IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 JMIIIIM iiM ■' m 112.2 2.0 U 11.6 'e2 ■m ^^f y ^ ^ ^. % S' >>: <$> c2 y % " v>^ /fi Photographic Sciences Corporation iV ^. ^ \ \ ^<^ V ^ ^ ^J^ % 'V* <> Hannki; I'hintixi; C'omcvnv, l.")!? KtN(; "Strrk.t Wk> -*, C3 3- ^ ^1 kJ£^SJKaLSiJOiIV:Li^'Jb'Jli'23k^:i^'J^::i6^'J&r^ ' A".-" ..^^■^- '^ jL_. * Farmers I YOU AND YOUR SONS Are cordially invited to call and inspect our ENORMOUS STOCK -OF- New Fall Suitings And Overcoatings. <« REMEMBER OUR MOTTO : Largest Stock. Newest Styles. Best of Fits and Lowest Prices always." EVERYBODY INVITED TO CALL. BBODERIGK & MORLET, IMPORTING TAILORS, OHATHAM, ONT V')' ^ ^■^.f^U^Ci^ u4$Ji4/'f \ ■HMMI ^---%-.- 'I •OP Tint- \.. ^~x<3y\rt.y -TO BE HBI.I) AT L'HB- Town of Chatham, -ON- Taesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th October, 1888. ^OPEN TO THE WORLD.k^ UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. CHATHAM, ONT.: Banner PRi>iTiN(j Company, 153 KiNt; .Str«kt Wkst, 1888. List of Dates of Local and other Fairs. I'eninsular Fair/Chathain, Ont., Oct. 2, 3, 4 and /i; John TiHsiman, Soc'j'r Kast Kent Agricnltural Society, Thamesville, Oct. 5 and B ; A. .1. Camp- bell, Secretary. Harwich Agricultural Society, Blenheim, Oct. 8 and tf ; John F. Titui, Secretary. Howard Agricultural Society, Kidgetown, Oct. 10, 11 and 12; D. Cochrane, Secretary. Dresden Fair, Dresden, Oct. 9 and 10 ; John Chappie, Secretary. Tilbury Centre, Oct. 9 and 10; J. W. Richardson, Secretary. Southern Counties, St. Thomas, Sept. 17th to 2()th ; J. A. Kairns, Sec'y. Union Agricultural Society, Wallaceburg, Oct. 10 and 1 1 ; \V. N. Ayres, Secretary. . liomney Agricultural Society, Wheatly, Sept. 28 and 29 : J. W. Hodgson, Secretary. Western Fair, London, Sept. 20th to 29 ; Geo. McBrown, Sec'y. Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, Sept. 10th to 22nd : H. J. Hill, Sect. Great Central Fair, Hamilton, Sept. 24th to 28th ; J. Davis, Sec'y. (Tuelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 12th to 1 4th ; R. McKenzie, Secy. Provincial Exhibition, Kingston, Sept. 10th to 1.3th ; Henry Wade, Sect. Ontario Central, Port Perry. Sept. 24th to 27th ; H. O. Gordon, Sec'y. Bay of Quinte, Belleville, Sept. 2.5th to 2.Sth ; Wm. Smeaton, Sect. Great Southwestern, Essex Centre, 9, 10 and 11 Oct.; W. H. Russel, Sect. Michigan State, .lackson, Sept. 10th to 14th ; H. Sterling, Sect. Western Michigan, Grand Rapids, Sept. 17th to 2l8t ; Jas. Cox, Sect. Tri-State, Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 27th to ;il8t ; John Farley, Sect. North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 9 and 10 ; John Brown, Sect. < i MM i^ I I OFFICERS FOR 1888. PRESIDENT, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, VV. U. I'AKDO •lOHII I'KJGOTT kUBMKT SMITH BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WM. SHELDON, ANDREW NEIL, JOHN PAXTON, OOL. MARTIN, J. B. JACKSON. AUDITORS. M. CAMl'r.KJ.L, D. WILSON, ALEX, .). hOLsEN, ROPT S. FLSHKK, KENNETH CAMPBELL, r. ,;. FLEMMINU JOHN TISSIMAN, Skobktary. J. R KITCHEN, JKrASHKitK COM. OF MANAGEMENT. BviLDiira — Messrs. Piggott and NeiL H0B8S8— Messrs. Sheldon and Wilson. Cattlk— Messss. Smith and Paxton. Shkkp awd Pigs— Meusra. Fiaher and Col. Maitiu. iMPiiBMBirrs — Maneon Campbell. (iRODNDS AKD Gatbs— President, First Vice, and .'^eoretarv. Grain, Roots AND Daiky— Mr. Dolson. PouM»T— Mr. J. B. Jackson. Enetkrtaihmekt— President and John Piggott. FiNAMCK— Prcaident and First and Second Viee. Pbocbssiom— Messrs. Sheldon, Wilson, Smith and fa- ton.. Pkirtino— Messrs. Sheldon, Piggott and Secretary. r %Hh^ Pump and Windmill Gompany. TICKNER & MILLFR, FE.OP'RIEJTORS- MANUFACTURBas OF WIND MILLS, PUMPS, TANKS, ETC. MtHAM^^ONt:] The only reliable storm-defying Windmill in the Market. Will work in light- er winds than other make of Mills, and has received more medals, DiplomM and rewards of merit than any other \Vind Mill in the Dominion, PUMPS ! Iron Pumps for deep wells and WINDMILL pur- poses. WOOD PUMPS, IRON, Brass «fe Porcelain Lined. Cistern Pumps, etc. CHATHAM PUMPJAND WINDMILL TANKS ! We furnish Tanks of any required dimensions or ca- pacity. Wrought Iron Piping, &c. Send for Prices and other infor- mation. CO., CHATHAM, ONT. to % ^^^ ■flii li I Rules and Regulations : i fO 1. All persons upon payment of One Dollar, may become members, which entitles them to enter any number of articles for exhibition and to two tickets of admission. 2. Entries to be made not later than Tuesday, 2nd Oct., except stock, for which entries will be taken up to 9 o'clock of Wednesday the 3rd Oct., which time all stock for exhibition must be on the ground. Z. Judges to connnence their duties at 9 o'clock a. m. on Wednesday, and for stock at 1 o'clock of same day. 4 No animal or article to take more than one prize, unless specified. 5. Animals can only compete for prizes in the classes for which they are entered, nor sliall any animal be entered for more than one class. Judges not to allow animals to be shown in a class different from that in which they are entered, and any prize awarded to any aninuil shown in violation of this rule shall be forfeited. Animals exliibitod in any class, except as fat animals, may enter for Herd. 6. All animals, produce, etc., to be the property of the exhibitor, and all produce to be the growth of the cxhibiior. No barren animal will be allowed to compete for a premium in the breeding classes; in all classes satisfactory evidence nuiat be furnished that the animal is a breeder. 7- No interference with the Judges will be allowed. Any person violat- ing this condituin w ill forfeit their prizes. Discretionary premiums may be recommended by the Judges. A Director will be in attendance with Judges to see that this i ule is carried out. 8. All horses and liorned cattle to be tied up on the ground in the order •set down by the committee, 9. No articles to be removed from the exhibition building till after the close of the exhibition on the fourth day. Stocl' not to be removed till after the Procession, which will take place at 11 o'clock of 4th day. 10. All produce and other articles to be on the ground by 3 o'clock of the first day. Stock not later than 1 r. m. of the second day. Cut flowers and plants must be arranged in position before 9 A. M. on Wednesday All horses and cattle taking prizes to be on exhibition on the 4th day at 11 o'clock, at which time a precession will be formed of all prize winners. All Stock taking jpriises not taking part in procession will forfeit the prizes. ''• R'thibitori 6 ^Ji^^!i!r.^''«j' '*• ' Wo tick tH nf I • "■***'"fi»iJi^oiice , '•*• 'ntentli,,,, exhn.if . '"""^ •^''«*' •Warded i„ore than II n SfHJci "" "«« of tJ.o Society ADMISSION TO GROUNDS. n /or Rr)iii4t. -..•11 . - '^•J 'y «>,v other persZwni K 1^T''""«t«^>iom thev«r«,-« «''°"n'^8- These , The o„try tlullT T '"" "*»" °"ly- '» *e „,„,,„„ , "If '^'-'CAT'ON FOR SPACE "^ „ , ■ "-'VE STOCK '-"J building, „, p„„.j,j '"°""'«'-''"°*'»'«Uli«rtook. str„ i3^ ""^wwasoi*, "*""^»*'«afc<) to whatever tlio» OtftllducdiJigoiK'e >«r. MtiDil)er8 will xhibit ill any one named variety or " to all kiu.lH of 5'. in Mhicli oftch »e first Xo ox arded more than ^1 of trtMihle and intrieg the week Seo thivt every liBt. Anyniern- which tliey may RITIN(,' and it N TWO MAYS ily the cauae of f 13, which sum uiitained. This shall be govem- ^ever, earnestly ongeat grounds occasioned by ro months after 'ng Children »uble, 50 centB. "rniBhed with >"nn or teams .'or h,'ene Htreet. Other live stock by the j^ate on t.'ruiii xtreet, iit the Houthwestt-rly corner of the groundH, near tlu' cattle shed*. All other articlew l>y the large centre gate, (,»ueen street. Single horse Htablcs will be let for AO cents, ami double $i.0<> each. New stables of ISHd, ll.TiO each. RAILWAYS. Favorable arrangements will be nmde with the Oraud Trunk and Frie and Muron Railways for the conveyaui " of passengers and articles to and from the exhiltition. VISITORS may be assured of finding on the groauds everything neoesnary to the conveni- ttuce and comfort of all. Ample restaurants ami luncli rooms managed by exp rienced caterers will terve meals at all hours duiing the exhibition. A wash I'oom for ladies only is conveniently located near the » > ailiition building. PROGRAMME. The exhibitio'i « i i he open to the public at '2 o'clock and? o'clorl. p.m. of the secoufi day. At !• 'lock A. M. uf the second day the .ludges will commt nee >lieir duties ou all articles e.xcept stock, .[udges on stock to commence their duties at 1 o"cloi;k »'. M. of same day. The exhibition will open on the third and fourth days at 7 o'clock a. m. and at 7 o'clock i". Ji. Hand.s of music wiM be in attendance during the afternoons and evening of the exhibiticm. Only two tickets allowed each membei', good for the day only. Memben must pay fi<.- admission to buildings and grounds in the evening. Kvery one must leave the buildings at H o'clock i'. m. (»n each day or bt liable to payment of 2."> cents extra. ^hc (!^Iiatluim ^^tthh ISattucr. Sf A YEAR IN ADVANCE; $1:50 WHEN NOT SO PAID. k. Straw BUY IT 1 READ IT! ADVERTISE IN IT! J AS. L. WILSON, Sonemteiieit SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO HEATING. * VENTILATION AND DRAINAGE. SOLICiTOR^FOR^PATENTS. j^cDisridi-^ TO Lo^^nsr ON REASONABLE TERMS. OFFICE Over C. R. Atkinson's Law Offices KING STREET, CHATHAM, ONT. N, TION or T ITS. ^3sr Offices ONT. 9 CASH SUBSCRIPTIONS. Robert Smith $25 00 Thomas Brady, 15 00 C. & W. Badley, 25 00 W. H. Pardo, 25 00 John Paxton 10 00 David Wilson, jr., 10 00 R, M. Smith, 10 00 John McGarvin, 10 00 John Houston, j 00 Alex. J. Dolsen, U) 00 Thomas Heatherington 10 00 T. L. Pardo, 5 00 J. S. Heatherington, , 5 00 Edward McKerrall, 5 00 Andrew Neil, 5 00 John Tissiman, 5 00 William Brown, 5 00 Geo. Smith, 5 00 Joseph Thibodeau, 5 00 William Everett, 5 00 S. J. Arnold, 5 OO James Fleming, 5 00 John Hale 5 00 Hickley and Lampcrd, 5 00 John Hendershott, , 5 OO S. C. Bogart, 5 00 Buddy Bros., 5 00 J. E. Cooke, 5 00 Joseph Mc( iavvin, 5 00 William Paxton, 5 00 Robert Paxton, 5 00 W^illiam Chrysler, 5 00 Little & Hatton, a 00 Thomas Crow, 5 00 Dezelia & Schneider, 5 00 Dr. Siverwright , 5 00 Robert Pollanl, 5 00 Thomas Taylor, 5 00 George Douglas, 5 00 Sidney S. White, 5 00 Alex. Martin 5 00 James Miller, 3 00 John Johnston,, 3 00 Milton Backus, 'i 0<> D. Smith 2 00 Alex. Dolsen, 2 00 Peter Robert, 2 00 Anthony Oulette 2 00 John Little 2 00 W. D. Sheldon, 10 00 J. Piegott, 10 00 C. Purser 5 00 A. H. White, 5 00 Wm. Wallace, 5 OO Thos. Russell, 3 00 Richard Everitt, 3 00 -'mmmm^ CHATHAM STOVE DEPOT. IK VOi: WANT A RELIAULK Cook or Heating Stove, Buy one of BUCK'S. They will last longer, give you better satisfaction and are nearly as cheap as inferior Stoves of other makes. WK ARK ALSO PIiEPAKEl> To FDKNISH ESTIMATES FOR PflinpiDg, Gas Fitting, Galvanized Iron, cii AND OTHKH METAL WORKS. JAMES MAYS & CO., OPPOSITE GARNER HOUSE, CHATHAM, . ONT. i^. ■ ■'V-^ 1 I^NttBk^ EPOT. i!il.^i,}^S^ ^k.^i^^ i ^mff ' ^^^ tove, r, give you eap as ltes for 3(1 Iron, ONT. 11 Western liee Association, 3 00 A J. Foster, 3 00 List of Subscribers to the W. K. Agricultural Society, 1888. Dale & Patching, a land roller |36 00 John Bennett, coin cultivator 8 00 McC'oig & 'inixler, npring tooth liarrow 25 00 T. Boyes & Sou, gni-m .l.-ill 60 00 Ktl. .Jonltin, fancy clock 14 00 T. H. 'laylor & ("o. , two pair woolen blankets 10 00 R. Martin & Soji, a fancy pump 14 00 G. VV. Huff .\- Co., adjustable bed spring 5 00 James W. McLaren, gents' dressing case 7 00 VV. J. Shiter. album 10 00 Powell iS: T>a\i3, gouts' dresding case. Tickner & .Miller, fancy pumj). 4 00 15 00 (t. a Wil liei s])()oii, siuiving i;ase 6 00 ('oltart k. Neilson. rocking chair 8 60 A. (;. lietllord, jiair gents' boots 5 00 Manson, Caniiiircll, a fanning mill , 25 00 (/hathiiin .MamU'tcfuiing Co., a tirst-class wagon 70 00 F. .)ac(|ues, a saddle 5 00 Henry Xagle. n.ilk can 4 00 Steplien lijiL-kiis, set fciiigle harness 20 00 (i. W. KumniciH. ])air chromos 5 00 James Holmes, album 10 (X) Geo. ( ^owaii. jiiir ladies" iH)()t»> 3 00 T. Lailey. silver salt cellar 4 00 A. I'Jiclps, life size portuiit of the President, iu oil :15 00 Wm. (!ray & Son.';, a .uittcr -W 00 Firidges & 'i'rain, life si/e portrait of the Secretary, in oil 50 00 R. Cooper, albaui (5 00 Mays it Co. , cruet stand 4 00 John Davis, set chromes 5 00 JI. A. Hall, two water color pictures iu frames 5 00 David Nagle corn cultivator 5 00 Cvharles Sinnnoiis, a post augur 3 00 (). & y. Shoemaker, set silver knives and forks 5 00 T. A. Smith, oil painting in frame 5 00 H. Malcolmson, hanging lamp 5 0il In tbo 3ill ■ Those il or r \t cl only nee ITO, OF TUB Peninsular Fair TO JBE HELD IN »HE TOWN OF CHATHAM, — -o» Tflesday, ffeinesday, Tkrsday and Friday, October 3nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th, '88. 'L BMJL.J I ■ CLASS l.-CARRIAOE HORSES. Stallion. — 4 years and upwards — to be shown in hameas. SIC. 1 Ist priie, Spring Tooth Harrow by McCoig & Trailer, value 625 00 2nd prize, cash g 00 Three-year-old Stallion. 2 Ist prize. Corn Cultivator, by John Bennett 5 00 2nd prize ■■.■■■ 4 qo Two-year -old. 3 Ist prize, Corn Cultivator, by David Nagle 6 00 2nd prize '_ . 4 00 Brood Marb— With foal by side or evidence of Foal's death. 4 1st prize, Fancy Pump, by R. Martin and Son, 14 00 2nd prize, 4 00 Three-year-old Filly or Gelding. ■5 Ist prize 6 00 2nd prize • 4 oo -~Mra.,.4^Sl(;*■^J>■,wi■W'iS^iij«6«S!aV!«ii^ ■.^:^\-MiiA:iXim^UM.'^. -a^ HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL THE LEADING EXHIBITIONS THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS 29 First Prizes and Governor IN CANADA. General's Diploma. OVER lOO STYLES OF HAY SCALES, GRAIN SCALES, FARM SCALES. TEA SCALES, m?m'm show cases MONEY ?M BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES AcDKiiSci IN •-,■1.1,, Writu tui lenns. C. WSLSOE^ & SON, Esplanade Street East TOROi^iTO, ONT Mention thia jjapcr cvfiiy time )uu wriie, WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY : Mes.-jrij. (.'. Wilaou <^ Hon, The a-ton stock acale you sent me is a credit to any iiiiiuufM.(jtiirer. It will weigh i lb. l)Uttcr oorruotly, and weighs as tine in winter aa in tiieaunnner, wliile the ' Fairbanks' scales f,'ct8 of order and works stiff. I believe nothing can cqnal the 'Wilson' Scales; they are better than you represented them. .J. V. L'aktkk, Hurgessville. C, Wilson A BOX Ol lllL' A marvellous remedy for CONTRACTED, HARD or CRACKED HOOFS. Also, for all kinds of Cuts &. Sores on man or beast. Sold by Hardware Stores everywhere. MANUFACTURED ONI.V BY XO»ONTO. For Farmers and Millmen PEERLESS MACHINE OIL and PEERLESS AXLE GREASE are well known to be superior. AfT"' I 3ITI0NS Governor ma. 3 SAY II, ' you sent iiifactun!!'. oorructly, liter iia in 'aiihiinks' 11(1 works can equal they are I ted them, lyessville. '0 in test! - e Wilson i^ear ago. use, and Toronto. ED, for ast. IDIL Ladies', for Pine Shoes go to Geo. W. Cowau, Chatham. Two-year -old Filly or (ieldiug. 6 Ist prize 4 O) 2nd prize ;} 00 One-year-old Colt. 7 Ist prize, Saddle by I'". Jacques, 5 00 2nd prize, •> 00 Suoking Colt. 8 Ist prize, 3 OO 2nd Prize 2 00 Matchkd Hoi»k,s — Marea or Geldings in Harneiss. 9 Ist prize, 10 UO 2nd prize, (5 00 Single horses in harness. 10 Ist prize <> 00 2nd prize 4 00 All prizes not claimed within two months after the Fair will he forfeited. CLASS 3. -ROADSTER. STAUiion.— In harness. Four years old or over. 1 Ist prize, $ 7 OO 2nd prize, ,5 00 Three- year-old Stallion. 2 ist prize, . . . , 5 00 2nd prize 4 00 Two-year-old Stallion. 3 iBt prize, 4 00 and prize, 3 00 Bkooi) Mare — With foal by side or evidence of ita death. 4 1st prize, (5 00 2nd prize, 4 00 Filly or (Jelding — Three years old. 5 1st prize, ."> 00 2nd prize, 4 00 Filly or Oeldiug — Two years old. 6 Ist prize 4 00 2nd prize, 3 00 One-year-old Colt. 7 Ist prize, 3 00 2nd prize, Carriage Whip, by Wm. Charles 2 .50 Sucking Colt. 8 1st prize, .1 00 2nd prize, 2 00 Span of Qeldings or Mares — In harness. 9 1st prize 10 00 2nd prize, fi Off Oo to Geo. Stephens for Nails and all kinds of Hardware. ■ tM'.'n<;(*ti4'\i.vwii*:-tj -*w«.:*jiiifcw»ivjit*4:A„ .i« w I! '»;: KING STRKET, CHATHAM. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY AT LOWEST RATES. FARMS FOR SALE ! TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. I t I ' i,>: J. C. 'WJLNLESS, -DKALEK IX- HARDWARE, TINWARE AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS, (Opposite the Market, Cliatham. ) Cook, Parlor and Coal Stoves, ALWAYS IN STOCK. Eavetroughing and Roofing, d Specialty I I^^Rags, Copper and Iron taken in exchange for Goods. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Remember the f ddress, J. 0. WAN LESS, Opposite the Market. > ,. '?> ^^t<>liii(£!'ilHMi|y^:;^ |5^i-j'?W^^W«J«rw«^T^S^JE- .'Si^H- *. ■^^".c.'iVv ■ ) .'t;^^. Jl^.'^^-'JW'iS New Goods, Best Quality and Low Prices at Cowan's Shoe Store. Single Roadster — In harness. 10 Ist prize, Set Single Harness, by S. Backus, ' 20 00 2nd prize, ...'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 4 OO The latter class to be judged by style, action and soundness, as well as speed. Horses kept for track purposes not allowed to enter. Saddle Horse.— (i elding or Mare. 11 Ist prize j; („, 2nd prize, Saddle and Martingale by A. Northwood, 4 oo CLASS 3. -GENERAL PURPOSE AGRICULTURE. Stallion— Four years old and upwards. 1 1st prize .»4fT*v>;oT>«'; -.w . -"^Mrti^Viiflt-iM,*, ■•'?MI>!lu-)iiiw:mi > • I Central Drug Store, Corner King and Fifth Btreets, CHATHAM, . . - ONT, MANUFACTURER AND AGENTS FOR HALL'S QUININE WINE, HALL'S LIVER PILLS, HALL'S EXTRACT BLACKBERRY, HALL'S JAMAICA GINGER, GRIFFITH'S SARSAPARILLA, SPRUCE GUM COUGH SYRUP, AMERICAN PAIN RELIEF, U. S. WHITE OIL. U. S. BLACK OIL. GERMAN ELECTRIC OIL, GERMAN TOOTH ACHE DROPS. EAGLE FURNITURE POLISH, ROSIN WEED COMPOUND. SENT MARBLE WORKS. i»ia:iXjiE» HI. DVi-A-G-G-s, -DEALIB IH- Foreign and Domestic Marble^ Monuments, Headstones, MARBLE AND SLATE MANTLES. -GRANITE MONUMENTS A SPECIALTY. Opposite Piggott'a Lumljer Yard, King St., West, Chatham, Ont.. :/ ...n ore, ONT, m. arble^ .ES. atham, Out, 10 Niea Ooods ftnd Low Pricei please everybody at Cowan's Shoe Store- Hbavv Stalliow— Three years old. 2 lit prize 3 Oif tind pri«6 4 OO Stallion— Two years old. 3 Ist prize, , 4 0() tod prize , . . S 0(y Hravy Bbooi) Mark — With foal or evideuce of foar.s iloi:;,. 4 Itt prize, services of imp. Clydesdale stallion " Laird of Moray," by Tliornas Taylor, lo OO 2nd priie 4 (M> Three-year-old Filly or Gelding. 5 1st prize, cash by Thos. Taylor 5 00 2nd prize, 4 OO Two-year-old Filly or Gelding. 6 lat prize, services of " Ardgowan," or " Shylock," by VV. Biir(,'i!HH. Hi OO 2nd prizs, 3 00 One-year-old Colt. 7 Itt prize, .1 00 2nd prize 2 OO Sucking Colt. 8 1st prize 3 OO 2nd prize, 2 OO Span Draught Horses. — Geldings or Mares. 9 1st prize, 10 OO 2nd prize, G OO (No horse will be allowed to compete in more than one cluss or section unless otherwise mentioned). THOROUiaiBKEU Pkrchrbons. — Four-year-old Stallions. 10 1st prize, Fancy Pump, by Tickner k Miller l.) 00 2nd prize, : ,'> 00 Three-year-old. 1 1 1st prize o 00 2nd prize 4 00 Two-year-old. 12 1st prize, 4 OO 2nd prize, 3 00 Pkbchbron Bbood Marc — VTith foal by its side or evidence of its death. 13 1st prize, fi 00 2nd prize, 4 00 Clydksvalk Stallio!*. — Four years old. 14 l«t prize 7 ©(► 2nd prize 5 00 Clydksdale Stallion. — Three years old. 1ft 1st prize o oa 2nd prize, 4 00 Qeo. Stephens' is the place to buy Stoves. 1' .4 f'H'.- CALL AND SEE -THE BI(} STOCK OF- -DRY GOODS- -AT- «•»; %. I iir!, ! :i &i MACFIES STORE, CHATHAM. , • HAS A FULL LINK OF 'i Pi ■ :t 1! I'; in; ite BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS . AND OVERSHOES, — FOR — mm iii will IE will Which he guarantees to to give full satis- faction according to price and quality. He has full lines of CUSTOM WORK On hand, and can furnish his customers as well as others favoring him with a call on the shortest notice; thanking all my old customers as well as new for past favors. He has also added a General Stock of Trunks and Valises which he can sell very reasonable. Yours truly, CORNER KING AND WILLIAM STREETS. ^M^^^m 25 Men's Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes in Big Variety at Cowan's. 16 Ram, shearling, 2 Water Color Pictures, by H. A. Hall ... 5 17 Ram, lamb 3 18 Two Ewes, two shears 4 Evidence must be produced of Ewes having lambecl in iS8H 19 Two Ewes, sliearlings 4 20 Two Ewe lambs 3 21 Best Ham and four Evves, owned l)y exhibitor Dii-loma. 22 Two Fat Wathers, any breed n 23 Two Fat Ewes , '. ,s snRorsHiRK nowNs. SEC. 24 Ram, two. sliears and over ,^5 1st prize, Cruet Stand, given by Mays & Co. 25 Ram, shearling 4 26 Ram, lamb 3 27 Two Ewes, two shears and over 4 Evidence must be produced of Ewes having lambed in IHSS ' Two Ewes, shearlings 4 ... I'wo Ewes, lambs . 3 30 liest Ram and four Ewes, owned by exhibitor Sheep shown in any other class cannot compete as fat sheep. Unless you want to wait three hours for your turn, make your the Peninsular Fair the week previous. 00 00 00 3 OO 2 0(» 3 00 00 00 3 0(^ 2 00 00 00 2 Ol> 2 m 00 $ 3 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 00 .3 00 00 3 00 00 2 00 Diploma. entr ies for CLASS 9. -PIGS. SUFFOLK. SEi'. 1st. 2nd. 1 Boar, over one year. Shaving case by (!. Witherspoon, . . . ..^ (! 00 A 3 00 2 Boar, under one year and over six months 4 00 3 00 3 Boar, under six months 3 00 2 Ot) 4 Sow, over one year 4 00 3 00 5 Sow, under one year and over six months 4 OO 3 00 6 Sow, under six months 3 00 2 00 BEKKSHIRKS. 7 Boar over one year 4 00 4 OO 2nd prize Hanging Lamp, by H. Malcolmson, 8 Boar, under one year and over six months 4 00 3 OO 9 Boar, under six inontlis 3 00 2 00 10 Sow, over one year 4 00 3 00 11 Sow, under one year and over six months 4 00 3 00 12 Sow, under six months 3 00 2 00 ESSKX. 13 Boar, over one year, pair boots by A. G. Bedford o 00 3 OO 14 Boar, under one year and over six months 4 00 3 OO 15 Boar, under six months 3 00 2 00 Go to Geo. Stephens for Cutlery. mmsmmii-^i*^^^-^. MtTftWiiiai fc.jjJTi.'.V'a'iai^iEcar-. • ' :ll FOR THE NEWEST THINGS IN WALL PAPERS J Ceiling Decorations, WINDOW SHADES. GO TO THE -^-Post Office Book Store,^ OPPOSITE THE WHITE STAR GROCERY, CHATHAM. MeKeough & TrotteF MANnFACTURERS OF SAW MILLS, HOOP & STAVE MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Sole manufacturers in Canada for Ward's & Michel's Patent Hoop Machinery. Dealers in Mill Supplies and Engineers' Goods.-— Special attention given to the Repairing of all kinds of Machinery and Boilers. 17 Otnts' Fine Balmoral and Congress Shoes at Geo. W. Oowan'i. lat. 16 Sow, over one year 4 17 Sow, under one year and over six months ' . 4 18 Sow, under six months \\\\ 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 00 00 00 2d. 30O 200 200 POLAND CHINA. Boar, over one year 500 3 00 Ist prize Oil Painting, given by T. A. Smith, Boar, under one year and over six months 400 300 Boar, under six months 300 20O Sow, over one year .. 400 ^ qq Sow, under one year and over six months 40O 300 Sow, under six months 30O 200 Saw, with litter by her side, any breed, not otherwise entered 4 00 3 00 CHESTER WHITES. Boar, over one year 4 00 26 27 Boar, under one year and over six mouths 4 00 28 29 20 Sow, under one year and over six months 4 00 31 Boar, under six months 3 Sow, over one year 4 00 00 Sow, uuder six months 3 00 SK(;. 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 6 Pair 7 I'air 8 Pair 9 Pair 10 Pair ft Pair 12 Pail 13 Pair 14 Pair 15 Pair 16 Pair 17 Pair 18 Pair 19 Pair 20 Pair 21 Pair 22 Pair 23 i^iir 24 Pair 25 Pair CLASS lO.-POULTRY. let. IJlorkina, any kind $1 00 Polands, white-crested, black 1 00 Polands, white 1 00 Polands, golden 1 00 Polands, silver 1 GO Houdans 1 00 Game Fowls, black -breasted or other reds 1 00 game Fowls, duckwing 1 00 (iame •<'ow1b, any other variety 1 00 Langshans . . , 1 50 Wyandottes, white laced 1 50 Wyandottes, other kinds 1 50 Black Javas 1 50 Cochins, any kind 1 60 Ikahmas, any kind 1 00 Spanish Fowls 1 00 Plymouth Rocks 1 00 LegliKtns, any kind 100 HamiiKigs, any kind 1 00 Bantams, any variety 1 00 Seabrights 1 50 Japanese 1 50 ( Jame Bantams, any other variety I 50 Turkeys, any color 1 00 Turkeys, wild — 100 300 3 00 2 00 300 300 9 00 2nd. $0 75 75 75 75 76 76 75 75 76 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 75 75 75 75 Go to Geo. Stephens for all kinds of Tools. -m: HH »: U1! GENTLEMEN PAUSE, JI^' IN WANT OF A FALL SUIT OR OVEI^COAT, CALL AND SEE ME. Merchant Tail ^ Chatl jJAMES SCOTT or, on Iron Bridge, D. McNAUGHTOiM ■mm mi) mm mm-^ 'f » •'8 Jn Chatliam— Town and T„, , • -n>erMariat Building. iii„„g,^^„^ CHATHAM, ONT.. iiganK; 29 Tou can get a good and neat Shoe for Little Money, at Cowan's. 1st. 2nd. 26 Pair Geese, Bremen . . , $ I 00 $0 75 27 Pair (ieese, Toulouse, j qq 75 28 Pair (Jeese, English ( Jrey and common l 00 75 29 Pair (ieese, any other kind 1 00 75 30 Pair Ducks, Aylesbury 1 00 75 31 Pair Ducks, Rouen I 00 75 32 Pair Ducks, Pekin 1 00 75 33 Pair Ducks, any other kind 1 OO 75 34 Pair Guinea Fowls 1 00 75 35 Pair any other kind of fowl not hicluded in above classes 1 00 75 36 Pair Carrier, Pouter and Tumbler Pigeons 75 50 37 Pair Jacobins, Fantails, Barbs ani I Trumpeters 75 50 38 Collection of Pigeons, any other kind 75 50 39 Pair Lop-eared Rabbits 75 50 40 Pair Common Rabbits 75 ^yO 41 Pair Pea Fowls 75 50 42 Collection Caged Birds 75 60 43 Pair English Pheasants 2 00 1 00 CLASS 11. -GRAIN AND SEEDS. SEC. 1st. 2nd. 1 Two bushels Democi'at Wlieat §3 00 $2 00 2 Two bushels Wlnte Wheat 3 GO 2 00 3 Two bushels Red Winter Wheat 3 00 2 00 4 Two bushels Spring Wheat any kind 3 00 2 00 5 Two bushels six rowed Barley, Copper Tea Kettle, by J. C. Wanless .' 3 00 1 00 6 Two busliels White Oats 2 00 1 00 7 Two bushels Black Oats 2 00 1 00 8 Two bushels White Field Peas. . : ... 2 00 1 00 9 Two bushels Blue Field Beans 2 00 1 00 10 Two bushels White Field Beans 2 00 1 00 11 Two bushels other Field Beans 2 00 1 00 12 One bushel Corn, yellow 200 100 13 One bushel Corn, yellow dent 2 50 1 00 First prize, Childs Plated Set, by K. Morton & Co. 14 One bushel Corn, M'hite dent '. 2 00 1 00 15 One bushel Corn, smoked .3 00 1 00 1st prize Caddie of Tea, by McXaughton t Marintette. 16 One bushel Corn, other kinds 2 00 100 17 One bushel Clover Seed 3 00 2 00 18 One bushel Timothy Seed 2 00 100 19 One bushel Flax Seed 2 00 1 00 All grain except clover and timothy seed must be the growth of 1 888. All grains and seeds, including timothy an*' clover, must be the growth of the exhibitor. i) Qo to Geo. Stephens for Barbed Wire. .«iiivj^,<.tf/!atii|My_va:T. _.!.' "■* y*') i • ^'■■f ^ '.^ **0 -A. Xj L** -AT- J. ^R^. UidcLAREN'S, ®:bw( WHEN YOU WANT THE j^urcsi ^rugs /^ ^kemhal s Fancy Goods of all kinds, Tooth and Nail Bsushes, Combs, Sponges, Hand Mirrors. Perfumery of the best makes. Ivory, Oxidised Silver, Plush and Celluloid Goods will be in for next November, LIQUORS FOR MBDIGAL USE ONLY, PURE AND OLD. J. W. MCLAREN, Chemist, Oppositb Gbmekal TiCKiT Orvioi. \^JL:rilZ 31 Ladies' Fine Evening Slippers a Specialty, at Geo. W. Oowan's. SBO, 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CLASS 12.-DAIRY PBODUOS- lit. 2nd. Firkin or crock of butter, not less than 80 lbs., lat priz* Album, by J. W. Slater |io 00 |3 OO Firkin butter not less than 50 lbs., Album by Jas. Holmes. . 10 00 3 . . Beat 10 lbs of butter in rolls or print 5 00 i ,, Ist prize a Sofa Cushion, by Mrs. J. Ward ; 2nd a Milk Can, by H. Nagle. Six factory Cheese not less than 40 lbs. each 5 00 4 09 ' Honey in comb, 10 lbs 2 00 I Honey strained, 10 lbs., Ist Caddie of Tea, by Taylor and Williamson 2 50 Honey, extracted, 10 lbs 2 00 Home-made bread, 1st prize Album, by R. Cooper 6 00 10 lbs Maple Sugar, Whisk and Bracket, by R. C. Burt 1 75 10 lbs. Sorghum 100 1 gallon Sorghum I 00 Best display of Honey in comb, 1st table scarf, by M, C. Smith, 7 00 13 Best collection Bee supplies 4 00 1 00 1 .. 1 00 5a 50 50 3 00 2 ., Home-made Bread Special Prizes by Churchill & Oo., of Toronto. 1st. -For the best Loaf not less than 4 lbs |1 60 2kd. — For the second best do. (person taking first barred) a Breadmakers' Kneading Pan, value 1 00 The bread shown must be made with tlie Breadmakers' Yeast and the wrapper of the package must accompany each exhibit. Bakers and Confect- ioners barred. Home-made Sponge Cake Special Frizes, by Churchill & Co-, Toronto. 1st. — For the best Sponge Cake, not less than 3 lbs. in weight cash $1 50 3nd. — For next best do. (person taking first barred). Book of Cooking Lessons, value 1 00 The Sponge Cake shown must be made with the Breadmakers' Baking powder, the labelled tin to be shown with each exhibit. Bakers and Con- fectioners barred. Members entitled to only two tickets. Make your entries a week or so before the Fair and save confusion. CLASS 13.-FIELD ROOTS. 8E0. Ist. 2nd, I One bushel Purple Top Turnips SI00$05O 3 One bushel SweetTurnips 1 00 50 3 One bushel White Turnips. 1 00 50 4 One bushel Early Rose potatoes 100 50 5 One bushel Early Ohio, Post Auger, by C. Simmons 3 00 60 6 One bushel Hebron Potatoes 100 60 7 One bushel other early Sorts 100 50' Geo. Stephens' ia the place to buy Stoyee. i^^^B "'\ llrl' BOYESandSON -DKAIJCRS IN- The Celebrated Wilkinson All-Steel Plovys, New Model Disc Harrow, Champion Seed Drill. -.A.LIL. KIIITIDS Olf- < flCOOK, PARLOR fiND COAL STOVESi} Also, Iron, Oils, Paints, Nails, Glass, Leads, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, and Hardware of all kinds. IVO. 6 KING SX., FRANCIS ROBERT MANUFACTURER OF Fine Carriages Baggies, Cute, &c. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done AT MODERATE PRICES. William Street, - CHATHAM, ONT, %\ )N 33 Remember to call at Oowan'a. Shoe Store- Plovys, d Drill. ¥ES:> 5ross-Cut kr JRER OF riages &c. >one NT »KC. Igt. 2nd, 8 One bushel Snowflako potatoes I (K) jIO 9 One busliel W^hite Star I 00 50 10 Clark's Heeding No. 1 1 00 50 11 One bushel any other late sort I 00 50 12 Half dozen Long Red Mangolds 1 00 50' 13 Half dozen Long Vellow Mangolds 1 00 50 14 Half dozen (ilobe Red Mangolds 1 00 50 15 Half dozen Glolje Yellow Mangolds , I 00 50 Id Half dozen Sugar Beets 1 00 50 17 Half dozen Table Beets, long i 00 50 18 Half dozen (Jlobe Egyptians I 00 50^ 19 One dozen Parsnips 1 00 50 20 Three heads Cabbage, early 1 00 50 21 Three heads Cabbage, Winter 1 00 50 22 Three heads Red Cabbage 1 00 50 23 Three heads Cauliflower 1 00 5a 24 Half Bushel Sweet potatoes 1 i 50 25 Six heads Celery Roots 1 (K) 50 26 One dozen Trophy Tomatoes I 00 50 27 One dozen other sorts 1 00 50 28 Three Hubbard Scjuash I 00 50 29 Three Table Squasli ] 00 50 30 Two Field Squash I 00 50 31 One dozen Table Carrots 1 00 Sfr 32 One dozen Field Carrots 1 00 50 33 One dozen Radishes 100 50 34 One bushel Red Onions 100 50 35 One bushel White Onions 1 00 ry\ 36 One bushel Yellow Onions I 00 50 37 Two Pumpkins 1 00 50 38 One peck Pickling Onions 1 00 ;■>(> 39 Six Ciiiuimljcrs I 00 50 40 One dozen stalks of Rhubarb I 00 50 41 Collection of Seasoning Herbs 1 00 50 42 One dozen Red Peppers 1 00 59 CLASS 14.-FBUITS AND FLOWERS. SEC. 1st. 2nd. 1 Collection of Apples, not less than 15 varieties correctly named, 5 of each. Dressing Case, by J. \V, McLaren §! 7 00 iJS 00 2 Collection of Fall Apples, correctly named, not less than six varieties, four of each, 1st prize, Set Silver Knives and Forks, by (',eo. Stephens 5 00 2 00 3 Collection of Winter Apples, correctly named, not less than six varieties, four of each '2 00 1 00 4 One dozen Rhode Island Greenings 1 00 50 5 One dozen Baldwins 1 00 50 6 One dozen Northern Spy : I 00 ."lO 7 One dozen Pipping 1 00 50 8 Six Quinces 1 00 .50 Go to Geo. Stephens' for Essex Centre All Steel Plows. J»i-*%, mm WBBKKm HI C?—^^Bi . ~>..*' w ^ ■->fwr"" J!WT. ;Ft'*- "'('T-'i' '* T' f I ■'.y WILSON'S NURSERIES, The Qreetest Variety in Canada of Worthy old, and Promis- ing New Varieties of MIT. NUT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Bashes, Vines, Shrabs, Plants, Bnlbs, Etc. ALL OUR OWN HOME GROWTH. The greatest care taken to have everything true to name and as represented. No deception. No disappointment. We sell fresh acclimated stock on its merits. Ouk Motto: — " Scpiare Dealing, Lowest Prices, and the Best Stock in the Market." G^^SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.^^ .Nursery delivery during first half of Novetnber and all tin'ough Spring. " When an intelligent person wants to purchase, he Imy.^ irom parties whose standing is a guarantee for the (juality of their stock, w)o have made the business a study, and possesses the requisite facilities {(><• j s transactions. He wants the best articles which it is possible to procure Fresh and Cheap, and patronizes Wilson's Nurseries, Chatham, Ont. , where it is most reasonable to expect that such servidfes may be obtained." 'Grounds by Gravel Road (Harwich and Raleigh Town Line) con- tinuation of Queen St., 2 miles South from Chatham P. O., Ont. Descriptive Catalogue and Guide to culture free on application. PROPRIKTOR AND MaNAOBR. 35 Geo< Oowan handles only reliable makers of Boots and Shoes* Etc. 1st. '2nd, 9 Twelve early Peaches I 00 60 10 Twelve late I'eaches 1 00 /50 11 (JoUection Crab Apples 100 fiO 12 Callection Pears, 3 each, six varieties, correctly named 2 00 1 00 13 ({est six Pears, any variety 1 00 fiO 14 Collection Melons, water I 00 SO 15 Collection Melons, musk I 00 50 16 Collection Citrons 1 00 50 17 Collection Creen House Plants Ti 00 3 . . 18 Collection of Window Plants, owners of (ireen Houses not to compete , 4 00 2 00 19 Hanging Basket 2 00 I . . 20 Tk)U(iuet of Flowers for table 2 00 1 . . 21 IJoquet of Flowers for hand 1 00 50 22 Floral Ornament 3 00 2 00 23 One dozen Plums : 1 00 nO 24 Six bunches Concord ( irapes I 00 50 25 Six bunches Hartford (Jrapes 1 00 50 26 Six bundles Deleware Grapes 1 00 50 27 Six bunches Salem (Jrapes 1 00 50 28 Six bunches other dark ( irapes 1 00 50 29 Six bunches other White (Jrapes 1 00 50 30 Collection Kottled (white glass) Fruits, not less than one dozen bottles 3 00 2 00 31 Collection of Pickles, not less than one dozen bottles 3 00 2 , , 32 Collection of Dried Fruits 2 00 1 . , Unless you want to wait three hours for your turn, make your entries for the Peninsular Fair the week before the Fair. Members entitled to two tickets of admission, only. CLASS 16.-LADIES DEPARTMEITr. All articles in this class must be the work of the exhibitor. Articles soiled or defaced by wear, not eligible for competition. All specimens of plain seWing, tatting, crochet, embroidery, knitting, etc., to be new and unwashed. SEC. Ist. 2nd. 1 Pair home-made blankets, pair Lady's Boots, by G. Cowan, § 3 00 $1 00 2 Ten yards home-made flannel 100 60 3 Ten yards rag carpet, woolen warp 1 00 50 4 Ten yards rag carpet, cotton warp 1 00 50 5 Rag door mat 1 00 50 6 Rag hearth mat 1 00 50 7 Wool door luat 1 00 50 8 Wool hearth mat 1 00 60 9 Two pairs wool socks 1 00 50 10 Two pairs wool stockings 1 00 50 11 Two pairs cotton socks 1 00 60 12 Two pairs cotton stockings 1 00 50 13 One pair ladies' wool mitts 100 60 Qo to Geo. Stephens for Nails and all kinds of Hardware. I. ,■ "iiiiiMiiiiip^^^«piM«NHiHniaipiipipqi 1 J IS HI; I «■•«« Op,r. H„^„ g^^ 125 KING STREET CHATHAM, ONT. Insurance on aJJ kfnr^c ^r SPECIALRATES ON FARlvt PROPERTY charge. •cense or *«adaPacl5ci„ayTictetOfo.,"' ""■* '"'—"" -« - «'"te to the undei 0---n Tickets to or from any pan „f p ") part of Europe. . ^- H. HARPER, Agent. ■'■ximssiiaim&ii-. lot. or 37 For good value in Shoes, go to Geo. W. Cowan. SEC. 14 16 16 17 18 19 HO 21 22 ^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 84 65 56 67 68 59 «0 61 «2 1st. One pair men's wool mitts One pair men's wool gloves One pair ladies' silk mitts Counterpanes, domestic wove, Rocking Chair, by A. Jahnke " knitted, Silver Salt Cellar, by T. LaUy " crocheted , " tuflfeted Patchwork quilt, calico *• quilt, cloth " quilt, silk " quilt, log cabin, any textures Silk quilt, crazy work Knitted or crocheted fancy wool shawl Knitted or crocheted fancy wool skirts Men's shirt, hand-made Men's shirt, machine-made Patching, best and neatest Darning on stockings, best and neatest Buttonholes, on any material Pillow shams, best pair One set table mats One set table doyles Toilet set - Pin cushion, fancy Sofa pillow Crochet work (twine) basket or hand-aatchel Macrame work Wax flowers, white Wax flowers or fruit, colored Skeletonized leaves and ferns Paper flowers Piano or table scarfs Table cover, embroidered Worked whisk-holder Worked chair, upholstered Worked ottoman Painting on silk or satin, water color Paint on plush, velvet or satin, oil colors Painting on china, portraits, oil colors Painting on china, flowers, oil colors Painting on terra cotta, oil colors Lustre painting . Painting on wood or marble Drawing room screen Ht'.nd screen Kensington painting Bannerettes Bracket drapery Penlope worli Gentleman's smoking cap 1 00 1 GO 1 00 2 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 £0 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 76 75 76 76 00 00 76 00 00 00 00 50 60 75 1 60 1 00 1 00 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 50 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 2nd. 60 60 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 76 76 76 76 76 1 00 76 76 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 60 50 60 60 60 •60 60 60 50 76 1 00 60 1 00 60 50 60 1 00 1 00 50 50 60 00 50 60 76 60 50 75 1 Qo to Geo. Stephens for Ammunition and Guns. ROBERT SOUTAR, WILL EXHIBIT ^t THE [ ?PENIMSULAR FAIR. CHATHAM^ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th October, 1888. THE L. D. S. GRAIN SAVER. THE L. D. S. PEERLESS SEPARATOR. THE L. D. S. 12-HClRSE-POWER ENGINE. THE L. D. S. TRACTION ENGINE. FLEURY'S LIGHT COED BINDER. ELEURY'S Gang Sulky and other Plows. FLEURTS Grain Crushers, Root Gutters,, Straw Cutters, &c. Engines Separators and Grain Crushers to be seen running on the grounds. CHATHAM. ii*'«£l*i& -^■^' '.■ii)'**i.., .~,.«>^.-*,-.,i.-*^^»K*yr.^ 39 For a good fitting Bott, Sooe, or Slipper, go to Geo. W. Cowan, Chatham. Ist. 2nd 63 Tidy, crochet (cotton or wool) 100 59 64 Tidy, knitted (cotton or wool) 1 00 50 65 Golden or Silver tinsel work 1 OU 50 66 Etching or outline work 75 50 67 Applique work, on plush, satin or cloth 1 00 50 68 Applique work, floral and Mosaic 1 00 75 69 Arrasene embroidery 1 00 50 70 Arrasene clipped work 1 00 50 71 Crewel embroiderj' 1 00 50 7*2 Embroidery, on silk or satin , 1 00 50 73 Embroidery, on cotton or muslin 1 00 50 74 Embroidery, on flannel 1 00 50 75 t'ham stitch embroidery 1 00 »0 76 Knotted stitch emlnoidery 1 00 50 77 Ribbon or ribbosene embroidery : 1 00 50 78 Chenille work 1 00 50 79 Bullion embroidery 1 00 75 80 Braiding 75 50 81 Bead work, any design 75 50 82 Berlin wool work . 1 00 50 83 Straw plait, plain or fancy 1 00 50 84 Lace, Royal Battenburg 1 00 75 85 Lace, point 1 00 50 86 Lace, Honiton 1 00 50 87 Lace, knitted 1 CO 50 88 Lace, chrochet 100 50 89 Rick-rack work 75 50 90 Tatting' 75 50 91 Darned Net : 75 50 92 Drawn threads and hem stitching 1 00 50 93 Silk work on Java or congress canvass 1 00 50 94 Panels, any work 1 00 50 95 Fancy table with drapery or scarf 1 00 7 & CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Work by children under 13 years of age. Children must give date of birth on entry sheet and acknowledge the work to be their own. SEC. Ist. 2nd» 1 Hemmed handkerchiefs, half dozen f 75 $ 50 2 Darned socks or stockings 1 00 50 3 Crochet work, in wool 75 50 4 Crochet work, in cotton 75 50 5 Painting, any subject 1 00 50 6 Drawing, special or crayon 1 00 50 7 Best dressed doU. 2 00 1 00 8 Dolls clothes 75 50 9 Fancy pin cushion 75 50 10 Wood work, plain or ornamental 1 00 50 11 Plain sewing, by child under 8 years of age 75 50 Ch> to Geo. Stephens for Binder Twine and Rope all Sizes. ^ \f 1 1, 4 ■ HADLEY'S! HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Square Timber, &.c. DRESSED OR IN THE ROUGH. Doors, Sash, Blinds, And all kinds of Builders's Supplies. Bill M Orders Solicited. f ABUEltS AID BtriLSlB are respectfully invited to examine our stock and get our prices. We have close connection with the leading Mills of the country and can quote best prices. MILL :— Wellington Street. YARDS :— Thames and Wel- lington Streets. S. HADLEY, Prop. TUiXFaoNK Connection. 41 •Cliildren'8 Shoes in big variety always in stock, at 0«o. W. Cowan's, Ctiatliam ^ CLASS 16-MERCHANTS' GOODS. ««0. Ist. 2ncL 1 Best display of carpets $4 00 $3 00 2 Best display of Millinery and dry goods 600 400 3 Best display of Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods 6 00 4 00 CLASS 17.-FINE ARTS. 00 00 00 To be the work of the exhibitor. SEC. Ist. 2nd. 1 Figure Portrait, from life, in oil $2 00 |1 00 2 Figure Portrait, copy, in oil 2 00 1 00 3 Landscape, from nature, in oil 2 00 1 00 4 Landscape, copy, in oil 2 00 1 00 5 Marine, from nature, in oil 2 00 1 00 6 Marine, copy, in oil ' 2 00 1 00 7 Animal, in oil , 2 00 100 8 Animal, copy, in oil 2 00 1 00 9 Still life, in oil 2 00 1 00 10 Still life, copy, in oil 2 00 100 11 Plaques, in oil 200 100 12 Figure Portrait, from life, water color 1 50 1 00 13 Figure Portrait, copy, water colors 160 100 14 Landscape, from natiire, water colors 1 60 1 00 15 Landscape, copy, water colors 1601 16 Marine, from nature, water colors 1 50 1 17 Marine, copy, water colors 1 50 1 00 18 Animal, water colors 150 1 19 Animal, copy, water colors 160 1 20 Still life, water colors 1 50 I 21 Still life, copy water colors 1 50 1 22 Crayon, from Antique subject 1 60 1 23 Pencil drawing 1 50 1 24 Crayon Portrait 2 00 1 25 Flowers, original 150 1 26 Flowers, copy . 150 1 27 Fruit, original 160 1 28 Fruit, copy 1 60 1 29 Pen aiid Ink, sketch 150 1 30 Pen and Ink, penmanship 1 50 1 31 Pen and Ink, school work 160 1 32 Model and object drawing 1 60 1 .33 Perspective drawing 1 60 1 34 Mechanical drawing 160 1 36 Architectural drawing 160 1 36 Geometrical drawing 160 1 37 Collection of photographs 2 . . 1 38 Collection of views 2.. 1 39 Portraits in color 2 . . 1 40 Photographic picture 2 . . 1 41 Specimen sign painting 2 .. 1 42 Specimen graimng 2 . . 1 Oo to Geo. Stephens for all kinds of Stoyes and Plows. "I:^\Y- .■ JAS. RICHARDSON, REAL ESTATt AGENT, .-:FIRE INSURANCE AGENT,:-: -AND — Accidental Plate Gla'^s kmm kt. 43 Men's Hand-made Boots, warranted. Only $3.60 at Qeo. W. Cowan's, Cbatham. Seo. 43 Specimen ceiling decoration . let. 2nd, .. 2 44 Engraving on metal 2 45 Collection stuflfed birds 2 46 Collection stuffed animals 2 47 Collection stained glass 2 48 Collection Plaster Paris centerpieces and mouldings 2 49 Collection native insects collected in either West or East Kent 2 CLASS IS.-WAGONS AND CARRIAOES. SEC. 1 Two-horse pleasure carriage, two seated, covered 2 Two -horse pleasure carriage, two seated, open S PhjBton, two seated, covered 4 Phffiton, two seated, open 5 Buggy, single, covered 6 Buggy, single, open , 7 Skeleton wagon 8 Market wagon 9 Cart, agricultural purposes 10 Democrat wagon 11 Lumber wagon 12 Two-horse pleasure sleigh 13 One-horse pleasure sleigh or cutter 14 Set of bob sleighs 15 Collection of bent stuff, manufactured by exhibitor 16 Collection of spokea and hubs, manufactured by exhibitor.. 17 Dog cart CLASS 19.-IMPLEMENTS. No prizes are offered by the Society this year for Implements, but Manu- facturers are especially invited to exhibit, for which ample space will be-- allotted them, as well as for Reapers, Mowers and Threshers. 1st. 2nd. $5 00 $3 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 OO 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 SEC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Iron Plow Iron beam plow, wood handles. Iron plow, wooden beam Double mould plow , Gang plow Ditching machine Two-horse field cultivator One-horse field cultivator ..... Iron harrows Wooden harrows Iron rollers Wooden rollers Horse pitchfork and tackling. . Stump extractor Qo to Geo. Stephens for Barbed Wire. •VISIT THE- VISIT T ^Dry I €00DS I ^ ! Ml ^ILLISERY I STOBSk> .'ve„^„.,,,';,,„'^'^° FANCY DRY GOODS- — Chatham, Oht. IfORTH END OF IRON BRIMe HENRY NAGL^ . ppQp Hardware, Cutlery, Naik 5 \ 46 Good OoodB for the Closest Prices is the attraction at Cowan's Shoe Store. CLASS 22.-FACT0RY GOODS. 1 Display of woolen factory goods CLASS 23.-LEATBER GOODS. $6 00 $4 00 SEC. Ist. 2nd. 1 Collection boots and alioes $3 GO 82 00 ; 2 Set double harness, heavy 4 00 3 00 3 Set double harness, carriage 4 00 3 00 4 Set single harness, carriage 3 00 2 00 5 Set cart harness 3 00 2 00 These goods must be the manufacture of the exhibitor. CLASS 24.-MISCELLANE0US. ssc. Ist. 2nd. 2 3 4 Collection tinsmitli and copper work, Ist bed spring, by G. W. Huff $5 00 ^2 00 Cooking stove 3 00 2 00 Parlor stove 3 00 2 00 Display of hardware, cutlery and stoves, not more than six stoves 5 00 3 00 Assortment paper hangings, pr. chromes, by G. W, Summers .5 00 Display statuary, lamps, vases and brushes 5 00 Display silver and plated ware 5 00 8 Clock 2 00 9 Collection ornamental scroll work 2 00 10 Collection inlaid wood work 1 00 11 12 1 00 00 1 60 1 00 Display hunting and trapping goods 2 00 Fishing tackle 2 00 . Members entitled to two tickets of admission only. Unless you want to wait three hoars for your turn, make your entries for the Peninsular Fair the week previous. All prizes not claimed within two months after the Fair will be forfeited Go to Geo. Stephens for all kinds of Stoves. Wit Chathiim Wcekli) latmet I, I Si a year in ADVANCE; $ WHEN NOT SO PAID. BUY IT 1 READ in ADVERTISE IN IT! — <■■ - .-„, Oimmtm 47 See the Boy'a and Qlrls School Shoes at Cowan's before you buy. 6' -1?ISI-&.I_.S OE^ SFEED.- e) In order to test the speed of the several colts, trotters and pacers in the Counties of Kent, Essex and Lambton, the Association offer the following prizes : No. 1. — Stake Rack — For two-year-olds or under, one-half mile heats, 2 in 3. Entry fee, §10. Society add §25. For which 8 entries have been made. No. 2. — Stake Raci:— For three-year-olds or under, mile heats 2 in 3. Entry fee, SIO. Society add .$25. For which 11 entries have been made. No. .3. — Stake Race — For four-year-olds or under, mile heats 3 in 5. Entry fee, $10. Society add $25. For which 7 entries have been made. No. 4. — 2:50 class— Stake Race— Entry fee, |!10. Society add $25. Foi which 6 entries have been made. Later on there will be some Purse Races such as Gentlemen's Race, Double Team Trot, free for all. Go to Geo- Stephens for Essqe Centre all Steel Plows. 48 Best Canadian and American Rubbers always In Stock at Cowan's. STALLION TROTTING RACE. Owned in Essex, Kent or Lambton. 820 to enter, §!10 on or liofore 1st Sept. and $10 on or before the 2oth Sept. Society to add .i^.^0. Mile heats, best 3 in 5. 1st, 60, 2nd, 40 per cent, of purse. Nu added money for a walk over. I GENTLEMEN'S ROAD RACE. Trotters or pacers, open to East or West Kent only. 1st prize, a Cutter pre- sented by Wm. (iray & Son, $30. 2nd prize, Silver Cup, $15. .3rd prize, Whalebone Whip, $5. Entrance fee, |4. Entrance close 25th Sept. Mile heats, best 2 in 3 ; 4 to enter, 3 to start. Horsca must be used for road purposes and be driven by the owner. DOUBLE TEAM TROTTING RACE. Open to East or West Kent only, lat prize, $25, 2nd, a cup, ?15; 3rd, a whip, $5. Horses must be owned and driven by exhibitor. Mile heats, best 2 t'ii in 3. Four to enter, three to start. Entrance fee, $4. Entries to close 25th Sept. LADIES' RIDING CONTEST. With or without escort. 1st prijue,* Saddle, ljil2, 2nd prize. Silver-mounted Riding Whip, $5. Four to enter, three to start. Entries to close 25th Sept. General appearance, style, horsemanship and speed to be considered. \^ EULES. All races to be governed by the Canadian Association Rules. Programs of the day = on which the above races will take place will be issued a short time before tiic Fair. In the event of bad ■\vcather or othor iina\'oldable causes the Society re- serve the riglit to postpone or declare off said races. If declared off all entry money to be refunded. All entries to be made with the Sec'y. George ^Jicphens is the place to Buy Stoves. I I i«!i m. WE T^IvK; THE LEA^rx Call and Examine our Prices and be corvinced. ALBUMS CHEAPER THAN EVER IN I'LUSH AND LKATHER. -:- MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS-:- In great variety for prizes, ^c. BIBLES, A YERf LARGE ASSORTMENT! SCHOOL BOOKS & SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Complete Stock now on hand. Stationery in all the Latest Styles, always a complete Stock on band pmiT'B'F 'Pi This Fall we will have the Finest Lines ever shown in Chatham, Q GARNER HOUSE BLOCK, CHATHAM, ONT. 2SH 5a55SESHSSi^5H5"EL5THSH5aSlESH5H5yHHi3"b:ir:r±5asa5HHol PRIZES, PRIZES, PRIZES. § -AWARllKli TO- S ^^m.. G-RiLY