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9)^ 23 WE* r MAIN !>T!t£ST WEBSTER tM.> U580 (716) 8:'2-4503 7<» ,.m signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. rata lelure. J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 % CT^OFTFJ; CO^OXISATTON, EIGHTH IIEPORT OF HER MA.IESTY'8 COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO CARRY OCT A SCHEME OK COLONISATION IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA OF CPvOETERS AND COTTARS EliOM THE WESTERN HI(;HLANDS AND ISEANDS OF SCOTLAND: WITH APPENDICES. Wrcsctttftr to both liouscs of ^arihuufnt bn Command of tier Pajcsti) I, O.N DON: PRISTKI) I'OII lli;i; MA.JKSTV'S STATU IM'.UV (U TICE, IIV VVMAN AND SONS, LIMITICD, I'EITKR LANK, K.C. And to lie imirliased, citlicf clirrctly o\- llirimi;li any liociksi'llci-. from EYRK AM. SI'OTTISWOODE, K\sr IlAifiXM. SriiUKT, t'l.KMT Stukki, K.C, ami ;V2. AlllNCIKiN SrilKKT, WksTMIXsTKI!, S.W. : or JOIIX MKN/IES .V Co., ]•-', Hanuvkh Sti!i:i;t. KniMiniciii, and !10. Wkst Nll.K Stkkmt, (!l.AiSia)\v: or HODGES, FIGGIS, iV; Co.. Limitim), 101. Ouaiton Sikkki, Dnii.iN. 1897. rC- -.■:<). I /'rirr ]},|»()|\Ti:i) TO (AHIIV Ol'T A SCIILMK Ul' (COLONISATION IN TIFK DOMLXJON op CANADA OK mwrm and cottars from the western hiohlwds AM) ISEAXDS OF SCOTLAND. TO Till-; Ql KIlXs MOST EXCELI.IiXT MA.IK.STV, .May it im. i:\sk \'t)\ \i Ma.ikstv : \y,', tli(> imdcrsi-iicl (',iicis iippoii.rcd under ^■mM• Maicstvs Sin,, Alan.ial lor tlu- purposr „r nurym- nut a sHh-uh. of colouisation in the JJoni'inior, of ( ana.ia o! orott(Ms an. cottais from the Western Ifi-hlands and [sland.s of .Scotland ami t;oni the eon-ested districts of Ireland, .k^sire to suhnn-t to your iMaicstv the toilowni';- Report : j j ■ j Reports have hecn received from the a-ent of the I'.oard in Canada relatin- to the settlements at Kdlarney. in Manitol.a. and at Saltcoats in the North West 'IVrritories of ( anada, for the year ]S!m;. The was estalilished i„ the sununer of 1S8S prKii' to the constitution of the Uoard. and the latter in the sprin- ,.f !ss<) most Of the fanniies also havin.u I. ■■en seleefed liefore the hi'st mci'tinn of th'e Hoard. StatemcMits are a[)pended coutainin-' extracts from the a-ent's reports ( Appendix \ ) .•in(| statistics (Appendix 1',.) showin- the po.sition of the settlements in 1 sin;, and nils, and other informali i^i^in^ ihe acreap' under various crops, live stock on the ti Killiiniiii Si-tlh'iih'iit. Ilieiv are .")4 homestead- under cultivation in the K..„.,,„, numhcrs about Kid ]iersons. The area uii(k"r cultivation in is'Mi'w.,,, _.,._,. ,ieie the addiiioiial area lirokeii and under summer fallow was ill:! acres, or a total of on. illarnev Settlement, which acre.-. a< eompaivd with :!.(;(i4 acres in isit."). Dividiii" t IS L>,si',s acres, and 7A\ faniili l.i:;(» cs formiiii; the settlement, the av lis area anioiiti- the :!(» erau-c IS akoiit 1 l'O acre-, per fainilv. Jt iiichak n eres under crop and in summer fallow, on tke homesteads of •_>() leniliers of the various families, an average of aliout .')() acres eaci It will he seen that the yield of wheat in the set as compared with 4!t.l {•_' in Isii."). T viruiii^er tlement in IsiMi was 'IIM^) liiishei :],4l ) liiishe here were also I I.O?') kiisliels of oats raised, and )f potatoes, as compared with I4,.">ss bushels and 4,-_'l'0 Ini'shcl respectively in the prtnioiis year. The value of the wlicat rai.sed was 81 #1. *.»!•:•). and of potatoes .•^(Js .707, of oats i, as ( ■ompared with !^l71. 'riicsf tijiures how a satistiu'torv inci'casc over tiic pn'vious year, while, as will be seen i'roni tlie returns, the increase as comitared with l>^!M» is reinarkalile. The families in the settlement have cut 7*i''> tons of hay. The l^oard has now olitained po.s.session of all the lands upon which luc crofte»'s ai'c settled. In all except 1.") ca.scs ti heads cf fandlies and !• voun^cr niendicrs- the land has been leased to the ci'ufters, and will Iiecomc theii' pro|)crty aftei' the payment of I'ont for (>i>.;ht years. The ci'ofters rofusiiii^' to sipi le■l,sc^• have liccn inforined that luiless they reconsider thcii' decision at once ;hey nn:st •"•■.te their fai'ms. 80 far no arranp-menl has iiecn made between the crofters and thcii' outside creditors tor the disjxisal of the ."> acres under cultivation. The crofters have not. it is stated, sown a larger area of grain, they prefer to ilevote more attention to the raising of live stock, which besides being more profitaltlc, enables them to go out to earn money during the seeding and harvest seasons. It will be seen that the crofter.5 now have DO horses, as against 'Jl in b'-i!t") : '1 oxen, 83 cows, 7>i heifers, 47 steers, ."> bulls, \V1 sheep, 1.') pigs, and .')!••_' clu'cken.s. These figui'cs show an increas(^ as com[)are(l with the prcvirms year. It is gratifying to the IJoard to learn that the Saltcoats .settlers have not incurred outside debts to any a[)|ireciable extent : that they rarely ask foi' civdit, and that where t-i'cdit is given they seldom ;dlow the date of payment to pass without di.scharging their obligations. I.egislation has been passed by the Canadian Parliament to enable the Saltcoats settlers to take u]» new locations. Their existing lands will be Vidued. and tlieir accounts credited accordingly. On their new lands they will give the Hoard mortgages for the lialance of their indebtedness. All oi' wliieh \se hinnlily submit to ^ Oui' .Majesty's gi'acious consideration. J. (i. ('oi.MKi!. Secretary. December. 1807. H.M.i-oi 1! oi- Hri!i.i;nin. StUATMIONA AM) iMol NT KOVAI.. MoltACi: I'lA NKia'T. Ja.mks Kin(;. ( '01. IN SC'OTT-jVloNClilKFK. David Uiciimond. doiiN Hoss-oi -Hladensuuhu. Tiio.MAs Skinnku. niiinlicr (if CSC tijiurt's II i'nmi the iic cidfte's iiiciiilicrs — ty ai'tci' the i('('()iisi(h'r t'ir outside tended to II projji'etis, 10, il.( ., of and np(»n KKsCKiTIM; ju\: KlI.LM.-NKV iSirni.KMKsr. I IlllVr thf llcliiillr- lo illtul-lii yi.ll thill llie illllivi.iu.ll rc|M)rt,s ;iii(l stiileiiii'Mls (iii tin- Killariicy ScttlMinMit havr bei-ri sent tci you iniiliT sc|iiii:itr c-ov'it^ liv |■|■■.'i^t^■R■(l irniil. SI, il, nil iil.t ,iiii( liiiliriihiiil Hi /...itf. TIlL' \ill-iull^ stilti llicill" llllVC lii'iTI rn||||iill'il witll :i view III -liciuiri'; tin: t'iilk>! |i,,smI,1,. iiii,,niMti..ii in uliat w Imped iiia.v )ir toiiiiil a rcuvcniiait l.nin lor ivl'cn nee. 'I'Ih'V ci'iitaiii a ivciad ..I tlic lien iiiiiiiIht. nairic, aj;i', aii(i liMiiliiiii of cacli .sfttlui',tu};vtlici-\vitli llic iianicamraj^fol faili irirtiilKi-ol'cviTy family. Tlir iinuilu'rof aires uiiil'r ciiltivalion nf wheat, oats ami |iolatiies, avi'iiiiui.' |.ei'acie, .Mcld and market value of llio .siiiie. Total aen-s midei' iidtivatioii. Iiveakiii^r. liackseltiiij: and ■.iiimiiei- fallow done during' llie yeaf. and ,umnd total nf aei:--- tliat eaii lie li|-on;jlil under eliltivati(j|i fipr llie acres, with an averaMc yield of over l!i Imsliels to the acre. The numlier of acres luider potatoes in ISiin was In, with an a'era^re yield of over ITHlaishels to the acre: and in ISiM;. liil acres, which yielded :!. 1 1,"., .a- ..\ei 17o Kushels lo the acre. The settlers could have found a ready market for their (lops durin;; the autumn of |8!)ii. at an avera^:e of i;i) cents I'.ir wheat, oats Is, and potatoes I'd cents l.u-hel. It will lie seen, liy coiiipariim the statement uitlithc one received liy you last year ( ISii.'.) that altlinu;;li the settlers had a larger area nf wheat and oats uiider culti\atioii, the yield was niucli less. .\ltlioui;li the -ettleis ei'ops have not yielded as much per acre a> tliev did ill IMi.'i, they have received at least mie thin! more per liiisliel for tlieir .u'rain. It will lie further (ili.served that in Islin the ciufteis purchased I lioisc, and in ISIll! they had in their possession 7."i, an increase of 71. The a^'ent regrets lo s,i> that with few exceptions the settlers still owe .some of the purchase money on their horses, In ISiinihe iiundierof oxen (l.t'.ll)was .".7: and in 18!l(i. II, a of -l(i. Uiiriii;; the vejir nxen were supplied to Nos. I, I, l-l, and :!•;. .\,L'ain in ISIMI the crofters purchased lil oxen : and in IS!)ti they had in their possession ,'ts, an increase ,,f |.|. In ISlKithe settlers had ;)7 of the ori^'iual cows su|i- plied to them hy the lioard : and in ISDi;. :!. a decrease of lit. t'liws puichascd liy settlerti in addition to those supplied liy the Hoard in ISIiii nilliiliered J."i and in ISilli this numlier was increased hy ."i7. The numlier nf youuf; stock, iVc., is as follows ; Heifers, 189(1, fiO : ISOC, lift : an inereas.^ of |ii. Steers, IS'Mi, :i7 ; ISIIC, Hi : ,. .. <|. Hulls. IW)ii. .-, : |,mi(i, 1 : a decrease of .|. roulliy. IMK), Si:{; ISIK;, 1.(171 : an increase of N.-.,s I'iKs. ' ISfiii, :fs ; ISIHi. I I!) : .. ill, (i.M. The cause of the decrease in the lixc-inrk ori-inillv -.I'plled to the settlers is aeeuimted for l.y di'illl a!,,^ /■'iirn-ln^iiiii /'riii'ici/iiii/x. Willi few exeeptiiins title |„ those lands .„, which the .oard made advances to the settlers, ha^e revere! uiiiler the toreelosinK suits to the lioard. " ^' '"i" II. KxrnuT n:oM ■,,„: |i,;,,„,, .,k tmk .\,iKNT I have the honour to inform you ihat the i,i,liM,|n,.I I loiter Keports and state nts have l.e,,, -ent toy.,, imder separate cover liy re-istered mail I he various statements have lieen compiled with the 1" ^ ol showine the tidiest possil,|e inforniation in w , 't Is I loped may lie lound a eonvenient form for reference li"i "I tMi'. ^et lei. together with the name ami aye of '•aci memlier „l every lainily. The numlier of ."errs under cultiva ion „) wheat, oats, and potatoes, a vra-e ||r liKol |s.,,.,.s well as the livestock on the hums, Nalue ol improvenieiils, .ye., on each lioniesfeail, pre: .i|||iroxiiiiate ol the lioards security, aniouiit of pi'iuc aiUanced l.y the lioard. and -eiieial remarks. .sent ipal /I'iri, /,;/„/„/;.,„, .\ comparative statemenl has Keen added for the year IS!li,a>,d IS!l(i, winch shows that the total acres l„.,aH under the ploii-h, IS!«i was IhS, and for |^f Ai'ii'H tiruli r <'iilii\iiliciii. Aeroft. Whrat. VicW. - I wV ++' - I , i .•).v •Mi 7t - - :m s+ 'I' .■(III -- ti)' li»ii 'II T.f 1.^ - 4(1 \'m: William M. 1 1 Malii.lm M. her Dniial.l M.'Dniiaia ^aniiH'l (traliam .liilm McKay ■ Ntirman ( Ivaliam William M,l,.'u(l .l.iliii NirlmlMm .InllM M.'la'all .luhii (■aiii|.l...ll Aii,:U' < Iraliani ■loliM MiKiai/.io .l.tliri Mrl .1 William M.l.rucl .l^ihn Mil 1 \,vwi- \lrl 1 Ki'iimili Ml Aiili'V .I..I111 \1< Aiilcy MiiMiM - Aii^'ii- M.lloiiaM .liihii MiKciizic Aiinii- M.Ia-. •! n.inal.l Mil .1 .l.ihii M,.ni-,.ii Mnr.lci Mniii-.M .lolill < 'laliam .Inliii (.lahaiii ' All.Mi \l,l.,.,,.l Miir.l.. S-,,.uiMi .Inhii \l.K.-n/i.' H.mal.l M,K-n/ii' K..|im-ili M.I.I-...1 William M.ll"iialcl Dniialil Muiiay Alc\aii.lri\hl .Irl Mui'lc ( ijaliani liu-ll"l- tilKI 1.- ;t:iii 411 .'iiin - 114 1,'JSII ■Jil ; ;i4i> 411 limi .'ill .-.411 ."ill (iall Villiie. ;tii HIS III! .'tn(i iHi TliS (Id ."iS.'i (III iii-j 1)11 ■j;i4 (III ;t;tii (Id ;I84 (III ,"i 111 I II I •JI14 nil mill nil ;)--'4 nil HiK) (III .'ill fidil 1 .•t(U) (111 l.-> ISd HIS lid S(l '.Hid ; ,-,7 .-il-.' :iii7 ■Jd :),-. .V.'.'i .■ti.-. (111 .-ill ,-,111 ;>iH> (III 4(1 4Sd •.'SS nil .-is (ids ;!(>4 Sll ."id (W(l ! :<(id nil .'t.'i *J."i 4!).-i (Id ■-'II ■J Id 144 nil :iii .'Kill ■JUi nil lid !)tid .■i7(i (Id Am'' Vii'lil. l',M..llrU :<(i( 1 \iiliit' $ ■■■ .M dd •Jd Id 14 li ■J I Id ,■.4 s s Id Id 080 4(18 (HI i(j Id Idd :!:|d ■j:."> ;t,-)ii liiiii l.-ln :!iid .■t'li; ITii Hill ■ >.)" Iil> II.-, ir> .'(4.-, 4'JiJ •200 ■JOU IS lid II III 411 .",(1 0:1 (Id •_'7 (Id 114 .Sd '.'if Id ."il (Id hi;! .",11 71 -js ;ii lis ■is Sd 4(1 8(1 II 88 •J I 711 •-'I :in {\\1 III 7."i on Idl Id 4fi 8(1 46 8(1 I,", (Id I'lilatiM'v AiTUH. ^ Vielil. Value. Itn^luOs. 8:i 71 7;! SI 10 lid 0(1 hj (III 71 1 1 ■Jd 7(1 1 1 11(1 8(1 l(i nil (i.'i 1:; (111 i I Jll II lid Hi •JO 17 III 8-2 Hi III 7!l 1.-. Sd III 1 s Ml OS HI on 89 17 80 SO 17 ■2n 8.j no 87 17 10 107 :t;i 40 1(C2 •Jd 40 IT 4(1 Value. l(i (ill I •_' I " I I I Jii I I III! li; 111! 1:1 (III li Mil I i liii 11; Jii l^ lid IT 111 k; til 1.-. sn 1- Ml l!i till 17 S(l 1: ■Jii IT (HI 1: 111 .•!:! 111 •Jii III 1: 411 ■ - - AI'I'KNDIX I!. - KII.LAI.'NKV CHOITKIIS IN' nii; Imiividhai. Ciiuitkiis' [{Kruins, immj. UvH titwk on I'liili H(iiii,>|,.a,|. '6 *s ^ s X ■T. X s ■r..h- ii,i> rill. Iti'iiuirko. I'lilciil hii:. j^siifil to the liiiard. 58i 1' (iO •-';) .m; Ull 9(H ill MNI 35J •-M.', mi m l!)i (id 3,->J •_'4A (K) fiflj •.M.i Sd .VJJ .STi !)ll aui 4Ji !I3 I'nriiinissi,, nor Dominion Lamls hue icciininKMiiled piitcnt to issue i,. lioiinl. Solictor- aro forerlosinj, ll,l^ -CttltT « lic-M. ('orriniissjoni.r Dominion Lands ^.a^ ri-coniNii'iiilfil |,ati'nt isnut- ti liiiaril. '»ri}.'infil lioniostcad (Colin), dead rty to Nt|.hcv itors aif adinirinj; to land. diriut Id Hoard. Niiiiiliri i<: \r >'- iiriiii'i ( 'iillii.iliiin liii-ii Niiiiil»'r Niiiii Wli.'nl, 1 1 'Ai'ivK. Virl.l. \nl 11'. s llll.JK'l-. $ r. ■JM Nnnimii Mi-Ki'ii/it 1*1 Ill III ;iiiii IHI ..V Willimii Mi'Ki'ii/ic III .-•llll :i:(ii IHI "- .liniii'- Mi MrKilllliill ."lit 7IIII \Xs\ llll 07' < ';Ulii'rini' McKiiiiini 7'i l.lllii Tl 1 llll -T' Dnlmlil SIc'M.Ml Sll 1 -Jiiii 7 -'11 IHI •JV li.iniilil M.Kii.v .•!.•. :i.-.ii •Jill llll ■J!* \y\\'iA\ M'KlTlzic^ Mil «l4tl .Mil llll :iii lioili'iii'ls MiKii> 7'i !.il.')ll (•..■111 llll .■II' ll:niri;ayrii' MiKiiiiMHi S(l l.-.'iiii 7-.'i 1 llll :VJ' KiMin.'lli Mi'l,c"cl im 4MII •JSN llll ;i:i .luliii Im;i-^i' lull :iii ix i2,'J40 ;J7.'vl.". $1117117 nil \ciT-, \w\A \ \-a\w'l-. $ I III ■.'.'ill I.", nil llll ill -ill l.-i III hill •Js SI) Iml Is llll "llll '.17 •Jll ST."> I.-.7 .■|ll |-,i. SI Itll Ihll S^J Sll -.III !I7 •Jll 7. -Ill i;i.-. llll Isii ;;.> III ;iii ■Jll ■Jll :iii is'j ;il.ii7.- $l,!i!i:i .Ml i;K( .\i'iTri,.\TioN Kll,l..\liNKV I'liOFTKUS - I'SiKI AM) IMH) ,\HsiHtt"l Si'itli'i-- iHiiii .•ii;. ISIIIi ."il. l''.ir yriir IHIKi ISiHI Inrri'asi' Hwi-ciisH Wlirill. AiT.-. > iri.i. Ilil-lirl-, 1,-Jiii I j:i!i 1 s..-,s,-, I II117 !l.'Jlill ( >at.-i. \,T,-. i Virl.i lil.-llrl- .-ii;j :iii7--i 74 -J. His iss -I'm l-.ii;U..i'- \.r»-. Virlil. Ilii*lii'l> ■Jll .•i.4l.-| III l.7iil III 1.Im4 I'lilillr \.n-. Vii'1,1, \mIii... llii-lii'lJ $ r. ill Is -JO !«l I'.l SI) Sll If.' IT so is 40 1 I I lis ' ;«i till '.14 I M so S7 17 40 llll Jll Jll lU) Jl 1 1 II 1 s7 17 10 S!l 17 SO !I'J Is III Sli 17 -JO ll.-l HI III) $IIH» 00 r.itiil llrcaUiiiK. \.r..~ Iliii'U iniilcr -ettiiiK. ( iilliMi SniiiniiT liliM. \ l''illlll«. J.vjs '.n\\\ \:.\i\\ i S.V.I i..-)t).-. (Iranil Tntal. ;i.7»i: •J,INJ 1,.V>0.'. \1. I'liriii'-rly till' I I II I'. N. W l.^l. I'l.. Imllcr- wcrr -lu'V. ■ a- a—i^li'il li\ the I. I'. I!., viz. .\-..i-t-l M.'Uli-r> KV..0 - - 711 ('. N \\ , Cil. scltlci- l^ 111 14 .\,,.,l |,v I. r. I!. .-)li ■Jll (HI 17 Ml i; iO 1 s III 17 •Jll in III! m-A m) Ciriviiil 'I'otal. ;).74i: •J, IS J 1, .">■>».'. .VI'I'KNhlX i;. ,;,i,r„H,r,l. (liiiiiil j iii;i, (irnml Acri'x BulliiiK, iiiiili'i' ! mill Ciiltivii' SiiMiiiii'r timi. j l''iillii\v, I I mm. I,i\i' Slink nil 111. h ||nlMi.,l,.|ii|, Total si. sS fill- ^ 'w 1S!I7. ^ sf i fl (T / ^ 1 s I i w ^ ^S 8 1 3 iVI.^ •.114 NO v,\ ll»4 II.-I ■i1 . •-'- 1 ■O.J III'. nil .'1 .•llll. li> II.-. 1 ;tii .-. .■i.-i T-'i 7.-. •-' •Ni ■-'lA iiKi :i SI 1,1. !•!> !!.-. 1 711'.. ■•w. Hill ;< 70 Tn :l ll.V, •.'4\ 1 III :i O'l'.. III'. ii.-i t SOJ II', !I-J .-. OII\ r, 11.-. .-. 110^ 10! i:iii ;i 7H'. III.^ ii.-i lim Inn I I in :i I :: I .-. I :i I ;i I :.' 'J '.' .'i :\ ■"i .'I 7 :i I 111 :t Hi I 1.-. :( ■i.MjK oi;i,|, ;i.;4i.\ 7."> II .'w :t m> mi in i 1,071 mh - i:k<' Ai'i rri..\ii()N. - Kii.i,.\i;.\'i;\' ( i;(»i"n:i!.s. IS!IO \M) lS!)(j. ri.iH III ll:i;, llll I. 'I III in J I ■Jll Jll Ili'thiirk- (■iiiiiiiii,.iiihoi- lli.iiiiii.i.ti l.iiiiiU Ims !■ iinini'iiiji'ij iiiiii'iit i^^iir ii, III .11 III. I.ii'ii iiniliM- ill 'rihtii'iis hill lure ilii-ril. \i.. .'I.'i ilr,i.l. |,|,| 1, r III iiiliimii- Ir ilii.ii iiliiuiiii'il. Live SiiicK nil II -ii'iiil. 7.') 11 ' •">7 i '•• - 1 40 J4 14 ,sj on ■_'.-. .-.1 1 ."iT in :i4 Tiiii^ (if Hay Cut. K.niiuks. eers. nulls. I'millry. I'iK. 40 1 1.071 140 7o;i •M ■'■ 1 Sl.S ;is 111 .-.IS J4.-. \) _ ~ 4 - — '- — ~ Mkm. :J.— Tliiisf iiiiiiili.T^ \uili 11 (■) iiatt'MN 1iiim> lici'ii N>iii'il. mid are in the lliiaril's .V^'ont^ liancls. 'I'liiisc nuiiilicr^ uiili 1 1 ' 1 lii.iuil liii> nl.iaini'il lillr tii liimU. 'I'luise iiiiiiilnM'-. witlh.iii ~i'(' \j;i'Ml~ ri'iii.-uk-^. G. B., Ajjent, Colonisation Rmird. f^niiudn. fiafi. to AI'I'KNDIX \\.-n,„tii>ni;l SALTCOATS CUOFTKKS, isini S'l'A'lKMKN"!' lOMI'll.KO I'No.M I Nil iKMA I'll IN ro.VI'AIXKH liicii Nuitilier. NiiiiiIitT ul" Arro iiHilcr ( 'ultixalinn. \c.'T;. Wheat. iAc'iv-. \wU. Vi.hii' -- !l.-i Nfil McKay - li lloMiilil .\lMiTi>*iin II t'llllllf^ II.IC-lltTt.V ■)S .l(i!i]i lliKliiMIy 1-.' Ali'.\aMihTMi'|).iiinlil ^■. , Iloiiiilii -Milldiiiilcl ■J.S ' lliilicH MiKiiy :il ' lli.iiiil.l Morri-iiii M .I..I11, M.Kuy Tt .Miilc.ihii MrKay X} — IViiT M.iiri>iiii :

  • MclLaiaM r, lioili-riil, M.-Kay - 7.S \iij;ii> MiKay :«l I - I Kwcii M.'Kay ■ 411 , — ! N,.il MrSv..-.Ml I I 4:1 < — ' \' l-rr"iiscii I ! 47 — i •I'-Ihi Mrhol- . I - ' .Sfi [ -I.iImi M. h.T - I MS II. .Mill. I \l.-lvur l!u-lii.|>. $ c. 11 !,_.,■>. lIliU Acre-..; vifid. : \i Ilnslii-I>.i $ ll-J •■(IK 1:1 I'll IM. $117 -'II l%itatiH*s. Mi'lil. 1 \alnr Itllsliuls ill $ <•. I,S lill ■-'Ml I--' (Ml -ill l-J -Jll •-'iiii 111 nil IMI I--' nil . In7 -Jl to j HI! -.'ii Sll ' % l!l HI 17:1 .■(,-, Sll nil Is nil ni Is -Jl I .'.7 II 411 ■ s!l 17 Sll 111(1 'ill IKI i I ■-'III IJ IHl ixn .■17 Sll ■-'III i-j nil 1117 :!:! 411 s7 ; I 40 L',.'i4!i ■<"iin ■^ii tl(Uiii>li'ail- fur Y«ii Isnr. ,. is:iii ^'-.'Hl.T- J* I liuTcasi! Iii'cri'iise l{K('AIMTri.ATI()N SALTCOATS ( liOFTKi.'S IMIO AMI is'it; Wh.'.it. \.T.-.. S I. I.I. l;n-',.l- 1 r... 17:, 77s A.i-,.-. \wU. Iliisii.'!- I s 4sii 7:ii 1. 71111 I'.iial...-. A.TI-. \ i,.|.l. Ilii-lii'K ■J..-iin I.ISII + ', l.nii'.l I'.. [ill lir'nkin.;. ,, , \, .,.,., Hack v.'"'"' iiii.liM x't'tin;.:. '';.''.!'' , (■|ll:i\a Siilittiifr linn. .■).-. l-".i I'rlli.H. rill IHH7 ■.\:> ISS l.-.:i u AIM'EXDIX I',. r„„ti,H,r 3 1 ■2 1 i U 7. C •I'l.n, M.iy u' <'nl. l.'l ■J."i 43 3S 3s !lll lieiiiiirks 3! i|."i ■Jil lill •-'!! ">'» L'l li.'i Hi lill IT 411 31 Sli •Jli ■-'•"• Aljaiiiliini'il. Dilld. Ditlii. Ditlii. Ditto. ■> (i 1 1 -J ' s 4 1 ■-' 1 •S 1 1 111 :! 4 H !l I' I II « ■ 2 83 ' 78 ' 47 ! .-. IT 3li 13 Ii3 37 3'.' 1.-, .-,!L' Hill 31 IIHI I.I3-J Hc.i.l. Ilciil. l.SM l.-|3 - l{K('Al'ITri,ATl()N. - SALTCOATS CL'OlTi;i{S. - LMIO .\Mi LSIMi. Live SlnrU nil ll(illic^teilcl>., I ,',';«','• [oxe.i. ,<;',",■;• , (^m-s.^ Hclfcr-s. Ktecis. 'Hulls. :)!• li •Js 3<1 li III 13 s;; li 77 ' 63 47 14 3» SI |., I'it;-. l'(Milli-y. 3J I.-, .-,!l-_' 17li 32 l.-i 4l(i ■|',in- of liny cnl. l.i;)'J _>!MI Sl-J l.'i'iiiiu'k.-. «.:.-.. (i. li. linlili MiMl.i:, Au'i'iil. CnliiiiiN.iiiiiii Boai'il (.'iiaadii