IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. o ^ .^ii. is ^ !.'(>-*,'> /Ojii' r * 13 Which were born, not of blood, nox! of the will of the fl;?{h, nor of the will of ma% but pf God. / , ' 14 And the word was made flefh, and d'weft ambng us^ (and we beheld his glory, the glory as^ of th^ only-begotten of the Father,) fuU of grace and truth. . > ^ ■. •■/^ . ■ ■>■'■>. • •- - :-.-•• ' 15' f John bare wknefs of him, wTcrJipd, fay- ing,Thiswas he of whom J fpake, He that corhetli* r. ! r^*.«./vj u^Cr^-rr^ rt\o* ^nr Vip w^s befQDS^ aiLCr lUC i'O. piviCiACvi i.fWVA*- *ii»* ^ ----- — - "- - .: me.> 5 16 Ot oni tsi ranKnon tsinyakyon wakwaycn^i ok oni gracia ne gracia. 17 Iken ne yoghtywenratfera f'hongwarigliwa- wi ne Mofes, ok nene graeia ok oni ne togeniketf- era ne Jefus Chriftus, ne rarlghwayendatye. 18 Yagh onguiia n'ongwe te hpnwaken ne Ye- hovah, katke kiok, ne ne raonha-on rodewedon ro* hilwak nene ranaskwagon ne ranihha yehenderon^ raonha naah ne rorighhowanaghton. ' 19 Nene ken tsimhoyeren ne John, ethone ne Jewihaga, waChakodinhane (Cohena-fon'»-) ok pni Levi tes Jerufalemhe n'ahonwarighwanondonfe jDnghka n'ife. ^^v*.. k.t/ 20 Ok wahhadaddodaghfyen, yaghten hodpnhi^ 1 ye, ok wahhearon;, yagh n'iihjtegen ne Qhriftus. ^i,:- 21 Ok farihonwarighwanondonfe, onghka kadi> Ife ken Elias? ok rawen yagliten, Ke ke.]^,n'ctha • Prophet ? ok wahhenron yagliten* 5 ^^.^,r\ ,' ^Kyc, 22 Ethone fi^ihonwenhaghfe, onghka nife ? nene cntfyakhighrory ne youkhi»ha-on, pghnaUi5)teii * iadaddenadonghkwa. ,4^ r , ^; ^ 23 Wahhenron, lih naah ne yewennodatye J^ar- hagon, tfyathahhagwarighfyon, ne raohahha ne , E.awen«iiyoh tsiHihoyeren ne. Prophet Efaias. 24 Rononha ne ne ronwadinha-on, nene.^tsini-' AadfceniTOghk>|enjfie Pharifee3.. . . , . 25 Ok fahhonwarighwanondonfe, fahhonwen- haghfe, ogh kadi ne yotyeren tsiwafheyatife togat < 4 ) ' i6 And of Jjis fBbefs have aU we recelved, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was glvcn by Mofes, but grace and truth came l>y Jefus Chrift. 18 Noman hath fecn God at any time: the only-begotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Fatber, he hath declared him. 19 And tbis is the xecord of Jobn, when the Jfiws fentpriefts and Levites £rom JerufUem to aflt him, who art thou ? Qp And he confeflbd^ and deiiied not: but con- *ieifk, I airi W the Chrift. ii And they aiked him, What tben ? Art thpu VElias^'? And he faith, I am not. Axt diou that ■'pTophet? and he anfwered, No- 22 Then iM they unto him, Who art Aou ? tbat we may give an anfw^- txx them that feni us> ■Wrjigtt fayeft thou of thyfelf ? 22 He feid, I am the vjoke of one crying,. m ^%e wildernefs, Make ftr^ight the way of the Lor4> ^^•^faidthe profhetEfaias.. ' ';-' 24 ALiid they which were feilt were uf the Pha- ^:>j^ ^m itees : 2c And tfiev a&ed hxm and Cald 'uato^ Hna^ ;•/ ■O^ >J ^i^i; '^Q -^ Q> • ^mmm^^tmm^ i s ) nonken yagh ife tegen ne Chriftus yaghoni n'Elia* yaghom ne etho Prophet ? , . / 26 John tentahhadady, rawen, oghneganons kat- ha tsi wakheyatife ok n'ctho wadogen fewakenyade nene yaghten eghtsifev/ayenderi. 27 Raonha naah nene ok tehaknonderatye ok deghnon fenha ronwayadagwenniyofton, ne ne raonikaghjena yagh n'iih fadekenna tegen aontake- righfi. 28 Etho niyawen-on Bethabara tseragon fkaihh- «nhade nonga ne Jordan, tsinonwe ne John yeref- gwe f'hakoyatife-onhatye. 29 'Tsi wa-orhenne John tehoklnere Jefus karo • tehhaweghtane, ok wahhenron tfyatkaghtho ne Yehovah raofehhs nene eren tehhahhawightha ogh- whentjagwegon akorighwannerakfera. 39 Nene kenyagen ne kadonhaghkwe, enthak- fere ne rongwe nene wahonwahendenghfte, raon- ha fe tiutkon tsi rahhenndon tsi ronhe. f.,^ ,--„■ ,4 3 r Yaghten hiyenderighne ok onen- tsi kerigh- w?yenderi ne naah enhonwarighhowanaghte Ifrael- ne, ne kadi wahhone kengh ike oghneganoughg ■ katha si (kenohharehha) keyatifen-on hattye.* ^a Npe John rorighhowanaghton, rawen, wak- * Baptifi tsiniyewenoten tyorhenfliaga, vaweght ye- don ayenohhare ne karighwanerakfera onen aonfkyon- dattrewaght ne kadi niih tsini dewawenot:n avontlf^ eoiieahak. ( 5 ) Why baptizeft thou then, if tliou 1301101: that Chrift, nor Elias, neither that prophet ? . " 26 John anfwered them faying, I baptize with water : but there ftandeth one among you, whom ye know not ; 27 He it is who coming after me, is preferred before me, whofe fhoes latchet I am not worthy to unloofe. 28 Thefe things were done in Bethabara be-^ yond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 29 The next day John feeth Jefus coming untp^ him, and faith, Behold the Lamb 01 God whicK taketh away the fin of the world. '>im::ifr^ ot 30 This is he of whom I faid, After hiQ cometh a man which is preferred before me y for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not : but'tliatlie fliould be made manifeft to Ifrael, therefore am I come bap- tizing with water. ' '' "^'^*^^''*^ 32 And John bare record, fayiiig, I faw the '^> "■ {. > ( *;. i- ■ -t.x'if/ f, ,v '>. rrrr?: >'* ...^,. ^j,,0tm>m»*-^ '37 And tlie two difciples heard him fpeak, and they followed Jelus. . .-. . 38 Then Jcfus tiorned, aiad faw them foliowing^ and faith unto them, "What feek ye? They faid imto him, Rabbi, (which is to fay, being 4ater. pr^ed, Mafter,) whene dwelleft t? lu? 39 He faith unto them, Come and fee. They came and faw wh^re he dwek, and abode widt him that day ; for it was about the tenth hmi^. .. .. ■ ' ■ ■ - . 1)» n^>» ■ Ou^- S ^SL ^— ^ «jrJ^i>T^ 1i£»'3rr1 TohTv ^inea^. A\j \JIVC Kji. LiJ.V, c »» v/ <,, 5.^^--.- J ~ X ~ •■and foUowed him, was Andrew, Sim«a Petcr*» ( 7 ) Andrew nene yaddaddegen-ou Simon Gwider. 41 Nyare wahhoyadatfhenry ne yadaddegen, Si- mon ok wahhoghrory, onen yaghfakwayadatfhenr- yon ne Meffias, ne naah* ne tayewennadene he Chriftus (nene Karonghyage f'hongwahawighton.) 42 Ok wahhoyathewe Jefusne, ok ne onen Je- fus wahhotkaghtho, wahhenron, ife naah ne Sil mon ne Jona royeah, enyefayatfliek Cephas, ne naah ne tekawennadenyon, onenya. "^? ^^y waorhene Jefus wahhadondaghgwane Galilee tseragon niyehhare, ethone wahhoyadatf- henrePhilip ok wahhoyenhaghfe,taknonderatyeght. ^ 44 Bethfaida-haga-kenghne ne PJiilip, ne Saka- Mdat fighninakere ne Andrew ok oni Peter, ■" ' 45 Phi^ip wahhoyadatfhenre Nathanael, ok wah- hoyenhaghfe, waghfagwayadatfhenryon raonha ne ne Mofes fhongwanadoni tsi roghyadon ne waght- yawenratfera, ok oni: ne Prophethogon yonkhirigh^ wawe, Jefus Nazarethaga nene Jofeph royeah. ^ 46 Ok Nathanael fahhenron wadons ken ne ka- righwiyo Nazaret nonga aontakayenghtaghkwe ? Phihp tenfahhenron kats, ok faderighwatkaghtho. 47 Jefus tehokanere Nathanael tsitare, ok wah- hodon, tsyatkaghtho nene Ifraelhaga nene togenfke jaghten hori wayen ne wahhetken. 48 Nathanael tentahhawenhaghfe, oghna-aWen- fi takyenderi? Jefus' tehtahhadady ok rawen, arek^ ho fitaghyenonke Philip, aghfon fi ighfefe kane^ ( 7 ) ider. jgen, Si- latfhenr- dene he ighton.) )nen Je- 1 ne Si- has, ne hgAvane Dyadatf- ityeght. e Saka- ►k wah- nha ne waght- hirigh** ah, ne ka- hkwe ? [htho.' k wah- genfke i-aVen sirek- kane- brother. 41 He firfl. findeth his own brother Simon, and faith 'unto him, We have found the Meflias, which is, being interpreted, the Chrifl:. 1 »*^« f*. 42 And he brought him to Jefus. And when Jefus beheld him, he faid, Thou art Simon, the fon of Jona : thou fliall: be called Cephas, which js by interpretation, A fl:one. 4-^ The day following Jefus would go forth intQ Galilee,' and findeth Philip, and faith unto him, follow me. 44 Now Philip was of Bethfaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. ^, , k,. / ,., ... ^ . ^ 45 Philip findeth i^athianael, and faitK unto him, We have found him of whom Mofes in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jefus of Nazareth, the fonof Jofeph* lif^'^VCM .1,-i.A 46 And Nathanael faid unto him, Cai| there arxy good.thing come out of Nazareth ? PKilip laith uiito f^im, Come and fee. ; . . 47 Jefus faw Nathanael coming to him, and faith of him, Behpld an Ifraelit^ indeed, in whom isnoguile. . ,.;.,:;■ -VVhBt 48 Nathanael faith unto him, ■Whence Ifcnovreft thou me? Jefus anfwered and J^d jnto . lun}, ^ tJiJ^uS* :*y f'-l ihi t, ^ »As *^ ^yiuun 10 (d 6 uui 01 mmmmm ( 8 ) «ghtogon ne kerrhide waghylyofe ok fi tekofci- 50 Mns te«ta&had% ok waghrenhaghfe, ne ken aorfwa t« wafcen, tekok Wghkwe ui igMt kane^ghtogon n, waghyiyofe kerrhide, tefeghta«h. kon ken ? fenha karlghhowanenghfe enfatkaghSo tmiyoght n'etho. ^^^ flce jakcghron. onwa oghnagen enfe Jtkagbtho em^oronghyokarWen, ok ne Niyoh raotyonghkwr ne karonghyageghronon eneken yakaweghtc^aty: «* f onts«enghtonhatye t« ire ne ongwe ronwayeal! liiii m CHAP. II. ^l' fakharakc'we ne TempletteragGn. ^ QK ne Aghfen ne weghniferagehhadont egh. V^ yakodenyodaghkwe tsi wa-^onyake tsi fcanL- '!!L"^. ""r G^^'^etseragon ok n/jefu. ronif, ^viiiici yeyaaarernkwe. ( 8 ) \cfote that Phnrp called thee, when thou waft mder the fig-tree, I faw thee. 49 Nathaitael anfwered and faith unta him, Labhi, thou att the Son of God; thou ait the dngoflfrael. eo Mm anfwered and faith unto him, Becaufe f^id tmto th^e, I faw thee under the fig-treey )elieveft thou ? thou flialt fee greater things thai* thrf^: .-.vf-Hr*-' ^^t ; And he faith unto him, Verily, verily, I fay into fcm, H^eafter, ' f e Ihaft fee heaven open, md fhe angeh of God afcending and defcending rpdrf 1*^ Sott c>f man. *.i'3W »----* '--^•^ ' CHAP. n. I CiriJI iurneth ivater into winej la ieparfeth inio CapeMktki and Jerujalem'; 13 and purgeth the temple. AND tbe third day there wa* a marriage in ^ Cana of GaHlee : and the mother of Jc^s ' ^tro d fVi (fTO^ MVJ *AA--.-a ■s.-s \ i 9 ) 2 Jefus qk pni ne raotyoghkwa egh oni ronwa- dighnonken tsf yakodennyode. , 3 Qk ethone tsi waliondokten ne wine, ne Jefus ronifdenha xj^ahJ^oyenhaghfe, yaghten f'hodiyen ne Wine. 4 Jefus faghihakawenhaghfe, fenheghtyen ogh- nahhoten katfteriftaghkwa tsJniferighhoten, arek- | ho fe te wakaderighwihhawife. 5 Ne Ronifdenha wa-akawenhaghfe ne yondad- denhafe, tsioknahhoten enghtsifewenhaghfe, egh- n'enfewayere. 6 Neoni etho waeyen yayak ne onenyage yegh- negaraghkwatha, yaweght tsiniyeweyen^ten ne Jewfaga tsi waondyadohharehha ne ne toghka ffal- lon enwedake. ,7 Jefus waghs'hakawenhaghfe. fewanaghne ne yeghnegaraghkwathaogon oghneganoghs, ok wa- enaghne. 8 Ok waghs'hakawenhaghfe, fewaghnegadaghk- wen ok eghfewahhawighte tsidhenderon ne ratfte- riftha n'adennyode, ok egh wa-ehhawighte. .,9 Ne onen ne ratfteriftha tsiyakodennyode rot- kenfe n'oghneganoghs nene wine yaweght yodon, ok yaghten hodogenfe tsinonwe tayehhawe: (ok ne jronwadinhafe nene radighnegadaghkwen ronader- yendare nene) ne ratfteriftha n'ad^nnyode tahho- ■nnnlrA nono r^ff-rm ...^1.1 -^ _ i .,, 10 Ok waghrenhaghfe, agwegon n'ongwe ya- >ni ronwa* »3 ne Jefus Lodiyen ne tyen ogh- en, arek- s yondad- ;hfe, egh- age yegh- noten ne >ghka gal- aghne ne >. ok wa- Jgadaghk- ne ratfte- te. . . yode rot- yod6n,ok : (ok ne ronader- le tahho- ( $ ) 2 And both Jrfus tras called anH his difcipiw ta thfe marriage. ' . • . 3 And wheft ihey wanted wine, the moth«r of M Jefus faith unto him, They have na winc. 4 Jefas faith unto her, Woraan, what have i to do with thee ? mine hour i* not yet come, 5 His mother faith unto the femnti, Whatfo* ever he faith unto you, do it. 6 And thcre were fet therc fix wateiv»potff of ftone after the manner of the purifying of tbe jiews, containing two or threc firkins apiecc. .■^fv^ 7 Jefus faith unto them, Fill the water-pqt9 , with water. And thcy fiUed them up lo thc htiml > 8 Andks faith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto thc governor of the fcaft. And iheY bareit. '^''^''' 9 When tlie ruler of the fcaft had taftcd the water that was made wine> and knew not TvhenCe it was: but thc fervants which drew tl^e water knewj tlie governor of the feaft calkd the biide- groom, ■ ' ■ , ■ ■'■''■■ ■' tit^/^5;i igwe ya- And faith unto him, Everyman at tjie bc- .. r. e ( «0 ) W^trflsidyodaghawen ethone waegeron ne kagh- negiyofe; ok onen, tsi efo yakoghnegiren ethoia© nene tyodokte, ok ife denghnon ok on^t^a wafa- daghfyon ne kaghneglyo. Ci lt« Nene kengayen tsidyorighwaghfawen ne yoneghragwaghtenyon n*aorihh6ten, tsidkanada- yen ne Cana ne Gahleetseragon etho ne hoyerea ne Jefus, ok waonderighhowanaghte raogloria, ok ne raotyoghkwa teyakaweghdaghkon. : :12 % Oghnagenke raonha, ne ronifdenha, ron- daddegen ogonwa ok oni ne raotyoghkwa, egh wahhcneghte Capernaum ok yaghefo egh te ho- deghniferokten. bftL2 -^ Ok onontohha enwaderighwilihetire tie rao- deghnifera ne Jewfhaga nene eren wa-tondongc^hte (ne paflbver), ok Jefus Jerufalemne yehharawe. iJ{ii4jOk kanonghfagon n'ononghfad^gbnghte ne Templer egh waghfhakorane ne rononha tie ron* deaghninons ve tehunhenfkwara, teyodinagarQndtJii ok oni ooride, ohi ne rondaddawighs n'oghwifda, ethp radideron. • .-15 Qk ne onen waghroni ne yeghfoghkvrawifla. ^aghtai atfl:e waghshakoyadinnegenhony ok' oni ^ tjsyqdinagarondon ok ne tehunhenfkwara ; .x)k wah4 hawerenton ne raodigh^ifda,^ oni wahh^tkaxhatha ne attegwaraghhogon. 3fAgS Ok%Tahf hakawenhaghfe, tte ooride rondeagh- ninoris^ oren fe^ahhawighto* ne kengayen^- nenfe ne kagh- n ethoae rt^a wafa- wen ne dkanada- I hoyerea loria, ok iha, ron- wa, eghs h te ho- -e He rao- ongc^ht^ irawe. ighte ne 8 tie roK- ^aroncbii ghwifda, Atawifla. )k onifne .X)k 5H^ahi4 ka^hatha jndengh- n^- ni^ne ( It ) ginmngdoth fet forth good winev and wh^n iftcft Ihave well drunk, then that which is worfe ; but [thou haft kept the good wine until now. 1 1 This beginning of miracles did Jefus in Cana !of Galilee, and manifefted forth his glory: and his difciples believed on him. 12 ^ After this he went down to Capemaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his dif# ciples : and they continued there not many days. 13 f And the Jews paflbver was at hand, and Jefus went up to Jerufalem, 14 And found in the temple thofe thslt fold oxen and fheep and doves, and the cliangers of money fitting; . * . nf./Hn.!t.fv,b oni'» 15 And when he had made a fcourge of fmall cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the flxeep, and the oxenj and poured out the changers* money and overthrew the tables y * u>^a;^ i j 7; fai ^/-fji^ttH riJT 16 And faid unto them that fold doves, Take thefc thbgs hence ; make not my Father's houiiEi ^ tt ) TislkefJJHhg M rdHdttghfede toghfa etho eiikefthak trf yoftdeaghninonfha. '17 Ok fahhoneghyifane fte woty^nghkwsfc tai kaghyadon, tsini yoghikenha ne fanonghfode ne ydlik\tdrlrtda*on tslkotlhe- : ' 'f 8 1f Ok tahhondddy ne Jewfliaga Mrahhoilwen- haghfe, oghnahhoten adetitiag^aghton jtflcMfrari^* donhaghfe tsi kengh ne fatyerha. "" ':• \ ; 19 Jefustentahhadady.ok waghPhakawenhaghfe, ftl^dtiaflghfai'ighsy rtt? kengagen Temple, ok aghfen liiWeghniferage enfi^keketlkwen* ^6 Eihone wahhdnircn iie Jewfhagai kiiyeri ni- yoghferaghfen ok yayak yawenri tsinahhe waewe- yertend^tie tie kehgayen t€niple> 6k ife aghiea ken ne weghniferage ok enfeketfkwen. 21 Ok raonha ne radadditr : r.e raoyeronke ya- Wfeght tte temple* hf."^^ Ethorte kudi tsi fhotkeficweh tdt rawerthe- yoghne, ne Tactyoghkwa fahhoneghyarane tsi ne kengayen waghfhakawenni ok wathoneghtaghkon ne kaghyadoghferadogenghte ok ne ne Jefus tc- IldW^nilirtegeOn. '^ t^'lthoiilf t^i eghyi^refgwe Jerufalerti, ne tsi ereti waCrtdongbghte tsi waondertnyodefi, efo wat- jhoneghtagkon ne Tabghfenttagort, ethone tSi wah- hontkaehtho ne vorighwannefrhra^wae^ht tsinihot* yeren. c"^a^ Oitdthghftott Jefus y^ghten kjdadyadodaghf- ( ^ } 10 enkefthak "^ji houfe cf merchanclife. ^nghkwa tsi nghfode ne irahhoiwen- :wenhaghfe, », ok aghfen I kiiyeri ni- ihe waewe* aghiea ken 17 And his difc^le* remcmbcred tlat it was. rrittcn, The zcal of thine honfe hith catcn me up. 18 Then anfwered the Jews, and faid unta hm, What fign fheweft thou unto us, feeing that thou doeil thefe thing« ? 19 Jcfus anfwcred and faid unto them, Deftroy ^tliis temple, and i 1 three days I will raife it up. ' 2a Then faid the Jews, Forty and fix years was, this temple in building, and wilt tliou rear it up in three days? eronke ya- H i 2i But he fpaie c£ the temple of his bodjr* •4 2% When therefore he was rifen from the dead bis difciples remembered that he had iaid tlus. mAo thOTt: and they believ^d the fcripturc^, md. ihc word whidi Jefus had faid. 2.3 Now when he was in Jerufcilem at tjle paflJ' mer in the f«aft-day, m«ny believed in his napie, «rhen they faw the miracks -which he diGU ^ l-juiixiiic> £'4*//rur- u' .'24> But Jefus ixAmt comjoiit htm&if u^o themy { S2 ) jon rononhage, ne wahhone tsirhakoyenderhe-on| agwegon n'ongwe. ,io ^5 ^Tagh oni tehodoghwhenjonighm ahonwagh-j Tory tsiniyought n'ongwe; iken roderyendare tsi nahhoten ongweghne iddewat. • tf. «* CHAP. IIL \^ %\\: i IL ■ I S*Ilayadat ne rongwe tsini kentyoghkoten ne Pharifees, Nicodemus ronwayatlkwe rako'Siira- rxen ne ne Jewfhaga. ti Ne fagat egh wareght Jefusne Aghfenthenge, ok wahhawenhaghfcj Rabbi, wakwayenderene fe- righhonyeni Niyoghne tefyenghtaghkwe, iken yagh onghka n'ongwe t'ayegweni etho ne- eyere tsiniyo-^ righwaneghragwaghte ne fatyerha, togat yagh Ni- yoh t'aghnefekc. 3 Jefus tentahhadady ok wahhawenhaghfe, to- genflce, togenike onwe, wakoghrbri, togat yagh afe t'enflionwadewcdon yaghten ahagweai ahatkagh- &4iv/ iiv< i iiliJ Y iciiiV'i iov^i ci iiC x~il.j"\jii» •4 Nicodcnxus wahhawenhaghfe; oghna-awen en- ( 12 ) jcaufe he knew all men, 25 And needed not that any fliould teftify of tan? for he knew what was m man^ioTiiiia^. CHAP. III. %-ifi teachth Nkodemus the necejftty of regeneratiofu 22 The baptifm, ivitnefs, and doclrine of John con- cermng Chnjl* r«i-awenen- IHERE was a man of the Pharifees liamed Nicodemus, a ruler of ihe Jews: . •Hl ■'v rt ''■■-• ^'' ''<'> r-" ...2 The fame came to Jefus by night, and faid Lnto hitn, Rabbi, Ave know that thou art a.te*cher Lcoine from God: for no mancan do thefe miraGles [that thou doeft, except God be with him. '««rff| ■**■!'•• 3 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, VeTily, ^eray i fay unto thee, Except a man be born Lgaiii, he cannot fee the kingdom of God. ^m^^^ ,Ct^:.'$>''' 'ri l^f-4; Nicodemus feith unto him, How Wl man m ( '% ) fiionwadewedon ne rongw<^ onen tm rokften, ab^g- weny ken ne tekenihadont enfhadaweyat tsiwadewe- donghkwa rteroniftenha ok aonfahonwadewedon ? 5 Jefus t ^ntahhady, togenflce, agwagh togenfke wakoghrori togat ne rongwe yaght'enfhonwadewe- don oghneganoghfne, ok oni kanigonghriyoftoghne, yaghten ahagweni enhadaweyat tsi raoyanertsera ne Niyoh. 6 Tsi ok nahhoten waondewedon tsiniyought n'owaron> owaron naah; ok nene waondewedon tsiniyought ne kanigonra kanigonra naah. 7 Toghfa faneghrago tsi waken, ufe enyetfhiya- dewedon. ^ * ''^"^ Nene ok tekawenniyoh tsi yaodadyefe, bk fat- honde tsi karitftare, yagh denghnon te fadogenfe tsinidyawenofl tsi ohi ne yawenonha'tye egh kadi niyought agwegon waondaddewedon ne Kani- ^onhgriyoftbghne. . • ■ 'ijy Nicodemus tentahhadady ok wahhawenhagiife oghna-awenne ne kengayeii. lo Jefus teharighwaCerjigon ok wahhawenhs^gh- 'fe, iikowanen kadi ken ne Ifraelhaga, ok yaghten ferighwayenderi ne kengayen. , •■ii Togeitlke, togeti&e oawe, wakoghrory, wa- kwaghtharagivkwen ne ne yakwarighwayenderi, ok fayakwatrory ne nahhoten wakwatkaghtho, yagh- oni te fewatfteriftha tsini yakwarighhoten. ' i a Te^t noiiken wakwaghrory t^iniyoderiM'ay en --# 'w. ( «1 ) Uom^hen he U old? oui heentertbe tod ,ne ioto kis mother's womb, a»OTa of the Spirit- p Nicodemus anf^^red and h\d unto Mm, Hovr lcan thefe things be ? » . J „., ^ 10 lefus anfwered ani faid unto hun, -Art Aou la mafter of Kiael. and knoweft not thefc tlungs? ,1 VerUy. verUy I (ay unto thee,^ We fpeak .that we do know. and teftify that we h^v^^m ' and ye receive not owr witijef^ • T' »r 'J 'iciLTv'ii 12 If I have told you earlWx jbiiWSj and ye { H ) ri'oghwhcnjalge ok yaghten tefeWeghtaghkon, ogh. ^U, nen-awen aontefeweghtaghkon nene enkwaghrory *||l^a' tsinikarrihhoten ne Karonyage ? "4 /ii*lf3 ' Yagh onghka ti'ongwe eneken teyalcawenon- ghton Karonyage ok ne raonha n'egh thoyenghtagh- kwen neKaronyage ne naah ne tongwe ronwayeahi ue ne Karonyage yehenderon. 14 Ok tsiniyought ne Mofcs t*hoketfkwen n'on- yare karhagon, etho oni nen yawenne n'ongwe ron- i v/aye-ah enhonwaketfkwen. ^ ■. t 15 Nene onghka kiok teyakawejhdaghkon ra- bnhage yaghten a-ongh mde ok rodiyen ae eterna adonheta. 16 Iken ne Yehovah egh ne rhakonoronghkwa n'ongwe, nene rodewendeghton nene raophaon ro- dewedon rohhawak, nene onghka kiok teyaka- weghdaghkon raonhage yaghten a-onghtonde, oki denghnon aontehodiyendane ne eterna adonheta. V J7 Iken Niyoh yaghten yehonha-on ne roye^ah n'oghwhentjage ongweghne nene enfhakodewen"* deghte n'ongwe, ok nene aontyefenhak raonha| raoriwa n'ongwe enfhonwadiyadagon. i 18 Raonha nenc tehhaweghtaghkon raonhage yaghten enhonwadewenndeght, cfc raonha nene yilghten tehaweghtaghkon a onen fi ronwadewenn«^' deghton, ne wahhoni tsi yaghten tehaweghtagh- kon ne raoghfenagon ne raonha-on rodewedon rohhavvak n6 Yehovah. { u ) ghkon, ogi. leUeve not, how Aall ye belleve xf I tell yo« of inkwaghrory .^avenly things? ' ,\ . ■ ' ■■ ^yalc^enon. i. And no man hath afcended up to heayen .oyenghtagh, ^ut he that came down from heaven, even the bon e ronwayeah ^f man, which is in heaven. tfkwen n'on- i'oiigwe ron- \ln\ daghkon ra- sn ne etern?i| noronghkwa raophaon ro4 aok teyalfa,:* ghtonde, oki adonheta. 1 ne rbyes^ah fliakodewenf ihak raonha )n rabnhage ■aonha nene? iiwadewenn«* laweghtagh^ rodewedon 14 And as Mofes lifted up the ferpent in the wJerneft, even fo muft the Son of man be hfted '^'j That whofoever believeth in him fhould not ierifh, but have eternal life. t6 For God fo loved tbe world, that he gave .iS only-begotten Son, that whofoever beheveth m um ftould not periQi, but have everlaftmg hfe. T, For God fent not his Son into the world to :ondemn.the world, but that the world through limmightbe faved. i8 He thatbeheveth on him is not condemned: ,ut he that beUevethi not is cbndcmned already, .ecanfe he hath not believed in the name of the [only-begotten boa ot l?ocu rfe^Cf l^'^^* ^Jft- Ji^w^i^^i^' Mrtli ..«Miai«l->.ia».«ii«^»jY-.^.|«iM|W.«aj„-i^ ( y ) 19 Ok kcngh nen yawen tsi waondaiJewena. cleght, nene kaghfwathetfera wa-onwe n'oghwJi«^ gage, ok n'ongwe fenliha wa-enonwene tsi tyoka. ras tsiniyought tsidyognfwathet, n^ wahhoni tsi jtarighwakfep tsinihontyerha. 20 Iken agwegon ne wahlietken yontftcriilha, yeghfwenghfe tsi teyoghfwathet, yaghoni t'enyOn. .we tsi deyoghfwathet togat nonken tsini yantyerha .aooteyerighwatldede^^hteai, 21 Ok raonhha nene togenlke tekarighwayeri -tsinihaty^lw egh^ijtreghte tsi deyoghfwathet, nenc aontyefenhak ^ tsinihatyerija aonderighhowanaghte, tsi Rawenniyoge ne kaweyenenda-on : ;f . 22, f OgJinagenge Jefus ok rie raotyonghkwa .wahhonewe Jnd^atferigoii : ojk egh yehwe^we, ok waghrhaboyatile* 23 John oni f 'hakoyatlfen-onhatye Enontferagon nene Salem niyore-ah, iken efo egh kaghnegayen ^ighkwe pni egh wahjionewe ok wahhoHwaciiyadfe. ^ 24 Iken John arekho te ronwayadiuymten tsi yondaddenhodonghkwa. 25 Ethone watyorighwakedodhen wathonderigh- wa£e,nm oddyake m JpJin xactyo»ghkwa, ok ne Jewfhaga tsinayoughton enyondadyadohharehha. , 26 Ok eghwahhonewe Johmic, ok wahhoiiwen- haghfe, Rabbi, raonha neae yeharawe tsiyefefgwe Jordan ifi noi .^adih. nene wafatrori fciKormliK.on- den n'etlio fagat rhakoyatifen-onliatye, ok 'i» ongwe (hddeweuth. le tsi tyokavl vrahhoni tsi ontftcrillha, )ni t'enyon- i yantyerha arighwaycri athet, nencSii owanaghte, (tyonghkwa lontferagon' ighnegayen wadiyatife^ jymten td honderigh- w^9 ok nef liarehha. dahoiiwen- jsiyefefgwe rhKi ( ^5 ) lo And thls is Aecondemnatlon.that^liglit is Z tnto the world. .nd men loved d.rkncfs Slerthan Itght, becaufe their deeds vrere e^-1. t .0 For erery one th.t doeth evU hateth the ,ht. neither cometh to the light, left h.« deed. bould be rcproved. ,x Dut he that doeth «uth .cometk to Ae ^ght, that his deeds may be made manifeft, that iey are wrought in God. ^ . i H After thefe things came Jefus.«id Ins llfciples into the land of Judea-, and there be «'ied with them, and baptized. ac And John alfo was baptizing in Enon, «ear ^ Salim-, becaufe there was much wat^f there: ^nd they came, and were baptizeti. i 2+ For John was not yet eaft mto pnloft. . ic Then there arofe a queftion between fome of fohn's difciples and tlie Jews about punfymg, . a6 And they came unto John, and MA unto lim, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, .„ ,„»,„n, .hou beareft witnefs, behold, the fame ok ongwe "-'ims/tmm i i6 } ^ hogon eghwaonderoroke raonhhage. * i iqr, '27 Ok John teharighwaferagon, rawen^ yagV nahhoten t'enhoyendane n'ongwe, ne ok ne JCaron- yage aontahhonwawih. 28 Ife fewarighwayenderi nene waken, yagli^ niih degen ne Chriftus ok ne raohhendon yeyonk, enha-on. .,/,^11 29 Raonha ne waghyatye ne kayadafe ne naah wahhonyake: ok denghnon ne yadenron ne ronya-. kon nene tsi egh irade rowenna thonde efo waha« donharen, ne aoriwa ne raowenna ne ronyakon. Ne kengayen kadi nonwa watkayerine tsi niih ne wakaTi donharen. 30 Raonha enhakowanha, ok iih enfewaderagon. 3 1 Raonha nene enegen t'hoyenghtaghkwen ag- wegon fhakodongoghtenni, nene oghwhentjage ranakere etho yaweght ne hayadoten ok oni ne oghwhentja roghtharaghkwen, ok ne Karcnyage. t'hoyenghtaghkwe, agwegon yef'hakodongoghten. 32 Ok ne nahhoten rotkaghtho oni rothonde, ne rarighwatroryatha ok yagh onghka te yakoyena tsinihorighhoten, 33 Raonha nene royena tsinihorighhoten rowe- yenenda-on ne raonigonragon tsi togenike naah ne Niyoh. 34 Iken raonha nene Niyoh ronha-on, nene ra- owenna-opon n€ Nivol-* fph^^xrf>nty\nr^rtt^rt^r^v^x^r^4..,^ iken ne Niyoh yaghten ne adenyendenfta tehotyera^ t: )t^ 2l rt Im 2< tt id 'li tle u \$ i i L' ■' ( i6 ) wen^ yagF i ne JCaron- Lken, yagli on yeyonk^ ife ne naali i ne ronya- efo waha- yakon. Ne fi ne waka-s vaderagon. hkwen ag- iwhentjage ok oni ne Karonyage. ngoghten. rothondei J yakoyena )ten rowe- e naah ne , nene ra- tehotyera-»- lotizeth, and all men come to Inm- /» JL John iinfwered and faid, A man can xeceive l.thbg, except it be given him f rom heaveo. : «2« Ye yourfelves bear me witnefs that I faid, I * not the Chrift, but thatJt. am fent before ^ He that hath the btide is the brid^oom^: &,t the friend of the bridegroom, which ftandeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly becaufe of the bridegroom's voice. This my joy therefore is ful., filled. ■>-5Yi;> 'M ,0 He muft increafe, but I muft decreafc. . ot He that cometh from above is above all : he ,at is of the earth is earthly, and fpeaketh of the >rth ; he that cometh from heaven is above £^1. ■. ■■ • ■ \ i "l ■ '^ 32 And what he hath feen and heard, that he jftifieth-, and no man receiveth his teftimony. - 3.3 He that hath received^ his teftimony hath fet his feal that God is true. > 34 For he whom God hath fent fpeaketh the .._„j. „c n^A. w CqA glveth not the Spiritby ■ \' . ■ ' '' ) ''. ^ i.JMVJU.Ji, fi^^-^'- ■ ■' '■ ' ...■,''■ i i '^7 ) ton tsi ronigonghrawi. ^-^^fi mr^xf irivrzsmi ,:■ .%5 Iken nc Ranyiha ronoronghkwa ne royeah, ok yorighwagwegon ne rorighhondj'Cghton, - - ?{j| 36 P.aonha nene tehaweghtaghkon ne Royeah' ^ts^iyebenwe aghronheke^ ok nene yagliten teha^j weghtaghkon, yaghten enhatkaghtho ne yonhetfeW| ok ne raonakwenghfera Niyoh enhonwatyefe. ^rsasc-^sir:^ CHAP. IV. ETHone kadi wahhodogisfnfe ne Hoyanef ^ S rpnaghronken ne Pharifees si Jefus fenha wahhotyoghkwayendane ok wahf 'hakoyatlfe tsini- yught ne John. 2' Sine raonha ne Jefus yaghten wahf 'hakoyatife ok ne raotyonghkwa etho ne hodiyeren. • 3 Eren fareghtc ne Judea, ok fiaxawe Gallileets- eragon. 4 Ne kadi aoriwa Samaria nonga yehliodch- hetfton. . 5 Edione yehharawe tsl nonwc kanadaye Sama- riatseragon nene konwayats Sychar, ok niyoreah ij^ ( »7 ) ne rojreah, ne RoyeaV rhten telia. jFonhetfera^ tyefe. toyanef pi elus femia ratlfe tsini^ 'li^koyatifc Gallileets« leafure unto him. ne The Father loveth the Son, and hath ^ven tU things iftto his' ha)id. fd 36 He that believeth on the Son, hath everlaft- %ig life: and he th?t believeth not the Son Ihall |iot fee life ; but the wrrath of God abideth on him. Eiaye Dama- >k niyoreah CHAP. IV. I Chrijl talleth nvith a woman of Samaria. 27 His difciples marvel. 31 Chrijl's zeal for God*s glory. 43 He departeth itito Galike, and healeth the ruler's fon. HEN therefore the Lord knew how the Pharifees had heard that Jefus made aml aptized more difciples than John : :<.-Mi ' 2 (Though Jefus himfelf baptized not, but his ifciples,) 3 He left Judea, and departed again into Gali- e. yehliodch- M 4 And he muft needs go through Samaria. iiien cuineui i. tu «1 City Oi D^ sN ( i8 ) tsiyonkwenraxe n'oghwhenja nene Yakwek rowigh ne Roye-ah Jofeph. 6 Egh nonwe yekaghncgo ne Yakwek rokwa- thon, Jefus kadi tehowiflienheyon, tsi rathahhagh- J kwc, eghwahhatye akda tsi kaghnegon: nene yayak- j hadont hour tsiniyodeghniferine. 7 Egh wa-onwe nene Samaria-haga onheghtyen, nene yeghnegotfyenghtane. Jefus wahf'hakawen- haghfe, kaftia n'aknegira, 8 (Iken ne raotyonghkwa tsi kanadaye rone- nonghtone radighninonre n'adenatfera.) 9 Ethone tentahhonwenhaghfe, ne Saniaria-haga onheghten oghniyotyeren, Jewfhaga fe n'aghfyado- ten, ok ighfeghre enyonknegon n'aknegira, Sama- ria-haga fe niihj iken ne ne Jewfhaga yaghothenon tehondadfteriftha ne Samaria-haga. 10 Jefus t'hodady ok wahf 'hakawenhaghfe, togat nonken enferighwaycnderhen tsinif'hakawen ne Niyoh, ok nene onghka nonwa waghyenne kaftia n'aknegira-, ife denghnon aeghtfenegen ok agh- yaghnegon ne yonhe onwe ne kaghnegoten. 1 1 Nene Onheghtycn tentahhonwenhaghfe, Se- •wenniyoh, yaghnahhoten te fayen n'afnegojenght- hak, ok yoghfonwis tsi kaghnegon kah kadi entef- hawight n'etho ne yonhe onwe ne kaghnegoten. 12 Senha ken ighfliowanen tsiniyught n'eghtsi- dewanihha Yakwek, nene f'hongwawigh tsi kagh- negon, ok oni ne raonha ne f 'hakoyen-ongonwa, 'i. owigh •okwa- ihagh- J yayak- [htyen, ^awen- rone- ia-haga ifyado- Sama- thenon e, togat /m ne i kafha •k agh- ife, Se- jenght- i entef- Dten. * 'eghtsi- >i kagh- igonwa, ( 18 ) called Sychar, near to th^ parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his fon Jofeph. 6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jefus therefore being wearied with his journey, fat thus on the well. And it was about the fixth hour. 7 There cometh a woma.i of Samaria to draw water. Jefus faith unto her, Give me to drink. . 8 (For his difciples were gone away unto the x:ity to buy meat) 9 Then faith tlie woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou being a Jew, afkeft drink of me which am a woman of Samaria ? For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. 10 Jefus anfwered and faid unto her, If thou kneweft the gift of God, and who it is that faith •to thee, Give me to drink*, thou wouldeft have alked of him, and he would have given thee Hving water. 11 The woman faith unto him, Sir, thou haft nothing to draw with, and the well is deep : from whence then haft thou that hving water ? 12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank tliereof hinafelf, D2 h .^Jf.:^ ( t9 ) ©ni raodsena-ongon radighnegirhaghkwe ne fagat. ' 1 3 Jefus tehharighwaferagon ok rawen onghka kiok enhaghnegiren ne Ik&n ne ^aghnegoten, en- ihonyadadhenfe. 14 Ok ongiikakiok raghnegirhen oghneganoghs nene iih enhiyon yaghnonwendon t'enfahhonyadat- henfe ; ok ne oghneganoghs ne iih enhiyon ne cnkenhak ne yoghnawenrotte nene eghyaweghton- hatye tsinonwe tsiniyehenwe enyakonheke. 15 Nene onheghtyen tahhonwenhaghfe, Sewen- niyoh takon ne kengh ne kaghnegoten, nene yagh- ten enfewakonyadathenghfe yaghoni t'aonfeknega- kohha ne kentho. 16 Jefus wahf 'hakawenhaghfe, wa-as, yaghts- hinonk ne tefenideron ok karo tendafleneght. 17 Ok ne onheghtyen, tageriroh, yaghten wa- kenyakbn, Jefus wakf 'hakawenhaghfe, wateferigh- wayerite tsi waghsiron, yaghten wakenyakon*^'^-^ 18 Iken wilk ne fennyakone ok ne honv^^a ife- -nefe yaghten fenninyakon, ne kadi togenflce tsi n*aghfyere. 19 Ne onheghtyen wahhonwenhaghfe, Sewen- niyoh, Prophet na-ah n'ife tsi tewakyadoreghtha^^ v 20 Dhinnih hogon tsi ybnonde ne kenyayen wahhonwanidenghtafe ne Yehovah, ok fewenron n'ife, Jerufalemne naah ne yoweyenfton tsinonwc n'ongwe enhontflerifl ne Rawenniyoh raoriwa.. 21 Jefus Wahs'hakawenhaghfe, Sennheghtyen, P ( 19 ) and his children, and his cattle ? , ^ , , - ,3 Jefus anfwered and faid unto Her, Whofo- ever drinkfith of this water fliall thirft again: . ' M But whofoever drinketh of the water that I (liail dve him fhall never thirft-, but the water that I flwll givfi him fliall be in him a weU of water ff ringing up intp everlafting life. , ,5 The woman faith unto him, Sir, give me this wa;er, that I thirft not, neither come hither to .5„5i^,Jefus faith unto her, Go, caU thy huft.and and come hither. .>.V *. ^ 17 The woman anfwered and faid, I have no hufband; Jefus faid unto her, Thou haft well faid, I have no hufljand : .>.,,. ^jn vv w t8 i^or thou haft had five hufljands, and he ^whomtliounaw haft is not thy hufljand : in that faideft thou truly. „. , • ' • jip Thewoman faith unto Ixim, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. .■•'tiorl / . ao Out fathers worfliipped m this mountam j andye fay that in Jerufalem is the^glace where inen ought to worfliip. 1. /' tinfn lier. Woman* believe me, ( 20 ) aghferhek enwaderighwihhewe, nene yaghten tsi yononde ne kengayen yagh oni Jerufaletone ten- honwanidenghtafe ne Ranihha. 22 Yaghten fewarighwayenderi nahhoten fewani- denghtafe, ok niih yakwarighwayenderi ne nahho- ten wakwatfteriftha, ikeii ne Jewfliagage nonga ye- kariwayen ne falvatione, (nene enyondadyadagon.) 23 Ok enwaderighwihhewe ok onen nonwa watkayerine, nene togenfke ronderennayeghs, kani- gonr^ge enhonwanidenghtafe ne Niyoh ok nene tDgenfke onwej iken ne Ranihha etho niyought s'hakoyadifaks enhonwanidenghtafe. 24 Kanigonra naah ne Niyoh : ok rononha nene ' ronwanidenghtafe^ kanigonrage ok oni togenfke onwe etho n'enhadiyere. 25 Nene onheghtyen fahhonwenhaghfe, kerigh- wayehderi entre ne MefTias, nene Chriftus rori- wayats, ethone neonen enrawe agwegon ens'hon- gwarighhoktaghfe. 26 Jefus wahs'hakawenhaghfe, nene nonwa koghtharane iih naah n'etho. 27 f Ethone fahhonewe ne raotyonghkwa ok wahhodineghrago tsi tehodightare ne onheghtyen, y^gh fane onghka teyakawen, nahhoten ighfeghre ? Gghneyotyeren tsitefenigh^hare ? 28 Ethone ne onheglct; 1 s'oughdendi ok tega- yen ne yoghnegagohheng ui >, ok eghfaweghde''tsi Artnauayen ncom wa-akav. . 'liaghfe lie radinakere. ( 20 ) the hour cometh when ye Ihall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem worfliip the Father. 22 Ye worfhip ye know not what : we know what we worfliip : for falvation is of the Jews. 2^ But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worfliippers {hall worfliip the Father in fpirit and in truth : for the Father feeketh fuch to wor- fliip him. « 24 God is a fpirit : and they that worfhip him muft worfliip him in fpirit and in truth- 25 The woman faith unto him, I know that Meffias cometh which is called Chrift : when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jefus faith unto her, I that fpeak unto thee am he. ^ . 27 % And upon this came his difciples, and marvelled that he talkod with the woman : yet no man faid, What feekeft thou ? or, Why talkeft thou with her ? 28 The woman then left her watfr pot, and went her way into the city, and faith to the men. ,.29 ; Kaflejve, eghtsifewatkensere ne rongwe. tie ne agwegon rakerighhoktaghfe tsiniwakyeren tu^ nahhe, yagh ken ne t'enkenhak ne Chriftus. - 30 Ethone wahhadiyagenne tsi kanad^yen ok cgh wahhonewe tsi renderon. 31 f Aghfon tsi egh ne waderighwihhawife, ne raotyonghkwa, ronwenni, Sewenniyoh fennyahhek. 32 Ok faghs'hakawenhaghfe, wakehkwayen nc enkeke nene yaghten iewayenderi. .33;J^e kadi wahhoni ronen ne raotpnghkwa ok ne rononha-on, ronwanonten onghte fcen..m kahk^ya. 34 Jefuswaghs'hakawerihaghfe, ne naahn'akdik- wa ne enkaderighwaghtendyat tsinihonigonghro^ ten ne rakhennha-on ok enkeweyenendane ne rao- yodenghfera. , 35 ^^ghien tefewen, aghfon kayeri niweghm. d^ge yeyodadenron, ethone enwaderighwihhewe tslnenyennekeriyake, onen, wakwenhaghfe, fewat- kaghkwariglifyon, ok fewatkaghtho tsi kaheghta^ yendon, onen fe wakenragenne ne yodohe tsini yoweyenfton enyeyake. 36 Ok ne raonha ne ranekeriyaks ronwadengh- i^ghferons, ok raroroks ne wadonyanyon, ne en- hoyendatye tsi eterna adonheta, nene aontyefelihak ne rayenthoghfe ok oni ne ranekeriyaks enlkatne aghyadonharen. 17 Eg;i*^i|Wft yaweght togenlke ne yondon^ K'-:^"f { 21 ) ' /.'^ 10 Comc, fee 'a nian which told me all things that ever I dld : rs not this the Chrift ? i^o Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. 3 1 f In the mean while his difciples prayed him, faying, Mafter, eat- 'c 32 But he faid unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of« 33 Therefore faid the difciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat. , .4^ Uefiis feith unto them, My meat is to do thc wili bf him that fent me, and to finifh his work. l^ ) s/ '■» ,/^•51*;'* ^,to;; '3il'::ih .;,i.;^.A,-...i^ •35 Saynotyei There are yet four imfonths, and thcn cometh harveft ? behold I fay lintb you, Lifti^ up your eyes, and look on the fields j for thev are wlnte already to harveft. • •»'.JiV.J- 36 And he that reapeth receiVeth wa^M %tid gatbereth fruit unto Ufe etemal : that both he th^ foweth and he that reapeth may rejoice tog^thct.' '' 37 And lierein is that faying trueit^lbweai. ( 22 ) i» WiX -'t f' hayadat ray^nthoghfe, ok tes'hayadate ranekeri- yaks. 38 Kwannha-on ne enfewanekeriyake tsl non- we yaghten fewayode-on ; oya n'ongwe yakayo- deghwe ok tsi fewadaweyaddn raodiyodenghferagon. 39 If Ok yawetowanen ne Samaria-haga, tsi eghkanadayen radinakere wathoneghtaghkon raon- hage, ne aoriwa , tsiniyakawen n'onheghtyen, tsi- waontrory, agwegon ne wahhakherighhoktaghfe tsiniwakatyeren tsinahhe. 40 Ethone fe ne onen ne Samaria haga wahhon- wayadorenne, wahhonwarighwanegen, n'etho en- hattyen tsi radideron ; ok tekeni egh waghreghni- ferokten. 41 Ok yawetowanen n'oya teyakaweghdaghkon ne aoriwa raonha raowenna. 42 Ok wakonwenhaghfe ne onheghtyen, onen nonwa teyakweghtaghkon yagh ne te gen ne ok •aoriwa tsinifayeren : iken fakwawennaghronken oni niih, ok wakwaderyendare nene kengayen togenlke onwe naah ne Chriftus, nene ens'hakoyadagon ne ongwe. 43 f Tekeni tewada Oghnagenke eren faregde, ok Galileetseragon warawe. 44 Iken Jefus raonha ok rorighwadadigh, nene Prophet yaghten honwarighwakonyenften raonha agwagh tsi ranakere. 45 Ethone ne onen yeharawe Galileetferagon \t*' ( 22 ) and another reapeth. 38 I fent you to reap that whereon ye beftowed no labour : other men laboured, and ye are entcred into their labours. 39 f And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him, for the faying of the woman, which teftified, He told me all that ever I did. 40 So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they befought him that he would tarry with them. And he abode there two days. 41 And many more believed becaufe of his own word ; 42 And fald unto the woman, Now we believe, not becaufe of thy faying : for we have heard him ourfelvesj and know that this is indeed the Chrift, the Saviour of the world. 43 f Now after two days he departed thence, and went into Galilee. 44 For Jefus liimfelf teftified that a prophet hath no honour in his own country. Lgon 45 Then when he was come into Galilee^ the ( «3 ) wahhonwadeweghkwen ne Galilee-haga) ronader- ighwatkaglitho fe yorighwagwegon tsinihoyeren Jerufalemne tsi wadennyode, iken rononha egli radiyadareghkwe. 46 E'.ho farav/e ne Jefus tsi Kanadaye ne Gana- Galiloetferagon, tsinonwe Oghneganoghs wine wahha-onyon, ok rayadatogen ne Royaner netie roytvah egh fi wahhononghwaktane Capernatim nonwe. 47 Ne onen wahharonke tsi eren rawenonghton ne Judea, ne Jefus ok GalHIeetseragon ifrefe, egh ware<;hde raonhage, ok wahhorighwanegen nene aontahhaghkete ok enf'hotfyende ne Royeah iken onoi tohha aghrenheyen. 48 Ethone Jefus wahhawenhaghfe, togat non- ken yaghten enfewatkaghtho wadennageraghtanyoh ok ne yorighwaneghragwaghton, yaghten aontefe- weghdaghkon^ 49 Ne Royaner wahhawenhaghfe, Sewenniyoh karo dafeghtha arekho aontaghrenhheyen ne rih- . hawak. 50 Jefus fahhawenhaghfe, wa-as ronhe ne egh- tfye-ah, ok ne rongwe wathaweghdaghkon ne owenna ne ne Jefus t'hodadigh raonhhage ok egh rhawcnonghton. 51 Ok aghfon tsi raehdentyon hatye wathonde- irrnn.a no •T'Ka^'v'^^" Ca ^l. — ~— 1-„1^__ __^i :i ^-' „i. ye ronhe n'eghtfye-ah. nader- Dyereii la egli Gana- ' wine ^^ netie rnatim ighton •i'egh - mnk li-ifcen t non- anyoh •ntefe- iniyoh e rihp«. • egh- >n ne k 6gh onde- . _i ^ ( ^3 ) GalUeans received him, having feen all the things that he did at lerufalem at the feaft : for they alfo Went imto the feaft. 46 So Jefus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whofe fon was fick at Caper% naum* 47 When he hearJ that Jefus was come out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and befought him that he would come down, and heal his fon; for he was at the point of death. 48 Then faid Jefus unto him, Except ye fee figns and wonders, ye will not believe. 49 The nobleman faith unto him, Sir, comc down ere my chlld die. \ 50 Jefus faith unto him, Go thy way v thy fon liveth. And the man believed the word thaf Jefus had fpoken unto him, and he went his way. ^ 5 1 And as he was now going down, his fervants . 1 • ._ 1 i.^14 Ulw, fri^Anrf TKv fnn liveth*.^ met iiim , uiivi luiu 4*14**, *»*;-*&> *-v '^ ( 24 ) r 52 Ethone wahf 'hakorighwanonclonle tsini kah- hawifgwe tsi wa-ondaghfawen enfahhayewenndane, ok fahhonwenhaghfe, dedenre nene tfyadakhadont- hour f 'onohtkawe tsi rodongwarhonirhfo-we. . 53 Etho roderyenndare ne ronihha ne ne agwagh cgh ni kahhawifgwe ethone ne Jefus wahhawen- haghfe, ronhe ne eghtfye-ah, ok ne raonha oni agwegon ne raononghfagon wathoneghtaghkon. 54 Ne ne kengayen are ne tekenihhadont mira- cle (yorighwanneghragwaght) tsini hotyeren ne .^efus ethone t;>i f 'hoyagen-on ne Judea, Galilee- Iseragon tsi yeharawe. « CHAP. V- Shonivatfyendon ne Ronhrare,, OGHnagenke adennyodaghkwe tsini hoderi^h- hoten ne Jewfhaga; ok Jefus etlio wareghte Jerufalemne. 2 Egh kanyadare Jerufalemne ok niyore tsi yont- keghrontaghkwen teyodinagarondo-ah, nene tsi- Jiiyewennotea ne Hebrew konwayats Bethefda, "» s.«^vr 3 Eghnon we radiyadageghrontaghkwe kentyogh- ni kah- indane, ladont- igwagh liawen- ha oni con, t mira- :en ne Jalilee- ( 24 ) 5 2 Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they faid unto him, Yef- terday at the feventh hour the fever left him. 53 So the father knew that it was at the fame hour in the which Jefus faid unto him, thy fon liveth. And himfelf beheved, and his whole houfe. 54 This is again the fecond miracle that Jefus did when he was come out of Judea into Galilee. !eri2.h- reghte yont- e tsi- hefda, CHAP. V. I Jefus on the fahbath^day cureth him that luas dif- eafed eight and thirty years. lo The Jews cavil^ and perfecute himfor it. x\ FTER this there was a feaft of the Jews j and Jefus went up to Jcrufalem. 2 Now there is at Jerufalem by the fheep-mar- ket, a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue . Bethefda, having five porches : yogh- 3 In thefe lay a great multitude of impotent folk. 1 ( 25 ) towanen ne yakonhrare neiie teyoronwegen, Te- tsinokaghte, yodakenlieyen n'ongwe, rodirhare ne enwattoryaneron n'o^hnej^a. 4 Iken wadogcn tsini kahhawife ne Karonyage- ronon egh tahhatfnenghte kanyadarage, ok wahha- wenryen ne o^^hnega, onghka kadi kiok n'yare egh watyedane onen tsi yakowenryon oghnega fayeye- wenndane ok tsi ok nahhoten yakonhrare. 5 Ok rayadatogen e;h yerefgwe, ne ne aghfen ne yoghferaghfen fadegon yawenre tsinahhe tsi roi^hrare. 6 Ne onen Jefus wahhoken rendagere, ok rcder- yendare wahhonife egh fi hoyadawen, waliliawen- haghfe, enyefatsyende ken ? 7 Ne ror:hrare tentahhawenhaghfe, fewenniyoh, yaghten wakongwedaye, ne onen kawenryon ne oghnega ne egh enhakyathewe kanyadarage: ok aghfon egh wakenonhatye, tehayadadde wahhak- yatgenni ok egh wahhatfnenghde. 8 Jefus wahhawenhaghfe, fatketikoh, tefeghk ne fanakde, ok fathahhak. 9 Ok yokondatye ne rongwe Thoyewennda-on, wat-raghkwe ne racnakda ok fahhathahhak: ne egh weghniferadeghkwe nene yawenndadogenghdonke. jo % Ne Jewfliaga kadi wahhonwenhaghfe ne roriwatfyeiidon, yawenndadogenghdon ne ken : yaghten te karighwayeri tsi fakeghte ne fanakda. c II Tentaghf'hakawenhaghfe, raonha ne rakhetf- , Te- Ire ne { 25 ). of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of tbe water. yage- ahha- e egh yeye- ghfen le tsi roder- jwen- iiyoh, m ne ;: ok hhak- feghk la-on, leegh 6nke. fe ne ken : :da. khetf- ' 4 For an angel went down at a certain feafon into the pool, ahd troubled the water: whofoever then firft after the troubling of thc ater ftepped in^ Was made whole of whatfoever difeafe he had. r^*"'j^ Atid a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty afid eight years. 6 When Jefus faw him lic, and knew that he had been fiow/a long time in that cafe, he faith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole ? ..'7' Theimpotent man anfwered him, Sir, I have m man, when the water is troubled, to put me, into the p(^I : but Sidiiie I am cOmirig, anoth/^r ftx^ppeth down before me. 8 Jefus f^rith unto him, Rife, take up thy Bed, and walk. ^^ 9"Atid immediatbly the man was' made whole. and took up his'bed, and walked, And on the fatne day was the fabbath. vi.^ "^-^i^-^f.-^'^^ti.! ^ * ' i6^ The Jews therefore faid untb him that was cured, It Is the fabbath-day: it is notlawful fo'r thee to carry thy bed. n He anfwered them, He that made me whole. ( 26 ) yenndon, ne rakwenni tefeghk fanakda ok fathahhak. 12 Ethone wahhonwarighwanondonfe, oghne* rongwedoten nene waghyenhaghfe, tefeghk fanak- da ok fathahhak? 13 Ok raonha ne ronwatsyendon yaghten ho- yenderhe-on onghka akenhak: iken Jefus akde ro- dadyadenhawightcn, kentyonghkowanen fe egh ronefgwe. 14 Oghnagenge Jefus fahhoyadatfhenri Temple- tferagon, ok vvahhawenhaghfe, fatkaghtho, fkcn- nen fafadon: toghfa oya fafcrighwannerak, togat nonken fenha enyefaghrewaghte. 15 Ne rongwe eren fareghde, ok . ahfhakogh- rori ne Jewfliaga nene Jefus naah ne rotfyenndon. 16 Ne kadi wahhoni ne Jewftiaga ronwarigh- wayefaghten Jefus ok wahhadirighwifake ne enhon- waryon, ne wahhoni tsi etho ne hoyeren ne ya- wenndadogenghdonke. 1 7 f Ok Jefus wahf 'hakawenhaghfe, ne Rake- nihha tsinahhe royoden-onhatye ok oni niih wak- yode. ' 18 Senlia kadi ne Jewfliaga wahhadirigh^vifake tsi nea ^fere ne enhonv/aryoh, yagh neok aoriwa tsi tehorighwaghrighton tsinikarihhoten ne yawenn- 4adQgenghdon, ok oni tsi rawen Niyoh naah ne Rakenihha, yaweght radaddonyon fadeyought tsi- fiiyought ne Niyoh. ip Efchone tehharigliwaferagon ne Jefus^ ok wah- ( 26 ) the fame faid unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk. . 12 Tlien afked they him, What ipan is that which faid unto thee, Take up thy bed^^ and w^lk? 13 And he that was healed wift not who it was* For Jefus had conveyed himfelf away, a mukitude |?eing in that place* 14 Afterward Jefus findeth him in the temple, and faid unto him, Behold, thou art made whqle : fm no more, left a worfe thing come unto thee/ 15 The man departed. and told the Jews that it was Jefus which had made him whole. 16 And therefore did the Jews perfecute Jefus, and fought to flay him, becaufe he had done thefe things on the fabbath-day. j 7 But Jefus anfwered them, My Father work- eth hitherto, and I work. 18 Thercfore the Jews fought tKe more to kill hlm, becaufe he not only had broken the fabbath, but faid z\io that God was Iiis Father, making him- felf equal with God. 19 Then anfwered Jefus, and faid uiito them, E 2 ( 27 ) fhakawenhaghfe, togenfke onwe wakwaghrori, yaghten ahagweni ne Royeah oghrienhatyere ok tsinahhoten tehakanere tsinihoyerenhatye ne ronih- ha; iken tsi ok (ne orihhoten ne ratyerha etho oni) iie enhatyere ne Roye-ah. 20 Iken ne Ranihha r^noronghkwa ne Roye-ah, ok ronadone yorighwagwegon tsini hatycrha ; fenha oni karihhowanenghfe tsiniyought ne kengayen en- honadonhaghfe nene aontefewaneghragon. 21 Iken tsiniyought ne Ronihha tenfaghf'h^ko- lcetfkwen ne yakawenheyon, ok faghf'hakodonhe- ton; etho oni niyought ne Royeah enfaghf'hako- donhete onghka kiok aghrerheke. 22 Iken ne Ranihha yaghonghka tef'hakoyado- teghtha, ok agwegon ne kayadoreghtsera ne Ro- yeah. rorihhondyeghten. 23 Nene ongwehogon enhonwakonyenghfthak ne Roye-ah, nene agwagh tsini honwakonyenghft- ha ne Ronihha. Raonha nene yaghten hokon- yenghftha ne Roye-ah yagh oni ten hokonyenghftha ne Ronihha nene ronha-on. 24 Agwagh togenfke, wakwenhaghfe, raonha Hene rakewennaghronken ok tehaweghtaghkon raonhag^ ne rakhennha-on, ronheghtferayen tiini- yehenwe, yagh oni tenhadaweyad adewenndeghton- ge ; ok ne rodohhetfton ne kenhheyonge nene agh- ronheke, 25 Agwagh togenfee wakwenhaghfe, enwade* liB hrori, re ok onih- D oni) ( 27 ) Verily, verily I fay unto you, The Son can do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Father do : for what things foever he doeth, thefe alfo. doeth the Son likewife. ' re-ah, fenha men- h^ko- onhe- hako- 20 For the Father loveth the Son, and fheweth him all things that himfelf doeth: and he will fliew him greater works than thefe, that ye may marvel. 21 For as the Father raifeth up the dead, and quickeneth them •, even fo the Son quickeneth whom he will. •yado- i Ro- ifthak nghft- okon- ;hftha aonha ghkon tfini- rhton- 2 agh- 22 For the Father judgeth no man j but hath committed all judgment unto the Son : 23 That all men fliould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father which hath fent him. 24 Verily, verlly I fay unto you, He that hear- eth my word, and believeth on him that fent me, hath everlafting Hfe, and fhall not come into con- demnation 5 but is paffed from death unto life. vvade- 25 Verily, verily I fay unto you, The hour is ( 28 ) ''.{[ tlghwlliliewe, ofc bnen nonwa watkayerm^, nfc onen ne yakowennda-on enhonwawennaronge ne Niyoh Roye-ah: ok rononha ne ronathonde enho- nonheke. 26 Iken ok tsiniyought ne Ronihha ronhegh-^ tferayen raonhatferagon, etho oni niyought rowigh he Roye-ah aghronheghtferayendake raonhatfe- ragom 27 Ok rogwennyoghtferawi oni nene enfhako- yeritfe tfinentef'hakoyadoreghte, ne wahhoni tsi he ongwe rohwaye-ah. 28 Toghfa enfewarighwaneghragon ne kengayen iken enwaderighwihhewe, tsinonwe agwegon ne oghwhentjogon yeyadadarycn enhowawennaronge. .29 Ok rononha nene karighwiyo tsinihodiyeren, etho enhonderighwihhewe ne tfyontketfgwenge ne^ adonheta, ok ne rononha ne wahhetken tsini hodi- yeren, ne tsyontketsgwenge n'atkaronyon. 30 Yagh oghnahhoten t'enkerighwagweni akon- ha-on ok tsi kathondatye egh te wakyadoreghtha: ok tekarighwayeri naah akwadyadoreghtfera : iken yaghten kerighwifaks ne nahhoten ikeghre niih, ok nie tsinireghre ne rakhennha-on. 3 1 Togat nonken iih enkadatrori, yagh togenflce naah tsini kerighhoten. 32 f Ok t(hayadadde rakwatrori; ok wakader- yennusre i.3ini*iOriguAiO 1.011 t$i raKw^atron tQgenijfce uaah. « ^^ "*■ { 28 ) >nge ne e enho- )nhegh- rowigh >nhatfe- rhako- lOni tsi ngayeri yon ne ronge. iyeren, nge ne' i hodi- i akon- jghtha: i: iken tih, ok genfke kader- genike comtngt and now is, when the dead ftaO hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear {hall live. 26 For as the Father hath lifc in himfelf, fo hath he given to the Son to have life in himfelf : 27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment alfo, becaufe he is the Son of man* 28 Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves fliall heai^ his voice, 29 And fhall come forth, they that have done ' good, unto the refurreftion of Hfe ; and they that have done evil, unto the refurre£tion of damnationV • » A 30 I can of mine own felf do nothing : as I hear, I judge : and my judgment is juft : becaufe I feek not mine own will, but the wijl of the Father which hath fent me. 3 1 If I bear witnefs of myfelf, my witnefs is not trttc. 3^ There is another that beareth witnefs of me^ an^ I know that the witnefs which he witnefleth of me is true. H |.fsi ( 29 ) ^ 33 Sewadennha-on ne Johnne, ok wahharigh watron tsi roderyendare ne togenfketfera. 34 Ofc yaghten kerighwatfteriftha „e ne ongwe enyenghwatrori ok ne kengayen kadon, nenl •ontyefenhake enfewayadaderi. ^ii? ^T^'' ^'"^^^^' ''""g^"^ tsinlyought ne yo- radattr ^T ^' ^^'^^^^^--^^0^ 'si kahhaghfe- radatye; ok fewan.gonghriyone n'yare etho enfe- wadonharen raoghfwathetferagon. 36 f Ok fenha fcarihhowanen ne wakerfwayen. tsamyought ne John tsinihorighh^ten iken ne kL denghfera tsn.i hakerighwawigh ne rakenihha nene enke.veyenendane: ne fakayodenghferat tsini kat! ITI J"''^"^' "' ''''''°'' ''"'' karighh6ten tsi rakhenha-on ne Rakenihha. : 37 Ok oni ne Rakenihha raonha nene rakhenha- on, ronghwatrori tsini wakerighhoten. Yagh non- wenndon katke kiok ten wag&ifewawennfghron: Un^ahhe,. yagh oni ten fewatk.g,tho t^i ha- 38 Ok yaghten kayend.^fe ne raowenna ne fe -amgonragon; iken raonha ne ronha-on, yaghten tefeweghtaghkon raonhkge. . ' '^^'"^" ' J?htl^-r'^"'7^''' "' kag^adonghferado. .enghtige, iken cgh nonwe ifeweghre ongw^yen nene eterna adonheta, ok ne naah watr6rtfLT yought ne niih. "'"'" yagiiien ondon karo ^ondefeweghte ( 29 ) 33 Ye fent unto John, and he bare v/itnefs unto the truth. 34 But I receive not teftimony from man : but thefe things I fay that ye might be faved. 35 He was a burning and a fhining light: and ye were willing 'for a feafon to rejoice in his light. 36 But I have greatqr witnefs than that of John : for the works which the Father hath given me to finifh, the fame works that I do bear wit- nefs of me that the Father hath fent me. 3 7 And the Father himfelf which hath fent m(? hath borne witnefs of me. Ye have neither heard his vpice at any time, nor feen his fhape. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you ; for whom he hath fent, him ye believe not, ■ j .1«* ■ 39 Search the fcriptures : for in them ye'think ye have eternal Ufe : and they are they which tef- tify of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might ( 3« ) Hhne, nenc aontefewayendane ne adonheta, 41 Yaghten wakyendafe n'atkonyenghtfera h'ongweghne. •42 Ok denghnon kwayenderi n'ife, yaghten fewariwayen ne raonoronghkwa Niyoh. 43 Wakewe ne raoghfennagon ne Rakenihha, ofc yaghten fkwatfteriftha, togat tehayadadde entre raonha raoghfennagon raonha enghtfifewatfterift. 44 Ogh nen awcn entefeweghtaghkon nene tfyadadd^wighs ne atkonyenghtfera, ok yaghten fewarighwifaks tsini watkonyenghtferoten nene Niyoghne ok teyoyenghdaghkwen. 45 1F Toghfa enfewerhek nene iih enkwawen^ notane ne Rakenihneh: fliayadat enghtfifewawen- notane ne naah ne Mofes, nene egh fewadewenno- daghkon. 46 Iken togat watefeweghdaghkon ne Mofes, jih oni tfiniwakerihhoten aontefeweghtaghkon: iken egh ikyadare tfi roghyadon- 47 Ok denghnon togat yaghten tefeweghtagh- kon tfinihoghyadonghferoten, oghnen awen ente- feweghdaghkon niih tfinikewennoten. #! .:3B8K ( 3» ) have life. 41 I receive not honour from mem 42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. 43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not : if another fliall come in his owa name, him ye wili receive, 44 How can ye believc, whieh receive honour one of another, and feek not the honour that cometh from God only ? , ( 45 Do not think that I will accufe you to the Father; there is one that accufeth yoU, even Mofes, in whom ye truft. 46 For had ye believed Mofes, ye would have believed me : for he "wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not bis writings, how Ihall ye believe my words ? ' ( 31 ) CHAP. VI. Toneghragwaghton iftna anven yondaddenonten ivi/k niwennyaweghtferaghfen neyongwedage. !!'''" •■ f OGHNAGENGE Jefus wathanyadariyake ne Galilee nene konwayats ne Tiberias kan- yadare. 2 Ok kontyoghkowanen wahhonwaghfere, ne wahhone tsi wahhontkaghtho' ne yoneghragwaght tfinis'hakoyeren tsi fhakotjendon ne rodinongh- waktanyoni. 3 Ok Jefus wahhanontarane onontohhara^e, ok raonhha oni ne raotyonghkwa eghwahhontyen. 4 Ok nene eren-wa-ondongoghte, wadennyode tfiniyakorigh-hbten ne Jews haga, onontohha wa- onderighwihhewe. 5^ Ethone ne onen Jefus tehhatkaghtonyonwe, wahs'hakoken kentyoghkowanen karo t'honenongh- tonhatye, wahhawenhaghfe Philip, kah nonwe endewanadaraghnmon ne kengayen enhadike ? 6 Ok yaweght wahhonigonghrifake tsi ne rawen ; roderyendare fe raonha tfinenhayere. 7 PhiHp tentahhawenhaghfe, tekeni tewen'^awe gwennis tfiniyoriwa ne kanadarok yaghten enhodi- yeri, ne ok enhonaghtane oghftonha. i^atafc,^ ( 3^ ) ! IVl/k ke ne kan- e, ne waght ongh- ?e, ok n. nvode ^a wa- onwe, ongh- lonwe iwen ; ■ti;,; lyawe ihodi- CHAP. VI. I Chrtji feedeth five thoufand, i^ He nvithdranveth himfelf 22 Jhe people follow hiniy and are re^ provedfor their JJeJhly hearts. 66 Many difciples leave him* A FTER thefe things Jefus went over the fea cf GaHlee, which is the fea of Tiberias : 2 And a great muhitude followed him, becaufe they faw his miracles which he did on them that were difeafed. .-• • . ^ ... 3 And Jefus went up into a mountain, and there he fat with his difciples. 4 And the paiFover, a feaft of the Jews, was nigh. * 5 When Jefus theh lifted up his eyes, and faw a great company come unto him, he faith unto PhiHp, Whence fliall we buy bread that thefe may eat ? ... 6 And this he faid to prove him : for he him- felf knew what he would do. 7 PhiHp' anfwered him, Two hundred penny- worth of bread is not fufRcient fot them, that every one may take a Httle, ( 32 ) B S^hayadat ne raotyonghtwa nene AnJrevv, Simon Peter yadaddegen-on, wahhawenhaghfe. 9 Kengh irefe nc ranikenghderoah, nene rah- hawe wifk ne kanadarage ok tekenntfyage ; ok do niyore enkayendane nene tfinikenntyoghkwa. 10 Ok Jefus wahhenron, kinyoh rontye ne ongwe efo cgh nonwe yothondonighne. Etho kadi wahhontye, ne ronongwe nene tsini kentyoghkwa onghte wilk niwennyaweghtferaghfen. 11 Ok Jefus wa-atraghkwe ne kanadarohk, ofc ne onen wahhadenghraghferonnyen ; wahs'hako- yakhonhaghfe ne raotyonghkwa, ok faghs'hakodi- yakhonhaghfe ne rononha nene egh radidarayen; ok oni ne kentsyo tfinenhonaghtane. 12 Neonenwahhonaghtane, wahs*hakawenhagh- fe ne raotyonghkwa, fewarbroke nene tekaghri-. feren ne waodadenron, nene yaghothenon t'enka- yefha. 1 3 Ne kadi wa-erbroke, ok wakanaghne teteni yawenri ne watherake ne tekanadaraghriferen ne wiik ne kanadarage, nene yaweght waodadenron, onen tsi rodihkwennda-on. 14 Ethone rbnen neken ronongwe, neonen wah- hontkaghtho tsiniyorighwaneghragwaght tfini ho- yeren ne Jefus, togenfke naah neken ne Propliet nene karighwillbn entre n'oghwhenjage. *3 A^wviivjii Kiiui jciiis vv«iiiS iiaKorigaw^genie tsini hodinigonghroten neoe aonjtahhonwanongli* r 09 ) 8 One of his difciples, Andrew, Simon Peter^s brother, faith unto him, 9 There is a iad here which hath five barley- loaves, and two fmall fijQies: but what are they among fo many ? 10 And Jefus faid, Make the men fit down. Now there was much grafs in the place. So the m^n fat down, in number about five thoufand. 1 1 And Jefus took the loaves ; and when he had givcn thanks, he diftributed to the difciples, and the difciples to them that were fet down; and iikewife of the fiflies as much as they would. 12 When they wcre fiUed, he la'ith unto his dif- ciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that jiothing be loft, 13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve balkets with the fragments of the five barley-loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. 14 Then thofe men, when they had feen the Hiiracle that Jefus did, faid, This is of a truth that .prophet that fliould come into the world. ■* 1 15 ^ When Jefus thereiore pereeived that they^ would come and take liim by force to nxake him i ( 33 ) ok Kot^li a]tfonwayonybn,"efen la^ jonhha tfiyononde. ^nmu ■ TO OiC ne bnen wa-okaraghwe, ne raotyorigh- kvi;a kanyadarakta wahhoneghfeV ***"'" '"'^^^-^; 17 Ok wahhonditta kahonweyagw 'ok •Vv^atKadinyadanyake ne Capehiauhi ' nongal' '' 6k ' onen agwagh wa-okaraghwe^^onf Jefus\refeh(i ^n s'hakora-on. *"i8 pk ne watyongwareefden tfiniwatkawerag^h- kwe kawerpwanen. . v-. 'u ^i.ui • '19 Neonen :fe 'tewaghien wifk yawenri, toga karo thaweghtonhatye : ok wahhodlghderoneo' ■ ' * ' ^^^d Ok^ wahs'hakawenhaghl^- Kii %i^hf %pfU fewaghderone. 21 Ethorie fahhonwayadfoa- agwagh w^hhoiidn- weifa kahoiiweyakowa-hne, ofc okf^ok ' ne| kahhon- weya wakaglirarhon atlyakda tsi nohwe roneiiongii-: itonhatye. ^'2if'f Tsi wa ofhenne, ne onen ne'ronon^TO nene radikennyadaghkwe fkanyadaradihhen toii^' wihhdntkaghtho, bfViglioy^^^e^^^^^ yferidaghkwe-ne'ok' ne cnikat tfirionwe ronadidda^ ne'raotybnghkwa, ok oiii tsi yagh . w9dSgen''l|^ honenon ne Jefus tsi ■wahhoriditta; ot ile'rononha?^ bn ne' raotyonghkwa fahhonghdendi ; ' ' ^ ^ — *v.^ .«.vi u-^ _^^.jj.^.y^^.^.^,j^.^^ n oya ( 33 ) h^ ■■^ '^inJiA i% r* le, ok :ho ten ' ?^ \ eraehr \ toga (ret^oct- larage. a » j « s .. toghfa lonon- [origli- )ngTO nongii' 3nwa- ididdal onha- aJdng he departed again into a mountam himfelf alone. 16 H And when even was now come, his dif! aples went down unto the fea, 17 And entered into a ftip, and went over thc fea towards Capernaum. And it wn. now dark, aud Jefus was not con-' to thcm. 18 And the fea arofe, by reafon of a great wind' that blew. 19 So when they had rowed about five and; tvvemyor thirty furlbngs, they fee Jefus walking on the fea, and drawing nigh unto the fliip: and they w€re afraid. 20 But he faith unto tliem, It is I, be not afrald. ' 21 Then they willingly received him into the fii.p : and nnmediately the fhip was at the land- whither they went. 22 1f The day following,. when the people which ftood on thf other fide of the fea faw that there was none other boat tltere, fave that cne wheremto his difciples were entered, and that Jefus went not with his difciples into the boat, but that his difciples were gone away alone : _^ ^_..- ..,,^,^. ^^^^^^^ uuier Doatb iromTitK?*' t 34 ) Tiberias tfyonaghdentyoh egh wakonewe okhetho tsinonwe wahhadinadarake, neonen ne Royaner wahhadenghraghferonyon :) ^ 24 Neonen kadi ne ronongwe wahhontkaghtha tsi yagh etho ten irefe ne Jefus, yagh oni ne raot- yonghkwa, rononha oni wahhonditta ok egh wah- honewe Capernaum ronwayadifakhonhatye ne Jefus. 25 Ok ne onen ronwayadatfhenryon eren ne ikanyadaradih, wahhonwenhaghfe, Rabbi katke kengh waghfewe ? r 26 Jefus faghs'hakawenhaghfe, agwagh togenfke, kwaghrori, takwayadifaks, yagh naah tegen aoriwa tfifewatkaghtho ne yorighwaneghragwaghte, ok denghnon tfifewakon ne kanadarohk ok wafewagh* ta-on. 27 Toghfa fewatftenyaron nene tfinikahkwoten tie waghtonden, ok denghnon tfmikahkwbten nene eghtekarighwadatye tsi n'etema adonheta, nene rongwe ronwayeah enghtfitfyon : iken raonha naah Yehovah ne raiiihha rorighwaghniraton. ^28 Ethone fahhonwenhaghfe, Oghn'enyakwat- yere n^ne aongwaybde ne raoyodenghfera ne Ni- yoh. ig Jefus tahharighwaferagon 6k Wahs'hakawen- hagfe, kengayen naah ne raoyodenghfera ne Ye- hovah nene aontefeweghdaghkon nene raonha ne ( 34 ) tIjis, mgh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord had given thanks : 24 When the people therefore faw that Jeful was not there, neither his difciples, they alfo took ihipping, and came to Capernaum, feeking for Jefus. . 25 And when they had found him on the other fide of the fca, they faid unto him, Rabbi, when camefl thou hither ? 26 Jefus anfwered them, and faid, Verily, verily I'fay unto you, Ye feek me, not becaufe ye faw /the miracles, but becaufe ye did eat of the loaves, and were fillcd. 27 Labour not for the meat which perifheth, but for that meut which endnreth unto everlafting life, which the Son of man fhall give unto you: ior him hath God the Father fealed. 28 Then faid they unto him, What fliall we do, that we may work the works of God ? 29 Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom hc Jiath fent. r 2 C 35 ) ,' 30 WaRhonwenhaghfe kadi, oghnahhoten ne yoderlghwatyeireti 'kadi waghs'kwanadoniy, nene ehyakwatkaghtho, ok aontayakweghtaghkon ifege ? Pghne karihhoten faycdegh? -^'■''^ ^^'^■^' } ^^ »rlt 31 Ongwaghfotfera - kenhha karhagon nonwe v/ahhadike ne manna, tfmiyought tfr kaghyadon, Karonyage nonga wagh s*hakononten ne kafiardaU rohk n'enhadike. ^. > ._ 32 Ethone Jefus wahs'hakawenhaghfe, agwagh togenfKe, kwaghrory, yagh ]}/Iofes te eghtsifewa- wigh ne'ka!rO!?yage n'etho kanadarohk: ok d^ngH non ne ragenlhha karonyage nonga eghtfifewaWighi ne togenlke kanadarohk. 'o/l moTl 33 Iken ne naah ne raonadarohk ne Niyoh nene i^dnha ne rie Karonyage t'hoyenghdaghkWeit,Xok li^ -bghwhentjag^' Wahs'hak^-on ne adonheta.^^ -/oh 34 Ethone wahhonwenhaghfe, fayaner tuitkon takwanadaranontenghlek rie kehgayen. • " • r- 35 Ok Jefus wakfhakawenhaghfe, iih na ah rie aonadarohk ■ iie adonheta ; raonha ne nd^ entro- tfi ikefe ^ yaghnbnwenndon ' t'cionlahhadon^katfake^ ok raonha nene tehaweghdaghkon tfmi wakerighL hbten yagh nonwendon t'aoniahhonyadathenfe. 36 Wakwenni, walkwatkaghtho oni n'ife, ok yaghteh teieweghdaghkoh. ^^^^^ '^^''^ ^' '^^ ^c ,j 3;i.^S^^e^"^ ^^^"^ rakwawiKlie ne%a|^ihK^ nhrie fentyeghte ^ ok raohha nene lihhe .^treghtei va(?h ne d^ iyf^n ^rvnC^hUi^'yA\f^i^:^i^A^i„X^id btif: ism ( 35 > )n3^ Ihey faid therefore unto him, What fign iheweft thou then, that we mayfee, and believe thee ? what doft thou wori ? 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the defert; as It, is. written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. .Kggi.Then Jefus faid unto them, Verily, verily T fay unto you, Mofes gave you not that bread from heavenj butmy Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. •..33 fe^^hebread of God is he v^hich cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. 34 Then faid they unto him, Lord, evermoie give us this bread. .^:35 And Jefus faicl unto them, I am the bread pf Ji%::;He that cometh to me fliall never hunger; a^^d he that belieyeth on me {hall never thirft. .*.» t » 36 But I faid unto youj^ Tha.t ye alfp have feen me,f ana heheve not. ^ ,37 All that the Father giveth me flial| come .to me. and him that cometh tQi?;^ J will in* no 'wiife caft out, '- ^ : ^m ( 36 ) 38 Iken Karonyage tev^''akatfnenghton, yagfiteit kenyende iih aonkadaddenigonrayerit, ok dengh- non nene enhinigonghrayerit nene rakkenha- on. 39 Ok ne naah tfmireghre ne Rakenihha nene rakhenha-on, nene agwegon tfinihakwawigh yagh- oghnahhoten t'enwakaghdonthak, ok denghnon aonsakeketfkweil nene oghnagen weghniferade onen enwadoghwhenjokthen. 40 Ok ne kengayen naah tfinireghre ne rakhen- ha-on, nene tfiniyagon tehonwakanere ne ronwa-^ yeah, ok raonhage tehoneghdaghkon ne enhodiyen-r dane ne ne eterna adonheta j ok enflcheketlkoh onen enwadonghwhentjokten. 41 Ethone ronwarighwaghfwenfe ne ne Jews- haga, ne aoriwa tfi rawen, iih naah ne kanadarohk ne ne Karonyage te yotsnenghton. 42 Ok wahhoniron yaghken raonha te gen ne Jefus, ne ne Jofeph Royeah, ronihha ok oni ne ronifdenhha d'hiyenderi ? Ogh kadi na-awen tfi radon Karonyage tewakatfnenghton ? > 43 Jefus kadi tahhadadigh, ok wahfhakawen- haghfe, toghfa fewaderyenda yendonv»^e. 44 Yagh onghka t'en yegweni karo aoruayeght Hhne, neok ne Ranihha nene rakhenhaM>n -lontah- hoyadadirbnden : ok iih enfliiketfkwenghte nene onen enwadoghwhentiokten, nitah ne raoderfgl wage ■ ne ( p ) - 3S For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that fent mc. 39 And this is the Father's will which hath fent taey that of all which he hath given me I fhould lofe nothing, but fhoukl raife it up again at thc laft day. 40 And this Is the will of him that fent me,. That every one which feeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlafting hfe : and I will raife him up at the laft day. 41 The Jews then murmured at him, becaufe he faid, I am the bread which canie down from heaven. 42 And they faid, Is not this Jefus the fon of Jofeph, whofe father and mother we kngw ? how is it then that he faith, I came down from heaven? 43 Jefus therefore anfwered and faid unto them^ Murmur not among yourfelves : 44 No man ctltH come to me, except the Father whiGh hath fent me draw him : and I will raife^ him up at the laft day. ^. i^ . . 45 It Is written in the prophets, And they ffialt rmmr rw = . ( J7 ) rPjrophcthogonj ok agwegbn ne Yehovah enfhako^ ri^hhMi h^^ie,j okfle kanadarohk nene enkheyGn ;iqt ilh nei Jikewaron, nene enkheyon (nene enyakonhek^ m^ ongwe) ne aori^a aodonheta ne oghwhentjagwe- gon. j^^^WfathQnckry^nday^ndonwc, rondonyon, o^, ».?M^^ 5l^^g?^erii,^ne;,ken rongwe en$'hongwi^; nonte ne raowaron ? ' , .,,, ,^ \ 53: EAPJ^^,Jjcfus ,wahs'hakawenJiac^hfe,-^fnya^h ^gen^s.^Senik5i ^akw^nhaghft, ^i^g^y^^; f 37 ) be^dJtEught of Gcxl. Every man tliereforci thaW hatbiheard^ and hatJi ieamed of the Fathdr eotrieth unto me. >nrlint;' ^7i:'uvp,nv*'^iiiiu ino 1146 Not that any man hath feen the Father, fave .he which is of Godyhe hath feen the Father*'' <^^^ 1- i 1 • i ' * « 4 ' *]■> , . . j (r, {^1 .47 . Verily, verily I fay unto you, He that be- .lieveth on me hath everlaiting life. ■■^■^-i i^iii'^: ■ 48 I am that bread of life. - -^ .^49 Your fathers did eat manna iri the wild^r- neis, and are dead. ^^ - ■-']' 50 Thi^ is the bread which cometh dowri from heaV^n^ that a.maii lilay eatthereof and^hot die. ^51 I am the living bread, which cam^ down frdmheaven. If any man eat of thi$ bread, he Airalirfive fofeVer: and thebread that rwill give is^ my iBefh> which I will give foi* the life' of the world- ':) '/{^IB (.1 UiHk vv i\ ;4U. ^ f{ililS ^4 (^^jW^tN' -52 The Jews tlierefote fln:>ve iiiiioilg^^ felve^, fayi^rig, How catt this man give us his M^ to eat? H noiK'^yot^T •jn ::>jiri>.-j "t i^ .: ,-..r. •■ 53 Aiien jcius iaia unto tnem, V eniy, verily 1 %imtQ you, Except ye eatth^ fldh;df 4e SbiiW I ,, I ( 38 } enfewakc ne raowaron ne Rongwe Ronwaye-ah, ok oni enfewaghnegi^ra ne raonigwenghfa yaghten fewayen ne adonheta ifege. 54 Onghka kiok iraks ne akewaron, ok oni raghnegirha ne akenigwenghfa, royen ne eterna adonheta: ok ens'hiketfgwen onen enwadoghwhen- jokten. 55 Iken ne akewaron naah togenfke ne kahkwa, ok ne akenigwenghfa naah togenfke ne kaghne- gighratha. 56 Raonha nene iraks akewaron ok raghnegirha ne akenigwenghfa, eghyehenderon iihne ok iih raonhage yekideron. 57 . Tfiniyought ne ronhe onwe ne ranihha rakhenha-on,' ok iih ne konheghkon ne ranihha 5 eghniyought raonha nene iraks niih, iih naah ne ronheghkon enkenhak. 58 Kengayen naah ne etho kandarohk nene Karonyage teyotfnenghton, yagh egh teyought tfi- niyought tfirodikon ne Manna ne yetfighfotfera- kenhha, ok ronenheyon •, raonha nene iraks ne kengayen kanadarohk tfiniyehenwe aghronhek. 59 Nene kengh ne hoyeren kanonghfagon ne fynagogue, aghfon tfifhakorihhonyeni Capernaum tferagon. 60 Yawetowanen kadi tsinihadi .ne raotyongh- kwa, ne onen tfironaghronken ne kengayen, wah- honiron> karighwanoron . ne kengh tfinihoyeren^ waye-ah, yaghten , ok oni e eterna gliwhen- kahkwa, kaghne- finegirha ! ok iih ranihha ranihha 5 naah ne ik nene Light tfi- ifotfera- raks ne hek. igon ne lernaum tyongh- 1, wah- oyeren^ ( 38- ) man, and drink hls blood, ye hare no Hfe in you. 54 Whofo eateth my flefh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal Hfe : and I will raife him up at the lafl day. 55 For my flefh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He that eateth my flefh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father hath fent me, and I live by the Father : fo he that eateth me, even he fhall live by me. 58 This is that bread which came down from heaven; not as your fathers dld eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth of this bread fhall live for ever. 59 Thefe thing^ faid he in the fynagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 60 Many therefore of his difciples, when thev - - - ^ had heard this, faid, This is an hard faying 5 who^ ^ i' i i: y / 1 1> '( 39 ) •cmghka ayegw(?m enyonigonghrayendans,? 6i Neonen ne Jefus,. roddedbgen ne rAonigQ^i- ragon, tfi wathondcryendayendonwe ne r^otyongh- kwa, wahfhakiiwenhaghfe, yetfliighfwadenni ken •neken? ... jw 62 Oghncn-awen togat enghtfifewatkaghthp ne rongwe rowaycah enegen enfarcghde tfinonwe t'haweghton? 63 Ne naah ne kanigonra ne waddidbgatha ; nene Owaron yaghothenon tewatfliennonyatha, tfi- nikawennage ne kwaghrbri, naah ne kanigonra ok cni ne adonheta. ,., ,, ,. a ^ ,s , 64 Ok oddyake tfinitfyon, nene yaghten tefef^ weghdaghkon. Iken Jefus tfidyodaghfawer^ ,tfir roderyendare, tfinihadih ne yaghten tehoneghdagh- kon ok oni raonha nene enhonigonghrafere. ^ 65, Qk w^ahhenron, ne kadi wakwenhaghfe, yagb cnghka ne rongwe t'ahagweni iihne entreghte, togat yagh, ne Ragenihha ten horighwawigh. q ^^^^^ 66 51 Ethone tondaghfawen yawetowanen ne raotyonghkwa eren fahhoneghte, yagh fliegon wa^ dogen teghs'honefgwe ne raonha. ^;. ; .67 Ethone Jefus wahfliakawenhaghfe ne tekjJ 69 And we believe^ ^hcl'itfe' lut^Mt tlioiil'^^ ^V.M') ^>]; 5' * ... ' f-^ , > >t '7\v>*f;'v»' feUAs J ■■ ■ ' ^^"^ 5^ Yor neither did his brethren believe in him, 6 Then Jefus faid unto them, My time is not yet come : but your time is alway ready. 7 The woVld cannot hate you : but me it hateth> becaufe I teftify of it that the works th^ereof are evil. 8 Go ye up unto this feaft : I go not up yct- untb this feaft : for my time is not yet full come, ' 9 When he had faid thefe words unto them, he abdd6 'ftill in Galilee* noniih- w .«■ la egh wenon feirhton :we tfi ongwe^ 16 f But when Lis brethren were gone up,th;:n w^ntf he alfo vp unto the feaft, not opefily, but as it were m iecret.. ■ i I Thert the Jews fought him at the feaft. and Md, Where is 1«?-^^ '^^v l^ %And there was rmich murmi^nng ampng the people concernin him. For fame faid, He is I IM ( 4^ ) tongwetiyon naah: t'hikade wairon, yaghten ok dengbnon ne fliakonigonrhadenni ne ongwe. 13 Ok fane yagh onghka ten h(jnwatrori ne enyoghronkathak tfiniyetsanife ne Jewfhaga. 14 f Ethone fadewaghfenna yaweght tsini'kah- hawifgwe tfi yakodennyode Jefus etho wareghde Templetseragon, ok wahiliakorihhonyen. • 15 Ok re JeWfliaga wahhadirighwaneghragon, rondon, oghniyought tfi raghyadonghferayenderi ,ne ken rongwe, yagh fe ten honwarighhonyen ? . "16 Jefus tehharighwaferagon, ok riwen, tfini wakerighhbten yagh fiiih ten kewenniyoh, ok ra- cnha denghnon rabwengh nene rakhenha-on. 17 Togat nonken onghka kiok ne rongwe en- tharighwayerit tfinireghre, enhonigonghrayendane tfinikarrihhbten, kah tens gayen ne Yehovaghne, to^dit ithne tekewenninnegen-onhatye. 18 Raonha nene radaddeghtharaghkwen refaks raogloria; ok denghnon raonha nene refaks raogloria hene fonha^on, nene fagat i:aah togenflce, ok yagh- ten horCwayen ne wahhetkenghsera. 19 Mofes wahiiy eghtfifewariwawigh ne yogli- tyawenratfera, ok fliegon yagh onghka tfinitfyon ten yontfl:eriftha tfinikarrihhbten? ogh na ne yot- -yeren tfi takwarydhferene ? 20 Ok ne ongwe thoderighwaghfersgw^ ot roneri, fayen ne kanlgos^hrakfen.: onghka ycfar- -yohferetiei .^.*jpi«,#«»«r** ■-''•-• MiMIM i 42 ) a good man : others faid, Nay; but he deceiv-eth the people. 13 Howbelt, no man fpake opaily of him for fear of the Jews. 14 f Now about the midft of the feaft ,Xefuf went up into the temple, and taught. ' 15 And the Jews marvelled, faying, How knoweth this man l^tters, having never learned ? • ' 16* Jefus anfwered them, and faid, My dodlrine is not mine, but his that fent nie« . 17 If any man wlll do his will, he ihall knovx (oi the doftrine, whcther it be of God, or whethe?' I fpeak of myfelf. > 18 He that fpeaketh of himfelf feeketh his own glory : but he that feeketh his glory that fent him, the fame is true, and no unrighteoufnefs is in him. 19 Did not Mofes give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law ? Why go ye about to kili me ? 20 The people anfwered and faid, Thou hafl; 4 d^vil : who goeth about to kill thee ? Q^ ( 43 ) '■ 21 Jefus' taHhadadi ok wahfhakawenRaghfe, jBcayodenghferat tfiniwakyeren, ok agwegon fewa- righwaneghragwas. " 22 Mofes kadi eghtfifeWawigh ne circoncifion -, (yagh ne degen aoriwa fi Mofefne yoderighwinon, ok denghnon ondaddenihnehha •,) ok ife yawenn^ dadogenghdonge^ eghtfifewacirconcis ne ongwe. ^ 13 Togat nonken ne rongwe enhonwacirconcis ne yawenndadogenghdonge, nene yaghten aonta- yerighwirighte tfinihorighwiflbn ne Mofcs; fe- waghfenfe ken ne iih, neok aoriwa tfifahhitl\^ende onwe ne rongwe ne yawenndadogenghdonge ? 24 Tbghfa ok enekertkehha tfiwenon tesewaya- dbreght, ok denghnon yoQerighwagwatighfyon tfi- niyought egh tefewayadoreghthak. 25 Ethone rbnen oddyake ne Jerufalem radina- kere, yagh ken ne de gen ne raonha, nene radirigh- wifaks ne enhonwaryoh ? 26 Okdenghnon rorihhowanen roghtharatye, ok yaghbthenon ten ronwenni, agwagh ken ronaderyen- dare ne Radiyadagwenniyofe, tfi ne kengayen naah neChriftus.?' \ 2f Ok sane dewayenderi ne ken rongWe thmt- hawenon-, ok ne onen Chriftus entreghte, yagh- onghka ne ongwe ten yeyenderi tfinithawenon. - 28 Ethor.e tahhadewennayendon, aghfori tsilha- kori«hhonyem, radonnyon, tak-w^ayenderv ok oni ^ 1 • x./?-«!i.^^»«.UA,-.«r^ ► tTnrriy t\r\i 1in Clk'pni — I ( 43 ) -'.Jiir.Jefu^ anfwered and faid unto themi I hav^ done-one work, and ye all marvcL \ t ;U al Mofes therefore gave unto you circumcifioh, (not becaufe it is of Mofes, but of the fathersJ and ye on the fabbath-day circumcife a man. 23 If a man on the fabbath-day receive circum- clfion, that the law of Mofes fhould noi: be hroken j are ye angry at me, becaufe I have made a man every whit whoie on the fabbath-day ? 24 Judge not accoruing to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. ;^ -€■2$ Then faid fome of them of Jerufalem, Is not . this he whom they feek to kill ? -iVji c 26 But lo, he fpeaketh boldly, and they fay no-. thing unto him. Do the rulers know ihdeed that this is.the very Chrift? ' . , 27 Howbeit, we know this man whence he is : but when Ghrift cometh, no man knoweth v^^h^Jice he is. '■•.. -(dnii^ic 28 Then cried Jefus in the temple as he taught, faying, Ye both know me, and ye know wh^nce I o»v» - r^y^A T ntn -nn^ r-nmA r»f mvfplR hnf" he that i^t»U0»Si0>'»»i^, ( 44 I goura •tfi kengh wakewe, ok raonha ne rakhenliaoii togenfke naah, yaghten eghtfifewayenderi nene. 29 Ok denghnon riyenderi; iken egh tewak- yenghdaghkwe, ok raonha ne rakhenha-oh. 30 Ethone wahhaderighwifake n'enhonwayena : ok denghnon yagh onghka n'ongwe oghten hon-. wayeren, ne wahhoniT arekho aontenwaderigh- wihhewe tfinihonwarighwiffa-eTini. 31 Ok yawetowanen ne ongwe wathoneghtagh- kon raonhage, ok wahhoniron, neoxien Chriftus. entre feiiha ken yorighwaneghragwaghtanyon tfi- nenhayere tsiniyought ne'ken rongwe tfinihoyeren? 32 Ne Pharifee wahhonronke tfi etho ne rodi- righhoten n'ongwe tfironwaghtharaghkwen 5 ok ne Pharifee oni ne radiyadagwenniyofe Cohenafon wahfhakoderighhondane ne enhonwayena. 33 Ethone Jefus wafliakawenliaghfe, fhegoOi oghftor^ha nyare wadbgen iddewefe, ok ethone egh yerJce tfi renderon ne rakhenha-on. *■ 34 Enfkawayadifake, ok yaghten-enflcwayadatf- henri : ok tfinonwe n'ike, yaghten ondon eghyenfe-^ wawi. 35 Ethone .wahhontferogon ne Jewfliaga, rpn- ddnyon, kah nonwe enfreghde nene yaghten engh- tfidewayadatshenryohhe, etho ken onghte enreghde; tfidhcnefe ne yonkhikhaghfyon, tfiyenakeronyon,, ok enfliakorighhonye niyade honoghwhentjsge ? ?' t , X 44 ) fent me is true, \rfiom ye know not. ■■ ■ \ • • * • 29 But I know him : for I am from him, and he hath fent me. 30 Then they fought to take him : but no man laid hands oa him, bccaufe his hour was not yet> come. 31 And-many of the people believed on him, and faid, When Chrift cometh, will he do morc miracles than thefe which this man hath do'ne ? . 32 The Pharifees heard that the people mur- mured fuch things concerning him; and the Pha- rifees and the chief priefts fent officers to take him. 33 Then faid Jefus unto them, Yet a little while I am with you, and then I go unto him that fent me. 34 Ye fhali feek me, znA fliall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. ' ' * 3-5 Then faid the Jews among themfelves, Whither will he go, that we fliali not find him ? wiil he go unto the difpei^d among the Gcntiles,. and teach the Gentiies ? n^ Wlinf manner nf favincr i^ this Aat he. faiJ* ( 4S ) flcwayadifake, ok yaghten en(k;wayadatflienri pk t^i- nonwe n'ike, yaghten ondon cghyenfewawi.i . i 37 Qnen tsi wahhondeghniferokten tsiyakodenn- yode nene wenndowanen, Jefus tahhadyadak- warighfyon, ok wahhadewennayendon, radonypn^ onghka kiok aghronyadathenfe, karo itreghte iihne ok raghnegirha. 38 Raonha nene tehaweghdaghfcon iihne, tfmi- kawennoten ne kaghyadonghferadogenghti, raoncfg- ^enndagon entkaghnawinnegenwe ne ne yonhe onwe ne kaghnegoten. ,39 Ok ne ken yaweght ne Kanigonra roghthar- aghkwen, ne ne enhodiyendane rononha ne ne t^JiOAeghtaghkon raonhage: iken arekho ten yon^ daddawigh ne Kanigonghriyofton j ne wahhoni tfi arekho t'aontahonwaglorifte ne Jefus. 40 f Yawetowanen kadi ne ongwe, ne onen^tfi rodirighwaghronken ne ken, wairon, Togenfke; naah, ne ken ne Prophet. isdao 1 .r 41 Thikadi, wairon, ne naah ne Chriftus. Ok denghnon, oddyake fayairon, Galilee kengh non- gadi enthayenghtaghkwe ne Chriftus ? < 42 Yagh ken ten yawen ne kaghyadoghferado- genghti, neneChriftus naah s'hodiwajirat neDavid^ pk oni egh enthayenghtaghkwe tfv Kanadayen ne Bethlehem, tfmonwe David ranakereghkwe ? .43 Ethokadi nenyawen jvr^thodityonghtyage Hft ( 4? ) Y^ Aial! feelc me, ahd fhall n6t finJ mcr'aiid where I am, thither ye cannot come ? 'j^f Ihthe laft day, that great day of the feaft, Jefus ftood and cried, faying, If any man thirft, lct hiitl come unto me, and drink. , 38 He that believeth on me, as the fcrlpture hath faid, out of his belly fhall flow rivers of Hving water. 39 But this fpake he of the fpirit, which they that believe on him fhould receive. For the Holy Ghoft was not yet given 5 becaufe that Jefus was ndt yet glorified. 40 f Many of the people therefore, when they heard this faying, faid, Of a truth this is the prophet, •41 Others faid, This is the Chrift. But fome faid, Shall Chrift come out of Galilee * ) 42 Hath not the fcripture faid, That Chrift cpmeth of the feed of David, and out of thc towrt ' ofBethlehemjwhereDavidwas ?"'■•■* '*-"* ■"•' "^" c 43 So there was a divifion among thc peojle Dccauie 01 aim, i ,,,..-... — ,. . ^ mm. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // w/ /v'^^ 1.0 l.l yo us lU 1« 2.2 M 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 < ^ 6" ► V] /^ ^;; %, > > f'^:> lO" % .* o^ -i p Photographic Sdfflices Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRZeT WEBSTER.N.Y. 14380 (716) S72-4503 &?.- Ld> ^ o V ^ I • ( 46 >. 44 Ok oddyake tfimhadi yaweron enhonWaye- Rage j ok denghnon yagh onghka ogh ten honwaye-;- ren. ' 45 % Ethone fahhonewe ne ronwaderihhondane,, tfiradideron ne radiyadagwenniyofe Cohena-ion. oni ne Pharifee y ok wahhonwanenhaghfe, oghne' yoteren yaghten eghtfisewayathewe ? 46 Ne ronwaderihhondane tentahhonen, yagh- nonwenndon n'ongwe eghtenyewennoten tfi- niyoght ne ken rongwe. 47 Ethone tentahhondadi ne Eharifee, yetfiii- righwayadaghtonten ken oni n'ife ?. .48 Wathoneghdaghkon ken kamga tfinihadi' m radiyadagW'enniyofe ok ne Fharifee, tsinihorih-^ hoten ? ♦ ' . •• 49 Ok. denghnon ne ken ongwe nene yaghtenr hadirighwayenderi ne yoghtyawenratfera ronwen- »adewendeghton naah. 50 Nicodemus wahfhakawenhaghfe (raonha: nene aghfenndhen royadoren-on ne Jefus, etho fe rayadare tsinihadi) . yi Tfini karihhbten ne ongwaghtyawenratfera tehonwayadoreghten ken ne ongwe, arekho ten ah- honwawennaronke, arekho oni t'aonkadogenne tfims hayerha? 5.2 Tentahhondadi ok fahhonwenhagfe, Calilee* haga* ken oni n'ife ? ferighy^ifak, oni ferighwaka- envon: iken yaehten ne GaUleetferason entahha* vngmammm mmm. S' (4^ ) « . '♦' 44 And fome of them. would have taken him :: jj^ but no man laid hands on hkn, » 45 f Then came the officers to the chief priefl& ; ' and Pharifees-, and they faid unto tliem, JSThj v have ve not brought Imn i . :' #^ '\ •*#'. 46 The ofBcers anfwered^. Never man fpake'like' this man. - % • ■"-> ■■ ■ _ ..'•'■" . ■ ■■» 47 Then anfwered tiiem the Pharlfees,. Aa?e ye*. alfb -deceived ? 48 Have anj of the- ruiers or of tlie PharifeeS^, believed on ham ? ^ • ' '■ ' '■ ' . 49 But this people w4ia faioweth not the hvr are curfed^ " ' ."*'.«.■■,■.' ^50 Nicodemus faith u^to them,.(he that came^ to Jefus by night, being one of thed)^)i . -1.' ' " . ■ ', ■■*'■■ 51 Doth our law judg,e any man before ithear him^ smd tnow what he 4oeth ? *. . 52 They anfwered and faid utito him, Axtjho^ alfo ofGa^Uee? S^arch andiook: for outof 'vrl •mim9mm^''imm ( 47 ) -•i^.iiT£ ■'■^. dane ne Prophet. 53 Gk agwegon ne origwe etho fahboneghde tfi nonwe ne yakononghfode. ■l u.i.jn. gy; CHAP. VIII. Ntne Qnhe^enkanaghlnvayori^hwanh^^^^ '. ^\'S^\ I TJ5SUS etho wareghde tfiyononde ne olivine. J 2 Ok orhoenkeghtfi tfi wa-orherine fahhi. daweyade Templetferagon, ok agWegori n'ongwV' waonwe raonhage; ok wahhatye oni wahfhakorih-- bonyen. 3 Ok ne radighyadonfe oni ne Phanfee wa- lconwayathewe tfi-ire ne onheghtye ne kattagh- kwa yonhiken ethone tfi konwayena^, ok neoneti kanenherhen wakonwenderon. 4 Wahhonwenhaghfe, Sewenniyoh, ne ken on- hegl^tye konwayena keirighwannerakferagdn ne kanaghkwai agwagh tfi yonhiha-onhatye;' ^^ '-^^- 5 Mofes kadi yoghtyawenratferagon Ihong- ^varighwifTa-enni, nene eghniyontyerha ertyonddd- dinnenyoyake: bk denghnon nahhoteh ife aghslron?^ 6 Kengayen wahhoniron ne ronwanigonghrifa- ke^j ne enhaderighwatflienri ne enhonwawenno- tarife. Ok Jefus wathatfakete, ok wahhanifnongh- ( 47 ) ke af lieth no prophet. ' * - . 53^ And every man went unto his own houfe. . VIII. I Chri/l delivereih the woman iahen tn adtiltery. 1 2 Hepreacheth himfiJf the light ofthe world, andjuf tifieth his do5lrine. JESUS went unto the mount of OHves, .. 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto himj and he fat down, and taught them. l And the frribes and Pharifees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery, and when they had fet her in the midft, 4 They faid unto him, Mafter, this woman waa, taken in adultery, in^th^ very aa. 5 Now Mofes in the law commanded us that fuch ftiould be ftoned \ but what fayeft thou ? r^nT^fe,%ey faid temptin him, that they might XxryxTCk frt of/*iifA Kim- Riit Jefus ftooned down* and, • •i5»"y W ' 5**%^ 54'VWSi."t-r ^w.^ ( 48 ), . sken oghwhcntjage raghyadontye, tfmiyougM ne ^yaghten s'hakowennaghronken. 7 Ok onen tfinihodiyeren ronwarighwanondonfe ethone tahhadyadagwarighfyon, oh wahfliakawen- haghfe, raonha tsinitsyoh riene yaghten horiwayen ne karighwanneren, raonha n'yare niifa flrakoyenght 'ne onenya. 8 Ok are tenfahhaftaagete ok oghwhenjage wah- haghyad©n. 9 Ok ronoriha nene ronaghronken ne ken v/ah- hondaddonderene ne raodinigonragon, ok {katfon fahhadiyagenne, akokftenghne teyodaghfawen agwash wakanencfhrbkten : oh Jefus ronwayadon- i:yon raonha johha wahhodadenre, ok neneonhegh- tyen kannenherhen yekadaghkwe. 10 Neonen Jefus tahhadyadagwarighfyon, ok yaghonghka ten fbakbken neok ne onheghtyen, wahfliakawenhaghfe, fenheghtyen, kah ne yeflio- nenon ne yefawennota-oni yagh ken onghka tea yefadewenndcghton. 11 Wagenron, yagh onghka, fayaher, ok Jefus faghlhakawenhaghfe, yaghoni niih ten koyadewena- deghton : wa-as, toghfa oya faferighwannerake. 12 f Ithone Jefus %hfliakowennara-ort, iih naah n'akoghfwathctfera ne oghwhenjagwegon: ' raonha nene rakerighwaghfere yaghten aghrefeke aghfadagon, ok denghnon enhoyeudane aogUfwat- hctfera ne aidonhcta* ( 48 ) •^ith his finger wrote on the ground as though hc heard them not. 7 So when they eontinued afking him, he lifted up himfelf, and faid unto them, He that is without ;fin among you, let him firft caft a ftone at her. I 8 And again he ftooped down, and wrote on 'the ground. 9 And they which heard it, being convicted by 'their own confcience, v/ent out onc by one, begin- ning at the eldeft, even unto the laft : and Jefus was left alone and the woman ftanding in the midft. .10 When Jefus had Iffted up himfelf, and faw none but the woman, he faid unto her, Woman, -where are thofe tha ne accufers ? hath no man con- ^demned thee ? 1 II She faid, No man, Lord. And Jefus fai4 iinto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and fin tio more. • 12 f Then fpake Jefus again unto thern, faying, 3[ am the hght of the world : he that fbllqweth me fliall not walk in darknefe, but fli^l have the light -oflife. K ^ (. 49 ) ' 'ij Ne: Pharifte kadi wahhonwenhaghfe, ife fiidaclderighwaghnodons, yagh togenike degen ne ferighwaghnodonyon, 14 Jefus tentahharighwaferagon ok wahlhaka- wenhaghfe, etho iih kadadderighwaghnodons flic-^ gon fane, togcnfke naah ne kerighwaghnodonyon i iken wakaderyendare tsinitewakenon, ok oni tsini aonfakeghte; ok dengnon ife yaghten fewagwenni ne fewatrori tsinitewakenon ok oni tsiniaonfa- keghte. 15 Tsinikarihhbten n'owaron ife tefewayado- reghtha; yaghonghka ne ongwe niih tekeyado-^ reghtha. ^16 Ok fane togat tekeyadpreghtha togenflce na- ah tsi tewakyadoreghtha: iken yagh akonha-on de-' gen, ok denghnon teyakeni ne ranihha nene rak- henha-on. . 17 OkGnikaghyadonfewaghtyawenratferagon,ne nahhoten aghyatrori teyongwedage togenfke naahic 18 lih naah yaweght fhayadat nenc kadadderigh- watrori, ok ne ranihha ne rakhenha-on rakerighiT- waghnirats. - .19 Ethone wahhonwenhaghfe, kah n?,ah neya- nihha ? Jefus fahhenron, yaghtenflcwayenderi, yagh*^^ oni n<* Rakenihha t'eghtsifewayenderi togat nonken^^ aghfkwayenderhen niih, raonba oni ne Ragenihha-^ enghtsifewayenderhe-on. ao Etho ne karihhuten t'howeniiinege-on ne 'I ■1 ^ .* I ;« » .« :' r \ .1 5,:i ■ g-iHM'teaifcJ JBJi'!^ U.JU T •^ ' >.1 ^^ % ( # ) '"-ti3 'OilB* Plianfees therefoi^ faid uiito liim; Thou btarGfl;,recQrd of thyfdf ; thy record is not true. fJ'Vy ■'!"Tn\;*rW<-- ' ii^iijefus anfv^^red and faid unto them, Though I 'bisir record' of myfelf yet my record is true; for I know whence I came, and whither I go ; but ye' cannot tell whcnce I come, and whither I ^o. . \ U ..! • . (>l5vX€ judge aft-^r the flefh ; I judge no man. *> y}ln- ^H J^^l .*><•■. ; i :5tH[^*U . • ■» t'. rt' ■t; ^tjd And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that fent me. ■^" .>i»>4i^ji\^ ..ig^Tbcn faid they unto him, Where ife thy father.? . Jofus anfwercd, Ye neither know me^ hor^* itiy. Father : if ye had known me, ye fliould havd ^ known my-Father alfo^t^:^^- ^- ;^i*^^ . ■ f ?^^^'T«?^s:ir£*i:^^ _ .,T~'1 n 1 TT /• . 1 't ■ iiieie WuiuS ipaKe j^ius m tiie treuiury as H ( 5^ )' Jefus, etlio nonvVe tslkaghwifdagero, aghfon tfii- Ihakorighhonyeni Templetferagon: ok yagh onghka ogh ten honwayeren : iken arekho fe ten waderigh- >vihhawife tsini honwarighwifla-enni. 21 Ethone are Jefus faghfhakawenhaghfe, ercn wakeghte ok aghlkwayadifake, enfewenhheye oni fewarighwannerakferagcn ; tsiniyehenke yaghtcn yaweght etho yenfewawi. 22 Ethone wahhoniron ne Jewfliaga, enhadadde- riyoh ken? tsl racon, tsinonwe yehenke yaghten yaweght yenfeWawi. 23 Ok wahfliakawenhaghfe, oghnagon ife tefe- wenon, ok niih enegen tewakenon: tsiniyoghwhen- tjoten ne ken etho yaweght n'ife ne fewayadpten, ok niih yagh echo ten akyadbten tsiniyought ne ken youghwhentjade. 24 Ne kadi wahhone wakwenhaghfe, fewarigh- Wannerakferagon enfewenhheye-, iken togat iionken yaghten aontefeweghtaghkon tsi iih naah n'etho ; enfewenhheye fewarighwannerakferagon. 25 Ethone tentahhonwenhaghfe, onghka n'ifc, oh Jefus faghfliakawenhaghfe, ne naah ne fagat hene kwaghrbri tsinahhe yodaghfawen. 26 Efo wakeriwayen aontakatrori ok oni aon- tekpdoreght ifege : ok raonlia nene rakhenha-on togenfke naah, ok ne tekewenninnegen-onhatye ong-weghne, tsini karihhbten ne wakaghronken raonhage. (50 ) Ke tauglit lii the temple : and no man laid hands on him 5 for his hour was not yet come. n. ^ I Then faid Jefus again unto them, I go my wdy, and ye fliall feek me, and fhall die in your fins. Whither I go, ye cannot come.?^ 22 T!ien faid the Jews, Ym he kill himfelf ? becaufe he faith, Whither 1 go, ye cannot come. * 23 And he faid unto them, Ye are from be- neath 5 I am from above : ye are of this world •, I. am not of this world. • 24 I faid therefore unto you, That ye fhall die in your fms ; for if ye believe not that I am he, ye lliall die in your nns. 25 Then faid they unto him, Who art thou ? And Jefus faith unto them, Even ths fame that I- faid unto you from the beginning. 26 I have many things to fay and to judge of you : but he that fent me is true ; and I fpeak to the world thofe things which I have heard of him.- II 2 Wtm w Itf _{ ■fi { S' ) ,47 Yaghten .hodinigonghrayenda-on tsi ne flia- koghtharaghkwen ne ranihha. 28 Ethone Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, neoncn ne enghtsifewayadakaradadde ne rongwc ronwa- 1 ve-ah, ethone enfewaderyendarake tsi nh naali n'etho, ok oni tsi yagh ogh teh katycrha nene akonha-on •, ok denghnon tsinihakerighhonyen ne Rakenihha, tekewenninnegen-on hatye ne ken tsini karihhbtenfe. 20 Ok yakenefe raonha nc rakhenha-on, yaghten hakyadontyon ne ranihha neakonha-tjohhai iken tsini karihhoten ne katyerha tiutkon rinikonghra- , ^^'^ooAghfon tehowenninnege-onhatye ,ne keoga- yen yawetowanen wathoneghdaghkon raonhage..,_ o'i % Ethone Jefus wahfliakawenhaghfe tsini hadih ne Jewfliaga nene wathoneghdaghkon raon- hage, togat nonkcn akewennageghfon enfewefeke, ethone togenlke aketyoghkwa yaweght fewadon} 02 Ok enfewarighwayenderihek ne togenflcet- fera, ok ne togenflcetfera enyetfliighnerenghfyon ' nene enfewadaddewcnniyoke. o-j Tentahhonwenhaghfe, fa.pngwatsjrat^ ne Abraham kenlia, ok yaghiion^^ enndon kanega, ten yonkhiwenniyoftcn, o£h,ie,yoty4jciT, tsi,fa(lon, fn- yetlhighnerenghsyon nene enfewadaddewenniyoke ? o^jefus tentahhaviwaghferagon, agwagh,,to- „e,i£ke onwe waliwenhaghfe, onghka kiok rayigli- 2oncn mwa* naali nenga- ^age.n e tsini ;v r^on- vcfeke, idbn; ;enflcet- ighfyon rat ne ega ten Lniyoke? agh .. to- 29 And he that fent me is with me : the Fathcr hath not left m^e alone 5 for I do always thofe things that pleafe him. r^O' As he fpake thefe words, many believed dii him. 31 Then faid Jefus to thofc Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye rtYy difciples' indeed 5 ^"i And'ye fhall know the truth, and the truth? ffiill makc you free» " 33 Theyanfwered him, We be Abraham's feed, and were never in bondage to any man : how fay- efl thou, Ye fhall be made free ? ^, . .. ■ ■ * ^ „ ■? . *'"*^* '24' Jefus anfwered them, Verily, verily I fay \h\1td you, Whofoever committeth fm is thc fervjint x/ ■- ( 5^ ') v^anneraks ne naah ronwanhafe ne karlghwanne- rakfera. 35 Ok ne ronwanhafe yagh tiutkon t'aontah hennderondake ne kanonghfagon; ok denghnon ne ronwayeah tiutkon egh yehennderon. 36 Togat kadi ne ronwayeah enghtsifewaghne- renghfyon, togenfke onwe enfewadaddewenniyoke. 37 Kefighwayenderi nene ife ok fakaghwatsi- radatye ne Abraham kenhha; ok denghnon fewa- righwifaks n'enghikwaryoh, ne wahhoni akewen- na yaghten kayendafe fewanigonragon. 38 Ne tekewenninege-onhatye ne nahhoten wa- kaderighwatkaghtho ne Ragenihnehha : ok n'ife etho ne fewatyerha tsinahhoten ne fewatkaghtho n'editsifewanihnehha. .0 39 Tentahhondadi ok wahhonwenhaghfe, Abra- ham naah yaghuigwanihha, Jefus faghfliakawen- haghfe, togat nonken ife enkenhak ne Abraham fhakoye-ongonwa, aontefewarighwayeriton tsini- hoyodenghferbtenfe ne Abraham. 40 Ok denghnon nonwa fewarighwifaks ne ne enghfkwaryoh, yaweght ne rongwe nene waghtsi- fewaghrQri ne tQgen{lvetfera> nerie wakaghronken Tehovaizhne; vaQh ctho tehcveren ne Abraham. 41 Tsinihorighhbten n'eghtsifewanihha etho ne fewatyerha. Ethone fahhonwenhaghfe, yagh ka- naghkwa teyakonhiken tsi waonkhiyadewedon, en- &at om^waiiiflion, ne naah Yehovah. I HlliHiMf iiiii imHnniiii ( 52 ) (ranne- aontah non ne aghne- iiyoke. iwatsi- L fewa- i.ewen- 3n wa- k n'ife aghtho , Abra- kawen- >raham tsini- j ne ne aghtsi- ronken ham. ?tho ne Lgh ka- on, en- of fin. 35 And the fervant abideth not in the houfe for ever: but, the Son abideth ever. 36 If the Son therefore fhall make you free, ye fiiall be free indeed. 37 I know that ye are Abraham's feed ; but ye feek to kili me, becaufe my word hath no place in you. 38 I fpeak that which I have fcen Avith my Father: and ye do that which ye have feen with your father. 39 They anfwered and faid unto him, Abraham is our father. Jefus faith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the v/orks of Abraham. » 40 But notv ye *eek to kill me, a man that hath w\d you the truth, which I have heiard of God : this did not Abraham. * : .■•.. 41 Ye do the dceds of your father. Then faid they to him, \Ve be not born of fornication : we have one Father, even Gcd. ( 53 ) ^ 42 Jefus Avahfhakawenhaghfe, togatV nofjcen Yehovah eghtsifewanihha enkenhak^ enghikwaiio4 ronghk wake : iken eghtew akyage-on ok egfa te iya* kenon Yehovaghne : yagh oni iih abenigonk-ij rfi wakewe, ok clenghnon yehakhenha-on. . 43 Oghne yotyeren tsi yaghten fewanigonghra- yendafe n'akewcnna? ne naah aoriv/a tsi yaghten wadons enfewaghronkhak n'akewenna. 44 Ife naah ne eghtsifewanihha ne oneghfhogh- ronon, ok tsini haghfkaneks eghtsifewaniliha- etho n'enfewayere, nene fhakoryohs tsinahhe t'yodagh- fawen, ok yaghte irefgwe ne togenfketferagon, ne wahhoni yaghten kariware ne togenfketfera raort- hatferagon. Ne onen ranov/enghten, ethone te- hawenninnegens tsini horihbten : iken ronowen, ok ne yaweght rodewedon n'eghnahhoten. 45 ^k ne wahhoni togenfke tsinikarihhoten kwaghrbri, yaghten tefeweghdaghkon. ' . 46 Kah nigayen tsinitfyon enghfkwarighwa- denghdarhon tsi wakenhikon? Ok togat nene to- genfke tsi wakthare oghneyotyeren tsi yaghten te- feweghdaghkon ? 47 Raonha nene Yehovaghne yegayen raonigon- ra, rothoi de ne Niyoh raovvenna-ogon: yagh kadi n'ife ten fevvathonde nene, ne aoriwa tsi yagh Ye- hovaghne te gayen ne fewanigonra. 4 8 Ethone tentahhoridadi ne Jewfhaga, ok Wah- ,.-^^:i,rx.iiii»giii.v, ;-*gii i>.ttui iveii ten t Jcarighwaycri ■ » 1W..I111 I ] I I II» IW> W ' | aas ( 53 ) rT-)4i^'Je&s fa'd unto them, If God were ypur Fatlier, ye wouid love me: for I proceeded forth aod came^ from God; neither came I of myfolfj. buthefenfcme. ' ■-■■^'} n^l^ Why do ye not underftand my fpeeeh? even becaufe ye cannot hear my word. /f 44! Ye are of your father the devil, and the luds ofyour father ye wlll do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the tru1,h-, becaufe there is no truth in him. When he fpeak- eth :»' lye, he fpeaketh of his own : for he is a lyar, and the father of it. * ' 45 And becaufe I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. ,46 Whieh of you convinceth me of fm ? and if I fay the truth, why do ye not believe me ? .: 47 He that is of God heareth God's words : ye therefcre hear them not, becaufe ye are not of Gcd. 48 Then anfwercd the Jews and faid unto him, Say we not weil tliat tnou urt a Kjaupiitan, sn>* ..-a:^A-^'^u-iiAjll»rii|ft.H! 'II iMwITi iii 'V:\ I 5? ( 54 ) ts; yakwadonSamaritan n'ifo, (faneghshonghronon. tferayen ?) fayen n'otkonh. 49 Jefus tentahhadadi, yaghten wakyen n'otkonh : ok denghnon rikonyenghftha ne rake«ihha ok if: walkwadeJmatha. 50 Oni .yaghten kerighwifaks akgloria Shava- • dat naah ne rcfaks ok oni tehayadoreghtha. ^ 51 Agw«gh togenike onwe, togenfke wak./en- haghfe, togat ncnken ne rongwe aontahhoyenawa- gonhek tfin.wal.erihhbten, nonwenndon t'en- Ijatkaghtiion ne kenhheyaten. 52 Ethone ne Jewfl^ga tahhonwenlughfe, onen nonwa ^.^cwadogenfe, fayen n'otkonh. Ra^enh- ' Iieyon ne Abraham, ok oni ne prophethogon, ok fa- <.on, togat ne rongwe aontahhoyenawagonhek tfini- M', yaghnonwendon f enhayenderha ne . kenhheyaten. • ■uP ,^'S' ''"" 'S^*°^^"e"tfi„iyoughtnefagwan. .• ib.a kenhha r . Abraham, nene rawenhheyof T ok onx neProphet-hogon kenhha rone^Jaeyon ongh- ka kadi fadaddonyon n'ife ? ■' ' b" . 54 Jefus tentahharighwaferagon, togat nonken .,h wakadadkonyenghft, yaghten yor;hhond.rwa " .konyenghftfera, ne naah ne Ragenihha nene rai^.. konyenghftha; nene fewadon raonha naah „e Ihongwawenniyoh : 55 Ok sane yaghten eghtfifewayenderhe-on ; ok denghnon wyenderi n'iih: ok ^oL^ ..„,.„„ jJs I ( 54 ) haft a devil ? 49 Jefus anfv/ered, I have not a devil •, but I hcnour my Father and ye do difhcnour me. 50 And I feek not mme own glory ; there is one that feeketh and judgeth. 51 Verily, verily I fay unto you, If a man kcep -my faying, he fhall never fee death. 52 Then faid the Jews unto him, Now wc know that thou haft a devil. .Abraham i^ dead, and the prophets jj and thou fayeft, If a man keep my faying, he fhall never tafte of death. K'i Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead ? and the prophets are dcad : whom makeft thou thyfelf ? 54 Jeftis anfwered, If I honour myfelf, my ho- nour is nothing : it is my Father that honoureth me •, of whom ye fay that he is your God. •ri]j^*-hj^l: 55 Yet ye have not known him : but I know him. /VUU U i iiiv/UiU lujy s A n.i^W TT ii^.ss^ ron yaghten hlyenderl, etho nc enkeno^^-enghf tfitlfc yought n';fe ne fewanbwenght ; ok denghnoli ri- yenden, oni kerighwenhhawe tfinihawennbten. 56 Eghtifewanihha Abraham wahhadonhiren tfiwahhatkaghtho akeghnifera niih: ok wahhati- kaghtho oni wahhatfliennbni. 57 Ethone ne Jewftaga fahhonwenhaghfe, arekho wiik niyoghfer3ghfen tfifonhe, ok wa^h- tfyatkaghtlio ken ne Abraham ? " . 58 Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, tcgenfke, togen- Ike wakwaghrbri, arekho Abraham teken^hne, iih n yare ike, ° 59 H Ethone vscathadinenyaghkwe ne ne rortwa- yenghtane : ok denghnon Jefus wahhadar^hfe^Me, ok eren sareghte ne Templetferagon fadewaghfen. njghfon kanenragon neyehare, ok yehodongogh- V t- CHAP. IX. Nene teharonwegonfionwatjendotu jt <\- V\^"'. X roniie. ^K tfi radohhetstonhatye ne Jefus, walihb|en ne rongwe ncne teharonwegen tfmahhc & ( 55 ) ihould be a lyar like unto you : but 1 know lilm, aud.keep his faying. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to fee niy dftyiVL ^d he faw it, and was glad. .,>S7 Then faid the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hail thou feen Abraham ? , 58, Jefus faid unto them, Verily, verily I fay untQ you, Before Abraham was, I am. .,59 Then took they up ftones to caft at him : B^ijMl.Jefus hid himfelf, and went out of the temple, gQing ^tlirough the midft of them, and fo pafled by* «^ I CHAP. IX. ^ l He that ivas hrn blind is rejlored to ftght. 15 He is brought tQ the Pharifees. 34 They excof^inwfii' cate him. Chri/l rccciveth him, and he confc/pth Chrijt. ND as Jefu^ pafled by, he faw a man whiGK was blind from his birthv^ J ■iliiC.yn \JH^ 'ni'V I 1 ( 5if''-' .^ :I4 Tawenndadogenghdoftke -ethone 'Jefufe^tfi wahhanawatftoni, ok fahhokaghkwarighfydli* '^"^'^'^' ^r^lx Ethone ne Pharifee fahhonwarighwariohdonfe, tfinen awen tfi fahhoyendane, aonfahhaken, wafha- fo.wenhaghfe, wahhanawatftarhon akkaghteg6, cfk if^ t) x oii lakenohhare oni ikkens. , , 16 Ne Jcadi wahhoni oddyake ne Pharifefe, ^^a- irpn, y.agh Rawenniyoge ten gayen raonigonra, ne ken rongwe, ne aoriwa yaghten harighwatsteHftha ne yawenndadogenghdon oddyake fayairon, oghnert awen rx'enhatyere etho ne yorighwanneragwaght ne rongwe ne rorighwannerakfkon enkenhak ? ok thikadefhon wahhodinigonghrawen-on. -- : CoJ-kfvn.xv.^nh^fyhfe ne tehharonwep^en* oghrta- I hpten ife ^ghtfyenni, tfi ronhodpngwa ne fakagh- ( 57 ) like him. But he faid, I am he. .,,,|,p, Therefore faid tJiey unto him, How were thine eyes opened ? . ir He anfwered and faid, A man that is called Jefus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and faid unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and waCi. And I went and waihed, and I received fight. 12 Then faid they unto him, Where is he ? Hc faid, I know not. 13 % They brought to the Pharifees him that aforetime was blind. 14 And it was the fabbath-day when Jefus made the clay, and opened his eyes. ^|r5 Then again the Pharifees alfo afked him, how he had received his fight. He faid unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I wafhed, and do fee. , j6 Therefore faid fome of the Pharifees, This man is not of God, becaufe he keepeth not the fabbathrday. Others faid, How can a man that h a fmner do fuch miracles ? And there was a divi- fiou among them. v I I? They fay unto the blind man againi What fayeft thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? T K f I rii ( S8 ) tcge ? wahhenron Prophet naah. ^ "i8 Ok denghnon ne Jewfhaga wahhcJnSennb- wenghte tfinihoyadawe-on, tfi tehharonwegen, ok tfi s'hoyewennda-on aonfahaken, tfmiwahhonwadi- nonke ne ronwayeah raonha nene s'hoyendu-on ne aonfahhaken. 19 Ok wahfhakodcrighwanbndonfe, rondon, ne ken ne kengayen eghtfifeniye-ah, nene fewadon ok fi tehharonwegen ongwe tfi rodbn ? Oghnen-awen ' tfi nonwa rakens ? 20 Ne ronwadcwcdon tayerighwaferagon, ok wairon, yakeniyendcri ne neken ne yaghfakeniye- ah, oni ok fi tehharonwegen tfi ronakeraton. , ., 21 Ok tfina awen nonwa tfi rakens, yagnten yakeniyenderi ; ok onghka enkenhak ne ronhodon- gwen ne rakaghtege, yaghten yak .nvenderi •, etho tfinithoyen ; eghtfifewarighwar : : n.e': raonha agwagh enthatrory tfinihoriwayen. 22 Etho niyoaght tfi tcghniwenninnegennc ne ronwadewedon, ne aoriwa tfi yetsanife ne Jewf- haga: iken onen tfirodirighwifTon, togat nonken / onghka enyondonhek ne naah ne Chriftus ne etho, enhonwayadinnegenwe ne Synagogue. 23 Ne kadi wahhoni ne ronwadewedon wairon, onen watkayeri tfinithoyen eghtsifewarighwanon- donfe. 24 Ethone fahhonwennonfee ne rongwe nene kenghne tehharonwegen, ok wahhonwcnhaghfe, ( 58 ) idenno- ^en, ok mwadi- jndu-on don, ne idon olc ;n-awen ;on, ok Lkeniye- n. , ., yagnten [ihodon- 1 5 etho r«*onha # i2 He Hiid, He is a prophct. i8 But thc Jews did not bclieve conceming liim that he had been blind, and received his %ht, umil tiiey called thc parents of him that had recci<\Td his fight. Ip And they afked them, faying, Is this your fon who ye fay was born blind ? haw then dotli he ncw fee ? 20 His parents anfwered them and faid, We know that this is our fon, and that he was born blind : 2 1 But by what means he now feetJi, we fcnow riot :'or who Tiatli opened his eyes we know not: he is of agej afk him : lie fhall fpeak for himfetf. ennc ne le Jewf- nonken ne etho, [ wairon, hwanon- ' '2^ Thefe words fpake his parents becaufe tliey fcared the Jews : for thc Jews had agreed already tliat, if any man did confefs that he was Chrift, he iSiould be put out of the fynagogue. 23 Therefore faid his parents, He is of age ; a& him. we nene nhaghfe, 24 Then again ^called was blifid, ahd faid unto I 2 they the man that him, Give Goil the ( 59 ) Rawenmyoke fadenghraghferonyon ne eghtfenotlgK weraton: yakwarighwayenderi ne ken rongwe rorighwanneraklkon naah. 2 38 Ok fahhenron, fayaner, tewakeg^taghkon. Ok wahhonidenghtafe. r^ :>qqur; *^r39 f Ofc Jefus wahhenron, ne aoriwa ne tekaya- dorbghtfera oghwhentjage wakewe, nene akaonha ne yaghten yekens aontayekenghfck ; ok ne m akkionha ne yekeus aontayondadderonwekte. ( 6o ) 3^ Since the world began waS tt nOtheard that any man openQd the eyes of onc that was botn blihd. , 33 If this man were not of God, he couW do notliing. . ■ ■ ■ V ■ ' V ' • , - 34 1f They anfwered and faid unto him, Thdti- waft altogether born in fms, and doft thou teach us? And they caft him out. ■'<^^ f Jefus heard that they had caft him out : and when he had found him, he faid unto him, Doft thou beheve on the Son of God ? • '>^6 He anfwered and l\iid, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him ? ^rj^And Jefus faid unto him, ThoU haft both fe^n him, and it is he that talketh with thee. -^ 038 And he faid, Lord, I believe. And he wor- {hipped him. >S3(^ And Jefus faid* For judgment I anf come iiito this world : that thcy whieh fee' not might fee, md that they whieh fee might he made blind, - nMmiirmiMHI ( 6i ) 40 Ok oddyake ne Pharifee ne ne wadQg^cn ronefgwe wahhadiwennaronke ne kengayen, pj^ Vahhonwenhaghfe, teyakwaronwegen oni kenc niih? 41 Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, togat nonk^g: aontefewaronwegen, yaghten aontefe warighwaniHl ; nerakferayendak : ok denghnon ronwa fewadon, teyakwakanere ; ne kadi wahhoni yoderighwada- denron ne fewarighwannerakfera. CHAP. X. Chrijiui ne ranonghnaf'^eghtserl^oK-. , ^x.j,^ II A GWAGH togenfke, kwaghrbri, raonha nene •^ yaghten radaweyaden tfmonwe tfikanhoka- ronde tfi kontyendaghkwa ne werha^ Teyodina- garondoa ok eren nonga radawenrats, ne fagat liiaah ranenghfgwas oni fliakoghkv;as. • 2 Ok denghnon raonha nt^<^, radaweyaden tfi kanhokaronde naah ne ranonghne ne werha. 3 Nene ranhohanonghne raonhage enhanhodon- gon, ok ne werha ronwawennathonde, oni walhako- longhyehha ne raotscna-ogon, fliakonadonyon ok talihanenghrinnegenwe. ^ 'mmi^.. ( 61 ) ^'"^^o'Arid fome of tlie Fharifees, wHch were with him heatd thefe words, aiidf aid unto him, Are we blind alfo ? 41 Jefus faid unto them, If ye were blind, ye {hould have no fin: but now ye fay, We fee;, therefore your fin temaineth. i-'f'' ntlilti'if' CHAP. X. I Chrt/1 is fhe door, and the goodppherd. 19 Blvers cpinlons ofhim. 22 He proveth by his works that he is ChriJI. VERILY, vcrily, I fay unto you, He that tt\X^ eth not by the door into the fheep^fold, but climbeth up fome other way, the fame is a thief * and a robber. a But he that entereth in by the door is the fiiepherd of the Iheep. 3 To him the porter openeth; and the flieep hear his voice : and he calieth his own flieep by name, and kadeth them out; ^ /...,,,, , r i*> ( 62 ) •,4 Ok de onen -vahhentyoghkwinnegeftwe ne rajodscna-oson werha raonha wahhahhende^ ok ne werha ronwaghnonderatye ; iken ronwawehna^ yenderi. 5 Ok ne oya tehaoghwhenjenon yaghten ondon enhowaghfere.. ok Jenghnon eren enkondegon tfl' ire : iken yaghten honwadiwennayenderi ne oya* teyakaoghwhentj enon. 6 Ne kengayen wadennageraghton Jefus wah- fhakawerihaghfe ; ok denghnon yaghten hodint- gonghrayenda-on tfintkarihhbten ne s'hakdghtha'* raghkwenni, ' 7 Ethone Jefus faghnrakawenhaghfe are, agwagh togenfke wakwcnhagfe, iih naah ne kanhohkaronde* tfi ];ontye'ndaghkwen ne werha. ^ '8 Agvvegon nefte radihhendon ne n'iih naah ne radinengfhfgwas oni ihakodighkwens : ok dengh- non ne werha yaghten honwanathonde. 9 lih naah ne kanhohkaronde, iihne kadi togat onghkakiok radaweyaden, enhoyadagon, enhadawei-' yadhak ok enhayakenghfekoni enhatshenri neenrake; t 10 Ne ranenghfgwas tfi ire, ne ok fanyende ne t?nhanenghflvO, enfliakoryon oni enhatyefaght. lih wakewe nene aondonhetserayendane, ok fenhha aondongoghte karihhowanen tsi n'enyakoyendane n'adonheta. T T Tih n^sih np rnnnnorhnaf-vporht*fierivok : ne ran^ ,^ g ^ _Q j onghnatyeghtseriyoh radewenndeghten tsi ronhe ne i ''■Wiml^,'A ''e rie ok ne ondon ;on tfi' e.oya waii- Lodint-i' ghtha* gwagh ironde* aah ne iengh- i togat idawe- ^nrake. nde ne it. lih- fenhlia' 3ndand le ran- inhe ne ( 6x ) ^4 And.when he putteth forth hls owu fbeep, ho goetb before them, arid the flieep foikxw him: for dwy know Im voice. f,.^vrAnda ftranger wlU tliey not follow, but will fltre frQm him : for they know not the vtMce of Itrangers.iiji;; ..^ Thi3 parahle fpake Jefus unto them : but tltey underftood not what things they were whicb he fp^ei^ato them. iJ7,J3gi;iep.Jaid Jefus unto them again, Verily, rm^li^W^o you, I am the dcor of the fheep. ,S A^\ tl^at ever came before me are thieves and rob|)ers : but the fheep did not hear them, 9. I am the door : by me if any man enter in, he fliaU be faved, and fliaU go in and out, and fmd pafture. ,10 The thief cometh not but for to fteal, and to kiU, and to deftroy: I am come that they might have Ufe, and that they might have it more abuu- dantiy. I 1 1 I am the good fliephcrd. The good fliepherd ' *• -■ *- .,. ^N^^ob^t iiovn^aiiiy^>'n*:- ( 63 ) ; ( I aoderiwa ne werha. fd diovrs 12 Gk raonha ne ok tehonwanhafe, ok pghten hanonghnatyeghtseragwenniyoh, nene yagh.raonh^ ten hawenniyoh ne werha, tehakanere tsi dawe ne Okwahho, ok wafhakoyadondi ne werha oni wahhadego : ok ne okwahho waakoyena, oni wa- konrenyade ne werha. 13 Ne ronwanhafe wahhadegon, ne wahlioneok tehonwanha-on, yagh oni ten hanoronghkwa r m werha. 14 lih naah ne ranonghnatyeghtseriyoh, oni kheyenderi aketsena-ogon ok oni ne yonkyenderiiic 15 Tsiniyought ne Ranihha rakyenderi, yought niih riyenderl ne Ranihha : wakaddeii^nii^ deght tsi konhe ne aoderiwa ne werha. 16 Ok bya ne werha wakenaghfgwayeH, nene yagh kengh ten kontyendaghkwa ; neoni enfke^ yathewe rononha oni enyonkewennaronke 5 enfkat o*k enkenhak ne kcntyendaghkwa ok fliayadat ne ranonghnatye. 17 Ne kadi wahhoni rakhenoronghkwa he Ra- genihha, ne wahhoni wakaddewenndeght tsikonke, nene aonfekyenake n'etho. ' 18 Yagh onghka ne ongwe te ycnkcghkweenni, ilh ok ne kaddewenndeghton, wakegwerinyontse* rayen nene, aonkaddewenndeghte, oni wakegwen- nyontferayen nene aonfekyenake. Ne kerigayen i'akerighwawi ne Ragenihha. ( 6i ) giveth his llfe for- the flieep. 012 But he that is an hireling and not the fliep- herd, whofe own the ftieep are not, feeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the flieep, and fleeth-, and tlie wolf catcheth them,and fcattereth the flieep. 13 The hireling fleeth, becaufe he is anhireling, and careth not for the flieep. 14 I am the good fliepherd, and know my flieep, and am known of mine. ;. 14 As the Father knoweth me, even fo know I the Father 5 and I lay dowix my hfe for the flieep. .v'iG And other flieepl have which are not of this fold : them alfo I muft bring, and they fliall hear my voice: and there fliall be one fold, and one fliepherd* 2 517 Therefore doth my Father love me, becaufe I,tey down my life .that I might take it again. ^,jn 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myfelf. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment haye I recciyed of my Father. ■■^ki^ ^iVM^- I ( «4 ) 19 % Are oyafhon ne fahhodinIgonghrawdi-611 nejewfliaga, ne aoriwa tfmi karihhoten'he tiri^ gayen. 20 (yk yawetowanen tfmihadi wairon, royen nc Kanigonghrakfen, oni •vvathononghwarawfenri ; oghne yotyeren eghtfifewathondatfe ? 2 1 T'hikade wairon, yagh egh ten yewennoten- hak ne yalcbyen ne kanigonghrakfen. Ondon ken iie Kanigorghrakfen enyenhodongoii ne akokagh- tege ne teyeronwegen ? 22 Etfco niyawe-on Jerufalcmne aghfon* tiiya- kodennyodaghkwe ne ronwawihhe, oni Goghfer- henge. ^ 23 Oni Jefus ire Templetferagon raoghfgwagon ne Solomon. .rV/ioa 24 Ethone tic Jewihaga wahhontkenDiiira tfi ^refe, ok wahhonwenliaghfe, do nenwe oTc t'igh- feghre •enhonaderyendharen ? togat norikcn ife Chriftus enkenhak, yateferighwadogenght, tak-- waghrori. 25 Jeftis tentahhariwaghferagon, kwaghrbri 'fe, 9k yaght^n tefeweghdaghkcn : tfini kaybdengh- ferbtenfe nene katyerha ne raoghfennagon ne Ra- gennihha, ne yonkerighwaghniratfe. 26 Ok denghnon ife yaghten tefeweghtaghkon, ne aoriwa tfi yagh ne degen iih aketsena-ogon werha tfifewayadare, tfmiwakwaghrori. . 27 Aketfenaogon yonkewennaghronken, ok ( 64 ) ip f Thcre wns a divifion thcrefore again among the Jews for tbefe fayings. 20 And many of tuem faid, he hath a devil, and is mad •, why hear ye him? 2 1 Others faid, Thefe are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind ! 22 % And it was at Jerufalem the feaft of the dedication, and it was winter 5 * 21 And J^fus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. ' ,24 Then came the Jews round ahout him, and faid unto him, How long doft thou make us to doubt ? If thou be the Chrift, tell us plainly. ok 25 Jefus anfwered them, I told. you, and ye be- lieyed not. The works that I do in my Father's narn^, they bear witnefs of me. 2(\ But ye believe nof, becaufe ye are not of my flieep, as I faid unto you. 27 My flieep hear my vpice, and I know them; il ( «5 ) ^ kheyenden, oni yonknonderatye. , . 28 Oni kheyawihhe eterna adonheta; oni yagh nonwenndon t'enhontkarbni, yaghoni onghka ne ongwe tenyonkeghkwen kefnonghfagon tsi ikhawe. 29 Ne Ragenihha, nene rakwawi, raonha teha- kowanen tsiniyought agwegonj ok yagh onghka n'ongwe t'enyegv/eni tenhonwadiyadaghkwen ras- nonghfagon ne Ragennihha. 30 lih oni ne Ragenihha enikat naah. 31 ^ Ethone ne Jewfliaga tefahhadinnenyagh- kwe ne enhonwayenghte. 32 Jefus tahhariwaghferagon, yawetowanen ne kayodenghferiyofe ne Ragenihne tewakhen ne kwa^ nadbni, kah kadi ne gayen ne karighwiyoh ne wak- ftondtin tsi takwannenyenghten ? 33 "^^ Jewfhaga tahhadiriwaghferagon, wairon, yagh ne te faghftonden ne karighwiyo tsiwakwan^ nenyenghten, ok ne tsifarighwayefaghtha ; ne wah** honi tsi ife, fongv/e fe, Niyoh fadaddonyon. 34 Jefus watharighwaghferagon, yagh ken ten kaghyadon faghtyawenratferagon, waken, fewaai-? yoh-bgon ? * 35 Togat nonken s'hakonadonghkwaghgv^^e !^i- yoh-ogon rononha tfiyeyoyenda-on ne raowennane Yehovah, ok yaghten yawxght entayerighwarighte ne kaghyadonghferadogenghti ; 36 Ne keu egutsifeweiini, rdonha nene Ranihha yoragwenni oni oghwhenjage yehonha-on, farighwa- Jl ! 'r"*j { 6S ) nyagli- nen ne le kwar- le wak- R^airon, akwan- le, wah-* cen ten fewani- ;we Ni- mnane -^arighte and they follow me : 7S And I givc unto them eternal life; and thcy fliall never perifh, ncithcr ihall any pluck them out of my hand, 29 My Fathcr which gave them me, is greatcr than ^Il 5 and noue is able to pluck thcm out of niy Father's hand. 30 I and my Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up iloncs ngain to flone hlm. 32 Jefus anfwered them, Many good works have I fliewed you from my Father •, for which of thofe woi'ks do you ftone mc ? ^vr^^ The Jews anfwcvcd him, faying, For a good x\«ork ^e ftone thce not : but for blafphemy : and bck^cttife tliat thou, being a man, makeft thyfelf God. ^'^4. Jefus anfwered them, Is it not written in your iavv', I faid, Ye are gods ? y' \ ^"35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word cf God came, and the fcriptures cannot be broken j; Lanmna righwa- 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath fanc- r' { 66 ) yefagliten, ne wahlioiu tsi waken, iih naah pe Yehovah Roye-ah ? 37 Togat nonken yagh ne ten katyerha ne raoyo- clenghfera-bgon ne Ragenihha, toghfa tefewegh- taghkon. .# 38 Ok denghnon togat etho ne katyerha, Te etho yaghten tefeweghtaghkon ne niih, tefeweghtaghkon nifla tsini kayodenghferotenfe ; nene aontefewado- genfe oni aontefeweghtaghkon nene Ranihha iihne yehennderon oni niih raonhage yekideron. 39 Ne kadi wahhoni fahhonghdagon are enhon- wayena: ok wafhakonyakenghte eren ne raodif- nonghfiigon* 40 Ok eren fareghte are isinongadih ne Jdrdan, tsinonwe John tsi tontyerenghte wahfhakoyatife (wafhakonohharehhe) ok egh nonwe wahhatye. 41 Ok yawetow^anen etho roneghten tsi irefe, oni wahhoniron, yagh ogh ten hoyeren ne John ne yorighwanneghragwaghte : ok denghnoft'' 'y^^^S^" wagwegon nene John roghtharaghkweni ne ken rongwe togenfke naah. 42 Ok egh. nonwe yawetowanen wathonegh-| daghkon raonhage. ( 66 ) tified and fent into the world, Thou blafphemefti becaufe I faid, I am the Son of God ? 37 If I do not the works of my Father, beheve menot! 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, be- .lieve thc works: that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in him. 39 Therefore tliey fought again to take him : but he efcaped out of their hand, 40 And went away again beyond Jordan, into theplace where John at firft baptized; and there he abode. , j-.j t 1, 41 And many reforted unto him, and faid, Jolin did no miracle : but all things that John fpake of this man were true. 4Z . And m^ny believed on him there. K2 f ^7 ) CHAP. XJ- ShQhetJhiven Jie rawenheyon* ' ^- II ONEN nonwa rayadadbgen rononghwakfeini- haghkwe, Lazarus ronwayatfgwe, Bethani:*- haga nene aodinada ne Mary oni Martha. 2 (Nene fakayadat Mary nene Royaner ronwa- nonghkwatferarhon, ok ne aononghkwifs ne fayera- kewaghte ne raghfige, nene aonhha yadaddegen Lazarus rononghwaktanihaghkwe). 3 Ne kadi ne rondennofenhha wakonderighwan- yeght raonhhage, yondonyon, Sayaner, fatkaght- ho, raonhha nene eghtfenoronghkwa rononghwak- dani naah. 4 Neonen Jefus wahharonke n'etho wahhenron, ne kengayen kanhra yaghten kahhawightenne kenh- heyatne, ok ne aoriwa iie raogloria ne' Yehovah, nene etho yaweght nen-awcn enhonwaglorifte ne Yehovah roye-ah. / 5 Ok ne Jefus fhakonoronghkwaghgwe Martha, oni ne yadennofenhha, ok cni Lazarus. 6 Neonen kadi t-^iroghronken tsirononghwak- tanihaghkv/e, eghvvtrJaiayonife teweghniferage ag- wa^h tsinonwe yc' v.i-nderondaghkwe. V 7 Ethone cghr: ^cn wahfhakawenhaghfe ne raotyonghkwa egh are tsideweghtc Judeatferagca. . { 67 ) CIIAP. XI. I Chriil rmfoth LazarvJ. 47 Ihipriep and Phari- fees gather a couhcil againji hiin. NOW .1 certam nian was fick, named Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her filler 2 Jt was that Mary which anointed the Lord ^vith ointmrnt, and wiped his feet with her hair, whofe brother Lazarus was fick. i>,*vTherefore his fifters fcnt unto him, faying, Lord, behold, he whom thou loveft, is fick. A When Jcfus heard that, he fliid, This ficknefs Js not unto death, but for the glory of God, that Tlintrirjnq Tnn\vnvc?f«, rondenron tsinilie ityogH^ ■ - iiirtfariarrt ( 68 ) 8 Hls dlfclples % unto Inm, Mafter, the Jews oflvfougl/to fton'e thee-, and goeft thou thuher again n Tefus anfwerecl, Are there not twelve hours m Jday If any m.n walV. in the cby.he ftun.bleth tt becaufe he feeth the light of th-.s world. /t ,0 But if a mar. ^valk in the night, he ftumblcth, , becaufe there is uo light in hnn. „Thefethingsfaidhe:andaftcrthathefai* ^t6H.em,0«rfriendLa.arusfleepeth,butIgo that I may awake him out of fleep. '^rThen faid his difcipks, Lord, if he fleep, he- {tiail do well. „f T,U .Uath' but they :a Howbeit, Jefus fpake of his c.ath d r thought that he had fpoken of takmg of reft m, ^"4 Then faid Jefus unto them plainly, Lazarus ''' iT And I am glad for your fakesnhat Iwas not J4t1limtentyemaybelieve:.neverthele.., W\xs go unto him.^ \e ThenfaidThomas.w4uchlscallcdDidymu^.. .i«i-i.:. r„„„.„ .lifciplcs, Let us alfo go, th«t we. ia 1:1 ( 6P ) kwa, egh oni yeddewegh, nene aondon enfkatiie cndewenhheye ne raonhha. 1 7 Ethone neoncn Jefus warawe, wahhodogenfe tsi onen kayeri niwada tsi oghwhentjogon yegayen ne raoyeronda kenhba. i8 (Yaweght wlflc yawenri furlong ne Jetufa- lemne tsinlyore ne Bethani.) 19 Ok yawetowanen ne Jewihaga wahhonev/e tsi yederon ne Martha oni Mary, konwadinikongh- ketfgwenni tsinihoyadawe-on ne rondaddegen kenh- ha. 20 Etlione Martha, ne onen wa-odogenfe dare ne Jefus, egh wa-eghte wathodderaghte ; ok ne Mary ok onen tsi kennderon ne kanonshfa^on. 21 Ethone Martha wahhavvenhaghfe ne Jefus, Sayaner, togat ken aontaghfefeke yaghten aonte- hawenhheyonge ne akyadaddege-ah. 22 Ok kyenderi denghnon, onen nonwa, tsiok nahhoten enghtferighwanegen ne Yehovah, engh- yon naah ne Yehovah. 23 Jefus wahfliakawenhaghfe, tfyadaddegeah en- fahhatketfko naah. '^'24 Martna fahhonwenhaglife, kerighwayenderl enfahhatketfko are, tsinentfyontketfko onen en- wadoghwhenj okte n . 25 Jefus wahfliakawenhaghfe, iih naah ne ke« riorhwaijwennivoh ne ne ent-fvontkeffkon oni r^e adonheta: raonha nene tehaweghtaghkon iilme, fc may ( 69 ) may «5ie wkh Wm. 17 Then ^-heri Jcfus c?.me, he fcuml that he had lien in the grave four days aheady. ,8 Now Bethany was nlgh uiito Jerufalcm, about fifteen furlongs off : 10 And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary to comfort thcm concerning their brothcr. , rao .Then Martha, as foon as flie heard that J^is coming, went and met him : but Mary fat ftill in tlie houfe. t 1 t 4.1 , ,21 Then faid Martha unto Jefus, Lord, if tliou hadft been here, my brother had not died. i?2 But I know that even now whatfoevor thou wik afk of God, God will give it thee. asJefus faithunto her. Thy brothcr fl^all rife "°'^4" Martha faith unto him, 1 know thaj he (hall rife again in the refurredion, at the laft day. 25 Jefus faid unto her, I am the refurreaion and th' life; he that beheveth in me, diough h- <» ( 70 ) etho enhawenliheyonge, fhegon sane aghronheke.^ 26 Ok onghkakiok ioi»he oni tehaweghtaghkon lihne, yaghnonwenndon te enghrenhheye. Teicgh- taghkon ken ne kengayen ? 27 Wahlionweiihhaghfe, etho, Sayaner; tewa- keghtaghkon nene ife naah ne Chriflus, ne Yehovah Roye-ah, nene karighwifibn oghwhenjage entreghte^ 28 Ok neonen tsi etho ne yoyeren, eren wa- eghde, oni wakonwadinonge Mary ne yadenno^ fenhha adaghfeghdonke, wadonnyon, onen iroph i^q RivWcnniych, oni aghyayadifaks. • 29 Kawenniyoh ne wa-onronke, okfaok ta- kadane, ok egh w^a-onwe tsi ire. . ,^^„ 30 Ok ne Jefus arekho ten yehharawe Kanadar gon, etho ok yerefgwe tsiuonwe v/atyadderane ne Martha. 31 Ethone ne Jewfliaga ne wadogen yederon- daghkwe kanonghfagon, ne konwanikonghketf- gwenni, neonen w^akonwaken Mary kayadaghfnore tsi watkadane, oni wa-eyagenni, wakonwaghfere, yondonyon, etho cnghte tsi ronwayadatha wa- eghde, watflarani etho nonwe. ^32 Ethone neonen Mary wahhoyadorenne ne Jefus, oni wahhotkaghtho, eghdage w^a-ontyadbndi rughsige, royenneni, Sayaner, togat ken aontagh- feftke yaghte aontehau enhheyonk:e ne akyadad- ^; 39 Jefus wahhenron, eren fewahliawighte n'o- nenya. Martha nene yadennofen fcenhha ne ra*- wenhheyon, wahhoyenhaghfe, Sayaner, onen ongh-s te nonwa rayadageras : iken onen fe kayeri niwada tsi hawenhheyon. ^40 Jefus wafhakawenhaghfe, yaghfcen ten Jco- yenni, nene togat nonken aontefeghdaghkon, enfan derighwatkaghtho naah ne raogloria ne Niyoh ? lui^ 41 Ethone eren wa-ehhawighte n'onenya, nene tsi kayendaghkwe ne rawenhheyon. Ok Jefus enefeen wahhatkaghtlio, oni wahhenron, Ragenl groaned 34 ^ fay unt 35 - 36 ' him. 37 whieh that e 38 come lay u 3^ the Lor< deac 4 If 1 gloi / pU up ( 71 ) ,h,. Jewsalfo weepmgwhich came vvitU her, he groaned iu the fpirit, and was troublca, 3+ And faid, Whcre have ye laid him ? They fay^unto him, Lord, tomc and fce. ^5 Jefuswcpt. , , . 36 Then faid the Jews, Behold, how he loved hini. - . ,7 And fome of them faid, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caufed that even thi& man Ihould not have died? 08 Jefus therefore again groaning in himfelf, cometh to the grave : it was a cave, and a ftonc ^?M«s faid, Take ye away the ftone. Martha, the fifter of him that was dead faith unto hnr.,, Lord, by this time he ftinketh: for he hath been dead four days. ' ' ' .0 Tef'^ raid unto her, Said I not unto thee that, If thou wouldeft belieN'e, thou fl.ouldeft fee the ^'°!I Then ihey took away the ftone frcm the :^' ^.!" TJa.^ was laid. And Jefus lifted I ( 72 ) nlyawen watkononghwcraton tsi wafkwatliondatte. 42 Ok a kerighwayenderi tiutkon takwathon- dats : ok ne wahhoni ne ongwe ne ken radikcnn- yade, ne waken, nene aontchoneghtaghkon tfi ife takenha-on. 43 Ok ne onen etlio ne hoyeren, wahhade- wennayendon rowenndcght, Lazarus, karo tafegh- ten. * 44 Ok ne rawenhheyoh tahhayagenne, raneren ne rafnonke oni raghfige ne nahhoten ronwagh- wennonyatha: ok onyadara ronwakonghfaroktha': Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, eghtfifewaghnerengh- fyon oni eghtfifewaghtkawe. 45 Ethone yawetowanen ne Jewfhaga nene Marlghne wahhonewe, onen tfi wahhontkaghthp^tfi- nikarighoten ne hoyeren Jefus, wathoneghtaghk.pH raonhage. 46 Ok oddyake etho wahhoneghte ne Phaf ifees ne, oni wahlhakodighrori tsini karihhotea ne: ho- •yeren Jefus. , iu 47 f Ethone ne radiyadagwenniyofe Cohen^fon oni ne Pharifees wahhaditjenhhayen, ok wairpn, ^ogh n'endewayere ? iken ne ken rongwe,.ejr9^ine yorighwanneghragwaght tsini hayerha. 48 Togat nonken iddewerhek, raweronhatye nifTa, agwegon ne ongwe enthoneghdaghkon raonhage : <^ni ne Romani enthone oni enhonghtonde .t^ini dewayadbten oni tsi dewanakere. ( ) lafifees ne: ho- A^airpn, efcfl jne renifla, nhige : le ,t§ini tiiou haft heard me. 42 And I kncw that thou hcareft me always: fciit becaufe of the people which ftand by I faid it, that they may believe that thou haft fent me. 43 And when he thus had fpoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave-clothes : and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jefus faith unto them, Lbofe him, and let him go. 45 Then many of the Jews which came to ^Ma^, and had feen the things which Jefus did, "believed on him. •'^ ■■^'¥6 But fome of them went tlieir ways to the Pharifees, and told them whnt things Jefus had • :°<4Vf Then gathered the chief priefts and the Phlrifees a counci!, «nd faid, What do we? for "this man doeth many miracles. =i"i48 If we let him thus alone, all men wiU belieye •^h' himv and the Romans fhall come and take ' 4way both our place and nation. i 73 ) |tu II ! 49 Oiii flnyadat tsmi hadi neiiG Caipkas lOTi' wayat%we, etlioue fayoglvferat rayadagweiimyofi25i>- kwe ne Cohena, wahfhakawenhaghfe, yagh othe- non ten iewarighwayenderi. 50 Yagh oni tefewarighwaka-enyon tsi ongwa- yauerenghfera naah> ncne tsyongwedat aghrenhJieye ne akoriwa ne ongwe, nene yaghten enwaghtondt? agwegon tsinideyoghwhenjoden. 5i''Ok ne ken yagh raonhha raonigonra ten hodadi : ok ethone fayoghferat raonhha yaweght rakowanen ne Cohena, wahharighwatrori tsi .ra* righwakenfe nene Jefus agl enhheye ne akoriwa n'etho ne aka-oghwhentfyoden ; 52 Yagh oni ne ok ne etho ne akaoghwhenjcden, ok denghnon oni wadogen eniliakoyadarbroke ne Yehovah fhakoye-ongonwa nene cren rouwadireii- yaden. 53 Ethone weghniferade yodaghfawen watha- diyadbreghte tsinenhadiyere ne enhonwaYyoh. 54 Jefus kadi yaghten s'hoddawenryon fliegon ne kanenherhen ne Jewlhagage 5 ^ok cren &areghte tsidyenakere onontonha niybre ne karhagOQ, tsi ^ kanadayen ne konwayats Ephraimj ok egh wali' hontye nc raotyonghkwa. 55 ^ Ok onen onontohha tsinihondcnnyodden ne Jewflraga nene eren wa-ondongoghte : ok yawc- .towanen ne yenakereghferagon egh wahhoneghde lerulaiemne arekho tsi waderii^hv/ehhawife nciie as 1011« li othe- ongwa- inhJieye ^htoiide nra ten ^aweght tsi .ra» akoriwa ( ^3 ) 49 Aftd one of thewi named Cataphas, being the high prieft that fame year, faid unto them, Ye know nothi^ at alt, 50 Nor confider that it is ex{)edient for us, that one man {liould die for the people, and that the whole nation petifli aot. 51 And this fpake he not of himfelf : but, being hlgh prfeft that ycar, he prophefied that Jefus {hould die for that nation ; mjcden, iroke ne .vadireii- watha- . foh. i ijiegon &areglite §,on^ tsi tjh wah' myodden ok yawe- loneghde ife iiene 52 And not for that nation only, but that alfo he fhould gather together in one the children of God that were fcattered abroad. 53 Then from that day forth they took counfel together fbr to put him to death. 54 Jefus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews \ but went thence unto a country near to the wildernefs, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his difciples. 55 And the Jews paffbver was nigh at hand : and many'went out of the country up to Jeiufajem i ( 74 ) eren waondongoglite, nene aontehondyadohhareh- hen. ... 56 Ethone wahhonwayadlfake ne Jefus, oni ron- dadderighwanondonyon, aghfon tsi radikennya- daghkwe Templetferagon, oghnahhoten ifewere ? yagh ken ten aontare tsi wadennyode ? 57 Onen nonwa nene radikowanenghfe ne Co- henafon oni ne Pharifee fhakoderighwifla-enni, nene onghka kiok enyerighwayenderihek tsi irefgwe, enghfliakodinadonhaghfe nene aontahhowayena. CHAP. XII. V ETHONE yayak ne weghniferage arekho apnte- waderighwihhewe nene eren waondongoghte, Jefus warawe ne Bethani, tsirennderondaghkwe ne Lazarus, nene rawenhheyoghne, neoni ne ihoketf- gwen tsihawenhheyon. * 2 Etho nonwe wahhowahkonyon ne tyokarcika, oni Martha wa-ontfterift : ok Lazarus naah tsini- hadi ne wadogen wahhontye tsi kahkwahraghkwe. 3 Ethone watkaghkwe ne Mary Ikakonghtferat ne ,-_ 1 ^^.viJr,.rnfrm'^f-pn np fnikenard, nene agwagh kanoron, oiii wakarhon ne raghsige Jefus, ok ne ( 74 ) befcre the paflbver, to purify themfelves. 56 Then fought they for Jefus, and fpake* among themfelves as they ftood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feaft ? 57 Now both the chief priefts and the Phari- feeshad given a commandment, that if any man knew where he were, he ftiould fiiew it, that they might take him. CHAP. XII. l Jefus eoicufeth Mary anointlng hls feet. 12 He rideth inta Jerufalem TIIEN Jefus fix days before the pafibver came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had. been dead, whom he raifed from tlie dead^ 2 Therfe they made him a fupper ; and Martha ferved : but Lazarus was one of them that fat at the table with him. 3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment ot fpikenard very coftly, and anointed the feet of Jefus, and wiped his feet with her hau ; anu tiit- t 75 ) aononghkwifs nc wa-erakewenghte ne raghfige : m kanonghfagon agwagh wakananon tsinikaferoten ne ononghkwa. 4 Ethone wahlxnron s'hayadat ne raotyongh- kwa, Judas Ifcariot, Simon roye-ah, raonha ne yaweron enhonikonghrafere. 5 Oghne yotyeren yaghten yakodenghnin6n ne ken ononghkwa aghfen tewennyawe pennys fa- tlenyonenon, oni aontoyondaddawi ne yakodenght? 6 Yagh ne ten hawen tsinis'hakonikbnrare ne yakodenght-, ok denghnon ne aoriwa tsi ranenghf* gwas, oni tsi rahhan^e ne kayare, ok oni tsinah-^ hoten n'etho wa-eyen. 7 Ethone Jefus wahhenron, yaweronhatye niffa : ne fe tsinenwadeghniferihhewe tsinenyonkyadathen ne yoghfennbni ne kengayen. 8 Iken ne yakodenght tiutkon wadogen ifewefe; ok denghnon niih yagh tiutkon ten iddewefe. ^ if 9 Efo kadi ne ongwe ne Jewfhaga rodidogenfe tsi etho yerefgwe ; oni wahhonewe yagh neok ne Jefus raoriwa, ok denghnon oni nene aontehonwat^ kaghtho Lazar'us, nene s'hoketfgwen tsi rawenh- _ heyoghne. ' ^ 10 Gk ne radikowanenghfe Cohenafon wathadi- yadbreghte, tsina-awen aontehowaryoh oni ne Lazarus; • ^ ^ 1 1 Ne wahhoni tsi iaonna waiinOriiiiiOni ya v/ s* ?:owanen ne Jewlhaga egh wahhoneghde oni wat- ( 7? )■ houfe was filkd with the odour of thc omtment. ^ Thtn faith one of his difdples, Jndas Ifcariot, Simou's fon, which fhouW betray h.m, , Why was not this ointment fold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor ? ^This he faid, not that he cared for thepoor j Jblaufehew'asathief,andhadthebag,and bare what was put therem. ..Then faid Jefus, Letfher alone : againft the day of my burying hath wM»nfr* ( 76 ) lioncghdaglikon ne Jefus. 12 ^ Tsi-wa-orhenne yawetowanen ne ongwe nene egh t'honadi tsi wadennyode, ne onen wah- hodidbgenfe tsi Jefus tentare Jerufalemne. 13 Wathadinhaghtyakon ne palm kerhiden, ok wahhonghdendi wathonwadderaghde, oni wahhon- dewennayendon, Hofanna : royadadderiften naah ne Rowakorah ne Ifrael ne ne tare raoghsennagon ne Royaner. 14 Oni Jefns, neonen tsi royadatfhenri ne yo- donnhiyo adennadi, egh wahhatye tsi niyought tsi kaghyadon. 15 Toghfa tefadonghha* enron, Sion yefaye-ah : tfyatkaghtho, fakbrah tare adennadi aowira tbgh- fede, 16 Nene ken tsinikarihhbten yaghten hodini- gonghrayenda-on ne raotyonghkwa ne tontyer- enghde : ok ne onen Jefus wahhonwaglorifte^ ' ethone fahhoneghyarane tsi etho ne ronwarihho- tenghften tsi kaghyadon, oni tsi rononha etho ne karihhbten tsini honwayeren. 17 Ne ongwe kadi nene wadbgen rbnefgwe ne onen tsiyehharonghyehha Lazarus oghwhenjogon tsi yehayadayendaghkwe, nconi s'hoketfgwen tsi rawenhheyonghne, ne wahhonderighwatrbri. 18 Ne oni aoriwa tsi wahhonwayadifake ne . _ _^ ._ ^ __^1^._* > • ^„-'L_-„i '* t „ Otij^wc, iic Wrv'Ant be : i£ ( 78 ) ne ongwe rakheghfnyefe, raonha naah ne Ragen- ihha enhokonnyenghft. 27 Oncn nonwa yoronghyagen n'akenigonra 5 ok nahhbtcn enkiron ; Rageni takyadagon eren ferighwaghkwit ne ken hour ; ok denghnon ne aoriwa tsi wakerighwaraon ne kengayen hour. 28 Rageni, feglorifte faghfenna. Ethone tayo- wennadatye ne Karonghyage, wadonyoh, onen wakeglorifte ok are enfkeglorifte. 29 Ne ongwe kadi nc egh radikennyade, oni j'Onathonde, wairon, yowernghra-onhatye : oya fa- yairon Karonghyagegh ronon wahhowennrane. 30 Jefus tahhariwaghferagon oni rawen, ne kengayen tayowennadatye yagh n'iih akeriwa tegen^ ok ife fewariwa. 31 Onen nonwa watkonwayadbreghte ne ken yoghwhentjade : onen ne ronwakowanen ne ken yoghwhentj ade enho wayadinnekenhhon. 32 Ok niih, togat nonken enegen enyonkha- "wighte ne Oghwhentjage, iihne agwegon enkhe- yadaddironden ne ongwe. 33 (Etho ne hoyeren, yaweght ranadonnyon tsini kenhheyontferbten aghrenhheye) 34 Ne ongwe tehadiriwaghferagon, wakwagh- ronken yoghtyawenratferagon ne ne Chriftus tiut- kon aghrefeke 5 ok oghne yctyeren tsisadon, Ne RongweRonwayeah enegen enhonwenhhawighte ? Onghka ne gen ne Rongwe Ronwaye-ah i t 78 ) any man ferve me, him will my Father honour. 27 Now is my foul troubled : and what fliall I fiy ? Father, fave me from this hour : but for this caufe came I unto this hour. ^8 Father, glorify thy name. Tlien came there ^ voice from heaven, faying, I have both glorificd k, and will glorify it again. 29 The people therefore that ftood by, and heard it, faid, That it thundered. Others faid, An angel fpake to him. 30 Jefus anfwered and faid, This voice came not becaufe of me, but for your fakes. 31 Now is tbe judgment of this v/orld: now ihall the prince of this world be caft out. 32 And I, if I be lifted up from tlie earth, will draw all men unto me. 33 This he faid, fignifying what death he fhould -die. 1 1 j 34 The people anfwered him, We have heard out of the law that Chrift abideth for ever : and how fayeft thou, The Son of man muft be hfted wp : Who is this Son of man ? ^ ( 7? ) 35 Ethone Jefus walifliaJcawenhaghfc, s'hegon oghdonJia aghfon kaghfwathetfcrayen tsi ifewefc : tfyathahhak aghfon fevyaghfwathetferayen, nene yaghten enfewakaraghwe : iken nene tsi tyokaras. ire yaghten hayenderi tsini yelihare. 36 Aghfon fewaghfwathetferayen, tefeweghdagh- kon n% kaghfwathetfera, nene yetfliiye-ah enken. iiak ne kaghfwathetfera, Etho ne karihhbten t hodadi Jefus, ok eren fareghte oni wahhadagh- feghte. ^ .^37 f Okdenghnon sane yawctowanen tsiniho- yeren ne yorighw.aneghragwaglite tsi tehadikanere^ s hcgon^yaghten tehoneghtaghkon raonhhage. 38 ^hne enkayerine tsini hawennoten ne Pro- phet Efaias, nene rcdadighne, Sayaner, onghk^ teyakaweghtaghkon tsiniyak warighhoten ? oni ongh- ka ronwadidogatha ne ranontlhage (tsinihaweye^ noten) ne Royaner? 39 Ne kadi wahhone yaghten yodon aonteho- neghtaghkon, ne aoriwa tsi fahhawen are Efaias. ^ 40 Wafhakoronwekte raodikaghtege, oni rogh- niraton raoi^eryane : nene yaghten aontehadikagh^i rayendane, yagh oni t'enyoyendane raoneryaghfa- . gon, tsinikariiilioteh oru aoiitahodirighwiyofto^. , ok oni aonfakhetfyende. .41 Nckengayen tsini kariWioten rawen Efaias. neonen wahhatkaghtho raogloria, oni wahhoghJ hara|:rhkv/en» ( 79 ) 35 Then Jefus faid iimo thcm, Yet a Iittle whil^ is the iight wlth you : v/alk while ye have the light, left darknefs come upon you : for he that walketh in darkncfs knoweth not whither he goeth. 36 While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye inay be the children of light. Thefe things fpake Jefius, and departed, and did hide himfelf from them. »7 Butthough he had done fo many miracles before them, yet they believcd not on him, n ' '38 That the faying of Efaias the prophet might be 'fulfillcd which he fpake, Lord, who hath be- lieVed our report ? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed ? 39 Therefot-e they could not belleve, becaufe that Efaias had faid.again. > 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart ; that they fliould not fee with their eyes, nor underftand with their heart, and be con- verted, and I ftiould heal them. 41 There things faid Efaias when he faw hi» glory, and fpake of him, Ak-' li r |i 1! ( 80 ) 42 fl Ok fane tsinihadi ne radiyadagw^nniyofe yawetowanen wathoneghtaghkon raonLhage ; ok dcnghnon ne raoderiwa ne Pharifee yaghten ho- dh'ighhodaghfyon tsinihorighhoten, ne ne yaghten aontahowadiyadinnekenhhon ne Synagojrue ; 43 Iken fenhha radinonwefgwe nene ongweghne enhonwanatteweghgwe, tsiniyought ne Niyoh aontefliakodeweghgwen* 44- 1[ Jefus wahhaddewennayendon oni rawen, raonlilia ne tehaweghtaghkon iihne, yaghten tc- haweghtaghkon iihne, ok denghnon raonhhage ne ne rakhenha-on. 45 Oni raonhha nene tehakekanere, tehokanere oni raonhha nene rakhenha-on. 46 lih iiaah ne ^vakaghfvvathetferadirhon ne ogh- whentjage, nene onghka kiok enthaueghdaghkon iihne, yaghten aontehennderondake tsityokaras. 47 Ok oni togat onghka kiok ne ongwe rot- honde tsinikewennoten, ok yaghten tehawegh- daghkon, yaghten tehayadoreghtha : iken yagh ne te kenyende aontekheyadoreghte ne ongwe ok denghnon nene enfakheyadagon. 48 Raonhha nene eren rakwatyeghten, oni ya^^h- ten harighwatfteriftha tsini kewennbten, royea /hayadat nene tehoyadoreghtha : ne nahhoten te- kewenninnege-on, ne ne faoriwat enthoyadbreghte onen enwadonghwhentjokten. ^ 49 I*^^» yagh niih ten wakadattrori ; ok dcrgh- ( 86 ) 42 Neverthelefs, among tlie chief rulers alfo many believed on him ; but becaufe of the Phari- fees they did not confefs him, left they {liould be put out of tlie fynagogue: ■ > 43 For they k ^^ed tho praife ox men more than the praife of Goc 44 Jefus cried and faid, He that believeth on iYie, beiieveth not on me, but on him that fent me. 45 And he that feeth me, feeth him that fent me. ^ 46 I am come a light into the world, that who- foever believeth in mc fliouid not abide in darknefs. 47 And if any man hsar my words, and believc not, I judge him not : for I came not to judge the world, but to fave the world. 48 He that rejeaeth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth hlm : the word thst I have fpoken,, the fame fliall judge him in thc laft day. 49 For I have not fpoken of myfelf; but tw-o non Rre {lagenihha ne ne rakhenhaion ne Ts^^hefigli* wawigh tsinahhoten enkiron oni tsinahhoteii en^ Waktharaghkwak. 50 Oni kerighwayenderi tsinahhoterl rakherigh* wawi naah ne eterna adonheta : tsiok nahhoterii kadi wakthare, nene agwagh tsinihakwehni ne Ragenihha etho niyought wakthare. =3: CHAP. XIII. ^efus ranchharehha radlgbjtge ne Raotjonghhwa^^ ONEN nonwa arekho te wadennyode ne tii dr^ wa-ondongoghte, ne onen Jefus roderyendar^ onen watkayerine ne raohour nene eren aonfareghte ne ken yoghwhentjade tsi renderon ne Ranihha, ok tsiniyought tsi s'hakonoronghkwaghkwe n'e fhakowenniyoh ne oghwhentjage, onen tsinaonde- rihhokte was'hakonoronghkvva. 2 Onen kadi tsi rodihkwennda-on, ne onegh- flaonronon onen tsiroweyennenda-on ne Rawet- ^aghfagon ne Judas Ifcariot, nene enhonikongh- rafere. 1 Jefus tsi rodervendare ne ne Ranihha voriP-h- wagwegon rafnonghfagon rorighhontyeghtcn, ok { 8t ) Father whurh fent me, he gare me a command- ment, what I ftiould fay and what I fhould fpeak. ,50 And I know that his commamlment Is life everlafting :. whatfoever I fpeak therefore, even as the Fatlier faid unto me, fo I fpeak. , CHAP. XIII. T Jefus wajljeth his difiiples feet^ and exhorteth them to humility atid charitym 3 6 He fore^cvarneth Peter ' ofhis deniaL NOW before the fcaft 01 the paflbver, whem Jefus hnew that his hour was come that'^he^ fliould . depart out of this world unto the Father, hpving loved his own which w^ere ia the world, he loved them unto the end. • 2 And fupper being ended ; the devil having now put it into the heart of Judas Ifcariot, Simon's fon, to betray him j 3 Jefus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he vvas come frani M ( 82 ) H ; ; oni tsi egh t'hoyenghtaghkwen Yehovaghne, etha oni Yehovaghne aonsareghde. 4 Tentahhadane tsi ratikonihhaghkwe, ok akde wahhayen raonena : oni watraghkwe yerakewaght- ha onyadara-a, oni ne wahhodyadanha. 5 Oghnagen wahhaghnekaweron keratne, oni wahhadaghfawen wahhanohharehha radighsige ne raotyonghkwa, oni ne wahharakewaghte ne on- yadara-a nene rodyadanha ne ratha. 6 Ethone tsi warawe tsi rennderon Simon Peter : Peter wahhawenhaghfe, Sayaner, fenohharehha ken aksige ? - ' . 7 Jefiis tahhariwaghferagon, oni wahhawen- haghfe tsiniwakyeronhatye yaghten faderyendare nonwa ; ok denghnon oghnagenke enfadogenfe. 8 Peter wahhawenhaghfe, yagh nonwenndon t'enfennohhare aksige. Jefus fahhawenhaghfe, to- gat yaghten enkennohhare ife, yaghten ifyadare iihne. 9 Simon Pete^r wahhawenhaghfe, Sayaner, yagh- te neok aksige, ok denghon oni kefnonke oni kenontfme. 10 Jefus wahhawenhaghfe, raonhha nene wah- honwannohhare neok teyodoghwhentfyohhon ne raghfige enyennohhare, ok kaweyenennda-on ron- wannohhareghtsihon, oni yetfliinnohhare, yagh dcnghnon ne few i£wee:on. 1 1 Ikert roderyendare onghka enkenhak enhoni^; ( 82 ) ;hne, etlio I God, and went to God, 4 He rifetli from fupper, and laid afide his gar- nients •, and took a towel, and girded himfelf : 5 After that, he poureth water into a bafon, and began to wafli his difciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. 6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter : and Peter (M unto him, Lord, doft thou waili my feet ? 7 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, What I db, tliou knowell not now j but thou fnalt know here- after. 8 Peter falth unto him, Thou fhalt never wafli my feet. Jefus anfwered him, If I wafli thee not, thou hafl no part with me. 9 Simon Peter faith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but aifo my hands and my head. 10 Jefus faith to him, He that is waflied, need- eth not fave to wafli his feet, but jjs clean every whit : and ye are clean, but not alL 1 1 For he knew who fliould betray him ; there- M 2 ( 83 ) gonghraferc ne wahone rawen, yagh agwegon ten yetfhlnnohhare. • 12 Oghnagen kadi tsiwahhannohhare ne ne radighsige, oni telhoghkwen raonena, oni tsi fah- hatyen, wahfhakawenhaghfe, fev.ayenderi ken tsini , wakwayeren? 13 Takwanadonghkwa, Sewenniyoh oni Saya- ner: oni tefewarlghwayeritfe^ iken togenfke naah. 14 Togat iih kadi, ne eghtfifewawenniyoh ojil eghtfifewayaneda, wakennohhare fewa^hfige; ife oni aontetfyadaddennohharehhen fewaghsige. 15 Iken kwarighwawe ne enfewaddennager- aghte, Tiene etho n'enlewayere tsi niih ne wakwa- j'^ren n'ife. 16 Agwagh togenfke, togenfke, wakwenhaghfe, nc ronwanhafe yagh fenhha tehakowane.n tsi .r4, y.Ought ne Royanerj yagh oni raonhha ne ron- wanha-on fenhha te hakowauen tsiniyought raonh- hd, nene ronha-on. 17 Togat fewarl^waycnderi ne ken ne karih- hctenfe, fewayadaderi naah togat aontefewarigh- wayerit n'etho, • i8 f Yaghne ten kwaghtharaghkwen fewagwe- g©n; kheyenderi tslnihadi keyi.Liragwenni; jok nene kaghyadonghferadogenghti acntekarighwayB- rme, Raonhha nene teyakyadonts kanadarohk tsi kideron, ok teyodafharategh rakwafenghtani. ^r^ Gnen uonwa kwaghrbri rreUio t'enwader- 4# Ir ( 83 ) wegon ten | f^^^ faJd he, Ye are iiot all ckan. 1 2 So after he hac! waflied thelr feet, and had taken his garments, and was fet down again, he faid unto thciii, Know ye what I have done to ycu ? 1 3 Ye call me Mafter, and 'Lord : and ye fay well: for fo I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Mafter, hare wafhed your feet: ye alfo ought to waih one another's feet. 15 For I have given you an example that ye ilioiild do as I have done' to you. 16 Verily, verily I fay unto you, The fcrvant is liot greater than his Lord •, neither he that is fent greater than he that fent him. 17 If ye know thefe things, happy are ye if Be • cio them.^ 18 I fpeak not of you all; I know whonv I have chofen-, but that the fcripture may be ful- fTlled, He that eateth bread with me hath Ufted up his heel againft me. 10 Now I tell you before it come, that when it 11 i ( 84 ) ighwihhewe, nene ethone neonen wa-onderigh*-iIi. - hewe aontefeweghdaghkon tsi iih naah n'etho 20 Agwagh togenflce, wakwenhaghfe, Raonhha nene wahhoyena onghka kiok enkhennhane, lih ki yaweght wahhakyena ; ok ne raonhha nene iih wahhakyena, ne wahhoyena raonhha nene rafc- iiennha-on. 21 Neonen Jefus etho nihoyeren, wahharongh- yagen raonigonragon, ok tahharighwatrbri rawen Agwagh togenflce, togenflce wakwenhaghfe, nene s hayadat ts.nitfyon enhakcnikonghrafere, ■ 22 Ethone ne Raotyonghkwa ok tehondadkanere, tehonadcr,ghhodarhbfe onghka enkenhak ne rb- don, 23 Onen nonwa egh yehotkbnha ranaghfgwa^e Jefus, s hayadat tsini hadi raotyonghkvva, nene Jefus ronoronghkwaghkwe. 24 Simon Peter kadi yehodedogatha, nene en- honghwanondonfe onghka enkenhak ne roghtha- raghkwen. S"""' I r^ ^*°"!. ''" ''°"''' """^ ratkonhhaghgwe ot,^SY'''''' -^^-^^^^^> SayaL, 2 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him that ^he ftiould alk who it fliould be of whom he fpake. 25 He then lying on Jefus' breaft faith unto • him, Lord, who is it ? 26 Jefus anfwered, He it is to whom I fhall ..Ive a fop, when I have dipped it. And when he .Ld dipped die fop, he gave it to Judas Ifcariot, ^the fon of Slmon* ( 85 ) yacien. Lthone Jefus wahhawenliaehfe tsini f.n- yencJe, ferighv.aghfnorat. ^ ^'"* 'loron Itrf ' T"' "^ atehkwarakta radi- «oron e yakoderyendare, tsinahhoten ireehre t,! ne wahhawenhaghfe. ^ "' 29 Iken oddyake tsinihadi ok te honeshre n Jen wahhone tsi rahhawe ne kayare ne Judts 1 Jefus wahhawenhaghfe. aghfnLon tsSCS teyongwadonghwentfyons. tti wadennyode ^o" on.naM.oten aontefl.kWen ne yakolenght. '^' Ronj^.h,oniraonhhatferagon^;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ enlSn'ttir Y^I " ?'°^^' -n^hatferagon hatfera Jn on. ; I 7 °™ enhogloriae raonl.. aneragon, on yokondattye enhoglorifte. ' 33 Sewaksada, Ihegon neyorighwelTa aghfon id JeTflta ;?''^rr'''^'^' ^^' ^^^^^^^^^ ZX 1"^'^^'"'^' ^'-'g'^'- y-^ght yenfewa « e , etho, om nonwa ne kwayerafe Itwak. ( 85 ) '27 And tiftor tlie fop, Satan entcrcd into liim, Then faid Jcfus unto him, That thou doeil, db quickly. 28 Now no man at the tab!c knew for what intent he fpake this unto him. 29 For fome of them thought, becaufe Judirs had the bag, that Jcfus had faid unto him, Buy thofe things that we have need of againd the feafl: ', or, that he fhould give fomething to the poor. 30 He then having received the fop, went im- mediately out. And it was night : 3 1 Therefore when he was gone out, Jefus faid, Now is the Son of man glorifieil, and God is glo- rified in him. .. 32 If God be glorified in him, God fliall alfa gbrify him in himfelf, and fiiall fi:raightway glo- rify him. 33 Little childrcn, yet a little while I am with you. Ye Ihall feek me: and as I faid unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come, fo now I fay to you. ^ 34 A new commandment I gave unto you, That ye love one another -, as I have loved you, diat ye alfo love one another. 1 ( 86 ) 35 Etho nenyawen agwegon ne ongwe envakJ dogenfe nene ife naah ne aketyonghkwa, t 1 nonken fewadaddenoronghkwa. H 36 t Simon Peter wahhawenhaghfe. Savaner yagaten yaweght nonwa aflcnonderatyeght • ol ■ denghnon oghnagen alknonderane. vefen ^tT ^f ^^"^"^^8^^-' Sayaner, oghne yot. Lnwa 7 T ^'""^^'^' -i^oghnonderatyeght rSr '' -tekadewenndeghte t.i kLi, "a/ ^^^? f "tahfeawenhaghfe, yodon ken aontc radewenndeghte tsi fonhe iih akeHhhoni i agwalt wt'd?f "'^^ -''oyenhaghfe, ne kitkit t^et ak;:S '^'' ^'^ ^^^^- n'aghfadonnhiyen t.i CHAP. XIV. T?^",,^/,°^' "^ fewanlgonghrawen, te- kl^T""^^' "^ ^^g^"''^^^ yawetowanen kanaktayendon, togat yaghetho te/ ayoughton" { i6 ) •^5 By thia IL ^ all mcn know that ye are niy dlfciples, if yc h^ vc love one to anothcr. 36 1f Simon Peter faid unto him, Lord, whlthcr goeft thou ? Jefu?. anfwered him, Whither I go, thou canft not follow me now; but thou fhalt follow me afterwards. 37 Peter faid unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now ? I will lay down my life for thy fake. 38 Jefus anfwered him, Wilt thou lay down thy llfe for my fake ? Verily, verily I fay unto thee, The cock {hall not crow till thou haft denied me thrice. CHAP. XIV. I Chri/i comforteth his dtfciples ; 6 profcfeth himfelf the luay^ the truthy and the life. ET Tiot your heart be troubled : ye believe In God, believe alfo in me. 2 In my Father's houfe are many manfions : if it were not fo, I would have told you. I go to r- ( 87 ) aontekwaghrori etho Wakeghte kwanaktaghferon- yenire. 3 Oni togat egh wakcghte oni wakadenrharate ne enfewanakdayendake, enghfkewe are, oni en- fekwayena iihne; nene tsinowe niih enkefeke, etho oni ife aontefevvefeke. 4 Ok tsiniyehenke fewayendcri, tsiiuyothahhinon oni fewayenderi. 5 ^ Thomas wahha\^enhaghfe, Sayaner, yagh- ten yakwayenderi tslniyehenghfe ; ogh kadi nen- yawen enyakwahahhayenderihek i 6 Jefus wahhawenhaghfe, lih naah ne yohahha, oni ne togenfkeifera, oni ne adonheta : yaghonghka ne ongwe te enrawe ne Ranihnehha, neok lihne, 7 T^gat niih aontefkwayenderhen, aonteghtsi- fewayenderhen oni ne Ragenihha : oni nonwlrtsi. nondawe eghtsifewayenderi, oni onen waghtsi- fewaken. f 8 Philip wahhawenhaghfe, Sayaner, takwana- donhaghfe ne Ranihha, ok aongwaweryendiyoh. 9 Jefus wahhawenhaghfe, etho ken nahhe tsi iddewefe, ok fhegon yaghten aonteikyenderhen, Phihp! Raonhha nene wahhakw^atkaghtho niih, onen yaweght rotkaghtho ne Ranihha ; ogh kadi niyought tsi fadon, takwanadonhaghfe ne Ranihha. 10 Yagh ken tefeghtaghkon tsi etho kideron Ranihne, oni ne Ranihha lihne yehennderon ? tsini kawennage ne kwaghrori, yagh lihne ten katrori: { 87 ) ghferon.| pf'^P^'^'^^ P'^^'' ^°' ^■°"* o And if I go and prepave a place fof you, I •^ ^x^ ^nrl rpcelve vou unto myleli i wlU come agam, and rcccivt. ju ; that where I am, there ye may be alio. 4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye '^rThoma^ faith unto him, Lord, we know not Jther thou goeft •, and how can we know the ""TVjefus faith ut^to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. , tif ye had known me, ye ^ould have known my FaLr alfo: and from hcnceforth ye know him. and have feen him. ' 8 Philip faith unto him, Lord, firew us the Father, and it fufTiceth us. ■ ' . 7 Mus faith unto him, Have I been fo long wi?h you, and yet haft thou not knowr, me Philip ? he that hath feen me, hath feen the latherj and how fayeft thou then, Shew us the 10 Belicveft thoa not that I am in the rather, and the Father in me? the words that I ip^fe unto you, I fpeak not of myfelf : but the FatUer ^m f h ^ UL ( 88 ) ok denghnon ne Ranihha nene iihne yehennderon ne hoyerenhatye n'etho ne karihliot^nfe. ' 11 Aghferhek togenlke tsinakyere, tsi e£;h yeki- cleron Ranihne, ok ne Ranihha iihne yehenn. rieron: oni tefeghtaghkon fe etho neokaorlwa tsini Karrihhotenfe. 12 Agwagh togenflce, togenlke wakwenhaghfe, raonha nene tehaweghtaghkon iihne, tsinikarih- hoten, ne wakyerenhatye etho oni n'enhayere j ck on. lenhha karihhowanen tsinenhayere tsiniyought ne kengayen ; ne wahhone etho wakeghte Ragen- ihne. " 13 Ofc tsiok nahhoten enfewarighwanegha iih akfennagon, etho n'enkyere, nene aontehonwagio-' rilte ne Ranihlia ne Rowayea-nehha. 14 Togat tsiok nahhoten enfewarighwanegha aksennagon, etho n'enkyere. 15 H Togat takvanoronghkwa, fewan"hwenli. Jiawak akewenna-ogon. 16 Oni enhiyenidenghten ne Ranihha, ok oya enghtsifewawigh ne Kanigonghraghniratlha, ncne tiutkon wadogen aontefewefeke } 17 Ne agwagh ne togenfeetfera aonigonra ; nene yaghten yoAba aonteyoyendane ne cgh.,vheniace, ne wahhoni yaghten tehonwakknere, yaghoni L honwayenderi : ok denghnon cghtsifewayenderi ne ife ; iken egh ronidayen tsi fewennderon, oni ifejre enhennderoudake. g . ggB'JBmwaB!MgB i i|, li ( 88 ) nnderon, Ithat dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. II Believe me that I am in the Father, aiid the Ipather in me; or elfe believe me for the very iworksfake. n Verily, verily I fay unto you, He that be- lieveth on me, the works that I do, {liall he do alfo-, and greater works than thefe fhall he do : becaufe I go unto my Father. 13 iSnd whatfoever ye fhall a(k in my namc, that will I do, that the Father may be glorifled in the Son. 14 If ye fliall afk any thing in my name, 1 wiU do it. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I wiU pray the Father, and he fli?" give you a.i>-her Comforter, that Iie may abide with you for ever : . , , • 17 Even tlie Spirit of truth -, whom the workl cannot rcceive, becaufe it feeth him aot, neither knoweth him : but ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you, am' fliaU be in you. f ( 89 ) 18 Yagbten yaweght enkwayadondi ne ^enfeJ -v^enndenghtane j egh enllcewe tsi ifevvefe. 19 Shegon neyorighwefla, ok ne ongwe yaghtenl tetsyonkekanere 5 ok denghnoa ife tefkwakanere ; | ne aoriwa tsikonhe, ife oni entfyonheke. . 20 Etho enweghniferadek enfewadogenfe, tsi Rngenihne yekideron, ok ife ne ne lihne, ok lih nene ife^rc. .21 RaoPihha ncne rarighwenhhawe akewenna- ogon, oni rarighwatfteriftha, raonhha naah ne ne rakhenoronghkwa j ok raonhha nene rakhenorongh- kwa ne Ragenihha enhonoronghkv/ak, oni I-ih enhinoronghkwake, oni cnkadaddodaghfyon raonh- hage. 22 Judas wahhawenhaghfe, (yaghten ne Ifcariot) S^yaner, oghnen awen nene enfadaddodaghfyon iihne tsiniyakyon, ok yaghten ne ongweogbnge ? 23 Jefus tahhariwaghferagon oni wahhawen- haghfe, Togat ne rongwe rakhenoronghkwa, en- hatfterifte akewenna-ogon : oni ne Ragenihha en- honoronghkwake, etho enyakwawe tsi ire, oni raonhhage enyakwatyendak. . 24 Raonhha nene yaghten hakhenoronghkwa^ yaghten hafighwenhhawe tsinikewennoten ; ok ne fqwawennaghronken yagh niih akewenna de gen ; ok denghnon ne raowenna ne Ranihha nene rak- hennha-on. 25 Ne ken ne karihhotcnfe wakwaghrbri, tsi lU "■— *» ( % > 18 I will not leave you comfprtlefs: f "wiil come to you. 19 Yet a littte while, and the world feeth me no more : but ye fee me : becaufe I live, ye fliall live alfo. 'zo At tliat day ye fhall know that I am in my l'ather, and you in me, and I in you. 21 Ke that hath my commandments, and keep- elh them> he it is that loveth me : and he that loveth me iball be loved of my Father, and I wili love him, and wiil manifcft niyfeif to him* 22 Judas faith unto Rim, not Ifcariot, Lord, liow is it that thou wilt manifeil thyfelf unto us, and not unto the world ? 23 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will eome unto him, and make our abode wirh him. 24 lle that loveth me not keepeth not my iTay-, ings : and the word which ye hear, is not miiie^ but the r^ather's which fent me. 25 Thefe things have I fpoken unto 3TU, being N ( 90 ) fiiegon yaweght wadogen iddewefe. , ..,, 26 Ok denghnon ne Ranigonghraghniratfha, ne naah ne Ronigpnghriyofton, nene Ranihha enhon. hane lih akfennagon, Raonha enghtfifewarigh. honye yorighwagwegon, oni eghtsiseweghyaghragh. kwake tsiok nahhoten ne wakwaghrbri. 27 Kayannerenghfera wakwayenhaghfe, akyan- nerenghfera kwawihhe, yagh egh teyought tsi kwawihhe tsiniyought ne ongwe waondaddawihhe. Toghfa yoronghyagen ne fewanlgonra, toghfa oni tefewadonghharenron. 28 Sewaghronken tsini k wayerafe, eren wake^hte, oni enfkewe ifege. Togat aghfkwanoronghkwake, aontefe wadonharen, ne wahhone tsi waken, etho wakeghte Ranihne ; iken ne Ragenihha fenhl^^te hakowanen tsiniyought niih. 29 Ok onen nonwa wakwaghrorl, arekho t'en- waderighwihhewe, nene iieonen aond^pp^hpjfjli- hewe, aontefeweofhtaffhkon. .: .;< 39 Oghnagenge yagh efo ten dewaghtharen ; Iken ne ronwakowanen ne ken yoghwhenjad^s,, ^BT^) ok yaghten horiwayen iihne. .^; (^ 31 Ok denghnon , nen^ ypghwhentjagwegon iionteyodogens nene lih rinoronghkwa ne Ranihhaj ok tsiniyought ne Ragenihha rakerighwawi etho oni niih ne ikyerfia. Tefewadanj eren endeweght. C 90 ) yet prelent with you. .1 ^^^Y ^'^''^^ : 26 But tlieComforter,"which istlietlolj^Ghoft, whomthe Father will fend in my name, he fliall t^ach you all things, and brihg all things to yoUr Temembrance whatfoever I have faid unto you. .:£27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give tinto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto yoii.' Let nct your heart be troubled, neither ict it be afnud. - ' 28-Ye haveheard how I faid unto you, I go away arid come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, becaufe I faid, I go unto the • Ktlicr : for my Father is greater than I. '•" '2^' And now I have tokl you before it come to '^jiiV; thit when it is come to paft ye might be- Heve. ' ns ;^^ Hereafter I will not talk much with you : for the prince of this world conleth, and hath no- thing in me. -M' j^ But that the world may know that I love the Father ; and as the Fathet gave me command- ■ ment, even fo I do. Arife, lct us go hence.^ N Z Tiipr M i ii ( 91 ) CHAP. XV. Tsim hondaddenoronghlwa ne Chrjjlus cnl ne fah^ hoderiwatj nene tsi rotrori ne nvadennagercghton ne onenhhare» IIH naah ne togenfke onenhhare, ok ne Ragenihha ne raghfnyefe. 2 Tsini wakenhaghtayen nene yaghten wagh- yaniyonden eren fahahhawighte : ok tsinikanhagh- tage nene waghyaniyonden, wahharakewe nene fenhha aontewaghyaniyondhak. 3 Onen nonwa kanohhare sitfyonhe ne aoriwa ne owenna nene kwaghtharane tsinahhe. 4 lihne enfewefege, oni iih ne ifege. Tsiniyought ne kanhaghta aonhha yaghten yaweght enwagh- yaniyondai, togat yagh egh t'aontekanhaghtodak tsi onenhharetferagwenniyo ; yagh oni ife aonte- fewadonfeke, nene yagh iihne t'enfewefeke. 5 lih naah ne onenhhare, ok ife yaweght nene kanhaghtoden, Raonha nene iihne yehennderon, ok lih ne raonhhage, ne fagat efo enhoghyaniyond- hak, iken ne yagh n'Iih t'ikyadare, yaghothenon t'aonfewarighwagweni. 6 Togat ne rongwe yagh lihne ten hennderon, eren wahhonwatyeghte tsiniyought ne wa-enhagh- tolkaren, ok wa-ond?lenhheye ok ne ongwe wa- eroroke, oni otfifdage waakodi, ok waontiaagiite. riwa ne we wa- ( 91 ) CHAP. XV. , V. ,nuinal lo.e hH..een Clfand hun,e.y^^^^^ mder the parahle of the v,ne. I AM the true vine, und my Father is the huf- ^.'itTytanch In me that beareth not fruit he takethawly. and every branch thatbeareth fmt. ht purgetJit, that it may bring forth more fruu. 3 Nov. ye are clean through the word which I have fpoken unto you. tte branch 4 Abide in me, and I m you. As me cannot bear fruit of itfelf, e-eptjt " th. vi„e;nomorecanye,exceptyeabdemme. ■ I am the vine, ye are the branches He tha^ abkleth in me, and I in him, the fame brmgeth tSmuch •.forvvithoutmeyecandono. thing. • ■ _ 6lfamanabidenotinme,heisc.ftforthas abranch,andiswi,hered: and men gather h-, and caft them into the fire, and they are burned. :„,^ "^ ( 92 ) I ( ,11 rii 7.Tog3t ifewefe Illine, oui akewennaogon fe- wanjgcnragon ycgayen, ^enfewarighwanekl^aj Jjsioly^, nahhoten enfewerhek, ok enyetfninigonrayerite^^jfj^y 8 Etha niyought wahonwaglorifte ne Rfig^n- Ihha, nene tsi efo fewaghyaniyonden ; etho ni- yought aketyonghkwa enfewadon, . 9 Tsiniyought ne Ranihha tsiwahhakenQi^pngli- kwa, etho oni niyought tsiwakwanoronghkwa, . pk- onen tsiniyought fewefek akenoronghkwatferagon.' . fio Togat fewarighwatfteriftha tsiniwakerigh^yif- fon akenoronghkwatseragon ne enfewcfeke; ncne agwagh tsiniyought tsiwakerighwatfterifl;Ji^, ]J^flx\\ horighwifibn ne Ragenihha, ok onen tsiniyought raonoronghkwatferagon ikefe. *f |l p^e kengayen ne karihhbten ,wakwaghitharagh- gwenni j ^^ ne akwaddonweflienghtfera egh.aontJ^- kayendak tsi ifewefe, ok oni nene fpwad^onw^- henghtfera aontakananon. - >a 2 Ne kengayen ne wakerighwiflbn, nene entfya- daddenoron2;hkwake, tsiniypught riiil> tsi w^k,wa- norondikwa. 13. Yagh piighka ne ongwe fenhha ten hzjno- ronghkwa tsiniypught ne kengayen, . ne ne rpn^\vc aontehadewenndeghte tsi ronhe ne raoderiwa ne rondcnron. -. 14 Ifejiaah ne dewadenron^ togat aontefewarigh- wayerlte tsiok nahhoten ne kwarighwiira-qnni. ^.^, I e Tsi nondawe vaghten enkadonhak, kwanhafe: riwa ne ( 92 ) yeU/^^whatyewilUanditihallbedoneunto ^"l^rterein I^^%y Father glorined that ye bear n^uch fruif, fo fhall ye be my d.fc.ples. , As the Father hath loved me, fo have Ilovcd y6u: continue ye in my love. r if ve keen my commandments, ye fhall abide 10. If ye keep my pather's com- b my love -, even as I ^ave kept my mandments, and abide in bs love. 'i.^ii^'' •rlW^hefe things have I ^^^ ^^^^ iny ]oy might remain in you, and that your joy xBiglit "be full. ^ ^2T^ is my commandment,That ye love one ir, as I have loved you. -i3 Greater love hath no mar. than this, that u tftilay^ownhislifeforhisfriends. ),'>rs; ^Wi^e are mj friends, if ye do whatfoever I com- "V £.ofbrdi I call you not fervants, for the «•■ m ■ I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l.i 1.25 ■^ l^ 1112.2 12.0 1.4 1.6 6" PVintnoPQnhir Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 <^ r \ r ii\ II ( 93 ) V- iken ne roawanJufe yaghten iiari^wayenderi t&inl hoysa-erfiatye ae Royaner : ok deBghnon wakwana- clonghkwa dewadenron; iken yorighwagwegon tsim wakaghrbnkenne Ragenihne wakwaTiEhwagh- Tonkatha. * 16 Yagh ife teghfgwaragwenni, ok lih dengh- non kwaragwenni cmi wakwarighhondane, nene aontefewaghdendi oni aantefewaghyaniyondhak, oni ne fewahhihk aontekarighwadatye : nene tsiok nahhoten enghteifewarighwanekhen ne Ranihha iih akfennagon, aonteghtsifewawi ne etho. 17 Ne ken ne karihhoten wakwenni nene aonte- tfyadaddenoronghkwake. 18 Togat ne ongwehogon yetfhighfwenfe, fewa- yenderi wahhy wa-onkfwen-n'iih arekho n'ife ten yetflijghfwe-on. i^ Togat nonken ongweghne aontefewayadare, •cnyenoronghkwake ne ongwe nene akowenk; ok ne aoriwa tsi yagh ongweghne ten fewayadarc, ok ne kwayadaragwenni ne ongweghne, ne kadi wah- honi no ongwe yetfliighfwenfe. 20 Seweghyarek ne ow^nna tsinlkwayerafe, ne rcnwanhafe yagh fonhha ten hakowanen tsiniyought ne Raoyaneda. Togat nonken waonkyefaghte n'iih, enyeilhiyefaghte oni n'ife : togat waontfterift n'Iih tsini wak^ihhbten, enyontfterift oni tsinifewarih- hoten n'ife. 2 1 Ok denghnon yorighwagwegon ne kensraven • ' ( 93 ) fervant knowetli not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends -, for all things that I have heard af my Father I have made known unto you. 16 Ye have not chofen me, but I have chofen ^you, and ordained you, that ye fhould go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit fliould remain-,, that whatfoever ye fiiall afk of the Father in my jiame, he may give it you. 1 7 Thefe things I command you, that ye love one another. 1 8 If the worhi hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 .If ye were of the world, the worid would love*his own : but becaufc ye are not of the world, but I have chofen you out of the world, thcrefore the world hateth you. , • 20 Remember the word that I faid unto you, The fervant is not greater than his lord. If they have perfecuted me, they will alfo perfecute you : if they'have kept my faying, they will keep yours alfo. r But all thefe thincs wiU they do unto you ( 94 ) tsl y'cighten honwayenderi ne rakhenha-oi?. ^^^^ '^^ ' ' "^2 T6git yagh t'aontewakon yagh. onr^at^e- wakeghtharani, yaghien aontahoderiglitvirfnfe^ ferayendake : ok denghnon nonwa yaghteh KocliySl ne karhbrrokten ne raoderighwanneren. 23 Raoiihha nene rakfVenle nlili rbgiilWehfe oni ne Ragenihha. '^^4: Togat yaghteh aonkyeren tsi radid^roil tslnl. ^mh^otei^fe rii^ yagh onghka oyar'H^ di^^'etfiS teri 3^oyeYe^ ''y^ghten iiontahocieriptvailiigr^ ferayendake: ok onen yaweght wahhontkag^tK6 oni wa-onkfwen nlih, ok qni wahhonwa^hfwen ' '25 Gfc dengiihoii etho ne Wa-awenne i^lMsAt^ karighwayerine tsi kaghyadonne rabderlp4?S¥e'i^? LaW.^ T^ bgh ten wakftohd^ii t^^IofAclifen. i6 Ok ne onen '^nrawa ne Kanigohghi'a^feri onyatha (ne Ronigonghriyofton) nene Rageiifli^^g enhinhane ifege enreghte ne ne agw^gh kchigBM ne togenfketfera, nene Ranihne tehoyenghtaghkwe raonha enhakerighwaghniratft ne n-Iih. ^'''^' T- 27 lie orii enfewarighwaghniratfe, ne vValihbi^ tsinahhe tyodaghfawen wadogen iddewefe. ( 94 ) tpf ipy;j^ame's fake, becaufe they know not hm 2Z Jf^ l>5d .npt -CPW and fppken v^, iaem^ they ha4 '^ot liad llm now they have no clokc 'for theirin? . . 7»:;-r')i t3isnrix;wiii:n^n)0in 'i/i ij'j:'ioi '<^ t ■ r I 2:t He that hateth me hateth my rather allo. Iwenle | isifi^^t-i^'^ .^^4 ?^^lj^?4.B0tifmp,;.among them the works wWch none >ther inan 4id, they had not had fm ;. butnowhave theYb.# feen and hated both me 25 But this cometh to pafs that the word might b^|ulfi^4,th^)ti^,w m^^tliout a caufb. .fr.>^^;f * 'afilButiwhe:!! thq Comfbrter is , con>e, whom I w;4Ji*|?Pf?{pto you from the Father, even t|>^ bpirit piitrwth,>^which prpceedeth from the rather, be A^*.Aa < .-)wAik&1' ^y'^And ye alfo fliall bear witnefs, becauf^ ye haye laeen \vith:;m^^^ ■j ^ i 95 ) CHAP. XVI. <^yiftusfiahnlgonghraghmrais ne Raotyonghk-wa nem ts:nenhonwaderigh-waghroUte,t, ne fsi ivafiahrhau aistcnm m Ronigonghriyojlon. ■\rE kengayen ne wakwaghtharaghkwen, nene -Lli yaghten aontayetfliighfwadenni. .nw ^"':!^^!'>:^''^™^g^"^« ne fynagogue; togenfte, enwadennwihnewe, nene onghka kiok enyetfhiryoL enghrerhek wahhinwawafe ne Yehovah. 3 Ok ne kengayen enyetfliiyerhak ne aoriwa tsi yaghten walAonwayenderhen ne Ranihha, ya.h oni n Jih-ten wa-onkyenderhen. ^ 4 Ok ne kengayen ne wakwagh^ori, nene ethone enwadcnghu.hhcwe, a.ntefeweghyareke, tsi wak- ^vaghron ne etho. Ok yagh etho ten wakwayer^fe ts. tontyerenghte, ne wahhone wadogen iddewef- 5 Ok onen nonwa etho flikeghte raonhhage nene Takhenha-on, ok yagh onghka tsinitfyon teghflcwa- righwanondonfe, kah waghfe .? 6 Ok ne aoriwa.tsi ne kengayen wakwarihhokten. nene kanhadon yeyoyendaon ne fewaryaghfaf.on. 7 Ok fane ne ne togenflcetsera ne kwaghrori ;' ife fewayannerenghfera nene eren enflceghtc : iken togat yagh eren t'acnsakegh, ne Kanigonraghferon- ( ^5 ) > CHAP. XVI. Chrlfl comforteth his difdples agairifl irihtilationy hy the promife of ihe Holy Ghoft. 1"^HESE things liave I fpoken unto you that ye fhould not be oiFended. 2 They fhall put you out of the fynagogues : yea, the tim.e cometh that whofoever killeth you will think that he doeth God fervice. 3 And thefe things wiii they do unto you, be- caufe they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But thefe things have I told you, that when the time Ihall come, ye may remember that I told youofthem. And thefe things I faid not unto you at the beginning, becaufe I was with ycu. 5 But now I go my way to him that fent me ^ and none of you afketh me, Whither goeft thou r 6 But becaufe I have faid thefe things unto you, forrow hath filled your heart. ^^ 7 Neverthelefs, 1 tell you the truth •, It is expe- dient for you that I go away s for if I go r^ot away, the Comforter will not come unto you-, butif.I < 96 ) togat eren aanfakeghte, enhinhane neneethoTA reghte ifege. > **■• 8 Ok ne onen fron, enfl.akorighhodaghfyafe ne ongwe ne karighwannerakfera, ne atterighlag.^ fyonfera oni ne tekayadoreghtfera : r. 9 Ne karighwannerakfera, ne wahhcne ytiehtcn tehoneghtaghkon lihne ; ... ^ " _ 10 Ne atterighwagwarighfyonfera, ne ^ahhone Ragemnne wakeghte, ok yagh bya t'aonfdkTvat. kaghtho} / «1 II Nene tekayadoreghtfera, ne wahhone ne ron- waKOwanen ne kep yoghwhcntjade wathonwaya. tlorcghte. ^ - ^ 12 S'hegon efo wakerfwayen ne enk^ghrbri' O.. yaghten enfewagweni nonwa tsinikarihhotenf,? ' - 13 Ofcsane,neonenraonhha, ne neaonigonrane -togcnfkeffera, enrawe raonhha enghtfifewennder- 'Cgnne tsi kariwayen ag^^^gon ne togenffcetfef a : l.cen yagh ne ok raonhha raonigonra tnit, enthayete- ok ts.ok nahhoten eni.othondeke, ne enthaw«o«in' negenghthak : oni enghtfifewanadonJ.ek tsi nahhb- tenfe niyawenghferene. •<' ''14 Raonhha enhakeglbrifte : iken enboyendane nc akwawenk, oni enghtfifeM^anadonheke n'etho. 15 Yorighwagwegon ne ne Ranihha roven, lih naah akwawenk : ne kadi ■ wahhone waken, nene enhayena ne akwa^venk, oni ne enghtfifewanadon- heke. ( 96 ) etllGT^.J ^depart, I will fend him unto you. .8 Apd when he la come, he will reprove thc ^^pjldof fm, and cf righteoufnefs, and of judg- nicnt. , .) iji's i K'i »^ • p Of fin, becaufe they bclieve not on me ; 10 Of righteoufnefs,, becaufs I go to: my Father, and ye fee me no more •,, ' ,»■'■■■ ^M),rii Of judgment, becaufe the prini:e of this ..;World is judged. Jmd'Nd^^r/: - . «.v/tv ; 12 I have ;et many things to fay unto you, but yeicaoinotbear them now. TMda>iv jfi i.xy'Powbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is icome^'he will guide you into all truth: for.?he ihall Jil0tl%^k of himfelf •, but whatfoever he fliall hear, . that fhdl hefpeak; and he will fliew you things to i\'m^,^y^x^}*x ■ i> it>b|i4/'He fliall glorify me : for he fliall receive o£ mitifej and fliall fliew it unto you. JfWf-^t^r^. ■■' I .fij/All things that the Father hath are mins, thercfore faid I, that he Ihall take of mine, and fliall fliew k untayou. ^ ' ( 97 ) ^ r6 Neyorighxvefla ok yaghten aonteflcwakaner. e^e : ok are neyorighwefTa, ok enfelkwaken, ne wanhone Ragenihne wakeghte. 17 Ethonc oddyake ne raotyonghkwa wahon- tladdenghwanomlonyon, oghne gen nahhotcn (hojv gwenni, neyorighwifla, ok yaghten abntelkwaka. nerek : ok are ncyorighweiTa ok enfefkwatkaghth.a- 0»: ne wahlione etho wakeghte Ranihne : i3 Wahhoniron kadi, oghnahhoten ne kcn -a- don, ne yorighwcfl-a, yaghten yaweght enyakwahhe. we tsi nahhoten ireghre. - 19 Ok Jefus roderyendare tsi ronadondaghkwani ne enhowarighwanondonfe,oni wahftakawenha>^hfe tfyadadderighwanondonyon ken tsiniwakyereh,'' ne- yonghwefla ok yaghten aonteflcwakanerek : ok are, neyonghwefla ok enfeflcwatkaghtho ? 20 Agwagh togenflce, togenflce wakwenhaghfe, nene ife enfewatftarhonyon nni entefewaghfennt- Joghfere, ok ne ongwe enhondcnharake^, okJen, fewanhadonfeks, ok denghnon ne fewanhadbatfe. ra addonweflienghtfera ensondon. 21 No onheghtyen, neonen wadewedonire yon- hadonfe tsini yoronghyagen, ne wahhonf^tsi onen waonder,ghwihhewe : ok denghnon kaweniiiyoh ne yodewcdon ne ekfa, yaghten faweghyai-afe tsinJ' yoronghyagent, tsini'waondonweflbn tsi ronake-aton ne ongwe ne oghwhentjage. 22 Ok ife kadi nonwa fewariwayen ne kanhadon : ( 97 ) 10 A little while, and ye fhall not fee me : and again, a little wMle', and j4 fhall fee me, becaufe I go to the Father. 1 7 Then faid fome of his difciples among them- felves, What is this that he faith artto us, A littlo while, and ye fiiaU not fee me : and again, a little while, and ye fhali fee mej and, Becaufe I go to the Father ? i8 They faid therefore, What is this that h^ farth, A little whiie ? We cannot tell what he faitli. 19 Now Jefus knew that they were defirous to aflc him, and faid unto them, Do ye enqmre among yourfelves of that I faid, A iittl'e wliiie, and ye (hall not fee me : and again, a iittie while, and ye fhaU^ fee me? 26 Veriiy, verily V fay unto you, That ye iTialf vreep and iament, but the worid fhali rejoice : and ye fhali be forrowful, but your forrow fhali b&' turned into joy. : 21 A woman when flie is in travail hath forrow,. beGaufe her hour is come : but aa foon as fhe is delivered of the chiidj fherememberethno more tlie' anguifh, for joy that a m^i is bom- irito the worid. ", 22 And ye now therefore have forrow : but I M f ( 98, ); ol^ ckHghnon n'Iih s^hegon qnfekwaikaghtbQ^ jok enwadonnharen ne fewi^gonra, ok pe^.few^^^dQn- weflienghtfera yagh onghka ne ongwc t'enyetfhigh- kwenni. .513 Ok n'etho weghnif^rade yagh othenon t'aghf- kiyarighwanekha. Agv/agh togenfke, togcnike wakwenhagbfe, tsiok nahhbten enghtsisew,a]?iglir wanekha ne Ranihha akfennagon, enghtsisewawigh naah. ,214 ^sinalihe noiwa yaghothenon tef)..iew^rjigh. wannegenni akfennagon: fev/annekha, oni eple-^ wayena, nene aontakaycrine ne fewaddci^Y,'esi»j henghtfera. .r25 rN^.,kengayen , wadennageraghtaghlvmnypn te>y^katyeratpn .tsi kwawennara-Qn: pk;,pnw^^, rigliwijihewje^n^onen yagh s'hegon.w^d^nnqiggr^bni taghkvvanyon t'aonkatyerat tsinenkw2iwennairai},e|jg ok denghnon enkwanadonhaghfe yateyorighwado- genghdon tsini horighhoten ne Ranihha. v:?t6, Ethp enweghniferadek al;sennagon, e,nfe^ya- rigliw.annegh^ : . yagh pnl ten wjjijtvYpnni ^^^pe jgR^jiil yenidenghthen ne Ranihha ife fewariwa : . ,-^7. Ikei)ji^ Rj^nihha .<5.ghtsisew^n^rQi^g^ taghkon tsi Yehovaghne tewakyage-oq. r-^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ 28 Etho. tewakenon Ranihne ok osliwhefitiapje wakv/a=efte: ok are erenjwake^hte ne Q^bwkent;- jage, ok rakenihne saK.eghte. :1 rsiUiii 01 \t\ .1 lyetfliigh- on t'aghf- togQnflc^, sew.aritijhf-, sewawigh lcwarigh- oiii epfe-K ddci^v,'esiTj ijvmnypn I ) ighwado- 1» e,nfe^\j^a- h,Iy)^a3^,^e ( 9B .< V/ will fte^^ybii '&galn, and your hentt fhall rejolce, and yotir joy no man taketh from Youl'^^'^i-^f^ot>ii^!n:y -ilgviftJO "'ij And in that day ye fhall aflc me nothing. Verlly, verily Ifay unto you, Whatfoever ye fhall j^-th'e Fathet ih niy hariie, ne will give it you. r3^i//(;wi:;ci^.;ii . 'WHitherto KaVe ye aHc&d nothing in my name': afk, and ye Ihall receive, ihat your joy may ^^^^'Thefe things have I fpoken unto you in pro- v^i^'biitthe tinid cbiiieth when I {hdl no more fp§'SK 'iihfd you in ptoverbs, hut I fliall fliew vou pidixfl^ of the Father. nownnri:m'^r.', ^ W^At that day ye fliall afk in my name V^afid I fky 'iiot ' unto jrou that I wili pray the Father fbr you: ■•- '' ■ id-omQific,-.^ ^^IPbVtKe Father himfelf liy^t^ ySill'ljecaufe ye^'^a^ loved me, and have believod tlut I cam^' out from Gpd. '^'^''X''f^f'^^ ^^migB^oihl m ao:Aiir>>'^ m Icame^ forth from the Fathef, and ani cbme > mo'fi tL'ol B?r5iTro5n« intothc world i'jiLii'i d/IiH the Father. !^.tl- '. agaih, I le^ve the wprld* and go t6 z ( 99^ ) ^^ Ne raptypnghk^i^a wayionwenhaglife, «tho, onen nonwa yateyorighwadogenghton tsi. Ij^gjhthai3$.$ yagh ne ten fatyeraton ne wadennageraghtagh- kwanyoh. 30 Onen nonwa wa-ongwadogenfe yeyoddoge- cn, tsi agwegon ferighwayenderi, yagh oni teyov donghwhenjphhon onghka ne ongwe enyefarigli*. wanondonfe; etho niyought tsi teyakweghtaghkon nene Yehovaghne tefayenghtaghkwe, ji Jefus faghikakawenhaghfe, onen ken nonwa tefeweghtaghkon ? 32 Tfyatkaghtho, enwaderighwihhewe, onen wahhy, nonwa watkayerine, nene enyetlhiren- yadp.n neyadeyongwedage tsinonwe s'h^onon^i- kwefon, oni enghfgwayadondi : ok sane yagh aytea- ha degen, ne wahhone ne Ranihha yakenefe. 33 Ne ken ne karihhotenfe wakwaghrori, ne ne Ilhne aontefewayanerenghferayendak. Nene ogh- whenjage enfewayendak ne yoronghyakenghfera : ok denghnon fewanigonraghnironhak •, onen wa- Hefiiennyon ne kengh yoghwhentjade. { 99 ) fip ^^s difciples fatd unto him, Lo, now fpeak- eft thou plainly, and fpeakeft no proverb. 30 Now are we fure that thou knoweft all things, and needeft not that any man fhould alk thee: by this we believe that liiou cameft Tofth fromGod. . 31 JefUB anfwered tht>m, Do ye now believe ? t 32 BehoH, the hour cometh, yea, is now comet that ye ^U be fcattered every man to his ofWvtf and fhail leave me alone : and yet I am not atone, becaufe the Father is with me. 'J.iO{I:i/«L •• ,«! 53 Thefe things I have fpoken untoyou> that in $fte ye Might have peace, In the world ye flidl hi^e tribulation: but be of good cheerj I have overcome the world. { 100 ) l CHAP, XVII. 1 Chryhiiwdhhaderennaye ne ne Ranthha enhogkmjky 6 oni enfhahyatlamnghjlat ne raotyoigghkwu'i vnene Jkanlgonghratney 17 oni ne togenjketferagon. mx^ KEN ne kawennage Jefus wahhadadiy'orirpi. ronyage ne wahhatyerate tsi wahhatkaghlbo, ok rawen, Rageni onen wa-onderighwihhewe ; eghtfglorifte ne Eghtfye-ah, nene Eghtfye-ah; oni aghyaglorifte ne jfe : 2 Tsiniyought tsi waghtfgwcnnyohtfeirawi nene enhowenniyofte agwegon ne owaron,nene aonte- ihakawen ne eterna adonheta tsini pkon ne wagh- tfyongwedawigh. 3 Ok ne kengayen naah ne eterna adonheta, nene aontayefayenderihek ne ne fonhha-on ne togenfte Yehovah, ok ne Jefus Chriftus nene eghtfeni^^.a^on. i> 4 Onen tsi wakoglorifte ne oghwhentjage : pnen wakeweyenenda-on, tsinahhoten takerihhond^riie^, „ ^»5 Ok onen nonwa, Rageni, agwagh if^ take- glorifte, ne ne gloria ne enflcatne yonkeniyend^h^ k^e arekho tsi yoghwhentjade* r a noind =Mih 6 Onen tsi wakerihhowanaghton ne faghfenna llc^--6ngweghne ne tsinihadi walkyongwedawigh ne oghwhentjage : ife naah fewenniyoghkwe, okJih takwawigh ; ok onen tsi rodiyenawagon ne fawe,Q|ia. • oi^. Onen nonwa wahhadidogenfe ncne voritrW^- ■( 100 ) CHAP. XVII. i>^tift^prayeth to hts Father to glorlfy hht, 6 -and %\vvtoipr^erve his apojlles ii in unity^j^, oid tn truth. ^W'v^^-Lv^--^^^ ■'■' A-iM.:> rpHESE words foake Jefus, and liftecl up hjs .0 Jdi^i-evcs to heaven, and fhid^ Father, the hojnr^is ;Come-; glorify thy Son, that.thy Son a,lfo may glorify thee: ' " on:;2^ Ar thou had gi^';cn hini power over all fleifi, thiit;he fli<>uldgi'Ve eternal life to as many as thou haii^'given.him, '■•",'■ ■ hmfiobi: ^insj-j-'n} li'^Wii./ •ongi A^td 'this is Hfe eternal, that they mightknow thee :the only true God, and Jefus Chrift whom thouhaa-fent, . - '- A-^oihY. n-iij.) I h^vc glori'fied thee on the earth : I. l^ve finifhed the work which thou gave me to do.//rj:jf;-7/ -^%^ Artd^niot^y'Q Fath^r, glorify thou me with tl\m^^Wn felf, with the glory which I had wUh thee before the wwld was. -woyv>. »i17>jik *3W» ^^^i]f;^*iv^: manifefted thf name unto the nfien i^'thou gaveft me out of the vforld,,: thlns ^t^^&/ and thau gaveft tliem me : and they M^^lea^rthy^ WO^d.:^v //boT r • : n^iiv: J . ^-.fvcn.v/^lc? MTi^i\vT^*-. *u^« UrttyA i-irtrtti/-n f1i5t oll tViincrs whatfo- I ( 10* ) ^vegon tsiok nalihbten wafkwawigli ile naah te» kayenghtaghkwe. 8 Iken onen tsi kerighwawigh tsmi kawennage ne wafkwawigh, ok oni rodiyena, onLyeyoddogeon rodinigonghrayenda-on tsi ifege tewakyenghtagh- kwe, oni wathoneghtaghkon tsi wafkenlia-on. 9 Wakaderennayen rononha raoderiwa : yagh ne ne yoghwhentjagwegon aofiwa ten wakaderenna- yen, ok denghnon rononha raoderiwa ne.waik- yongwedawigh ; iken ne fewenniyoh onwe. 10 Ok agwegon nene lih kewenniyoh ife oni fewenniyoh, oni ne fewenniyoh lih naah kewenm- yoh ; oni rononhatferagon wa-onkeglorifte. 11 Ok onen nonwa yagh s'hegon ten ikefe ne oghwhentjage, oni lih isege wakeghte. Sayada^ dogenghti rageni, faghsennagon enfeyenawagon- hek rononha nene wafkyongwedawigh, nene enfkat enhondon, tsiniyought n'Iih. ^2 Aghfon oghwhentjage yeyakwef^we, fagh- fennagon tsi keyenawagon, rononha nene waftwa- VNlgh ok onen tsi keyenawagor;^ ok yag|i onghka tsini hadi ten honadyadaghtonden, neok raonha-on r\e waghtonden ronwayen; nene aontakarighwa- ycrine ne kaghyadonghferadogenghti. i^ Ok onen nonwa ifege wakeghte, ok ne k-en- gayen wakthare ne oghwhentjage, nene aontaka- yerine akwaddonwefhentfera ronpnhatfera^on. ^ 14 Iverie^nwawicrh n^ f^iwAnno . ^i- ^^ ^«,~_, ^ ( lOI ) ever thou haft given me are of thee. 8 For I have given unto them the worcfs which thou gav^ft mt'y and they have received ihem, and have known furely that I came out from tliee, and they have believed that thou didft fend me. 9 I pray for them: I pray not fcr the world, but for them which thou haft given me-, for they ^re thine. 10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine^ and I afti glorified iti them. 11 And how I am no more in the world, but thefe are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy -Father, keep through thine own name thofe whom^ thou haft given me : that they may be one as we are. 12 While I was with them in the world I kept them 'in thy name : thofe that thou gaveft me I •have keptj and none of them is loft, but the fon of perdition : that the fcripture might be fulfiUed. 13 Andnowcome I to thee, and thefe things I fpeak in the world, that they might have my py fulfiUed in themfeives. >n'e?"^rK 5MI A> t .1 14 I have giveii theni thy wora^ ailu tiic wOtii* { ^IC2 ) WaKhonVAdi^^hfweii, ne AvaMione ytigh bftgtte^Tfe ten hadlyadare, nene- agv/agh tsiniyought il^Iili yagh ongweghne ten ikyadare. 15 Yaghten wakadercnnayen nene ereri ao^te- Ibyadenhhawighto ne oghwhentjage, ok ierighntm nene enfeyadanonghftat nene yaghten enhaderigh- v.'hrane ne wahhetkenghfcra. 16 Yagli oghwhentjage ten hadiyadare, agwagh tyiniyought n'lih yngh cghwhentjage ten ikyadare; 17 Seyadadogenghtifte ne togenlketferagon : to- i?;en{]c? naah ne fawenna. ..itcrr' /, > 18 Tsiniyought n'Ife oghwhcntjage walkcnnha- on, agwagh etho niyought rononha ne wakenha-oii ne oghwhentjage. 19 Gk oni ne raodcriwa wak^dyadadd6gei%h- tlfte, ne ne rononhat oni togeniketf6ragoai:aont^.i hcnwr.diyadadogenghtifte. .'^ aoi Yagh oni ten wakaderennayen ronotiha:. ok raoderiwa, ok denghnon rononha oni nea©^ e^tr honeghtaghkon lihne ne yorihhbni ne raodiwenna. yi:.2i Nene radigwegon enflcat enhonadotii teini- yought ife Rageni lihne teghsideron, oni in'Iih ifege yekideron, nene rononha Qni enikat aonteho? nadon onkyohhatferagon ; nene oghwhentjagwegon aonte honeghtaghkon tsi ife takenha-on. 22 Oni ne gloria ne takwawigh kheyawigh ne ronoriha; nene enfkat aontehonadDn, agwagh tiuni^^ yOught n'Iih enfkat yaweght : .. . '-^no ( ipa ) halbb hated them,becaufe they are not of tlie world, eYen aa I am not of the worW, . '- ' Im c .-.jrlj I pray not d^at thou fiiouWeft take them out "cfJ^e world, but that thou fliouldeft keep theiai i' ' • ' ,rj.i.6:They are not ef the world, even as I am not of the world. , , i 17 Sanaify them through thy truth : thy word jstruth. t8 Asthou haft fent me into the world, even fo havelalfofent tliem into the world. ,njQ, And for their fakes I fanaify myfelf, that they alfomight be fanai&ed tlirough the truth. , . ; .^^Neither pray I for thefeWne, but fortliem alfo which fliall bdieve on me through their word. ' ■'i That they all maybe one; as thou.rather, art in me, and I in thee, that theyalfo may be one in us; that the world may bdieve that thou haft fent me.. -^ ; ..~.;.n'A:£dnoY^no noi . .. 22 And the glory which thou gaveft me I havs glveu them i that they may be ooe, even as we are x)ne. -* V , ....^f^f^Ks^,i.-smm3xmm!» ( m ) aj5 liK ne rononh^tferagon, ok ife ft'6 lilftife, iiene aontenonwadikwadagon tekarighwayeri aonte^hon- adon enfkatne, oni nene yoghwhentjagwegon aonte- yakodbgenfe tsi ife takennha-on, oni t^l wafli(*noi:- onghkwa tsiniyought n'Iih tsi waflcenorongh'kwa. 24 Rageni, ikeghre oni nene ronon'ha 'nfe y/afk- yongwedawigh etho enhonefeke tsi-ikefe ; nene aontehondeti^watkaghtho akgioria nene x?<^afk- wawigh : iken onen tsitakenoronghkwa arekho t§i^ yodoghwhentjadaghfawen. 25 Ragenihtferiyoh, ne ongwe yaghten yefa- yetiderhe-on: ok denghnoA lih Uvakoy6rtderhe-dn, oni ne kengayen onen tsi rodidogenfe M'taken^rha- on. • 26 Ok ofti onen tsi Wakerihh6\tanghtfert fotion- hage ne faghfenna, oni enkerihhowanaghte «e etho •. nene 'tsinikanoronghkwatferbten tsi takenorongh- kwa rononhage aontekennderofidak ok lih ne ro- tionhage. h iii n lin ( W3 > them, an,d thou in me, tliat they may be made perfea in one, and that the world may kuow ttat thoM haft fent me, and haft loved them, a^ thou haft l»ved me. 24''Father, I will that they alfo whom thou haft glven me be with me where I am, that they mu; behold my glory which thou haft given me : for jlioa lovedft me before the foundation ot thR "^^ 'o righteous Father, the world lath not known theej but I have known thee, and thefe have known that thou haft fent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, ^ndwiUdeclareit: that the love whfirewith thou haft loved me may be in them, and I »them. - iMT'iii |---i-'-«^'*=^^-- ( m ) CHAP. XVIli. Juriaf ivahhomkonghrafere ne Jefusv\t^'^^PHet luahhodonnhiyen tsi royendcri. - 28 Egh ivahhon^ 'ivayatheive oni wahkotiwaivennotane tsi rennderon ne Pilate. f NEONEN Jefus tsiwahhadadi ne keil i if^ |Kaf wennage, wahlibniie iie raotyonghkwa er(^i m kaihhonhaa Cedron, etho nonv/e kayenthone^r egh wahhondaweyaderaonha oni neraotyoiighlcwa. V..2 Ok Judas oni nene wahhonikanghraferei ro- iJeryendate tsinonwe, iken yotkadeneJtfus «»11(^91. raotyonghkwa egh roneghten. ,?'.)lq(jiib ^iii 3 Ethonie Ju.das,rotyonghkwayendatyc ne'Di%\ye o|H-,^fti rohwadirihhondane ne R2dikt>W3in(^I]fe.r Cphenafon oni nePharifees, egh wahhoriewe ratiih-^ haghferawinontye oni ne ycndadyenghthen.3noqKt>w 14' Jefus kadi, ag wegbn tsi rarighwayendet'i' nt^ nahhoten aonteharighwara-on,' egh wareghta^i ¥ft]p' waghfhakawenhaghfe, onghka eghtsisewayadif^l^s-?'' '5- Tentahhowenhaghfe, Jefus ne Nazarethaga. Jefus'wabihakawenhaghie, lih hafah iie f^dtdiha;'" Oni Judas nene wahhbnikonghrafere wadog'eh\r6- ' nefe. 6 JCawentiiyoh kiil Wl -virak'fhaka^Vehhtigtife^y I8i t. _ n-i ili'L-.' wahhontyadbndi. ( ^^4 ) CHAP. XVIII. .^^iiias beirayeth Jefus. 15 Peter denkih hUiu 28 .u.N^Xi/^v He is arraigned btfore Pilatci-^^-^^.-^-^t •v- ^'^'Ki^w^'"^- ;.\\>s>vii'ii^>y^' 'HEN Jefus had fpoken thefe AvordeJjTlf* /../ went foTth with hls diiciples over m\t broc^k "G'^dron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, and his difciples. 'rfi^i^^^^ ' ' "' 2' And Jildas alfo, which betrayed hidfi, litiew tlieiplajea : ifor Jefus oft times reforted thither with'* his dilciples. .yi>h.-^>i.ii ni^y u^fjid:^,^.^^^^ - Ay^Tjriasi then, havino; received a band of rftcn, anaipfficers ftdm the chief prieils and Pharifee?Ji> com^tli thither with lantems, ahd torches, and ' weapons."^iIt^'^0i''-«W)^ibar>7 1^^ ./ jYinoniwi:niii^iui ^ J^fij^rAeref ore,, knowing all things that Ihould co^ upt^n J>ii>ft, went forth, and faid unto tliem^t ■Wh^rnj!feslt^e.j^ .' , ; . ,.ui>nHnows>l2dh^-onvf 5,>,^hey anfwered him, Jefus^of Nazaretbrlefas> {ai^,)^rU(>, them> I an> he. And Judas allb, which- betrayed. idm^il^ >n ^i^hul ntO :^^ A^^ fQPft,theri ^s^h^ bad faid nntQ them, Iiati- he*ibenr, weut baQbvaf-i^jar^ieU t^ ithQ glf)u?^rt ( los ) I 7 Etlione fahfhakorighwanomlonfc, onghka cght- 1 siscwayadifaks ? ok wahhoniron Jefus ne Nazara- 1 rcthaga. I 8 Jefus tehharighwaghferagc, onen tsi wakwagh- 1 rori lih naah ne Raonhha. Togat i;adi lih takwa- 1 yadifaks, yctfhiyaghtkawe ne kengayen. ^ 1 9 Nene aontakarighwayerine tsinihorighhotcn tsi I Tawen, tsinihadi ne takyongwedawigh yagh- onghka 1 ten wakaghtondem ' 1 10 Ethone Simon Peter, tsirahhawe ne^afhare- 1 gb-a, wahhofharotfyon, ok wahhoyenghte ne Ra- 1 kowanen Cohena ronhafe oni wahhohonghtyake tsikaweyendeghtaghkon nonga. Malchus ronwa- yatfgwe ne Ronwanhafe. 11 Ethone Jefus wahhawenhaghfe ne Peter, kaghnadatferagon fa^ifenghte ne fafliare ; ne (^p nene rakwawi ne Pr^TOubha, yagh ken t'aknegira n'etho ? 1 2 Ethone tsinikenntyoghkwa oni ne ronvra- kowanen, oni ue Radighfennawenghtennyoh nem ronwadirighhondane ne Jewfhaga wahhonwayena | ne Jefus, oni wahhonwaneren. 13 Ok tahhonwanontfhineghte n'yare tsi rennde- ron ne Annas ; iken raonlia ncno raonhofeen m Caiaphas, nene etho yoghferade rakowanenne Co*| hena. 14 Qk Caiaphas naah nc raomiha^ neat egii T^'^ihfiiakorighhotenfton ue Jewfliaga, tsi yoweyen*.. ( 105 ) 7 Then aflced hc them again, Whom feek ye ? And they faid, Jefus of Nazareth. 8 Jefus anfwered, I have told you, that I ant he. If therefore you feek me, let thefe go their way : 9 That the faying might be fulfilled which he fpake, Of them which thou gaveft me have I loft none. io Thei Simon Peter having a fword, drew it, and fmote the high pricft's fervant, ?nd cut ofF his right ear, The fervant's name was Malchus*- 11 Then faid Jefus unto Peter, Put up thy fword into the fheath, the cup which my Father hath given nie, Ihall I not drink it ? 12 Then the bandj and the captain, and ofEcers af the Jews took Jefus, and bound him, 'i-^ And led him away to Annas firft: for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, which was the high prieft that fame year» 14 I\OW WiiiUliiiao v*ao iiw v»iiJ-vii j^«^"-^ -^^.-«^1*%.* ».v ^oweyenn B the Jews that it was expedient that one m^.n fhbxM ■ ( io6 ) j fton nenc tfyongwedat aghrenhheye ne raoderuva ne ongwe, s 1 15 ngadih "ina. l-k ««■<-> ^ y^ •-• iiy auuii :ayagh- ( 112 ) cver niaketh himfclf a king fpeaketh againll 13 When Pilate thercfore hcard that faying, he brought Jefus forth, and fat down in the judgnicnt fcat, in a placc that is callcd the Pavemcnt, but iii the Hebrew, Gabbatha. 14 And it was the preparatinn of the paflbver, and about the fixth hour : and he faith unto the Jews, Behold your King ! 15 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, cruclfy him. Pilate faith unto thcm, Shall I crucify your King ? the chief prieds anfwered, We have no king but Cefar. 16 Then deUvered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jefus, and led him him away. 1 7 And he bearing his crofs went forth into a place called the place of a Skull, which is calle 1 iii the Hebrew, Golgotha : 18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either fide one, and Jefus in the midfl. 19 A-nd Pilate wrotc a title, and put it on the* I I ( "3 ) fonde- Ok tsinikawennoten ne kagl.yadoH, naah, JESUS NE NA^.ARETHAGA NE RaWA- KORAH NE JEWSHAGA. 20 Ne kea tsi i.aghyadon ethone yawetowanen ne Jewiliaga wa-ewennaghnbdon ; iken tbiaonwe wathonwayendanliaren ok niyore-ah tsi kanadayen: ok oni ag.vegon tiinihadiwennage nc Hebxew, Greek oni ne Latin, etho niyought tsikaghfennagh- yadon. 21 Ethone ne Radikowanenghfe Cohenafon wahhon-.venhaghfe ne Pilate toghfa fyadon, Ne ronwakorah ne Jev ftiagai neok denghiion tsi 4', wen lih naah ne ronwakorah ne Jewihaga. 22 Pilate tentahhadadi, tsiniwakyadon, ne naah ne wakyadon. 23 ,f .Ethone ne fliodar, neonen wathonwayen- danhaVen Jefus, wathidighkwe ne raonea?, kajgri , ne rodiyakon, tsinihadi ne fliodar fkatflion; ok oni.. ne raodyatawed : okne, raodyadawed ket^hha yaga , kanega ten kanikhon, fewaghslrat yaweght Jg-^5f^^-. weyenendane. , .24 .Wahhoniron kadi ok tsi rononlia, togiila dewarighte, ok dedewayenhha, onghka ,fe akpivwen enkenhak..J>rese.,apntakayerme ne kaghyadpngK- • • feradogenghti, tsi widon, wathadikhaghfyonl|0« > akeodna, ol^ wathodiyenhha neoe enhodiy^ndane ne akWady^acfawid. Rengh kadi ne , hodiyepe,n w ;i s'hodar. >WA- iwanen iiGnwe dayen : ebjew, nnagh- lenafon »n, Ne tsi 'Xiif le naali sr«'-vf iwayen- kayeri ok oni ^ayagli .. M ». » toelifa bpawen idpfighr : 'ybnl^oii ( ^^ndane . epen Det i ( 113 ) crofs; and the wming waf5, JESUS OF NAZA- RETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 5o This title th^n read many of tiie Jews : for the place where Jefus was crucihed was nigh to the city : and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek^ and Latln. ^i Then faid the chief priefts of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews : but that he faid, I am King of the Jews. 22 Pilate anfwered, What I have written, I have written* 23 Then the foldiers, when they had crucified Jefus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every foldier apartv and alfo his coat: now the coat was without feam, woven from tlie top» thrdughout i . \. ' 34 They faid thercfore amongft themfelves, Lct us not rertd it, biit caft lots for it^ whofe it fliall feei that the fcripture might be fulfiUed, which faith,. They parted my raimcnt among them, and for mjr'' vefturc t!iey did caft lots.- Thefe things tliet^Qr^" thc foldi€r$ did,- ^in * H ( 114 ) . 25 ^ Ok egh yedaghkwe tsiraoyaghfonde ne Jefus ne Ronlfdenhha, ne ronifdenhha yadennos- henha, Mary ne Cleophas rbne, oni Mary Mag- dalene. 26 Neonen kadi Jefus wahfhakbken ne ronif- teiihha, oni ne s'hayadat ne raotyonghkwa nene ronoronghkwa ok egh inade, wahfhakawenhaghfe ne roniftenhha, fenheghtyen, eghtfyatkaghtho ne eghtfye-ah! 27 Ethone wahhawenhhaghfe ne rongwe ne raot- yonghkwa, feyatkaghtho ne faniftenhha ! Ok ethone okfaok ne etho fliayadat ne raotyonghkwa wah- Ihakoyadinyonte tsi agwagh rononghfode. 28 f Oghnagenk- ne kengayen, Jefus tsi roder- yendare nene yorighwagwegon onen watkayerine, nene aontakarighwayerine ne kaghyadonghferado- genghte, rawen wakonyadathenghfe. 29 Ok egh kakfayendaghkwe kananon ne te- yoghnekaghyotfis (vinegar) : ok wa-enaghne oner- iitrhfa ne vinegar, oni ne hyflbp waakdhharen, ok eoh waeyen tsiraghfakaronde. 30 Ne^nen kadi Jefus wahhayena ne vinegar, wahhenron, onen fe kav/eyenenda-on ; ok wathat- fagete nfi i-'J ( II6 ) . ok watraghkwe ne raoyeronde kenhha ne jefus. 39 Ok oni warawe ne Nicodemus, nene tsiton- tyerenghte aghfennthage royadore-on ne Jefus, oni rahhawine tekayefton ne myrrh oni aloes, enlket tewennyawe ne kakontferage tsiniyokfte. 40 Ethbne wathadighkwe ne raoyeronde keiltiha ne Jefus, oni onyadara-on wahhadighwennonyate wadogen ne ononghkwa-foe, tsiniyakorihhbten ne Jewlhaga ne enyondadyadathen. 41 Ok egh nonwe tsiwalhonwayendanharen egh kayenthone ', ok oni tsikayentho afe ne fepulchre (tsi yondadyadatta-aghftha) tsinonwe arekho ongh- ka ne ongwe ten wa-eyen. 42 Etho kadi wahhonwayen ne Jefus, ne tl^ah- hbne tsi onontohha tsinihondenrhharats ne Jew- ihaga 5 iken ok niyorea tsi gayen ne fepulchre.' ■ CHAP. XX. Chriftiis s^hothtjkwen* TSI tonteghniferatyerenghte tsim wenhd^ or- honkeghtsi wa-onwe ne Mary IVIagdalene, aghfon tsi tvokaras, tsi nonwe ne fepulchre, pni wa-ontkaghtho eren kaghkwiden ne onenya nene tsi fepulchre yekayendaghkwe. li ( "6 ) came tlierefore and took the body of Jefus. 39 And there came alfo Nicodemus, which^^t the firft came to Jefus by night,andbrOughta mix- t\ire of myrrh, and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. 40 Then took they the body of Jefus, ahd woulid it in linen clothes, with the fpices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury, i M .N9W iii the place where he was crucified 1|ere wasa garden; and in the garden a new fe- p^ircj^ wherein was never man yet laid* i J i.l\r ■*#* -J 42 There laid they Jefus therefore, becaufe of Vji^ Jews preparation-day, for the Cepulchre was nighathand. k CHAP. XX, n Jefus appeareth to Mary, 19 and to his di/dpks. 24 Thomas's incredulity, 26 and confejion,. 1'^HE firft day of the week cometh Mary Mag- ' dalene early, when it was yet dark, untb the fepulchre, and feeth the ftone taken away from the •■V IJ ,l>u^^i3>i'>Y ylibiti^yi ly I :!• :i '11 ( "7 ) 2 Etlione watyoraghdaJde oni w^-onwe tsl ine tv^ Simon Peter, oni ne s*hayadat ne raotyonghkwa nehe Jefus ronoronghkwaghfcwe> oni wa-akaY^e^n- haghfe, eren ronwahhawighten ne Royaner tsi^ nohwe ne fepuichre, oni yaghtcn yakwarighwa- yenderi tsinonwe wahhonwayen. 3 Peter kadi oni ne fhayadat egh waneghte, oni wanewe tsinonwe ne fepulchre. L 4 Oghferonigh kadi waghnitaklie, ok ne ftaya- dat wahhoyatkenni ne Peter, oni raonhh^ nyam, > yehharawe tsinonwe ne fepulchre. .r^?!, . 5 Ok tsi tahlxatsagete tsi tahhatkedbten^ wah- hatkaghtho ne onyadara ofc te gayen j fhegon san^^^ yaghten yehod'HWeyaden. 6 Ethone wirawo ne Simon Peter rpgh^pjidei^i atyene, ofc ^gh wahhadaweyade tsinonwe ne feDnU. chre, oni tahakanere olc te gayen ne onyadara-ne,;, fcaghwennonyatha. 7 Ok ne onyadara nene rodenontsista^hen,,yaghi wadogen ten ga.ycn tsi kageron ne pya onya^^r^^:/' so^a, ok denghnon kaghrenbnigh ok aonhhi x§ l\ gayen isi nonwe. ^ Ethone yehodaweyadQn pnj ne fhayadat, .nene tontyerenghte warawe tsinonwe. ne fepi^lehi;?, <^if:3 waiihatkagiitho oni wathaweghtaghkon. b vji ik • >> lenef; r4l u-:> »!^ HiJ r-'- ( "V ) '=ir Tiien Ihe ninneth, ancl'c « » come afid to the other difcip4e whom J to buTion Petcr efus loved. an< VI ' • ' fai'th iinto therh, The^ jiavc t^eh'away the liQjrd^' out of the fepuichre, and we'know hot wH'ere thSy. haye Isttd him^ ^}*;' V >... "^^^Peteif IheT'efor^ w<^ht Tbrth, and thaVother diC-„ , ' ' ■ ■ 1 ' • ' '■>' ■ ♦'■*"* ■■ ■ ■ ■ '■'■'■ ''■'■■''" ciple, and came to the fepulchre. ^'S6 th^ ttn toth tc^etKW V " and & bthir diit ^^ cii^fe did out-run Pet^^i*, arid carrie rifft to the fe-* nulchre* ^ ■" x ^^•*nd fie ftS^tig do^n aiid'lootang in^jtl^ .. liniMi'tldtfies iyirig- yet w^rit'he not in.' r '''^ r : "^ ^Thefl*dfeMe\h Siriipn P^^ fpllowlng^^ Wm, and ,. went itxto the febulchre, and feeth the li&en clothe.$. . ijpi^n-^^ii^b^Y^vo 5x1 novr.. "■ :to emni^^Kif^ • -■- .■^--; *^ • - / i ■ :■> ^/ < • » * fT ''^ '^ w *'!■*■> K H f 3JSid^tfi6 iiJ^kin that was about hjs liead^ 1^^^^ lying '^^^^c^Mneh ' ctdthes, but wTarp|ed togeSii^ in ^' phce by itfelf.^' ' * »■*• carite fifft to' the fef)\llchre, an4 he fgSv, aAd believed. -xoiA^^'^^A^f" >..: a.:„s;- ..^-^ ■ g ^or afe fW tR^y kiiew not me fci^ipture, that he muft i4fe agaiii troni the dead," v,--o na^dQ .^^i-.t vai jIks-.'WJ i2T nosi)'^.>i»:i1a''!«»« fi ( ii8 ) 10 Ethone eren saneghte tsi agwagh rodinongK- fode. ; 1 1 f Ok denghnon Mary atstc kadaghkwe tsi*- nonwe ne fepulchre watstarane : ok aghfon tsi watstarha, wa-ontsagete, oni wa-ontkedoten tsi nonwe ne fepulchre. 12 Oni wa-akbken teghniaghfeh Karonyagegh- rononeghnideron fhayadat ne raonontsine nongadih^ ok fhayadat ne raghfige nonga, tsinonwe ne rao- yeronde kenhha ne Jefus yekayendaghkwe. 13 Ok wakonwenhhaghfe, fenheglityen, ogh- neyotyeren fatftarha j wa-akawenhhaghfe, newah- hone tsi eren ronwahhawighten ne akyaneda, ok yaghten kyenderi tsinonwe wa-eyen ne raoyeronde kenhha. ^ ^14. Ok ne onen tsi etho ne yoyeren, , s'pntkarha- deni, oni wahhotkaghtho Jefus irade, ok yaghten yoddedbgen tsi ne naah ne Jefus, 15 Jefus wahfhakawenhhaghfe, fenheghtyen, oghne yotyeren tsi fatflarha ? Onghka eghtfyadi^ faks ? Aonhha, ok tsi wanonghtonyon ne ken ne Rayenthoghfe, wahhoyenhaghfe, fewenniyoh, togat eren waghtfliawighton takrbri tsinonwe tesayen, ok eren enkhawighte. ' •■ ^ 16 Jefus wahfhakawenhhaghfe, Mary, fa-ontv karhadeni, oni wahhayenhaghfe, Rabboni •, ne naah ne ayairon, Sewenniyoh. . |>^^vt 171 Jefus wafliakawenhhaghfe, toghfa ken ne ongTi- 7Q tsi- Dn tsi ijn tsi igegh- gadih^ e rao- j wah- da, ok eronde :karha» aghten ^htyen, itfy^di^ ken ne i, togat esayen, fa-ontv [le naah ken ne. I ( 1X8 ) 10 Then the difciples went away again unto their own home. li'f But Mary ftood without at the fef^ulchre weeping : and as fhe wept, Ihe ftooped down and looked into the fepulchre. '^■'ti And feeth two angels in white, fitting, the one i't the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jefus had lain. ' X3 And they fay unto her, Woman, why weep- eft thou ? She faith unto them, Becaufe they have taken a^^^ay'my Lord, and I know not where thcy have laid him. ^'"14 'And when ftie had thus faid, flie turned hcr- ifcliF'^back, and faw Jefus ftanding, and knew not that it was Jefus. 15 Jefus faith unto her, Woman, why weepefl: thou? whom feekeft thou? She fuppofing him to fee the gardener, faith unto him, Sir, if thou have bbrne him hence, tell me where thou haft laid him, 'ind I will take him away. • 16 Jefus faith unto her, Mary: She turned her;. f^lf: andfaithtmto him, Rabboni-, which is to fay, Mafter. fi|.>vrH»r(- -^s m 17 Jefu« faith unto berj Td^uch me notv foi^ I ( ^»9 ) takwiyerc; iken arekho eni&geitten ^vakeri6ri^htofn rie Rajgenihnehha : ok denghnon egh' yehafe tsi ycilefron akwadaddege bfigoAWa, oni s^hegKi'&t^, enegen wakeghte ne Ragenihnehha, oni ife eghtsi- fewanihha ; oni lih Akeniyoh, ife oni Eghtsifewani- yoh. 18 Mary Magdalene wa-onwe oni wa-akoghr5ri tsinikenntyoghkwa tsi wahhotkaghtho ne Royanef' oni tsi etho ne yoriwagc wafhakodadyefe. 19 Ethone fa-eghniferat tsi wa-6nkarawe, nene tsi tonteghniferatyerenght tsiniwennda, onen tsi- kanhodon tsinonwe rortatkenniflbn ne raotyongh- kWa tsinilhakoditfanife ne Jewlhaga, wahhayon He Jefus ok kanenherhen wathadane, oni waJiftiaftki* ' wenhhaghfe, flcennen kenhak tsi ifewefe. 0^6 0k rie <5neh fsi etho ne hoyereiT, wahflialft&- adolihaghfe ne rafnonke oni ne raoghteghkarrbgdriv Ethone wahhontfliennoni ne raotyonghkwa n^onen fahhonwatkaghtho nc Royaner. 21 Ethone Jefus faghfliakawenhhaghfe, fltenhen kenhak tsl ifewefe : tsiniyought tsi takhenha-oii ne Ragenihha, egh oni niyought enkwanhane n'ife. ' 22 Ok ne onen etho ne hoyereni wahhadoryen ne rononhhage, oni wahfliakawenhhaghfe, ne Ka- nigonghriyofl:on fewayena: '^n Orirrhlrn L-irtTr nlr r»r'irrni«mtinoir/»« />nvra 4-(u: frtMC^^ was, enKohwadirong wafe ' 'naiaK ; ok bnghka kibk ' akorighwanneren enyetfliirighwarhbh, enbonwa- » aijt^.t^o^jet i^cended to iny Father : tut^my brethxcn, and fay unto them, I afcend uptq my Fa^.^ youx Father, and to my God and youc '"^^ ?'';+r« . . i.ii\ti t ^,|8^Mary Magdaleneqame and told the difciples that ihe had feen the Lord, and that he liad fpoken thefe things untoher.^-.,v ^ . ,,j^9 % Then the famp day at evening,.heij?g the fit^ tUy of the week, when the doors were Ihut, where the difciples were affembled for £ear of the^ Jews, came Jefus and ftood in the midft, and faith , 5U), And 'when he had fo faid, he Ihewef qnto thenv ius hap.ds and his fide. Then wer^ the diC. ciples glad when they faw tihe l^^^",, .L'iBw iio-: i ^; Tben faid Jefus to them agaln, Peace be unto you[" is ^j; Fatiier hath feni me, ey^n fo fon|^ I^ ti;e;A;.aiidm unto:thenu.^cexve^^^ GhOU 1 .' -^, :: ;" ,t'r.ri,^v,ni un eHVi^and. wh# io^^MM^fm CWii Li»u!ji;v j V '^ m )-,'. r kiimjj^^n^ nint*0a#4^rtsiioi* ( 120 ) dirighwarhon fe naah. . ., , ^^ • 24. f Ok denghnon Thomas fhayadat tslnlhadi ne tekeniyawenri, nene Didymus ronwayats, yagh wadbgen ten hadidercndaghkwe Jefus tsi wah- hayon. ' 25 Nene bya kadi tsinlkenntyonghkwa wahhon- waghrbri, wairon onen waghfagwatkaghtho ne . Royaner. Ok denghnon wahfhakawenhhaghjfe, togatnonken yaghteji enkatkaghtho ne rafnonke tsi yodongoghthon ne karonware, oni enkeghfnongh- sbroke tsi teyoghfonwennyoh tsi kaghnybdaghkwe ne karbnware, oni er 'ienontflibroke raoghtegh- karrbgon, yaghten waaonfe aontewakeghtaghkon, .,^,26 Ok oghnagenke fadego ne weghniferage ne raotyonghkwa are radiderondaghkwe oni rgidigwe- gon ne Thomas: Ethone Jefus wahhayonj Qk.tsi kanhbdon, oni kanenherhen wathadane, oni wah- henron, ikennen kenhak tsi ifewefe. ^Ht27 Ethone wahhawenhaghfe ne Thomas, ken tafefnonghsbroke, fatkaghtho tsi kefnonke >rwvOk ken tafenontflibroke tside wakteghkarrbgon: toghfa fadennbwenght, ok denghnon tefeghtaghkon. - 28 OkThomas tent^hhadadi, oni w;ihhawenh- haghfe, Akyaneda oni Akeniyoh. v>ro,j v*/! ^...29 iefus wahhawenhhaghfe, Thomas ne wah- hbne tefeghtaghkon tsi wafkwatkaghtho : yako4agh- flcats naah aka-onha nene yaghtcn yakotkaghtho, ok sliegon teyakaweghtaghkon» m ( 120 ) are retained. • i4'f But Thomas, one of the W^lve] called I^idymus, was not with them when Jefus came. ••/ii!^" • 25 The other difciples therefore faid unto him, We have feen the Lord. But he faid unto them, E'xeept I fhall fee in hishauds the print of the naib, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thruft my hand into his fide, I will not believe. ^" 26 1f And after eight days, again his difciples -w-fere within, and Thomas with them. Then came Jefiis, tlie doors being Ihut, and ftood ih' the midft, ind faid, Peace be unto you. oo..Hffi...> -27 Then faith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, andbehold my hands : and reach hither thy hand, and thruft it into my fidc : and b^ not faith- kfs, but believing. .lo^^^^oiimm. -' 2«* -AhdThomas anfwered and faid iihto him, My Lord and my God. ^^ '%'^Jefus faith unto him, Thomas, becaufe thou li^ ffeen me, thoil haft believed : bleffed are they tibatiiave not feen, and yet hav€ believed. ?,-<.,.,_'.; J.,- ■^Yi'^r?'''^' Slo. * u ^** ( 121 ) 30 Ok yawetowanen ne bya ne yorighwannegh- tagwaght tsinihoyereii togenfke ne Jefus tsitehadi- kanere ne Raotyonghkwa, nene yagh kenntho ten kaghyadon : 31 Ok kaghyadon ne kengayen, nene aonte- feweghtaghkon tsi Jefus naah ne Chriftus ne Ye- hovah Roye-ah, ok tsi tefeweghtaghkon aontefe- wayendane ne adonheta ne yorihhone raoghfenna. •^ CHAP. XXL Chriflus faghjhahyadodaghfjafe are* OGHNAGEN tsi etho niyawenne Jefus fagh-» fhakoyadodaghfyorv are fahhonwaken jie raotyonghkwa tsi Kanyadare ne Tiberias •, ok ken niyawe-on tsi wahhadaddodaghfyon. 2 Wadogen ronefgwe Simon Peter, oni Thomas nene Didymus ronwayats, oni Nathaniel ne Cana- haga Galileetferagon, oni Zebedee s'hakoye-on- gonwe, ok teghniaghf&h oya tsinihadi ne raotyongh^* kwa. 3 Simon Peter wahfhakawenhaghfe, waketfyon- :^fakhen. Sahhonwenhhaghfe lih oni endewegh. '^ Wahhonghdendi ok okfaak kahhonwagon wali- hbndittas ok etho waghfondate yaghothenoa tea ( 121 ) . '\. ' ' '9 . . jfo And many other figns truly dld Jefus iti the f refence of his difciples, which are not written in this book : i 3 1 But thefe arc written, that ye might beiieve that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God, and that believing ye might have life through liis name. ■^ - '•• < *t9'Mm' * >H >^ im tM 9 . ,'4i:,^^^^ . CHAP. XXL ^;'^.% I Ckrijl appearlng againy 15 giveth Peter a charge^ 20 and rebuketh his curiofity. :^| ^ER thefe things Je{\is fliewed hlmlelf ..,MnkiK again to the difciples at the fea of Tiberias : ;ind on this wife fliewed he himfelf. _^g;^^There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in^ Ga}ilc€, and the Ibns of Zebedee, and two other oF his difciples. . ^, j SiE^on Peter faith unto them, I go a fiflxiiig, 'P^ey fay unto him, We alfo g^ with thee, Tfccy v^^^lg^^gj!^^^^ a ihip,immediatelf ^ kk R £Ud- h u\' iifn:> Yocii Hmj^o ^^^i Jiodiyena. o^>^iiui- >. ^, ■"> ^iil|l0kr^^ptibft neorfeff tsi wa-orhennc, 'Jelus ^tho r&daglikwe atfyakten •, dk ne tsinikenntyongh- kwa yaghten honadedogen tsi ne naah ne Jefus. .^^5 Ethcme'Jefus wahfhakawenhhagWe, kwa^-a ongonwa, fewahkwayen ken? Ok tentahhortd^digh, yaghten. . 6 Ok wahfhakawenhaghfe, eren ne kahh6hwa.di yatfyatii ne adenyeghroghkwa, ok enfewatshenH. ;. Wahhonadi kadi, ok nonwa yaghten honatg^ven- nyoh aontahodironden tsinikcnntyoghkowanen m kentfyoh wahhodinawengh. ^^7 N^ wahhbn^ rfetho (hayadat nen^ Jrfus i-o- ^orofighkwaghkwe, wahhawehhaghfe P^tet, N^ Vahhy ne Royaner. Ok ne onen Simon V^ wahharonke tsi ne naah ne Royaner, wahhodyai tawed* afkatoreghha ok wahhodyadahherl (ll4<^& xaoghwaferbtsi) ok kanyadarage wahhatyadbndi. ^^i i Ok rie oya tsimhadi he taotybnghkwa tahhone mon ten nuucj^wt lo. ;-fc,"» -j . , - tekeni tewennyawc cubit tsiniybre,) tsi radifere ne ^nyeghroghkwa tsi ikare^ekentiyo^ " 9 Kaw^nniyoh kadi fahhadighrarhpn a!(ya^^ '^^ontkaghA^ egh kenntststayeri, A kehhttyoh # aflcaioreghha tsiuiiiuiJiiujtttuv,^j.i-«.i----« «- * - — ^ TOghs ne Kenntfyon. V-x ^bor? and tliat night they caught nothing> %?.4^^ lJie,flioirqi,bu]t thedifciples kn^w.^ t;|ia| ,...5, Then Jefus faith unto them, , Ghiidf ^^ h^ve^ r|^,4 And be {aid unto them, C#;the.uet[C^ >|:he ligH.licie of the ftiip, and ye aiall find. ,.Th^y^p^£t therefore and now. they were, not able to -^ra^i^yk fe^t^eiwltitu4f,9£ft^^ 4.noi.lK>nyao.'!wa ..017 ,Therefore thatdifciple whomjefusjpvecf (aith ^iij?^o,|^^r, It isjt:!^ ,]J.Qrd^ Np^r wi^l l^i^n Bet^t heard.that it was the Lord, he g^rt.his |iihet;>, c^al ;iinto him, (for he was nak^d,). and^.^if^ijfjajp; ^,,,^uAnd the other cliiciples cajne in a littte^-^ip, 4%, thay^.were ;xQt far frOm land,,but asTt'were .^TO tundrjed cubits,) dragging the net witli fefheL '^fl Ot^-jnt jr"{ '.- ' . , .• V -•.■•■■■ -rl , • . » oo^lmii'^A ^a 2fis h.'-* - R Z ( t23 ) eghkahhere, oni kanadarohk. 10 Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, tefhawc tsini kenntfybten nonwa fev/ayena. 1 1 Simon Peter enegen wareghde, ok wahJion- dironden ne adenyeghroghkwa atfyakten, ok te- kananon ne kenntfyowanenghfe, enfkat tewennyi- we wifk niyoghfenghferote ok aghfenyawenri. Ok fe etho tsi yawctowanenne, s'hegon sane yaghten aontakarine ne adennyeghroghkwa. 12 Jefus wahfhakawenhaghfe, kafreni tefewatf- kahon. Ok yaghten yodbn onghka tsinihadi ne raotyonghkwa aontehonwarighwanondonfe, onghka ti'ife, tsi ronaderyendare ne fe naah ne Royaner. 13 Ethone Jefus ire, ok watraghkwe kanadar- * ohk, kenntfyoh oni, ok waghfhakawen. ouJ rir^vix> 14 'Onen nonwa kayeri yaweght ne liotnannetta iie Jefus tsi wahaiakoyadodaghfyon ne raotyongh- twa enhonwaken, tsinahhe s'hotketfgwen tsi m- wenheyoghne. ot 4?^i Neonen kadi tsi wahhadihkwenndane, Jefus =\^ahh^w^haghi^ ne Simon Peter, Simon Jonas ghyayeah, fenhlia ken takenoronghkwa tsiniyought '^fteWhgnyen ? -Sahhawenhhaghfe, togenfke, Saya- ner •, tfyenderi konoronghkwa. Sahhawenhhaghfe, s'henonte aketsenenfon ne fehh. ' ^^-16 Sahhitiitifetta fahhawenhhaghCe are, Simon, - Joiia^^ ^ ghy^ye-ahy takehbrongWcwa ken ? Sah- ^ lfeWe«lhaghfe, togenfke, Sayaner> tlyendcri k^o- ( ^n ) ji- tb Jefus faith unto them, Bring of the iiifh which ye have now caught. : :,oa nujo-^uan^;! •^rk* Simon Petbr went up, ^and dVew th^ net to land-full of great fifhes, an hundred and fifty aad three. And for all there were fo many, yet was not the net broken. nfD'Jj; J^Lmt'. i''i2 Jefus faith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the difciples durft afk hiun, Who art tl^U.? ^aibwing that it was the Lord. hok jb //^iiqnoYionr ■;ff 'Y .11:13' Jefus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveththem^ and fifh Hkewife^fno rio^iianai ,iii) ^lj 14 This is nowthe third time that Jefus fhe^wed himfelf to his difciples after that he was rilj5|i.|"r9ip me aead. ^^Hwnodiis £wi idiSi'AS 1f So when they had dined, Jefus faith to ;^Siraon Peter, Simon, fon of Jonas, loveft thou me r^ore than thefe ? He feith unto him, Y^a, Lord : th<^T^ knoweft that I love th«e. He (aith untphiin, . Jifcjcd my lambs, , t-^^H';. •:■' :-^.}At^^^r . ^^^-^v sfuva6 Be faith to him again liie fecond time, Swpon, fon of Joaas, loveft thou if r X4C li4.lil.ii «-la»^ C '554 ) ronghkwa, . Wahhawdnhhaghfe, fhenontd aket- fenenfon ne werha. : ':47:Gk s^hegott fahhatnannetta, fahhawenhhaghfe SiJaSion Jonas ghyaye-^ah, takenoronghkwa ken ? Peter wahhlweryendakfen tsi aghfen nikon ne tq- wenni, takenoronglikwa ken ? ok fahhawenhaghfe, j^gwegon nc ferighwayenderij tfyenderi konorongkr^ kwa, Jefus wahhawenlihaghfe, flienonte ne aket-^ senenfon ne werha. -I8 Agwagh-togenrK^, togeiolke, wakwenhhaghfe aghfon tsi fadonniyoh, ife wafadyadanhen ok wa- fathahhine tainonwe M^afadondaghkwane : ok-ne onen enfadyadifl'a, enfenantdiagwarighfyon .ck a^J^Ten enyesanerenke, ok egh enyelayath^w^ .tsi- iionwe ne yaghten fenonwefe. jon iis 19 Ne Todadigh, yaweght ranadonyon, tsinen- youghton enhoglorifte ne Yehovah tsiaghrenhheye. Ok ne onen tsi etho ne hoeren, wahhawenhhaghfe, taknonderatyeghte. Jr )%o Ethone Peter tsi tenfahhatkarhadeni \v^hhat- kaghtho raghnonderatye fliayadat nene Jefus to- ijcrongbkwa; ne ne etho ne rotkonhaghkwe ne raghfgwenage tsi tehontlkahon, oni rawen, Say^j aner, onghka ne aghyanikonghrafere ? hwi^i Peter tsiwahhotkaghtho, wahhawenhhaghfe ne Jefus, Sayaner, ogh oni ne enhayere ne kcn. ^oiig^i^';^. t.iUi.^vv .1 ii. .u.».„,, o:..^. i.;«-i o4.J:4 iS: 22 Jefus wahhawenhhaghfe, togat nonken en- ( m ) thee. He faith unto' him, Feed my'flieep. v>iU>^rr '■ir 17 He faith unto him the third time, Simon, fon cf.iJdnasi loveft thou me? Peter was grieved^ W caufe hefaid unto him the third time, Loveft thcrui mdi? And 'he faid unto him, Lord, thou knoweft aUithings ; thou knoweft that I love thee. Jefus faith unto him, Feed my fheep. : ^^i^i i«*fc*ir*«*, r'.f . t>i4;j8. Verily, verily I fay unto thee, When thou waft young, thou girdedft thyfelf, and waikedft ^a^hither thi iUUi^hV 0^1 ui^iiOki i^ip-This fpake he, fignifying by what death^c ihoiil^'glorify God. And when he had fpoken this, hoiftiith unto him, Foilow me. ofiis i?J iisno ^30 AQ 20 1f Then Petcr turnlng about feeth the dif- cipie ax^hom Jefus loved following, which alfo leaned on his breafc at fupper, and faid, Lord which is he that betrayeth thee?- yi;4in*:>w>ila;"^; ;i':St$' Peterfeihg him, faith to Jefus, Lord, and what fhall thisinan do^" . • . .Migyi.d -l^n 22 Jefus faith unto him, If I will that he wrjr -.•-■y :-:Haoix Jjs * -x t » 1 € : idi^inty'i i <-J-. •l £4^ n5 ) kerhek, ok aont^henderondak tsinenflc^we: i^- n:mhbten fatfteriftaghkwen ? taknonderatyeghte ife. 23 Ethone wa-onderighwarenyade ne kengayen tsi radiderondon ne rondaddegenfon, nene etho !ftiayadat ne raotyonghkwa yaghten aghrenhheye : fane yagh ne ten howenni Jefus, yaghten aghren- heyc; ok togat nonken eiikerhek ok aontahen- derhondak tsinenflcewe, oghnahhbten fatfteriftagh- kwen ne ife. ■■4}\. f Nene etho (hayadat ne Raotyonghkwa, ji^Torighhowanaghton ne kengayen, neoni ne ken ne karighhotenfe roghyadon : ok wakwaderyendare togenlke naah tsinihorighhbden. ^^^^'^25 Yawetowanen oni bya ne yoriwage tdni- lioyeren ne Jefus, ne naah togat agwegon aorit^- lcaghyadonke, ikeghre, yaghtcn aontakayerine tsini- . yoghwhentja aontawedake tsinikaghyadorighfernge aontekaghyadonke. Etho nenyawene. UJvi ( 1^5 ) till I come, what is that to thee ? Foilow thou mc. :'ytfi;!i'.)Y • .... . , ■- rff)^3.'Then went this faying abroad among the brethren, that that difciple fhould not diej yet Jefus faid not unto him, He Ihall not die: but, if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? 24 This is the difciple which teftifietb of thefe things, and wrote thefe things: and we know that his;t«ftimony is true. Ji:%^ And there are alfo many other things which Jefus did, the which if they ftiould ]>e written en/^ery qne, I fuppofe that even the world itfelf could not eontain the books that fliould be written. Amen. -H' • u. NENE YAKOWENNANNERBN. 10, 12, .. ^^ ( ' si*'.* ' Fol. 7, Yohahha 5, ** fliongwahawighton" ne enkenhak ** fhongwahawighten.'* 1, « tsiyodaghawen'* ne enkenkak " tsiyodaghfawen.'* 10, ** kengagen" ne enkenhak " jcen- gayen." 17, " t'enrnonwadewedon" ne enkenhak^ ** tenflionwadewedon ne rongwei^' ISf, " kanigonhgriyoftoghne'' ne eiiiken- hak ** kanigonghriyoffogne.** . _^, 19, 24, ** kenyayen," ne enkenhak **^^*feii' ^^/iOd!!?7 jfi^wdx tr^;!^gayen/*t'»0ir;^iav))5 :>.i ,Kf\i,-t; ) *" 22, 4, *' yakayodeghkwe"/' ne''eDkenhak' ;. ., ,^ : yakoyod.eghk\ve,'' . ^,^ > ^ '23 ** faregde*' ne enkenhak ** ureghde iQi i:^^ «« bghnega'* ne enkenhak *^ne''6f^K-^ ' 'jtu^o nega.*' "-i :••- );• dri^j^oHii *- 8, *' tenwaderigliwlhhe.wet'*; ne e;nkjenri hak ** areWap tQnwadu'igh\vihhe,:^^"s 7, ** yoleren" ne c^ken^iak' 'f 'ptyiren'* 7, " ronwa" ne erikenhak ^* nonW 1, « de*' ne enkenhak «« ne*^ -^W ^ 19, ^^.roniron-.Vne enkenhak.'*.i;c>W<^^" 9, ** vakonwadinonkc," ne enkenhak wa-ononke." 12, ** wahhowennrane" ne enkenhak *' wuhhowennarane.'* 23, ** kenhheyoptferoten" ne enkenhak ** kenhheyatfcroten**' 2^,''' 'i-)i\4tp* :: 01, 62, 68, 70, 78, ■■^^gW^ s,Wtmr-/ar-( >h:'M»«v,.- . I>lA;i;r*.'. >i;}r i , t:'-tl«-.> 1 *.jttl4jj'^ . /•-.«or?;-r.^'?=r.-T**SWf*'-*W.»fti««fcl-.»Xa3MPy.*f ■ - C*^*-««-7*'rW.-wn.-fr-, «85i»f^- *-.^»- AVi>\ HO '/'idl'^. j '- T M :nkak >!,"'Jn"-'J .01 .>> * Logos, tsinidewawennoten yaweght ayairon-owinna, oxAWa, , , , . ; r j ^ Yehovah, ne Rawenniyoh. "^ Raogloria, ne raowefeDghtfera tfini hakowanen ne ^ Gracia, ne kendcnron, tfiniyought yaweght tfifhong- Wariwaw^fe ne Niyc)h,::v'*i>-' 4^'* l" Cohenafon, yaweeht ne Raditfihqnftatfi, nene ron- w^iftntaryakon ne Raweniyoh raoriwa ron{kriftha. ^ Raofchh, ne ne tfiniyewennotenghne ne Hebrew, lehh yaWeght ne niyakaa teyodinnakarondoa nen^bncn roh^anidenghtafe ' nc Niyoh wahhonwayenhaghfe^ ne aoriwa tii yagh ogh ten yoriwayen ne egh nahh^^en. ^ Werha, teyodinnakarondoa, ^.§»5 ' ^^ ^hb niyakaa tcyodianagarondoa. S^ -w ir.'» *•" , r1 ■ 1 : • ' :HJUK','..t ;iiyH,ruij,;ipr!d5i5:( '■' .kT ^!*! Philltpt & Fardon, Pfinter^ George Yard. Lombard Strcet.