.Sfc - xh'~ • CIHM( Microfiche Series (IMonographs) .i ■ ■ & ICMHl Ccf lection de microfiches (monographies) J t I '■■> Canadian Instltuta for Historical Microraproductidna / InatHut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa !'■ TiolMNcal aiMl MMioirapliie Noin / Nom imIni^mm M biMJor«pHi«ti« Th* InttiMt* hM ammptsd to obMin tlM b«t oflfiiial copy avaiMHi for filmini. FtaturM of thia tapfviMdt may to MMiofnphieaNy wiiqM. which iimv alttr any of tftt Miap* in iha raproduetion, or tMhich iMy ii«nificaatly chanfa tto inual mathod of f ilmhif, ar« chackadl rr "1 Colouradt LJ CoMvartiira da eo««)«vr QCovari damaia^/ CoMvariura andommaiia □ Covari/iNtorad «nd/er laminatad/ Couvariura rattaurto at/on pallWuMa ,—■•■' □ Cowar titia minintA : U titra da epii«arttira manqua ; - . . .■ / ■ "■ : ■ - ■ -*■-. ~--^:_ ih !■ ". ■' .■■; * ■ r~n Cotottiad mapl/ HlJ Car«n 9io9raphiqiia( an eoutaur "■...■■>.■ . ■. . ■ Colburad ink A.a. othar than Mua or blaelt)/ Cmerf dacouiaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) Colourad platai and/or illuttrationt/ Planehas at/ou illinjtrationt an aouiaur fiound with othir matarial/ \.,, Raliii avac d'autrat dooimantt Tiflh't binding may cauiashado«in4Mf distortion r along intarii^r margin/ U raliura larrte paiit eauaar da I'embra ou da la distortion la long da la marga intiriaura Blank laavat addad during raito^ration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poniMa. thatahava iiaan omitcld from filming/ 11 M |MUt qua cartainat pagat Manchat aJKMitiat tort d'una rattauration apparaittant dam la taxta, mait, lortqua caf« itait potiiMa. cat pag^ n'ont pat M f ilmiat. D Additionai eommantt:/ Cemmantairat tupplimantairat: * t I Thit itam it f ihnad at tha raduetion ratio chachMl tetow/ Ca documant att filmi au taux da rMuction indiqui ci-dattout; L'Inttitut a mierofihiiA la malllaur axamplaira qu'il lutaMiNMtiMadaiaproGurar. Lat dMailt da aat axamplaira qui tont paut^ltra 'uniqua i du point da »ut 'MbUoigraphiqua, qiii ptulant modifiar una imaga raprodufta. ou qui papvMit axigar una modif ieatien dam la inMioda normala da f ihnaga tont indiquai«>. ci d ^ t i aui. □ dolourad pagat/ Piagat da aoulaur □ HtH rattbirad aiid/or laminatad/ Pign rattaur^M at/ou paNicuMat 1 yi Pagat diieolourad. ttainad or foxad/ I I Pagat dicotorAat, tactotiat ou p iqu^at n rt^pat datachad/ Pftgai dttaehiai 0Showthrough/ . Trantparanea □ Quality of print variat/ Qualiti in«gala da I'imprattion □ Continuout pagination/ f agihation continut □ □ Includat indax(at)/ Coinprand un (dat) indax Titia oh toadar takan from:/ La titra da l'an-t«ta proviant: titta paga of ittua/ . Paga da titra da la iivraiton □ Caption of ittua/ Titra da depart da la Iivraiton □ Matthaad/ G4niriqiia (piriodiquat) da la Iivraiton ^OX- -t*x- ^fx- ^23e -2ex^ ^0)f- '^ .__^____-_^>^_k___ 12X 1CX aox 24X 28X 32X TlM oopy fllniMl hf bm (Man r«produo«d ththkt to th« o«fi«rotltv of : H#tropollUn Toronto Reft rortco library Baldwin Koom Tho lma0M tppoiring hort iro th« ^ttt quality l»ostlblo oonsMaring tha oondltion and lagibllity of tha orlflinal copy and In kaapint with tha fUmlnf eontraot apaaif Icatlona. , Original edplaa In printad papar eovart ara ftlmad baginnlng with tha front eovar and anding on tha laat paga w^h a printad or illuitratad imprat* alonr or thpAaak ooyar whan approprlata. All othar original coplaa ara^fllmad baginnlng on tha firat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- aion;and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or Illuatratad Impraaalon. /I Tha laat raadrdad fifama on aach mioroflcha ahaU eontaintha afmbol -i^ (maaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha lumbal ▼ (maaning "iND**).' JAfhIohavar appllaa.. . Mapa. plafaa, charta. aio., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduetion ratios. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Ineludad In ona axpoaura ara fllmad baginnlng in tha uppar laft hand eprnm. laft to right and top to bottom, as many framat aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama illustrata tha mathod: I'axampiaira fl|m4 fut raprodult grloa * la g4ndrealt« da: ' Matropolltan Toronto Ra fa ranca Library Baldwin Room Laa Imagaa auhrantaa ont M raproduitas avac la plua grand aoin. oon»0ta tanu da la eonditlon at da la nattat* da I'aKamplalra fllm4. at an aonformltA avao las aonditlona du oontrat da flimaga. Las axamplairaa originauM dom la eouvartura ab paplar ast ImprimAa aont fllm«a w eommangant par la pramiar plat at an tarmfnant solt par la darniara paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprassion ou d'illustratiort, solt par la sacond plat, aplon la caa. Toua laa autras axamplairas originaux Sont fllmto ah oomrhanpant par la praml*^a paga qui abmporta una ampralnti . d'impraaalon ou d'illuatration at an'tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui oomporta una talla amprainta. \)n das Symbolaa aulvanta apparaftra* aur la darnlira imaga da chaqua microficha. salon 11 cas: la symbols -«^ signifia "A 0UIVRE", la aymbola y signifia "PIN", . Las cartaa. planchaa. tablaauN. ato.. pauvant At ra filmAs A daa taux da raduetion dlffirahta. Lorsqua la dacitmant aat trap grand pbur #tra raprodult an un aaul ollchil. 11 aat film4 A'partir da rangla sup«rlaur gaucha. da gaucha * droita at da haiit m bas, an pranant la nombra ^ d'Imagaa nacassaira. Laa diagrammaa aulvanta^ IHustrant la mAthodf. ^ 6 maoctm fenoumoN mr omit (AMU and eO TEST CHART No. 2) jfer H ' J ieS3 Eotl Main Stttk Bechnt«r. Nm Vorti IMOl USA (7t6) W-OJOO-PhonT^ ^ (7I«) 2«B-Mak-Fo» '^l si«««.«BWia^iaa«; ■'.i*a»ii«(aK;»-j*»*».iaaiiMfA«.,i ■ 9: ». / . -:>A yf -4-- >,♦ ■. A ■ \ :■ \ ' -v /;■ ;■,■;■ .... . ■ ' " , ■ ■ " 7- ■~' ■:, ■-.;.:„..- ' ■ , .■*'.' _f "■ .f .* :--^,-^ -■'"- V '/''.■• ■■: ■ tf . , ' ■ ■ : ■^ . . ■ o ■ ' " , ■■ : .: • - ■• :/■-■.. •:;.:-:; -L^, ,/;■ ■•■ ' ■•'. ■■.;-:^'''- ■ '■' V ■■ ■'■ ■• ■ '■ ■ .» ""■■ ■-« 7" .r-' \. ■ ■•■• :■'■ ■ *. ' i-. ■• •• "'"'■')''. : ■ . > ■' ■;■.■■' ■ ■ 'i : < »» \ u 1 . ■ * x ■ . I — -"- ~.-H-. •-.■ ■■. ] y ■ ., ■('*, -*■ \ ' \ ■\ Tj... <'! jm ^^^r ^.^ -j. y y ■ *'.'.f//.^, (rj/./'.j. •K; >■(■■ --/ ?• - I I.. •' r '-. ■t ..i»*.. • 4 1 ciiKJNKcrro Coal Mtning Company; CUM BKllLA N I) COUNTY, irOVA SCOTIA, ■ r #■ * "■ ■ ■ - 1 ■ - -•^'■■^ ''\ \ " 1 \ 7..^^' ^- "■' ^'' ^ \ W^^^^ ^fe '/ ■*' ■ ; , ■ ■ li^ ■■•"■, .''■,'■* ■ ^ ' '.' ■ ■ . '■ ■■..-/ ■ . i _ ■ tt - •..;■■■■.„.•.■■. 1804. "■■■'/::"•■■'''■■ ■ ' ■ '* ■^ • ■: ' ■ «'■ ^ '■■■■■ ^ ■■.■ r^ V ■ '■ ■ ■ ' ' : :. i. • • • ' ■. ■», ' ■- ■ '• '■'-■: !".■'•■■ . ' -"■ -.'y^"' . ■ ■■■■•'■■: ...;■. .: . • -*> 7 <«!• r »i^»4, J^* f^ ^^■•^-^fVr^ ■^ i,'* ^ . )*" OFFIC&BS or TUB CIIIGNECTO COAX MINING COMPANY. ^usittnt: JOHN UABSON. JESSE A. LOGKEv JOHN S. PINKIIAM, . .JOHN BABSON. 3. T. SANBORN, J. D. LBLAND, IIENBY V. DEGEN. TREAStJREKS OFFICE: It 1 \' .NY. ANBORN. LELAND, 'A ^1 € H I^ N E C T COAL M I N E S Coal has ?,cen, 8tiU h, and will continue t6 bo, an inex- haustible source of wealth. A Spanish writer, not long since, insttfiited a comparison between the productive value of the silver and gold mines of America andthat of the coal mines in England. The author exhibits a balance in favor of the latter of nearly two hundred and thirty mtU^ns of francs = £9,286,000 sterling annually."* The immense wealth that lias been produced by the development of the coal mines in Pennsylvania is too well known to rpr it in our very midst which can only be limited •" Taylor'8 Statistics of CdwJ," 1855. ■J "91^" -f by the supply; unci which cannot fail under judiciyus man- Hgenient to insute profitable returns. The Chignccto Coal Mines are situated near the ISlaca Iliver, about eleven miles from the village of Amherst, in th County of Cumbcfland, Nova Scotia, and about the sanUi distance from the Chignccto Bay, un arm of the Bay f Fundy, from which they derive their name. The coal lis from the satoo veins now worked at the Joggins, andjat / the Macan Mines, -and is closely allied to the Pictou and J Sidney coals, well known in our market. v j. This carboniferous strata, embracing a multitude of veins/ ■ varying in thickness, are clearly] developed at the Joggiiis, ^ continuous clilF, from eighty to (ine hundred feet high, oU the south shore of Chignccto Bay, where they havclong beOn profifcdjly worked. Sir W. E. Logan, in his geological^i-c- port to the provincial government of Canada, in 1845, ^cn- tions the fact that " thicker coal-beds exist to the <5astwa,rd of the Jo'^orins, — a fact that has been abundantly conflrnfied in the openings that have been made on the Chignccto and adjom- ing claims, one vgn alone exliibiting a thickness <)f fifteen tcct of coal, a sectional view of which is given on the dia- gram attached to this pamphlet. ', By a reference to that diagram, it will be sceii that open- ings have been made at two different points ; namely^ the line of the Chignccto tunnel and on Bairf s Br(y)k. Ofie of the openings on the line of the tunnelljas been found to contain three feet four inches good coal, >vhilc another jiist opened, some two hundred feet farther yest, according to a letter received from Mr. Patrick, the Company's Superintend- ent, measures " fxmr feet six inches of good coal." The tunnel, which has been excavated in the side of a hill, 3'-"\: ■'■■■■:.■■ .-•^■.::A ::.-■'/: " 1 1 ; V r A is on a level with tTiL railroJuV conveying the coftl to tho shipping point. It his already boon prosecuted some ft.nr humlred feet, and wi^ when completed, intersect tho two-feet vein now worked b|jr the Macan Mining Company, attd tho Mount Scrabble vein which is ono,of the most valuable now worked at tho Jog^ins. When reached by the tunnel, tho coal in theso veins will bo somo hundred and fifty foot be- low tho 8urfaco,l-a pretty sure gwarantee of its superior quality. , ^ •The situation (^f tho mine presents a great advantage over those where tho coal and water have to bo raised to the _ surfitce, often fi'om a great depth, and .it a heavy expense. By tunnelling into the side of tho hill,:tho mine irecs itself of vrater, andthe coul is easily conveyed to the vessel. Mr. Patrick, under whose superintcMencotlic mine -has been thus % devolc^pcd, computes that a^ least two hun- dred tons pii: day can be easily and profitably mim^d and shipped from this point. In view (if the onarmous rates of exchange, the Directory have wisely concluded to suspend operations on the tunnel for the pt-eseht arid confine themselves to the development . of the coal at Baird's Brook, from whence^ it can 1*0 , brought to our market early in the spring. The work on the tunnel can be resumed as soon as the state of the cur- rency will justify it, or if -delayed until spring, can be easily prosecuted while the eoalis being shipped from the upper /vein, on Baird's Brook, the profits of which, it is es- timati^d will pay the expense of excavation, beside yieldmg a fai/dividend on tho first year's opemtions. Tlie following ^malysis of coal from the Victoria Mines, % the Hebert River (the sam^ in kind as the Chigriecto), ■®f / ^ H / / ^H^P^^^S^^^^HP't^^*'^' '• . f I f -f rrrfE- ^^■■; # / ■ mado by two - distinguished analyzing chomists, wHl convey an idea of its character. Dr. Hayes, of this city, speaking of its qualit,j^y8, — "It is strictly a gas-producing coal. Of .one hundred parts, it contained . " Looflo volatile matter,. > ....36.00 Carbon in Coke lofl,. .SU84 Gray Aah,.,.......,.*.,... 12.16 ' ■. ' 100.00' , « ■ ■ .... • "In the gas, a small proportion of sulphuretted carbon is found; but the general characteristics of the gas correspond to those of Pictou coal gas. 4.17 cubic feet of gas were af- forded by.l lb. of the coal, which is a lai^er volume than Pictou coal makes. . ' "As a basis coal, therefore, this sample promises to bo highly desirable for gas manufacturing, the coke being gray- bUtck and quite dense, and affords much heat in burning. "In burning and affording heat, it holds a place between Sydney and Pictou kinds, closely resembling the latter." Mr. Foulis of St. John, N. B., says, — "The specific gravity of the coal is 1.345, and it would be an excellent article tor gas-making purposes when niixed ' with canncl coal and- where good coke is required, as the latter takes the shape of the vessel in which it is made." The profit with which the coal has been worked in the neighboring mines may be judged of in part from the follow- ing abstract from the report of the Victoria Company : — " Taking 30,000 tons as the quantity shipped in one year, the restUt of the season's operations will be as follows : -^ ^ * ' I .-' . ■■ ^; ♦» feiponm of mining and delivering on boord vconel 30,000 tonsat^l.OO, *••"•• Inotdontal oxpenBOH, wear and tear, Balaries, etc., • . • • ..$30,000 3,000 $33,000 80,000 tonu roalizod, at $2.00,.... ............ v.. ....*..-_60^ ProfltB of B<««)n'B buBince«,......i........»"^'«»«"""-*^"^ ° The soiling price of coal in the above estimate is too low ; the actual price being ♦2.60. It Is sold for.houso consump- tion at the mouth of the mines for $3.50 and upwards. •'TheLawrenceCoftl Company commenced shipping coal within the last twelve months, and the results thus fer jus- tify their expectation to divide this year ten per cent, upon- their capital of $200,000, notwithstunding the very con- siderable amounts expended on the necessary permanent work at their mines."' ,^ «• In the judgment of Mr. Patrick, who has opened most of the veins in this section, taking into consideration the fa. duties for mining, and the quality and quantity of the coal, the CHIGNECTO Claim is pre-eminently the most valuable of any that has been developed. The mining rights of the company, the title of which is derived directly from the British Government, consist of v two square miles, lying, as will be seen by the accompanying map, in the immediate vicinity of Macan River, where ves- sels of the largest size will be able to approach tiio Com- "pany's wharf. -,^ - * The following testimdtaial from the Hon. R. B. Dickey, of Amherst, N. S., ctonot fiul to give confidence in the ac- curacy of the surveys embraced in the accompanying dia- gram and the- estimates which are yet to foUow. y •■^g^typ^iw^igi^g.'^ .pipAJBIipwilii^ AMUimat, Nova Scotia, > i« for the infi,rm«tfon of tlio Chlffnccto fWl ^v • "^""/^ "' '"^- » •tnto that I am ae.,mint,M with r^lo ,')'"' ,?'" W' ' '-«? »<> Land Survoy(.r in tliin ,ll^iri.r i i '. Donne! , JKputy Ci;own -:— TT ~:^--- -— --"-^ «• B WCKEV, MLeg. Council:^' ^ Of the accuracy of the drawing, the fbllowhig is Mr. OPoiincil'scertificoto:— o « w. plan, together w^ he «^ir ' , T "T '""'^'^ "P^ '^'^"^^'^ «" ««id ^Bof^U vei™ „i hT *^ ; ''•"'^ the r£tive-„i^o or thiclc- er„ claim. wSrhlvenoVv«?""'?'K '■""^'''^'"■''"•* ^""' «" *»'« - ' * . ^ SAMUEIi O'DONNELI., y ^-'^''y'>^'lfCrov,nLand. Inspector ^ Mines, etc. Amherst, 6th July, 1864,. ' -f"^ Co. Cumberland. n^StltirjSUt CIT^:'"^"'^ fr* ' -avo ..„.„«, the 8th July, 1864. The following, addressed to tlie Trcasu received:— v. SAMUEL '0^mmm..Jieputy surver^r. icr, has just been < Dkab Sib: -^.^--SWlMtSe^ i' ■.*^* '-% 9- ScOTI4, > • y.i'H>gto uty Ci;uwn ck, Supor- ind ho Ims ration/ I ■ Aimcata in / an honnlit hu8 Jmd . Hi»cflBing 'ounetf. ' V ■ ." is Mr. • ew, and <^ ■ - ■ on said ■ >r thick- I tie enut- - \^ ;fl •■ ce with ■ of the mcmt valuable mino^ yet opened in thin county. Th<#'nrc full Boven fift of gcMHl workat)l«) wml in tlic vtnn, witli wry littln ttlntu ut firo oiny uhtmt it. OutHido of Sprin}]; Hill, wliioh in uliout twenty miloM from filiipping, it hiiH no <-(|Uiil in tlio county for hIzo, unlcw* we except the Sugar Grove op«!nin)^, about a mil" to the etiBt, which in not yet in o^M^nvtion. It is 8ur[)iiMM!d by none in st economical working mine, as it will bo entirely self- draining for many yeara. ' The Chignecto prpjicfty, consisting' of two claims of six hundred and' forty acres each, embracing the two openings herein spoken of, is the most valuable property yet in operation in tliis coal region, and it is doubtful whether there is any in the province that Will yield a betteir return for the small amoiint of capital rccpiired to work it. I seiid you a calculati(m of what it will cost to raise and deliver two hundred tons per day on board of vessels. TUE JIEAN 0ALCUI.ATION OF WIIAT-tT WILL, COST TO BAISB AND DRUVEB TWO HUNDRED TONS OF qOAL FEB DAT ON BOAltD OF THE VESSEIS. 70 miners, $1.50 each. -.t.ti.. j.. $105.00 10 men trimming wagons below.. .■.. 10.00 2 horses and drivers. ...,..i. — ... ........... 4,00 2 roadsmen below*. ^ .....•........"••..'• ....^ ...'.... ^•'.. 2.50 Lumber and props for mine. .;... ......'... 5.00 Smith striker and iron .k.. .... .... .-... .. .... .... 10 00 Two bottomcrs..... 2.00 Two bankers. ......;....................«...... 2.00 Carried forward ..'................... ........ $140..1O / il- rf^s^?^"^ » > ' ¥ ^"E^ .a: 10 |. Brought forward.... *........., ./ •liAm One engineer.... I.. ,. * | **** ••*«'•«' Oil and coal for •ngine. .....,...'"""""" i'^? flhor««i.;idriveni.onK. R... ."*."."!!."!.'.".! !;*! il JJo a men erlmmitiff wnKon*. J ooo Twonien repairingll. 11.. ....'.,..., ' a^offl On? man at wharf **' ' 7"": One weigher... ...:::::::::::::::::::: -jj Tear and wear of wogona..... om Oil and extran, nttilB, etc., etc ••••••.. a.OB Royalty, 10 Ota. per ton •.'•••.".'.'.'.".'/,'.'*!!.'.".'..'.".* aJoO Whatia reloaded from bank, 8ota..... ,....,.. .^^TqM ■ p ■ ■ ■ .- , ■ „ , '^ #204.00 You «« from my %ur«i that, when everything in completod, the ««,« of dt.livtryonlH.ard of vcHsel* will not vxa-vii $1.(M) per ton. Then, will »« Home e.vtm expenw, in k...pinR the workn in repnir In the Avinter, while intt..,t.vt. whjcl. .nay jK««il,|y swell the c,«t to $l.'2i) per ton ; but it eannot n«8«nuhlyext..ed th.H,BO that at the rate ««1 Ih now«.llinK,a m.Klemto buH,neH«, ^.y 25 (m tonn per annum, would yield a net profit of „t h^at Fifty IhouHana Dollaw. Add to thm the tunnel opening, whieh will yield like returns, at alwut the Hamo co8t, and it conatitutc* a very valuable property, ufflirding to capitaliHtB a rare chanee to get profitable and arx-edv returnH V rt..8onable aniount of ^pjtal enorgetitnilly and well managed, cannot fall to give Hatiafactory rcHultH to the Chiguccto Htoekholder*. Voura truly, WILU,iM PATRICK. " To II. V. OEOEV. ESQ., tieqium'ttfChiijneitoCoaiCompanii. ■ • ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ . ■ .*■■■.■ ^ L-n^^I^^ Ti S ^S t-i-* ^fe^^M ^ f.T{»A5 1 ■^^T"- BY LAWS. A R T 1 C L B I . The Aniuml Meeting of iho Stockholders ot thi» Com- pany Bhall bo hcUrat Amherst, in the County of Cunilwr- land, Province of Nova Scotia, on tlio Second Monday in Jidy, in oach year, and Buch meeting may bo adjourned from time to timq without giving public notice of such ac^otirnmcnt. , ' Article II. The Officers of the Company shall bo a President, five Directors, of whom the President phall bo one, and u Treasurer who shall act as Secretary. ARtlCLB III. ; The Directors and Treasurer shall bo chosen at the Ai^ nual Meeting of the Company, by a majority of tl») Stocl^- holders present, in person or by prdxy, at such meeting. The Officers elected shall continue in their respective offices until the succeeding annual meeting, or until others are chosen a*id accept in their stead. \ -■;■'";. . .^1 ,, Article rY.- ._ .- The President shall bo chosen by the Board of Directors from their own number, at their first meeting after their election, or at some adjournment thereof. |^ -■•.;■. /. ■ ■ ArJticle V.v. , . The Directors shall have power to fill any vacancies occurring in their own Board or in the other offices of the M^nff^v.^l ^- - h X Company, the officers no uloctcd by thorn, to hold until tlio n«xt unniinl in«othig of the Coinpmiy, or until oth«rt» uro chosen in thoir Btciul. \ * V Articlb VI. It shall 1)0 the duty of the IVosldent to preside at all mec^iufrsof the Company and of the Direetors, and iii tho - <>vent of itis absQuco, resignation or inability, a President j}}'o temjM)/'e luay be apiM)inted. / j ,/ Article/ VI Tho President shall vote at tho Board as a Director and in case of there being an equal number of votes for and against any question before the Hoard of Directors,, tho President shall have a casting; votOi ; ARTictE VIII. On every occasion when, in conformity witli tho By- Laws of tho Company, t^o votes of the Stockholdors, as suchj are to bo^given^ ca.ch Stockholder shall be eittitled t^ give one vote for each share ho holds. ' '' , * ;; ■. ./Article, IX. ''.■ All Stockholders may vote by proxy, provided tliat such proxy produces sufficient written authority from his con- stituents so to act. Artic The Directors shall have the general supervision and control of the affairs of the Company! They shall hold their first meeting upon due notice given by the Secretary of the Coinpany, and t^^ereafter they shall meet at such times I" ?-'p-*'- 7"''i™ „na il«c«« a« thoy HhuU deem n«cc«Mary and cey may ,Le arranftementH for the compensation of the treasurer, ^ Superintendent, Agent, or any other person or persons ^employed hy the Company, in such way and manner as tliey shall deem best. , • i The J)ircctors shall make and lay and cause to be paid all necessary assessments, and shaU from time to time order such division of the profits of the Company as they may tlunk advisable, and at any of their meetings a n/jonty of {he whole number slmll coUstituto a quorum for the trans- action of business. < . *■ Article XI. Before any Stockholder shall ho required to pay any call or assessment on his Stock, ten days' previous notice shall be given by the Treasurer of the time and place of payment. . AUTIGLB XII. the Treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys, val- / uable papers, books, and accounts of the Company, subject at all times to the inspection and control of the Directors. He shall pay out money* taking suitable vouchers therefor. if^ "^^^ ■.m \ 111-,.; ■«■ v^ ■in ■■•■■■■ li ■ and givo or iiogotiiit« muh notcH or Mlla of cxclinngo for . Nuch uuioiiiitH mul lit Mucli tlii»!H HM tlio ImHiiiciw of tho (!oin- |Miny limy rvi\\i\ro mu\ l\w Dln^tofH iimy onler, hut for no other purpofo, and \n) Hhall or iniiy indiiruo iiotcH, chcokn, or IiIIIh of exchange rturoivrd l»y tho Company in tho im)«o- cutlon of thoir hnnftioMH, nuiking careful record thereof In tho lM)okH>of tho Conipany. He Hhall record all trannferH of stock and Hhall cancel and carefully prew^rvo uertlficatou of ttll Block tmuHferred, and Hhall |>crforin all otKcro U.octo„ .» holdo" of blocks or f--tf*^^' o,„f onoRftiotlvP*'^ hundred t«onty »>»re« to each p-^ectorB havnTT K^nfirBt paid. T'»'«'i«=«'''«^"*" "„„«,„ Troa.u«.r and countersigned by ««» n ^ 1 ing formL-^. .4 '/.' .<* ■ # ■ '■--■■'I ■ p v^'-«r 16 ;■ No. Shar««. THE CHIONECTO CQAL MINING COMPANY. This certifies that — r-, of ; is entitled tp- shares in the Cnpital Stock of the Chignecto Coal Mining Company, organ- ized under the Corporation Laws of the Province" of Nova Scotia ^ subject to the By-Laws of the Company, and transferable by assignment on the books of the Company and surrender of this certificate. Witness tiie Seal of the Company, at Amherst, (n said BroTince, this : day of — '■ — -j 18 — Seal of ■" ' ■ . -'j' — I , President Company. 4 • , ;■ , Treasvrer. On the reverse of which certificate shall be the following transfer: — ■,.-■■'■■<■ For value received ' hereby sell and transfer to - of , Shares in the written described Capital Stpck qf the Chignecto Coal Mining Company, numbered ——-. — • Dated this ' day of- ,18 — / Article XVI. » These By-Laws may be altered, amended, and added to, at any annual meeting of the Company, «i" at any special meeting, in the call for which notice is given that an alteration, or amendment of, or an addition to, the By-Laws will be proposed. ■ A •V a s ./ •A A'. V-'i %.- .y. ■..,■•,' .\s •::a- y ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ •* ■ • ^ _ . - • ■. . ■■-■?■ 1 • , '-■/y^ ':'[:% \ ■• " ■■ .' '.■ ■• • ' •' ■', ■■',■. " " ' ■- " . i ■ ■• ■. ■-■■^■'.^--■-: -^;-; ■■.■ ■- ■-■ •■ .' I. ■;/ ■ ■ - ■ • * ■ *. ■ » • ■ ■•'■■■ , .■ ■ J . " ■ ■ ■ .' ': ■' "' " i ■ * ' . ■ . ■ ■ - If . ■.'■■. '" . ' ■ . 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