liiiiritTtMD TO ficm « J CiHM Mieroflclif 8«rlM (lionographt) ••/ , v^ ICMH Coll«ction de mIcroflchM (monoflraphlM) t « n^ttimwiM rt io m ■■' :^ ^l^: '../"" .: ..■ ■ .:w:..V 1 , . . ' ■ -V ■:':' -...::■' :■'; •,'■■■ ' /.yt--::'.. :cV; ■■■•■: --l:': ■■.^■■>:;:.'--V'-'-:.^.;v-^'t':-'^' . . ' ■ ^' ^^^\ f\ ■ '• i • • ^' <• ■.■>•■■■/■.■' 1 ■ ■ ,' ' ^ , ■ ■ ■ ■:;v■^-:.•^•^■■-■^:.. •.■••■ ••■■■fr-:-^ ' ■.;'■ ■ ■ ;: .'-. ■ ■ • - • ,' ^ itm/m wi iMiNiii|Mi tt WMmraii mm- ■ ■■•■f: ■ V ■ - , I;. ,:•■••:■:-■■• .■■- 'n:r:h---y^ ■ 1, . ■ cpy •••IliWi hK •«»*>» F«l«i« •! *h .OW t«liWi lMl«1ipOMltli4i«»P» wmm. tM^lttilttfftwt 1 V s ritmflMii<» rtiini tiw MKil ini Lis oartaa. planchaa. tablaaux. ate., pauvant ttra fllmda A daa taux da rdduetion dlff^ronta. Lorsquo lo doeumant aat trop grand pour Atra raprodult an un saul ellehd, il aat fUmd A partir da I'angla supAriaur gauoho. da gaueha A droito. ot do hoiit on baa. an pranant la non^fo dimagas nAeaasaira. Laa dlagramniili sulvanta ilhistrant la mAthoda. M - V • .,^' :;;j%- ■•«■ .,'. .. ; ^ : r.i .■- .■ '. ■ ■* .■ > 32X "■-:\V-^-. »; L^ 'i^pV, yr» k i .'<-: .W.S ASSESSORS' GUIDE ^- ■ ^ ASSESSMENTS OF PROPERTY V ADI MUNICIPALITIES ^mm i s^ I ; I I ■ V.--,,. -\ PROViNCE OF ONTARIO, AOOOBDi fBB "lOT 10 AMXKD TBI ▲Of or UMI, AMD AMMMiaU Hi; LAirOf 1114 8DCTH BDITrOK. o^m,Quam. totLOn * 0A. MUHICIPAI. ,t 1070. V <^ y ' ^'* " •' «*i c •^t r^ ,x 4 ■•y:" . .i ^' r^HB A88BB80ES* OUIDB. Off' to 41 Ah tilt pfopwuitoi. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * IpW to toattM» MldtbTto ^« onnptloM liotod bttov. ' An ffMl pnmHj litoa* withta Mm ProflM* of Ontorto, Mi owMd Ml«rUirR«ftoo\il-tt »>• ltoW« «• M iw i n l tottwMr - kit MiMMl pvtPtrty i^Mbii tii» nai MMUMr Md MtilMl to lh« tikt oMMption m in i|m < ol tii> ott^ n i UMl ftoptt^ of tht Hk« Mtitft. j a^^^r* V 1^^ TIEMB 1»IP HIBIWtra. . ^- totlMlMd,wd«n BMlllMiy tet M to fBcm to kir MI* «r tht ttolty. »•{ «»*y «»?ta!SJ TlMt.nMMPMMlMlbtoto** Md ^PliMMlFraB«W'* iBOtolt toa£!|!i. d!^& IhM te MtM, MomptMM SSTSllMlrMlMlttlM^ todoowM^ iMi Mi toil Mtoto, Mi iMl profMrtj M abm idbMi Mi pwpif^ Itowlnttp M w Iy MMpud. tltotoiM **PNVirt9*lMliii« b«lhiiilMiiMMd piop«^,M tfwtotolMiilinlHrirtwgt i | i «j>i| f f^ '^Cv ^S^ia4u]»^^-'S^ v*fe.'^C^^<»i .i--».fi»kJi =.-"iMi^-* ••S'*??^ <» y *S^^j, V, ) 4t. if^' ,2«id Nonlrw hit dmm to b« Mtirtd on Um MiMHfMnl roll llMirolbr, ^^^MflbnotfeooMjboin tho fcraiMid to IIm oObel of SdMdak A in IhoAHiOTi^t Act; ond tho otork oT tho aidiiMpoUtf oholl, «> or . holbro Iko M ^ of tfkntn in «Mb yavi «!•» wm Md 4ollfw . t» tho oiiiinr or oiiiiioro o Nol of tho teoooo MMac thiir to ho oBtorod oa tho foU, o Nol of tho ^orooM M^pMofthiir ; l9t«^-Ji|JMiBlMhNdi> All proforty voilod in or hold ^ H«rl|i^Mlj, or footod in ony tahHohodyor body oorporfto, ^cpi oy - f o r oo n jn.tnut fer o^ a n ooou p iod or oooaplod ]bj oono ponvfi In on oAdoI oiffooH|r. > Wkilloa7IiM|MrtyaMn^oiMdintboipi#idb%o(istf^ tffoaTjpwMO olhonrtoo thoQ in onoOdftl oijooity, tho ooovpMBt ihott So OMiMid in ffopoet ^^tooi; >i|k thf frjiiiftyitiitf. iNl Jioi l?«7p|ooior worship, ond lond moit In oonnoislfon tborowUhf ohiadiyofd or lHiryliit0^>>nd. Tho baild^ ond 0o«pdo of «^ o t too hl d to oroij 17nl?«foily, Oon«|o» lMOi|iofotod ^ittiMBor Sflhoial, or othor Ineoipomtod ooni- aoT loonibf^ irii^thir ivotiid ill trutoo or othorwioo, 10 long Of hoildingiond groondi orikoolnil^ jwod ond ooenpiod bj ^fiii^ taHitntioa, or Vonooonpiod, batMiTotborpiooooeairtod. iS^ , Ivwy pnblioiohool Hooio, Toim or OiQr or TownOhip Hill,^do^ Hon% GMt Boom of iQgirriMtibn, lodk-oir Honoo ond Poblio Hoo- noloriainS'to oooh of thOBL ' 9v«^' jPnbHf .B9M ««' Woy^'or fiM i|ilia 'V '! ■' *" ; ' 1)m proMrt# Mlon|ias to iiM ooontjr or loootmitnMpolity, #i» tb> oenalprqMiqribolon^nf tooroottttootodwiththoioaiOk . <)^ lliolMriaMiliiiiioitl" anil l i ll dii l trioomo of thi t ta m n fl i fl Uii HI 4f •>> RaMcwWCbnadoi igt i i ta 00 to bun on ioooont of tlio nIo 0f 1IM|' or ikMlMMof whMi b ««Mod l« hko. o# la InvMlod la IM dtbMilOTWorilioProTliioa^orofM^miuMpv oorpontion tharooi;! Mdo^didobMuiNii-'. .."' ::-:, ,-,::;.;":',;'v,.^''-. ^•..'■;' J' ■ > TlM ohmo hdd W Mj >f#iKNi lii i« «^ or. ohinaroi bMk doiiw booiaaaa In Ihia Prorlnoi^ lo lent.** tbaioto»lptBlrtlgoabottkiMtioo,btrtnot»iMlBiaraolo>< NM aBMo&l jropairtj oTanj p«i|oa at la Ivntmi^idj QMnMuir ModMiitod^ oflondbW moBoy on tbo MMrl^ ornti ^^{pravidad fttA tbla ahtH not axampi tbo InlarNt or diridittda'^irhM i^ avoh toi«ali^aata ] All pMpartf, t«al or p a r aon al, wbkh bdWMd wHof Ibia PMrtooi So BBiMh of Um paraoiMl propart]^ oTanf paraon aa M aqnal to Htd Inatdabta owodby btai on«eooaiit ^ waA proptntj, oaoapt ibw dAta aa aio aooofod bj ■Nrliiifo o^ tot r^ attato^ or OM^ if liyaid oa Jioaodat of tbo pw B h at a aoDay tkanffor. Tbo not pantMl pfopartf of w panaa» pvofMtiig Oa parotaal pfojMf ^ !!?7 bund^ Mm to valnak tbo MHiaal totooM of my paraon, profCdad tbo aaiil dOM ml ; flwaa»wir mniaraa aonartt ■.;;. > Tb» illpafid or tobny! of anj wbOf to ai^toal oa^ntaUoa ototfymao or mtoiatar, of nOlM^ i(i«» iHtba^j obueb, ttd d^toKdntl- at aaA V to tbo oxtont oT on4 tbooatad dalltra. and tbt pamonaM or dwalltaf-boaaa ooeopiad by Um,,irilte,tho laBd.^Mflto attochod. to tbo oitani of two acraa, awi»^ inn d hn twa tb a jW M WW dtUara to ttloo. .<] -^ Bantal or otbor toooiM darirad ftont-fad atlil% Mtopi totoM«;«l| aortngat. HoafabdM^hetapf irlMtofarWod^btaktMII1N«li| 5. "* ■^- u. . / , , t^S^t!^ii£M^Mi^\.:^-^: ...^. ifm^iv^ TT^T "^ ii'T^V? , ^f ^ ^ ^ ^^*^ i-^ * Jf t ili'iit to M pfOMtdM wiii. ' t ill mm m m Mii H iii rt i H pn ji w ■■ mmmmkt^ la wiaYtT t-^ imr\ -*— «. , y "- '-^ (U flUzMMII Mi ■lim— II fal MB, If lb* «MM^-j ',w«C (^jj. (4) Aa« ia* potMhrt la IMuMi 1.— TIm ■arnmlf aaiabar oa laQ. Oolania t.— VaiM of Habto party. OolaaHi t.-~OMaaallaa. OtUwa ^'-T^ an** wblbir tfn party to a H aawlio l di r, fr w InH i r ar Viaa^t, kf aAstot tiM hMr *M^< air 1. Mg^it ^ «f ^f/ la dM aML Cplaam 5.— Tha agaaf tha aaai i iif party. ^ i SlaaMi l—llaaia aad a d dt a ^ .af llla.j wrair, wHwa tha piaty^ la aataam two to aat riM'MriVr^ ^^S «r «lM la«d Aitotoa to ity* tia inal prap^ OolaiHi •.--Haiater aTM kaaai^ Aa., to aaali dlryoa. IC—HlMbaralaflNa ara«b« aaaaan tl-^Takvafaaii paia^aCfval prapirty. p Oataaia U.*-9alil nOaa af nal ptopwty. -Talaaaf Calawi 11.— TaiaUa i , OikMHill.i^iatot triaaaf p i t iiaa l ira»«ty OalaM ll-^Mrt i ■V ^ r •'' uV r ^'^ H \ / 4 / t ■ .nip PPV* W VipV M^ IPWalL ■ WW WW Wi WIHIW HM MMWIW ■Ml ai wi^MMM m* u '■•Ml iiiilMidktUi»iMthiiiiiiit»trSirfeiiif«i kf ikt tWBO Mi )mi UMlliit'ipMR llMllkt likli ■iiglii ilft MtfH matlwrt Is imiIm tiM, ikfiiitaw tfiiiii k^Mf «aMr 9» ti ik» ttUi flto» tUai alvwOhit m MiMtp ikflt WOT' hh^ «w mpfwwB irawi ^ww^r ' ' ' ' 'nkJiiltoMMMi lMl i m ifc|lt U 10— li< iw tkM •••pli^ lf» 'A • ■■-. •v./ V- % ' «. \ '. til. ..; ••.■#::!;, * ^ ■5 K -v «l ■ WB Ot». Mil IM to w p f 4iHv«^ flroii uij aio* «r lahMjil ■Jai !• loljiwt to tanitkiii hi i^mmbmmamm^imh' i^MiiBAnd* SM^itMb ^gi^^^^i^l ^^ ^^^^M^k^' ^1^^^ — — ^ ^L^^^ ^^^^^^^- — P a^i7iMMkilwnbofaMoftodoaoiii i iiii l ( it tJB; li OMJi lit iii«n W Mihlo fc r t jyap MUoiiMt jfaiM Mto fitM^ oM flM^MBHlHI wMt MSM if IM prOf^Mtjf'HI lOlawr MliitB MtaSM^ Wliia IW gMMrf b not Md Ibr tlio porpooM oI'mK bat ImmjU^ ] la NfMdi tho Itado of hob wililMiti who hofo not n MMO to bo oiiloiwl oo tbo roll, tho ■■owiB W iboll iVmrwv* (1.) lW iboll liMorl oaoh kkiid hi «M toll, i^ rtnir ■MiooMinti. ■oil «ball biod ^ loao m ** tf thoy OMB obtohi ooftoot fa fcr— Ho n Mt do«m In tbo vott, oad in n ftrat ooli Igr tibob ntebon and noaw 1^00% Mid Vobloto IhWiboll bonfiill BMibor, (I.) If fbo tend bo not knoiro to bo MbdMdod Into IoIil lliblll bo diriinittd by ito boiiodorioo or othtr failill||lblo doo|prlplion. V - (t.) If it bo knovn to bo onbdividod taito loto» or bo poH of n toMk known to bo 00 onbdMdod, tho m r iholl dMiowto tho wholo mot in tbo aonacr prwwr ib od with MMd to nndifldod tmoto; and (WootfafcroMHion oTtho oabdivlrfoai, thw ihoQ ■an, on tho nnooonptod loto id wMMnt Iho nuNo of 1^ oimoro, bogtoning ot tho lowoot nmobor ond nt ooood in t in ni oidir to tho Miboott inn oooond oolnain, aadonoolto to tho of oaoh loith^r ob^ 001 down tho iith giifihilltr ilkril bo i".:-(: II j-- J wHt I pt Wlli m.Wtt fMk if ■MM.IMM BV IMIMipipIti '"" ' ' MMiiMii inttitllig thii ' ' " iTtdTCkwil iMdOlMu ll«^ ^ ivhol* or pffliMipil ptrt of Um itoek In mi oililo Ibr IIm pmrpOMoT Oirrjrlaf on pnoh bartnioi^ tte _ _ „ oTbariiNn or tlM fa Mi MkldMl flfipMNj iliilt not U '■liwilili fcr Mi Ifi fitlMVibip hiimoni tlna iw pltto of I'ailtiiii, iioh Wiadi iMll,ki iiiii ni , ii fln* oi 1M7 H <■> »« toiilitj iHmm It li itloit^ itttil firtl^B of ihi fWiOB il pvopvlf of tho piHainhip wlk trtJi^ if oft ii i B B if oiBfai, ifaB, fcf ill MMM pn>P«rtif ownod by Ma, wtwoioofir wtuit^ bo n jij u d l in tho annidpoUlj or wbi4 whtf. ho Mm MiobfhMO of biMUMii» «t tht thai Aiipi thi IMIIlMIBtiiBMld» T^ V ho Mm ««• «r aoto iadh plMOi of baitaiii ta dUhmit araald. poUtfaB Of wifdi^ ho ihBll be ni i mi at eMi fcr ^•portioB of Mo pofMBiU piipMtj eoBBoetwl with tho MuiaMi ovNted 00 th««tt or if tMo mmm bo dquo^ ho aMdt bo oMinod fcr port of Ma dmbobJ woMrt^ «t ootiBd port at iBothw of hit BlwMi «f b^iiaiio, hot h» than in aU auflh tattt prodoat a OMrlUleatt at aaoh pfawOof Miaiaw* if tht aaonntof pononal proptrtj tiiitiiiil ^pilnit Mm Uatvbtiik IfaBvi lorr liiiBO phoo of bnainiji, ht thaii atbiai Fmoaal pfopflrtgr ih tho iolt poiBtiiioB or uBdar tht iolt oQBliol' Jf i^ P«oo ta inMto^ foanliM, tneotor or adarfnittntor^ abaff In oaat of poraontl prapwty ownod erpooatottd by or qBdtr th» omm of uort ihoB OBO pMBo* nildlNil in tho vMlMoipoKtf or wifd^ oiihihatt bo aiiiii tf fcr hit aharv^Hr; or IftlMy Md ill ^ w p wi iBt atl iro ihMBiiMv thNi taoh than bo aaMtf fcr an oniia^ 'porlioB oM|f. totho oiM if Kho teaeoat #Mii^of a Mm at* lUI^ #hWBtMi»i>bf^ it ajhaU bo iiiMiD A'St^.UviJlS^ -^i^^ ■Mb Mtati tnwlii or othv ptriis Jbr iU ol^Ml i«MhM' ii >■ w 11 ' ".V- Wbm • pwiOB M iMWMd td iin^kM, gnvtaUMf •ftoiitof' or tdnrfo' telntor, 1m iImU b« MMiMd •• raeh, wttfa tli* additkNi to bk nwoMi «f hit NprtoMtotlTo ohanoCor, tod oiidi UMMmoot tbAlI bo oorrtoi ovl in « OMMnto Uqo from bit IndfrldiiaJ Mooofmoiit, and bo i^l bo oiooiood for Iho toliio of tho Nol and pMWNua otteto bold by bim, whilbtr in bii incliildaol nwM, or in ooi^nneUon w^ otbon, In •ncli iiproiooteHvo ob^nloltr, •( iho ftill nluo tb«roo< or for tho pfOMT >f«portioo tborooi; if othora noidont wil^in tbo omno nmiiioi- poI% M joinod witb bim in ioch roprooontol^ cbonetor, l?oi7 ponmi who biMi oaj^ppointaMBt o^ oOoo of oowbuMifti W wblob M oonqol oolwrj, gnUn&ky or otbor oo m pfnio t ion ia attotfbod, •nd MpfonMi tbo dojtifi of onol) oppoiiitaoiit or oAoo wilhiq » qmoi* flifUtt^ iawbffh bo doii n9t mdd^ «M1 oo aioooM te vowoo^of tho UDoant of oaeb Mbuy, grotoity qr, otbfo oomponntioii «t tbf ploof wboro bo porforqi* onob di)ti«^ oikI bo sboU not bo OMoiwoVl* thorofflr oit bii pl«eo of roiidonci^ bn^ if roqvinid, sboll proooii n oortilloolo of Q«i M otlioririfo aisifiiiod iindor tbo proTioion of thit ■oetkp: tWi^tboiUMo •«#« flMiU nojtjHpp)y to oodn^ miuik ^POl-'"" ▼i.— InfangMlldB to Im mkrmito kmnmna bj. ptrtto* "7^ tobe ICdkidlbot^odtttf pcbpor^ fai ipy looifl to thoaimporit ttid ■HiWQM if tboo bo Bont in writing, lignod himoolfboobioMX or poewmmL pcopor^ ^ouoditttho tiiaod fay tho bj tho pMrta^appliod tOk tho ot«7 #WMfn Mtinnblo for rod or porgonol ttfdpnUihr. to jfvo ali neooMuy inflntnatiofi Mottfaridiw tfiioMMoor (or by ono of tho » 1^ one), ho 4iill di^ivor to him • atoto- ~ audi poraon (or by hia agont if tbo poraon alt iho partfetttara niiqMetfaig tbo roal b aininat anoh poraon, wbiA aro r»- nril; andifanyrNaMMAlodo«btbo«nt«r-i of tho oonroelnoaa of any inforination giron ahaU roqniro torn Vm aad» No aqbh itcleniont ohaQ Und tho aaaimwr, nw oxeu^ bfan Urotn jMddncdaoi«|aiiytoaaoartBfaiitaoorfloatnoaa; and notwithatanding tho Bt atom on t^ tho aaaiaaor may aaaoaa aodi poraon forthatamooni oir m^oK panicin)4i pnpan^ a« bo< baliaraa to bo inai «itd oorviot, «^d m^ onil Ml: nm» Qf.4ffr prffpfr^ ^whidt ho ohlmtto oun or oooiipy. if ttw aaaoaaor baa foaa«n toMlliov!o«M,h«M^iM^antitl«l to bo p^teood on ^ nu |Br to kfi aM iaaod for mfob pi«foJr|r; « J^mm^, '*^*^ JLJSE *^^ i i i B a ur , Um wrtttwi 49t or JMMlfNii mm*miiimMm 4n ih* mltloiiilateMfife roqnirad to ba aiada aa-a for Baal d ,-attdi poraoo abalL on ooR^^ataliof y a 11m orivr«ili<7«ittar% tolM ^oeqfTond i^, jtotdiikWnn^ MBHoarr nwiTirillan' hifon n .-i^ J- ■-.;■ CD ''TU SJ- ■ -.;■ d) Ivvy MMM«r,^t«M« ilM eompUtloa ofhto «oll» iMI Iwvi^ Ihr •T«7 purtj QUMd tlMTM^ nalcknt or doaidlMi «r havia| • plMt ofbusinMs witfiiii the manidiMlitj, and aball (tMMRnit bj pomtA- wftrj iH>n>rtMp«rty it MSMMd. At Dot Bi<>r« thah $800, bt IkbU t» two oayt' sutot* labour. At mart tfiaJn $800, but not mora tbanjSOO do. — 600, da do. 700 dA.-^ TOO, da do. 900 .8 •i and for aranr |800 orar $000, or any fraeliooal part tbaraof OTar il80, ona additional day; bttt tba oooiMit of any townabip, by a by-' to atoifeitoL' of'.' a^^m anlMwl dliteaipb ba AalTivaor • ^fiiii^ of lire L 9i% isa^^ wd ip diimlt of Mymant at tuab tiina aa tba 'V/ f,' * / : r *' . o *(- ' .^■ ^: t '■■ ff'.-' 7i' r r^- gMd of UMOoaoty, and be (b«rt Mt to tiard faiboar fer m* ««« not exeMdfng too ttyi, onleMi tvm ^mahf tod oooti, Mid tm ooota Of thftirjufmnt of oiMBnitiD«at,'w(id of ooni^lng tbo^Md fonon to KViSiirbo ■ooiMi' poid ; Mid MIT porion HabU to p«r^n atatnto DOT wbo bu iioi ooBrantod, aball Mifinn tbo SMM wb«a raqirira^ 10 to do by tbo potboMMtor or otbiTofltoiir of tho nonMpoHlj •ppointodlbrttiopiirpooo; Mid in «Moof wttAil noihot or riAan . to porfbrm Midi toboor nftor aix di^ notloo nK|«lring Mm to do tho ■MDO, ahoU inoor a fonalty ^ 4yo dollar^ and t|)On frnMavy ooo* viotion tbaraof bdbra a Jnatioa of tbo Fmmo ilkjiaaid, aooh /oatloa iball ordar tbo aama, tofnthar with tbo oooia of K i r oaaei idon add dia* troaa, to ba kitiod bjr diatraaa of tbo oflb^^dar'a fooda and abaitala \ •nd In oaao tharo abatt bo no wfldont diatra(nK a««b oAndar mky ba oomnlttad to tbo oomoMW pol of tbo eooiltf , and tbavo pot to bard labour for any tiaM not osoaadini tan daj4 nnlaaa anob ponally and ooata, and tbo ooMa (tf tha warrant of ooBBBltaMnt and of oon- v^ng tba aaid paraon to gaol', abatt bo aoonar paid; and jdl anau and iwnaltlaa otbar tban ooata raoofarad mdar tbio aaetlao abaU bo paid to tlia traaaotar of tbo local mwrfdpaMty, and form part of tbo atatoto bbour Aind tbaraof. i '' ' No non-raaidant wbo baa not -faqolrad Manimolb bO antarad on tiio roil aball ba parmHtad to parform atatnta btboar faraapaalof anj hnd owned by ran, bnt a eommntatiott tax aball ba obaifad ihgatnat •vary aapanto tot or pareal aooordli^ to ita ameaaad Talqa; and in all oaaaa wban tin atatnto labour of a non*raaidant Hi paid in monay, tiio Mnnidpal OOandl abiall ordar tbo aamo to bo exjiandod in tbo aiatoto labour diviaion wbaro tho property ia dtoala^ or irtiara Una. laid atatato kbopr tax ia lariad. .,?i<^<, In caaa any no»faaidant, whoaa name baa bOan anti^ on tbo raddant roll, doaa not parform Ma atatato labour or pay oajmrnntation , for tbo aama^ tttoo r ar a aa r of tho hii^wmya fai whoaa dimion be ia plaoed aball return Um aa n dafknitar to the dark of the iliunidpality bafora the fifteenth day of Augnal; and the dark ahaD in that eaee antar Um oommut&tioii he aiatato Ubour afainii.bia/namelntbo eolleetor'a roll ; aind fai all oaaaa. botli of raaidantt ind ikon-raaldaoiB, &» atatuto laboor aball b« ratedhchd diarged againat arary aaparato lot or pareil tawriSiam to ito aaaaaaad vaiaa ; pvovidad alwoya, that whenvr ar one {Mraon nail bo aaaaaaad for, loto or parte of aevarat loto in one muoioipality, not eaeeading bi tbeaggMgato two hundred •araa» the aald part or parte abnlt bo rated andcbiivad for>taiuto labmir aa tf^ tho aaaM ware one lat| and tha atatato labour aball bo rated and oharaed againat any aieaaa nt aald narto In^ ly^o manner; but erery raddent aball bar* tbo right to parfimw bin whtdoatalnte laboor in the atatnto bOMor divWan in whid»hiariddan»aia aitnat% milaaa othamlM oidaied 1^ tho Munidpnl OoundL laCr-Dnt^ •■ to OoaipMlMi and Bttmi of BoUt. ovbalBralho - ■m b aaeh year ofaqr «aaaaaor ahdl badn to makrhii roll itot 1 tfan tiM flNaanthdi^ «f rehtiiafy» MidaliaK oMMlate th* aima ob dv of AfA$ «Bd «pi«h»Mr«gr «nif ho m -T^'i 1 \ w 1* , S.'f , is "S. \ \ \ iMdl «M * **^ ^ tiM iMMotietforaU th* hoaMholdin, tfMiiU jy4.• I- b ^ » r f r tLr^Vmmm Iter Hou^imiInMHIM tff : If My te^)Vor ^ li"^^ MMM^abtlT!^^ of Wio4(Wtoywat ummnttadi^Wh»^%imkuvw » \ tooMiviMMS!^ i«2a!f2^ "# ^HB 'WMIWB M^K9 H '•il|f» •■ fHIMMM JWNflHMBi w^ MNW w • in tW •Is !■ tti ilMiiiIni ifllii piifrth« ^itC li MM MHMMMi m Vbt litS^ tMl iMjT fwri pMMVtjr wtf MMMi hf ItotaMMiralMMladttiMfriilvorlMtlMnHi Mi lolh> j w i>K p n'il i lw i It (Mil •» towtd ^ tit AiMmMt Aft I to Ik* Ofpir OMtdii JwMi^ jUI^ If an MMMir «f IIWI 9f iM iMnpHHp^ VflHM Or VSRL MS _>to «» dnlk «r iM^tMNAl^ tr vllli^ «r fl^ iWy MT ItWB ki wIMi MNh iNMI.Ii rflMlML •# I* !!• wmm^ ilMiiK 4dttM % ytaiH igr tWrwf !■ llMiiwt t^ Om wNMftlM^, mi4 «M ■tlliliit Wifift wwtilnrt AOi b* epilimt toiiU*?>a«r wMiof *Mi ttToMlpiiM «r mwiilija Ui muMH roU •tib^p^lod nqaind bjUM Aol| aad from at pti i ittovmd hf Ub bj IMA , 1' 'i^iic/iU ;wV>'y,,i'»ffri- "f. ■A .1 ^ '; ' . V ■- r <, I. V' :^ ■■•:!•: . ! . , m / .i-^i r iiv- m AH AOV XO AMBWD XU ApUBHM»T L4W. l-v r^' ,i,., ,rt. ..» i,' Thifite^lbr il^ii^, V Mi wMh lit tivto* ii« H>*lt<<** AimmUj of tte Pmrlaw of OotMiov MM •raf«««t«rfya MbiBH iMI b# ItoM* to iiiiiiiiiiiillHULmi BmSt h Alt MnoMl Mniiii ■utto ika riiiiim ii. n^ ■•■■■■. ■.'■"■ , * ■■ .■■ ■ ■'■■'.. - ' ' . '■ * toMtoviOiiiiMdtoWltoU* to mm iHihtoiktoiilMlWNkTS oo tl» MiitoiiiiiH rall^ MidirtlMtfilr^rM Iff yas?^^ <^^^ bt^^j&^£ ^^^ ,#;•« V» WMIIK IMP PMfiM^ IIiCiWmE^ iigr «|iK fv^tit « iillw (CKM^ wiM It ki tiM MiiNlw pMM^ r olMr f«M% 1^ •!! elilMli wltM»tS«M gMMlif Mi^gi^iiilrfii riivwtv wM ■^Vm^ Dtpm IM flNre Of _ . In, :li;kif^.fi»MlH;iili tht k I ,* '*,' ^ I ifj *■ 1 ' i«to>^ irfUte ii>^i^^ *'BM^^ ^'^^^m '^^^^M ^^^^^y ^Al '^L^ ^^ ^ ttk^A A ^^hA "M i.^'^it-s-j^.-^ il ■ HUKICI^JLI. BE4KX8L '^< .. » 4 0* ■ I -W M .■".'J. ' ^'" .*'.-\. «4«B*'«««»«ak, *• *4*9 * ••• *V* r ' i' 1 Wk» »o4iM tta^M am ( 75 0Mb dT Aonwn «M TowaihMM, BImrfaon of Be^'ft^' tdXkfniitiM^fkim '•••••••••^1 « Owunnnr PBAonoa «l ICvtoonal >- ited «ft amy Ifoaiaipd Totii^ HiLBT 4 RA.W£INaOK, , ■ I- \ l"T»^ ■ 'iW ' . '-yf?Ji1^i&S^Z^k>. ■.