K ■M' « On the Wooden Graving Dock, at St. John's, Nfld. .cv ^^ \^ By ErHfKEATING, C K. <^nmyi>^ ERRATUM. Page 167, on the 12th line from the top, for "shortened," read "hastened." - City Engineer's Office, Halifax, N.S., 26th Dec, 1881 To His Worship the Mayor, Chairman Dry Dook Committee Sir, — Having been requested to proceed to St. John's, Newfoundland, to be present at the opening of the new wooden graving dock just completed at that port, I beg to submit the following report : — Friday, the 5th of December, was the day appointed for the formal opening of the dock, but owing to delay in removing the temporary coffer-dam at the entrance, the ceremony did not take place until the afternoon of Wednesday, the 10th inst., at which time H. M. S. Tenedos was hauled into the dock and the water was pumped out during the night. There was no demonstration of any kind on the occasion. The harbor of St. John's is limited in : stent, being about a mile and a half in length by not over half a mile in breadth in the widest place. The dock is admirably situated for the purpose for -which it is intended, at the head of the harbor on a site which could scarcely have been more favorable for construction purposes. A large part of the area was formerly bare at low tide while the remaining portion was in shallow water. The whole of the material requiring excavation was of the easiest possible description to be removed, being deposits of river mud. sand and gravel brought down by a rivulet which discharges its waters at the upper end of the harbor locally called " River- head." An agreement between the Government of the Colony and Messrs. J. E. Simpson &; Co., of New York, was entered into on the l7th March, 1883, for the construction of the works, and was ratified by an Act of Parliament passed on the 21st of April of the same year. Under the agreement the Government provided the site free of cost to the contractors, admitted all materials and machinery 162 DRY DOCK. required exempt from customs' dues, and stipulated to pay the sum of $550,000 in monthly instalments, at the rate of 85 per cent, on the value, according to a certain schedule of prices:, the balance of 15 per cent, being payable on completion. The contractors on their part agreed to furnish all the materials, plant, machinery and labor required imder the terms of the specifications, and to complete the whole of the works within a period of twenty-four months. The agreement also contains a stipulation that the con- tractors shall, on the completion of the works, lease them from the Government and keep them in repair for a term of ten years at a rental of $15,000 per annum. The contract price for the dock alone without the gate, engine-house, pumping machinery or other necessary appur- tenances was $216,602. The following is a synopsis of the various items included in the contract with the price set opposite to each : Plans, Specifications and Engineering S 25,470 00 Cofter-dam 28,810 00 Bulkheads 2-5,160 00 Engine-house and Culverts 12,560 00 Pumping during construction 18,000 00 Pumps, Boilers and Connections 36,600 00 Caisson, fitted complete 35,408 00 Removing temporary Coffer-dam 9,223 60 Capstans, Gipsies, &c 5,100 00 Freight-house and Work-shops 28,000 00 Piers 28,200 00 Excavation alongside Piers and Freight-house. . . 25,856 40 Filling, Grading and Excavation in Slips 26,010 00 Engine, Boiler and Tools in Work-shop 10,000 00 The Dock proper 216,602 00 Dredging Channel from piers to deep water 25,000 00 Total S556,000 00 It will be seen that the above contract amounts when summed together exceed by $6,000 the bulk sun^, previously alluded to as the total contract price of the works, I am DR'f DOCK. 163 i,nable to point out where the error is, as the discrepancy €j:ists in the printed official papers to which I was referred for information. The dock is the largest structure of its kind in America, being of the same length and draught of water as No. 2 dock at Erie Basin, New York, while its width across the body is 17 feet greater on top and 3 feet 10 inches greater on the bottom. Its principal dimensions are : Extreme length inside at coping level from head to caisson when at outer grove or sill . . 000 ft. Extreme length at bottom on centre line of keel blocks 558 ft. Extreme width of body at coping level 132^ ft. " " on floor 49 ft. 10 ins. Depth of water over gate sill at high water, Spring tide 25 ft. The dock is pi-actically of the same shape and appearance as all the other large wooden docks along the Atlantic coast of America, with its sides flaring upwards from the bottom at an angle of about 45 degrees. Every portion of the structure ■exposed to view is composed of wood work. The short altars which form the sides and head of the dock and nearly all of the principal framing timbers are of pitch pine imported from the Southern States. The gate sills, abutments and the gate sill braces are American white oak. The foundation piles and other piles required are specified to be of spruce not less than 12 inches in diameter at the butt and 6 inches at the smaller end. The floor planks are 3 inch spruce. The structure differs in one t..sential part from all other wooden docks previously built by the same firm of contractors ; its peculiar feature being that solid rock underlies the bottom at a few feet below the flooring plank, thus rendering piling in the usual way— over that portion of the dock which is the deepest — an impossibility. A hard conglomerate overlies the rock, and upon this is said to have been placed from 2 to 4 feet of concrete, into which were bedded iron ties secured by bolts to the floor timbers. Around the sides and head of the dock, piles are driven and the braces secured thereto in the customary manner. The 164 DRY DOCK. braces are spaced about four feet apart longitudinally, or at right angles to the axis of the do jk, and the piles about 7 feet apart traversely, those near the bottom altars naturally being short on account of the close proximity of the rock. behind the wooden face of the sides and head of the dock a material resembling clay was deposited and rammed in for a thickness of about two or two and half feet. The woodwork immediately adjoining the entrance and gate sills is said to be backed liberally with cement concrete instead of the clay puddle, used so extensively behind the greater portion of the remaining woodwork. There are a few leaks visible p round the sides and head of the dock, but not of sufficient extent to cause uneasiness, as far as can be seen by a casual observer. The bottom, how- ever, is so constructed — the floor planks having open joints and hidden ditches below — that a large amount of leakage might occur without tho possibility of detection, except by closely watching the discharge into the pump-well. By measurements taken at this point on the 8th instant, when the clock was empty, dry and to all appearances practically tight, the leakage was ascertained to be at the rate of 965 imperial gallons per minute, or 1,389,600 gallons per day. The contractors claim to have stopped some of this leakage since the measurements were taken, but, however this may be, future periodical observations and gaugings taken and record- ed by some competent, reliable and disinterested person, would be instructive and of very considerable interest. The works were commenced by the contractors in May, 1883, and they hope to complete the whole of their contract early next spring, the principal things requiring attention, now, being the engine, boiler, tools and shafting for the work- shop and some 60,000 cubic yards of dredging. The opinion is freely advanced by some of the leading people in St, John's that in view of the completion of the graving dock at that port a structure intended for similar purposes at Halifax is not now needed. A St. John's paper of the 5th instant, however, makes the following remark which, in this connection, is worthy of notice : " The great difficulty that we see about making the dock a remunerative investment relates to the fact that for six months DRY DOCK. 165 of the maritime year this port is practically closed to ocean- travevsinj^ steamers, and that at the very time of the year when the latter are most exposed to the dangers for which docks are remedies !" This statement on the other hand is flatly contradicted by persons who ought to be able to form a correct judgment in such matters ; but, however, this may be, it is a well known fact that the entrance into the port of St. John's, if not actually unapproachable during certain seasons, is at least legar led with no small degree of fear by nautical u.en, throughout the early months of the year, by reason of dense fogs and the risk of encountering large masses of drift ice with which few steamers could safely cope unless built specially for such service. It can scarcely be contended thao ^he approaches to this port are open to the same objections, and taking this into cons, ler- ation, and the many other manifest advantages which we possess, besides the fact that the net tonnage of large ocean steamships entering th« harbor of Halifax is over 20 times greater than *St. John's, there can be little room for diversity of opinion as to the advisability of yet constructing a graving dock at this port. Regarding wooden docks of the same type as that just com- pleted at St. John's, it must be adraitte