\Si <*1 V A-' .-sa ^ ^ m 1 100 VMiyiw AMntM. Sum* 1100 SMv«r Spring. Mary«wKr30910 301/Sa7-8202 ^ ^ 4^ i^ f . , Centimeter 1,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm ||)l | | | |l||| |l |l | |l |l | l|l| l^l|ll| l ^^ I Inches 'X 1.0 us Itt Itt i^ 122 1.1 X ? Itt L8 1-25 lU 116 ■K I <^ ¥f^ oion. or tha baek oovar whan appropriata. All othar original eoploa ara fllmad bagimilng on tha f Irit paga wHh a printad or illuttratad Iwpraa- •Ion. and andlng on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraasion. tha laat raeordad frama on oaeh mioroflcha •hall eofitlaln tha aymbol — ^ Imaaning "CON- TINUED1. or tho aymbol ▼ Imaaning "END I. whiehavar appilM. Maps. Plata*, clwrt^. ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduetlOn ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly Ineludad In ono oxposura ara fllmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand eornar, laft to right and top to bonom. as many;f ramas a* raquirad. Tha following diagrams liiustrata tha mathod: L'Mamplalfa fllm# hit ropraduit grMii I b Viiitiii Usiwiidiv Arwltfi , * - Laa Imagaa sulvantaa ont M roprodultoa a plus grand aoln. eompto tanu di|ii|.«ondltion da la nattat* da I'axamplal^ fllinC'at an eonformit* avae las opndltloni du eontrat d fllmago. . . Laa axam^lalraa orlglnaun dont la oouvortura on poplar oat Imprimto aont fllm^a an aomman^nt par la pramlar plat at on tarmlnant salt par Id darrtlAra paga qui eomporto uno ampralnta d'Impraaslon ou dllluatratlan. aolt par la saoond plat, aalon to oaa. Toua toa autraa aKamplairM orlglnaux aont fUmia an eommon»ant p jjULr praqil*ra paga qui eomporto uno ampraVMP .^ dlmproasion ou dllluatratlon ot on tormli^ht par to damlAra paga qui eomporto'una taHa ampralnta. . ^ Un daaaymbolaa auhmnts apparattra su« to damtora Image da ehaqua mieroflehe. soion la eas: to aymbolo -^ signlfto "A SUIVRI ". to symbotoV signlfto -RN-. ; / Les eirtos. planeMi. tablaauit. ate., pauvant *tra f Um*s Adaa taux da rOduetion diffirants. Lorsquo to doeument oat trap grand pour *tro raprodult on un aaul elieh*. II est film* * portir da I'angto suptrtour gauehe. da gsueha A drolto. at da haut an bas. ^n pranant la nombra d'images f«Aeessaira lllustrent to mithoj Los diagrammas sutvantt^^ %m >i%- 9'-' ■ iiNiTeoL t;i AR< TBOBAHONERS IN THE OF THB -V '4*' ■ CsiBdto SBtesIpR Pttl^i^ JEWCONNfflONCinmCH^ x;. ^mm^ > ■^i ■ APOFTED BY THB CONFEBINCE BEClf Ot /EOBONTO^^J^^ 1868. ifiBirDEDMmmi »»?;■.-;■ V ' OOlWSSXBBn „trnL'ii V 7'^ - '-^Z. .V- ',<',1 ^-.^ f^'^ c^ A }i » « u» 4 &# . ^|f»'T " 'A •r 1 *»^ 'f^^^H fef.- y";. JiV: t" ''I? -i-jt .'.-V,^ m-^ S ^i Ta.. ■.'4 ^B&> <«ll '^O r.-n>^ ^'^ # COUBSE OF STUDY, &o. ■ I • < ov tRi ADioHiov or lomi Mv oil f^^ It is mdupensably reqiiired that the par^ L Bead the S^ptores and ■'— ■■■-■:v.- .-L J-v:"-- & What is the «ru{rr6c|§|^^ e. Whfit is Christian perfecticm?- 7. What is the difference between jnstifi^ oation and wictifieationi : <% V.K^lM Umw {oi&ti be piofied ii ^nbr b^ aqnpi^ pfUite piHigM Ihna Bioljf Wilt ^ T« Arsatisfiotocy acquatntance with our Bisdi^Mne/ kigr s|jpmd flflom (knd Aitlb* B#| !l(^ Xamtal; Beid*^ C^MnposItibn; Ch)olMA Vdimaonk ^ '5* I » ( . ( ?'■• ■■., > / 1 ■ ;♦■' ^r' I . ( m %. i*.i; SaoOVO 7BAB. L Ro-exaniination in Reading, Oompdfli*; !i(m, Grammaf, Geography and Arithmetic. n. A satisfactory knowledge of-^ho ehr9nology, Histopr andJEBography of Rolf Jcriptur#^ ■4-C,' * ['■'■f. III. The Evidences ol Christianity ;^ and such an acquaintance with a system of spptoved Theology al id comprehend and clearly state the general plan oV outline of the anthor.''^-^--'^^***^*'^''''^'''-^^- '^^ ■ ^^ ''■■''" - r^ A correct knowledge of the Origin and History of Methodism, and particularly^ of the origin, history and distinguishing^^ principle ^Jll, Methodist New C- '.- ■■.^* 'f ■ii: # •♦* ^ THIBO TSAB. .♦• ■• ♦ %■ ■# (■ • ■ :•.- .A'^ ■ tfe- L Be-examinatlbn on subjects named in . first artidc^of the second year's course. II. A knowledge of the Ohronologyi ' History and Biography of the great nations of the earth, in relation to that of the Holy Scriptures. . * :..■:;;■■#>..:, ■ '.u^M^^-:. -. ...■.;..,■- ^ m. The Elements of Natural Philosophy. |||HF. The Eyidences of Christianity^ and y ^jPPbe Inspiration and Authenticity of the Scriptures. :^^--:^-*>-.; ^^..^•://:;:-; "i/>'-^::^':'--^i: ;■■.•;■;;,■.: ^#^ A iatisffM3tory aoquainta^ with the ^^ ».^- iBstory of the Reformation, and its effects on civilizatioii, liberty and religion. > ^iS^ VI. Tkeou^ ■ ;;''Ui generalf ^^n.r: v>w;: : . ■ •:■•:•:. '^ct;^-,^-v' and C&rocul dutiede /■V;r si* t*\s;;. ■^r^* '"W ■'■*. 'V.. -V A^' '■^ [lee leo* / N TEXTBOOKS! ^ ^ TaylorB ITaniifll of iinoient and Hodem ,'■> one ;oly hy. Bind the the )Ct8 ory e8# History; Comstock's Natural Phaoeophyj Home's Introdnction ; Butler's Analogy^ (with Teft's Analysis;) D'Aubigne's Befo*^ ^ mation ; Mosheim's Bcolesiastical History, (Murdock's Translation,^|nglisll editi^ with notes by Dr. Reed, ■< ."•;-. ';kM- '•■XvJ n^ JOUBTH TB AB. ■ ♦ .^ ■ '♦ . .;',■' * .r »*' . "" ■'.- i,!' '•■ .4- :*. .. -M ■■ , # L Be-ezamination in tire studies orpre^ vious years. ■••■'■"■#■ ■K:\^r''':%- .li^l' '^Nii^ PhiksophjClntoy and ribrd^ ■ f- ,-f Mh, gi I<)gic and Bhetorio. r * 1 * . Ancdent tt&i Hodem ffitioW. . . p V {f^ An ess^r or written senmniK ^1^ 4 VI. Plan of study, Ac (See Article Sth lecKmd year's course.) t ■♦■• m:v ^"^ ^^. Examination cm tlie difltinotive dbo*^ ^ iHnea of Hethodism. v^v^^^*'^^ %*^< The cfmdidato Teill prepare himeelf to - i/^vm accurately, to exfgbin md^ovct the ^KetmcHm doctrines of Methodism, as well as the great and leading doctrineiii of the n Scriptures generally; in particular the fol- lining. y«.:-. • - '. I. ^ 1. The being a|EI character of Gk)d. i ,0^ holy Scriptures. ' ^ v^ - . 3. Thfe Deity of Ohriatr '"^^ ^ ^ 4, Personality and Deity of the Holy ^host ' . ^ - $i Primitive state of manr^ ' 6. Origmalsin. ^ I 7. Afememenifor all* . ; / 8« Conditions of ^vation* ; , 9. Jnstificiatioii* y 10. 3ftegenera^uxa4mditsevidencea.i^^ 11^. Tliedixdc^ witness of the S||if^ '. m'^|li[^'siuseti06ation^ ''^l^M^ — . -.'-t.t- ' « ' *v » •/ij^ ' Ite *>■ Lt-/'> >» •» • '/ ft; i « i t AOSwr fj»i Moral Nsptpiwlpy^ #ll; PossibaiQr of fallii^ flmOy I'om? jprace/* ^ . \^itl6; Iiflittortaiily of tfie iK>Til, m future state. 16. The resurrectiou of the tiody. 17. .Tba^i^^ral judgppient. \ ; , :18. Future and eternal ^ewarda afiid^. puBiahmeuts* ' 19: The ittstittttioui^of Christw^— t^^ flumatry, the sabbath, the sacraxueim. (See' Discipliue, page 80, sec* 15.)' ., / t-v •i- ' ^- TEXT BOOKS: 'V UphaB^AlllP^II^ IikaaexiCi»o0|||||j^P^ Wi^IaadV Iidgic; irartN^'i J^ uual of Asmn^ ai|$^ Cpoke?s TheiQt0k{;,1P^|6K||^ "•' 'I 'V't > .'^4 10 •♦ i: The student will do well to obtain alio, at his earliest eonvenience, Kacanlay'i His- tory of Bnglandr-Bmithli Saored Annals, KshOT Pearson'i^ Exposition of the Creed ; and Harper's Coni^Be of Study for Wesleyan Hethodi$t Probationers. " >■}' ''^' f^'- yf:"^''"^^^' I '".>_ '' 0^ -. A ■■,' .<4 " ^r^rv ;^*^' 4v. •,', .. ( V ',>■ •■■•*■ .'^i.! A'i.*. -V" fv; I f I ■-•* ( I*'--' »! V ■^^: /■ •■■■'■ -■ri ' » * ^ .<«. ;i V ■ ' .1f ■' 1 ' . ; "-'K *»' t^ f jt. , ' '.Siiti ^.M' f^aifc»-i'^<. V >n- ' / ' f.ii ."k-, M'«-, VwJf 4*. I-',- V -Uf ■•'*ft *-'Siiv-*t''"^..i'S !» "-A *vA''-i!l '*' " Wm''" -j.^i''' '«''\ r^ ,«v /ii}^:'^' '■'/ .»•' >i , The Oonferenoe having adopted the ^^^ ti^yioim outline as its conrse of study for caadidatids for the ministry, further resolves: //l. That all probationers ordained for stOdoJoZ purposes shall be partionlarly em- mined respectbg their nnderirtanding and ^^Japproval of the polity dl the Hethodist New Oonneiion. ^^\.^± ■ II* That the reqmsitionsin the d iWfe f Stady do not snjiersede or sciij^ mw1!^p£ tW requirements of onrIHacip&ie»<«J(fe sec. 8, p. 88. . in. That the ezaminfijaon, of IVoba- tioners^diaiil be oondocted at eaeh Ifoy JMa; trict Hee&Eig^ jp^riMifa^t by a Board dtlgbmr mSnera appointed at the previooa Octobw District Meeting. ^ lSr»Thii(^ fpOofwin^r questiombie^]^ p4M0d to 1l0i4m^&a^Ui, fmbUdg, at eioh^ '"i '•ii !liM*Jiii^eifc!jjki4iSiii;i-?i. i )b^Jl' "/''.VtS-«i^ ili'sl^i^ ■;W»nf^^^y^>^W:' '^:^..^i.:&^..:^^ ^i'VVjT'?^' h"<\ J^j Distrioi Meeting, t>7 t^e Ohainnan 'oF the Difitriot-^he answen to which ehallbei fiUthftdly recorded in the Bi^taioeBooJc, viz. r / 1* Ha^ve yon daHy and pta/yerfuniy reaci' the #i)rd of Gbd during the year? j^ Have yon a time flpeo^ this sacred duty ?^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^ . , 89 Have you a 4^nUe rde as to the order or amount of such daify readings 7 , 4| Have you read' the Bible regular^ thrdiigh onoe, or oftener, during the year? 6. %hat part :^•■ :\ ■ ' '"'.■' 8. Have 3^ 3rou app(^tfonif^ .personal hoUnesSt for study, f(»r pastoral duticis? / ; 9l Bave you careftdly visited the sick^ under y(^ care durii^ tha year ? >i '!»• r:*. r •jvvJ .- f!^W^'^^W^'r%WmT!^^?^'l^^ 'jfiiieiti&i w '■■4. it • L '■.,■.¥.,•■ c I. » if-' iiiit^ conversion of einners.? ^ V liv Have yo^ paid attentionioiihe eatab- Itslmient of Sabbath Bohools; and have you tcatochized the children of those schoolSj ind of our friends and hei^rers, as you have hadopportunity?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/^^^^^^^^^^ ;y ll. J^^ the people at their aBrtpSB^^^Tc^^ religious state, .praying with them, and administering te >them wholesome couuseU ' 18* Have you carefully read over our .Discipline durinjs the year, and has it your ^approval and confidence? By order of the Conference, lEorwtQi June Btii, lSfi8. ; ■:r-:fe ^i ""'" ; 't- • v'.y hi V '; ' .% ..H. ?. :v. ♦ "(1 -'#.. ' v» ^:./'*v ; f ■ 1^ ^ V I 'Up- • 1 , » i ' *4. 1^ . ^ l^r ""1?.- <^L' V * V. '?^ ! ) I ' 1 .' -t . . y t' > . ■>»- jy. . 1,. ' ; i ,A-/^ >i^B'*>-J« ^^ --^ ^' f' , >V> \ ^'^SFf?*' ^'iifil .,( . ■.': ife^sy^'^^ r'-,y '.» f" r t ; Y^ ^ V • 1 V*'' "1 V. > ^ / , » ,<^' . ^. *">«»»o K :; H' V. ■'•^^ * t /.' !%..«fAai.*^*; \ «f l.f'>- . . ' ^'.^ ^,:. »y!> ■i J V "■'^ ',1 ', ■»'5< 1 5 ^ia ( i» « ? ,Srt ■ V- €? , * 'il JuhKLi! ' <•* y-UX'«g!1: M'5iifeaSb,,'atiiiivii^.5i»jt^i^ U;J -''1 ' 7}.:>5»PT^5wnTvj-^i,£»P T^Wl^^mpPT" — ^ — "V"^* i V \U; ;, *-j^ £.-4.- #. -'■^' ;-. it* " * 4 1 ,t (* > . s.. .'€■ - 1. i, ' ^' .> # r.-^^ /.*<»^ / 1 < T« vmm • ' oik ^^^^P ' Tb •^/v^ . . 1 \.' V ■ T :; •. ■ f: ... '. ■■•♦■ ■ • ■% V ■ ■•»'■"■■■ ■' ^^■■■-' >%■ ■ ■• ■ ^■■.•"■- ■^^^^- *■■■■■■■"■ ■-■ ■ l*^ ' .^^m '^' "v. ■ ■ . ^- ■« ■ . \ -