No 12. Toronto Second Hand Book Circular. Mar., ipr., 1897. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE ^it 2)aniel MiJson, %%JS>,. fMS. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Author of '• Memorials of Edinburgh in the.Olden Time," " Prehistoric Annals of Scotland," • ' Prehistoric Man," etc. He was an honorary member of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland ; London Anthropo- logical Institute; Edinburgh Philosophical Institution; British and American Associations for the Advancement of Science ; Canadian Institute ; Royal Society of Canada, etc., to whose joun^als be contributed many most valuable papers. He also contributed many /feli-known articles to tte 8th and 9th editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It was his own great misfortune, and in a measure that of the whole world, that many of his wotks and all his own manuscripts we- e destroyed in the conflagration of the Toronto Univer- ity, on the 14th Feb., 1890. In this Catalogue will be found a set of the proceedings and transactions of the Royal Society of Canada ; Complete set of the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland ; BOOKS RELATING TO NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA—INDIANS and ARCHAEOLOGY- SCOTLAND— HISTORY— SCIENCE— PHILOLOGY- THEOLOGY, ETC., Among them being presentation copies, many containing Sir Daniel's autograph and others contain his bookplate, which, although small, becomes most interesting from its having been sketched and engraved by Sir Daniel himself. OFFERED FOR SALE FOR CASH AT THE MODERATE PPICES AFFIXED BY ALBERT BRITNBLL, 248 YONGE STREET, - TORONTO, CAN. The prices are net and dc not include express or postal chargres. AMERICANA. 1 BailCrofl'S (Hubert Howe.) The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, containing an account of the Wild and Civilized Nations, their Myths and Languages, Antiquities and Primitive History, by Hubert Howe Bancroft. Many folding maps, 5 thick volumes, 8vo, cloth,' $12.50. New York, 1875-6. The most remarkable work in existence on the Indians. Mr. Bancroft has confined hig labors to those tribes inhabiting the immense territory bordering on the Western Ocean from Alaska to Darien, including British Columbia and Vancouver's Island. 2 Tnlted States Coast Survey Reports from 1853 to 1877; then Coast and Geodetic Survey to 1890, inclusive (minus 1863, 1876). 36 thick vols, 4to, cloth, loith about 1,500 large folding mapSy dagrams^plates^ and sketches from original surveys. $16.50. Washington, 1854 91. Books Relating to America^ Indians^ Etc^ 3 Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada from the commencement, Vol 1, in 1882-83, to Vol 9, 1891, inclusive. II- tratedwitk maps, plates {some colored)^ and wood-outs, 9 large thick vol- umci', 4to, cloth, $24. Montreal, 1883-91. A vast mine of valuable information relating to Canada will be found in this set of im- portant transactions, containing, as they do, hundreds of papers and treatises by the most eminent scientific and literary men of the Dominion. Here is an abridged list of the contents uf Vol 2 only, which is but a sample of what each volume contains :— Proceedings, 50 pp ; Transactions— Section 1— Deux points d'histoire (1) Quatrieme Voyage de Jacques C'artier ; {i) Expedition du Marquis de la Roche, par Paul de Cases ; Ecude sur une famille Canadienne, par i.'Abbe 0. Tanguay ; La province de Quebec et la langue Francaise, ptkt Napoleon Legendre ; Les races indigeneo de I'A'merique devaiit I'His- torie, par Napoleon juegendre ; Poutrincourt en Acadia, 1604-1623 ; Les Commencements de I'Egltse du C&nada, par L'Abbe Verreau ; Les Aborigenes d'Ameriqus, par J. M. LeMoine. This section contains seven other papers, three of which are by Louia Frechette. Section 2 — The Making of Canada, by John Keade ; The Literary Faculty of the Native Races of America, by John Reade ; The Poets of Canada, by John Lesperance ; A Plea for a Canadian Camden So- ciety, by George Bryce ; The Huron-Iroquois of Canada, a Typical Race of Ameiicsa Aborigi- nes,' by Daniel Wilson. Section 3— The origin of Crystalline Rocks, by T. Sterry Hunt • Blow- pipe Reactions on Plaster of Paris Tablets, by F. Haanel. Four other treatises are alf>i> in this section. Section 4 —On some Relations of Geological Work in Canada and the Old World, by Sir J. W. Dawson ; Notes on the Manganese Ores of Nova Scotia, by Edwin Gilpin ; Revision of the Canadian Ranunculacese, by George Lawson; On Geological Contacts and Ancient Eros- ion in Southern and Central New Brunswick, by L. W. Daily ; Canadian Filiciriae, by J. Alac- oun and T. J W. 6urges» ; Notes on the Occurrence of certain Butterflies in Canada, by W. Saunders ; The Geology and Economic Minerals of Hudson Bay and Normern Canada, by Robert Bell ; Notes on Observations, 1883, on the Geology of the North Shore of Lake Super- ior, by A. R. C. Selwjrn. This section also contains nine other papers and treatises. 4 niassaci&asetts. Records op the Governor and Company of the Massachusett's Bay in New England, from 1628 to 1668, edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleflf. 6 vols, folio, cloth, gilt tops, eleaantly printed, $14.60. Boston, 1863.4. With bookplate of B.. Homer Dixon, Esq., in each of the first three vols, and on fly leaf is written " B. H. Dixou, given to me by Dr. bhurtleflf, December, 1854." These volumes possess uncommon interest as containing the earliest extant records of one of the oldest English Colonies in New England. The able manner in which the volumes are edited and printed reflects high honor on the intelligence, public spirit and liberality of all concerned in this production. 6 SmiChSOIliail Publications. Annual Reports of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution from 1857 to 1875, inclusive ; also 1878, 1879, 1888, 1889, together 23 vols. 8vo, cloth, numerous archaeological il- lustrations, $3.50. Washingtor, 1858-90. 6 Ethnology.— Powell (J. W.) First Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879-80, 2 maps and 53 ^ne plates, some colored, and 307 woodcuts, thick imp 8vo, cloth, $3.60. Washington, 1881. Containing Evolution of Language ; Mythology of North American Indians ; Wyandot Government and Limitations of the Use of some Anthropological Data, by J. W. Powell. Mor- tuary customs ot North American Indians, by H. C. Yarrow. Studies in Central American Picture Writing, by E. Si Holden. Cessions of Land by the Indian Tribes, by C. C. Royce. Sign Language among the North American Indians, by Col. Garrack Mallery. 7 Haven (Samuel F.) Archeology of the United States, or, sketches, historical and bibliographical, of the progress of information and opinion respecting the vestiges of Antiquitie3 in the United States. 4to, paper, 168 pp, |3.00. Washington, 1855. 8 Thomas (Gyrus). Aids to the study of the Maya CJodices (from 6th Annual Report of Bureau of Ethnology). With illustrations, 4to, paper, 118 pp. 60c. Washington, 1888, * » tr r » ^f. From the Library of Sir Daniel Wilson. 3 9 B&WSOn (Sir J. William.) Handbook of Geology, for the use of Canadian Students, l^umtroui illuatrcUions, 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Montreal, 1889. 10 Hattray ^ W. J. ), B. a. The Scot iu Britiyh North America. Gontaim steel portraits of the "Rxkij of Elgin and Kincardine, Marquis of Lorne, George Brown and Sir John A. Maodonald, 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Toronto, 1880-83. A valuable and careful work on the infuenoe of the Sootch in British North America ; is well printed on good paper, and in handsome cloth binding. Our National literature is to be congratulated on Mr. Rattray's historic^ contributions, calm, impartial and skilfully writ- ten, the volumes furnish not only delightful reading, but ^iermanent aud valuable storehouses of (»ref ul research. 11 Ashley (Prof. W. J.) Nine Lectures on the Earlier Constitutional History of Canada. Thin 8vo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1889. 12 Thompson (Samuel), formerly Editor of the " Toronto Daily Colonist.*' Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer for the last fifty years, an autobiogra- phy, 12mo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1884. 13 Watson (Samuel James,) The Constitutional History of Canada, post 8vo, cloth, 60c, Toronto, 1874. 14 Lome (Marquis of.) Memories of Canada and Scotland, Speeches and Verses. Post 8vo, cloth, 25c. Montreal, 1884. 15 Ward (Prof. Henry A.) Catalogue of Casts of Fossils, fron the principal museums of Europe and America, with descriptions. Numerous iUustra- tions, 8vo, cloth, 30c. Rochester, 1866. 16 The White Mountains : A Handbook of Travellers. WUk six maps and six panoramas, thick 12mo, cloth, 503. /. R. Osgood^ Boston^ 1884. 17 3ohn'S Handbook of Washington. Map and front, 12mo, boards, 26o. Washington, 1861. 18 Boston's Sights ; or, Handbook for Visitors by R. L. Midgley. Map and numerous interesting woodcut illustrations^ 1 2mo, cloth, 50o. Boston, 1860. 19 Ross (Rev. W. W.) 10,000 Miles by Land and Sea. Post 8v.j, cloth, 50o. Toronto, 1876. A gossipv book of travel by a Canadian from Toronto to the Pacific Oceaa, via the Hiakes, Prairies and Mountains, thence to Panama, across t / Prof. Chapman). 8vo, cloth, 60c, Toronto, 1857. % | Inserted in this vol. is " East and West," a poem ccinposed during the summer of 1887, at Kempenfe. lay, Lake Simcoe. 21 — _ De Roberval, a Drama ; also, the Emigration of the Fairies, and The Triumph of Constancy, a Romaunt, by John Hunter Duvar. Post 8vo, cloth, 50c. Saint John, 1888. 22 Lake Lyries'and other Poems, by William Wilfrid Campbell. Post 8vo, cloth, 50c. St. John, N.B., 1889. 23 — — Gentleman Dick o* The Greys, and other Poems, hy H^'eward E. Cockin. Post 8vo, cloth, 35c. Toronto, 1889. 04 Tjj^ Poems of William Wye Smith. Poriy post 8vo, cloth, 35c. To- ronto, 1888. Books RelaJng to Am^jn4a, Indians^ Etc. 25 Powell (J« W.) United States Geological aad Geographical Sorirey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Contributions to North American Ethnology, vol 1, containing Tribes of the Extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall. Tribes of Western Washington and North-western Oregon, by George Gibbs. Maps in pocket and illustrations ^ 4 to, cloth, $1.75. Washington, 1877. 26 Wheeler (George M.) United States Geographical Survey, west of the 100th meridian, Lieut. George M. Wheeler, corps of Engineers, U.S.A., in charge. ""/ ol 1, containing the Geographical report. With large folding maps and 8 J fine plates, some coloured, large thick 4to, cloth, $2.50. Washington, 1889. 27 Ditto. Vol. VII, ArohflBology, containing Reports upon Archaeological and Ethnological Collections from vicinity of Santa Barbara, California, and from Ruined Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico, and certain Interior Tribes, by Frederick W. Putnam and others, with appendix of Indian vocabularies. With ao fine plates, some coloured, i^o woodcuts, etc, 8.00. Washington, 1879. 28 King (Clarence.) United State Geological Explorations of the Fortieth Parallel. Vol VII, containi jg Odontornithes : a monograph on the extinct toothed birds of North America, by Prof. 0. C. March. With 34 plaies, some folding, and 40 woodcuts, 4to, cloth, $2.26. Washington, 1880. 29 OJibway Bible. Ewh Oowahweendahmahgawin own Tabanemenung Jesas Christ. Thick post 8vo, sheep, $1.25. Toronto, 1854. 30 mohawk Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer translated into the Mohawk Language, compiled from various translations, revised, oorrerited, etc., by the Rev. Abraham Nelles. The Collects, Service of Baptism, Order of Confirmation, etc., etc., translated by John Hill, jr., appear in Mohawk for the first time in this edition of the Priyer Book. 8vo, roan, $2.00. Hamilton , Ont., 1842. 31 Canadian Archives. Report of Canadian Archives by Douglas Brymner, for 1886, 1887 and 1890. 3 thick vols, 8vo, maps. (These vols contain a mine of matter relating to Canadian History), $1.50. Ottawa, 1887-91. 32 North American Review (The) for January, 1855, contains articles on The Moorish Dominion in Spain ; The Transmigration of Souls ; Eanzas and Nebraska ; European and American Universities ; Twenty Years in the Slave Trade ; etc., etc. 8vo, 272 pp, paper, 30c. Autograph o^'Dr. Wilson., 33 ProceedinSTS of the American Philosophical Society, No. 129, January to July, 1889 ; No. 134, July to December, 1890 ; also Proceedings at Annual Meeting in Worcester, 1890, together 3 pieces. %70 plates, 1.00. Contains with other matter— portions of the journal of Andre Michanr. botanist, written during his travels in the United States and Canada, 1785 to 1796, with introduction and explanatory notes by C. S. S^rurenft, liS pages ; Qramraatic notes and vocabulary of the Pennsylvania German Dialect, by William J. Hoffman ; Folk-Medicine of the Pennsylvania Germans, by the same writer ; N^ortheru 63undary of Massachusetts, etc. 34 Miller (Joaquio). Songs of the Sun-Landu. 12mo, cloth, first edition, $1.25. W^ith Autograph of Dr. Wilson. Boston, 1873. 35 Phillips (Wendell). Speeches, T^ectures and Letters, Port, thick post 8?o, cloth, 75c. Boston, 1863. 36 Vuiyersity of Toronto. Examination Papers, 1857 and 1858, inter- leaved with blank paper. 2 vols, folio, wrappers, 76c. " Daniel Wilson, LL.D., University College, Toronto," From tk§Mbm^J^Mt DmM Wil^n . 37 Wilson (Sir Daniel). Trade and Commerce in the Stone Age. 4to, 28 pp, paper, 35c. Trans. Roy. Soc., C&nada, 1889. 38 Report Addressed by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries to its British and American Member?. Six folding plaies.SYO, 188 pp, boards, 75c. Copenhagen, 1836. OOHTIHTS -Exposition of the oldest loeUndlc and a Norwegian Aocount of Ireland, by H. M. Petersen ; on the Stone Implements of the Pa«:an Northmen ; x-Jorthem Gold Ornaments from the Pagan Times ; Account of some Ancient Scandinavian Cheesmen, etc. 39 U. S. Naval 4s trononilcal Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-1852. Vol II„ the Andes and Pampas, and also the Natural History Reports. Numerous fine plates including many finely colored of Indian Antiquities and Natural History. 4to, cloth, $1.50. Washington, 1855. 40 The Northmen in Iceland, Remarks on a Treatise of George W. Dasent, 13 pp, with other papers of the Soc, Roy. des Antiquaries du Nord thin 8vo, boards, 30c. 1859. 41 Spain. Travers L'Espagne, Lettres de Voyage par A. B. Routhier. 8vo, 406 pp, 50c. " Author's presentation copy to Sir Daniel Wilson." Quebec, 1889. 42 Wilson (Sir Daniel) Physical Ethnology ; apaper of 62 pp ; North Ameri- can ArchflBology, by Sir John Lubbock, etc, in Smithsonian Report^ 1862. 8vo, cloth, 50c. Washington, 1863. 43 Abhott (Dr. 0. C.) The Stone Ago in New Jersey. 134 pp, i?/a/«, in Smith- sonian Report, 1875, 8vo, cloth, 50c. Washington, 1876. 44 U.S. Geolo^^ical Survey of the Territories (6th Annual Report) embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, 1872. by F. V. Hayden. Maps and numerous illustrations, thu'- 8vo, cloth, 50e. Washington, 1873. 45 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, reports of meetings, 1878 to 1887 inclusive, (minus part 1 of 1884) ; also, reports of Meetings, 1856, 1873 and 1876, together 15 parts, forming 12^ vols, 8vo, paper, illustrated, %b.5(i. Contains valuable papers on mathematics, astronomy, j)hy8ics, chemistry, mechanics, geology, paleontology, botany, z>ology, anthropology, practical solsnce, etc., by the m<»t eminent ecientiflc men on the continent. 46 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, issued bi-monthly, edited by Edmund J. James, etc., from No. 4, vol 1, (April, 1891), to No. 1, vol. 8. (Jan., 1897) 31 numbers and 5 supplementary numbers, nearly consecutive, $5.25 the lot. Published at thirty one dollars, 47 American Historical Association. Papers of the American His- torical Association, 14 various parts between 1885 and 1891, {pubhshedby Putnam's Sons, at fourteen dollars and twenty-five cents) ; also, the first three annual reports of the American Historical Association for 1890, 1891. 1892, 3 thick vols, together 11 pieces, 14.00. 48 The llonlst- A Quarterly Magazine of Philosophy, Religion, Science, and Sociology, edited by Dr. Paul Garus, 17 Nos., between VoL 1, No. E,^ (April, 1891), and Vol 7, No. 1, (Oct., 1896). Volumes 4, 5 and 6 being com- plete, f2.00thelot. Published at $8.60. Chicago, 1891-96. 49 The American historical Review, quarterly, the 5 first Nos. of this splendid publication, Oct., 1895, to Oct., 1896, inclusive. With foldings maps, il.OO the lot. Published at $4.00. Macmillan, 1895-0. Books Relating to America^ Indians^ Etc. 50 TraiiSacliouS of the Astronomical and Pnysical Society of To- ronto, from commencement 1890-91 to 1895 inclusive, including annual reports. 6 voU, 8yo, wrap^erSfas pud/t'sAeJt ^2.00. Published at $5.00. To- ronto, 189196. 51 Historical and Political Science. (John Hopkins* University Studies in.) Herbert B- Adams, Editor, 15 complete treaties, by eminent writers, published bet'veen 1884 and 1894. In original wrappers, $2.26 the lot. Published at s0''. Privately printed^ Edinburgh, 1881. Brittany: Notes on its prehistoric antiquities,— notes on a few mystic rin^^s of stones in Aleideenshirtj,— Iceland,— of Cairns in Caithness, etc, etc. 147 £dillt>1irgll- Plan of Sanitary Improvements of the City of Edinburgh, by Messrs. Cousin and Lessels. Folding plan^ 24 pp, 8vo, 25c. 1866. 148 Abbotsford tiub Book. — Ancient Mysteries from the Digby Manu- scripts, preseived in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Edited by Thomas Sharpe. 4to, half morocco ^ top edges ^ilt^ $6.00. Edinburgh, 1840. 149 Abbot^ford Club Book- — The Presentation in the Temple : A Pageant represented b} the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry. Edited by Thomas Sharpe. Thin 4to, boards, $8.00. Edinburgh, 1836. 150 Bnnnatyne Club Book.— The Bannatyne Miscellany, containing oiiginal papers aiid tracts, chiefly relating to the history and literature of Scotland. Vol 2, edited by David Laiug. 4to, boards, $1.50. With book- plates of Dr. Wilson. Edinburgh, 1836. 151 Bannatyne Club Book.— Hegistrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, Munimenta E clesie Metropolitane Glasguensis, a Sede Restaurate, Seoul. Ineunte XII. ad Reformatam Religionem. Edited by Cosmo Innes. Plates of seals ^ etc^ 2 vols, 4 to, cloth, $9.00. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson in each vol. Ediiiburgh, 1843. 152 Bannatyne Club Book. — Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals : Royal, Baronial, Ecclesiastical, and Municipal, embracitg a period from A.D. 1094 to the Commonwealth. By Henry Lainp;. //a/^x, 4to, cloth, $10.50. 101 copies on club paper. Autograph of Dr. Wilson. Edinburgh, 1850. 153 Spaldinff Club Book.— The Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. By Thomas Innes, A.D. LXXX.— D. CCCCXVIIL Edited by George Grub. 4to, cloth, $4.60. Aberdeen, 1853. 154 Spalding Club Book.— Barbour (John). The Brus, an Historical Poem, written A.D. 1375, edited from a collation of the Cambridge and E'linburgh MSS., with notes, etc, by Cosmo Innes. Thick 4to, cloth, $4.75. Aberdeen, 1856. , - - From the Library of Sir Daniel Wilson, 1 % BOOKS OF A MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTER. 156 iDg^am'S Memorials of Oxford, Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Colleges, Halls. Churches, etc. With upwards of /jo highly finished engravings by Le Keux^ very fine impressions y and many woodcut s^ 3 vols, 8vo cloth, SCARCE, $8.00. "With bookplate of Dr. Wilson in each vol. London, 1837. V 156 Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic k^caxTTLGTVUY.y fifth and best edit ion^ enlarged. With seventeen hundred FINE WOODCUTS, 3 vols, Svo, cloth, top edges gilt^ 10.00. With bookplate of Sir Daniel Wilson in each vol and autograph in first vol. Parker^ Oxford, 1850. / AUTHORS OWN COPY, 157 Wilson (Sir Daniel) Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, secord edition* 2J plates and 240 woodcuts of the relics of ancient Celtic and pre- Celtic art, 2 vols, Svo, cloth, $6.50. Macmillan, 1863. AUTHORS OWN COPY. I57i Wilson (Sir Daniel) Prehistoric Man, Researches into the origin of civilization in the old and the new world. 2 coloured plates and many wood- cuts, 2 vols, Svo, cloth, THIRD EDITION, $6.25. Macmillan, 1876. With autopfraph letters from M. F. Force, Prof. George A. Maile of Princeton, to Dr. Wilson, referring to the above work, Indian and Archaeological matteis, also another letter, and newspaper articles including one of 4 columns by Dr. Augustus Le Plongeon on " the recent excavations and discoveries in Yucatan," etc, inside cover. 168 Tennyson (Alfred) Elaine, splendidly printed in large type, illustrated by g beautiful steel engravings after G. Dore's fine designs, folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges, $4.00. 1867. 159 Green's (John Richard) History of the English People. Maps, 4 vols, Svo, cloth, $4.50, (pub. $10.00.) Harpers 1878. 160 The Conquest of England. Potrait and maps, Svo, cloth, uni- form with above, $1.25. Harpers. 161 The Msking of England. With maps, Svo, cloth, uniform with above, $1.25. Harpers. 1^2 A Short History of the English People. Maps, Svo, cloth, $1.00 Harpers, 1881. 163 Morris's Specimens of Eirly English, selected trom the chief Eoglish Authors A.D. 1250 — A.D. 1400 with grammatical introduction, notes, and glossary. Thick 12mo, cloth, 50c. Claretidon Pressy 1867, 164 Part II. From Robert of Gloucester to Gower, A.D, 1298— A.D 1393. Thick 12mo, cloth, 50c. Clarendon Press, lo72. 165 ^keat (Walter W.) Specimens of English Literature from'tbe [Plough- man's Crede to the Shepheards Calender, A.D. 1394, — A.D. 1579, with intro- duction, notes, and glosaarial index. Thick 12mo, cloth, 50 j. Clarendon Press, 1871. 166 Earle (John.) The Philology of the Eoglish Tongue. Post Svo, cloth, 40o. Clarendon Pr$$Si 1871. 1 6 Jinoks of a Miscellatieotts Character. 167 Grote'S (George.) History of Greece. 12 vols, crown »vo, cloth, $4.50' Harpers, 1854. 168 llallam's (Henry.) Constitutional History of England. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, $2.00, 1865. 169 Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 voh, post 8vo, cloth, $1.75. Murray, 1856. 170 K4i^|>peil (Adolphus Louis.) The World in the Middle Ages, an historical geography. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, 60c. Appleton^ 1854. 171 May (Thoraas Erskine.) The Constitutional History of England, 1760- 186d. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, $1.75. 1862. 172 Twaniley (Louisa Anne.) Our Wild Flowers familiarly describfd and illustrated. Full page colored plates ^"^Q^t 8vo, cloth, 50c. Tilt <^ Bogue^\%^Z. ^73 niitcliell (•). M.) Mesehowe : Illustrations of the runic literature of Scandinavia, traDslations in Danish and English of the inscriptions in Mesehowe, visits of the Northern Sovereigns to Orkney, notes, vocabulary, etc. Plates of inscriptions ^ eiQ.j 4 to, cloth, $1.00. '•'To Professor Daniel Wilson^ F.A.S., etc., etc , etc.^ with the kind regards from the Author.'^ Edinburgh 1863. 174 Mictielet (Jules.) The Insect. IVith lAO illustrations drawn by Giacomelli, and eugTAved by Rnugel, Berveiller^ Meaulle^ fonnard^ Whym- per^ Sargent and others^ imp 8vo, cloth, richly qilt^ fine clean copy, $1.50. 1875. ^75 Lubbock's (Sir John.) Pre-Hist »ric Times as Illustrated by ancient Remains and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. Plates and wood- cuts, 8vo, cloth, $2.25. London, 1865. 176 Lubbock (Sir John.) The Origin of Civilization and the primitive con- dition of man, mental and social conflition of savages, third edition. With plates and woodcuts, thick 8vo, cloth, $2.00. London, 1875. 177 Another edition, crown 8 vo, cloth, 75c. Appleton, 1871. 178 HoraB iUgypticae ; or, The Chronology of Ancient Egypt discovered from Astronomical and Hieroglyphic records upon its monuments, including many dates found in coeval inscriprions, etc., by R. S.Poole. Plates and numerous cuts, 8vo, cloth, with bookplate of Dr. Wilson, $1.25. 1851. 179 The Waldenses. General Beckwith ; his life and labours among the Waldenses of Piedmont, by J. P. Meille. Post 8vo, cloth, 40c. 1873. . 180 Max Muller (Prof.) Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas. Crown 8vo, cloth, $1.50. 1888. 181 Huxley (Prof. T. H.) A manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. Crown 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Appleton, 1872. .^ : 182 Alax Mullcr'S (Prof.),Lectures on the Science of Language,delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. With wood f«/j,LiBRARY Edition,2 vols, thick 8vo, cloth, $6.00. London, 1864-66. «• Professor Daniel Wilson (Toronto,) with the Author's compl raents" on fly leaf ».f first vol. 183 Dale (T. Nelson.) The Outskirts of Physical Science, Essays Philoso- phical and Religi'^us. 12mo, cloth, 40c. Boston, 1884. From ih^ Library of Sir Daniel Wilson, 17 1P4 Lyell (Sir Charles.) The geological evidences of Thk Antiquity of Man, with an outline of glacial and post-tertiary geology, and remarks on the origin of species, with special reference toman's first appearance on the earth. With woodcuts, thick 8vo, cloth, $3.00. Murray, 1873. With Autograplj of Dr. Wilson. 18.5 <|lialn' fasces (A De.) The Natural History of Man ; a rourse of elemen- tary lectures. Numerous illustrations^ 12mo, cloth, 40c. 1875. 186 Harris (John) D.D. Man Primeval : or, the constitution and primitive condition of the Human being, a contribution to theological science. Bvo, Q\oth, with bookplate of Dr. Wilson^ 75c. London, 1849. 187 Pailli (Dr. Ryinhold) Pictures of old England translated trora the Ger- man by E. C. Obte. Map, post 8vo, $1.00 (pub. 8s, 6d.) Macmillan, 1861. Canterbury, and the Worship of St. Tnoni^s Bjcket; Monks a-id Mun lic\nt F'riars ; The Parliament in the Fourteenth Century ; The Hanaeatic Steel-yaril in London ; Two Poets, Gower and Chaucer ; London in the Middle Ages, etc., etc. 188 Abbott {J)hn S. C) Kings and Queens ; or, Life in the Palace ; consist- ing of hist jrical sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philppe» Isabella, II , Leopold, e'c. 12mo, cloth, 30^ 1849. 189 South Australia : Its history, resource'^, and productions, edited by William Harcus. A/aps and nwnerous illustrations^ Presentation Copy to Dr. Wilson. Thick Svo, cloth, 7r'c. 1876. 190 Howell (Jiine<».) Epistoloe Ho-Eli»nne : Familiar Letters, domestic and foreign. Ar*?/// Svo, calf, $1.00. 1726. These letters vvbich rebate to one of thi miit in'erejtinar period* f En^^Iish History — tha reiffas of James I. and Ch\rle3 I. — disovera variety of literature, and abound with much entertaining and useful inf irtnition. Howell was a 8:reit traveller, aji intimate friend of Jon8on,and the first who bore the otfl33 of royal historiographer. — Warton. 191 Gold<>$tMUhs (Oliver.) Miscellaneous works, with an account ot his life and writings. Porlrait, Svo, cloth, with bookplate, of Dr. Wilson^ 15q. 1840. 192 Fowler (Prof. Wm. C.) The English Lmguage in its elements and forms, with a history ot its origin and development Thick Svo, cloth, autograph of Dr. Wilson, 60c. Harpers, 1851. 193 Aruold's (Dc Thomas.) History of Rome. Large thick Svo, cloth, autograph of Dr. Wilson^ 75c. Appleton, 1853. 194 Tytler (Patrick Fraser.) Life of H^nry the Eighth. /V?;'/?^??, foolscap Svo, morocco gilt, with bookplate of Dr. Wilson^ 75c. Edinburgh, 1S37. 195 Bristed (Charles Astor.) Five years in an English University. Crown ., Svo, cloth, 60c. NdW York, 1852. 196 Wise (T. A) M.D., Commentary on the Hindu System of Medicine. With illustrations, Svo, cloth, scarce, $2.00. London, 1845. "To Daniel Wilson, D.L.L., with the kind regards of the author." 21 Ap., 1857. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 197 The ISook of the Poets, Chaucer to Beattie. With fofty exquisite steel engravings from designs by Corbould, etc, engraved by Heath, thick crown 8vo, cloth, ^1.25. With bookplate of Dt. Wilson. London, 1846. 193 The Woiliaa Question. The College, the Market, and the Court ; or Woman's Relation to Elucation, Labor, and Law, by Caroline H, DalL Crown Svu, cloth, 75c. 1867. tKwam l8 - • Books of a Miscellaneous Character, IW Cartwrifcht (Thomas) B.D. Ihe distinguished Puritan reformer^ Memoir ot His Life and "Writings, including the principal ecclesiastical movements in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Benjamin Brook. 8vo, cloth, $1.25. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 1846. " Cartwrijfht was the leader of the Puritans, and great'y distinguished himself at the University of Cambridge as a laborioiH student, an acute disputant, and an adrairea preacher- Was much persecuted by Whitgift, Grindall, and Aylmer ; was more than once imprisoned. Besides contruveni.*! tracts, lie wrote a Latin Harmony of the GoapelB, a Commentary on the Proverbs, a Confutation of the Rhemiwh Testament ; and other works." 200 The Honey Bee; Its Natural History, Physiology, and Management, by Edward Be van, M.D. 12mo., boards, 50c. 1827. "To Daniel Wilson, Toronto, from B. Oartwright Thomas." 201 .Spaldins: (William). The History of English Literature. 12mo, cloth, 30c. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 1853. 202 Adams (W. H. Davenport). Lighthouses and Lightships ; a descriptive and historical a. count of their mode of conatruction and organization. Numerous illustrations, post 8vo, cloth, 40c. 1871. 203 Fontaine (Rev. Edward). How the World was Peopled, Ethnological Lectures. Post 8vo, cloth, 75c. AppletoUy 1872. 204 morris (Rev. Richard), LL.D. Historical Outlines of English Accidence, compriHing chapters on the history and development ot the language, and on word formation. Post, 8vo, cloth, 50c. Macmillan, 1872. 205 Trencll On the Study of Words. 12mo, cloth, 30f». 1854. 206 JUittord (William). The History of Greece, from the earliest period to the death of Agesilaus, continued to the death ot Alexander the Great, by R. A. Davenport. 8 vols, 12mo, boards, vignette titles. Bookplate op Dr. Wilson in each vol, $2.00. London, 1835. 207 Fer^I^llSSOn's (Robert), Poetical Works, with Ltfe. Portrait, 8vo, half calf, BEST EDITION, WITH BOOKPLATE OF Dr. WiLSON, $1.00. LondoD, 1807. 20S Sindin^ (Prof. Paul C.) History of Scandinavia, From the Early Times of the Northmen and Vikings to the Present Day. Portrait and map, post 8vo, cloth, 75c. Pittsburgh, 1864. •• Prof. Daniel Wilson, LL.D., the profound historian, with the compliments and esteem of the auihor." 208^ Epitome of Allison's History of Europe. Post 8vo, cloth, 30c. 1852. 209 Ockley (Simon) The History of the Saracens, comprising the lives of Mohammed and his successors with their most remarkable battles, sieges, revolts, etc. Port, post 8vo, finely bound in full calf, being a college prize to Miss Jessie Wilson, $1.00. Bohn, 1848. 210 Pickering (Charles) 0/ tU U. S. Exploring Expedition, The Races of Man, and their Geographical Distribution, to which is prefixed an analytical synopsis of the Natural History of Man. Map and steel portraits, crown 8vo, cloth, 75c. Bohn's Illustrated Library, 1851. 211 Boccaccio (G.) The Decameron, carefully translated; with remarks ou His Life aud WritingSj and au a Ivertivement by the author of Old Kick. 8vo, cloth, Very scarce edition, $li75, with bookplate of Dr. Wilson. London, printed for the Booksellers, 1845* Frdm the Library of Sir Daniel IVi/son. _ _ _ 19 212 Kemble (J. M.) The SaxoDs in EugUnd. A History of the English Commonwealth till the period of the Norman Conquoht. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, SCARCE, ^1.25. Bookplate in each vol of Dr. WiUon. London, 1849. 218 Prescott (William H.) History of the Reign of Philip the Hecond. Portraits, 2 vols, royal 8vo, library edition, $2.50. Autograph of Dr. WiUon in each vol. Boston, 1856. 214 ilIoniinS6Il'S History of Rome, translated with the author's sanction* and additions by the Rev. W. P. Dickson, with preface by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz. 4 vols, crcwn 8vo, cloth, $4.60 (pub. $10.00.) Scrihner'a, 1869* 215 RosCOe'S (William) Life, by his Son, Henry Roscoe. Portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Bookplate of Dr. Wilton in each vol. 1833. 216 Merewethcr (John), D.D., F.S.A. Diary of a Dean, being an account of the Examination of Selbury Hill, and of various barrows and other earthworks on the Downs of North Wilts. With plates, 8vo, cloth, 75e. Bookvlate of Dr. Wilson. London, 1851. 217 Campbell (John), M.A., LL.D. The Hittites : Their Inscriptions and their History. Profusely illustrated, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, $2.00 (pub. $5.00.) Toronto, 1890. , " A monument of patient and profound scholarship, such as it requires the beet part of a Student's Life, even under the most favourable circumstances to erect. Professor Campbell has already a well-earned reputation, especially anion;^8t archicologiata and students of ancient and sacred history, as a scholar of no menn attainments." 218 Wilson (George) Profesior of Technology in the University of Edinburgh, and Brother of Sir Daniel Wilson. Researches on colour-blindness, 8vo, cloth, 60c. On fly-leaf ^^ Daniel Wilson from George." Edinburgh, 1855. 219 Religio-Chemici Essays. Post 8vo, half calf, $1.25. London, J/a^- millan, 1862. Chemistry and Natural Theology, The Chemistry of the Stars, Chemical Final Causes Robert Boyle, WoUaston, Life and Discoveries of Dalton, Thoughts on tl-.e Resurrection. 220 ■■ The Life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his more important scientific papers, and a critical inquiry into the claims of all the alleged discoverers of the composition of Water. Portrait of Caven- dish, 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson, Cavendish Society, 1851. 221 Memoirs of, by his Sister Jessie Aitken Wilson. Portrait, 8vo, half morocco, $1.25. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. Edinburgh, 1860. 222 Rawllnson (Prof. George) A Manual of Ancient History, from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire, comprising the History of Chaldsea, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phoeaicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia. 8vo, cloth. $2.00. 1869. 223 nilller (Hugh.) Testimony of the Rocks, or Geology in its bearings on the two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. Woodcuts, post 8vo, cloth, 40c. 1857. 224 Adams (W. H. Davenport.) Temples, Tombs, and Monuments of Ancient Greece and Rome. A Description and a History of some of the most remarkable Memorials of Classical Architecture. One hundred Wood" cutSt postSvo, cloth, 50c. London, 1872* id Books of a Ifltscellancous Characie^» 226 H'alhice (Alfred Russell.) The Malay Archipelago, the land of the Oraug Utau and the Bird of Paradis', a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. Map and numerous illustrations, thiQ^i Qvo^iu 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Macmillan, 1872. 226 Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, A Series of Essiys. Thick crown Svo, cloth, $1.00. Macmillan, 1871. 227 Zoological Society, (Gardens and Menagerie of the) delineated, being DescriptioLS and Fi^jures in Illustration of the Natural History of the Living Animals in the Society's Collection. Numerous beautiful engravings on wood, 2 vols, Svo, cloth boanis, $l,r)0, (pub. £1, Is.) 1836. AuU>|^raph and Boukplateof Dr. Wilson in each volume. 228 Olmsted (Denison,) LL.D. The Mechanism of the Heavens ; or, Fami- liar Illusf rations of Astronomy with Historical and Biographical Sfcetches. . With coloured plates and numerous woodcuts^ post Svo, cloth, 40c. London, 1850. . , 229 Empirical Psychology ; or, the Science of Mind from Experience, - by L. P. Hickok, LL.D., revised with the co-operation of Dr. J. H. Seelye. 12nio, cloth, 35c. 188^. 230 Ularsll (George P.) Lectures on the English Language. A large royal Svo vol of over 780 pp, 75c (pub. .|3.00. ) Scribner's, 1863. 231 The Origin and History of the English Language, and of the early Literature it embodies. Large royal Svo, cloth, $1.00 (pub. $3.00.) Scrib- ner, 1862. 232 Latham (Robert Gordon.) The English Language. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, 75c, With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 1850. 233 Adams (W. H. Davenport.) The Queen of the Adriatic ; or, Venice, Past and Present. Numerous illustrationsy post Svo, cloth, 40c. 1872, 234 Ulivart (St. George.) Man and Apes: An Exposition of Structural Re- semblances and Differences bearing up )n Questions of AflBoity aud Origin. Numerous illustrations, post Svo, cloth, 50c. Appleton, 1874. 235 Jennings (Arthur C.) Chronobgical Tables, a Syuchronistic arrange- ment of the Events of Ancient History. Svo, cloth, 50^. Macmillan^ 1888. 236 Anglo Saxon. Tha Halgan Goispel on Englisc, the Anglo-Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels, edited by Benj. Thorpe. Post 8va, cloth, 60c. Putnam^ 1851. 237 Thorpe (Benjamin.) Northern Mythology, comprising the Popular Traditions and Siiparstitions of Sciaiauivia, North Germiay, and the Netherlands. 3 vols, post Svo, cloth boirds, sca.rce, $6.00. 1851. " Ucotor Wilson, with the kind regards of Elise C. Otte, February 7th, 1852," and book- plate of Dr. Wilson in each vol. 233 Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, printed from the text, and with tha notes of George Oilman. Two portraits^ 3 vols, 4to, calf, $t5.50. Bookplate of Dr. V'ihon in each vol. London, 1811. 239 Dramatic Works (The) of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Faiquhar, With bios^raphicil and critical notice ? by Leigh Hunt. Thick royal Svo, cloth, $2.00. Bookplate ofD . Wilson. London, Moxon, 1840* Prom the Library of Sir t>amei IVilson. ™^» jj 240 Shakespeare's Plays. Booth's extot, rkducbd facsimile of the FiusT FOLIO KDiTioN, 8H put forth iu 1623. Facsimile. Droeshout portrait, 4to, cloth, $tJ.OO. Ljudou, 1864. As the text of the " First folio " is continually referred to by Shakespearian •cholan as of the (greatest authority, the value of this present r^'priut cannot be overrated, the more so, as perhaps no work was ever more seduiou^ly watched during its proi^ress ttiruuKli the press in order that it mig;ht be a trustworthy rt Hex of tlie rare and precious orit^inal ; and as such, it has been univerbally accepted. Appended Is an elaborate collation of the " First Folio." 241 Notes and Emendations to the Text ot Shakespeare's Plays, from early manuscript corrections, in a copy of the Folio, 1632, in the pos- session of J. P. Collier. Facsimile page t 8vo, eloth, $1.50. Autograph of Dr Wilson. London, 1853. 242 Shakespeare's Works, Globe edition, edited by W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright. Thick post 8vo, cloth, 60c. Autograph of Dr. Wilson. Macmillan, 1878. 243 Cralk (George L.) The English of Shakespeare, illustrated by a philo* logical commentary on his Julius Caesar. Thick 12mo, cloth) 75c. Auto- graph of Dr. Wilson. London, 1867. 244 Dodd'S Beauties of Shakespeare. Fron/ and ingnettt^ 32mo, cloth, 25C4 Autograph of Dr. Wilson. Halifax, 1846. 245 Shakespeare's Plays. School editions, by various editors. 20 Id cloth, 7 iu paper, togethc r 27 vols, many of which are well annotated with MSS. notes y presumably hy Sir Daniel Wilson y $3.00 the lot. 246 Ireland. Tours in Ulster. A hand-book to the antiquities and scenery of the North of Ireland. Mapy very nice tinted plates ^ and numerous illustra- tions chiefly pom the author s sketch-book, stout 12mo, cloth, 75c, Dubliui 1854. 247 ElUinett, the Irish Patriot, and other poems, by M. E. Dudley, with historical notices and notes. l2mo, cloth, 40c. London, 1836. 248 Browning (Robert) Works. Dramas ; Dramatis, Personse, etc ; Men and Women andJSordello ; Fifine at the Fair, Inn Album, etc ; Agamemnon, La Sai.^iaz, Dramatic Idyls, and Jocoseria. 5 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, portrait^ |3.00. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1883-85. 249 The Ring and the Book. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, $1.25. Boston, 1869. 250 -^- Fifine at the Fair and other poems* 12mo, cloth, 50c. Bostoui 1872. 251 Liechtenstein (Princess Marie) Holland House. With five, very fine steel engravingSy by C. H. /eenSy after paintings by Watts and other celebra- ted artists y facsimiles of very interesting autographs and letterSy and numerous illustrationSy by Professor P. H. Delamotte. 8vo, cloth gilt extra, gilt edges, A CHARMING WORK, 4.50. Macmillan^ 1875. 252 Crladston^ (Right Hon. W. E.) JuvbntUs Mundi. The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. Vignette and coloured map, crown 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Autograph of Dr. Wilson. Macmillany 1869. 253 Dawklns (W. Boyd) Cave Hunting. Researches on the evidence of Caves respecting the early inhibitants ot Europe. Coloured frontispiece and 128 tnaps^ plateSy and woodcut Sy 8vo, cloth, $3.00. Autograph of Dr. Wilson ^ 1874. 2i Hookit of a \fiscell(ineous Character, 254 Evans (J^ir .fohn) The ancient Stone Imp'ements, weapons and orna- meiita, of Greit Britain. 2 folding plat a, and hundreds of WDodcut illustra- tions, large 8vo, cloth, Auiooraim! Lettbk, signed by Sir John Evans to PROFiSssoH Wilson, inserteJ, vbrv scahci, $9.00. 1872. 255 Holbein (Hans). Dmceof Death, exhibitei in elegant woi i engravings, with dissert itious on the several representations of that subject, by F. OoucK ; alsi Holbkiv's Bible Curs, 90 illustrations on wood, with intro- duction by Dr. T. F. Dibiin, post 8vo, cloth, "Don. from H. G. Bohn, 2Hth J»nuRry, 1859," $2.00. Bohn's Library, J858. 25G .\oU (J. G.) and Gliddoil (Geo. R.). Types of Mankind, or ethnolo;;icjil researches, based upon th:^ anoiont minumeats, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races. Numerous illustrations^ thick royal 8vo, cloth, $4.00. Philadelphia, 1854. . " Prof. Daniel VVih-^n, LL.D., eto. etc, oto, Toronto, Cam la, with the belt respeots of his frienj GlidJon. Philadelphia, 8th April, 1854." 257 PostC (Beale). Brittinnic Researches, or new factj 268 raley'8 (P. A.) Manual of Gothic Mouldings: a treatise on thnr torma- tion, gi'Aiiuai deyelopment, combinations and variotie^. 8vo, cloth, i6 plates illustrating nearly ^oo examples ^ $1.00. Bookplate of Dr, Wilson^ 1845. 2d9 McCosh (Dr. James) and Dickie (George) Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. With illustrations^ thick 8vo, cloth, 75c. 1856. 270 llait^h's (Daniel Henry). The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons, a Harmony of the History of the Bntons, the works of Gildus, *'The Brut," and the Saxon Chronicle, with reference to the events '»f the fifth and six centuries. Plalei of Runic Inscriptions^ 8vo, {)apBr, $1.00. " Dr, Daniel Wilson^ from Dr. Charlton.'' John Russell Smithy 1861. 271 The Auglo-Sixon Sagas, an examination of their value as aids to History, serving as a sequel to •' The CoiKjuest of Britain by the Saxons." 8 vo, paper, 75c. ^^ Dr, Daniel Wilson Jrofn Dr. Charlton,''^ /ohn Russell Smith, 1861. It analyaea and throws ne^r historical evidenoe on the ori;;in of the Poems of Beowulf, the Lameat of Deor, tho Sajfa of \^'aldhore, Soyld Scefln^, the Fi^'ht at Finneshani, the Story of Horn, the Lay of ilildebrand, etc. 272 Essays and Addresses. By Professors and Lecturers of the Owen's College, Manchester. Thick 8vo, cloth, i$2. 00. MicraiPan, 1874. Original research as a means of educdtion, b/ Professor R >sc il. P. itn jv^I Vui^dtition in its relation to the Doctrines of Natural Selection and Evolution, by Professor Williamson. Some Historical Results of the Science of Laajfuaafe, by Professor Wilkins; The Talmud, by Professor Theodores ; Provencal Poetry in Old and Al >dera Times, by H. Breym i in ; the Kiitways and the State by Professor W. Stanley Jevons, and eight other capital contributions by eminent professors and scientists. 273 Head (Sir Edmund W.) "Shall" and "Will;" or, two Chapters on Future Auxiliiry Verbs. i2tno, cloth, 40c. 1856. " Professor Wi'son with Sir Edmund Head's compliments." 274 Murray (Prof. J. Clark). Outlines of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. With introduction by the Rev. Dr. McUosh. Post 8vo, cloth, authors presentation copy to Dr. Wilson^ 40c. Boston, 1870. 275 Taylor (Isiao), LL.D. The Origin of the Aryans, an acoount of the pre- historic ethnolosjy and eivilizition of Europe. Illustrated^ post 8 vo, cloth. Autograph of Dr. tVilson, 75c, London, 1889. 276 Ireland, Young People's History of, by George M. Towle. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, 50c. Daniel Wilson, LL.D., with the author s sincere com- pliments " on the fly leaf. 1887. 277 Ulailtell (G. A.), LL.D., F.R.S. Petrifactions and their Teachings ; or, a Han«l Book to the Gallery of O'-ganic Remains of the British Museum. Illustrations, post 8vo, cloth, 40c. Bohns Library, 1851. 278 Wright (Thomas). The Celt, the Roman, aud the Saxon : a History of the Early Inhabitants of Britain. Full page illustrations and numerous woodcuts, crown 8vo, cloth, withbo)kplate of Dr. Wilson, $1.00. 1852. 279 Sf'hOllW (J. F.) The Earth, Plants and Man, and Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom, by F. Von Kibell. Post 8vo, cloth, 40v). Bohn's Library, 1852. £80 Home (John). Dramatic Works. Post 8vo, calf, wit bookpkde of 0r* Wilson, 50o. 1760. 24 Books of a Miscellaneous Character. 281 Kuvanag^h (Julia). Womeuin Frauce During the Eighteenth Ceutury' 4 of the 8 fine portraits are missings thick post 8vo, cloth, 50c. 1864. 282 Blackie (Prof. J. Stuart). Greek Primer Colloquial and Constructive. Post 8vo, cloth, 35c. Macmillan, 1891. •*To my esteemed old friend Sir Daniel Wilson for Auld Lang Syne, from Jo. St. Blakie." 283 Nichol (Prof. J. P.). Thoughts on Some Impirtant Points Relating to the System of the World. With astronomical and other plates^ crown 8vo, cloth. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson, 50c. Edinburgh, 1846. 284 Schniitz'S (Dr. Leouhard), Manual of Ancient History. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, 75c. 1858. 285 Baldwin (Professor J. M). Handbook of Psychology, Feeling and Will. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. 1891. ; -^ 286 Plirdie (Thomas). Comparative Estimate of Mural Decoration as Prac- ticed in our own Country and on tha Continent of Europe. 8vo, cloth, 39 pp, 503. With bookplate of Dr. Wiison. Edinburgh, 1852. 287 Bensley (Benj.). Henry VIII. aric his Contemporaries. Front, 12mo, cloth. 30c. J 847. 2S8 Keats (John). The Eve of St. Agnes. Illustrated by Edward H. Wehnert, engraved by Horace Harral, Thomas Bolton and James Gooper, small 8vo, bevelled cloth, nice clean copy, hut leaves loose, 503. 1856. ; 289 Gray's (Thomas), E egy. Illustrated by Birket Foi^ier and others, en- graved by Horace Harral, Jaines Cooper, William Meannm, and others, small 8vo, bevelled cloth, nice clean copy, but leaves loose, 50i3. 290 ColeridjJC^'S (Samuel Taylor), Ancient Mariner. Illustrated from draw- ings by Wehnert, Birket Foster and others, engraved by Horace Harral and Edmund Evans, small 8sro, bevelled cloth, 50c. 1859. 291 Richmond (Rev. Legh). The Diiryman's Daughter. With illustrations by Birket Foster and others, small 8vo, bevelled cloth, nice clean copy but leaves loose, AOc. 1858. 292 Craik (George L.) Outlines of the History of the E iglish Language. 16mo, cloth, 30c. **7^o Dr. D. WiUon, Society of Antiquaries, Edinburgh.'" With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 1851. 293 Nicholson (Henry AUeyne). A Manual of Palaeontology, for the use of students, with a general introduction on the principles of Palaeontology. Numerous illusrtations, thick crown 8vo, cloth, Sl.£0. Blackwood, 1872. 29 1 Reid's Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, edited by James Walker. Post 8vo, cloth, 30c. 1857. 295 Figuier (Louis). The Day After Death ; or. Oar Future Life, According to Science. Illustrated by ten astronomical plates, post 8vo, cloth, 60c. 1872. 298 Rlipstefn (Louis F.) A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language. Post 8vo, cloth, with autograph of Dr. Wilson, 503. N. Y., 1853. 297 Hodge (Dr. Charles), of Princeton. What is Darwinism ? Crown 8vo, cloth, 50c. 1874. 293 Ranke'S History of the Popes, Their Church and Sta'^e in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ; and the History of the Ottoman and the Spaijish Empires. Translated by W. K. Kelly, in one large 8vo vol, half calf, $1.25. With bookplate of Dr. Wikon, London, 1843. From the Library or Sir Daniel Wilson, 25 299 Kington 01iphant(T. L.). The Sources of SUudard English, Thick postSvo, cloth, 75c. Macmillan, 1873. 300 Boase (Henry S.)- A Treatise on Primary Geology, being an examination both practical and theoretical of the older formations. 8vo, cloth, 40c. With bookplate of Dr, Wilson, 1834. 301 Smith's (Adam) Wealth of Nations. 8vo, cloth, 65c. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 1847. 302 Craik (George L.). A Manual of English Literature and History of the Ecglish Language. Thick post 8vo, cloth, 50c. London, 1863. 303 SiK Old English Chronicles, Ethel werd's Chronicle, Asser's Life of Alfict5; tJeoffrey of Monmouth's British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencestpr, edited with notes by J. A. Giles, Port^ post Svo, cloth, 75c. Bohn's Library^ 1848. 304 Pardo (Mis^). Pilgrimages in Paris. Portrait^ post 8vo, cloth, 30c. 1857. 305 Kedzie (J. H.). Speculations, Solar Heat, Gravitation, and Sun Spots. With illustrations f crown 8vo, cloth, 60c. Chicago. 1886. 306 Bariug-Gould (S.). The Origin and Developement of Religious Belief. Vol. I, Heathenism and Mosaism ; Vol. II, Christianity. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, $4.50, (pub. 30s.). Rivingtons, 1869-70. 307 Wright (Thomas) M. A., F.S.A. A Volume of Vocabularies, illustrating the condition and manners of onr forefathers, as well as the history of the forms of elementary education aud of the languages spoken in this island from the tenth century to the fifteenth. Royal Svo, cloth, $4.50. Privately printed at the expense of Joseph Mayer, 1882. Autograph letter3 inserted (1) from Thomia Wrigh ^ to C. Roach Smith, (2) from Joseph Mayer to C. Roach Smith, (3) from C. Roach Smith to Dr. Daniel Wilson. • 308 Blackie (Prof. John Stuart.) Four Phases of Morals, Socrates, Aris- totle, Christianity, Utilitarianism. 12mo, cloth, 75c. ** To Daniel Wil- son * /or Auld Lang Syne^'' from Jo. St. Blackiet Edinburght 10th April, 1872." Edinburgh, 1871. 309 Dawson (Dr. J. W.) The Story of the Earth and Man. With illustra- tions, post Svo, cloth, $1.00. •* 7^0 Dr. Wilson, with kind regards of the Author.'' London, 1873. 310 Porcelain. Catalogue of a Collection of Oriental Porcelain and Pot- tery, lent for exhibition by A. W. Franks. Numerous illustrations of Chinese and Japanese Marks, symbolical ornaments^ etc, 8vo, cloth, 50c. London, 1878. 311 Schmidt (Oscar.) The Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times. With 51 woodcuts, 12mo, cloth, 75c. Inter. Scientific Series, 1886. 312 Quatrefages (A. De.) The Human Species. 12mo, cloth, 75c. Auto- graph of Dr. Wilson. Inter. Scientific Series, 1879. 313 Max iHuller (Prof.) The Science of Thought. 2 vols, crown Svo, cloth, $2.00. Scribner's, 1887. 314 Beamont (William.) A Diary of a Journey to the East in 1854. 2 vols, post Svo, cloth, 75c. Presentation copy from the author with letter signed. London, 1856. 26 Books of a Miscellaneous Character, 6i^ lilddeirs (Dr. U. G.) History of Rome. Numerous woodcuts, crown 8vo, cloth, 40c. Harper's, 1864. . 316 Fowler's (Thomas) Elements of InductiFe Logic. 12mo, cloth, 50c. 1870. 317 Howitt (Mary.) Birds and Flowers ; or, Lays and Lyrics of Rural Life. With, upwards of 100 engravings by H. Giacomelli, small 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 75c. London, 1873. 318 8cllleS(el (Frederick.) Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. 12mo, cloth, 40c. 1841. 319 Hay (D. R.) First Principles of Symmetrical. With 100 plates in outline^ crown 8vo, cloth, 60c. " To Daniel Wilson^ Esq., with the Author^s com- pliments ;" aho bookplate of Dr. WiUon. 1843. 320 Russell (William.) Extraordinary Women: their Girlhood and Early Life. With illustrations, post 8vo, cloth, 35c. 1857. 321 Irish Archaeological Society. The Irish Version of the Historic Britonum of Nennius. Edited with a translation and notes by James H. Todd, with introduction and additional notes by the Hon. Algernon Her- bert. 4to, cloth, 12.50. With bookplate ot Dr. Wilson. Dublin. 1848. 322 Ulster Journal Ol Archaeology (The.) No. l, January, 1853, in- cludes an article on the Archaeology of Ulster, the Earldom and Barons of Ulster. Maps, woodcuts, 4to, 62 pp, paper, 40c, 323 Archaeology. Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, during 1849 and 1850. Interesting papers on Somersetshire Coins, Ancient Earth- work, Wells Cathedral, Glastonbury Abbey, etc, etc. Folding colored plate of tesselated pavement, plates of coins, and plates of other subjects. 8vo, 192 pp, piper, 75c. Autograph of Dr.* Wilson. Taunton, 1851. 324 The Ecclesiologist, published by the Cambridge Camden Society. Vol 1, 8vo, cloth, 60c. A vol of interesting matter relating to all branches of ecclesiastical architecture, with bookplate of Dr. Wilson. Cambridge, 1843. 325 Anthropological Institute (The Journal of) of Great Britain and Ireland. 4 various Nos. between 1886 and 1890, with illustrations, 8vo, 50o the lot (pub 20s. ) Trubner, London. 325J Archaeological. Association Journal, for the encouragement and pro- secution of researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages. Vol 1, thick 8vo, half calf, numerous illustrations, $1.50. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson. London, 1845. Articles on Nunismacics. Paintod Glass, Head Dresj, Monumental Inscriptions, Anglo- Saxon and Mediae /al, Architecture, Brasses, aid numerous other aotiquarian subjects, a very interesting volume. 826 Piazzi Smyth (Prof. C.) Contributions to a Knowledge of the Phen- omena of the Zodiical light, — an the Total Solar Eclipse of 1851. Two 4to pamphlets, from transactions of Royal Society, Edinburgh, 25r. E*?inburgh, 1852. 327 Extracts from the 8th and 12th voulmes of Astronomical Obser- vations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Plates, 2 pamphlets,. 4to, 50c. Edinburgh, 1849-62. From the Libraty of Sir Daniel Wilson. zy 328 Sivail (Williduj.) Ou the toUl Eclipse of the Sun, July 28, 1851, observ- ed at Goteborg, vdth a description of a new position micrometer. Twoflates^ 4to, cloth, 40c. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson. Transaction of Royal Society. Edinburgh, 1852. 329 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of their Proceedings for the years 1850 and 1851. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, folding and other plates^ $1.25. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson in one vol. London, 1851-2. 330 De Perthes (M. Boucher.) Voyage a Constantinople, par L'ltalie, la Sicile et la Grece en 1853. 2 vols, post 8vo, paper 50c. Author's presenta- tion copy to Sir Daniel Wilson. Paris, 1855. 331 Stmtt (-Joseph.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, in- cluding the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the earliest period to tha present time. Edited with index by William Hone. 140 woodcuts^ royal 8vo, cloth, large paper, $3.50. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson. London, 1845. 332 Ticrney's History anj) Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel ; with the Biography of its Earls (The Howards,) from the Oon- que>t to the present time. Platen., pedigrees etc., 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, $4.00. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson in each voL London, 1834. 333 Fairholt (F. W.) Tobacco, its history and associations. With woillns- trations^ by the author^ post 8vo, cloth, $1.50. London, 1856- 334 Ballantilie (James) A Treatise on Painted Glass, showing its applica- bility to every style of architecture. 8 pages of plates, mostly coloured^ and numerous coloured illustrations in the text, thin Svo, cloth, $1.25. Book- plate of Dr. V/ilson. Loudon, 1845. 335 Archaeology. Memoires de la Societe D'Emulation D'Abbeville, 1844 to 1848. Plates, 8vo, 737 pp, paper, 75c. Abbeville, 1849. 336 Hieros^lyphics. Article from an Encyclopedia on, 70 pp, with illustra- tions ; Sketches of a Collection of Antiquities lately imported at Liverpool from Alexandria in Egypt, 1828 ; Ancient Egypt, her Monuments, Hierogly- phics, History and Archaeology, etc, by G. R. Gliddon. 68 pp, and 2 others, in 1 vol; 4to, 75c. 337 Francis Radclyffe. First Earl of Derwentwater, some account of ; Radclyfie Triicts, L The Heirs General to Radclyffe of Derwentwater, and the Heirs male to Dacre of Greystock ; II. Sir Edward Radclyffe of Dilston ; III. Extracts from the accounts of the Steward of Sir Francis Radclyffe, Bart., at Dilston, from June, 1686, to June, 1687; from the Archaeologia .Elina, N.S., Vols I., II. 4to, half vellum, $1.00. Presentation copy to vSir Daniel Wilson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1856-9. 338 Early English Text Society. Ead wine's Canterbury Psalter, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Fred. Harsley, M.A, ; Part II., Text and Notes. 8vo, half morocco, 75c. London, 1889. 339 Knight s Pictorial History of England. Being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom Down to the Reign of George III., by George L- CrMk and Charles Micfarline, and others. lUufUrcbted with several hundred woodcuts. 4 large impl. Svo vols, cloth, $3.00. IS46-48, 28 'Books of a Miscellaneous Character. 340 Dc Ulezeray'S General Chronological History of France, Beginning before the Keigii of King Phararnond, to the Reign of King Heury the Fourth, tianslated by John Bulteel. /^ron«w/?i«ce, thick folio, calf, $1.00. 1683. 341 Hay (D. R.), Decorative Painter. The Natural Principles and Analogy of the Harmouy of Form. /<, fine impreAsions on India paper ^ foxed, irapl. 8vo, cloth, with bookplate and autograph of Dr. Wilson, $3.25. London, 1830. 346 Historico-Geographical Atlas of the Middle Ages. Six colored maps mounted on guards, with descriptive matter by Prof. A. L. Kceppen, small tolio, cloth, 50?. Appleton, 1855. 347 Arts aad PriDCiples of Design. Report from the select com- mittee on arts and their connection with manufactures, with the minutes of evidence. (Appointed to enquire into the best means of extending a knowledge of the arts and of the principles of design among the people of the country ; also to enquire into the constitution, management and effects of institutionsr connected with the arts). Folio, cloth, $1.50. Autograph of Dr. Wilson, London, 1836. 348 Clarendon (Earl of). History of the Reballion and Civil Wars in Eng- land. Three, fine portraits after Sir Peter Lely, large vignette plates on title page also fine head and tall pieces, 3 vols, folio, old calf, $4.25. Oxford, 1702-4. 349 Turner (J. M. W., R. A.)— Rivers of France, with an introduction by John Ruskin. A series of \2fine steel engravings from drawings by J. M, IV. Turner, with descriptions by Lietch Ritchie, and a biography of the artist by Alaric A. Watts, 2 vols in 1, 4to, cloth, $2.25, (pub. 31s 6d). London, n. d. .*J50 lUcAlpine (D., F.O.S.). Botanical Atlas, a guide to the ' -^ctical study of plaats, containing representatives of the leading forms of v^rypto- g*mic and phanerogamic plant life. Full-page colored plates containing hun' dreds of figures, 2 vols, royal 4to, cloth, $3.50, (pab. £1 10s). Edinburgh, 1883. 351 De Vere (M. Scheie) LL D. Studies in English, or Glimpses of the Inner Life of our L^nguige. Crown 8vo, cloth, $1.00. Scribner's, 1867. *' Rev. John McCaul, D.D., President of University Oolleffe, Toronto, with the regards ot the author. University of Virginia," April, 1868. „-^ ^ _ _^ _ ^J^rom the Library df Sir Daniel li^i'son, 1^ 352 4kpiue aud Italian Lakes, upon the origin of« and upon Glacial Erosion by Sir A. C. R%ni-)ay, Sir John Ball, and others. PVitA illustra- tionsy 8to, cloth, 50c. Humboldt Publishing Co., 1889. 353 Marshall (Williatn £.) A Phrenologist aming^t thi To lis, or the study of a primitive^Tribe in South India, history, chjiracter, customs, religion, infanticide, [)olyandry, language. Numerous pi xUi by the aaiotype process ^ 8 vo, cloth, $2.00. 1873. - < 354 Harris (William.) Auac3)UQtof the Life of Oliver Cronw dl, to 1 which is added an app^ilix of origin il pipers. 8vo, calf, 503. 1772.- Bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 355 Boye (Martin H.) A Treatise on Paueraitics, being the Physics of Gases, including vapjrs, describing Air Pu nps, Birim^ters, Hygrometera, etc., etc. Illustrate 1, 8\ro. cloth, 75c. *' To Dr. Wilson with the respects of the Author.*' Philadelphia, 1855. 356 Fraser{Prof. A'ex. C. ) Ritionil Philosophy in history and in system. Post 8vo, cloth, 40c. " Professor Daniel Wilson with kind regards from the Author." Edinburgh, 1858. 337 Johllstoil'S (Alexander K-iith.) PHYrfioiAL Atl^s of Natural Phev- OMESA. 24 mafis and charts^ coloured, illustrating Geology , Hydrography y Miterolog{f]and N't' ural History. 4to, half morocco, $2.00. ** To Diniel Wilson, E-tq., with T. B. Johnston's best wishes." Blickwood, 1850. 358 Piazzi Smitll (G.) Maderia Spectroscopic, being a revision of 21 places in the red half of the Solar visible spectrum, with a rutherfurd diffraction, , grating at Mideir* during the summer of 18S1. Plates, 4to, cloth, 753. * "President Wilson, with best wishes from T. B. Johnston." W. & A. K. Johnston, 1882. 359 Smith (Goldwin.) The Schism in the Anglo-Saxon race. Small 4to, sewn, 40c. 1887. . _^ 360 Lamb (Chas.) The E<8%y3 of Elia, both seriesj; Poetical Works ; Rosa- mund Gray, Essays, etc, under 4 separate titles, in 1 vol, 8vo, half calf, 60c. 1- Moxon, 1840. Bookplate of Dr. Wilson. 361 In India. Sketches of Inlian Life and Travel from Letters^and Journals, by M-s. Murray Mitchell. Post 8vo, cloth, 30c. 1876. 362 Spenser (Edmund) The Faerie Queene : 12 books, to which is added his Epithalamion, with glossary. With illustrations by Corbould^ thick post 8vo, cloth gilt, 60c. Routledge, 1869. Autograph of Dr. Wilson. 363 Pulszky (Francis) The Tricolor on the Atlas ; or, Algeria and the Frei^ch conquest. With coloured plates, thick crown 8vo, cloth, 40c. 1854. 364 Abbott (Rev. Edwin A.) and Professor Seeley. English Lessons for English People. Post 8vo, cloth, 60c. 1872. Autosrraph of Dr. Wilson. 365 Hunter- Duvar (John) of Prince Edward Island. The Stone. Bronze and Iron Ages, a popular treatise on Eirly Archaeology. Numerous illustra' tions, post Svo, cloth, $1.00. London, 1892. " To Sir Daniel Wilson, F.R.S., LL.D., and other hoaourd, this little bo )k with compli« meats of the author," 11th June, 1892. J b Books oj a Miscelhuteous Character* 366 Lord (John) LL.D., Points of History for Schools and Colleges. Post 8vo, cloth, 40c. New York, 1881. • 367 Nature- The Gifden, the Woods, and the Fields ; or, the Teachings of Nature as seasons change. Vignette^ crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 60c. 1882. 868 WhciiVell (Kev. W.) Architectural Notes on German Churches, with uotiS written during an Architectural Tour in Picardy and Normandy, 3rd bditiou, to which are added Notes on Churches of the Rhine, by M. F. de Lassaulx. ^ ;>/ls.— Eshcol, by Dr. S. ^. Humphrey, 1893; Five Years iu Ludhiaiia, ur work amongHtour Indiau Sisters, by M. R. Greenfield, London, 1886 ; Christian Vestiges of Creation, by William Sewell, London, 1861 ; The Divine Dispensations, by J. Hullmuth, D.D., London, 1866, and 6 others, together 10 vols, mostly I'imo, oloth, 50c. the lot. 416 Lot of 8 vols. — Daily Meditations, with introduction by Norman Mac- leod. Edinburgh, 18G6 ; The Parable of the Sower, illustrated and applied by Rev. George Muir, of Paisley^ 1769 ; Discourses by Rev. John Love, D.D. , 2 vols, Edinburgh, 1829, and 6 others, together 8 vols, 50c. the lot, 417 IN acnailghton (Rev Samuel.) The Gospel in Great Britain ; from St. Patrick to John Knox and John Wesley. Post 8vo, cloth, 30c. Edinburgh, 1890. 418 Porter (Prof. J. Scott.) Principles of Textual Criticism, with their Application to the Old and New Testaments. Illustrated with plates and facsimies of Biblical Documents, \,h\Q\L 8vo, cloth, 50c. With autograph of Dr. Wilson. London, 1848. 419 Pike and Hay ward ; Religious Cases of CoDscience Answered in an Evangelical Mduner ; or, Tlie luquiring Christian Instructed, to which are added. Replies to Thirty-Two Questions ; or, the Professing Christian Tried at the Bir of G)d's Word, to wliich is subjoined, the character of the Happy, Honest, and Faithful Man. Svo, boards, 50c. Rooxsey, 1817. 419^ miller (Rev. S»muel), D.D-, of Glasgow^ Memorials of (Sermons, Let' ters and Outlines of Sermons), with biographical sketch by Rev. Thomas Smith. Port, post 8vo, 50c. Glasgow, 1883. 420 Science and the Gospel ; or, tha Church and the Nations, a series ot essays on great questions. Thick post Svo, cloth, 50c. Macmillan, 1870. 421 Deaconesses— Midway ; or, the Story of the First Deaconess Institu- tion, by Harriet te F. Cooke. Portraits and illwitrationsf post 8vo, cloth, 40o. London, 1892. 422 Anderson (Christopher), Author of Annals of the EnglUh Bible. The Life and Letters of, by his nephew Hugh Anderson. Portrait^ 8vo, cloth, 40c. Edinburgh, 1854. 423 Dean Alford'S Greek Testament, with English notes, abridged by B. H. Alford. Thick crown Svo, cloth, $1.25. Rivington's,1869. 424 Paley's Natural Theology, with Discourse by Lord Brougham. Post Svo, cloth, 30c. With bookplate of Dr. Wilson. London, 1835. 425 Bnt How— If the Gospels are Historic ? An Apology for Believing in Christianisni. Post 8vo, clcth, 30c. Edinburgh, 1891. 426 Owen (John.) A Practical Exposition on the One Hundred and Thirtieth Psalm. Svo, old leather, 30c. Edinburgh, 1749. 31 Theoloi^cat Books* 4^7 Gallagher (Rev. Mason.) Tne Primitive Cireuicoa ; ouu Ktraugelioal Ministry, Apostolical Succession, Doctrinal, not Tactual, nor exclusively Episcopal. Ilhntratod by the History of the Patriirchal Church of A.lex- andria. Post 8vo, paper, 25c. (Author's letter to Sir Da.iiel Wilson in- serted.) New York, 1868. 4*28 Robertson (Rev. Frederick W.) Sermons, Preached at Brifjjhton. First series^ post 8vo, cloth, (binding poor,) 50o, with autograph of 0. Mowat, (Now Sir Oliver Mowat and LieuteDant-governor of Ontario.) Boston, 1857. 429 Porter (Rev. J. L ) The Giant Cities of Bashan ; and Syria's Holy Place*. Numerous tinte