-J ■ THE BAILWAY. • REMARKS :*■'. AT BELFAST, MAINE, * ' 1* ■ - July 4, 1867. BY JOHN A. POOR. ''" * ' * \ J. BOSTON: ^ LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY, " | 110 Washington Street. 18G7. 385.1 \ *» © THE E A I LWAY. P 7f/.^ REMARKS AT BELFAST, MAINE, July 4, 1867. BY JOHN A. POOR, • -• • •• . • - • • , •. 1 1 * • • • 7 • ♦ BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY, 110 Washington Street. 1867. o EnUTed acconliiiR to Act of Confjrcss, iu tlie year 1867, by Lnri.K, lutow.v, and company, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for tUe District of Massachusetts. O • . . • ' ' • . • . * u - • -. « University Press : Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge. THE RAILWAY. Mr. President, Ladies, and Gentlemen : — I AM liajipy to be here to-diiy. I am glad to participate in the interesting services of this day's celebration. 1 rejoice in the opportunity of revis- iting this city under such flattering auspices, whose beauty of situation was indelibly impressed upon my mind in early life, and where for the first time my eyes beheld the sea. Reared among the hills of Oxford, where the hoary summits of White-Cap and Bald-Pate rear their lofty Q heads high above the surrounding mountains, my imagination was stimulated by familiarity with the most beautiful valleys and the grandest mountain scenery of New England ; but my heart panted for a sight of the ocean, whose sublimer aspects and mysterious revels had been pictured to my youth- ful mind by stories of travellers and descriptions in the impassioned language of poetry ; and when, a boy of twelve, I first beheld in the clear sun- lio-ht of a winter's morning the outstretching wa- ters of Belfast Bay, — embosomed by its surround- ing hills and distant islands, — I experienced all those sublime emotions of delight that Wordsworth 4 THE RAILWAY. hns recorded in the finest of all liis poems, '' The Wanderer," as enjoyed by the young Herdsman, when on the top of the high mountain " lit' beheld tlie sun Rise up, ami batlio the world in li-,dit ! He looked, — Oeeiin and earth, the solid frame of earth And oeean's li(|iii(l mass, beneath him lay In j^lailiiess and deeji joy. The elouds were touched, And iu tiii'ir silent fiiees did he read Unutterable love. Sound needed none, Kor any voice of joy ; his spirit drank The s|>ectiicle; sensation, sold, and form All melted into him; they- swallowed up His animal bein^ ; in tliem did he live, And by them did he live ; they were his life. In such access of mind, in such hi^li hour Of visitation from the livinjf (lod, Thoujiht was not ; in enjoyment it expired." The memories of more than forty busy years crowd in upon my thoughts to-day. My desires were then as wild and fathomless as the great deep, and the recollections of a not inactive life have al- ready taught the lesson, that experience alone can teach, that the achievements of a man's life are of trifling account as compared with the boundlessness of youthful hope and aspiration. This first visit to the seaside influenced no doubt my whole life, — made me fond of adventure on the ocean, eager for geographical knowledge, and studi- ous of those agencies that stimulate commercial progress. I love the ocean with almost fdial devo- tion, and without a daily sight of it I am never fully satisfied and contented. Mrs. Hemans has beautifully expressed this sentiment in her charm- THE RAILWAY. 5 ino; son sr, " Whore is tlie Sea?" — tlic Greek Island- er's lament on Ix'ing taken to the Vale of Teni[)e, the most heautll'iil of all the valleys of that classic land. He exclaimed, — " WInTO is till' sea ? I lanf^uisli hero, — Wln'iT is my own hliii; sea ? With all its barks in tli'i't cart'or, And Hags and brcuzt's free ? " O, rich your myrtle's breath may rise, Soft, soft your winds may be ; Yet my siek heart within nie dies — Wiie'"C is my own blue sea V " A sentiment like this animates thousands of youth- ful minds, — sons of Maine in other lands to-day ; for we have m Maine valleys as sweet as those which inspired the mind of the poetic Greek, or m later times the more voluptuous taste of Moore, and we have the sparkling waves of the ocean, sea-views and island retreats, more beautiful than any on which the eye of the Greek mariner ever rested, — made more impressive still by the swelling and receding tides, whose ebb and ilow was unknown to the waters of the Greek Archipelago ; and the beautiful forms which, in Grecian mythology, came forth from the flashing foam of the ^Egean Sea, are rivalled and surpassed by these forms of beauty, — shaped, and moulded, and heightened into more per- fect grace by the healthful climate and charming scenery of Maine, — whose presence and whose smiles greet and encourage us to-day. But this is no time for poetic fancies. The prac- 6 THE RAILWAY. tical iliitios of the hour are upon us, and responsibili- ties greater than those resting upon any other people are devolved upon the sons and daughters of the Great Ameriean Republie, — of which Maine is no unimportant ]iart. We eelehrate to-day the ninety-Hrst anniversary of American Independence. It is our duty to cele- brate it to-diiv as never before ; for it is the hrst Fourth of July that has witnessed the practical working out of the grea*". problem in government which the Declaration of Independence proclaimed and foreshadowed, — "Etj^udVdij of man before the lawr Since the Fourth of July, 1770, political writers and orators have inculcated the principles which the Declaration of Independence embodied ; but until the present year these principles have failed of com- plete application in piactice. One month ago this day, on the fourth of June, 1807, was witnessed the first practical application and adoption at the National Ca})ital of tbe princi- ples proclaimed ])y the Declaration of Independence, that " all men are created equal." This great ])rinciple being now established, it may be proper that the National Holiday be, in part, given up to the discussion of other than political (|ues- tions, — tiiose of great conuncrcial and social value, like the railway and works of public improvement. Next to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, no question so directly- concerns every man, woman, and child of the community, as that of cheap locomotion. THE RAILWAY. 7 Travel Is the great educator of man. Men are in- telligent in proportion to the nimiber of objects and facts they have studied or observed. Of all agencies known to civilized man, the railway is now universally admitted to be the greatest. The war which has just closed has demonstrated the value of the railway for purposes of war as well as peace ; for without the use of the locomotive railwav, the slaveholders' rebellion would not at this day have been crushed. But before speaking of the railway, it is our duty to 2:)ay a passing tribute to those who have achieved success in our great struggle, and in whom has been developed the loftiest sentiments of nationality, which throw into shade the boasted loyalty of other lands and other times. Men worship an idea. Respect for Roman law- and the Roman senate enal)led that body to conquer the world. The brilliant achievements of Napoleon the Great raised him in the estimation of the French people almost to an object of idolatry, and this sentiment is the chief, if not the only sup- port of the throne of his nephew, the ill-fated despot of France. But no such devotion to an idea as that which characterized the young men of the original Free States in the recent war has ever before been exhib- ited in the annals of recorded history. The Spartans who fell at Thermopylte, and the La Yendeans who gidlantly gave up their lives in defence of an idea in the tune of the French Revolution, never exhibited 8 THE RAILWAY. greater devotion than the pons of Maine exhibited on numerous battle-fieklH of the war, — saving the re- treat of McClellan on the Peninsula, holding Ceme- tery Hill at Gettysburg, and by the immortal achieve- ments of our Eighteenth Maine Heavy Artillery at Spottsylvania. These young men gave up their lives in the first shock of their first battle, and preserved from serious disaster, if not from defeat, the great army of Grant beyond the Rapidan, by holding the Rebel army at bay and checking a daring flank move- ment of the enemy. I saw this gallnnt regiment, 1,800 strong, march through Washington, in gay trappings to the sound of stirring music, and embark upon the Potomac for the front, on a beautiful Sunday morning in May, 1864. They were full of courage and gallant bearing as I passed through the ranks and shook the hand of many a son of an old acquaintance and friend. The next Sunday after I met the steamer on which 476 of these gallant young men were borne back to Washington, wounded or as corpses. There is something curious in the feelings of men which leads them to regard the body of a dead sol- dier who has fallen in battle with diflbrent emotions from those felt towards the ordinary dead. Men shrink instinctively from the touch of the corpse of a drowned mon, or of one who has died of disease; but the body of a soldier, who in health and strength and beauty's pride has gone to his final account from the field of his fame, is as beautiful in death as life, and THE RAILWAY. U we pass among tlie coffins to read the names of their occupants as carelessly, if not as cheerfully, as we pass among the ranks of the living. This regiment lost 1,173 men, from May, 1864, to Janr.ary, 1865, of whom 1,012 fell in battle or died from their wounds, — a slaughter unparalleled in the history of modern warfore. Many tales of the heroism of this regiment are re- lated, one of which I venture to recall to memory. Two brothers were marching side by side ; one re- ceived a mortal wound in front, and fell. The out- stretched arms of his brother were instantly around him. " It is all over with me," said the dying soldier ; " lay me down and go back to the ranks, where you are wanted ; it is no use to waste a moment's tune on. me " : and so he died. " Between the men who noble deeds have done And every poet, to the end of time, There is a brotherly communion : One Father-God has made them both sublime." What was the sentiment that animated this youth- ful hero ? It was love of our nationality, pride in our national union ; it was devotion to the cause of na- tional unity and freedom. No sentiment stronger than this has ever animated a people in war, no loyalty to a reigning house, no devotion to a great military leader, has ever exhibit- ed such strength of attachment and such determined valor as that which animated our young men, who went forth to battle for the principles of our govern- ment, symbolized and enshrined in the star-spangled. banner of the Republic. 10 THE RAILWAY. " Long aliall it wave O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ." The history of the war is yet to be written. This is not the time to call the roll of its heroes. The West proudly boasts its mighty names, and Ohio points with pride to those of her three sons, — Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan. NewEnn-land has her o:reat names also; and Maine with equal exultation presents the names of three of her sons as renowned in the annals of war, — one, alas ! already summoned from the field of his fame to his final account, who for tried valor, coolness in dan- ger, and brilliant achievements on the field of battle, had no superiors, — Berry, Howard, and Chamberlain. If some should object that this day's work breaks in upon our New P]ngland custom of devoting the day to political subjects, we may point to distinguished examples for our justification. Fifty years ago this day, on the Fourth of July, 1817, De Witt Clinton, — a name ever honored in our annals as the great leader of public improve- ments in the Empire State, — with public ceremonies commenced the work of constructing the Erie Canal, which connects Lake Erie at Bufliilo with the Hudson River at Albany, a distance of 364 miles, — the first great step in making New York City the commercial emporium of the New World. Twenty-one years ago to-day ground was broken at Portland, July 4th, 1846, in the connnencement of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad ; and the THE RAILWAY. 11 honored Chief Magistrate of Maine, then as now a citizen of Belfast, signaUzed the event by striking the first blow in a work that connects the open sea at Portland with the St. Lawi'once at Montreal, a distance of 292 miles, which line has since been absorbed into the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, with an un- broken line of iron from the waters of Casco Bay to the distant shores of Lake Huron, — forming, in all its connections and extensions, a railroad of 1,377 miles, under one management, — the greatest number of miles of any railway company in the world, I shall never forget that occasion, for it was with fear and trembling that the heretofore deserted mlUuje of Portland, w^ith a population of 15,000, and a valu- ation of less than % 5,000,000, pledged everything to the construction of a railway to the border, to connect there with a line to be constructed from Montreal to the same point, forming in connection the Portland and Montreal Railway ; the completion of which line from Portland harbor to the boundary cost a greater sum than the aggregate of all the estates, real and personal, in the city of Portland at that day. Governor Anderson I recollect as a merchant of Belfast when I first visited it, and mv heart went out toward him when I saw him, as Governor of Maine, inaugm'ate the commencement of a work to which my thoughts and labors had been directed. I should be glad to meet him here to-day, to tender him hearty thanks for the great service he performed for the State, by giving to that work the sanction of his name and the hifluence of his position as Governor. 12 THE RAILWAY. In tlio presence of the assembled Senators and Rep- resentatives of Maine, surrounded hy a vast concourse of citizens and strangers, that great work was entered upon, and has gone forward to successful completion ; and " the small fishing-town " of Portland, as it was derisively called by our jealous neighbors of the Bay State, has become a metropolitan city, w^itli a valua- tion six times greater than it then had, and improved in still greater ratio in all the elements of prosperity and success. And here again allow me to acknowledge a later debt. When the city of Portland was laid in ashes by the great fire of July 4th, 18G6, Governor Anderson was in Washington ; and when some public men of Maine held })ack, from a sentiment of false delicacy, he was prominent and efficient among those who moved in the matter of taking up subscriptions in Washington, extending not only a proper feeling, but influencing by this feeling the action of Congress in favor of aid. It seems proper that Portland should acknowledge this debt, though I hope she will not be called on to return in kind. One of iier most public- spirited merchants,* who favored your enterprise as the Chairman of the Railroad Committee in the last Legislature, I am glad to see with us to-day, in full sympathy with your movement as one of the great enterprises of the State. You propose to commence the construction of a work of equal importance to your city as that begun * Hon. George W. Woodman. THE RAILWAY. 13 at Portland twenty-one years ago. Situat-id midway betvveen the two extremes of our State, on its ocean front equally distant from Kittery Point and Quoddy Head, with a deep and capacious harbor, open at all seasons of the year, Belfast was selected by the chief of the United States Topographical Bureau, Colonel Long, as a proper terminus of a proposed railway from Quebec to the open Atlantic sea. The necessity of ^iucli a work as a direct communication from the St. Lawrence to the open sea on tliii^ ocean front was pointed out to his government by the heroic and sji- gacious Champlain, the illustrious founder of French colonization in America, more than two hundred and thirty years ago, and the failure of the French gov- ernment to carry out his plans cost France the no- blest empire of the New World. By holding this Atr Ian tic front, now known as the Gulf of Maine, and retaining what she for years held, the basins of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi, France would have held to-day a '' dominion " in America greater than that recently organized on our northern border, and vastly greater than that now held by the United States. But political and military notions bear no compari- son in power to commercial ideas. It was the com- merce of the Lakes and Upper St. Lawrence that made Montreal superior to Quebec. Montreal is at the head of sea navigation in the summer months, and the St. Lawrence canals have made her a com- petitor of New York in summer for Western trade. The inception of these works, even before their com- 14 THE RAILWAY. pletion, demonstrated the necessity of an outlet by railway from Montreal to an open winter ha!-bor. This necessity gave us the line of railway from Port- land to Montreal, at a cost exceeding $12,000,000. This great line, after going tlu'ough the discipline which all great enterprises must undergo, will emerge into complete success, and become the greatest car- rier of freight of any line of railway extending from the seaboard to the Upper Lakes. The inception of this great enterprise of a railway to Montreal was the begiiniing of the Maine railway system. Maine lies between the Upper and Lower Provinces like a wedge. The people of Maine ob- jected, in 1837, to the construction of a line of rail- road from St. Andrews to Quebec across our State as a provincial or imperial measure ; but when in 1843 a plan was proposed in Maine, of an international line of railway across the breadth of our State, connecting ILilifax with Montreal by the easiest and most direct route, the people of Eastern Maine were but too ready to agree to it, though appalled at the magnitude of the suggestion. To construct a line of railroad for a distance of 835 miles, portions through an unbroken wilderness, seemed to them beyond the power of the men of this generation. Hence, instetid of being undertaken as a whole, it was to be taken up by sections. By the European and North American Railway and the Grand Trunk Line the distance from Halifax to Montreal is 835 miles, as follows : — THE RAILWAY. 15 International Line. Halifax to Truro . Truro to New Brunswick frontier Nova Sfotia boundary to Moncton , Moncton to St. John . St. Jolin to Maine frontier Maine frontier to Hancor . . . o Bangor to Danville Junction ■» 61 milea, . 73 3G . 92 88 . 108 110 . 21)7 Danville Junction to Montreal . Total ... 835 " Of this 835 miles, 539 are built, and 296 in process of construction. With the iiiiiin piir])Ose constantly in view, the line to Montreal was publicly proposed in 1844, com- menced upon July 4th, 1846, and completed so that cars ran through from Montreal to Portland, July 18, 1853. The plan was to carry a single line I'rom Port- land east, by the way of Lewiston, Gardiner, Augusta, Waterville, and Bangor, using the line of the Montreal roiid as a common trunk for the time being as far as Danville Junction, throwing off branch lines as want- ed, extending one from Yarmouth or Pownal to Bruns- wick and Bath, one up the Kennebec River, and an- other to Belfast, &c. No sooner had the Montreal road been started on this plan, than a rival line from Portland to Brunswick and up the Kennebec Valley was set on foot, forming two rival lines the whole distance from Portland to AVaterville. This antagonism stimulated the people on the two routes, led both companies into hasteful and waste- ful expenditures, — causing the lines to cost largely in excess of any need, and to become rivals and com- petitors for business. 16 THE RAILWAY. This has 1)ecn a serious drawl jack. It discouraged the people of other coiunninities fioiii embarking in railway projects, and has begotten hostility of gauges and unfriendly contests in legislation to this day. This state of things has created distrust in railway securities and delayed the carrying out of the great p]astcrn line and other important enterprises. But the great enterprise of the State is now se- cured beyond all peradventure. The State aided the European and North American Railway by the grant of its claims against the United States which accrued prior to 1860, and of her interest in the public lands. Massachusetts granted her claims against the United States, held jointly with Maine, to the same object ; and these claims, with the $500,000 already ex- pended on it, and the aid the city of Bangor has given, have been sufficient to interest capitalists in the larger cities of the country ; and responsible parties propose to complete the links in the chain from Bangor to St. John city, — the Province of New Brunswick donating $lo,500 per mile for West- ern extension, the section of eighty-eight miles from the boundary to the city of St. John. The balance of the money required beyond the New Brunswick gift and the Bangor loan of $1,000,000, to complete the line from Bangor to St. John, is to be raised on the first mortgage bonds of each company, with the public hmds of Maine as an additional security on Maine's portion of the line. The valuable aid received from Massachusetts was secured mainly through the services of three distin- THE RAILWAY. 17 giiisliod public men of that State, — one a native ol Maine, who, as Governor of Massachusetts tlirough the whole period of the Rebellion, gained a national reputation second to that of no one in the country;* another, for 3ears a resident of Mcme, returned to Massachusetts without losing his love for our own, and who, as nieinl)er of the Legislature of that State, has been enabled to render most hnportant services to our own.t And we owe a debt of gratitude to the gentleman who, for two years past, has so ably fdled the ollice of Sj)eaker of the House of Representa- tives of Massachusetts.^ New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, with 48,584 square miles of territory, con- tained, in 18C1, GG3,394 inhabitants. Fidl of natural advantages and resources, from their fortunate position, their inicqualled maritime advantages, their numerous harbors and bays, swarm- ing with the choicest fish, their treasures in coal, iron, sand-stones, gypsum, grindstones, gold, and many other valuable minerals, their extensive tind)er for- ests and rich soils, — these Provinces only need access to the markets of the United States to become as rich and populous as the older States of New England. The business of a trunk line connecting these dis- tricts with the markets of the United States must prove remunerative of the small cost of its construc- tion. * Governor John A. Andrew. :j: lion. James M. Stone, t lion. George O. Brastow. 2 18 THE RAILWAY. From St. .Tolin to Ilalifiix, a distiincc of 202 mlloi^, the line is built, or in process of construction, so that Avithin three years the entire line across the l)readt i of our State from Piscatacjua at Kittery to the St. Croix, a distance of 300 miles, will be finished, com- pleting the chain of railway between Halifax and New York, a distance of 940 miles, connecting Hali- fax, or the most eastern Atlantic port, with Port- land, Montreal, and Chicago at the North, and Bos- ton, New York, and Washington at the South. The line once completed from Halifax to New York, all the ocean steamers must make its eastern terminus a port of call, and it will intercept the ocean travel coming from P]urope. The bulk of the busi- ness travel, and much of the pleasure travel between Europe and America will take this route. The terms employed by a leading London journal, speaking of the Portland convention, may be appro- priately quoted in support of the views herein ex- pressed : — " EuRoi'KAN AND NoRTH Amkrican Railway. — It is with extreme satisfaction we observe, that at no distant day the Atlantic is to be bridged over ])y means of such an improved system of communication, that the Old World and the New will, by means of rail and steam, be brought nearer to each other than Leith and London are, by the average voyages of their smacks. From the westernmost point of Gulway to the easternmost point of North America the sea voyage will be easy of accomplishment within five days, and silready the plans of the railroads from these points to the interior of both countries have been fully matured, and the undertakings to a great extent subscribed for. " North America will then be to Enjjland what Scotland now is. The inhabitants of each country will reside almost indifferently in THE RAILWAY. ' 19 citlior. Our Senators, in place of Imsteriing at the close of the ses- sion to get oH' to grouse and the moors, will bolt from St. Stephens to the prairies and buflfalo-huntinfr. Our fashionable onun/t's will winter at Now ( )rleans or St. Louis, in place of Home and Nai)le9, and our nobility and gentry will have their demesnes and mansions in the Western or Middle States, as well aa in the mother country. The intercourse will be so intimate and universal as to materially modify the iiabits of lil'o and thought in both hemispheres. Kng- land will become more republican and America less democratic. The distinctions and jealousies of the two States will become ob- literated by becoming ridiculous ; because people of the same ori- gin, blood, language, history, literature, and traditions, in daily and hourly communion with each otlier, — those having the strongest social and moral atfinities being the most like to find each other out. " Let this tide of intercourse once fairly set in, — let the United States become the fashionable, and the easy retrenching and retir- ing resort of our uobility, gentry, farmers perhaps, and superanuat- ed merchants, and the tide will flow on like the Propoutic, ' which knows no retiring ebb.' " When the charter of the European and North Ameri- can Railway Company was granted in 1850, only two ocean steamers crossed the Atlantic per week ; now they are increased to seventeen per week or more, without counting the Great Eastern. In a lew years there will be a steamer departing dally from each side. Had there been an union of effort and of interest, in room of rivalry and competition, the line from Portland to Bangor would have been as profitable as that between Portsmouth and Portland, — a jjaying line from the start, — and secured long before this 20 THE RMLWAY. the lino to St. John and Halifax, with as many branch lines on either side as the mterest of business woidd have required. A paying line from Portland east would have at- tracted capital from the large markets at moderate rates of interest, and not drawn heavily upon the re- sources of the people, as did the building of these two lines upon the people on both routes in Maine. These unfortunate rivalries exhausted the means of both companies, and put Maine back ten years at least in the race of public improvements. It dis- couraged mdustry at home, and led our people to emigrate to other lands, so tliat this State made but moderate progress for the ten years between 1854 and 18G4. But happily the tide has turned. In 1864 Maine changed her policy, aided the railway east as above stated, and has since exhibited a becoming State pride by holding out inducements for the invest- ment of capital within the State, and adopted meas- ures to make known our vast undeveloped resour- ces. The Ilydrographic Survey now in progress, when its results shall have been made known, will raise our State, not only in the estimation of its own people, but of those in other lands. No clearer evidence of progress of ideas in Maine has been shown than in the legislation at the last session in flivor of your own enterprise, the railroad from Belfost to Moosehead Lake, — a work that shall connect the waters of this beautifid Belfast Bay, THE RAILWAY. 21 in the most direct line with the largest and most beautiful of all the lakes of New England. Event- ually this line will stretch itself farther northward till it crosses the dividing ridge that separates Maine from Canada, and descends by easy gradients to the St. Lawrence, opposite the ancient citadel of Quebec. This railroad, reaching from the seaboard to the interior, will impart new value to every farm and to every farm product within striking distance of its line. It will lift the mortgage by enhancing the value of every acre of land, of every bushel of potatoes, every ton of hay, and of every tree of the forest on its way. It will stimulate production by enlarging the market of the farmer, clear the lands of its forests, which, instead of being burnt on the ground and wasted, will be brought to mar- ket and turned into gold, while the waterfldls run- ning to waste on the route will be made great labor-doing machines, producing articles of value in various forms of manufacture and in numerous forms of industry. As the railway advances farther and farther into the interior, its influence will widen like a fan or the spreading branches of a great tree, attracting the traffic and the travel of a wider and wider belt of country as it marches inland, each branch of this ever-expanding tree attracting more and more of the business of the surrounding country; while a development of business is going forward on the line almost in geometric progression, by the com- bined influence of increased capital and quickened 22 TIIE RAILWAY. circulation, extending over the whole breadth of country brought within the reach of its influence. As your railway reaches the line of the Great Eastern trunk line at Newport, now the Maine Central Railroad, whose President I see with us to- day, it will draw to the open waters of your har- bor whatever seeks the cheaper conveyance of water; for of all methods of transportation, none is 60 cheap as that upon navigable rivers or the open sea. It used in olden times to cost a dollar to carry a hundred pounds 100 miles by wagon transporta- tion. The railway will carry the same load at a ■profit the same distance for one tenth of that price, or for $2 per ton, while by water conveyance, in ordinary times, the same load will be carried for a one tenth of the cost of railway transit, or at the rate of twenty cents per ton for 100 miles, for goods that do not require despatch, like bricks, lum- ber, granite foundation, slate, iron, and other like commodities. Hence all merchandise and the pro- duce of the interior seek the nearest route to the open sea. Trade concentrates and capital is planted at those points where the transfer is made from land 'carriage to the sea-going craft. This is what has built up commercial towns in this and other countries. It is this that has built up New York, New Orleans, and of late given Buch an impulse to the business and trade of Poit- hind. THE RAILWAY. 23 For twenty-four weeks of the year steamers loud at Portland for Europe with Western produce brought by the Grand Trunk Railway. The same steamers land at Portland merchandise Ijrought from Europe, destined for Montreal and the West. This business is capable of indefinite expansion, and will be carried on throughout the year, as soon as the working power of the Grand Trunk Railway, and other new lines proposed, shall be equal to the de- mands of trade. So with the lousiness of your har- bor; you are the natural market-place already for a lurge section of the State. As you reach the lake you will connect with thirty-six miles of the finest inland navigation in summer, and tlie luitouched forests around Moosehead Liike will come to mar- ket. Cultivated fields and farms will take the place of the primeval woodlands. The waters of this lake will be vexed with steamers as numerous as those that now ply upon the lakes of Switzerland ; and the beautiful headlands ii >\v clad in the garb of nature, hiding-places of the moose and the deer, will become classic in after times, like the shores of Lake Leman and the Lake of Geneva, the homes of scholars, poets, and historians. There is more money value in the forests of Maine than in the firms of Maine to-day. As pop- ulation increases forests disappear, and the supply of lumber has been exhausted to such a degree that building materials are five times their former price. Wood, which^ formerly represented only the price of cutting and transportation, has advanced 24 THE RAILWAY. in a fourfold degree, and there is not a cord of wood on the margin of Moo.sehead Lake that will not be of value, standing in its native forests, within five years from the time the railway shall reach the lake. It used to cost $10 an acre, when I was a boy in the country, to clear wild lands. The railway will not only clear the lands without cost, but will pay $10 per acre for the privilege of clearing it, imparting a clear value of $20 per acre to all land within striking distance of its line, or of lake navigation. Gradually the railway will penetrate beyond the lake and clear the land to the very summit of the dividing ridge, giving to every tree and acre of ground a value hitherto unknown, and a population will cluster about this great lake of ours, to which other lines of railway than yours are proposed, like that which is now concentrated around the northern lakes of England and Scotland. The necessity of this line to the future prosperity of your city impressed itself upon the minds of its leading citizens, and they went to the Logislatiu'o and asked the privilege of building it ; the gentle- man who officiates as President of this celeljration, as Mayor of this city, presented a plan asking for the opportunity^ of resorting to the only method possible for securing it, — the right to tax themselves. They resorted to a measure in some respects novel and original, but which may change the system of con- structing railroads in this State. Let me go back a few steps and explain. THE RAILWAY. 25 The Locomotive Railway came upon the world like a miracle. All previous modes of land conveyance were slow and cumbersome. As the pack-horse re- lieved the solitary foot-traveller, so the common wag- on, the pleasure-carriage, and the stage-coach came in its time to man's relief; but the greatest of all the means of transportation, the locomotive engine, pro- duced in the lifetime of a single generation greater results, affecting man's physical and social condition, than all the agencies of previous times. It contrib- uted to his social advancement, sthuidated consump- tion and production, increased the demand for labor, and relieved the burdens of the operative classes be- yond any conception of a previous age, and by the dilfusion of knowledge has increased the inventive and productive powers of the human race to an ex- tent that defies all powers of calculation for the futin^e. The use of a smooth road-bed with a hard surface for the moving of heavy bodies must be as ancient as the Pyramids. The Roman ro.ils, like the Appian Way from Rome to Capua, thence to Brand usium, built by Appius Claudius, Crassus Coecus, the Roman censor, 313 B. C, might have answered for a road-bed for a modern railway. But the use of a hard surface for the bearing of the wheels, different from the ordinary road-bed itself, — the first great discovery in railroad science, — came into use on the Stockton and Darlington road as a tram-way, where wooden rails of a hard substance were used in the room of iron. These wooden rails were afterwards covered 26 THE RAILWAY. with iron straps, which greatly acceleraterl the move- ment of vans or coal-carts drawn over them by horse- power. In 1825 the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was projected, and the directors instituted inquiry into the comparative advantages of horse-power, station- ary steam-engines, and locomotive steam-power, and ofiered a premium of <£ 500 for a locomotive which should not weigh over six tons, consume its own smoke, and draw a load of twenty tons ten miles an hour. The Stephensons, George and Robert, fatlier and son, in October, 1829, produced their engine, the "Rocket," which accomplished the object and won the prize ; and afterwards, at the opening of the Liv- erpool and Manchester Railway in 1830, actually ran at a speed of twenty-nine miles per hour. This es- tablished the superiority of the locomotive-engine, and is the date of what we may call the '• The Rail- way System." I have not time to narrate the history of the in- vention, but I may say, in passing, that Stephenson's success was due to the introduction of the tubular boiler, securing the largest possible amount of heat- ing surface and the most rapid production of steam. Steam-power never has and never can be supplanted, because in no other form has nature supplied power, or the means of power, in so compact, cheap, and ac- cessible a form as in water, which is capable of a rapid expansion into steam of seventeen hundred times its own bulk. THE RAILWAY. 27 Since 1830 tlic railway sj'stem has gone forward until the whole civilized world has become more de- pendent upon it than upon any or all other agencies put together. During the forty-two years which have elapsed since the laying down of the first railway on the Stocktcyi and Darlington Railroad with strap iron, they have been introduced into every civilized coun- try of the globe. More than $2,070,988,008 in gold have been invested in the British Isles alone in railway capital, — a sum greater than our present national debt, — with 13,286 miles of railroad in operation, costing $156,028 per mile, on which 251,862,715 pas- sengers travelled in the single year 1864. The peo- ple of England and Wales averaging nine journeys a year for every inhabitant, men, women, and children ; those of Scotland 6| journeys by each inhabitant, while in Ireland there are but two journeys by each individual. These acts show that the density of population, the industry and productive powers of a country, greatly aflect the extent of railway accom- modations. The total receipts for traffic of all the British rail- ways for the year 1865 were ^179,450,000. Ex- penses, $86,055,000. Profits, $93,395,000. The Lon- don and Northwestern Railway, connecting Liverpool with London, has, with its branch lines, a total of 1,274 miles in length, with annual receipts exceeding $31,000,000. The railways of England yield in their gross returns a little over 7 per cent, while the net receipts are a trifle over 4 per cent. 28 THE RAILWAY. Great Britain and Ireland and the Channel Isl- ands have 122,557 square miles of territory, with a population, in 1861, of 20,070,930 persons, or 253 to the square mile, and one mile of railway to every 9;|- square miles of surfaee. In England and Wales, with 58,320 square miles of territory, the population is 20,223.740, averaging 347 to the square mile, with one mile of raiflvay for every 5| square miles of territory. In Ireland one third the income of railroads is de- rived from the carriage of merchandise. In England, over one half. In Scotland two thirds the income is derived from the freiij^ht of merchandise alone. And in the State of New York the freiy:lit earnino:s stand in the proportion of 28 to 13 received from passen- gers. As communities advance in wealth and population, the necessaries and luxuries of life — as represented by freight transportation — increase far more rapidly than passenger traffic. This is shown on our railways in Maine. On the Maine Central Railroad the pro- portions are as follows for the year named, ending Passengers. Freijrht. May 1 , 1851, S 60,023.00 S 37,732.00 (1 1860, 1-15,784.88 140,987.86 (( 1861, 151,101.06 151,908.22 (I 1862, 130,316.32 106,040.30 (( 1863, 178,847.36 125,614.81 (( 1864, 232,498.89 150,610.66 i( 1865, 298,902.35 170,375.88 7 months, 1865, 195,717.09 126,693.28 Dec. 31, 1866, 291,012.61 235,479.57 TIIE RAILWAY. 29 On the Portland and Kennebec Railroad the figures for the lust lew years show the following results : — Passensrcrs. FrelBht. Year ending August 31, 1860, $ 86,y94.49 S")7,626.5l " " 1861, 84,782.54 63,721.38 » December 31, 1864, 304,917.64 191.009.31 " " 18G5, 285,-291.15 219,816.13 " " 1866, 251,485.73 21*5,796.10 Maine has only one mile of railway to every sixty- two miles of territory. Massachusetts has one to every six square miles, Connecticut one to every seven square mile.s, Ohio one to every twelve square miles, Pennsylvania one to every eleven square miles, and Illinois one to every seventeen square miles. At the close of the year 18GG there were 36,896 miles of railway in operation in the United States, costing S 1,502,469,085. We have in the United States no uniform returns like those of other countries, showing the condition and working results of railways. New York has the most complete returns of any State, showing, in 1805, 3,089 miles of railway operated by steam, costing $ 156,303,203, or $50,000 per mile, whose gross earn- ings reached $ 43,712,'i28 per year, or more than 28 per cent on their cost. In New York the average travel of each passenger is 45 miles, with 91 persons in each train. Each ton of freight is moved 117 miles to 75 tons per train; passengers are carried for 2^^^^ cents per mile, freight 3j-/^ cents per mile. In Massachusetts, in 1866, her 1,254 miles of road cost 30 THE RAILWAY. $ 79,460,774 ; ^14,000,000 of tliis ciipitiil was invested in roads that })ai(l no dividends, while $ 54,531,483 of stock in dividend-paying roads received ^^W per cent. The total earnings of Massachusetts roads in 1860, operated by steam-power, were $21,205,527, or an .average of 26 per cent on their cost, of which amount $ 14,5'>4.230 was consumed in working ex- penses. In 1854 the earnings of the Massachusetts roads of the same length were but $ 9,073,377, and working expenses $r),930,110. In ten years, or in 1864, the earnings had increased to $ 10,478,596, and the expenses to $ 10,490,978. These facts give an idea of the growth of railway interests ; and it is among the singular oversights of Congress, that it litis not established a Bureau of Pub- lic Works, requiring full returns from railway compa- nies transporting the nuiils, with accurate accounts as to the extent of lines built, the amount invested in railway capital, and the economical results of working them. And yet I well remember the scepticism and incre- dulity with which Stephenson's first experiments in locomotion were received. In 1829 1 visited the Legislature of Massachusetts. They had under dis- cussion a resolution, introduced by some daring inno- vator, expressive of the opinion that a railway from Boston to the Connecticut River would be of public advantage. Its introduction excited the most intense alarm, endangering the credit of the State, and de- THE RAILWAY. 31 stroyiiifT tlic value of the public securities. '• Puss the resolutiou," said a conservative meuiher, '^ and who can predict the consequences? If we should say hy our acts tliat such a work would be of advantaj^e, who can say that some daring agitator may not arise and propose to put the idea into practice ? and if such a work should he undertaken, public credit would be overthrown, and every dollar of property in the Com- monwealth would be in jeopardy." 80 fierce was the opposition, that it passed by a majority of a single vote. This was only thirty-eight years ago. These facts show that the wisdom of croakers was as potent then as now in resisting the progress of civiUzed ideas. I own a large folio work, entitled " Proceed iugi-t of the Committee of the IIoKxe of Common.s, on the Llc- erjjool and Manchester Railroad Bill, — 1825 " ; and it is interesting to trace the history of locomotion, and how clearly Stephenson foresaw the power and value of the locomotive railway at that day ; and it makes equally clear the folly and weakness of the leading men of the time, who resisted his efforts. The government of Great Britain failed to compre- hend the railway question, and gave charters to indi- viduals who would undertake their construction. It was not until the advent of Mr. Gladstone into public life, some tw^cnty-five years ago, that the gov- ernment provided for taking the railways as public works upon an agreed appraisal. In the United States it was not tlien regarded as within the j)owers or duties of the general govern- 82 TIIK RAILWAY. iiient to constriK^t railroiids, and tlu* mat tor was lofli to tlio sevoiiil States. Cliarters wore tenanted, as in England, to parties oflbring to construct linos, and they have b(!on built as private nndortakings ; those being soi/od hold oi' lirst that held out the largest sis- surance of return of profit on capital. Hence the railroads of the United States have been built for profit mainly, with a view to private advantage rather than for the (levolopnient of industry or for the accotnino- dation of the public, in the hirgest sense of that ex- pression. It is now obvious that railroads might have been built and managed with greater economy as public enterprises than through private corporations, secur- ing exem])tion from overbearing monopoly on the one hand, and uniformity of rates of transport, and equal acconnnodations for the pubhc, on the other. Had Maine constructed a well-devised svstem of railroads at an early day, the number of miles in op- eration in this State might have been doubled ; pas- sengers and freight transported at lessor rates than now, with a surplus of income adequate to the expen- ses of the State government, and the regular and imiform 'vh^ i of new lines, without a dollar of burde ujjon < pital, or the slightest tax upon the peo^dc. The railways of the United States cost on an aver- age $ 40,723 per nnle. Those of England, $ 150,028 ; of France, $ ] 50,749; of Belgimn, $ 108,025 ; of Russia, $ 103,422 ; of Prus- THE RAILWAT. 33 sia, $ 120,784 ; of Austria, $ 71,471 ; of llio siriiiUor Gerinaii states, $ 88,727. The avera 22,615 (( 34 i THE RAILWAY. Year ISoS, 2:),0n0 miles. Year 18G3, 32,471 miles, " 1859, 2(),7r)5 " " 1S(M, 33,860 (t " 18G0, 28,771 " " 18Gr>, 34,442 u " 1801, 30,593 '« " 1866, 35,361 t( " 1862, 31,769 " " 1867, 36,896 " At the close of the year 1866, 95,727 miles of rail- road had been constructed in the world, principally in Europe and the United States of America, — a vast achievement for a single generation* The work of the present generation is to be, not so much rail- road construction as railroad reform. The vast smns wasted in the construction of railroads, through igno- rance and inexperience, are of tritling amount as com- pared with the waste now going on in railway man- agement. Practical skill and persistent industry are absorbed by the Express Companies, who take mto their own hi'.^vls the cream of railway traffic through superior skill and economy in conducting their busi- ness, if they do not control the leading lines by com- binations with portions of Boards of Directors at the expense of tlie stockholders and the general public. The Erie Railroad, in 1866, earned $14,596,413.09; of which $12,358,307 was consumed in working expenses and government charges, leaving only $2,238,106.09 of net income on a cost of $47,341,130. On many other roads the figures would show results equally striking, calling for a complete reform in rail- way management. Possibly the Express Companies themselves, with their corps of skilled conductors and employees, will take the railroad upon a fair rental, as the shortest mode of relief to unfortunate stockhold- * See Appendix. THE RAILWAY. 35 ers. If the Grand Trunk line of railway to-day was placed in the charge of the Eastern Express Com- pany, it would yield twice the amount of its present net income. Railways require men of the highest skill, of the keenest intellect, and of executive ability in their management ; and a superintendent who manages a long line by telegraph, without proper local responsi- bility, is in the condition in which General Scott found himself as commander-in-chief of the army of the United States at the first battle of Bull Run, — the movements of which he directed from the secure asylum of his office in Washington City. In the United States, railroads have cost less than in any other country, and can therefore carry at less rates; and it is here that railroad reform should begin. As a general rule, railways are not worked to one fifth of their capacity, and there is no proper discrim- ination in charges ^between slow and ftist trains. To transport goods or passengers at the rate of twenty miles per hour costs live times as much as to move the same at ten miles an hour. Increase the speed of transit to forty miles an hour, and it costs five times as much as at twenty miles an hour. The cost of transit, therefore, if roads are in good condition, is in exact ratio to the speed of trains ; the increased cost of moving being as the square of the velocity. On express trains in England the charge for passengers is 24 shillings for 100 miles, or 5| and G cents per mile, while on the slow trains it is only one third of this. Freight is transported much cheaper in England 36 THE RAILWAY. than ill the United States, while in Belgium, where railroads are numerous, and the population more dense than in any other European country, the tran- sit of passengers and goods is cheaper than in any other portion of the globe. • Reforms must commence with us, therefore, by a proper discrunination in favor of slow trains ; those who seek the highest speed paying in proportion. The need of this has led to the adoption on the Lon- don and Northwestern Railway, between London and Liverpool, of a method of taking in water fished up in side tanks by spouts, through ilexible tuljes, while the train is moving at the rate of forty miles to the hour. And so great has been the increase of business between Liverpool and Manchester, that more trains arrive and depart daily from a single sta- tion on that line, than all the trains that arrive at and depart from the city of Boston daily, over the seven trunk lines of road terminating in that city. It is easy to perceive, therefore, why railroad re- form must commence wdth us. As soon as there is sulhcient business upon a road to pay the running of trains and interest on cost, the price for carrying pas- sengers and freight should diminish in exact propor- tion to the increase o£ business. This reduction oper- ates like a charm in the development of new business, the value of heavy products of the interior, such as cord-wood, ship-timber, building material, slate, and farm products, multiply almost in geometric progres- sion ; so that coarser articles, produced one hundred miles from the open sea, or from a local market, not THE RAILWAY. 37 worth the cost of transportation by the ordinary modes, become as vahiable as those fomid or grown at tide-water, or in the neighborhood of great cities. But it is no time to fohow out these details ; the facts given may serve as hints as to the direction to which practical ability is to be turned. The coarser work of constructing the road-bed of railways is now un- derstood, and we cannot expect any diminution in the cost of building it ; but in the construction of machinery, in the quality of the superstructure, in the economy of management, and in the supply of comforts to the traveller, great changes are to take place. Wooden sleepers, kianized or preserved in creosote, will outlast the iron rail, if not maintain a life equal to that of the steel rail, which is gradually taking the place of the iron rail, being more than five times as durable. Steel boilers for locomotive engines will supersede iron ones, and cars will be adjusted with conveniences, comforts, and even luxuries, unknown at this day, enabling travellers to cross the Continent without fatigue, and allbrding to business men facili- ties for carrying on conununication by letter or tele- graph while cars are in motion, and to men of letters opportunity to prepare their manuscripts or correct their proofs while enjoying the luxury of travel. You all know the condition of things in Maine at the assembling of the last Legislature. The long pe- riod from the days of prosperity under the governor- ship of Enoch Lincoln to those of (Jleneral Chamber- lain had been a gloomy one for Maine. The strug- 38 THE RAILWAY. gles for personal success in politics had been para- mount ideas, with few intermittent exceptions. Our public domain had been squ; idered without producing a single public work for our State, while Massachusetts' share of the land aided in building the Western Railroad, and created for her a large school fund; 3,207,680 acres of our public lands were wrested from us by Great Britain, without a shadow of claim to them ; a policy was introduced unfriendly to railroads and manufactures ; and, to crown the whole, the State, by constitutional inhibition, tied itself up from aiding public improvements, apparently for the benefit of other States, so that our young men might emigrate, and property decline in value. For thirty years Maine seemed steadily fldling back in the race of empire. The promoters of your enterprise, feeling its im- portance, but finding no better means of carrying it forward, asked permission for the cities and towns interested to be allowed the privilege of taking upon themselves the risk incident to its construc- tion ; and a plan was proposed, somewhat novel in its character, it is true, but one that must meet the cordial approval of parties who sincerely desire the construction of the road, — the assumption of the risk by the several cities and towns upon its route, to an amount equal to twenty jier cent of their valuation. This is represented by non-preferred stock, insuring the control of the road concur- rently with the risk assumed ; or, in other words, those that wanted the road could build it, own and THE RAILWAY. 39 control it : the property of that unfortunate class in every town who own lands and stores, but who do not choose voluntarily to share their part of the burden of building it, being held for their share, and no more. Municipalities, — to^vns, cities, and boroughs, — antedate State constitutions. Local organizations for self-preservation, — mutual protection and im- provement, aud for police and sanitary j^urposes, whether of Greek or* Saxon origin, — are the ear- liest forms of civil government, — as distinguished from military rule, — based upon the principle of equality among men. A majority, by vote, took private property for public piu'poses, — opening roads, building bridges, clearing streams, erecting mills, — making all the property and persons of the municipality share the burden equally. No one can see any substantial distinction in the principle adopted, to meet new wants, ^ allowing subscrip- tions to railroads. You had, in the county of Waldo, in 18G0, a valuation of ^7,740,429, showhig an increased valuation of only 36 per cent from 1850 to 1860, while the county of Cumberland showed an in- creased valuation of 116 per cent from 1850 to 1860 upon her previous large valuation, — which increase was due to the construction of railroads, more especially to the growth of Porthuid, conse- quent on the construction of the railway from Port- land to Montreal. 40 THE RAILWAY. Two descriptions of property are mainly bene- fited by the construction of niih'oads, — farms and woodland on the route, and fixed property near way-stations and the main terminus. Farms de- crease in value in exact ratio of their distance from market. In 1852 the editor of the Railroad Journal pre- pared a statement showing the extent and work- ing capacity of railways, with tables illustrating the value of a fon of wheat and a ton of corn as affected by cost of transportation, which was reprinted in different languages of Europe, and became author- ity with railway men, like tables of mortality in life insurance, as follows : — "Upon the ordinary highways, the economical limit to transportation is confined within a compara- tively few miles, depending of course upon the kind of freight and character of the roads. Upon the average of such w'ays, the cost of transporta- tion is not far from fifteen cents per ton per mile, which niav be considered as a sutHciently correct estimate for the whole country. Estimating: at the same time the value of wheat at $ 1.50 per bushel, and corn at 75 cents, and that thirtv-three bushels of each are equal to a ton, the value of the former would be equal to its cost of transportation for 330 miles, and the latter 165 miles. At these respec- tive distances from market, neither of the above articles would have any commercial value, with only a common earth road as an avenue to market. THE RAILWAY. 41 "But we find tliat we can move property upon railroads at the rate of 1^- cent per ton per mile, or for one tenth the cost upon the ordinary road. These works, therefore, extend the economical limits of the cost of transportation of the ahove articles to 3,300 and 1,G50 miles respectively. At the limit o*' the economical movement of these articles upon the common highways, by the use of railroads wheat would be worth $44.50 and corn $22.27 per ton, which sums respectively would represent the actual increase of value created by the inter- position of such a work. " The following table will show the amount saved per ton, by transportation by railroads, over the ordinary highways of the country." Statement fhowiiif/ the Value of a Ton of Wheat and one of Corn at given Points from Market, as affected hy Cost of Transportation hj Railroad and over the ordinary Road. Transportation by Transportation by Railroad. onliuary Highway. Miles from Marlitit. r Wheat. A'ALCE ATM Corn. ARKKT Wheat. Corn. $49.50 $24.75 S 49.50 S 24.75 10 49.35 24.60 48.00 23.25 20 49,20 24.45 46.50 21.75 80 49.05 24.30 45.00 20.25 40 45.90 24.15 43.50 18.75 50 48.71 24.00 42.00 17.25 60 48.60 23.85 40.o0 15.75 70 48.45 23.70 39.00 14.25 80 48.30 23.55 37.50 12.75 90 48.15 23.40 36.00 11.25 100 48.00 23.25 34.50 9.75 110 47.85 23.10 33.00 8.25 120 47.70, 22.95 31.;)0 6.75 130 47.55 22.80 30.00 5.25 42 THE RAILWAY. Transportation by Transpnrtntion by Bailruad. orJiuiiry Highway. Mil(!A from Wheat. .. .Valck at Ciirn. MlBCKT. Market. Wheat. Corn. 140 $47.40 $ 22.65 $ 28.50 S3.75 150 47.25 22.50 27.00 2.25 160 47.10 22.35 25.50 75 170 46.95 22.20 24.00 00 180 46.80 22.05 22.50 190 46.65 21.90 21.00 200 46.50 21.75 19.50 210 46.35 21.60 18.00 220 46.20 21.45 16.50 230 46.05 21.30 15.00 240 4.^). 90 21.15 13.50 2r)0 45.75 21.00 12.00 2G0 45.60 20.85 10.50 270 45.45 20.70 9.00 280 45.30 20.55 7.50 290 45.15 20.40 6.00 300 45.00 20.25 4.50 310 44.85 20.10 3.00 320 44.70 19.95 1.50 330 44.55 19.80 00 Apply these rules to hay, potatoes, lumber, slate, and other products of Maine on your line, and you see at a glance how much wealth will be created by the building of your road. Ohio statistics illustrate the principle as well as any. In 1829 wheat was worth twenty-five cents a bushel at Cincinnati, and corn ten cents, but they had no access to a distant market. The State built canals, but these were slow coaches. Then came railroads. Ohio seized hold of them and rose rap- idly in wealth, greatness, and power, and is to-day the third State of the Union. THE RAILWAY. 43 In 1841 her valuation was but $128,353,057, and in 1845 it reached $145,100,409, — less than that of Maine in 1800; in 1847 she had 202 miles of rail- way only, in 1850, 575 miles, in 1800, 2,099 miles, and in 1800, 3,402 miles. Iler valuation for taxa- tion rose to $433,872,032, in 1850; to $800,877,354, in 1855, and to $959,807,100, in 1800, with an act- ual valuation in 1800 of $1,193,898,422, against an actual valuation of $504,720,120 in 1850, an absolute increase of $089,172,300, while her 3,402 miles of railway cost only $135,231,975. Ohio al- lowed towns, cities, and counties to aid railroads, and you see the result. The following table shows the polls and valua- tion of Maine at the several periods named : — Years. Polls. Estates. 1810 61,938 S 1,443,138 1820 59,368 20,962,748 1830 6G,986 28,807,687 1840 86,544 68,240,288 1845 89,054 67,219,356 18.")0 105,490 100,037,969 18G0 128,899 164,714,168 The value of farms in Maine increased from $54,801,748 in 1850 to $78,090,725 in 1800, or $23,828,977, or at the rate of forty-one per cv^nt, while in Ohio the value of farms increased from $358,758,003 in 1850 to $000,504,171 in 1800, or $307,805,508, or at the rate of eighty-nine per cent. The farms of Maine average 97 acres, those of Ohio 125 acres. The value of farms in Maine is about 44 TIIE RAILWAY. $14 per acre, Ohio about $33 per acre. The Ohio farniH produced in 1800 but 12 bushels of wheat per acre, but tlie price has advanced tenfold since 1829, and is now wortli $ 2.50 per bushel in Ohio. I might cite examples of States nearer liome. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and even New Jersey, States far inferior in natural advantages, which ad- vanced more rapidly than Maine from 1850 to 1800, on account of greater railroad facilities, and the de- velopment of industry from better access to market. But there is nothing so striking in American his- tory as the progress of the Northwest, consequent ujDon the introduction of railways. Maine produces hay and potatoes, more profitable crops than wheat. Waldo County annually raises 50,000 tons of hay, 000,000 bushels of potatoes, and other crops in proportion, more than one half of them in the towns on your line to Newport. These products will command about the same price on the line of the railway as in Belfast; and the question is, ftot whether you can have the railroad, but can you aflbrd to live without it ? Ship-building has been a prolific source of w-ealth to Maine, and the city of Belfast has been prominent from the number of her vessels built and the amount of tonnage here owned. In 1854 there were built in the district of Belfast forty-nine vessels, equal to 20,246 tons ; and the tonnage owned in this district in 1854 was 55,899 tons, and in 18C2 it had reached 95,000 tons, according to the returns from the Treas- THE RAILWAY. 46 iirv DopiirtnuMit. It is the opinion of the liost in- foniRMl coinniercial uwn ol' this country that sailing .ships are losing their importance, and cannot renain their former rehitive standing, from the competition of steamers. Sailing vessels are to the steamship what the stage-coach is to the railway, auxiliaries and side supports, but not competitors on great lines. The railway is every day drawing more and more, both of freight and passengers, from the estal)lished lines of steamers, and the steamers are gradually taking the business known as the coasting trade from the sailing vessels. Wharf property has declined in the city of Boston, in consequence of this, to nearly one half its former value. The dt livery of freight from railway cars is more convenient than from vessels, and a lari2:e freiij-ht business is now carried on be- tween Portland and Boston hy railway jdongside navigable waters, notwithstanding steamers of the best class and well managed, and sailing vessels, car- ry at the lowest rates. It may be well for the intel- ligent shipbuilders of Maine to consider these facts, coupled with the discrimination against ships, under our existing tariff Railways, on the contrary, are enabled every year to carry at lower rates, and as business increases, so that railroads can be worked up to their capacity, passengers and merchandise will be carried at less than one half the present prices for traViSportation. I never advocated the building of a railwav on the ground of the profitable investment of capital, but upon the same ground as I would advocate the build- 46 THE UAILWAY. iiiijf of connnon lii^hwjiyH JUid Hcliool-liouses". Tlioy may prove piofiliihlc, but this dcpomls on a variety of circiitustanoes; such as jucHeious location, economy in l)uil(linfi;, favorable connections with other roads, and proper manaj^ement. Tliey used to cost ftcice their estimate, but return in a Jinfohl measure all they cost, in increased wealth, substantial comforts, and innumerable pleasures. Risks necessarily occur in all business nndertalv- ings, ])ut prudent men learn something from the pub- lic experience, and the chances are in favor of com- mon fidelity in the carrying out your plnns. If the railroad is once built, it will draw to it all the business that is possible. It carries cheaply to induce production and transportaticm, and imparts to evervthin<»: in its route a value imknown before. In Scotland, where industry is active and men intelli- gent, the very offal of cities, — the prolific cause of- sickness and death in many cities, — pays a hand- some profit to the railway com})any for its transpor- tation into the country for farm maiuu'e. An intelligent English writer estimates that the manure of Great Britain produces more wealth an- nually than the cotton manufactures ! If Maine had railroads like Scotland or the North of England, whose soil, climate, and natural features are like those of Maine, our State might have a population equally dense as theirs, with all the comforts, luxuries, and refinements which came in the train of industrious hal)its, aggregated wealth, and concentrated popula- tion. THE RAILWAY. 47 The sonret of the prof^ress of the West. ;iii(l the viiHt power of her publico men, is the Union of senti- ment in fiivor of publie improvements amon^ all classes of its ])e()ple. Men come forward and }»e- come leaders in proportion to their earne.-tness and comprehension in favor of pnhli(; improvements. This was the secret of the marvellons power of Donglas and the strength of the popnlarity of Lincoln. However bitter might be their personal hostilities, no matter how strong the antaite directions, leading to a complete separation of iutei'ests; the Russian dominions at the noi'th, the Chinese Km])ire at the east, and the Indian States of the south, com- pletely severed from each other, while Kuro|)e is broken hv mountain ranu'es, divided into local states isolated fiom each other, with the exception, perhaps, of the northern German states, from the .\l])s to the Baltic, which may })ossihly form u great central power under a future Bismarck. In striking contrast to the Old "World, the centre of this continent, by force of physical laws, makes all who dwell within it practically one people. Access 54 TIIE RAILWAY. to the valley of the Mississippi, by artificial means, has oontrolled the civilization of the continent, and produced the great results of our late war. The colonization of the continent commenced npon the Atlantic slope ; and this east foreland of the con- tinent, stretching one thousand miles towards the continent of Europe, would have been the great high- way of the world, but for the rivalships and struggles fm- its possession l)y the European powers, who start- ed out at the commencement of the seventeenth cen- tury with plans for its colonization. Its possession is of far more value than that of the mouth of the Mis- sissippi. That portion of North America lying east of Lake Champlain and the Hudson and south of the St. Law- rence, of which Maine is so important a part, is des- tined to a rapid development hereafter, as soon as its commercial relations are properly established, and to become the most densely populated portion of the gl()})e. For it has water-power in addition to the oth- er elements of physical strength which characterizes other sections of the continent, and is the most health- ful of all, from proximity to the sea, the agreeable alternations of its clinuite, and its unilbrm supply of moisture, enabling operative labor to continue throughout the year, with less diminution of physical strength than elsewhere, while the length and severi- ty of its winters enforces habits of steady industry, compels the construction of public edifices and per- manent dwellings, and leads of necessity to the accu- THE IIAILWAV. 55 mulatlon of realized wealtli. wliidi is only found in large measure in eool latitudes, and upon a severe but retentive soil. It is only two hundred and sixty years since the English raee established title upon this contiticnt. ap- parently with less means of surcess tlian many others of the seven European powers who eud)arke(l simul- taneously in rival projects for its ))ossession. The Ensxlish soon demonstrated their suiierioritv. At the end of one hundred yeai's thev liad lii'own intoelexen distinct colonies, embracing three hundred tliousand people. In sixty years more they bad ])ossessed themselves of the northern lakes and tlie eastt'rn wa- ters, holding the Atlantic slope from the St. Lawrence to Florida. In 1783 the great American Kepublic became established as an independent nation, embra- cing an area of 815,015 square miles of territory, and over 3,000,000 of people ; — tlie iK^me government re- taininfr the eastern ocean-front, the lower St. Fiaw- rence basin, and a territory west and north reacliing to the Pacific and Northern Oceans, containing as now known, a territory of3,250,9-U square miles, a portion of which recently put on the form of a new national- ity under the name of the '' Domiuio)! of ('(iNfif/d." In 1803 Louisiana was acquired, adding 032,028 square miles to our dominions; in 1821 Spain re- leased to us Florida, with 59,268 square miles of terri- tory ; and in 1845 we accepted Texas as a State, add- ino- 237,514 square miles to the area of the nati(mal domain. In 184G Oregon added 280,425 square miles 56 THE RAILWAY. more ; and by the treaty of 1848, 640,702 square miles came to us in California and New Mexico. In 1854 the Giulsden treaty brought in 27,500 square miles of new territory now included in Arizona, and the Russian treaty of 1807 added Alaska, or Russian America, with 481,270 square miles of new dominion, giving to the United States of America an area of 3,482,278 square miles of the most flivored territory of the globe, now inhabited by more than 35,000,000 of people, enjoying equality of right, and speakmg a common language. The physical divisions of the United States may be better understood by the following statement : — Atlantic Slope, 514,416 square miles. Northern I.ake region, 112,G49 U (( Gulf region, 343,935 u u Mississippi Valley and tributaries, 1,244,000 il u Pacific Slope, south 49th parallel, 78G,002 t( it Alaska, or Russian America, 481,276 u n Total, 3,482,278 The bulk of the population of the United States still occupies the Atlantic slope, holding vast influence by its wealth, commercial development, and manufactur- ing resources. The Mississippi Valley, now rapidly filling up, re- mained comparatively inaccessible till we gained pos- session of the mouth of the Mississi])pi liiver by pur- chase of Louisiana from France. This opened a new route to the heart of the continent, the great grain- growing and food-producing region of the world. The civilization and habits of a people at the mouth THE RAILWAY. ' 57 of a river naturally move upward by that natural highway, and the Mississippi Valley would apparent- ly have been all slave territory but for the opening of the Erie Canal hi 1825, which gave to the more populous free Northern States of the Atlantic slope better access to the Ohio and Upper Mississippi waters than by the tedious journey by river ; and the open- ing of railways directly across the mountain ranges, from the Atlantic States, at right angles with the general course of the Mississippi, and along the shores of the northern lakes, fdled the Northwest with men educated in the school of free labor. This settled the struggle in 18G5, by the overthrow of the slave power, which contest was a war for dominion between two rival systems of civilization, planted simultaneously two hundred and forty-one years ])efore the outbreak, both of which continued to grow and expand uncon- scious of their future antagonism, till they awoke from dreams of perpetual peace by the clash of resounding arms. Had there been no railways from the Atlantic States to the Mississippi Valley, the war would now be upon us, or foi'cign states bordering the Gulf, in a condition of acknowledged independence^ through the armed intervention of France and England. We may fairly claim, therefore, that the railway has been the great defender of the government in its hour of trial, while in peace it has been its chief benefactor. But time forbids us to look far into the future, nuicii less to linger on enchanted ground. The severe duties of the hour summon us to action. While busy hands are pushing out the iron arm of 58 THE RAILWAY. the railway to the farthest east, on the Atlantic shore, other hands are scaling the Rocky Mountain ridges, on their way to the far-off Pacific seas. Feats in the late war like that which transferred a vast corps from the Army of the Potomac, by the valley of the Ohio, to the destroying army of Sher- man in the Southwest, surpass the fabled wonders of the marches of Hannibal and Alexander, — the marvels of ancient campaigns, — while the silent and humane mission of the railway brings us the blessings of peace in the most attractive forms, — m fireside homes, cultivated fields, thriving villages, busy workslipps, and the refinements of commer- cial cities. As in war, so in peace, the locomotive railway performs its office. Railways will cross the conti- nent at its widest part, connect the upper lakes with the Gulf of Mexico, and bind the Pacific to the Atlantic States in bands of iron, stronger than political bonds; for they will be bonds of mutual interest, social attachment, and commercial advan- tage, that no power for evil shall ever break. In the Old World railways shall stretch from the banks of the Neva to tlie Straits of Gibraltar along the western slopes of the Alps; and from the foot of Italy to the farthest bounds of Siberia on their eastern declivities, in unbroken lines; intersected by lines on parallels of latitude from the German Ocean or the eastern Atlantic shore, to the Bos- phorus and the Chinese Sea ; breaking down national antipathies, harmonizing different civilizations, and THE RAILWAY. 69 elevating all in the scale of humanity, until men of all cUnies and races shall become ''one great brotherhood of nations " ; realizing; all that one of the most charming of our modern English poets has said in his Somj of the Railrwuh: — " And if, when like a net we lie O'er many a distant soil, And filad tlie traveller's mind and eye Without a traveller's toil, — From mutual virtues understood All scorn and hate shall Hee, What instruments of Goil and •,'ood Be mi'ditier then than we I " APPENDIX. RAILROADS OF THE WORLD. Sfiitnn^nf af ttw Lmiilli n/'llip Itiiilnnvh in tin' ni'rirnl Coioilrlis nj' thf World, con- siniiitil mill in iirlii'il O/h nilinii ill tin- (.'liisf ii/'llir )'iiii- 1,^06 ; icil/i t/itir Cnsl, the Aim mill I'lijiiiliil'iiii it/'iiir/i < 'iiiiiitri/ iitiil Slnlr irlurr limlinnils iirf in Opirdliort, and till'. Iiiitio of Milta uf l\iiiiu\iy tu l/ir Si/itart Milf, and tit the I'uiiulation, u/tuch- Wkstkus IIkmi!4i>iikuk. Uoitcd States. .Miles. Cost. Cost P<'r Mile. Arpn of Country. Pq.'M: I'nptilntlon 1»0U. ii it St 1). C. 620.tl{l 30.573,275 59„501 11.1X1 762,1. '9 21 1.457 West Vir;,Miiiii 301.7.) 21,978.843 08,498 20.511 319.098 56 958 Kelitiiiky 6:.J.!I0 22..392.122 35,770 .37.0SO 1.155.084 60 1,840 Ohio 3.40i.9H 135,231,975 39,739 39.904 2.339.511 11 687 .Mielii:;ail 900. Ij 41,075,724 43.1.33 60.243 719.113 58 776 Iiiiliaiia O.i 11.80 79, ISO, 707 35.802 33.S(i9 1.. 3.50.428 15 610 Illiiiiiis 3. '250.05 139.081,414 42.791 55,105 1.711.951 17 527 \Vi>e()ii-iii 1.015.41 40.0M.300 38,313 63.9.' 1 775. HSl 51 742 Miiiile>(ilii 39-.'.00 12.450.000 31.760 83. .531 172,123 213 4.39 lowu 1,154.10 45. 180.000 .39.407 55.015 671.913 47 498 Missouri 937.75 61,.l.-i7.077 51.995 07.3nO 1.182.012 72 1.200 Kansas 240..M) 9.750.00O 40.510 78.118 107.206 327 445 Nelira.-ka 275.00 12.500.000 45.154 70.9 ■'^ 2S.S11 279 105 ("alifoniiii , 3'^ 1.50 ■ 24.2((0;0(K1 1 75 272 lftS.68-; 379.994 688 1.180 (>re;ri)ii ; ■ . -Ut.flO . . fiOO,00()| /5.041 ■. 9.1.J7.1 • 52. 105 6.01 1 2.090 N'ivL'inia I.llR!7h 49,974,457 35,27.) 61*. 3*52 ' I.2I0.3.SI 43 879 Niirtli Carolimt • . • jri'..:w • :2o;o20-.;io *. . 2,5/.Hl-f.il77 2lVfh.^ oO.idl 09 .',007 52 1.010 Souili ("aruliiij iW^.flS 2,i;i9i 29.3s-> 7113..-12 28 711 (ieor^iia ' * ' ' ■l.4.3i'!i • ■2fl.:77,'003 20;3o( ' 52.(109 r.0.-)7.329 36 737 rioriila 407.50 W.sOS.OOO 21.702 59.209 110.139 145 346 Aialiaiiia 891.16 21,010,982 25.154 50.722 901.290 67 182 Mississiiipi H07.1i 25.410,394 29.315 47.1.50 791.390 54 913 ■[''■imessee 1,317.78 34,185,215 25.937 45.011(1 1.109.801 34 842 Arkansas 191.00 4.400,000 43,562 62.198 435,427 273 2,279 1 Louisiana 335.75 13,027,651 40.,577 40.131 709.290 i:W 2.111 Texas 479..50 17.280.000 36,044 037..J01 002.132 495 1.267 Tenitories Total :Ui,s!t6.26 1.517.510.705 41.129 1.213.110 3,001.002 521.387 31.747.511 Bl 1 860 Countrlei. Milei. Canmlft 9,im.ft0 New Brunswick iflH.jn Nova Scotia SJ.MO Mexico 7H.;io (' 11 1)11 390.50 Jainiiica 1.1.H0 VeiR'/.iiela 3.'.00 Now (iniiiada ■IT.ftO Hriti>li Guinea ftn.no Urazil w.^.m i'aia;;uiiy 4U.'J0 IVru 6ft.;io {,'liili 336,70 xVrgeiitine Republic 231.00 Total 4.170.00 .VrPENDLX. Western IIkmihi'iirrk [Continueil). 61 Co«t. » lll.ft|3,l90 7.1!»7.7I3 4,3l!»,.'i07 4,010.000 19.H«.{I00 3J7,00O 9,7'J3,ti06 7,f>.):).010 ft.ono.ooo 10I,.!a7,444 4, 1)0'^. 000 a,0J4.70fl , lo.fitij.gia 1 1 .ftftO.OOO ^™'' ' Arp» of ' Popiilntlon per I'ouuiry. Iwjl. Mile. » i .W..'i73 37,.16i 46.44H fll.'JHJ AO.OOO ■J3.3A7 83.113 11)1. lit) IdO.nno ■i:i;i.b-9 •; 100.0(0 6-J.H"8 f>l*.\Oi .W.OOO 1. 8q. M. 3.^^.M2•.' i7.7nj lN,74tij 77J.ii7-i : 47. •••7^ «.-.V,0 ! 4'i«.7O0 uJI.900 9t).;iii0 .973.400 »6.'00 49S.700 549.900 lJti.3(lO 3H,87H.1'W 7H.'JN0 7.'.'09.H7J 3..W7.6S7 •-•.•>.',n47 33n.ti!><» 8.-.'.'i9.0-0 1.449.'.'6J 411.-JI>1 I..w».ono 1,797.47:1 l.VVO-.'fi lO.OJ.-i.UOO 1,337.431 i.SOO.OOO 1,711.319 l.-.'.^9..t.'i.i 3J.fil3.til.'» III »« M. I 139 ■101 9,900 119 446 13,3.14 10,><31 1 .riO'i 6.867 1,87» 9,067 7JJ 4.f76 Si. I'nl). 1.11)7 l.-.'73 3..).')ii in.'i. 1^0 3,6.^1 31..)18 4H,90« im.-i^o •»,I9H 29,07 » 4.'-,|.V5 .^.nt<7 ,'i.4.VJ 16.078 Kasteh.v Hemispiikkf.. Hritish Isles 13,-.'H6.00 France 8,981.&0 Spai). 3,116.40 I'or' (ipal 433.30 J Switzerland 814.30 1 I till V 3,113.10 Austria 3,830.90 Prussia 5.794.80 j N. (lermnn States 1 .OOL.'JO S. Gerniau States l„ilO.IO nel;;ium l.SS.i.lOj Holland 700.70 Denmark 195.10 Sweden Norway 43.50 j Russia 1.775.10 1 Turkey in Europe 170.60: Turkey in Asia 141.90 Hritish India 3.379.10 Java 101.40 1 Cevlon 36.90 Ktrypt 281.10 « Al;;eria 27.70, Cajie Colony 84..'J0| Victoria 331.,W New South Wales 14.I..10 South Australia 73..^0 1 New Zealand 16..')0 ! Natal 2.00 Queensland 41.10 Total 53.381. .50 6 1.071,9h8,008 l.i6,0J8 L.LM. 1 11,891 l.in.749 301,857.610, 96.861 41,166,105; 97,314 68,691.391 I 83,333 297,510,188 I 91,590 273,798.163) 71,471 741.560,310 119,784 89.734,347 ! 88.717 215,375,4.')3 I 88,717 171,410,677 IQS.O.'S 67,171,101 9.').Kli3 16,885,9.50; 57,155 96,510,947' 91,314 2,416.641 as. 5.53 4.53.313.734 163,411 6,741. .590 .13.667 4,811,014 .13.6ii7 109,838.517 61.803 10,140,000 100,000 2.l8i).530 1)1, "03 28,110.000 100.000 1,816.676 66.667 7,514.667 89.186 84, .166.750 154, .500 10.453.6.10 71.«60 3, 619. .590 43.910 loo.noo 200,000 100.000 4,110,000 100,000 .660.470,6.55 94,447 Hl,.5.50 113,100 189,.5.50 35,1.50 13.170 109,780 19.070.936 37.171.731 16.031,167 j 3.9«7.861 1 1.510. 19» 14.169.61* I 140,1^)0 31,.573.001| 135.110 13.577.9.191 5.600.391 1 8..513,40OJ 4.940.570 3.735.6M1 1 1,608.095 4,114.141 1,701.178' 9i S3 60, 81. is' 34 63 33' 1.188 4,171 6,1S0 i»,207 3,046 7,563 8.500 4,067 24,677 44,510 11,400 13.600 14.710 170.099 113,118 I 1,563,100 63.>'61.l'*l 103, .1*1 ' 13.700.000 6.18. 9'M) 16.000.1)00 1,465,300 1^0,.500,IM)fl, 51,.100 13,917.0001 2.341.098 ' 3,000.000 11.660 659.0(i0 83.300 101.9.10 86.940 311.417 383. 3J8 106.159 14.100 675.000 167.100 574.331 378.9.15 140.416 173.337 6. 156.100 59.711 7.8S3.0.5?i .506.1.56,917 1.471 ii a. 127 17 I 3,3S4 3,197 5.319 5,431 4.011 3.956 23.731 91,807 11.189 8. .117 1.177 63,199 26. .565 033 107. HI 1.16 3.166 1.731 2.601 1.916 10.318 T:<.O0fl l.»o6 9.J81 7 19 49 166 ,834 ,564 ,l-<9 ,169 433 .507 666 134 161 116 108 440 710 439