m <^ V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 !f isi III I.I fl 1^ 12.0 2.5 2.2 1.25 1.4 1.6 ~ 6" PhotDgraphic Sciences Corporation & 5/ / ^^ % A f/u fe ^ «^ ^ ■ ••• h^^-*"*'- - ■ ■ ' :*Q •vr'fr ,.jih l..f..- . . .'' •i 'i^rSM'-iM' ''fH'''i''-'-^i'''^ ivX • ■v''\!- r"''^"- —-Tw^*, .'^ir'-^no ^-r-i-A' •<'; I s m s ilJL^i 1 S^£!t>HMHIMIIiliilillllHlilHiHiiHHII||MlllillllllMlllllillllllliillinillllMIIIIIIIIMIIIiniiilllll>llilinOllillMill^ BY-LAWS OF THE %m%m\ |ii ^ OF t A.\i'ie.\T, FKKC WW At'<'KPTED MASiOK8, Uo- 3, On the Registry of the Grand Lud^c of Canada ^ WITH A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS SINCE THE PERIOD OF ITS ESTABLISHMENT ON THE 7TH OF AUGUST, A.L. 5794, AND THE NAMES OF ITS PRESENT MEMBERS. -f- At the Cummunicatiun of the Grand Lud^^c of Canada held at Kingston, A. L. 5859, this Lodge was permitted to wear Gold Jewels and Gold Trimmings. . . ' ( a § ^iliMIIMIIIIilllllllUllliilHllllllinillllllMIMIIiHI*Hilllil IHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIilllililillllHIIMMIIMIIIIIMUIIIIIII','': ; M ':#'*'" iliilllir iff- Id at Gold 'jr-'IMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIillillllliiiHIilMMIIIIIIinillllllliniillilMMilliMillllllllMIIIIH MHil IIIIIIIIMIIIIIII^ I I Q^ nm^ ^1^" 1^1IINC11\\L OFFICERS OF IHE KINCSTON, From flic Period of its Establishment on the ytJi of August. A.L. 5794- s I I iiMiMiiiiiii\ : , ■ 1 AIJ(U;ST, 1794. S s Richard Porter, W.M. ^ I William McKay, S.W. Wiiliam Burrell. ].W. I DECEMBER, 1794. V I Richard Porter, W.M. ; I William McKay, S.W. William Burrell. ].W. 1 JUNE, 1795- i William McKav. W.M. ' I John (.'. Stewart, S.W. ' John McLeod, J.W. I DECE.MBER, 171,5. I John McLeod, W.M. = Thoma.s S]>arham, jr., S.W. James Baymon, J.W. 1 JUNE, 1796. . i Thomas Sparham, jr., W.M. 2 i James Baymon, S.W. William McDonnell, J.W. | r <■_ >|iifi.llllllHHillllllMllilllllMllllillllllllllllllllllllllllililllllllilliniilllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllHllllli^ I 'vJ >-IIMIMIMIIMMIHIIIIIIiniHIMnilllilMniMIMIIiliMMIIlnillllllilllllllnillllllllMIIIIIMMIIIIIIMilllMIIIIMI» I I'KINCIPAL Ol I'ICI-.KS. DKCEMl^KK. 17./). Thomas Sparham, jr., W.M. James IJaymon, SAV William McDonnell, J.W. JUNE, I7.J7. John Darley, W.M. James liaymon, S.W. William McDonnell, J.W I DECEMBER, 1797. 5 John Darley. W.M. I John McLeod, S.W. ' Thomas I'lummer. J.W. (JUNE, 1798. 'ohn McLeod. W.M. i Thomas Hershtieldt. S.W. Charles McDonnell, J.W. I DECEMBER. 1798. I Thomas Hershtieldt, W.M. 5 Samuel Shepherd, S.W. Simon F. McNabb, f.W. I JUNE, 1799. i Thomas Sparham, jr., W.M. I William McKay, S.W. James Baymon, J.W. DECEMBER, 1799. Thomas Sparham, jr., W.M. I William McKay, S.W. James Baymon, J.W. ^ JUNE. 1800. Villiam McKay. W.M. John Grewer, S.W. Dugald Cray, J.W. DECEMBER, 1800. James Baymon, W.M. John Size, S.W. James Murray, J.W. JUNE, 1801. Jermyn Patrick, W.M. John Darley, S.W. John Stauber, J.W. DECEMBER, 1801. Jermyn Patrick, W.M. John Darley, S.W. ' James Baymon, J.W. JUNE, 1802, Jermyn Patrick. W.M. John D?.rley, S,W. Park Allyn, J.W. !-><^^iillllltlt«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiitlllllllflllllllllllillllillltlllllllfllllllllllitll9lllllfllllllllllll!-;C^j 1 II II i I ilMIMIIIIIf !:>[(•: S' I.JAV J.W if .J.W. I I. J.W. ). [.w. I ,. J.W. I ! ,j.w ',j.w. i i '.J.W. . J.W. 1. J.W. 1. J.W. I II 1 ^;Jil»IIMmiMimiMIIMHIMHHM«IMMIIHim«llll IMHHMMIMmilMMMMMIMIIIIilMIMMMIIMMIMMMMllMli^ s s I'UINCIPAL Ol'FICERS. DKCKMBER. 1802. - Jermyn Patrick, W.M. I John Darley. S.W. I'ark AUyn. J.W. | f JUNK. 1803. I i Jermyn Patrick, W.M. 1 I'ark Allyn. S.W. Robert Walker. J.W I DKCEMBEk. 1803. I i Jermvn Patrick. W.M. S I Park Allyi., S.W. ' Robert Walker. J.W. | I JUNE, 1804, ' I I'ark Allyn, W.M. I Robert Walker, S.W. Benjamin Ulcott, J.W I DECEMBER, 1804. 1 Park Allyn, W.M. I Robert Walker, S.W. Benjamin Olcott, J.W . | I JUNE, 1805. I Robert Walker, W.M. I Benjamin Olcott, S.W. I DECEMBER, 1805. I Robert Walker, W.M. i Benjamin Ulcott, S.W. JUNE, 1806. John Darley, W.M. I Benjamm Olcott, S.W. I DECEMBER. 1806. I John Darley. W.M. i Benjamin Olcott, S.W. I JUNE, 1807. I Benjamin. Olcott, W.M. • I John Size, S.W. Frederick Bush, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1807. I Benjamin Olcott, W.M. 1 John Size, S.W. Frederick Bush, J.W. I JUNE, 1808. I Frederick Bush. W.xM. i Asa F. Reid, S.W^ Smith Bartlett, J.W. Zenas Nash, |.W. Zenas Nash, J.W. | Zenas Nash, J.W. s John Size, J.W • •••••••III i|j fl ^^,,,,,,,,HilllMIIIIIIIIIIIMItllHIIIIII»IIIHMMI«»lltltMlinilltnillMI«ltltMltMllliHmimiMllflMMMHMH«»HI^^ ^tllllMIHItillHIIIHIIHIIIIMIIMIItlMIIIIHIIIinilMllilllllilMllilillillMIIIIHIIilHIIIiiHMlllMIIMltlllllllllll I () PKINCIPAL t)MI("KKS. IJJKCKMHKK, 1H08. I'rcderick Bush, VV.M. 5 Kobr.vi Tolbcrt, S.W. Cleorgo Uouu'Imsh, |.\V. I I LINE. i«og. ' Asa 1\ Kei , J.W. . f.w. .J.W. J.W. I .J.W. I f I I ■ J.W. I ■ J.W. I m m m m m m J.W. i IB JW. I ■i m m J.W. i s ai « J.W. i ]w. i J.W. i • ;r.|l|1MIIIIIIIIMMI«lllllinitHHIMIMnilllllllllMllllltlMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIItlllllMIIII««llllltll«IIMI«MIIIIIIII*MIIIIM>^y I I'KiNCll'Al, Oil ICEKS. 7 I Jl'Niv, i«i5. I JUMijariiiii Olcott, W.M. i [ohn IjiUlcrworth, S.W. Chariub Keith. J.W, [ DECKMIilCk, 1H15. i J(jhn JiuttciuDith. W.M. I Kobcrt Young, S.W. John Allen, J.W. | I JUNK, 1816. i }ohM JJiUterworth, W.M. = Richard Shaw, S.W. Thomas Smith, J.W. | i DECKMJiEK, iSK). I lohn ihitterworth, W.M. s I s Thomas Smith. S W. George Oliver, J.W. I JUNK. 1817. I IJ.jrij.iniin Olcott, W.M. E Th'jmatj Smith, S.W. deorge Oliver. J.W . 1 . DKCKMBEK, 1817. s Samuel Shaw. W^M. i George Olrver, S.W. Jt^rry Whitehead, J.W. I JUNK, 181S. * I * Samuel Shaw, W..M. I George (Jliver. S.W . Jtjhn Strange, J.W. I DKCKMHKK, 181b. I George Oliver, W.M. I John St-ange. S.W. John W, Ferguson, J.W. I JUNK, 1819. i George Oliver, W.M. I John Strange, S.W. John W. Ferguson, J.W. I DKCKMBEK, 1819. = George Oliver, W.M. i [ohn Strange, S.W. Christopher F. Collins, J.W. I JUNK. 1820. i (te(.)rge Oliver, W.M. I John Butterworth, S.W. Alexander J. Ferns, J.W. i liiiiiiiiMi^-^ ^^«i>ttiai«iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiriMMiiitMiiiiiiiiii«iiiiMiiriiii«k>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ ^IIHHiMllllilHIilllllltlllliinHIIIIIIMIIIilllllllllMIIII .MIIIMIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIillllMIMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIItir m hn Spence, J W. [DECEMBER, 1821. Alexander J. Ferns. W.M. I John Sj>ence, S.W. James Meagher, J.W. I JUNE, 1822. I Alexander [. Ferns, W.M. 5 James Meagher, S.W William Donaldson, J.W. DECEMBER, 1822. John Butterworth, W.M. Benjamin Fairfield, S.W. George Oliver, J.W. i Jo = Dc ;§ Ri i JUNE, 1823. John Butterworth, W.M. Benjamin F'airtield, S.W. George Oliver, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1823. | I * John Butterworth, W.M. | I George Oliver, S.W" Hugh C. Thompson, 'J.W. i From this Period the Officers were elected Annually. | DECEMBER, 1824. | George Oliver, W.M. • | i Hugh C. Thompson, S.W. James Delay, J.W^ i I DECEMBER, 1825. f i Samuel C. Melhuish, W.M. S I John Butterworth, S.W. Stephen Yarwood, J.W. E m DECEMBER, 182O. 1 Stephen Yarwood, W.M. | Christopher A. Hagerman, S.W. John Gordon, J.W. s DECEMBER, 1827. 1 Hugh C. Thoinpson, W.M. i Thomas Hill, S.W. John Gordon, J W. I <^=>lfllllllll>IIIIIIIIMIIIIMilllllilll(llllllitllilllllllllllllllllllllililllllMMinillllinillllllllllllllllllliiMlliillllll^^, = .G( Gt Ge 1 Jo H \\ = J MHIMIIMHIr ^f- M|i"'tlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIillllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIilllM( PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. Q s, f.W. e. J W. r, J.W. ti, J.W. i-.JAV. r, J.W VJ.VV. . J.W. J.W. . J.W. JVV. decembp:r. 182S. I Hugh C. Thompson, \VM. I John Gordon, S.W. Donald Bethune, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1829. = Jonn Gordon, W.M. I Donald Belhune, S.W. Richard H. Bonnycastle, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1830. s Alexander J. Ferns, W.M. I Richard H. Bonnycastle, S.W. Stephen Miles, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1831. I Richard H. Bonnycastle, W.M. r .George Oliver, S.W. John Gordon, J. W. = DECEMBER, 1832. = John Gordon, W.M. I George Colls, S.W. John Butterworth, J.W. I . DECEMBER, 1833. I John Gordon, W.M. I George Oliver, S.W. .■<'■'• John Butterworth, J.W. = ' The Lodge 7(. DECEMBER, 1844. = Sir Richard H. Bonnycastle, W.M. I Henry j. Morris, S.W. ' William Gunn. J.W. I DECEMBER, 1845. I Henry J. Morris, W.M. I William Gunn, S.W. Henry Smith, jun., J.W. I DECEMBER, 1846. i ' Sir Richard H. Bonnycastle, W.M. I James A. Henderson, S.W. , William J. Goodeve, J.W^ 1 DECEMBER, 1847. i James A. Henderson, W.M. I William J. Goodeve, S.W. Joseph B. Hall, J.W. i DECEMBER, 1848. I William J. Goodeve, W.M. I Maxwell W. Strange, S.W. Thomas Briggs, J.W. liMMIIMinili^^, ^^llllllllilllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllliij: ■^ii'iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj^ Jim lO PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. IH i I m m I i m s DECEMBE'^, 1849. Henry Smith, jr.. VV.M. James J. Burrowes, S.W. Samuel D. Fowler, J.W. DECEMBER, 1850. James A. Henderson, W.M. John Patterson, S.W. Thomas Rowe, J.W. DECEMBER, 1851, James J. Burrowes, W.M. Samuel D. Fowler, S.W. James G. Fortier, J.W. DECEMBER, 1852. Samuel D. Fowler, W.M. James G. Iwtier, S.W. Ellery W. Palmer, J.W. DECEMBER, 1853. Richard Dowse, W.M. The Hon. John fames Bury, S.W. Thomas Perkins, J.W. DECEMBER, 1854. James G. Fortier, W.M. Col. Alex. Gordon, R.E., S.W. Wm. Martin, J.W. DECEMBER, 1855. James A. Henderson, W.M. John Kerr, S.W. James Hill Rowan, J.W. DECEMBER, 1856. John Kerr, W.M. James Hill Rowan, S.W. John Sutherland, J.W. DECEMBER, 1857. James Hill Rowan, W.M. John Sutherland, S.W. Edward H. Parker. J.W. DECEMBER. 1858. Edward H. Parker, W.M. George M. Kinghorn, S.W. John Power, J.W. DECEMBER, 1859. James A. Henderson, W.M. Samuel D, Fowler, S.W. John Kerr. J.W. DECEMBER, i860. John Sutherland, W.M. John Geale, S.W. Francis Bartlett, J.W. i fi M i 11 1 = < 1 i^llllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllltl^ Illllllllllllllllllllg JllllllllllllHlllilllllllllillllllllMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIir; 11 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. II I ler, J.W. we. J.W. er. [.W. er, J.W. ns, J.W. in, J.W. an, J.W. id. J.W. er. J.W. jr. J.W. rr. J.W. tt, J.W. 5 'A ■%> : I I DECEMBER, i86i. George F. La Serre, W.M. ^= Francis Bartlett, S.W. Alex. S. Kirkpatrick. J.W. | DECEMBER. 1862. I s I = George F. La Serre, W.M. s I 1 1 Alex. S. Kirkpatrick. S.W. Nicholas S. B. Eldred, J.W. | I If DECEMBER, 1863. i Is Alexander S. Kirkpatrick^ W.M. Ill Patrick Geraghty. S.W. Wm. Peyton Phillips. J.W = 11 DECEMBER, 1864. i 3 i Alexander S. Kirkpatrick, W.M, H 1 1 Patrick Geraghty, S.W. Wm. Peyton Phillips, J.W. | DECEMBER. 1865. I Samuel D. Fowler, W.M. I 1 1 George M. Wilkinson, S.W. Richard M. Horsey, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1866. I i George M. Wilkinson, W.M. I I Richard M. Horsey, S.W. Edward H. Smith, J.W. | I DECEMBER, 1867. | I George M. Wilkinson, W.M. = I George Creggan, S.W. J. George King, J.W. i I dp:cf:mber, ises. i George M. Wilkinson, W.M. I J. George King, S.W. Daniel McCartney, J.W. I ' DECEMBER, 1869. I John Kerr. W.M. I Alexander S. Kirkpatrick. S.W. Edward H. Parker. J.W. I DECEMBER, 1870. i John Kerr, W.M. I Leonard Clements, S.W. Harwood E. Swales, J.W. I DECEMBER. 1871. I Richard M. Horsey, W.M. I Wm. Peyton Phillips, S.W. John Mudie, J.W. I DECEMBER, 1872. I Wm. Peyton Phillips. W.M. Harwood E. Swales, S.W. George Anderson, J.W. i i iiiiiiiminiiDi^ ff;^ •■■■■iiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 12 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. r ! DECEMBER, 1873. James A. Henderson, W.M. J. George King, S.W. Charles H. Corbett, J.W. DECEMBER. 1874. J. George King, W.M. Charles H. Corbett, S.W. William Massie, J.W. DECEMBER, 1875. Charles H. Corbett, W.M. William Massie, S.W. W. A. Gunn, J.W. DECEMBER. 1876. William A. Gunn, W.M. Richard T. Walkem, S.W. Henry Nuttall, J.W. DECEMBER. 1877. Richard T. Walkem, W.M. Henry Nuttall, S.W. George Durnford, J.W. DECEMBER, 1878. Henry Nuttall, W.M. George Durnford, S.W. George W. Gaden, J.W. DECEMBER, 1879. George Durnford, W.M. George W. Gaden. S.W. Walter Clarke, J.W. g§|iiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ f ^'"i iiliiiiiiiiiiiiri' ^JIIIIIIillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII^ i = = Is t I i 'S« LIST OF OFFICERS. Ancient Ht, Jolin*s l,oAfge "Ho, 3, G. R. C. i W. Bro. GEO. DURNFORD W. M. Xx • X^ !_/ X X c\ L~d X^ •■• •• •• •• •• •• ••#••• •■••••••X* X^ • IVX • G. W. GADEN S. W. WALTER CLARKE J. W. REV. R. GARRETT Chaplain. E. R. WELCH Treas. J. SUTHERLAND Secy. ANDREW WALDIE S. D. H.J. SAUNDERS, M.D J. D. HY. FIELD L G. F. W. SPANGENBURG D. C. WILLIAM HALES Organist. FRED'K. SMITH JAMES YULE E. BALL Tyler. BOARD OF RELIEF. R. W. Bro. G. M. WILKINSON. R. T. WALKEM, " L. CLEMENTS. iiiiiiiiiniiiiKi t ft' ■ Stewards. (I 11 Grand Master Grand Lodge of Canada, Most Wor. Bro. J. A. HENDERSON, Q. C, D. C. L. Deputy Grand Master St. Lawrence District, Right Wor. Bro. RICHARD T. WALKEM. IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIilllllllllj illlllllllllllllllillllllllllllllHIllllllliiilllHIIIIIIIinillillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIimillllllllllllh lull MEMBERS. Honorary Members. Robert Sellars, Geo. F. LaSerre. W. J. 13. McLeod Moore. L,lfe Alenikers. Most Wor. Bro. }as. A. Hender.son, Right Wor. Bro. Sir John A. Macdonald, Bro. Richard Bunt, Bro. H. Yates, Bro. G. M. Kinghorn, W. Bro. A. J. O'Loughlin, R. W. Bro. John Kerr, W. Bro. Joseph Watson, W. Bro. John Sutherland, Bro. \Vm. Ferguson, V. W. Bro. E. H. Parker, Bro. Joseph Northmore. Ordinary Members. M. W. Strange, Geo. A. Kirkpatrick, \ • • S. W. Scobeli, J. Geo. King, i ' ' \ ■■ John Duff, Alex. Munsie, i m Wm. Martin, Wm. Lesslie, \ " '■ m Robert Barry, Darius Smith, : 1 1 E. R. Welch, ^ ohr Merrin, t •§ _ ohn Power, John K. Macaulay, 1 ' * 1 ' * * ames Wilson, Geo. Creeggan, i 1 -i. i 'ohn C. Clark, R. A. Irwin, 1 ■'-:'■'' s Arch. Livingston, Wm. Hammond, 1 v^ s E. H. Smith, Wm. Lewis, • -i i W. H. Wilkison, Wm. Coleman, * ■■.'«• D. Cunningham. Wm. Bowey, M Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, L. Clements, H. C. Voigt, Joseph Parsons, * •■ C. F. Gildersleeve, Peter Kiel, ■ i- " Geo. M. Wilkinson, T. A. Parnell, ■ iC " CD. Macdonell, Geo. Newlands, ■■ Rybert Kent, B. B. Brewer, ■ *•■ R. M. Horsey, Thos. McAuley, 1 M 1 Thos. F. Taylor. ' James Wooton, iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii^ k ,i^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiniiiiiiMinitiiiiiiiiiiiiii: .Hiiiiiir MEMBERS. 15 i t '■^ s ighlin, i I :son, I f ore. i I k. '■fe. \Vm. Stewart (Asylum) H. E. Swales, D. W. Leonard, Geo. W. Andrews, C. H. Corbett, S. T. Drennan, John Mudie, Peter Mclntyre, \Vm. A. Gunn, Thos. Ireland, John R. Taylor, Wm. Burrowes, Samuel Woods, Geo. Thompson, Walter Hume, G. W, I-I. Comer, Wm. Massie, Edward Fidlar, (George Lee, Patrick Burns, John McKee, John E. Twigg, F. W. Spangenberg, Jonathan Taylor, John Munro, Fred. J. Bentley, Daniel Moore, D. J Waggoner, Alex. Falconer, Alex. McCartney, M. J. Brown, M.D. Wm. Nobes-, R. T. Walkem, Joseph H. Werns, Chas. H. Crawford, lienry Nuttall, Archibald Macphie, Herbert J. Saunders, M.D. William Davis, John Shepherd, (jeorge Durnford, John McLaurm, Nathaniel Wiimot, Henry J. Wilkinson, Francis Elkington", Robert Smith, John Trowell, John Bushell, George W. Gaden, George Morton, Walter Clarke, Andrew Waldie, Allen Bond, Edward O. Hewett, Richard Garrett, Julius Miles John Agnew. Samuel O. McGuin, Frederick Smith, William Hales, George Dale, James Yule, John C. Cornish, Henry Field, Samuel G. Fairtlough, James S. Hogan, Thomas Merritt, George A. Barrett, Forshaw Day. Wm. N. King. Wm. E. Sherwood. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiih M ' flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllinillllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII |^i@iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiMniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii' ^;i BY-LAWS OF Mmttni rfi OF A\4'II':.\T, FKKK XyU A4'«'KPTK» MASOXS. On the JIegistry of the Prand Lodge of j^anada. Older is Heaven's first Law. IBiXI?ODVCTIO:N. = Without Laws and Regulations no body of men can long sub- = sist cither with comfort to themselves or with reputation among = others; and Order, being a characteristic highly esteemed among = the Fraternity ; and the By-laws of this Lodge, approved by the = M. \V., the Grand Master, on the ist of October, A.L., 5874, | having been from time to time amended, and in many important | particulars altered, and the great progress made by the Order re- | quiring still further amendments thereto, the Members of the 5 Ancient St. John's Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, No. 5 3. G.R.C., Kingston, Ontario, Dominion of Canada, have agreed to i and adopted, clause by clause the following By-laws, as a System § calculated as well to obtain that end, as to cement a lasting i Friendship among the Brethren, to preserve Decorum and Har- | mony in the Lodge, and further to aid in carrying out the princi- | pies of the Ancient Craft, wherever the influence of this Lodge 5 may be felt. E PRKAMBI^K. I This Lodge acknowledges the Supicnacy of the Grand Lodge i of Canada of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, and will at I |>IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|l Illlllllii^ s J ''*E •■mi Mlllllllllllir < ^] ty^MiiMIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIMIIIIIIilllllililllMiilllillllllilllMilllllilliMllllllinillllllilllllllllllllilMllllliilllllllilli'illfcj '>iS JiV-LAWS. 17 all limes pay respect au'i obedience to its Kules, Laws, Onlerij and Kej^ulations. I. RUI^KS OF ORDKR. To secure Regularity in the proceedings of this l^odge, the fol- lowing Order shall be observed. Koi* Regular MeetliiKM. ■ Is iiiniiiiiiiKii ■(§ I. After the Lodge has been duly opened in Ancient Form, the fS Secretary shall read the summons calling the Lodge together. || 2. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the last Regular i|s Meeting, and subsequent Emergencies (if any,) which shall be 5i separately put to the Lodge for confirmation, and when confirmed, signed by the Worshipful Master. J. The Committee of (General I'urposes shall be called on for a report of their proceedings. 4. Reports from any other Committees will be received and consid~»ed. 5. The ballot will be taken ; first for joining members, and afterwards for candidates for initiation. (). Propositions for membership and for initiation will be re- ceived. 7. Reading the names of lirethren who are one year in arrears of dues. 8. Petitions for charity and other communications will be read. 9. Enquiry by the Worshipful Master if any members of the ajE Lodge are ill. yjs 10. Business which may have been left unfinished at a former ' I meeting shall be resumed. II. Any other matters which may legitimately be brought be- '::| fore the Lodge will be considered. The above order may be suspended or changed for the meeting by the Worshipful Master o( the Lodge. tJn a point of order being raised while a Brother is speaking, or when a Brother is called to order by the Master, he shall at once m 1= ■m ^«p>\,Sii>iiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii^ MP 'y^iinilllllllMlllllinilllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMMIinillllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIHIIIMHIIIIIIilMIHIMnilMllinilir 1 iN I'.Y-LAVVS. i take his scat , thu poiiil of ordiir shall then i»c st.itcil, and the I \\'<)rshi)>ful Master shall decide tlieteiipon without debate, after = whicli the liii^liur inav proceed. : No Brother shall speak twice to the same i[iiestion unless in z explanation, or the mover of a resolution in reply. i ^^^ I BKHAVIOVR I^ I^OnuK. s No memher or visiting J Jrother shall disclose or makt; known i by any means whatever, out of this Lodge, any of the proceedings, = or any of the decisions or business, of anv kind, transacted within i the Lodge. And no member or visitor shall presume, in open I L(jdge, either at labour or refreshment, to make use oi any pro- s fane, irreverent, or improper expressicMis or sentiments, or to in- E troduce any conversation or remark tending to cause a difference = of opinion on national, political or religious subjects, uncfer the E penalty, if a member, of having, .after due notice and trial, his E name erased from the books of the Lodge, and the fact re})orted S to the Grand Lodge ; and if a visiting Brother, of never being E allowed again to visit this Lodge or permitted to become a mem- I ber, unless on a clear ballot. On the initiation of a canciidate E and on the joining of every [Jrother, the Worshipful Master shall E cause this Article to be read, so that no Brother ever after shall E plead ignorance. I IIL I XIMK OK MKKTINO. I The regular meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the hrst I Thursday of every month, and on the Festival of St. John the E Evangelist at such hour as the Worshipful Master shall appoint. s I ^^'■ I OFKICHRS OK YHK I^ODGK. s S The Ollicers of the Lodge shall be the Master, the Senior and I Junior Wardens, Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and i Junior Deacons, Director of Ceremonies, Organist, Inner (iuard. *: S S t !^i<^iiiiiirii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiitiiiiini>iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii -A' <^^MiiMiiiiMiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiMiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«niiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiinuiiiiiiuiiMiii;V i 15Y-I.A\VS. Kj I s ' » m s two Stewards, and 'P\lcr. And in order to secure that reKulnritv = s and decorutn so hi[,dily necessary for the j^'ood order and govern- s I nient of every l^cd^e, it is expected that every officer and mem- i s Ijer will attend nunctuallv .\t the time set forth in the summons, i I for the opening of the Lod^'e, This I. edge shall annually elect | i by ballot, iirsl, the Worshipful Master, next the Senior and | I Junior Wardens, ("haplain. Secretary and Treasurer, and then, | I by a majority of open votes, the Tyler, at the regular meeting s I immediately preceding the Festival of St. John the Kvangelist ; | i and at High Noon of that lestival the Worshipful Master elect | s shall be installed acconling to ancient usage, after which he shall s s invest the Senior and Junior Wardens, Chaplain, Secretary, = s Treasurer, and Tyler, and appoint and invest the other officers of | s the Lodge. The ]]rethren shall on that dav dine together, hav- | i ing due regard to the means of every Brother of the Lodge. The | s manner of the celebration of the I-'estival of St. lohn the Lvan- s z gelist shall be decided on al the tirst regular meeting in Decern- = E ber, and carried out by and under the superintendence of the i E (■omniittee of General Purposes, and any other Hrethren whom = E the Worshipful Master may see ht to appoint for that purpose. | E Should St. John the Evangelist's Day fall on a Sunday, the in- E § stallation, attendant ceremonies and observances shall take place S E on the following da\' ; and if that l'"estival should fall on a Satur- E i day the dinner may l)e had on the following Monday. I V. E JJeyond the ancient charges delivered on the installation, the S E Worshipful Master is responsible as well for the Warrant as for E E the correct and safe keeping of the records and papers during hi^ E E term of office. He holds all the furniture and paraphernalia of = E the Lodge in trust for its members. The Worshipful Master as = E Trustee thereof shall annually insure the jewels, furniture, ban- | I ners. and other property of this Lodge, against loss by fire, for E s such sum as shall be considered sufficient. 'I'he Worshipful = i i )^SIIMIIIinillllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIItllMIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMal)lc on ac- count i)f and to the (irand l-ocl^c, and ilulv rcsmit the same as st)on after the regular meeting's in June and |)ei:enibor as may Ix; proper. He shall coiintersii^n all accounts biilore they are paid by the 'I'reasurer. and shall be cx-offuio a member t^f all ("ommit- tccs. \l HICI^IOR 'WARDlvBi. The Senior Warden shall, under the Worshipful Master, see to the safe and proper keeping of the fewels, l''urniture, Banners, and other property of the Lodge, lie shall, immediately upon entering into office, make and keep an inventory thereof, and hand the same over to his successor. The Jewels, I'urniture, IJanners, and other property shall not be loaned or removed from the Lodge without a previous vote. VII. JUNIOR liVARDKN. The Junior Warden shall attend to the necessar) arrangements | for refreshments on all ordinary occasions, and shall cx-officio be = ("hief of the Stewards. E vni. i CHAPI^AIN. i I'or the due solemnity of the performance of our religious ser- 5 vices, ni) Brother but a (Clergyman shall be elected Chaplain. = L\. I TRKABVRKR. \ 'J'he Treasurer shall receive all monies and discharge accounts s when duly authorized by a vote of the Lodge. He shall keep 5 books, in which his accounts of Receipts and Disbursements s shall be regularly entered, so as to exhibit atone view the balance = in his hands, which books shall be open for insi)ection of the 1 Members at every Regular Meeting. The accounts of the Treas- i C^^ltllilllllllllllllilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllMllllllllllilllllll -k' <^lilillilllllllllllllMIIIIIMIII*lllltkllllMIIIMIIMIIIIIIIininiilllillllllllllilllHI|IIMIIMIIIMMMMMI||IMIIIIIIIIII -f , I'.V-LAWS. 21 s urer, ami vouchers in sii|ip(jrt thurtiot", shall be ammally submit- s ted t(i the Commiltee of (ienoral I'urposes iov theii audit at least I a week i»revious to the I'estival of St. |«)hii the Evangelist, and I the balance in his hands shall bt; paid (»ver to his successor in s Office at the Meeting' on that day, unle.ss the Lodge shall othtr- s wise direct. In order that the funds of this Lodge may be im- i proved to the best advantage, if at any time there should be on I hand more money than the e.Mgencies of the Lodge require, the I Treasurer shall give notice thereof to the Lodge that the same 5 may be invested in such a manner as to the Brethren may appear S most prudent. He shall be exempt from all (- a m S 22 HY-!.AWS. For a Reisular or HmerKeiil Meeting. Minutes (3f the I-iegular or Emergent Meeting (as the case may be) of ihe Ancient St. John's Lodge, No. 3, held in the Mall of the Lodge, Kingst(jn, Ontario, un dav of A.L. s8 the (if an emergency stale the object as inserted in the summons.) W. IJro W.M. Bro SW. " JW. Chap. Treas. Sec. I'RESENT. Lro S.l>. .ID ,D. of C. Organist. I.G. - Stewanls Tvler. AWt'.— If any Brother temporarily tills an office, pretix "pro iiin" to it, insert the names of all the members present and the names of all the visitors present, with the name and number of the Lodge from which each hails. The further entry of proceed- ings shall be according to the Form of Entry recommended in the Appendix to the liook of Constitutions. XL The Tyler, being a serving Brother, is not necessarily a member of the Lodge. He shall perform all services connected with this Lodge as shall be required ot him by the Worshipful Master. He shall keep in good order, as well the Hall of the Lodge and its approaches as the Jewels, Furniture, and Paraphernalia. He shall serveall summonses on Brethren residing in the city ; attend the meetings of the Lodge; shall, when ordered, collect the dues for and account for the same to the Treasurer. I'or such services he shall be paid the sum of J^'itty Dollars per annum, and Fifty Cents for each and every Emergency, on the Secretary s certifi- cate, countersigned by the \Vorshi[)ful Master. 'A^ iMiiiriniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii -k' I s I^^MMHiiiiiiiiiniM..iiiiii,i,„„„„„„„ ,„„„„ ,„„„ ,„„„„ niiiini„m„„„„„„„„„,g^l I BY-LAWS. 2^ \ I ^ . XI 1. • i The Seal, an impression whereof is in the margin of this By-law, shall continue to be, as heretofore, the Seal of this Lodge. This Seal shall be attached to or im- pressed on all documents and paj^ers authorized to be issued or sent under the Seal (A the Lodge, either by the Constitution of Grand Lodge or by the By-laws of this Lodge. Xlll. ii^rriAxiois. Lach candidate for initiation shall be proposed by one member in open Lodge, and seconded by another ; such candidate having signed the declaration according to the Form prescribed by the Book of Constitution of the Grand Lodge, and such declaration shall also have thereon the names of two Master Masons, mem. bers of the Lodge, who are thereby considered answerable for the Truth of the Facts therein stated, and such proposition, being 1 ec jived l)y the Lodge, the Worshipful Master shall order the declaration (which shall at the time of proposition be handed to the Secretary), to be laid before the C'ommittee of General Pur- poses for their considerati(m. S)^^'i'i]iiiiiiii(iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiijiiiiii!iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMigiiiiiiMiii ^^-{lllllllllllllllJIIIMIIIIIIIIfllMnUIIIIIMIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllMltlllllMIIIIIIIMIIMMMIIHIMIMIIIIIIIIir Ij^-j I 24 BY-LAWS. XIV. IJrethrcii a}i})lying to become inenibeis shall be proposed, seconded, and recommended in the same manner as candidates for initiation. The petition shall be m the following form : — To the Worshipfnl Master, Wardens and lircthren of the Ancient St. John's Lodge, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, No. 3, Kingston, Ontario. 1 of the of in the County of aged . . , years, a Master Mason (or as the case may be) do declare that I was duly Initiated, Passed and Raised, (as the case may be) that 1 am, or was last (as the case may be) a member of Lodge, No under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of and am still in good standing as a Mason . that I am desirous of becoming a Member of this Lodge, and will cheerfully conform to all its By-laws and Regulations. Witness my hand this day of A.L. 58 (Signed.) Witnessed and recommended by] i I No joining Brother can be balloted for unless his (irand Lodge Certificate and the Certificate of the Lodge of which he 4s or was last a member, stating the circumstances under which he left that Lodge, be produced, or otherwise the want of either or both be solemnly and satisfactorily accounted for ; or in case of 3 Brother who contmues a member of a Lodge outside the limits of the City of Kingston, like satisfactorily proof of his being in good standing in such J^odge shall be produced or similarly ac- counted for. No application for membershiji shall be acted upon by the Lodge unless accompanied by the Joining Fee. ! i ^lllllllilMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIUIIIinilllllllllllllllMIIIUIIHINIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIlr^^ s i :^^l«llli(!iilllMillllllliillilMllllllllllllliniMIIIIIII|illMI|lll|||||illll|||||||MMIIillilllllilMIIIMtilUIIII«IIIUIIIII.^/; lllllllllr'X- -D l^» HV-LAWS. W. i RAI^I^OT. I No Free Man shall be initiated in, and no Brother shall be ad- s mitted a member of this Lodge if, on balloting, there be found s more than one black ball ; which balloting, except in the cases of i emergency provided for by the Book of Constitution, shall I take place at the next regular meeting after that at which the | candidate is proposed ; but if only one black ball is against the | candidate he shall be admitted, except in the case mentioned in 5 By-law No. II of these By-laws. | Should any candidate neglect to attend for initiation within s three regular meetings of his being notified of his election, he = shall not be admitted without a new ballot, unless a satisfactory § excuse be assigned, | m Every Free Man, before initiation in this Lodge, shall pay | thirty dollars, which sum shall be in full payment for the first s three degrees of Ancient Masonry, and shall include the fee for = registration and the Grand Lodge Certificate. Every Brother s joining the Lodge, and before he can be fully admitted to mem- = bership, shall pay the sum of five dollars, " which shall include i the registration fee. Any Brother not initiated in this Lodge | may be passed or raised in it after having been admitted a mem- 5 ber, for the sum of ten dollars for the Fellow Craft's Degree, and E fifteen dollars for the Master Mason s Degree, provided he produce s satisfactory proof of having been initiated or passed (as the case = may be) in a regular Lodge. Should a joining Brother require a i Grand Lodge Certificate, he must jniy in addition the sum of two | dollars and fifty cents. = Fur Dues. — Every Member shall pay the sum of Four Dollars = per annum, to be collected on the regular meetings in March, | June, September, and December. | m «MIIIMIiMinMlllllllllillMMMIIIIUIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIinillllllllinMMMMUIIIHillinMililllMIHIIkinniHIHHi:>^^ ^Miiiiiiiiiiiiii>:;iiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiir ^^ 26 IJY-LAWS. Members removing from the City of Kingston to reside else- | where shall duly notify the Secretary thereof. = Any member of not less than twenty-five consecutive years S good standing in this Lodge who shall have paid the full dues 5 for that period, shall thenceforward be exempt from the pay- = ment of any further fees or dues, but shall continue during life a i member of the Lodge with full privileges, subject only to liability i to Masonic censure and punishment for any oti'ence other than i non-payment of dues. s Any such m.ember, of not less than fifteen consecutive years s good standing in the Lodge, shall, on payment of the sum of i thirty dollars, be entitled to the same privileges as are in the = ne.\t section mentioned, but subject to the same liabilities. = XVII. I HOl^ORARY ]»IH9IBKRJ!$. | Any Brother who may be deemed worthy of that h(jnor, may, s on the application of any member, be admitted an honorary = member of this Lodge upon an unanimous ballot of the Lodge, | such application being notified to all the bretbi'en in the same S manner as is provided for in the case of joining Brethren. Such i honorary member shall be exempt from fees and dues to the = Lodge. I .Win, ' I «* All charges of unmasonic conduct must be preferred in writing = and read in ooen Lodge, and a copy of such charges shall be = furnished the accused by the Secretary, with a notice of the time = when, and the place where, the same shall be investigated. On a | charge being made the Master shall refer the case to the Com- i mittee of General Purposes, who shall investigate the s?"-^e and = report all evidence bearing on the case at a regular meeting of the E Lodge without remark or comment, and if in the opinion of the = Lodge there be sufficient grounds for a trial, the accused shall be = summoned pursr nt to the form hereinafter set forth to attend i ^•uiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiir^t :■& ••"•••"••••••nHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinii,^ in-LAWS. 27 i the next or otlier regular meeting, and answer the charges prefer- I red against him ; when, should they be considered proven, such I punishment shall be inflicted as the Jhethren may deem just. I Such summons shall be deemed duly served if mailed to the last s known address of suck Brother. I Sh(juld the trial not be concluded at such meeting, it may be I contmued at any subsecpient meeting, to which the investigation f of the charges may be postponed. | Suiiinions for UniiiavSouic Conduct. | Hall of The .\ncient St. John s Lodge, No. ^, ) t A.]", and A.M., (;.R.r., - I Kingston, ()nt A.L. 58 ) 1 . Sir and Brother : You are hereby summoned as a Master f Mason (or as the case may be) before The Ancient St. fohn's I Lodge of Ancient, Free and Acce[)ted Masons, No. 3, G. K. C, I at the Hall of the Lodge, in the City of Kingston, on I the day of A.L. 58 at o'clock I P.M., then and there to show cause why you should not be ex- | eluded from The Ancient St. John s Lodge No. 3, and .suspeided = from aU the privileges and* benefits of Freemasonry, and I recommended for expulsion from the order (as the case may be) f for etc., etc. (here set out the charges concisely). A copy of the = charges, and the name of your accuser, are herewith sent, and i you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear at the time | and place above appointed, or 10 show just cause for non-at- | tendance, the Lodge will in your absence, proceed and take such = evidence in the case as may be laid before it, and make such | adjudication as the merits of the case may seem to warrant, = By order of the W.M. and Brethren, | I LODGE I I remain, yours fraternally, i ( SEAL. I A. B., Secretary. | To Brother < M). ' = 5 . • s = If the dues of a Brother remain un})aid for one year it shall be = I the duty of the Secretary to send him, at least fourteen days be- s [-VS^IIMIIIIItllllliniinMIIMIIIIIIIIIMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiy)^ S i .>>C-viiiiiiiiMiiiMiinniiMMiiniiiiiiiiii>iiiiiiMiiiiiiaiiiHiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniMniiiiiiiiiMiiiiit ;'{(-j 2^ HV-1,AWS. fore the dale of a rej^ular meeting of the Lodge, a notice in the following form : Hall of The Ancient St. John's Lodge. No. 5,) \.V. and A.M., (i.K.C. Kingston, Out A.L. 5iS ) Dear Sir and Hrother : It is my duty to inform you that your dues to .Vncient St. J(jhn's Lodge, No. 3, A.F. and A.M.. G.K.C., are in arrear for the space of one year, the sum due by you being In the event of your failing to pay these arrears before the ne.xt regular meeting of the Lodge you will be liable to have your name and amount of arrears read out in open Lodge, and to have such further proceedings taken against you as are prescribed by the itjth By-law of the Lodge. I Secretary. I And in the ev.int of noii-paymjiil in accordance with such = notice, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to read out the name 5 of such Brother in default at th^ ne.\t regular meeting of the = Lodge following such notice ; after which a special summons in = the following form shall be sent to the defaulting Brother : I Suniittotis for Kon-payfiieiit of Due»i. s Hall of The Ancient St. John's Lodge, No. j,] I A.F.and A.M.. G.k.C, I I Kingston, Out A.L. 58 i = Sir and Brother : I You are hereby summoned as a Master Mason (or as the case I may be) to appear before the Ancient St. John's Lodge of i Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, No, 3, G.R.C., at the Hall 5 of the Lodge in the City of Kingston on the s day of A.L. 58.. .at m I o'clock P.M., then and there to shew cause why you should not, = pursuant to the Bydaws of the said Lodge, be suspended from s membership therewith for the non-payment of your dues, amount 3 i ing to , ^■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiHiiiiiHniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■^' ' '.^:«MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiinniiiuMiiikMMiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir^^ r.Y-I.AWS. 29 i I'Urtlier action in the premises may be prevented hy your pay- ing the above clues to Brother the Treasurer of this Lodge, before the day of A.I. ;8 t By order of the W.M. and Brethren, ( i-ougp: ) I remain, yijurs fraternally, [ sE.\L. ) A.B., Secretary, i T(; Brother CD. , | And if such Brother shall not in the meantime have paid his s arrears, and shall not offer such excuse as the Lodge may deem i sufficient, it shall then, on proof of such default, devolve upon i the Senior Warden to propose, and the Junior Warden to second | a motion, that such Brother be forthwith suspended, and on such | motion being carried the Brother shall be suspended accordingly 1 Such summons shall be deemed duly served if mailed to the H last known address of such Brother a reasonable time before the i meeting of the Ltjdge. = If the Lodge be satisfied that the Brother has not been guilty = of wilful neglect, but that on account of his sudden removal from = the Province, or otherwise, he has omitted, through inadvertence, z to apply for a demit, and if his place of residence be unknown, it i may, instead of suspending him, strike his name oti" the list of § Members, and return his name as so struck off to the (irand | Secretary in the next half yearly returns to the Grand Lodge. s XX. I ^WIXHDR.A'WAI^ or MEMBERS. 1 .E Any member of this Lodge having paid his dues, and being desir- = S ous of withdrawing, shall make application at a regular meeting, 5 i either personally or in writing, for leave to withdraw, which, if s i he be in good standing, shall then be granted by the Lodge. On = i demand, the Secretary shall furnish such retiring Brother a cer- 2 i tificate of his dues having been paid, and of his having left in = I good standing, as follows : 1 I These are to certify that ISrother of the = I who has written his name in the margin i I hereof, this day retired in good standing from the membership of | s The Ancient St. John's Lodge of .\ncient, Free and .\ccepted I >^>lf^1IMIIIIIII II Illtlllllll IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII^^; ' .S(-,IIMMIIIIIIIinnilllinMMIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMMIilMIIUIIIIIMIIIIinillllMIIIIIHMM|f Jff-^ I 30 I5V-I„\\VS. I = Masons, No. j, (ju the Kt;gistry of the (irainl Lod^c of Canada, i = and that his dues arc fiillv paid. i Iti testimony whereof, and bynrderof the Worship- i fill Master. I have hereunto signed niv name and affixed s i the seal of The Ancient St. John's Lod;,je. No. i,, at the s |si-:.\i,.l Haid r.jty of Kin;.;ston. this day of = A. I., 3«. 5 Secretary, s s Military Urethren, mc;ml>ers of this Lodge, on removing from | s this city, ipso facto, will he considered to have withdrawn from s 2 the Lodge. | I XXI. I z 2 = The Committee of General Purposes, consisting of the Wor- | = shipful Master, the Past Masters of the Lodge, the Wardens, | i Treasurer, Secretary, and two experienced brethren, to be ap- s E pointed by the Worshipful Master on the day of installation, s i shall superintend the finances of the Lodge, and consider of any s § special matter regarding its interests ; and shall inquire into and = s report on the charac.er of every candidate. To this Committee = = shall be referred all applications for Masonic relief which require = i investigation, as also all accounts against the Lodge ; they shall = i first hear and consider all subjects of Masonic complamt or irre- | i gularity respecting the members of this Lodge or any other Mason, | I and report thereon to the Lodge; they shall meet at least once | i every month, or whenever summoned by the Worshipful Master. | s or in his absence by the Senior Warden, who shall be the presid- 5 S ing ofifiicer. Three members shall form a quorum. The result of s = their proceedings shall be communicated to the Lodge at the next i = regular meeting or emergency, if required, lor approbation. All = I accounts and affairs relative to the Lodge shall be considered by | s this Committee, and the annual audit of the Treasurer's accounts s s reported on at the regular meeting on the I-'estival (jf St. John = = the Flvangelist. = I All resolutions and transactions of the Committee shall be i C^IIIIIMfllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIlli^] ^;^ilMIIII|IIMil|||IMIII||IIM||IIIMIIMIIMMMM||||Mlllllilllll|||ltlllMIIIMMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIilMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMii||lj(^ I BY-LAWS. 51 i = entered in its Miiuitt; Book, read before the coininiltue euljourns, i I and signed by the then presiding officer. • ?| In case it shall be reported to the Worshipful Master, or to the | Senior Warden, that a member of the Lodge is ill, then the s I Worshipful Master, or in his absence the Senior Warden, shall 5 s appoint two members of the Lodge a Committee to visit forthwith s £ such Brother, and report, if necessary, the case to the Kingston i s Masonic Board of Relief. s s ^ s s The Worshipful Master shall, on tht: day of his installation, s = appoint three Brethren as the representatives of this Lodge to the | s Kingston Masonic lioard of Relief. | I So long as this Lodge shall occupy the present Hall, on the | I Festival of St. John the Evangelist, the Brethren shall, by show 5 I of hands, ej^ct a member who, with the Worshipful Master and = s the Trustee of the Lodge, shall be its representatives on the Hall = i Committee. XXH. A visitor shall not be admitted or remain when the Lodge is E occupied on a ballot or any private business, unless by the unani- S mous consent of the members present. XXIH. No additions, alterations or amendments shall be made to these i By-laws until after notice thereof in writing shall have been given § at a regular meeting, inserted in the minutes of the same, and a | copy of such notice set forth in the summons for the next regular | meeting, nor without the consent of at least two-thirds of the S members present at that meeting, or any subsequent meeting to H which the consideration of the motion may be postponed ; nor = will any such amendments, alterations or additions become law i until sanctioned by the Most Worshipful the Cirand Master. 5 Siv)l|t|||||||||||lll||MIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllJS^ f|^llilHMMHIHHIIiMIHIHHIMMIIHI MMMIMIIilMliniliMIIUIMIIMHMIMIIIIMIiniMMMIIHMilHIIIIIirillf m ' J2 HY-LAWS. \XI\' Every Caiidiclate on initiation, and every Hrotlicr on joininj^. must sign these By-laws as a declaration of submission thereto, and thereupon he shall be presented with a copy. An entered apprentice shall not be passed unless he has care- fully read over these By laws. XXV. BRKACH OK BV-I^A'VW'H. I*\)r the infraction of these By-laws, when not otherwise herein provided for, the offending Brother shall be liable, by a vote of the Lodge, after being duly summoned [see Form, By-law No. xviii] to suspension, or such punishment as the Brethren present shall deem fit, and as is consonant with the I landmarks and Principles of the ( )rder, XXVI KIT]^KRAL,S. A member will not be interred with the formalities ol the Order unless it be at his own special request. XXVil. The former By-laws of this Lodge are hereby repealed. iV- S 5)' ^MHIillllMIIIIIMIItlltMIMIIIiMiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, IIIMHIIIIillillllUIIIIHIIIIIIil IIUIIIIHIIIIIII Jc^ ■^ *, y]|[llilHllliiinilllHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMHIililliMiiMHHHIMIIillllllH IIIMIinHIIIHIIHI|IMM||MH|||IMilM|||MM^ HV-LA\VS. V A5 ^S^ I Adopted 4th March. A.L. 58S0. m « I Jno. SuTHliKLANl), P.M., s Secretaiv. - I (>)nfirme(l ist April, A,L. 3880. i '■ • '" (r. DtrRNFORl), 1 ^' W'.M. -rj^^- ^ X m s The Working Tools of an Rntered Apprentice Mason are the Twcnty-foni" Inch ("lange. the Common (iavel and the Chisel. The Twentv-fonr Inch (lange is the first im]>lemenl put into the hands of the workninn to enable him to measure and ascer- tain the size and extent of the work he is about to engage in, thus to compute the time and labor it may cost The Common Gavei is an important instrument of labor, and highly esteemed as an implement of A"t. Though recognized by various Artists undei" different appellations, it is yet admitted by P^ aiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiHiiJ ■« IIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIMIIMIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIIHIUMIIIIMMIIIIIIIIItllllllMIIIIIIIIIIUMIIillllilMIIMIIIIinil •Wi r M AI'IMNDIX. s th^'iii all that Ji<> \\(irl< of niniinal skill i-an ])»' CMniiiK-tcd witbuin s 'IMie (Miist'l is a sinall instriiiiK'iit. thoii;,')! solid in its tnnii, and r of sticli exquisite sharpness as fully to compensate for the diini- I mitivencss of its sizev It is ealcniated to make an impression on 5 th(^ hardest substance, and the nii^diti(>st structures have been in- 1 debted for their fine polish to its aid. lint as we are not all oper- s ative, but rather free and accepted or speculative Masons, we ap- s ply these tools to our morals in this sense : — I From the Twenty-four Inch Ciauge we deiixc a lesson of daily i admonition and instruction ; for as it is div ided into twenty-tour i parts it recalls to our minds the division of the dav into twenty- I four hours, and directs us to apportionate them to their jirojier m 5 objects, namely : Prayer, Labor, Kefreshnieut, and SU^ep. s I'rom the Common Oavel we learn that skill without exertion = is of little avail — that labor is the lot of man ; for the heart may = conceive and the head devise in vain, if the hand be not prompt = to execute the design. I From the Chisel we learn • that perseverance is necessary to I establish perfection ; that the rude materird receives its fine S polish but from repeated efforts alone ; that nothing short of in- = defatigable exertion can intluce the habit of virtue, enlighten the s mind and render the soul pure. § From the whole we dedice this moral, that l>* A' r- m IlillllHIMIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII,,,,,,,, ,,„„„„, ,„,,„, A- - iiiiiiiiiiiuiiMminii„,„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„,i,j^^^^^^g..