.*•■■ ■4 ■•■ ■ma.,-, •.» ^ MicroficHe Series t' ■"*■?■. .r / ■ ii*-,. Collecti Canadian InultuM foe HMocteal iMlefaraprodiMflom/lliMIUI eaiiatfan da mieinnimduetlww MMarkiua* ;:ift TM ImtiMi* hm umn mtMl to oiNiin liM cofVMiiliktofarfiMiint. Fatturw of *<• oftfwiiMfMiiitk r ChMlfiliM MMMl iOMkorf of Colowid eo««r«/ IdouwirtMrf dt coulMir \ □ Covtrs CoMvtnuM • I'-- a CoMTt rattoMd and/or iMtaiMiid/ ^mmttm nntMirte tt/ou paUieuMt □ Covartitli'inininti':'^:'. :'- \ f..«.^ La tilr* di «Mii«irtura rtMnqiM ; CariM ftefraphiquii Ml eoulMir n ■ M D D n CdloMiad kilfr ft.a. othar than Mua or Uaek)/ ^ : Encra da coulaiir Oa. antra qua blaua «mi noira) CokNiraa platat Wld^r illoMrations/ ^ MandMt at/ou iUintratioiM an cotdavr , ' Bound wMi othar malarial/ flalM avae d'autrat doeumanti Tiflht Mndtnt may OMna thadown or distortion alonf intarior mar^ U raliura larrAa paut cauNr da I'omhra ou da la distoriion ia lonf da la mart* intMaura » ■ ~ : ' . ' ■ ' ' ' ' .' •■ " -:■'■■■:' . ,'' Blank laavat addid durint rfiftoratioii may apfMar Dwidiin iha taxt. Whanavar popiMa. tham hfrna baan omittad from fihnint/ ^ V ^ ? II sa pMit quacartainat |MfM Mmchas aioutiat kHt d'una rattauration apparainant dam la takta, mait. lonqua cala *iait potsiMa. «m pagat n'dnt pMlMfilmtef, Additkmal eommantt:/ / Commantakat tupplimantairas: TM* itam it f ihnad at tha raduction ratio chackad batow/ Ca doeumant ait f ihni au tauM da reduction indiqui ci-datiow. L Initimt a miarofUma la maHlaur aMmpialfa qu il hd a M poMHda da N froaufw. Laa dtom da oat ton point w -dam la mathody nofflMlf da loMaBa mm i Induda* indaxiat)/ Cdmprand un (dat) indax Titia on haadar tahan from:/ \» titra da I'an-tlta proviant: jr~i TitIa pafa of inua/ rati di| titra da la livraiton O Caption of inua/ Titra dtmpart da la livraison Gintriqua (ptriodiquat) da la livraiton 10X 4 14X ■•'■■■ tax 22X « 26X SOX • ■•• - - ■ ■' '■'"'\ 7 , ' 12X liX 20X 24X 28X 32X t9M oo yyWNny d hm% hm bMn rtproduoftf ihcnkt Mttropel I tan Toronto lUforonco Llbrfry BoldMin RoOMi •TN imopot t p poorlng hort art tho bttt qHtlity pOMlMo eofiiMtrint tlio oondftton and laglbillty of ilia eriflinal oopy and In kaaplne wfth tha fNfNliit aontraM apaaH loatlona. OrlQinal aoplaa in printad pappr oovart ara f llmad baalnnlfif wHfi. tha front oovar and anding on , tha laat paga with a printad or ilUiatratalif impraa* alon. or tho baeic oovor whan appropHaw. All dlha^ original ooplaa aro f llmad ba^lnnlng on tha tratad impr >firat paga with a printad or INu^tratad aton, and anding on tho laat paga with a printad or illuatratad Impraaaion. Tha laal raeordod frama on aaeh mieroficha ahaH aontain tha aymhol — »> (moaning "CON* T1NUI0"}. or tha aymbol ▼ Imaaning "END"), whiahavar appllaa. Mapa. plataa. ohana. ato., may ba fMmad at ['"^ iNflbrani raduotion ratloa. Thoto too larga to ba antlraly Ineludad In ono oxpoaura ara f llmad baginning In tha uppar'laft hand cornar. laft to' right and top tvbottom, aa many framat at raqulrad. Tha following diagrama illuttrata tha -mathod: . ^ - L'oxa .>■-. :4» :,:.:/i- i 2 '.iaaai papia pari* dami^ d'Imp .Oflgin JromI d'Imp ompn 4^nd« Laaoi f^mAi Loraqi raproi da I'ai at da d'Imai iiluatn , \ \V 1 x\2 ^ /• L'«x«mpi«lr« film* fiit rtprotfult iraM i Nf 04n4ra«lt« tf«^ / X^H%%tMo\ I t«i^ Tonni^HUr^^ i lb fry i^ liiiiHii mlvantit wit 4t4 rt^rodwItM avM It plut onmd toln. eom^t* ttnu d« It eondltioh tt dt'lt ymfH cit I'txtmpltirt film*, tt tn tout trmlt* tvtt Ift tondMont tfu toinrtl dt ftimtftt V Ltt txtmptel^t orlslntuit dont It couvtrturt tft ptpltr ttfHnprim4t torn flllin4t tn ttmrntn^trit ptr It prtinitr pltt^tt tn ttrmlntnt tolt ptr It dAffiMri pto« qui tomportt Hnt tmprtintt > d'Impftttlon ou dlHuttrttion. telr ptr It tteond pltt« ition It ctt. Tout .Iti tutrtt txtmpltirti .tfTglntuk tont fllmM tn tomn^n^tnt ptr It l»rtmi*rt pt9« qui oonHK^rtt unt tmprtlntt d'imprtttlbn ou d'lNuttrttlon tttn 'ttrmlntnt ptr It dtmMrt pt9t qui oemportt unt ttHt tmprtint*.' '"^<:^ '' .- ,1 ./i ./.■:' ■V ^^a vn dtt tymboitt tulvtntt tPiMrtttrt tur It dtr|il#rt Imtgt dt chtqut mlcrofloht. ttlon It o0t: It •ymbolt— ^ tigrRflt "A 8UIVRE", It mliolt ▼ tlonlfit "FIN". . ♦ .■.-■-.• ■■,-. '- ""i^'v '"• ■ ^ '"■- ■ ' Ltt otrttt. plinchtt, ttblttux, tto., ptuvtnt Atrt f(lm4t A dtt ttux dt r«duotlon dlffirtn^. Lortqut it dooumtnt ttt trop grtnd pour Atrt rtproduit tn un itut ipltel)*. 11 ttt filfn4 i ptrtir dt i'tnglt tupAritur stuettt. dt fltUcht i drtitt, tt dt htut tn btt/ tn prtntnt It nombrt d'imtott nAotMtirt. Ltt dltflrtmmtt tutvtntt iliustrant It mdthtdt. ji»'- .,/■ 6 MKXOOOPy MMNUnON ntt oun (ANSI Qftd BO TfSr CHART No. 2) 4^^^ H'?< -\ ^r-: 4- BTTOWN DIYISIOir, $. OF Tn* SBBIES OP TRACTS. .vjk\ -.^ . So. 4. •'.■■■ v\ -^ i« MR. NOBODY'S ADVICE ; , OR, HbW-I BECAME A TBETOTALEE. BT BBV. CBABLBS T. J0NB8. IV \ THE following narrative, remarkable alike for its natutalness and for its straightforward sinjplicity, was told me by a sailor, who experienced what is here written, in his own words. The im- pression mide upon my own mind was such, that it occurred to me it might be made useful to others, and hence I have transcribed it with a sincere prayer for its success. , j j "In the month of November, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-four, I arrived in the city of New York, on my return from China, and liking good (quarters, I went to the Saibrs' Hotoe, in Cherry Street, to boards and remained there till the ship was paid off. But as I loved the tot a little too well, and the folks at the Home were all sober-sideSi JUhou^ht it was too decent a place for me to stay in. So I paid my wll, picked up mv tonnage, and made sail for a rum^hole in Cherry ptreet, and took up niy abode there with other drunkard^ like mj^self. I had been living in the houie about ten days, and lighting/ upon a sober interv&l, I thou||ht I should like toknow h5w the account stood. So I asked Mr. Boniface Nfor my bijl. He informed me that I was forty-one doUars in his debt. This surprised me py its magnituc^e. But, remembering that I had been drinking pretty heavy, and spreeing it very freely, and consequently could not tell exactly how much I had really drawn, I said nothine about it. J <*It 80 happened, however, that the drinking of the last ten #■. ,\ • " •/ \ ^-.i ^■■< 'f •r VB. NOfio])T'B\ii>yzqi. 7 c days had nbt agreed with m^ as I had ^aten but little, and, as a oonsequei^e, the whole of th^ext week I was quite sick. So I ftaid at jiomo, and, for a wonder, kept sober. During tho whole of that i^eek I was wide-awake, and kept an account of the money I drew, which amounted in all to about seven dollars. Well, when th^ week was out I went to him again and asked him how we stood. He took down his book, and after a little figuring, he said : *Your Mills just seventv-one dollars and ^hirty-ftve cents.' So that for my teven dollars he had charged m* just a little over thirti/. This- stunned me altogether, and I told htm I would not pay it.' But how was I to help mvself ? That was the question. I went to a friend of mine, and told him how I had been served ; and talked about law and justice. But my friend said it was of no use for me to go to a magistrateoibout it, as I could do nothing. And he remarked, - that *there was n^ justice for drunkards.' This set me thinking; and I made a vo^ that I would never put it into the power of any- man to serve mejsuch a tripk again. ^*Mv friend said : *The best thing that you can do is to pack up yomr duds, pay j^our bill, and go to a decent boarding-house.* I took his advice, fnd moved off to a Temperance h^use in Pearl Street, kept by tjnat good man Captain Roland Gelston. Here I tnedto taper off, but I soon found out that this tapering off, or merely reducing my potations, was bad business. It kept me ^ stupid all the time, and made me sfcy and do many things which I was ashamed of when in my right senses. Well, oi/the twenty- fourth of December, there was a good deal of talk of^ne John B. Gou^h, who was to address a Temperance meeting in the Old Manners' Churchy in Roosevelt Street. And after supper, one of my fellow-boarderi» came to me and said : ^What do yw say if you and I go to, the meeting at Mr. Chase's^ and sign the pledge?' ♦Agreed,' says I, ihdoff we went. The houAe Wis full. We stood and listened about half an hour, andthen they sent round the con- tribation-boz. I threw in a piece of silver. Then they passed .the.word along, that if any one wanted to sign the pledge,^the7 should come forward. So my friend and I wJked up and signed the articles, got our certificates, and started for hbme^ And I have keipt the pledge ever «ince. I came mighty near breaking it> noweTer, the nezt morning. My coppers were hot. I wanted my 'f^m^^^f^.^ ". money I, when Btood. *Your bat for This' uthow friend about 9 to go arked, nking; »f anj> /r J IIB '>., .^kobodVs ADVIOV. bitters, and I made a bee-line for tte corner groggery, a rum^hole, in which I was no stranger, for 1 had freshened the nip, there many a time. I went up, took hold of the door, and had got about half in, when it seemed as if somebody took hold of mow^h both hands around the waist, and held me, whispering in my ear at the same time, 'Don't go in! don't go in !' as plain as ever I heard anything in my life. And I actually turned round, and looked — but there was no one there. But I took Mr. Nobody* 9 fdvice^ shut the door, kept my pledge, and have been glad of 4t onl]Jr once, and that is all the time ever since, fof it has kept me from a drunkard's gra^, and a drunkard's hell. It has e^used me to be respected, and enabled me to use my knowledge instead of abasing; it. * clinations, and instead of obeying his dictates have striven to drown his voice in rum ! / Again, the instructions of this same Mr. Nobody are confined to neither tune nor space, nor class nor caste. They are the voice of 4i +"•;■••' ri .•■>•■ ■. :.:■ MB. HOBODT'S ADVIOB. h- Ood in tiie loal of man, whiiperinir tender and affeotionite expoa- tnlations in the ear of the tempted ones, laying to the irreiofute drinker, whose aoul ia taken oaptive bj atrone drink, aa he stands hetiteting on the Terge of ruin, "Don't go in ! don't go in ! Thi$ tf the way ; walk ye in it." To obey tnis still, small Toioe is to liTe, to nse, to be respected, and, finally, to bow at the mercy- seat and be washed in the blood of the Lamb. To despise his counsel, to suffer his admonitions to pass unheeded, is to have God «Isiigh ftt your oalamitT, and mock when your fear cometh ;" it ia to sink m the (loale of humanity, to lose the respect of your fellow- men, the faTor of God, and your own presoious and immortal soul,, for the drunkard can not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Ay, it is to see the gates of glory dose, and the gatea of hell open on youforerer. Dear re4der, are yon the slave of an artificial appetite ? If so, take Mr. Ifobody's advice. Bouse yourself at once, break the nnholy bonds. Listen to the toico of God in your own soul, and bb fbbb ! If not yourself a alave, have tou a firiend who has b^n taken captive, who is drowning body and soul in the cup f Plead with him to sign the pledge. It may, under God, save hia soul, Mid be the means pf enrolling his name in the Lamb's book of life. PBDd^BD BY HUNUOt, BOSS * 00^ OTTAWA. SONS OF TEMPER AN CK. ■ -A ■ ■■ '^" k «,—.-. '^"• „ ,i„ be -.otlced by «n .„lv.rti«.n.n. in o,. c..lu„u.», , T n.n.«n<-e arc ..ill l-'>»ri»8 f" ""' •"""■ thai .ho Son. of Tempe*"" ^^ „, y„„H<,„c ^-_^^J^ „,„,„ „w,..o„. rorrXel-t.- ..aa„.ceo.pl.bea en n..- :::.—.. .00. •— ---rrr-; «f «lir> rninons habit ol n»»ng »»r"»'B » checking the progros. of U,c , uno ,^,^, „^,.„,„^. • Th« », well as fortifying muny m the practice 01 . ' f„ .. T lonled by 11.0 " Son," on the ptoscnl occa«on ... so far «» ™«ie adopted ^, ^ ^^ ^, ,„vc no hesitancy ingiv- .„g our opintonlSfel .t .- <=alcu. ^^^^ _^^^^^ before been seen publicly . anU a ^ ^^^ at«..ttion has Mn paid .0 the prepa«..Hmo the ase,w ^ Division, on the pre«>nt occasion all rt.e suppo «, xichly dese,ve.-««e6*c 0«^««^M«'*''vJ^^ ;; : V .1^: I X- \ r J \ ■%*l ^ •* # ■•f " .; , • 1 *'i ' « . . , /' ■•'•'' 'f .' *". -. V ■ ,■■" . '' . '^ -... - .- ■»--■ • .,. 1 - • t 1 V," * '■■■■ / J ;'. • '. ■ • . ^■ 1 ■*■■..*■''' \ ■ " • ■ ^ - ■•■' ■ .'' ■''■: •- .■■ ■■'■.-■■■■ ;.' 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