IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 Ifril- IIM ." 112 ^^ I.I 1.25 1^ i M 22 1.8 1.4 IIIIII.6 V. J'. /: o^ ■i'l ^ ^^^/ ^ ^-, -f^ Photographic Sciences Corporation ,\ iVS <^ :\ \ ^ >X wk\ 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 Li^"i ^^x^^' «V/«r//ier enacted by the authority aforefaid. That in all trials by anv Court Martial, other than General Courts Martial, the perfon appointed to be President thereof Ihalladminifter to each of the other Members, the following Oath : You A B do fwtar that y ou will admimjler J'.tlHce to the beji of your under jlandmg in thematfr now before you according to the Mihtta Laws of this Province, and the evidence which fhall be produced be- fore you, without partiality, favour or afeaion.—So help you God. And as soon as the faid Oath Inall have been adminillered by the President to the other Members, any one of the laid Members fliall adminifter the faid Oath to the President. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid. That whenever "■ (hall so hao pen thai there fhall not be a sufficient number of Officers present to ccmpofe a Court as' atoresaid, it ffiall and may be lawful to and for the Commanding Officer to detain fuch offender in cuftody, until a Court can be aflembled, for the trial of such offender • Pro vided such Court can "le obtained within twelve hours from the time of such confinement' and m cafe a Court as herein before direded, cannot be affembled within twelve hours' such offender ffiall be releafed fiom fuch confinement, and tried under the provisions of the Aa of the forty.eighthof the King, intituled, «• An Atl to explain, amend and reduce Vi?"'' 7? P3^''a'"ent,ilie several Laws now in being, fonhe raising and training the Militia of this Province." * IX. And be it further enabled by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or perfons Ihall presume to diQurb, interrupt, or molelt, any party of Militia, whilll on duty it ffiall and may be lawful to and for the Commanding Officer of such party, to order any such perfon or perfons to be carried before any one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace who fliall be next to the place where the offence may be commitied, who upon proof of the offence by the oath of one or more witnefs or witnefses. ffiall and may order and adiudae every such offender to pay a fine not exceeding five pounds, nor lefs than ten ffiillincs and in default of payment, to commit him to the common Gaol of the Ditlria, for a term rot exceeding one month, nor lefs than ten days, unlcfs the fine is sooner by him pai • X. And be It further enacted by the authority aforefaid, '1 hat it ffiall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Person adminidering the Government [rom time to time, and as often as occafion fhall require, to make fuch regulations as he ffiall think tieceflary. for the care and cudody of any Arms and Accoutrements provided arid fiipplied in order to the inlfrudion of the Militia men to be trained and exercised • and al'o Irom time to time as occafion may require, by any order or orders to be made andiffued for that purpole, to declare and ellabliffi thedrels and uniform, to be worn bv any and every part of the Militia of this Province. Provided always, that nothing herein contained, ffiall be conilruedto oblige any Militia man to provide any uniform a. h" own . X\. And belt furthntnacled by the authority aforesaid, That so much of the said Aft palled 'Mhe or.y.eigh.h )carof.hc,.ntiu.lcd," An Afc. to explain, an.en.iand reduce ro o,:r Art of ParliamenMii. r-cvtrul^Lawa now in luin;., i,,r the raising and iri»Miing ihc Miiiiia f 3 ] ■ Militia of this Province," as dircas that no Company of Militia (hall confift of more than fifty men, fhall be and the fame is hereby repealed, and that every Company fhall and may confift of a number not exceeding one hundred men. XII. And whereas it may be convenient to form one or more Company or Companies of Riflemen in this Province, Be it enaSed by the authority aforesaid. That it fliall and may be lawful lor the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Govern- ment of this Province, to form and embody such Company or Companies, and employ the same on such duties as the necefTity of the fervice may require. XUl. And be it further enaSedby the authority aforesaid, That every Officer of the Mi- litia of this Province, (hall on or before the fourth day of June next ; and every Officer who may afier thai day be appointed, within eight daysafter he fhall have received his Commilfion, before one or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, for the Diftrid to which ;iis Regiment, Battalion or Company fhall belong, take and subscribe the following Oath, to wit : / A. B. do sincerely promi/e and /wear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majefly, King George the Third, as iawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of G* eat Britain and Ireland, and of this Province, as dependant thereon, and that I will de- fend him to the utmojl of my power agam^ all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatfoever, which Jhall be made agasnfl his Perfon, Crown and Dignity, and particularly his Dominions in North America, and that I will do my utmofi endeavour to disclofe and make known to his Ma- jefly, his heirs or fucceffors, all treafons and trailoroui confptracies and attempts, which t fhall know to be againfl him, or any of them, and to all this I dofwear without any equivoca- tion, mental evafion, or fecrel refervatton, and renouncing jll pardons and difpensations from any perfon or power whatfoever^to the contrary. So help me God, XIV. Andbeit further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That it fhall and may be law- ful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Perfon adminiftering the Govern- ment, to order and dired that the Non-CommiHioned Officers and Privates, of any and every Regiment, Battalion. Company or body of Militia in this Province, (hall be called upon to take and fubscribe the ("aid Oath of Allegiance, and that upon receiving any orders for that purpofe, it ftiall and may be lawful, to and for the Commanding Officer of such Regiment, I^u!alion or Company, and he is hereby required to call upon every NonCoin- mi(fioned Officer or Private of his Regiment, Battalion or Company, to take and fubscribe the faid Oath, before one or more of his Majelty's Juilices of the Peace for the Diftridlto which such Regiment, Battalion, or Company Ihali belong, which Oath ffiall be adminis- ' tcred free of expence, and that every jufticeof the Peace adminiftering such Oath, (hall forward a Certificate thereof, to the Clerk of the Peace of the i)iftri6t to be enrolled, which such Clerk of the Peace is hereby required to do free of expence ; and if any Offi- , cer, Non Commiffioned Officer, or Private, (having been required so to do) (hall refuse or neglect to take and subscribe the faid Oath, in manner hereby diredeu, upon convidiori before any General Quarter Seffions of the Peace, or in time of adual Invafion or Infur- reftion, before any Court Martial, every fuch perfon or perfons (hall be deemed and ta- ken to be an alien, and shall be liable and fubjed to any law or laws now in force, or here- after to be made, respecting or againft aliens. XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid. That so much of the said Ad as diredsthat any Body or Detachment of Militia, which may be called out by the Govern- or, Lieutenant Governor, or Person adminiftering the Government, ffiall and may be de- tained on such service, for and during the space of iix months at one time, and no longer, fliall be and the same is hereby repealed. XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That at the expiration of fix months, from the time of any such Detachment being called out as aforesaid^ one third of the men of such Detachment ffiall be seleded by ballot, and if relieved by an equal num- ber of men, fhall be discharged, and at the expiration of feven months from the time of calling out such Detachment, another third fhall be selected, and if relieved, discharged in like manner, and at the expiration of eight months, the remaining third, if relieved, fhall be discharged. XVII. And he it further ertaSled by the authority a/ore said, That it ffiall and may be law- ful ID and for any Colonel or other Officer Commanding any Regiment, Battalion, or Company, and he is hereby required to call out his Regiment, Battalion, or Company, whenever he fhall be direded fo to do, for the piirpole of being Inspected or Reviewed, by any Infpc6lJng Field Officer of Militia, or other Field Olhcers of the line, who may' be sent for >hatpurp')fe; and that Lieutenant Colonels in his Majefty's Army, ferving with any part of the M li'ia in this Province, fhall command all Militia Officers whatever, any thing in the (aid in i>ari recited Ad to the contrary not Mihftanding. [ 4. y XVIII ^nd U It furthtr Enaatd by the authority aforesaid, That every MiJitIa mafi- XVIlI.^na ce "i""^' . -^ volamecr Corps, now or hereafter to be ratfed., vliofe fervices may be ""'^P^'^f °J'"A7..- °'^"i" „der \h s or the before mentioned AEl,., m\ be exempted from serving as a Milh.a "J*" ""J" 'Jj , ^at every perfon ferving vhilll he (hall belong to any ^-^^^^^P /^ ty ^fio ' A^^^^^^ any'tt'vil Procefs. o? in any flank Company, (hall not be '^'O «'%*"> P^' p j^j, officer, or Statute labour on Widow Ihall be entWed ,o rec«ve durmg her »J''"»''"'^'„7jc child or children of .uch ^^"iiJSffiSLloLe ' VHva^e MS'r.„'::,n ?.» '^uUge,. >he;eof, ihali have and also, tha. every N°»-''r'"'"'™°l°fL7caroaltv which may occur while ol, or pir. fflent wi,h an enemy, or by '"J •"'''™' °"3 jSbUd, so as .o be rendered m. ;S^"^=iro?rPr?v?rc:,"\?dtrh":'M,hU.hnesa,etbedirpo,edo,,bea„d,be Decen,ber tn every year, , prat .«b e be r ^^^^ ^^ ^y^^^ p,ov.nce„to be d.spofed of as lively receiving the lame, to tne kccu c . : Hejjnj, the Government, fliall di the dovernor Licuienant Cover -P^ „^^„ ^^ ^^^J.^„^^d for ;:rcCCb:^u^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^'^X l7 t'clS"/x..;s, That this present Aft shall continue and be - /-« untiV the firftdal of January l.rU^^^ from the'nce to the end ol the then next SefTion of the Legillaiutc of this Province, and no longer.