CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques QQA N TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 12.8 13.2 14.0 " u 1.4 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IM/IGE Inc S^ '653 Eos! Main Street r.S Rochester. New York U609 USA ^= (715) 482 - 0300 - Phone SSS (716) 288 ~ J989 - Fox A,, P laea. PRIZE LIST FOR THE AGRICULTUEAL AND INDUSTEIAI EXHIBITION, TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MONTREAL, ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1868, OI»EIV TO THE l>OMIIVIOIV. .c./^' ■^^"1 r I MONTKEAL : PRINTED FOR THE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF LOWER CANADA, LBY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STEEET. ^ :!____ /-l/vi i umuu— oio uraig istreet, Montreal. . .-t% '"^s • •• • ♦ • - • < TABLE OF CONTENTS. Title PAui Table of Contents ^ Officers for 1868 ^ Form of Application ^ Rules and Regulations of the AgriculturalDepartment!!".'!!!"."! l 1st Class— Horses " 2nd Class— Cattle ........!!.!.!!.. ^^ 3rd Class— Sheep !......'...".'. .V." ///...... ^ ^ 4th Class— Swine ..!!!!..."...... ^^ 5th Class— Poultry ...*..""!'.!!!,'....... ^* 6th Class— Agricultural Productions, Grain, Seeds', &c".'.'.'.' ]t 7th Class— Roots and other Field Crops 8th Class— Dairy Products, &o !..!!!!.!."." ^^ 9th Class- Agricultural Implements .*.'.'..'.".*.'.".'.'.*.'.'.' ^^ 10th Class— Prince of Wales Prize .'......... ^'^ 11th Class— Prize of the Board of Agriculture.'.."'....' ""^^ Rules and Regulations of Industrial Department ^^ " 2— Carriages and Sleighs, and parts thereof, &c.. ^^ « 3-MaoWnery Castings, Manufactures of Metal, Tooirand'pUlini C G^fsswrf &c ^'''''^' ^"''' ^^"*^ '""^ ^'"*' Manufactures, Luttons, « 5-Architecturai Li Mei'wd'i;™; 'i;;;;;^^^^^ Sculpture Statuary, Engraving, Lithography, Photography. Pe2 Cravons. Muter nla nBo or on the following named dates : — 2. Horser, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry. —Entries in these classes must be made by for- warding the entry form, as above mentioned, filled up, and member's subscription enclosed, on or before Saturday, August 22nd, three weeks preceding the show. 2. In the classes of Blood Horses and pure bred cattle, full pedigrees, properly certified, must accompany the entry. No animals will be allowed to compete as pure bred unless they possess regular Stud or Herd Book pedigrees, or satisfactory evidence be produced that they are directly descended from such stock. In the class of Durham cattle particularly, no animal will be entered for competition unless-the pedi- gree of the same be first inserted in the English ■or American Herd Book, or in the Upper Cana- da Stock Register, -kept at the office of the Board of Agriculture. 4. Grain, Field Roots, and other Farm Pro- ducts, Agricultural Implements, Machinery, and articles generally, must be entered previous to or on Saturday, September 5th, one week preceding the show. 5. Exhibitors are particularly requested to take notice that it is essential that the entries be made at the dates above mentioned. After these dates for the respective classes, no entry will be received. The entry paper and sub- scription money will be returned to any person forwarding them. "C. In the live stock classes, the entry must in every instance be made in the name of the bond fide owner ; and unless this rule be observ- ed no premium will be awurded, or if awarded will be withheld. 7. In the Agricultural department the com- petition is open to exhibitors from any part of tiiS i,-oniiuioa of Catiuda. 8, On the entry of each animal or article, a card will be furnished the exhibitor specifying the class, the section, and the number of the entry, which card must remain attached to such animal or article during the exhibition. Transport of Articles, placing them on Exhibi- tion, and charge of them while there. 9. All articles for exhibition must bo on the grounds on Monday, September Uth, except live stock, which will be admitted to the ground till 10 A.M. on Tuesday morning at which hour the gates will be closed. 10. Exhibitors must provide for the delivery of their articles upon the show ground.— The Association cannot in any case make provision for their transportation, or be subjected to any expense therefor, either in their delivery at or return from the grounds ;] all the expenses con- nected therewith must be provided for by the exhibitors themselves. 11. Bzhibitors will at times give the neces- sary personal attention to whatever they may have on exhibition, and at the close of tha show take entire charge of the same 12. The competing Stock will be distin- guished by numbers, and the owner's name must not be mentioned till the premiums are awarded . 13. No articles or stock exhibited will be allowed to be removed from the grounds till the close of the exhibition, Friday afternoon, under the penalty of loosing the premiums. 14. While the Directors will take every pos- sible precaution, under the circumstances, to insure the safety of articles sent to the exhibi- tion, yet, they wish to be distinctly understood that the owners must themselves take the risk of exhibiting them ; and that should any article be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Di- rectors will give all the assistance in their power towards the recovery of the same, but will not make any payment for the value there- of. Steamboats and Bailroads, 15. The Association will make arrange- ments with steamboat and railroad proprietors for carrying articles and passengers at reduced rates^ Admission to the Oronnds 16. Tickets from the Secretary's ofBce will be furnished to any person becoming a member 10 KULES AiND REGULATIONS. previous to or on Saturday, September 6th, which will admit himself only, free to every de^ partment of the exhibition, during the show E h-b"?" "Emitted free throughout the f.*^\,.^°. '"^™**®"' ''«''«*9 will be issued alter the above last mentioned Saturday even- ing, but those issued up to that time will be good up to the close of the show. 18. Necessary attendants upon stock and articles belonging to the exhibiters, will be fur- nished with admission tickets with their names written upon them, which will be good at the Jix/itMort' gate only, during the show. 19. The admision fees to non-members, on Tuesday will half-a dollar, and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, a quarter dollar, each time of entering through the gates. 20. Servants in charge of stock will be sub- ii r, J^ f ?'™. *''', *^® directing members of the Board of Agriculture in each class. 21. Tickets of admission to those" who are not members, will be issued on Tuesday noon. Judges and their duties. 22. The judges will be appointed by the council of the Association, previous to the ez" fhpm n?*},"? f '" "ceive a circular informing them of the fact and inviting them to act. .u , •'"^*f*^ *" requested to report themselves at the Secretary's office, presenting the^r circular of appointment, immediately of their arrival at the grounds, rnnm nn^'^t J"''8«^'«'"l ^eet at the committee rfiT^^io^'.*,""!"'^'' ""^ '^^'^^daj, September 16th at 10 o'clock A.M., to make arrangements for entering upon their duties, and will then be furnished with the committee books containing 'he numbers of the entries in each class. *^ 25. No person shall act as a judge in anv class in which he may be an exhibitor ^ 26. In addition to the stated premiumi of- fered lor articles enumerated in the list, the judges will have the power to recommend dis- cretionary premiums for such articles, not enu- merated, AS they may consider worthy, and the S"m determine the amount of pre! 27. In the absence of competition in any ?pH K» f*?T'°' '^ *•"* ^^^"^ ""• "tides exhibi- rt« fw '"I-""' ?"*"^y' ^^^ judges will exer- Ji }TJ d'scretion as to whether they will ,^^ *i5® ^"'' ^^^""d, or any premium 0.3 1 ^^^'''"'ward roust be written in a plain number of the entry; and the reasons for the awMd should be stated when convenient 29. A superintendent will be appointed to each class,, who will see that each animal or lot IB put in the place assigned to it ; he will attend upon the Judges; point out to then ?h«v»?f""J ^{'\' •""«' ""d take care C. they are not mterfered with by any one during he inspection. When the Judges have madi h^?«"Pf ^*' H.' ''"' ««"«« the priminm leXtl crdSrhV"^'"*''^''''"^^'^*-*'^-- Faying the Premiums. ™o^n°; "^^^ Treasurer will be prepared to com- S ^T?^ ^■^^ premiums on Saturday, Sep- temberl9th, at 9 am., and parties who shaH have prizes awarded them are particularly re- «ed to apply for them before leaving K- treal, or leave a written order with some other whfr.t""*'^' *''^?' '*«*'"« the articles for which the prizes are claimed. Miscellaneous. R«.',!i'f P,'".°^*"der will be provided by the Hoard for live stock at cost price. For infor- SnH«^; •y^hibitors will apply to the Superin- his Sffice *'"'° " '"°'^'^" department at 32. An auctioneer will be on the ground alter the premiums are announced, for the pur- pose of selling any animal or article which thfr owner may wish to dispose of, and every faci- hty will be afforded for the transaction of busl- n6ss* 33. In case the Directors shall require anv particular information in reference to animals or articles taking first prizes, the owners will be expected to transmit it, when requested to uo so* Programme for the Week. 1. Monday, Sept. 14th, will be devoted to the receiving of articles for exhibition, and their proper arrangement. None but officers and members of the association, judges, exhibitors, and necessary attendants will be admitted 2 Tuesday, Sept. 15th. The judges will meet in the committee room at 10 a. m., and will commence their duties as soon as possible after- wards. As soon as they have made their awards, they will report to the Secretary Ad- mission, 60c. '' 3. Wednesday, 16th. The judges of the va- rious classes will complete their awards, and will place all the prize tickets if possible Ad- mission, 26c. 4. Thursday, 17th. The public will be ad- mitted this day on payment of 25 cents by each person, each time of entering. 5. Friday, leth.TAe annual meeting of the Director* of the Msocwtim teilltake place at 10 a.m. in the committee room, 6. Saturday, 19th. The Treasurer will com- mence paying the premiums at 9 a.m. 7. All protests must be sent to the Secretary before 10 a.m. on Thursday, the I7tb Septem- PRIZE LIST— HORSES. U I PRIZE LIST. 1st CLASS— HORSES. Sbo. Clydei. 1— 1st Prize Silver Medal and $35 00 2nd do. Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4tb do. Honourable Mention Feroherons, 2— latPrize Silver Medal and -fSS 00 2Dd do. Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do. Honourable Mention Suffolk. 3— 1st Prize Silver Medal and $35 00 2nd do. Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do. Honourable Mention Stallion— Canadian Breed. 4— Ist Prize Silver Medal and $35 00 2nd do. Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do. Honourable mention Thorough Bred Stallions. 5 — 1st Prize Silver Medal and $35 00 2Qd do. Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd do. 10 00 4tb do. Honourable Mention Brood Hare and Foal. «— Ist Prize Silver Medal and $15 00 2nd do. Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd do 5 00 4th do. Honourable Mention Heavy Draught Stallions (1300 lb. and over.) 7— Ist Prize Silver medal and $35 00 2nd do Bronze medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do Honourable Mention. Hiddle Draught Stallion Weighing 1200 lb. and over, 8 — 1st Prize Silver medal and 35 00 2nd do Bronze medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do Honourable Mention. Light Draught Stallion Weighing :900 lb. and over. Seo. 9 — Ist Prize Silver medal and 35 00 2nd do Bronze medal and 20 00 3rd do 10 00 4th do Honourable Mention. 3 Tear old Stallion of any Breed. 10 — 1st Prize Silver medal and $15 00 2nd do Bronze medal and 10 00 3rd do 5 00 4th do Honourable Mention. Brood Mare and Foal, Heavy Draught, 1 1 — 1st Prize Silver medal and $15 00 2iid Prize Bronze medal and 10 00 3rd do , 5 00 4th do Honourable Mention. Brood Kare and Foal, Light Draught. 12— 1st Prize Silver Medal and 15 00 2nd do Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd do 6 00 4th do Honourable Mention. 3 Year old Filly of any Breed. 13— 1st Prize Silver Medal and $12 00 2nd do Bronze Medal and 6 00 3rd do 4 00 4th do Honourable Mention. Fair of Draught Horses- 14— Ist Prize, Silver Medal and $15 00 2nd do. Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd do 6 00 4ih do. Honourable Mention ...... Fair of Hatched Carriage Horses. 15— 1st Prize $3 OO 2nd do 6 00 3rd do 4 oc 4th do Honourable Mention Saddle Horses. 16— Ist Prize }8 00 2nd do 6 00 3rd do 4 00 4th Honourable Mention Horses shown as single carriage horses, as saddle horses, or as spans of team or carriage horses, must not be ntallions. 2nd CLASS— CATTLE. Durhams. I— Bull 3 years old and upwards— Silver Medal and- $30 00 2Dd Bronze Medal and 20 00 3rd 10 00 4th Honourable Mention ^ . . 3 — Bull 2 year old — Silver Medal ami.. $20 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd 6 00 4th Honourable Mention 3— One year old Bull— Silver Medaland$15 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd 4 00 4th Honourable Mention 4— Cow, 3 years old and upwards^. Silver Medal and .$15 00 2nd Bronze Medal and,..., 10 00 3rd 4 00 4th Honourable Mention PRIZE LIST-CATTLE. Honourable Menti 2 year old— Silver Bronze Medal and.. dal and. 12 Seo. 5— Two year old Cow— Silver Medal andflO 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 4 00 4th Honourable mention 6— One year old Cow— Silver Medal and $10.00 2nd Bronze Medal and c 00 3rd 4 00 4th Honourable Mention .'.' N.B— A certificate of Hbrd Book Pbdigbbb, or a sufficient reference to the Herd Book in which they are registered will be required of all animals in the Durham class, along with or P'"^y'ou9 to the application to enter them for exhibition. Tba pedigrees of others should be as full and correct as possible. Ayshires, 7— Bull 3 year old and upwards— Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd 4th 8— Bull 2Qd 3rd 4th Honourable Mention. . .,.....'. 9— One year old Bull— Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd ■nh Honourable Mention. ...'.'.'. '. '. ', 10— Cow 3 years old and upwards- Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd [ 4th i.Ionourable Mention '..'.'. 11— Tw ) year old Cow— Silver Medal and '2nd Bronze Medal and '.*....*. 3rd ^ 4th Honourable .Mention .'* 12— One year old Cow— Silver Medal anl, 2nd bronze Medal and .' 3rd 4th Honourable Mention Herefords, 13— Bull 3 yearold and upwards — Silver Medii md , $30 oo 2nd Bronze Medal and 2o 00 ff^ • 10 00 4tli Honourable Mention U— Bull two year old —Silver Medal and 20 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 f '■'' •■ 5 00 4t(i Honourable Mention 15— On year old Bull— Silver Medal and 16 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 S'd 4 00 4th Honourable Mention 16— Cow 3 years old and upwards- Silver Medal and 15 00 3nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 4 00 $30 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 3rd 4th Honourable Mention 17— Twc year old Cow— Silver Meda! aj 1 Otirl Ppnnoa XXo^^t * — <9 3rd 4th Qonoarable Mention 10 00 S GO 4 00 Seo. 18— One yearold Cow-Silver Medal and 10 OO 2nd Bronze Medal and 6 OO 3rd 4 00 4th Honourable Mention OevonB, 19 — Bull 3 year old and upwards- Silver Medal and $30 OO 2nd Bronze Medal and 20 00 ^rd 10 00 4th Honourable Mention 20— Cow 3 year old and upwards- Silver Medal $15 00 2nd Bronze Medal , 10 00 3rd 4 00. 4th Honourable Mention Oalloways. 21— Bull 3 years old and upwards- Silver Medal $30 oo 2nd Bronze Meda! and 20 00 3"! 10 00- 4th Honourable Mention 22— Cow 3 year old and upwards- Silver Medal aud 15 00 2nd Bronze Medal and ,.... 10 00 3i'd 4 00- 4th Honourable Mention... Gra^e Cattle. 23— Bull 3 year old and upwards- Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd 4th Honourable Mentiion 24— Bull two year old—Silver Medal and 2Qd Bronze Medal and 3rd 4th Honourable Mention 25— One year old Bull— Silver Medal and and 2nd bronze Medal and 3rd 4th Honourable Mention. 26 — Cow 3 years c'.d and upwards- Silver Medal 2nd Bronze Medul 3rd 4th Honourable Mention 27— Two year old Cow— Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd 4th Honourable Mention 28— One year old Cow— Silver Medal and 2nd Bronze Medal and 3rd 4th Honourable Mention Fat and Working Cattle of any breed- 29— Fat Ox or Steer— Silver Medal and$16 00' 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd 5 00 4th Honourable Mention 30— Fat Cow or Hei -Silver Medal and^ 15 00 2ud Bronze Medal and li) OO 3rd .... , 600 4th Honourable Mention. ........ 30 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 5 Odr- 15 00 10 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 t. , 1\ PRIZE LIST— SHEEP. 13 Sec. 31 — Pair of Working Oxen — Silver Medal and 15 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 10 00 3rd 5 00 4tb Honourable Montion No Neat Cattle will be allowed to enter the Show Ground unless secured in a proper man- ner by either chain, strap or cord. Bulls must be secured by a ring or screw in the nose, with a chain or rope attached. The exact age of animals must be stated on the cards, and will be taken into consideration by the Judges in making their awards; and any person unde.-rating the age of an animal will forfeit the premium to which he might otherwise be entitled. Young animals may compete, if the exhibitor thinks fit, in an older class than that to which they properly belong ; but no animal will be al- lower to compete in more than one of the fore- going sectio" 9, except for the Medals, or where all classes and ages compete together, or in the herds. Cows in any of the above classes must be giving milk at the time of the exhibition, or be evidently well gone in coif. An animal will not be allowed to compete as a three year old cow unless she has had a calf, or is evidently in calf; but a two year old ani- mal having bad a calf will bo allowed to com- pete aa a two year old heifer, if the owner think? fit. Prizes will be awarded to animals of other breeds than those above mentioned, if deemed worthy. Fat eatlle and fat Sheep can be exhi- bited only by persons wlio liave owned and fed them at least six weeks previously. 3rd CLASS— SHEEP. Leicestera, Sbc. 1 — Ram, two shears and over — Silver Medal and $10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 2— Shearling Ram— Silver Medal and.. 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 3— Ram Lamb 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 4 — Two Ewes, two shears and over- Silver Medal and 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 5— Two Shearling Ewes, Silver Medal & 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 6 —Two Ewe Lambs 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 Cotswoldi. 7— Rams two shears and ovei: — Silver Medal and $10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 8— Shearling Ram — Silver Medal and.. 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 6 00 9— Ram Lamb 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 10 — Two Ewes, two shears and over- Silver Medal and 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 6 00 11— Two Shearling Ewes, Silver Medal and i 10 00 2nd Broiize Medal and 8 00 ard S 00 11— Two Ewe Lambs 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 Other Long Woolled Sheep. Seo. 13— Rams, two shears and over— Silver Medal and $10 OO 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 14— Shearling Ram — Silver Medal and. 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 CO 15— RamLamb 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 16— -Two Ewes, two shears and over- Silver Medal and 10 00 2iid Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd .• 5 00 17— Two Shearling Ewes— Silver Medal and 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 18— Two Ewe Lambs 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 South Downs. 19 — Rams, two shears and over — Silver Medal and $10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 6 00 20— Shearling Ram— Silver Medal and. 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 21— Ram Lamb 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 22 — Two Ewes, two shears and over- Silver Medal and 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 00 3rd 5 00 23— Two Shearling Kwes— Silver Medal and 10 00 2nd Bronze Medal and 8 0i> ..-J * AA aru ..... i *...........•.. t * « t » 1 1 . If vv 24— Two Ewe Lambs 8 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 14 PRIZE LIST—SWINE. Cherioti, Sio. 2nd Bronze Medal and! .' 3rd ^'*"'2nH"p'''^ RamllsilVeV JfVdaUnd! 2nd Bronze Medal and.., 3rd 27~Ram Umb..'.'.'.'. 2nd 3rd .'.".'.'!".".!.' 28-Two Ewea, two 'sbVars 'and "over- Silver Medal and.. . 2nd Bronze Medal and.. '.'.'. 3rd ^''"''''^"I'lewH'ngEwea-silVerMedal 2nd Bronze ifedai and. 3rd 30— Two Ewe Lambs! .*.";" 2nd 3rd 10 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 Sic. 33— Ram Lamb. 2nd.... 3rd ' 34-Tw> Ewes, two shears and over- Silver Medal and, 2nd Bronze Medal and.'. !!.'.'.* 3rd 35-Two Shearling Ewes- Silver Medal flndl , 2nd Bronase Medal and." 3rd Merinos and Saxons- ^'~^"m!S ^^° '''"'"■« ^""l over- Silver Medal and ,„ .. 2nd Bronze Medal and...":;::;."; 8 «" 36— Two Ewe Lambs.. 2nd 3rd '!'■ 8 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 Fat Sheep of any Breed. 3 T— Best two Wethers 2nd Q_J 00 5 00 32-Shearling Ram-Sii;e"r"MVdarand: 10 oS 2nd Bronze Alodal and g qo 8 00 00 38— Bei 2nd 3rd ■°t two Ewes , ,1 1 ..$12 .. 8 .. 4 2 8 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 nu!iy *''*' ^'^"'^ •'^^^ shown in any other classe cannot compete as fat sheep. Growth nw T' '^"^ ""' P^"«°' f«ason'^ growth of wool upon them. 4th CLASS Large Breed (pure). 1— 1st Prize, Bonr 1 - -^r and Silver Medal 2nd Bronze Medal u 3rd over— .. $12 00 8 00 2-lst Breeding Sow", 'i ye'ar" and "ov"er ** °° — Silver Medal and «in nn 2nd Bronze Medal and •.".•;".::; ^'^ 22 ^ 4 00 All Other Large Breeds, ^~^*' .i'T, ^ y®*"^ «°d over— Silver Medal and ,„ „. 2nd Bronze Medal and c nn 3rd ° ^° 4- Ist Breeding Sow 1 year and 'o'ver- Silver Medal and • «in nn 2nd Bronze Medal and .,.".'. ". * g qo ^'"** 4 00 -SWINE. Small Breeds (pure.) 5-lst Boar 1 year and over-Silver Medaland ,„ .. 2nd Bronze Medal and, . . ' " " = Z 3rd ° 00 6-lst Breeding Sow i" y"e"a"r' "and" "o;er Silver Medal and «in sn 2nd Bronze Medal and , * „ nn 3rd ' * ■ " 4 00 All Other Small Breeds. ''~^^\fT, ^/^" """1 over-Silver ' Medaland ,„ „. 2nd Bronze Medal and ;; s qO 8-lst Breedi"ng " s;)*w "l" year k'nd oVe"r ^ "' bilver Medal and «ir nn 2nd Bronze Medal and.... r on 3rd ^ "" 4 00 i— Pi :r of white Dorkings •.. 2nd do .......:; *^ 2— Pair of spangled Dorkings. .".". 1 2nd do 2 3— Pair of black Polands , I 2nd do 2 4— Pair of white Polands, . . . :; a 2nd do ...!!'.!'.! 2 . -.^ 4 2 5th CLASS-POULTEY, &c. 8— Pair of golden Polands. 3ud do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (\n 00 6— Pair of silver Polands 4 oo 2nd do 7— Pair of game fowls 2nd do •..•.... 7— Pair of Jersey Blues .* 2nd do :;;;; 2 9-Pair of Cochm China, Shangai, Can- lun, or uramah i-ootra fowls 4 2nd do , 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 S' PRIZE LIST— AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS. 15 3 00 4 00 ! 00 ) 00 I 00 i 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ber ny n'3 Hio. 10— Pair of Black Spanish fowls 4 00 2nd do 2 00 1 1— Pair of Black Java Fowls 4 00 2nd do 2 00 12— Pair of Bolton bays 4 00 2nd do 2 00 13— Pair of Hamburg fowls 4 00 2nd do 2 00 14 — Pair of Dominique fowls 4 00 2nd do 2 00 15 — Pair of featlter-legged bantams. ... 4 00 2nd do 2 00 IG— Pair of amooth-legged bantams.... 2 00 2;'d do 1 00 P — Pair cf turkeys, wliite 4 00 2nd do 2 00 18 — Pair of turkeys, colored 4 00 2nd do 2 00 19— Pair of wild turkeys 4 00 2nd do 2 00 20— Pair of large geese 4 00 2nd do 2 00 21 — Pair of Bremen geese 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Sic. 22 — Pair of Chinese geese 4 oo 2nd do 2 00 23— Pair of Muscovey ducks 4 OO 2nd do 2 00 24 — Pair of common ducks 4 00 3nd do 2 00 25 — Pair of Aylesbury ducks 4 00 2nd do 2 00 26 — Pair of Poland ducks 4 00 2nd do 2 00 27 — Pair of Rouen ducks 4 oo 2nd do 2 00 28 — Pair of Guinea fowls , . 4 00 2nd do 2 00 29— Pair of pea fowls 4 00 2nd do 2 00 30 — Collection of pigeons 4 00 2nd do 2 00 31 — Pair of rabbits 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Exhibitors will have to provide their own coops, and are recommended to have them about three feet cube in size, for convenience of arrangement on the grounds. cth CLASS-AGRICULTURAL PR0DUCTI0F3. Grain, Seeds, &c. 1 — White winter wheat, 4 minots $6 00 2pd do 4 00 3rd do 2 00 2— Red winter wheat, 4 minots 6 00 2nd do 4 00 3rd do 2 00 3 — White spring wheat, 4 minots 6 00 2nd do 4 00 3rd do 2 00 4 — Red spring wheat, 4 minots G 00 2nd do 4 00 3rd do 2 Oq 5 — Barley (two rowed) 4 minots 6 00 2nd do 4 00 3rd do 2 00 6— Barley (6 rowed), 4 minots.... .... 6 00 3nd do 4 3rd do V 2 7— Rye, 4 minots 6 2nd do 4 3rd do 2 8 — Oatfi, white, 4 minots 6 2nd do 4 3rd do 2 9 — Oat8,black, 4minots 6 2nd do 4 3rd do 3 10— Fieldpeas, 4 minota 6 2nd do .. 4 3rd do 2 1 1— Marrowfat peas, 2 minots 6 2nd do 4 3rd do 2 12 — Tares, 2 minots e 2nd do 4 UrA An n 13— White field beans, 2 minots 6 2nd do 4 3rd do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 14— Indian corn in the ear, white 2nd do 3rd do 15 — Indian corn in the ear, yellow 2nd do 3rd 16— Timothy seed, 2 minots. . ■ 2ud do 3rd do 17 — Clover seed 2nd do 3rd do 18— Aylsike clover seed, 1 minot...... 2nd do 3rd do : 19 — Hemp seed, 2 minots 2nd do 3rd do 20 — Flax seed, 2 minots 2nd do 3rd do 21 — Mustard seed, 1 minot , 2nd do 3rd do 22 — Swedish turnip seed, (20 lbs.) 2nd do 3rd do 23 — 54 lbs. white Belgian field carrot seed 2nd do 3rd do 24—12 lbs. long red mangel wurzel seed 2nd do 3rd do SLT — iz luz. jejiuw gsuoc msQgci wurzci seed 2nd do 3rd do 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 e 00 4 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 16 PBIZE LIST-ROOTS AND OTHER FIELD Sko. 26— Bale of hops. 112 lbs ir 2nd do ; ,n 3rd do ;;;;;• g 27— Horse beans, 2 minots. ... ' n 2nd do I 3rd do '.'.'.'..'.'.'.'." 2 28--Buckwheat, 4 minots ' q 4 2 CROPS. and do 3rd do 29— Millet, 2 minots.".'.'.'.'.".'.' '.' « 2nd do 3rd . do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sko. SO-flungarian^Krass seed, 2 minots. 2nd 3rd do 00 4 00 2 00 7lla CLASS-ROOTS AND OTHER FIELD CROPS Potatoes-l bag of eaeh, not less than IJ mlnot, 1— Pink-eycd potatoes, ij miqots. 2nd do 3rd do ..'. 2— Cup potatoes, Ij minots.', 2nd do 3'd do ......v." 3— Garnet Chilis', 2nd do 3rd do li minots 3 2 4— VViiita potatoes,"! j minots".".".".'.'.' " ' \ and do " 3rd do '.' 5— Red potatoes, 2i minots..'.' 2nd do .. . ^'■d Jo ....!!!!]" 6— Blue potatoes, ij minots.'!.' 2nd do 3rd do '."."■■ 7— Any other sort, I i minots ..'.' .' .' ." .' .' .' " 3 2nd do .. 3rd do "..'.!'.*.'.! 8— Oolleotion of field potat'o'es.'.'.'. 2nd do ........ 3rd do ;"■.". 9— Swede turnips ns) ... . 2nd do.... 3rd do '.[.'. 10— White globe turnips (18)'.'.".".' 2nd do . •-■ 3rd do ..•....'.■;.*;."•. ll—Aberden yellow turnips (18).* 2nd do .... 3rd ilo .'.*.'.*.'.*!" 12— Twenty roots red carrots' ("18)! "."."." s 2nd do ^ ' 3rd do .',,', 13— Twenty roots white carrots'ns) ••id do.. 3rd do. 14 ' 2 1 3 2 1 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0,.' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (18).. 3 2 1 3 2 I 3 2 1 3 2 —Mangel wurzel, long red (18) . . ^ 2nd do ......... ' o 3rd do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IS—Rcd globe mangel wurzel, tl8) 2nd do 3rd do ..'..'.'.'.'.'.", 16— VoUow globe .aan. wur'/Zl^")! .' 2nd do 3rd do ' 17— Long yellow man. 2nd do 3rd do 18— Kobl rabi (18).... 2nd do 3rd do , 10— Sugar beet (18) o 2nd do ... 3rd do V.'.' 20 -Parsnips (18) 2nd do ... 3rd do .....".'.".".'.'!!.". 21— Large squashes tor" "catt'le"(2")" 2nd do . 3rd do ...'.'.'.'.*.".'.'.".■.'..... 1 22— Mammoth field pumpkins (2)'. 3 2nd do ■' 3rd do .:;:;;; ? 23— Tobacco leaf (20 lbs o 2nd do . 3rd do ....".'." J 24— Broom corn brush (28 lbs'.).'.'.'.*." " " q 2nd do ........ ■ Srd do : \ 25— Flax, scutched (II2 lbs'.').".'." ".'.' " ' 12 2nd do .. 3rd do . . 26— Hemp (11 2 lbs.)'. v.* 2nd do ' Srd Hemp, 112 lbs.'..'.' as%Mr!f ,1° *\' "^°^'' <='''«^ t° be certmed as of field culture by the exhibitor. Roots of other varieties than those above named will re- ?«r.n7"'?'.^ \o"hy. The names of the d?f. of wheat or other grain roots S-'oreJtr^U"^""^'^ ^^ -^^ "SrKs 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ou 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 6 12 8 6 00 8th CLASS-DAIRY PRODUCTS, &c 1-Kegs of butter, 56 lbs iRi'! no 1 o r- 1 ■ .r. 2nd do *'2 00 j 2-Pirkm3ofButter, 28 lbs. 3rd do ""* ^'i^^'' \ ^'^'* do 4th do !^° 3rd do °* .••••• 6 00 I 4tn do 10 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 PRIZE LIST— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 17 G 00 4 00 2 00 Agri- bligei th the ed, to in, the uality er in- [ricul- fl 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 J 0(1 I 00 i 00 ! 00 I 00 i 00 I 00 , 00 I 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 led of re- ;if- ts, lis Sio. 3— Cheese, 30 lbs g 10 lbs. 2nd do •3rd do .... 4th do 4—Honey, in the comb 2nd do .... 3rd do . . . 6— Jar of clear honey '.'.'."_ 3 2nd do ' 2 3rd do 1 6— Maple sugar, 30 lbs .'.'."!!!'.'.' 3 2nd do , 2 3rd do 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sec. 7— Ham, cured i 3 2nd do ',. 2 3rd do V.'*"' 1 00 00 00 Persona taking premiums on dairy products, will bo required to furnish statements of the mode of manufacture, including the breed and number of cows, size of farm, description of dairy premises, treatment of milk, salt used, quantity of produce, and any other practical in- formation that tliey may be able to afford, before being paid the amount of premium. 9ih OLASS-AGBICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Ist Class-Implements for the pulverization of the soil. -Iron plough $12 2nd do 8 3rd do ' " A 2 — Wooden plough j 2iid 3rd 3— Trench 2nd 3 id do do ... plough do .. . do .... 8 4 12 8 4 4 — Subsoil plough 12 2 lid do '.*....'.'.',' 8 3rd do .'.*.'..".'.'.' 4 5 — Heavy harrows 6 2Dd do .....v.", 4 3rd do .7 2 <3 — Light harrows ' r 2nd do v." 4 3rd do 2 7— Drill harrows ". .'. ..." g 2nd do 3rd do 8 — Iron roller, 2nd do 3rd do 9 — Wooden roller 8 2nd do 10 — Collection of hand implements 6 2nd do q 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 18— Compost sowing machine 4 00 ,„ ?n'i do 2 00 19— Mowers 20 00 2nd do 12 00 3rd do 8 00 20— Reapers 20 00 2"'! do 12 00 3rd do 8 21 — Mowing and reaping combined 20 2nd do 12 3rd do '.'. 8 22 — Collection of hand implements. ..." 4 2nd do 23— Horse tedder ..'.*.'.'.!. 8 2nd do ' ' ' ". 4 24 — Horse rakes ' * * 8 2nd do .,.,. 4 25 — Potato diggers ', . 8 2nd do 4 26— Waggons .'.'.' 8 2Qd do ,".' 4 27 — Scotch carts s 2nd do * 4 28— Carts 8 2ud do ....'..'..' 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Implements for the cleansing of the soil. 11— Scarifiers or cultivators *. .$12 2nd do 8 3rd do .'.".'.".'.'.'.'.'.".'." 4 12— Double mold-board plough '..' 10 2nd do 3rd do 13— Horse hoes ' 5 2nd do .'...'.'.... 3 14— Collection of hand Implements. . .." 5 2nd do 3 Implemeats for harvesting. 15— Grain sowing machine $12 2nd do 8 3rd do = = = =".''.".'.".*.".' i 16— Beet and carrot sow. mnchine 4 2nd do 2 I V — Grass seed sowing machine 4 2nd do " 2 00 00 00 00 6 00 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 Implements for the preparation of Agricultural products. 29— One horse thrashing machine $12 2nd do 8 3id do ...'.*."..*.'.'.'.'. 4 30 — Two thrashing machine 20 2 ml do 3rd do 8 31 — Clover thrashing machine. 12 2ud do 6 3rd do .....'.'.* 2 32. . Corn culling machine 8 2nd do 4 33 — Flax scutching machine 20 2nd do ', 12 3rd do ...".!'..'.'.*.. 8 34— Hemp scutching machine .•. . 20 2nd do 12 3rd do ".'.' ! ! 8 35 — Separators 8 2nd do J 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36 — Fanning mills q 2nd do .'..." 4 " —Potato washers s 2nd do , 4 00 00 00 00 PRIZE LIST-PRINCE OP WALES PRIZE. 18 Sio. 38— Cooking apparatua for cattle, 4c.. . 8 2nd do , 4 39— Root Cutter ' g 2nd do 4 40— Straw cutter '.* g 2nd do 4 4 1— Corn cruiher , ", g 2nd do 4 42— Cturns g 2nd do '.,'..'. 4 •13- Cheese press g 2nd do 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo Sic. 44— Cider prew g 2nd do 4 Other Implements notmentloaed abort. 45— Stomp extractor |g oo 2nd do 4 oa 40— Gates 4 oo 2nd do 200 47— Bee-hive 4 oO' 2nd do a 00 48— Wejghic g machines 4 oa 2ud do 2 00^ 10th CLASS-PRINCE OP WALES' FBIZE. For the beat imported Stallion, prize pre- sented by His Highness the Prince 01 Wales |6o 00 11th CLASS-PRIZE OF THE BOARD OF AORICTJLTUBE. For the best Stallion born in this country, prize presented by the Board of Ag- culture 150 00 GEORGES LECLERE, Secretary. qua the it is Trai 8. ed a ber I > plac ' tion - , I 8 09 4 OO 18 00 4 oa 4 00 2 00 4 OO 2 00 4 00 20& RD 10 oo AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, rOR LOWER CANADA. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. 1. All entries must be made on printed forms, which may be obtained of the Sccrctariea of Agricultural Societies, or of tlie Secretary of the Board ot Arts and Manufactures, free of charge. These forms are to be filled up and signed by every exhibitor, enclosing a dollar for entrance fee, and sent to the Secretary of the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Lower Canada, Mon- treal, previous to the Ist September. 2. Every article exhibited for competition must be the produce or Manufacture of the Do- minion of Canada. 3. Articles of foreign manufacture, or others intended only for sale, may be exhibited, by be- ing regularly entered and labelled as such. 1. Exhibitors are particularly requested to talce notice that it is absolutely requisite thot the entries bo made on or before the date above mentioned, in order to afford sufficient time to examine the entry papers, and to correspond with parties, where necessary, for the correction Of errors. 5. Entries must in every instance be made in the name of the bund fide Inventor, Producer, or Manufnoturer, or his authorised agent. Separ- I ate entries must be made for the products of each manufacturer, and unless this rule be ob- served, no premium will be awarded, or if awarded, will be withheld. 6. On the entry of each article, a card will be furnished the exhibitor specifying the class, the section, and the number of the entry, which card must remain attached to such article during the exhibition. ° 7. Manufacturers are requested to furnish with their articles exhibited, a statement of the quantity they can produce or supply, aid the price, for the information of the Judges, -vhose aecision will be based on the combination of quality, style, and price, and the adaptation of the article to the purpose or purposes for which it IS intended. Transport of Articles. Placing them on ExMbi- tion, and Charge of them while there. 8. All articles for exhibition must be deliver- ed at the building on or before Friday, Septem- ber nth. Exhibitors of machinery roH nfh».. lieavy articles, are requested to' hare them placed during the week preceding the Exhibi- lion. 9. Exhibitors must provide for the delivery of their articles in the building. The Associa- tion cannot in any case make provision for their transportation, or be subjected to any expense therofor, either in their delivery at, or return from, the exhibition; all the expenses connect- ed therewith must be provided for by the exhi- bitors themselves. 10. Articles not accompanied by their owners may be adressed to the care of the Secretaries of the Association, who will receive them, on their being delivered at the building; but in no case will such articles be brought into the build- ing and placed on exhibition, exce|it by and at the expense of the Exhibitors or their authorised agents. n. Exhibitors on arriving with their articles will apply to the Secretary in charge, who will inform them w here the articles are to be placed. 12. Exhibitors will at all times give the ne- cessary personal attention to whatever they may have on exhibition, and at the close of the Exhibiton take entire charge of the same. 13. No articles exhibited will be allowed to be removed from the building till the close of the exhibition, on Friday afternoon. 14. While the Council will take every pos- sible precaution, under the circumstances, to insure the safety of articles sent to the Exhibi- tion, yet they wish it to be distinctly understood that the owners must themselves take the risk of exhibiting them ; and that, should any arti- cle be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Council will give all the assistance in their power toward the recovery of the same, but will not make any payment for the value there- of. Steamboats and Bailroads. 15. The Association will make arrangements with steamboat and railroad proprietors for carrying articles and passengers at reduced rates. Admission to the Building. 16_. .ir'ecessary attendants, upon articles be- longing to exhibitors will be furnished with admission tickets, with their names wrtten "•?"" '"=''3, ffhieh iickcis — iii be good at tUe exhibitors' door only, during the Exhibition. 17. The admission fees on Tuesday will be half-a-dollar, and on Wednesday, Thursday, 20 RVIM A^D REGULATIONS. twin, (Jhll,t,.^■'-.'.'l.^ ^ rsofage, half price At -tes ikKeUv. ' be ta,V H, Rdmittlngl the KxhibiUon and snow Oroun'i^ aildiUg '«%•» and their OatlM. 18. Tit* J«d«w »iu ^ nppolnte.l by the Council of iH *' *n«.fvJ»tlon, prtvicng to the Bx- bibition, and will r-eolre a circulitr infonninff them of the foct «„ .. . • ,>„, n, ^^t 19. JiKlgegftroi , t themielveg at the Hfcrttary's otticu, i„>;.,.„i, < their circu- Inr or appointment, iminedintdy ,^ their arri- val at the building. 20. The Judges will meet, at the commlttco room in thi! building, on Tuesday, Septrmber 20th, at 10 o'clocli a. m , to mnltc arrangoments for entering upon their dution, and will then bo furnislied witli the committoc books, con- taining the number* of the entrloa la each claga. 21. No person shall act ai a Judge In any Class in which he may be an exhibitor. 22. In oddition to tiio stated premiums offer- ed for articles enumeratcil in the list, the Judges may recommend the Council to award diacretionary premiums for sucli in icles not enumerated, as they may consider wortiiy, and the Council, if approved, will determine the amount of premium. 23. In the absence of competition in any of he Cl»»*«,, or if the articles exhilnted bo of in- orior I ity, the Judges will exercise their discretu. is to whether they will award tnv premium. ■' 24. F 3h award must be written in a plain careful manner, on the blank page opposite the number of the entry; and the reason for the award should be stated when convenient. 25. No persons will bo allowed to interfere with the Judges while In the discharge of their rf*«M. ExhibUon 10 intir/triruf will /or/til tSH, tt^iUlomifprtmium to uikicK tKf»"« ""«'« »' vvhich 48— " Sewing Machine for manufac- turing purposes 10 00 Specimen of Ornamental Iron K*'ling 8 00 Assortment of Cast Iron Fur- "-""-"•v ■.••.■••, 10 00 Wrought Iron Bedstead e 00 Composite Bedstead, wrought and cast iron and wire 6 00 11- . " 12- . (1 13- . '1 14- . 1' 15- .