BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK JWenjbers of the I\oyal Society of Canada From the volume of " Transactions " for 1894. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ]\Ien)beis of the }\oyal Society of Canada From the volume of " Transactions " for 1894. BAILLAIRG^, C\ 1. — Conferences illustrdes sur I'Astronomie, I'Optique, la Pneumatique, I'Acoustique, rAtmosphere, les Vents, les Courants, la Vapeiir et la Machine k vapeur, la M^ca- nique, etc. ; de deux heures chacune en moyenne, dans la Salle de? Seances de I'Ancien Parlement du Bas Cana da rues Lamontague et Port Dauphin, devant des auditoires de 700 a 800 personnes. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1848-56. ^ — Le Calorifere: Chauffage a I'air chaud. Illustre. Quebec Bureau et Marcotte. 1853. Svo., pp. 23. SI. — Nouveau traitd de Geometric et de Trigonom^trie recti- ligne et sph^rique. Toiae des surfaces et volumes. Tables logaritluniques et sinus, etc., uaturels. Ouvrage illustre. Quebec: C. Darveau. 186G. 8vo., pp. 884. 4. — Eapport General de I'lng. des Pouts et Chaussees de la Ville de Quebec, embrassanL les departemeuts du Feu, des Marches et Hal les, de la Traverse du Fleuve, de la Police, etc. Quebec: CJ. Darveau. 1868. 8vo., pp. 96. S. — General lieport of the City Engineer, Quebec, embracing Ptoads and Bridges, Markets, Ferry, Health, Fire, and other departments with tabular statements. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1872. 8vo., pp. 120. — 2 — ft. — Geometry, Mensuration, and the Stereomotrical Tableau. Illustrated. (200 models of eve^y elementary form). Read hefore the Litteiary and Historical Society of Quebec. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo., pp. 44. 7. — Gdom^trie, Toise, et le Tableau St^rt'om^trique. lUnstro. Lu devant la Soci^t6 Liitoraire et Historique de Quebec. Demonstration et discussion de la formule par I'Abb^ Mingui, de TUniversit^ Laval, Quebec: C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo., pp, 66. 8. — Cl^ Synoptique ou ab''<^g'^e du Tableau St^r^ometriqtie. lUustr^e. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1874. 8vo., pp. 16. 9.— Abridged Key to Stereometrical Tableau. New System of Measuring all Bodies — Segments, Frusta and Ungnla? of such bodies — by one and the same rule. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1874. 8vo., pp. 16. 10. — C\6 du Tableau Stc^reomc'tri ,ue illustrt^e. Prc^cedi^e du toisd des surfaces, tables, et'% Quebec: C, Darveau. 1874. 8vo., pp. 226. 11. — Berthuzabel ou Le Diable Duvenu Cuisinier. Com(5'lie en un acte (episode de la guerre d'ltalie en 1859) jou^e par la Cie. Mai gard h la Salle Jacques-Cartier et deux fois h la Salle de rAcademie de Musique de Quebec. «,u^bec: C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo., pp. 20. 151. — Reports on Sections of the then so called Nonh Shore Railway (now the C. P. R.) between Quebec and Mont- real. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1874-5-6. Folio, 10 pp. each. 13. — The Proposed Improvements in the Estuary of the River St. Charles, Quebec. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1873. 8vo. pp. 10. 14, — Toisd des Surfaces illustr^e. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1875. 8vo., pp. 58. 15. — Suiiplementary Report on the North Shore Railway (now the C. P. R.) between Quebec and Montreal. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1875. 8vo., pp. 14. — 3 — 16.— Rapport Snppl(5mentaire de I'lng. de la Cit^ de Quebec sur le chemiii de fer du Nord (aujnurd'hui Je C. V. R.) enlre Quebec et Montreal. Quebec : E. Vincent, 1875. 8vo., pp. lo. 17,— Report on the Fire-escape Ap[)liance9 and Facilities of some ninety-six Public Buildings of Quebec and Environs, including Schools, Colleges, Convents, Theatres, Lecture and Music Halls, Manufactories, Churches, Asylums, etc. Folio, pp. 105. 18. — The Proposed Dry Dock in the Mouth of the River St, Charles. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1876. 8vo., pp. 4, 19. —Report on the Piles Branch of the N. S. Railway. Quebec -. C, Darveau. 187G. Foliu, pp. 3. ^O. — Rapports sur le cheniin de fer du Nord (aujourd'hui le C. P. R.) entre Quebec et Montreal, Quebec: C. Darveau. 1874-5-6. at. — Key to the Stereometricon, a case containing 200 wooden models of elemtiitury forms, illustrated ; mensuration of areas, tables, eLc. Quebec: C. Darveau, 1876. 8vo., pp. 228. 22. — The Municipal Situation. Quebec. Yearly deficits. Financial Situation. A surplus during Mr B's adminis- tration from 1886 'O 1870, Deficits before and after his management. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1878. 8vo., pp. 57. 251. — General Report of the City Engineer, Quebec, on Roads, Bridges, Markets, Ferry, Fire, Health, and other depart- ments. Quebec: E. Vincent. 1878. 8vo,, pp. 100. 24 — LeClub des 21 — Couite biographie de chacin de ses mem- bres : Bazergue, Lavallee, Levasseur, Marmot, Faucher de St-Maurice, ^lontPetit, Blumhart, Auger, Moreau, Pourtier, Delagrave, Larue, Trudel, Lavigne, Duiuot, Dunn, Frechette, Fabre, De Premio Real — Lue par I'au- teur k la reunion du Club du 13 mars 1879 — Oct. pp. 14. C. Darveau, Quebec. — 4 — 45. —The Stereometricon. Areas of spherical triangles and polygons to any radius or diameter. Illustrated. Montieal • Lovell & Son. 1880. Svo., pp. 38. 36. — Kapport du Che v. C. Baillairgt^, Ing. de la Cit^ de Quebec, sur Tain^lioration de sou Aqueduc. Quebec • E. Vincent. 1881 .8vo., pp. 82. 37. — Keport of the Quebec City Engineer on the New Aqueduct (30" diameter). Quebec : E. Vincent. 1881. 8vo., pp. 80. 38.— A Particular Case of Water Hammer. Illustrated, Transactions of Royal Society of Canada. Vol. II. Sec. 3. 1884. 39. - Le Stereometricon. Illustr^. Tables, surfaces das triangles et polygones spheriques sous uii rayon ou diara. quel- conques. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1884. 8vo., pp. 136, 110. —The Stereometric(.n. Illustrated. Tables, areas of spherical triangles and polygons to any radius or diam. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1884. 8vo., pp. 132. 31. — Papers read before the Society of Canada. 1882- 83. Illustrated. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1884. 8vo., pp. t2. 33. — Memoires lus devant la Societe Koyale du Canada. Sect. Ill, 1882-83. lllustres. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1884. 8vo., pp. 46. 33. — Some 15 reports on as many separate 10-mile sections of the Quabec & Lake St. John Eaihvay North of St. Ptaymond. Quebec: E. Vincent. 1883-87. 8vo., pp. 15 to 25 each. 34. — Quelques 15 rapports sur autant de sections distinctes du chemin de fer Quebec et Lac St-Jean au nord de St-Raymond. Quebec: E. Vincent. 1883-87. 8vo., pp. 15 h 25 chacun. 35. — La veine liquide contract^e. Conference lue devant la Society Eoyale du Canada, Sect. Ill k Ottawa, 1885. 30.— Qiu'bec pass^, present, futur. Quebec: J. Gingras et Cie- 1885. 8vo., pp. 8. JI7. — The A(iued»jct, Quebec. Tables of prt'ssnres, heights, etc. Quebec; E. Vincent. 1885. Bvo., pp. 7. 38. — Rapport snr le nouvel acpieduc de Quebec. Quebec: E. Vincent. 1885. 8vo., pp. 29. 30.— Concernant la theoiie de M. Steckel sur "La veine liquide contractee, " lue devant la Socidt^ Itoyale du Canada, Sect. III., le 28 raai 1885. 40. — An ordinary 14 hours day's work of the City Engineer, Quebec. Quebec : E. Vincent. 1886. Folio, pp. 8. 41.— Gdom^trie dans I'espace. Stereometric. Stt^r^otomie. Illustrt^. Joliette: Kev. F. A. Baillairgt5. 188G. 8vo., pp. 20. 13 mt'dailles d'honneur, 17 diplouies. 4t8. — The St(^reometricon couronne en France, en IJclgique, en Angleterre, en Kussic, au Jajjon, an Bresil, en Canada, aux Etats-Unis d'Auierique. Joliette : Rev. F. A. Bail- lairge. 1886. 8vo., pp. 2U. 43. — A Practical Solution of ihe Great Social and Humanitarian I'roblem: Escajie from buildings in case of fire. Read before the Royal Society of Canada, Sect. lEI , May 2.'> 1887. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1887. 4to., pp. 8. 44.— Petite Math(5matiijue (5crite pour et publit'e dans I'Etudiant, cditt5 a Joliette par le li^v. F. A. Baillairge. 1887. Plusieurs numeros successifs. Oct. pp. 20. 43.— The Alt of Building. L'ead before the Canadian Asso- ciation of Civil Engineers, Montreal, 1887. Fol., pp. 20. 46. — The School of Industry and Arts, Glacis Street, Quebec. Published by the City Press, Quebec. 1887. 47. — Nouveau dictionnaire francais. Systeme ^ducatif. Kimes, Consonnances, Homonymes. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1888. 8vo., pp. 600. — 6 — IN. — L'Art de Batir. Fubli6 dans un Journal de Qu(5bec, deux nuuidros consecut fs. 1888. 49.— K^visions des Elements de Gt^omt^trie d'Euclide. Lue devant la Sock't(5 Koyale dn Canada, Sect. III., 23 inai 1888. Folio, pp. 8. ♦"SO. —Also in Abstract in the M4moires de la SocUt4 Royale, Vol. VI., Sec. 3, 1888. •51 .— Pavement?. The sanitaiy pavement (jiiestion. Sanitar}j Era, New York, 1888. Folio, pp. 3. 52. — The Qnebec di-saster of September 19, 1889. The land slide. Illustrated. Oct. pp. 13. •5JI. — The same published in the Canadian Architect and Builder, Toronto, Out., 1889. Illustrated. Folio, p. 1. 54. — Instructions to Architects for Competition Plans. New City Hall, Quebec. Quebec: E. Vincent, 1889. Folio, pp. 16. With plans of ground levels and of each floor. 55. — Design No, 5 (1600 feet high) of the Proposed great Tower fur London. Illustrated letter-press, estimates, etc. Illustrated catalogue of the 68 competitive desigrT* sent in. Printed by "Industries" London, 358 Strand. 1890, Folio, i)p. 100. 56. — Homonymes francaip. Joliette : R^v. F. A. Baillairg^. 1891. llinio., pp. 212. 57. — Engli^^h Homonyms. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1891. 12nio., pp. 190. 58. — General Report of the City Engineer, Quebec, on Pave- ments, etc. Quebec: E. Vincent. 8vo, pp. 42. 59.— Etude ayant trait k la solution du probleme: Determiner la hauteur atteiute par un projectile qui en retombant au niveau d'ou il est parti, a produit un effet connu. Lue devant la Societe Royale du Canada, Sect. III., le 27 mai 1991. Montreal. 1891. 00. — A paper relating to the height to which a missile attained, vhich, in desceiuling f gain tc the level from wliicli it was projected, produced a known result. Kead before Sent* III., Royal Society of Canada, May 27, 1891. Montreal* 1891. Bl. — An attein])t to deduce the pressure per square inch under which a steam boiler exploded, from the eff„Jts produced by the explosion. Read before the Royal Society of Canada, Montreal, Miy, 1891. 6^. — Tentative de d^duire des effets d'line ex[)losion de chaudi^re k vapeur, la pression sous laquelle la chaudi^re a c^d(^. Lue devant la Soci^t^ Royale du Canada le 27 niai 1889, h Montreal. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1891. iHH. — The cost of jlectric lighting in all the principal cities of North Anierira. Water and Gas Review, New York, 1892. Folio, pp. 4. 64. — Escape from buildings in case of fire, llliistrated. Read before the Canadian ssociation of Architects. Montrea'> 1892. Canadian Architect and Builder, Toronto and Montreal, 1892. Folio, pp. 4. 6»5, — I^a ventilation libie des ogouts en rapftort avec I'hygiene de rhabitation, Joliette : R^v. F. A. Biiillairge. Lne devant la Sect. Ill , Socicf-te Royale du CaiJcid.!, mai 1892. 8vo., pp. 17. 450.— The free and liberal ventilation of sewers in its relation to the sanitation of our dwellings. Quebec: C. Darveau. Read before the Royal Society of Canada, Sect. III., May, 1892. Folio, pp. 7. 07. — La Baie d'Hudson. L'ex{»loitation propos^e de ses res- sources de terre et de uier, Nouvelle colonic. Chemin de fer pour s'y rendre. Conference faite sous les auspices de la Socidt^ de Geographic de Quebec a I'lnstitut Canadien. Joliette; Rev. F. A. Baillairg^. 1893. 8vo., pp. 42, — 8 — 6N.-The Quebec Land Slide of September 19, 1889. Illus- trated and technically explained. Eead before the Cana- dian Association of Civil Engineers, Montreal, and pu- blished in the Transactions of the Society, 1893. 8vo., pp. 33. 69. — l^etaining Walls. The defects in the new dock walls at the Louise Basin, Quebec. Canadian Engineering JS'ews, Montreal. 70. — Technical Education of the People in Untechnical Lan- guage. Eead before Section II, of the Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, May, 1894. Quebec: C. Darveau. 1894 8vo., pp. 42. ADDENDA 71. — Tlie fall of the Louisville and Jeffersonville bridge — The " Engineering Record " Xew York, page 113. January j 1894. 72. — Quebec in 1894— The Winter Carnival, The Ice Palac^ " The Canadian Architect and Builder " Toronto with engraving, January 1894, page 16. i 73. — The St. Ann's Land Slide, with diagrams. The Canadian Archit.ect and Builder — June 1894, page 77. | 74. — Municipal Electric Lighting—" The Canadian Engineer.* January 1895, page 262. f 7*5. — Effect on the St. Lawrence of the proposed deviation of a portion of its waters towards the Gu'f of Mexico by the ^o called Chic.igo drainage canal now in process of execu- tion. " The Canadian Architect and Builder." January 1895, page 5. Also letters in the Quebec Mercury, Tele- graph, Chroniele, L'Electeur and L' Evenenient, and in the Montreal Star and reproduced by other papers. 70. — Municipal Electric Lighting — " The Canadian Electrical News," page 19 Feby. 1895. __ - - — 9 — 77. — Velocity aud pressure of the Wind. " The Canadian Engineer." Feby. 1895, page 291. 78. — Effect of American Drainage Work on Canadian Indus- tries. " The Canadian Architect and Builder. March 1895, page 48. 79. — The Ball Nozzle Mystery. " The AVestern Firemen and Journal of Public Work." Chicago March 1895 page 253. 80.— Hudson Bay — Proposed utilization of its land and water ressources — A new colony, a railway to reach it— Read before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec — 7th March 1895 : C. Darveau. Oct. pp. 33. M. — The Shrinkage and Swelling of excavated mateiial. " The Canadian Engineer." Toronto April 1895, page 338. 8'3. — The Allard process of Hardening copper and aluminum. " The Canadian Engineer. April 1895, page 348. ?^3. — An invasion of our riparian rights. "The Canadian Engi- neer." April 1895, pages 249 and 257. 8 4. — The Bouzey (France) dam failure (130 lives lost) and tlie Quebec land-slide compared. " The Canadian Engineer." July 1895, page 59 with diagrams. 8o, — Bribery, Boodling, Hypocrisy, Fraud and Humbug; Pro- fessional fees aud charges — Pecuniary Eihics. Read before the Province of Quebec Association of Archi- tects, by C. Baillairge, President, at the annual meeting of the Society. Oct. 2 1895, at the Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Quebec : C. Darveau, Quebec, Oct. p[.. 63. 86. —On the bearing and resisting strength of structures aud that of their component parts and nuilerials. Read before the Province of Quebec Association of Architects, annual meeting Chateau Frontenac. Oct. 2, 1895. — C. Darveau, Quebec. Oct. pp. 26. — 10 — 87. — Adresse de bienveuue aux Arfchitr-rto de Montreal . — assemble geii^rale teiiue au Chateau ^: tenac, Quebec le 2 oct. 1S95. Quebec C. Darveau — Oct pp. 8. 88, — Address of welcome to the Montreal "Section of Canadian Architects. — Annual meeting of the Society. — Chateau Frontenac Quebec — Oct. 2, 1895 — Quebec C Darveau Oct. pp. 8.