IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ fJ^ i MP !.0 Ifi- i I.I 1.25 2.5 2.2 1.8 U |||||!.6 V] signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d pttrtir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrsnt 'ci mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vi vv/c2Ba./t DEPARTMENT OK AGUICULTURE CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM I DLC 7 lono W OTTAWA, CANADA ULc 7 iiion siESULTS OBTAINED IN 1900 TRIAL PLOTS OF GRAIN, FODDER CORN, FIELD ROOTS AND POTATOES Trial Plots at Kxperiiufiital Fann.Ilramloti, Bv W.M. SAUNDERS, LL.D., Director Ji^pirimcnial J'anns BULLETIN No. 36. Dncp:MBi:R, 1900 1 ; l\ m \ ';!, t 11 I'l Til I>lli;i) liV DlKBCTIUN Ol'l'lIK IIoX. SYDNEY A. FlSHKll, ^I I. NT>TEit uK Ai ilMCCLTlUIS 1 1 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. I^rsiil/s of tr Vcirietie Avcnii^c CI Five an Three Five an I'ive V l'i)ur a Three a: Four to Hum maty Pack. •') • i n . . . i;; ... h; . .. IS . . . L'l) . . . -•> ... "-'ii . . . 2'.t . . . :!•-' . . . .;() . . . :'.i> . . . :!s ... 40 . . . 4.'. ... 41 . . . 45 ... 41! . . . 47 , . . . 4H , ... 4'.t ... •')! I I •iff "i\) \]\c lloiiourahk- Tile Miiiisicr of Ai^ricultuiv. Si;:, — I Ik;^ to .suImiiL for voiir uppruval Bulleun No. 3f) of the ',\i,H .1 I'anu sLiics, prepared l)y myself. In this puhliculioit ..1 1.; aj'e preseuUil the resulls of a larj^e miiiiber of cxj)eriiiieiils whieli .■..>..■ li.eii condiuUd al all the experinieiilal farms uiuler your depart- ..iv it duriii_i^ the seaxm of nj(Ji), Avith oats, barley, spriii.L;- wheat,, Indian corn, turnips, mangels, carrots, suj^ar beets and potatoes, 1.1 nnifonu plots. The average results are also j^iveii of Wye and six. year.-' te.->ts on .such ])lots with varieties of oats, barley, sprini;- wheat and Indian corn, three to six > ears' with i)liji(/ii/- l'..\p(iiin()ital l\irins. For the past five years an animal Imllctin Jias hcMi i)ublislic(l, ^ivin,y; tlie results obtained from the nnil'orni trial jilolsof ^rain, fodder con;, field roets and jiotalofs at eaeli of the Dominion IvxiH-MimLiital Karnis, with the ohjeet of showin.y; the r(.-lati\L' ])roduetivc'ness and carliness of the many \aricties under test. The axera^e results whieh liaxe been had with these ero])S for a series of years are also j^ixen. The ]iresent issue <;ivint( the particulars rej^ardin*;- these trial plots for 1900 is the sixth in the series, and shows an excellent average for most of the crops on the eastern experimental fainis at ( )ttawa and Xap])an, and j^ood crops in most cases at Af^assiz, li.C. At the Brandon and Indian Head farms on the western i)lains unfa\-onral)le conditions of weather have prevailed. There was a .severe droui;ht in the early ])art of the season, followed by strong winds, and later by unusually he.'uy and fre(pient rains. Tiie seeds did not germinate evenly in the dry soil in the sprin<;, the younii^ ])lants also suffered more or less from s])rin}^ frosts; later, winds injured thecroi)sin exposed ])l()ts, and durinj,^ the wet weather in harvest time they were further dama,y;ed. I'*or these reasons the reUirns from the farms named are very incomplete, many varieties haviuij^ jiroved a failure. To publish such particulars as can be had, in the usual way would s^ive no correct information as to the comparn- tive ])roductiveness of the varieties under test and could only be mis- leading;, f^ I this account the yields of oats, barley, sprin<]f wheat and jiease ai Indian Head are omitted, also the ])articulars re<:^arding the trial jilots of oats, barley and wdieat at Brandon. These details as far as they are available will be found in the Annual Re])ort of the I'. The hind eho>en for the plots has been as nearly uniform iu eharaettr as possible and the soil was brou.i;ht by eultix'alioii into a j^ood eouditiou of tilth. The i^eed has been sown iaii\ , and will eleancd and .'-eiitiud before sowini;' so a> to separate the smaller keinel>, lea\in,n()nl\ the ])lumj) and wi.ll matured ^rain. Jn most cases all the \arielies of the same etieal ha\e been .sown on the same da\', or at most within two or three da\ s, so as to ^i\e to all an e\en start. J)nrin,i; the ])a'-t ten years many new sorts of cereals haw ln'cu orit^inaled on the J'',.\])eri- inental h'arnrs, some of these are included in thu It-stsand the names of such are ^dven in eacli case in the para,L;rai)h ]>recedill.^ the table- of retiuns. In the tables the varieties are placed in the order of their ])rodu<'- ti\-eness at the Central ]'!\i)eriniental h'arm. The nund)er of days recpiired for each sort from sowinj^ to ripeninj^ is al.M) added and thus their relative is shown. In comparinj^ the results of any one sin.nle year with another the relative ])ositiou iu point of ])roductivene,ss occupied by varieties will often vary, either from lack of uniformity iu the soil or from some other cause, but the averaj^e experience K^hned by the continuance of these tests for a series of years affords much more satisfactory evideui'e on this subject. In the second ])art of this l)ulletiu particiUars are ^iven drawn from experience j^aiued during the past six years at all the ICxperimeutal Farms which .should be of much value to Cauatlian farmers. TRIAL PLOTS OF OATS. Fifty-nine varieties of oats have been tested durinj;^ the season of 1900. These include twelve cross-bred sorts which have been orij^in- ated at the Ivxperimental Farms, namelj", Cromwell, Holland, Olive, Oxford, Pense, Miller, Brandon, Milford, King, Kendal, Master, and Russell. The size of the ])lots on which oats were .sown was one-fortieth of an acre each at Ottawa, Out., Na]-»])aii, X.S., and Agassiz, B.C. The cpiantity of seed sown of each variety was in the ])roportion of two bushels per acre and the dates of .sowinjj^ were as follows: At Ottawa, May 4th : Xappan, May 17th; and at Atj;assi/, April 16th. I'articidars as to the character of the land iu each case, also the preparation and treatment it has had, will be foiuid in the Animal Report of the Ivxperimental l-'arms for 1900. h'or reasons submitted on pai.i;e 5 no returns are ,^i\en in the api)ended table from the branch farms at Brandon and Head. The ])lots of oats at Brandon varied iu yield from 7 i bushels 16 lbs. to 9 bushels 4 lbs. jier acre. At Indian Head reports are availal)le for 9 plots only out of 59, these have given from 76 bushels 16 lbs. to .32 bushels 12 lbs. per acre. INIl'OUM I'l'.S'l" ri.oTS oi' OATS. i Namk OP \AKlhTY, VifM jKT Ain- at llii' Tlirc'i; l''.\iii' I'anii'' SiM-^oii ,,t' |!M)(). 6 ■J. U y, 7^ 8 N C- :;; ft. R) ;/: ^" < NiiinhiT iif I»ays I'tiiiii Sow \w^ to 1 l.irwstiii''. H 1 ^ 3 .i ] II(>l>U'iii rrolific L Wliilu C.iant I! Ulai'k Ik-auly 4 Ilazletl's St-'iziirL- [lOdcrhnich (i CalilDiiiia Prolific lUk 7 JoaiiclU' , . 8 I'/irly Hlossoiii <((ii>l(l'c-ii Tartarian. . . lO<'.ol(lL-n Ciaiit 1 1 Aiiiuriiau IJuauty I'J Cn)iii\vi.-il l:; Holland 14 Olive 15 lUH-kheo's Illinois . . . KiOxt'onl 17 Bavarian IfSl'rolilic Hlk. Tartarian lOHanner 2()|\Vi(le Awake 21 Mc-nnonite 22 lnii)rove(l Ivigowo.. . . 2:i\Vallis 24 Ivirlv Archanj^L'l 2r)\VhiievSch()nen 2()I';arly (iolden I'rolifii- 27 I'lvinj^ Scotchman. . . 281Viise 2((Inip(l. Lijj;owo, Imj). . 30 Now Zealand 31 Prolific Hlk. Tartarian I Imp 32 California Prol. Blk. I Imp 33 American Triumph. . 34 .Abundance 3."> Danish Island 3f) Thousand Dollar 37 Columbus j 38.\bvssinia 31) Karl V Maine 40 Miller 41 Newmarket 42 Brandon 43 Lincoln 44 Golden Beauty 45 Rosedale 4»i Milford 82 7S 7(1 74 ";! 72 70 70 CO tiS 68 OS (l,s 07 (17 ()") 05 04 04 03 m 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 00 (10 50 58 58 58 58 57 57 57 50 50 55 55 54 54 52 ■r. r. I 18 01 S (12 10 05 24 70 :!2 75 32 20 20 14 2.S 8 >S ,s ! 07 22 2 30 7(1 91 85 (is .S4 7(t S7 (IS (17 00 02 10 87 24 (17 4 18 8 12 12 7 74 88 74 74 02 70 6 82 80 75 72 50 14 70 14 85 28 70 8 OS 8 00 8 84 22 62 22 09 2 85 16; 60 16 83 10 76 10 89 4 94 4' 80 32 G8 I 211 12 1(1 k; 10 1(1 20 3(1 s 24 2(1 20 58 4(1 58 50 ').) 53 4:-J 5(1 4S 57 50 54 .V! 51 50 3S 47 52 52 41 54 52 32, 43 16 45 75 10 72 32 77 22 40 55 51 4(1 40 50 30 20 8 20 24 12 18 30 18 10 14 4 ,)(! 53 52 37 5S 57 57 49 45 40 43 53 45 .50 48 4 s 111 II) 2S 32 12 18 24 14 20 1(1 1(1 24 ".() ill (17 (17 117 (111 2S (1 28 ;i() 28 IS Is Hi 70 18 (12 12| 70 . .' (12 (10 11:! ii;; (I'.i 55 (10 (11 (14 (14 12 (12 IS 06 20 61 04 (15 (12 i;ii (12 511 .'(I 59 14 113 21 102 '.) 102 20 101 12 lot .»•' lo:; •» 1(7 • ».> lit ^ S 20 (i:; 21 I 15 11 31i !} 11 20 jus 112 105 no 110 102 102 110 105 loi 1 1 12 110 IDS 01 1011 107 102 104 102 104 105 !)9 105 102 li:i los 104 111 Kill lo.-, lo:; 102 Kill 102 no 105 102 II 11 100 105 lo;; no lo:; 102 1(1(1 105 105 102 105 OS 100 103 104 104 102 IIH 102 (1 117 .") los 103 is (10 t >i> 107 lo;! 22 50 24 no 102 i 22 (12 .) 105 OS s (17 O 101 102 12 .51) 4 102 105 22 01 21 104 102 1 4 64 1 102 105 30 54 4 104 104 ..! 00 103 105 IS 58 15 110 103 ; 8 05 33 103 100 30 04 24 112 105 20 61 19 102 103 28 50 1 2., 105 105 lis no 115 118 120 120 II I IIS 11(1 no no 118 IIS IIS no 113 114 lis lis 114 ii;; no 120 IN lis lOS 111 05 00 (,(i 109 no 107 115 112 los III 109 109 lOS no no 1(J9 107 110 108 106 109 100 Hill Iii7 105 no 10(1 11(1 100 118 no 118 lO'i lis no 115 IIKl 1 13 105 113 107 118 108 110 109 lis 109 lis 109 110 110 110 108 120 112 120 108 110 110 ' i lilii i, iiii fi' k\ ii f'- . 8 INH'OKM TI'.ST ri.oTS (II' OATS i,'ii,lii,/,J, 11 Namic oi' \' \uii'.r\'. N'iild |Kl Ailr at llif Niiiiilitr Tlini' I'AiKTiimiital I'ariu-, of I )avs tr»>iii Snwiiiu to ...... liars i;?,liii}4 1 /. 1 K ♦J ■1. Ottawa, 1 N < 1 •*• '7 iV. -tip i2 5 1, a" 5 5 1 i as ^ 1 :! ■r. s t. 17 SaliiuN. 1~^ St.ii>iali"H ■lU AVliili.- Rii^f^iaii ... ]. ")() Ivirly C.oUilaiiil b\ Silieriaii ... •■>-!l'^i'iK r)l!|Iiiij)r<>\iil .XiiR'riiMM. 54 15! L'l; .')! r,() .")() 50 50 48 42 41 41 L't; L'O l!(l 20 20 12 (i () (I!) 70 iVl so s.s 87 70 . ,1 (ill 7t) 4 50 5S 21 ii:{ \V2 42 4 55 21 102 Id 4s Is 58 is 1 ( 15 IS 4.-) ::o 55 25 102 j 20' 51 (i 57 15 108 12 42 Is 51 2s lOfl 54 14 (il 2:j 105 8 42 IS (iO 15 OS » 55 20 (i;{ 21 HI 20 51 IH 54 27 104 .s 54 24 01 i;i 101 IS 4:1 IS 40 14 105 K) 4.i Ki 52 32 108 100 IIS n:; oil 11:; l(i5 102 IK! 107 00 Ill 1 ( !.■) 10.", no no 10:1 lis mo 10:; 111) Ins 102 115 III,-. 104 no Ill 10.-) 120 no !I2 112 KL' 110 ini III 98 120 100 The twelve varieties of o;its which have iirndnced the larj^est crops duriii}.;; lyoo at the three experimental farms are the following : — CUNTRAI, KXPKRIMKNTAI, FARM, OTTAWA, ONT. 1. Holsteiii rrolific 82 2. White (iiaiit 78 3. Hlack neauly 70 4. Ila/letl's vSei/ure 74 5. Odfrhnu-h 7M (i. California rrolific Hlack 72 I'er .•\cre. 1 I'er Acre. Bush. Lbs. i Bush. Lhs. 18 I 7. Joanelte 70 2o S 8. Ivarlv Blossom 70 20 K; i 0. (lold'en Tartarian (10 14 24 I 10. (lolclen (liaiit 6s L'S 32 11. .Xtnerican Beautv OS ,s 32 ■ 12. Cromwell '. 08 S An average crop of 72 bushels 30 lbs. per acre. i;Xl'IvKIMK.NTAI< 1-AKM I'OR THIC .MAKITIMI'; I'ROVIXCKS, XAI'PAN, .N.S. 1. Black Bfautv . . 2. C.oldcn Hoaiitv. . :;. Wallis '.. . 4. Ilolstciu Prolific 5. Joalietle 0. Danish Island. . . I'er Acre. usli. I,1)S 05 IC 04 4 02 32 01 2() 01 2(1 00 20 Per \uv. Bush. I,li>. 7. Buckhi'e's lIHnnis 00 L'O S. Lincoln SO II 0. Hlack Mcsda-- SS h 10. Wide .\\vake 88 s 1 1. Bonanza ,'■8 S 12. ]5avarian 87 An average crop of 90 bushels 23 lbs. per acre. u U.M'KKIMKNTAI. I \H\[ iMji liKlllslI (.OI.rMIIIA, AC.ASSrZ, II. C. 1. I'rol. ink.TirMrian. L'. llolsl.iii I'rulilif ::, r>l.u-k licaiity 4 'I'liuiisaml I »>iMia (). ( iiiimiliii-- P.r .\i ri'. I'.llsll .Ml M.S. II .'iS L'S 1 r.s L'H 1 .'iS H ' "l" >).» '>7 r.' 1 IVr .Acre. Hush. IJ 7. < ifil'lt'ii < iiaiil ')7 s. IviiU hliissdiii ad U, (alilnriiia I'rol. lUark. 'Hi id. Kiiidal ar) 1 1. i;,iiiv (i..i. It'll rrniiii I'J. .MrlllKillitf .") J All ;i\'cra},''(.- r:ti;) o!" 57 hiisluls f) IKs. jrt aire. 11) li -II •-'() :'4 Tlif twelve varieties wliii-li have ])r(Kliu-e(l the hir.i^ crops in 1 w' " > l,ikiuj< the a\'era^;e results ()l)taiiu(i on the three eNiieriiiieiital t'aiins are : I , llol-itiii I'mlilif •J. lilack Hcaiity , . II. I'iarlv lUnsxmi . . I. ( loliiCii I liaiit . . . ."1. rnmiwill I'.r .\. Tl'. Hush I.hs. 1 1 LM 7(i •J'.l 7(1 :;:( 7n on III •J 7 I'l'i .\rri'. lillsll. I.l.s. 7. I iiU-i linuli (17 S. Caliloiiiia I'ldlilK-, Mlk. 117 !i. li.i/lftl's Sii/un' (i7 1(1. 'i"li.>iis..a(l Dollar 07 I I. JoaiuUi- till I L'. r. i\ariaii (iti '.':{ ').) L't) I.. llinklic'i''s Illinois <>', An average crop of '») l)Ushels :n) lt)S. ])er aere. Tile a\-era<;e crop ot" all the \aiieties of oats tested at eaeh of the ihrc'e experimental farms in 1900 was as follows: — At < )tta\\ a (» > l)n>lKls J 11)>. ; Xappan 77 hnsiiels i 1 llis. , and at A>.;assi/ 50 bushels 5 llis. iier .ure. The avera<.^e return ^\w\\ by the whole of the varieties tested at the three farms nainetl was 62 l.nshels 17 ll)s. per acre. f* i H^} 1 TRIAL PLOTS OF BARLEY. Forty-seven \-aiieties of barley ha\e been tested in the trial I'lots (hirinii; ujoo, ineludiiij;- eij;hteen different sorts of two-rowed barley and twenty-nine of six-rowed. Anionj; the two-rowed sorts there are twelve h\brid varietii'S wliieh ha\e been ])ro(liK'ed at the experimental farms, namel\-, Heawr, Holton. Jar\is, Clifford, Harvey, Dunham, \i(.lor, Xe])ean, iMilton, ."^idiie)-, Lo,>;an and Leslie. Anions the six- rowed sorts there are .seventeen of these hxbrids, namely, Pioneer, .Vr^yle, Summit, Albert, \'an,y;uard, Claude, vSur])rise, vSneeess, Xui^eiit. Tro()i)er, Mansfield, Stella, (iarfiehl, lunpire, Pluenix, Vale and Hronie. The barley ])l()ts were (A the same size ;is those sown with oats. TwD bushels of sei'ed tier acre in lach case, and the dates of -iiwin^ were as follows : At Ottawa, May 1st ; Xajipan, May 3i)tli, and at A<;assiz on April 2cjtli. h'orrea.sons submitted on pa.s^e 5 no returns are}.^iven in the a])])ended tables from the branch farms at Hrandon and Indian Head. Tile |)lots of twD-rowed b;.rley at Prandon varied 111 \ield from 34 bushels iS lbs. to 16 bushels 42 lbs. ])er acre, and the ])lots of six-rowed barley tVom 42 bushels 34 lbs. to 15 bushels 10 ll)s. ])er acre. At Indian Head ei.L!;ht plots only out of eighteen of two-rowed barley are re- ported on, which ha\-e varied in yield from 34 bushels S lbs. tn 15 bushels ]ier acre ; ];articulars are j:jiven of the crojis of eit^hteen out of twenty-nine .sorts of si.x-rowed barley, which have ranged from 55 bushels to 24 bushels 28 lbs. per acre. * TT ^ 10 UNIFORM TIvST I'l.OTS Ol' TWO-ROWKD RARLKV. Namic oi-' \'akii';tv, Yield jier Acvl- :it tlie Ivxi)eriitiL'iital I'ariiis, Sfasi.ii of !!)()(). Nuiiiljer of Days from Sowing to Harvestiiij^. P. y< ^1. I tl 7 8 !) 1(1 11, \-l \\\ U 15 It. 17 IS Canadiaii Thorpe .... 58 iMciieli Cluvalier. . . . , 5(1 Heaver 1 54 Bolton ' 5l' DaiiiNli Chevalier .... 51 Jarvis 50 .\e\vloii 50 CliiTonl 5(( Harvey 50 Dunhaiii -10 N'ietor N'epeaii I'ultoii Sidney I.<>K:>n Leslie Kinver Chevalier. 40 40 47 45 4;^ 40 37 I'rize Prolific ' 2(> l(i 3-_' 8 2-1 '61 2(1 8 8 .s 44 i(i 40 44 40 58 55 05 50 OI! k; L'5 4(1 47 2-1 -15 40 •JO 44 8. 28 Ki: 40 32 24j 42 241 30 8i i 25 40 ' 46 32 31 34 34 41 :!1 28 ;!3 30 .",4 41 30 30 29 2!) 32 30 2S 8 42 8 28 10 3S 22 1(") 20 18 18 24 12 43 40 48 51 44 50 30 -13 •11 41 41 37 43 3(1 30 37 31 3« 3(1 c ■Si 'J ■fi 'A k; a - s K^ ? ^x ,i' ^. ii CS j^ ^ '•' «-• t/. ^^ 'A -< '■/. ■r. ■Ti :/ >, >, ".' 3. Beaver 54 S 0. Newton 50 An average crop of 53 l)nshels 4J 11).^. per acre. i;.\im;kimkntai< karm vo\< rnv. maritimc: crovincks, nattax, x.,s. Per Acre. Bush. Ivbs. 1 . Beaver 05 2. Danish Chevalier 03 If) 3. Canadian Thorpe 58 Ui Per .\cre. Bush. Lbs. 4. P'rench Chevalier 55 5. Bolton 50 6. Newton 47 24 An average crop of 56 bushels 25 lbs. per acre. 11 KX1'KRIMKNT.\I< I'ARM I'OR )1KITISH COI.l'MHIA, AOASSIZ, M.C. Per Acre. lUisli. JJ)S. 1. Jarvis 41 32 2. Ncpuaii 41 22 o. Danish Chevalier 87 4 IVr Arte. Hush. Llis. 4. I'rizo Prohfic .".(l 12 ."). \'ii-lor ;i4 :■'« 6. I'lXMuh Clu'valier 3t 2.S All averaj^e crop of 37 busliL'ls 31 lbs. \K-r acre. Tlie six varieties of two-rowed barley which have };iveii the lar<^- est crops in 1900, takinj^f the average of the results obtiiined on the three experimental farms, are : — Per Aere. | Per Ai-re. lUish. ]. Nepeaii 4;! 2t) An average croj) of 48 bushels 2 ibs. per acre. The average crop of all the varieties of two-rowed Ixirley tested at the three experimental farms in 1900 was as follows: — At Ottawa, 4S i>ushels ; Xappan, 43 biisiiels 40 lbs., and at Aga.ssiz, 33 bushels i 1 ll)s. jK-r acre. The average return given by the whole of the varieties at the three farms named was 41 bushels 33 lbs. per acre. PNH'ORIM TlvST PLOTS Ol' SIX-ROWI'.I) PAUPEV. Yield i)er .\ ere at the Xuiuher Three Ivxperinieuta! I'arui -, of I )a\ s from Sow jut; to vScason of PtUO. llarvesiiu};. N A .M !•: OK i \ ^ '■^ ^ ' 'A '^ ^t-> ■r. 7; c V. I 1; b ' C y. r; - u \'akii;tv. ^ - ^^ ^ a; <~ ' S ' 1; u E 'a 5 E i ' ^ ] a a, -.-1 ct; sc < 5! ic 3 /. i 1 < H G y, < 1 93 80 103 94 i :\n4vle 5() 32 40 .. 3t) 22 44 18 94 89 P)3 95 < 1 ( )(lessa 55 . . 51 32 52 2-1 40 20 4<) 1 93 91 87 8(; 97 91 92 ll'etschora ' 54 s .'iO 38 48 90 'Suiiitnit 54 8 40 .. 57 24 40 .. 2i) 38 38 32 3() 42 41 49 43 15 40 13 95 94 9:: 93 87 87 110 102 102 99 Mherl 53 l(i 94 N'aH'fuanl ! .52 44 94 11 Oderhrueh 1 52 24 42 24 38 1(1 44 21 94 87 90 92 1: Claude. . 51 32 2»» 8 54 80 33 1 (1 40 P) 27" '34 40 37 17 "i4 94 95 ; 88 93 9.3 80 109 95 99 '•Surprise ; 51 32 .50 4( Success 90 15 Nuj.ceiit 50 . . 40 .. 1 41 12 43 3( 92 92 97 94 IfiUulless lilack 48 3() 20 40 20 4( 32 < ' 92 87 105 95 ITiTrooper 47 4 57 24 i 38 32 47 .11 93 87 no 97 P 1' ^ l\xcelsi(>r 4(5 32 1 45 4C 40 . . 50 4( i 37 4 37 32 41 44 34 95 i 92 87 , S7 102 95 95 ♦ Cliaiupion 1 91 11 ii m^ 12 T'NII'ORM TKST PLOTS OF SIX-ROWKD li\Rl,'E\'—C(»n/iu/, rt r. u ' 92 87 • 42 45 93 93 102 90 40 13 92 93 110 98 39 37 95 92 102 9ii 3f) 12 9:5 93 102 90 35 20 91 93 102 95 42 ;!3 93 87 97 92 43 2() 92 87 99 93 45 . . 98 92 109 100 35 12 94 93 103 97 Tlie six varieties of six-rowed l)arley which have <^iven the largest crops at the three experimental farms during 1900 are tlie foUowing : CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAI, FARM, OTTAWA, OXT. 1 . Mensiirv 2. I'ioiieer. . 3. Common. Per acre. 1 Per acre. Bush. Lbs. Bush. Lbs. ()() . . 4. Royal 58 8 (10 . . I 5. ArjVvle 5(5 ;;2 59 8 i I). Odessa 55 An average crop of 58 bushels 8 lbs. per acre. EXI'ERIMENTAI, E.\RM 1-OR THIC MARITIME TRONIXCES, XAI'PAN, X.S. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Meusury 00 2. Trooper 57 24 Per acre. Bush. 4. Royal 5ti :'.2 5. Sur])rise 54 Mt 3. Al!)ert 57 24 (i. Vale. 5;i M An average crop of 56 bushels 37 lbs. per acre. K.XPERIMEXTAIv EARM EOR BRITISH COLUMBIA, .\GASSIZ, B.C. Per acre. | Per acre. Bush. Lbs. I Bush. Lbs. 1. Meusurv 44 8 4. Claude 40 10 2. Nu'^a-nt' 41 12 i 5. Yale 40 S.Odessa 40 20 ,0. Petschora 39 3S An average crop of 40 bu.shels 47 lbs. per acre. 13 The six varieties of six-rowed barley which have j;iven the largest ■crops in njiio, taking the average of the results obtained on the three experimental farms, are : — I'er lu-re. liiish. l 40 R-)val. 49 (J. I'etschora 48 3D An average crop of 50 l)ushels 15 lbs. per acre. The average crop of all the varieties of six-rowtd barley tested at the three experimental farms in njao was as follows : At Ottawa, 49 bushels 14 lbs. per acre ; Nappan, 45 bushels 6 lbs. ; anci at Agassi/, bushels 45 11 js The average return given !)>• the whole of the 3.=S varietit.s at the thiee farms named was 43 l)ushels 22 lbs. per acre. TRIAL PLOTS OF SPRING WHEAT. Forty-nine varieties of sjiring wheat have been grown on the uni- form test plots for 1900. Among these there are thirty cross-bred .sorts which have been ])roduced at the exjierimental farms. These are Huron, Hlenheim, Preston. Laurel, Cajitor, Weldou, Admiral, Crown, Stanley, Harold, Clyde, Plumper, Percy, ]}eauty, Crawford, Byron, Advance, Kra.ser, Blair, Alpha, Xorval, Mason, Progress, Ivbert. W-nion, Karly Riga, Rideau, Dawn, Countess and DufTeriu. The size of the plots in each was one-fortieth of an acre and the ([Uantity of .seed sown was ni the projiortion of one and one-half bushels per acre. The dates of sowing were as follows : At Ottawa, Ajtril 2Stli to ;i(>th ; Napj)an, May 26tli. and at Agassi/., April lotli and i ith. For reasons submitted on i)age 5 no returns are given in the appended tal)le from tlie l)ranch farms at Brandon and Indian Head. The ])lots of spring wheat at Brandon have ranged from 31 bushels 30 ll)s. to S bushels 20 lbs. per acre. At Indian Head the returns of twenty-nine plots only out of forty-nine are available. These have varied in crop irom 3J bu.-^hels 20 los. to 11 bushels per acre. > m II. mr^mffmn^imnw^mm n UNIFORM TKST I'l.oTS OK SI'RINO WHKAT. i Yield ])er Acre It the Xumher 1 Th ree Ivxperinieul il l'"arin ■^t of Davs frun 1 .Sowing lo Season of 111(10. Harvestinj;. OK ^ ■Ji 1 •^ U-. ■A w ■Si •J ■r. ; /. V u 'A ^H .*- ^ J Varikty. ) k 'A 'S •A a BO f. u. ■J '•f- 3! 4-. 1 A to "2 X 1 i 3 i lA Q yj t •i. 1 Huron 38 40 20 34 .. 34 .. .30 2(i 20 31) 34 31 20 57 107 108 105 107 113 121 10. 2 Welliiian's Fife :i5 II;; ^ Hleiiheiiii :{4 33 40 40 20 40 4(» 4(1 31 20 38 40 44 40 40 .. 28 . . 40 40 40 40 24 27 21 21 ')•> 24 28 1(. Id ]() 20 20 40 K 30 33 33 31 27 32 ;5.3 3 17 10 33 40 4(1 50 107 105 109 103 103 107 108 105 103 105 10;! 105 lo3 107 114 114 1-1 121 114 r.i 12J 1 ( 1'.) •4 I'reslou I07 ■5 lYiiiirol 1 1;! f, Colorado 33 lO'.l 7 Captor 32 32 32 1(i7 ■8 Red ['"erii 11) i) While Russian 112 10 Weldoii 32 32 4(1 40 40 3() 4(1 18 20 20 30 30 .•52 4.3 104 lit) 105 105 121 12) li 1 11 Red Fife 1 12 12 Friiif^le's Chaiiii)laiii.. 32 38 4(^ 2.3 20 32 107 104 121 n 1 1.S Admiral 31 31 31 31 2(1 2(1 20 20 33 2(1 3(5 40 27 2(1 3() 40 20 23 28 24 10 30 30 10 28 :i0 29 30 i7 30 3 4,3 100 107 ](l() 111 101 ]().-> 103 104 121 12) 115 121 no 14 Dion's in If) Crown ii 9 1() Roumanian 112 37 Stanley 30 40' 33 20 22 20 28 47 104 lu2 115 107 18 Harold ;;o 4(1 24 40 10 5(1 24 t ) 9S 10 -) no loi 19 Clvde 30 4(1 :!7 2(1 2.3 20 30 27 107 105 IL'O 111 -'(» Pluin])er 30 30 2(1 ;!() . . 37 20 2.3 2;'. io 30 30 27 10 101 105 102 104 111 KM lOii 21 I'ercv no 22 Meautv 30 , 31 20 2() 30 20 17 107 105 1-1 in 2;^ Crawford 30 , 28 . . 22 20 20 47 13 102 111 iiii; 24 Monareli 30 , , 3() 40 29 3(1 .•',2 lo'.» 105 121 112 ?ri H\'rt.>n 30 20 20 28 . . 34 .. 23 20 .30 27 27 10 47 1(15 111 102 103 113 r.o 111? 2(i (ioose Ill v; Advance . .... .)(, 20 20 30 40 2(5 27 20 40 .30 2() 47 2(1 10() 103 104 101 113 111 los 2S I"'raser 20 103 2!) Hlair 28 40 34 .. 2.3 4i. 29 27 103 105 115 los 30 White Fife 28 , . 42 .. 24 2(' 31 2" 108 107 121 11 J 31 Alpha 27 20 .38 . . 24 30 20 .37 107 105 K! III 32 White Connell 27 , , 44 .. 2() 32 20 no It. 5 1:0 II-' 3S Rio (irande 2() 2t'> 40 40 40 .. .30 . . 2'' 2(") 20 30 29 27 40 43 1011 loi; 104 105 l'J2 1 i2 34 Beaudry 1 ' 1 3.'> Norval 21) 2(J 4(1 40 38 , . 3.-> 21 25 20 10 20 •2i 57 27 101 101 lOJ 10. n 1 1 1 jm; 3(i Mason 7 37 I'rof^ress 2() 21) 20 20 33 20 21 .. 26 21 •• 28 2.3 3:', 47 107 101 103 111.-) 1 2 111 1 1 1 3,S Hhert |h7 3!) Herisson Bearded . . . L(} 33 20 24 20 27 .33 107 105 121 III 40 Vernon 20 2r» 40 33 20 41 2(1 2.3 22 40 20 28 29 2(1 47 107 no 101 101 1 1."> r. 1) 107 41 Hunjrariau 1 i 1 42 ICarlv Ri<^a 2.3 20 28 .. 20 . . 24 *. 1 100 OS no 103 43 White ChafT Camp- hell's 2.1 25 20 2(1 3i 4( 24 . . 17 2.3 10 10 23 24 43 1(. 104 107 1 05 101 1 "2 122 1 10 -44 Ridean 1 10 4r) Dawn 24 24 40 34 . . 3.") 20 22 2H 30 20 27 28 3" 105 101 103 98 l-.'l 113 1 1'l 4ti Ivudoj^ I lot 47 Red Swedish •)•> 4i» 40 24 10 28 57 104 103 12 1 no 4S Countess 0.) 10 • • 20 40 33 20 23 24 20 33 25 27 105 105 1 ( r3 100 11 1 114 108 49 Dufferin IW) 1", The twelve varieties of sjirin^ wheat which have ^iveii the largest crops at the three experimental farms in lyoo are the following : — CKNTRAi, i;xpi:rimi;ntai, i'akm, ottawa, ont. 1. Huron 'J. Well 111; ;i. lik'iiiR- 4. rrestoi 5. I 12. White Connell 20 Per Acre. lUiiih. Lbs. 27 10 2() ;io 2() ;?'► 20 20 An average crop of 27 l)ii.shels 42 lbs. per acre. The twelve varieties of spring wheat whicli liave given the largest cro]is in lyoo, taking the average of the results obtained on the three experimental farms, are : — M ■\-l I Per Acre. Lbs. 1. Huron ;!4 2(1 2. While Russian ',V.\ .")(» ;:. I'l-estoii ;i;{ 17 -I. Laurel lU 10 •"). rdiiiitess ■!;! tl. Red I'il'e 32 4:1 I'er .\cre. ]Uisli. Lbs. 7. Reil I'ern o2 s. White Ciiuiicll '.t. Monarch 10. I'riiuile's Chatn])lain 11. Weliiiian's I'if'e 12. Colorado \V1 \V1 .S2 :u 3L 40 20 0( An average crop of 32 bushels 44 ll)s. jK-r acre. The average crop of all the varieties of sjiriiig wheat tested at the three exjierimental farms in 1900 was as follows: At Ottawa, 29 bushels 5 lbs. ])er acre ; Xai)i)an, 34 bushels 30 lbs. and at Agassiz 24 bushels. The average return given by the whole of the varieties of sjiring wJjeat at the three farms named was 29 bushels 23 lbs. per acre. 3.. I' l(i TRIAL PLOTS OF PEASE. Fifty-six varieties of pease have been tested in the nnifonn trial plots (hiring' iy<)(j. Anion^ tiie.^e are itiehuled thirt\' of the eross-Wred sorts whicli liave l)een orij^inated at tiie experimental farms Tiiese ■are Kerens, Duke, Fenton, Prince, Lanark, Kent, Arliiur, Dover, Hrij^ht, Nelson, I'ieton. Alma, Perth, Pearl, (ire^ory, Kini;-, A,i;nes, Archer, Maconn, \'incent. Trilby, Carleton, Mackaw Herald, Coo])er, Bruce, Jvlder, Ivlliot, Hedforil and Chelsea. These were sown in plots of ■one fortieth of an acre each at ()tt;i\va, Xa])pan and As^assiz, and at Ih'andon in jilots of one-twentieth acre ; the (piantity of seed used ])er acre has varied from two totliree bushels, dependini;' on the size (jf the ])ea. The dates of sowing were as follows: At Ottawa, May 7; Jsappan, May 2Sth ; Brandon, Ajiril s.'^rd and at A.y;assi/., April ,^rd. l'"or reasons submitted on paiL^je 5 no returns are ,5 7 Muiinny 00 8 Harrison's ( 'ilor\- ■V2 Di'iinc-c '. 32 10 Chancellor. SI 11 New I'oUer oO IJ Lanark MO lliKenl 30 U.VrUuir .'JO ir. Oddfellow 30 1() Dover 29 17 Prussian Line JS 18 Wisconsin lilue L'S 19 While Wonder _'S 2llL;iei)hant Blue -JS 21 Hrijiht -'7 22'Lue. White M.irrowfal L'7 21 Xelson •_'7 IM lui.ijlish Crey •_'() 20|Canadiaii Heiintx- 'Hi 2(i Black -eved Marrowfat. '2(\ 27Pict()ii.' •-'() 2S .Vliiia I'tJ .. 13 4(110 .. I.S 20l() L'()17 L'OIS 20 ''2 40 I.S . .14 401':.' 4()L'0 40 l,S l'(m;>, ..20 .. 2(; 1:012 4(1 10 40d2 ..120 ..20 20 1() 20 10 ..|28 40 21 15 22 LS 21 20: 13 40 22 . . 25 2(137 20 29 . . ;io . :!2 ..'41 40 31 ..dS .. .10 20 31 40 22 4(1 17 . .':!.") . . .17 4(1 . . 40 43 4(1 10 4(1 39 40 20 20; 30 20,21 4(122 20125 ^ J •f. ■r. rj '^ -.-.' *— s X. y. r-. ^ <^^ ■^ .• ^ „• ' ' s t/" u< r ^ > X-t ."" r. u u 1. ] zc ^ c «-< U Zl. 1 <^ ^ u. ^ /. <; 7 i 7 X* ■f. 73 i. ■r. l— « ^^ ^^ •— ' •"^ ■"I l-( "-• 20 1".» 10 24 .')( ) 1 ."> 10 32 ig.3() 40. 10 . . 20 30 20 40 27 30 24 30 2." . . 27 .. 19 40 2(1 10 21 30 22 30 22 . . 27 ..,20 30 2.') .. 21 i8 3027 ..!lfl hO 24 30 25 40'2() 40; 20 1015 . . :.'() 30 2(1 . . 23 10 L'7 20:10 10 2(1 3(12(1 .. 27 2(1 2.S 40 27 10 23 2(12(1 40 23 10 24 . . 23 20 24 40 24 ; 1(1 22 1(1 ;to .")( 1 24 40 20 .'id 25 10 25 30 25 40 22 . . 24 ..'23 ..:2i / 1 lol 45 30; 42! 47' 57 12! 15 10 55 12 50 7 20 40 5-> 109 112 107 io(i; 11 2i ml no 105 112 10,3 112 no no' 103 lo;; 114 112 112 i(t:i no 114 1 1 ;5 105' 10(. lOS 112 110 108 y. J. ^, r", ^ l-( 101 i:i(,, io;i 131 kk; 127 100 120 100 1:10 102 1:11 100 \2X 101 i:'(i 101 1.30 102 129 101 127 101 132 101 131 100 127 100 1 :',o 102 i;!(i 101 i;io 101 100 1,30 102 127 101 132 101 132 101 1 2S 10;! 1.3(1 102 13(1 102 130 101 12s 101 127 129 u: 131 110 129 \\- 127 115 1:11 120 i;!i no 120 117 120 no 127 ir, i;i;! 117 12H 1111 1.3:1 1 iii no 127 114 120 115 131 no i;i:i no 120 ill 1:1:! no 127 no 132 120 13:; 120 12,s 115 127 no 13:1 lis 12s lis 12T 11(1 127 ii(> rxii'oRM Ti;sT i'i.dts oi' \'\:.\>i\--(\»/,/ii,/,,/. ViiM ]iiT Arrc at lllr I'oiir lv\i)c.'riiiK' I'.irm- SfUMllI ()l I U li 1. Nuiiilirr (if I ).i\ .-. I mill Si)\viii<^'' III 1 1.ii vt-f^liiii; N \Mi-: III' \' \Kii; r\'. A y, ."."IVi-Ui .11 Creeper !1 D.iiiiel O'RdUrUi iLMieriiiaii White. . ;:;i'eaii ;i Celltelili 1") (ire.;iii'\ I'i Ivilln' . . ;: I'rilie . . .") -II I. '4 -K •:;.-) •_'S .'1 L'o in; 1 1. ) L'l I ; lT) i'( )•_•() 4(1 ; lL'7 llti 127 117 r)ll-J!) 1(H'7 1.') 10.') KIL' IL'S V2-2 114 JO 4l)-.'l lOS /. 1 ' ■/ ■r. , 101 130 Kl-J i;ia ;c I > o L') .'( I I s Id 4()l".t r> KC) 101 i;!i vl\^ 11(1 ial !llrs L'.') L'ou) ...10 ..I!) 4(iL':i 4.') 11! loti i;;o i;5:{ I'ji* lT) 20-j:; l'o:51 ..lii 4()l'() ,-> ii'j loo i;!(» i3i lis 24 40 10 . . 2(i :;024 2t)2l 22 lO't 101 i;52 i;;2 117 21 ..ill . 44 ..22 2(120 IJo 110 102 f!2 12,S US 24 ..IS 40-'0 r)02s 2024 17 107 U)2 120 127 lUV 10 107 101 120 i;52 117 24 40'. :;0.\ivlier 24 . . 21 20:!<) 40 M icduu 2;> 20 12 . . ;i(i 4 1 Viiieeiil 2015 20 : 42VicU)iia 2:1 20 (1 40 : ;;o2.") 20 2() 20 2;? 20 20 ■)0: 40 1 102 i;{o i;u ii<> 4)i Crown 44Ti-ill)v |.")Carlel 50 1'reiu-h Calmer 20 4022 40 12 4027 2020 ,50 lOi; 102 I2(i 1'. 14 BriK .'() 13 2034 20 20 .M Ut 112 105 i:U ]:}2 120> Ciller 19 20 15 20:?2 IS 21 10 100 105 129 1: 11 I'-.lliolt 19 2022 403S 302;' ;0 J() 110 lot; 120 132 11«> 511U'ilf()ril . 55 Chelsea . 5(i Miillinliei IS IS ..17 2032 401S 5021 27 109 lOli WV.) \\\:\ 117 ..11 2039 ..21 2022 25 110 102 KU 1315 I H> 2022 . . ;;2 .50 1,S ..22 ;!2 112 102 120 124 117 TliL* twelve varieties of pease which have j^iveii the largest crops it tile lour ex])eriineiital tariiis during' njijo, are the followin;;' : — ■ i:r;NTi l-'eilloil 40 .'() 7. Muiiiiu S. Ilarrisd 10. Chaii.H-l New I' 12. 1. lis ( ). fldfe 3; llur liter :'.l . . . :!( :;i Per .\ere. lUisli. l.hs. 20 to 40> .\ n awra.^e cm]) ni -^5 Imsiiel pi.-r acre. i:\!m;kimi-:ntai. I'Akm i-ok tiii'. M-vkitim:: rumiNCMS. NAi'i'W, n. I'er .\( Hnsli. L riiwii. ISIIll ■r Acre, sll. l,li Ni Olilfelh 20 ■1. I'.leiilianl Blue 20 I'erll :4 '>. CeuJeniiiL 40 40 40 40 20 C h.llU'ellii;- h C. S. 1- telle 9. I'.lliiil . . . 10. Hlaek-eye 1 1. Muniiiiy . 12. .Mtiltiiiliei 40 40 40 .M.irrnw I'.ii. An .'iVL-rage crop of 24 bushels ,^0 lbs. per acre. IN i;XI'KKIMi;\TAI, I'AKM I'oU MANlTOHV, 1IK\N-|H)N, MAN. I'rr Acil'. r.iish. 1,1);,. 1. KiiiK 11 li. \\\\\w WoiidiT i:; Ji. Ciirli'Ic.n IL' 40 '1. 'i"-ill)v f_' ;;i( h. I'riiuv II 10 0. IVari -ID 7. .Xrcliur N. Hiij^lil 'M !>. ciuisc'ii :;ii 10. ]•; lioi ,'{.s I I.;'(! V'liiU' .Ma.n.wtal. :!S I-. Ai^nt's ;!S l''>r .\cre. lUish. Lt.s, ;i!t ;;u An avcra^f crop ot" 40 hiisliels 3.: ll).s. per acre. ;;o i:\i'i;kimi:n'tai, i\i0 I I. Wisconsin I'.jitr 17 i'.o !•_'. I'lini-c L'7 -JO The twelve varieties of ])ease wliii-li lia\e L;i\'eii tlie hirj^est c ■ill 1900, taking' tlie a\'era^;e results obtained on the four experinie farms, are the follo\viii<; : rops ntal 1 Diikf ler . . . IVr Hnsl ;'io .V-\v. . I.hs IL' •0 :;o .) 4 I'rini-i' Ari'liL'i' 2S . . . L'7 15 40 r>, Crown ... »)- t\. Chaiu-elloi" —1 'X IVr A linsh. Caik-ton . .S 1 larrison's ( ilorx' 27 0. D.iniel O'Ro.ukc L'7 10. CcTinan White 27 11. Atjnes 27 \-2. Ivirly I'.ril.iin , An avera,t;e crop of 2~ bushels 57 lbs. \v:Y acre. ere. bhs. L'O 17 1.-) jr. 10 10 The averat^e crop of all the va'-'eties of i)ens( tested at eacli of the ^experimental farms in u)<><' was as follows : — At Ottawa, 26 l)ushels 29 lbs. jK-r acre ; Xa]ipan, 17 bushels 34 lbs.; l^randon, ^i bushels 35 lbs., and at A,i;assi/., 24 bushels 14 lbs, The averajj^e return given by the whole of the varieties at the four farms named was 24 bushels 58 lb.-., per acre. TRIAL PLOTS OF INDIAN CO^^N. Tliirt\-two varieties of Indian Corn have been ti.'sted durint:: 1900. These Vi'ere ])lanted on fairly uniforni soil in rows three feet apart and ahe ])lant.-, thinned out to .-^ix or ei.nht inches apart in the rows. The •dates of ])laiilin,n- were as follows : At Ottawa, May 25th : Xappaii, June ytli ; Urandon, May n)\h ; Indian Head, May 19th and at Agassi/, May 2t)th and ,V'tli. All the ])lots vx'i'e cut green and ]nit into the silo for the winter feeding of stock. riie dates of cutting were ; At Ottawa, Seiitember 12th : Xa]ipan, October sth ; IJrandon, vSejiteinber 3rd ; Indian Head, Sejjteniber 4tli, and at Agassi/, on r)ctol)er 3rd. 'Phe \ ield per acre has 'been calculated in eaidi case from the weight obtained from two rows each 66 feet long. in vxn'ORiM Ti;sT ri.oTs oi" indiax corn. X AMI'. or Variktv, \'ii-lil at till' I'.xpii iiuciilal I'ariiis Sra-'Oll c il 11)' « I. y,\ <)llawa. Na])]iiii. lirainloii Imliaii .\'^^•lssi/, Axi'faxe lIiMd, ' nfall Out. X.S. , Man. X.W.T. I!.C. l"aiiiis. i I \'i V .nil'. I'l r Ion- 1.1. -..Toll- i I 1 Rural TIh.'IhI Wliilr I'liii! Lll I'J.SO 'JS L' Rid Ci)l. I".lisila-c LM ]7l(l 2 > ;; iviiiv M.i-i(.(i(.ii L'li i;;(i(» lm 4 Ciaii'l rioiilic Ijisilaj^v. ... -:> i;!(l(l L'.'! .') Sii|)ii'i()r ImkIiKm' -."> (illl ■_'•> liSal/iM's .Ml ('...ill LM ;U(l L'O 7 Cli.uiii)iMii White I'l- -"> -Oil lT ^ .Maimiiotli Culiaii 'S.\ I'lid L'l ".M,()11l;IV11.)\v L'L' llii ■_'! I(l,\ii-4cl of MiilniKht -'i' .... •2'.\ 1! While lliiil -'-' .... I-'-' I- While Cap Yellow Dent. . . L'l 17mi L'J L'SCloiiil's Ivirlv Yellow -I !)iiii St II Mainiii. lu^ht-rnwed I'liiil -'I L'lc L'l 1.') I'riile of the Xorlh L'l :.'ll 'Jl hi Selected Leaillin-- L'O -hi '_':! 17 N'oilh Dakota While -0 -1(1 L' t IslColllptoirs I'lariv !'.> "idO IS I'.i ivirlv r.utUT.. . .' li) L'Sd •_':{ L'dl'ear'ee's I'lolilk- I S 14(111, ■_'(» •Jl Kill!,' of Ihe I'arliesl 18 ,S.M) -j:] l'-_'|Saii'for(l 17 11)70 I'D L':;;I':veri;reell Su<>jai- I 7 1 L'l Kl •-'•_' L'4 Ivxlrii I"„irlv Huron 17 1(100 I'J L'.') Reiidair.s Ivarlv C.iani , 15 1000 10 L'li Ivirlv Yellow Lonir Ivired.j 1.'$ IL'SO . ., l'7Countrv ('.enUoin'an Il' L'C'O; l.'L> •N .MiU-hell's h:xlr;i Ivirlv.. .. 1 1' SKUi;; L'O Yellow Six-weeks ICx'lra. . 11 110 11 :'.0 I'.xtra Ivirlv S/.ekelv 10 1780 i:! :;i \orll-. iJakola Yellow 10 I7S0 ] 1 :'.L' Sal/er's Ivirliesl Ripe , KSOO I'll iu n . I'.r un l'( r .•ii-rr. 1 IICII', ' I'rr aerc. 1,!' I'mII - 1,1- rmi- 1,1'- I'nll- 1,1>- ■ 'nils l.lis 7"i( 1 L". 1 1 hid 17 1 iL'd is II so' .-■ ) lOdO 7(1 15 :ii;ii 1:1 ', l.'.( 1 L'O :ii>(i L'd 1000 1 ,S")( 1 L'O o:Jd 10 II 10 L'l 1.5011 L'l i7;'.(i 070 1(1 Mh. 1:; I7l'() L'l 57(1 10 moo 1 01 Id 17 HMO M L'OO L'O SI II 1 L'l 1010 . * • . l:! MO 1 1 1 100 L'd i:;i.ii 17 1 5l"-' 1 ."i.")l 1 15 M l( 1 15 157(1 5;;(i L'l i:;o l."iOO 11 170(1 15 :'.d L'O osd L'O i(i'_"-' l"i70 15 1 1 IL'1 1 10 ;;iii 15 ,">iii> IS lilKI 7.")0 IS lOL'd IS I'.id 17 7r,() 10 ism ."i.'ii IS 11-11 15 ;;ii 15 5sii IS I'JOL' 1 ( ;."i( 1 IL' |5l'(i IL' Old 17 ;;l'(i 17 7SL' (iOtI 15 IL'-Id 15 SI l( ) L'5 lohi L'll l.'IIO 1070 15 pioii 10 II Id IS IOL'II IS 17(is ! I.'il 1 15 101 Id IL' 1 110 L'O ."iiiii L'l) 12s •iL'd l(> IL'O 14 |L'()0 10 07(1 IS lOL' 0.".( 1 *)•> 1100 14 L'liO 15 SI II 1 111 OI'.O 10.")d L'O 700 10 ;;i(i 15 ;;iid 17 107(1 1 S.-)() 15 lL'4(i 14 400 17 ;;l'(i IS ."lO 1 S( l( ) •)•) L'L'd 1:; '.i5d IS (;;;ii IS 1400 070 10 5( K 1 1:: ISO L'l l5-(i 10 410 i. ').■)(> lit 110(1 !.". 7L'(i 15 Dim 17 SIS llOd iL' iL'd 14 iL'dO is •Kill 17 IsS odd IL' 15 L'O 10 L'O L'l I7L'II 10 1 7f)2 KiOO k; IL'O 11 1S70 10 Id 15 1000 ll L'L'( 1 1100 IS 11 Olio 1S70 L'l 1!) (i.SI) L'so 550 15 1004 lO.'.O L'O -ISO 1'-' 141( 11 IL'IO' 15 111-.' 1S7() 10 000 4S( 17 700 IL' •J4 1050 11 llOO !) 4 SI 1:1 IL'SO 1 1 17IS 17 1(111 ll'. IS 14 1 ls(l 1:; 708 700 s .500 '.' 4SI 14 ISldl 10 (I5S m i'ta = i ^'; (I The six \-arieti(."S of Indian corn wliicli liav(j i;i\-L'n the- lifuvicst crops al the scvc-ral cxpcriniental farms iliiriiii; ivoo aiv the following"- : ci;ntrai, i;.\i'i;rimi;ntai. iakm. 01 r\\\\. ont. I. Thnro'lired While h'linl. L'. Red Col) I'lnsilaije I'er .\ere. Tons, l.ljs. . L'4 IL'SO ■ 4. Ci.iiil I'nilifie I'.n-ilaije I'„ulv :\Iaslo 1710 I ::()() Superior I'odder All iVL'ra<.;L- crop ot ^3 Ions 1,4 ;S 11 Sal/.er ^ .\il ( . )s. per acre. 'Id. I'er .Xere. Tolls. l.tis. . L':; IlioO . L':; (ito . 2:; :;io i;xi'i;kimi;nt\i, i-akm i'or tiii', mauiti.mi-; 1'K()Vinci:s, naci-an, n.s. I. Thoro'lired White I'linl. '-'. Chain])ion While I'l'.irl. II. Sujierior h'odder I'er .\rre. Tons. . L'S Lbs, 750 4. Cloud's I-;,irl.v Yell 1550 5. .M.iinuioth 1000 I 0. North Dakota Whiu .Xere, 1,1) L'4 I'll 10 I .",( 10 An avcrao;L' crop of 2C) tons 342 II is. per acre. I I ' I •20 I':m'i;kimi:ntai, iaum iok mwitmux, iiKAMinN, man. ]\r Ai Ti'. I IVr Arrc. Tolls. I, lis. I Tnlis. ],lis 1. TlKiio'lpnil Wliiif I'liiit. , L".i I Kill 1. I'lvlv Yellow I.oii.n I'Mtfil L"_' lil'n 1.'. .N.iilli l),ikMi;i Whiii. :••_' IliKi ,•,, i:a!l\Ma>toii lli>. prr iktc. li.M'I'.KIMlNTAI, lAU.M inU Till'. NoKIIIU I.S 1' TlvKKIldUl I.S, IMilA.N ll.,.\I). N.W.T, I'cf .\rrc. ' I'lT Alfi'. 'roll'., l.hs. Tons I. lis I. ]'',.irl\- Yellow I.oii;,' I'.au'd Is Diid 1. Iviilv M.islodo'i Hi 11 In •_'. Alltel of Miilniylit Is |imi .'). Maii'iiiiolli .S-rowcd I'liiil. !ii lllo ;!, Tlioni'i)ri'(l While I'liiil .. 17 llL'O i\. Coiii]ilon\ isarly \*'i I'.lo All avcra^^c cioj) of 17 Ujiis 525 lbs. jjcracic. ]';\i'i;kimi:ni'ai, i'aum idr nurnsii (.oi.rMiu.v, \(i.vssi/, 11. c. 1 . Su])erior I''oiMer . . , '.'.. 3IaiiiiiioUi Cidiaii. . , .".. I'ride of the North . I'er Acre. 1 Per Aeie, Tolls. I, lis. Tolls. I, lis. , L'li .S(l() 4. Red Coh I'.iisilaKe I'li .'lUd L'li ('iSO ."1. Cloud's ICarlv Yellow 'St HUn . I'll ;;()() (i. I'.xlra I'arlv iluniii LM 17l'o An iU'crao;*.' crop of 23 tons i,S27 llis. ])lt acre. The six varieties of Indian corn wliicli have t;iven the lieaviest cro])s in ujtx), takin<^ the averaj^c of the results o))taineci un all the ex- jierinieiital farms, are as follows : I'er Acre. ! I'er Acre. Tons, I, lis. Tons. I,hs. 1. Thoro'lii-ed While Mint. , -J^ ltl()(i 4. Clianqiioti While Pearl . . Jl lIUl '). Iviriv Mastodon -1 l";!!! "1. Maniniolh Cuhaii L'O Kil'l' •j. Superior iMxlder ■_'] 1()40 (i. Cloud's Ivirly Yellow 20 lllitj All average crop of 21 tons 1,341 Ihs. per acre. The averao;e weioht, cut j^reeii, of all the varieties of Indian corn tested at each of the experimental farms in kjoo was as follows : At Ottawa, iS tons i.SfiS lbs. ])er acre ; Xappan, 21 tons (149 lbs. ; P.ran- don, if) tons i.4or) lbs.; Indian Head, ' p, tons 1,74') lbs., ;uid at A.uassiz, 1 1) tons 414 lbs. The a\'eraoe return i^iven by the whole ul the varieties at all tlie farms was iS tons 17 lbs. per acre. TRIAL PLOTS OF TURNIPS. Tweiity-eioht varieties of turiii]>s were tested durino; i90<-i sewn on drills or on the tlal 2 ' _■ feet ajiart. Two .sowiii}.js were made at each f;i in, the second about two weeks later tluiii the first. The dates of sowiiio' ill each will be found in the accoiii])an\ino; table ; the dates on which the roots were .pulled were as follows : At Ottawa, October Kitli ; Xappan, November ist : Ih-andon, October 2yth ; Indian Head, October Sth, and at Aj^assiz, October 23rd. The yield ]ier acre in each case has been calculated from the weight of roots gathered from two rows, each 66 feet long. A •s. O W o - s< 5.S ■u. ,• t I ~ -s -z -r — T. ■■'. • I -^ ■■'. •: t — ■' Z I- T. ■Z T. -J :■: r- I , i-r r /^ *i — 'S S"" "2 51-1-1- — 71— ':i."i-i'"fT-— -•i-''3-r-f-rii7ir. l'^l!^ j; s if^ -- r: p — 1* C r 2 1 ~ I - P P ~ ? I - ■' ^- • - - * i ' ■' '■'■ - " f '^ at ' -■;. .r i — 1 1 iT r. ?t ■•7 i5 r ;7 — y. T I — — -f r. r- — " '^ ^- •* "^ ■" Z ^ ^ ~ 5-» I- -w 1- :i Ti 5. — 1- ?i i :■; -r 1 • -r i-^ :* *ii- 1- - I - 'i -r ~ r, i^ £ 5 •■5 -f '7 -f — f: — -t I- ti ?i :•: *i Ti :- Ti -f " o r r: :■: CI ■ ji ?» ■» £5 ■?ifi':ifi'riTiTiiiti'riTiJi':i'Mri?i':i'riiTiii — ■MTi'Ti*!?! — -H H _ , _ _ U — .^ -yr ^ , -^ « I y — * I ^ ^ - I -^ * ■ - - •■ 1 -«, ■ - V -#- *^l - I • - -♦■ '^ 1 ■* /- r. /■- -r ri I - 1- 1 - c i i A s -r ■>: c ri 1^ x T. T. — 1(5 yi ji v: r « — r- ir s ~ '": ji t. -r -f ic nr — i '^1 . ■/. .^ ^ K^ X .TK u * f1 ,-ac S . r— < k '• ""H I- 2 ? i ? 1? 7 ? 5 7 I § 1 7 ?i i 5 ?i 5 ?! ?i ^1 7. 7. § 7 f ^ 7 1 -ri s 3; vr I.-: — T 1 7 y. 7 1 :7 i — r-. i - ■« ;7 r. :o -r c -7 -J t "/: I- I- 1:7 ~ - •i x I - >c r; ■-': v: -c 1- 1.^ Q _ 1(5 C SI t = -J i-: » — -r - r -/: 1-: — I - ■ 1I7 *t :7 ■ '■ 1.7 i": _ ~ 1" iC' 10 OS / 7 1 /. ri — /D 7 1 -r S ■r. 7 1 7 1 c". *7 -r 7 1 ri 3 . — Cl - *. 1 - . . . . -• CO -r - ? I - 7 1 y. P '.1 5 '" ~ '1 _- 'j 5 5-7 5. '^ 2 ,5 2 i-f — i-i-3i-i-.;c r :-. 1- tt :7 — 1-17 •o ?5 -f :'! -f r. o c -f :; — 17 I - 1.7 75 1- 1- 1^ •^ t^ r. I - -r w 2 a! O O -r ■£ O O ■XOOOX7lOOO-fC SVSQO ~ -r ^^ O 7 1 1 - -r Tl 'A O X c CO O -f C = -^ Q p O = = i p -I- .:i p O / -< — "C :: _ -r — X :7 z. c — -r 1 - - 77 -H -r -r •* -r ao -r ; = X 1(7 S 71 — X ?5 O 71 -f — r. — i7 i-C 77 77 — • 5 5 7 -r -I ^ -3 ' ■ji -r ~ ■'. \ - Z. —• <■ M 71 -- -f 35 1^ ;-. -i •• r -i -z 5= i-T — 71 ~ /•. 7j ^ r. i c p ■z 7 1 -o :; s c o - o o o M -/: 7 1 -. — t = o X 71 1~ » -c o tTi o .c r-. 1 - I ~ r y- :7 X C5 • / -z i -" -o 7 1 7 1 :r. -r — y 71 lO — rt i 75 3i 'C '^ I ~ "7 n ■/. n "^i iC 10 10 lO lO iC I."? c IM7II-7II^1C — 7ll~i^ ^ 1-7 - - ,^ = liTi-: to ,- i7 _ i7 - C "C C 17 1 C i-i 71 it '."l lO i~ 71 if7 1-l ^-i~_7li7 7l 'X is 0) t- --c --S 35 iffl -^ -t< .0 3i r 1— ( f-H rH i-H •— » »— r-i ::; ~ -r fo 1- 35 1- jlllll'Z.'z, ^'"~z;£iJ5 'A '^5 u 2S -< -^ -f CO r: 77 r- - '-7 77 .- .- -. 1- t?^ r: lO — -y 7 1 7 1 3s -x -c -c :o » -J ^ 1— I a-y 71 71 71 Jl 71 717171 71 71 71 71 t7 7 1 ■." 1 71 71 71 — J171 7I7I7I 7I?I — ri ^ a, a*i i;i ? § : -7 : ? 8 X .? ^ ,^ ,? : ? 1^ 1 ^ 10 1(7 - i7 C Z '7 C C 1^ 1(7 1(5 1(5 71 - iT C 5 17 1 - 71 71 1~ 1 9h ^ . 'J "^ -r v: •3-. • -p :7 X r. i- y. 71 ■ iT '■O 35 C 1(7 :: r 77 3. 71 — 71 71 -< - "^t J* t • 1— ^-i «M — M — ^ — ^ ^H t~* *^ z'. /.^ u i 7) 71 77 77 e 71 -t r i-J t- — 1- •» r -~ 1 - 71 -^ — 1 t 77 71 1- 1 - 1- 1(7 1- 77 75 77 T 77 :7 77 ^5 CS 71 ■", "":— -r T :7 77 77 -r M 77 7* 77 -r -r 77 t CO s?{ C iO"C O O 17: OOi^ 1- IT ^ - ^ - - - - 1(7 1.7- 17 c o 2 r; 1 v: -y: 77 77 1 - v; 1 ^ o r^ ' H lO -C CI O ~ 35 — 77 7 1 77 1- iT •^ "* i-r -f 1 - 3-. > » '■i " — X 35 -r 77 l- i^ y. 3-. 1* I- iC ,^ 71 — 1- 35 — 3; - 77 X 77 1(5- 31 n ! 5^ l-M P— 1 X •-< lO — »35-f-/:c-*x — ~ ^ r *'^ -^ — -r - •r-ft-\3 7170T-t<--i ^ ! 1^ 71 :0 51 71 77 — 77 71 71 77 71 ;.- 71 tt -7 71 71 71 71 71 n 71 71 71 — IM T'l — •f. —4 rt aaciiixuM ^ 71 sc 't ici ;o I- cc c: o — ri M -r 1(7 --c I- 'y 03 o — I CI 77 -h 1(7 a I- « ' '^ rt -^ — p^ — -^ — ^ — — 71 e-l 7-1 71 71 Cl M *< 5J rB 't ' III 1 ^l H ■' 22 'IMk- crops fnmi llu' Iwo sowiiijrs of turnips :il the fxpcrinietitul farms in k/hi have aycraKe«l per acre a^ lollo \v> Cuiitral l'!\pi'iiiiifiital I'anii, first sowiiij^. 'J'()ii> Hill S(I\VIII>{ -t) lvxj)friiiic'iital l''ariii, Naiii)aii, I'mnI miwjh^ Ilti iSraiiiloii, Sll'Ollll MIW 1I1J( . lilsl SDWillJ^ . . . st'iiiinl sow iii^i . Iiiiliaii Ik'ad, liisl snwiiiK l'"> sfi'oinl si>\\ mj4 . A^assiz, lirsl snunij. " M'Ciillil snwjll^ l: IS lalJ 4L'n S- r.'.':; r.'K) not Averapfc croji fnnii ail tlie plots at all the farms, first s(»\viii>;, jj tons 1,441 "^^' '• second sow in;;, n; tons 160 11 is, per acre. The six varieties of tnrnii>s wliiili ha\e i;iven the hea\iest crops at the .several exp.eriniciital farms (hiring the season of i^imi are the following;. 1 Whert- not otherwise statid the (piantities j;i\en are all from the eail\' sown plots. 1: CIINTUM. I,.\I'1;UIMI,\TaI. 1 AKM, OI'I'SW \, ont. I'd- Acri', T. Cartel's l';ic])liailt Tolls I,I)S. ISdii I'lr .\crt 'I'mII'' I,t> Skir\ iiij^s , 4. Wi'st Norfiilk Kf.l 'Pop.. I^ii <•:'.(» •'!. ('Iiain|iiiiii l'iii'|i|(' 'I'(i|i I'Jin I .'). Siiilnn's Cli.iiii]iii ".Ml (i. Moiianli Id,-. '.MO An a\eraj;e crop of ,',7 Ions i,J'<7 Ihs, per acre. i:.\['i;uiMi';\, i'akm iok Tni'; makitimi'; i'Ko\inci:s, naitan, n.s. Per .\i-re. 1. Sk irviiij.;s. I.SOI) 4. M( •li I'er .\cre. Tons. I,l)s. . A'J -ISO liiiiierial Swede -t'J i;i()."i I 5. Carter's I'.lepliaiit A'2 4S0 lIartU'\ 's Hron/.e 4L* t)7') I (>. Selected Cliaiii])ioii -10 KIT') An averaj^e crop of 42 tons 715 Ihs per acre. i'.xim:kimI';.\t.\i, iak.m i'ok ma.nitoha, hka.ndun. man. IVr .\i-re. 1 ]'er .\ere. Tons I,l)s. I Tons 1,1) 1. Jiiiiiho, Jiid sowiiij^ n» S()() ' T). Wehh's X. Renown, 211(1 s. 1") 2. SkirviiiKs, 211(1 sow iiij^;. . . 15 HIsO li. Sliainroi-k Purjile To]) ;i. Hall's Weslhnrv, 2nd sow. 1") l(;s() i 2ii(l A. Sel'd Chanipioii,2nd .sow. I'l .'itld , :!(iO liii.' 14 10-10 An averaj^e crop of 15 t(-ns 1,1^X7 Ihs. ])er acre. ]':xri;KiMi:NTAi, i'ak.m i'outiii-; noktii\vi;st ti.rkitouiiis india.x hi;aii, n.w.t. IVr .\ne. I'er A ere. Toll' M) 1. Iiiil). SweiU', 211(1 sowiiii •1. I'erfeetioii Swede. Tons. . -'0 ]. 410 W( . N". 1 \eiiowli, 211(1 s JO ICiL'.') Cliaiii])ioii I'uriiU- T( 'P 10 pi l)riiiiiiii(-ii(l Purple To]). . L'O 51") > 0. Ilalewood's Uroii/.c To]). 10 1(17") .\n average crop of 20 tons 1,05.2 Ihs. per acre. i:.\:m:kimi:ntai, i-akm i'ok uurrisit coi.c.miua, acassi/., 11. c. Per Acre. Tolls J,ll Pir Acre. Tons, l.lis 1 . Pirfeilion Swi-ili West N'ort'( Haiii/holill Seleeled- \S •_')»;! ."i. SkiiviiiKs . 24 M'Ji 7-2:\ (i. llailUv s Hn.ii/.i' 1.'4 :V2\* 1. Carter's ICUpliaiil . . L's 'J. IVrtVctioii Swfdc L'7 ;{. Chi.nipinii I'lirjili- 'ro|i. . . •_'•"> An awra^i' rrop of js Ions i.,^,v> Ihs. pi.'r acre. The early sown i)lots have a^ain j;iven the lar>;er erops at fonr of the fxperinieiital farms. 'Vhv average rt^nlls from all the farms show I Brandon .niui; the (.xeeption^ a dilTeri^'nee of 3 toii^ i.jSd Ih.s. p(.r aere in f.i\or of tla- larly .suwin^s. I TRIAL PLOTS OF MANGELS. Twenty-two x-arietic-s of mangels have \k-vu nnder te>t dnrinp KjcK), all M)wii on drills or on tin.' tlat in rows -•'.• feet apart, 'i'wo sowings wx-yv made at each of tin.- experimental farms, the second sowing; two weck^^ later than the first. The dates of sowing will he found in the acconipaiiNinj^- tahlc, the gathered from two rows each ()') feet lung. i > ^■'■f 24 W o ■fe XT. y, '■J " o — v: -f Tl i~ i' ■* 7 H 5 il t— « ^^ .— . ^.^ — < .— 71 li — Vi — ~ 77 -T C". 7 1 ~. 7 1 r^ ~: ~ '2 fi 'S '.', .- IT ■:S 5 X -£ 7i.777-ri7-Ti-i — r7i35:_. i- C — — 1- 7 1 C -f 71 7 1 77 X; X X 71 — 71— 71.171717171— >« — tr. ■ / X r. o 1^ :c ■- o 1- rC c i_- r. oc ri :■: i~ r. r^ 71 :•'. 71 71 71 71 — X 1~ *.C 77 77 71717 1 •.r 77 .7 C vr — 71 17 - X 71 71 .- 1 — .7 •.; X r. 1 -T - X 77 ■ ; -fC:~.-~l^ i!7 C r. .7 1 - -^ C5 -/^ 71 O 77 i7 lO r: 70 -f -f — ' -J r. 7I7ITI7I7I7I71717I7I7I7I'— . r. V •— X 71 ;; -r / X c X T .7-l~:i77X:^ r / -.; Tl — 1 .^ -T J-. |- -^ 77 X T^ 77 1-^ 1— 1 r— 1 I—" — 7ll-77-f— i-t— 'i7i7-f77C 1 to '/I ^ o ^ ■^ if^ ^ i. o .=.;^- cj ir; ^' "*'-' 7171 — — —71 — — — — — — — -H — 1 . x occocro-ccocoor iJ^ r: ri -r r 7 1 -r C 7 1 7 1 -.; 7 1 X r T 7 1 X., f O 7 1 -.C 7 1 _ CC X u •"• 1- r. 1 - c X - — 1 - r. T ic w X X e-i X C- ~. 1- X> 17 c »- '^'3 v- ^ x X 77 f -c X -c 7 1 -t c -.; -f -f — ' o 1-7 77 X 77 1(7 -X r. *tt ^!7i — — 71 — — 71 — ~1 — — — — -< ococ;-i7 05c;o = i7«o:5 j: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ u ■-* 1- 07 ifT ^2 7 1 1 - r. i.T lO X r. X f -H r 77 js ic -.:: i- c7 ii i -H— 1^ — — r-l^— .— ■r. - 1 : 5 ^=—-.3 1-7-1 X 17 'X 77 iC X — 1^ • ~y- ■x^ C7:;i'7 0l7i'7CCOCO^— ~i .i--. s;,- -^ — 17 O ~ ^ 17 ■J -^ if7 70 l>- O -f :0 w I - O l~ 7 I X O O /: ~. 77 -O i.Ol iC ; -f> O 71 wl 3: '.£ 70 01 71 O 70 'X X O O t^ d 01 t>. 07 r, ,-'^71 73 ;s X . = 71 ■r. 71 -r 71 70 77 1- t 35 -H Ol 1— t T— 1 X — r X -X 7? -= .^ "^ -^ — -- X c _ X O 75 X X O :0 — — 1 00 I- cii o T u; o -.s 1- -r X f-H .— 1 I— ( r— 1 ^H 1— t 00 — 00 77 -- 1(0 -- 00 01 01 70 X ao 01 —1 i.o 01 W CO X -o — 1 1^ » « X z'. :5 . T. -< « o J *-, •^ :■": — -r — T / r. i7 i7 71 r. r .- 1 - 1 - -— — 'T T. \C i^ t« r^ •"• '_/ "^ -T 71 — -1 X r .rT, 17 — — 7) _. Ti iT y. c* 1 1- "' ^^ r; . 1-H .—1 "— ' ^--^ -r rt — ' Ci 1- -r 'C -f 71 01 01 01 —1 — —■ — — — * 1 - 1 " *^ — — r*, tC -r -r -r ^ -r -r-T-f-r-f-T-r-r-r-T 1 . ly — . . ^ • • . ^ . * 5 i^J^ji^: ;• i i> ^ ^ C :^ I'''* — ^— !5 '. "^ t- . s r. r _: = . ;■ ji '.J ~ ., • ^ o '; s * u ^t; *• '^ u 7. : -,■-':- C ■a c cj|-5il :x|>f-=5 ■? H -< rj ^ tf j2 ^ ' C rs .x '^^ — '" Tt i> »■" c ::: > u K ;i: c :j c X ?^ X. x c>< ?; •J0( imnx r-oiot'»'L'o:ct>.aoc50 — e^oorjiico 1^ X O p — 01 =: b: ^ •7 — t: 5 -5; r £ ? ^ b tS x . y. - /, " *• ^ ' U W 25 Tlie six variulies of maiiij^els wliii'h have ]>ro(UKX'(l tlu- licax-iost cTops at tlic several expeiiiiR'Htal farms duriii.i;' iijon, arc iIk- foUowiii);. I Unless otlKrwise slated, the yields ^iveii are all from the earliest M)\vii jilots. ' : C1;NTK.\1, I'.M'l'.RlMMN I'M. I'AUM, OTTAWA, ONT. I'rf Am-. I l\-r Aoro. 'I'diis. IJis. I Tiiii>.. I, lis. 1 Canadian Ciaiit -M (li'.i) 1. ManiimUh l.oni; Red . . . . Ai'> 4()(» 1' ('danl Vi'lldw InliMinL-di- ."i. ( liaiit W'llow 1 lalf I.oni; . I") 1 ().")() ate I.I .".10 (i. Mam. Yellow IntiTiiU'diatL- It IK) .;. Ward's LarKe()valSli:ln--d -17 KM) j A n average crop oi ^- tons A^o lbs. per acre. i;xri;RiMiiNTAi, iaum imr Tiir: mauitimic provincics, XArr.vs', n.s. I'er Aere. 1,1); I iins. Sutton's Vrllow ( dolii 'J. I. ion Vi'llow Inti'rnui liat(. I'd. mi Vl-IIow lnlt.'rnn.'di- ati. M 11'.'.') ")() LSI).') 4\) \\v .\ere. Toms. I,1)s- -1. Mam Yellow Intfrnii'diat -17 S7"> 5. ('liant Yellow Crlohf 4.'! ti"_'5 (). Yi.'lU)W hill'! mediate .... 411 0"_'.3 An a\erai;e crop of 47 tons 1,203 lbs. jkm" acre. ).xi'i:i^i.mi;ntai. i'arm I'ou m anitoha, iiiiAxnoN, man. Per .\e!t Tons. 1.1 Sl-Iih-IimI M.immolh Loiilt Keil Jill I sowuis. c'd I'li'^lu'd Tankard I 2nd sowins^M Mammoth Oval Sliapi-d L'40 I'.IOt 14 Hi IVr Acre. 'J'ons ], 4. date I'ost (jtid sowim^V .'r. Canadian (iiant i^ndsow me' I ('>. Mammoth I.onir Red . SSS 1 7'.'0 '.»L',S (2nd sowing ' 1 An averaj^e crop of 16 tons 516 Ihs. per acre. i;xpi':kimi:ntai. iakm iorthI'; xokth\vi:st ti:rkitouii:s, ixhiax iii:An, n.w.t. Per Acre. Pit \ci\-. Tons. ] I t). Mammoth Yellow Intcr- Tons. Id>s. . L'S 708 L';t 51: iiiedialt 411) 1195 An average crop of 29 tons 4S0 lbs. per acre. f . fi: I ! I V fj,- I P.' t 2U The early sown plots of inaiii^t-ls have niven in n}:)() larger cro]^ than those later sown at all the experimental f.,nns, cxci'ptint,^ that at r>randon, the average of all, showin.i; an advanta.^x- in l\i\-()nr of L-arl\ sowing of 3 tons .S44 lbs. ])er aerc. TRIAL PLOTS OF CARROTS. Nineteen varieties of carrots were muler test (hiring 1900, all sown «n drills or on the flat, in rows two feet ajxirt. Two sowings wx-w made in each case, the second sowing two weeks later than tlie fir-t. For reasons submitted on page 3 no returns are given in the apjKMukd table from the l)raneh farm at Indian Head, ai'd the results of tin- second .sowing only at Brandon. The dates ot sowing will be found in the accompanying table, tlk dates on which the roots were jnilled were the following : At Ottawa, October i6tli ; Nappan, November 2nd ; Brandon, October 4th, and at Agassiz, October 23rd. The yield per acre in each case has been cal ciliated from the weight of roots gathered from two rows each 66 feet long. i' C Pi < tr. to i^ 'A -T C 5 1*: /, '— ii i~ i". n :" :i ;i T -r S-4- '■^-■^' i;i.S S •r. Cii O •y. 1- 1 - 1- -c -r r I- 1- t - •; '" tr. ^ •s. ■-^, 6 i cc — — OC— '/".Ci^J" ~ ■^\ ~ ~\^i r ~ ''■ '■'. V. ijT ^* :!:' ^ T. c t" 'T 7_i /: r. y i^ rt ''' "^ ' - ~ ~ :*CCTii-: •/tiT-T— ii-t^:-.— iT'ii-i" CI- j;^ :':::f::tTi7iti'ri'M7iri'ri':i7iti~ •— , tl 5 T- f 1 {5 X -3 fi X 5 X S 5 fi -^ -^ x c 7 -^ C^ Tji t - r-i ~ -r It -r I - f iT c'; *- iC ""C "-C x "C -~T 1- ii — -f c; i~ .; lO — ' t* -^ ifT C ''. '."^ :'. c* 71 — ' — • ~ ! c':?iTi~i'-''ri'M7i— .tt'i^iciriii — — — — i ■Si - ■/. X ^ < C 5 *i 1- " T < v° '/, - it o .; ^ ■M '•J r— Q ^ r* ^:i O 7 '^' S^^ 'j: ►— » P ~ t— i — i~ c* 1^ — :t v: ~ o r - t^ C X 1- t . r- tt '^ :* cc :' Ti T! 7 1 : 1 ri tt ? I T I Ti 7 1 7 1 — — — — c: -»• -r ,: -3 X 7 2 X 2 — •T^ ~ 5 -r 5 7 1 t i J C;717|ifrCX7liO-T— — 7IC;C— -Hl-l-\: P. :^ ,E '■ 2 *~ ■ - 1^ ■r. ■- i D ^ »-*-'» . , 71 ;:: — u . — i; :: > 9 - ■/: r ^ > ^ — > ^ *x •— - ^ ■t. -C _ -r • i 'A A x lO -f -r l.-J -f IC 71 i!7' :7 :• -.'. -f 1- iC 77 77 7 1 71 7t i/: r _ _ ■"■ — -^ ■J - C 9 'a '^ 1 . ~- I - 1 ' 1~ ^ It '~ t^ " « — X >-i -. -y^ ra o X -r CI • .-^ S 1- t~ I- If ■ lO ^ C '7 'C "t X j7 I - i7 l~ C 3 ' i*? O »f 'f lO O t.t O 117 SCI 1 u ;_.-•-' ^ -. . . . . _ . . . : .- ic 17 = o — ; 71711-1, XitCl-it^lXCIi-OiC 31-710 X C I ~ -f 1 - VS : -T 1 - -r 7 I X ^ t. -'. > » -r ; - u: ■J-, v. C ^ S P rr i~ 77 — I O ^ tD — --C«t! O^tC — ^5t~l.'7C;l-l-71X-f-l-I- -^ -^ CI S^ 7-1 77 — 7 I CI rt —I CI Cl — — 7\ — — H •— — ' — , 1- -;Cii-77i-.r7C;i- -- •: , <—i l~. X >- CI ■ rt .u 5; t--. -- r^ r^ :i ;c I ►- ,^ CI CC CI CI CI CI MC17ICICICI7ICICI — — — — £ o o o If: c: lo o ic c: o o o ic o o — IT 1* c —1 1 H > — ; X in X 1 . _ C — -^ C -r ~ A 7 1 y, I - C C iC P-, X C I C I — I 77 lO l^ "C T X ■-! X c; X X 7 I X X :c tr,^ ^u - oD r^ 1 — ,-■ 77 M ^7 77 C': CC : M CI -- r^ 7C » — ^ ^= : =0 tec '^ ^ or- r; : tC I . IT IT ^3 i-^r^ 1 r; r^ t ~ I - r "^ .- i" -f "-^ :; I - 1- CI CI :o ►-I ■ ' CI CI ,-, ■ ■f: = •n -' '■£ c< '^^ "^i — > -c V - V, t; " ~ i rt ^ r; a ;'i ,0 ,■' _:i ::; -^ '^ "^ s i' s -^ '^ u < r-. '-•*-''i3~'i-^T-_Ji^^w ^ti T t: -'^t •jaqiiini>i | « u=:w -t;=i- = - - ■ . - - -I > . ii;^ ? .'^ £ — ^ -5 ."> i!!^ '^ iJ - - _c; /; ::: j::: ^ ■j; j? C >< C ''< '^ ^ >^. ?^ x r.^^r. f-iC17C-*', {5 3 W .= . t, T, «J '.> at H £ it. ( 1 v \\. ] I •IH TIk- ^ix van\-tiL's of canols wliich liavL' jirodticcd llu- licavicst cro]rs at the toiir cx|)(.-riiiicntal farms durini; k^do are the follovin^. (Unless ollierwise stated the yields t^iveii are all from the earliest sown plots ! : ci;NT:iAi, i:xr.':i_ 1:140 (liate "7 L'.')i) I (1. Cieen Top White ( )rlhe DJ ,')!.■> :i. Inqiroved Short While. D.'i 12S(I I An avera.i^e crop of ,Vt ^o""^ 7" ^l'"'' P'-'f ^Ln'e. i;xi'i;rimi':xtai. i-arm i'ok riir: M.vRrriMi': i-uovincks,'.^x, n.s. Per Act . I Per Acre. Tons. Lhs. ' Tons. I,1>s. Halt' I.on- Wliite ;!l) 1875 4. C.iant While Vos,i,'es I'S :!-'■'> .::. ^Nlannn. \Vhile Inlernie- •'). Ontario Cliani])i(in L'"i '.V2') (liate •_".) SO 1 ti. New While Inlernie- o. t'.reeii To]) While ( )rllie 2(1 I'.lV") | iliate L'li 1025 An average crop of j6 tons 1,597 ^^^^- P*^'' 'it're. i;xri;KiMi-:N"rAi. i-ai^m i'or :manmtoba, nnAxnox, max. Per Acre. I Per Acre, Tons. j Tons. I^bs. T'roni second sowiiij^ onh-. ' 4. P.arlv Oeni .'> 1000 !. (ireen To]) While Orlhe. ."> ISSO, '). Half" l^on^ White T) .'lOO L'. ir.ilt' I.oiiiL,' Chanlenav. . . 5 1000 ' 0. C.uerande or Ox-liearl.. . . 5 500 ;;. r.iant While Vo.sjres.' 5 1000 . An avera.t^e crop of 5 tons i ,000 lbs per acre. i;Xl'URIMi:XTAI. HARM TOR HRITISII COI.U.MHIA, ACASSI/., B.C. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1 Giant White Vos,i;es .">0 l(iO •J. Ini])roveil Short White. 3-") 400 ',). Ontario Chaiii])ion. 2nd sowin'T ;V) 400 Per Acre. Toils. 4. Half l.on.i,' White ;!;! 0. New White Internie- diale 31 4S0 6. I'.arls Oeiii lis li'OO An average crop of 33 tons 440 lbs per acre. The six varieties of carrots which have produced tne heaviest crops in lyno, takini^ the avera,<:[e of the results obtained on the four experimental farms named, are the following: — Per Acre. ! Per Acre. Tons. ' Tons. Ll>s. 1 . Giant White Vosv'es :!:! 7ss 4. Xew White I n t e r 111 e- L'. Half Long White :'.L' lill i diate ,S0 1251 3. Improved' Short White. 30 lL-")i ' 5. Creen Top White Ortlie L'S lOi'O G. Ontario Champion 27 9-8 An average crop of 30 ton ; i ,053 ll)s. per acre. •20 TRIAL PLOTS OF SUGAR BEETS. vSix varieti ts of su-ar l)cc-ts have l)c-eii tested (luring- 1900. sown on drills or ou the flat two feet apart. Two sowiii-swere made in each case, the second sowing- at)oiit two weeks later than the first I'or reasons subnnttcd on pa^e 5 no returns are j^iven in the at)pende(i table from the branch farm at Ajrassiz. The dates of sowing will be found in the accompanvins table the dates on which the roots were pulled were the following • \[ Ottawa, October ; Xappan, October 24th ; Brandon, October 4th and at Indian Head September 2Sth. The vicld per acre in each instance has been calculated from the weight of roots gathered from two rows, each 66 feet long. ■H I I I' I i '.'1 ' t 30 * 2 s. \u *j \i^ : < ; I < _ rt M ,-1 5-1 rH CO M OX — < CO SC O^A 10 o o 11 CI I- " -^ OJ Kh CO >-H • I- o . — TO -(< :': ■n •: C I - x s/. u — . r - -r H :': "M t'i * I .-^ — r-i 'X.:h .-^0 "^ '^ "■ " l-H t^ 1—1 t-H P-H I— 'X ■r.^ u — . c/: O O w :/. '-I- ■r.c C; O cc •X •J: P •X 1^1 U (— 1 Ttl •Si s C M ,/> w 02 JS n^ ip Oh-; ." o s;^ V-. — — KS lO lO IC C -H CO -^ o 1— I i*^ to ^^ i;t ■- o S '.2 pq c« i/; ■; if. ic.s ■s 5 ;; o X c ;- 9 v) O a) 0-2 S - ■■« - C c : .;i •r^ S< ^ /'i P5 j: c/: '-/} ^ s n u -^ ':'. . ?.,t ?, 5 5 t P '•' r. 1- ' — i u ? ^ o i X a 't' y> 1/ i^ hH r- ^ ^ •X p^ u tc 'w/ i-i r-i « • .10(111111 s; i;^ CO 81 TliL' four varieties of sui^jar i)ects which have producecltlie heaviest crops at the four experimental farms in kjch) are the following ; (Unless otherwise stated the yields given are all from the earliest sown jilotsj. CKNTRAI. i:.\l'i;UIMl'.NTAI, I'AKM, OTTAWA, ONT, 1'lT \crc. I Tolls. l,t)s. I Danish Iiiiprovcil 42 SIO 3. Iiiiprovi'd Tiii])frial . . Waii/lehtjii 40 ."..V) j ■). Rid Top Sii^'ar An averaiL^e crop of yj tons i.jjo llis. jier acre. ^ I'lT Acre. Tolls. IJ)S. . ;17 TisU I i;xi'i;kimi:n'i'\i. iwum tor thi' mauitimi'; ruovixcivS, xaim-an, n.s. I'lt .\iMe. I I'd- .\(.TC. Toil;;. l,t)s. Tons. ],lis. 1. Tni])rovtMl Iin]K'iial H7 107") ; !?. Daiiisli Rfl Top oO l.S7."> L'. Rc-ilTop Sii^ar I'..") iL'.') i 4. Wan/.k-htii L'S ]L':.'.'> An average crop of 3,^ tons 75 11)S. jier acre i;xim;k;mi;ntai, i'akm '■•)k MA.viroitA, urandon, ma.n IV-r .\irc. Tons. ],l)s. I. nanish Red Toj) ( 2ii(l so\viii}() 14 1040 :.', W'aiizleliL-ii (2iul sow- ing) 13 400 ]\v .\m'. Tons. I,l.>. 3. Illi])rovi'(l IiiiiKiial 2ii(l sowing I 13 l,")t> 4. Red Top Sui^ar [ Jiid sow- ing) '. 11 IL'32 An average crop of 13 tons 202 lbs. per acre. K.KI'KRIMKNTAI, l-'ARM KOR TUK NORTilWK.ST THRRITORIKS, INOIAN' HEAD, N.W.T. I'er Acre. Tons. Lbs. I. Red Top Sugar (2nd sow- ing > 1") 1125 '2. Waiizleheii (2iid sow- ing) 12 1740 Per .Acre. Tons. Lbs. 3. Danish Red Top (2iid sowing) r_' 1 0-'O 4. Vihnorin's Improved (211(1 sowing) II H170 An average crop of 13 tons 614 ll)s. per acre. "■'Jmt t .?3 ■ i^ !■!■■ B. I The four varieties of sugar beets which have produced the heaviest crojis in lyoo, taking the average of the results obtained at all tlie experimental farms excepting Agassi/., are the fcjllowing: — Per Acre. [ Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. i Tons, Lt>s. 1. Itr.])roved Imperial 24 lOOS | 3. Wan/leben 22 7V,ii 2. Red Top Sugar 23 ir),-)7l 4. Danish Red To]) 21 I lOS An average crop of 23 tons 132 ll)s. per acre. The early sown jilots of sugar beets have given larger crojis than tliose later .sown at the exi)erimental farms at Ottawa and Nai)pan. while those later sown at Brandon and Indian Head have given inmost instances the iarger crops. The average results however from all the laniis .sliow a difference in the crops of 1900 of 3 tons 741 lbs. per acre in favour of the early sowings. ¥^ 32 TRIAL PLOTS OF POTATOES. ICij;lity-t\vn variclius of potatoes have been tinder trial in iniifonn test plots tlnrin;^- 1900. The potatoes tor jjlanlinj; were eut into ])ieies with two or three eyes in each and these were i)lanted in rows 2 '_• iVet apart, the sets heinj; placed a foot a])art in the rows. The I'oUowiiiL^ were the dates of planting: At ()tta\.'a, ]>lanted on M;iy 22nd and 2,V(1, dn^ Oetoljer 9th to 1 ith; Xap])an, i)lanted Jnne 6th, diij; October i' tli; Urandon, planted May 2-^rd, dn^ vSepteinher 2()th; Indian Head, l)lanted Ma\- i.jth, du,^^ vSej)t. 2t)th, and at Agassi/., planted May 17th and iStli and ihvj; October 1st to 4th. TNI FORM Tl'lST PLOTS Ol'^ POTATOKS. YIKI.n AT TIIK SKVKRAI, KXI'HRIMKNTAI, KARMS SEASON OK I91K). Name of \'ariftv. 'A ] Vanier 1> Ivirlv Sunrise 8 Irish' Cobbler 4 Rose No. 9 f) lUiriiaby Seedlinjf . . (i Northern ri\iy 7 l'"leini s h H e a u t y I SeedHnj; . 8 Empire Slate 9 Money Maker KXiencral (iordon . . . . 11 Polaris lL>Late Puritan i;; American Wonder. . 14 Seattle L") Rural No. •_' ]() Swiss Snow-l'lake. . 17 Stale of Maine JS X'iek's I'^xtra Ivirly.. IDSliarjie's Seedlinif .- 20 New (jueeu I'l Rochester Rose ■_''_• .Xmeriean ('Ti:inl. . . . L'.'iSeedliu.!.; No. 2o0 . . . 'J4 Ivirlv Norlher IT) I'.arlv Market :.'(; Rural iilush 27 Dreer's vSlaudanl. , 28 Maule's Thorouj^h bred 29 Reeve's ::W Brown's Rot Proof.. 311. X. I ,32Peini IMauor 3I> Columbus 34 Holborn Abundance 3.') Clay Rose 30 Lee's Favourite is ■n I a 2 IVr; Hush. .■i7() W.\-l 532 528 525 525 519 517 517 502 492 4SS 490 4.S8 4S() 481 481 475 475 470 4(;4 4ti4 4(;2 4(;2 459 457 457 455 455 451 44(5 44ti 442 440 437 CMC. I'lr iicre. | IV-r acrt-. ],1)S. nush. I,l),s. Hush., 24 24 24 48 48 48 12 42 48 24 .".() 24 12 4S 4s 4 s 12 12 4S Ol) 3() 36 12 484 259 5;5() 4.'{5 477 492 -144 451 :59() ;i7ti 272 3;!0 473 495 :!()s 431 347 ;;9() 490 435 420 444 451 448 4-14 4(12 451 3(i 4S :i(i 24 48 24 22 48 •253 187 300 282 275 304 201 21G 311 l()5 198 249 242 :'.() 12 24 48 24 ;;48 220 198 293 2 It; 14(1 212 l.-)0 1 s;) KIS 25() 304 2(10 242 24 402 3() 402 3() 220 30 402 . . Oa") . . 477 24 48 40 20 26 40 20 40 20 20 20 40 40 20 20 40 40 40 20 20 3(1 407 . 24 I 378 34 : 282 20 271 20 238 20 256 40 286 . . 286 .. 201 40 307 24 , 234 40 rlY. I'tr acri' Hush, hh 452 . , 422 405 474 495 405 .348 007 283 522 470 472 002 007 .",97 ;;o8 570 .550 408 4(12 722 ( 150 417 294 379 5(il 418 431 485 396 552 511 541 459 358 481 30 45 30 30 15 45 15 45 i5 :;o 15 45 30 15 15 45 30 15 15 30 15 15 15 si '3 IT. ca ) 2 > ? Per ri crt'. }'cr i icrc. J,t)S. lliish. i.ns. 212 18 395 32 157 27 311 47 150 54 398 21 235 24 391 13 142 383 8 237 30 405 143 45 332 49 i.3(; 385 57 151 10 331 4(1 ub , ;^5 13 109 24 3J2 ;58 150 , , 3:58 08 109 24 400 ;>( 211 12 4:50 2S 1.50 30 312 5:5 197 17 324 n 154 309 ;!(i 1 50 15 :500 11 108 18 :!49 4! i;!0 , , 34:5 s 1.53 , , :5,s:! 1(1 140 , ■ >« ( :)5 ■'92 3(1 ;is7 - / 150 15 :504 .'ill 280 30 :!(i4 :5i 2.'!2 10 ;^9i 5li 152 30 :547 5:1 1,55 3:58 34 148 3() 349 5S 153 12 335 42 1:^8 30 350 :55 107 12 321 40 141 30 375 25 141 38(5 41 198 .. 3:^5 4 162 48 330 44 88 rXIl'okM Ti;ST I'I.oTS OI' I'oT.X'I'nl'S. - ()>ii,/!uirJ. r 'li I \ ■I : ■■ i h 34 The twelve varieties of potatoes wliieli liave jjrodiiced tlie largest crops at the several experimental lariiis in lyoo, are the lollowiiig ; CKNTRAI. KXI'KRIMKNTAI, I'AUM, OTTAWA, ONT. IV r AiTL. Hush. M)s. 1. \':mii-r {J7(> L'4 :.'. I'.ail V Suiirisf .V'.'J 24 :;. Irisli" Ci.hl)lcr r>:\-2 L'4 t. Kosi- \(). I) :>■_'« ■). Hiini!il)y SccdliiiK ')•_'.") 4.S (!. Ni>i thiTii Spy 'I'S) 4S Pit Aciv, lUtsli. I.l,>. 7. I'lfiiiish lUMUtySet'dliiij^ rvj") -ts s. I'jiijjiiv Suilo^ "il!) 11' '.I. Mom-v ,M:ikLT :<\7 10. ('iciuTiil ( rordoii .")I7 11. I'olaris .")0l,' rJ. 11.'. I.ati- I'lititan V.V2 Is All averaj;e crop of 524 hiishels ;^^ ll)s. per acre. 1';.\|'i:kimi;nt \i, i'akm i'ok tiii': makii'imi'. i'iii. i.i.s. II. •1:1 Al)iiii(lanii' (Id.") It ish I)aisy . . Irish Ciihhlrr I. I'.vtivtl, :>. I carci' s rn/e Wii (1. SiattU- ■i,S!> nod .•^01 4!)-) 4.S 3(i 7. Xi.rtlurii Spv 4'.IL' s. ShaijR-'s Si'i'illiiijr 4',M» !t. N'aiiifr ID. I'arlv riiiitail. 4S4 IS I Hill .\y( liuni.i!)' L'l Si'i'.U An avcraiL^re cro]-) of 51 1 Imsliels ^'^ ll>s. i)er acre. i:\ri'.Knii:NTAi, i'aum iok manitoha, hkandon, man. I'lT Acre. Bush. I,1)s. 1. Dakota Red •J. I>"la\varc . . . SiMltle 4. Carman N <). I Xi \'ariclv Xo. I ;{4S :^4S :;44 1). Troy Scetllinj;; 20 20 40 20 I\r .\rrc lUish. l.lis 7. lirowm'H's WiiitK-r. !S. Siecilinj.; No. 7 J,i/,/.ii rri(k 10. Money Maker. . 1 1 . Seeillinj.; Xo. 230 12. Carman Xo. 3. . :ui •Ml :U)8 ■10 Id 4d An average crop of 325 bu.shels 12 lbs. per acre. i;xi'i;uiMi:.NTAI, I'ARM I'OK THIC NORTII-WICST TICRRITORIHS, INDIAN IIKAI), N.W.T. A^'P-. I.l'-. Per Acre. Hush. Lbs. 1. RocIrsUt Rose 722 2. Amerieaii Wonder ()(i2 I). American Ciiant (1")(') 4. iMupirc StaU Seattle !eaut\' u f ]h ()07 ()d7 59S Ter Bush. 7. Uncle Sam S. Iiisli Daisv !>. State of M'aine. Id. Delaware 15 I II. New Variety X I") I 12. Carman Xo. i. . -).' o. I oC) An a\'erage crop of 6(15 bushels 35 ll)s. per acre. ];."v1'];ki.mi;ntai. i'aum i-(ik hkitisii coi.rMHiA, aoassi/, n.c. 1. Readin;,' C.iaiit.. 2. Seedlim: Xo. 2V I). t.'U. r L : Per Acre. Bnsh. l.hs. 2'. 17 2:12 ?,i\ ;{. Li/./.ie's I'ride 2 '2 4. Isarly Market 2S() ."1. T! ale's Chamiiion 2dS Per Bush. I 7. Xortherii Sj "i\ , S. Xo. 9 .'!() j '.t. I'ncle Sam oO 10. J)ikota Rei 24 II. Rural Bins IS I 12. Pride of the Market 1 2: • )• -d ->' h .J' Acrr I,!.-. .'|i) ii; .>23 An average crop of 255 bushels 50 lbs. per acre. Tlic twelvi' varic'tifs of jiotatoes which haw pnxhi'Ml thr lar^i'st crops ill i()()<), taking Uil- avi'ta^i- <<( ihc usiilts ohtaiiK-d ;ii all the i-x- pLiiiiicntal I'aniis, arc tiic i'ollowiii^ : t! I'lT A.M.'. I liiish. l,t)s. I 1. SiMttlf -i;?!) LN ! '2. Aiiu'rican WoiidiT 4()rt r>7 ! ;i. Nnrtlii'tii Si)v II).'! ti 4. Irish Daisv.' -Iir.' f)7 j '.. Irish Cohhk-r :'.'.tS L'l , (i. Vaiiier .•'■'.I.') ;;•_» | 7. I'lulo S.iiii s. Kuril lUush 1>. Ui)sf No. '.t 111. Caniiaii No I . . , 1 1. SiciUinv; No. :j,i> IJ. llcillini II Ahiiiidaiicf I'll- Acri'. llllsll. I,hs. ;!!t| :isi» :!S7 iiSli i:t ;;,s 4] An avcrai^c cmp of ^V)"^ lui-^ln-l^ i;, 11 >s. pi.r at-rc TIk" avLTai^c crop r)f all ihc wirictii-; of jiotalors al vAch of the cxpcriinciital farms was as follows: Al ()tt:iwa, 415 liii>h(.'ls ji, ll)s. jKT acre ; N;ipi)aii, 414 hiishcls ,^7 lbs.; Ihaiuloii, -\si Imshcls ;,4 Ihs.; Indian Head, 455 hn^licls i Ih., and .it A.L;assiz, 170 Im^hcls 57 His. the avcraj.;c return ^ivcn 1>>- the whole of the irielie.s at all the farms was 341 1)ushcls 30 lbs. per acre. I '; ii if ^ ti AVERAGE OF CROPS TOR THE PAST PIVE AND SIX YEARS. 'I'lic t^-^^llls (if ixpii iiiuiiU willi Nafit'lir-i of ^v.nw tn ascHTtaiii tli'ir irlaliw pKultu'tivciH-'ss hiToiiK' iiiiirli iiiotv rL'lial)k' and cniK-liisivi.' wlii'ii llir a\iia);i' I'Spi'vii'iu'i' of a M'iir> i)f vfars can In- >;i\<.'ii. In llii'^ way ^li^lil xariatiou^ ali^ill^^ from iiK(|\iaIilv of >oil and \ariahilil\ of siMxiii ail', lo a larv;i' iNtfiil (.•(|uali/*.':! 7 2. CoMcii Ciaiit (i(> 11 S. OdiTlinuli . .' (i.'i '.'. Iiii])i<)\i(l I.ij^owo ().") 10. Havariaii 6L' ■'). .Aiiuiii'.m Triiiiii])!! <>'> L'7 4. llnKt.iii rrolifii- tl.") L'O .'). JoaiU'tli- (14 12 I 1 1. Cnlmiilius (i'J G. Aiiuriraii Ik'aiily C.;! HI | J •_>. Ha/lelt's Seizure (il An a\ rraj^e crop of 64 bushels 5 lbs. per acre. KXPKRIMliN'fAI, F.VRM VOK Till'; MAKITIMI', I'KOVINCItS, NAPPAN, N.S. Avcrajje for six years. I 1 L'(l Per aere. Bush. ].l)s. 1. Wallis 75 7 2. ^V]lile Russian 72 o. ( )(levl)rui-li 71 4. Mni'olii 70 5. Ivirly Hldssoiii 70 (). BaninT 70 :!() 17 Per Bush. 7. C.oltk-u Heautv (1!) S. Awake.'. (il) \). While Selioueii (iS 10. Ahvssinia (IS 11. I'euse OS 12. Cream Ivsiypliau BS [lere. J.hs. 24 21 l,"i S s s An averai^e orop of 70 bushels S 11)S. per acre. ];.\l'i:UIMl'.NTAl. l-AKM lOK MAMToUA, liKANnoN, MAN Average for ll\i.' years. I'or reasons j.;i\-en on pai;e 5 the crops of oats for 1900 are not inchuled. Per aere. Ihish. Lbs. 1. Aiiierieau Heautv ",)'.) t> 2. r.auuer '. !•! (1 U. Havarian M!! L'."> 4. Ivirly Cdldeii Pnilific SS 22 5. (i Per .u-re. Push. 7. While Seln)Utii Sll 4 S. C.ihk'U Ileauty S2 -d '.I. Auu'rii'au Triuui])li SI II Id. .Mnuitlaui'e 7S 4 11. Calil'oniia Prolilu- lilk... 77 I'.t' 12. Cohuuhus 77 All average crop of S5 bushels 15 li)s, per acre. 87 I M'KRIMl.NT.M, I \KM luK rill'. Nt •!< ill WI'ST TI'KRITi )KI I.S. INI)|\.\ lll'.AK, N.W.T. Avt-nini' I'lif liv»' M'iirs, l-'or iiMNoiis j;ivi'ii on piiK*-' 5 tl'.i.' ti(i|)s of mils tor ii)'x> atr not iiu'llidcd. IVr aiTi'. ; I'cr mri-. I»ll-,ll. I.l.s lillsll, I.t,s, I, (.'cliiiiiliiis SS •_'(! 7, ll.iv.iriaii S| 'J-J V lloNuin rroliCu- S' s s. Uliito Sclioinii Si |7 :; Ann liiaii lU'iiiily Sli III '.). Ivirly ( '.nMi'ii I'nililii'. . . , Ml \l\ •I. AliiiiKl.iiiif . . . . ! s.') I III. Ivirlv .\r(li,i,i-il ,HI '.]'2 .■| Cnliliii llc.iiity ,s;; 'J I II. .\iiniiiiin Triiimii'i Nil ',U\ I. \\ iilf .\\\.ikf.'. S'J |-J. Ilaiiiiir M) L'7 An a\XM;i„e iTop of S,^ hiislicl.s i,^ Ihs. ])(.t aciv. Cliatii]M(in Oats — some of the heaviest a\L'ra.<.jc yieldurs in six jcats' tri il. Nn. I, liaiiuer; 2, Oilorbnu-h; .^, Cnlmiilms; 4, W'hilu Silujiu-ii; 5, Ilolslcia riiiliiu-; 6, Aiin-riiMii Hraiity; 7, (ioIiIlii (liaiil. i;.\i'i:i>illia I -. Ainericaii ItfaiUv C. Per lillsll ■")7 57 r)7 r.ti .\i-n'. . I.I.S. :;() 4 :!1 ft' An avLTas^c crop ot" 59 bushels 10 11)S. per acre. rrwr ^pw ,! ■f '- 38 The twelve varieties of oats which have i)roduced the larj^^est average crops for the jiast five or six years on all the experiineiilal farms, and hence may, jierhajis, he regarded as worthy of being plan d at the head of the list for general cultivation, are the following : Per Acre. Ihish. I.hs. 1 , Banner 75 1 ') 2. American Heautv .... 74 lU Ti. liavarian ' 71 31 4. Coldeii C.iaiit 71 10 5. Holstein Trolific 71 lH 6. lUickhee's Illinois 70 2.S Per Acn-. I?ush. I.hs, 7. Cohimbns 70 1.") K, (loldeii IJeautv <>!> .".il 1». Karlv (Golden 'Prolific , . ()<> '2S 10. While vSchonen (W li; 11. Oderbrnch OS ,", lU. Wallis ()H L' An average crop of 70 bu.shels 31 lbs. per acre. FIVE AND SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF BARLEY. TWO-ROWKn BARI^KV. The six varieties of two-rowed barley which have averaged llu' heaviest crops at the several experimental farms during the i)ast ti\c and six years are the following : CHNTR.\I, ICXI'KRIMKNTAr, I'.XRM, OTTAW.X, ONT. Averaj^e for six ye^rs. Per .-Vcrc. lUish. Lbs. 1 . Beaver 4") 17 2. Canadian Thorpe 44 KS 3 Ireiich Chevalier 43 23 Per .\iTo. Bush. M)S 4. Sidney 42 17 5. Bolton 42 6. Victor 41 M An average crop of 43 bushels 7 lbs. per acre. KXPERIMRNTAT< KARM FOR THK MARITIMK PROVINCBS, NAPPAN, N..'*. Average for six years. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Beaver 42 41 2. Danish Chevalier 42 21 3. Freiich Chevalier 41 25 An average croji of 41 bushels 15 lbs. per acre. Per Acre. Bush. I.b-,, 4. Xei)ean 40 L'n 5. Newton 40 L'd 0. Canadian Thorpe 40 1.'! i;\ri;uiMi;NTAi, i'akm vor manitoha, hrandon, man. A\i'ra_i(e for five years. For reasons given on Jiage 5, the crops of two-rowed barlry a' Brandon for kjoo are not included. Per Acre. ' Per Acir. Bush. M)s. Bush. I.l'-. 1. French Chevalier .M 4 4. Newton 47 1- '2. Siilnev 4!t 30 5. Bolton 47 I 3. Nepean. 47 24 0. Victor 45 bi An average crop of 47 bu.shels 46 li)s. ]x.»r acre. 30 KXriCRlMliNTAI. I'ARM 1"«)R TlIK NORTHWKST TKRRITORIIiS, INDIAN UKAD, N.W.T. Averaj^e for five years. For rcast.iis j^iveii on ]iajie 5, the crops of two-rowed barley at Indian Head for ujoo are not included. Per Acre. Hush. L,bs. 1 . I'reiK-h Chevalier (50 12 •_'. Danish LhevaHer 58 24 ;;. CauacUaii Thorjje . J).) M Per Ac re. Hush. I, Danisli Chevalier ;]5 4(1 Per acre. Hush. Kl)s. 4. Kiuver Chev.lier ;U 44 5. Heaver ;!4 20 t). Prize Prolific 3:5 3 An average crop of 35 bushel.s 4 ll;s. per acre. The six varieties of two-rowed l)arley which liave ])r()dnced tlie largest crops for the past five and six years, taking llie average of the results ol)tained on all the experimental faiins are • Per acre, i Per acre. Hush. I,hs. ' Ll)s. 1. I'lench Chevalier 45 45 4. (.':: i, diau Thorjie •);*> ;U) 2. Danish Chevalier 44 14 5. New.. mi 42 (> Heaver 44 (■). Siduev 41 :{,s An average crop of 43 bushels 30 lbs. ])er acre. six-RowKn nARi.Kv. The six varieties of six-rowed barley which have averaged the heaviest crops :',t the several experimental farms for the past five and .six years, are the following : CI:NTRAI, KXI'URIMKNTAI, I'AKM, ottawa, ont. Average for six years. Per acre. Hush. Lbs. 1, Odessa 55 Ki 2, .Meiisurv 54 Sd ;!. Roval .'. 5:i 18 Per acre. Hush. M)S. 4. Pioneer 5:> I 5. Oderhrueh -4S ;i(> (>. Cninuion 48 23 An average crop of ^2 bushels 13 lbs. jht acre. hl\: i:.\i'i';iR()\inci:s, naim-an, n.s. .\verage for six years. Per acre. 1 r.ush. ]J)s. . Mensurv 51 45 2. Trooper '4 31 ; . Surprise 44 P? Per acre. Hush. Lbs. 4. Odessa 4.! 13 5. Oderbruch 42 44 (5. Stella 42 21 An average crop of 44 bushels 44 lbs. per acre. 40 tr KXPKRIMENTAI, I'ARM I'OR M ANITOllA, r.IlANDON, MAX. Average for five }ears. For reasons given on page 5 the crops of six-rowed l)arle}- at. Brandon for lyoo are not inclnded. Per acre. Bush. lybs. 1 . Troo])er 57 9 2. Coimiioii ")() 4 3. Mensiiry 5o 8 Per acre. Bush. I,hs. 4. Niii^ent o;i .In 5. Suininil .52 L''. (». Surprise .'i 1 in An average crop of 54 bushels 20 lbs. pjr acre. VCXPKRI.MKNTAI, FARM I'OR TIIK NORTH WKST TKRRITORIKS, INDIAN HHAD, N.W.T. Avera}j;e for five years. For rea.sons given on i)age 5 the crops of six-rowed barley at Indian Head for 1900 are not included. Per acre. Bush. lyhs. 1. Rennie's Iii)])rove(l ')2 10 2. Odessa 50 44 3. Meiisurv 58 20 Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 4 . Troo]>er 58 5. Coiiiinon 57 (>. Baxter 57 lt> An average crf)p of 58 bushels 9 lbs. per acre. ];xpkrimi;ntai< farm for uritish coi,rMBi.\, a(;assi/., h.c. Average for si.v j'cars. Per acre. Hush. I. 4. Odessa ;U 1 5. Coiniuou ol} 1 l! (i. Royal ;j:! l",i An average crop of 34 bushels 26 lbs. i)jr acre. The six varieties of six-rowed barley which have ])roduced tlie largest crojis for the ])ast five and six years, taking the average of ll'e results obtained on all the experimental farms, are : Per acre. Bu-ih. Lbs. 1. Mensurv 51 !) 2. Trooper 48 10 3. Odessa 48 Per acri'. Bush. I,b,. 4. Cotniuon 4(i 4<) 5. Royal 4(1 -'> t). Oderbruch 4(i 2 An average crop of 47 bushels 39 ll)s. per acre. FIVE AND SIX YEARS EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF SPRING. V H'^AT. Tho twelve varieties of .spring wheat which have awra^^e ' the heaviest crops at the several experimental farms during the \'. i hw and .six years, are the following : CKNTRAI, KXPKRIMICNTAI., FARM, oTT.\WA, ONT. Average for si.x years. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Preston 28 ;i() 2. Welhnan's I'ife 27 II 3. Colorado 2t) 15 4. Hurou 25 18 fl. Monarch 25 (i o Per MTr Bush. 2o .], 7. Rio Orande S, (ioose 24 (•. Hungarian 24 10. vSlanlev 24 11. Percv.' 2:! 12. Red'rern 2:; ■I'.l Hi (}• Pringle's Chainplain 25 15 An average crop of 25 bushels 15 lbs. per acre. 41 i;X JERIMKXT.M, I'ARM I'OR THK MARrriMIC ruoVINCKS, NAl'I'AN, N.S. Avcraj^e for six }X'ar,-. IVr acre. lUish. l An average crop of 36 bushels 26 lbs. per acre. KXl'ERIMKNTAI, FAR.M FOR THi; XORTHWRST TP;RRIT0RIKS, INDIAN HEAD, N.W.T. Averaj(e for five years. L'or rea.sons given on ])age 5 the crops of spring wheat at Indian Head for 1900 are not incUuled. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Red I'ife 41 38 2. Welhnan's Fife 40 24 :>. Huron 40 (i 4. Reil Fern ;!il .")() 5. Preston 3!) 48 (i. liniporiuni oO 38 Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 7. While I'ife :;it 8. Beaudrv ;'>',» 0. I'erev. '. ,30 10. Crown .38 11. Alpha 38 12. .Monarch 38 ;;4 4(1 30 An average crop of 39 bushels 43 ll)s. ])er acre. exi'ERIMi;ntai. i'akm i'or huitis:i cohmiua, aoassiz, n.c. Averajje for si\ \ears. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. White 28 b") 2. Preston 27 23 :'.. Monarch 27 8 I. Red Fife 20 ;{8 V Dawn 20 20 (i. Huron 20 18 Per acre. Bush. 7. Ilerissou l?eardcd 20 !.» S. Welhnan's b'ife 20 S 9. Countess 20 .> 10. White Conned 25 'yt. 11. Hunjfarian 25 54 12. White Fife 25 44: An average crop of 26 bushels 30 lbs, per acre. I; II' f'l 1 i '\: ',# .*■ I. ! = 1 42 S(>i:u' of the heaviest averatre yielders in six ycirs trial of Spring Wheats. No. 1,>n; 2, Re'2 \2. Prin.L;k-'s Chaniphiiu. . . . .So a- ,1 im.^hels 47 l!)s. per acre. 43 THREE TO SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF PEASE. The twelve varieties of ])e:ise wliicli have avera \ IS I'.. Ki'iit, 5 yrs t I )iik(.\ i") \ IS ' arriLfOil. ■"> >r.s. \'vr new. I 1,1).-,. (i 7. Muininy, .■> yrs. . . . s. .\j^riR>s, .") vrs .'!7 !l. rnissiaii Hliu-, li \v: IS 10. .Matkay, 5 yrs .... Cn.'i"])Lr, .") yrs. li. lilk-Ivyi-d .Marrowfat, 5 yrs :i4 10 12. Canadian Reaiily, 4 yrs. An avera.ije crop of 34 bushels 44 Ihs. per acre. Vvr acre. Hu.-h. I.l.s. ;ii > !•> 7)0 ;!.•! L'4 ;;3 L'2 :;3 7 KXl'I'.KI.MH.NTAl, FARM KOR THH MARITlMlv rK()\l .NC i;S, NAIM'AN, X.S. IVr arru. i IVr acre. Hush. l,l)s. I Hush. 1,!.,. 1. Crown, 5 yrs ;!!• .. • 7. Duke, 4 yrs i'? 4 1 •2. I'riik', 4 yrs ;!,"> 45 | S. .Xj^nis, 4 \ rs I't; i'.") ;!. Ct-ntiMinial, 5 vrs IlL' 40 1 !». Canailian'lU- lul ■ , ."1 \ r-,. . L'.'i ."lO 4. Hlk-I':vi..'(l. Marrowfat, .") yrs ;!0 4S ! 10. Multiplirr. •') vr . . . '. ■_',') ,-,»; 5. .\uw ToiUM-, .') yrs "... 30 L'n 1 I . I'rincr, 4 \ rs ." :;.") 4.'> (i. Carlcton, 4 yrs'. 2S L'4 ; 1 L'. l'ara.!.;i>n, 'l yrs lT) 44 An average crop of 29 bu.shels 22 Ujs. i)er acre. 3 ! i;.\I'KRlMKN"TAI, 1-ARM lOR MAMTOIiA, RRANDOX, MAX. Wt acre. Rush. I,!)s. 1. Tridf, (i yrs 47 17 'J. CarK'ton, •") yrs 4i> LM ;!. Munnn\-, (1 \rs 4") : .1 4. White \Vnndfr, 4 yrs 4 '1 L' 5. Trilhv. o %-rs 4 1 1 1 ('. Kin.i;-, 4 \ is 4"> LJ Per ,icre. Hush. I.lis. 7. N\-w Poller, (i yrs 4'_' .")S S, ICcnl, 5 \rs 4l' :\1 IV 4l (_ ;''i\vn, (■> NTS M u'kav, .") \i-,> .\'. I \rs 1 1 Plk-l'.'X'd, \ rs :0 An a\X'ra;4\- crop of ._j '^ I;;i \iA< .v; Ih^. ]>cr acre. 4 4l' ^m nl\ i:.\i'i:kim1';.xtai. iwrm imr Tifi'; xoRTiiwi.vr ti-.ruit.jri:; •,, indi^n iii:aii, x.w.t. Per ^,1 1 UNh. I,! 1. 'I'l'ilhv, 4 vrs 40 -. drlelon, 4 vrs . . . . :"'.• •■;. I'arayon. 4 \ rs ;;s 1. Crown, 4 \rs lis .). .Vrrher, .") \rs ;r. a. I Juke, 4 \rs ;!.") 7. Prinee .M'lerl, 4 yrs '^. C'. nleir.d 1, I \ rs. . . ''. p.-;h, ;; \;-.. . ' •'!0 I'l. M.a-.,tm,"4 yrs "I) 1 1 . Cree])i'r, 4 \' 12. White Wonder, :i y. An a\erage crop of 33 bushel^ f? ^V- pet acre. Per .lere. l;u-.l.. I.I,-,. 4(> 4.-> 40 44 );.\'l'i:KIMKNTAr, IAKM I'OR HRITISII COI.IMHIA, ACASSIZ, II. 0. I'l-r ai-re. Hush. ijis. \ . Kiiii;, 4 \T.s ;14 ;!•") 1'. Wliii.o WoikUt, 4 vrs ;>"> 7 a. Vii-loria, 4 vis . ..'. ;;2 ?A 4. Ivarly Urilaiii, 4 vrs ;!() n!) T>. Hrij^lit, 4 MS. . . .' .'{(I L'7 7. IVrth, 4 yrs S. Archer, 4 yrs !t. \'iiu-i'nt, 4 yrs. 10. Chancellor, 4 ys . . . 1 1. I'nissian Hliu-, 4 vrs. IVr ;uiv lUish. I.l.^ L".t 1.. L'".l <\ L's :,{) L'S L".t 2S -J <'k Arthur, 5 yrs 2!» 42 , 12. .Macoun, .i \ rs An averaj^e crop of 30 hushtjls 21 lbs. |K-r acre. The twelve varieties of wliicli liave jiroduced tlie lari^est •crops for the i) three to six years, takiii.^; tlie average of tlie re.■^llll^ obtained at all the experimental farms, are : IVr acre. 1 Per acre ]5iish. ]<1)S. I liusli. I.l.s. 1. Crown ;{') 28 j 7. Mnnimv :!2 lin 1'. Carlelon ;'>4 2.") S. Ccntouiiial H2 1 L' :$. I'ridi! '^•^ 52 it. Trilhv .S2 H -1. Now ToUcr S2 41 j 10. Archer ;{2 t; is. l-;arlv Hrilain IVI .'!!> , lI.KiiiK •''2 . Clianipion White Pearl . . 2 :;. Thoro'hred White 1' lint. 24 22(i (i. White Cap Yellow Dent. 20 o"'^ .\ iverage crop of 22 tons i,S22 il)s. ])er acre. i:xri;KiMi;.NTAi, i-akm i-ou tiii': maritimis provinci-.s, xapi'an, n.s. I'er Acre. | Per .\cre. Tons. I,l)s. ! Tons. I.hs. 1. Thoro'hred White Mint. IS 7s 4. Selected I,eanun,t,^ 5 vrs. Hi 271 2. Red Col) luisilaj^e I« l.")S.") ."). An'j;el of Midnight. .'... . L") l'i''2 :!. San ford 1(> 3il0 (1. Canada White Flint lo 14i;(i An average crop of 16 tons gn(i lbs. per acre. ]';xri:RiMi;xTAi, i'arm i'or maxitoha, MR.vxnox, max. Per .\cre. Tons, l.lis. 1. Thoro'hred \Vhile hlint. 21 Id'.ts 2. Anuel of Midni.t^dit 21 (i2.') .;!. I. oiii; fellow lit IMi:', Per Acre. Tons. I.I1-. 4. Conipton's Ivailv is 17ii7 •">. Red Col) ICnsila.ije IS \r'^ (i. Chani])ion While Pearl.. IS Nls An average crop of 19 tons i,5S6 lbs. i>er ;icre. i:xi'i;Rmi:xrAi. i'arm i'ok niv. n()rtii-wi;st •ri'.RRiToRii'.s, ixdiax hicad, x.w r. Per Acre. Tons. I,l)s. 1. Thoro'hreil White I'lint. 11 1():J2 1'. Manini. S-rowed 1-lint. . . 11 l.")22 i\. Sanford II liri7 Per .\crr. Tons. I.h- 4. Coni])t()n's Ivirlv 11 H'l 7). Chaini)ion White Pearl.. II M't; (). Selected l.e.iniiiig II U'-"' An average crop of i i tons 1,264 lbs. per acre. KXrKKIMKNTAr, KAKM KOR HKlTlSir (.( )I,l'M HI A , Ar.ASSIZ, II. C. 4. Vv'uh- of Ihf North . . I'lT AlTC. Tons. I,1)S. 1. Red Col) Ivusil.iKf LT) 1 a, Kiii,i< of Uk- Ivirliest 21 1158 | (>. Cliaiiipioii Whiu- I'l'arl . All avc-rai.;c crop of 22 tons 152 11)S. jK-r acre Tons. M)s. 21 'XAi 21 -s:i 2(1 l!ti ■ The six varieties of Iiuliaii corn which liave produced the hirj^est crojis for tile past five or six years, takiii,u; the avera^^e of the results obtained on all the experinieiilal farms, are : IVr .\iTi'. I I'cr Aiff. Tons. I, lis. Tons. Llis. I. Rfd C0I. l-;iisila.!.;o I!) 71S 4. ( ~.ianl I'rolilu- I'liisilaK''. • 17 l.')S(i '.'. 'riioro'hRil W'hilf IMiiit. LS I.Vm ."), .\n,yrl of Miiliii.L;lil 17 72:1 ;;. Sulcrlc'd Leaniin}.; IS 7.SS (i. ClKiin]iion While I'earl.. 17 t).")i An average en.*]) of 21 tons i,'>i)4 Ihs. per acre. FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VAf^lETiES OF TURNIPS. The six varieties of turiii])s which l'..ive a\-eraL,a-d the hea\iest irojis at the several e\i)eriniental farms iUirin,>;' the past n\e years, are the followiu''- : CF.NTRAI, HXriCKIMKNTAI, I'AK.M, OTTAWA, OXT. IVr Acre. Ton.s L1)S. 1 . Selected Purjile Toji 8(1 880 2. Carter's I'lU'iihant :!.") 400 ;;. Perfection .Swede 34 l.S.'U) Per .Vcre. Tons Lhs, 4. Maninioth Clvrs ,'!3 3.')() ."). Selected Purjile Top 32 11 OS (>. :\Ianiinoth Clvde 32 2S:> Kxri:Ri.Mi-;xTAi, i'arm i-or maxitoda, uraxdox, :man. Per Acre. I Per Acre. Tons Lbs. I Tons Lb.s., 1 . Selected Pnrjile To]) L'4 94.") 4 . Skirvin^^'s 22 1249 ■J. Hartley's Hroii/e 23 12S2 , ."). Chanijiion Purjile Top. . . 22 410 :!. Perfection Swede 23 .54;'. I U. Ivist Lothian 22 27:1 All average croj) of 2t, tons 100 lbs. per acre. ].\I'1.kimi;xtai, iarm i-or Tin-; xortiiwiist tiorritorii-;,-;, indi.vx hi;ai), n.w.t. Per Acre. [ I'er Acre. Tons Lbs. ' Tons Lbs. 1. Perfection Swi'ile, 5 yi'ars L'O (1 4. Selected Piirjile Top I'.t ,"i4."> -. Hartley's Hron/e. ..". 19 K;i(i ' ."). Maniinoth Clyile 19 14 ivisi l<()iliiaii ;;s i."i| (T Ciaiil KiiiK 37 1M7 All a\cra^c crop of 40 tons 505 li)s. per acre. TliL' six varieties of turnips which have jiroduced Mie lar^^e-l crops, taking the average of the results obtained on all the experi- mental farms for the ])ast five years, are ; Per acre. Tons Ivhs. L'S i:is() Per acre. Tons l^bs. 1 . St'kvti'il Piirpk- To]) ;{0 1<)14 2. PirlVclioii SwiMk- 80 KMilJ a. l^an^'liolm Selei-led 21) .'^07 All avera<.^e crop of 29 tons 585 lbs. per acre. 4. Kast T,othian 5. 1 lartlcv's Hron/.e 2S 1 1 L't; (), vSkirvii'iK's 27 ID.'ii) FOUR AND FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF MANGELS. The six \-arieties of mangels which have averaged the lKavii--t crops at the sevenil experimental farms for the past four and five year>, uio the followiii'' : i.i;Ni"KAr< I';xi'I':kimi;ntat 1'"arm, ottawa, ont. Pit ai'ie. Per nrrp. Tor-, I.hs. 4. Canadian (lianl, 5 yrs..., ',>'i 1(>70 ■). Velk>\v Interniediale, 5 yrs '.]') tidS (>. (iianl VeUow ("r'.ohe, 5 yrs. ;{4 14t;t Tons, Lks. ] . t .ate Post, 5 yrs ;>!• ISS 2. Ciianl Yellow Interniedi- ale, 5 yrs ;)7 174(1 ;>. Maninidth I.onj,' Red, 5 yrs ;!(> l.">'.)0 An axerage crop of 36 tons 1,21 1 lbs. ])er acre. j;xi'i;i. 4. Norhilon Giant, .| yrs .... IIJ 2:11 .'). Criaiit Yellow (ilobe, 5 vrs. Ill l(il"> (5. C.ale Post, 5 yrs ' . . . ;!() -i'Xi An average croj) of 32 tons 6Sj lbs. ])er acre. KXPKRIMKXTAI, R\RM KOR MXXITOHA, HRANIIOX, MAX. Per acre. , I'er ;icrc. Tons. IJ)s. Tons. l.Ks 1. Selected Manini. I, on!4 Red | 4. Crate Post, 5 yrs ,'l:i Ml .1 VIS .SO 010 ."). Prize Maniiii. Loni,' Red. 5 yrs. 2. Yellow Interniediale, 5 yrs ,')4 274 1). (liant Yellow Intermedi- ate, 5 yrs 33 143S An average crop of 33 tons i, 123 lbs. per acre 32 lit 1 7 0. C.iant Yellow C.lohe, 5 yrs 30 in:;ii KXPKRIMICXTAI, I'ARM I'OR THlC XORTlIWK.ST TKRRITORIKS, IXDIAX HKAD, N.W.T. Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Yellow Intermediate, 5 yrs 22 11)04 2. Champion Yellow Globe, .S yrs- 22 1390 3. Giant Yellow Half Lonj,', 4 ye.-irs 22 1151 An average crop of 22 tons 768 lbs. per acre Per acre. Tons, Lbs. 4. Selected Matnm.Lon)^ Red 4 vrs 22 1(14*1 5. Gate Post, 5 vrs 22 1 '■» 6. Norbiton Giant, 5 vrs 21 917 47 i;.\im;uimi;nt\i. 1 \''.\i luu nxii'i ;i ('(ii.rMHiA acvw.- hi*. I'lr aire. Tuns. J,l)s. 1. Vi-Ilo^v IiitiTiiuiliiitc, ,syrs ;;.s d'l 1' ('>i.iiil W'lliiw liiiiTiiuili- :;■; iito.' .-111'. 5 ^i"- •' :;. ( w ml Vcil'i'.v 1 ;,'ii' i.dn.u, I vf, ;;:{ so .\ii a\'jr.i.-;(j eTiiji oi 3,^ Ions ('j\ !')>. |k'1' ,k'1V. I'l-r aiTi'. Toll-. I,hs. 1. Si Kf'.i' 1 M ■.111111. 1, iiiii; Rcil 1 \ r> :i."> ■>. (' ■I" ;'n,>i, s \ IS :',| i."),s. I. .M i::i;ii. 1,.mi^ Ri'.l, 4 yr>. . Ili) l.j.ll ' 4v Tlic -ix \;n'ii.'tii.-> of iii;in'_"-l. \\'.;uh liiw ])roln(Til llu- laiL^rst rni')-. for Vac ]).i--l 1'. i;ir or live yj ir-, l.ikiii.; Iaj avciM;;.' 01' Uk' i\>u1l^ u!)lai;i •J. Ciaiil Vfllow liiU'tiiriL I';- :'.:.' '.''.'li | ••. ( Viaiil Vi-lluw I lall' I.oiil; • • ^l" ''7 :;. c.iiv I'ost ;;i iii'J 1 (». ci mi Vi-ii. Half Loii'.,r While, 5 vrs. .. L'O '.K)'> yrs 2S 7l(! , li. I'.reeii T :> White Orlhe. '■'>. Maiinnolh While Inlenue- ' 4 vrs L'li 2(i4 ciiale, .") vrs . ir?()S An average crop of 27 tons 1,049 1I)S. per acre. i:.\pkkimi:ntai, i'akm kor thk makitimh i'rovincks, nai'i-a.v, .n.s. Per acre. | Per acre. Tons. I.b.s, * Tons. I,hs. 1. Ililf I.oM.;,^ Wliile, ."■) yrs .. 21 ll'lO ] 4. Creen Top While Orlhe, :'. Mainniolii While Interine- | .( vrs lil 8\)2 ili.ile, r> vr.s ?0 I';,'^,S ' ."). Iinjlroved Shurl While, ;i. C.i. ml While Vos.^es, .") yrs. H) l.")-.'L*; 5 yrs pl I'.Ci I (). Isersoii's Chani])i<)n, I 5 ys IS l(i35 An averat^e crop of 19 tons i.S^.S lbs. jier acre. ■I, i i i ill K.\1'}';RI.MK.\TAI, IvVRM I ok M.V.MToliA, UKANUON, MAN. Per acre. Tons. ],!)s. 1. II ilfl.nn^r Wliite, .') yrs.. . 12 IS2S 2. ('.i:;nl While \'os,i,a-s, ."lyrs. 12 I S2S • 1. 1\ ergon's Champion, ."1 yrs. 12 17S4 Per ,icre. Tons. I, lis. 4. Ivirly ( feni, .^ yrs J 2 1121 ."). Maniniolh White Interine- (liale, 't vrs. 12 tl()2 fs Jl) |'.i.;i II. ("liant Wliiti' \'n>ui'>, 5 yi"s. ;;■- Ksd 5. Vcllc p\v If riiUMliatc ,s > is. 21) ll'.'H ;i. Halt i,(!iij; While .") vrs. . . ;ij 41 fi. Maiiiiiinih \\liiU' IiiUtiiio- I diali', •"> yrs lis I I'l^ Ati ;ivc'r;ii;(.' iTop lit' ;, i tons loi llis. per arri'. TIk' six varic-tifs ot' carrots whicli liavL- iirodut'id tin.' iarm -i crops (liiriiii;- the i)a^l t'oiir or five >ears, takiii;; the average of ilie results ol)tailie(l oil all the esperiiileiital t'aniis, are : I'or ai'ic. I'lT aire. Tons. l,hs 'roii^. j.liN, 1. Hair I,oii.',f WhiU' L'O 17l'1 4. M.iiimi. .th WliiU' InUiiiic- 'J. C.iaiil Wh'iU' N'os.ui'S L'O 1(J15 diaU- i'.l 17m; ."i. lm]iro\i'(| Shon WliiU' . . , '_'() l.'iSl .". ivrrson's L'l!;mi|)ioii . I'.i ):■•_".' li. ( ',ri Til Top While Orlhi.. . 1>> l'.i;ii All a\era;.^e crop of j( i tons _:^,^i ll)s. pir acre. VHREE AND FOUR YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF SUGAR BEETS Tl'.e four \'ariftie-; of siiL^ar l>eets wiiii-li have a\-erai;c(l llii,- livavie--l t-ro])S at ilie se\'eral experimental farms for the pa^t three nj- J. )nr \ears are tin.' follow iii'' : CKNTRAl, I\I'1;K1M1:N1'A1. lAUM, OTTAWA, ONT. I'or a I- re. Tons. I, lis. Tons Ini])ro\iil luipi'vial, | yrs L'd loi .'1. Danish Iin]iroveil, 4 yrs. . '_'.') W'an/.U'lan, 4 vcars '2 lS-2'-\ 4. Danish Red To]i, ;, yrs. .).) Ill All averajLje crop of 25 tons loS lbs. ])er acre. i;\i'Kkimi;nt.\j. iau.m i-or m.vritimi-: i'ko\inci;s, naim-an, n.s. I'lT acre. 'I'oiis. I,hs. I'l-r acre Tons 1. Red Toji Snj^'ar, .( years. . L'() |f):!l 3. Ini])roved Iin])erial 4 yrs '_'4 L'. Danisli Red Ti oi), 1 vears 1'.) 4. Danisli Improved 4 yrs. ^11 average crop of 24 tons i ,545 lbs. per acre. kxim:rimknt.m, i-arm i'or m.vnitoha, hrandon, man. 1. Danish Red Top, t, years. M. Danish Iinjiroved, 4 yrs. . 20 Per acre. Tcjiis. I, lis. 70 ?>. Wan/.lelien, 4 vears. 4. Red Top .Siij.(ar, .| year.s. Per acre Tons. I.h-. _.» Ji .1 An averaj^e crop of 26 tons 1,664 lbs. per acre. 1';xim;ri.mi:ntai. i-.vrm i'or thI'; xorthwicst tkrritorh;.-;, indian iikad, n.w t Per acre. Tons. Lhs. Per .lire. Tons ]. Danish Red To]>, .^ years. K; 1719 '^. Red TopSn^ar. 4 years. . 14 Wali/lehen, 4 years. 15 oSO I 4. Danish Improved, 4 yrs. Hi '-'"i An averaj^e croj) of 14 tons i , 190 lbs. ])er acre. 40 I.M'IUIMI'.NIXI. I AKM lOK MKIIIMI i i )|,r M IITA, .A ( , \SSI/, H.C. I'cr iiiTi- I I'tT Miri'. 'I'lMl.i. I, lis, I 'I'dlls. I,I)S. 1 ltii]iniviMl Iiii]ift ImI, I \ rs L.M 40 I I>. Kiil'l'iip Siij^iii-, i mmi^. H.". 7t).") :' Haiiish liiii)in\(il, i\r-.. 'JW !''.>J ' 4. Siliiiniiirs liiiprovid, I ( yiMr- •_':' KiiM All a\(.'ra),;c- iTop of 2\ loiis N^s ll)s. \\r 'iMir lour \:irii.-ti(.s of Mi^ar ln.;N wliirli haw pnidiuHil llu' larjjjcst riDps for tin- ])a>t tluvc- or four war--. t.ikiuL;. llu' a\i.'i'a;4X' ri.vsiills oh- t;iiiK(l al all {hv (.xpi'iiiiiciUal fariu^. art' : IVr iHTf. I IVr iUTO. Tolls. I, lis. ' Tdiis. I.tis. 1 Daiiisli Red 'I'l.]), :> yrars •.'('> (l.'iS ;',. KtclTi>ii Sii.yiir, (years . L'l.' ls;t :.'. I laiiish Iiii]inivtii, I yiMiN L'J I'.'T I. Wan/li-lii-'ii, l yi-ars IJl UllU An a\X'ni};c croji of j ;, tons ,'4 llis. per acre. FOUR TO SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH VARIETIES OF POTATOES. The tWLh'c \ari(.'tic's of ]iotalo(.-s which ha\i.- awra.nid tlu- hcaviist cnijis .'.t tlif scNural (.'XpurinKMUal farms, dnrin,;.;' Ihi' pa>t four to six uars, aw ihc- followin.i; : ci;nti<.\i. i;\im:kimi;nt.\i, i'akm. orTAwv, os'r. IVr aero, j Vvr .'UTf. Uiish. ],l)s. I linsli. I, lis. 1. II(illi(irii.\lnui(laiici' (iyrs 41!' '_*H I 7. lUinialiy SinMllin>.r^ d yrs .".r>"i .'!0 ■J. .\iiiLricaii Woiiik'r. (1 \rs. 411 ."id S. X'aiiiLT, (> vi-ars :;(ii.' !!> :;. Sirilliii.L; X7S 17 j 11. I'olaris. <>' years IliiO 4!) !i. I'',veretl, (> years .">7I ;! ' \'2. Ivirly Norther, (1 years. li.'iS ,")(! All average crop of 377 l)ushtls 51J lbs, jic-r acre. i:\I>KKIMl yrs.. 4(il 43 i S. IVarce's l>ri/e Winner, Aiuerican (iiaiit, 4 vrs. . . 4I«4 Ki ."> vrs '.'>W ">(> Irish Daisy, C. yrs.". 4:'.:5 l.'i '.•. I'ride of the :\Iarket, lli)lli(irii .\lniiiiiance,(> vrs 4;{l'. lit li vrs ."IDl Seattle, .") yrs C.imian No. i, (i yrs . . . Hale's Chainjiioii, .5 yrs An avera,<::e crop of 410 bushels i ;■, llis. jx-r acre. 4-_'L' .VJ 1 (I. Vitiier. ") vrs 405 2\ I II. Readin.i,' (\iaiU, "1 vrs. . 4(X) Hi \-J. (".teen .Mountain, ."i vrs. .sso ;;7!) 10 54 27 28 i:xi'i;rimkntai. i-arm i'or mamtoha. uranikin, man. Per acre. l$;ish. Per ;u're. liash. I,hs. 1 . Irish Daisy, 5 yrs Illti) -. Delaware, "i yrs liSl ;!. Carman N yrs ;HV.\ •">. Dreer's Standard, (\ vrs . I'.ti;! <:. Clarke's No. 1 , (i yrs :!.V.) 7. dreat Divide, (i yrs I'>.")S S S. Slate of Maine. (I vrs .. .'!.")4 45 20 <». Ne\v\'arietyNo. i;5 yrs :'..•).'! 2.S 57 ; 10. Pearce's Prize Winner, . . J 5 vrs :'.4!) 4S .. I 11. Chiiajro Market, o vrs. . :;44 40 57 ! 12. Pride' of Ihe MaVket, Ovrs .".44 40 I An average crop of 361 busliel.s y ll)s. per acre. i 50 \ri UIMI.NT VI. I \UM |ii|< rill MiK I IIW I s|- Tl I'dliiUn s. IMPlWI I'l r Mill', ' I'.llsll. \.\,>. , Aini'i iciin CiiMiil. .' \ Is , 17:i .'lO 7 IlrnvMnirs Wiiimr, (i , Anil I ir:iii \V iiiuli r, II \ Is. l:'i| ll.'l \ is Kim llislcr Kiisi, .'i SI'S... |;;'.l li S. ( '.I'IU'ImI ( 'i< il ( iiill, -J \ I's . . Silk's I'.Ntra l''.,irl>-, .'i yrs ^•.'."l "J ',•. I'.iiipirc SmU\ i; yis . . , .'s l'ii\( \is..,, Il'.i I III. I.v/it's I'riilf, t) '\ is ... Ni'NS \':.iiftN Nil. 1, 'i \ Is lO) li II. N'lrilurii S|i\, 1I (.1 il.l Ml'. I \ , \' , \SSI/, II. r I'l r ,urr. Illlsh. I. lis. ; t.iki.i.i Kill, '. \ IS :;.'..s "u s. \'iiU\ '-'.xum iv.ils . I \ •■- iii'i.w ii's Kill I'liHii'. I \ Is. ;!."il L' I !i. Civtii.ri Nil. .'l. li \ rs. . . . Si riliiiiLi N'l. L'.'li), .■> \ IS. . •'■"'- ''I '"• 'I'riiN Si iiiiiiiv;, li \ • s . . , C'l.i\''. I) yrs :;Hi "i'l II. .\i\\ \.iriity N... I, llnllitnll l^Ii'si', -1 yis :;|ii ^'.1 ll\rs Krailiii'^ I Hyis.... I'li.l •"> !'_'. I'.rii\\ii"irs \\ i n ii t- r , Iiisli I »:iis\ , (i s I lil'id U .■> yis Au uvciuiic crop ol' 334 InL^-lic-ls jj lbs. jut iktc. .s \V T. I'.r llllsli. ilirr. I.lls. I'l'.lj I'lMi L't'i 'In ".7ii I'l r I'.nsli. .■117 I'll 7 :;(is ;;o7 I ■_"l Some of llie huaviust yieldiiij^ jiotatocs, aver.'ij.;e f>f six years t'-i:;!. X". 1 Tvvi'R'U, i-:irly, pink; :?, Carman, Xo. 1, incMlium early, wliili'; 3, Roi-ht'stfr Khm' farlv, jiink; |. .Xtiu'rii-an Wnnilt-r, lalf, whitL-; 5, Laic rnrilaii, mciliuni lati, AVhilc; (). l'',ni]iirc Slali', nii'iliuin lati-, while. Till.' t\V(.lv(.' \;iri(.tics of jxttatoc-s wliicli liavu ])n)(lucv(l llic lari^f^t cmiis lor the pa.-t luiir to six yc'ars, takiiij;- vIil- a\(.Ta.t;c of the results ol)taiiR(l oil all the expcTiiiR-iital fanii^, are : I'l. I' aere. r.ii ll. IJis. I . Svi'iiiin ; No. L';;o ;;7ri id •_'. Irish n.iisy ;',7I 14 15. Anii'iii-ali (lialil "ti? is -1. .Vnuriiaii W'tiiiik-r .">li.') •!(• !'\ I'.nipiiL' SlaU' I'..')! :.'7 (i. Carman No. I ills 15 7. Late rarilan s. Slate ol' Maine. . . . !•, New N'.irielv No. 1 .. 10. S.'alUe 1 1 . \'anier 1"_'. ( ieiieral ( 'rorilmi. . . . All ;.\ cr;,L;e crop of 352 bushels per acre. I'er ain- Ihish. I.I-. ;1-1S '.I nil '-'I ;;-i'i II ;i:'.s L'l lii :)i SUMMARY. The L'xidt.'iui.' t'Mriii>li(.il 1>\ llu- work d' aimtlur mmv adiU t'uillur ti^tiiiioiiy lo the iiiiportaiin.' >>( ili(iu>iii,i; ilir ln-l ami iim^l intxliu'live \ari«.-ti(.> fur Mid, ami (.•diirii ms tht' \ iiw that lluif arc iiiaikiil ami t'airly coiistaiil (liriVr(.iKvs in llif jUddiU'tiwm.-'S «>t" variiliis wheu >;rovvn side by side iimk-r similar ftiiulitioiis. Aiuonj; the .( i dilTireiit Mirlsot" oats which have Ix-eu siilijert tn iiiiifiirm tists I'or si\ \ears, nuic ot these have appeared amon;^ the twelve most ])n)diKli\e sorts every year for the whole ])eriod, and the other three ])laees have heett Idled diuiiii,^ the time at irregular intervals l»y .six other varieties, lleiiee oidv lit'teeii of the 41 varieties have proditeed a erop siilVuientlv lar^e during the whole of that time to entitle them to a plaee with the best twelve sorts. On eom])arin,i; the best twelve varieties this >ear with the best twelve of iScjt; we find that ten of them are the saine. Takinj.( the resnlts of the croppinj.,^ of the twelve most prodmiive N)rts of oats at the Central I'.xperimental h'arm bir six. yeais, vvluii' the elimate and >n\\ are fairly representative of the two \i,n-Ai piovinccs (if Ontario and Ontber, we Ihid that they have j^iviii an averai^e v ii Id fur the whole ])erio(l of (u) bushels 17 lbs. ]irr arii.'. The nniainini; .'w varieties have averaj^ed dnrin.^ the s;iine lime 51 bnshels 7 lbs. jur arre, an averaj^e differenee in favor of the ]irodtutive sorts of 1 s bushels 10 lbs. jier new. The \alne of thesf h>;ures is miM\- fnllv reali/td if %ve bear in mind that every bnslul of oats addrd lo tlir average crop of Canula ])nts about one million dollars into the ]ioikits of Canadian fariut ; -. In spring wheat we find similar ]>ersislent ])rodneliveniss in certain .sorts. Of the ,^i varieties of this eereal vvhieh have bieii tested for six eonsLetitive years, eight of these have ap))eared among the twelve most produetive every year for the whole i)eriod. Comjiar- iiig the l)est twelve varieties for iScjg with the best twelve for lyno we lind that eleven of them are the same. Taking the results of the "cropping of the best twelve .sorts of .spring wheat for six vears at llie Central farm ue find that they have averaged for the whole ])eriod j') bnshels 57 lbs. per aere, while the remaining nineteen varieties .iL^rovvn for the same ])eriod have averaged 20 bushels ,V) lbs. ])er aere an average difference in favor of the best twelve ^orts of (■> bushels J7 lbs. per iiere. vSimilar evidence is afforded by the trial ]ilot:- of potatoes. Com- paring the twelve best sorts for h^od with those of 1 Sc^ij we find that nine of ihem are the same. .Sixtv-lwo varieties of ])otatoes have been under trial for five or six sueeessiv vears at all the experimental lanns, and while the twelve most ])roduetiv'.' sorts have averaged during that ])eriod 332 bushels i)er aere, the remaining 50 have gi\en an average of 294 bushels 51 lbs., an average difference in favor of the best twelve sorts of 57 bushels 9 lbs. ])er acre. Additional evidence of a similar character could be deduced from liie results of other crojis did space ])ermit. The facts ])resented should induce farmers to choose the most jiroductive sorts for .mowing, a practice which if generally followed would no doubt result in ■1 material increase in the average crops of the country and thus make tanning more profitable. .■I-*' !'(!i