'vi <►, IMASf EVALUATION TESTsJARGET (MT.3) ^< ^ ><^ ./-.^ y.^ »• * - 1.0 11.25 lit lit m Wl Itt 2.2 2.0 1.4 *-' 1 • ^I'li ■ •jk'ii I ^Sdmces Carporatiori as W0T MAM STinr WnCTII,N.Y. I4SW (7r6)«72-4S0» '^ ■.tftila^T^a^!)Aa^..■* * r-w-' t ■*'' lli mtt *iw/ OMdala MM. llMpMltHIM '~NKI V MM fMtMfMMn NMit. lof u m Mia Mait ;f^ I jt A4dltioiial fionNnanit:' latiHia. sat pataa'n'«iit \ Ma«( 4^N •MifMi panMiH aalfar tma DC a ■>• orfoMi/ Qualttv of Milt variat/ Quallt* MfBla da i'imprattion f . ConttfHMW paflnatlon/ Pagination anntinua In e lydai indaxtat)/ ^ Compfano un loaii insaR Titia on haa d ar tahan from:/ La titra da I'an-tMa proviant: % □ a of hmtt da titra df la liwaiMm Caption of isMiait,- '^ ■ ■•■' Titra da dApart da la livraiton Maitliaad/ ▼ QAniriqua (p> da la livraiton P«g« miabdr on iiagd [8] prlntdd as 3. Pdff 1 3-14

■ • * t *. ' f Sl . W- -r. »i^ ^ m'wwmflf ri A' •«irbolU,alMliliift ^ k/ pUlM«l ' y ' '• ' .'4 t* 1 1 • .V • , I*" m/t^- *.■■♦ ^1 .I* ■ -^iK *.t » iA< ~> • •# ..■'-"^ V'*> '•!'■ •f •' ^* >«l#|Hi ai>m aiWMiwi*>*i*V ...,.«^i I.-. s- 'f*» , h- • I ^S^^3^ f-^f^-" Jm*- H # 1 L A W' ■ \ or IWIT N BS 8. BBtFOttilD. tlWwwM-fti 4l^, WIUi OOTituria* onunhlinf a llyMk FUkf oTOod. On«t Py««il4P-^^ ^^ Bkh wiUi *Uw fro« ,,il„ klit . * 8lap«idotn moQamrat of t^ 4tnA|«J«w«l« MC in Miurudi'i IbiL TW« u % oluUknc«. TMt and big ^i WIlntM of MoaMmbk |itit. How ttani thy ngifd PU« app«tr«t •trip! bjT Uio Atopid haada that raid . ,i Oloriat, tboafh AmajraathiBi madf, ..^ ;^ ■^^.l ( I 4 ' ^: % i ywM wingod tho work to nuiiy t •&«% MfM ▼itwad It o'ar. And ooiioQfl Atitaa Pwsltd i&d bOUd and •« Bphatio baaia atood. 'M|Hs -^'^^ l^-' -^— TI*^S« — ■ t 7v /. e TEE riLLAB Of WITNESS. -'t flublimelj copied oft and oft, Vihtit rairaio glories rose aloft. While the gr^at Model in repoee. Smiled as th« ai^iranti arote. \ #r •- Lofty endeayoun teraely atrained, Inferiority attained. Each ttately atmcture prohdly reared, A Tain and truatleaa tomb appeared. ■ •■'..'';■ &. ^ But this Taat Monument unique* Who of ita origin could speak» Dark and mytterioua in ita date. Swept by the detert blaata of flitei 1 35 n^.\ vr '■ •-■ n. K ^t ,. .,. Why li^aa it buOt ? And built by whom f Legends and varied tales assume. But once, with prodigal desplays. It flashed tke moming^i golden rtyi. .^®i'4 '•ferysSr -'t # I . TBJB MILLAR OF WlTNgSS. t And thj2ji,.pi.yed. had di..pp«„ed. W^rr* gloriou. .tructureTaught With dream, aupreme and gift, of thou^rht though Manetho. in jn.Uing datea.T ' Hi. thirty dynaatie. relatea ; v > V Poliahed and daariing and profound. P None for thit Pyramid it fou;,d. 10. fiUll in it. prime enaphered in awe. Merged in primevaifoTeli^r.;. " *"*"* Herodotu. this marvel taw it. "■■4 --•^r and aUent for all time, i' Beyond the graup of bought .ublime, J He knew not could it then be known? . ^ TwMOodVgre.tWitne8. built if., rf ' built in stone. \ \- jl:..... T V fWS^fpS "♦f ,^i ft,-? : "if s^j: w Y" " • < ,'^:7'T!i* ^ 8 TBX PILLAR OF WITNESS* It. Uter tli0 day, dimM the mood. When, wript in dreamt, before thee itood Scarce to admire or' be admired, That Gonioaa with conquest fired. And there hia fVanki — no leti than he, 1Vampled-*-*twaa not on liberty. In Battle of the Pjramida, Tha baae enakting Mamlouk bleedi. iftraa, in the aaad-lociced Sphinxes thade^ Sad Egypt'e long deaeent was made. Midit wan aftd aqoalid woe to wait Till Ood'i high Serrant came in itote. Ai, on tli0 eooeh of one who dreami, A daialing icroU of wonder streana t 80, mighty IConvment of itone, Thy mMUBg lint on Taylor ahona. '.I ■ .'■ ' -•■ ■ ^' ;.. •■■: ^i. ' ^^f^^^"*^ y. n ^ I -^ TSM FllLAn OP WITNESS. i( 16. He. itrtngw to the .tbried Nile. Afar— unvulted the Piie— Whet could he know wh.t did he drea« Of thii delapidated theme ? n. Ihe most ..tute had given o'er i"^.^""PPointing. to explore A ruin midet far age. scaled. With OM u4 purpose mil afield. 18. What dredged the dreamer f« withdrawn, laylor— this eon of Albion— Amidst dim ages of iUapse. The son of Abraham perhape ? 1». He saw, dishonored and abhorwl, ^ The Sign and Pillar of The Lo^ waked unrecogniied and hid. On Mit«raim*s border and amid. ■f i , ■^'^^: '^I^^" '-^r'~np^ I 10 IffE PILLAR OF WITNESS. ./ ao. Rich WM the inapiration shed Like oil on Taylor's honored head. Which Atmiahed the efficient ke/ To ope the rook armed propheoj* ai. Vyce — the Imperial pyoaflir--*^ Hia amoky flambeaux oft appev In court and ga'lery, amidat Portala long doaed, which still reaist. il. What though a princely ram he apent* ^ And with this Twdict reata content : Bailt with yain toil and fturniahed that, Bach Pil^ WM a aareophagua. ■'-■ •'"*- ■.:^ ^ ' Planned, an aaylnm for the dead. Of one alcme not truly said* Reared to incorporate a name : A rifled ch^at the doom of fame, ' ■i '■ -,. y iQflu«iicei uoobtervtd, ' ■ ■ . - ■ 80. TJ|Ui, while in twmblliig Umee Uid. WhUo tpeciai Vgumanti were weighed. A nugget— gold— fell in «t Uet. Amidit the final iummiiigi catt. 81. And nowr-!et Albion b« proud, A patriot aignallj endowed — / A Briton true — not one k nnrno-^ Hai pondered and approT^ tho dtinu ■■1^-"* \ '• ./' —^ i THE PILLAR O F WITNESS. PART SECOND. •"* U T W ILL h« br«V« the ▼tntnw ? Yti I prob« th« dwk Pyrtmld f No Im I And nothiof ilwU »»i« P^rp*^ 'o**- Aad BO m*» •!<»• ^m for th« toil. ' . * lt« 'f' ■ ■ .1 ■ Boon Sitytk, with loyalty Uipiftd. Midii tho •oqtt«itered PUo rrtlwd. With hood, Uborio«i»ly wott MoMum rtftilg^iif M tho ion. Thew Piophf cy. In tlmfli f ewoto. The legend of the Potnre w*^* t Cherto, pro^Weneee grind end greet, , v- I. numUfod wilb end welki of eteU. ; , [•81. . In mimttone chwnbert etched with ttone. Prepeiod ead pUoed ^ eWUunknowiu ' Coffer, tttd mnltipUi thet epftek . . Inliniet oA polP^wtiit uni«»i«. , ^ .^ ■t '^ Ml m /, ->-r- ,{$.. .4 ^_' _..:__ '■■ . ■ ' "^^ ■^ X .«. -„ -i ."^ .- ^" u>. , s^ V >t. J-SS*.^^ ^''fev -..« 1 -v fc. ■■■■1 ■MM ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ' t IBS PtllAR OP WITNESS, II fiomttimff— not •Iwtjni, If It b« 'A K«tM at brick or potUrj j fiomethiug exhumtd (torn cut twe^, Wk«rt dtttt and rubbbk longSav* crfpt. . 1 «l. T >W then tK« worUl will dig ita aara. Hoar— and applaud the tala it haaii. EapcciaUy wlU ihb be •«», ' * •* If Oo4*a §riat Book gc(a soma a1^ bloW. - v« a. - 1 • ,v' 4 8o witchiiif are the ptlitonctl strtiii* Of gray illuaiona mjUui and dreama^ But it iA liM with Htavena high War^i' •'' ^ Uaik— MA Uiare be » whiaiMir haat4t ' Glibly the toogiie of error pie a«•• I>««p in Um wqwUw that hatt b««n.— i/ •.; *^.- ^^ With tlgB^ «i^ i>^*«nM •^■nvi***' WosDdinrt ftppMiyiMbimed from niglity 4jid ttighiti«r ytt wlU bunt in Ug^t "V. .,.•■* - T- • ■■ — . -.- ---- tf '■"'J : . . ■■'i " / -. ■ # , # '• . - ■' jf^ •■ • • "^f- .?«,♦, ^;«-Ji ^i" •' Tfm piiLAn or wnsfinH. \% it. • BrKona. i«U« ! Yo«r nitMlmi %m t AriM tnrl fri*r4 thU PropH«ef . Profaned by frivoloua r««orl. Too long III* u>urUl«' •h«moAU iporl. s , Art thtrt not, ytt to b« rtvMttd, Bmpl«c«?••# To rati lk« ivt.fovni>id M int of yr .'#7. Vp lb« gTMl UomilAia't throhbinii •!!« It efore us and day behind. To the present and future in act combined. To the totens of heaven and eigne of earth, Puped by the phantoms of sadness and mirth. ■...■■ ■ vi Petrified moniter ! Treeofetoha, Marvellous relic of ftget flown ; In daya on which the elemenU frown. How didit thou lie ao genUy down ? Beautiful birds in thy hrsnches sung, When thou and the ages both were young. Fowls and mammals of types extinct, Awaked in thy shade as daybreak winked. Esquisite creatures and wondrous forms, Sought thy shelter in rains and storms. .^» Amazed I behold thee, marrelloas Tree ; Thou of the glories at once set (^ ; ^ Thou of cdlossals that ceased to be. ^^ -49 KcliAbA'0 flctcmcl) Crtf. Vouching the miraclet of the pant. Strong to «tUtt and might/ to lust. ., Unknown unVfnown is written how plain* Inoomprehenaiblo — riies again. Lo feet aix hundred and aixty aix. The mind o'erburdens with dreama prolix. Ko chip, not a fracture left to toll The foroea that mowed it down ao wclL Oentlj aa aapling slender it foil. Lying down aoflly, as one would think, Juat for a nap on creation'a brink. But the strange sUrk history— Is it mute, ^Lost aa a strkin from a meUow flute ? Surely 'tis fiction bold and bare ; Is the amoke of a genii not curling there, Or cantraip by shaman of the East, Delusion of magic never released ? A simple suspension, a false impresa, A painting and bubble of emptiness ? Not 80 indeed — the verdict is clear, Unimpeachably witnessed by year and year. A platform immense of transmuted wood, The atump of a giant that one day stood. f^ "i* e , ■"" "• '"■yf^-TSTFip W —'l' rw^^WJ^'^ f * » A* ^;^0 NfbaUa'i l>cttitlrt Crcc. Sixty fe«t in dUmlter true, InoTtdlble •tump, amMlng view. 8U huudrod tnd iUtjr nil ftet In length. Monarch attailod but Immuno in itrenglh. — Whll© nerer th« i!i»m! of l!fe !• ilt<*. The bretthing loaroi turn golden ind rod. Embrown ind ripen and drop to the bed. And hover the rooU where the power it bred. Again at the merry piping of Sprlag, The dancing earth ita tribute will bring, Grace and luxuriance roll In floods. Low in the Talet and high in the wood*. But alaa, when the axe to the pit\ hat bled. No leavea in proftiiion glow with red, No crimion no golden glory tprayt, But the green leaves wither lu sunny day*. Evermore to decay conjoined, Th* aubtle mould i|^no longer veined With the pewiUed riUa that growth contained. As thai iii phftlitott I see the« He. ^ A past revoked in iouthem iky, A menace an augury with wing*, And lagging aand-printi oC fleeted thingt: X "^"^rv^. ♦ J', —4*1 Krta^i'i Pfttdf^ Cm. IntQrro;(al« iho« I may InJttil. T.io i||h nono to ttnuwur «iii iiun« to UoinI. Tiio.iMh HOW not )(ivtin ihoo to r(*|i(fMt Hav»i in nijte tUuw th» tilings thai i|«tt. W^rt tho^ imiJUt th»«o Klorioui trout • CruMtfU 1(1 fatliutnlunit m/Mtoriift i The tr«e«i tbMt nt onco «t Oud*» oommunt!, 8iHt4}l]r« lujLUrUnl, cruwacd the Uod? - i>>uai |(Mti«ia« irauk4|iu bvaui) U>rn, Then aQ4 Mt onco on the third glad morn. Perhaps-^-hut wy know not, wonderful troo. Thou relf6 of murvuU that u»«d to be. ■ By arid winds of the do«ert fanned, Sti^rtUng and terrible la thiM l v Wh«n #•• il upr«iMl OH lU b«\ . %. .-'■ . ■■■ ■■' "; ■'■*: ': 't.'''-^- ■-■■.•■■ ■■>■ ■■:\:-- ^U \ KiMtta'i fi'Mm Cm. \ But tht^lMHljr watort pr«v«il and high. KoHiinx U l«ft but tilt M« and tli« ally. W ilU ov«r t*?!!!*! tin mU ow •«rth't ••ri(b, 8vim4 th« droad Hu«ttom« of rttvnt lifb. Miw twAit how «rofi(|trYUt U th« ptil. Mow till of iho formf which vani«h yt t ttit« Th« UrribU rvoordt. Ih« hinU, th« droami. Of ■omtthlni^ that waa and no lonfr«r a««m«. Of somrthinK that Uvtd. and that livta atiU msf* In potence and aet than it lift*! b«fort. Vnhttded aa a ahaduw it paat. But ytt ftlata. and ahall aureiy laat. Mo.t raal. and yi a phantonr preamnad, f It aprang. U grtw, It budded, it bloonod. T.i« air grtw (Vagrant in ita rtireat, Midit tha odo? of lovt it ditd— moat meet t Tha rola of ita daatiny complett. When the old world perished, ntt tnd hill. And land marka ohangtod. aud are lacking atill : Whan toUa and trium(j|ha of the paat, Detp in the boiling tidea were oaat : • When the surging millions of marand beut, ladtfd— but none appeared at th« foaat. TJ - r* > . -U •# Th^A otMn M* wtuproifilia ftriHi| ink j •I/«|m, ConviiUinl In ipdtniir hcii|»ii, ThraUU «| mtU iiwMllut) in vnU^nle fialaf Thimd rintf !<» Wloli U« A >?> Min. riirotinh lh« mllim iif w»il^»r4 llinl piliil uml |iret Lipfiiii^ Ih) W44 10 iu Iftf m'>Un4 br^'*!. •riiiii wrri thou htft . • KiMt Iftrt. M lUi wUnitM Df m«n In hU tguny ^ MIn't fltttiitt In lu (Nirthly life, Tto« 4^KHti ol j»m>fmli)r itnH ttrUit. Tbii liMAoyotl ponilty that wmIu At ft lietfiilot Wiinlor «l iho g ilu», Anil qnMjr wliuru luachpn the unehnrlit^i bftrk, 'ftf ipjoil and bjioit In Iha vaiuvlu** iliirlt. Thon wort thonlYiakan tnd tnnpt In twiftlB» In the ftwful trtimort ftnU wraihAil rain f * Dixtroutly teverod, tntl softly Uld Close to tht stump w th rood* of thuds } Ah, lh«ro is mtittvr ot mystery bore, ^uwvtUing invulvod, m littlo ((uito dtar. 1 .r ,^ , f '** 1.4* > ■ « f ' «l • H HBVADA'S PBIBIFIIfi TftEB ■IM«Mka«B BMOTiON n. •MMibuM „tll* • 1/ tBdwtiwiiiaiiyilAvqrs 1^m4 mI pi«iQtt^*• '-f ir*,~ ^'^ "i. It* ^i|i VtMla't l$Mm tot. « '.'. ' ,y|i ■ • , ' * ♦ ' ■ *-■ Dared TlMtlit Ik* vmm of littaf* tsplon. Pofdbty, ntgMly or laoomei, ICay fiofOlW ladoi o«r iMfft itfle^t. Straafo Mdl iMMla( Unit Mnrl^, or ^MB wWkAfo Uv«a m4 liTod to striTO. Ofaim'MltrfiMitffalWt; Proo* «l • oUn Uuil Moflii at oori. Thai lluMiM a blotk midst olattaring powers. ▲ luakbifoadt aatrotehthatourbai ^ Kiiiita« tht oDTjr tlpat diet wba- HetfliMiMiA ldi#f aayt att out. Yet wa iikli l«t a irliW« ^ nonMnhia powiK^4 the te^lNdrtla ol ayglrt grown edM. •Ialeen^8^ppiMt,aaabrliiAtiiMUytoid. ^ Bvea yal tii«a4hn«te o'*^*'*^ '^ *^ ObamtiMA Mitfft Mid iA aQa^ dapart % i^t * * ' ProdMt tha aiftpjaiaaa ^ wo^pM < In ntiglitj atnelvtt thi draaai of tllD«iH< lo grinita ciMnrfaJ thaif ▼iaioaa grand, Leii lift al '■' f i V 1^ . ■ ' (• 'k ^ •If ,,' : ' r >%•■■»! -4r WitataM 9MiiM Cm « Fi rt i p t H f h ajie , tbti word Mrkaw, ^jj^ *kt tr^ vWoa of •wUi^t liltp... "•^Mwii tliat tpura OotTf holy Book. 0«l oo rogion of bloeliaoM Ibok/^ Mjotof plMBtonM. thore doomod doroM, ' DWMM midof the Tiiiono of omptiaooi. Wkot > dtfo to doubt Ood'i Book of troth I Thot Tolnaie of porenial yooth. ^ !%• woiidroos Book of lh« wondreoi Ood» Who fpokt tad tho hMTta wm otrotehod •hro(i4. C^ottioa tad Providoaoo ato feiiiii U«d« whioh tho.iafldtl tqairms . At what ha?« tho dtvotaot trrivMl, WW tho omtioa thoy h.To ooatrif^l AidioQloaagwiodtofBiiat, "~^Tr^ ^^TT*-^, Oa# of tho ioaiothiagi that pro^al,! J«^MiiHkfaoddlo.offcob i;* « l^MM aad raMHUuit ia thoir aohd)^ ^'" B^n^'My ehika oTpoat ap ooopa, »wh kuiWi of aoB^fttw fcd by dapoo I BaliiihraMlrthaorfw? Leta.,af. Xl»y drtOBi tk» boiMt of,thiBgt that be. '4 \ \ ' *,! •- 1 f*4 i.'K <■' 1-- hvA. '*';i3 -pf«i»^'?^'?. V;w.-:i >•« 1* rfyfaflt, Iww riali horn jAmupAI Vmr iiiifahuMMM BAiimM Hi^h mmiA lAia. '. IT fH Mr f l iIwi Ob 'mm fawJl'fTBft ■^tfllff*11i ' Sttifkf to Ip • p*]* hlifanMilac |ob« ; LeftemtfcfiMias, •ai«iiv«nlti|f , GImmw ft ilan ianiirfoii itisi* I «-^.^ ^» '. .«•' y ,'i ;^ •■I; ff -t •■J M-il f >■•'■ '■ r , :-f ' a ••L/ii , » i* <^-,^ ■-,. ^ ■;•! Mi^M^. '-^FJ/wi^fi- •~-» '- y'i"K: / 'i^> f*^ ■;■■-■ . ^■■- ■ '■'■ ".■/ ■ . ". ■ r ■ ■" •* .'~' 't_^'" ■'■ , * ^:, ,V>'.rM :. --^...i. ...... j: n ■■■■* T ■ *•• -,^ iifinttniit JtMMlilliit fy ! > " *^ iriiirtiiiiii^iodMi CMTt i«| Md Hii kviallk kM^. ajKbllBMv lloui 4o«W» iImI Iwwl la. «ftlB» lUgk M«r Uit ftMrtmd njtii* «ikd MftmiM, Aad flMMiff <^.iBt«llieti|al diMOMX.' * T«bi WbbiM, ^ gkftn tfa*y bttrtil^M^liii VaWMldtd «MisiM «riM« gt i Wf i * fami>Mnlmd M in tha JUi% aiMq^ jia Amm lOlU aad bloon kl UiM* fi^^ . -i '.3 tmm. t^i **-^. '■3] *<'. 4tl :?1 fa Ito «4ii«g tad jbUm iMNOt el aeoi. 4lt« i4 A w low tad •««•«» •towlbtl. wttktii^tiwiii^Btirl win ana. tia|4t HhH |«M Mh Willi JM. rS.ift * I .' >4 V i 1. ' *»J Sr^ :..■•<; ^■^ . ^■. "'a^i ^ '•.^i ''^i'-'"'* ^'^"'¥% f-- -51 TfMM VHiMil Cut. nt ¥Mt I. wiM ki lit wwm,. ,101 ^ www fcri, U *iwt •Mrt «aUii ^^ rtmpt M wh«a at imtlM •irtli Ajjwiwl Mivvloi^ M lit birtk r WhthM fa w»titi tad wf»pt jg ,iuul#. ' ■ "''t *' . • .; F«i«M to MMyt ttoUMT MOU! . U «nf« flMlf fai Myttariooi Mid I Oi ^ fa Hi ji-p t poiNf iiraht. n«l^ of ■i«M4 pOM. of IHMt MV MiMli » BMiMrt MI *t bwt. AMUMm •rjMuMfa •▼•rbomo, Awtf Mfty M« th* eip ^ Ul^ Awn tltijr #liaddtr«d to tim. w^ orv^ of ft di/ of holy rotk. > w i.^„ ^ : — ~ — r ).' <« •■r ■ .*'l i;> ■ « ;»'- / 3> / V''^!<#'i ■'*^' i/ r \» ^;''-^ v'*f ,.rf ^'-l. *^- J; ■ ". '#.i'Wwl *» i M *»* Id « •'4 1 V'l ■A' \ v '^i)^' ^ f* \m/ -^^^ X \ V\ A-. ' m \ )* ■*:k / /&■ '•^A % jjA ST— ■ — ■ • - ,' * -1 '■* . * ?,>. ■:¥^' — ; --^ _jV-_. ... ^■§-i> -4- - ■ ■ ' „ _,,, T *■■ «t.' .^ ■""^ ft . ■■. ■ ' J - ...i: ^^^^ ^^H * m ^^' 1 ^ ..,.-& f^;'