^ ■■■■■I AnHMlMt|rMlMMlMMilMM»aMMtl « ■ ■'■p'*." t C*fitim«t«r 1 2 liich#i ,V^^' ^ ..A,-< S * 7 a « 10 II 12 13 14 19 1.0 |g9 |14 |16 1 o ^ «4 4> V ^% i* CIHM Microficht S«rl«i (Monographs) ICMH Colltction do microflehoi (mohographlos) 9*11 •^ f.. 1 . X <» mH i i N ip i i ll«i prowiwit: n paHAfilMM/ dttitr> CjiMiaii ol Ihim/- " ' THm di dipwt dt la livraiioii fall ^: (Mfi«ri9iM (pki e JIqu M t 4a la livraisoii "Wir -2»r ^t)r ^OJr TUJT T«r 12X itx aox INI II II II MX 2tX 32X * /'^.' k 4 • " ■■■■ . '■: ■ ■ ' r- Tlw oom fUf*M4 iMf* hM bMfi r«produ««d tttanM (■IMfOMw CM ,.■••, ■■."■■•■>•■ ' ■" "'TofMla ■ _■-.:, AraMvMofOntMto «f tiM oHflfMl eopv an4 In kMptoif wHft tlM fllmliifl elsmrMt tpMifleMlofW. Xm Iwigiii »Ml"-■ • \- ' ^ "'.■■• ki - ■ ' ■ ■ - ",■■.-'■.'■. ■ -_ . ■;. ■ .'. ■ ■ ■ ,■ ! .. , " ■ ■ -i i .^ifpgr^i^iTii.^HfcTiiTyiii^i ^lyiw lytWWUflpppgWpiP EEPORT OF A VISIT TO tOMl aw TBM MXm OV TBI LABOM OV TBI nam for irish church MitsHUit DUBINa THE SUMMER OF 1856. ■ Ji-^■"- Bt Bav. R. v. Boons, A.M. V WmA at a MtrHigif tht Bifim IiiiM* i 4 ill 9 do MOd I Md to fe|M M4{ nT vMh MMh r' -' .:,;•;. . \ • -^ --/:;:, ..x.*-;-^-:.' , ■■^ I r^ 1 i KINGSTON: i.^ ,1 , , . .. , .. ,;. „■.; .. .. *:_j ^ -J ■Yr-'^ :;'i:::r..rr--.-':->i I. n'-"*7^»«'-' » ■'i i^' .i-i -■■%*. -'^.■4^..r x 0FFICBR8. iMrfc D. OABTWBIOHT. , iMm, Mm iiBEPAnioE. ■-'a Mm. BL Mantrmm, 'Urn, Tim^ /, : ■■ MniDufVft iD.. V MMLKHom^, Mm^Hiu, :; V ■i ^ .;^sg L a^»a^^v.^ ;^a^ aiyyfi^ ' S @ i ;i> a »r'«5' <• -|-a5T. ; y t Oar mir drawing near the iMnet, in IrdandL of wW hnt Mm- ▼incM Um •kepUo, awake^ UU drofwir ProiMiaiity aniiiud iha •ymDathiM of the man of Um world, and rejoieod tht heart oi the People of God. witt§ tmiriSelmrf iutei#ntf met me reepecting what prowwrn te be the work of Oed* That any quettkm eziited ai lo the oharaeter of the work, t lint beard in London} then, at the Miftion Honee. ftomtbf Secretary 1 and again, in Irokand, repeatedly^ I mU imUfm *ir mya^fy wai my retolve. Of the frnite of that examinaliott am new to give yon a brief ffceteb. Circomitancee induced me to enter Ireland at the »orth ) and firem thence^ ai Providence might open the fmr, I deiigiied to trace out the fiatb, enlighteiwdl»y eeriplnraljncation. Beiiiig under a pretnnff engagement, my Ume dllliot permit ny viiitinf anir of toe fhenda to whom I had letin of iotie^nc" tion. in Belfatt and newhborbood ; ieveral of whoii, I aiter»> wardi learnt, *Were amoitf the moat deTofed nipportera of the Iftob Chnrch MinJenary Society. Thii, though truly a dimp* («aiitmen^ waa countcrbalaBced in eome ^egree, by my being by the 0pia*> ■> R te to eqter on my work with a mind lonaef otberi. Mend, it mar nel be ininfed, howenr, fl«m' tiri« that ]t»^ atihe iMitb i|re mme tolerant of thoev who diflU^ AMi lum^ ntlfco l ot h, e> Welt* Rone'ff ptineipl^ h Ihi iamu ewwywhera.- It i« the iMnT of jmm Xo mffith§ h# will, nol her «eenl of witf, that renden her mild and gwMM iliikt in the. midet of « numerical 1 majoriir of dMMitt. O mt rf i l i el l y t hoiumir, even ken, her nnmtpoikfjrtff MfMt pildnibiiiiiigoMM^and KeuMeMniventinr ^ ^^m. -^-../•- ftta?«r the intoretli of tb« PriMt'f lyttMn uukfimmmi* ' inlerMdof MiMion hM bmu oomaMiiMd on iIm MMi wf IMftt, Etq.f M CntktnMI, nndtr Um tmiftm* Itfi M ft pWMMlM:. of Iho Ohafeh of CM. Dariftf IM mm. niiBiiMry two floripura Roodora frwo bftdlx boftliB is lk# M^fb- bdHkood of OmImMI, Oomtty ABlrim ; and UmmIi mm of tho MioilftBti woro anoolad, yoi no oontioUon MiifiPtdl ihoir proMeation— ftom that whieh, alai, boi boon lo oommm is trottnd t tho omo with whieh witnoMoo emn bo iMiiMd to provowbi ▲ totj 01 OHM§t^ • V ' toBdoBOo of tbo A». Mr, trvdh iHth vory IbvortMo pmp joli of raoooM. Hero, m olMwhoro, in thio country, itt imial oondltlon of eonfMrativo lifht it iho rotoltof a lonf ana fain takinv woparation. Tho Sohoot-HooM, with iti iilooi, ftH Mtio iBfliieneo, lowod tho ooodi of that honoftal hanroit wUoh li now fladdoninf tho hoartf of thoipiritnal laboion. At Jkr» rwktigkmt, DUroodb, I flrtt caow into aotoal contaot with tho mh-nina. Tha Girli* 8ehool--89 oikly 1^ fitii^, te hiiiif ft 11^^ in tho Boifhboarinf town-^-ofideneed to tho un and att f at iott or tfM KoT. T. HmdM, Boctor of tho Pariih } I oniBiMd Iho oMfld^i and Ibund thorn Torr oonvortant with tho Wond ol Ofld. YhoBoytf* Sehool if andor the JVWtonol Boord ; and tht thif4 iMr 6t tiM lyicein nt ibrth bj, iti anthoiity, gaTo inata «|^ piittaniiy of tMtibf tho S aif im a ai wall as foiwral loMwIiiil or thapopOt} ftnd Ithoold ny, that tho boyi won ^iiili omftl 10 boyi of Ihoir own ago in Cfanada. or oliawhoio. Vity l|lw Bootettirii ehildfon attended at that ti m e twooirthtoo ow* I dioeoTorod that thii edueational ■yiteni , doTiood to rOeoMilo llio rMlbri at loail eqaally Ottder tho ban, booaoto ail iMdaoiion of a thira ■yttem more af r eea b lo wil^lho Bomanin^hatot the Uf M, and wM BOO _ Hfhtg ihOHOMt the lifht, nataral or lofoaM^ «o Ibr aalt OftB^ iaimioal to aofiiemof " " " - - - If ■ow ftB iglmitied Ibihire, pleaMnf bo ieligiooaiaae> 'j'i ,iij^- .^i,:h{tvt'-'xt\tif 1;\t'\'}- .li%- Yi«3tpt ^^«^4 Ji,..--;, 'it jBftfhKf fioehed I>nblitt 1 piH myielf at olM 1^^ liaim Tntfi Mi idliirj ef dtiaeitN ftr ItiA CJmwk fJlKmkuki l^j^riMMfci-voft'OOMlsMi^ iae«tod#^> -^Pisiiatri^ rio4MlUiN|. 1 ->— ^ A /■ \ 4-rt J* ^elSs^xr i»W-.K.lS 1 Ui. /■ \ I iMd ■fcufaiii ftmk th« !•¥• if Am PmmU 80ci«t: £ oiroalMr Mr W«l«ls kvkmmi ir iairadaiikii !• tM in llMtiMto wlU«li I bad dMiiMd 10 Imm wq« MH d tte JIm. JB. £INt. Um Awt ria t i on MflMH grMiMtMBoml or iiiroaklonobloao AohiU.)uia fHn wm ft ^Mi of TWtalioii eowbioiiif tho pitboblo Mnnolioii whiik two or throo wooii wool to Mia la ft jftvnMT through Connonuurft, mhMm bftjk to DoUia, Hod I hod inoro rooftm ftt my dimdj i» moro oxliiMiTO, ftad ihr noro thoroogh, wooM bftvo iMift k^kft to ftB WoMiffttioo whieh wot to totklV otiMit ftt w41 ftf iaijrooirof HU f«d% of tbfti whieh prolMMd to bo lAt wtrktfOoi, Tlw piftal bftd lowJvod oa wm. thftt «iito^ iMoka, whUoi tho ftTorftgo a Ho Mftaoft iiW IMiJr* Ollliftviiif tho loom I woo iatrodftood to tho or tho proporty. wiio hoo rontod tho r«Mi (fmaorly fts Mm) to tho Sooiotyj ftt Mmo poeaaittry loii, aad rpMiiaal ftaaoyaaoo* It wm o? idont, howovor, ftom hio SSiitioa, that ho hftd hifhor motlToi for whftt ho did, wUeh iti Urn to tot both ftt thoir trao valao. I had tho ploa- ■aio of booriaf Mr Dowliag twico ; aad, oa both fohhihl Mdiibitioa of tho trath ai it it ia X to bo tho ooo objoot of tho Irith Ohnroh Sodoty, thmadb aU in agMMsiot, "It Imm nUkUg ftal Jmu Ckritt md Mm \ iiiiijiiir ; ftnd htia it tho tteiot of thoir tlioagth. Ia thtif A hmKat thit day, aad ia that btnightod load, it hat fiafadl vhil llofir BMMi doi otwayi, ftad in all kadt, hoipoftr iM llB laian^ boadt, ** Mighty through God, to tho paHiMr of ttroafhoUb*** It it tho trath that mahot ftaa« aai iNwUilwftraliPtoiadood. .: .'; ^- ^/ -'-vi: .■i*i.w^*»i . ;^4INIillhiia:btM■lilbliUatlritiollK.--'v^^;^:^^ T^owmnmn BnMMS (Dobum) RAooan S oto m 'U ui 'lliiipiliyiiiily^ 1^810. Tbkf mm ««U M«d, m I «ll«rwMdi Umd, by «• Mstts. ■■4 mi aii qw f number of t«Mhtgi> . jlji^ «! «M»i ■ ■fcoi l Mid Obttrab : » Mni-«ifMlM idi al lb« «iimv Mid. ibk Mni-«ifMlM ling eoiiiiauiiion«Uibl«, pidpk aai to tuit Um jpartiMUr dnUat. On •biiiy by tisilon. Sanreyinf Um e horn tkk point, liiuiy thiofi ftrike yon. Th« moUty witMm wbkb it a rail, anel 4«ab. all moveabla n li waa omui piM appeaianea of tbe anembly, elad for the mott part, in ragi, of ■• iNiay eolort aa piooaa, and af many piecM as aquaro inebaa. Tboiff agea, Tarying from aisty to atx— ooToral gonawiiona grouped togetber in one olaaa, eaoh drawn by the aame power, an ittqeiry after Qcdh book ) intent en one object^ta atody. liera waa no Uatleaa indiftrenoe ; all were in earaeal } il waa ■a digging for gold ) a aeaivb aa far a bidden Ireaaore. And H lUa marked the pnniJa, ii waa equally evident that Me tecAara fiU that they bad aeaMtbing lo commnnkafn worth giring; thai they had 'come that day to feed the hungry} to enrieh men who felt the miaeriea of apiri^ tual piorerty; and to clothe them with the robe of ml? a- Hm* The teaehera were of no one alaaa in aoeiety. Near the 4&m WM n aen of Sir Danean MoQregor, the Chief of tki Bilieo t next to him waa Dn Law, an eminent pbyaieian } b a y a nd bam was a eenveried Romania!. Among tbo femato tiiebera were Mi» and the Miaaee Wbateley (tbe Arebbihhep't . iMnilp), ami eUmra. evidently of the higher grade in aooiet/, Vhilat a few wen little removed in atafton firom their pupils. QMadnl seemed to perrada all. U wai indeed a Mar of lo?*. ii Who ean eompoto tkt frtmU go$d aaeh' inatitntiona oenliBr 1 Ham ia n pmotioal denial of the demagogue'a baekneyed iiila»* kood|»-St^<^-^ i iwring the teaching I had gone amon^p the pnpQs, both to •pgNfRitt i(i ehsnolef anile laara their news afiniSehaDli :■ y \ '*5«- \ '■' / ** Ife i^Wl4 not I bui MM* Ihcr* it m> iMurM io «oaiiii« WMk.*^ Oam umm Inmum ib* oould §•& ib« wotd of Om foe ■•» fMT for U. -» On tho dftjr fiillowiiif , I tUM the Doy School, in iIm Mnf bImo. Tbo •voraffo aitondUuMo wm oif bly. Eraminod oltnn' from Rod|. YIIL. IM tovio, Ac., on tho AumomoiU and Praypr* Hooffd thorn rood Aeto V. |||> » > < t Tho foUtfiriBjl feeto woro oUtttoi dnrinf eonvonolioir wMi Ibo pupilfl. WT H;, a vo^ inloUiftot lad, had boon al Mhool two and a half jeara. JoAii C , waa bom a Roman Catholio } mrVod tho PrioiC from MTon yoart old } ia now a monitor. Hit flrat teriooi thooffhlf arofo from reading tho Douay ToilamonL whioh ho foonl hi tho Saeriity at tho Monaatory. <* I aikod tho PrioM tho moaninff of * thoro if ono Ood, and one Modiator,' ft«« Hi ■aid that the word 'iimii' meant nimJU, He itrietly iMrbado my reining the Bible, whifh I atieodod to for a while, and then I eamo here." The remaneration of teaebera if. Moniton 8f . 6d. a month % Hon firom SSk lOi. Od. to jB8 Ok Od., fumf, it if evident, by no meanf niAoiont to aot m an indnoenMHto attondt^ m^§ if^ fUonger motive wanting. : . ••^'. . , ; r^.*...,. i*..,.<#. The miffionary houfo if laifo and moft eomoMdioof. Tht Itrft floor, now mied af Clam Roome, waa formerlv an Affofbly Room, and capable of aocommodating 100 ftndentf, al leaft* Hero alfo aro a bath and wafhinc plaeof. At prafont ihofv are t&irty who aro M ifnonary School mafterc ) whOfl aft th* inftitntion tbcfo an font abroad, throngh the bighwaya and bywayc of tho dtTj aa tcriptare leadora, during a Izod part of each day* Nothmg eonld ezeeed the neatneM aiMl order which pfevailed throo^hout, doing crodit to the indeflMigahto matron and the Committee. I may hero nientioB. once for all. that Woro thoro no oChar benefitf aiifin«r from tlio laborc of the Irieh Ohnrch llifMoniiy Society boTona tho teaching of habitf of indattry asd ne»tBfW| they who know the habilf of the clacf chieflv bcMfltled, we«ll *w^^w ^^^^^fc^ ^^^^^^B " wne^w ^BnfB^^n^wnamiBfi w ^^b BBn^^Ba^^^y hm^nh ■bobp^fjb ^^hm ^^^^^b^w^ ^b^h^hi^^^v ■ ■>-'i:.--. '.0KPifeBB'iSnntf SoBooii* ■rv•''*;*^i=HffAJ?1W Thii ia atoaled in a Tory poor part of the citr, oomlbodaiieB if by aotteaof good ; yel, en the day ef aij fli(ty I found in atteadaaco »t mM § fi mf fM».aU BoMMiiflli irilb Om i—ittoB if Urai er ^mt, ia ,■ ■ ^.JUiiilt 1^ priilniC, »} ihn l^yiMfef lliliiimes %ai M. lilm'd^paitmaat^— pimant 90f tfmi^ UO* OUhmUfm »v4'.^'"''^'-*5'^ '■' ■' :..-;;"WiiirMi*» Hall. ■■■•■:•?■■'.::-•■- ■■■*'^ '^^iMira in atlandanea 48 boyi; on tha rati ISSj ^ ' 41^:- Tba jpupiif, though many of tham yovthi, . ^Iipm fa tha inlhnt Mafla of niantd and ipiritnal wognm* KiPnij^^lP^idiiP of whatlSair atata ii whan jut bfonglit under -'Hpfiiyipjirtftriil mtftunt of tha fMpal. On my antaring the ■I, Jil pB l ito irew qnita attonnding, aceompanied by whiit- iBg»>«iid for WNina minatea itraaemed aoubtfnl t0m^tmal^ Mt « hearing. My guide) who for twenty jWiirta lliiii %'fiaina Ifianonary) was quite at home amidit ' ~#li atWMn^ After a little patienae they gave me a hear- ' ~ nilil leiiing them who I wai^ whete 1 eame liram. B|^iA$eac,i|»i» all were nuNtattaniiTe. R (nanaed thii vpraar waH^in comequenca : of litkf ab atn c e of the mti tm-tUk hMtVi and the appointmantof two othacai who ^iliiiiioliidiaia-ag r aa abla . ' Several laidtlMywoaldJioteonia ' ^f f iiMad thMn, net only to oontiBtt* in athaal thant^^ ; lii|!|»'li^ and aannade eOieitia' «Miia tap» and thua ^qr'lliilfn^ thm attadunant t»d^ b^oisttteaahar* jyualiiig for about ten minniai, and Mttog thain into . if idie '^Aeiating^^^^^^ with hit Httla grott^uenegro bby.ina/idtd nfdtuit^, kt hit deacon^ b«ipoke greitindlUlbreniBe to tht t>elh%i of ihe wonhipuerf, who, for the moit jiart, werepodr. Biniirg' d^. rout of hearing, f preyed though tb0 kiN^iw' Mk^gatitoii, who here, at eltewh^re in Homan Catholic chip(ito,ki#fnM ,'jJti!«J»»|»rbed 1^ the iniruflon, td what we^tfaotild :ci^ |A« UwifMimon roif. Ilftbuld h^r hoifiing dhtiijicdy; dxdl^t oMa- tionally « Domine iN)ca»,«'1iNr^^n*tiia^€Nr^ nmimded that nothing ctmldhi^ I Witnetied the-^#hkt tdoked like a iolonWi farcH t it" hmUl ihdre #ft anythitig ifdiamikmiogvib bo tecni. tfto'iftiq^I hen^lif jrf the kli^i. and uplifiii% ibf mpdndk^ ndW'k fmmH^ the hini df -bit reteieiioft'b tob^ S^ %g ' -... >jS3 W*i 10 $WMf M^ t Wf» uAif ^ evil ipirit, formed' ii i^ene a » iwigioiM oerampny aa jeoulabe innagined. The ailiidelike 4eT0tiQnAl appeanmoe m oommon to the Priesthood ; and nerer paal more ftrack with'tl^ii than the manner in which the oup liaa^iwed out and cleanied aAer the officiating Frieft .had far- taken of the wine. He poured water into it, sTinf it two or three tuma> then drank iti contenti, then wipM it out #ith all jibe dexterity, and with raocli of the apparent indiffisrence of an attendant at the bar of a hotel. And yet there were some ifhoae deep atteoliMft bespoke the inmost devotion, but these were the exceptions. One old woman pulliiw Mr EUis's coat, tequested him to kneel. To this he bowea. After a while she again reminded him of what she considered an impropriety, not only by a second pull, but with « Is it fit for the Hkes of ye to come here and not do as others do T" Again acknowledg- ing the reproof, his attention was on the scene before us^ When Mass was over, our friend rose from her knees, and advancing, saidw "How, if vou wish logo out you can," and, as we fctired, sne said, with more einphasis than sweetness of manner, « Jlfoy Ms Xord «mwr< you.»» Mr ElKs hewed most courteously, and thanked her for her kindness. And this is that aystem of beggarly efements to which some, calling them- lelvea df the jthurch, seek to bring us again into bondage. What elae can we aey* hut that " m 4ictSv«d heart hm fwmd Omttnitfoth^ <%coimol»ay,^Mfr««afo liimmy right Leaving Dubiin by the South-west iUiTway, I paaied' that ■mtaet}boi Popery, Mayn6oth—i(8 high walls a figure Of Ui© exdnsiveneas of the system taught within. Many thoughts xuahed into my mind as I IiMiked at its unsightly appearance, butthe on« which prevail^ was the folly of a wotestant na- tion austfiihiitt wha^ hu ever^en tho^olM of errar> toid of eyerytWiw aubveiaive of iCi aocjal welW^^ ' Well-may we-aay of our rulers, **0 that Ihey were wise, th»i t^yindemoed," *p4 jicM ©a^t^^ distinction between (Sristian principle »a wt41y «?aq^ ^ , ,„_ _ August 1^.— My next stiifpping^ace was CfoAo^f. a&te I .Srthe Rev. Mrlarowmrigg, ^e>|»iioiiary^yaitrng for me. , H , naniits. Mr B. coni]^Iained of the spiritual deadness which prevailed among professing Protestants, and of the loneliness of his posi- tion. He is a witness for God, and let him be assured that, whether en Mars hill or in the streets of Galway, Qod will honor a faithful testimpnv to the truth as it is in Jesus. This is still a stronghold of Popery^ but tb^ work pf eon?er- siw is steadil^jT pnyressing..: :..■, ■'.:,, [, -''/:■ ' : -■ ' :/ •»;; .., '■ -: , ': Befoie leaving the car, a yoiith^ whom I took to he ai Roman Catholic student, picked up one of the controversial tracts which I had laid on hhi seat, and, after reading, tore it into as many pieces as the paper admitted, looking as if he wished to have had the authors and propagators as complete! j in his power. T frayed fir Aim / . Au||;ust 31.— ^wing to the harvest, the attendance was com- paratively thin. Mue School— present 64. I examined them in the scriptures, and considered them quite eqiud to children of the same age elsewhere, in the knowledge of the word of God. ^hey were also studying Geography, Grammar, and Arithmetic. I was much pleased with a ooy of twelve years of age, who had been five years at school, who r^ the Bible with great apparent feehng. JU ihue hoi been Bman Caiiolict. ^ • The Infani Schoolt^'—'Ftom the rqport book I learned that, though great and ceaseless efforts were made to draw the pu- pils from the school} ye^ they bad not succeeded. In May, 1853, there inrere 74 attendants ; in August, 1866, 74 ; average 56. The school commenced in 1861. The ehilr . dren have oreakfost^ of porridge and mflk. ^ / The OirU* Sehocl consisted of 30 attendants, from liigii|b4ii years old to ten. They are taught plain and fancy needle- work, together with reading, writmg and arithmetic. Here wu wt im9 ongind, B^oteHatii, Tliese, too, breakfast off Indian stifabftiMr, "^ ^^ ,'>^;i>.j V '>ft ..//I1 • T h is dfep a rt m e h t jpf t fe e ItJi s iop s p e ci i jty; t»mtp ^* •f ■;ft,i(f «TN?w", i* / -, "{ '.:■;■;_;• :; ■ -•Mi ' ■ ■■:■ .•.:■■ ■ dt« ehriftka {ihilaiitbropitt When yon look at the happjr, hetfihy appeaniuoe of the ehildren ; hear their nm^le yet oor- reel aiuweriiig from the Bible ; view them traioinf m habitf of indultr?} and then think what they would have been, but for theae enortt of ehrittian love, any roan, with only half a heart, muft feel thai *< U u m»r* bUtnd to gim Man io rtotJM.'* Here I viiked the oppomtion tehodl, eonducted br the SitUrt'* ofMtrqi* ^ Till (he eflecti of iheehriMian efTortt of the li«vi H. ^*jfrcy oegatf4o be felt, the Romaniita were uneared for in thia place ; but, no tooner were the Prolettant tehoolt ettabliihed, than a mmiMry Wat erected, with tehoolt, and a ttaff of teachert., I found the tcholattic department enntitti off of a poor tehoolt in which, fhepretiding titter tnid, 134 children were pretent, and a tuperior >Mool, in which 24 were pretent: All around wai iieatneii and order, and I wat treated with the greatett eourte- ty, but wat not 'permitted to examine for mytelf, but to take every tialement on credit.' The bookt uaed were, cliiefly, (bote publithed by " th* ChrkHimBrothert^** tuch at are uted in the Romm Catholic tehoolt in thit city. The Superior tpoke of the poverty of the people, and of the need of a hot- ' The prbtperity of the Itotnan Catholic, however, wat, at I foiiiiu oh vititing tt^ at (be esqseDte of tho JfatUmd Sehoot, Thit wat a large building) compriting roomt for both boya andgirlt. The lat(er wat toAotfy/cium/fett; in the former ^u a matter, with atN)Ut twelve boj^. Thit wat not owing to the want of tcbolarahip on the part of the matter, but becaute, to ute hiaown woirdt in accounting for what I taw, << Mere ere no fiinfrab Aav.*' The girlt had gone to the nunnery, and the boyt to the Monkt' tcbom, becnute the people were ittUU on the. point Of a religiont education • neither Protettantii nor Ro- manittt counting It of little eontideratipn whether their retpec-^. tiVe creediwere taught their cbildten, tcffether with teeular j>nr.>:- •it ■ «J>5¥ I. School. ria ib(Hit one iiiile and a half from'Clffia^ This Iviai. ted, and wat received by the teacher with the greatett reipeet; Abcflit 40 boyt were in attdndancn. Neitliier here wat I aUow- ""^.#?t 'S W*' »." , :-■■■■:;■....-■ ■- n ■■■■■.■.;•;■•..::■ The fraatiiMi of the eheiife thet hat teken place in the eon- duet of the Romish Prietthood in tbii neighborhood may be ^hered firom the feet which I reeeived firoro a teriptnre.reader in 0ublin, that, about a year nnee, be wai atoned by the boye of that ichool, aeC on by their teacher, and tuflTered Arom a blow on the elbow for nearly a year. Tbii change watattri* huted by «ome to the policy of the Romish ehnrch to Inll Protettani feara, and draw them off firom their preaent war with the Maynooth grant. Others seemed to view it as proof of the growth of Protettantiim, and the enl^^tenment of the Roman Catholic laity. • , >■!>■■*■. AOUNDSTONE. at N This village is sitnated ten miles from Clifden. Time did not permit me to viiit it. but I hadun opportunity of conversing with Mr Cox, the intelligent Lay Agent. He said that, pie- viously tohii going, thete was no school of any kind. Thip WM about three years i^^. Now . there are, for hoth boys an^ girlsj under the aaperintendence of nse monks.^ The bovf Tabor on a farm, together with those Homan Catholics wno will not aend their children to ihe Mission schools. On Sundays, the children are taught their catechism. The monka Used to complain of our giving food to the children as a Mfttf, but they give two meals a day of stirabout, whilst We jrive but one,~-with milk, which we do not,— ana besides, dothe the boys I and yet, with all this inducement, many |»refer giving a practical proof of what a little boy said When asked by the Priest to attend,— <<|Sir, < Men da not Um 6y ftrsedaAMf.*'^ >,--rt, .^ij, The people welcome the Missionary and the feaders $ and, said Mr Cox, '^I €ould vitUtMr^ hamt tMctft 4k$^Ftm^ {q^MaU€^fWkaiiafm^f!kUnim€n^* ^^^^^^^^^^^ The Mission schpdl averages a daily attendance of 4&-^l' r .v«7 origini^ly Romanisii btit two. ; \ Drinking is still a favorite jpastime With the Komlifi l^rlest-' hood in somf ^parts of Ireland, though not to such a degree as fbrmerly. : #'^'- ■■■■':;>:. 'v : ..:■;-■.;■-,■:' i /.■ Mr Cox stated .that^ mt the last Ronndstone Fair, the Pijest of a neighboring Pansh was (|iiite drnnk. He. took held/of a woman' by her hair, and a potieeinaii by bis monstaclMj to ^ cut it off. Mr C. pointed him out to a Riwian Catb^tiie, and another wqntJhr 4t, whtf eameaadeoaatedibiHi i^^m&^iL v- I4f 3AIXY00NEI^ r- ;!• I 1-' :;>«*•» >1> Bnck»t^ In company with tbe Rav. H. D*ArcT, I visited the iobool, which myeiag^ an at Un da nc e of 64 boyi and girls ; though on this day, in consequence of CliCden fair, 38 olily were present. Here isik Orphan j^' Hbmf^ .plaining 44-HrangMDg from • the ages of 16 to & ^^ ..;<..,','., .V ^ My note4iook reads >*•*< AU were at work when we arrired $ some were at masonry, plastering^ a wall ; others at husbandry, reapinff and gathenng oats and hay. The garden was in beautiful order— the work of the boys, vwder the superintend* ence of a Scotch Agriculturist. I inspected the dormitory ; two sleep in one bed. All is order and neatness." / llie situation of the School and Orphan Honiw is on a bay, amidst scenery of the wUdeit kind, of sea and mountainJ A sodden turn in the road from Clifiilen, running ^n the one side bv a large inlet of the sea, studded with rocks aiM baiten islets, and, oil the other, b|y mils, albut as incapable of cultiration. and ft' little paradise oreaks on your view, beautiftil in itsdf, but still more soflromits being an illustration of what man's industry can do.^rhon accompanied by Qod*s blessing; a type of the Iiiih Church Society. ' ' A more interesting body of youths I never beheld. /V^lst speaking to them of the deep interest felt for the missionary woriE in Ireland^ by the christians in Canada; and that I had no other olnect in my visit than to examine the actual condition and character of wliat I heard of, such a burst of grateful ex- pression I never heard before; every lineament of the face seemed to tpeak Ibrth the Ibelings of the heart. Their ready answenr bespoke a thoroui^h stn^ of the Bible; such as is sel- dom witnoeed elsewhere m schools. What eeemed to increase the deplh crfT theur feidUngs, was that a littie boy had been stolen awa^ by his aunt, after being at the institution two years. Their CTmpathy with hiin seemed heartfeU. - MOHTBLT MsKXnra OF IrMH TCACHUUI. 'h-,7 vr' V At Ike eameslixeqiiesl of Mt P'Arcy I remaiiied to attend ' mselingonSa|»u3d.< J(coaii4tciii9^ 'Ofiphii^8weieftflBa]As«vr)i:iui> ntu! '^»»y?i>f,>*-,'j-u#.- -^Ji^^ .u .Tie ifBcbii yoyo : U^ ^^l^^ng » tiyinn m Kit ;_ gd, piayer, by Be?. Bfr Burk, a converted Boman Catholic Piiest;;, \ . i^ijm^i' '^ •' f vtjji, ■." -S-v H 3 —pt »r». -"%' A t. ■ V 16 ' ■ ■ . ' .■■-•; hf^r Bark mii taiotlier ^$d, an dx&miiiatioii of the ntM Irisb-tpMkitig eleifTiiMm, whote The tfibjeet wm, 111 Cbr., X t fo 18. Th« paataye was llrii frantlatad' into £ii«Mi,aiid each reader of a vene waa examU hed crUieaUif* Many, afterwardi. were aiked to fire their yiewa of the paiiage* What Mhiok me moat waa-lhe tboroagh Indght whidV they had of the tcope of the aacred writer; and the grput care, on the pari of the Mcamineni, that ^aeh word thonldbe correctly tendered in the tranilation. Iwai aitonished at the deep knowled|[e of one lad, in particular, <^ the icriptnreiy though all acquitted thenuelvet m^ aatbfac^ torily. After the ezaniination,'I was aaked to addrett them^ whieH' I did, by giving them ionie account of what wa« doing amoqg the Roraaniita'in OonWa^A^f ''.*■ ''^r*"-^^.7 ' '•; ' -;:••:•';•'='■ :*■' •■^} ■. Whibt speaking, I had lilbn^lhMn fd a piMif gtf ihlbdng in the 16th chapter of Luke ; a boy looking up, — ** Sore your reverence has made a mistake, it is John." I availed mrself of this evidence of hit aeqoaintance with the irritten worq. to speak of the blesdng which the Irish Ohureh Sodety had brought to them, in placing in theii' hands that bleaaed bodk, to which both minister and people inustaKkesulMnit.'>';^^^^>^" After each reader receiving a small gratuity for bf^ienrieea during the past month, and a moat heart-stirHDi^ adAess by the Rgv, Jfr Dofton, a tnianonary at the,socii^y, and prayer, the meetinir broke uo.'' '"'***" "^J **■'■"?•>■ .^i h*a .\<<>iii *>' '*nt io Dined and jqpent Ihti^iliikif ift'lifr 0^^ Rector, who is treasurer of tlioDiatritr. Society, and'opie who, with his family) ^es the liveliest intdresi in its wor{t. ' ' The neit morning I left fbr Westportj on an outsider ear, \n eomjpany with two young g^tlemen, their servant otod Uie dri- ver, all, I should suppose, Kq^ai^ists.^af,wlietber desigoedfyor not, for ndy benefit, they occasiot^alur^^vOafaard hit at the and **jumjpturt:^* l^oogh J tried sevei^l u'meir, [ I could not got them iloito conyersanott of i»irv kind; IlkdeM, lattorly, as I #iUI i^red, i(BW R labors'are com- ppratifely eaty» though his travelling is always on foot ; but in .winter vi» Mprms, coming in from the AUantic, through the inountain f mges, render the $unday labor perilous, in crossing the haye^ and most trying to the constituUon, frequently wet throv^ during the whole day, and without food from morning till night. n The Bov. Mr G. has a kind and valued friend in Mitt ^Idrickf the originator of the Mission, residmg with Hon. Mr P. I regretted thai I did n«,;bis msidonce in tliismosi seque s t«< » 4>,rfg»n » I^Kfy g y" ^ panied by many benefits. ,.»''' r f n KOCKFIBU).--(Kiu. VAMAt.) ■ l.i'J!lt\ 'A . AttendftiiM al School.— There wen in June 64 ohUdnni inJuly54; andinAtwuai43. "^ 7?**".f?il ■■•/■;: WE8TP0RT. '■■-•' '-f''"^^''-i:. At the hotel I met with a young deijf3rmwi,whoie1^^^ labor u near, who ipoke of the decided progreia of eeriptnral knowledge, though oppoeed, not only by the memben of the chureh of Rome^ but by many profewed Pfotet Umte. I iwret. ted that my time would not permit me.to lUy over cli|Bn«|i ^y. M the quarterly meeUur of the iXitrict wa« to be held. Had I been aware that I ibould have met the devpted Ibun- der of the AchiU mwldn,— a man of aU othen I thoM^Zr^ moft liked to have ieeo,--and that the Rev. tfc BaSer. thjjjn^ent MwW. Kfi^ of OwJ^ The i«rt myitnirrtt^ Ueman, hii wi«ft and di^htfi, of the Society of FiieQdi«^]i« were touniti. . ■ / •*r^» **w At ITciteorf, where oar car remained to otiiuige the «»«l-^^«»» X witnewed an exhibiUon of l^eiUy i^Mice. A abort, ^toQl ntan, in the uniaE drem of a Pnett, with a large walking-rtick^ came down the ttieet, paminc two rea- p^Uhle m^ talking together,^ the one on hnJSbuk. the other with hu arm leamng on the hone's neck. TheMtenl partiec recqgnited each other by a bow. bwt the Priept had naaied only a fe# paeec when he luddenly turned rounTio«Mran^ g« ; hit voice WW M4a^^ ff^i® "J^*^^.f^ !*»* V <>^ flJi*»ii rouf e how daw you speak to ajgentleman in the streett Irit, wiciw not for the law r woulf frreak every bon? ill m5 IftS^^ Much wgry language fallowed, when theldungSiWM of btwgwff tkto ^aeit he&e another ir^maL lUwI^^l^ ^ hu%imntly lep^ the tribwial w&l oarPWthing fnTtiMt^m^sQa He then went away, cull talkmi t)ien turning reund»«M if ^ ww uie ofim i^tgiimebt moire oonvinc^ It ceuH>ifWfai5>nV;^ wt^ai f^iiaiiA ta^ EOT ; hit vmce waa ia^positi£^to them, and her surprise at her husband's acccptmg ^ Ik wA^ft Idvdys^ to witeesi Iheso ^ In eoliipsiay ^Ih the liMflMylYMfeaihe iff Jk%^ wmimmffp^ liF- N. v/ N Bova' School. Tha Sohool wm opmied with prayer. Mr Skm wm raw Lake I. #Bd examined from.the (iBaerimion of theanfel^ Titic The anaweriiif wai ^mi so food at diewhere. Thii, which Waa the uiual raomioff exercise, wal cloMd with prayer j alter which, the vouthi in the Arienltaral School want to tho Md t and the inftmt and boyi* school commenced. In the ftmner I saw two children with no clothing but a shirt, which scareelr flame to the knees. ^ ^^The roll.hook offers the followinf statement ^-*In AofHil — ttere were on the books 86 j in Jnly 88 ; in June 88 : a?eraM attendance 95. Agricultural School, attendance S4.- - -^ The youths are. employed from 7 to 9 and froor lOitol in Add operations. Two who had been in the school were in the Pnnitng Ofiet, and im had tnUtted. Six had left since January. These youths bora the apptanuMO of health and Tifor, bedi of mind and body, ^ ' ^^ . -.■ .Onu* OwoAir Hom.' ■ -' ■ ,'"'( ■^/^■'^ - ,i7^}V^uir^^y etlablished by .tfri DatU$, the wilh of , the mdefatiffable Honorary Secretary of the Society. The ^ j¥Mil4:5ek/ MiuUmary Htrdd, wai p^l iilidy to bo UDriailod by ono who, for nearly twonlv yewi. hot hMB a diUgtnl roadet of in paget. It wat with difflcuUy that I coold roaltfo Uio fact that I wat actually within the room, whoooo, horfot timw a year, and to lAoiaaadf of nibMnbert, cOQief forth thi« able champion of whatwever ii true and of «OQd report, to contend with error, come In whatever ibapa and fr omwhaterer quarter it mav. It was with great latitfac- Uon I learned that die preei vUUcd a revenue to iti entarpn- liUPfropriilor, Mr Nanfle.^f^ rtr <>ij»;. •f* ^i .i; R(k)KFIfiLD. ,-»i-, fbi* k a tiihcl] hi the midet of a Tory ■oattored poplation. Onlv ttn were prewnt. This, though it wai harveit ume, wae ^^ontidered very bad attendance. The mwmonary laid that \ttii ■chool wai in a very untatitfcctory Mate, and yet only lo M to stimulate to greater exertion and more earneit prayer. >'^ Whiirt examining the tchool, 1 bad a •P«»"<«iflOt'JJS*- U^ of awwer for wMch the hMi are proverb4a Waiaim the seventh to the first day of the week 1 After thiiik- [While evIdonUy much puaded, she looked up, perfeeUy • MB»tt, rir, the Jews mit^k Saturday fur Sanday." ,-' ■ ' ■ ■•■ ■ ' ' ■■ 'k ' ■ ' ■"'" l^'ldt^'f iU^ted a se^ betonging to the National Board, a ijl^ triiwablebuilding, coniiiting of one room, ▼«»7,'«^» "»» with mnd floor, the sleeping and day room of the family. About twenty boys were preietit j one only eeuld read. The master complained of their irreguUr attendance. All seemed very llMrf' ftideW tbh ▼lllagS itielf !irai a eollection of eaMm but bMMr t^B thaliiiiraB wigwam. Tho mailer, aa tnteWigeiit 4 bad onee httth a scriptaTe reader, but M lelmMd teto $ . -^^Iiflg^ tiwi^, he copfajsed to Mr aktaj^ } and * "*' >fc »^***^ to sAl irf y hii e# Moi e nce m V / >4 f.ft'. -S ■^^-- / * f s tiek. link- >4 ■S Our road to thii plaM wm of a gradaai ariMiO, winliBlf found the mounUiin) wilb dM Mm ma lar, far hwktw | bvioar little poniM wero rare-footad, yet, to my anpraijaiwd «yai, ^tm9 wai lomething alarming ; and, after a journey of nz Iritli milei, a few iKNiaai «vm« mmi, «alioljr vaaiiiif friibia ibt «&• vraoe of tl\e mcNintain* - ' ■.'.,,■■.. .•^- ■• • ■«* ..«%;V-;- >| »;.■,» " Hariiiff diimo«ii«Bd abtM hat/ a ralle ffiiMn ekia, ebiMaiaf rather to truit to mr owa feet than tboea of my beMC, wa e«* led at the ohIt eomfonabla bovaa, wbiob bal««g«4 te a ganiU. aikn who had lately purohaaad the pfdperCy, ud wete noal boamiably entertained. ,wi The iriew Ikcm thi^waa tery fraud. Near waa Olara liliiilif Akrthar wae Crow Patriok; and bayoad, the hilla ab«4 CytMrn were viiible* .* .■■■■- .■■'■*■■ • h. -«;,.. -.v.^i , ■ '4**'* -r-Hi^. Oa retnrnifir, «hfe ata ^iaw wftt trAf iabHma. tW' e^mib^ waf very loTelf--a «l«ar iky, an uimiflbd aaa, aalmjipala on the water. t < ■ . ■ - ■'■■.'■■. i -flkMi ; {k SLAYMOORw r Tbif if a village jMit rinng from^iti mint, having baas almaAt depopulated by the oholera, and famine, and fever. A ^een- vert boy. who bad eoine Miib Kym, and would ratanft again that night ta^attead divine Mrvioe at Slaymoor, told aia #«t fer feur dayi he and hii titter^ after the death of father and Macliaii, and one of bif fenilv baeidee, had lived oa water, ia whieb ha had aiaad a little aalt, the laller ta enable tbam W drinkjnwa plentilblty^ and thui dinaad the itetaaeb. - ^ ' v^I^^T^ ^Heie I praaehed from Jehu XVII., the tUv Mr Fkmlt^f ^ ^am, ooa of our party, having previoorfy pmyed. ^ uj The acliaoUheaM waa wretmd in the extreme. The iot^ was of olay and fUl ef holae. The eUnaey aaiafceds but tha atlentioa ^ oar aadtenoe, aad the deep earnealaaa with i^iiah they fang a hynm in Irish, with the aid of the Hair 8piril| enabled mete forget these little iaeonveaieneei, in thi datp importanea of mj sokjeet. Abaut nine o'daek I i«aahed^ colony, ¥arr tiiad, Tat, I tniM, thaakftil for having baaa pai- BMtied to witness w«Mt IhadafOad^fnairk, nndar vaiy ma^ aiB| flwaiiaisiiaois; ■ .•.■ '^^ \ , •»• ■ {- ♦ :m f »* "i "5 V '^1-* ^'% ■J--- In the morning, attended pnQrer in the old ohapel. Mr tMer examined and adressed the children fh>m the magnificat, TbcT were not ready in their answera. , in the evening the Rev. Mr Shea prdyed and I preached. It •iTBi' very itor my, and few attended. On the following daj, though raining, I bid farewell to the •ettlement, with my wncere prayer that no untoward evenii might interfere with a work, to evidently of God, and attended witn mich hlened conieqaencea to man. In drawing this report to a doie, I think I may say that proof kai been given,-rFir«t, Of much having been done towards railing the Irish Roman Catholic out of that degraded ttate, in which, for ages, she has been ; Second, that that has been done, not by themselves, but by others— nojt agreeably with, but in direct opposition to their own religious system; Thiid, that the present relatively high position which the Diiaaoni occupy, is owing, not to civilization^ but to Christian- ity ; not to the teachings of industry, but to the word of Ood: that it offers a practical illustration of our Lord's •obmmand and promise, " Setk y.fbrtt the kingdom of Ood and hit fighitoutntit, and aU ihrnt ihmgi thaU M oMtd vMo you,» ..J&tt.'vi«,.33» ;;:..;:. ••.-■::•-::;• *..-^ui "■•' ''^ ,'■■■,- --■'\^' .^ dind yet, itis confessed that abeginMng otuyhashem made, ' Tmtf tM smidl end of the wedg;e has oeen put intq the cleft side of Romanism in Ireland, but it must be driven home, bv lepeated blows from the hammer of God's word, ere the Irish • nntion's heart be opened.' That dark and cruel system cannot he destiDyedf-etcept by His word, who,* in the beginning said— ** La there te HgM^ and there wu ligW* It is to be feared Ihat, at present, this consummation is far distant ; amd even after this miem of error should be no more, the work is hx ^m ende£ It is not enough to dispossess the ihind of error, truth mutt take possession of it or the slave of superstition will become the dupe of infidelity. . Nor will the enlightened chiis- tinn Ibel that tnis even is ^ough. It is well to convince the Ue ImmimaBmg md tailing mjtuenees. In a^word, he must be saved ffom tihe love* and powers and jM^Mion. of sin, by the kve* mA wmm^ mlMmmi^M^mc^ of Goft tr^ You will iiiy gnm,||iiji ImimQ dw»and»tbe eympathw of tfee ChfwUan lijlNiokM:«fer» T^qnei^ 4i| UlM country, are--ShaU douds agaui shut out thii fiiiiPM y ' '^,tkJi. ^"^ i-.^. I. *f It » y' ..*.^-^« '?*!% \ ..V. ;,,../- • " t ,' ■ i - -. ii ' :^.-: - ■ -■■■-' . „;j44^i. "A \/ '_■':,;/ "§■■■ • '\ * ^ y %§r.,: ■ \i r \ f ^ » t ■ ■ ■ '•* IHSt^lK » i'^^r « ■3i^tf££Si^ « ■» '■ V- x /:/