IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I ■- IIIM ■ 50 "™^^ 2.5 12.2 M 1.8 '<"- 1.25 1.4 III 1-6 ^ 6" — ► m ^ /a production. B 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m^M^W.ff[«ad 'garters ' , • / ■ Muntf-eal t6th. Julj liltt the \mJ«r mrntion^d charges, vU : "<^r' lit. *l!^>r*'«»lnB'<»»»'"i *=''•'■?*'' *''" ^"'''* ""''' " hljcoaipwr the cist of W Vhita jackotts to be fdrnlsfied bjr Ojrorn at » flted price, »«« ; fire iiinUii theii on theVfin?* of Cl^tl^lM -illowiJ to then bv G»*etanent and i;4i#lnecre:l!t8dtheirt*Ith only S/ Sil -2 in lieu of 6f ->!)«/. U2 iH^?''i".V;^-M|^ 4iy Forliavinf credited the Militia men of his co3i;»<'«y with oily !«/. 7^. i^i"f|';Cr?p^^ p»y In lieu ofl6f-7//>nd 3- f and with only 16/.— F;^?'f«;nTW'^'j« Jil*tf of 1(J/;^JJ4. fof thirty days p*y as aiijioars by hU boolw. '■fiL'i' Wch cbafKel the Court carne to the fallow Inf; declsl in ; ?fst tr^iind of aceufaMon": th4 prjr.iner havinij told the Serj On the first fjtwini eailts mM WgmthUc9ntpMf,mhe^ht)Mh»nAl\iam their jicketts, thU he knew pf^Vrtt how mneh th'»v cost ; and that he wo il I, cither renit to tham urreceirc Tb^^from^h'-rtt the difrdfonce between what ihey then ptld and the trae pries of fly'/'vfSnse iVIcstJS whfln he Shonli know It, and hsTln? sinco repaid them th»t dif. y^>f?r«n'"'• - I' .,,^ f >«V Ot» ♦'•« 'eCO"*^ ground of acc«'''r gave bin f.jr tho pay,; •%*^'M*'^im^ therefore dnlh acquit him. _ ■ . .. fi^s!^! m Wr.^ .T',^ •am^ therefore dnlh acquit . . « . . • , .i . . Wt iMf"^: On the third (rroand of accusation the Conrt having oxim-.nel Iho prisoner*! ' FifwoKl which have been oat of his ha«ids since the day he was put in arrest, .^^' and trltnesied their correctness, ii satisfied with the mtnnerin which heha* #^««BAn»»«««l ti weHln bis defense as- by those books, for the monies arising ""^fiv^tn the «»»tnBS on fuel, and doth therefore acq.iithlai. .^ _^ fel ^„ ^l^f, frt,„th groundofaccasatlon, the Court ohser»es thit as tnthosmafi ^Tractions of a farthing and nndar wlilch the prisoner has not piJd to the Militia f^'^tntn at the and of ewh month, he is rxrusahle ns they were id trifling as not "^^'^ ia admit of their bein^ sentrateiy paid to each man, and as th^t o-mssion haj ^'v-f -not annearftd blamaWe,either tothe Ocnersl Onictrs, orUhis own loporior fe'^lRcers in hl» Balti'loo, who have Inspected his bcoka without any remirlt mattPr, hiring honorably ac. Wnlfted Cantaln Boucher or ail thecnarges proterred against him, is compelled :¥i5:vClftt,„,,e that the conduct of Rfajor I'erraultin hwin^so lightly proferred ';?^:44%,r;esof ii«rlou^ «at«re» which h.»e been Wholly unfupported by proof a. ' ffslnst an officer of the ranit, character and conductof Captain Boucher cannot fiut'behieh'rpreitidicW to the good of the ferrlce ; and the Court cannot aroid crnrpsslng its wtohUhment that Major Perrault sho. 3. Pour avo l^tea it toile i S, Poll? nvot ^nes de la chaac te que de di. S 4. Pour ri'av 161. 7d. pour ■■ que 1 6s. auliea Surlesquellej Surleprenlei de sa compiiernii et qu il lent rerti inste pris lorsq itre (oupijjnrti (u'il a'est paa c < Sur te second :her n'eut dn n iroli f»ites poui I'usago du detac remboiirscnenr ( 'uf cosecund Ch I'arcns^ ne I'ay loi a dTo'iiteA ia !V ;)luiiti'jTS oliiciei M^'^ thessmf, the dcnrt doththcrefore acquit him. t^'-J'^The Court upon in enartilnatioB of th6 whole mat R>rnnlf ted Captain Boucher of all tiie charges proferred 1 ?ys: >.'}' ->-^t^ •erjrors as to TO- :^'^ "ci ^'lirrnrs for wTiich he might hare as easoly accounted to Major Perra*lt a. ?;^ fHeConrt. The Cpalt dqth therefor* dccjare, ihe present prinecution fri Fi|2>til?iy**ff,l'Sf^^^ ""'' Commander of, the Forces Is ^^'^^is^t^cnnfirm^he Finding of the f!onr»,,to direct thst Captain Boucher be ^C;t^ W,^*ltl" rtZZ from hi. «>«! •«<» retur-i to hi, doty In the Battalion. Hi. l^SMtflSwPenrY 11 conritmloBtho above prow^edlnes,* is compelled to remaric that £^Ss-l,/tUem ample arounds for theobsorvaf.ons of the Court upon the J'i'A^-iirtf-t orthf prosecutor mho spppars to Hi* Etcellcdcy to nSve beeu setua- - *"^ '^ pttsonAl inofUe ) aiid feelings |o«rards |h« accused than by a de. 4(Bthe«oodof,«heMr*i«», • *'• '^iM^^^^ ■'•' •.■-,^1.- (11' I Surle (roIiJjiTi I'acciisi, sortisd (itndeeststtijfilt lirre* de I'emploi et I'acqnitte. Siirte qiiatrlcm fr%ctiO'H d'un dfl fio do chiqne mo poiiroir Atrepay< n'a jamais paru r nerlours desoivB I'acquitte. Le tout cTimir routes les Acciifa laquellc le Major piiyees p»r la foi in rang, du oarac lernenr prejudicia que le Major Pen mentauc arrdtg U plication des errei dont il aurolt pu me II I'a pn fa!r( prefente pourtuit II a piu i Son de ron firmer ta dc Imoiediaicmant re Son Excellence ci qu'cUo y a vii d' Ronditiic du posr par des fentimens ptomoaroir lebi t^'!^^im^-$^:<^^'}^-->'^-y-* .V 18t4. \\m nth. day of the iiane moith, E ab9(li«d Militia panr the cist of I price, »l« ; fira tha Serjeants nlii« psif the cijit of if Mantreal ttai injr of nrhit was GtiTetanent and \% ' ■ rithoiiy IS/. 7^. withooly i6/.— looks, litin ; old the Serjeants t«, thit he knew :o tham urrecelrc the true pric! o' lid them thU dif. th'ni-tlie sume ; n this firit char . rM fhit 'nlthoiT^h \\k meit any thiii^ to, for (he tmns- for the use of the I It «>i(ltle.1 to the ^tiilty on thitue. hiviii" ft'(si in rra'ilt h'ontnir, in ) pay.nent of tho .'■' -^ ' Montreal zSe, J^JLlst' m^^M^ji^ A uneCrir Mirti»leG6i*Mle d? MHicf ais-JTiblJe ^ CunSlf Ist'tt'**' fuillet couraat et coitiniiiapir dirt'jreni a[aim<)nai« j itf|ii*i'i il At milaM nol», fiittridult Rurles accuuiions suirjtites, lBCi;>itiij<) f,-ijii Biiichii^ ^utriene Bitailloti de Millcei d'Ellte IncorpirSrH, firoir j I. Pour ttolr oiitrechar(;4 las miUcien* da ss cinji|ine tx* le codt 'i Scrpni fir. - r' \ ■j.y^^,'^ w. i. Pour avoir oatrechwgi Icj milicinns di »i c^i-nm^ils inr t* eout d«(|^Viii1 l*{«9 4e toile A ta«,»oumies par Mr. Trude.iu de i\f jntr^il d an pr.'x^6n»«tHi?r! IM %N ». P.>ii? jivotr fiiistr< Irs railicioni de »a coii;ii?nlefda lenr d6 , adr lei * At^ ?nes de la chaBdelle allou6!» par le Gt>i*rrne-Aent ft oeleur ar^iir ' fisnu c» npl teqtiedefii. Srf. 1-2. aiilieudeSs. 91/. M?. quMI leitr re»enoit i chacuii. ,* 4. Pour n'avoir charji o'iport* an credit de« milicksni.da »t cHiM'iie q •)» 161. 7d. piur 3> j-iors atilleode I6». fjd. 3.-4.; et piM 3^ ioMtiit a»,\i,p que 16^. aulieo de l6«. : \. '' ' / Su^lesquelles Accusariona UCour a decid'S comne suit : . v' "T,-! •*' Surle pre nier. Chef d'accusatiii, IV-cifs* m teiii od il a Ilrri *>»< fff^H* ' desac'>'n(>s^iileleur<(»ilet«dafatli{ie, les ^yait a»ert!iqi«fl en l^tj'>rjU iVriW Sur te second Chsf d'acrnsafJon la cTir rrnisrqueq-ie quolq :her n«ei)t du recoiivrer des Milicirris qinlQ rcnhoiirs^mant de tieleCip, Bn*.^ des dipcmei tju'll H Hip priionar'i ras put in iirre«(, ' in trhirh he hat i monies Mrining it as tothosmafi id to the MilitU id trifling an not ti-tt o'ntssion ha) lis own lopnrior lout any riimark 1 g honorably *r- n, is compelled l^htly proferred rted by proof a. Boucher cannot irt cannot avoid have itidearoii. close Arrest and torn hirn nnei. d in hi« booVt : Perrault as to jnecutlon frivo- of the Forces is tiiln Boucher be Battalion. Hi* I to remark that 7ourt iipoa till* 3*6 bcru sCiUa- dthan by a de. ivoli fsites prnirle tiao^port des v « ultei et auitrei ofTi-ti qj'il aroit achel'ijpojr .•'.•. •usa?o du detachemcut alors sous leg ordre'i du Mtjor Pcrraultj et nori le |% rombo.irscTientdo «oi dfpcnses nerloiiolles, il n'ast pas n^ntimuios coupihle -pi&S ^ufcosecond Chef d'aorusatlooj la surcharge, qie Ics miliciftH ont pav£ul ^^ I'acc.isfine I'ayant *te que par une'errenr pnve-iiot do t'approbition ques?*? loi a do'Hien !e Major PerrauU lul.in6,-on da s'ei faira payer eit pr^le.icfl da -i ' [iluilears olkiciers dn Batalilon, eo iJonsiquenca. I'acquitte. ; ; "',^X^ *Sar!e troh!;!ine Chef d'arcisation, !.i Cour ayant etamUii tes Urr*>< tf? I'acciis6, sortijdases ni»ias du jour ou ila 6t£ mis aUx arr4»,ct vu reiironicl titudeestsatijfiltediconjitequ'ila reulu pirscj defense* et pr.»u»6 pjr'sBi- lirrejde I'eniploldoiarjensproreaansdcs fecooomiessur leboiset U chandelle V^ et I'acqiiitte. -'/>% Surle quatrleme c'lef d«accusasion la C»™r rcTiirque qnftqumf a'iicli*^».ro#^^i fr%ctiOH d«ua deini jolet moins, que I«acc'u5 n«8 pas payees] aut nMliciens d !»■ ■# fio do chiqne mols, II est Pxcimble parccfju'elles font trop modiquef pOut'*'"'^" pouToirAtrc payees s^nareneut a chaqun hoii rte ; pircRfjue cetic omlsilo^'* a«a jamais paru rcijreinusil)!.-, ni aui O Bders Gineran, ni A spj Oificieri (i/ o('ir acq littanl homrablen^nt Ic Ca;>itilns B.TOcW^fri^"* routes les Accnfatioos portees outre luf, d')it "'•r^— -- --- >- i/-j_^j - .*'• laquellc le Major Perrmlt a porte des ace ptiyees par la foiblelTe de« prcuves praduites oit o'lferver (\»t h M^^mktrtiit}^.^^ a ulfi graves (ct si mil so- '^li&l . . , , ^ leul' foiitieuO coitroonofncie%,J^^J-?i:iSn 'III rang, du oaract^re et do la couduite du CanUaine Boucher, nc peat qtt'itrefoi*^ vi^'-'f lernent prejudiciable an hieo du fervice ; qu«ll eft 6lonn» it dans le prileiu ca}i.fy*«W6l? que le Major i'errault nnt ^/; i^V-' n TiW, ^ -.;:'.- • Iff i •> ,..',-■■ > p: '■■"■■'. 'i " . ■ y \ *j.-: ..i« t^- -. i Itiu under monlijtij.l charjus, »i» ■ • -• Tur hivi'ip acteJ-with pirtiilitv In tha oi'mmiIIhi of his il'if'y a^na ^ollit'-r if Militii ill conni^idiiii? tlm Militia inoii ofliis cmn\>3t\y Itt llin fi-p- vlcjoftlu .MiiUlioo* of Enb'tlifit MHilii in tliu yc» .• l8»'i, llU.1, ari.l l8l| oiiil haTliii{ n-^iflectpl •'» '^O'" " li I fir tlin saiJ sarflca weltllor of liis tlirea ions of ConipeiL'iif apu mid inr.i'lo'l ii» !iis cinnpany. 'ily. For'huini; ac«v.>tJ with partiality In the execai'on of hi« duty as an oTioiT of Militli in^ co^n ninitin!' on tlie tvfenty thlr'l of February bit, one AmIwjs Girard to fate ii ti>.' of Euiuliel \Iiiiti,i (jlt!«au^,ii tho lai'I \iitnine (Tirirl wnt t^s only Tjo of his intirnifither, ) in i>.-«feroiict! (o eilh.jf of his thrwfn'. •'Ho ^rof ;iCTni>.ire,it a.»e an.| inrollel I'thii con.tinv. Jiy. For haviiR nriijlcctei! to fuiail his duty m an (ilPicer ot Militia and for ha/in/ d.'fobRvud th • ord ts ho hi I recoifod when tlie Vlilitia .It-'n of die di»i. - «Ion of V«roh.^res fron the age of * U to 50 J«r« wjre lad falf le "i^J in nal^ haviojT iteot at hii houfo one of his fou» ihw^n of a canipateat age to much and a Miliiis man of his company. TJno!) which the Court came in the following decision ; ^ ■ ■ '> The Co -r haviii? maturely dslibcra'eJ doth Hod the prifonnr (;nU(y : 1ft. rtf hiritii; icteJ with partiality in the t«fcutio:i of hi< duty (Man of5- httali^nsof RnVo^dii'd IVlilitia in th* years 1«12, 1313, and 1814 in ne- g'fctinn to rim-ntnd in I8l? eit'ier of his Iwj fjos of conpdti'nt a^a and in, ri'Ird In hii coninny ; aod in 1813 ai»d 1814 either of hii three fo:i} of pe'P'if ijg? indinrolle.l in his cumomy. 2!y. Of ha»lng aited with pirtiility in the exfio-jtion (of his doty as an offi rrr of '.filitia in comn^ndin; on the t>»enfy third if Fehr.jiir y lad one A itoi. Dft '^irirdoneof the two only fooi than with Ihcir innriri f.Uher to lertfe in i naM»li„n of Rrtibridi.'d Militia in pr«f«rL"ice of either ci>i'tduntiilthe ninsth of fuly \f<,\\. (Jnon whir'i '•hari'/ toe Court c.ama lo tlte foUovin^ deciiion : The Ctwri hatinp heard and maturely •con' to be employed in the public military works dirlng six nsoiifhs witli a chai.i and hi» tico to V "ietiu luch part of lhoI?r->vingf as His Excellency the 'lis F,«cf lleucy the Go'yfrnor in Chief and Commander of the Forces is plea- fed to lir^cf that th^ prefent ^ene.rU order be rrad at the head of eyery corps of - Emh'«di?d and Sedentary Militia, and entered into the General Orders Book. ' Bv f-I*' F.xce'lency the Gorerijor in C\n\ti ind Cotnmander of the Foices the Court U dilTolved. « ,r- r. rr » j liv IT'S Exce'/encv s order .j_; 7. T. TASCHEREAU, "'' '' ' fiep, Adj Gen. of the Militia of ,.:,'', LQWER CANADA* d( in VI fei dc «!r le ih 1" tt l-n 30 its Ire SiOi" I'ai cor in( ri' d'n oeii 1 tes lit tail qui eoi (J< I b":- *!#■■ "•?> ■. r ,;■■■•. AC •fc ^y . \' ^ mmm u ■ ^ < ■ tin J«»ii Bsplhto Sinrl* af f He ned uiiJii thu utider mdiilijnjj a OT'MMiilii'i <»f his il'if'ya^na la ofliiJ <;nin(iafty Tu iliii fi-p. uyck.- )8l/i, lll'l.l, nn.l 181 1 rricd -tiUhor 0/ Itisthrtjj sani 3f e execili'on of hi* duty as an tlilr I of Februjry bit, one ;«iu lie! \'i''ti'i (jlthau(.ii tlio iiitirn»fither, ) in p-Hfcroude (o resn.l iiirollel li»'ii''_ci)Ti;»iiiy. ' n» an (ilPicer ot Mililia nnd r)r e»i tlie'viilitia .ItJn of die dirl. ■in wijre la-il a f.iti dvis Ics annees mil hiiit cenc d >u«s imzsetq-.aiorze d.s niliciens kfa (:,.,npaj;nie pmir le furvicedci BiraillirH de \lilices Ine irpor6et en riegli^eant de coinmandtr pour ce (errice aiicui do decisi )« ; nd the priionnr (»nil(y : ifcutio:! of liii duty H«a(i ofH. Iiis camDiiiy for tlie fdrvico o'' "»*> ifjij^aiii ini4 1(1 nc- 1 .^>^>uw'„,. ii>.^->^uimn$en ige de I'dtre et eitrules tlaiii fa com')v»nie «'o mil hiii' cent trci?e et qnatorze. ' ' * * 1. 0',ivoir agi aves p irli ilite dius J'eiecution de Ton devoir ciinrnc olfi 'ier de Milices, lonq.jc le vingttnii. de Ferrier dernier, it a comn ind6 (ef„ir^ nn iimi\hn de Milices Incorporees Antoine Girard i'un des de.i* enf»ns qu'ivoit «l'>rs (on pere miUds, plutot qu'unde fes troii enfans eo Jjede I'fitre ttenrolns d ins ft comjiagMie. La Coiir a jug6 q'lc lo -rrtisitine Chef d«Accu(a»ion n'a paiti pmnvecintre I'^iociile et I'eii ac^iuitte et lecnndamne ponr les olfenfe« doiittlle I'a jinjij 30.ipalile, J vtreprife de fa com nissieu et degrade do fon rang. II a ()lii A Son Exr,il!oice le G>uveraeur en Chef d'approurcret ratider la il'cjsi in er la f»n(en;;e.le la Coiir. A la mi'iieCriur Mirriale fJenfirale fat traduit Jolepji D.-gle milicien da 4e ilafaillon de Milices Cucorpores* «\ir I'accjsatioii auivante: * Pour afoir 4esert6 de sun Uataillon le 011 vers le deux do Juh mil hull cent ir.;z-i o' lie l*a»oir rcjoiiit quo le ou vera lo aauf do Jdillot ailNjult cint qnatorzr. ' " ,S;ir liqnelle accusation la Cour a proitooci comme satt : La Coiir apr&s mur diiliberfi a juge quo In prisonler est coupiblo d'atoir f,ire thctfcotiJ of June 1813 ftU. ito viri^ decision : •r«d the rhagd broiii»lit againd Ity of iiafi.iff deferted fro n hi; and of not having joined un- )(h con leinn tli-.- laid fofepli irki d'iring tix nsoiiHis vvitli a 'nvingo as His Excellency the ; may be pleated to order, and talion and to ferve therein du- Timandcr of (he Forces is plea, ce of the Court and to direct inner above mentioned in fuch neral de Rottenhjrg may be nmander of the Forces is plea- at ihe head of every corps of » tho General Orders Buuk. Conmnander of the Forces the :ceUencv*s order : HERE All, (the Militia of CANADA, i r VI: i , S.; Vf :i . t ^