncrs, the ^r- lecide on the amount ^ges, nre liable e.ich ic. cnp. 21. nand of the person nint than the award imaniMhaJI be liaMo t cliarge. I in llie Township 1 meeting, under a s and the forfeiture eep in repair tho lem severally from !verally required to perform Statula such person's at- I, nnd will require day mi which lie [he destruction of having performed Is*. Vic. cap. jil . 35. i"g i i'-''3^" 'nVrmiaror'Zi'"/''''' ^"'- '•'"' ^"""'° ^"'"T ia erect- Ary person may co,„nound Z h .S . r ''''• ^"- *-''• '=" ^''^- "P. '-'l son on or before the /IibI M ndav In M '^ ''^ *''" ^'^■''"'"alcr 1 y aui !, mT. tl.e d^ect.on of ,he Supori,itende:trof'l .^ • J ' Z T^T, 'Jl" «-'«' ""^« Py llie Sith Section of the Am i . v ^ n ' ""^ ^^oLaw. rmpavvered when in .l,e actual d c liarl n." '.r"''" , ' '''° ''""'"""'crs ore stvc.ully »ons performing S.aiute Lal^^ur o Slol 'i'^' '" '"'*'^'"''" pe'«^"orpe - wood, standing up„n any umZLJVr''' . "*'"'' "">"■'■*■-. "r undc^ nnJ make use of Ly ,d, "ZZi un m':.'""'^''"''' ^""^' "'"^ '''^" '" '"« k • J, ma, think necessary for ProviZ/mL"; f "'''V'''^ uncultiv^tec' land, thut i|2 way^ormaki,,gor^epa^rhgoy^ 7w" ItleT,''^ ^liip, taking care that no unnece sS?! dlri 1„ t "^ ""' "'° '"''"'"• « '''h* Tou" such tr^n. i;„,i.„. ""'"-tessary damage be done to i hn nrn-„\,o„ r.,_. , " I zed and cmpcvcreJ lo'caul' a!! hl\ll^ r\'f * "^" "f '' ■ '^ I'atlimosters are o'lihorv , conlrou! lo he pcrfor:ned, and I t| e 1 ,„ ' ^ " "'^"''"'' '"^"'''"> '^ .he ,0:h day oflMay and the 2!^l;;'-:S;ZS^ J^^ ^^'^^^^ ''^'-en i and necessary, running between he al an 1 1 f °"/ ^"''^ ""^'"^'ly ^-^q^irea , and maintained by >l.o inhabitar herrf-and'^'l"a' ^ ^ "^■"^''''' «'""' '^^ '^l' "^'j , Slatnte Labour ihal! ci.her do so in person To,! » '"^ P"'"" "°^'« '° P"''orr« 1 hiB stead to do so, and shall bring „S 3s "T' "^ "-'"^ "", ""^'^ ^"^icd mon il direct; t'«t eight hours' work sifa be crnsiderTr"?'' ^'' '''" ^""'"'"s'cr m, v . masters have the power to Jirec. any j^soS /uA^^J'* '"'^f ^ ' """ ^''° I*^"- a waggon or cart, to send sijcit waaeon o rir Li ! '"''' °'"' '''•^■'"ff o"" ke''pi"2 bodied man lo manage and drive tffame &^hn one"f °' ""^^? ''°"^« ""'^ "" «>^'e I such waggon or cart and man, w.ll be accounted f , f' "'^'^ f'^'"'? ■" '^""^« 'viih Labour to the person sending he same • tl,„ p!f ' "' '"'° ''">''" ^^"^"^ o*" Slatuta Btich man if he does not wofk fai I f^ J; ^''°',^f •'"=>«'", '""s U.e power to disci nr'" man so discharged will be liable te'L'mepe'oT;;:'''''"' ""'^ !''^ T'''^ "' "^ or neglect to do Statute Labour, and vvi HnotK? ,'r T'-eecnbed for the refusal, said discharged person had wrought. '^°'»'l"^ved for any part of the day tho If atiy person or persons shall wilfullv stnn „,, nn . Bhip. or shall pull dovvn or destroy anv railini '^ ^ '^"^' T'^ °' '"''''^^ •" »''e Town- erected along any water, bridge, or nrecinicl ^.h!" ' "' ^T?, "'"' '"">' '"'^e bee« jy of not less than Five Shilliny„'^r E'.S ^v'"°v '''" ' ^' "^'''° '" » Pe"«l- hereinafter set forth. Sec. 28.h, 1st V^c ca ' 21 "" ''' '° ^ """"'^''^ °« or other Ss^7hi:h"s^a.rreVccled Z' a?" •> "^ '"^l" °"» «' ^^ -^'-d land ^tn.ct any public road or higluv^'To',', ^, otStn' "f", '" '''i' '^^ " '° oV a nu.sance, the owner or occupie o sud? land ,.^i. '"'' ""^^ ^^ '^Presented a. whatever nature or kind, within^wen J- fotKhours^ r^^ '""°'' ""'' °'^"""^«'°". "f the Pathmasler, under the penalty of Ten ShdHn/, f """•^V^^'^'^'l ihereoffrom oh, ruction shall exist and continue ; the pen a"^,' t' '"'"^ '^'y "'^^^"'"'er that iha forth. Sec. 28,'Isi Vic. cap. 21 ' '^ ^"^ '° '^^ recovered as hereinafter w^ I 86. TftlieTo A ,. T ." « df «'on ,n the case. Sec 29, Isl Vic. rap. 2!. " l^.nr ^. ,? , ■'^'■'?"' '■"''''''"S '" ^"le Township are required to do Statute La bour whell^r they have heen assessed on the Roll or not-but Imtnilnt aSreJ ntusi firs have been resident therein six months Sec. 30, Act TsTv rca, 2 Three Pathmasters may bo balloted from the whale number of them in th^ tclfro^ , ni r"J"'^'r."J.' ''"'^ ""^ person or persons contracting to Ike P^rh r .h „ ''" """^u " °' '^^" StatuleLnbour for a prospective period of three x^arT- so haM ..? "'[^P'^/hmasters will be notified by the Town Clerk of their hSCen' Tu. a d^t .inln'?'''fT'''''T'!'7r ^•'q'-i^^J »» -eet to settle suchdis- puie, and at lie expiry of the said eighj days they will then meet ^at th^ nlnra appointed by the Town Clerk in his sailno.ic^,) alo'ng with l^cr n g , a£? hln l?^'"^.^"* "^^^''•"^"♦^"bmitted to them, and examining the preSes .t shall be heir duly to make .uch award as to them may seem ju.t and right, who award shall be binding on the parties and final. Sec. 40, Act Isl Vic. cap. 2T «y «l'e 3d Clause of the Bye-Law of November 1842, the Superintendents of Highways fort e Townships respectively for which they have been appointed. a?e empowered to direct Pathmasters at an J titne throughout the year, lo'^Ea Inut any person or persons liable to perform Statute Labour, to%epair any breach which rSav nave happened >n any public Highway, Road, or Bridge, by reason of any inmSa- tion, or by reason ofany other casually. ' » ? niwiua But ff tlw Pathmaster has any money arising from commutation oflabour in his hands, h«Wfl1 reparrsuch cfamngeor breach from such money as far as it goes and then call out the people to complete such repairs ; and he is required to appor- tion Buch labour among the several persona within his division as nearly equal as circumstances will permit. Sec. 50, Act 1st Vic. cap. 21. The 27th Section of the Act Ist Vic. cap 21, directs and requires a Palhmas- ter, on the refusal or neglect of any person within his division liable to perform Sta- tute Labour, to do their work partially, or wholly, to go before a Magistrate, and make oath of 'he refusal of such person, whereupon the Magistrate issues his War- rant under his hand and Seal against the goods and chattels of the defaulter, which defaulter shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five Shillings for each day he shall have eo neglected or refused to work ; and the defaulter shall still be required to woik Kolwithslanding such fine having been so levied. i^ll^i^*''"'^'^'*''*""'' ^^ prescribes, that if any person who is not assessed on |he RclJ shall neglect or refuse to do his two days' Statute Labour, after due notice having been given him by the Pathmaster, the Pathmaster shall corr.,)lain of him to B Magistrate as in the herein preceding Section, and if the person has no Goods or Chattels from which the Fine can be levied, he may be committed to Jail by the Magistrate for a period not exceeding six days. At the November meeting ol the Superintendents of Highways, the several Pathmasters in the Township are required to have furnished the Township Clerk with an account or statement in writing ol the manner in which the Statute Labour that was allotted to each of their divisions respectively, has been performed, show- ing the name or names of any person or persons who mqy have neglected to work— lojether with another account orstalement in writing of (he manner in which any apprais A true lisi Pounds Asseesc his Wai person forcxemplion frotn !iin the division in wliich ens when called on, and to enable the Tovvn VVar- -ap. 2K required to do Slatute La- -but Immigrant labourers ', Aci IslVic. cap. 21. (riorm two days' Statute ) number of ihem in the jiative to roaJs, between ons contracting to moke tivo period of three years; Dletk of their having'been meet to settle such dis- then meet (at the place I the contending parties, examining the premises, ;em just and right, which \ct 1st Vic. rap. 21. , tlie Superintendents of ave been appointed, are the year, to call out any r any breach which may f reason of any inwida- smmutation of labour in money as far as it goes, he is required toappor- ision as nearly equal as nid requires a Pathmas- an liable to perform Sta- Defore a Magistrate, and Jgistrate issues hib War- of the defablter, which ' each day he shall have ill be required to woik I who is not assessed on Labour, after due notice )hall complain of him to erson has no Goods or omiiiitted to Jail by lh« Highways, the several id the Township Clerk iich the Statute Labour been performed, show- ave neglected to work- manner in which any 37. monies have been P3rnpni1i.,t if,,* „». i improvement of .I^^St h he o icZs'rf '"'' "'°'; ''""'^^ 'f*?''-"^'^ '" '''* gcMher an account of any a„d all neln ^h/'^^^^^^ '^"'" '"'''' expenditure ; to- Lab.,nr than by law ti.ey weVboun" to nerfo m T^J'""' ^'^°™'^ "'"^^ Statute by the I'athmaster and shall be sworn Th/r?' t'"^ ''''=°""* "'"»" ^^ subscribed . Isl Vic. cap. 21. '"°'" '° ^^'^'^^ » Justice of the Peace. Sec. 31, : Tow.:;5S:^n:rtSS:L;5'igrfSr^^"^'^'^'«^--"^^ '° «'- Twenty Shillings nor more than RounJ, ' u, '" ' ^'^'^ '" ""' '"« "'«'» , I e Township Clerk, and levied bvdS ad "i' /""/^^ f ". "'^ '^°'"P'^"'"' "<" chattels in case of „on payment. Sei ?I^s; vS cap^il! °"""'' ^'°^' ""'' PENALTIES. TownthVSeI;fn-gr.!;;,ho«t'h:;iJl'; ri57 Tf "°'".«' °^ ""^-'"g '^ -°'« «»' - sholl be Jnhject a Jd 2lMo' "?., /'ot uL'tl^F vt '^""'"^'' '*' T' Twenty Shillines i-comnlalm \n hTL.l ., '?^" ^'^^ Shillings nor moretharj fore any one M^g strari'n t eDietriS i r?'" '^T T""'^- ^^ '^^° ^'«"«^«e« ^e- tress, unless othefwUe p^id! '""'' '""^ ^'"° '° ^^ '«^'«^'' ^y hi, warrant of d.s- I Bhip(^:j;;ii:^;^j^;;^^t.if?- ^"y^r^'p^'-^^-^'^^Town. I OflL and sign tl^ZcZionl^he ?lwS,?(?;::!?T ^^""fl^^"" °"^P' b"cI, I ter his appointment, un-le^a Jena ty of fZ Tw«l? Qh-n°'' "'"'l" '*^'"'y ^^^^^ »''- I comfJain^fiheTJwnClerkS^fXSgS:;^^^^'"'"^^"^^'^^ P''""'J«» <>» than t\v. ?; shiiiiZ' '.v^s uL f"h"'",'r "'■^'' ■» ■ f""" -f »«• "^ 3S. Act lat Vic, cnn. 2i Qo« 49 h pmspective number ofyearr.anrncglS or Jr" *>'^^"'^"/''»"'e labour for « i>anner and at the lime specified in lE 1^ '^"""^ '° P^''^'"™ "'^ same in il,e "^ persons refu-ing to ZEr:tatutfS^^^^^^ "^'"'"'^'^ "^ ">« ''"^ penal'; GENERAL DUTIES, yea, p:XZ'^Z^:ltZZ''iZ:^ ""' "°»^'' •" '— ' ^" '-" Act lit TTic. can 9 1 Ti.„ * the Mfgialr^tes! ^ """^ '"""'''' '""^ "«"'"»<=' '»'«ine«8 without any cattle u'nIa'uUy 'runLg at t'ge!^'^' ^'"^^ ''*''^'"'> ^n^s at such meetings f.r n2IouscJoMrr1;?uch1^ip*of\,,^ except he be a Freeholder Act Ui Vic. cap. 21. Sec 5th nJ ^ 7 ^*''"' ""'^" " P^"''"^- tJ.e Inhabitants have'^egict'eT^r Isedt me^ 'J ."iTrf ""^ ^'1f' ''• "*^ '«' -"- No person la comnpllp^ . ' '^ °PP°'"' """"s In their stead. in the room of those who have forfeited o2e?oTr.lTc?„f''f 7" • ^°"''.^'''"'' "^^'"'^ clarations. 'vi'ciicu omce lor neglect of duty id signing their de- &c. &c!\othrTmvlh^'cl'rk.^°'^* •^"'''''*"'P«y«^«''"«'n'es collected as fines holdefatife Jtd?on'beinr;o''?ed by t C3\'^'""^ '^"'"'^'- ^ «-- done by any cattle t'respassini under a peaaltj^ '^"■' '*' '''P'"''" '^''"''8^^ andtr.^S-?;.^:^,^^t;^„P-^ the Assessoraju. quired .0 dedde"an7dis^p«te tetwS\he^''Z.^r- 'f^ ^^°x^«" ^^ '^''"'>'' "^ re- persons about contracts for roadr Superintendents of Highways, and other FINIS. vith the SuperinlcnJentj Mr slaiHle labour for a lerfo.-m the same in li.e We to the like penalt^r "lay in January in each t business without any ■a at such meetings fur epl he be a Freeholder inder u penalty, ig year to serve, when mothers in their stead, he doth not reside,cx- ej he may do so how- ains over thirty Free- therein. int Township Officers y in Bigning their de- mies oollecled as fines reehoIJers or Houae- to appraise damages Statute Labour, after r every day's neglect ' the Assessor a just sen by ballot, are re- lighways, and other 0(1 tile lull pag-! E n n AT A. ill in the title of Gye-Law No. 5,-instead of " Istrict Gf. |ficer8"-8«iouId read " District OJiccrs." On page 2M3,h lino from ti.e top-" which i. also requireJ»_ahoulJ red I" /le IS also requiied." fc