4 ''-<_ :\^ ■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) 1.0 SfPlii 122 __ IQgg QxporatM ! I J W l WUUN M I M I \MnsTn,N.Y. usao (7i«)a7a.4coi .!*•••* H^ :/■,■ }''■ o\ -,-'r f •^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. (IMonographs) / ~'.'\ • I CIHM/iCMH Collection de microfiches, (monograph ies) )'.■;'■ '\ :/ (^ ..„^->""'" ,v.'»'" Cinadian Institut* for Historical IMicrorapr6<|uctions / Inttitut Canadian da niicroraproductions historiqudk >:«(":- V> TMlMiicil^ind Tto iMlitMli kM allMipMd •• akiain Mm kMt •rifiiMl ^*y •■ ■wwojripnmpy wm^im, wMch mcy diw Miy •f *■ kMfN^ *• rapMteetlon. «r vrMck may «ifnifiMfi|lv akMift *• MMNi MMhod vf filMiint. ar* □ Cttleyftdaovws/ Couiwftiiw <■ coii l tiir En COMTt iMIM|ld/ J Ce w tff w ( I Covtra mtOfMlj^nd/or laminatid/ □ OolMirad M ai|tr ona modification la mMiodt normala tft filmaia tont Indiquli- D D as p' andAar laminatad/ ^^^Mpa ■ lc y| | a^ MviMdoriomd/ D Qoality of print variat/ Qualilf inlfria da rimprassion Centinuoof pafination/ Pagination l >entinMa OllfdMlMftK TMa on kaadw irikM from:/ U iMm ii rantlha pioffiant: A, f □ TMapapofta NpiiiNradi pnOiptionoriMoa/ D 0AddMonaliONMMnti:/ C tmmantilra t ■■ppll w iiriia i. WnMqot IpModivwl da la limlaon Vrliiklod pagaa My ff !■ siffhtly out of focua. TMi hm ii fNmad at tfM ladueiion ratio ahaehad balow/ Ca dacumant ait fiimi au tauK di riduetion I '1OX MX .^?^ wx fix 2fX 30X ffi oft flln Orf] ,lyv- OtiM first •Ion oril ^ shaM TINI X- Map ««: right f«qul { EB ^ /% ' ' ttX MX / JDX HX fix i Th4eo copy fllni«d hfr« hit bMn rtproduMd thanka to th« g«n«ro«ity of: Library of thaNatioral ' ArehivM of CMiMta Imiflos oppooring t^orofro thl^ boM quality poMiblo eofisidoring tho condition and iMibility of tho original copy aMl in kaoping with tha filming aontraat apocmBatlona. X / Original eopiaa ki prIntM papar oovarai^fNmad ■,^ baginnkiewMi tha front ceyar ind anding on >^ laatpaga vrith a prkitad a» Wuatratad knpraa. /tlon, or tho back eovor iwhan appcoprlata. All othor original eapiaa arp fNmad baginning an tha ftrat paga with a printad ar Wuatratad impraa* •ion. and andktg an thalaM paga with ilprintad or illuatratad impraaalon. #a>o laat racordod frama oh adeh mieroficha ahaM contain tha symbol^^i^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tho symbol ▼ (moaning "END"). .*' \; ^1 ' «*: / is?*' ^'••' «••«•• •««•• "»dr ba fHmad at diffprim raduetion ratios. Thoaa too larga to bo •otiroly kiekidod in ono ORpoauro ara fHmfd- baginning ki tha uppOr laft hand aomor. loft to right and top to bottom, at many framas as raqulrad. Tha following diagrams. iNustrata tha r mathod: •■r\ 1 2 ■■■ / :^ 'A .... -. . ■ -v .-■ j:' . •■■■>■ L'aKampkiira film* f ut raproduit grica A la g«n«rosit« da: i j UbibliotMqMdMArdiivM ^i ratioiMlMduCMiMia ' ■^ ■ ■-' ;' --.^ ■■■:'-• ■ /■"• ■■ ". 1 ■■■•■ ■' ■■• Las imagas siihrantas ont «t« raproduitas svac la plus grand soin. eompta tanu da (a condition at daja nattat« da I'aiiamplaira film*. Wan eonformh* avac laa conditions du contrat da "•■haga. /..;•.■ ^'^••"•'"^'•'raa origlnaux dont la couyartura an Pjplar aat Imprim4a sont film4s on eommanpant P^V»«py miar plat at ah tarminant soit par la !I!!?*~ ?^ '•** eomporta una amprainta« Ptot. Mlpn la caa. Tous las autraa axampiairas origlnaux sont fHmds mn comman^an^ par la PJ»mi*ro (»aga qui camporta ijiia amprainta dimpraasion ou d'lHustration at arr tarminant par w damlwa paga qui camporta una talla amprainta.../,. "^-t-. /, Un daa symbolaa suhrants spparaltra sur la damiAra imaga da-ehaqua microfieha. talon la cas: la symbols «^ slgnifia"A SUIVRE" la symbolo ▼ signifio "Fl^". .y. Vw,: "H ■/ Us caitoo. planchas. tablaaij)i. ate. pauvant «tra nimAs A daa taux da rMuction diffArants. Lorsquo lo document act trap grand M>ur Atra raproduit an un saul cNchA. il ast f ilml>#partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut an basran pranam la nombra d imagaa nAcassaira. Us diagrammas suivahts iUustrant la mAthodo. ■r-i ■ -r-i tS- I « - % w ■ ,?- 'M » ■'■:^ ^ 2 * ^ ^ * • m 3 , „.-' Mn :^ %^ ■X' ,-"^F^^«1J!-^S + i# / / i. • « ^' i't^i -:r »v \" \ ,s ♦»c .'^ V*' • «< !/ # n i SflKBING* RULES Airo' / *v. t "^''^ * r >^- - •F TUWt MUNICIPAL COUNCIL^ or THB DISTRICT OF JOHNSTOWN. yXOlI 1848 TO 184 5R0CKVILLE: H^ POINTED AT THE BECOEDEI^ bpprCK.>, 1853. !!l^fc,'S:":£!£4ir ^fe^*^ Sh*- _t ■ » , 1 ■1' ■Aii \ N hF ^y \ V 'f/f/g ^^A• * o'n STANDING RUJ.es. A ..r- f V\ V / I. That the Munici|>al CoimciKdo meet at H o'clock in th« rorcm-on, and if at that hour there i^iot u (jiiorum, the Waideu •nay tako the Chair and adjourn tQ a ucrtuiu hour on t^e sxvix^ or the foHowiniif day* ^ ] ~ , II. That whehever thf Warden is obliged to adjouiit the Council V Ibr want of a Quorum, th« lumr at wiiich such adjournment is made, l^nd the names of the Councillors nrescat, shall be inserted in th» '^iMinutos. * Iir. That i«nmr!«liatfiy after flic Warden shall have taken tlie' Chair, tho Minutes uftUo pretfodin?: Si T< • au 1, rei \ Hi V Pfi ye /■ en ««itifcfetAA.-si!^j^iaag^. ^ the in ery «a red out ted icil, Iter neil ling me, ave efld I. / 5 \ r BY-LAWS. Na I-^BY-tA W of the Municipal Council of 'SMWi the District of Johnstown relating to SSlf'Jc'w* Statute liabor.— Passed February 9, 1842. Ifwduvfe' <*'" cap cap jamble and iwersofSor. No. n.-— BY-LAW of the Municipal Council «S,V?»d5cap of the District of Johnstown to regulate the 2i!iw"'"* appointment of Surveyors of Highways.— Passed February 12, 1842. The Council of ^he District of Johnstown —jk^ assembled in CouncL in the Town of Brockville, oiF^'^^Stl^ Saturday the Twelftif day of February, in the year of ^•'^ Oar Lord One Thousand ^ight ^undred and Forty two, by virtue of an Act passed in the fourth and fifth years of tKe reign of Her Majesty Qbeen Victoria, entitled " An Act to provide for the better internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted ttie Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of bocal or Municipal authorities therein,** dp oidain and enact the following By-Law, and it is hereby enacted, - That the persons hereinftfter named, be appointed Surveyora of Highways, within the se veml and respective Townships of this District, having the same powers and authority, and subject to the same responsiniUftes,- regnlatiens, and tequirementsij as the Surveyors of Highways heretofore appointed by ^e Justices of the Peace under and by vijrtue of an Act passed in the 50th year of the reign of His late Majesty, King Georg^ m^ entitled « Aii Act to provide for tiie laying oat| mending ■. V w^PSfe^ww'^ 'S' U.VV.K(f. - (niMic lli^'liwuyk ;imi Ruiid* III tins iVnviiKM'. aiul lu rp|K'at tliv luvvs now in force for I'm the T^iUinhiji '•/ \ • , - Ivl!/,al(i-tlit(.f,\ II :..... ^. .. . Williain K. (ilnzior. You;.'*' Jultii MorruH. Auuii.sl i.i. . .... flMiiliiiion IVntnalviin ! Alrx. M'Millnnr "'Kilwardshiirih,.. ... . .John .VMInioylo witl I^caIP Atlumn.. n -siurtl, ". .f'liiK it ."^cofioMhiid Jumt?.N Kalon. KiMfj',. '.. .". ^.Chjistoplicr |i(»r. . SoHth Crosby,, .a. ". »'..*.. .'. * ....... . Iknry li. Mnrvin. ^VVoIford.'. .y. Jt»hn h. Read nnd Parmiel Fcrgiisoii. Sotitli.CiowiT,. . .\ North Croshv,,. . . V* • • • • • • • ..lames Biltorr." Section 2. Thnt the several U.nd res|)eotive Survcyom of Ilivh'Aivys herein lioforo a|i|v>i!iitod, and their several ' nnd rosp.etive Kiuvt'ssore-in oHi "u ns siicTi~§urveyors of Hichwayr., shall respectively contiinie in office as scich Purveyors, iiivtil removed thcreCroin by resolution of tho Djstritft Council, or by tlie rtMnoval from the TWnship, or the incupucity ol'tlie p'.reon u|'iK>iuted. W. MORRIS, Warden. ii»esor.r«m. ^Oi m.-^BV-IiA VV to (klViio the duties of Sur* .«p8u'; 12 vie veyors oi' Highway;} and tor other purposes imwVIot.*, tliercin inchtioncd.— Passed May 14, 1^42. . ■ ( Prtambi*. "^^^ Municipal Council of the District of .Tohnslown, , duly nssemhlcd nt tho Town of Brockville, on th« Fourteenth day of May, in the vyear of Our Lord One . Qt Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-twof undernnd by virtue of a certain Act of the Legislature pf the Proyince| passed in the former and fiAh year of H6r Majesty's ^ Reign, entitled **An Act to provide for the belter ^ internal government of that part of this Province whidii W formerly constitiit>!d the Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of local or. Miuiiciiiar a^ithoritiet therein,** do ordain, land it is hereby orditned and enicle^ That all and every of the penons appointed "W^ l&&^-i^ 4^^^^^^^^-^^ ,^rP«^iffB f E.'£-4*-.:*»*\_-li. I ^ ^i sw^^ gn^ ■U^fi^^ai'^^ :#■ /Purveyors of lliulnvnj . tor tl,.- To\vijsl,ti.« o| F.iir.nlv.tJi.- . lown, YonRo. Bftsiar.l, Kitlcy. South Khnslry. r ,|» Un»loxvlIe.^uuth rr.«hy. North Tro^.v. ii,„| s,,,,,!,' Burgess* iii tho ^uki J)iMriet; um\(^ ,.,„i ijv virtti.. of •» certoiii By-Liiw piwsod at tho Insi srssi..,, ofUiis Connrit, rntitled •• Hy-Laxv of th.- Muni^i|«| Co.nu .1 .,r thr Dmtrict of Johnstown, to rcnilatc tho itpp,)iniin'nl ol >urveyoo, of H,phwv.ys;' .slinll !,<• fukrn ai.'l consiclerod IIS having bern upiwintcd such Survc\N>r.s of Hijrlnvnvii • m mid (..r tho County of V.-ds. and t"h„t nil j.nd rvcrv g- lh« persons upimintcd l.y iho sni,! nv.Ln>v for ihl. row-nsh.jwof A.iRustn, Kdu-nn}^l)urtfii. Oxford. Wolfurd. nml ^outh fTOwor. in the suid Disldet,. shall Ix; considered at havjn? been ap|H.inlod such Surveyors of Fli'r ju-avs - in iuid for tho County of (tronvillo. * "*• . .SkcTioi»2. That the sujd Surveyors. lie(oro enterinp*^«»«*''^**«» n^n ^their duty, slinll tnke and sulwcrilm (he Oath of Sri^^'A'jV''.'* *"',VA' *'*® "*'°°"^' "'''■'•'on of the Provincial um^T^ft n* / •'• ';".»'• .*' ""** ^^r^^' the snme in the office of tW Pislnet Clerk ; and after havi.jc l.epu once iworninttiw manner, they may eontinue to discharge office •' •'''""'" y^'*"" ^'""fi"«f 'lit^'r coniiiiuouco iu Sbction 3. That in all applications for the Irfjinir out««»«rt of any new, ornltorinsr of any old road, or roads, cicht days pivf^vious notice shnll he -iven bv .such ?jirveyor.,. before the sUtiu^ of tho Council, ai uhich the report of the aiitvey is intended to be made. \ Sbctio:» 4. That no Surveyor of Hich\vay8 iihaU bik Report shall lye mm nl the opening of tho Council, nonm ess his conducHajl have b«>eri conformable to law nor unless his rejiort shall l)e made in thd form following* that IS to say: — *• < Pistrictof Johnstown, } To the Municipal Council of said .*ovvit: J Diatrict in Coiiijcil assembled: « \ .^X , Sarveyor^of Highways in and for theiMoft«rs«. in the said District, beg leave to '"'* 1.— — County of t«.l..f, «h,ld.„ of.he«id Coaniy of-— - bcariaj \ J c\. V-5.J.S. t,;^. .N^ '8 nniA I hftve made th<» nid rbad ■ fe^t in widthl I have further tq ^tate\ that i gave dye pubHc notice or this ilirvey accordini; to Uw,'1)y affixtug it cony of thii report in thitt oPthe taost 'public places next aajacent to ^tho place where the kfuresaid survey has been made.' >ted.ttt -:^^ ^ thii -^i d|iy of in the year of our Lord, ode thousa^d^eight hundred and -, ,^u\eij Caijr f)r 8ar> vaycn. IfMiMorRa* i ' ^f^ ^ K Pttwff* ci ^ « ' Surveyor of 9igh1nrays for the County of — ^r— • ' Sictioit 5. That every Surveyor of Highways shall"' cnrefnlly enter in" his report the requisition of the Fr£>eholiiers vtrbatim, and act strictly according to it in . making his report, and shall see that it is in conformity to the s^tutiitc, according to the words of which "The^ ^ requisition is to state that any public highway or road in" the neighborhood of the said freeholders taow in. use, is ' incuiivenient and may be altered, so, as better to accommodate Her Majesty*ssubje(:tsandothcrstravelling "thWeon,' or that it is ueck'ssary to open a hew highway or»fe»d." ^ . . ', DweriptiMi ti Sectiow 8. That jev^ry such Surveyoi" jihall lay ^o^^'n »*. iii the blank iipace left for that puipoJte, an accurate V Ascription of the new road intended to be laid out, or' c^ the proposed iteration of the old rmd, giving the length and courses as correctly as possible, and stating whether the survey is marked out by blazes on trees^ia— with red chalk, or by stakes planted on the upen ground. ' SccTioN 7. That the width of the^ roid shall 1)e stated in the survey, and exai^t copies of thevreport affixed in at least two public places near the roud surveyed. Sgctioit 8. That every report sluiU be apcompanied ■imdcomimf j,y ^ p|^„ q^ diagram, ttnd shall be peraonally presented , to the Council by the Surveyor making any such survey, which shall lie referred to the Committee on Roads with power to eoitfirm, annul or modify the Report on enquiry into the necessity of establishing any such road or not, ^ and to make such report thereon- to the Couhcil as the laid Committee ilMiy co^ceiva proper, and injsase any, ' opposition shall be made to any such survej^;, it shall be this duty of the party making such opposition to show \ before the^iaid Committee that twd days* notice of luch opposition has been given befo^ the sitting of th« 1 Cfouncil, to the Surveyor, who.sh^ notifV the petitionen of nioh oppotition, ao thki they nuiy m prepared to suitain their appUoatioa for Uio eatablishment of snoh ' ~ ■■ mad. / . y /. ';•** (.• r- SictioN 9, Thaf no rood hereafter to bo laid out shall w«wiof Ro^d. V ?J.rT. "".f ""^y""** ?*" '*"?' ^^"^^ f'^'^y focf in width, l^nj\ ? a»temtion o( any rood, tho now rood "sholl ' .Jiotlidlaid out of n less width than tho old ono. SKdrioN 10. That in all cases' the S^lrv*^yors of lIiKhWnys^ shall mention in>oiY report? ant( Wk on ''^'^ "'-" thc.r diWrtms, tho distancoof all i*riucl Mad8,or.rfjads nearly ,W Hel, whether ,opene4 or not, fropx the ono . - .Strtendcd >> Ikj reported, or of other roads in- tho'vicinitv. ^ noticmff tfi^termiimtion of such road or «ads required: " " to be laid oht, so that tho Council or Committee tfiereof " tho^ m \ °*^^^°**!'*'*°"*^*'*''''*^°^*^**^^''*^*'"^ for^cnmZiV '"^^ r * \" '"'l """^^ "V^'^ chiiras are made r^Mc.„,. for compensation for-land taken for roa* esta jlished by p«"«""^ - in^ncar on' hi*' r W'^^'^^f^'' "^^ co?npensdtion shaU eSlLh^n^t r'^'^t^ °^ **'° ^^^'^^^ "^''t after tho ' ' . cstftbUWimcnt of such road- o» roods, -to support their cWon Its being rciwrted by the Surveyor o/Wwav^ ' according.to law, and in.ordpr that t^e Coundl my know who arc tl^e poni«| to support any road w .' . - confirmed. Surveyors are recniired in fiieir rei«rts,Thcn " copying th*iH3t.tion>r the altemtion of an old rihdir ' " tho laying 5utijf a new tffle,* to enter tho names of the ^titroncrs thcrcih, an^ to give said petitioners notice Mint n fnmnrtnatrH^^ :_ -.!_; • .. *i .. "v<.t\j\y ' li Highways. Section 12., That all claims for compeUtion for ^ lands taken foj^oads csfablished by the Council. shii^S^Zil^'n'"*"'* when lawfully reported by the SuLyor of HighS ^^^^^ v be also reforrad to the Committee on Wds, who oS ^ investigatrng the same, shall report to the Council wha[ ' sfira, li any, shall be allowed to flio claimant and ^^"^ whathcr thcMToad is of a public or private ZuroV aSd m case thpyshall find thlt it iS of I private S;of So **"^^' i- *i^ !iT^ l^^P^** the same untiltlio amS tf ST^?t^^'^ said Committer after such com^'nl : ^^ «ation,8l^Ubem,dbytheWdiJetftioners;.butinSw a they shaU fihd that tho road so feWblisheff i ofapuUfe imture^then tho amodnt fixed on for such compeS *aU bo paid out of tho ftmds of the District, 3Sa5 ♦;f™-i***L*^ the Treasurer, and he i8her4^4S to pay the ««ne^on the certificate of the DistricKll^l ' J.cT|oi, 13.^ Tlmt no Licensed I^nd SurvWoTZli ' l>e employed By the Surveyorof Highways, ^ilewby . -V-*^ "- 1 ■• 1 ' .i-^: \' -jf"i,.,. "^• 10 -c Statutes. J ,i^sumyftirt.gpeciai order of the Cpiineil, on its ,being shdwn that it ployed. ** 'is necessary or useful^ to obtain the aidof snch Land Surveyor in laying out- or alteringanyrgad or highway^r Refefence '"- Sbction 14. That .with respdbt to .the sale' of Lana " '""""" througl^ which any old rood may have passed, and other duties of Surveyors of Highways, referenqp must be had to the Provinpial Statutes 50 Geo. 3, chap 1, and 4t Guo. . 4, chap 10. ' ^ , SscTioN 15. That the following forms shall be used in all surveytand Claims foir compensation for land taken for roads: •'i* -* * / NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO SURVEY. Certain F#Ah9. . - ^^ ]y{f •, Surveyor of Highways in and for the^^.^ Take notice that I oppose the survey -of the road made by you avermf land, b^ing Lot (or part of Lot as case may be) No. -r — in — <— concession of — ^ — , and that I shall appear before ,the District Council at its next meeting for that purpose. Dated the 'day of ,1W . TICE TQ PETITIONERS OF OPPOS^ITION TO- SURVEY. % / Take notice that- ' has this day -'A, giv(in mc notice that he intends to oppose the survey of the road made on your petition over nis land, being Lot (or/port of Lot as case may be) No. iii - — — concession of* , and that he will appear before the District Cpuncil at its next meeting for that purpose. Dated the day of ^, 184 * Surveyor of Highways, for the County of • NOTICE OF COMPENSATION CLAIMED. i^ i:'m I To Mr , Surveyor of Highways for the County of : Take notice that I sJiaU apply to the next District Council for compensation for the road laid out by you over my land, bemg Lot ^or port of Lot as case may, be) No, ^ in concessioaof , and that I claim thesiim of J^-^ ■ for the land taken for said road, of which you are required to give notice to the petitioners and report this, my claioi) to the said Council at its said^ meeting. \ iaatecHiir-fSi i da y of ^-^T^ ^i^ ■ I ■: ■A-. L: NOTICE TO BE GIVEN TO PETITIONERS OF CLAIm/ FOR COMPENSATIOfJ. / To Take notice that has this day given me noUcethat he intends to apply to the next District Council for compensation for the road kid out by me on your petition over his land, being Lot (or part of Lot as the case may be) No. in — — concession of _-^ ^ n co^y of ^hich notice is hereunto annex^ Dated the — - day of -^ 184 ^ Surveyor of HighWMra far the County ojj^- REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF CLAIM /TFOR COMPENSATION! / / ■•'"!' °. /'* /■ To the Municipal Council of the^District<)if JohBstown. In Council assembled: >•' ■- '■ ' ■_» I» » Surveyor of Highways in and for the County o* — T-> bpg leave to nftport that claims the sum of* for the land taken for the roadstuveyed by me on Lot (or part of Lot as the case may be) No.— in concession of which was reported and confirmed at the last meeting of the Council. Copiei^ of the notices of compensation claimed given tome by the said , and of mine to the petitions are hereunto annexed: Dated the — day of ^^ 184 . Surveyor ^f Highways foi the County of . / W. MORRIS, Wardbn. 7 .1 . ' • No. IV. BY-LAW to provide for the vacatine^ .„„ of theseats of Members of the District Council ^eo>««'' ^"^ in certain cases.— Passed November 11, 1842., Sand! ■\ /U. •- • ^,. ./^ .*.«-** No. y.-BY.LAW to provide for the fiUing upse^.^vicchs,, oi vacancies in certain Township or Parish cS ac'* ""*' QffifiB . s . ^Pas 6 cdJVugu8t^ll, 1818. . .x; ;?:: N i Preamble. r /' No. VI. — BY-LAjW relating lo the opening of Roads. * »,' ' whereas many highways in this District upon which statute labor has be"fen done or public moneys expended, iir§ obstructed, and whereas the allowance tfrigipally ■ m^-i]^ Government forVuWic highways, ar» in many ■- ' places imopened and impassable, and whereas it is desirable that all such roads should be opened to the public What, deciarad travel and convenience : iBe it therefore ordained and Highways, enacted, and it is her«by ordained and enacted, by the « Municipal Councii of the District of J6hnstown duly, assembled at the Town of Brockville on the fourteenth' day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, that all Roads and Highways allowed and granted by the Executive Government, or upon which any public moneys or statute labor may have been expended, previous to the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten, by resolution, adoption of a Report, enactment of a By-liiw, or other decision of this Council, declared a public road and' Highly, shall be, to all intents and purposes, and for all pubU6 use and convenience, considered a public road , and highway, and as such shall not be otetrncted or ' impeded by any person or persons whatever. ; ovc«ooru.direct S.ixioN VThat whencvcr any sjich road may be labor to ,be ex- unopened or obstructed as aforesaid, it shall and may be-.i" pouded. lawfuf for tlie Ovei^serof Highways for the Division in which any such-rt^^may be situated, to order and direct any amounrof the statute labor within the Division for which he may bo Overseer of Highways, to be expended thereon, as in his discretion he may think fit Section 3. That a certificate from the Clerk of the District, duly signed by that ofiicer, signifying that such road hath been declared a public road and highway, by the Municipal Council of this District, shall be deemed good and sufficient authority for the Overseer of the Division in the removal of obstructions, or in the opening of any such road as aforesaid, or in the expenditujfO bf the statute labor thereon as aforesaid. , / . W. MORRIS, Wardisn^^.^ ■'l Cerlificato Clerk. M of %"■".* !' ■■' J ■ i-v/V: lich led, any : is bile and the * Inly snth" ight rays t, or . nay iord the iuch ,by med the / . 1 i«**'' ] 13 No. VII.— BY-LAW to regulate the mode ofsoe«ofiio3ci.ij opening of new Roads,the closing of -old ones, \l vl" ell m\ and the altering of their course and direction. u& Vs tchuo —Passed May 14, 1842. Whereas much public injury may be done, aAd private i-reaniUe. interests afTected, by the opening of new roads, or by the closing of roads already allowed or travelled, or by altering or diverting of their course without due public notice being given" : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, - and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown duly assembled at the ToMjn of Brockville on the fourteenth day of May, * in the year of our liord one thousand eight hundred alid forty-two, that no new road or highway shall be opened 'and declared to be a public highway and Road, nor shall any Government allowance, or other established or ' public Highway be closed, nor shall any alteration be ^ made ifl the course or direction of any such (government f allowance, or other public or established road or highway, , ] without such opening or closing or alteration, as aforesaid, i shall be requested by requisition from twelve freeholders Requisition of m of the District, duly signed and presented to a Surveyor *""«»«'"«'»• of Highways requiring such opening, classing, or alteration aforesaid, nor until such opening, closing, or alteration as • , aforesaid, shall have been duly examined and reported upon by such Surveyor of Highways, which examination ' and report thereon, duly attested on oath or affirmation, shall be laid before the Council of the District and filed with the public papers and records of the same. W.MORias,.WAiU)i!N. «Q No. VIII.— BY-LAW of the Municipal Council see Tvio ch « of the District of Johnstown, to regulate the ^"j fa^itfew %{i|>ointnient and duties of Pound-Keepers. " Passed February 11, 1843. wieSl. See 12 Vic ch 81 «ecl56. ^fUS^ • X-" J^ iVi?,/X— BY-LAW of the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown to enable the Clerk of the Council to issue Subpoenas in . ceHain cases. PreainUe. Fine. Charge. Application Fine. of Payment of iiussea. wit' ' Thfe Council of the District pf Johnstown duly assembled in Council in the Town of Brockville, on Satiuday, the twelfth day of February, in the year of our JMB one "thousand eight hundred and forty-two, by virt!^^ an Act passed in the 4th and fifth years orthe , reign df Her Majesty Queen Victoria, entitled *< An Act to provide for the better internal government of that j)drt of this province which formerly constituted thc^^^^^ Province of Upper Canada by' the establishment of .Local Municipal authorities thei'ein," do ordain and enact the following By-Law, and it isjiereby enacted, that when ever any claimant or respondent in any cause may -.^ require the attendance of any person or party' to appear belbre this Council or any Committee thereof to testify and declare the truth, according to his knowledge, in any matter or any thing that may be brought before the said QJouncil, olr s|tay Committe^.thereof, i) shall and may be lawful for the Clerk of this Council to issue to any person applying therefor a SubpcDna requiring the attendance of ^ such person ok party, as the case may be. . Section 2. That if any person or party shall neglect or refuse to obey such subpoena, he sliaU be fined any sum not less than Five Shillings, nor more than Five Founds, in the discretion of the Justice or Justices before whom such witness or witnesses maybe cited to appear. Sections. That the Clerk way charge to th& party applying for the same, the sum of One Shilling and Three Pence, for every such Subpoena which he may issue as aforesaid. Section 4. That all fines that may be imposed under the ' provisions of this By-Law, together with all sums that may bo paid for Subpoenas, shall be paid to tho Treasurer of the District, and shall go into and form part of the generiil -revenues thereof, .subject to the control, direction, and application of the District Council. Sbction 5. That in all cases in which witnesses shall 'havift duly appeared to give evidence before this Council, or before any dJommittee thereof, either voluntarily or in /obedience to a Subposna duly issued and served, tho ^^uncil or Committee (as the case may be) before whom shall app e ar-tagivBjavidonoe. shall ordfir and-di^ A ^^#^ jC- ■J ^ ■;---': .15- such witness or witnesses to be paid for, his, her, or their loss of time and expenses, mich siim or sums of monpy as the Council or Committee (as the ease may be), shall deem just and equitable, which order the party or parties upon whom it shall be made are hereby required and directed to obey. • , W. MORRIS, Warden. > » No. X— BY-LAW relating to certain fees. The Municipal Council of the, District of Johnstown PreamWc. duly assembled in Council in the Tbwn of Brockville On '^N"i;;i**' the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord 9no ° thousand eight hundred and forty-two, under and/by virtue of a certain Act of the Legislature of this Proviiico passed in the 4th and Sth years of the reign of .Her ' Majesty (Queen Victoria, entitled " An Act to prc/vide for the better internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada by the establishment of Local or Municipal Authorities therein," do ordain and enact the following By-Law, and it is hereby enacted, That each and every C"u»r'ii"r(., Ac. Councillor of the District, and also every Justice, of. the whirouifcV"* Peace for thb District of Johnstown, shall at all seatonable hours, and upon proper application, have free access to the books, plans, records,, and other docunitcnts. in the hands or keeping of the Clferk of the District Council, and also of the Treasurer of the District, without fee or charge of any kind for any such access or investigation. Section 2. That any person, other than a member of Feoforscaroh. the District Council, or a. Juj*ice of the Peace as aforesaid, who may require any such search, access or investigation, of, or to, the books, plans, records, or documents, in the hands of the District Clerk, or District Treasurer, as aforesaid, shall pay for every such search, access, or investigation, the sum of One Shilling, to be paid ot the time of making such search or investigat^bn as aforesaid. SECTioif 3. That all fees and emoluments collectedW How >ppii(Maii4 the Clerk of the District, or the Treasurer of the District, '" '*"'""' *** under and by virtue of this By-Law, be paid to the last '^ — named Officer, and bo by him placed to the public credit, to and for the general uses and purposes of the District. D^. MOBBIS, WAioBH. . ■ « '^ ' : 1^ ' ''M' ' '. y.» ■ ---' ' No. XL—hY-ljkw of tKc Municipal Council of the District o!' Johnstown relating to the "breach or violation of any By-Law. i'r.nm .' The Couiicil , of tho District of Johnstown duly assembled in Council iu the Town of Brockvillc on •Saturday, the twelfth day 6f February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiglit hundred and forty-two, by virtue of an Act passed in tho 4th and 5th years df the reign of Her Majesty, Cjueen Vt|:toria, entitled "An Act to provide for .the bcttcTviijtcqjfff gov9<;iimcnt of that part of this Provlnoei which" 11?nnerly^1coilStitti|l«A'. the Province of Upiicr CanadaJUy the eitabli^mont of Local or Municipal Authorities therein," V do ordain and enact the following Amoum ..I Fhic. By-Law,, ancl it is hercV enacted, That for any breach or violation of any By-Law now enacted, or that may Ikj hereaj^cr enacted by this Council, the person convicted thereof ^laTT suffer and pay a penalty, not more than Five rounds nor less^ thqtn Five Shillings, in the :, discretion (/t;thc Court ordering tho conv|ction, together i ' with all reosonalife costs incurred. '^ r W. MORRIS. Warden. Prcnnihlu. r No. X//.— BY-LAW to refund certi^rt monies therein mentioned. *- Whereas it hath been made to appear in evidence' before a Select Comrnittec>of the MunicipOj Council of tho District of Johnstown, apnointed for ^'ftiat purpose, that certain sums of money Jiad been paid through mistake, and in ignorance of the facts relating thereto, to the Treasurer of the said district of Johnstown, and whereas certain sums of money have been received by certain Collectors of the public rates and assessnicnts in the notes of a certain Institution known and designated as the «♦ Suspension Bridge Bank," which Institution at the time the said notes were so received as aforesaid, was legally authorized to issue them, and was then considered good and solvent, but has since failed and become insolvent : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal rftiiiip.il o f the District of Jahnstown duly assembled at ' ' -I'll—- r~,^-.~~-~-~^.^^ ~~,-,^. BTfB^— ■— - ' .W Ji'" ' I '■ ' '" l'«" ^ ■ "__ _ t*--^^if^^^ "" th« Town of Srocitviire, on the fourteenth day of May," -/■ #■ ..■■ IT ^'•;. \' fniiJ^JJ"^"' Lord one thousand eight hundred an!- fojty-two, ITjat out of any fond* pail to and for ^ public uses of the District of Johnstiwn and remin^e wS'^^f "* *^ handsof the T««sn,er, thauK If fn Si*^^!f ?uP*y ^'^*°l^'~»»*»eSSlermentiS £fjS^X "^** 5®y °»*y *»^^«) *^e several and respe^e . sums hereinafter mentioned:— ^i-owivo , To Daniel Phillips, late CoUector for the Townshin of P*i . ^ Yonge, the sum of fiiree Poimds and Five 41K^^^ ^^^^ fJS.15??? ®f **•*' Cdlector of the ToMjusSp of ihiZS!' ■"" **^ ^° ^'^"^ anOilWn P^??iStSll^^ '^"^^^P of VongcThree Eliabethtown, the sum of Sixteen Pounds -Three Shillin|p, and Five Pence Half-penny. ' K-jnL 7i['**°P**®'/i??^"' Collector for the Township of Kitley, the sum of Nine ShiUings and Two-penwT^ n«dw;^ "5?"^®' ^PS?"* Esquire, of M Town of 1S?*^"'®» ^® ■""» of Two Pounds. " DilLi ♦£? ®^®'^^» Esquire, late TreasureUf thp nE^T ^"" Of Five Pounds. ShiSLrar^" ^^*®'' °^ Gananoque, the sum of Nine «J°nf 5J'^'®' ?^ ^^ ^»'n°» of Johnstown, the- S^L?^''"/*L""*^».**''™*° good to him that sum ^^t^ S ^^^y *^° •^"»« of removing aS S?S^S^.K*^® ^^*"*^ ^e«^ P«'«'"» hitherto mS ?^tf;^ A^l **P!T ^^^ ^'^ ^^°' *o^ho temporary liUnatic Asylum at Toronto. i^""y W. MORRIS, Wardm. Na XIIL BY4.AW relating to Collbctws of Hates in arrears for Taxes coUected by ihem. Whereas it appears that the Magistrates of the District ^ St i- ^ • ^fpoJ^^lo hy adjournment, on the fwrth £^^Ll5*''^"'/i^ y^ °^ our'Lordone thouaandSt tlie thirty^ighth section of the Statute of the late Piovmceof fT pporr ttnndn, 1 V to t oria, "hu p g i XuSl F> % y sJ^Au&tisi. :!r t' ' Distress Warrants against certain CoUectoxs of Rates and '"■^'•l*v,_^ their sureties, who appeared by the list of the Treasurer of said District, prepared and ^placed before the said Court on the day and year aforesaid, to be in arrears for ' rates due to the said District; And whereas the said Magistrates have expressed a doubt whether they still retain the powers contai.ned in the said section of the said Statute, and in order to remove such doubt: Be it ^^arranu iuuea therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained ri^!ii?„?/±!f"and enacted by th% Municipal CouncU of the District of ' ^ Johnstown in Council assembled on the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the idli ng of said Warrants by the said Court of Quarter Sesraras be confirmed and ileclared valid, and that the said Court are hereby empowered to proceed in. the collection of said mtes so in arrears as aforesaid, under and by virtue of said Warrants. • f .Section 2. That in fiiture, said Court of General Quarter SessioQs of the iPetiee for the said Distri&t, shall have full power and authority under and by virtue of the said section of the satdStatute i Victoria, chap 21, to issue Distress "Vy^rr^^atS- kgainst all such Collectors of Eates, and their sureties as may hereafter appear to be in arrear for the same time. W. MORRIS, Warden. Amhority of Justices. k>-,;* /" ni ■!' Prombla. No. XIV. BY-LAW to regulate certain Salario? ^d Allowances. ^ .•,'*■• Whereas the public resources of the District have been exhausted, and waste and expenditure has occurred in consequence of *the want of uniformity in payments and strict economy in the management and expenditure offiesntowhom^^ ^^^ Di|trfct funds and revenues: Be it therefore^ Salaries, ftc, to ordained and enacted, and' it is hereby ordained and ^v^- enacted by th^ Municipal Couiicil of the District of - Johnstown duly assemj|)Ied at the Town of Brockville, on the fourteenth day Sf' May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That for tl^e future, the following salaries, per centages and allowances be paid to the undermentioned officers an|d no more. "• ciwiu (Repealed ^806 By-Law No 65.> A,,^ ■;%'!»-^ :\r X \ fc. /" 19 . • - . To Adiel Sherwoodi Esquire, SheriiT/the sum of Fifty g^, , Pounds per aunum, which said sum of jFifty Founds per annum is to be taken as in full discharge for summoning Juries, and for attending the Courts of Assize amd Nisi Prills and Greneral Gaol Delivery, and also the District Courts and Qiurter Sessions.^ To the Gaoler of the District, the sum of One Hundred Caoier s«« at and TwentysPounds p6r annum, which sum is to be in o«<> •«!»»• V full^discharge for all services of every kind perfornled for \ or on behalf of the District. To the Surgeon of the District Gaol, the sum of Fifteen s„-„-„ Pounds per annum, which sum is to be in full discharge for Medicine and attendance. (Repealed ; see By-Law No. 103.) Andiwrt. To the Surveyor of the District the sum of Fifteen » Shillings per diem, when aotually employed by the """"'*'• Council. To the Treasurer'of the District, the sum of Four per XreMorer. cent, per annum upon all monies received and paid out by him for the public uses of the District, except monies Slid to and for the use of the Public Schools of the istrfct, upon which he shall be paid the sum of three per cent, as provided by law. To each^and every Coroner of the District, the sum cownen. One Pound for each and every inquest which they y respectively hold, together ^jvith the further sum of Six Pence per mile, as travelling fees, for every mile ^ f which they may be respectively required to travel from *h their respective residences or usual places of abode, to any place within the District where an Inc^uest may be h^Id. - ' ^^5^ each and every Township Clerk within the Di^rict, Town cierk«. *"me sup of Five Pounds per annum, which sum is in full ^« "• ^»« «•» ^ discharge for the duties of their office as such Town Clerk. ^ To tlie , Coltectors for the several and respective conLtor. sca T(}Wliships within the District, the amount of per centage la vic ch'si. at present fallowed them by law, upon all ponies ' collected by them. * r To the several and respective Assessors wii£in the armuoh. seo District, the/ amount of per centage at present allowed li^viockM. them by law, together with an additional allQwance * equal to dcjuble the amount at present allowed them by^l law for taking the cempis of the population, which latter aUowance is not to contimgliieyond the present year. ; A -<.^.-^- /' MORRIS, H! AROINf i «•• wcciavicchM.Na XV. — ^BY-LAW' to regulate the Vimds of certain Township Officers. Passed May ' 14, 1842. ' ' \ Sec IS & u viv No. XVI.-7-BY-LAW to r^ulate the mode in ''^^' < which certain deductions may be made from the Township Assessments. Passed May 14, 1842. : ■/■ 11 -:— No. XVII*— BY-LAW to provide for the pay- ment of certain monies applicable to Roads. Weamuc. See Wheieos many Sums of Pu^Uc Mouey paid bv Justiccs My.i^wNoT2. of the Peace toOveneenof HighiviySyTown Ciorks,and \ ^ other Public Officers, are unexpended, and unaccounted iiowWnicVpeidfor : Be it therefors ordained aiid enacted, and it is bc^feku.'"^®'^®^y or as 1 or ^ely. lave ders Obe ns- f fOr T W ^ IVo. XXI— BY-LAwld l>rovicic r[ir4iic Assessment of the Wild Lands in |certaia Townships therein mentioned, ^ass^d August II, 1842. \ • M ■« (Repealed ; se«, By-Law JNo. 61.) .\ -• 1* w No. XXII.— BY-LAW relating to tlie Governing Boundary of the Township , ,6f Edwardsburg£, , ^ ' Whereas the inhabitants of the Towiiship of Edwards- |.,«u„u, burgh have, by petition, represented the great loss, - uncertainty, and inconvenience they, arc subjected to, in consequence of having -no accurate or ascertained i Governing Boundary Lino /or th&t Township; And whereas it is important to eflfect an object so necessaiy and desirable, to procure the concurrence of the-Eastern % District in making a survey, to ascertain sAich Governing Boundary Line as aforesaid:. $e it therefore enacted Jno B«)|en,E«,, and ordained, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by ■"'^"S'i '" the Municipal Council of the, district of Johnstown, KL ^'" assembled at the Town of Bro^kville, on the fourteenth day bf M^iy, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. That John Bogert, Esquire, be authorized and empowered to apply to Her Majesty's Court of QueenVi Bench, in that part of this Province formerly called Upper Canada, for ai Mandamus or Writ of -' Prerogative, requiring the Justices of the Peace to shew ' ' Clause why they should not appoint an Agent for and on 4 behalf of that District, to meet a similar officer for and * on behalf of the Johnstown District, in order that such M survey may be completed according to law. - . • Section 2. That the just, legal and necessary expenses Tre,„„™ri„»^ attending sucji application, and arising thereout or. expSISc^ nierefrom,^be paid by the Treasurer of the District, jout ^ of the general fimds in his hands unexpended and ^— ^— ^. unappropriated. ' , c W. MOREIS, WARimN. ^ ■ -f i ■ *~ .»" l^- h:^:.^^^^^' ntmmMe and deaciiption. Nor XXin^Bt-LAW Ibr cstaBlishing a Pablic Highway in the Ninth Con- /cession of- thc^ Township of North Crosby. Whereas a Ro^d has been surveyed and laid out by James Bilton, Surveyor of Highways in and for the Township of North Crosby, commencing at the Town line of the Township of Bedford, afidrunning fitom thence in a straight course with the side line betv^een lots number twelve and thirteen in the ninth Concession of North Crosby, to ap>st planted and marked as th6 centre of a road, on or near the wi4 side line or road leading from the said Tpwnship of Bedford, and from thence to a post planted and marked on the ninth Concession line of the said Township of North Crosby, from thence on the old road, and in a direct line to a beech post, planted and marked in thd centre of the road formerly travelled, to another pofit planted apd marked in a line with the said old lioad, leading to the head of the West Bideau Lake ; and wheresvs the said road will be of publio benefit and advantsige: Be it therefore enacted and E«ikbiuhcdaaa<)'*^u^cd> Aiid^ it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Puiftie Highway Municipal CcHincil of the District of Johnstown, duly assembled a^; the Town of Brockville, on the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Loid one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the said road, so surveyed and laid out by the said James Biitoa as aforesaid, be declared and established, and it is hereby declared and established) as a Publio Highway and Road. • . W. MORRIS, Wardbi*. / "/■ .. I .f I \ Picamlilo and UeseripUon. JTa. XXJF.— BY-LAW to establish a ; jHoad in the Township of South Gower. Whereas a Road laid out by J ohn R. Christie, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Grenville, commencing in the "[fiownship of South Gower,- at a post marked A, planted on the lino in tho open ground, west side of the main road that runs between lots 6 and 7, in the fourth Concession of the said Township, and thenco in a oQiiran rtflMrly PftraUel w i th thp gopcPS Hi on lino. ■^ < ."^ . ^ ^' ^^ SS -r^ west-flouth-west, erossing lots 7 and 8 to a post marked B, planted in the open ground near the Bridge crossini^ Beache's Mill-Pond- upon lot 9, and from thence to the L mam road ronning between South Gower and Oxford, the length of the road surveyed being about one hundred and seventy iods, has beeii teported by him to the CounciT: confin^wt Be itth^hfore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordamed ahd enacted by the Municipal CouncU of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled, the eleventh ^^^ day of August in the year of oiir Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the said above described road be confirmed, and the «une is herebv confirmed. . W. MORRIS, Wardbh. r / /■ No. XXV.--BY.L A W to estabUsh a road in ; thitToyviiship of Elizabethtown. " Whelreaa a Roe^ laid out by Thomas HiU, Surveyor Pr««we. ot Uighwaydinand for the County of Leeds, Commencing at the concession road between the ninth abd tenth ^*''^'"^* ' concessions of Augusta' to a post marked B, between lots numbers one and two in the tenth concession of Elizabeth^Wil, thence to a post marked D, on lot number two, thence commencing at the School House, at a post marked E, qn lot number four, thence to a Cedar post marked F, between lots number five and six, thence to the middle of lot number six to a post marked G, the boundaries or poits being all planted o6 the south side of the said road, and, which road is forty feet in width has been examined by and reported upon to the Municipal CouncU of the District of Johnstown by the said Thomas Hill : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Mttnieipal Council of the, said District, in CouncU assembled, at the Town of BrockvUle, on the eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the said above described road be approved of and confirmed, and it is hereby approved of and confirmed. rS^; - W. MORRIS, Wardbm, \. ■■\. Confinnod. i ; '- =r=T • ^' . ^\if^ 26 _-i -^^^ji- No. XXyi.-BX-LAW to establish a koad in the Township of Wolfor V-. No. XXXI.— B Y-LAW/to, est^lish a ^ Road in the Township of Oxford. Whereas Tyrus Hard, Surveyor of Highways in and Preamble.^ for the County of Grepvilfe, has beeii petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Qxford'; and whereas the said Tyrus Hurd has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant |to such petition, as follows: commencing on the east ^ide of the Public Highway, that }s, leading »«»enp'wn- from Kethptville to Prescott, then north forty-seven degreeii, east eighty-one rods and an half-rod^ afoug a certain street laid down in the village of kemptville, on lot number 27 in the third concession, then;>orth fifty-four degrees, east fourteen rods, which -int^ects the above mentioned road : Be it therefore ordained and ^c'r^'^**' enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the said above described road be, and < the same is hereby declared to be a public road and high^finay. 1 *~^ ^ i- Wj MORRIS, Wardi*. - r- r \ No. XXXII.— BX-LAW to establish a Road in the^owHship of Oxford. Whereas Tyrus Hurd, Surveyor of Highways in and Prewabie. for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out alciertain Road id the Township of Oxford ; and whereas the said Tyrus Hurd has surveyed and laid out the said road pursuant to such petition as follows : commencing at the DeicripUoa. -«wthaido-of4hajou^ 1^ -r \ ■^ 30 V' yi / S^TT^'^l'^^* ^^ concession, at the vndex's / thIn'nJrth r;^ '^''^y?^^ '^'S'^^' eastWrty-nine ^, ' iSrS ^"^^y-"^?? ^grees twenty-five rJds andS r^^?'^\^°'?f,^Creek where a Mill.Damh& been thSvl-^i?; :f "^'^^ ^°^""« ^"^^ ^- Barns, then S )J>'ty-e'ght degrees, east eight rods and an half rod.on theeast side of said Creek, then south fifty^ight decree? : ^ east twenty-eighl rods and an half-rJd^Ten S %^-nine degrees seventeen rods to the pulilio highway DectaredaPub-J™* fads from Kemptville to South Gower: Be it therefore^ordainedand enacted by the Municipal Council ^ the-Town of BrockviUS, on ihe eleventh day of h^r^ and forty-two, That the said above descried" / • W. MpERIS, Wardew. ^v. Fteamlle. NcUrailL — BY-LAW t6^ establish a Koad in the Township of Lansdowne. in!ST^i,^'i?*P^'^y ^"°S' Surveyor of Highways iwpil ?' ^^iP**""*/ f ^^^^'> ^«« ^^^ petitioned by . twelve freeholders of the said County to suivey and la J the said Humphrey Young (having first feiven due notice according to W) did p^xjeed to examL, sZerXd lay out the said road pursuant to the prayer of the said r 5!°" ' *°^ whereas the said Surveyor of Hiehwavs * has been examined on oath, before a Committee of tfie . Council appointed for that purpose, and has declared the -IV • ' -^ oP^^^'gand establishingof the saidroad to be necessar? teffii..t°^Tr^^.? for the public use: BeSr?heS Pub«oR««i. enacted by the Municipal Council of the District ' **J J°^^:f»>. in Council aBsembled, at the To^ of Brockville, on the eleventh day of November, in ««5 Tf ^^ ^m.^^"^ °^® thousand eight hundred postmarked R,on the north side, planted in the side ^«S:^?^««^tJ««»dand lotnwilSr 19, iTthe t£rf concession of tfie township of LansdoWne, at aboS m • ^Jr;Jight ohamsand fiay links from the frontofX * . ^ gaiq third copcewion, thenoe north eighty-two degrees -'^'^^ .V ■\ ■■ V A and fifty minutes, east magnetiisally about twenty-nine ^^ chains and seventy-jfive links to a (KMt marked R on the ' west and north sides, thence parallel to the side line in said concession abdat fifty-three chains and sixty links to the allowance for road in rear of said third concession, which said describled road is forty feet in width, be established, >uidjtbe said-nroad is hereby established as a public road andl^^hway. ' 1 ^ W. MORRIS, Warden. J • .- No. XXXIV.-^BYrLAW to establish a Road ^ in thc^ownship of Escott. ^> - Whereas James Brooker, Surveyor of Highways in Preamble. and for the County of Leeds, has been duly petitioned > by twelve freeholders of the District to survey and lay out a road in lieu of some parts of the Town line dividing the townships of Lansdowne and Escott, in consequence of such parts being impracticable and unfit for a road ; and whereas the said James Brooker has complied with the prayer of said petition, and surveyed and laid out. a ■ road according td the following description; that is to say : commencing at the- water edge oh the River St. Deccriptim. Lawrence, at the Town line, at a post planted on the east side of the said line, marked Ron the east side, from thence running west of north four rods nine feet to a post marked R, from thence north-easterly thirteen rods to a post marked R, frinn thence running nearly the same direction to^ post planted twenty-one rods distant, % from thence running west of north to a blazed stump seven rods, thence west by north w$st to a be€ch tree marked R twenty-one rods, from thence to a hemlock standing in the Tovm line, marked R, thirteen rods more or less, from thence along the Government allowance, or . . Town line, eight rods south of a road leading to Larue*s > Mills, at a post planted on the West side of the allowance . for Road, and marked R as aforesaid, thence limning' west of north thirteen rods to a podt planted, thence running parallel with said allowance to a post planted twelve rods distant and marked R on Uie ea^t side, from thence north of east, eighty feet more or jeM, to the aforesaid Town, line, thence along saMIine^o" the commencement of the second range, thence nmning \' \: -TT east of north ten rods to a post plimted and marked R on the w;est side, from thence in the same direction to a post planted eight rods distant, from'thence West of north seven rods to the Town line, thence along said Town line to a hemlock tree twenty-five rods from John ^ M'Cnlloch's clearing, and marked R, from thence running east of horth to a tree marked B. twelve rods, from thence to the aforesaid Town line eight rods more or *]^J^^»less, wjiich said road is forty feet in width: Be it therefore enacted, arid it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown,, in Council assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the. eleventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, That the said above described road be approved of and confirmed, as a public road and Highway. "^ W. MOR|lIS, '•■ ' . .^'"^' ■ ~' {'^ . \- Warden. --...„■. . Public Road. I / .Preamble. t DeteripUon. No. XXXV.— BY-IAW to close a certain Road in the Township of North Grpsby, Whereas James Bilton, Surveypr of Highways, in and for the Coiinty of- Leeds, has re|Mrted to the CounciFof the district of Johnstown, that in pursuance of a requisition to him presented by twelve freeholders of the said County, he has examined the Government allowance for road, commencing at the part of the -seventh concession pf the township 0)f North Crosby, and running to the ninth concession between lots numbers 12 and 13 in ths said township of North Crosby, and that he the said James Bilton, Surveyor of Highways as aforesaid, has condemned the Said allowance for road : ^ it Uierefore %"6*for"pubk'c enacted, and it is htereby enacted and ordained by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the eleventh day of Novemberl in the year of ojjr iMtdi one thousand eight hundlred and forty-two, That the Government aUowalu^e as above described, is hereby condemned as unfit for public use, tmvel or convenience. ^ . W. MOHRTR, use. C t] o c 'J Warden. NaJUCXVL--BY-LA W to establbh a PuWic HijWjr in the Townahipe of Bastard and South Crosby; r "«"«^ ««« H«^®S^!!J5f*^T»^ ^en surveyed and Idid oat by Pr.«.w. Henry B. Mamn, Road Surveyor in and for the County ;J^:^*^*w®?^f «^*'*<»^°^"n« intheTownshiJ PnJSS^*5' utosay: commencing or leaving thSnewipiion. Portl wd Road at tte angle between lots numbew 2T^^^ So*-^ "* *?® ?"** concession of the Township of ^Mtardon the allowance for road between the'«e5>nd to the Township hne be6veen Bastard and South Crosby, thence from the tenmnatton of tfee said allowance fS road anghng across the corner of lot niimber 22 in the first concession of the said Towns^P of South .Crosby «ud hne between lots numbers 21 and 22 in the said !?S?li^ f ^^^l?' ^"^^ *1 "I the foSpncessioiv " rfSou^ Crosby leading to the pnbUo road toWe^r^ \ where there is a post planted at the north-west side of ^? ^Z "5?\'2'* *y ^^ «^^ ^^ ^ «ad« forty feet^wide: Be It therefore enaetedand ordained, and it „ .... whereby enacted Md ordained by the Mum^^ To^„?S*"l^f Johnstown, duly assembHed at the Town of Brockville, on the eleventh day of November Lyt^rT^rth^'^r^^'^'^^^s^^ lorty-two. That the said road so surveyed and laid out ^i^ri'K?1:"'***'^>'^>y^««^'^d andestabto^^^ •as pi public highwuy and rtjad. . *«"««* W.ldQRKIS, . { No. XXXVIt^BY-LAW to ekablisha Road in the Township of Iieed& Whereas a Road laid oqt by'Surasten L Soner «^ „ Surveyor of ffighways in and for\o SuSy of S'"^"" Srrf-S*^?** postphmte^inthe ope^S^ndrSn^d-fc,. the yest^Bidelme of lo^number3in the eighth conce.S^'^" ;1 ?dg!g^iP g ^ Leeds, at^ttenry ^^^^j^^ , -MLihe-boBlt of the j^tdeiw Gtoid/imd nm^^ "-^ V, \\ COnfinned. N < ; ■ Preamble. DtKriptioa. thence easteriy ttcross paid lot to a small flow of watet oW the line between numben three and four to a poiiit of rocks on said line,^en forming part of a small circle around the point of rocks on nuinJ^r four, about ten rods distant on to lot number three, fimn thenoe running ^uth along the said side line t& a post jpknted within -^sixty feet of the flow of water in ftont of said lot, then easterly along the side of said flow of water^ a ridge of land near the centre of lot number four, foiining a point into the flow of water, thence south acurod|]kad flow of water to a post planted as the centre of^ii road, and intersecting the main travelled road leadi^g")^ Kingston, the width of two and a half lots west from' » side road leadingto the ninth concession,find eastof a road running nearly parallel across the corner of lot nufhber three in the seventh concession to the Rideau Canal, has been examined by and reported on to the Itfunicipal Council of th^ Di^iiet of Johnstown by him (he st^ Surasten L. Soper: Be it therefore oxduned and enacted, and it *y& hereby ordained and ^npted by the Municipal Council of the said District, iif Cpuacil assembled,at the Town of Brockville, on the eleventh day of November, in the year of our Lord 6ne thousand eight humbed and forty-two, That the aiid a.boye described, road be approved of, and the same is hereby approved of and confirmed. W. MOllRIS, V __ WAROBir, %^ No^SJCXVIIL— BY-LAW to establish |i lM>ad in the Township of Yonge, formerly :, EsCQtt ^ ■ v:-.^:--'-. ..:::-r ;,;/■.• v ^ Whereas John Morris, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County <}i Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve fteeholderst^ the said County, to lay out ^ certain Road in the Township of Yonge, formerly Escott; and whereas the said John Morris has surveyed and laid out the same road pursuant to«uch ^letition, as follows: commencing from the Queen's Highway in rear of the eighth concession of the Township 9f Yonge, formerly Escott, ronning fifty-lbur rods between lotrttiuhben 22 and 23, until obsiracted by a ledge' of rocks called Briar-hill, ^"'BaAea efl^^tbiavoid s aid obBtmctioPy^running fo ir ty i w hh- \ ■ ' I 1 c c ] I tl -• s d o tl t( ai L it " . ^ ■.■ Ttitet oW poiijft of 11 circle \ en rods ^ i ■• easterly round a certain point of said ledire Wtukt southerly, uiilU it strikes the above menSneTlSf ' ' iSd Si? '' '"^ '? "^"^ eighth cess's: woreswd, from thence running alonjr said line nix «vi- to a white bireh tree which isllaze/on four ridM^fJ^ *^~«t5-^e«terly three hundred a^foiS ^ across numbers 22 and 21, followinir the blL« t^^ ^rt side of number twent3k»ne, S^lL "^i^Jj i ' an old road i^cross number twenty to the extremT^o?- high rock pomt^and which road isVrty fee^wX '^^ L?-'!P'®/'^''^"^^ *»*^ enacited, aid it rherobJ'^«'«™«i ordamed and enacted by the Municipal Council of^J Wv%"°'' 'H C°«»«l "«nbledrtit the Town of vi^^?"®' on the seventeenth day of February, b the t«:iraC^^ contoed, and it is hereby il^J^'J^d^/Sd^^ ^ W. MORRIS, (/^ Wardbn. ^p ^^^XXIX^Bl^LAW to establish a Roadm theTownship of South Crosby. Henry B. MaiSin ha^*SS;^^CdlSfe2:!"^5 road, puwuant to such petition^^fo^owfthaU^^^^ commencing on lot number el..^n;«*ir'* " *« »y : of South cLby at t^ rid WW ^^^ Awtconcession I>e.cripUo„. Lake, ten chai Js «»d sev^ty ifc^^^^^^ ^T^y between lots numbers elewn Li f • " }^^ ^^^ "ne thence angling"Slorm,ml^^rv^^^^^^^^ straight line to the front of ihL^Jrf^^^ *"<* *®» »n a directly in th^ old t^kli^^r*';!^"^^^ of thJhirdconcL^to^^SE;^^^"^,*^^*^^^ ' thirty^ghtlinksSrt^M£££S«^ *'^°.?^°»«»d ten,JtenLgonth~^r^^^^ l' as north-west side of road and f.«™^{f *^"""^®^ Long Fjdls, which sid^^foSTfeltr^^^^ It therefore ordained and enacS mf^ *?^dth: Be nrdnine dand cna otc db y lhe S e\JSffl.!Si ¥ /!?y O'>^'uH - ■')i \ ordain.^ . ,J „„^y, ' '•^m ^i^C^ ^"^ -^ •z — •■''' ■■ . - < ■■■ * .. *" '' \ V? . i ■ " ■ ; . ■ -■ ;., ., ■ '■' ' 1'' ' • ;. :--• ' ; ■ N - .. '■ ■ I \ .1 !■■■ / ,1; 1 . :>>^: ■ \ VttaaMt, ft; Deicriptioa. Confirmed f. IT ! ,r tVeublt. ■%■ iP^'s^-^ sy -^f, 'J^!^ ^ ^ ■A V: 36 said Duitf^, in Council aasembled, at the rty thi^e,'Tfi4i^t the al»ve described i^^ad bo approved ofand fi^ifinned, and it is hereby approved of and confamm. C^ W. MORRIS, No. XL^BY-LAW to establish a Road in the ^ Township of YongO) formerly Escott. IVherea* James Brooker, Surveyor of Highways in ' and fat the County of Leeds, hasi been petitioned by twelve fireeholdeni of tl)i6 said County to lay out a certain Rood in the Township oiMTonge, formerly Escott ; and whereas the said. Junes 'Broonbr has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition, as follows : ° commencing in the centre of lot number seventeen, in the fourth conoenion, and running westerly on a line of blazed trees to a hemlock tree marked R, one Hundred and fortynseven coda, more or less ; from thence west by . south to the Town luae, seven hundred and twenty rods more or less/ and then conif^» *»»« cower of Tot number 9 jli aid concession, thence across number 10 ' to apost marked a. the north side of the ^h,^ westerly course, thence angling southerly in a straisht couiBe, to theX^allowance for Win fLt of foirth -Oonunning from the ixjst on the rear of the seventh concession ^"^tween lots numbers nine and ten, and following the side line between said lots to the front of the seventh concession to a poist there planted and marked, and which road is forty feet in width : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the said Distriot, in Council assembled at the Toyhi of Brockville,orijlhe sev^teenth day of February,'in the year of our Lord ^e thousand eight hupdred arid forty-three, That the above describied road be approved of and confirmed, fmd ifps ]|i,ereby approved of and confirmed. ^ ^ .:,.'^; ir-.'^.;- . "^mr. moeeis, • ' ' , \ ■Warden, Con TtttuMe. No. XLIIL— BY-LAW to impose Fines in certain cases. \ r W- premue Whereas it is expedient and necessary to impbse a Bee IS Vic ch 81 fine ou pcrsous refusing or neglecting to perform the 8ecM,4i,i*j* ^ujjgg ^j ^jjg following officos ! Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, duly assembled at the To\»«n of Brockville, on the seventeenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, That from and after the first day of January, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, any person duly elected to either of ,the * following offices who shall neglect or refuse to serve " therein, without giving just caiise (which <&use is to be decided by the Court before whom the issue shall be tried) to the contrary, or whb shall refuse to take and W u A} Jc ei 39 ' , ' As Township "Aweawr,... ....... As 1 ownship Collector,.. As Surveyor of Highways, * *'' * As Overseer of Highways, As Poundkeeper). ,• < *« .( > » <^4 m •••••••...., 5 6 2 r « 1 o; ,.. .. t . •• .' . « 1 1 2 8. d. As Towiiship Clerk,... As Township' Assessor,.. AsTowj^hip Collector,.. As Surveyor of Hi^way% q 10 AsOveiseerofmghways, :..., j q ^ Sbction 2. That*no one person shall be allowA^ ♦« tS™ S.'Sf°r* """^ ',^ he^lSle. -JSSfv..'^ "SWr^ lown Clerk, Assessor, or Collector. o®e«- , W. MORRIS, "* . ■ Wabdbw. / • ■ '■ • : ■.• .,, ■ ■ ^ ■ .-,/. Ifo. mY.-BY'UM relating to the Assess- ment oF the District of Johnstown for the year 1843.— Pas^ February 17, 1843. (Expire4 by Limitation.) . / / Johnstown m CounciVMsembled, are authori«Sl Ld empowered to jmint thr ee fit , prope i a nd a k il m •A peraoas t» act as a Boaid of Eaomiinen^aoooidiiig to ti ,1 -r-T .-*\ ': i ■ 40 ■ provisions and conditions of the said above i^ited w-».-.» rf .u. Statute : Be ittheirefore ordained and enacted, ^d it u "bSU hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Comicil of the District of Johnstown, in Council assfemWed, at the Town of Broclprille, on the seventeenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, That Henry Jones, Billa Flint, and William Matthie, do form a Board of Exammeis. F«e. 10 te pud. Section 2. That any person or persons applying for the situation of Inspector to the Board of Examiners as aforesaid, shall pay to the said Board of Examiners the sum of two pounds ten shillings, which said sum or sums so paid, shall be equally divided amongst the »id Board of Examiners, which said sum or sums so paid, shall be in full compensation folr their services. ^ _ _ W. MORivIo, , .WARDXIf. ''^ pKunUe. DMeriplion. V K No. XlVL—BY-LiW to establish a Road in^- the Township of Burgess. . Whereas James Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been duly petitioned according to law, by Peter Cole, and thirteen others, Freeholders of the said County of Leeds, to examine, , hiv out. and survey a certain Roadiu the Township of Burgesi TSouth,) in the said County, and whereas the said James Eaton has examined* J^d out, and surveyed the said Rood, pursuant to the prayer of the said PeUUon, as follows, that is to say : commerioing where a post haa been planted on the west side of the Government R«ad leading from Portland to Oliver's Ferry, markedl A, near the centre of Lot number nine in the second Concession ' of Burgess as aforesaid, from thence running a westerly LrSJ to a Picket phtnted near the MiU of P^tf r Cole : thence to the ollowance for road between lots sue nntf- . seien, or nearly the rear of the aforesaid Cpncepswnj^ where a post has been planted marked B, thettoe irtptfng along the allowance for road to the comer port between f thewabndand third Concessions, ftom thence running a Mitherly course to EUaa Chombeilam's, on the bank ofX Rideau Lake,and which said Road is forty feetin — tpirttiti Me « mewipig wiuiiii"" — ■* •»'w~'r'">. ^r .7 i •. \ / 41 ine xown of Brockyille, on the eleventh dav of Mkv luny-mree, that the saad road as above dpvrih*.^ i..-^ anTS^mf""^: »'^^PP«>ved T anTco^;^:? and thS^me is hereby approved of and confirrwd ' A, W* MQRRIS, Warden. •^-r ini«»: ^^n^^'^^^-^uV-^^^ ^« ««'*h a Road May nTl84a '^ f Elizabethtown.-Passed (Repealed: see By-Law NCI'S, Sec 2.) 1^ ^^'n^'^X? V^^I^^^W to establish a certain road iDthe Township of Oxford. fb.^S^.^^^^JS.^rT'" °^ighways in andiwi. Emalifil n« J? o*^C}renville\ has been duly petitioned by «id surveyed the said Road, pursuant tSS^^^ ( s^nL from IS"' ^r """' f"'*^^^ chains feveS>«*'^ We?r S^thfrf ' i:""'^^5S N,^'*^ *hirty:^«'7^e^^ I i^e ZtSo/w °^ *^ «"' Concessio^to the SdS^ planted on the bank of the south BraiToKf The Riv« Ridean. which said Road is forty feTin widttT- bT IJ * and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of *. 'Iw^- \ .»• ■'. '* HP '.::jt \^- J). Johnstown, in Coutteil assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the e][eventh day of IVfciy^ in the year ofo^i Lord one thousand eight handled and forty^hiree, * that the said road as above described, laid down, and v s °1°8^ "»y part of said formerly travelled V Road} and whereas the aforesaid John Taylor has by \Petition to this Council, bearing date the eighth of this ♦ . Jinstant May, humbly prayed that he may be allowed to enclose so much of the said formerly travelled road as crosses his farm, being part of lot number twenty-one in the fourth Concession in the said Townshjtf of Elizabethtown; and whereas the said John Taylor has \ . ^ylMspetitioh as aforesaid, represented that he is \(illing - to accept of the said old or- formerly trav^lle^Wid as 'Aforesaid, as in lieu of, and as in full coqapensation for all loss and damage he may have sustained by reason of the said Victoria Macadamised R6ad passing through ' ^wS^or S ^^ ^*"" ** aforesaid : Be it therefore enacted by the , «■,. / '~"" Municipal CouncU of the District of Johnstown duly .. assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the eleventh » dayofMay, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fortv-three, That so much of the said formerly travelled road as passes through the lands of the said John Taylor on lot number twenty-one in the . fourth Concession of Elizabethtown, be, and the same is ' ' • hereby declared to be imnecessary for public use, travel ur convenienoe. ' * ^ a* - .» J." h * ;* i,ti^k ■■'■X. rwii/ and V' the same -! 1 1 SbctiomJS. Aid be it further enac4dbv the ftiiAnrifif,. » ^resaid, that the j«id Jbhn Ta^ S^Sl^^S^^^^ iclose so much of the said formerljrtmvelled Roi Z '*""'"°^ Tri^h^iTl^sJS ^^ ^V^® ^'^ ^""^ Concession of EIizab^htowiK the same bging in lieu qf; and m in full compensation <% all damages, loss and d^^ntoge he \ of the said Victoria Macadamized Road, through his said premises.tts aforesaid, . ""ugn nia saia y T W. MORRIS, Warden. No. L.~BY-LAW to establish a Uoad in the Township of Wolford. Whereas Samuel Fergusson> Surveyor of Hiirhwavs / Z'^^i^S' the County of Grenville. hi been^Sed ^"""•' by Stephen H. Mernck, and thirteen others, FreehSw / of the ^id County, to examlfie, survey, a^d lay but a ' CoS ^ r ^" -f. '^'''^^^ ^^ Wolford? in the Sad County of Grenville, and whereas the skid Samuel • t^a?hf hL^ '"P°'*"^ '^ f Committee of this cS " that he has in pursuance of the pmyer of said Petition - and m accordance with law, duly LamiSf^iveyed' and laid out the said K)ad, as fallows, thatis toTv- "^ commencing in the centre of lot number fbur in the W De«sri„.i«„ concession of the said Township of WoE a^a Sf ' "* "S^^Xli A^'^"?^ thence, runnfng to a HemtockC marked A, on lot number six, from thence to thrcentS of lot number ei^t, and from thence to the fiS Concession Ime of Wolford, and which said road iS fSS feet m width : Be it therefore ordained and Wmioted bj ^ the Municipal Council of the District of JohiStoJS TJ<'«^«*»- Council assembled, on the eleventh day of Miy TthS year of our Lord one thousand eight huiSd .IJS described, be approved of and confirmed, ahd ttTsame > -^ -^approved of and c^^^^ W. MORRIfe Wardbn. ♦ ^' ■ • ■ T-l- * • , I Preamlilflu PCKripiion. ' Ponfim^ed. FMambic. 44> ^Q, LI.— BY-L'AW tq estat>lish a Road in Jthe Towfiahip of Bastard, _^ {> Whereas Jaii^ Eaton, Surveyor of Highways' in and' for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by Joseph > i'oike, and twelye others, freeholders of the said County to examme, survey, and lay out a certain road in. the Township of BMtt^^d in thfes&id County, and whereas ^^ ^ ,/*™®® ^**'^" ^^ reported toV select Committe of the Municipal Conncil of thef District, that he has in pursuance of the prayer of the said Petition, and in aocordwice with law, examined, surveyed, and laid out the said r^d, as follows, that.is to say : commencinff at "^ the west side line of lot number fotirteen in. thte second cotaccMion of Bastard, where a post has been planted, mirked C ; thence across said lot to where a post has be. sn planted marked D, distant about three rods from , th^ : 5® ^* therefore ordained and.enacted by ^i Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in CJouncil assembled, on the eleventh day of May, in the yeaf of our ^Lord one thodsand eight hundred and lorty-ihree, that the said road as abpve indicated and d«K5ribed, be approved of and confirmed, and the same IS hereby approved of and'confirmed as a Public Road and Highway. ,W. MORRIS, Waudbk. N^l-II-^BL-LAW to establish a Road in the Township of Augusta. . - ^Whereas PhUemon Pennock, Esquire, Surveyor of Highways, in ^nd for the County of GrenviUe, has been . petitioned by Samuel J. Bellamy, Esquire, and>fflee2 others, Freeholders of the said County of Owilville to - examine, survey, and lay out ascertain road in the Township of Augusta, in the said#:ounty, and whereas _„^the said Philemon Pennock, Esquire, ha^ reported to a «elect Committee of this Council, dttfyappointed for that puroose, that he has, in pursuance of 4he prayer of the » . said petition, and in accordance with law, examined, > \- ^v ■< . 45 \ sulfveyed, and laid out the said RoadMS follows, that is ' tQwyrcommeqpmg at a certiia post planted on the ^ . ., ' north east side ofthe lower Rideau Road, on lot number'^''"'"'""' nr ttZ ^^\^^^^ Concession of the said Township an/ ntt ♦^?^^°'*^ ^}^^ °^ ^^^ ^'^ south BranchV ' and about thirte^, chains therefrom, from thence following-the direction of the sai^uih BrancK a northeast course acrdss part of lot'nu^ber nineteen and " XwL ^"""^ ^^^ *° ^°* """^^^ eight in thesajd nin h boncessiou, which said Road is fifty feetin width : p!„«1i 'r:u'®^'*^*?°^'^'*'^^®°^°'e^»hythe Municipal couarmrd. , Council of the^istrict of Johnstown, duly assembled on lil ^^''^^"^ "^i ^y'> ^« ye«' of our Lord one ^Tj oight hundred and forty-three, That the said road as above indicated and described, be approved of and jjonfirmed, and the same is hereby approved of and & cqnfiwed as a pubUc roa4 and higiway. i ^ W, MORRIS, Wabimiw. '^ ^?*i?5?''^"^^^ ^^ establish a Road in the Township^>t^dwardsburgh. , for^f'1^ ^r* ¥T^* Surveyor Of Highways, in andPr«unbta, fw«li ^°"^*^/^ GrenviUe, ha^been^ petitioned by , «I!l^^5'!f^°^^^'^ °^ *h« «a»d County to lay out k ^h^„ 1?** '*'. ft° '^°^"«»^'P °f EdwaVdsburgh ; And S3 p^ "!;''* ^^"^^ ^*^^°^ ^"^ «"'^eyed and laid out ^ tne said Road pursuant ^to such petition, as follows: ' Tn'!!lSr°T.,''' •°* ^V" ^ 'h° ^^^ concession of said De«ripa,n. Township following the direction of the oldsurvey until It mteisects the allowance of Road between numbera six^and seven, tfeen thirty-five degrees eai of"S -across number four, five 'and six,^then Sventy-fi^e thTfiV^fi of north across^ lots nur^jers two and thre?, Ae ToiS^'ll^^' ^"^-r T' °^ »oVth until it intersecte ?fw27^tr^'*l"^r*°*^ fifty feet in Width: Be at therefore ordained and enacted hy the Municinal'^S?^*'"'^ S^r'^f ^^^^^"*'**'^^°hn«town'inCpunSS^ . Sf NoJem^?^?rS,°^ BrockviUe, on the fourteenrry . ^ ' hunZT N\^V^^ of our Lord one thousand eight . W Ji^/I'i:'^"*'^*^.' That theWd above descri^ - - (Signed,) 0GLER.GOWAN, " .. „ Chaibicai, ' "="^ • . • i ■ ' ,.J^-'. ^■'f. ■ ' V-. -/ 46 ^ 'i?: mMa. ■1/ DeKriptioii. .- V Afo. LI v.— BY-LAW to establish a Road in the Township of Leeds andLansdowne (in front) Whereas Humphrey Young, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve Freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Townships of Leeds and Lansdowne ; ° And whereds the said Humphrey Young has surveyed ■ and laid out the said road pursuant to Such petition, as follows: commencing at a Beech post planted on the north side of the rtKid and at about the centre of lot number twenty-four in Lani^owne marked R I. on the ^nthside, thence north seventy degrees, w6st thirteen chains fifteen links to a post marked R II. ; thence north eighty-seven degrees, west seven chains fifty links to a post manned R III. ; thence south eighty-eight degrees, west elevqn chains fifty links to a post marked R TV. ; thence south eighty-four degrees, west eleven chains fifty links \o a post tnarked R V. j thence west elbven chains twenty-four links to a post marked R VI.; thence north sixty-three degrees, west seven chains twelve links to an Elm. tree marked R VII. ; thence south eighty degrees, west four chains sixty links to a post marked R VIII. ; thence north seventy chains' seven degrees west seven chains ninety links to a post marked R IX. ; thence north fifty-five degrees, west twelve chains eighty links to a Hemlock tree marked RX.; thence south seventy-four degrees, west three chains twenty links to a Hemlock tree marked R XI. ;- thence north sixty degrees, west six chains fifty links to aHemlock tree - marked R XII. ; thence north seventy-five degrees, west seven chains to a Hemlock tree marked R XIH. : thence north-westerly and westerly across the cre^k and along the south side on the high land about nine chains to a post marked R XIV. ; thence north eighty-five degrees, west seven 'chains fifty links to a post nmrked R XV.; thence south forty-five degrees, west two chains to a Poplar tree marked R XVI. ; thence about south seventy degrees, west thirteen chains to a* Maple tree ^nrked R XVII. ; thence south eighty degrees, west twenty -three chains fifty, links to a post marked R XVni., at the Road mentioned in the above petition, and I have made the said Road sixty-six feet in width and on the south side of the said posts which are marked with red ohalk T-^Beit the»efore owainoA^Mid eaaetech mA^ ■■■•",/■'. :0 *..^'' \ \ ■ %'i ... ■■'■■,> *-^ ■'?:■■ 47 grees IX.; ^ , south links ' sixty : tree- \ \ »t 18 hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal council of the District of Johnstown in Council assembled, at the.*^ '"'"""^ Town of Brockville, ton thft fifteenth day of November, in the year of our XiOid one thousand eight hundred and forty-thriee, That the above described road be approved of and confirmed, and it is tiereby approved of and confirmed^O be a Public Highiv^ay and Road. (Signed,) OGL%R. GOWAN, ■.■\'-v Chairman. No. LV.— BY-LAW to establish a Road in the Township of Leeds & Lansdowne (in front) Wheifeas William Robinsc^Ui Surveyor of Highways Fwambie. in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve Freeholders of the said' County to lay out a certain Road in the Townships of Leeds and Lansdowne : and whereas the said William Robinson has surveyed Dwcriptiop. Slnd laid out the said Road, pursuant to such petition, as follows, that i^ to say : commencing, between lots * numbers seven and eight at a.post on the concession line between the third a^d fourth concessions marked R on the north side of said post,4hence running across lot number eight in the fourth Concession and half of number nine by a line of marked trees oh the north side of said line to a post marked R on south side of said post, the course being a little north of east round a large swamp being on said Concession line, the distance one hundred and thirty-three rods, thence bearing south to said concession line thirty-three rods to a post marked R on west and south side of said post. The width of said Road to be wxty-feet: Be it therefore oidained andD,chr«d.Prt,. enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of '««"«««. Johnstown, in Council assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the. fifteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one^ thousand eight hundred and forty three, That the above described Road be and the sanw 18 liereby declared to be a puMi^^oad and Highway. ' " (Signed,) OGLE R. GOWAN. 48 1,-. No.^VL— BY-LAW relatiiiff to a Road leading | through the Township of WoUbrd* — ^Passed November 15, 1843. Repealed j see By-Law No. LXII. 1 ■■•■ ■ J; .. H' ■ freSmble. l>e«criptioiik Confirmed. No. LVIL— BY-LAW to establish a Road in the Township of Yonge. 1 \ru, Where«fe-*tJhri Morris, Surveyor oC-Highways, in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve Freeholders of the said County to lay Out a certain Road in the Township of Yonge j and whereas the said John Morris ha^ surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition, as follows: commencing on the front of the fifth concession ninning between lots numbers fifteen and sixteen, following the line in or about sixty' rods to a post planted in, the open field on number fifteen in said concession ; from thence to a Cherry tree on the bank of the Creek near the Mill ; from tlience bearitag north easterly until it intersects the no\V travelled*- Road oh number fourteen in said Conccssiob; said Road to be fifty feet in width :' Be it therefore ordained and enacted^ and it is hereh|r ordained and enacted by, the Municliial Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled, at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth day of l!7ovember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, That the abole described road be aj^roved of and ^ coK^med to be a FubUc Highvray tmd Road. A (Signed), 1 " >/ ..^■/ OGLE ^CGOWAN, W Chairman, ^ No. LVIIL— BY-LAW to establish a road , in the Township of ElizabethtQwik-^Passed February 14, 1844, \ :..^^ ■s-.- %f^ /-,■ dinsr load a and vehre " Road John suant }nt of fteen >d8 to 1 said ' bank north ,d oh to be LCted^ icijial •uneil aenth isand fibed *abUc IN. road ssed H- ', N^ LHX^BY-LAW to establish a Road . i9 ttio Township of Leeds. . ,v :- * Whereas Humphrey Young, Surveyor of HighwaVa Vti^M,. Ill and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelv6 Freeholders of the said County to lay out a certain Koad in the Township of Leeds: And whereas the said "^ Humphrey Young has surveyed and laid out the said Road pjarsuant to sucih petition as follows : commencing at a Bdech stump at abDij< twenty^Eve chains from the ^*««'*<**"»»- front of said Concession and marked on the north Hide ' R; thence due East twenty-eight chains to a Maple ..tree j f hence north fifty degrees, east twenty chains to a Hemlock tree j thence liorth fifty-five degrees, east ten /%hains to a Maple tree; thence north eighty degrees, / ahst ten chains to a Maple tree j thence east ei^ty {chains to a Birch tree j thence south fifty degrees, east ten chams to a Beech tree ; thence north-easterly twenty four chains te^a Beech tree,' where it intersects the Sowtli i^liake Road, the above lin^ bbiqg marked by hiarkipg the trees on two sides, and the trees mentioned in the above, marked with red chalk on the north side of said • R<»d, l^Qing one chain wide : Be it therefore ordained ,J . and enacted bj» the Municipal CouncU of the District wST oj Johnstown, m Council assembletl, at the Town of BrockviUe, on the fourteenth day of ^bruary in the year ?ru^"'u °'** °°® thousand -eight hundred and forty-four* ihat the said above despribed Rpad-be, and the samels ' hereby ^declared to be a public Rood and Highway. i J V\ OGLE R^GOWAN, ^ "^ rr Qi^ ' ' < "'. '.-^ \ " 'Chairmaw. ..- V-' 1 ■•-->■. . *•■ '^' \ No. LX.— BY-LA W to establish a ai^d in the Township of Leeds and Lansdowne (in frpnt) , i^^^'^^^n^^^i ^>»?son» Surveyor ^HighwaysPiMmbu. m and for the Qounty of Leeds has been wtitioned iv .twelve Freeholders of the said Qouirty to lay Out^ certain Road in the Township of Leeds and Laiidowne SJ£!!°!^ t°j iTh^*^!.?!.^,^ ^? J'^'^^'n^binym has Occlued • public / petition aaJroUows,,that is to say: commencing at the / j .;/.' ';! Deicfiption. , \ ■ ■-■' "f \ .. ! 50 r^5L®^^® mLttndoii's»ay,onsaid broken front at a post between Lots numbers seven and eight marked R oj^he south side of said post, then running an easterly , course across Lots numbers dght and nine on saiJ hne Of marked trees marked R on the souVh side of sJid post, the distance bemg two hundred and fifteen rods ; from thence runnmg south of east round a ledge of rock^ tea post planted on. the line between lofs numbers ten and eleven^marked R on the south side of said post, the «SS;il''^^'°5^"r*'^M^''5 f~°i t»»«"c« running an Sfml2L«i'®°'*°i ^V l»«f°f blazed trees across Lots «T^ f ^T®"' *'^?''® ^"^ P^'t of thirteen, two hundred SK?S"*y"-7'' «^»toa black oak tree, standing near S.„^i®' ^^' marked on four sides, called Night's Bay; thence across said Bay ten rods to a Pine tree mMked one four si_des, from thence running a north eaaterly course one hundred and forty seven rSds across tte remainmg part of thirteen and fourteen to a post ?K^ . fu •!. between fourteen and fifteen marked Ron. the south side of said post, from thence in the same duection across Lot number fifteen eiglily-one rods, toa ■post on the scaling hne between Lots numbers fifteeft S!i fi^^** "^?^^ ^ °" *^« ^outb side of said post : ^ thence on the north side of toid scaling line nineteen rods to a post near- an offset on said scahng line, the offset runnmg north forty-four rods, inconsequence of fS.^ ^ arp Marsh near John Crea's ; thence along a north-easterly direction sixty-one rods across lot number fS^oV" M-n^**^""^ ^® °'** ^^d heading from John S^K" •^'" *° f ^^ °" tbe line between Lots numbers sixteen and seventeen marked R on the South - Mde ; itom thence running the same direction fifty-five wi«,^f post marked R on the South side, where it intersects the road leading from Trickey's Point to the i»~i«a.p«bUcSf'S T *?^^ *!!f y^^}^ °^ ^'^ ^^^ to be forty feet : «««««.p«biK,Be It therefore ordained and enacted by the Municipal CouncUofthe District of Johnstown,in Council assemffi at the Town of BrockviUe, on the fourteenth day of »..?„i 7' ?i^® r" °^ *•"' ^ord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, That the above described R^d ^^*^ the same IS hereby declared to be a PubUc Road SSLE R. GOWAN, "^ i the Uw and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District ^^^ of Johnstown, in Cdbncil assemU!ed, at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth day cwTFebruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 'hundred and forty-four, That the said By-Law be, and the same is hereby .i repealed. « Section 2. That the surplus of Taxes paid to the How Thxei pud District Treasurer under the said By-Law, above the **''*"'"'*^''°'^ amount which wouM have been payable under the Statute Laws of Upper Canada, shall by the said Treasurer be placed to the credit of the,Taxes hereafter payalile under the said Statute Laws, on the Lands on Which the same were paid, and that ihb remainder of the Tax received under such By-Law, shall by the said Treasurer be carried into account and applied iu the same way as if such By-Law had not been passed. ^. ,^ OGLE R. GOWAN, CflAI&IIAN. [L.S.J :#- -1 ■^r- 4 ,<■ No^ LXIL— BY-LAW to repeil By-Law Na fifty-six, entitled "By-^LawrejfatingtoaRoad leading through the Township of Wolford." Whereas a certain By-Law lins passed by theprtambte. Municipal Coiinf il of the Districtbf Johnstown, on the Fifteenth day of November, in tile year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, entitled «By-Uiw relating to a Road leading through the Township oit Wolford," and whereas it is neoesaary to lescind the said By-Law : Be it therefore ordained and exacted, and it iw her»by priairwd ftmLjanaated by tha Mn ni cifi il / <5 . t 1. ■** . \ J . - ■ ' ■ 'v.. "'; n«p«alorbr.; Wo. LVI. ' w Council ofihe district of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the T<^ft of BrockviUe, on the fifteenth day of February, |n the year of our Lord one thousand eiffht hundred aM fbrty^ouri That the said By-Law be .rescinded, and it is hereby rescinded. ^ OGLE R. GOWAN, rr o Y V ' CI^A^RMAli^ " Y':. , •i Preaiulile. BeKri^on. ^c'■ No. LXIII^BY-LAW to establish a koad in « the Township of Kitley, and cIosq another Rpad in the said Township. * Whereas Hugh Kemahan, Surveyor of Highways in and for the CdUnty ofXeeds has been petitioned by' twelve Freeholders of [the said County to lay out it certain Road in the ToWnship of Kitloy ; And whereas the said Hugh^ Kemahan has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition, as follows • commencing at the centre of Lot number'twelve on the _^ allowance for Road between Lots numbers twelve and thirteen j thence north fifty-four degrees, east between the front and rear half 6f the said Lot number twelve to the Rideau Road on said Lot, the width of the Road' to besixty feeit, and all to be taken off the rear half of i said Lot } And whereas it is necessary to condemn and close the old Road, which may be otherwise known as follows: commencing on Lot number twelve in the fourth (Concession of the said Township of Kitley, on Ihe rear of said Concession near the' School-house, until it strikes the centre of said Concession; thence on the front of rear half of said Lot : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted bv ttio Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown in '^ CouncU usembled at the Town of BrockviUe, 'he Salary of the Clerk of the District Council. Bv^Tnt^'^tv^o*"^ tW*^. ^^°*^°" ^'f *h« Fourteenth ll:^ r ""^ *^'\P°"»«»1' »t IS provided that the Salary of James Jessiip,Esqinre, shall be three hundred pounds currency, which sa,a salary is to be taken and considered foV'/"".^^'''^u^T.\'^^^." fe««' expenses and allowances for the offices held bv him-of Cl^k of the CpuScil and M ^^ By. Laurent and fuel ; And^whereas it is expedient to reoeal NoMVrepcaMthe Said Section/f the said By-Law, and to Se provision for the ,4yment of the 'salary of the CleTk of his Council : Be it therefore ordained ind enacted, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal \ Council oAhe District of Johnstownf duly4sembkd \ . at the Town of BrockviUe, on the fifte/nth dTy o^ \ v*'''';;"''^' '» *J« y«/r of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.four. That the third section of the* Fourteenth By-Law of this Council be, and is hereb? repealed and that for the future the salary of the Clerk of this Council be one hundred^, pounds currency per aiuium, which said salary shall be taken and considered as in full discharge for all fees, office rent/and fuel. ^ OGLE R. GO WAN, (L.SO ^ Chairman. Clerk's Salaiy. • I ftcuubia No. LXVL-BY-L AW relating to the Assess- ment of the District of Johnstown for the year 1844.— Passed February 15, 1844. (Expired by Limitation.) . ' '■.. ^ No. LXyiL-BY-LAW to establish a road in the Township of £dwardsburgh. pn??®?^*''^"^". Mcllmoyle, Surveyor of HighWyi in ?wlSf f * ?°;!?*y °^ GrenviUe. has been petitioned b? 4«^1^® S^"^"^^^!^ 1 *^® ^'^ County to lay out I eertain Road in th> Township, of Ed^rdiburih. Mid '>/i( ,> • r whereas the saM John Mcllmoylef Has sur\/eyed and laid out the. said Road pursuant to such petition as « follows, viz; commencing at the nine taile Road between nunibers six and seven in the centre of the Description, third concession of Ed wardsburgh and" at a/post planted in the open ground marked with red chalk for the centre df said Road; then running an easterly bourse across . -• ' ^mber six and to the centre of nuniber five to a .Hemlock tree marked C R for the centre of said Road, then a straight course until it strikes the north bank of the Black Creek, then along the said bank until it ' '- intersects the allowance of road betweeh Edwardsbufgh and i Matilda, and the said road is foriy feet in width : "" " "'^le^*"^ ordained and exacted by the Municipal „ , ^ j^" i W the District of Johnstown in Council assem- Uhe Town of Brockville, on the Fifteenth day Vin the year of our Lord one thousand eight i and forty-four, That the said above described {load be and the same is hereby declared to be a Public lloa|l and Highway. f OGLE R. GO WAN, „ ^_ Chairman. [t. S.] lio Road. •#■ :^v^ *r No^ LXVIIL— BY-LAW to establish a . Road in the Township of Elizabethtown. Whereas William K. Glazier, Surveyor of Highways *««,«. in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by ^^ twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Elizabethtown, and whereas I the toid Wm. K. Glazier has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition as follows, viz : commencing at a stake pknted on the north side of the Deicrip**. old Road opposite C. Leggo's House ; thence in a north easterly course until it intersects the Macadamized Road at a^ point where a stake is planted qjrossing a part of lot liuniber sixteen and.the west half of lot number fiftteen , in %\i0 second poncession of Elizabelhtbw^, and the above mentioned stake is intended for th^ebtre of the Ro^, atid the said Road is fifty-eight feet in Width : Be it therafhrA An«ntA>1 anA nrAaim^A v.. tu^ Wit :.: i IJ it therefore enacted and ordained by the \Municipal i>«chNiaPabUo 9 ii jneU -of-tb e Distrirt o f-Johuat""" ■■ ^ rt»...\ti »^' ".'F U "?." 1^^-' t«5R. ■•'.,,■ ,f,'>^ •I \ ■*.■■■/ ■■*'''■ ■ '. 56 .\ '■■. V- ■ ■ . ~ ■ "■.•■■ , ■ ';.••■ ; ■ assembled, at the. Tow/i of Brockville,' on the fifteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thoiuand eight hundrdd and forty-fottr. That the al?ove described Road be, and the same is heteby declared, to- be a Public Highway. •■. . •• , " OGLE*R. GOWAN, • * ■• . •• Chairman. ■f / ^^5^ i fifeauibl*. l)ii<>ii. -T'--—'J No. LXIX^-BY-LAW toestablish a Road " m the I'ownship of Yonge, Ibrmerly £)scott .Whereas Bienjamin Warren, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds,.has been {)etitioaed'by twelve freeholders of the ssiid County to lay out a certain Road in the Townshipjpf Yonge, formerly Escottj Afld whereas the saidt.Benjamin 'Warren has. surveyed and l*id out tjfe S4id road pursuant to such petition as follows : ^umencingpn the front of the third concessioq of Ypnge, iOTmerly £scpit aforesaid, on th* east line of lot number nineteen ;. thence, "West-south-west to the side road betweeq Ibts numbers eighteen and nin^teQU ; thence , west^south-w^st on a line of blazed trees on the south side 'of said road to near the residence of William Pepper, at , or near the west side^ line of lot number fifteen ; thence south-west to the nfest side of Lot number thirteeii, twenty rods from the concession, more or less ; thence ' westsouth-west to the west side of lot number eleven to , . ' . a post marked, R with red chalk ; from thence south- , ^ south-west on a line of pickets on the north side of said rotul to the said thfrd concession road now in use, twenty ' ,^ rod^ more or less, fr6nr lh§ west line of lot number nine : ' ./the width of said raid to be sixty feet, and .the length i^ nine hundredrods liore or less, passing on the north side • . of said line from the commencement to the west side of ' '^ lot number eleven, and from thence on the south side to the concession road at lot number nine : Be it therefore DjciK«d«p»Nic enacted and ordained by the Municipal Council of the V I^istrict of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth day of May, in the year of . ? ', ~ «w liord one thousand eight hundred and forly-four, , > That the above described Road be, and the same is hereby . ' declared tc^^be a Publio Highway and Road. OGLE 3Et, GOWAN. ''■ r" V - tj 1 K " ; p' 1 4 J' / ■| ^t* f|- [L. B.] .. =r < I in * tw C'HAIRMAir. ^% \ * V ,• *&■ "^r *■ ". * -.-r-''' it ■v': , :¥ i-T J* '* ■»■ V '^' 'f -I -* '>■!'' f* 57 ♦. / " No. LXX^BY-LAW to establish a Road in tbe Tbvmship of ITongej forriierly Escott ^®!?^*L^J?J^'?'?*'W Surveyor of Highwaysp.. „ ' in and for the €ounty of feeds has been petitioned fiy ^vejreehcjdenof thesU County. to lay oHtacerb^i .Koad m^the Township c^Yonge, formerly^lscott :. And .Whereas the said Benj&nin Warren has surveyed ahS ^ • laid out the said road pursjiant to such petition as follows,- " conunenemg on the ^ now in use on the line of the »e«cri^«.. fourth Concessuon of the said Township at the west end of the badge on said Ctoncession; thence west-north-west to a post marked R with red^halk four rods jn«re or less • thence scfuth-south-west to the Concession Une eight rods more or less? thence «ong the said concession to lot number seventeen, thirty rods ftom ^he wesMine of said lot ; thence west-by-north on a line df^blaz^ trees $nd pckets on the north side o^said road to a post pUnte'd ' on lot number fifteen marked R with rfed chalk : thenca « W^st-south-west to the, we^t line of lot numbe'P eleven > * a •I'.. f r* o\ f on a line of pickets and bUused trees t6 a Beech tree marked R ; thence south-soulh-west on\ iine of blazed trees oA the east .side of said^roa^ to t?te Coftcessiod. twenty rods from, the west lin^ of lot numbte ten m^ or iMBj the ^idth of said Rbad to be fiity feet, and the length IS nine hundred and. sixty rods : B6 it therefore en^ted and oWained by the MuWcipal Council of the Wchr«i.»«hii. Distnot of Johnstown, in District 6oiScil asse^led at "SST^* ^hoTown of Brockvme,pnthe fifteenth day of Majfein^ the year of our Lord one thousaliid eighl hnndred 5nd forty-fbwr, -Ihat the above d^ribed Road te, and thl' same is herpby deplored to be a^nblic highwi^y and ro«L t,. ^ '.^ ^ iv. o6le R. GOW4.N, , nV No. LXXL— BY-LAW toM^tabfish a»Road in fe the Township of Yonge, formerly Escott. > • '"^5®i^u^"J*"'° Warren, Surveyor of Highwaysp,^„^ m and for the County of Leeds, has b^en petitioned by ^^ ^elye ftecholders of the said County to lay out a oertua .A*: •* \ ■; 1- < V / -^ l-I Jj' AUwJ m the T ow nship of Y onge, B »f aer ly E scott ; Xni. ' W&ereu the said Benjamin Wailwu has surveyed and W* ■ v" .i H f ~-i -,->■ ^r U ^i- ^ f -•' r '^~H i Oetciiption. <*' V. 1 ",. DMtereda Kood. laid p^t the said tioad pursuant to such petition as fellows': dommencing at Uie third Concession Road on Lot number Twenty-one, six rods frdm the line between Lots numbers 'twent^ne and twenty-two,'^from a post 'h marked R with red chalk; thence north-north-east twelve iroi^Sn niore orless, across the line between Lets numbets twenty-one and twenty-two ;■ thence on the west side of Lot number twenty-two onia^line of pickets on the west side of said Road one hundred and twenty ^ , rods more or less to a post marked R, thence on the east .side of lot number tiirenty-one on a, linei of pickets on the east side of said Road, twenty-fiv^ rodis more or less ; theiKte west.and by north twenty-fivei rods to the bridge over Tones* Mill Po^ ; thence on the road now in use to th e Concession ; thence to the Town line between Yon^e, and Yonge formerly Escott:' the width of t^he said^oad to be forty feet and the length eight hundred rods more .or less : Be it therefore enacted and ordained P«*>»oby me Municipal Cooiwil of the District of Johnstown, in District Council as^mbled at the Tbwn of BrockviHe, on the fiiteenth day ojf [May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight described luMid* be a Public High' [L. SJ »-'>;,»■,, and forty-four,' That the above the same 'is hereby declarc;d to d Road. OGLE R. GO WAN, Chairman. % s X PrMmble. ■ 4 ..-t '- ^ No. LXXII.-::^BY-LAW to extend the provi- sions of a By-law, entitled ^ By-law to provide for the payment of certain monies applicable ;, to Roads." ,^. ^. , _,.,;:$?- For th? accommodation of the Public and of the several Township Clerks in the District, of Johnstown : Be it enacted and ordained, and it is hc^reby enaOted and ordained by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled, the fifteenth day of May, ill the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. That any District Councillor of any TowMhip. or un ion o f Townahipw. in the ^District, \A if. ■hall be authbriaed and empowered U> aot as an Agent f n ' t< Si ei C ;ct.- I' ^ 59 •Law No. for the Township Clerk of his Township, or union of ' „ . Township, imd as snch to receivb from the Treasurer W.*^ ■ ™ *Je District and grant receipts for any money in the Town cierk u, nanus ot such Treasurer, collected from wild land '*«e'wmoiiie». assessments and applicable to the Roads and Bridges of such Township, or wipn of Townships, and that all payments of such money by the said Tre^urer heretofore made or hereafter to be made t6 any such District CounciUorjshall be deemed legal and valid. \ : SEOfioN '2. That ;the money so received, or which '% M: if. * , ' ....."■ V' 'fo- LXXIIL--BY-L AW to establish a Road m the Township of Leeds. '• 4 ■ ' ' ' ■ j ■ . • '^■ * ' ' ' Wher^ Sumstin L. Sopfer, Surveyor of Highway* in and for the Coupty of Leeds, has bee» petitioned by *''^'''«- twelve freeholders to lay out a certain Road in thje Township of Leeds ; and whereas the s^iid gurastin L. Soper has surveyed and laid oat thp said Road pursuant ' to such petition aft follows : commenping ^t a pest in the open ground at the foot df the hill bn the Road leading »«»«ripti6ii. from S. Raskins* to Gananoque, on Lof number twelve *^3®,*®^®**'" Concession of Leedsi then runninir *' northerly aoron part of Lots nunvbers twelve and thirteen toahUl near the side line, the| makihg a smatf antfe north^terjy across Lots nui^rs Ju^een and Aftelk tea Beech tree marked on fo§ sides ]fo^ the bentrb of •. Uie Road ; then easterly acro8sTK)t number sixteen to a Basswood tree standing on the ConcessU line : and the coniinn.d. said road to be forty feet in width J bL it ordained and ^ enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Mu ni e ip a l - Co unu il o f ^he District o |' JohttfltO WTn" IT— — ~~~" "" *"" •»-'«oMiv;fc un uunuBiowu in Council assembled at the Town of Brockyille, on the . » . ,e a pubJUic hightmy and BUiad. OGLE R. GOWAN, ^ 'Chaieman. ■ -'[L.,S.] , # -., y/Z-r-' ;••:■, ' ■;• K' \ r ^ -■:A'^ t- No. LXXIV.— BY-L4W to establish a Road in the ToWnship of 'Yonge. FKamMe Whereas John Morris, Suryeyor of High-ways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said Coimty to l^y out a certain Road in the Toivnship of Yong&^^^d Whereas the said John - •■ '■'""**'' Morris has surveyed and laioout the said Road pursuant to such petition,.a8 follows : commencing at the side line DtKriptioa. between Lots numbers sixteen and seventeen in the eighth Concession of the Township of Yonge aforesaid, where a Road has been laid out across numbers fifteen and sixteen, following the now travelled Road near the Lake, to Lot number nineteen in said Concession to a • ^ post planted on the south side'of the Road, from thence ^ in a straight line to a post, planted pn Lot number • twenty-two in the seventh Concession, from thence in a, straight line to a post planted on Lot number twenty- ' , six in said Concession, from thence in a straight Une to a post planted on Lot mfinber twenty-three in the ninth Cottcessiott of Yo^^, Ibrmerly Escott } from thenoe in ; V ' > . a straight line to a i>ostf4anted near me bridge on Lot number twenty-two in said Concesnon ; froni theiice to . ^' the Town-line of Lansdowne to meet the, twelfth >■ ' , Concession line : the above mentioned monuments are ^ ' • on the south side of said Road; and the width of said Road to be fifty-five feet : Re it therefore ordained and BkctowiapubUoO"«^*«<^ *>y t^o Municipal CouncU ol>the District of >M«d. Johnstown, in Council a8sembled,'^t the Town of • Brockville, pn the fifteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fertyTfPM, Tfe^V : '^ '^f*the said above described Road be, and the same is Iiere%' declared to be a Public Road and Highway. OGLE R. GOWAN, ■ " >■■ ■ •'^*< : Chairman. « va ♦ ■"» «r K' ♦ ■» I W^LXXV-BY-LAWtoestablisha Road in \th0 Township of Elizabethfown. .^ ■ I ■ -' 'i ■ i"' ■ .■■--. .-^-^ ■ '■ . Whereas William K. drlazier, Surveyor of Highways rreBmUe . in and for the Connty of Xieeds, has been petitioned by twelvefreeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Eoad in the Township of Elizabethtown } and whereas , the said William K. (jrlazier has surveyed and laid. T)ut the' said Road pursuant to such petition^ as follows, viz. : , ~ commencing at a post planted and miarked C, on the— *-'^*'"^ division line between Lots numbers nineteen and twenty X. \ in front of the seventh Concession of Elizabethtown^ ,' I aforesaid, net^rly {niralli^l with the side Rpad iQ^the sixth concession; thence following the side line thirty chains' , 8eventy-thre»!Unks, being a north-westerly. courae, to a post marked B ; thence porth sjxty-two chinns ijffj^ty- onelinkstoa post planted and ; marked D, on the west ' side of Lpt eighteen^r crossing lot number nineteen aild ^* Commons ; thence a north-westerly coiirse tturty-seven chains seventy-two links to a post planted ami marked E on lot numlier seventeen, on the north sicle of Pearson's Millnstream, crossing lot number eighteen i^nd part of '^ N seventeen; thence a north'-westeriy course tp the *' Concession Road in rear of Lot seventeen, being four chains twenty-eight links to a post planted and marked ■ ' A, nearly parallel with the side Road in the eighth Concession : the above described Posts are intended for ' the centre of the Road ; the width of said Road to, be forty -feet: Be it therefore ordained and enacted by, ^^i^^^^, the Municipal Cbuncil of tfai^ District of Johnstownj in RMtdf Couiicil assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the -^ , fifteenth day of August, in the y ear o f our Lord one thousand eight hundred^nd forty-^Nv^, That the said . t> „zL above described Road be, and the same is heteby .declared a Public Road and Highway. SccTioR 2. And whereas it is expedient to rescind By- La«tKoa. 41 two By-Laws passed by this CouncU, relative to the sai^ ■""" ""*""' Road: the 'first passed on the Eleventh day of May, ^,, 1843, entitled "A By-Law to establish a Road in the i ■ I pul'lie -''J 1^ ittMiMP)'ti Township of Elizabetl — ^ ^ittrteenth day of Elizabethtown :" Be it ei recited By-Laws be rescinded, ai repealed and rescindedi the other passed on^ W, entitled «4, ,16 Township of the t^vo above same are troreby I; PreaiilMe. i Descripiioii. I! I! \' : *■ ■■ i I ^^^ -. ^*P- ''9 No. LXXyi—BY-LA W to establish a Hoad inthe lownshipsofKitleyand Elizabethtown. _^ WheVeas JohirJelfy Surveyor of Highways in afid i°ilh S°" Lf.^'^f ^' ^^"^ ^^"^ petitioned by twelve ■ freeholders of thd said County, to lay out a certain Road m the Townships of Kitley, and Elizabethtown, and .whereas the said John Jelly has surveyed and laid out ..the said Road pursuant to such petition, asTollows: • commenoing at the notfh aide of the Rideau Road, at a wst marked R, and planted about fifteen feet from the ^tern limit of Lot number twelve in the eighth ConceMion of Ki^eyj thence in a direct line nearly .piimllel with the sideline, to a postmarked R, and planted in the front of the ninth Concession of said lownship on the boundary line between Lots numbers eleven and twelve in the ninth concession ; thence alonir ,.^id boundary Ime to within ten rods of the rear of said -Concession ; thence easterly across the soUth-eastem corner of Lot number eleven in said Concession, and ^ across the north-eastern corner of Lot number twelve in the tenth Concession of said Township, to a point ' ten rods from the front of said Concession, on the side line between Lots numbers eleven and twelve in said tenth Concession; thence along said side line to within forty rods of the Town-line betweeh Kinley and i-hzabethlownj thence south-easterfy across the south rear corner of Lot number eleven in said tenth concession ofKitley, toun Ironwood tree marked ?l, at the said lownjine ; thence on the allowance for Road between Lots numbers twenty-four and twenty-fivte to the front of the eleventh Concession of Elizabethtown; thence across the north-eastern corner of Lot number twenty/ five in the tenth Copcession of said Township to a Pcwt marked R, and planted on the aUowance for road. bein#'" about thirty-five rods from the rear of said Concession? thence lUpng the allowance for Road to the ReadpassiniJ Samuel Banna's ; thence to a post marked R, in WtS 8«id Concession ; thence along the alloWance for Road between Lots numbers twenty-four arid twenty-five in the^mtfe,poncession, to a post marked R, on tEci south side of a (Sreek near John Raskin's shop; thence tea Post about Wenty^ight rods from the rearof the eighth Concession ;/ thence south-westerly about thirty rods to «iJ^'?"5®^^^~' thence tb Mud Creek Bridge f thence along the Rnad n o w travelled-t<»iir|W9tittarkedR,abd nr V vs L' V m^ s V ■\ - ' .'^ 'y^ ' ■■ "'63 . ■'■■"'"^ -.;■ sixteen rods from the front of said Concession ; ttience to a pc»t marked R, abo^t sixteen rods from the rear of the seventh Concession ; thence along the allowance forlet road, to a post planted in the centre of said Road about eight rods from the front of said concession jthence to a post marked R, and planted in the centre of the road now travelled, aboiit eight ^ods frorh the rear of the sixth Concession ; thebce along the road noiv travelled, through the remainder of the sixth, and part of the fifth Concession, to whei^ it intei^pects the Perth Road, near Bigelow's tavern.' ,The.sai4 Road is laid out sixty feet yride in Kitley, and fifty" fe^t wide in Elizabethtown ; , ^ the posts planted to be in centime of said Rod!d, and marked ' ' ^ on two sides with red chalk: Be it therefore ordained and enacted, by the Municipal Council of the District Declared a pub. of Johnstown, in Council assembled, at the Town of '"' '^"'• Brockville, on the fifteenth day of August, in the year 6i' our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. That the ^ve described Road be, and the same is hereby declared to be a Public Road and Highway. JOHN HOLDEN, r I 1^ [L. S.] Chairman. ' t rf » . '"L No. IXXVIL— BY-LAW to establish a Road ( in the Township of Oxford. :""- ■■?",■ . : ■ " " ' ■''* t^ ~" Whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of Highways hi and- -Ibt the County of Grenville, has been petitioned ^yV**" twMve^'ff^iSholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Oxford ; and Vhereas the said Edward Mix has surveyed and laid out the safd ^ ^ .Road pursuant to such petition, as follows : commencing on the upper side (^ Lot numbei; sixteen in the first DcMtripUoa. Concession of the township of Oxford aforesaid, at a Cedar postmarked R number one, planted two chaini sixty links from the water's edge; at a place known' by the ^me of The Catchall, and running a north-easterly cou^ about forty-five rods to a Cedar post marked R number two, planted by the side of a lai^ H^j^lock stump about forty-five feet from the banks of said river ; then a little more northerly to a Cedar post marked R ntunber three, Wanted at the south end of the Bridge orossing wua Meadow Ureek, and from the nortb eud / ■J ' / •vv- \ ■^ X- .vl- ,^ 64 «. # .. of ffi[{d Bridge in a more easterly direction, to a post . '^9 marked R number four, planted on the allowance for road between Lots numbers twenty and twenty-one five — ^ ..^ chains eighty links south'-easterly of the stone monument '~"^KCted by order of the Boundary Line C ommi ssioners ; thence^along; said allowance to a post madO^^ number five, planted ol»MJiain twenty links imith-easterlj^ of said mphnment ; then iranning in' tine ^parallel with the Base Une to the lowec sidel^^ot number twenty-two ; - then nmning a north-easterly cdarse to a Cedar post marked R number six, and R number e^e planted at hf near the side line between Lots numbers twenty-four and twenty-five ; said posts are all planted on the south side of the said Road, and marked wiikiic therefore ordained and enacted by the^nlnnicipal Council ^^^ of the PLiltrict of Johnstown, in^ouncil assembled at the . -^ - , Town of Brockville,on the fifteenth day of August, in r^ the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. That the said above descril^ Road be and the same is hereby declared to be a Public Road and Highway. . -- ^^ ^ j . JOHN HOLDBN, , [L. S.] Chairman. >v^ / ■ Pircaiiibte. DcMtiptioii. No. LXXVin.—BY.LAW td eilablish a Road in rtie Township of Oxfol'il.x. /^ Whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of 'Highways in and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Oxford ; and whereas the said Edward Mix has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition as follows: oomniencing at a Cedar post marked R number six and R number oi^e, planted on the side line .between lots numbers twenty-, four and twenty-five in the first Concession of the Township of Oxford aforesaid, and at the termination of i a Road just surveyed by the aoid Edvmrd Mix, from theV Catchall to the loi;ver side of the aforesaid Lot number/ twenty-four, and nmning in a north-easterly direction to' >• plaited on the L.Si£i!^?".fc7." L**.^*^ P^'" ^^^ a" planted on the sqiu with' red chaJJc, on trees; and 4 feet: Be it th- Municipal Conh?„ Council assiembted fifteenth dny ofAi |ot the said road, and marked ■^r through the woods by bluzes VthesaiJ Road to be forty jtined^ind enacted by^the — p. I^istrict of Johnstown, in»« 5f0 Town of Brockville, on the " ' .JOHN.HOLDEN, nst. [i-s.] ■X" Chairman. pobiie \'^.^ ',^? ^^ , ^\ ^^ •- /-; x}t^^^~W-^^^ tO'OrtablW.'a Road / W the fownsUpof South trosby.- , '■% v "..t^d u«^ je^^-y^g .^a r 'f. S i i' •>' KoadX -j: ■ 66 "■ ■ - '■ ■ / ■ ■:. I," .■'*'. '"- • . '.' •' fourteen and fifteen in the fourth concession, at an Elm tree marked north side df Road ; .said Road to be forty, feet in* width : Be it therefore ordainj^d and enacted by D.oi«|^apubUothe Municij[«il Council jof the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Blrockville, on the fifteenth day of August, in the year' of our i8aid^-a distance Of aboiit seventy rods ijdore at less ; the above described, iroad commences at a Cedar post marked R, And terminated at another Cedar post marked R, and in the centre of the skid new road, and by p|(pntiog stakes in the intermediate space, A distance of seventy rods thcire or less also-; which said, road is litlty feet wide: Road. it therefore ordained and enacted/ by the Municipal Ooiinoil of the District of Johnstown, in.CoUncil assisti)* hiiii at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth dky of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight SkAted and forty^four, That the above described road , ^hd the «^i!^d is hoteby declare^to be a ptii^ie Road d HighWAf. , T «^. . : JOHN HOLBENt / -.; ■ t -f.;.;. J6t in t t J No. LXXXI*—BYvLAW to establish a Road ia 'Ihe T^^sbip of Yonge, fisrmerlj tl%i>reM BeiljaiBiii Wanren, Surveyor of Jtighways Pr«"i»i'i». in and foyf the Counti^'of Leedis, has been petitioned by twelve fi^eehoidens of the Wld County, to lay out a certain .. iload in the Township of Yonge, formerly J!scott ; And ' whereas the said Benjamin x^arren. has surveyed ^d laid .out the said Road piquant to such^. petition as rfollows : cogimehcing at tl^ western extremity of thefi^*«"pi<<"i- established road, known as the Rad in the Township «f Bastard ; and wjiereaa the said '.-^..:.M -iri*?:: S8 -'^-t: fiMcripiiou. pursuant to such petition* a« follows, viz : commencing en the side line, between lots numbers sixteen and seventeen in the eighth Concession, where the |U)ad leading 'from the Stone School-House to Beverly inter- sects said lineVtbence runtoing parallel with the said side line to intersect the Concession line between the eighth and ninth Concessions in the Township of Bastards - aforesaid ; said Road is laid out on the, eastern side ot the above mentioned side line, and to be one chain wide : ' Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ; ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the " District of Johnstown, in Cwmcil assembled at the Town . of Bruckville, on the fifteenth day of August,^in the year •of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-fou?. That the said Road as above "described, laid down, and surveyed, be approved of and confirmed, and the same is hereby approved of and confirmed. JOHN HOLDEiN, . [L. S.] No. LXXXIII.-tBY-LAW to remote 4biibts concerning the pertbrmance of iiitatuto-liabor by persons not assessed— Passed August H, 18U. Repealed ; 13 and 14 Vic, ch. 66. • ^ - • ' ■ '• » » ^0\ ' '■ ■-mm. ' ' '^' NoTTLXXXIV.— BY-LAW to repeal a part of By-Law number sixty-tour, entitled « By-Law ^ to establish a Road in the Township of * Kitley » _ *^. ■', ■ -■ .' ' » / .■ ~»i 'J . .■ ■,■' . whereas a certain By-Law was passed by the Af uniei- pal Council of the District of Johnstown, on the fifteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord j^ne thousand eight hundred and forty-four, entitled ** JBu-Lato to> UUMvh a roctd in the Townahip bf Kitley," and whereas it is liieoessary to rescind a part of the said By-La>j^ : Be it MwpeiSid* "" ^^oroforo oidamed and enai^fted, and it is hereby ordained iind finapt e d by tin MHoici ai al Council of tlte DistWet PraanUt. »_ r ■r^ iind finapt j d bytin MHoici ai al Council of tlw DistWet k-i. »H, •i #■ M V" of JohMtown, w Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth day of August, in the year of That the foJlowing portibn of said liy-Law be rescinded and itris hereby rescinded, viz: ^%enoo westerly along the RideJS Road to the allowance for RoaL between lots numbers twelve and thirteen, thence aloft- jaid allowance throifgh the eighth, ninth, and part of thS' !fi- K?-?""*'®'"" *** ''" ^^"^ H^« 5 thenceveasterly in a strftightpme across number twelve and about twenty rods of number eleven to the Town-lind^^f Elizabethtown. ^at the intersection of the Road leading to Peter Cole's.". John holden, rt. c 1 I- Chairman. ■•■ I .. ^-- "•■ . ■■■'..0 ^ i. No. IXXXV.~BY-UW for the raising, levying ami collecting ofm Assessed Kate froiff the i^ inlKibitants of sundry Jjichool Districts within the District of Johnstown. . .Ti Whereaiby an Act passetf by the Parliament of this »v«n,h!. Frovih"e m Ihe fourth and fit»h years of Htr Majesty's . ff*ea,ent}tliid '* An ^taprovide Jar the better iftternal ' Government of that part of thisjMnce whiaC formerln r. constUutedthe Province of UpperX^anada, bu the establish-. ment of Local or Municipal Autlumltes thereih" it is amongst other thi'ugs enacted that the AlHuicUl Cuuueil of the District may cause an Assessment to be made aod collected Irom the inhabitants providing for the .estab- lishtnent of, and a reasonable allowariM for the support • of schools ; and whereas applications htfve been made to this Council, by the Trustees duly an! legally appointed r"Tor several School Districts, praying that a hnjul tax or • assessment, may be levied on such District^, for the purpose of education within the samo: Be it therefore- . , enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of*"" '"^ Johnstown, assembled at the Towrt of Brockville, on Thursday, the fifteenth day of August, in the year of dur Lord one thousand eight hundred and forly-four. That lor thepurpmaoradiirmtinn tlio»;.t^ r.-'i . .• 1-.^ ■• l«ti^ k". repair, an SPy^^yi^g^^oMliatistosay^rt^^ Id completion orperfam School-Houses, now I,-/ H' ** 'A. ^>*: ':»»=■■ i-,| ..■-■-> \H* T^ i-M required to be luiilt, erected t^r repaired, in eertain' School Districts hereinafter/mentioned, th^re shall be raised and levied upon all i^l and personal property therein, the following sums : — • - » In tlieTatorukip of Y(mge, formerly Escott, In School- district Number Twe^ty-siit, t^e sum o£< Thirty Founds^ . • a /. Jn the Totcnsfiip y^ JS^isUtrdf .^' In School-District ^umb^ One, the sum of Twenty Ppundls. -\\ 1 ' . . ■. • ' '■-,'.. ■ ' . ' •', t ',.--■ ^ ■ - ■ ' -■.'..■ "\ In the Toivnship of YongCy Cr In School-District ]^umber Three, the sufti of Fifty Pounds. ■^In School-District Number Seven, the sum of Thirty Founds. "^; ■ ■ " ■•^^ ' In the Township of 0;tford,' . ■ > In School-District Number TeH, the sum of .Ten -".:"' Pounds. • ' ' . 'fe. How rated and SECTION 2. That the Said suu^ be rated equally upon coUecied. ^\\ ||,g assc^sed property in each of the said School Districts respectively, and ^ levied and collecled by the CollecAorsof the several Townships herein before, named Vf^ith in the School Districts aforesaid, in thd^ same manner as is now by law ptovided, and be by them paid to the 'Superintendents of Uie several Townships, under the previsions, and restrictions of the twelfth s^ctioti' (itf an Act passed by the PaHiament of this Province, on the ninth day of December^ in the year of our Lord one > thousand eight hundred and forty-three, entitled **An \Act for the estaJflishfnent and maintenance of Comtnan $(hools in UpjHff^fCanada,** '/'' JOHN HOLDEN, " [L. S.] •«Kw% \ Cnxi^itMktt, ■ftt»; f\ * <« * % •Ik '\ ,y^Z-\r^- \ ,j ,' -f " " ^■i^:J%^ ■• -^.-^^ T~ * • ♦%'* •i i • * « ' fc « f ^fc • r* ''' . ii no. UDDCVl— BY-LAW ^ 9' For the purpose ojf raising a Sum far tiie payment of the , * District and Township ' Superintendent^ of the District jfe . of Jahnstotvn for 1841. ^ . W u Passed August I5ij^ 18M. ' , \ ^(Expiced byXimitatipn.) F No. LnqnnL-BT-LAw '\ ■ i. . / ' ■To establisli a Road yi tJu: Township y South GoUmi^: '* WhMe^sWohn Byce, Sujveyor of Highways in and Preamw*. for the County of Grisu ville, mis been petitioned by twelve freeholdjers of the said County, to lay but a certain Road in the Township of Sbuth.GWjfer ; and whereas the said n John Byce has laid out and surveyed tKe said Road ' . - fiursuaQt to such petition as follows : commencing on the ine, between lotp' nunibers six and seven in the third °*'*"'""'"'' concession about ons hundred rods from the troiit of said concession at' a post planted, on the open ground on the^ , north side of the road now in- use, marked A W4Uv.red chalk; then running a little to the ^est from the pOfiBlel lii^e ab$i^t' sixty riKiipds to a.jx>st markM B wMWed *' chalk in the opCTV ground ; then a little south, about fourteen rods to a post in the open ground marked C « With red chalk, being oi#the line or nearly so between lots i^umb^rs seven and ei^Muthen leaving the old. road ruonittg a more- westerly c^ns^ about ejght ji^y o rods to a post planted in the open gfound markedM p wjth red* chalk; the||^ a little south to a post phntetnR^the open ground mdrj^ed E with tdd chal^f'about seventyi-eigh't ' lods ; then seventy-four rods to a post planted i(;i the open ground marked- F withered ohal|c; thence to a. Beech tree marked G with redx;haIk,a'boat eighty tods; thehce to a {>06t on Oxford line marked H, about forty-fiva .rods, being about one hundred rods from the front of said , boncession ; the said Road is surveyed forty feet wide : Be it therefore Jordained^ and enacted by the Municipal ^ *! y*;V'J^ /\ V :^: I. ». GoiiuqU of tSo i^istrlojb oTTobiuitQwn> ih UouaoU asscm k M t |i o* d4 --•^ ■^WT .* ... ':'^.. ',t i ' #v, /embers hundred a^ 72 Brapkvl|le, oMhe tht „ ^ four ,^l^l^L the Jrad abOw ^scriqed >^ Wim (lecHairll '^ .be a Public' . y Bl ''. ixxXTm.^vt'] in the Tjoianskip Road in the ^mp J rays in and 1 by twelve }wn8hidkof Vi [■ ^ Whereas Levi Adams, Surveyor Of )$? for tli|fi County of Grenville, has1>een>pe|(itii ' freeholders, to lay tout a certain Road in ^hfe,,^, , J. EdwardsbMiTgh J and whereas the said Lev^ Adams liiu , surveyed ati^lptid oyt the ^id'Roaid pii^iantto suc| potitipn ai|iol)6ws: copimencing at the <»^dr post ()^ the division line Of lot number thirty-six in thei seventh coucc^ion i»f the Township of EdM'arcfshurgh aforesaid ; ' theiiod foll(iwii|fg thd ^irc^ctioif of said centjre line until it int'^rsthe thirtefenih daVbf November, in the year of our Loi-d one thou^nd eighi hundrea| and forty-four, That the said above described and the same is hereby declared a Public Road '■,';■' 'i'v .\ Highway. ,•■■;■./* ' \ 0|iRo«d cigar dl iSficTioN 2. And whercas itis expedigj '. \old Road, in ,(<»e ♦icihity of the said Road establish^ by in order' of the Q|| the month of FebnuHry, in the thou^Md eight hundred and foi; enawW|y thp authority aforesaid Pljraittcld isind closed, and ' .d clgMi'dl. . ^ rdsburghj i 1 : 1^ » * h •*/• W ^, to close dcscril essiojjus lA)fdr onie '^ therefore old Re ^ condemned < .* "«'• *■ M lal jp» 'W^' 73 ;.,.._.^ ■v , V and jlve Aof ^ ■■ .■ liV ...... lick ».. t gflr 1 ntK kid ; ^ . . ■ ■ Dtil lot, ■"■V. ;re- •* ;' ■ 'i lof the . . „ . . . ber, and ■-> ■ . be, smd / ■ t. i' • ■ -fi *%•■. Wo. uacxa.>->BT-LAw 'To estaim a .mKul in the Trnv/^ivp of Yonse. "' : inSrthe&oT^^^^^^^ of Highway. ,,,„,,: ' twelw freeholdil^of ♦», • j S?' "^ ^'^^^ petitioned by ' K^ildlntheTow^^^^^^ Beniamin WarZ/hS "^^ ' and whereas' the said *B«l"i '^a'ron has surveyed and laid out th« ^\a a g^^dFjrs^^tosuch^^ as fbUoiS: SL^^ • ^^^^i&^Zt^^'''''''^^''^'''^ between Ttf.'^«"'...i"". the broken front ^r^fi^/*®®" ^'"'^ ^^^ t^ "ae between Yong?So"S. A^i^fi concession of the Township, of line mwLy R . Xm thi« "" ^ ,^' P^^^^^ said cSSon line a^p\^!^r ""^^^ ^ *^« ^^^^^ ^^ • ' twenty ro^ S,roTler to a^r.^^ ?? "^t ^^Bi^^^^ • thence a norrwes^/rltcoSSS*?''"^""^^^^ " rear of the dw^mn?dftem r?T * I^' P^^*^*^ »" nearthe conSKefCe'o^Sxl^^^^^^ eighteen ii thi ri^^''^/^^^" ""« ao'oss lot number ^ sMe S^LS^° ^"f* ^^«'e it intersects t?e^ C bled at the Town of Noveml^K, in"^ hi«iMi^;^fort ^ _ thejsamW .r.an* Highway. ekville, on the thirteenth day of i,*>^»'^X'0'd one thousand eight Wat the above described Road "-declared to be a public Road \ k* -^* fOHir, 1 i V iO*'' ^ • :%••■:■' ■■■■. / a'^^. ^%, ,>-'^ J ^^ Tt u-^ «-■■" *. • . V 6 jNd. ZC-BY-LAW .To ekeifdtshr a Roarl in the TmmiM/p fif Ai^gusfa. I'rcnmtilc. / >. . •' Preamble'. No. ZCI.-r^T-LAW To establislt a Road in the Toionskip djT, Bastard, - ...... ■ . f,>(i . Wher^fl Barnes Eaton, Surveyor of Hi^Vra^s in jsind^ fgr the C!ounty of Leeds, has been petitioi^c^i by twelVd Freeholders of the said Co^nty, ^o lay out a^oerta^ roaci in the Township of Bastard ; and whereas th| said James Eaton has surveyed and laid out the said Road |)ursuant such petition as follows ; oommencing on the Boadr- ■/,; i Whereas Philemon Pennock, Surveyor of Roads in and for the^ County of Gf6ftville, has been petitioned /^" .1 ' by tMrelve freeholders of the said County to lay eut a / " certain Road in the. Township of Augusta ; and whereas ( ' the said Phileradn Pennock has surveyed arid laid out ^ ^ " the said road pursiMint to such petition, as follows : com^ '-- Pe^piion. mencing at the rear of the ninth concession "in the .. towttshi|> of Augusta aforesaid, at the centre of lot number tep at a Cedar post planted and marked R ; and the said'Sorveyor hasplantedftnother Cedar post marked as above, in the'centre of, the said. Road, at Jjhe -distance of twenty chains from eaeh other, t(f:where it'terhiiuates o^ihe road leadipg flrom Thpmas -Huttc^'s to the loxvpt^ Rideau Road and /thi'ough thie ninth concessionj length of I the said: new rc|i4 is one hundred iJfc ,_ running ajx}ut twenty-*five degree* east ofsonthythrougfi the centrci of said lot^ arid that tW width of the ^id new Road ^ forty feet : Be it therefor^ ordained and enacted ^^j'e«iaptt»>i'cby the-Muipicipal Council of the District of ' JoHngtown, in Council lossembljsd at the Town of Brockvilk; 6i| the '' thirteenth day of November, in the year of our* L(Hd> .^, one thousahd eight hundred and fort)Nfour, ThSt the'' above descn^bed road be, and the same i^llw:eby declared V to be a public Road and Highway. ^ f ^ JOHN HOLBEN, /■.''' •.:'"■ .'•.''♦ : " Chairman. , ■■-■;: ., [VS.] .,. ■' 1 ,;. . •: :^ ;;/ -■», '• ♦■ i"';vM^ . r <" » .^, ■■»■ ! * ■>„ *l • f igusfa. oojAs in titioned y aut a whereas laid out t: com-! in the I of lot El; and marked iistanoe niuates 3 )n id new snactod* i^town, on the*' r'Lojrd; i8t the' '■ sclared r, •" ts /- Ir^T ^'v^ Por«ft??d to Smith's Ed^, at a Maple tree iH.c>ip.ia„ blazed on foui aides between lots nmhbers nine and ten m the seoond,Qpnces8ion of the Township <)f Bastard "' aforesaid ,; thence funning eaually on each of said lota ta the comer {wst between the Qrst and second concessions : thence running to apost planted ^)ir lot nun^)er 9 marked y?i concession,, supposed to° have been about thirty . xoda of theJine between Ipts numbers eight and nine in said concession j thence taking a northerly coiirge to the . * rown line between Bastard and Burgess, to a post ^^ r ?ir®*U°*^ numbew four and five in the first concession of^the Township of Burgess afore^d: then taking a north-westerly course until it intersects the Road leading -. ^ from New BDyn© to ^iles's MiH, the blazed trees and itak^ on the said surveyed Road are intended to indicate the centre thereof, and the said Road is to be forty feet in width: Beit therefore ordained and enacted by the Declared a Publl Municipal Council o^the District of. Johnstown, in council ^^ assembled at the To^f Brockville, on tlio thirteenth # day of November/ in the y^arof ourLord oiie thousand ^ eight hundred ^ forty-four. That m above described Koad i)e,jind the same i? he;reby 4eolaTed to be,a.public Road and Highway. ,i * *^ * ; • . • JOHN HOLDEN, * \ CHAmM^W. ^ '.'. '^ ■ ■■■■. ^ t •'.. V ■ ■.:•■■S^, fL/S;] r ard. ^ injafnd welVd n roa4 Tames rsuant W- . r *■ ! t \ No. XCn-BY-LAW To cstaMtsli, a Road inthe, Townsliip of Bastard. Whereas Jamas Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in and „. Jpr the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve "^"'' freehgders of the said County to lay out a certain road m tM«0wnship of Bastard ; and whereas the said James ♦ -^w-iT** surveyed and laid out the said road pursuant to slch petition as follows : cohamencing at a comer post «. between lots numbers twelve and thirtf 6n in Seffi ^""'" concession of the Township of Bastard aforesaid j running th^e ,on the^^vernment allowance to a post which Hon. ^ I. i. r-.*. 7e Government allowance ; ihen turning oi^ the south side of the said post, Jmd nmning in easterly cortt»B until it intersects the old Road 3iat runs- aQgliiig across lot number twelve ;the|»idmad to be sixty-six feet in width up to the sai4||||Pii^||^enc^to N^ere it intersects the said roadT'trbe forty feet in Width: Bo it therefore ordained and enacted by 'the Municipal CouncU of the Dist^aerof>Xdhn8town, in Council assenU)led at the Town oir3jCo6lcvilM on the thirteenth day. of November, in the year of our fiord one thousand eight hundred and forty- jour, That thfe^said above described rodd be, and the same is hereby declared to be a public Road and Highway. J. ' J^ HOLDEN, ?'^ ■^■ \,-i. -■'" ■,' •■ Chairmaw-. [L. *». t :.§■ * % m Hi Ffcaiublc. No. XCm. -B?-LAW a ftoad in the TotvHsliip of 1^/ond. %. y^ " <^. " '^ TAlaMii Whereas ]Vi|shael Kellf^' Surveyor of Hidbiwaya in i ^°!S? ^Q^^g^f Gyen^lle, has been petttioned by " H>\ve%9(Bhpldeijpf the said County, to lay out a certain" i iii the" Township of Wplford J and whcSreas the' id Michael Kelly ha? surveyed and ilaid out the said a^kd||fisua^t to such pe$itiQ»gp follows : compenbiag' ' Description. nStttllfe centre of ^nut^^ber Wur on the first concession lineTwhere a post ill)lan#ain the o^e of^lie Road r" thence in a south-v^pily eoulisS* to a pog^^lanted and |aark,eOTh th^cejPPqf 'We road near^ end of the Bn^. ooe himdred and eighty rods ; 'jKageto a post ^lan^d and marked -^ — --swr- *Wroad forty^Touf xods j thence to a BeecflMree, bl^ed^jn the centre oiTthe road, one hundred and thirty-sik rods; thence to a Birch tree, blazed^ in the centjre of the road, forty rods^j thouce to a lUemlock tree, Wwied, seventy-eigl]|t rods ; thence along thi line between E. Collar's, Esq.,. and' Hugh Mageever's on tho cask side of the said line until it intersects the Road in front of the first concession about one hundflfcd and sixty rodsy tho said road i« f orty ioet in width : Be it therefore . : 5 1 H • — • 1 Beaver Me th^qiCe^acroL. 'in^ thjp Ceiiill 1 t I I . c a J 1 o 1 I cs °Wii # ^s*"l " T^y ""■\* '' *." * y"". ' . ' i" i»«*'i**>>'"«>'«i*iMiii>wi . I v -■ -wS^ ' • /' 77 ordainedand enacted by thc^Mmu^^^ of the rTr S^wn "'*°T iu Council assembled at the Town th« v2Jr nf ^' T *¥ *Te«»th day of November, i fortvlur Thi'tn^'^ on? thousand iight hundred and thn^i^o • t^* ?^ F'T ^^°^^ deseribe.1 Road bo, and Hfgh^y ^^'''^y T"^** *^^" ajftiblic Road' and ■% J^celnrcili lie UoatI II l>iil.. X,.. [L. s:j JOHl*? *• ■•■' ■«*. HOLDENr ipHAlRMAN. £.■■ strict esKj IVo. XCHT.— BY-LAW ign entitled «^;^ 4c«/.. ^/^ hetUr interZh^Z^nt ^ml^i ^ V^\ ^^J^> h the establishment of Loc^' ^ Municipal Authmties tliereinr it ih amongst oS ' ^imgs enacted, that the Mimicipai CouncU Tthf P °* • ' may cause an Assessment to be made and coUectc ri««Sliw *",?' P'°^idi°g fi"^ the establishment r reasonable a owance for the support of school whereas apphcations have been Sade to i\^T\mi^y School-Pwtricts, praymg that a Local Tax or AsseSment fflay be levied on such Districts for the pu^S of education within the same: Be it therefor^^,5n5 a^ enacted by the Municipal Council of the^^^^ J^nstown assembled at the Town \?/ i ?^!f'°' ^f ^ursday, the fourteenth dlyV'^SlZmLt^^^^^ 4^^'t^ ""^^ *^^"^ «^gh* hundred a AitUur That for the purposes of Educatign, that is to saV • ftS gie erection, repair, abd completion of^a^n SchS S3' Sho^S?^ ? bUiilt, erected, or r^KiiredTn certain >choor-Districts hereinafter mentioned thern ^hR ]] 1 .. ra ncd aofl l o^t d fui Hio ffelc^ yeaV'^ .4-' X 78 suiiisiobaievici^^^ ^'^^^ ""^^ pcrsonal property therein, the foUowiiiR sums, clear of the expenses of levying and collecting, naraely :— Ifi titc Townsliii) ff Oxford, .— — -— "" In School-District number fourteen, thie sum of fifteen IIow rated cbliecfed. Collector'8 Hull. Pounds;-s^ In tlte Tmansfii]} of EdwardAurgh. In School-District number sixteen, the sxim of twenly- T five founds.' /li:.-"''- - ^,j Section 2. That the said sums be rated equally upon all the assessed property in each School'District respec- tively, by the Clerk, of the Peace, and be levied and collected by the Collectors of the several Townships hereinbefore named within the School Districts aforesaid, in the same manner as is now by law provided, and bo by them paid to the Superintendents of the several /Townships, under the provisions and restrictions of the /twelfth section of an Act passed by the Parliainent of / this Province, on the ninth day of December, in the year i of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, ] entitled ^' An, Act for The establishment and maintenance ! of Common Sclwds in Upper CanadaP Section 3. That the said siuns shall bo rated on the Collector's Rolls of the said Townships respectively for the next year, and be collected by the Collectors appointed for the said last mentioned year. ^ JOHN HOLDEN, nit [L. S.] *^ Cl^AIRMAN. No. XCVrr-BY-LAW ;-'. .". ■ .' '■ ' ^. \ ■ '^ ■'•■ ■ ■- / . ■' - ■"" : ■■■ .'■ ■ ■■ -• . To r^eal part of a By-Law passed on the fourteenth ddyi of Ma/i/, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huiidrrd and forty^ttOQ, entitled " By-Law to define the duty of Surveyors of Highuxajs, and for other purptses ' '.,, therein mentioned?^ Sec60Gco3chij The Municipal Cbiilncil of the District of Johnstowu, vi7ih8i^c'3\,duly assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the foiir- ig6,iuiaao9. 'teenthdayof Novembc»~ *;•■ 1 f J f ■81 ii P ■ .../• th i' -■ al ■fe>C( * Bi I ^Wif- ,*^-' 7/ W thousand eight hundred and fort^four, undor. and l,v ,v,rtuo of a certain Act of the ^.egiskture of this Pr^tnce^" • ' KVnriV^H ffT^*"^ fifth Vrs'of Her M^sJ^V ' ' 'J^ ' entitled « An^Act to prolMe for the better interval Sf c 4 o«.i, ««,..- . Government of thai i,art of tkhPrwime vMvh fimacrhi V^xT ^^ '' anaitis Iwreby ordained and^ enacted, That tlie fdluth section an.f fo much of the erghth section as rdaterto rnnn^^^r? a«ondance of Road Surx^yors upon this - Council of a certain By-Law passed bjhhi« Co xncil on ^^"f^^f^rl-;! ■ .., Surveyor of, ^ ./o jyti. 5 Highways in- and for the Cbunty ' St — —» »a «he said District, being duly sworn, do ' - " ■fw^« r^i ?? 'application Itt^iting^madl to rS^-'by ' twelve freeholders pf the said County of -.^ , bearing - da e the -^ day of , in the year _, statical :' ' frSl«f ?^''*^5^*"^°^^^'^'i'"'Withnm^ . freehpldeis): I proceeded to examine the same, which fh^r- '""ZT^i^^ ^^^ °»* «« «>»^H that is to J^y ' • tep'S *^S **^.TP"<>? of road as surveyed) : and tiiJu^^^f ^^^.^^'^^it ^feejinwidth. ido , nTv^J^'^T *^f ^ gav^^due public notice of this 1«7if ^ *°*l°^t"'S ^ ^''^' '^y '^^S a copy of this Report ' , \ Sace wV/J^H *^* P"^^^ P»«^e^nef i adjacent to^ho place where the aforesaid surviy has been made. ., this day of ^,18 % Dated at / Surveyor of HigUwaysf^ ike Countij of-^ Sworn before me tlt0 dayof— ~._ is Which Re, the Peace for'tl ^e sworn p before any Justice of net Seotiok^S. mt^S,|iiture no compensation shall be m CoZ.1 *° r^ ^"^^ ^"'^^y^' ^°' attJ^dan^Je u^n thfe ^"Or'S^J JOHN HOLDEN, Ch^irman. ,i:*> •# m w p ^iim n iimm'^mif^ To determine the number of-QmncUlors to go mt of office, r ttecmlingto the pm^mwf the. Municipal Qmml Act, Whereay at the Ses^on of this Council heldi' i^ the ; month ofNovemtier/ln the year of our Lord one thousana - eight hundred and forty-two, it consisted of a numbdt of Councillors divisible ii^to three equal parts, and it was >. iiot then necessary td pass any By-Law to determine the ' numbel- to go out of office apcovding to the statute ; but ^ from, the liicrease sincQ«f theinhabitft|itHoitsehdaiexs; s aT^d' Fpecholdefe in certain TowBfcshu», and Iftrelectioii ' of two additionaLi^oantfiUors, Ihis Coimcil now consist^ «f irniffliberSrMDouncillpra uQt divisible into three fequ^l - mS; and it is therefore necessary to §x afld d«tef mme > the number to go out "of office at the en4 of this and the . *" two following years respectively: Beitth^eforetiWained , «.ur Lord one." thousand eight Imndred and-forty-fouri-^ i Thais on the fifet Monday in" -January, next, seVeftt . , ° ^ Councillor shall go o^^^pf office j. on the first Monday m ■ - f,X Januawtl<)Breafter,niiie*; and the remaining Councillors V on ih*' first' Mon(layin„Jottuaty which will be m the year ot our Lord. on6 thousaner eight hundred and forty- • seven, so thajtat Jhe &nd of three years irom January last none of the Councillors now, composing this Council remaip in office, r ± „^,^.„^t ; JOHNHOLDEN, ; T'^- |,i( I A ■ ■ '. ■' h--' ■ ■■':*f. \ >.'■:>• ■ ♦ 1 ■'■ -.1 <: •■ .i «. ■■* ■ ' ■■ \ .f.-;;: 'Si v^ '■ ■ ' % \:\\ ' \\<* ,< -- I Qhairmak. Vo. XCVIr-BT-I4kW - ,^., -iTo cmiiilete pie qutMitij of the severeU Qecrseers of ^ ^ - O ' ,\ , iniVtc District of MustQien.^ ,, "^ .' i , N;*:^. ., •. H^-: '. ^^:^"^v":^:^'- . r* r ^**'». ;.» f:. ;u-:Ji;'^i M. i;'\ > V I.T --%r- ■j'fcto ;^ '"<.>:• X.£ Ti r ( .1. » n>\ office, I Act, p the , b&t of £ was le the ; but ^^ ^ctioni insists ^quial rmiiie id the*, iained rict ofv }rook- ear of ^ frfyWi- seVedft I(iy in ' Cillers in tho" forty- nuary ouncil [AH. : 81 No^ kcm»lBY-LAW *,\ >*» To estaJUi^i a tteio Road, and to close ittn olthmic m '" ■ the Jounsldp of Smth (^oiS-. ., t \^ V .!♦■ Art- ■■\ . Whereas Jo]|n.JBycej Surveyor of HigluKayylnaii^ for p,ta„,li, "the County or (Jjbehville, hasJieeHr-pgutioned by twelve freeholdert ofttki^jaid-eptlnfyi^ to la.y out a certain Road ,»a theTfiswasdrip^iof South Gower 5 and whef eas the said iJohffrByee. has sttiyeyed and laid out the said Road piltsuaut to such petition, as follows : commcndng atf^ ,,'," the south side of the Road between tHe l^oWiishiiw of Description/ Mountain and {$oath dower, in t^o fifth concession of ,tbe last nanied 'fomishii), in^medidtely opposite to t;j|ic " ' Boad ^^nnpff westerly thrcttgh the sixth concession of. ' Iy^oUritai^ afor6siid ; thence runtting a'^Uttle to the.south - ;•; ^ W^^ ^""^ ' ^^^ whpreas it is necessary^tb condemn i^^nd t'"v qjfcl05f*the old rcjad, whicliriiay be otherwise known as v 'fdiimts: comniettciag at the to\Wiship line between 'Mountain and Go^rer aiforesaid^ %id extending through {v,--.\*»be soutUhalf ,<5f lot humheir one atfd nijrabei' two in " ■'the fift.h. ponc^ssipn'of South Gower aforfiMsaid, until it v* intersects the new road: Be if therefore ordaincsd and enacted, and i^r is hereby ordained and AiajOted by.the new Road con- ' ■: Municipal CounciMf the districtdifjohn^own, in Coiiieil '»'"''='*• ;^ ^! assembled at the'.To'wn :of Bioc^vijie, on the twelfth .,, '*'' ' ^ •' ; • ♦ day of February, in th6 yea/ of oiirLord one thOits^ '" • • ' , ^ : eight hundred and forty-five, ^ha> the^ above described ' • ' ' ' r, , ' ^ V Boad,^ lai4 c)ut by thqsaid Jol\u Byce as aforesaid, be approved of and confirmed, and it ia^hercby approved of and confirmed to bqa publiof- Highway and road', and ■ 'A, •i i i »1'V: u •i ,.r. • ». ^H * |V» u .•-; • t ••>?' .» < ■» *■ ' • ■f/' '■»■ ^;.. ,->. 'vs./ .-& J r \' 1. ^'l. f -if" f > II r.' nr f.i": ■i '■ ■' <• . ST. If- .•«*■■. No. ZCVIII.—BY-I.AW establisft a Road in the Towmldp of Yortfe, iPreamble. in ai J)i^5ltlUKt Road. - , ^ ■ "y ^' "' " :• ■' --- J -'■: --' -^r , r "■"'' . ^ - W. S. hfACDONlliD, • '. .. .^* it - It. s.j Chairman. ^ #. A: H '1" I < < \ iu: f V, ■-\ •'*. 1} : . 'i* ^--. .,....-4, • ■>' .. \i -H/'^fv:;- •••■J.ft'S'S^- ■| s^ ■/»■ *' S3 Yonge, :„*-i^° ' - ■ [ighways , ioned by t a Eoad the said thq said . mencingr yEscott, mth-east ^, , east side * ' . ledge of : of said inside: of ; planlied e:; from otirse to unship of f blazed I on two present red rods r'of the of said ividth of ■ aed and' • Bted by, town, itt^ • on the- jord one B above " ind it is " oHigh- . D, ;. IMAN. ■ ~ To establi^i a Road M the Tmonship.of Yonge. . y WJiereas Benjamin Warren, Surveyor of Highways • ;i in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned bYp«,™i.u twelve freeholders of the said County to layout a certain" '■ ■ Road in the Township of Yonge ; and whereas th.e said * Benjamin Warren has surveyed , and laid out the said . ♦ <# \ ; road pursuant to sufch petition as follows: commencing / on the line between lots numbers seventeen and eighteen Dew^jption. in the fourth Cancession of the Township of Xonge» from ^""T a I^. planted on the south side of the present travelled ^ Road, marked E, known by the Road to Dr. WeehB*s ; •■ ,»' i V ^'P^ thence ^6st-south-west to the centre of lot number » l4|j (eighteen ; thence on a straight line to another post ' * ', i -planted in theopen ground, #here it intersects the present • ' ' travelled Road, twenty-five rods more or less from the ► . west line of Idt mjmber eighteen.; the above mentioned monuments are on the south side of said road, and the width of said Road is forty feet : Be it ther^re ordained ' ^ and «iacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted By^ « - > '^^ 2^® Municipal Council of the DistnctM>f Johnstown jj^""'*'""'^ f^* /Council a^eml#d at the Town #.^ twelfth day of Eebriiary, in the year of %^r Lord one " ' thousand 6ight hun4red and forty-five7 That the above • described Road hip approved of and coiHi»med, Afii it is v : hereby approved of and confirmed to tjid a public^ighway v - W. S. MA^NAtD,-' ■- ,V'':^ '■ -' Cl^IRMAN. ''.■ ■'0- >' ^V \". 'ft.' " .*C: w ¥1 [L. S.] 4^ , 1 '« I. c— bt-laW t ■-J" 7' ^ -',W »< \ \ » 1f>: S To cfose an U<^, Rofkd in «^ l^Hik^ nf BastM V .'%. Whereas James E^tertTTSiflrveyor of pigkwkya in and p- "* ^ r< ^fe£ the County of Ji^s, lias been petiti<|ned by fourteen ** > ^ it ' , freeholders of the said GOuttty to oxamino an old lipad '^ ' ' ' tin the T6wnship\)f Bairiajcd, and to report thereon ^ and • ■. wfaprcfts tlic said James uatoA^ has cxatafacd tho said . ■ ' ' •"■i. i'^. li ■ M^i ' I ■ » ■ IT III i I T . ' ' ^^ ■ ■ ■ V * ' ' MT " ask. ■ ^1 < . 1. • a *^ I'l'i* t "a fti'Y..^ ■■' «- ' • I » ■ j(t ,, a «i. • V.' ,,' t ^ t -. « • A ^ H I-:.' vi'*' 1 -^ -- ! \ . ■: -i: :« ' > , ^^ ' t.^ y !"" • • - t 1 i 4 4 t 4t . 1 ' ■ ■ ' 'y ' ': f ■'■'■' ■ ■ > ■• „/■;'* -;':^" '■'•■■^^ ' Road, ahd^Has reported to this Council that the same is ^ useless ail| unneccsssary for public travel or convenience : "" RoaiiaMciiWi&Be jt therefore ordained nnd enacted by tlie MSiinicipal ^ closed: .Council of! the District of Johnstowji, in Coimcil assem-^ P- / ,%d at th^ Towff of Brockville, on the' twell^h day of |, February, in the year of our Lord one thousand" eight - o / . huitdgd and forty^4\>^e, That the said Road,Xo witfi the ■< v Roa^feading from the front of the first con^ssion in the i ■:^: / , . t^nship of Bastard, across lot number twenty-five' to '^ tife town-line of Btvgess, be conde^rined arid closed, and 'it is hereby condemned and closed. f > ^ t> '.- ,y ">m P-S] „^.- ',■.<" W.„S^ MACDbNALD, Chairman. '. ^•f-^. .--i^i^ .X CreainMc. Description. CfnfirmeU. CI—Bt-LAW jTo cstablislf tt Roacl in ■ tJie Toivn!iliip..of Augusta. *V" ... i. '- "v"' ■■ V I Whereas Bli|l6inon Pennodk, .Surveyor d]? Highways , ihmnd for th^'Coimty of Grenville, has Eeen petitioifed • by twelve Fieeholders to lay out a certain Road \ in the Tdw||^i|( of Augusta J and whereas* the said/ Philemon JE^i^iiiiigck .has surveyed and laid out the.said Road pursii^)i|j|tO ^uch petition, as follows : commencing at a Cedarpi^ planted in the centre of the bjd RoaS between lotiy^umbers nine and ten to the, centre of the •, old Road,utmy-eight<5hain^; thence on the old Road acroi|s lots numbers twelve and mrtjof lot number thirteen to a CedSaii stump marked R^Ppence on the ^fiouth sideof the old Road seventy-three chaiSfe, until it, presses the old Road on lot number, fourteen LJhencfe on^ the' north side of the Cid Road, thirty-thi-W chains f '. thehc^ ott the old Road to the line between lots ' numbers seventeen and eighteen ;• thence oil the south.*- ' side ol" the old. Road tAventy chains ; |henc^n the old ' Boad'tothe Rideau Road ; the said new road /s' marked , ' out by a line of pickets planted thereon^j and is survoyod '" fifty feet in width : Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the , MilniCipal Council of the Bistrict jof Johnstown, ' , ' in OounciiiiMembliBdht tho'i'owh of BrockviUc, on th/i ^ thirteeilth-day of jFebruary, in the -.yeai^ ouf I*g«| .- > , .' (t ( , » .•" %.* f-'-J^.^ '*)t ■ S.r\. » '■ ■ '"» . .' * «|J , ,■ .. ' '■'*'^4k*''kk^ ■y -A- : -ft •■*' s*- . r,l»-. •♦ 'J X .■w \ ', M a uence : nicipal ^ ' 'v^ assem-^ " > day of , / : eight - if: the ;•' ' I in the i ■ ' one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, Thii{ -the ■said.above diescribed road besiapproved of and eonfirmedi and it is hereby approyed of and confirmedr tobe a public Rogdand Highway. = ,, , "^ U :; H W^S. MACDONALD, ■*■<■ ■^l Chairman. k. :\' ■ * ■ To establisli a Rood'tn l^ie Tawnsltip q^ ElizahetUloiv'liT Whereas J6hn Jelly, Surveypr of Highways in aftd Preamble for tKe County ol" Lee^s, has been petitioned by twelve " ;< freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Koad in the Township of Etizabethtown ymA whereas the said John Jelly has surveyed and laid^it the said Road pursuant to such petition as follows : commeucing where ^ . a post hqS oeen planted, on a line between the sever^th P'*'"''""'"' and eighth concessions being the corner i)ost or boundary between lots nupibersi five and six in the eightii conces-*' - ' " sion of Elizabethtown aforesaid, sSid rithning parallel .4 with the allowance for a side road between lots numbers . six and seven in the said eighth concession, to where it .♦intersects the road leading from PeaTson's Mills to i.^ ^• Bellamy's Mills in Augusta-; the side line between lots numbers five and six are in the pentre of said Road, anfj • ' , the saidf,S«ad is laid out forty feet in width: Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the IVtunicipal Council confimfd, ! of the District of Johnstown,'^n Council assembled at the Tovi^n of Brookville, on the twelfth day of February, la / v the year of*^ our Lord on6 thousand ^ight hundred apd ^ forty-five. That th^ said above described Road be ^ appr(»ved of, and the same is hereby approved of and" ' confirmed as a public Road and Hi|;hway. ^^ / ' w. s. M^JX)]srAL0i - •\^: n / \ ':^ No. CIOr-BY-LAW Relating k the Saiafy of the District Auditors, 'SroainMe; ■*.' ■W.' t, • " vyj-rf l>y By-Law number fourteen liassed bv this Coupcil^ oil the fourteenth; day of May, i^ the yJarif ^ ♦•*! ^' «fr thousand eight hundred and forty-two ' «. AU^^^ '' fyffato to^regulate cmain Salarila^ MlawamesX it is provided that thfe «un of Ten PoundS • • ' onrS,t'-^!fi,TP!f^^^y^?P^^*° the Auditor^ . .^ of the pistri(i5t mNfull for their services as such Auditors - I. and whereas:,itisnedessary and expedient tlfet so riluch of the said By-Law as relates tVthfe, said AiSra P.:n T » ?.* '^^'""^^^ (pe it therefore ordained and enacted bv ^rftfe^^"^«J,|f.'?»»«'P*ouncil of the Di^rict of JohnTt^wn, ij . .. C^^»ncilassep0jled at the Town of BrockviUe. on the thirteentfe^^ 6f Ffebruarv, in the year of oiu L,^d one hoiisand eight hun4redayd-forty.five, That^omuchof • Jf^r'^^-^r^V^r " fo»rteei as r;i«tes to X^W fe^lel {"^^ '^^' ^""^ ^^^ same iVhereby Mu \ .. ^ S^ivTACDONALD, h;^- . Chairmai^. ^\;*l^; >.H'^ , Pi««m|tiie, ' ■> > ^ B^. €Dr.--BY-I4W •^;JV mt^, /W?^ an^Z co^fej^m^ of an (Assessed Riue frvmjhe InJmbUams of sundry Sclml-Districts vnOdti tm mstrict of Jioicimimn^ ^ Whereas by an Ac^ passed by tte Parliament of this Province, jn tHe fourth and fifth years oif Her Maiesty Queen Viotona^j reign, entitled '' Ah Act far the better tntcrn^ Qm>e>nrriem qf tluzt part of this Prtroime which formerly cmstttuted the Province of Upper Canada, by the e4.mt^vient of Local or Municipal Authorities therein," 4 |i amongst other things enacted, that the Municipal CpMnciI of the District may cause an Assessment to be made and collected from the inhabitants, Br(yvidinirfor the estabhshment of and a reasonable allowance i5>r the support of sehoolsj And whereas applications to v'e m I ■X #■ r. kV 1 •i -f -yr^ -TTT .' S <*■ ' f^ •a f- I X ■X ■•"\ 87 Si":: \- , t 'r. made to this Council, by the Trustees duly a^d legally appointed for several Scho«l-Districts, praying that a Local Tax or Assessment may be levied on such Districts for the purpose of education within the same: Beit therefore^ ordained and enacted by the Municipal Counfeil ^'""' '<>''«'«: viea of the District of Johnstown assembled aVtheTown of Brockville, on Thursday, the thirteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand teight hundred and forty-five,. That for the purpose of- Education, that is to ^y: for the erection, repair, ^nd completion of certain School Houses, now required to be built, erected, or repairea in pertain School districts hereinafter mentioned, ^ ^-- there shall be raised and levied for the present year upon , • alljpjal and persorial property therein, the following sums, cleaY of the expenses of levying and collectiiiff, namely :— ■ - " ° ^' w^." In tJie Township of ElizabetUown. • In Sdhool-District number nineteen, the sum of twenty Pounds. • . ' tn the Township of Kitley. In SchooUDistrict number ftfteen, the sum of fifty Pounds. SftcTioN 2. That the said Sunte Be. rated equally upon all the aawssed property in each Schdol-District respec tively,by the Clerk of the Peace, and be leviea' and '^collected by the Collectors o£ the several Townships Jhereinbefbre named within tiie School Districts aforesaid, in the same manner as is now by kw provided, and be by them paid to the Superintendents of tke several Townships, under the provisions and rertnotioas of the twelfth section of an Act passed by the Parliament of this Province, on the ninth day of December, in the year ' of our Lord one thonand eight hundred and forty-three, entitled *^An Act far the establi^ment and maintenance of Commm Sdm(is%n Upper CanaddP • in How to&Bl collected. and § [L.jS^^ \ W. S. MACDONALD, \ Cmairman* y^ Picnmble. Treasurer to fur- /-i^,,„^;i iiish iMisofioi*. uouncii Ooinpeiigation. No. CVr-BY-LAW ■ ■ ■ ' • , To provide for certain information being' furnis/ied to Township Assessors. • , '" , v ^ WHereas it is expedient for- the information and guidance of each Township Assessor that he should be furnished by the Pistrict Treasurer with a schedule or list showing the quantity -of^land in each lot and woken lot in the Township for which such Assessor is elected: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Municipal, of the District of Johnstown, duly assembled at the Town of BrockviUe, on the \thirteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord ohe thousand eight hundred and forty-five. That the District Treasurer shall furnish for each Township Assessor of the District a schedule or list showing the number of acres ot land, as nearly as he can, in each lot and brokea lot in tjie Township for which such Assessor is appomted ; and the said Treasurer shall be allowed the sum of four pounds Currency per annum out of the District Treasury for furnishing the said- schedules or lists each year. .. . Section 2. Be it further enacted, That the ssud «ir.^r''^%chedu]es or lists shall be delivered by the Distric Treasurer to the Clerk of the Peace.^and b|rthat officer delivered to the Assessors respectively wi^ the lown- ' ship Assessment Eolls. ' . " W. S. MACJJONAJiD, / •K No. • r4JLT To regulate the future payment of Office contingencies *- , ^the District Tr^asuren ;:J, \ ' '; -' ' *''fc" ■■*'■■ '■•" ■/ Passed February l3, 1845., ; ' Whesreaa it is expedient to repeal a By-Law of tlie DJstsiCt Council of the District of Johnstown, entitled « ^li-Law to ^gulaZe certain fees^^ so far as relates to llS District Treasuirer, and to make provision for the pay^eflt of ai^y office contingencies, which the District -W .f.' I officer Town- t ■ . >,./.; 'I • IMAN. '/ J.:': ■ 1 * .' 'T -■-■- ngcmics 1845. ■ , i... ■ . V of tlie entitled elates to ---U"^ ^-•. I for the ! District 7 / '^' ^<<) s^^ 8^, Jreasurer may be entitled hereafter to charff^ «»;;;«-♦ • Jhe District for Stationery. PosSmV r*n5Jf r f^"*' Fuel: Be it therefore ordSi^SirenSiifH'%'' hereby ordained and enacted, iC the^dSvl^Jlf ^r,»''h-»" sh^e ^Uo^^S^^vSS^ Treas«rerP.e.> W ..^ ^-ceive S r «'^ "an^'betfirrl^ tZ '°"""" PoMtge, Candle-liKht. or Fuel L h^^™' Stataoneiy ;'',■'■''■).''." ^'Sj-V^ T,^ . ^- -"""—"wuvr ivisinoc uounoil.fir Postage, Candle-light, or Fuel for his Offi^!; .: W. S. MACDONALD, ' Chairman. '( ■J . ' \ V,. \ n; jor t/te year 184t5. • , . ,. : ■ ' Passed February 13, 1845. , (:fex^ired[ by Limitation.) '!' ' ^ / -^ No* cvm-jjY-LAiir- . ^ v ITo^cstabUsh a ^mi in the Trnmslvip. of Ninth t^ Freeholders of thelSl CountSlllS^* f ^'^ ^^ f^'eW ■ > ' in the TownSiD oS-Jh^?^3Mfr" V" °?'*?'»» road!^ v P^rsuanttosuchpetition^fS^SmincS^ ^ ■TIS^ 1 »' . ■ ■ ». »' ' ■■ .( \ I ^ ■■ / • ■ ■i- •' .* ¥:■ fC^y.:. ■'■/ ■ : V- •: '^. .. 90. ' jSl Stsctiption.' iGonftrmcd. centre of lotnumlier finir in the4flh Cqncession.of the Tot^ujhip of Noirth Crosby aforesaid, inning thipugh the centre pif said l^t to the sixth Cbncessioni-to a pcit planted in the 'centre of said lot,'and tfae said Road is snryeyed fbrtv 7eet Wide : de it therefore ordained a^d enacted by the Municipal Council of the District j)f Johnstown, in Goancijl assemUed at the Town of Elrock- yille, on ]the fourteenth day Of Ma,y, In the year oimx Lord one thousand' eight hundred an(l fi>rty-five, That the said above described Eoad be approved Of and Oot^urnied, and it is hereby approved of and confirmed las a public Qighway and Rpad. > " . . ' ■ ■" "' ■)': ■ '■ V'- ■ Chairman. ^t: Pnamble DcMflpUos. r^ Confirmed. 1 tHOi CCL-Vf-LKW To establish a Road in the township of Bastard, Whereas James Eaton, Surveyor of Roads in and for the County of Leeds, Bas been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a road in the . 'jDownship of Bastard ; and whereas the said James Eaton has surveyed qxi\ laid but the' said road pursuant to such petition as , followis : commencing sixteen rods from 'a creek on Ic^ numbegr eight in the third concession m the Township 'wf Bastard aforesaid, wh^ze a Cedar post marked A is planted,.runtting to the corner post on the centre of" said lot number eight, forty rods a south-east'^ course, said'post divides the said lot between William Bogers and James Gardiner; thence on the line between the said William Rodgers and James Gardiner, up to the side line between lots numbers eight and seven, fifty-ibur rods a north-east course, to where a Cedar post is planted add' mtffked B, where it intersects the I^ortland BherS'a C^dar^ iS planted^^S^ Rj thence southerly to the siSeqine between iS numbers twenty^ix and twenty.seven,^rea^^^^ J?:*5Si^i*^ Concessioli of said Township^ BWd! Lord one thou^nd eight hundred and forty-five ThS . Eiton as aforesaid, beapprovid of and infirmed aiStt ■^ r * ■ OGLE R. GOWAN. t ' V •- / «1 ^» » Cli-^SJ # i Chairman. - . /■' '^^' wot 1x0 Ice Iso , xt ' of \?i •^y***"* of corn- Ill, penmiion. ■-> 111 ■*■■ 5 * ■-■;■"■ ' wf« -■ t \ * — ■1 '' •■.,■-■-■■ -*i. •T^ii\ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARQET (MT-S) •"^ \ I « !> <^ i>*; 1.0 1.1 US ^^^ ■4.0 125 ^ 136 ■■■ 2.0 |l.25 1 1.4 ■ 1.6 k" t. ■4»»- '> " ■ isr Photog ra tJiic Sdfflices iration'^ 23 WnST MAIN STMlf WEBSTn,N.Y. MSM ^n^) §7*4301; - 1-; / %. / f— - ..r . r "C y** • >» • ■ ■ , ■ ' V % ■ . , -•• • ■.' ■ * / • *■ f ■ % ■ * ■ , '■'^.^•^' • \ % »- ■s -■ . -,.■..>.?• •* >. ' •■"• . ff * < 1 ' >. ■ • ' -^ » *.« ♦■ ' '-i J , <( - ■ * 3i ■ '» ' ' * ' ■ '"" ^« . • ^ - * " ^ • i %: ■ ,s': ; • 1 ^% 1 '■ '■* •:• ■ '.' .. ■'^- V ¥ , ;.-:-' ^\ -■■■... .'^ — -^ •* 1 . V -•■ *;■ .• ■ ; ■ . ' ' , "' ^K . -- 4 ^ Ml :■ . ?■ . . ' •« — r '■ _-■■/ / '8 « , ".*« ? w / ■ W .- ~ ? ..'■ . . ■-- » -• /. 1> ■ " ' * i * ' . ■ ■•/■•■ ■-.//* t 4^ Pcicripnun- ;-. Ho. GIL—BT-IJkW^ To cstabliA a Road in the Townkips of Kitleij and ■ . EfisnftethtoiCH. Preiaue. Whereas John Jelly, Surveyor of Highways in' ^nd for the County of Leeds, |puf bee« petitioned by twelve froohdders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Townshira of Kitlby and Elizabothtown ; and whereas the saia John Jelly has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition as follows: commenoing at the Town-lino between the f ownshi]m of Wolford and Kitley, at a Cedar post marked R, near the dwelling of William Ashmoro, on the east side of lot numbed fbur, in the tenth Concession of Kitley aforesaid ;. 1 thence nearly south-west seventy-nine rods and eight feet to a Beech tree fnarkedR; thence south, twenty degrees, west two hundred and thirty-one rods and ei^bt feet to a Cedar post marked R, on tho Division-line in, the eentro of the Road near William Bates*8 House ; ' thence nearly south-west sixty-one rods dbd nine feet to ^a post planted on the side hn^ between lots numbers six and seven in the tenth Concession of Kitley aforesaid: thence south twenty degrees, west two hundred and twenty-two rods to a Cedar post marked R, in the centre of ^e present travelled Road, on the west side of lot number eight in the said tenth Concession of Kitley ; 'thence souUi one hundred and sovonty-eight and a half ^ rods to a Cedar post marked R, on tho side line between lots numbers twenty«onc and twenty-two in the eleventlv Concession of EUaibethtown aforesaid; thence south twenty degrees, east one hundred and five rods and three feet to a Cedar po«t on the front of said eleventh oonces- ~ aien ; thence to a Cedar post marked R, one hundred and four rods aiid nine feet, to within five rods of Joseph Powell's ^urn ; thence south ten degrees, east two hundred and sixty rods to a Cedar post marked R ; . thence sout^ one hundred an^ eighty-eight and a half rods to a Cedar post in front of lot number twenty-tour in said tenth Concession of EUaabethtown ;' the above mentioned posts are mark^ on two sides with red chalk, and are all rented in the centre of said Road, wHph ■aid Road is laid out forty feet in width: Be it therefore coBttmid. ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and . enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council as$embled at the Town of Brock- ^j ^ viiie, ou the fourteenth day of May, in the year of Qur ■ , J *, >< t *• ■ Hey and, y twelve ain Road nm ; and i laid put follows: ownshiiw 1 R, near tide of lot tforesaid;. ind eight 1, twenty and ei^bt }n-line in. 9 House; ne feet to nnmben aforesaid: idred and the centre lide of lot •f KiUey ; ind a half " s between 3 eleventh ace south and three Uiconces- I hundred of Joseph east two larked R; and a half renty-tour the above red chalk, ^d, wloh t therefore tined and District of I of Brock- rear of Qur Lord one thousand eight hundred ^and forty -five, That tho«bovo deseribed road be approved of and coniBrmed i|s a publM Highway and Rood, and it is Hereby unproved of and mnfirmed as a public Highway and Roau. fL.S.] OGLE R. GOWAN, Chairman. Ho. CXn.— BY-LAW t To estaUisft a Road in the Tomit/tip qf Yongc, formerly '^'' f ' ' ' . ' . JVheroas Benjamin Warren, Surveyor of Highways |.^„ ,, 'ink and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to biy out a certain / Road in the Township of Yonge, formerly Escott ; and whereas the said Benjamin Warren has surveyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition as fellows : commencing at the water's edge at or near the centre d, ,. i.ti^,. of lot number twenty, broken front of th? TowusSip of Yonge, formerly Escott, aforesaid, or the Gray's landing, , . from a post planted near the water's eJ the Bam of David B. Stevens, situated^on said l^LluiMet twenty-six ; tba s aid Rood is laid out sijcty feet~«Kliii thet posts planjjj^Bd marked thereon are on .the wttirt side of -said "flH^ the said road is continued fujrther: oonunenciyg'li^ Hemlock gist marked and planted in the centre M^the public ighway now tmvelled, upon iot nUmb^'iwd in tho fourth Concession of North Crosby aforesaid, near the north coriier of the Hospital^ttsituate oh' said lot number two in the fourth Concession o| North Crosby aforesaid t, thence north-easterly across said lot one hundr^ ana fifty rods more or less, until it intersects the sideline between lots numbers two «nd three at a Hemlock post marked and planted Inereon} thence idong the said side line north fifty-four^degrees, ea( therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordaipod and enaotad Vy the Municipal Council of the Dii^rtctof Jdinstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Brookville, on the fourteenth day of IM^y, in the ^ear of our^Loid Ono.tbQmand eight hundred and forty-five, r* / 1 r 1 t C t t t a t a n a ■\ h Q t] ii f< o: o -h /' V. in and / ;welve ' LRond ; and d laid ^ Hows : nahips id and n the in tho /' 95 That the aWe^dnoribed Roads bo approved of ond confirmed, and they are hereby approved and confirmed as poUiG Roadt and Highways. OGLE R. GOVVAN, [^•^•] . Chairman. fli GXIV.~4iY4JUir ^ To atablidi a Road in Hie TowtufUps // La)\sdotme andLeetls. Where«s Snnaten L. Soper, Surveyor of Hiirhwavii>...»ii in and for Oie County of lSu, ha. blen peUuSW'^"'"" tjrelve fiteeholden of the said County to lay out a c^in Road in ^e T^ywnships of Lonsdowne and Leedsl and whereas tlMjaidSuiasten L. Soper hasaurveyod and hud# oat the said Road pursuant to such petition as follows : oommen<)ing at a post marked R at the en<^ of a Road DMctipiion rannmg fiom the Lq|||; Point Road aoioss lot letter A m the MTeath Coooession of Lansdowne Mbresaid on tho TownThnQ betwBen Leedt. and Lansdowne; thence rmwingjBonlh-westerly in a direct Une aoioss lot number twienty.fijur m the eighth Concession of the Township of Leeds aforesaid to a post nuurked R ; the^e westerly toapost planted on^he seventh Concession line ; angliiur thenc^m a spu^-westerly conise to a post planted lussS ^ **V^; **®?"**^ * '**®"^® "»* sott'herly direction on a hne of blaaed toees. to intersect the rood leading to < the Gananoque RW, across lof^umbersixteoBiinthe seventh Concession of? Leeds afi)resaid: the above mention^ posts ahd blaaed trees are in the centre of -^ Sl?*^'^^.«.****r'^^ ^ » ^^ «»' forty feet in u w ^ *' theipfore ordained and enaiited, and it is l!?IS.^n^f^r'¥i''»**^ ^ ^ Mnnicipal CouncU contaned. of the Distnot of Johnstown, in CouncU assembled at toe TewftoC^i!WkwlJt,oilvth« fourteenth d^of May, m the year rf our Lord one thousand eight htindied and fw^y^^Jye, mtOi^.atove diwrjUbed aSad be a^ oToRd^ oone^,^^ »^ it^i, .h,^, appwved «r and , / . //I OGLE R. GOWAN; t?iSJ / i • ^ CtfAIHMAN,/ V. Ifc. 1~ '* ^ « ' \ -i - f 1^- ■ -1 ■ ■. I - . [ - , 1 ^ •■"i ,*v ,.** , M I'lnmlih'. .ii'.itiipiiiin.' !to eftaUiih a Road in the Toum^ t^ ElizdbethtowH, and to dote an old Road in the aame,ToumAip. Whereas the Goveratnent alloy^Bace for a BoAd, originally surveyed and laid out between lota nnquben *six and seven in the fifth Concenioh of the Township ' of Elizabethtown, has been found impracticable for public use and travel { and whereas Ardubald M'Dougall, proprietor of lot number seven ia the said fifth concessioir N of klixabethtown, has given and laid off for the jmblic " travel, use^ and eonveltience, a Road on the west side of his said Lot number seven, which is now, and has been for some years past the public tmvelled Road: Re it ', I'wiinre cinMfi therefore ordained and enacted ^ the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Rrockville, oo the Tourteenth dav of May, in the year of our Lord one Jho^sand ei|^t hundred and forty-five, That the said G^ivehiment allowance for & Rioad between lots numbensix andseveh in the said fifth Concession be cldiM as nnneoeslwy for public use, travisl, and convenience. x. Arch: M'DMnii And be it ftirther enacted by the authority aforesaid, rlliowSieJ? "^That the said rArohibald M'Dougall be pertmtted to endoflto/ttse, aim occupy the said Government allowance ' in lieu of the Road given by him on the west 8i4e of said lofiiumhersoven as aforesaid* ;l^- [L. 8.] OGLE R. GOWAN, CHAmMAM. •A '\- Ho. dnn.— BT-ULW CV wi.y f fb eiuailitk a Road in the Toumdi^ of LeetU, Whereas Suraaten L; Soper, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve IkeeholderB of the said County to lay out a certain • Road in the Township cif Leeds ; siiid whereas the said Surasten L. Sqpcr hm laid out and surveyed the said load panaant to nwh petition at follows : comrtienciii g l! it' r 1 F int > itj Co i% : ■ } '. ' the Township of Lee^RfomSiS?!. ^'^ ^®^°" »t^ 2bwfulip^^ ^ "Wheraas by an Act V, \ wneroi Pn»vino«i. in the Queen VioUuja'k n»| iiKemo; CfeMmifwiu f'»'fi»«'fycimtitHtedtK, fff M iikiHetu (f Local ituamonnt other thi Ofon^ of the Distrid ^•t*- js enaoted, that the Munieipal »»y «M»eaft Aawwiewto V ' \— ^ c^ •/ / m ie and collected from tfto inhabitants, providing fut.r the establishment of and a reasonable allowance fur the, support of schools ; And whereas application has been made to this Council, by the Trustees duly and legally appointed > for School-District number Twelve, in the Township of X onge, praying that a Local Tax or Assess- ment may bo levied on such District, for the purpose oi education within the same: Bo it therefoiis ordained Hum i/beiovicd. ^^^ enacted by the Municipal Council of the District oi Johnstown assembled at the Town of Brockville, «n the fborteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord qu'q thousand eight hundied and forty-five, That for the purpose of Education, that is to say : for the erection, repair, and oompletioit of a certain School House, now lequiied to be' builtin School District number twelve, in the Township of Yonge, hereinafter mentioned, there shall be raised and levied for the present year upon all real and personal property thereiq, the following siim, dear of the expenses of levying and collecting, namely : In the Towmlup of Yonge. In School-District number twelve, the sum of fifty Founds. , ' * To cstaiA Where and fort twelve fr Road in the said 1 said licxic cing at a i of South I from the Concessio directly o a post in {foresaid twenty in line, the i sid» of tl west two fwest side |with the 8 Iseven How nM coUocied. "stv . j--»~- lin aaj SBC^lKm2. That tho said sura be rated equally upon all fthonce so the assessed property in said School-District by the Clerk ^thirteen c (I ! .V. of the Peace, and levied^ind collected by the Collector ,of ^ said Township hereinbefojc^named within thc^ ''^^ksho<;d-District aforesaid! in the wfm manner as is no^r. ]Jby law provided, ^and bo i>y him paid to the Superin- ^ tendent of the said Tovrnshi(>, under the powers and restrictions of the twelfth^aection of an Act passed by the Parliament of this Pidvince, on the ninth day of December, in the year of our Ijord oiie thousand eight . hundred and fofty-three, entitled « An Act for tJu e$!t .. U tit — . — ^_i- — — ; .:-.., ,.- .., 1 — , — , ■ ■ -'■■/' • 1" ' - ''^ > ■■■•■,■ , providing for , )wanoeXur the. ition has been ily and legally welye, in the Tftx or Assess- |. No. To cstahlish a Road in. TownsJiip of Soutit Crosbyi: the District oi Brockville, «n "our liord^n'^i,, That for the rthe erection, >1 House, now Lunbisr twelve, sntionedi there i year upon all bllowing Slim — . ^ ^-^ Whereas Henry B./MArvin, Surveyor of Highways in P»«mhu the purpose ol i and for the County <6f Leeds, has boon petitioned by^^ jfoib ordained f twelve freeholders ojt the ^d County, to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Soutlx Crosby ; and whereas the s»i4 Henry B. Marvin lias surveyed and laid out th6 said lioad pi^irsuant to such petition as follows : commen- of bouth Grosby^foresaid^seveii chains and eighty links "^ ftom the north isomer of Jot number twenty in said ^ Concession, marked west *8ide of Rood and running directly on the old track across the fourth concession to ^ a post m front of the fifth ConoessioiTof South Crosby uuuwiujs auiu, ,aforesaid fifty links east from thd middle of lot mirabor sting, namely . I J?^«"'y »» the fifth concession): thdn along the concession illme, the distance of twocWM to a post on the west si(Mr of the Road; thenco angling south ten degrees. . ^^ Jwest two chains and fifty Unks to a post phuited on the D sum of fifty |west side of said Road; thence in> pamUel direction iWith the side line the dintance of twelve chains seventy. „ ffP^®" links to a post on the west side of said Road: qually upon all |thonce south thirty-five degrees, west the distance of Bt by the Clerk |thirteen chains to a post on the west side of said Rood • f the Collector thence sou^h ten degrees, west ten ohaina and fifty links to a post planted on the west side of said Road at the centre of the fifth Concession a|>resaid, on the side line between lots numbers nineteel|aQd twenty; thenoe along said line to the firont of the sixth Concession of said Township, and the said Road is surveyed forty feet in Width : Be it therefiM ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacteclby the Municipal Council ConSmrt of the District o(f Jbhostown, in £k>uncil assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth day of May, in fthe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . forty-five, That the said above described Road be ' [approved of and confimjed, and the safne is hereby Wjved of and confirmed as a public^Highway and ^ ed within the, nner as is noiv I the Superin- le powers and Act passed by I ninth day of housand eight 1 Act for tk^ ion Schools in OWAN, ^Chairman. [L. S.] OGLE R» GOWAN, V V , ..CHAIRMAir. j^.. /^. { Pf Fine. AnpliMtMn of Anplie KMM, rnaoibl* H*. ODL-^BT-liW To ensure the punctual Attendance <^ Members. V Whereas much inconvemence aiid delay to Public fT®^r^".i"^' **^*^K *o ^^ abeence of memben of this Cduncil : Be u therefore enacted and ordained, and It IS en^ted and ordained by the Municipal CounoU of the District of Johnstown, in Council as^bled at the Town of BrockviUe, on the fifteenth day ofJtfay, in' the y«ir of ouk Lord one thousand -eight hunAed iwd forty-fi^e, ThatXany CounciUor who shaU absent himself S" "i!i"iyf 'T^y meeting of this Council, without apology being ofier^ for such absence, (such apology to Chairmaa,) shaU for ^ry such absence, forfeit and pay a sum of money of not more than twenty shillings, ncS S^^i.SS'iJ?'- ^^^^^ofUm douncUrVhich penalty diali be umwwd at the next quarterly meeting of the Council. And be it enacted and orSained m aforeaid, That all fines \ and penalties that may to imposed and mflieted undei^and by virtue of this By-Law. ?Ki^ »nto «md fonn part of the genenrtTfeveiues of the Distnot, applicable to District piiposes. XL. 8.] i^LK H. GOWAN, CUAIKMAir. If A dX—BY- To establish certain Xoads in the Diariet of Mnstmn, • ^«»«» PJuJemon Pennook, Surveyor of Hiffhwav. m and for the County of GienviUe, hasAbeSiStiS^If —- -— - -— -—w WWHUI.J v< u-ivuvuie, ha^ by twelve fteeholden of the said Con^i certain Road in the Township of a3 CRuanoe of such Petition the said PhU« surveyed and laid oat the said Boad ^Dwaipiionof commehcing at the Prescott Boad on thi - inA«fWfc number five in the fiWiConoewonof Au, at two Cedar posts planted forty feet to lay out a Bta; and in lonPennock follows: — rear of lot aforesaid, tr; from /'.. W I J /"., 101 . thenco west twenty degrees, south fifty-one chains to a post marked R •, (rem tl^ence west ten degrees, south seventyrtMe chains to a post marked R ; from thence ' * west ten degrees, north eighty-eight chaias to the line between lots numbers ten and eleven ; from thenco on the said line thirteen chains ten links to the allowance between the fifth and sixth Concessions, on the said allcwance twenty chains ; from thence west one hundred and ten chains to a post marked R in the sixth concession : from thence west thirty degrees, south to the lower : Rideau Road in the sixth Concession aforesaid. The said Road is marked out by Blazes on trees in the woods and by stakes planted in the open ground : it is three hundred and eighty-one chains and ten links in length and is surveyed forty feet wMe. , .' And whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of Highways in De«ripfion.„ and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by "*** "• t>«'^""'-, twelve freeholden of the said County to lay out a certain V Road in the Township of Oxford : and in pursuance of such petition the said Edward Mix has surveyed and laid out the said Road, a^ follows: commencing at a stone Monument planted on the front of the ninth Concession of Oxford aforesaid, 6h the west line of the east half of lot number eighteen in said ninth concession, and running along said west line to a Stone Monument planted at the rear of the ninth Concession aforesaid : an4 the said Bead ia laid out forty feet wide. ./J And whereas John Riddell, Surveyor of Highway^ in and for the County qfiBpeds, has been petitioned by twelve freehriders of di^Ud County to toy out a certain Road in the Township of Elmsley as follows : followinff the Poet Road from Smith's Falls towards liombard's to ;the allowance for side Road between lots nnmbeis six and seven, in the fourth Concession of Elmsley aforesaid where a Maple tree is blazed on four sides, standing on said allowance ; ftom thence following said allowance forty rods, to a small Hemlock tree blazed on four sides : thence westerly along a line of blazed trees and pickets to an Ash stamp standing near where the old path crosses aspnnff brook in Kinney's clearing, fifty rodaj thence iiortheily along a l^ie of pickets and blazed trees to the aforesaid allowancie, forty-two rods ; thence following the allfliwaiioe at said side Road ninety rods, to a Maple tree bUodd on four sides ; thence northerly along a Ime «.' A'. DMcnMionof KInit: Road in iley. ■i*;- _M. l.^_ »«embled at the Town of Block- : ^ ii^onVfif ^i?f "«» day of August, in the year orSir ' i^lilT i^^^"*"** ®»«H hundred and forty-ftve. That ' the road wJmmencing at what is caUed the Branch road : - thence «Inniiiy between lots numbers twonty-thre^andC^' . \r^ ' I B«j -iZ! ^* — T T *"''"»^ 8hipman*s, be condejuned JkJed!^' "*-***° ""* ^ ^^^^'y wndena^iid • . RICHARD F.^TiSEJ,E; 1- • ' » Ifartfen." f ^ .•^...■ J *>• cxm-BWiAw ^ To tpMish. a Modct'^choolin a^Kstrkt qf Mnsti^wn,. . - ^.Whereas it is desirable and neceanrv for thn inrA'*^ »^^^ oi^ho iJl^abitants of this DistricvS^a M^elS^ ^^•' should be established forlhe tmS mtSw^o^f - t' ,-^' jt. ■ ■ -■ * •■■ ■ ■; vvJ-^,,*'-; f ■ 'A 1; 'I' r I . ^r^ 104 ,K ^ istim (o be levied. ^^<^^<^<1> and it IS hereby mdained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the Johnstown District, iA Council " assembled at the Towii of Brockville^ on the thirteenth ' day of August, inl the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, That a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds be levied and collected upon all the / rateable propertyliabletoassessmentwi,t]^in this District, for the purpose of establishing atvi eifdowiiig a Model School within this District.' - How apportioned SECTION 2. That the Clcrfc of the District be authorized and directed to draw i^ and to deliver to the several . - Township Collectors an Assessment Roll apportioning . such rate for this yeair. • ^^ / _ „ EICHARD FTSTEiLE, Warden. Description. Cloied. >t %4 ;y No. cxnU^mr-LAw ■ ■ •^* To close a Road in the Toumship of BatUardk i«- Whereas Jaines EatoOi Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leediiiias been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said Ckm^ty fo examine and condemn the Road running on lot npnber twelve in the eighth concession of the Township of Bastard, so iar as A runs guallel with the Government alIowance,1n|) to where a edar post is planted at a swamp : Bey it tiierefbre ordained and enacted by the Municipal douncil of the District of Johnstown,in Council assemoled onthe twelfth day of February, in' the year of our Lord one.tiiousand eight hundred and forty-six, That thpRoad as above described be condemned and closed, and it is hereby condemned and dosed as unnecessary fw public travel or convenienoe. ' , -Sb EICHABD R STEELE, 'Warden .^ tL.SJ 1.. <:j^ ..■•% 3^i JS. ~ \ " r^. mi / all 1 •f-r^v-^a i of 4''' m %•-. Mo. CXXI7.- JY-LAW ■ twelve f^eholdeS^Shf s^d^out?v t? ^'^^^ ^^ / Township ctfKEll^^r'S? tJ^nty-Wne in the Road, an'd n,S^LgtvS«7ia'^^^^^^ of lot niimho/!.- • "™'g''iPie to the cast corner """•• '" "•"•""i Croibv Ti « * """^ **^ ***° S'«' Cottcession of South "'"'^'''''*''"-'*^ S^The^oad^^^^^^^^^^^^ "^ -^'^ ^ being tnes^ithsUo " between^Stl.fe^'^^^^^^^ °? ^^e si^e line the disthncJ flcro^ Tf/p^*"* """^ •?'"«' three-fonrths of f the soutK^Tl^^r^""' *° "" ^'' planted on - and running ^n a str^iSuH^;^^T ''"^^'^^ westward ?ortyre'r;^&!°^^^^^ <%' - > X ibove ereby travel • i . r ■ .■ • rs— * Mk /v'foundtheponto/tKn^h^^ ' X Road, the ^distance ?f S? chaf^'^ ^"owance for a marked as north side of nfT"!'.'^^®'"^ * ^'•ee is allowance to the f(Sf of /hniS^ I *^«"°« "^^ong said -*# V^^t corner of lot number fif?!i^*^fu" °^^»'^ f«"» th« ofsaidTowmhn.?hiS«^t^'^'''*^«"*t»» concession , > north-west and rimnin^in^i- tH* ' ***''"°« ■ t"^ >i** " ^ t^'iar^ t ^' ^ ^iS'^, n: . o allowance to the |»ot of -■fsptes,^- -^..Itv' ..«t I '•( ,1. , ■■<<.• • ^ ""I Jtt ..'^■l- J' ■?■■!! ■I < /t;on6meiiu / public R<^- r I. 10» - a hilKat the west tide of Black Creek swamp ; thence taming north and runniag round the point of the hill to the allowance, the distance of three chains and fifty-five links; thence along the allowance to the side line between lots numbers nineteen and twenty to the fifth - _^ Concessibn of South Crosby aforesaid, and thQ ssud Road "u^t^outsixty-sixfcqti^n width. *- Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Mimicipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assem- bled at the Town of Brockville, on the twelfth day of February, in the, year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. That the above described Roads be .respectively approved of and confirmed as public Ro^ids and Highways. RICHARD F. STEELE, Warden D. J. [L. S.J ■J VrMmblc. Uric|^iuii. !^^ Confimud. No. CIS?.— BT-LAW To estaljlisJi a Road in tJie Towfisltip of Augusta. Whereas Philemon Pennock, Surveyor of Hi^ways in and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said Cou^ity, to lay out a oertaip Road in the Township of Augusta ; and whereas the said Philemon Pennock has surveyed and laid out the sa^d Road pmsuant to such petition as follows : commencing on the north side of a Creek running across lots numbers thirtyrfive and thirty-six in the fourth Concession of the said Township of Augusta; from thence fifteen chains from the bank of said Creek on the line between ifipts Bumbers thirty-five and thirty-six, and from thence east two chains and thirty-nine links to the tmvelled Road leading from Moses Read's to the rear of the Township, which said road is laid out forty feet in width, which Avidth iqay be distinguished by Cedar posts planted on either nito of iiikt th^ commencement and at its termination: Be i* thiiefore ordained , and enacted, and> it is hereby ordained and enacted by"{he Municipal Council of the Pulkiet 6f Joiinitown,nrx;cpncui "^'^ " "^" ™ ■^ W ? •' ; thence tie hill to fifty-five side line the fifth- isudRoad ilimicipal ill assem- Ih day of ind eight ted Bmds as public LE, n D. /. lugusta, ijlhways^ii titioned by itaoecta»u ;as the said at the sa^d immencing ts numbers jsion of the een chains itween ijpts thence east elled Road Township, rhichAvidth id on either srmination: it is hereby inoil of the ct^thc^TowB :-107 '^ ■';, of BiTJokvUle, on the twelfth day of 'February, in the- year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty-six. That the above described Road be Approved of and confirmed, and it is hereby iapproved of and confirmed to be a public Highway and Road. ■ '^ • RICHARD F. STEELE, rr ■ o 1 Warden /.Ui, I^Li. O.J * No. CZXVI-~BT-LAW To promde for the payment of the residue of the Debt for t/te New Gaol and Court House of the District of Jo/instown, . Whereas it is^expedieut to relieve the inhabitants of Preamble the District of Johnstown from further direct taxation ' on account of the "debt incurred for the erection of the New District Gaol and Court House, by providing for tlie payment out of the Common District fund of the amount now remaining unpaid: And whereas there remaais, and is now owihg, arcsidue of such debt and ^'•i^***' wtorest to Paul Glasford, Adiel Sherwood, William Freeland, Alexander Morris, and John Weatherhead. Esqmrep, payable on or before the tenth day of Mav ' next, tKe sum of five hundred and fifty-three pounds and ' ' six shillings and ten pence Currency. " Sbctiom 1 . Bo it tlM|Bfore ordained and enacted, and „ ' ^ . It IS hereby .ordainedJ|enactod by the District CoS """ "* *" «"' of the District of JohnR)wn, assembled at the Town of I BrockviUe, on the twelfth day of February, in the year ' Of oy Lord one thousand eight hufadred and forty'sii. That, m addition to the New Gaol and Court House monies in the District Treasury applicable to the payment of such debt, the Pistribt Treasurer shall appliootof the njonies now ot hereaftdlr; jn his hands for Common Uistrict purposes such a sum as with such New Gaol ^^i Jt?"'' "i'"''® monies shall bo sufficient to pay the said dfebt of five hundred and fifty-three p^iils Ud six shilhngs andjeii gence, and shall pay.o^Tthe same to th» said Paul GltafoiJa, Adiel' Bhqiw SECTION 2. And whcrerfs from such iwiyraent beinj borrow moneyforjjj^g q^,^ q|- the Common District Fund there rnay nt •utrent expense* ^ j^ ^^ como iuto the District l^reasuty from cJrdina^ / - soiuces, dri|B the present year, a sufficient aniount of money tq mSw the current expenses of the District uniil the usual Assessments for the year shall become aviiilaffle, a^d it is desirable to provide for such a contingency •J^Be ittheirefbre further omained and enacted, and it is hen^by bldained and enadted, That the District Treasurer IhalL—/ and may, and is hereby authorized and emixnvered if he shall think it expedient or necessary so to jHo, to borrow from any person or i^rsons, body corporate oybank, [willing to loan the same at a rate of interest or discount 'not greater than six peir centiim in advance from lime to time, such sum or sumi^of money not exceeding in the whple five hundred pounds currency, as he mayibonsider ^ , necessary to meet any deficiency of the Commd) District i fund to pay and discharge the currrtit expenles bf the ADistrict; which shall by him bo applied iiythe same manner as other monies coming into his/hands for ^ 'Common DiArict purposes. Section 3i And be it further ordained ind enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted. That such money . shall be borrowed upon a Promissory Ndte or Notes to be made by the District Treasurer and cauUersigncd by the Clerk of tlie District Coifhcil of thil District, who shall affix thereto the seal of the said Jbouncil ; which note or notes shall be made payable at such place and day (not exceeding six calendar months) as such Treasurer shall consider advisable ; and such Note or Notes shall be ))aid and ratified by me ^said Treasurer out of the monies \Vhich shall come into his hands applioablcf to common District pui EICHARp^ F. STEELE, Wa,dcn D, J ' X ]fuw borrow •Pi % irhcad, %c said aionies iof the t beins lt9 e same ncls for enacted, 1 money ^(otcs to gncd by tt, who ; which h place as such Note or reasufer s hands E, D, J, X, No. Cttlrtt~-BY-LAW Fw resulating the tluties of the District iiupcrinhndtnf of Common Schools, and for other jurrjHJsesf. The Municipal Council of tho District ui Johnstown, duly assembled at the Town of BrockVille, c n the Iv.clftU day of February, ill the year of our Lord one thousunu eight hundred Anid forty-six, do ordain, and it is horo^'V ,, drdained and ensfctcd, That all monies raised, levied or CbUected, (except those rabed fgr the p.nrpose ol irayiug the several Teache^of Common Schools their prppoitioa of the School Fuivds) within this District, for the supiwrt or maintenunco;if Education, or of any matter or thing relating therettC bo pai^l by the Collectors or oflicci receivSff the>me to the Superintendent of Educatiou for the District, who shftU jmy over the same to tho several Supferintenden^s and other Educational Ofhcers in the samfe ratio an4 proportion as they are now by lav/ entitled to receive tbe same. Sect/on 2. Tj4t all Toxvnship Superintendents^shall ^ T„w.«^tu make Jtrue and faithful return according to the require- j„ ,^„ „,„„,. mentsT)f the twenty-sixth section of the Act passed on the ninth of IJecomber, 1843, and entitled " An Act for the establisl^ient ami tnaintenancc of Common Schools tn Upper Cahada.*' Section 3; That the District Superintendent shall Anm.a|.t....^^^^^^^ annuallv f to wit) on the first day of February in each supcrimcudcm; year, tmismit tb the C16rk of this Council a true and faithful statement in detail of all moiiiesby him received for the purpose of education, together with a true aad faithful statement in detail of how the same has been. . *' expended, to whom paid, and for what puriwse, particu- larly setting forth the balances (if any) remaining in his hands, and he shall also set forth in detail, a clear and succinct account of the returns made by all Township Superintendents of the monies by them received and^ how expended, and to wh»m paid, ...•'' W Section 4. That for the purposes of this By-Law. the P»-;?-f^;|f , District Superintendent shall have free access to all returns made or to be made by the several Township Superintendents, School Trustees, and other educational officers, and he shall have power to demand and receive fioro oftch and nvflry gttch Township Supermtendent, _^ "N *k ' i, w r-i •-f- . <. \ m \ ^^ooCroSw tL.S.]. RICHARD F. >4TEi|^ '/ / Warden D.Jt t .> •• .^■■' rrcamlile. To provide for the publicatton of LUts of Lands in Arrears for Taxes. Whereas it is provided by the second section of Am TZnr?!,f%^ ^^ ^ ^ P^'^f^ the collectL if arrears of 2a.xestn the District of Johnstown, and fZ ail^^ •i?''* "'I" ^^^*"°' Treasiirer should caS ™rS^f £?i'"* °!i ^!?*"°' *°*«'I»'* l°t«. pieces «wd parcels of fend.^and the amount due upin the same respectively to the times therein stated to^e publiS^d SbSShS^ SL nISS. **^ ^» •"«'>» Newepaper poblwliea m the Di»tn«{tag ^ight be nam^ hy thA ^i ■*' :h \~^ 111 O' Munioipal Council ; this Council, duly assembled at tho Town of BrockviUe, on the twelfth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, do therefore n?imo the paper published in^his »}°^,i;' p" " District, and called The Statesman, as tho vNewspaper^ in Which the said Treasurer shall cause the copy of the said list or lists to be published in accordance with the , said Act. • Section SI. And whereas the said list or lists would i„ R,n«i,r Nf. obtain a greater circulation if the same were inserted rr«.i«o. in both Newspapers published in this District ; it is : therefore ordered that the said Treasurer do likewise cause the same to be published in the Newspaper of this Districtircalled TTie Recorder^ and shall pay the expense of such last publication out of any unexpended monies which shall come into his hands as Treasurer, appKcable . to common District purposes. # EICHARD F. STEELE, Warden D.J. Ml No. CZZI£-~BT-IJLW Relating to tlie Assessment of the District of Jchnstown , for the year lSi6. .i .^ Passed February ^2, 1846. (Expired by Limitation.) / - Ho. CZSL-^JBT-UIW » To establish a Road in the Toftmship tf EliaaUthtouin* Whereas John Jelly, Surveyor of Highways in and PwomU*. for the County of Leeds,* has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the sqid County to lay out a cettain Road in the Township of Elizabetiitown ; and whereas 'the ^'...). lajid John J e lly haa WMtv t yed and laid out th o s aid Rcwd i -~j^'' u^ iN'nCUlJti.t* V onCriiiai*.' Proriao. inirsuaiit to such petition, as follows : commencing at a Cednr |K)st on the east side of the Highway ank on the Avestsiile of James Coleman's Dwelling-House on the front port of lot numhe^lhirty-one in the third concession of the snid Township of Elizabethtown, and ruhning a south-easterly course twepty-two chains and twenty- seven links, more or lesii, to a Cedar post near the foot of the AIuuHtain otxtho north side, and on lot uumher thirty-one in the second concession of Eiizabethtown ; thence ten chains mo^e or less in a south-west courso to a Hemlock sapling marked R ; thence nine and a half chains and fiitecn links more or less, tp a post on the side line between lots numbers thirtv^.e and thirty-two in the said second concession of ElifoDethtown ; thence on'tthe cast side of said side line to the frotit of the second Concession ; thence from a Cedar post in the rear of lot number thirty-one in the first Concession of Elizabetlitown south-easterly by & Beech tree inarked R, seven and a half chains and twenty-four links,. moje or less, to the centre line of saitt lot number thirty-one in the first Concession ; thence on the east side of said line to , a Cedar post within forty fe'eti of a certain ledge or point i of rock on said lot"Huinbet- thirty-one ; thence south- easterly to a ix)st on the c:ast'side of lot number thirty-one within eighty rotls of the main Rpad ; thence on the ixllowaucb between lots numbers thirty and thirty-one, until it intersects the main Road ; the said posts are all planted on the west side of said\Road and marked with red chalk, which said Road is laid out forty feet in width : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the twelfth day of February, in the year of our Lord one - thousand eight hundred and Ibrty-six, That the above descrilnsd Road be approved of and confirmed, and it is hereby approved of and confirmed to be a Public Road and Highway ; Provided . that this By-La^ shall, not be in foroe.until all damages which may h^eafter be awarded by this Council, shall be first paid by the parties applyjjiig for th^ establv»hmeat of th^ said jEload. / [L. S.] RICHARD F. STEELE, , Warden D. J. ^ :■ ■/' H^ '-'[■■ ■•'■.■■ 113 No. CX3CXI.— BT-LAW ., For raising, levying, and Collecting of an Assessed Rate ' from the Inluibitants of sundry &:hool-DiStricts within the District of' Jo/instow/ii Whereas by an Act passed by the Parliament of this''"^"'^ - Province, id the fourth and fiflh years of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's reign, entitled " An Act for the better ' internal Govcrhpient of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the estaMislimcnt of Local or Municipal Authorities tlierein," it is among3t other things cnadtjsd, that the Municipal Council of the District may cause an Assessment, to be > made and coUdcted from the inhabitants, providing for the establishment of and a reasonable allowance for the support of schools ; And whereas applications have been made to this Council, by the Trustees duly and legally appointed for several School-Districts, prayi^ig that a Local Tax or Assessnvent may be levied on sudfti)istricts, for the purpose of Education within the same : Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the IMunicipal Council Sum* to b«i repaired in certain School districts hereinafter mentioned, there shall be raised and levied for the present year upon all real and personal property therein, the following sums, clear of the expenses of levying and < collecting, namely ; — • *' fin the Totcnsh^ of Kitley.' In School-District number fifteen, the sum of fifty pounds. ' 'n ■ ■! . In the Toumship of Yonge. f: In School-District numl>er twelve, the sum of fiity Founds. Ik the Township cf Oxford, In Sohbol-District nQmber fourteen,the ram of fifteta p o und*? ^^ ' ;• f- *4*-^^.-/ UiiW raled •oIlMWd. ' -\ ;-.■-■ ,„j Section 2. That, the said siims hn rated equally iiiwii the assess^ property, in each School-District respectively by the Clerk of the Peace, and be levied and collected by, the poUectors of the several Townships hereinbefore ^lamod' Within the SchooUDistricts aforesaid, in the samo manner as is now .by law provided, and be by iH^ paid - to the Superintendents of the several Townships, under the provisions and restrictions of the twelAh section of an Act passed bythe Parliament oPthis Pr&vince, on the ninth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, entitled ** An Act for the establishment and mmntenance of Common Sdiools in Tapper Canada.''* RICHARD R STEELE, fL. S.] mrden 7). J. J. '-^ ■■■(■ 'A i tT0*mh\% Titrripiioii. I . No. CXXXn.-BT-LAW To e^abli.tfi a Rpad in tite Totcnsltip of Lansdoivur. Whereas John -Robinsou, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Lansdowne ; and in pursuance of such petition the said John Robin^n \vb^ surveyed and laid out the said Road as 'foUowi^ : commeiicing in the centre of lot number fourj^on the allowance for said Road, at a post between the third and fourth Concessions mai'ked R on the south side of said post ; thence running across the east half of lot number four in a north-easterly direction round a swamp ^ it strikes said R,oad between lots numbers four and five on the oonceissioiii line,'distance fifty-one rods and a half to a post marked R on the south ;ude ; tldence along said Concession line till it istersects the oM^survey between six and seven, to a post fifteen rods aoiith of said Gonoession line, marked R on the^ south side fixed by the old survey ; thence along the south ^icb of said swamp in an easterly direction till it inteiBgflta sai d - Concess ion line about the centre. ^ •r \ - of lot number seven to a post marked R on the south Hide, distance being thirty-two rods ; thence along said concession. line 4iU it intersects the old survey at a post planted between eight and nine ; thence along the old survey on the centre of lot number eleven on said Concession line, to a post marked^ B on the south side; thence a north-easterly coufrse ronnd a ledge' of rocks laying on said Concession line to a post marked R on the sputh side on said Concession line^^distance being twenty-four rods ; thence along said Concession line till ^- it intersects the Kidd road between eleven and twelve ; which said Road is laid put sixty feet in width : ^e it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained^""''"***'' and enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Johnstown in Council assembled at the Town of Brock- ville, on the twelfth day of August, in the year of our « Ijord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. That the * above described Road be approved of and confirmed, and it is hereby approved of and confirmed to be a public Highway and Road. OdLE R. GOWAN, Chairman. [L.S.J No. CXXXm.— BT-LAW To establish a Road in the Township of Bastard. ■■ Whereas James Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in a^ Pruini.i«. Tor the County ^of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Bastard ; and in pursuance of such Petition the said James Eaton has surveyed and laid out the said Road, as follows : commencing at Chipman's School House on the Portland Road leading to Smith's DMcripami. Mill, where a Cedar post is planted marked R; from thence a south-west course to the side Road between lots nuipbers eighteen and nineteen, and crtMsing the said Road where a Ce^ar ^t is planted on the west ^-*ido-oPqaid^idg^oadtBfetTked"fti^ a dis i anc eiyfwa ■ '•-^r •11 roniriMd. %.'- ^i^' .-■fi. 116 " w K»; thend« a 80inh-west course to Amc&V^ilesV bam ya^d gate, w»»*rc at or near a Cedar post ^ planted, marked R, a distance of twenty-si» rods, where a bend IS made in the Rood owing to the said GiJes's buildings : thence a south-west course to a ledge at or neaif Alexander Acheson's new barn, wfiere it bend is agttih made owing to the lodge and barn where a Cedar ppst. IS planted marked R, a distance of one hundred and seventy-three rods ; thence s'.ill a south-west course the supposed line between Edward Connelly and Hi Giles where a cedar post is planted inarked R,a disti^ of %ne hundred and sixty-two rods j from thenfte till i^. mtersecta the Portland Road 'leading to Phillipsville, where a cedar post js planted marked R, still a south- west course,-. the said Road to be dn the soiuh side of raid posts, and which is laid out f Chair maru *■*- ■^T / f » ft v,- Prkanil'l*. ;-i« i)«Krtiiiiun. CfUCrmcd. \ i r-. it I l[ Pnambto. DtMripiita. 118 To 'UiUtsliia Rocia i^^Xl^s^TowtisKip op Wolf m Whoieas Michael Kelly, Surveyor of Highways in .and for the County ofl&rcnville, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Iload ill the Township of -\Vol ford ; and whereas the said Michael Kelly has.$urv^eyed and laid out the said Road pursuant to such petition, as foHows : commencing at the Avest end of Qlnistead's Bridge, and n|nning due west three chaius and fifty-nine links to an Ironwood' tree, blazed and marked R, the Road being op^he south side of said Iron wood tree; thence south fifty-four degrees, west eight chains, and |iiiMj|^-one links, along the line , between Haskins' and Olrastead's, twenty feet on each side of said line till it intersects the Town line between Wolford and Kitley ; the said Road to be forty feet in width : Be it Ihcrpfore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Disjtrict Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, bn the eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundri^d and forty-six. That the^above described Road be Approved of and confirmed, and it is hereby approved of and confirmed aig a public Road and Highway. - •. OGLE R. GOWAN, > « ChainwiHi [L. S.] No. CZXXVt— BT-LAW ^ To etiahtish a Road in the Tovmship of Bastard. Whereas James Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in and fqr the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve\ freeholders of th^ said County to lay out a certiAn Road in the Township of Bastard ; and whereas Ihe sai# James Eaton Tfaa surveyed and laid out the said Roaa pursuant to such petition as follows : commencing at Johil Morris's souA- west fate-post on the Concession line iS front of hia/dwelling-house, and in rear of Idb numbe^ twenty-thc^e ; from thence to a Cedar post rtarked T^ -planted thirty rods ffom said g^to, and twelveffeet fton f -t-- " ■ f :t l i:*,--- + 'isr.- i Ilf» -> the Concession line on snid lot nnuihiir Iwenty-thfce; thence a straight line to a Cedar post mtirked II, i>l:iut< ii R. GOWAN, • Chairtnam \ No. CXL.--BT-LAW >: i.,. establish a Road in the Towns/up of North Crosby.' Whereas James Rilton, Surveyor of Highways in and Pr^ambu for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Township of North Crosby ; and whereas the ^ _^,----^^ ^, said James Bilton has surveyed and laid out the saidrr^ Road pursuant to such petitioo as follows : commeiicing _^^^ ^^ at a Maple stump squared and marked as a post on lot "•* ° number seventeen, in the first Concession of North Crosby aforesaid, and runs across lot numbers seventeen, eighteen, and nirieteen, a north-west oourae, and from ■ ■% »; -/ ■.■■■" -Tft-, "■ , / thenpe runs lengtl^ways of lot number twenty, m |h« second Concession of the said Township of North Crosby, to the road laid out leading from Westport to Pejfth: the said Hne of Road is blazed and marked with red lead, and'is laid out fgrty feet iu width, and is on the west side of said line : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the /District of Johnstown, m qOiTOcil assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the ^ghth day of October, in* the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, That the said 'BoOd aa above described be approved of and confirmed, iiid it is hereby approved of a^ confirmed as a public Road and Highway. r -^ / i OGLE R. GOWAN, Chairman. [L. S.j OaaAraMd. No; (TKU -Bf -UW To establish a Road in the Township of Bastard and South Crosby. Whereas James Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to lay ou"; a certain Road in the Townships of Bastard and Sduth Burgess : com- mencing on the line between Burgess and Bastard, at the line between lots numbers twenty-two and twenty- three where a post marked R is planted twenty feet from said line, and being on the west side of said Road ; from 4henee aside line courie until it intersects the second Concession line or Road, where a Cedar post marked R it planted twenty feet from the above named line and ■ on the west side of said Road, running iqually on each of said lots numbers twenty-two and twenty-three, from the front to tfee rear of said lots, which siiid Road is laid out forty feet in width : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and ^it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Mtmioipal Council of the District of Johnstown, « C o ttwU ammbled w t tha Towaof BwofcYJllOj on ttig_ 11 To 1 ^ cha to J disc to { exc( sha] Fun bed and the Cou seve thou Sess herei four time Cour inCc Sessi Wan Sessi was deem of dti f , m 0M Crosby, Pejfth: ith red } on the led and' i by the 3wn, in , on the , ord one the said: afirniedf a public •N, rman. 123 '.ard and jfs i^and ly twelve ain Road iM,:-eons^ istard, at [twenty- feet from ad; from te second narked R line and y on each iree, from >ad is laid lined and iacted by istown, in e^ on the Xi eigh.Ui day of October, m the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, That the above described Road be approved of and confirmed, and it ii hereby approved of and confirmed as a public Road an/ \ . I: [L, S.] OGLfi R. GOWaN, Chairman. .■.'» No. CXLn.— BT-LAW To cotnpensate Coumillors for tludr attendance at tht Meetings of the Municipal Council of the District. - Whereas by the third Section of the ninth Victoria Pr««-hu cha^erforty entitled M«^c..«a«.,,e^,A.i«^^ toJDistrKt CounaU in Upper Canada^, it is enacted '*'*'""" ^''"^ "That It shall be lawful ior any District Council m l5 discretion, by any By-Law to be passed for that purpose. \ to allow to each Member of such Council a sum not exceeding six shillings and three pence for each day he ^allactually sit in Council, to be paid out of the District Funds m such manner, and on such conditions as shaU be directed 16 such ^y-Law'-: Be it therefore ordained c.ru«,.u. and^nacted, and it IS hereby ordained and enacted by the District Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town „_ _, ^ \ ■ ' ": ;: :;,,::;> . ;t F(n- the ToibnsFiiiii)/ Leeds mid Lansdowm, {in ffota). ■ (Repealed: see By-Law No. If)*.) .. , -■«' ' - ^,, . . ■ i. ..,!.■ ,* In the, Tmvnsliii) of Escott, j^ At Vaisifcldalfe, being on lot number tvvelv* iu'th* ' giecond Concession of Escott. . For the Tbivnsfiip of Yonge. s At Macintosh, being on lot number fifteen* in th«'flith Concession of Yonge. / Por the TownMp of Elizabethtoum. / At New Dublin, betng.pn- lot number twenty in' th« sixth Concession of Elizabethtown. , For the Tofonship of Augusta. At Stone's Corners, bein^n lot number thirty ia the third Concession of Augusta. * For the Township of Edwardsburgh. , At Spencerville, being on lot number twenty-six in the sixth Concession of Edwardsburgh. ' Fw the Township of Soiiih Gower, and all that part of the Townsliip of North Gower being south of the Rtdeau river. On lot number three in the fifth Concession of South Gower. ' fck'l I "■" "-H" A- 126 For the Township pf Oxford. At Kemptville, being on lot number twentynseven in the thir4 Concession of Oxford. For the TownsJiip of Wolford. ^ At Merrickvjlle, on lot number nine, ia Broken Front Concession A, of Wolford. For the Totcnsfiip of Kitley, - -■\' At Marvin's School-House, on lotfiumbtfr seventeen, in the first Concession of Soutn Crosby. At Brandenburgh, formerly called Frankville, on lot number twenty-oQe in the eighth Conoiession of Kitley. For the Township of Bastard, (Repealed: see By-Law No. 168.) ^ . y*.» .• For the Toimsliip of Soi^h Crosby. ' - , ' For the Toimship of North CroAy. , ^'^^kt Westport, on lot number ' cessibn of JSforth Crosby. r » ,* For the Township of ^th Burgess. '■ * ' ' ' , ■ * , ■ ■ - (Repealed : see By-Law No. 180. \m-.. ' ' . '/' For the Rear of Zeeds and Lansdoume. At Lyndhur^t. F«r the Toumship of Elmdey, At Lombardy, on lot numbernineteen in the socond Concessiofi. of Elmsley. ; # V How Town Hall And bo it further ordained and enacted, and it is hereby »b.|»«yided. jj^jj^jned and enacted, That whenever the Freeholders pnd iphabitant Householders ..of any Township within V th« said District, assembled at any annual Township or '; /• Pariah Meeting, held pursuanl to law, at an^,Qf the ' plaow»foywdyshall4»teyinineby4tinaj .•iL^M^ ren la Front on lot alley. iteen, Con< leeond lereby olden ^thin hip or >f the m otmich Freeholders and inhabitant Houaoholders then and there assembled, to purchase or erect a suitablo building to be called the « ^Town Hall" of the Township, for the accommodation of the Public, at such Township Meetings, as aforesaid, or for the use and^irposes of a public School*honso, public Library, Court-Room, or such other useful or necessary purpose or purposes as may be determined on by the Trustees hereinafter named or by a mdjority of them ; it shall be the duty of the Township Clerk of every such Township as aforesaid, and he is hereby authorised and required to certify the fact ofsuch decisipn under his hand to the District Clerk wit'iin twenty days after such election and decision as aforesaid, and such District Clerk shall lay the said notice before the District Council at i» next ensuing Meeting, dnd thereupon it shall be the duty of the Council to levy and basQsa upon the rateable property of every such Township as aforesaid, a competent amount for the erection of every su^h Hall, and for all other necessary expenses appertaining to its erection, comfort, convenience, and preservation. ' ,. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid,' That Councillor, u, b. the Councillor or Councillors (as the case tftay be) Tr«"te€.A representing any such Township in the Municipal Council • of the District for the time being, together with the Township Clerk for the time being, shall be the Trustees of every such Town Hall in their several and respective Townships, and as such Trustees shall have perpetual succession, and shall have the care, custody, control, possession, management, and preservation of every such building or Hall,. together with all the property, grounds and appurtenances thereunto attached or belono-ing. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That P,odu. If any Town Clerk shall neglect or icefuse to notify in writi^g^to the District Clerk for the time being, the fact of the, Township Meeting having decided by a majority of votes then and. there assembled, within twenty dayi after the holding of such Township Meeting, he shaU. for every such i^egleot or refusal, forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds, together with all hiwful costs appertaininir to hisoonvil^tion. rt™ "^,» -^1 ■...^ru *..■ fL.6.j OGLE R. COWAN, Chairman, -*''., ^*^x. ■^ '^:. rrMiwbl*- X .i»- ■-. 1-28 ■ • .' . ..- ■ ■ . , Wo. CXLIV.--BX-LAW '..,.' To establish certain ^s in the District of Mnstoum:\ Whereas John Kdbinsoo^^M^^^^^ >„d for the County of ^eeds, W. »>ee» Peu ,^ twelve freeholders "^ ^^^f, ^^^ .^T' ^ 'I^^^^^^ on the east Streets and Lanes, or Alleys »» ^^^^^""^^fi^ce of such ,iaeoftheGa^aj..iu.^^^^^^^^^^ -— petition, U'e '•""^ ;** ^ tn' „ .,« follows :WmraenciHg U the said Streets and 'f ff ^^^"J^^^^^^ the north p..«.pupn or on the Qaeen s Highway m Ga^^'^^f ^,„, thence along Stone street, ""^ "b^ ^ \ ^^ gg easferly along street, to a post marked R | ^/^"^^^^^^^ ^^d sixty feet, North street, 0"^^^^^^"^',^ ^S R ; from thence • to William street to a post m^^^ southerly along \\iU!amstrec?,mno ^^^^^ street where it >"^"^^f!,W-^ti Garden streets, and thence" souther y across B^^-a«aua ^^^^^^^^ .the Quc.n's Highway, one \'^f ^"^ .""'^L.^ed R ; then forty feet to Sydenham ^^'^^^^^^^^^^.Jf^^^^^^^^^^ forty easterly along ^Vf "^T\o the eS of sai4^*reet ; then feet, to a post marked R, ^ the ^'^f f ^^^^,^5^,,^; with commencing on U.illiam s"^^ ); ' ^ ^toa\ street, ■ Brock street; ^^-^^^^^^itltS.!^^^^^^ ,t^o thou^ind ^^^^}^;^^^:^, ,, J James street ; marked K, Jp wnere "•' ,t,ect two hundred from thence southerly "^^^^^ ^^jj^l^^then c^mmcnc- Ind sixty feet to ^^^ Q^^^^/Q^^^e^^^^^^ it i„g on the n"fg.«;^°/j;jft S thence sQutherly two intersects with Stone street ,iro ^^^^ g ^^^^ ■ thousand one hundred «^"d sixty^ieei 10 ^^^ Lawrence ; then commencing ^^^^J^^ ^^^ whence street, where »t intersects with ^'"^^^'^^^^^^ eighty feet ■ easterly along Pine ^''l^f.^l^^'^Zi^^^^^ R 5 ^^^"^ to the end of said «^-«* ^^^^^^ street/where eommencing ^^J^^^^^^'^^^ thence along John it interaects with Joha street »irom ^^ ^.^ itriet three ^undlfed and sixty l***^^"^^^"'' " ^=^ .^(,-wf p^^ . 7 ■ \ '129 /' ■ . ■ ■ -■ " • ■ •■■■■.< V ■■ -^ . ■- - ■, Street to a post marked R; then commencing pn the; /easterly side of Charles' street, where it intersects with , ' Pine street i from thence easterly two hundred and forty feet to the end 6f said street to a post marked R ; then commencing on William street where it intersects with North alley ; from thence westerly along North a.We'jf across Charl^ street one thousand three hundred ang sixty feet to Stone street, to a post marked Rj the^lo " ; commencing on West street, where it intersects with , ^": Garden alley ; from thence easterly along Garden alley, » across^ Stone and Charles streets to William street, one thousandNsix hundred and eighty feet to a post marked R; then c^iTiencing on James street;whei'e it intersects - with CoopeV alley ; from thence westerly along said alley across William, Charles, and ^tone streets, two thousand two hundre4 and twenty feet to the end of said alley, to a post markeU R ; then commencing on the Queen's Highway where it mtersects with Cowan alley ; , "from thi^nfce northerly along said alley fwo hundred and sixty f^6t%o Garden street, * to a po^marked R; then commencing on Stone street where it ilit^rsects with Oak alley ; from thence easterly along said al^y across . i Chai!4es street to the end of said alley nine hundh3df^et to a postmarked R ; then commencing on Charles sh^t »> whipre it intersects with SprUce alley; from thence ^ easterly along said alley to the end, two hundred and..., , * twenty feet to a post marked R ; then commencing on \J ' Stone street where it intersects with Ma^nse alley ; from thence easterly along said alley to the end three hundred'' alnd sixty feet to a post marked R ; then commencing on Stone street where it intersects with South alley j from' ' ' ' thenceeasterlyalongsaidalley to the Jnd three- hundi^d ' and sixty feet to a post marked R : which saidHlfeets are laid out sixty feet in width, and the alleys are laid - out twenty feet in width : And whereas Benjamin Warren, Surveyor of lligh- ways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County to l?iy out a certa:iu Road in the Township of Escott ; and ih pursuit anC6 of such petition the ^id R^njamin Waribn &as surveyed and laid out the ^aM Road as follows :— commencing on lot number four m broken front Conces- DeaaipUonor sion of the Township ojF Escott, on the present travelled"*^ in ei^. Road twenty- five rods more or less from the west line* of said lot, at a black Oak tree bl^ed on three sides, and marked R on the soittli side ; from thence on a line of ' - '\l: &r I 139 bltJAed trees, an east-south-east course, to a post at or nea r th'e line betweten lots numbers four and five in the said ' Cojicession^f said Township of Escott; from thence on a litte5Df blazed trees and posts an east course, across lot numb^ fiy^Q sai4 Concession to a post planted between lots numbers fi^ and six in said XJoncession ; thence on a line of blazed tr^es and posts, an east-south-east course acrcss lots nuhibers^rx, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, to a post planted between said l(pts numbers fifteen and, sixteen, marked R on the south side ; thence on a line of blazed trees east-south-east across the west half of lot number . seventeen in said Concession of said Township, to an ^Dalc; tree marked R, where it intersects the presqnt tiav6Ued Road north bjthe Dwelling of Stephen Elliot, and i*, to be on the South side of said line ; and which said R^d is laid out forty feet in width. And wltereas John Jelly, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by •;tweVye freeholders of the said County of Leeds to lay outa. certain Road in the Township of Elizabethtown ; and in pursuance of such petition the said John Jelly , has surveyed and laid out the said Road as follows: conimencing at a Beech tree (marked R on two sides on the north side of the highway an4 qp the east side of lot number twenty-two in the first Concession of Elizabeth- town i thence a south-westerly course seven chains more ^^. a: 1 orleMto ap(»t sixty feet north of a point of rock on said ■ lot nt^mber twenty-two ; thehce a straight course south- westerly thirteen chains more or less to a poston^he • ~ north side' of the present travelled Road ; the said posts"' '-*. being on the north sid« of said Road, and are; all marked R with red chalk on two sides,— whicl\ said !^ad is laid , . out sixty feet in width; . — -^ And whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of Highways in- and for the County of (rrenville.^ids been petitioned ^y twelve freeholders of the said Cgunty to lay out a Road V ■ in the Township of Oxford ; and in pursuance of such " petition the said Edward Mix has surveyed and laid out DNeripiieiier the said Bead as follows j cgy^nmencing af a stone monu- in Om&ua. ment maAed RR," plarited,on the line in front of the fourth Concession of said Tit^wnship, in, the centre of * lot number three in said 'fourth^Sbncession and running . along said centre line to the rear of said Concession ; . ' thence continuing, the same course about one hundred ^' Deteription of Road in EliMbethtown. . *,: .■f ■ •• '\\\ '. ^f*> $ 131 rods morp or less in the fifth Concession of the said Township of Oxford to its junction \idth the Prescott Road at another stone monument marked RR : which -^ 8aid Road is laid out forty f9et iiw width ^twenty feet-of which is to be taken from jeach s|de of the line, J Be it therefore ordained and enaeted by the Municipal confirmed Councilof the District of Johnstown in Council assembled **"*•*''" "' at the Town of Brockviile, on the fourth day of Fehl^uary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^^ ^J forty-seven. That the above described Roads be respec- tively approved of and confirmed as Public Roads and Lways. • OGLE R. GOWAN, ->- li^r ■ST r %■ No. CXLV.-BT;I.&1lir Cff the Municipal ^outicil of the District cf John^omt, setting asi^ ihe\sum of Three Hundred Pounds to pay the intend on a certain sum of money tk^ein mentioned. > " " Passed February 5, 1847. (Rejpealed : see By-Law County Council No/i.) ■*ij VJ No, CXLVI.— BT-ULW To authorize the Assessment and Collection of Rates fitt the general purposes of the Johnstown District for the ', yefir 1847, , -.i:/- . ;..,:.; ^ .... i,, -7 t ^'^^^'^ Fe^'«««y 5» J84S3L ' (Expired by Limitation.) ji*, /' •.* ^ .'» :M ■t' NoiCXLVn.— BY-LAW . Assess the Inhabitants of the District of Johnstown for ike support and maintenance of Common Schools therein, for the year 1^1. ,> " Pf^ssed FebruaryA-1843. -ir-LAW*^ To fix the Sqiariesc^ie District Officer^ mentioned thei^ein. Passed Febraary 5, IS-lj?. ' 1, Be it enacted by the Distjirict Council of the Jo^s- town District, That there shail'be allowed and paid t0 the several District Officii^ hereinafter named, the follo\|ring Salaries, in lieu of all fees or Allowances, for the jdue apd faithful performance of theijr respective dutieisas such officers respectively, viz :— To the bis^ictJClerk, the sum of £100 per annurn, to be paid out of the District Treasury. ,^ a,.....,.. , To tK*' District Sup^Kntendent of Common Schools, snperimendent: ^jjg gu^ of £150 per atmu^l, to be paid out of tWe Common School Fund. . ^ To the'District Auditors, each, the sum df£^ lOs., to be paid out of the. funds of^the District Treasury. To the District Si|rveyot4be sum of £1 jfOs per annuiJS, and the sum of fifteen shillings per day. When actually employed, to be paid out of the District Treasury. And that the said several Sataiies shill be paid quarterly, that is to say, on the firit Tueiday iA the months of February, May, August and November m each Veay,oii the Certificate of the Warden, com tersigned by the District Clerk, which shall to a suffic^ieitf voucher for the said payment; ^ OGLE, R. GdWAN, Row to bo paid ■-■.■.....^^ V- ■: " ^^^ ■ .-" ,-. - \ r:^-' . . >« ■ m- ' >-^-^'" ^^:/^^^--'-" " ■* ■ ^^■■:- ;■ ■:-■■ i ' *" ^^""'"''^^ 133 - ; • f> ■ " . :'■: '- '.^- -f' , \^ Vo. CXLB.- ■ «. i ■ • repeal pdrt of By-Law No. XZ^'J entitled ** By-Late to Tax cerjtairt Sduxit-Districts tmhin the District of Johnstovmp^ Whereas by a certain By-Law passed by the Muni" pKambie. cipal Council of the Johnstown District, on the twelfth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred £^nd forty-six, it is amongst other things provided, that there shall be rafised and levied for the '-*■ jBaid year^ upon real and personal •property therein, in School-District number thirteen in the Township of Yonge, the sum of one hundred pounds for the erection of a School-House therein, and to purchase land as a site for the same.; And whereas it is necessary t9 repeal, so much of the said By-Law as relates to the said 'tax on the said SchooUDistrict number thirteen in I he Township of Yonge aforesaid : Be it therefore ordained und enucted, . and it is herieby iirdained and eriacted by the said Council Pan By^Uw of the Johnstown District aforesaid, asser.il)led aL the »'*'•'«*'«''■ Town of Brockville, on the fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord -ene thousand eight hundred and forty- •. . ' seven. That so much of the said By-Law No. 1H4 as ,' C relates.to the satd Tax on said School District number «. thirteen in Yongjp aforesaid, be repealed, and the same '^ is hereby repealtiid. OGLE R. Gp WAN, No Warden. .^^ No. CL.— BT-LAW • To Indemnify the late Treasurer. -,' Passed February 5, 1847. ) *^« 1. Be it enacted by the Council of the District of For Miwrj or Johnstown, That tbe Auditors of, the District of Johns- ^^•- '•' *» town be and are hereby authorized to audit and acquit the accounts of Andrew N. Buell, Esquire, late Treasurer of this 'District, so soon as he shall report to them, or either of them, that his books and accouiits are ready for ■ueh aadit amd inspeotion ; and that upon their >iiditiiu^_ ; ■ ■ m inspecting, and acquitting the said Books and accounts, and that upon and after the delivery by the said Andrew N. Buell, Esquire, to the said James L.Schofield, Esquire, duly appointed Treasurer of this District, of the books, papers, and monies, of and belonging to the said District, which then may be in the jiossession of him thfe said Andrew N. Buell, the Clerk of this Council be, and is hereby authorized to deliver up to the said Andrew N. Buell his bond or security for the due administration of his said office of Treasurer, arid the Council will indem- nify and save harmless the stfid Andrew N. Buell from any loss or damage that he may at any time hereafter siistaiu, and from .any cost he may at any time be put to by reason of his the said Andrew N- Buell's so havmg delivered up the said books, papers, and monies of the Treasury of this District to the said James X. Schofield, and indemnify the said Clerk for any act done imder this By-Law. " ' OGLE E. GOWAN, Warden, No. CU.-BY-LAW To Assess the InJiabitants of certain Schaol'Sections in the District of Johnstown. %- Sam* to be levied in. Yonge. Pass^dirFebruary 8, 1847. 1.^ it enacted.by the District Council of the District of Johnstown, That there be raised and levied, on the assessed rateable property of the inhabitants of School Sections hereinafter mentioned in the S^id District, the several suras of money required for th»Bsaid School Sections for the following purposes (clear o( all charges, of assessing and collecting), namely : — f In Schaol'Sectim No. 13, tn the Taunuhipo^ The sum of one hundred pounds, for the purjK»e - .7 ' In School'Secfum No.% in the Towhship of Bastard. Bastard. The sum of 'one hundred pounds, for the purpose of ereetiag and completing a School-House. therein. Iff, School- Sectioti No^9, in the Townsliip of Augusta . AugMia. . The sum of fifty pounds, for the purpose of erecting and completing a School-House therein. ^"^-4 In. Scfwol- Section No. ^,in the Township of - North Croslyy. North Cro»i>r. Thie sum of forty pounds, for the purpose of completing the School-House therein. In Schod* Section No. 9, in the Townsliip ofElmsl.ey. Eimsier. The sum of fifty, pounds, for tfee purpose of erecting and completing a School-Hoijse therein. In School-Section No. 2, in the Township of South Crosby. South Crosbr- The sum of sixty pounds, for the purpose ofoerectinga School-house therein. In ScfuMl- Section, No. 1, m the Township of Augusta. Aujiut*: (Repealed ; see By-Law No. 172.) • » And the said sums so to be raised and levied, shall be How Levied, apportioned on the said , property in the said School Sections respectively according to the values assigned to the same by law, and shalhbe placed on the Collectors' Rolls by the/tterk of the Peacra : Provided always, that the sum to lie raised and levied in each School Section "^ ^^--.^ aforesaid, shall not in any yiear exceed two pence in the pound on the assessed Value of the said property in every Such School Section, until the said several sums shall be >~^ fully raised and levied as aforesaid. ~' " 2. That the «Oi;. 136 'U iohabitants therein, duly attested in the sarofe manner and at the same time as they are required to make the Annual Assessment Returns for their respective Town- ^ '.'**•;- • OGLE R. GO WAN, ITorden. ^ Pnambto, - - ^ Mo. CLIL-OT-LAW -^ ^^^ To expend certain monies granted for Roads and Bridge* in the District of Johnstoum. Whereas by a certain Resolution of the District. Council of the District of Johnstown, the sum of eight hundred pounds has been set apart for Roads and Bridges therein ; and whereas \t is necessary to divide the said ' sum among the several Townships Jn the said District: Be it tlierefore ordfiined and enacted, and it is hereby ^pwuSw^ '"ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of thfe •District of Johnstown, in Council assembled onlhe eighth day of February, in ihe year utUniur Lord one thousnnd ' eight hundtcd and forty-seven. That the Councillor or Councillorsfor the respective TownsliipS in said District, g.aro hereby uulhorized to receive from the Treasurer of • ^Sttid Distridt, and expend on Roads and Bridges in his v^^or their respective Townships, the several sums of mottfjjr^ ^ ^ ijfl hereinaller mentioned, viz: — Elizabcthtown,. £6S Augusta, i ; . . . 68 Yonge,.... •• 68 Escott,* ^ ••' 30 ^,. O^X) ^X V Bustard,.*. .•.••...•«•••«.••••*• Kitley Elmsley, ;.."......,. Leeds and Lansdowne, ih front,. Leeds and Lansdowne, in rear,. South Crosby,. North Crosby, %• Burgess ....;. Ed wurdsburgh, Oxford, .•••.....'..•••• •«•*'« • • South Grower, ..'. 30 Wolford, ... 68 OGLE R. GO WAN . Wardm> 68 68 20 68 30 30 30 10 68 68 17 17 17 17 17 «•> i^ 17 17 17 17 9 0„ 3 9 9 "X,. ; ■ No. CLIII.--BT4JU7 To Assess the Inhabitants of the^ohnstmn Distria ft the maintenance of the District Model ScKool for * year 1847. "^ " Passed February 8, 1847/ • (Expired by Limitation,)'^ ^ ' ^. No. CUV.-BT-LAW .<- . To repeal so much of By-Law No. 143 as enacts ihtU ttu .^ Annual Township Meeting in th^ front of Leeds and t Ltmsdowne shall be held ai LandonvUle. "•*■.' „■*■,■■ > ^.^ Passed Febniary 9, 1847. . i Whereas it would be more convenient for the inhabi- PnuiUe. tants of the front of Leeds and Lansdowne if the annual Township Meeting should be every alternate year held at the Village of Gauanoque: Be it enacted, That sop^bt.l.wK. « much of the said By-Law Np. 14.3 as enacts that the »A»*P«^<«. ' said Anriiial Township Meeting for the front of Leeds and Lansdowne be held at Lundonville on lot number Eleven in the second Concession of "Lansdowne, be .' replied, and the same is hereby repealed. And be it ordained, That the said Annual township Meeting .Uer. Meeting for, the said Township of the front of Leeds n^MuAn* and Lansdo«!iio, be held alternately at the Village of ^"SonviUe. Gananoque and at Landotiville aforesaid ; thatis_U> say,, the said Annual Township Meeting for the said Towfi^ ship for the year 1848 shall be held at Gananoque, and the year following at Landonville, and «o on altero«teIy \ '>: .,-■• * ■''"# OGLE B. GOWAN, * 1 ••*:..•• ' • 1 ■ I • Wardm. , r r " ^ \' -' ,--,- -^ •--.---- -^^^w--^-'-. ...:,.. ..--»- -^.-..-. * .■- • '^ ' i • ' -1 * ; . • ■ /. ■..-■' ft .,#-• .:' .- 1 ■ ■' ' - . . . ' <■»♦,, < ISA. ,.*: >• rrcambU ■ceSOG Pi fa 1 /v.- ' ' I,- 'm CLV- -BY-LAW * To empower therespectif^eTmvnship Cmncillors 'fj?^^''* the laying ou^^o^d performance of Sta^ftte Labor. • , T P Passed Fobruary 9, IS*?. Whereas by an Act of thcLp,a;islatnre of ihe.Provinca Mr«G:o3cht;of Canada, pa.sed in the liintlu. >-<.«.• of Her Ma,ost^^^^ i2Virch8o;UD_:p.„ entitled ^'AnAct to amend the Laws recattie to l^yl!A-DiUrik Councih ^n Upper a./^«rfo," that; it shall and l!*£?"7iS'''mavbe lawful for any L'lsUic't Council by By-Law to ^^ ■ empower the landholders in the District. to compound ■ for the Statute labor by them respectively performed, for any term not exceeding five years, at any .rate not exceeding two- shillings and six pence, currency, lor .' each day's labor, and at any time before the labor Y ' ' compoundod for ought to be performed, and by such ■:" Bv-Law to direct-to what Officer in each Township such composition moiiey shall be paid and how such money .hall be applied and accounted for, and to reguliite by Bv-Law the manner and the divisiuns m which the • - Statute labor shall be performed, or to empower the reBoectivc Township Councillors to direct the laying ouVand pcrfi^rnvance thereof; And .whereas it is neces- sarv to pass such a By-La^tr : Be it thorcioio orduu^ed Mid enacted, That the^^District Councillors in their respective Townships shall have all t)ie powers and authority possessed by thd Township Wardens. under an Act of the Legislatareof the- late Province of-Lpper Canada, passed in the first,year of Her ^iajesty's Rc-ign, respe Jting th'^ compounding for Statute labor, or con- ceniing any contract or. agreement entered intp with any pereon residing in the Township respcctmg Statute labor. • Section 2. And be it ordained* That any landholder in the District may compound for Statute labor for winch he or she is liable to perform, for any terip not exceeding five years, and for any rate not exceeding two shillings and six pence, currency, for each day's 1^^^^^^*^.^ ^^^^^ time before the labor compounded for ougWTto be per- formed ; and that any, dispiitj arising between iiny Township Councillor and theVt% so compounding, respecting any contract or agreeing, shall and ntay bo j>tt1«d in the rftanner pointed out in the forty-third ari d Sty-fourth cliuses of the af6lfeiatttT^-I»a«««l " X 'A ^^i ■^3^ iEi^'K..;i?^s^tgjag^,^gg:?^ra^E^mjg5g^^iBtgE^^^' I f . / 130 - • ■ ■ ./ ■ • • 'i ' ■>■. . first year of Her Majesty's Reign, eBtitled '*'Ah Act t* otter and amend sundry Acts regiUatingtheappointmeTUt ,and duties of Tot^nship Officers.^*- I * ■ ■ • '.. 'Sec^^n 3. And be it ordained and enacted, That all money toud as composition money for Statute labor shall be paid to the Road Overseer of the Division, to be by^ .hmi paid over and accotinted for in th^anner prescribed by the eighth Section- of By-Law min^r one. -. Section 4.. Be it'orckined and enactedi That all thd . powers and authority heretofore vested iri the Justice* of the Peace, acting Ibr their respective Divisions by tho twentieth, section of tlje said Act, the first of Victoria chapter twenty-first, shall and may^e vested in the respective Township Councilipr or Councillors, as the case may be ; so far as the said powers and authority ap|)ertain to, or are connected witlif the laying out of R(md divisions, the appropriation, ctihtrol. management, and distribution of Statute labor within the several und respective Townships. ' Section 5. Be it enacted , That the respective Town- ship Councillors representing any Township in tho Mimioipal Council of the District, or any one of them, shall have full power and authority ,to suiierintend and' direct the manner in \vhich Statute labor shall be perfurraed, and they, or any one of them, are hereby authorized and empowered", should they see fit, to order and direct the Overseers of Highways, or amy one of them, to lay out the Statute labor on any Road or part of • a Road within their respective divisions. r Section 6. And .be it ordained, That should the " Overseers of Highways, or any one of them, receive no ■ I • ^rd^s before the first day of June in any year from tHe J Councillor or Councillors who represent the Township m which he resides, respecting the ."laying out of the btatute labor, then and iriTliat case it shall be. the duty 9f the said Road Overseer oi* Overseers, and he or they are hereby ordered and required to lay out the Statute labor in his or their division to the best of his or their abilities, in any manner that shall appear to him or them ~ to be most conducive to the public goorf. , i .? H°i^'^? Jj ^"*^ K^. '^ y<^°^iPod and exiacted. That it '^" -^"ty of the tTvenreere of Highways in their ''''^ ■.' * ■ -"■■■ • . ■ H 'fi:''. *. 140* , ,j ■ r«sp4ctive divisions, and theyf^re hereby authomed^^^^^ required (without receiving aky order ^'^^li^ KJ to dematta from every male inhabitant withm the hmits of his division, of the age ; of twenty-oHe years and upwards, not assessed on.thje Assessment List oltne 1*owpship. the performance o> two days' Statute labor, or commute for the same at the rate per day allowed by the Statutes of the Province OGLE R. GO WAN, Wardeh. »«iS'i re '■•(■ hMinbl*. OffluHoun. No ,Cm--BY-LAW : to reouire the Office of the District Tre^rer tobefuild . in the Court House of the District. • ' Passed February 9, 1847. Where&sa certain Room \P^« ^ourt Hcnij« (^ «»3 District has been sct^part by t^'^^^^^^^ Z'^.' 'J^,fS of the District Treasurer; and whereas it is desir^Die and necessarv that the said Office should be held in and Je?t in the-said.R.om: Be it therefore enacted by ^the Council of the District of Johnstown /That "om and after the passing of this By-Law, the Treasurer of the Distric of Johnstown do open and keep openhis office ^ such Treasurer in the said Room so set apart in the Sid Court House, and shall be kept open and attended for the business of the Distric^during the usual o^ce hours, namely, from ten to three o^ock each day (Sun- days and Public Holidays excepted). OGLE R. GO WAN, Wjorden. »b. CLVn.-inM.AW Wir»mde for the Cukpdypf certain Books tJus propmy "dfJ^^Distnct. 1 7 Passed February 9, 1847. (Repealed : ie*r»frU^ County Council wo.-^u.f^ -■."^^ ■■:V! i ■•V 141 X V ;*- /; no. CIitTBI.— BT-LAW To estabUA certain Roads in the tHstrictof'Joknstoum. K \ Detciiptmn Km in Oxford, ), Whereas Edward Mix, Sirtveyor of Highways in and Pr«»mut« ' for the County ofGrenyine, hasten petitioned by twelve ilreeholders of the s^jiid County, t<> lay out a certain Road in the Township of Oxford, anS' ,in pursuance of such o^tilion, the said Edward Mix ha$surveyed and laid out 'the said Hoad as follow^ : commencing at a stone moi^ument (marked R. t.) planted ohtthe Road side near the School-HQUse, on lot number th?ee, in the ninth cqncession of the Township of Oxford,^nd. runhing'in a north-westerly direction about eighty rods to another Stone monunient«(marked R. II.) plantMon the lower side of lot number two, and about the i^iddle of^he aforesaid Concession, then at a right angle JRfom the said line to the centre of said lot number two to another stone monument (marked R. IIL) planted on the division line between Chauncey Bishop and Moses McAllister, and thence to the front of the said Concession on the division line between the aforesaid Bishqp'and McAlister ; which said Road is laid out. forty feet in width,— twenty feet from each side of the monuments. ■ ^ And whereas Edward Milti Surveyor of Highways m and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out all the unestablished Streets in the Village of Kemptville, on lots Nos. 26 and 27 oh both sides of the Branch, and on 28 on the south side of the Branch, and in pursuance of such petition the said Edward Mix has surveyed and laid out as follows : commencing with /ames street one ,y.,,^ chain 48^ links south of the side line between lots Nos. 27 and 28, and running north 36'^, west 1 chain 56 links to Water street, and from Water street north 51 "45 min., west to th6 rear of the Village plot. Lydia street cdta- meuces at the rear of the Village, 20 rods from Jftmeib street, runs south 51" 45 min., east to the south branch. Henry street commences at the water's edge and ruits to the I'ear of the Village plot, five chains from and in a parallel line with Lydia street., Fanny street commences at the water's edge and runs along the side of Village, lot No. 1 to Clothier street, and in a parallel line with Henry street. Water street commences on Henry street, ttvo chains from the water's ed|jg^nd ruiu north 38** tS ihin.. east to the side linelSiltv^e^h 27 and ^. DeWption K. .«inpi- •- v ihin., east to ftlliui BlfUO|b llUS ■■T / I ^ / ^ 141 . - . WaleTSreetrfrpnTthe side line b«^^ween 27 and 28 to West street, and from West street to the side line between 26. and 27, a little more southerly. Oxford street lies four chains back from. Clot hieiN^reetj and runs south 38° 15 min., west from the lower tolhe upper side of 127. N. rib street lies 4- chains back hoxa Oxford street and in a parallel line with it, Irom the side line between.27' and 28 to West street.— The above streets arc on lot No. 27, on the north side of the Brtinch, and _ are of the following widths : Water street, North street, James street, and Henry street are each 40 feet in width. Lydiu street and Clofhicr street are each 50 feet in width. Oxford street is 66 feel in width, and Fanny street is 44 links wide.— Harriet street commences at u post on tho south-east side of the Road leading up tho branch, about - 436 leeJ^BOUtli of the side lino between 26 and 27, and runs east 43'' 33 min., south to the south Branch, and is 39 lect wide. Alfred street commences 350 feet from,", and runs in a parallel line with Harriet street, to the Creek, and is 39 feet in width. Water street commences on Harriet street, 200 feet from the Main Road, and runs in a piirallelline with it to Allied street, and is 35 feet in width. Tlie above streets are. on lot No. 26, on the north side of the bra nch. — Reuben s'reet commences about 289 feet from the water's edge^ at the south end of the bridge, on the Prescolt Road, runs at ripht-angle from the Road to the side line between 26 and 27. Water street com nnuces about 165 feet from the water's edge, and runs a rieht-angle from the Prescolt Road to William street. Wibiam street commences at the water's edge, about 361 feet from the Prescolt Road-, and runs to Asa street, ftnd from Asa street to Mary street in the same direi lion, but is known by the name of Thomas street. Joseph street ci>mmences at the water's edge, about 364 f«et from William street, and runs parallel with the Prcscott-Rosul to Vanhury's Road. Rideau street com- mences on tli»2 Prescolt Road, about 3^3 feet from Asa street, and runs in a itarallclline with it to Thomas < streei. Mary street commences about 7(JtHeet from Asa ~ street, xind runs parallel with it to Joseph street. All the above streets are on the "South side of the Branch, on lot No. 27, and are eaph of them 40 feet in width, exUpt Water street, whiclj is only 36 feet wide. Jack street commences at the angle of the Road crossing Barns's Mill-dam, on lot No. 28, on the south side of the Branch, and runs to the Vanbury Bo(id to a Cedar po*t (marked B) and w 4Q ftgt if? widtl^. Ult mc ■■•'—.- ■ :-.. wl • . '4 ant -- _.. _ tw Ro of , out "^ UA .-,. I - Alii wherea^-EdwaiH Mix , Surveyor of Highways m and for the County of Grenville, has been f)etitioned by twelve frccJ^ders of the said County^ to lay opt iv new Rofid in the'Township of Oxford, and in piirsuaneo of Biich petition tiie said luhvard Mix lias surveyed nnd laid ' > out the sukI Road aslbllows: conimoiioiuir at a- stonn Drtcrlpiiort Rond mominieiU planted on tlie uilowance for ru;>il hctweoa «'>o*A»r«L lots niunljers 15 and 'IS in the s->cond Coiieession, and crossing the noith-east corr.er of said lot No. 15, at an / anglcHtfJiiiujut forty de;?reos to another stone nionnmcnt planted at the, rear ol the first Concession, on the allow- - '^ — r^' auce for Road between lots numbers 15 and 16, in the aforesaid first CouGessidn, (there being at this place an . offset of about ei)!;ht rods) ; which said Road is laid oi^ sixty feet in width. And whereas Benjamin Warren, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twMve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain • Road, in the Township of Escolt, and in purduance ol such petition, the said Benjamin Warren has s-urveyed and laid out tlie.said Road as follo\ys : commencing on j,^^ „^- the' present travelled Road on .the front of the, third to LS«t Concession of Escott, from a^ost Jilanted on the north side of said Road at or near the centre of lot number 14 iu the aforesaid Concession of Escott, east of the dwelling . "' of Thomas Donawn ; from thence on a line of blazed trees a west-south-west ^ourse itcross the west half of said lot ; thence on a line of pickets and blazed trees a ' straight course across lot number thirteen, passing the north of the dwelling of James Donivhugh, to a post !- V planted on the line betwetn lots numbers thirteen and twelve ;theXice on a line of pickets and blazed , trees a ' straight course across lot number twelv»,"passiiig to the soitth of the 'Dwelling of James Brenntin, and also tho J ■ Dwelling of*V\'illiam Flinn, where it intersects the Pre- sent travelled Road, at a post planted four rods ea/t of '' the line, between I6ts numbers I2;and 11 ; the afocfesaid monuments are on the north side of the said Rt^d, • which sai4 Road is laid out forty feet id width/ And whereas John Byce, Surveyor of Highways in ■ and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by twelve freehoMcrs of the said County, to lay out a certain v Road in the Towiwhip of South G<»wer,and in pufsuance / of such petition, the said John Byce has surveyed and laid out the said Road a$ follows; commencing at the ft"*^* N I > %f 1-^ /• X .^-■- 't 4^: I- If 1 r iH«ip.i.nRo.dof the Second Concession, on the ""e^between lots nutn- taactower bers 2 and 3, at a post of Cedar marked A with red chalk ; then following said line about 250 rods to a post of Cedar marked B, on the Road running from Mountain's hn^ to Heck^s Comers, between lots numbers 6 and 7 —which '~ ' is laid out forty feet in width. And wliS^aTvymnSr^lraserr^ttrxeys^^ in and for .the County of GrenvUle, has been-petrttoneU^ bv twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out^ - — certain Road in the Township of Edwardsburgh, and m. ; pursuance of such petition, the said William Fraser hat Purveyed and laid out the said Road,, as follows:— DetcripUonRokd commencing at a post between the first and .sepopa ««"»"'»^'">'«'' Concessions of the Township of Edwardsburgh, -in the ; centre t>f lot numbei 20, running north twenty- four - / degrees, west twenty-three chains to a post ; thence •outh sixty-six degrees, west 9 chains fifty links to the side line between lots numbers 20 and 2 1 ; thence south sixty degrees, west nin^-chainsrseventy-two links, to the centre line of said lot; thence south twenty- seven degrees, west eleven chains fifty links to the line between^ loti nuriibers^l an>l 22; Ufence south fifty degrees. wesC nine chains seventy-six links, to the centre of said lot; • thence south sixty degrees, We^t across the west halt « . said lot. and the whole of lot number 23, to a post on the side-line of lots number 23 arid24 ; thence north twenty- four degrees west, and twenty-four degrees east, fourteen ^ clxainslighty-seven links, intersecting said Concession line; thence westerly along said Concession ""f, six chains thirty links, to a post on the line between Nelson Wrieht and Johnston Parks ; from thence south twenty- = four degrees, east on the line between the said Nelson Wright and the said Parks to the Queen's Uighway on the River St. Lawrence,— which said Road is laid out • forty feet in width. ' coh.rm.d- Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Municipal RrtSc 5o«i.. Council of the District of Johnstown, m Council Msem- bled at the Tow« of Bj^ockville, on the eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thouwnd eight hundred and fbrty-s^ven, That the above described Roads be resppctively approved of an*?c6&firmed as PHbhc Roads and Highways. ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ' . .. * ,*■"■ ' No. CUZ.-BT-LAW Oftl^ Munictpal Council of the District of Jof,nstoum, ming cmde the Sum of Six Humhed piunds to ZL ilte interest, of a certain Sum thereik mentioned. "■-^ :^ Passed Ojlobfer 8, 1847. (SeE^ledjjee^Law No. 4 Counti Council.) ^ No, C^....BY-LA\ To Assess the Mwh^s of certain fidvool-SetLiom in the Ihstrwt of Johrislmmu Passed Ootobej 8, 1847. 1. Beit enacted by the District Council of the District «* . . of Johnstown, That there be^sedand leVredor^he """'"'•'' a^^ed mteable property of the inhabitants of the^hoS Se^ions hereinafter mentioned, in the said Distrio^ l" for tSfnr^ money required for the said Secti, Slie^I'S;.^^^ (clearof aU the charges of- InSchxi-Secti^nNo'i.l.inth^ Toum^ofmizabeLmn^:^.,.^^ The sum of thirty pounds, currency, for the purpose oi buildmg a School-House therein. P>«rpose . ., In Schwl-Section -"No. 6, in the Toumskq, qflBastard. 'bmu«i. ' The sum of eighty-five pounds, currency, for the puijK)se of pttrchasmg a site for a SchooTltouse and erecting a House therpon. j « ««> «uu In SihHd-Sectvm No. 13, in the Township of Yonge. The sum of 8ev€|^y-five pounds, currency, over and above the sum already assessed on the said Section for " the present year, and now being levied by the Collector, for the^ purpose oj^^irepting and completing a School- • ^ House th«rem, and paying for the site of the same. , In Sdwdl-Seciion No. byinthe Tmmship of Aususta' " ^S^"""" °^^^^yv:^^« pounds, currency, for th ft pnrnoao 'tJHiming a School-HQiise therein. ' * » > Yonge. 1 ii*?~ :0- .^^ ff^ ,** .^*'*' ,^* ^**' l^V*' >^^' ^**' IV*^' ^*^ >^ .^^' (^^' > K' ^^ 'f **^ .^^ ,ii^ i**' ^** ^i'-^ ;^'** (I»w levied. 146 AMMBor'a duty. ^. That the said sums SO to be raised and levied, shall be apportioned on the said property in the said School- Sections, respectively, according to the values assigned td the same by law, and shall be forthwith placed on the Collectors' Rolls by the Clerk of the P^ace, and be collected by "the respective Collectors of the several Townships, in like manner as any other tax, but shall be paid overby them to the District Superintendent _bf Common Schools, within the period fixed by law for the payment of rates collected in each year to the Treasurer.^ 3. That it shall be. the duty of the Assessors of the several Townships, to return to the Clerk of tl^e Peace a list of all the rateable property iri each of the said School-Sections, with the names of the rateable inhabi- tants therein, dulytfiRested in the same manner as they iM* the annual Assessment returns for. are required to mSk) theix respective TdwnshipsET [Ii.S.1 OGLE R. GO WAN, : Warden. rreamble. ill WTol CLXI.-BY-LAW ^ Of the Municipal Council of the JohnsU/wn District to reeulate Assessments in the third and sixth Concession of the Township of Bastard, and other places m said District- ' Whereas the inhabitants of the third and sixth Cotocessionsof the Township of Bastard, have shown, bv the certificate and evidence of a Deputy Provincial Surveyor, that the lots of land they occupy do not coiitain the usual number of acres, and have by their Jjetition Sayed that they might not be obliged to i^ay rates and - Ssessments for more land than they actually possess ; And whereas it is just and reasonable to comply with the prayers of said petiti6n: Be it therefore ordained Howtandi to b« ^ enaoM, «wid it is, hereby ordained and enacted l?y •^ the MuScipla Council of the District of Johnstown, in Counoil assembled at the Town of BrockviUe in said Pintrict, o n the tliird^day of February^^^^^ 1 a n s e C C 8 i-*" a V E t ii . n c a I I K I i I -i's'?^'-- ■ >.S»- I# That from arid after this date all and singular/ the lots ' of iai^d contained in the schedule, to ;(his By-Law annexcd> shall he assessed and Charged for' the numher of acres that each is' therein specified to contain, and fid more, and ,^at;a. half or a 4uarter or other part of a lot shall he asseissed in proportion, any law or ust^ tathe contrary iiotwithstanding. , ■ '_^ "^ , ' Section 2. And be it enacted by the authority afore- where^j^ioj -said that a copy 6f this By-La.w shall be deposited in the depicted, &«>. Office of the Treasurer of the District, and in the ^ Office of tb^ Clerk of the Peace andrDistrict CleiiE, which said copies, instead of the schedule furtaished by th< Surveyor General or Commissioner of Crown Laricb, shall be suffic^nt guide and authority for the assessn^t of all lots included in the schedule annexed, and i^all^ A, also be sufficient guide and authority for the said Treas^ urer in charging all wild land assessments or taxes either now due or tp become due on said lots. And also^ 'Where - the amount of taxes or arrears' cif taxes on any lot or lots included in said schedule has been computed on a greatef ntunber o^ acres than it or they are therein specified to contain, then, in tlmt case, the said Treasurer is hereby ; authorised to settle with, and receive from the respective T- parties who pay sEiid taxes, a sum as much less in proportion to the whole amount formerly charged as the number of acres that the lot actually contains (aft shewn by said scHfcduIe) bears to the number of acres it was - y formerly supposed to contain, and by which the said arrears of taxes have been computed. /\ , . v ' ■ ■ .. . ■-' '-' " Section 3. And whereas thej^ maybe in the District '»oj»^<>«»''jfi«««. lots of land much deficient of the number of acres ajhedSS?** that they -are marked to con^in in the Schedules furnished by the Surveyor Geneiral to the District Trea- surer : Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the occupant or owner of auy such lot, (on proving » the fact and satisfying the Mlmicipal Council of the , District that the said lots contain at least ten .acres less than is specified in the said Treasurer's books) may have said lot so deficient annexed to this schedule, and the . owner or occupant thereof shall then be entitled to all the benefits and privileges that the owners or occupants , of lots now included in said schedule will be entitled to. # , OGLE R. aOWAN, \ V > i ,». 148 ... -^ '^^-^ BASTARD. ' •■ 3rd Concession, each^ot 180 acres; 6th Concession, from lot No. 1 to No. 6, inclusive, 190 acres ; from No. 7 to No. 12, inclusive, 180 acres ; from No. 13 to No. 18, inclusive, 160 acres; and from No. 19 to 29, inclusive, 155 acres. ," ■ ■ : ■... ■ t^'-M, ^■■ — ---— ^~--r^ i- YONGE. ■- — -S^-—^^-'^-.- 1^-^- 7th Concession, east half of lot No. 16, 53 acres ; lot No. 17,43 acres ; lot No. 18, 10 acres. 11th concession, , lot No 12, 73 acres. ■..,;:... ; ,..;'... .KiTLEY. ~^ •. . :; .' ' ' 1st Conbession, lot No. 9; 73 acres ; lot No. {, 43 acres. 6th Concession, lot No. 4, 81 acres. " a^:'^. SOUTH CROSBY. . 2ild Concession, north half of lot No. 20, 84 acres ; south half of lot No. 21, 86 acres*; No. 22, 102 acres ; rear half of lot No. 24, 85 acres ; rear half of lot No. 25, 90 acres. 3rd concession, south half of lot No. 25, 77 aeres ; north half of lot No. 25, 30 acres ; lot No. 26> 177 acres. 6th concession, lot No. 6, 134 acres ; lotsNos. 26 and 27 taken together, 71 acres. 7th eoncession, l^t No. 15, 124 acres. 9th concession lot No. 22, 142 acres ; jot No. 24, 72 acres. ' ^, NORTH CROSBY. >^3rd Concession lot No. 8, 165 acres. 4th Concession; lot No. 1, 172 acres ; lot No. 3, front half, east of the lake, 55 iMjres ; 6th concession, lot No. 8, 125 acres ; 7th Concession^ lot No. 1, 70 acres. WOLFORD. A Concession, lot No. 4, 180 acres ; lot No. 27, acres. B Concession, lot No. 29, 91 acres. _^^ _^_„ , ^^^ ELMSLEY.^ 1st Concession, lot No. 4, 107 acres ; lot No. 5, 142 110 .T' acres. 2nd Concession, lot No. 28, 92 acres ; lot No. 29, 197 MWB . 'WaauiuE.KR* .jA 4( .>••::) ■l/^;- no. CLzn.-~BTuiw \ To establisli a Lock -up -House in the unincorporated o Village of Crananoque, •( . ■ ■* - ' ' Passed February 4,' 1848. I 1. Be it enacted by the District Council of the Johns> jiutieet.tofixMM town Distric*-., and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the passing of this By-Law, there shall be estab- lished in^the unincorporated Village of Grananoque in the T T:^ said Diistrict, a liOck-up-Honse, pursuant' to the Statute ' in such case made and provided, and that the Justices of the P^ace, hereinafter named, shall fix and determine upq^ thgjsite for the erection of the same within the "jar' lortne pu le said Village of Gahanoque. » '»v -^ Lt the limits of the si^id Village of GauanoqudLimiuofGwiui. purposes t>f this By-Law shall comprise the east «•"•■ ^If of lot number eight and the whole of lots numbers dine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and • sixteen, in the first Concession of the Township of Leeds, >. with the broken fronts of said lots. 3., That for the purpose of defraying the cost ofsunutobeicTMd erecting the said Lock-iip-House, and purchasing a site for the same, there be levied upon the assessed real and personal property of the inhabitants of the said Village of Gananogue liable to assessment, the sum of fifty pounds currency for the present year, and the further - sum of fifty pounds currency for the next year, (clear of charges of assessing, levying, and collecting) and*that the same shall be iniposed, levied, and collected in the 'same manner and under the same provisions as the other taxes or assessments for the District for local purposes ' are imposecT, levied and collected, under any By-Law of?^™'!™**""- this Council, which said sums of^oney shall be expended ^^^-^"^ ''*' under the direction of Ephraim Webster and James W. Parmenter, Esquires, two of Her Majesty's Justices of the ^ >■ Peace,' residing in the said Village/ of GananCque, who are hereby required, immediately after the said Lock- up-House shall be completed, to render to this Council a full and detailed account of the expenditure of the said . . money. « • ^ 4. That it shall be the duty of the Assessor of the AiMuor't im^ ^ f -^ ;f¥^T»- ^y* t *v .>^-'' .#-.r 150 ^ thd said years, to i«turh t6 the Cjerk of the, Peac6, a list of all, the rateable property ip the said Yillage of Ganano^ue, with the names of the rateable .inhabitants therein, duly attested in the same manner, and at/th^i * J same time as he is required to make his annual return ■ " for the T*ownship. - **;. . OGLE ji. gowan, fL. S>] Warelen. 'i 4-: .v" *. no. CLXni.~BT-LAW '•i' ■' ■. Ij i ■ ' '' ! To authorize the Asse^iment and ColleOion of Ratetfor the general purposes of the JdvnSUnon Districtt /or the . yearmB, i «' , .- ^- Passed February 4, 1848., \ 'i (Expired % Limitation). '1'"- Mto. tiijmr.---BY-i4W | . To Assess the Inhgbitants of certain School- Sections' in the • \'Jdhmtmon JXstria. ' , "-^ r'« Passed February 4, 1848. /' -V, BvnitobeieTiea 1. Be it enacte4tf>y the District Council of the District of Johnstowh, That there be raised and levied on/ the * t assessed^ mteable property of the inhabitants of/ the . School - Sections hereinafter mentioned in the said District, the several sums of money required for thd said • • School-Sections for the following purposes, (clear of all <* chargesofassessingand collecting) namely ij— .: .. * . ^"^T:.:-^ »'. ' t •;..,; 1^ o ■ #'■' "^ Oxford. In ScJmoI- Section No. 13 fin the Township of Chford. ' • The sum of thirty ponnds, currency, for the purpose ■ ■■ ^ "looif-Houseilierem. W^'' ■■ _ I ' of building a Sch -Jt- -'-^ V I f_ V ^ . -i'^^ii It .'I. ::v^- i'-* ;\ im istrict m the ►f/the ;. said said fall ;.. ■ I- , -- ford. ■ . irpose ■ |] > . In Sc^flol-Section No. 3, in the Toion^vip qfOxfor&f , oxfoKU * * • ' ■« , \ ■^. ■.'■'' ■ ■■< The sum (^seventy pounds, cuHrency, for the parpose '" . -• ' ^ of purciiasiDg a site.aud building a Sc,hool-House therein. . * •. " , ' ' • In School-Section NoASiin the T(nv?ishipofEdwar4dmrghTsaw*r^ ■• .' !•.,>!'' Jn Stkool-Sectum No. 4, »« n saidT |* Section under fiy-Law No. '151. - ', * . . ,},'•*' \ . .•. \ * .■■^■.■-""■\ " ■ .A ♦ * ■ •^- * Iti School-Sectioi^ No. yinth^*P(^mshvppf South GofiM. swwhflojrer. - - The sun^of siicty j^uiids, currency, for the purpose of l^llilding a School-House^erein. .' . »' ' • ^■ In S<^iisiol-Section No., 8, in the i'oton^dpof Jatgusta^^ Auguiuu ' - - , * , The sum of fifty-th:tee pounds, currency, for the put- . pose of building a School-Hou$e therein^ s**** ' . ' V /> In SchdolrSection No. 20, .iw the Toivnship of4Mgtista. Au([u«tt. lIlThe sum oftwopoun^ eight-shillings and three pence, >/ « ' , ' currehcy, fbr the purpose of defraying the expanse df .4 repairs 4o School-House therein. ■ ' ' ', V In School-Section No. 20 f inthe TotonMp tf ElizaJbethtoum EUnUtktomt The sum of thirty>five painds. otirr^cyj for the purpose of building a.Sc&od-qpuse^erein. _i y^^ ^^^ _^^ '^^iiit I In School' Section No. 7, in the Township of Sastdrd. sutud. -purp The Slim of seventy-fpur^ pounds, currency, foV t]he 6cfao(dvHou8e^~tiieretny-i!i^tfi^ ^tt « r ■ — K_. V9-^~ ■♦■ , 4 -.^ M- .. TiE" 152 I V i-.'^ y inclu^the balance of the sum authorized to be raised iiK^i'd'8ecti(|faL under By-Law No. 151. woifori. ;' hnSchMl-Sectio^No.l6,inthe Towtislnpof^Wolfard. '^ ' The sum of seventy-five pounds, .currency, for the -' -purpose of erecting a School-Hcjuse therein. . ;: • ^ , And the said sums so to be raised an4 levied ^all be Howppomonea A _^^ ou the Said property, in the said School _ . Sections, respectively, according to the values aligned to the same by law.* ^d'shall i)e placed <)n the Collec- • ', toM* Rolls by the Clerk of the Peace. ■" ' . - ' ■■ • - ■ 2. That the said sums shall be collected by the Howcouecied. ^^.^j^q CoHectors of the Several Townships in which | the said School-Sections are situated, in like inanner as any other tax for said District, but shall be paid over by A them to the District Superintendent of Common Schools, within the period fiked by law for the payment of rates V collected ia each yht to the Treasur^r.^ ^ , - , AM.Mor.. duty 3. That it shall be the duly of the'Assessora of the "^•"^ '• several Townships in which the said several Sections are respectively situated, to return to the Clerk of»the Peace a list of all the rateable property in each of the said School-Sections, with the names of the rateable inhabitants therein, duly attested in ^-ff^^ T°^f * * and at the same time as they are feqi^^fl to make the i . annual assesBnent returns for their resp^tiVe Townships. OGLE R. GO WAN, fL. S.] .i Wii/rdeti, • \ Ho. CUnr.-~BT-LAW To As^s^ the/lnhaktants of the Di^rict of JohM^ f^ the support and maintemnce of Common Schools therein for the year ISiiS. '\ * ■■■'/: Passed February 4, 1848. rpxpired by timltfttion.) ;if X- > .-.J- 153 No. CLXVI.-BT-LAW To establisk certain Roads in tlie District of johnstoion. f rn m* Dtscriptiun 'KomSr". ""'" inKwon. ,K Whereas Benjamili Warren, Surveyor of Highways Preamble. iu and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by ' twelve freeholders of the,,9jiid County, to lay^^ut a certain RoUd in the Tpw^sliip of Escott, and in pursuance of 8ucii(petition,the saitl Beihjamin Warren has survejred and laid out the said Edad as follows : commencing en the souUijside of the Queerji's Highway leading Kington lo Brockville, at' a' post planted on the line between lots number twenty-two arttt twenty-three in the second concession of Escott marked centre; from thence on. itaid'liue a south-south-east course to^a post planted forty ' feet, more or less, friim the Concession line, marked R ; from thence. aqgling south-east across the concession line • to the allowance for Road between the fifst and second concessions of said Township; thence ofl a line of pickets flgst-south-easir pn the afuresai(Pallowance twenty-five rod^, more or less, to a po^t planned on sa:fd lin^, marked R,; from thence angling to the south.^n a line of pickets planted on thcWest half of lot number twenty-three in the first Concession of said Township of Escott) thence on a .line of pickets and blazed trees a south-south-east .course to the meadow-bars j' thenc6 dn a line of blazed ■^trees follo<»ring the hay meadow road, known by the name of the, La Rue path to and from the meadows, to-, a post planted on the west side of the present travelled Rosid leading to La Rue's Mills, where it intersects the aforesaid Road» from the domraencement to the Coupes- , sion, the line is tlie centre ef said Road ; from thence the monuments and blazes are on the -north and;north- ^east side of said Road, which said Road is la\d out fotty feet in" width, ,■ . i,. • ,. ^ *; -. • . ' ■■■'■■ • ■ ■ • ■ ■■^'- ■■ ■■ ■■• ■■'. > .X'' ■ ■ And whereas Benjamin, WaVrien, Surveyor of High- ways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned ^ by twelve freehold elh of trte said County to lay out a Road in the Townsllip of Escott, and in •pursuance of such petition the said Benjamin Warren has Vjurve^ed and laid o}it the said Road afl follows: commeBQi^ in DcMnption R the second Concession of sa*M Township of • Escott, in. '"^iieoii. the southern limit of the Qirafcn's Highway, leadinj^ to Kingston, and on the line beiween lots numbers rtifte , and ten, from a post planted on tl^^e aforesi^id liteit; th i enco n aouth»«>nth»east course to thtf rront of the second- Rst r ' ' "^ marked R is planted, twenty feet from said hne,— stud / Road runs equally on each half of said lot in the said ' third Concession ; the above posts are all planted on the . ' north-east side of said Road, which Road is laid out forty feet in width. And whereks Philemon Pennock, Surveyor of High- ' . wavs in and for the County of Grenville, Jas bewi, ' -netitiohed by twelve freeholders of the said County, to 'lav out a certain Road in the Township of Augusta, and . in pursuance ofsuch petition, the said Philemon Pennock ' ' ^ has surveyed and laid out the said Road as follows: inAu^Qii*. aforesaidjitf the comer pwt between lots nhtobetf len C- -I 1 . A ^. "^ ^^ rear" of thence ly rods, iiriibers bresfiid i-south- present foresaid »d treies id Boad ways m med by . a Road/ of 'suchl K-' md Jaid he New- post has side line 1 conces- he third arked R he Road d fourth ' ision h'n^ ncessiori, ] limited, ; thence 1 leading edarp>st ne,— stiid the said ed on the I laid out of High- has he«n, loiinty, to ;usta, and 1 Pen nock I follows: f Augusta '-i. and eleven ; thence on the line between said lotis, thirty- two chains seventeen links ; thence south forty degrees, west twenty chains seventy links, across, lot number eleven J -thencfe south twefnty degrees, east twenty chains twelve links; thence south thirty-five degrees, west across lot number twelve, twenty" chains sixty links, to the Road between lots numbers twelve and thirteen ; monurhents describing the coiisse of said Road Kave been placed on the east and south sides thereof, and which said Road is laid oi\t forty feet in width. _^i,_...^...:-l^^.^ —.:.__ And whereas Hugh Kernahari, Surveyor of Highways in and fur the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of flie said County to lay out a certain Road in the Xowi|ship bf Kitley,and in pursuance ofsuch petition, the said Hugh Kernahan bas^wFveyermhdlaii* out the sa tdrRoiid as follows ; corarafencingat the eai.j side of the allowance fqr a Rojid betweei^ts n|Abers twenty-four and .twenty-five at the distance ornfteeli rods from the rear of the fourth Concesston of the Town- ship of Kitley; thence running eas^terly^cross lots numbers twenty-four, twenty-three, and twehty-twb, to the line between lots numbe.^twerity-two and twenty- one ; thence along said line si-4ty-seven rods to the rear of said Concession ; the po^ts planted on said Rpad are on the north sid > thereof,— and which Road is laid 9Ut forty feet in width. ' ^ . •■ And wht^reas Hugh Kernahan, Surveyor of Highways in and for th6 County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a Rpad in the Tbwnship of Kitley ; and in purauance of such petition the said Hugh Kernahan has surveyed add laid out the said Road as follows.: connnencing at the »«»^gj»n east side Of the alloA^nce for i^ftead between Ms " numbers twenty-four and twenty-five in the seventh Concession of said Township o( Kitley, at a distance of eleven chains and fifteen links from the centre of said seventh concession, and on the north side of said ceutr^ ; thence south seventy-six degrees, east fifteen chains. ahd seven links to a post placed at a distance of twenty feet * ■ 1, 1. ;'•; ,' . / • ' <- ■, ■ > ■ ^ ^ Deacripiion Road in Kitlwy. " /' " 9 ■: ' * » * V'" ■ . '° J. ' H * \ ■. .' '' : ' ■■. ' "'^ \Hny. iUM from the cehtre of sai thereSf; thence north fifty-four remainder of lots numbers twen^ eight chaiife and seventy-fo two, to a stone monument placed i af n pi ft ft ft of land belongi n g to and cp the north,«idte jrees, east across thp , twenty-three,und if number twenty- le south-we^C^ angle »rg» K. Prenfaata, ■ -----ii"^^ ^ - , -: ' 156 • . ^' • 'f ^^^ tweirty feet "north of the said centre ; thence ^orth fifty- two degrees, east six phains, to a slone monument placed on the west side of the Perth road, at tV^e south-east aneloof thesaid George K. Brennan's lands, thirty-three feet from the said centre'; thence north fafty-two decrees and ten minutes, east twenty-eight chains, and thirty- "eight links to a iwst placed twenty-five feet north ot the said centre ; thence north forty-nin«. degrees and forty ^ mipiites, east across the: remainder ^of lots numbers : t^enty-'one. twenlT. and nineteen, to4he ajlowance for a Road between Jots numbers eighteen and nmet^n,— the aUme descriptioh applies to the north side of said ^ Eoad/?which Road has been laid out forty leet wide. Be *it therefore ordained and enacted by the^Distriot Council of the District of ^ohnsto^^n, i** Council assem- bled at the Town of Broijkyille, on the fltth day ot February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundredW forty-eight. That the above described Road^ be respectively approved of and confirmed as Public lEloads and Highways. . _ OGLE R. GOWAN, ' • ~7^ Warden, ci"^-] ' .-,■ ■■;■ .: .,#,, . Vo. CLZ\rn. -BT-LAW ytesHlate thecunumntcf compensation to be allowed to Jisxssors and Collectors for extra labor occasioned^ by any local Tax being imposed in any Scfwd-Section. Passed February 5, 1848. "WheieM it is necessary to :fix the amount x)f compen- 8«e w Vic chsi _t;-„ to he allowed to Assessors a^d Collectors for extra ««-""**'^„Wb occasioned them when local assessments are 1. Snosed OH School-Sections: Be it theTefore ordained andenacted, and it is hereby ordained and fen^ted hy the Difitriot Council of the District of Johnstown, m CoanoU asaembled at the Towa of BrockviU^, on the ftftti day of FeUiua r y, in tUo y o w of om Lord onelh fflfc. I 8£ f f>. 157 sand eight hiuiidred and forty-eight, That the following sii^s and ne jnore be'^paid and allowed foresaid extm lal^r, that is to say, .to Assessors when the lucul tiix is assessed, or inight be assessed at the same time with the annual assessment, the sum of ten shillings ; when required by any By-Law to be assessed^ither before or aftelF-the usual time of taking the Township assessments, the sum of one pound, to be paid, in all cases by the Trustees of the School-ffiNBction k> ta:!ced, and out of the funds raised by said tMC. #, , ^EeWK-2. , Andibe it enacted By the authority aforesaid, That it shall j\pd may be lawful ftnr the said Collectors to retain in their hands, out of Jhe local tax so imposed, the tbllowing sums, and no nTure, that is to say, •when the said tax is collected, or might be colledted, at the same tifaie with Ih'e annual Township assessment, the sum often shillings ; when required by ahy By-Law to be collected either before or after the Township aaaess* ment» the sum of X>tte pound. OGLE R. GOWAN,' [L. S.] Wardtn. %' f 'Jlowed to . 'A by any u" ,1848. compen- for extra lents are ordained i^ted by stown, in ), on the one thott- v*^" \ *% No. CLZVIIL— BT-LAW X To repeai 90 vmth of By-Law No. 14*3 as enacts that the Annual Township Meeting of the Toionship <^ Bastmd shall be held at the Village of Beverly, ~^?r — • Whereas it would be convenient for the inhabitant preambi*. HoUsehcldeis and freeholders of the Township of Bastard to assemble tojiold their annual Township Meetings at or near the centre of the Township: Therefore be. it part ByUw n« enacted by the District Council of the District of Johib- i«»p«"'««'' town, in Council assembled at tiie Town of BrockViUie, ^ on the sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one '' thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, That so rapdh. of By-Law No. 143, as enacts ^hat the said Town|hip > Meetings sl^all be held at the Village of Beverly, ajhitU be, and is hereby repealed. , >w r «Wr •J ■35*: % A^ 158 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, rbTheid."""' That the said annual townshil) Meeting of the Township i • of Bastard, shnir be held ^t Smyth Mills, on the rear of , lot number fifteen, in the fifth Concession of said Township. ,' OGLE R. GOWAN, [L. S] * Warfkn. I Pteamble. Description. % Closed. No. CLXa-BY-ia^W To close a Road in the Toumshipof Eiizabethtoum. Whereas William K. Glnzier>Snrveyor of ^^^ays in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by t° c ve freeholders of the said County. »<> close a certain R Said Collectore, to retain at the rate of two-and-half per cent, for their compensation for collecting said Money. OGLE R. GOWAN, Tfar oe ie««d -«f Johnstown, duly assembled at the Town of Bro«kville, on the sixth day of October,4n the year of our Lord one ' .♦ thousand eight hun, ' In School-Section No. d>,tn the Township of Kittey, • (Repealed : see By-Law No. 194.) kiSdwiA-8eaianNo.%,inihe. Toumdiip of Augusta, The sum of^tour pounds and ten shillings, currency, for the purpose of ieompleting a School-House therein. * 2. .And be it enacted, That the said sums so to be raised How levied, ftCfiQd levied, shall be apportioned on the said property, in i the said School Sections 'respeetivoly, according to the values assigned to the same by Liw, and shall be forth- with placed on th^ Collectors' HoUs by the Clerk of the Peace, and be collected by the respective Collectors of the several Townships/in like manner ab any other tax, but shall be paid overlay them to the.Pistnct Superm- tendent of Common Schools, within the period fixed by law fbr tlTe payment of rates in each year to the District Treasurer. :, 3. That it shall be the diity of the Assessors of th« ^"*^"* "^ "several Townships, to return to the Cleifc of the Peace a list of all the rateable property in each ol the said School-Sections, with the names of the rateable inhabi- tants therein duly attested, in the same manner us they are required to make the annual Assessment returns for their «'l»««™ ■"'-"""■*.oci,E^B. eoWilN, '' " . Warden. ■■ I ^ 41-^ '^.. .t*JL^ -^ i n t( v!r;v. .^' '■' li*^. '•#' ■ » -* ^.■;^ 1-^ .. ■ ♦ ■■ 161 /«i> ^ IVo. CLXXH..»BTUIW --'■;-f N* Edwardsbivrgh and Augusta, thi sum of frrty TJdunds - «ierem ; and by By-Lit^XLt; passed in the month of February, ,n the yeat 1847, Thit there belmiseS and ' ' InSnf**? i''^«^«.«d «teable property of the inhabi-'^ "• tents of School-Section number one, in the Township of Augusta, the sum of fifty pounds, for the puro^e of erectmg a School-Heuse therein. And wheieTft t tn^hfS ? '^P^^^.'** "^"J"^ ''^ "^^d By-Laws a^ relates to the said tax on the said School-Sections numbers five and twenty, m the Townships of Edwardsburgh and V Augusta and School-Section mimber one. in the Town- . ship of Augusta : Be it therefore ordained and enacted p--',. r ^Cto^I'^^^T'^u °^ Johnstown, dul/assembled at lh« vZ nf t'''''!,'"^' °".*^^ ^'""^^ ^*y of Octpber, in tJZy.f^'y''^ °°u° ***°"^"^ «'ght hundred and tfL^^}\ ^^^^ '°.?S^^ °^ *b« ^'^' By-Law as relates to the said tax on said School-Sections numbers five and twenty, m he Townships of Edwardsburgh and Aiwiste " and School-Section number one, in thf TownshTof Augusta, be repealed, and the same is hereby repeSed. And whereas it is necessary that School-Section* numbers fiveand nineteen. in thTTownsh^TorAuS'"™ and Edwardsburgh. should be taxed in the sum of^fifty &^ ^"T'^' "*"?"' °^ •" ""^^'Ses, and thaT School gsctiota mimber one, in the Township of Augusta, should / be taxed m the sum ofthirty-two pounds, currency f^e 1 l^ri tf'^'? '? ^^^r^y ^"^'^'"^d a»Kl enacted.^That • there be raised and levied on the assessed rateahlfl property of the inhabifants of said TcS-Selt ot ''^" M'-i^ numbers five and nineteen, in the Townships of Aug ista and Edwardsburgh, the^um of fifty pounS. cur Sv ' » ' un«, 1.1 ih6 Township of Augusta, the suhi of Jhirty-two "rrr *>*. •'. I •■>; ' y '«¥•'. Hrfw levied. » How Collected: :''- 1 i 162 '- • ^^ ■ . " pounds, currency, fi-^e of all charges, for the purpose of building and finishing School-Houses in said School- Sections. .- • * ■ ' W ' ' -7 ■ . And^the said sums so to be raised and levied shall be apportioned on the said property, in said School-Stctions, 4 respectively, according to the value assigned to the same by law, and shall be placed on the Collectors' Rolls by the Clerk of the Peace. That the said sums shall He collected by the respective • Collectors of the several Townships in which the said , School-Sections ar^sitciftted, in like ma^ner as any other -\ * I tax for said District, but shall be collected immediately ^ upon the receipt of the BfOU made out by the Clerk of the Peace for said Section, and shall be paid over by ^ said Collector to the Superintendent of Common Schools . for the District, in the month of February, 1849. ■»':■■ «. Attaitor'i dutyr. That it shall be the duty of the Assessors of the several I ^ Townships in which the said several Sections are respec- tively situated, to return to the Clerk of the Peace a list' -.-fb . ' of *ill tlie rateable property in e^^f the said School- 'v'' Sections with the names of thl^%teable inhabitants therein, duly attested in the same mariner as they sire required to make the annual assessment return for their respective Townships; and that the Assessment Roll Iqjr the above mentioned School-Sections be made out * i . immediately on the commencement of the time allowed by law for their assessing property, and returned to the '• Clerk of the Peace. i.f*' Ijl-^.J Ih. S.] OGLE R. GOWAN^ . ' ' - Wotden. vt- ftnmhU, ■\it: No. CLXXXn.— BT-LAW To establuh certain Roads in the District of Johnstoum. Whereas Henry B. Marvin, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road in the Townshjp of South Crosby, and in pursuance pf t»«qh petition, the saicUH w nry B . Marvin hnf i ^ w nrvrynd- ■l^ fe: 1 163 and laid Qu^ the said Road as follows : commencing at n. „ the south-east corner of lot.numbef nine, in the second uJsou1h"^"b?:' Concession of South Crosby, (the corner post of said lot being the centre of the Road); thence running a south- west course to the Creek, the distance of twenty-five rods, where a Maple tree is mark"^ as south' side of • Road and a large Hemlock tree is the centre of it ; thence \ angling a little soi^th across the creek and running up the creek close by the Mill-Pond, through the woods* w^ere a Maple tree is marked as south side of Road, and thence on a straight line to the four corners at the rear of Mftd lot, where a Ceda^post is^anted and marked , assouth'side, of Road, which Road, is laid out forty feet ill width. . . '. J' ' . And whereas John Robinson, Surveyor of Highways in ttnd for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by • • twelve freeholdersiwf. the said County, to lay out a certain ' ' Road m the Township of Lansdowne, and in pursuance of such petition, the sIIjM John Robinson has surveyed and laid out the said Road as follows : commencing at tt De.cripUun b«* post marked R (9n the nori h side) on the Hue between lots •" i-"n«down«. numbers twenty-three «j|a twenty-four in the fir* con- cession of the Township of Lansdowne ; thence easterly across said lot to the Town liiffe to a post planned thereon marked R on the north side, ninety-five tods ; thonce same course, sixty-one rods, qtcross the Gore in the front ^ concession, or broken front of Escolt, to a post planted and marked R (on the north side) until said Road meets' with the River Roa4 leading to XaRue's; all of the ' above mentioned posts are plaB^# forty * rodsLjQa, po^ planted on the Town line and marked R^ ontneekst side; thence. alQng oh the east side of the Town-line, fifty-four rods to a;post plained on the west of the Town line marked R, on the ea:srsid6 ; thence a -: nbrth-west cpurse thirty rods, ta a post marked R on the east side ; thenoe a north-easterly course forty-four rods ■to a post planted on the Conce|lion line between the first and second boncessions of Lansdowne, marked R, ou the east side ; thence, skme direction, twenty-seven rods, to a post planted and marked R (on the east side), on the west side of the Town line to the allowance for a Road ; thence along the allowance for a Road thirty ^nine rods to a post planted and marked R, On the^ast side ; thence a north-west course fifty-four rods to a post planted and markf^d R, on the east side, on the west side of the ' allowance for a Road ; thence mining a north-easterly course'fideen rods round a ledge of rocks, to a post malrked R, on the east siie, planted on the Town line ; thende along the allowance for a Road on the west side of the town line, thirty-three rods \joj». post planted op the west side 00 the Road marked R, on, the east side ; thence along on the allowance for a road, seventy-five rods to a post plantedjon the corner o/ Shepherd's clearing marked It on the east side ; thence along the allowance for a Road, ^xiy-six rods to a post plante.d on the north corner of Shepherd's clearing and marked R on the east side ; thence running a north-easterly direction on the ea^t side of the Town line by a line of marked trees, round a large ledge of rocks, fifty-one rods, to a post planted on the Town lifte, marked R, on the east side; thence along on the west side of the Town line on the aHowanpe- for a Road twenty-eight rods, to a post planted forty feetftrbm the south corner of Henry M«^Intyre'S clearing to a post planted and marked Jt, on the east side ; from thence along on the allowance for Road two hundred rods more of less, to the QueenV Highway in the third concession bf the Township of Lansdowne. ^ All the * posts and marked trees are on the west side of said Roadu which Road is laid out forty fe^t in width. And whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of Highways in H-, yt ,*,..->. '^y:' ->■• » J «,t«; for a j6;5 ^■ Iwefve freeholders t >f ,the saiU Coim£y,'to lay oat a certain Road in the Township of Oxford, and in pursuance of such petition, the said Edvmrd Mix has surveyed and laid out the said Road as fpUoWs : commencing at the De»«np»»n «• north end of the bridge .o\rer Patterson's Creek, on lot '"*l^'"^' number twenty, in the first Conce&ion of the Township of Oxford, at a Cedar post marked R No. 1 , and running ina north-easterly direction to another Cedar post marked E No. 2, planted'pn the upper side of the lower half of i\l,e aforesaid lot number twenty; then a little more — - northerly to the lower side of said lot to a Cedar post marked R ^fo. 3, planted on the allowance for a Road, between said lots numbers twenty and twerity-one aforesaid, two chains, ninety-three links southerly fipm " the stone monument erected jn front of snid lot number ' twenty; then a little more northerly to a Cedar post iharked R No. 4, planted on tfie npper side of lot number twenty-two, seSVenty-threS links south-easterly from the •post between lots ntMnbers twenty-one and twenty-two ; then /in aj)arallel .line with the base line to the lower - side 6Cy twcWo '^ -^-'J z.^L^^ .. — _ ^ . »^ a cerxain r - ^'^ ' ' ■ * J'^-*' f/.'^^J':,'' '.■■ '•, ■•"'T.* .■ ■,!' « 4 J- ■ •^^'-*' he Townshi tbn, the »i he said^ ante^ ond^Wthe isi: of W^lfciii^d. m^ nlong tal$''|ji]i| of blazi |)l|j|^ed .ih uiiilyl>^n fi^ moire pi^ less, until it i Merrifsj^ille to' M^i^h^ * ""yjfcil't wide. ° iveyof of Highwavjb been petitioned ]^< ty, to lay out a new n,an4 in pursuance ^ ;h has surveyed % commencingoon " ^gn lot number" if the satid Town- ees: Stephen, fieaoh, j[ jljie CoiuAty of Leeds; Teeholders of the said C :^e Township of .£lu»ibet] bf JsueK petition the said $teph< abd jaid out the said, Road atj M the north- ettst side' of the. side ^»cripiionRoa4 twenty-one inthe second Con^esslpi lEiiabethiowp^j^ of EUaabethtown, at a tree ^hMhas a gate hung 9n,it;^ then nearly east abojitninfety lodai mora qr lessj "' ,to a iN^lt^ with atones at the bottom,4lg^ marked E with i|e4 etm)! [ thence north-Qasterly oibi^forty-six rods ta Jiipoth^r ^ke mik^ked K.with red chalk ; thence easterl; i^boutr 'fifty ;|pd» to an Elm tree standing about two rod' if»rth of an Ash tree, mentipned in the Eoad petition ; j$ience easterly about twenty-five itxis to B. Flint's land, - ,lo a Beecih tree thre6 feet porth of ti stake mentioned in. m.b afbfesai^ Road petitiod, and maMced with red chalk iR; thence north - easterly about tsyepty-five rods to. '^ another stake marked R with red cIialK, nearly to John Clark's land j then easterly across' the corner of the said John Clark'b land to a stake markc^d R with red chalk, on the south side of the now travelled Road; then easterly along the novf travelled Road to the second concession Road. AUof the.abov^ mentioned ^.r^es.and <-'■ stakes are marked R with red the soutti'Si&e of the. said Road, out forty-fif e''f(^^t wid6. d whereas Edward Mii br the'^County of Gren Ve freeholders, of the sai Road in the Tl^nship of such petitip^ the said Edwa: laid out tto said Buad a» foHtw ri L ,nd all staud on h Road is laid I ip V sat »'€ Ofl of Highways in en petitioned by to lay out a new in pursuance of surveyed and anoing on the * t li i, 4 , ' ¥ at a-i* . Qsbit wavfi new lance eyed ig«on mbef 1C7' if fifth Concession line, where it rans into the south branch DtMnpuon Rosd of the Rideau River on lot number eighteen, at a Cedar '" ""'""'.^ ti-ee standing oil the bank of said branich and marked R. No. 1 ; thence along the bank of said branch about ten tods more or less, to a Cedar jx^t marked R No» planted on the side line between lots numbers eighteen and seventeen ; then south thirty -six degrees, east along said side line about twenty rods more or less, to a stone mommient marked R No. 3 ; thence in about a parallel line with,, the concession line to the uppef side of lot, —^^^ number seventeen, which Road is laid out forty feet in width. That, part of the Road between the first and . ' second monuments is taken from the back or south-east " side of the monument, and the remainder of the Road is taken equajly from each side of the line of survey. ;■ Je il therefore ordained and enacted by the District confirmed ^ Council of the District of Johnstown, in Council a^em- PuyioRo""!*- bled at the Town of Brockville, on the sixth day of - October, in the year of 6ur Lord one thousand eight ' hundred and forty-eight. That the above described Roads be respectively approved of and .confirmed as Public Rqads and Highways. 'Jf " ,<( fL. S.J OGLE R. GOWAN, ji Watden. (J- ^r No. CLXZnr.— BT-LAW To cover the several- grants of Money made at this Sesadn '^^the Council. ^^•^fryutt^^iMi^tiTfM for aid, claims for compen- sation for danisms siratained, accounts froni the District Officers^and others for sei^^ces renjleKed, have been presented to this Coancil^ a^whdtpa^the M^petitions, claims^ and accounts have been refi^reeeh enqiwed into and repbrted ■ upon, by the select Comm itte es to whw thoy 'Vere rfffgrred for invegttfp mu i i ; mm tHcreH^'vowiftined ima^ ■ K PreBtnble. *■ : ^ \ 1 ^ ■ ;4f .* / -i ..; '■ ¥ ».'v. \ i 11.: enacted by the District Council of the District of Johns- town, in Council assembled at^he Town of Brockville, on the "seventh day of October, in the* year of mr Lord one thousand eight hundred and fotty-eight, Tha,t the following sums be paid bvjlie Trei^surer of this District to the persons whose names are priced before each item respectively, and that this By-Lav shall be a sufficient voucher to that Officer, to pay the said amounts, as ' - No. 1. To Thomas F. McQueen, Surgeon, the sum of £1, being for a post mortem examination made upon the body of a ..deceased person^ at therequestof a Coroner and Jury. No. 2. To Tke ISlaieaman^ntiag-otlice, the siun of X3 Ib. 4d:, beihg for Printing aSd>dvertiaing, • ]^o.3. To William A. SchofiWd, Esq-," the sum of being for his services a^Town Clerk for the To t Elmsley, for part of th» Wear 1846. / • No. 4. To Thomas Gainford, Esi.jJSurgedn, the sutriof £2, being for services rendered at tfo intiwest? held in BieTowi;j8|ip ', . of Augusta, at the requealt ofthe Coronet and^Junesr ' No.5. ship .?Jo.6. No. 7. To John Morris, Road feurv^yor, the sihnjrf 16s^ bem_ for his services in Surveying and laying out a Head, in the Township of Yonge. ^ * To Edward Mix, Road Surveyor, the sunivftf £1 2s. 6 , being fpr his services in the surveying and laying out a Road in the Township of Oxford, / ' ", ^ To Simon M^Gee, Roi being for his services Rc»a in the Townshi; . Surveyor, the suiin of £l 6s the surveying and laying out ofWoMbrd. I. 3|i., ' ^- ' >:l V T No. 8. ToBenjsttnin Warreh, Road Surveyor, th© sum of IBs., being forliis services in the laying nut and surveyiiig a Roadindie TownsAipof Escott. \ | No. 9. To Stephen Beacl/; Road Surveyor, the sum of 15s., ^ing ' for his iservices iiy sijpeying and laying otit a Road in the Township of Eliteabethtown.- i .i , " 1;., No. 10. To JoWRxftiin^n, Road Surveyor, me sum of l^'.,Mng - for his services in the laying out and suryeying of 4 Road Inthe Township of Lansdowne..*' y * as- j.^ -^^ r ■ ■;•, ; ■■[ , being j ' iy of a I furyi. I Is. 4d:, (ship of !, being >wi;is|in ybemg Roaud ih 2S. 6d., - ig out a ■■'■ l^'^ out of a of IBs revine veyirtga Is., being. ', ' Eld ih the .', ■■["■■■• ' b'., being ' jfstRoad mship of > ^8. 8d., ^. "■ " ' ' '' ■ .' , ■"" ' Nrt. 12. to Galvin Strathere, EnumeratoiKlBr the towrtship of Lteeds a^id Lansdowne (in rear), the\um of £3 13s. &!., , being /or, hi? services as SBch Enumerator. , No. 13, Tq • James 1'aylor, Enuijiierator for the Township of - Escott, the sum of JE3 5s., Aefing for his services as isuch Enumerator. « • ' No. I4»„To John Purvis; Enumerator for the Township of YongeT . the sum of i;9 143. 8d., being for his services as such £.numerator. ■ , , . / No. 15. To Jacob Smith/ Enumeratoir^for the Tdwnship of Eliia- bethtown, thte sura of £14 Is. 4d., beiny\lbr his seryices as such Enumerator. ' °X / No. 16. To Ganfet t)oyle, Enumerator for the iWtiship of Augusta, the sum of £12 13s,, being for his services as ( such Enumerator. ; No. 17.-TI David Snyder, Enumerator for the Township of Edwardsburgh, *» sum of £9 58. 8d., being for his services as 8i|(shEaUmerat<^f. V ' No. 18., To John Gray, Eiiumerator for the Township of South Gower, the sum of £2 Is. 8d;, being forTils senssices as I. such Enumeratflf. ,t ^ . t-t-^ No. 19. To Edward Mix>Enumerator for the Township of Oxford, the sum ot £11 Is., being for his services as such ., Enumerator. No. 2a To John Elliott, Enumerator of the Township cf Wolford, ,- the sum of £8 5s., being for bis services as suCh'Enu- . ^ ^merator, - ..• . »' ''M . ". ■ : ' ^ No.,2i."to Wiiliam Brennan, Enumerator for the Township of • ' • 'Kiry<*P'e sHpi of £9 2s., bemg for his services as such '; . . ■_ j!4itoerator. . ^, No. 22. To Itobert Goodlellpw, Enumerator for the Township of . Elrnsley, the sum of £3 lOs., being for his services as ,./ such Enumerator. »«. Jfo.23. To Alexander Elliott, Enumerator for the Towndup of ' -Bastard, the sum of £9 Is./ being for his services as such gnumeratof. , ^ Patrick Wills, Enumerator for the Township of South rgess, the sum of £1 l8.'4d., being for his services as !h Enumerator. No. 25. To James Kennedy, Enumerator for the Township of * rg"^-^'!^y' *^^ "^ of ^3 66., being for his twrncw t tts- Buot Eniipieiator:7 T— 1 .' \' ■■■> .^:.^ tit. '^ >» •,-' »'■ w . >-:^;- ■-.■.■4--- --f-fi; / , K 4r. i70 t ' J.. ^ •f 10 "^i °No.26. To Walter Whellaii, Ennmefator for North Crosby,* the sum of £4 28. 4d., being for his 'perviees as such "' Enumerator. > . No. 27. M0fll^l0^^''^^WT^^^ ¥ }'^'' Tovvn of ipkviHe. the ^ «^'3 9lr, Tjemg for his services a* such Enurfterator.^ ' '' , 1 •' - . v • No.^fe\To Daniel McCarthy, Enumerator for the Town"^., Trescott, the sum of iK2 .136. lOd., b«ing for his services i such Enumerator. ., v No. S9I ToTAe Recorder Printins-Offlce, the sum of £3 Igs. 6d., IbeingfbrPriHting and Advertising. . .' „ No. 30. NTo Christopher Lcggo, Gaoler, the sum of £4 16s.' 6(1., Being for WJiitfe-washing the GaVSl and certam repairs ' ' to it and to the Court-House. ' . ;' . ^ 1 ! % / "\ l\ No. 31. To >«no9 T. Svtreet, Constable, ^^m bi lus^T bemg ,for certain services reqiiired by gftrouer's Jury, in. disinterrmg of a body. No. 32. To Alfred Poulton, Painter and GlazierMhe sum of £ 68. 9d., being for certain Painting and (^ing done to the Gaol and Court House. -' \ ^ •' %o. 33|^o John Lafayette, Tinsmith, the.sm^f i^ IIK, beiqg. Mt» %r certain repairs done i?;t suiidry tim^l to the leack«'ork * T i^ the outside «the Cour^House, and to the stove p^pes ""Vi withiQ the building. W34j ToUthuf Tillpy, the sum of £2 16s. 3d.,^being for Certain repairs done to the Locks and Doors of the Gaol -Ti No No No. "No: No. No. I and Court, Jflouse. '4 ' " ^ . . ij;. "t* fo. Ssf To F4icis ^oniiJphe sttiii of £1 IK. lO^d'., being fcr '1 .» ^ . • ceiftai^vork '^^ in one ofthp corndors jrf the Gaiol. . " «l6o. 36. To A^IJP^ikStock/ o? the To\\;j|ih,ip of Escott, the sum '''" '" ."i^t£10>Wing'the«mouptof cptn^nsation'for land taken *>« '^Bbi,lii|et.tor a»PuUic Highway. > 1 Nc'SflnK Fim MiJnford, of ^he-Towhship of Escott, the sum ^ , ^ "^ £5, being the amSuntol compensation allowred him l'J£ ' . ^TorTarjd taken for a Public Highway. i ^"-"'u ' ♦* * A ^ if>' 38. °To- John Neil, of the Township of^|:sc«t,4he sum of £S, _'-L jr • •.» being the amount of compensatioite allowed to hun lor '.^i * * * ^ £"• • v- land takelii for a Public'Highway. '' , '/ " No. 39. To Thomas Rogers, of the Township of Bastard, the sum^ -*^ ' ;' ^ ,. ' -of 4:7 10b., being the amount of oompensatiou allowed to^ - tv S i.u> ' O ca ■ t*m^ ' mw CT i "ff Wi" f i P w V i l i w - H iir ti^ y w V - ■ ■■■ " ■ " ' ■ ■' ™" Wm I6if iftiunaiJBinorsrTaDuc Highway 1 J. - No.' No.- No.( %' No. 5 " •Jy * /.'iAliB^lu^^ 1 )sby,"the as such ,^ Town of srvices a% Town^ i services 3 Igs. 6d., \ . _ tt : 16s." 6d., ill repairs 1)8., bejo^ iry, in.^ 3umo{ nj? done to being for >f the Gaol , being fcr eGaiol. . tt, the 8um land taken t, the sum lowed him sum of £5, to him for ■d, the sum i^lowed to. Ji 171 # 'A No. 40. To John Badgers, of the Township of Bastard, the sum of i;i2 10s., being thft. amount of compensation allowed » to him for land taken for a Public Highway. No. 41. To William Richends, of the TownshiE^^fBaataid, the sum of £8 5,s., beingthe amount of cotiipehsation allowed to hrni for land taken foi;,a Public Highway. ffo. 42. To Jblin Wallace, of the Townshfp of Escott, the sum of £7 lOs., being the amount of compensation allowed to , hini for certain land taken for a PubKc Highway. No. 43. TMames Eat(|| Road Surveyor, the sum of £1 2s. 6d., bemg for his semces, in surveying and laying out a Road , m the Township of Bastard. No. 44. To Philemon Pennock, Road Surv'eyjtf,4he sum of 15s., ' bemg for his services in surveyig^ and laying out a Road , m the Township of Augusta. No. 45. To Margret Jessop, a distressed and destitute female of 4 *V? Township of Elmsley, the sum of £5, being as part ^ aid towards her support and maintenance. ^No. 46. To William Fitzsimraons, Carpenter, the sum of £3 17s. 8d., being for services rendered in putting up a Book- case in the District Clerk's Office, pursuant to the order ^of this Council. To. 47. To William Earl, of the township of Bastard, the sum , of £5, to assist in the maintaining of Benjamin Godkln, ' an Insane and destitute person. . \ -*" , Jr?* '• '.. M ■ • ■» ' K o No. 48. To Waher B||tt^rr of the Township of Yonge, the sum. , • ot £5, to aid ih the sustenance and support of Charlotte , McCJ9nkey,^a distressed and destitute female. .yv No. 49. Tp Sophia Stephens, of the Tqwnship of Yong the sum of £5, to aid in the support of Joseph sick and destitute jperson. — — y. No. 50. To the order of Thomas Gainfotd, Esquire, to aid in the maintenance of Benjamin Lane, of Augusta, a destitute and n^flicted pPTson, the gum of jES. s||q.51. To James Kincaid, of^Brockville, High Constable, the sum of £1 5s., for attending the Council five day§ this Session. No. 52. To C. X.eggo, of Brockville, Gaoler, the sum of £1 IBs. 2d., for fuel, IJfhts, stationeiy, and other contingencies furinshcd'the Ciuucil during -this session, r^ ^ V;.^ , \ * OGLER.dOWAN, ! j f ; t- i' It ! i . :1 ;. I ^ h 'i 172 i No. CIJDnr.~-BT-LAW To moAe promUmfor the Completion of the Victoria JRhad, Passed February 13, 1849. (Repealed : see By-Laws Nos.4 & 24r County Council). -""'T? ■■/ >£;■ ii- . v.", '•< ••? .•'-fi. • No. CUannL-BT-LAW^ Tp prevent Nuisances^ and to protect thd public Health in the District tf Johnstown. Penalty for, in !• Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Ko^J^AC" District of Johnstown, in Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the thirteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thoiisand eight hundred and forty- ^i . nine, That any person or persons having deposited, or who shall hereaflef deposit or cause to be deposited in • , ' any public Bxuid, Street, or Highway, within the District of Johnstown, any timber, boards, plank, stone, brick, lime, mortar, or other materials for building, and who shall refuse or neglect to removoj the same within twenty-four hours after being directed to do so by the Overseer of Highways for the Division, or' by the District Warden, a Justice of the Peace, or a Town Councillor, shall forfeitand pay a penalty not exceeding five shillings for every twenty-four hours thereafter durmg which the same shall be suffered to remain unmoved: Provided that this regulation shall not extend to any person or personsj requiring such materials for immediate use, in / order to erect any house or other fixed bmiding, and , occupying therewith, not more than half the width of . ' the Road or Street, opposite the site of sitbh intended building for which the same shall bo required^ Penalty for. in 2. Any pcrsou who shall deposil in ahy Road Or public Chttrcb./w(U,&c High way, or in any Church-yard, or Cemetery for the dead, or in any Market-place, Town-Hall, or School-yard, _ ; : > , or other Public grounds, any fire-wood, stone, sleigh, ■ wagon, rubbish, filth, or other nuisanCe, except for the purpose of immediate removal, and shall refuse or neglect If/ rortbwitb upon being directed so to do by the Overseer :M^ A. :.7^'' ■■ ■i^:^'^' Council). Heaiih in il of the he Towa ry, in the ind forty- jsited, or x)sited in e District le, brick, and who B within so by the e District ouncillbr, ! shillings /hich the Provided person or e use, in ling, find width of intended or public y for the lool-yard, J, sldgh, pt for the >r neglect Overseer ■r -^ag^jiL : , , 173 ' of Highways for the Division, or by thie Warden of the District, or by a Justice of the Peace, or a Township Coitocillor, shall forfeit and pay a penalty not less than r two shillings and six nei|lte, or raqre than five shillings ' ' for every twenty-four hoiirs. which such nuisance shall remain unremoved, after such person shall be so directed ^ to remove the same. i 3. Any individual who shall at atty time expose his or ^ her person, or conduct himself or herself in an indecent wr""''*'"' ariOobscene manner, shall forfeit and pay for every such owtoce not less than, five shillings or more than ten shillings. ^ 4. No person shall leave or cause to be left any dead animal, carrion, putrid meat, or entrails of any animal, '^'"^^■■n^ or any otheir matter or substance, dangerous to the public ***' health, or offensive to the public smell, in any public highway, church-yard, or public ground of any kind, under a penalty of not less than five shillings nor . ' more than ten shillings, nor shall anyVrscn suffer any ' such dead animal or other putrid or<)fl!ensive matter to" remain on their lands or on the premises in their care or occupation, without covering the same with earth, when requested so to do by the Warden of the IHstrict, 6r ty any Justice of the Peace, or District Councillor, under a penalty of not less than five shillings nor more than ten shillings." < 5. No person shall fish, fowl, or hunt on the Sabbath F»Wns. &c., on or Lord's day, within the limits of the District of Johns-. ^^^^ town, under a penalty of not less t4ian five shillings nor - more than twenty shillings. ' ^ 6. All persons, whether travelling dn foot or on horse- wVto,. *c. on back, m a waggon, sleigh, or other vehicle or carriage, ^^ shall take the right side on all public Roads and High:. ^ ways within t^District, and all persons refusin/or ^ t^f^ neglectingjf^tafAl^o, when passing any other pereon, ' -Sg- .jf ^bn horselTack, or in a waggon, sleigh, 'T ' cutter, or 5thfii4«trriage, shall forfeit and [wiy any sum not less than five-lKillings or more than ten shillings. :^m>^' 7. Any person or persons who shall injure or destroy iu-»„ri_,,_ any tree or trees, planted, growing, or being in any street, ^^^' highway, public square, market-place, church, school, or Town-haH yard, or other public place, planted or reserved for s^^e or ornament, or who shall pull down or deface ■.y 7T *^- / „ .'in ■"' s . • - any sign-bbard, or inscribe or draw any indecent yrords, figures, or pietiires on any building, wall, fence, of other •• public place, shall forfeit "and pay a sujTi not less thapf • . five shillings or more than three pounds. ^ ^ Ift.ivingover 8. Any "peVsou who ^hall be convicted' tj^ riding or Bridges.; ^ driviflg ov<;r bny bridge or through any street'Within ih^ „„ . limits lof any Of the Towns following, that is to say :^=- * ' • Lyndhiust, Charleston, Mallorytown, Yonge- Millsy *.j ; Farmersvii4e, Unionvillc, Addison, New Dublin, Cole- ' ; ' ."man's Cdrrr Smith's -Falls, Beveriy-,.'PorHand, ¥bnstqhdale, faster I, ' -^than a modeinte trtfty shall forfeif'and' pay not less than . °.r/ five shi^ii^gs, or more* t^ian ^twenty ,§hilli'ngis,:.', «ow recovered. '9«'ipie "prbvisions of. thiSi By-Law shairq,tid sinay be Ip ,' enforced;. and„ tha penalties recoveied' Ti^joh cotivietion ' ^ " :. *■',. ..bad before any two Justices of \he Peace for tl^ District '» J -©f Johnstown, '"-'•'y'"' t' " ; . y* . ' og;.e E. GowANi ■ ,: » r :,.^ii.^ V. v.W^arcfe)* >;%- ... .■4' 1 t ^ V '■ ■. J '^' ' ' , * ' .' No. (JliXinrtt.— BY-LAW • ■" •' ;v • • ■ ' ' ' 1 ■■" '.'.."■ ■•"..:.,' .To appoint Commissiouers to superintend the Victoria Rood. ■ ' ^ .. ' { Passed :p'ebruary H, "1849. - . ■ ■■ T > "i «■■ \ .■ ■ •■'• (BepetU^d '• see"By-Iiaw;No.4, Coimty CounciJ,) ' , A,. f". , '\ 1 JTo. CU[3CVIII.---F7rLi To repeal part of Sij-Xmiv No. 171, rt ?2^if to^romffe for the * Assessment of Schooi- Section No. 11, «'« the Towns/u ofB'a^afl. .*:(., -* , ^ ".. . ; Passed |:d[. «"j ■- — ■» € ords, other thag Igor 11 tliff y :— Colc- oVn, burg, ast'er thaa .1 sH 1 '1' 175 » r _....^i?._ Rtion ' W ' etion strict in the Township of Bastard, in the sum of one hundred pounds, for the purpose of*bnitdiVig a School-House in said SectiGiv bo" borol>y ropeulod ; and be it fujAh'ermore ,*.'*' ' euilctetl, 'l'h;ibM>)io afoiomontiuHcd School-sectioffnuriiber ^^^'^•^• eleven, in the Township of I3astar3, be. assessed in'-HliQ . ' Sinn "of one hundred pmiuds— fifty pounds of" which is to ■% be raised in the "Juesent year, 1849, and the renlaining fifty. pounds to be raised in |8n0, \<'hich sum to be rJiised How levied, and lovfed as provided for by said By-Law No. 171yand ■ ' be it flirt lien:jiorc enacted, That no part of the real' or certain peisoiis"^^ personal firoperty of VVilliani VV'iltse or Eli P. VViltse, excepted, living on lot No. 25, ill the tenth 'ConcesSi(fn of scCid ^ Tovvn§hjJ» of 'Bastard, be included in said assessment. » '» ... .■4' [PS-] . ■^ OGLE R. GOWAN, . ." . ^ Warden. •^Nft-V-'. :,^- -V-'- -^C>.-.-.' ■-•• ... : \' >.^1 •■k. No. fSlXDSir -BY-LAW ^iJoad. ■ ■'■ ■ ' *, .I* ^r /fee * ns/ii 19. )hns- 71 as iven,-, ^. -■■>)> • • * > 7hjpravidc for the cxpemliture^ofcertaitt monies for ptiblic ^,.,; • Brvprovemcnts in the .District of Johftstown. ' / ' Whereas by a certain Resolution of the Mujiiiclpal Preamble. Couileil of""thc District i/f Johnstown, the sum of jES.'iO has been set apart for public ih^Pbvements thereijni„and , .■ wh,er.eas it is yocessary to tHvid^j; the sumof je55o3mong ' ' thtj several Town.ships in the said Di.stiict: IJe it therefore Councillors to ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the Wead Money, jpistrict of Johifistown, in Cguncil'^ssenibled at the Town ,• of Biockville, thi's fourteenth day of February, 1849, and^t is hereby ordainbd atjd tfnadted, That the Council- ' ''-'•■ 16x0% Councillors' (as the case may be), representing thfe several and respective Townshijis in tjie MuniQipal, Council of the District, .are herebv appointed Commis- sionersio superintend the ■expendit/n'e of the amount apportioned to Ihejrrespectii'e Townships, and that tWir receipt shall l)e«. sufficient vouoheyito |he TrQaSMrer for the paymenjt fhade to feagh Tov^ttslvj*, respeqitively, '■> ,, :)^ <■, «c* % i V ,'ft 'f^T '''* ^Section 2. That the said «um be 4iv^de()vlkitweeftN #> '.v.** % .7 ■ ^ ' ■ ... " .*, '■ ■ ■ ** .''■ ■ ■ . .."'; .<, fiH^- ■''" .. * tt ' ■ ■ ■■ — 1 1 ■J y^-^:-l .H^: ii :, #;■•:-; ■Vfk ,tV,3 - ♦ ■■■^ H^ow divided. *^° several Townships of the District, in accordance with' iUowing scale of apportionment : Augusta, ......................... £5.0, Bastard,.. ......;... .: 50 ,, Burgess, South, ....<...^., ,.,. 10 Crosby, South 4". .......'.'. . . . . . 30 Crosby, North,. ...J..,j. , 20 . Elizabethtown, ^ ,. 25 Escott, ...........*.'..... .30 ' . 4* *f\ • •.A*. .«*...< Money to be bor< rowed. k)V Elmsley, Edwardsburgh,.. . .... 1^'. Gower, South,. .*.... ........ ivitiey,*. ...................... .«* . 'i Leeds and Lansdowne, (front). . ; .v. l^eeds and Lansdowne, (rear). . . . *.. . vixioro,. . • « ,• • • • ■ • • • • • . • • . • *'• ..>•-. . Anf oliord,' • . * • • . *•*.. •J...''. .•«••.•. .,xon|^e| «..•«••• ... • • . • 4 ....•.•' .^ . . HO. 50 .15 ■40 SO; 30' 50 50 30 Pt How twnowtd > " ^6550 ' ' Section 3. And whereas from such payrq«ht being made out of the common District Fund, there may not remain, or come into the District TredSury, from ordinary sources, during the present y^a», a Sufficient amount 6f money to meet Jhe current exjieiises of the District "until the usual Assessments for the year shall become available,' and it is desirable to provide for such contingency : Be' it therefore furtherorduincd and enacted by the authority . aforesaid, That the District Treasurer, with the sanction' and approbation of the Warden, shall and may, and he js hereby authorized and empowered, if the Warden ^ shall deem it ex] h)an the same, at a rate of interest or dis jount, not greater than six per centum per annum in advance from , time to time, such sum or sums of' money, not cxce^ingintheAvhole, seveii huniired pounds currency, as' h^^nay find necessafy to meet any deficiency that may Wcur tn^ the Common District Fund, to pay and dischatge the current expenses of the District, including the said sum so apprpprioAed, as before stated Toi^piiblio. imprbvehients. MMk "^ Section 4. That such money shall be borrowed bpon a Promissory Notp oV Notes, to be made by the District Xreasorer ond oount^rsij;ned by the Warden and District ,." ■ ,-"'■■ -'■ ■".■'■'.'.- ■' •• :""" ;,,■,.■■ .■ -■vf':„ .' ■ ^f*^ ' ■ " \JI%. -' ' ' t" '*. •* "'■ A ■, *■, »■ . .V . "i . •■. " . . "■ " ■ .■ '»",', 'i^H ' H ' B M th by C( "' fo • th of V M ,• .. in • IS f' 4 x_y-^ ;; - Tl shi nu ■> ' •iM 7a TI •.>, 'ih 4» • 7"- ■ ".'^ » * jeing* y not iuary nt of until lable, : Be- lority. ictioin' id he irden arrow Bank, iount, i^ance ', not ency, that y and . uding Hiblio. apon istrict istrict ' ' *:m'. 1* • • , 7\ \ Wo. CLXXX.-BT.LiiW I To Repeal, so orynch of By-LatO No. 143 a? Enacts tluxt tJig Ankucd. Tow nsldp- Meeting of Burgess shall be hetd at ColMale,-oA Lot No* 6, in tlie Secotd Concession ^ , Burgei- '■ ■ ■ . •»• - *> \ .-^■f. Whereas it Jxrould be coi^verfm^fb| the inhabitant PreamUe. HOfrseho^ders and Freeholders of "*l&. Township of ; Burgess; to asscmi)le to hold "their'knnual Township Meetings at or. h*?ar the centre of LBf number fojir, in the secohd Concession of Burgess : therefore bftit enacted by the District Council of the DisttiCtAf JoBnstoAvn, in ' < ' X «s^ Council assembled at the Town oft ftockville, on the^*'*"'' foiirtednth day of February, in the ye^ of our Lord one "^ thousand oight hundred and forty-nine, TlRit so much % of By-Law No. 143 as o^^tsAhat the said Township i •. Jj^ Meetings shall be heltlM Oolcdale, w lot number Six, ' " ~^ in the second Concession of 6outh B*gess shall be mi is hercby'repealed. ^ _ '.. . » ' Thdf ^. And be it further enacted bythe autjbority afbrestH, AVh.reio'be h'oM ?'. hat the said annual Township Meetings of the U'own- 'l'^"^*^'* ^*'" " fillip of Burgess shall be held at or near the centre of Ipt a. < •■'■■ j" ' number four,iu the Second GooceSsion of said To\Vn3hip. ''^.M ^ ' '* ' -4. ''^JS ■ r«. OGLE R. ^WAl^r,,! '' •''^ '•' ^■'"-■■f ''^^ *,^ ■*■ . ■*-■ ^% .M. \ -:''\, •.■.;,-,>:-„.•.,... ^.v^, ,» .*■ '/^ w •■ ■ '.! «^ ■ Jr* %* ;>: .v.. -r- T., . , ■, t . rt "y ..^■ir- "T -.i-ii-«.— .^-- •» ■ -"';■. »n .^w^?^ -\ •\- ■./ /" >-"• ^n To Assess the Inhabitants of certain School-Seoions in the' !^- Jofi^gum District for the year iM9^ \^" ?V •^ - ; PassedJFebnJary 15, 1849.- V - . . „ . ^ ^ Be itenacted by the District Council of the Distdct' -, ■«»m.tob«i8«edof jojj^g^g^^ ,p^^^ there be raised and levied oh m .« ;. t-: ^ I assessed rateable property of the inhabitants within tha .« School-Sections respectively hereinafter inentioned in . /sr" the said- District, the several sums ;Of money required , " —- ^ for the said SchooUSections, for the following purposes, * '''• *^ (clear of all chq/gw of assessing and collecting) namely: Edipdiborgb. Jn^chool-§£ction No. 15'^ in the Tknon^Mpof Edwdr40arghi*-~ . ■ - .The ^wm of ^n^ pounds, cttrrency, for the purpose of '! /* building a Sch(je|^ou8e therein. . " . » . ■ . » - -I ' , . ' ■ ■ ' • ■ •-.,-.■■'■ Kiik^ hi United ScfmolJS^eclions No. 1ft; ?n the TiponsUp of iSltkp, and No. 17, in the Tinimship of Basta?lea, ' The saiiv^ sixty-five pounds, currency, for the4)Urpose " of erectiBg'd School-House therein; _,./^ " • ■- 'i i''"' - ■'■ '""'., ' „' ■ • WUef;. . InUnUed.Slphwl-Sectiom.No.^,iniheT(nonsUpof ._, _ ' 0m4iffo S,iniheTown8Mp(fW<^^^ . J^- , • .• The ^slj^ of thirty-five pounds/currency,' for the •-' purpos&;6f%uilding a School-House therein. » ,{ -Barg^. J»'^titMaiL-8ectimNo.l,inthel\non8hip^^^ The sum of thirty-one pounds, en rjajty . for the purpose ) ■ pfbuilding'a School-House thereiii*^ ^^ ' ;. FM«l^> ' Provided alvfays, That on& half of fep said sum of , sixty-five pounds, (iurrency^ to be raisea in the united ' «, , ^ SectiqiijB No. 16, in the Township of Kitley,iiiid No. 17, ' . . ^ ; ia thil Township of Bastard, shall* be levM in the present 7 " ' .J ,*' .year, and the other. iuUf in -the year 1850;».. < s c t b T^' L X -it H a V a tl is .«-;■ ^ Aurudl, In School-Sectum iVo. 21, in the T^nonsMj^of Auguttaf /" <■ The, sum bf fi^e {)oands> prrency. U reimburse the ' 'Trustees for ' uxnthe >* , •■ •" • ^., " 1?49.-V Dislzict' . dhflie thin tha >^, oned in . ' equired ^' inrposes« tamely: , ■•.♦ ,■ rpose'of > ■ * - purpose for the purpose ) '■ , ¥« ■ ■"•' sum of united " No. 17, present C" rse the ' i-hoUse ^ 1 It >. .. ^ » - S.' ■ *> j And the said stuns so to be raised and collected, shall HoAtied. I be apportioned on the said property of thesgid inhabitants \ ! ip the said SQhool-Sections respectiY^IyT'according to ?^--- I the values assigned to the same by law, and pla^d oil . . t>> I the Collectors' Rolls by tlie District Clerk. . V 2, That Uie said sums shall be icoUected by the Hew Collected. I - CoHcctopt of the respective Townships in which the said Schfeol-SectionS are sityftfed, in like ihanper as'any ' * other tax for said District, but shall be paid over by them to the District Superintendent of Common Schools^^ ■ within the period fixed by law for the payment of rates^ " Collected in each year to the Treasurer. T^^ 1 »- * •3. That it shall be\the duty.of the Assessbrs of.theAtseHor'idair. respective Townships in which the said School-sections are situated, to Veturfl to the Clerk of the Peace, a list of > all the rateable profJerty in each- of the said Sections, - ^ with the names of thef rateable inhabitants therein, auly^—^^r attested in the same manner, and aP^he same time as they are required to make the annual assessments * lequired^ibr their respective Townships* f ' -^ > ', feqi OGLE E. GOWAN; - y . * r Warden. w.. "i ' .' .; ;.J I No. CL|tIZn.-^-BT^|U^ "^pb Assess: the Jnkabitants of the IHstrict qf Jakh»t&um\ Jk^ ' ^mpportandimtinienaiu:eqfConmim^J^ •' far the year lSi9t ' "^ ^ ' ^ -4 l_^^^ :_l4J^^. l^latsed Ftbruary 16, 18*9. ' ~ . jBieOO levied. - ^■'. '- _ ^''ky4'' V / ) ' .- (Ert>ired by Limitation). , . ( ^f * * ■ . . * •. , .U:- f I tr* 18C - N ffo^ CLZZZm-BY-LAW k ■"<, ■^^ To Authmize the Assessment and Collection of Btites for , tlie-General Purposes of the Johnstown District for tJie year 184,9^ ^ -^ Passed February 15, 1849: ' t , To appoint Trustees to\ei^pend certain monies f(»: the erectioti of a lack'TTp House in the VUlagc of Gananoque. Whereas by the Mst chapter of the Act passed iii the 10th and llth years of Her present Majesty's reign, , entitled an Act to establish Lock-up Houses iri' the" unincprpcjrated Towns and Villages of Canada West, .power IS confeyifed'on the several Muiiioipal Gouncilsof .j,this Proyihco, to cause Assessments to be* levied Tor tho erection of Lock-up Houses in the several unincorporated Towns and Villages of Upper Canada ; and whereas this Council did by By-Law Number 162, passed on the 4.th day of February, 1848, and entitled " By-Laioto establish > a Loc7i-up House in the unincorporated ViMagc of Gan- anoque," assess the inhabitahts of the said Village of Gananoque in the sum of JBlOO, for the erection of a. Lockrup house thereih, and did also by the. same By-law .appoint Ephmim Webster and James "W. Parmenter, .Esquires, residing in the said Village, to superintend the ' erection of the sai4 building, and to expend the said sum of jClOO;, raised and levied as fiforesaid j and whprcaslt is desiraWe to appoint other Trustees in lieu of the said rEphraiin Webster and James W. Parmenter, Esquires/', dMmj ;■ "?®^**°»®d to carry out the provisions of the said By-law : iw^iisd 5®^* therefore ordained and enacted by tl\e JM.inicipal Council of the District of Johnstown, a^s^ml/lcd' at .; Brockville, this fifteenth day of February, 184.9, anc^ it is hereby ordciitted and enacted, That so much of the said By-Law No. 162, as apjioints the said Ephraim t Webster and the said James W, Parmenter be, and th^ . farae is hereby ir ej)$frled> h.: ■\ lit ff \: ■ A.S- iUtes for 5 for tite 1849:' Section 2. That in lieu of the said Bphraim Welister N^wTnut«e<'. and Jas. W^ Parmeuter, Ephraira Webster, Hugh B. Cain, and James Kirker, resiclents of4he Towij of Gananoque < be appointed Trustees j^snperintend the erection of the said Lock-up House,, and to expen'ij the money«raised and assessed ibr. that 4)urpose, and that jJi,e said Ephraim / Webster, Hugh B. Cain, and James^'ltirker have all the / power and authority vested in the said By-Law in the / . Commissioners thOrein named', and all othdr powers and / authority which t>y any Law or Custom of this Frovi nee is vested in an(J i;nay be exercised by Trustees appointed . fof this. purpose. ■ - . ' . j OGLE R.'gOWAN/ ,/ erectimt -J. 4 "^No. CL3tldtV.--3Y'-LAW •^' To Edaldisib Certain Roads An the District of JoJtndown. • \Wiereas Janies Eaton, Surveyor of Highways in and Picwn««. for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned -by twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road - • in the To\\)-nship t)f Burgess, and in pursuance of such ^ petition, the said James Eaton has surveyed and laid out 1 the said Road asfpllowa : commencing at the a-ll<\wance ^^ jj^^^^^^' of Road between' lots numliers six and seven In the in Burgess- second Concession of Burgess, where a X^edar post i&. ■• planted raalked R ; thence south-westerly to a post« > ' marked R on lot number seven ; thrace north-westerly **'i^ ' upon said Jot number seven to the allowance of Road in rear of said saLX)ud* Coucession, where another Cedar ^ ' •» jjpst marked R is planted ; thence on said second fCon-J' Jf: ""m- ' cession Rimd across the remainder of said U5t numb^'J _ •, seven, the whole of nunU)er eight, and part of nine, tt where another Cedar pdst is planted marked R, at a l^dgo ^t '' ' of rocks ; thence southerly in the second Concessicm up ^ ^ ^ to the side line between lots numbers nine, and ten, , ^ ^' where ansther Cedar post, is planted marked R ; the^CQ ' , , " '', ' .southerly across the said lot nuifiber ten, and frpm thetice ' "" f u ^ % r idgo'calIe 4thfl Hog's Back, the j^^ftod f^po* ', '''■>■'• , ' '' ■ . i, .','■■'■ ,),.X-''"' ■.*^---^^ v4. >• 4 .JF&^ '^'■^^ ■> K'. * fj«;;: ■■......X' I ft' ■• " Si?wft^'^?Sr^fe*^"^\*^«l^^. and/thirteen, to me waters ot the Rideau Lake, where anAtViAr r«,4or ^, V post is planted;, the s^id intended Road ISTe onihe north-west side of the two first fiamed Wts • from . thence to the post on Concessioriine'^be J^Z'i^Z . - east side and the whole of the said Road afterfo be on by twelve freeholders of the said ConntV. fo make a and !;; "^*"'^*'°° '"' ^ ^°^^ ^'^ "^« Townlip 6f Wt^ .. ?S^ »n pursuance of such petition, the kid BeniamS n. " f^loT ^^' '^"^^y"'* ^"^ "^^^« tie said alteratCas ^i;cC"'*°^morrir^r"*''!l^^*- \ledge of rocks eiglxteen rods ' • ZnL f , ^'^"^ th«. sixth Concession line of Escott ; ^ l^a^nf ?!! "'^ T°r-«»e laying the Road on the east wt5 ,> • f"^ ^ fv. P^' P^^^*^^ •>» *»^« Town-line * rhnwl n ^"tef'e^s the »ew line of Road leading to ZJ^nnT^^ lot.numbertwenty.six, from wheJthf ~ !L^T. ^r^^t^'^cts the afbresaid old Road, forty feet.== ' , •?"tj °f ^>ach tree, bla^d on two sides akd nirked fh« rT *^^»^°%t° t¥ Road leading to Mcintosh's, or , . on lot iiumber twenty-six. , ■• • ; ^ ■ -v . . . ■ And whereas ThonwsO. Adkins, &"uiVeyor'of Hiffh- HwM ^""^^V^'a ^°«"}y of Leedihas bSn p^UtTS . l)y twelve freeholders of the said County to lay out a" certajn Road m^tbe Tbwnship of Lansdowne, Ld in ' pursuance of such petition the said Tho"mas O. Adkins iv.^. w . surveyed and laid ouf tfce said Road as follows- ^•a£"JSr'*°f ™«f '"g^^t the cast corneC^ost of lot nuiSer eleven • . r V* tne third Concession of Lansdowne : thence west 5 ' ' V twf/i^^^ii "°J'^?,.^°°*'?'"^*° ^P°^t planted and marked E •^ - 3 w '^*^ *'u''*' ^ t*'^ "°f*^ ^»^« °f I^d in the centre £;, "^I"?^^^/ *^° '," '^''^ Concession ; thence north-west . ' ^ C^hir^K "' ^^'^ ^^'^'"1 forty.four links to a Pine tree on ' >• >ajtMiumber nine, Mazed and marked R with red chalk as {£2fif'^'^,^"i^^'^"^' thence west-byfnorthtLe norff'*^;^''' i"S^ *°;* P°^t "^""^^^ ^ with red chalk •./*•.! #' t*- r *. / .'.* «t f ffi* • 4 ^'."' " i' , 'n ^*— - 7 Vorth.side of Road; thence^ west-south-west five . bS i "^^^ t^enty-lhree chains forty-four links to a V : B^» stump in the Copcession line on lot'numljer eight, t * ,-.; A kI' '*<^- 1^:.^ 4 £ 1 ■I S t J 1 t 1 — ^ P • h '^e tl o: ft] * ». t> .'JjLLi 1 \ n, lo edar the rrom »rth- e on hiclj igh4 med :e a JOtt, tnin ti as rods ott J 3ast line : to in j'^ 183 'V' blazed and marked E"With red chalk j^^Bortli side of • Road ; thence west twehty-five chains forty-eight links, lollowing the Concession line to a post marked E with red chalk, intersecting the Kenney Road on lot number seven^msaid Concession, which said Road is laid out sixty feet m width. • : And whereas John Riddle, Surveyor of Highways iii' ;* and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by -twelve freeholders of the said County, to lay out a certain Road m the Townships of Kitley and ^Imsley : and in pursuance of shch petition the said John Riddle has stfrveyed and laid out the said Road as follows: com- mencing at the line between lots numbers twenty-One »e»«'P'i«*^tioa(i east ot an Oak tree said to be standing on or near said line, «> ~ • eight feet from the water's edge on the east side of the °" " yreek; thence running northerly across lot number " twenty and a part of nineteen, passing thirty-three feet - i west of Mr John Chalice's fmmeS to a^stake standing opposite to said Chalice' stable one hundred and eighty-sil rods; thence runnrnffbetWeeiTsaid stable and a workshttB'*' "> «?T wn-^^'' rf^°( eighteen passing to the eZ -ablazedElm stump, eighty roA^id. stump Ending ■f A«jks '" - ■ince angling' to the oast ■'"more or less j theane Township of Yonge fort that imjisde said allowai] on lot number eighteen, <}j i t 1^ %?fTi '" ore or ess to- a hemlock tree blazed and marked R on the north end • - of the- Page, clearing where it intersects the present travelled Road leading from Mallorytown toCaintown ; the Monuments and blazed trees are on the west and south-west side of said Road, and which is laid out iorty feet in width; || " And wliereas James Bilton, Surveyor' of Higl\\yays ^? in and for the County of Leeds, has -been petitioned by ': ■ \ twelve freeholders of the said Comity to lay onta certain • Rodd in the Township of North Crosby, and in pursuance of such petition the said James Bilton hxs surveyed a nd rMcriptionRoadj j^ out the said Road as follows : 'pomraencmg at the, .„K„r.hCrosbyla^^^ between lot^nmbers nine and Hen m the ninth , . Conces^n, tw"o Cedar posts are marked and planted on each side of toad with red lead ; ifoad runs along said i si^ line to the tenth Concession and from thence along the side line in thte tenth concession between lots numbers nine and ten toihe Bedford line, two posts arc marked and planted on the said Town.tine, which said Road is laid but forty feet in width : that is, twenty ieet on each ^ side of the line, and is marked and staked on the west Side of the Road. 1 And whereas Jame.^ Bilton has surveyed findlaid oiit a certain other" Roadjlf the said Township of North D«c.pUo„ Road Crosby as follows : colSlSiencing ^[^he post be ween loU in N«?UiCr«»by numbers seventeen and eighteen m the seventh conoes I 8ionofthe8aidTown8hip,runmngalongtotheconcession f Une to the large swamp ; thenoeiOoMto ol4 line of road /S \ \. •^^'•. * 1 ! e f 1( C t\ cc in C( a» fe< lai \ On \ La ■ \Co ' M mil . • Per the ' . A ' laid . Cros ,post ' Korl first Roa( ' post the 1 ; on th "An laid c West as foil feet fi said s laid ut And in and :,*: \ laid out ' f North' rcen lots "•f*?? . •.•i?-. ^ ■ a north-T^est course sixth Concession to „ and blazed on thQ^uQ: feet in width. V ^even in thft d marked lit forty. .r And whereas the said, jbh^^^^k - ^^i laid out a certain other Ro&dW^KIt^ sniveyed and Crosby aforesaid, as follows •co^SESf'^^T °^ ^'''^^ twenty-one in the sixtl. n«„\f ° » "'^'."Sob lot number cours/thro«"hZr«m^1rtrmySi^^^^^ in said Concession to JofnWh^ **"'*. *^®'^^y*^wo Concession to th^^l^t^ljf^^^^ ^^f ^ and blazed on the sontK oJti^. ^ I -^^ ** iflarked feetinwi d lC '^;"^'^^ a nd 13 laid.o ut forty-five t- ■ jB^> / 'J ", \ Crosby aforesairas-foS.^^^^^^ ALashliy's Mill on ot 'LX "Se^r"^^ ^ B. pe.nW« ftca ^Concession, and running- on ?L 1^ If ^ "" the*, fourth «»Nonhcro.by number t^veatv-^ee in tV.»T i*^/.***® ^"''&9^«» lot - " •J^rthrc.arw^if::iS*fe:^f,£^^ , - thenorthszdeahd^laidoutsixt^SpSr ^-^ ■ "• " iaitl:^^^^^^^^^^ . Crosby aforesaid, as folW-^mmfn ^"*^'P °^ ^""^^ ': , post" mqrked and pkhted on tSwn^f- *'4^~^^^P*^atD««rin^ojj^ North Crosby and Burgess oftlotn^^r";''"® betWeen^!Jr^»5i^rai%. first ConcessLn of Noffh crosbt ^nA?JT'^^'' '"^ '^^ Boad now travelled aXtJ3df"**^Sf *?« oW - :. •on the north side aSSIS ^ ^ ■ . ^ . "And' whereas the said i^amea Biltn« u- •, ' laidoutacertainotherR(mnr St - .r^;??:?^^*^^^ l" West Port in the TowSof ^fV" '^ ^"^^^ °^ - / ' as follows : commencrn" th^ret hiindL °'i'^-^^**>^^^'*^' feet from the post on the mafn road fc- ^°? «if y-eightde«ri«i„„,.„„ said street isjparallel wirthrjfewSo'^^ii'"^^^ -"""• laid out sixty f^'et in width* x ■'*''^'° ^^> ^d w And whereas Simon "McGee. Survevnr nr tj- uZ^ '• r.l. • ■ ■ * A ^ _ J*- . V: ^t^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) -^ >% iS^Z<^ iip^ / « f-t.--i#* 1.0" !f B* Ui Ij 11.25 ^ Itt 12.2 1 • ,-t. .-^«iionRo^nnalinff to the east of said line nine rods more or less to '^-^'"'^'^^Sa ledge of rocks; from thence angling a south-west course twelve rods more or lesslo the centre of said lot ; thence bn s«id line eighty rods more or less; thence ansling to the east of said Hue ten rods more or less to shun a ledge of rocks ; from thence angluig a south-west course fifleen rods more or less to the centre line of said lot; thence along said line eighty rods more or less} thence angling to the west of said line forty feet more or less to a post fixed on the east side of the present travelled Road known by the name of the Holland Road where it intersects th« same ; the Monument? are for Sie centre of said Road, which is laid out forty feet m width. ''■■■'* And whereas Benjamin Warren, Surveyor of High- ynxn in and Jbr the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said CountVto lay out a certain Road in the Township of Escott,and in pursuance of such petition the said Benjamin Warren has surveyed ■- and laid out the said Road as follbws : commencing at -eripitaiHflaa post planted on the north aide of the Kingston road •• ^"^ sixty feet more or less weat of the aUowance for a Road tetween loyjwMi^ia twelve and thirteen ; frott thence ■^ rti; \ 1 ■ 1 i "m thence a north-west course thirteen , rods more or less to a Birch tree blazed and marked R ; from thence angling to the north-east ton rods more oir' less ^ to the allowance for a Road between said lots; thence on said allowance thirty rods more or less ; from ' thence angling to the east of said allowance eight rods more or less ; from thence angling to the west on a line of blazed trees fifteen rods more or less to the aforesaid allowance ; thence on said allowance ninety rods more ' or less to a tree blazed and marked R ; thence angling to the east on a line of blazed trees eight rods more or -v ' less ; thenc0 angling to the west on a line of blazed trees nine rods mor^or less ; thence angling to the north-west on a line of blazed trees to the line between lots numbers ^ * twelve and thirteen ; from thence on aline of blazed trees to the Concession line t>etween the second and third Concessions of the Township of Escott ; from thence on a line of blazed trees to the allowance for a Road between lots numbers twelve and thirteen in the third Coneession'; thence on said allowance to the preik^nt travelled Road on the front of the third Concession of Escott, where it intersects the same :, and which nid Roedis^ laid out forty feet in width. '^ And ^ereas Henry B. Marvin, Surveyor of Highways inund for th« County of Leeds, has been petitioned by "' ^elve freeholders of th? said County, to lay out a certain Road in the) Township of South Crosby, and in pursuance r '■■ ■ of such petition the said Henry B. Alurvin has surveyed %» and laid out the same as follows : commencing at Sand ikKripUonAM ' Beach on the east shore of Sand Lake where a large *■■ souih cplily' Pine tree is. marked as north side of Road on lot number six in the fourth Concession of South Crosby, and runs a ' south-east course across said lot to the termination of thQ Road leading to Jones*s Falls, then angles to the east and nms across lots numbers five, four, and three in the said Concession intersecting the Kingston Road near the Whitefish Creek whaire a Pine tree is marked as north ride of Road, said Rood being directly on the old track, and which said Road is laid out forty feet in width. Be it therefore ordained %nd enacted by" the District ConflnmdM Council of the Distriot of Johnstown, in Council assem- ''"''"• bled at the Town of Brockville, on th« fifteenth (Uy of Fobniuy^ in the year of our Loid one thousand eight f '- . -.'■ If I! I III P (I lill. uT n- tr PiraamMe. .J. 4; ■\ auttiM. -^ * >• V * ■ ' ^ ■ ^"' (/ f . 188 handled apd forty-nineyThat the above described toads be respectively approved of and confirmed as pnblio Roads and Highways. OGLE R. GOWAN, fl'S.] Warden. 4 ^7b Regulate the Salaries and Duties tf certain District : \ Officers. Whereas it is desirable, in order to prevent fntnie misunderstanding and collision,- to fix, by By-Law for that purpose, the amount to be paid out of the funds of the District to the several Officers of the same, and also to regulate and prescribe certain duties to be by them performed. ' Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the said District of Johnstown, in Council .assembled at Brockville. this fifleenth day of February, in the yeaf^of pur Lord 1^9> and it ik hei«by q^ihed «nd^en86ted: , /. ^^v 1. That the following sums, and no more, (6e paid to the undermentioned Officers, any By-Law. usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding : ' wuton. 2* To the Warden of the Distric^'*the sum of thirty- seven pounds and ten shillings per annum, provided he receive no further or other salary or alfowance of any kind from the fiinds of the District, without the permis- sion of this Council. CM. (Repealed : see By-Law No. 26, Q<|iuity Conncih) rnim**T. (PurUy repealed: see By-Law Ko 12 County Counoir.) 9m^a»»aifM. B. To the Jiitrict ^upefintendeht of Cdtnmon Schools, . the sum of one hundred and fifty- pounds per annum, to ha Mid out of the Sohool Fundiy>rovided he receives ilttp Mliuy or.allbwance of any Icina ffoAthe flmdaof the District, without the iieimissidn ^^lUi^eaMil. I ' '^r^ ^M^ATii*'^ * .*4^ s^^.Jji^fcii^r^i^^' *'*!;>«_ ssi\kf^*j?L jj|^^t,.i|-i^=' p ,;* #' A' ^^' \. fit ■') • .-.'«.•■ 6. To the Distrust Surveyor, the sum of ten shiUinira when receW by the party^n whose favor ft inaylS given, or by his authoHaed affent. shall be »«.ffliLS vouchertutheTreasurevforl^^^^XiS?^^^^ # 9. That the respectiv Offices of Clerk of the District «-. and Treasurer of the DistricAhall be hert opJn for ?h^ transaction of Public biisiness. from the hoS of T?n o'cloctin the forenoon, to Four o'clock in the afternaSi °^Tu .'*?'* e^ery day.4-eve/y Sunday, G^ FriZ " permission of the Warden. •• •» «."o 10. That the District Surveyor ,shaU not be allowed sorr.vor i« to charge againstthe District as a rfay actually 6mplZed ^^ Jf«% w business excent he shall previously report to ^^iS^?'^^' *° *^? T*"^*"' *^e '»>•«»««« npon which he IS about to enter and the expensi» of whiiSThe intends to charge against the funds of the District "*«'»'» . -J* T'^'VSf ^"trictCfterk shall hereafter make out cfeA*i-*J and extend the Aisessme|it Rolls in all cases where a ^2S2M£nr or ' «« ^.t II iftteis, a#Phini 12. That all other matters ,^ or with the Statistical, „ District, or which niay be •nd perfinoMNt 'hf[ 9mfiS\ . 1 B« irns, . AsssOTuaittay md all oci^r dmim. ^nneoted with tka CoiucU, ioioal,erLeca[affiiinoflhi8 ' iu|wd or diaactediabftdMie w.or,this,OoiiBaiUhlUll» ' '.■ AuA%-i:pi^'JAsi!^ ^fiiJ 'V .^ hereafter done and iierformed by the Clerk of the District, and his remuneration for the performance of such duties shidl be included in his salary^ as such Clerk. Bf -uwf iniion. 13. That any' By- Law, usage, or custom contrary to, •Miwiirepe.iwi.Qj inconsistent with this By-fiaw, be, and the same is hereby repealed. ' ., OGLE R. GOW(iN, [L. S.] Warden. cuoanoL- Th \Auihorise CommissUmen of the Victoria Ryjd to Macadamize such parts of the said Road as they shall deem conducive to the Fitblic Interests. '. Passed February 15, 1849. (Repealed : see By-Law No. 4, County Council.) A :^' n :> Ho^' tLmnmL—BT-LAW 4b Unite the Township of .Burgess to the Towwkip of Bastard, according to ^ Statute in that case made an4 provided* ' !" PmuBbte. >^prens by nn Act of thr Provincial Legislature, 12 SMBr-uwiro. yjjj c^p g,^ entiUed " Ak^ to Provide by a general Law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the . estiabnAmenttf regulations of Police in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns. Ihtm^ips. and Villagesin Upier <- '« Canada,** it is amongst other things provided. That it shall be the duty of th« District Cnnncil. hv n By-Law I to be passed for that purpose, to attach every Township « ^ . lying within any County in their District which shall . have w\thin H less than one hundred resident freeholders and honseholden on the CoUeoton^ Roll for the last year ,<■ f A •«.>-- 191 that shall have been made up prior to the second aay of Oclobor inst., to some other adjacent Township lyinir within the same County, and such Township 90 united or attached to such adjacent Township sha^ tt^ntil the dissolution of such union as ptujyided for by th$( said Act bo known as the Junior Township of such iiSoii of Townships, and be represented in one Municipality in common with such adjacent Township which shall in x like manner be known as the SeJMorlVjwnship of such _ And whereas the Township^f Burgesaf has within it less than one hundred resident freeholders and house- holders on the Collector's Rollxfor the pr^nt yea*: Be °'«'K« •«w»««4 It therefore ordained and enacted, and it is hereby ^^""^ i ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council of the Johnstown District in Council assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the twenty-ninth day of October, in the ' year of our Lord.ond thousand ei^ht hundred and forty- nine, That the said ^Township of Burgess be, and is hereby attached to the Township of Bastard, according to the provisions contained in the third clause of the above recited Act. ^ j ' . . OGliF^B,. GOWAN, ^ WardeH, No. CUOOai—BT-LAW Tajhsessthe Inhabitants of School-Senstion No. 5, in the Toumship of Bastard, on certain Conditions' Otertin named. ■^: Be it enacted by the Municipalduncil of the JM^g.--:Ll..^ . town District, in Council assembled at th« Town of i?^*^ / Brockville, on thirtieth of October* \ in the yearofoiir I v/ Lord one thousand eight hundred ai^d forty-nine. That there shall be raised, levied, and cbllected in School- , *> Section No. 5, in the Township, of Bastard, the sum of sixty pounds, for the purpose of i<*re«ting a School-House in said Sejtion, and the said ajum sol to be raided iSd ^ levied shall be apportioned on all the lateabLI pfbperty*^'' m said Sohool-SeoUon aceoidi^g to the ^^ataP'Mngnea I I X * ..*.' fe p t I A ! n ProviM. Prov'MO. (o the Mme by Ia^, and shall be placed on the CoUee* /tor's Roll by the District Cleric: Provided that one half of the said sum shall be collected in the year of oar Lord 1850, and the other half in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and' filly-one : And provided also that the said Assessment shall not be levied and collected until the Trustees or some other person or girsons on Uieir behalf shall procure and causo to be egisteied a good and sufficient Deed of the School-site in said School^Seotion, to be approved of by the Clerk of this Council. . w^ OGLE R. GO WAN, Warden* ■.* ir i'^ vi H«. C9e.~4T-ULW ^ > . \ <. .:'' To Divide certain Totentkips in the 7chnatown District ^ . inUi Rural Wards, \J , - ■ ' • . ^^y . " Whereas by an Act passed in the 12th year of the Kj^v'ichm ;reigni)f Her Majesty Queen Victoria, entitled « An Act \n^cM!''''^to,repeal the Acts in force in Upper Canada relative to t6« establishikent of Lo^ and Municipal Authorities^^ and other matters of a like nature,** it is amongst othe^pi^ things enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for every Municipal Council, if they shall deem" it Expedient so y^ do, in and by a By-Law, to divide each of tbeTownshipa^'- in^M>h\County into Rufal Wards, for/^e election of Townphito Councillors for such Townshipeh f i:-. "And whereas the Municipal Council of the BistriSt of * Johnstownyin Council assembled at the Court House in the Town of' Brockville, in the said District, on the thirtieth da5\of Ootobe? in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ana\forty-nine, have deemed it J exT)edient, for the^tter acooi^modation and f^ venience of the inhabitant, freeholders and..Hoi;|seholders of the said , District, to divide ceirfahi Townships within the limits of the said District into Rural Wards, pursuant to the said Aet : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, and ewMiiitowiMiiipiit is hereby ordained and enacted by the Municipal *'**^"''''~^am«^«fti»DiMiiotof JoluMtOTTO -i MB^ate'Si t I A 193 •at the Town of Brookville m the said Distriot »».. m • tieth day of October, in th^ year S^JaforeS hat the loUowing Townships be divided, and the^are hereby divided into Rural Wards pursua^t^to Law'and the TOWNSHIP OF WOLFORD. -^ , (Repealed: see By-Law No., 1 1 County Council). i TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH CROSBY.^ , Woifom 1 f °V I «TP,°'^^ n*'^^?" ^' ^' 3' *' 5. 6, 7 and 8 in the 1,2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th Concessions, and the Meet nT^ITh^ ^St "^ '''''' ^^ ''^^ School House on Loi o ^^ I n?1^ ?f in:i!^?' ^^' ^ *' 12 and 13 infe, fn, ' V'liV ^^' 9and 10th Concessions, and the Meetin<- is S'tn^'^r ^^ ^^^^ '"^ '^^ S^^^ol House, o^ Lot No ' -A* f,V '?' ^^""^ l^^h Concessioris, and the Meeting for ^li ?•? r" '^^'^^.Id i*^ the SchoorHouse'onLot N? 17 Offic.Vf:JsarwS' ''°"^° ^ Y '^'''^'T^ q ?°R VTrr^ f ^°ts 18, 19, 20 and 2f in the 1 2 |j/of 'o4^^«^* 9 a,wl,19t>Cbncessions. and also Lots 22' 2,i, 24, 25, 26 and 27 frofti tSem Concession to the 10th Concession inclusive, and the meeting for said Ward to be held in the School House, on Lot !^ in the s' h Co^ XTs^art"" "^^'^'^'y^^^" *- be Retiming Officer fS; . * - No 5xomposed of Lots 22, 23^25,26 and 27 in the 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6th Concessions, and the Meeting ft,rV„iS Ward to hp held in the, School HouseroSX^^^^ South CrMbx. i i ' Yeii|«.* t i' Elouley. 194 TOWNSHIP OF YONGi /The first Ward to include all that part of the Towii- fiiip in front of the fourth Concession, from the eastern 1)6tindttry to the division line between Lots I^o. 15 and 16/and the election to be held at th^ School Hoiise, near the stone Church, near Peter Pnr^yis^ being on Lot No. 8 in the 2iid Concession, Christopher Legg^ihe younger, to be Returning Officer. , ^ |f The-'Second Ward to include the remaining part of said "^wnship west of said division litje, the front half of IhelthKlh Concession from the division line between fifteen and sisteen, and the election to be held at T; P. Kcnyon's, being on Lot No. 21 in first Concession, Fred- erick Lee to ba Returning Officer. , J, The Third Ward to include the remaining part of the fourth Concession not included in tli^ second Ward, the whole of the fifth and sixth Concessions and the Iront half of the seventh Concession, and the election to be held at M'Intosh's Mill, being on Lot No. 15 in the^fth Concession, John M'Iritbsh to be Returning Officer. The Fourth Ward to include the rear half^f tlio seventh Concession from Lot No. 12, and all the Cpu- oessions in rear to the northern boundary of said Town- ship, and that FarmersviUe be the place for holding the el-ction, being on Lot No. 12 in the ninth Concession, Willifira H. Giles to be Returning Officer. The Fifth Ward to include the rear half of the seventh Concession from the eastern boundary of said Township to the division line between Lots No. 12 and 13 and all the Concessions in rear to the nor^nern boundary of said Township, and that the election be held at the School House near Bellamy's Mills, being on Lot No. 3 in the eighifi Conpession, Daniel PhUips to be Re- turning Officer. ^ 'Fmi^' ; TQWNSHIP OF ELMSLEY. \ .^ R , ^ (Repealed ; see By-Law No, U, County Council). 8««hOoJ ^^ T0WNSHI^:49P-^SPU^ GOWER. . (Repealed : see By-Law Hfo. 11 J County Council.) . ' . ■ <> s Town- eastern , 15 and I House, g on Lot sg^ih'e ; part of ront half between latT;P. on, Fred- art of the k^ard, the the front ion to be I the^fifth Seer* ilf «f tlio the Cou- ld Town- >lding the oncession, If of the ,ry of safd s No. 12 3 northern on be held ngon Lot to be Ro- ouncil)* ounciK) 4 195 TOWNSHIPS OF BASTARD AND BURGESS. ...... ..,• the "fiSt3 J^L°^r°^ ^^ one to firteenSuLe an?r. ^i ^r'"'"' ^""" ^o. the election of TSsInn r ^ ^Jf ^?^ '"^^^'''S ^""r School House on lotTnm^ Co.mcijlor be held at tha sion of BuSess and 7.1^"*",'"^''^ ''"'^°"^' Conces- Officer. ^ ' ''"^ ^^""^ *^°^°P'^ ^'•J^ be Returning included, and til? Snp'/T ■^°'>*° ^^' ^'^'h lots ^wn^i^& co^iS;:'^^^^^^,!;; 1 rv'^'' V' -^^'^^'^l ' .included, and thn? i^I /? '"^? ^°- ^ *° ^o. 15. b«.th' Township clnUo^behl'^f ?^, "'? ^^^^^°° ^'- No. seven in the 7fh Ai — School-House on lot Sherman be anmi^ ed trifntf "J; ^"« '^'^' ^"'' ^' Township CouncK ^'°'^*''^ ^''^ election for '• wllfof lot°Wt 15?" TV^^ °^ "^'l ">«' P"t of Buriress nn^^h p ^' »"^'"''"ig that lot, and the J 2 3 4 and 5th Concessions of Bastard from lot No iV^' q ' .? Crosby, includinff thnf inf 0^1 /i IV i^ : ^""^ ^o"''* Stof^ School-HousrSea^Ric 2P!^^'>*'"^^ ?^ **^« Edward Oates be appoint^^^t^SMS^^^^^^^^^^ ' CoSo^^-o?Btr?rrm,li^ tfiV^^T.^ '^^^ Warren be^pointed tohold the ^Si'firLctSa^"*^ ^ J*^ OGLER. GOWAN, £L. S.] - Warden, N r^ ■J.:,. ■ . . 190 * ' /go. CX€l-"BT-tAW , V MSammd, riaHk, „r (iravrl 10.uU ,n thr Ihstrvt of John^vim.t, . . ^ I'asscdTks.tobcr ;«). lS+*>. (Keprnlcd:s..c'ByJ,nwNo;.4,(i^milyCunncil):. * •I •I 1 X V No. CJCCttv-BY-LAW ' To CloM' Certain Rmdi in the DiMriit of Jdlin^^^ P.«i^. Whereas Beniamin Wai;rcn, Surveyor of Highwnyd •^ i„rd rtho C«„,.iy of Leeds, 1ms been ,pet;tu>ned by twelve tret holders of the said' Cqiinty , to xylose acprlain £^d1n the tJorc ol the Township oi Escort as t^^^^^ wffor ublic use. Andmherens the said "Benjumm . WaVn as examined the said Uoad and ^co-umends ■ Lt Ihe same be closed, as f"""-«' ^V^l^iorss oJ ..p,.onBo.d^.esi line of lot No. twenty-two, "\V « ^^^'l^^te) ? ^" of LanscVowne, to the lino bctN<'een the Gore or letter A nLl lot No one in the brokgn front Concession of the Tolnlhfp "f Ei to where the new Road .pterBects the old ope." , ^ " -^nd whereas Edward Mix, Surveyor of HlgltA^®y« m ;. and fbrThe County of GrenyiHc, has been netitioned by Jwelve freeMlerLr the said Counl^^ - Road in tt 'rowrislup of Oxford .sunnece^ry (or ivonu m *..horeas the sdid\i2dward Mix has rt- Tf" o«^ co^mcn^mg on the f ido S««.^VTato^ ' fee.feuir.s>Tr.^£ lnd^lK.u?two^thi?ds of 22; from thence across the reiiJder oflS and part of 21, west 17 degrees -f toTs junction with the Concession^d m fron^of the third Concession, abont32 rods south of the poet between . •*-ftl and 22 aforesaid. :-^- ' ^ \ -*^ y 'f^' ,•-•« T I -k- im: Httrirt ■ r " Bo it thcfwforc ortlaiucd antfciiuclod by the M (iiiic^iiil u,. ..r^i n ..".i. CouhlmI of tim District of JohnirtQ^'ii, in Council «ssem- '*^ bled iit4ho Towiiof IJrwkvillQ^ on tho4hii'jieth iltivof' - October, if\ the your of,oiir Lord bno thousiuid fiphi hundred and (urty-ninc* That the snid.abovr (IrsfriJunl \ lloads bo, and the same, arc hereby dcci^rod^rUistfl. . '* \L. S.J;- - -N » . . ., / ;^ , •^ tOWH. jhwnyji med by cortain iincces- jnjamiir nmcnds rom the icession letter A n of the' itcrsects (w^ys in '4 ioncd by B^ceirtain wary (or Klix has be closed ireeu lot* . )rd,aibre'^ ird'sHUl, Ing from »s.24,23, cross the !cs, north mt of the ; between •Oe, 99. CXCIIX.-f Highways in ' ;, ,. and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by ^ ^velve Freeholders of said County, to lay out a certain -"^ Road in the Township of Edwardsburdi^And in pur- suance of such petition the said Allan^lhter has sur- veyed and laid out the said Road as folldws :— com- mencing at a w«.t atthe front of the fffth Concession D«„rip.io„ R«.a marked d* and 35, said post is m the ceq^re/of the Road,*" «3dwM«Jibnrjh . thence to the front of the «ixth Concession to a post also in the centre of the Road, thence w^ fourteen chains to a stake planted in the open field, thence seven chains * north by west %o the end of the Bridge across the Nation River j? and the said Road is laid^ut forty feet in Width. And whereas Philemon Pennock, Surveyor of /High- ways in and for the County of Grenville, hak been ^ petitioned by twelve freeholders of the said /Coutfty to lay out a certain Road in the To wnshij/ of Au- gusta; And in pursuance of such petition /the Miid ^ Philemon Pennock has surveyed and laid out the said Road as follows: commencing on -the east si^of lot No. 37 in the fifth Concession of the said TOwnship ofDeseriptionRoad, Augusta eighty.five chains in rear of the fitont of the " ^"*""'^ said Concession ; thence ea§t ten degrees, north 1 7 chains toapost.markedR; thence c^st 25 degrees, north-fiO chains to the Iftie between lots NoS. 36 an4 35 to a post marked R ; thence in the same direction across part of lot No.3,'), five chains and forty-one links to the travelled Road leading from North Augusta to Bi^kville ; and said Road is laid out 40 feet in width, and monuments are placed at the intermediate points on the south, side of the Road. A * ^^ And whereas Matth^wJSforrison, Surveyor of Htgh^ ^. "ways in apd for the fnunt ^ ,|iite| puraoance "such petition the-said Matthew Morrison has surveyed I ' -J ■ - . "^ -"• • • -*SV ^'■v^b '-i^ -^""i liiiiii ittW^ w If: • r ■ i' ■ t. ■ I. I i ■ S i)€KTi|iiio..K-»d»^"^^ ^'***^ <^"* *^*° ^^^ Rc»d as fijilc»Y3} commencing iit uuttaid. upon the new line Road leading to Smitti'K'Fi^, where isi planted a Cedar post marked R, on the centre 1ib>. of 8%id lot ; thence nmniug along the side line to an Elm ^ tree marked R ; thence running along the side line to i the new travelled Road- leading to the Perth Road, where is planted another Cedar post marked R, — the said Road to be on the south- westerly side of the said, pasts, and to be forty feet ill width. And whereas Matthew Morrison, Surveyor of High- ways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve freehoWers of said Coimty to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Burgess ; And in pursuance .of such petition the said Matthew Morrison has surveyed add laid out the said Road as follows : commencing at Detcription Roeui the Town-lino of Elmsle.y, whero is planted a Cedar inB^ew. post marked R: thence north-easterly across an angle, of lot No. thirty and the "whole of tweflty-nine in the second Concession of said Township, where is marked the letter R on a large Maple trjfee ; thence north?westerly across lot twenty-eight in s^dr^Concession of said Town- ^ ^ ship, where it intersects this Smith's Falls Road, and where is planted another Cedar post marked R, the said Road is laid out on the north-east side of the two firs^t named posts ; from thence to the post oil the Smith's Falls R(Mid on the north-west side, and^ forty feet in width. ■ And whereas Benjamin Chapman,. Surveyor of High- ways in and for the County ^f Leeds, has been petitioned b/twelve freeholders of said County, to lay out a certain ' Road in the Township of Elizabethtown ; And in pursuance of such petition the said Benjamin Chapman has surveyed and laid out the said Road as follows: Description Rot^ comsreen lots Nos. 24 and iD£ii»a)eiiitowtt25 in the ^i/ti Concession of Elixabethtown, at a post tnarked A with red chalk, the said post is 25 chains 38 "^' links from the rear of said lot No. 24; tlience in a straight course with the Road that leads from the Macadamized Road to Ardiibald Fletcher's (or parallel with the Concession R(^d) till it intersects the side line between lotd 27 and 28 ; thence along said line till it intersects the Concession Road in rear lof the fourth Concession ; thence along the said Concesion to the main Road that leads from Coleman's Comers to Unionville, at a Qpst marked B, with red chalk : the said Road is marked out , *,; ^*i^.<^J«if *^ J r :■ '^.•^ ^*-^ \ 201 • r by stakes planted in the open ground and blazes on tree*, and which are on the north side of said Road, and said • Ivoad IS laid out forty feet in width. '■V And whereas Thomas O. Adkins, Surveyor of Hieh- waysm and for the County of Leeds, has bedn petition- i ed by twelve freeholders of said County to lay out a * certain Ro^d m the Township of Leeds and Lausdowne -Anti in pursuance of such jKitition the said Thomas O. Adkins has surveyed and laia out the said Road us fol- lows: commencing in roar of said Concession at the De.crip,i„„ R«,a v^st corner i^st of Lot No. 24, thence south 27 chains VLiJ'*" -^ and 50 links along the side line betweeA Lots No. 23 ^"""'• and 24 to a post planted and marked R, with red chalk ; / thence south 17 degrees '30 minutes west 5 chains and / -Kiiii»iey. jArsecting the Pertfr Road, thence ninning a south- ywesterly course across Lot No. 30 if -^-^ '^ /•aid Township, thence crossing the 2 c • • . ■" ■ ■ . -■ . A [d Concession of line of Elms- S^^ii^ JtX^i'^** Jii t^l ■^^ 202 / ley aeroM Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to a large maple tree marked R, thenee cnMsing lots 4 and 5 to the new estab- luAied road leading to Clemmons^s wharf, where is planted another post marked B ; th^ said road is laid out on the north-west side of said posts, and forty feet in w^th. . ' ■ . •■■'/■ ■ ■ • And whereas John Morris, Surveyorof Highways in V and for the County of I^eeds, hns bcbapetitiotipd by Twelve Freelioldereof the said CoQntyito lay out a cer- tain Road in the Township of Lansdowpe-r-And in pur- suance of such petition the said John Morris has survey- ed and laid out the said Road as follows | commencing at ' *ta*i!S^^ the Furnace Waters, Where a bridgejs part built on Lot Mo.7 in the eighth concession of LanjKioWne, from thence ' ■ on the east side of said waters to the side line between No. 6 and 7 m^he said Concession, whe^re a post is not A, planted marked^, from thence along the present tra- > . veiled Road betwee^n Lots No. 6 and 7 in the said Con- cession-ofLansdownVtoa post marked R, from thence ^ bearing south-east along the present tmvelled Road to Lot No. 10 in the seventh Concession, where a post is planted by the garden fenci of Samuel Blaok marked R ; from tiience across the clearing on the west mde of Slack's bam to a maple tree on Lot No. 11 in the said ' ^ ^ Concession marked Road, from .thence following said Y. >^ Road to a post marked R ; from thetice along said Road vA*/\ " to the outlet of the Wiltse Lake, where a bridge is built, "^ and there intersects what is called the Kidd RotEid lead- ' / . • , ing from the front of Lansdowne. And in pursuance of v' the said petition the mid John Morris has surveyed and laid oq;| a branch Road from the said Bcttd as foiled : commencing on Lot No. 11 in the seventh Concession of Lansdowne at a maple tree marked Road ; from thence .; east to a pair of bars on the^ west side/of Lot No. 12, '' where a post is markedR ; from thence through the fields to another pair of bars, where a post, is/marked R ; firom thenco following a Road that is now tmvelled; ^ro69 Lots No. 13 aqd 14 to west side of N^. 15 ; iGroiia thence across No. 15 to a post marked R, in' the open field, and on the side line between No. 15 and 16; from thence ^ H tl}rough the open fields on No. 16 in said Concession to a bay of the Wiltse Lake,, where a post is now planted marked R, and south of David ^ed's house ; the* said Roads are laid oat on the north sid« of said numumenti, V'" - lUDtd fifty feet in width. -And whereaa^ Allan Hunter, Sarveyor of Highways in J imd for the County^f GrenviUe,JiaaieenpeUtioned by Twelve Freeholden of said Countyloloyout a^eftoin ^ - Koad in the Township of Edwardsburgh— And in pur- suance of such petition, the said Allan Hunter has sup- yeyed and laid out the said Road as follows : comiiienc* - SlIllJ ?S' '^V^% °°'*'' ?'^^ °^ *^ Road leadibg dowh D.^pti«. w^ cnrough the sixth Concession, on Lot No. 15, thence^ to ^ ^"'•^'«^»' the front of the seventh Concession to a post in the cen- tre of Lot No. 15, thence along the centrp of said Lot to a post at the frqnt of the eighth Concession, thence across the Nation River to the side line between Lots 15 and 16, and along said Une till the Road intersects the pre- sent road leading through the eighth tloncession, and the said Road is laid out forty feet in width. And whereas Allan Hunter, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by Twelve Freeholdere of said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Edwardsburgh— And in pur- suance of such peUtion the said Allan Hunter has sur- veyed and laid out the said Road as follows : commenc- DMcripOoaibwd ing ata post in front of the seventh Concession, marked "'f^'~*'~** 28 and 29, the post being on the west side of said Road, thence to the rear of said seventh Concession to a post also on the west side of the road ; the west side of said Road IS marked through by stakes, and the said Road u laid dutforty feet in width. •■ . ■ ■> And whereas James BUton, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by twelve Freeholders of said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of North Crosby— And in pursu- ance of such petition, the said James Hilton has survey- ed alid laid out the said Road as follows: commencing^ , at a cedar post marked and planted 16 rods and 18 links D^eripUea it«k« nom the allowance of Road between the first and second " '^** ^*°^^ Concession of North Crosby, and running a north-west cohrae across Lots Nos. J, 2, 3, 4. and 6 in the first Con- cession of said Township, to the Narrows on the Ridean Lake, and said Road is laid out 60 feet in width. And whereas James Bilton, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Leeds, has been petitioned by Twelve Freeholders of said County to lay out a certain Boad in the Township ofNorthCro8by,and in pursuance / of such petition the said James.Bilton has surveyed tfid "T" . .V* / 1 ^i ^S^'-"" /, > in Oxford. ' 204 . ■ DMcripiioniUMdlaid out tho Said Road as follows : commencing at a post , inNonhCroiby.^^j^g^ j^jjj jj^jj^gjl ^^ ^^^ ^^,gig of the Road leading from Bedfom, on Mr B. D. ftorison's farm, and running along the old Road a north fuurse to a jwst mairkeJ and ' ' phinted on th6 Road side letoding from Mi? James Rori- son's mill across said^ Road, the same course to the Creek, thence across the Creek to a pine tree markod as a post on the north side of said Cr'eek, and from thence along the high i)ank of said Creek an easterly course to the .> Perth Road at Mr Stephen M'Eathron's borner post, the line of posts is on the west side of said Rlpad, and mark- ed with red chalk ; the said Road is laid Out forty feet in widtli. > . , ^ And whereas John Ross,, Surveyor of Highways in and for the County of Grenville, has been petitioned by ** twelve freeholders of said County to lay out a certain Road in the Township of Oxford ; and in purauance of such petition the said John Ross has surveyed and laid^ DescripiioinicaJ out the Said Road as follows : commencing at a Stone " "■'""' Monument placed in gr near the centre of the eighth Concession of the Township of Oxford, in the centre of the established Road between lots numbers fourteen and fifteen in said Concession ; thence in a line parallel with the Concession line across lots numbers fourteen, thirtean .and twelve, to a CiSdar post marked R on thl^ne between lots numfers eleven and twelve ; thence west across the €ast half of lot number eleven to a Cedar post toarked R ; thence west-by-south-h».liVwest thirteen and one-fourth rods to a Cedar iwst toarked R jj thence south-west to a Cedar post marked R on the side line between lots numbers tfcn and eleven ; thence south-by- east 41 and one-fourth rods to a Cedar post marked R ; thence south-west fifty-five and one-half rods to a Cedar post marked R ; thence west-by-uurrh half west twenty- eight and one-fourth rods to a Cedar post markpd R at the south bank of Ihe south branch of the Rideau River ; thence across the south branch north-north-west to a Cedar post-marked R,on the north bank; thence north- west seventeen and one-half rods to a Cedar post marked R; thence west-soutBiwest to a Cedar post marked R, where it intersects i\w Road between lots numbers eight and nin^ in the said eighth Concession ; the half width of the Road to be taken frora each side of the line or posts above described, and ^Hich said Road is laid out " forty feet in width. ' •W*-^ ^-■*'iQKrfiSS~!S6S-»- tm-a -■* - r' Bo it therefore ordained and enacted bv the l)istrir»t ^ , . council ot Ute District, of Johnstown, inConncil assem-P">'i"' t^'^*- bled at the Town of BrockviUe, on the thirtieth Xy"f October in the year of our Lord one thousand lekht hundred andjR,rty-nme, That the above described ioads- .- be respec ivQly approved of and confir^ned- as Kic Roads and Highways. ^' *r ^ PT d 1 \.v-->'' '•■■ 'j!;-: Warden/ ■■,•■;■ |_Ij. O.J. • . •. ■/, .1-— , ■ •, <'i^ y.:.^ M lb. CXCIV.~-BY-LAW / Whereas it is necessary to repeal a p4, of By-Law P««m,ie. ^ ^ \^ o**'. I' 't""^^ ^"^ t^« AssessWnt of School Sect.onNo.3ofthcTow^,ipofKitley,^ ' of JohnVown, i^as«ed-in th^ month of February, one thousand eiffht hundred Rnd fiWtu n;>rKf . n^ •♦*u' r. enaeted'byL D^tr^^^^^^^ town duly assembled at the ToWn of Brockville on Wednesday, the thirtieth xlay of Sobiir:re thou^nd i^h'^V^^;- '^^""K^' r*^^* '^^''^^ ^° **»« Assessment of School.Se9tionNo.3,oftheTownshipofKitley,directing the sum of seventy pounds to be levied pn the A\d Sect of ^r the purjK)se of biiilding and completing a School- House therein, and it is hereby repealed. ^Seo.-;S.' Be it therefore ordained and enacted bv th^ Municipal Council of the District of Johnstowi. ia Council assembled in the Town of Brockville/ on the thnrtieth day of October, 1849. That the aforesaid sectSn No 3 m the Township of Kitley, in the Dist'riJtof Johnstown, be a^essed in the sum of fifty poundsffS; the purpose of defraying all expenses incurred in «rectink a School-Houge in the School- Section aforesaid, pre vioil placed on the Assessment Roll of the Townshin of OGLE R.. GO WAN, XQOtobe levied. fL. S] 't' Warden^ ■c?. i*i<>it,i, ' i'' "*" .4: ,K' ■"■'■'-;; "';''*.'""-'-'■-' / % ^-,. ■* '*■ ■> / *; STANDING RULES AND BY-LAWS or THE , '' MUNICIPAL COWNCIL, ■/■■■■.■■ * or THI UNITED COUNTIES or ■f. ' lEEpS AND GEENVILLE. ^^^^^■^»W<»»)W^X%^ Fsox 1850 TO usSt^BoxE nroLinnvi. n-~. 'X ^^^ -J. SiWu'ii'iiTliin III ■^m^ V- / If ■•\ -M STANDING RU^ES. MEETINGS AND AOJODIINHENTS. ^ MINUTES. ^^ That diving the Reading of the Minutes the doonriiaUb^ WARDEN. So I ■wr-,^- JEre^'V^^^fr^ ij. 1 '^■^ '«',., f'^/,'. f% «10 . «,i** '''!"** •»** Member other tWi^ - ^■-''"-■" "■'--■|j|-- i;-; ^", \ , ■*■■ ^ A. 1 -'. ..« ,rf.? 0. .*^'' ^ ;•' iiS» ^iM ffOItt » Warden 3-». , lestion u put anl .. . « •" )bute. or mo-i I o£ tho * ition or ro than 'Of tie Same dby haa reoa Ns ail ..M •> iihall be received, unless to amend, or commit, or nastpoae it to » certam day, or to adjourn, or to lay /it on the tab|e. *""''^.*!.^** •;. iSig* Tr"* ^ "?f**'°" ^o' coramitmentruntit it is decided shaH nie- tlf5illU»'l amendinenls of the puin qirertion. *»*"*'•'<»' ■^" P"" */rhttt nil questions shall be put in the order thev are niovr>.1 ;exdept amcne ^00!^'? to 4he Uules ..J the Council, lo apprize the Council thereof beloS th« inotion shall be read by him, IL to cite the Rule a;;Ucawirfo ^ BY-LAWS. \. *. 2i That every.By.Law shall be introduced by a motion of leav» 5?a ^ommiufe!' '"' " '^ *" °'^'' ^~"^ *^« ^''''^"' <>» ^« '^U hie •^""tJ^^.iSr"^ "" """^""^ " •~'^'* "-•ail Aau' 26. That every Hy.Law 8hal^ receivb three sepamte reading previous to its beiug ri,fi,lly passed, but that no sV-Law Sll S i«ad three times on the same Jay, except on urgent occasions and _^ this Rule susiiended by resolutioi for the single 5:^i?n. ' ^•^♦hftw«''Lf ^y-^^ shall be read and nassedVeommittee of ttie whole between the second and third reading*. . "»"«'«^« ♦i,f n VH'^^ *** amendments made in committee shall be renorted to Jhe^Councl, and by it adopted, before the question to en^rS* SaU ' . 29. That^each time a By-Law is r^d^ the Clerk shall certifV the ' readmg and the time, qn the back tbereoC . ceriiiy the SO. That in Committee of the whole, all By-Laws shall h^ m^A by the Chairman and delated upon clause by LusTandpuU,^^ 2,^^"" "^ ^^ '^"'Sl^^m the pre^iible ajid 5J/to S W^ ' ■ ■■ '*■ / "•* ■ ■ ■ . . ■■■■■■ ■•-•.( r "% A ■ « ft •A^ ^"^ ^;' %^ ')*^ -. /\ ■' -/I?, ■■■■■: ','^\v, "^Jspp t> .■ ^''^:. I V ~ \ ' «k -. *• ■'•' i' .vt t -f V •fi.^ i» i Mm'-'" ". ■ .■ V ^ '^ ■ i.r;-rV;v>: 212 " -^^ •■ • - "*■ ■■ ■ ■ - PETITIONS AND PETITIONERS. > " Cc^SiK^n^l^'CLS?^^ addressed to the impertinent matter. that they do not contain Impioper or* Vr!^r^^fS:^ *?' V}' delivered t^nd Meeting, ^/iSKS^T^^^ xe^rJt'^tSe^fk^^"^^'' ^^"^^ ^^^'^J' ^'-ve been upon the same^^Snil WrM^;"H.2> '"^".f'^ ^'^"•■"°^' ami rep .rt against such Petition nyIaw"mt1rthPm^;?*'V.°"^ '^«^«* firat been reported to thJcouncH V"^ '.♦*'!:. ""^"e": thereof shall have ileferred. 1^°"°°" *>/ t^e Committee to whom it was y ^oHlTTEE OP THE WHOLE, leof the McmberH to preside who li? I ,'*^f«'e doing so, appoint f COMMITTEES. -. ' %: fir2'to'S5?irmVne"t?; naming one, whieh shaU ?^ wr£ S kJ h« w'^i ^^'r*^' who have the most names shaU li Sin J **"* .Warden, those ^umber is completed. ^*®" successively untU the ■»»-*■ ■-'^^^^-•"'■'r "ii^*^" 813 40. ' That of the nnmber of MemfMM »r,r^:^*wA « _ Committ.es,such „„^^^^ the whole number chosen, shall be a Quoram. i '^^^^'^^^ °^ 4i: That every Member who shill introtUice a ByiLaw Petition^ >»r STANDING COMMITTEES. SU^A-Ii r I?"* ^^'^°" ""^ ^^^ <^°"«<''l ^n each and every year Slan linjr Gominiftees to consisi of five Members each sh.iM ?!' appointed for the folhnving n.iri)os«s viz- I^Ju^Tl ' , * " ^ Whom all matters rdating to these objects shall seveiJJly S r^i^d" • ^^AS AND NAYS. ■■" 44. That npdn a division of the Council, the names of tiin«» «,!,« upon lae Mmutes, if one JMember requires it. _♦.«: CmDERS OF THE DAY. / 45. That the orders of the day shall always have the DreferetiAi. . to any motion before the Council. "le preierence ., ♦^A TJ»at when any order, resolution, or question, shall be lost b» the Council or Comirfittee breaking up ftr want of a Oiio^im tK order, res., ution. or question, so losirshllll.aft^ tL rontirCnlL be the first business to 1« proceeded with and disZed of TJ fS next meeting o( such Committee or Conner ^^ *^® *'^' . .: ;. " . FINANCE. , ■ ;. ..', 47. That if any motion shall be made in the Council for an* charge upon the people the considemtion of the debate thereof shS not prc^nlly be entered upon, but postponed till such further Jimi y the Council shourd thint fit to ap^n?; aad iLl fint l» «fe^ to jji Committee of the whoU. u «w ww mwui nm pe lefewed n / •. I« t *, if* in ', ''«»«^1WRY CHAIRMAN. IgrHE BAJL constitute the Bar of theVil'neH^ti^^ ^""^ ^^««' «hSf CcJJcJ^^^^^^^^^^ Office.. Of the thatt'h£TT"^"%"'"«h^^^^^^ special leave that this Rule IS strictly observedT ^ ® Messenger. to see €ooiicit CHAMiBi, Ma* 4tH,.I«62. ROBERT PEDEN, ^^K ■. ?,*'»■"■". ■m (^ • , ^ - < •■*! •' , ^H v*'- ■7' imBSjiTSS jummsmm absence. ->-rtp^i*^ii«" ■v ■. •• •e Court s, shall BY-LAWS. \ 'den. .V / To atsess the maUtants of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. i^ssed 3l8t January,'I850. thereofTaccording to the rites established bj^w. . the *po?nd S*nl!ifi!L3'"" of one-eighth of a pe.ny in Pc u„.uc me pouna oe also laised and levied as afoi^saiA fnr tul A»y>wn. Townships within the aihI tt^uIj vI "^ United them 11..//1 Z *u rj."® **'" United Counties and bv inem luitt to the TreMsurer of tha miH iTnj*^j o ^ OGLER. GOWAN, - *• •■» / Warden JAMES JESSUP, / f ' ^hmntyCterkr .1 \ VJ !216 : I" ■-¥ Vo.a~-BT-I.AW ^ ^esqfLeedsandGrenme, ^^ ^^f Clerk to enirr R- .•* j • , f ..n^c... of the United Go,,nt.erof LeedJa^^""^ ^°'^»°« C.I assembled, at the Town nf Rr^r^r """"^ '" ^^un- «e.B..UwNo fi«t day of January in the vL/ ?''*"^V**'» ^^'^ "»rty. t^iit'^' «i^f «;?''» '^"ndreZandfifty^St at ?h7, ^°'*^ °"l ^''°«- r"^ oflhe Council, and at eve^v,.?.; ""'^P'®*^"' Session after to bo held, the t^In^lV^TT"^^ .^''^''''' »»«^- namesof each and eve^viLnim^ '^^^^^ day he .hall actimllvTinn ri?.n m'' ^°i T^ ^^'^ «^ery - £nie at the end of 7hf i^ss^o^ 'vhfc'h^ «hal[ certify thi Ptat.meJ^SSSw'^--^'^ J?^^" ^ ^^ '^ •'- and every Aiy^c^t^fiL''^ "S? ^'^ P^n^e fur each ' <^i'"tie8^eX7i'?o^^^^^^^^ . Councillor oKjaiufeddl^^^^^ ^^'^'^^ the «um of seven sSnfn^f''^ P~d"C'ng the same, every duV it shall «nnl«rT l^"' ^^"'^^ ^"' each and JXedT^anKfJr^^^^^^ CounUes. ' *° **'* accounts with the said rL.s.j JAMES. JESSUP, County Clerk, . OGLE R. GOWAN, " Warden. I"' J T ' i .•:^. t ' si tl \ Ji "t ,^ : 'ft 217 Wo. m.— B7-IiJLW tain^T. ■*;•'..,. rent ycar^f^ ^ *^ Counties dtiHng the Cur- pe^^STheV^!^r^^ P^7l^^ ^°' the cuaent ex- l^i-nbi.. Mimicii^' Counc 1 onh^^^'^^^^^ ^°*°i«d by the ^k, be tor- Town om^Sle on fhf ^S°T^^^^*"^^«d ^"he "^^ S^yJaBd ft ^^liTj^''T^ ^Sht hundredllS sanctionlnd S;L^' ^,F°"^^^ the ... "Warden sh^lSTexSL^a^^^^^ ^ ^ to borrow from anv ,Ip.^nr T *°^ necessary so to do, Bank, A^liTrL^^'^ °'T'^°"'' ^y Corporate or discounVnoi IriatirtL?^- "^T ^' * '**^ of interest or advance,^ W to^^!.« peWntum per annum in not exceediZ in^K iT' ^"^^ *^™ or sums of money, renc?^ w he mav fin'i'^*'^^^ seven\undred pounds cuf: that^ o^S tS« ^o^'^^o*" "»"^' any ■deficiency /i-^.^S^ri^e^-SSr^^^^^^^^^ ■place tuld day fnot „mmS- ?^ ™?° ?"'"''''» " ««* the WaiJ«ir.LSi J ,."*"* calendar montlul M the mon^^rtichSllS."'' .'*',?• T^n"'. "Ht of k A ^■~-'— — ^ OGLE R. GOWAN, i fL. SJ JAMES JESSUP, t ■ " # CoMM«y ClerL *. ■ ' ■ ' Hi -L- -J' . ' / - n i ■•■■. ,;■ ' • * ,' <^ .atoAijBS ■ ' ■ , ., ;■'•-; ■■■'■-;,-■' . ,r ^ * ^* ^' ■'■ ,-■ ' ^^W^ AjH^PW'Hjj!*ig^'*/jW.t^^3!^jpH*3ff ir- 218 I t ttmaiUk. «p«*»«dr^ pal Council of the D«S p't ^H^^of theMunici- MCouniycoun.,^" "•. , ^°^ WliCreas another By-law was msspH w rests^» And whereas anotherBy-law was passed bvthJ u •^"I'^^^ereas it is desirable tfiat the said several Bv laws, the dates and titles of which are W;„w? ^l ■ / si* --....4 < i t< p m G C( sti frc an str W ^ i ,"-# ^, in mi ' ^^^fAZmy'^Z"^^^ °»« th°"«»»d eight By-laws, as hS^^^^^^^^ hereby repealed. ' ' ^^^ *"« same are funds of the4id United CoiS'3 X"tC '"'" *^« ^^^ paying the interest upon DeS ,S f k -^ ^"fP"^ ^^ pun?osd df making ceSn rSI Sprl-° a "'«*'^ ^^'^^^^^ be it therefore further LS^'"*"^'*V'^"*'oned, . Hereby ordained an enaS bv t^^'^iw"^^*-^^' '^"^ '* « of the said United CoSthL?if ^r^^^P^I Council paid over by the Trea^rL?or ♦u ^^^\^ ^^ ^^t apart and out of theVrSfni^'asseim^^^^^^ - th«*'mof£lOOOj^rannum whi?h.^5""'y purposes. :P^raj„„„, ^hallb^p^rv^r'bttt S W'-^'T the Agency of tho r-^m^ -^ "^"e^aid Jreasurer, to District, at^B^kvllf TrTor A^^^^ chartered hJ^m^X astife^w'^^ '"'^^^^^^ - in two equal Hlf.y6arly install* „l^^'l^°^ay ^'Wct, January and the fi«t day o??uIv 'in".?? ^""l ^""^ °^ year, comniencinff on tha firJf^ '^ t** ^^^^ ^^^ every be in the year of our" LorH^L^'^^^^^^'y'^hich will and fifty-one. ' '** °"^ ^^"'^"d eight hundred '^^^;^ i^iS^l i'^ -id .United w... . ^. tersigned byTh? Si'S^^^^^^^ ' --«r sums of inoti^y not ex^Li^^^ ^'.^'^^' '^^ ^ny such sum of ^16.000;redtJCb eTt^n :^^^^^ terest at 6 per cent if^v^^^^"^^* ^^th in- i^te; Jlbl^^^-s «>f the said sum~^ to 136 appUed iri the SinTatd^^^^^^^ . ' taidamized, Plank or P«,;^i n construction of a Ma- *° '*^»*^«««- Prescott. in the Cc^fn^TGr^rvli, "^'"^ ^e^PtviHe to making and construcuL of a M^"^ • ''''^■^T'^ ^^ the Gravel Road, from MerrlkLn ^^^^Ji^^rajzed, Plank -or County of Gr^nviUeTonS S;^^^ ^""'^^ ^^ • strutting of a Maca^Sed SjL J "'''^'"^ ^'^^ e"°- from Smith's Falls to BrSnL i„?^ ^' ^'^^^^ Gtnmt7T)rX.eeai7 ■ 1JC • 'V"^ '•^ ^ h- ! r ffii •1 m 'tli:v ii i| I ' V CommiuioncM appoiiiied. 220 Section 5. That the following perspns be^ and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, for the making a_d constructing of thq said Roads respectively, and for the doing and performing of all things necessary thereto ; namely, ,; For tJieRoad fiom Kemptville to Prescott, Messrs. 1. Robert Kemahan, ^^ 2. Wm. H. Bottum, ^ 3. George Weir, (Removed, see By-law 4. James Keeler, [No. 17). t , - 5. Alex. Smith. : ^'z For tfux Road from Merrickville to Maitland. Messrs. 1. John L. Read, 2. -E. H. Whitmarsh, ■ ., .:■ " 3' Aaron Merrick,- , 4. Wm. Grarvey, ^ '5. Wm. Humphries. For the Rnatl from. Smith's Falls to Biockmllc. ■ ■ ■ •■ • / ' (Repealed: see By-Law No. 51). ' ^ . For the Road from Westport to Farmersville. * Messrs. 1. Richard Preston, r j . 2. Hiram S. Davison, 3. Edward Green, (Resigned, see By-law 4. Walter H. Denaiit, ^ [No. 8, Sec. 10). 5. Benjamin Tett. Warden Mo^io SECTION 6. (Repealed, sec Bv-Law No. 19^. member of each * ' ' ' board. Powers of Com- " Section 7. That the said Commissioners, oramajo- miMioiieiB. yity of them, shall have power and authority to appoint . a Surveyor, or Surveyors, an Overgeer or Overseers, and to employ all necessary workmen, assistants and others, to determine on the course and direction of the Roads, pMced respectively und6r their control and management --to enter into contracts for the making, constructing, or Keeping in repair, the said feoads— to settle and arrange with the different proprietor^ through whose land the n. said Roads piay jwas— to erect Tolls Houses and Toll »^ , / Gates at such conveniei^t places and. distances on the ■'■•,./■■ ■ ' ■ . «t< . ■ ■ ■ • ...r ■ : . , .• \ 'Ik - .■■.,■ :^ ■ ■■' ' ■ ■ 4^' ""■v ■ -fwiFri'iir r^ 22! said Roads as th«y may deem most conducive to the ptjhc interests ; to fix and establish a mteKriff S^ rolls, to be paid at every such gate : and £n^Z t„ do and perform all lawful and necessary SstSj^^ ^ V and to^exercise all the rights, PoweS nndt„f f ' Skction 8. (Repealed : see By-Law No. 24.) ^'°"°^ 9- (Repealed: see Bj?.Law No. 24.) ^ m^leVn^Z''^!^^^^^^^ hereafter^.., or v... the snip nXrit^^i vicioria iviacad«fnized Road, be- under Ro/OunUerco.,. me sole control and manairemeift offh« h^^.L^- ■ «'<-> "i c>.i„,ms- liereinbefore annninto/l fi«*u J- ^t^'^^ Cdmmissioncrs »ioiier.s.seeB). . ojher purpose whatever. Provided, and for no other three Roads heS?fL^SS J^n^ ^ "' '^^ ^-^^ ^rtor portion of them, shall bTund^rttsfc^"^ ^No^r^^i' and management of thp r.^rr.r^-7. ■ '"Vi. control 62. appointed for the direj^on a^? vT"^*^^ ^4^"^e«'re Roadrespectivelyjrd'Sthe'. ?S^^^^ the redemption, within the time specified of fhP^-^ '"? / sum, not exceedine in the wh!S^ r«l Vi"*1P""°'Pal / to be issued in Def^StSes 5, hl£' ''''^ V^' ^*A no other purpose whaS '^ ^'"^"^^^ ^^^ for* / the eighth of Serf one thous^S l?tT'"^ V and forty-seven, intituled « By-Law o7^t ^Z^"^^ cipal Council of the Disrict of t^ f ***® ^"^i" aside the sum of ^6600, to mf the in^v;,?"*^' «^«^S sum of money tWein ienffl" tSd^^^^^^ justly Belong to the MapaHnml^l^ if j ^*®8**^y "^^d first V of'janua? now hT^f ^ ^""V^"^ *^° ' currency, of which jElono T? ^ ' ^.®. ^'^^ ^^ Jei,500 sum, of S^ttltglirL^S^^^^^^^ thud to Grenvillef AnH^^^Z' Z Z^S^^^l} ' \ *|^S^, ; -t ; i ,' • ,• •■ ■ " '.222 ■ ./;". £16,000 is by this By-Law divided equally between tha ^ u'o Counties, and not in the proportion to wS each ^^:\:'l^S^S::tr^^^f^' i° f Common ^^^^^1% •o i^ciTcL- -."f ?'"'^? iurther ordained and enacted, and it is herebv """*"""' S fl"l:rt^ enacted, Thavthe said balance^/iSSo! ^ rlf recited, be paid over by the Tr«Jasnrcr to the Leeds Commissioners, and be at their soJe dS^I in SSpf '^^ n^'^K °' "^'^'^ contMbted, R b^ contraMed, in making their Roads as aforesa d. but M ^ no ofc purpose whatever. Ami that in threvSt of this By-Law not being carried out by the iirqllhe . said Debentures, then, that the said^sura TS^ K^ ?°"f %^d f .still due to the Gommissioners ap^ed for the Roads in the County of GrenvilJe. ^F??^^ OGLE R. GOWAN,"'., JAMES JESSUP, * Warden. ^■W- <. Prcombla. Wo. v.— BY-LAW To Authorize the Issue of Debentures. ♦v.^i1'®^'^ '* is desirable that power should be given to the -Warden of the United Counties of Lefdland ments of the said Counties, by the issue of Debemures How «.aea «"«« f^*" ^^^jf" purposes, and under certain restrictions : Be cJrZ^ 1%^^''^^^^^''^.^''''''^^ ^y the Municipal Council of Ihte said Counties, assembled at BrockviilT this fourteenth day of March, in the year of our Kdone thousand eight hundred and fiftyf and it is herebv orfained and enacted. That whenever any gmn or gS LirCo7nf ^'" ^ T**" ^y '^^ *^»°^<''I»» Council ITZ said Counties for the erection of any Bridge, or for the SfiSIl^'J^P^r""^' *"' constructing of kny R^d or Public Highway,or for any other Public Work or Works which !Sm Tml 8J^"*^'^»?f "*>t be less in amount than the U^.5 f ♦!' Provincial currency, it shall and may be lawful for the Warden of th;i said United CountieJ, in ■MMIill ^^^I^^^Mna^^djMgMj^^jyX^ ■iiii f^ - 223 . or Debenture^rXil bf Zdf ' ''"'^ k^* "^'^ Debenture times, as shairppeaX the J^^^^^ said Clerk and Ss„rer ttf u^n'^^"' ^'^'^ *<> the '^'* . TreasuryanphTabirto h«™ ^^* - ^""'^^ '" ^*»« as aforeLdr ^° P^y™^°'°^»"<'»» o«ler or orders the general reveniie«. of t^^ "i tV ?^ *° defray from '"••••• authority of what Bv W ™ delivered ; and under the the said WT so to be Kt L if^' ^T'l^ ' ""'^ ^^at at all seaWble and%roP^^^^^^^^^ °Pfn. and inspection of anv and WV,?"^J2' ^ examination pal Coimcil of tkriiS cLnS-?^^ '"■ "^"'^ ^"'"■^^- desire to examine or inspStt'^kmt^ "'^ '^'""^^ °' 1. PrM> 4\' pL. S.] . OGLE R. GOWAN, m the ly be es, in MME^ JESSUP, ' County Clerk. • > : .^' ,-*•' ' # - ."' .-*' ■--■••"■ ■ * ,' f ''U -■■t. ■ J,' r I i • Ir: 22* ;'■ ■ To Autliorize tjHe Borrotcing of a certain Sum of Money. Preamble. Whereas «a «fertain portion of money, payable to the Contractor of the Victoria Macadamized Road^ yet w remains due and unpaid ; and whereas it is desirable that the same should be paid off and discharged : Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council s..n. not exceed °^S® *i°'*«^ Couuties of Leeds and GreuviUe, assembled inp xsoo. 'At BrockvUle, this fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and 'Us hereby ordained and enacted. That the Treasurer of thl^aid United Counties be authorized to borrow from any Bank or Individual, willing to loan the same, any sum or suras of money, not exceeding in the'whole, the sum of ^500, for the purpose of enabling the Commis- sioners of the said Victoria limd to pay off the claim pf the said Contractor. ^ ' IliiW liofiywcd. y Section 2. That for the purpose of borrowing the sama, the said^Treasurer be authorized to make a Note or Notes for the said sum of JESOO, or for so much thereof ■ - as may be necessary, and that thq same be signed by the Warden andClerk, and that flxe Seal of the Corpo- I ration be attached thereto. • - . ■ , (■.■ ^ •_ ijow applied a.«i section 3. That the said sum of ^6500, or so much thereof as maybe found necessary, together with all mterest ther«Son, be paid out of the funds applicable to :\. ' the said Victoria, Macadamized Road, and'shall not be charged or chargeable against the ordinary revenue applicable to County purposes. - \ I- V ■ r ;;v// J4^ES JESSUP, County Clerk. QGLE R. GO WAN, Warden. .1 ■"'^ ,■ '■-•«'. -J ■w- W" ;;■ •; v.- "! *- '■'■'' fc\- . -,, ■^' 22$ \ '-W., '■'.^ . \ Wo. vn.-BY-iakw To Authorize the Cd.Urtiny, />/■ ^^ !» " Whereas the Municipal Council of the Town^hin nf t?on ?or Comn,™°TK^^f ^.*° ''^^ Government app S - / . ,- jion tor Comnion Schools in th^Jiaid Townshin Em property of the inhabitants of the said Townshin for^^A ^ B^Lat^X^'nreseM r'"' °' the passing of ZS ^y uaw me present Common School law wa^ in f..M j^/orce and effect, and which provides tLohl S Assessment shotild be mised % Uie Sty?ounSl ^ " -d^IStd^S^lSl^ aji/^Ttre?^^..^ United Coiint,!««fT J i?J"°**''P"^^^^^^ atthrTowno?Rli^^1f^^^ oiine town ot Brockville, on the tenth dav of Octohpr ' ""y, inat th6rei)6 raised and levied for ih« <».»J»> oroLrt^S- 1 '^° P'==="' yMf. on rateable aneswd fL. S] ^^^ ^ GOWAI^ «*; 7' 2f \ _:i <^>fip' >. it ■■ 1 "'• r :*' 1 ■" J ■ ■', I-' 1 "S •226, ' ■-' ' ■' . -. No. vm.-BT-Liiw ;^ ^ , To Amend By-Laws Nos. 4 «« setting forth in detail the particular service tox which' such disbursements were made. ■ ■ ^' ^^ Section 6. That the said Commissioners or a majority commi«! ot them, shall have power and authority, and they are '«'''* '^'■ ihereby authorized from time to time, to fix and determine ) upon the rat6 of Tolls to be taken, col Idctcd and received at each and cvfery Toll Gate, or Toll Bar, which now is, or may hereafter be erected, on all or jjny of the said Koada.and to alter, increase or diminish the same/from time to time, as to them may seem expedient. -Tj ^S'^tSTJ' '^hi ^1*^ De bentures aujhorj zed fn ^ g whm T^ „ i. i«ued ByThe said Jiy.L.aws Nos. 4. and 5, beforcTecited, ^'^»m^ . shall be, and they are hereby authorized to J)e mode -rssit^g^W fn: •' ^' ' ns payable at sacti dates and periods (not exceeding in the whole ten years), as it may appear to the Warden, the , Clerk, and the Treasurer, or to any two of them, there ' shall be funds in the Treasury, applicable to their redemption, tot pay up and redeem the same, together with the lawful interest thereon, at the rate of six per centum per ac num, and which said interest shall be payable semi-a nnually on all of the said Debentures, reckoning from the respective dates of their issue. ^i"Ii' 4 ******* Section 8. 1 hat so much of By-Law No. 4, passed on *"* the fourteenth day ofMarch,pne thousand eight hundred,, and fifty ^s seta'apart the sum of J6 lUOO annually from the\ ■ fundsof the County, for Ihc purpose of paying the interest • "dnthe Debentnre>; therein mentioned, be repealed, and - that in lieu of said- sum of J£l000 annually, there be annually raised, levied, and collected upon the assessed real and personal property of. the United Counties oC / ' Leeds aadGrenville, the sum of three-eighths of a penny in the pound, on thf3 assessed value thereof according to the rates established by law, and that the amount of such assessment be applied in the payment of the inierest and in the liquidation of the principal or debt contracted, or that may be hereafter contracted by the Commissioners duly appointed, or that may be hereafter duly appointed, - ^ to mnke, construct, complete, and keep in refniir, the said Roads ; said sum of three-eighths of a penny in the pound being luid on and levied in pursuance of the 176th ' section of the 12th of Victoria, Chnp. 81, entitled, " Ao^ Act to provide by one general law, for the erection of Mujaicipal Corporations, and the establishment of regu- lations of Police, in and for the several Counties, Cities, ' , Towns, Townships, and Villages in Upper Canada." W! «/ Money! fc Tolls 10 form general ftai. \ Section 9. That all monies arising from each of the said Roads, or fVom the Tolls or other charges thereon, do go into and form one general fund, applicable to the payment of the Debentures, and to the interest thereon, ■JM except the sum of jS700 due to the Leeds Commissioners, |P^ and commg from the funds of the County, which sum the Warden is hereby authorized to issue Debentures ' . for, upon the requisition of the Victoria Road Commis- sioners or of a majority of them, and that such debentu be made redeemable at such dates and periods (j exceeding in the whole two years), as to th6 Warden, the Clerk, and the Treasurer, or any two of them, there may appear to 1^ furich in the-Treaanry of the County, ta mis- ' f ures / (not >^ ( d d c e n s r i t] e 1 a S rtU .;ivt. :,'■',,,:-. ■■te-rfj^; ,....> ./Vi/i... -,»"ikiU.,.i,4*t',-Vi' .' J^^^ '■■■■■ .; l/\ 229 take up and redeem the said Debentures, and the interest thereon,-^ny By-Law to the co^lrary notwithstanding. Sectiom iO. And be it further ordained and enacted, ^f'"^ crawfoni That Geo^fge CmwforcU Esqiiire, be appointed, and he is ^fiir'nir'tf hereby appointed a Cominissioner for the Road from f^^l'^ ^"^^ Westport to Farmersville, iiit the place and stead of ed Edward Green, Esquire, resigned.^ fL. S.] . . JAMES* JESSUP, CotiHtuCierk. OGLE R. GOWAN, Warden. -v^- \. / \. \ \ Wo. 1Z.~-BY-LAW To divide the United Countitt of taeds-and^GrenyUle ,^ into School Circuits, and •1. Bq it ordained and- enacted by the Municipal To\^ separate and Distiict School Circuits,- pursuant to the * provisions of the 27th Section of the Common School ^ Act, 13 and 14 Victoria, Chap. 48. 2. That the Treasurers of the several Townships in Towmhip Trea. the said. Counties shall bo, and they are hereby appoint- SS,™.^""* ed Sub-Treasurers of School moneys for thbir respective Townships. S. That the following peribus bo) and they are hereby appointed Superintendents of Schools for the following School Circuits respectively, commencing ttie fimt day of Ja n uMry 1861 ;^ 'fVj^T^ 'fj SuperintendRnis. t 230 Rev. Matthew Connor/ -T- Matthew Connor, Matthew Connor, James Geggie, — ■ Harvey M'Alpine, — Wra. J, M'Dowull, — Joslifita Johnson, James Clapperton, Jacob A. Brown, Edward F. Weeks, Samuel Cfmharn, Henry P. Washburn, Thomas Vanston, Esq., Thomas Vanston, Esq., Bastard Sc Burgessv , North Crosby, ' ' South Crosby, Edwardsburgh. Oxford. ' South (Jower. . Yonge. \ Augusta. Elizabethtown. • Elmsley, (Repealed, see By- Kitley. [Law No. 18. Iteed^jk Lanstlowne (rear), Leeds^ Liansdowne (front). EsCott- . sab-iVeasurera 4-; That before any Sub-Treasurer shall receive any. logivt Bond.. School moneys, he shall entdr into a bond with at least . r two good, and sufficient sureties, himself in double the amount of the Government api)ropriation for the Schools ■ " / of his Township for the present year, and each of his I sureties in a sum at least equal to such apprppriation, for ' ! the faithful performc^nce of his duties ,:is Sub-Treasurer, ' ^ and the'Ree\^cs of the several Townshins^f these Unit- J. '' ed Counties, aro hereby authorized andrequired in be- half of this Council to attend to the execution of said bonds, which bonds, afler being properly exeCiited tfnd , duly attested, shall jje deposited with the Clerk of this Cbimoil, and his certificate of such deposit, shall be thtt County\Treasurer's warrant for paying to any Sub- TreasiireXthe amount of School money in the County ^ V Treasury, and payable for the benefit of the Schools of X the Township to which such Sub Treasurer belongs. fL.S.] JAMES JESSUP, ^ County Clerk, OGLE B. GOWAN, Warden. To provide for the Collection cf Rates. ^fSm ISSSS'' ^' ^ *t oidoin c d. nnd c^iteted by |ho 5lf i'^ Council of the United Counties of Leeds vid Grenville ■ « I .,*? Sit: J.? ■^,^■)^^- ::^ 'i^V/^if^ 23.1 Mnip«!fi7'6 T..of- ^ ', J^" """^ before any one of Her eS Suies oTsulh H^ "^T'' '." '^"^ ^"'' ^'^e said Unft- ' pavriient «^ // i""'^"'' ""^ '■^^"S'^1 Of neglect of owS'ertheS after'. T7'"' ^i^^^ '"^'o "') '» *= mile fQt every gjile he may have lo travel to ex^^Sff I • OGLE R. GOWAN, PL. S.J . "' Wardtn, JAME§ JESSUP, ? / ' County Clerk. r .• J '.;%., onwuiaiiK X'^i ■'*y . H T ir ''**.., ;/*. r Part Tclalins to %. J To Repeal pdrt of, By-Law No. 190, Passed on the thirtieth day of October, 1849. ■ r~< ^ • ' f ■ ■*>■ .' . „.., .„ Be it ordained and enacted by the-Municipal Council woifoni. tiim- of the JJnited Counties of Leeds and Grenville, duly as- Go^er re" scmbled at the Town of Brockville on the twelfth day ' •"*• of October, in the year of our Lord onfe thousandr eight hundred and fifty, and it is hereby ordained and enacted, th&t so much of a certain By-Law passed by the Muni- cipal Council of the laite District ot Johnstown, on the thirtieth day of October, 1849, and entiUed, « By-Law to divide certain Tdwnships in the Johm^town District into Rural Wards," as ordains and edacts that the Town- ships of Wolford, Elrasley, and South Gower be divided into Rural Wards prtrsuant to Law and the limits and descriptions of the said Rural Wards as relates to the said Townships of Wolford, Elmaley and South Gower therein contained and, 'expressed, be, and the^same is hereby repealed, ■ ..^U«r.*T' ; ■ OGLE R.^QO WAN, .%;■•_ . ^' Warden, \ [L. S.] \ , - jiilfES JESSUP, , . » y^- ' County Clerk. No. m-~BY-MW r To Repeal pariof By-Laio No. 186, Pa««rf by thAhOe DistrKtCouncU on the fifteenth day of F<^>ruary,lS4,9. ivtretatingw > Be itordained and enacted by the Municinal Council TflTX\ of the United Counties of Leeds and GrenviUe, duly as- . WS^T'f sembled ftt the Town of Brockville, on the twelfth day ^ of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eiejue - -■- ' - hundred and fifty, «tnd it is hereby ordained and^ct- .' ed. that so much of the fourth sectiooipf a cerUin By- Law, passed by the Municipal CounciAf the Distnct of Johnstown on the fifteenth day of February, 1849, and « entitled, ** By-Law to Beguhtfa^^o Satefi es and Diiti M of certain District Officers," as piorides that the pejr- *.\ .> ^ ■* . , f V ■,/• *, » v ■ i ' ■■■ MS' ^ ■ ^1 •-.... ■■-. ■' •■■/ ■, ■ centage^f the Treasurer of these TTnited Cfoiinties sliall m no case exceed the sum of one hundr^and fiftv pounds per annum, shall be repealed, and the same u hereby repealed, ' ««« » y- OGLE R. GOWAN,. P-s.] '»•; JAMES JESSUP, " ' " - County CJerki. WofdkH. No, Xm^BT'IAW J • 2b Cover certain Grants, of Be it ordained and enacted by the Municipal Gouncilro, Lyndiian, . of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. dulv'B"^'-^ • a^embled at the Town of Brockville, on the twelfth dfty '^^'^'^''^'^ ^— «f October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and it is hereby ordained and enacfed. that the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds be granted and mid to the xMunicipal Council of the Townships of Leeds and j;mnsdowne in rear, in the manner hereinafter provided, to aid m the construbtion of aiiew bridge at the Village of Lyndhurst, in the Township of Lansdowne : ?'°yu ?/ ^^^^ ^"."^ shall be appropriated and expended by ^he Municipality of the said Townships for the same purpose. - . ^^ ., *i,^*"?J'°^ ^' "^"^ ^ ^* ^""''^'' otdahM and enacted. B«'itf« Rapid, that the sum of one hundred prounds be granted and ^"''«*- ' . paid to the Mumcipal Council of the Township of 0»^ lord, in the manner herein&ftcr provided, to aid in the ' -^ construction of a new bridge at Burritt's Rapids in the »id T 234 ■K To Kwott and Leeito ft Laiit> in the said Township ; proyided the Municipal Council of the Unite^d Counties of Lanark and Renfrew, shall appropriate and expend "« sum at least equal to that ainount for ihe same purpose. SicTiON 4. And be it , further ordained and enacted, that the aatq of twenty-seven pounds be gmntcd aAd paid to the Municipal Council of the Township of Es- cott, and the sum 'bf ninety-five pounds to tU«? Municipal Council of the Townships of Leeds and Lunsdowne in front, in the mannec hereinafter provided, and that the . said sums shall be taken and received by the said Coun- cil, respectively, as an equivalent /or the sum to be raised by assessment and expended in the construction of the Four Toll Roads authorised to be made and con- structed by this Council pursuant to the provisions of By-Laws Nos. 4 and 5, pa'sslbd on the fourteenth day of March lasi entitled " By-Law to repeal certain By-Laws therein mentioned, and tip make further provisions than are at present by Li«w made, for the construction of Four Toll Roads in the United Counties of Leeds and Gren- ville," and of u certain Other By-Law passed by this Council op the tenth daijr of October instant, entitled, . "By-Fjaw to amend By-Laws, Nos. 4nnd 5, passed on the fourteenth day of March, is5Q,"and that the said sums shall be expended by the Municipal Councils of the said Townships respectively in the making or repairing of the Roads and Bi^dges, <^r in the construction of auy^ new Road or Bridgo therein^ as to them shall seem ex- "^pedient. , 1 Section 5. And be it further ordained and enacted, that the sum of twenty-five pounds be granted and paid to tho Municipal ^ Council of the United Townships of Bastard and Burgess, in the manner hereinaner provid- ed, to aid in the erection of a new Bridge over Sheldon Qreek, in the first Concession. of the Township of ,Bas^ ^ fBod. ■' m .; Section 6. And be it further ordained and enacted, ^ l^athat the Municipal Council of tho Township of Oxford Si»Md kVjIJ!! be anthorized and.empowered to treat with the A^uni- i»ockioi>« built cipai Council of the County of Carlton, and to do all things that may be necessary for the construction of the ^ said Bridge at Burritt's Rapids, aud that the Council of Sheldon Cnek Bridgt. \ Under wl reetion [A ■ -the Township^f Wolford bfralsa» tho Municipal Council of the United Counties of Lanark X t ,■''.'•*' '■% :p 935 anj^ Re^freW) as to what may be necessary for the" construction of the said Bridg^ at the Village of Kil- '■ V'a* ■• . 1Sbc*ion 7. And be it further ordained and enacted, DebemwM fo, tnat. the Warden, upon the requisition of the Municipal «"«»<»«»«■•. ,. ^ ^ouricils of the said Townshiiw respectively, to which the ;>gr.tots of money afresaid are hereby made, sh^U cause Debentures to be issued iOr the saiiie pursuant to the provisions of By-Law No. 5,, passed on tho fourteenth , , day of March last, and entitled « By-taw to authorize the issue of Debentures." . \' «• X €': ^^: ^ \ No. 7. To the Statesman Printing Office, the sum of sixty-four pounds one shilling and eleven petfce, fot printing and advertising. "^"^ < Section 8. And be it ftirther ordained and^^enacted, that sum. ««ted i. tho tollowing sums be granted and paid by.^he County wriain persoM^ Treasurer to the petson or persons whose ^ames are placed before each item, respectively, and thaX the By-"^ / Law shall be a sufficient voucher to that officer for the . ^ payment of th^ said sums: — \ \ No. 1. To Thomas Reynolds, M.D., the sum of one pound five shillings, for attending at the Inquest and making a post mortem examidation on the body of John Cranstoun, by request of the Coroner and Jury. . No. 2. To David Wylie, the sum of eighteen pounds thirteen shillings and nine-pence, for printinc and advertising. ' * No. 3. To Stephen B. Merrill, the sum of four pounds ^seven shillings, for printing and advertising, . No. 4. To Alfred Poulton, the sum of thirteen shillings and one penny hai;-penny,.for glazing windows in the Gaol and Court House. No. 5. To the Canada Gazette Office, the sum of five pounds and fifteen- shillings, for advertizing. No. 6. To Steplicn B. Merrill, the sum of fourteen pounds sevenicou shillings and fii^e pence for adver- tising. / N ^ 230 No. 8s To J. W. HaddlestQu, the snm of one pound nineteen shillings and ten-pence half-penny, for re- pairs and for pipes^ furnished to stoves m the Court Ht)use. . No. 9. To Benjamin Hopkins, the sum of seven shiU lings and sixpence, for repairs to the- roof of the Court ^ouse. ,-*>.' ^.^0. To William Buell, the sum of five poimds fourteen shillings and four-pence, for stationery fur- nishlsd to the clerk's office. No. 11. To Adam Anderson', the sum of one pound six /■ shillings, for ruled paper for Assessmt^nt Bolls. No. 12. To JarngsJessup, the sum of three pounds ten shillings, beingThe araoimt paid by him to the Hon.' John H. Cameron for his opinion on the WUd Land Tax Act. No. 13. To the' Canada Gazette, the sum of twenty- two pounds two shillings and eight pence, for ad- vertising Wild Lands in arrear for .taxes. No. 14. To Municipal Council of the Township of Wolford, the sum of five pounds, for building a bridge over the middle branch of the Eideau, agreeably to ' & Resolution passed at the i .sent Session. No. 15. To Municipal Coiu^cil of the Township of Leeds and Lansdswue, in front, thes'sum of. fifteen pounds, to aid in the erection of the Bridge at Marble Eo,;k. , No. 16. To Christy tfuttan, theliiim of fourteen shillings^, for an pyer assessment in 1849. No. 17. To Stephen B. Phillips, the sum of one p6und ' five shillings, for serving notices relating t(^4he division ot certain Townships, i^to Rural Wards. No. 18. To Wellington W. Mott, the smn of fifteen shillingsfinr similar service as performed by Stephen B.J'hiUijB. No. 19. To Alfred PouKon, the wun of one pound i i seven shillings, for glazing windows in the Court Hcnise and Gtnii,^ * ^°'^P' ^° J^Vnes Kincaid.thaaum of one pound fivb shillings, l?r attending the Council during this "* , ' .. .. ■■• ■ ** ■ Na 21. To Christopher Lcggo, the sura of three pounds two shilliugs and six-pence half-penny, for preparing Room for llife sitting of the Council, and lurmshmg stationery a|ad fuel. ■ No. 22. To D. Wylie, the sura of two pounds ten Slullings, for reporting and publishing the proceed- -itfgs of,the Council this Sessioa. fL.S.] "JAME^JESSUP, County'Clerkt OGLE R. GO WAN, Warilett, \-^\ !M*. XIV^-BY-LAW ^ TofAmend By-Law M I94i^ piiss'ed hj the late Dittrid I Council, Upuncil ot the late District ol Johnstown, t)ri the thirtieth S" B>-Law day of Octobevm the year of our Lo/donVthouS "i'" eight hundred and forty-nine, and No. 194, it was in- tended to repAl ^ much of a certain other By-Law passed by the said#Council on the sixth day of October* in theyear one thousand eight hundred and forty-ekht* entitled, "By-Law to asssess the inhabitants of certoin School-Sections in the X>istrict of Johnstown," and numbered 171, asNrelates to"|he assessment of Schdol Section number ^hree in the Tdwnsaip of Kitley, and to make other provisions for th|? assessment of the said bection.^ And whereas the time of the passing of the 9030. brst mentioned ByrLaw was erroneously recited in the said last mentioned Py-Law,and it is expedient and nght to ooyrect the aame. by anthorlMiy tAa iw'tf ft^itll nb> i ^ S38 -»f...:. ^^ of the assessment imposed on the toid Sectjoh : Be it coiieeior rtquii. therefore ordained and enacted by the Munioipal Couneil fMSMUonXstof^^e United CoHnties of Leeds and Grenville'jassembled KWey. ' 'at the Town of Brockville, on the fir^t day of^February, ' in the year ^our Lord one thousand„eight hundred and fifty-one, anu* it TS hereby ordained and enacted, That -^'^ the Collector of Rates of the said Township of Kitley, be , required, and he is'herebyrecjuired to profpeed forthwithy to collect the rates imposed ontheinV^abitajnts of tho -juid ■ ' . V School-Section number three, in me Township of Kitiey aforesaid, as apportioned and placed on the CollecJoi's Boll of the said ToWnship of kitiey for the last year, by the Gcunty Clerk, under the authority of the said last mentioned By-Law, and that the said Collector pay over the same to the Treasurer of the said Tp^niship of Kitiey, when collected. ; ,f . ,:- GEORGE SHERWOOD, Warderiy [L. S.] United Counties of liieeds&Grenville. JAMES JESSUP, ; . County Clerk..' - / - -y , . -■ S ■■■' .■/■-. 'W\ AntaincMet. V. / •«, ' ■^'^ , " No. XV.-B7-IJIW * ■ ; , . , ■ ^ J* ;-■ -^. To define, the Jurisdiction of Local Superintendents of Schools, in. certaifi cases. ., Seetiein to le- Be it Ordained and enacted, by 'lie Municipal Council nunMMiab. q£ the United Counties of Leeds and ^Grenville, du . ,; assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the first day of ., ? 'February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight '/ ; hundred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ordained and / enacted, That the local divisions of the several Town- _ ships and union of Townships in the said OMtefJCounties ^' {., into SchooJ-Sections, shall remain andl continue a«^ now/ ;,« j/. established, for the present year, and that in every ^a<:^ "Se^^n formed from portions of two or more Townships, 'tohara Miera *^® Local Superintendent of the Tow:aship, where the pcrintendiuice in School-House may be erected for any'such part section, ^-^^ '^"^ shall have the sole Superinlt^ndence o^ the School therein forth* above mentioned pifariod. go ifar as relates to the > of at in fifl 80 on one to I int( tioi of; the is. I Atk said -^j 2. ^^ppc ^of VI JAM fi'T "^^Gtfl Hf"^ ' .•■■'■'■* V, ■ Be^ it uneil ibled nary, land Tliat y, be 1 with -- > siiid^ • . -. ?^ > if WS^ S3» .*\>i- notwithstanding. ^^^^ °' ^"^*°™ *« the contiary Y ' ^^'^I^GE SHEIRVVOOD, > r> Li^-S.l United Connties of Leeto the person or persons whose names are placed before each item, respectively, and tliat this By-Law shallbe a sufficient voucher to that otticer, for the payment of the said sumS :— No^l. To the County Board of Public Instruction, the sum of three pounds five shillings and five pence, *° '^efray certain e^^nses incurred by the Board, as detailed in the Report of the Committee on Education. / =fint A- ^=i™es Jessup, the sum of orie peuhd one Shillmg and seven pence, being the amount of his account, for charges paid by him on boxds from the ^ i-ducation office, and disbursements for postages. ^ ' ^°- ^'-T^ tl^e Council of the Township of Escott, the sum of seven pounds ten shillings, granted for Iiuilding the Bridge over the Creek on Lot No. 12, in the 2nd Concession of the said Township. No. 4. Xp David B. O. Ford, Esq., President of the' Agricultural Socio '; oi these Counties, the sum of two hundred pov;i< Is, irranted by this Council, for the Provincial A!.rion)tural Exhibition, to be held at the Town of j^oijIaiUe, during this present year. No. 5. T6 B. Hopkin: rthe sum of fifteen shillings and nine pence, for articles fiuniahed the County Clerk's office. , % ' No. fi. Messrs Tilly & Hopkins, the sumVthree pounds fifteen shillings, for certain repairs to the Gaol and Court House. ' •. No. 7. That the several Sums allowed to the Enume- rators in the^ettr 18i8, ,fjpm the funds of these -^^°"oties, for their services as such Enumerators, be paid to thq respective Township Treasurers, to remunerate the -Enumerators of 1850, for similar services rendered by them. No. 8. To Christopher Leggo, the sum of two pounds aeventeen shiHrngs jj t d jg n pfinee, ftr a tation o ry / /:". ~mSi otHer contingencies furnished the Council, . aurmg its present Session. il...t •■ Nol 9. ^0 James Kincaid, the sum of one pound five . shillings, for services as messenger of the Council during this Sessi^. GEORGE SHERWOOD, ,„.-'-" ■'* ... Wardetif u United Coimties of Leeds &Grenvillei |L.S.] p.: JAMES JESSUP, Cour^y Clerk. No. KOL— BT-LAW To Amend By-Law No, 4, passed on the Hth day of , : i» March, 1S50. ) DutyofChainmit Be it ordaiued and enacted by the Municipal Council 2J.^rSaul? of the IJnited Counties of Leeds and GrenviUe, duly meetings. assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the tenth day of ApriU in the year of our Lord omthpusand eight - hundred and fifly«one, and it is here^ ordained and ' enacted, That from and after the passing of this By-law, iif shall be the. duty of the Chairman of each of the . iBoaids of Commissioners,' appointed under the ^fth section of the By-Law passed by the said Council on the 1 fourteenth day of March, 1850, entitled, «♦ By-Law to ' / repeal certain By-Laws therein mentioned, and to make ^ further provisions than are at present by law made, for V the construction of four Toll Roads in the United Counties , of Leeds and GrenviUe," and he is hereby required, upon a requisition made to him in writing by any two Commissioners of the Board of which he is Chairman, to call a meeting or meetings of such Board, at such time or times as any such two Commissioners 8h|dl conceive to be necessary for the tmnsaction of business, aAd that every such requisitioni^edl-state the objectof the meeting, as well as the time and place of holding it. gf°«By-'«wWo, S iif Tfny ?■- Ajfiil be i t further ordainwL and enacted^ *•— w. ^Eirrtho mih Section of the laid By-Ldw, above rv ^•- i»V 'ii JiM'A- i und five Council DD, frenvUlei t day of , I Council Ue, duly enth day nd eight ined and i By-law, h of the the ^flh sil on the r-Law to I to make aade, for Counties required, any two Ihairman, iuch time conceive ftAd that meeting, enacted^ • ■ ' ', ■ ; 243/ .- - in part recit^, shall h?, and the same is hereby repeaieu* flv'. , > ' edrtUiiiif a^embledatttieT'ownof BrockvUle,on tKntra "S'tt «f April, m the year of kwt Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ordained LI . *nUtied, « By-Law to provide for the custody of certSn . Books the property of the District shaU be repealed, and the same IS hereby repealed. i~ u,auu 2. That the County Clerk shall, immediately afteriv.^ **. . ae passing of this By-Lw call upon any par^J or paS "^ ''"** havmg any of the ^d booils in thSr posJeSoJ, to return the same mto his office without delay^^md that hereaftS h S*?!,^^ '^^ ^ *^P' by him in his office for the ns^ of tiie Criminal Courts held in these Counties, and for no other purpose. , ' GEORGE SHERWOOD, Warden, . rL.S.l ' ^»"*«^ Counties ofLeedafc Grenville. JAMES JESStJP, • ' * County Clerk. * V, SDove ^ ->• r \ • - V S44. To -/ FnunU** Vs-- Sam not to exceed JCfiOO. How to be . (wRowed. No. XXI.--BT-LAW Authorize the Borrowing of a certain Sum of Money ^ for 4}^e'pUrposestlierein mentioned. - * ' • . . ■ < ' .- •-,'-'■■ „ * '■ Whereas it, is necessary to i^rovide for the current expenses of the Counties, until the usual assessments for -the present year shall become available : Be it therefore ordained apd- enacted by the Municipal Council of the United f!ounties of Leeds and Grenville, asselnbhed at the Town of Brbekville, on thfe tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundriftd and fifty- «one,.and it is hefeby" or4ained and enacted by the ttlithority aforesaid, "Miat the County Treasurer j- with - the sanction and approbation of. the Warden, shajl aud may, and lie isTiereby authorized and empowered.if the Warden .shall deem it expedient and necessary so t6 do, to borrow fromanv person or persons, bCdies corporate or Bank, willing '.- loan the same at a rate of interest or- ■discount not greater than six pe* centum per annum, in advance, from tira^ to tiwie, s«ch sum or sums of. money/ not exceeding in the wholevthe sum of five hundrql pounds, as he may find necessary to meet any deficieflCy that may occur in the'conynbh County fimd/' to pay and discfcuarge the current expenses of the Counties. * * . . & Section 2. That such money shall be borrowed upon a Promissory Note or Notes, to be made by the County . Treasurer, and countersign^ by t"he Warden ahd County Clerk, wh5 shall afiix thereto the f-'eal of the Corporation, which Note br Notes shall be madi payable at such plac« arid day, (not exceeding six calendar months), as the ' Warden shall deem* advisable, and sh^ll be paid and satisfied by the said Treasurer, out of the monies which shall come into his hands applicable to common County * purposes, and if the Warden shall find it necessary, the said Note or Notes, mayfje renewed from time to time, until the said assessments shall become available. i' [lL.S.] JAMES JESSUP, County Clerfi, GEORGE SHERWOO0,\^ WardeUf (United Counties of Leeds & Grenvillfe,„ Y \ .. V ( *+ V ( ; 7b £rcp/am thff Tfdrd ^tion of By-Law M. 4. ''. ^f ^i^Tv/«"^*? "^^X !!ri«« *^*t° t>e legal construction of the thn-d Section of l^y-Law No. 4., passed by tlSs^'^""'"* Council (Jn the fourteenth day of JVIarJh, 1850^ aSd - ■ J th^'l r^^T- *^^V^^ '^^'•'^ Comnussioners mentioUel ' m the said section, shall apply only to the nerso.s ftr a majonty^pf-them appointed for the super! n!endenceand*C,v ' . con.tn,ction of each of the Koads in the fifth >ection of> the said 3yJ.aw mentioned, and not to thf. several ' ' II *^i:i'«"tiyely and fo*r the purpose of removing siK^h doubts ;l Be It ordained and ^najted % the Mun? / 'p.pal Council of the United "C^hnti^-of Leeds a^ ' ■ Grenville assembled at the Town «fSbckville on' the ''• eighteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one orZnPrf f § ^""fri ^"? ^"y-^"^' ^"* i* « hCrebv Aow ^e word ordainedand enacted that the word "X'ommissioneiP used m the sau! th^rd sectiou of the said By-La^ir. was intended, and shall be construed and taken Jo meak.tho Cpmrnissioner^ or a majority of th6m respectively af pointed, or who inay hereaftfer bc^'^^ointeS, for eacliTf the.Roads aufhorized-tq be constmcted un)der the provi- ' Slr^ *,''^ said By-Law, and not.to th^ saidBoards' collectively ahythmg cdntaine^ ther'eintorfn atay. other By-Law to the Qontrarytiotwithstariding. , * . % ^ . V 'GEOR^ SHERWOOD,/? > ■- • , Warden^ , . [L. S.] tJnit^d Counties of Leeds &Grtfnville JAMES JESSUP; v.— mvilli?. , _'v 'Oomfninionen' •hBUbeoonsini*^. r » ■ I-. * County cieifk: s \\ ■*,■; ■ HV' ,i No. mn.;r-Bt->]:.Aw K\ to AMtliarize.the Issue of Deben^res mihe Iwidhur'si ' - W -Bridge. " \ ' • r;i>^nf ;L°T^*-r^^ r*^ ''^^^^^^ ^y *^e Municipal Coun- cil of the Umted JgouiuJMj o £.T,ef f^^ nnd riro£vaio, ue- °"^ '"'^ ^»' "^1 ^-r-ir--^- Hj \f ~^,- ' 1 'M ,« ' '•» ' /: ••• '( y}'-' ^^i4 •4 « •^ ""^ir • ■) *. .. ,....- .. .- 246 , ;. , ■.^: ■■ •■ :.^;- " sembied at IJie .Town of Brockville on the twentieth ■ day of June, <» the year of our Lprd one thousand * eight hundred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ordained and enacted that the Wardenof these Counties, on the ^requisition of the Munioipal Council of the Townshiivof * -J9*- f -K« LMds and Lansdowne in Rear, be authorized to issue wS!^*i. Debentures to the amount of seventy-five poui|ds onac* >' - count of the grant made by this CounciJ to.aid in the constructiori^of the Bridge at the .Village of Lyndhurstj Provided a certificate be produced froin the «Cbunty - Surveyor stating that ,the progress bf the work will justify the advance of the said^ siwnj and provided also 4hat such Debentures shall be taken in part payment of the sum of one hundred and'fifty pounds granted by the first Section of By-taw:\No. 13, passed on the twelfth day of October, 1850, ap entitled « By-Law to cover certain grants of money.;' GEORGE SHERWOOD, V Wardetig „ ^ ^ — United Coimtiis of Leeds &Grenville. [L. S.1 / . ■ ; JAMES ipSSUP, County Clerk., Proviso. Proviso. -^ " ._-,-a>--" i^<:y No. xxnr.-~B¥JJW \ To Repeal the Eighth aiid NinifVi^Mons of By-Law No.4t. * Be it irdainedund enacted by the Municipal Coimcij s.. By.L.w of the T^ited Counties of Leedsand GrenViUe a«emWed wl^MTrtci S the Town of Brockville, on the twenty-first day of "^"^ June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ordained and ^t- edL iSat the eighth and ninth sections of By-lAW No. 4, Jiid on the fourteenth day of M«oh, m the y^ of SuxLord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and en- titled. « By-Uiw to repeal certain By-Laws therein men- ■ tionejs »A to make ^ ^^^^ P'^^fj^^^^^ .T" =^ IW Lftw made fw the wurtiucUon -of Tout .A^ IupmL 6m Br-Ukvr w ^ RoaaniTthe United Counties of Leeds and GrenviUe," ■^ 'J ^. f^Ej ,^S-VC^5»-W?#^'ffl,f:f^«,^«^^^;j> ■ .>l. A V 0^^ louncil imbled i day of ^ ithun- enact- No.4, year of ind en- K 247 lo repealed, and the same are hereby repealed, anything in the said By-Law to the contrary notwithstanding. GEORGE SHERWOOD, I ,'" WardeHy I ' V^'P'l Ignited Counties of Leeds &Grenyille. JAMES JESSUP, - ■ - County Clerk, - ^ No. XXV.--^T-LAW To Assess tfie Umteti CouMies of Leeds hful Grenville —: . Iffir the ijear mi. , ] Be it«rdained and anacted, by the Mimicipal jCouncil - of the United Coimtios of Leeds and QrenVilk, aiteem- rS towX bled at the Town of BroCkville, on the twenty-first day of. June, in .the yeair of our Lor^ one thousand eight \ , r hundred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ordained and / enacted, th^t there shall be raised aiid levied on all the taxable real and personal property, in the said Counties ~ for thn present ydar, the sum of jei799 18s 6d currency , ' ^ (free and clear of all charges and percentages for assess- ^ • '' ing, collecting and paying over the same) for Common County purposes and for the support and maintenance of Common Schools in the said Counties, and that the laid sum of Jei709 18s 6d shall be divided and apportioned on the several Township Municipalities of the said Coun- ties in, the following manner, that is tq say, on Oxford the sum of X 148 Ss 7d ; on Bastard and ^lirgess the sum of ^138 Is 3d ; on North Crosby the sum of je53 9s Id i on Yonge the sum of jei94. 2s 3d j on Kitley the sum of ■ £121 19s lid ; on Leeds and Lansdowne (in Rear) the sum of £65 14s 8d ; on Elmsley the sum of £48 18s 2d ; on Escott the sum of £48 2s40d ; on JBdwardsburgh the .sum of £130 16s 3d; on Elizabethto\|n the sumof £38i 9s <|d ; on South Gower the sum of £B 2s 5d ; on Leedl and Lansdowne (in Front) the snn&f £85 &i'10d; on August^ the sum of £212 5s 8d; on Wolford the sum of £106408 2d; and on South Crosby the sum of £61 lis -iMj ftiMJ the To\nt R hipX!lerloMUflUicrcby^r^ „ place the said several sums on the Collectors Bolls of I ■ w»t ^ ** . ■-,f0 #. .*-■; 24-8 ^■^ . their respective Townships for the;^reserit year, by ap- portioning the same mleably onalTlhe taxable real and personal property of such Municipalities respec- Lunatic Asylum >»*<- County Toll road* tin. 2. That there sTiall also be raised and levied ou ail t no taxable real and personal property in each and evi^iy of the said Township Municipalities, the gum of sixpence in the hundred pounds, ^l so in proportion on any less sum for the Lunatic Asylum as required by the second section of the Act 13 and 14- Victoria, chapter 68, and that the ToAVnClerJk of every iSuchMuhicipaiity is here- by required to place the said rate pn the Collector's Roll of his Township for the present year. 3. That there shall also be raised and levied on the said taxable property in every such' Township Munici-. pahty, the sum of three eighths of a penny in the pound, on |he assessed value of the said property, as provided' for by the eighth section of By-La>v No. 8, passed by :• this Council on the ten^h day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, |ind en- • : _ . "yed, « By-Law to amend By-Laws Nos. 4 and 5 pass- ed on the fourteenth day of March, 1850," and that the * ' « Township Clerk of every such Municipality is hereby * , • , . " '■eqMired to place the said rate on the Collector's Roll of i :_^ his "llownsbip for the present; year. . i , -Coiiector'«i)uiy/ *• That th© Township Collectore shall collect the X ' ' ,'' ^*«5 hereby imposed on their respective Township Mu- • , ' '■' "'9*P^lities,.«ftd shall i«ay over the same tdS;he Tov^n^ ship Treasttrers respectively,.«nd finally close their re- . spective accounts with those- officers, prior before the ■■''' ' ^fteenthday of December next. i * ctm&mr ^^\ ^^** *^® ^'^ Township Treasurers respectively .^ shall pay over the said rp.fes to the County Treasurer on , .or'befdre the thirty-first day of December next. ' GEORGE SHERWOOD, - ,. ' \ Warden. • /„ *,• Vnited Counties of Leeds &Grenville.* ■ P" S-] •■ . ■,.■',•-,. JAMES JESSUP, ** ^ ■ ■ — €mtmy- €l tr k. T-^l ,v.. .1^ ;V.^«^ ■ ' 1' 'T'' -T-Ti -Wt Hwu S4§ •»,* i To Amend By-Law iVb. 186 fif the iatsDistrict CouncU, CBe it ordained and enacted by the Municipal Coun-8n>s«etion re. cil of the United Comities of .Leeds and- GxenviUe. •*'"^- assembled at the Town of BrockviUe on the twenty-fiist f day ^of June, in the year^of our Lord oije thousand ■ ^ eight hundred and fifty-one, )|nd it is hereby ordained and enacted, that the third section of a certain By-Law^^ : Pa^edby the lat^ Council on the fifteenth day ot February, in the yeat orour Lord one thousand eiffht hundred and forty-nine, and enUUed « By-LaW to relu- late the salaries fuul duties of 'certain District Officers" be, and the same i, hereby repealed, and that he^eafte* the salary of the County Clerk sliaU -be ono. hundred ciorfc.as.te^ t^n«^?K^^^?^^'''''^."?y'P^y*^^^'a'»'5terly, that is to ^ say^ on the first day of January,jLiwU«ly and October ^ in ^^h year, oh the certificate of the^^ ■ %■ 'i*' n -^ GEORGE S <'•'■:' ■ ■ ■ t m fL. S.y United Counties pf Le JAMES, JFESSUP, ^, County Cierk.'^r'^ [OOD, :», ^ds] --.-^/r .^^' »»-> I To Cover certain GraHts tf Ml nf ^Si'n^f'f n '^^•^'^^'IH^y *^® Municipal Council of the United Counties of Leeds and <5r6nviUe as- sem|de^ at the .Town of BrockviUe, on the twenty-fi^t dajrtjf June m t^ year of ^our Lord oL thoJS eight hundred and fiftyK,ne,and it is hereby ordainedtnd enacted, that the sum of one hundred pouids be granted WnlS -^ n''^'^^^""^^i'^^^ CpH^^pilof the TowSof Wollord m Debentures to be issued by the Warden upon the requisition of the said CouncU of Wolford under the provisions of By-law No. five, passed on the fourteenth day of March, 1850. ,nd enftlRd^ By Law >• :^ TO^ufhorize the i^ue of bebentures,» to S in Oi? 2i con- ii "♦Si ^^ - -t^J -^ — r ■■•■>»■,, -'**|rV ^L. ' ? '';;«' / . ■ ■ 250 " ; . '-^'V^ '' \.:.:\ ^BridS''^""*' strnction of a new Bridge across Iiish Creek in 4he Proviso. Township of Wolford aforesaid; provided & like sum shall be appropriated and expended by the said Council ofWolfbrd. - Claim of Acheson 2. That the Treasurer be^authorized to pay to Pierce awl Oibum. jj^cheson and Richard Osburn the amount which may be due them for keeping in repair the Victoria Macadam-- ' ' ized Road leading from Brockville to Addison, upon their ■ -" producing to him a requisition from a majority of the CommissioAers'of the said Road stating tlie amount which vmder the cireumstances pf the case they consider in justice 4>ie thcn^ A)f ^he said repairs. . Sams to certain 3. That the. following sums 1)6 granted and paid by the '*^'*\ County Treasurer to ihe parties tp whom they an re- spectively granted, and that this By-Law shall Be a ^tifi- ; cient voucher to that officer for the payment of the si^id sums: — # ■^]f' iiV- "V.;, 1 •li V |:-+^,_ '• i * '■' ' ♦! •■ % -'^. 0/^' No. 1. To the Statesman Printing Office; the sum of jg] 9 4s 2d, for advertising. No. 2. To David Wylie, the sum of jBSi'lJs 8d, for printing and advertising. No. 3. To Stephen B. Merrill, the sum of £18 6s 8d, for advertising, •"'' No. 4. To the County Clerk, the sum of jBO ISsl-id, for postages "emd charges on CoUectorV Rolls. ■/ ■ . ■ ' ' No. 5. To the Statesman Printing Office, Xhe smn of jBO 19s Od, for advertising. — No. 6. To D. Wylie, the sum of JBI 93 2d, for adver- tising. ■■.,;■ . -^-r :-,:■ > ' * , Nor 7. To Hugh Scobie, Esq., the sum of £% Os Od, currency, for CoUectors^orms. No. 8. To James Gallena, the sum of £% Is 3d, for Repairs to the Gaol, i *- - No. 9. To Thomas S. Shenston, Esq., the sum of ;g20 OsOdy for twenty-four packages of the County Warden. . ,x '''^i-'hiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiil^^ III J-rnfg - « in ihe ike sum Councit a Pierce >. maybe ; icadfim-. )on their y of the^- — at which sider in d by the f an- ro- )e a ^rifi- tfae S9.id ^ sum of ( 8d, for [S 6s 8d, s. i sum of y adver- ' ;8 ds Od> } 3d, for * sum of i County . . : . -r ■. ; : . 251- ^ :.., '.-^. ' No. 10. To C. Leggo, the sum of ^6 IBs Id, for at- tendance 'and materials furnished for the Court liodm. No. 11. To. James Kincaid, the sum of JBl 5s Od, for attending the Coiincil this Session. ^^ - GEOEGE SHERWOOD, " a' • ■ j_ Warden, [L. S.] United Counties of Leeds Sc Grenville. JAMES JESSUP, .^g 7 County Glerk. >' . i '1. No. zxvm.--^y-Liiw ^ 7b Ajapoini a -Superintendent of Common Schools for the X Township of Oxford. Be it ordained and enacted by the Municipal Council Rev.wuiiamJT. of the United Counties of Leeds and' Grenville, duly JlSSr'* '*'" assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the fifteenth see By-Uw No. day of October, in the year of our Lord tJi^e thousand '• eight hundred and .fifty-one, audit is hereby enacted. That the Rev. Williarft J. M'Dowell, of tlje Township of Oxford aforesaid, be and he is hereby appointed Superintendent of Common Schools for the said Town- ship of Oxford, for the .residue of the present year, in the w. place and stead of the Rev. Harvey M'Alpin, who hai ■. ^ f ^eft the said Township of Oxford. ^ _^ — ^j^Z^ /f ^__ GEORGE^ Si^EWOOD, Warden, ' ,-• • ^ / . United Counties of L^eds & Grenville. [L. S.] JAMES JESSUP, ' County Clerks •V- !^1 >ife 5.» fif' ." f ^' >'&!- •«w #■ «. * • ■ ■ '' ■■■■-■.■. ■ . . * . ni Kxix.-^]nrijur ^ • • To grant further aidM pie ^oll Roads tJierein mentioned, -i ;^'Pa88od October 17, 1851. ^ ••• ^» , > . ■'■ ■ (Eepealed : see By-Law N9. 35). No. X|Z.-*-BT-Lil|| "v To Authorize the Payment of the Superintendents of - Common Schools. ^ * '"■'v ' .: ;;■■./■,—;■■■ ■ • ■ ■ -^* -^^ *; : Sam to be ptid. Be it ordained and enacted, by the Municiti^ Council ^ of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenrnie, aa|)em-> bled at the Town of Brockville, on the seventeenth day \ of Ootober, in the year 6f out Lord one 1;hoHsaud eight hundred and fiity«onf , and it ie. hereby ordained and enacted. That the County Treasurer be authorized, and he is hereby directed to pay to the" Local Supetifttendents of Common Sdhools appointed by the CoimcAl,. the sum provided ^by the thirtieth section of the. ar which ^ . they are entitled to rccdive pay mcKit^ GEORGE she:rwo6d, % *\ • Wardent , United Counties of Leeds & Grenville. fL. S.] r o JAMEfe JESStJP, CourOy Clerk. .rr. Mi- wmm SBBBMiii ntioned, 1851. ^ '^nts of Council , assem- nth day d eight - ed and ed, and endents thesam Act, on eve and number r which enville. .1^. No. XZn.— BT-LAW ~ 4 To AppaiM' SupcHntendents. t^ Common Sdioolsj fbr '• '*i • . BiB it ordained and enacte^HijC- the Municipal Council p«non& tppoim. of the T&nited Counties oflwrods and GreMle, duly *^'^ assembled at the .Town of £ioc&viUe,'iDn this seventeenth day of Octoberii ialha yetisbf lour Lord one thousand eight hundred and Afty^oji^and it is hereby 6rdained - and enacted^ That the ^hMHs P^^"^!^ ^> ^^^ ^^^V - ' t are hereby appointed SiM^«H||nts of Schools for the ' ^ following Scl^olGircua^H|NBly, commencing the fast day of January, ^^^^S^[ / AugUsta)« . . . . .... .tl . .aBrjames Chippeiton. . fjff^'" Oxford, ...........,'..«.■. llev.,Wm. J. M'tJowell. Escott, I . . . Thiomas Vanston, Esfi- • ,^ <' Frwit Leeds & Lantdowno, I'homas Yanston, Esq., "^ ' ^ . Yonge,;.... «...>... Rev. Joshua JohniSh. ''. - Elizabethtown, .......... Jacob A. Brown. " . ^ / ^ £dwq,fdsburgh, . . . ., ... . . Rev. James Geggic. 'Z J" SouthOoWer,..*... »•..... Rev. J. Anderson. Wolibrd........ '..;...... Thomas Graffe. , , Kitieyy.......v.'....«*fc.. Samuel Graham. " ; / Elmsley, Rev. William Aitkin, — „ . . , -^ [^ee By-Law No;:S|3.] Ba^rd.& Burgess,. . . .> i . Lewi^ Chipman. , ' South Crosby,.... .^...-•I. Rev. Matthew Connor. ., - # • North Crosby....... ....i^. Rev. Matlthew Connor. ' ' "^ Leefls St Lanadowue (rear), Henry P. Washburn. ; GEORGE SHERf^tyt ' i^ . ■ .1 . Wardefif , , ' * -United Counties of Lee^&GrehviUe ^, JAMES- JESSWP, . ::y * ;■ • J^^; , ' -^ ■ [ ^" ;?;:,;: . . ■ ; . County Clefk* ; • " ". '/ . ' • '/■-'''( ' '.A '■ V-: '-, " '/;' ,";":-" '■ • ' , ., ,.:., ■., : ..J£J„ :'....'.,^..'. '. , . . ■ ~'Si' ■/■■'' -- --- V t"i-"?^T-. ----^ " '•^^'^ ■ "~^~^'"'"'^ . ~ "'*'■■' ''""""^Wy^^^py "rt -■ ■■.■■^^i:^j>: .. .-,.-.^7- :.■■-...- .■-■.^:'. ,/ ' -'. ■■■,-■ J- _ ■'■;'■: ■ -;■-"-- '■ *- ■-- ^ -^—^^T}'}__ ■, . .--■:•'»?■.?.' ' / >■■ ■'■ ^—^•*^;> ^t,*- ■ . '■ ■ " ■'■■■-. * */ y. if'or Gramt Bridge. 254 :■ ^,- ■ -* " . * " No. XXXn.-^BT'IAW' To Cover certain Grants of Money. . SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enactpd by the Muni- cipal Council of the United Counties of Leeds and Crrenville, assembled at the Town of Brockville. on the ' . - / ^ seventeenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and it is hereby ord»ined and enacted, That the sum of twenty-five , « pounds be paid to Hiram Fulford, Contractor, for the -• ' ^'^''}^°'''''i.^''''^^l Bridge, on the Kingston Road, in - the Township of Elizabethtown, so soon as the Reeve of _^ that Township shall certify that the work is done and perlormed agreeable to contract and specification. tKrf""-;, Section 2. 1:hat the sum V fifty pounds be granted for the purpose of building a %idge and making a Road between lots numbers six and seven, through the eighth and part of the ninth Concessions of t\c Township of Elizabethtown, to be paid so soon as. ihc Municipal Council of the said Township shall certify that the said ' - ^iiridge and Road have been completecl^ and that an outlay of one hundred and fifty pounds has been made • -i^rS"' and approved and certified by the Council of said Township. . ' Road in South SECTION 3.^ That the sum of ten pounds be granted Cro.by&Leed.. for the purpose of openingthe allowance for Road on the line between the Townships of South Crosby and Leeds §0 soon as the Reeved for the said Townships shall certify that the said Road shall be opened. Aoadincraaby .i,?r°^°v ^' '^J^t iTie sum of twelve pounds ton Bastard*; Bur- »^""ngs be granted for the opening aud repjMrs of the tw. Town line between Crosby, Bastard, and Burgess, so ^ soon as the ReiBVes for Bastard and North and South Crosby shall certify that a like amount has been expended on the said Road by the Municipalities through ^hich the said Road passes. "^ P Otter Creek Brid^. Section 5. That the sum of fifty pounds be granted to the Municipal Council of the Township of Elmsley, for th^ erection of a Bridge iu^ross Otter Creek, pursuant to the prayer of the petition of John Ward, Edward Miles, and others, so soqp as the Township Cqimcil, or th^ inhabitants, or both, shajl expond a like sumtr the same Imrpose. v ^v****^ '^ i '1 t .0 I I ]> o SI C .61 F .^%:. 1 'U ' y, '*•'.»* , • -; .- ,ir i. )>..i > jg .t.- -. ' ■-^— > ■ tMijiiuiii i i . M . 1-; '4 .^*p^' '%. 255 , ' . ■' , Section 6. That the siim of twenty-Ave pounds be „ . » , granted to the Municipal Council of thef Township of""^'"**"B"»*»- Augusta, to be expended in the erection 6fi^ Bridge on I the Road laid out qn lq|iNo. 2j^ Clerk, mjiy direct frdni time" to 'time, payable in m debenture ta> be islued undeVrthe authorify of By-Law No. ^ passed on the fourth day of March, 1850, on the ce!rti%,te of the said Township Council, stating that the — , said Bridge has been completed :. Provided that the- Council of the said Township or the inhabitants, or both, shall appropriate and expend a like sum for that purpose. - Section 7. That the following simifj be granted and Sumstoce'ttaiu paid to the parties, respectively : — tpanie*. . , ' ji No. 1. To E. Lawless, the sum of six shillings and six penge, for candles furnished this Council. ' I . No. 2. To B. Kilborn, the sum of seven shillings and * , , 8ix,pence, for articles furnished lor the use of the ♦ Council. • . - No. a. To Thomas Hume, the sum of three pounds, for services as Coiinty Purveyor. V •■■; " ■ • ■ No. 4. To John Goodall, tlio sum of four iraunds, for whitewashing cells in the gdol. No. 5. To James Kincaid, the sum of nineteen shillings and ten pence, for stationery furnished they Council. ^o/ 6. To Henry. Biadfield, Esq., the sum of seventy- three pounds five shillings and five pence, for ma- terials iurnishc d and work done to the Ceils of the ,,. Gaol. _..*jM«v«*-v" ""■""'*"" No. 7. To J. W. Huddleston, the sum of two pounds nine shillings and seven-penc^ half-penny, for stove pipes furnished and work done in the Court House and Gaol. ,. ' . * , ^ * ' ... No. 8. To Alfred Poulton, the sum of five pounds j^g^ass and materials furnished, .and glazing the •-A V. r" windows of Conrt HotBeT 4 : ..*, . .■'>W -W ■ !^6 No. 9. To~l). Wylie,' the siim of ohe pound nine- teen shiUingB and two pence, for advertising an^l printing. ' -• " ' No. 10. To Gardiner Wing, the sum of five shilling!*^ and twojenee, for an ovot assessment. No. 11. To Richard F. Steele, Esq., the sum of two, pOlmds ten shillings, for a retaining fee in the de- fence of James Elliot, Collector of Rates for the Township of Kitley. * No. 1,2. To th^ County Clerk, thesura of eleven shil- lings and -six-pence, for postages disbnrsed by him since the last meeting. V . Section 8. That the said several grants of imoney in P*"the first, second, fifth and sixth sections of this By-Law, shall, |)e paid in debentures to be issued under the pro- visions of By-Law No. 5, upon the requisition of the Councils of the Townships respectiyely, for which su6h grants have been made. \ ^aiaiKe|tfEiiMoK SECTION 9. That the Couuty Treasurer be authorized to pay the Township Treasurer of Escqt_t the sun! of two ^ V .-('fpounds, the same being k bdllance dueM«|t Township, 'Certain ma be paid in bentoref. •v Its to For •nrye Geor and St . reiice W, granted by virtue of By-Law No. 13. Warden maydi- SECTION 10^ That tho Wardei]^ in his discretion may SidlnS^f^^'®^'^ *^® Treasurer to pay all or any of the above sums Sebeiiiaies. ■ that amount to twenty-five pounds or upwards, instead of issuing a^^Debenture or Debentures therefor, if it ap- 1 pear, to him that there is money in th'e-Trieasurer's lumda that maylje properly applied to that purpose. \- »» Section 11. That the sum of one hundred pounds currency be granted to aid in the survey and explora- tion ofihe route of Railway from the Gteorgian Bay to 4;he Stt Lebwreuce Ut BjiQckvilld ahd Pre'sfeott, pursudnt to the petition of, George Crawfisrd, Esq., and that the same be paid to the Receiver of thia St. Lawrence and Lake Huron Railway Committee. Section 12. That the sum of one pound five shillings he paid to James Kincaid for attending the Council this Bession. , . >3^^ aEORGE SHfiRWbOD, „ ^:~. . "^ Warden, [L. S.] , , Unite^ Counties pf Leeds ^ Grenville. MMES JESSUP, >JMa«i1 ■CoMaty-Cfe fc J^' m- I " ' ' , 'i At f5T XraiL~-B7-LAW ^ To i!jRpj»n< a Superintend of Common Sckools/or tht ': ToumsMa of Elmsley. ?s j,.^ Town ofBrockvme,on the twenty^ighth day Of January. ' in the year of our Lord one.tinf Elizahethtown, Yon;^, floUtard and Burgess, NorthNCrosby, South Crosby, (sapd^itiey. / v ^ ' ^ ifo-a, ■.V* To include the TewnshipsofEscott, Leeds and lAns^ . downe (front), and'Leeds and I,^uisdowne (rear.) To inblude the Townshifs of Oxford, Wolford, South \^ Gower and Elmsley. ■*?*'' - '■ ' - ■ - - - • ir«».4, - -■ r To inelude the Townships of Edwairdsburgh and j^' ' Augusta. ^g . BXJBERT PEDEN, [L.S.] - . TTor^lw^ * JAMES JESSUP, % C9W0 Clerk, No. ZZIY.—BT-LAW1 To iZ«peaZ By-Law Number Pwmty-nine, '< Be it enacted by the ]\|unicipal Couneil of the tJnited Counties of Leeds and Grenville, duly assembled at the Town of BrockviUe on'the thirty-first day of January, iii the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and it is hereby enacted. That the By-Law passed on the seventeenth day of October last, ontiuiled, ** By-Law to grant further aid to the Toll Roads therein mentioned," and '^numbered twenty-oiDe, be repealed, and the same is hereby repealed.. ^\ .. „ at ' EOBEETPEDEir. I^*?-J ; Warden. i H i \i 1 s i i i i 1 8 I ' i c I I s ^'^M f^.l--^^ ^^■'^ f "# X' .' ■ '. kas 1. 1 n »i&j'< liiiii #•:' ^|uJ!■ S5» Crosby, 'M ■ ^ ^^ Cover cerimn Orants (f Money, i %l ir enacted by the 'Municipal Council of the Ignited -■ Counties of Leeds and Grenville, ddly assembled at the Town of Brockville, on the thirty-first da/ of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , fifty-two,-and it is hereby jpnacted, That the sumof oUe hundred pounds ^ranied'by By-Law Number twenty- seW, iio^ed on the twenty-fi^t day of June last, to aid- in tWcons*truction of a new Bridge across Irish Creek in the Township of Wolford.l>e paid out of the Cminlty fun(|s by t|i<^ Treasurer, instead of debentures, as provided in the said By-Law, and that the same be paul to.the Municipality of Wolford aforesaid: Provideil a like sum shall be appropriated and expended by the said Munici- pality, or the iuhubitants tliereof, io the construction (tnd ^mpfetion of the said bridge. . 2: That the snjjfi of fifty pounds be granted to the Municipal Cbiihcil of the ToMmship of Leeds and Lansdownc (frojit), to be laid out on such Roads in the Mu|iicii>ality a^ ihe.Gouncil thereoftoinay think £t. 3. That the sum of one hunleted, between tKe Towh of firockville, ia the OeHnty of Leeds, and the Village ot Smith's Falls, " in tho {County of Tjirtnirk, and which thoroughfare is known Jind called by the liame of the Vict^ia Macada^. ' miMd Road j Apd whelrea* in oonsequendnb^iie open- ing and nnlMnflr;ofthe^id Vict6ria Mac^fl^ed Etajkd, certain (Aher Roads, or part 9!' Roads, ^BHy oj^ed and t|n|llRd,' have been rendn^jflflpRAary for P>|blt^|bel ailii; .convenience, a^ffi|HPsirable and" uecedplphat such old Roads, <«H|PEt5old Roads, shouliTbelclosed and whereas due DPlH»c"ce hqsbeen .given, paiknant to LAr, of V P C( ai e< in oi \1 cc ar oc i:^ ea ini th( an mi -^"rtoie ' the intei U * Old Ot s tht '^ del «r „, ;t \ -4 iHillingtt ' Seauon ietmit \ X and in :tivil]e, I Falls, ■= fare is' acada4. ' ) open- Dj^ied ry for le and* Roads, IS been owndil, Old tit -v.- ■.\^. S61 [^\. ( .(, '■^* forrteriy tmvaltod Koad hereinatter described. JBe «o«. «. Lb. « .,jt tberefore enaet^ and ordained by the MnnicitMl « 8* Coimm. ^fnT'^^i^^ ^i^/ Counties of LeeSaw^Sv ffi S"^!i^^'^- Ml CounWWmWe.d, that aU that part of th/«id'old or ^°'»t.''^^i«velled Road leading from ZckviUe to • u!r o "' ^^'^^ through or over Lot^o. 34. in the S?^2« nf T'^S "^ Elizabethtown, at present occup el S if^f ^J^^' ^'* of th^id old o/fo^erfy ttaveul^' ed Road leading from BrockVille to Smithipallk nasi wSnf^^ irr"'- ""^'^ by^-Thomas Newsott and wuiiam Smith, Esquires, and also Lot No. 20. in the 9th and also J.ot No. 21, in the ninth Conce^on of Kitlev occupied by Mr James KiUK,rS, are i^^essaVy IS E^ annT; Ih'^ • ^ ^^ «="» ^5"'«"^' «" J theWme should ffikhway? ^ ^' declared closed as a pubUrRoad and 3. That the dc^missioners of the said Victoria Mat SJdSd*^ I^^dWauthorized to treat with ttTJiS ^TftT 5 ' interested in the said old or formerly travelled Road JS» «»wK»d.. • the sale or transfer thereof, according to the Sttitufcf meeting of this Council. ® ^^^ " "^^^ <*. That the said Condi;i they are ..herel^X^ut for IheJimSm^dtf denceoliltulieni. h To nrtrmhta m ''Od^^PPwered, to negotiate pnrrhM. for* r^l leading. from the lesi- •"•"^• leieinliefore named, to the ■V . niiliti><> uLu,, ir "^rf'v^«««n«'ewre named, to the CL.S.] JAjttES JESSUP. .^.■ % h^. =^Si= 7""'^ — r — "-^^-^ « .^ . County ."4» . . -: <^^ ..■ If-^^-- >'-^ • Cterk. ■' '*"\'^^; . ^ *ii*^K lill » « ■ .■-.;^ tea ■ To'Authoriee the Payment of the Surittherein mentioned far Repaxn to the Victoria Macadamized Mood. ^ M-- :X, P^d Tth May, 1852. 1^^^ 4 ttiMmbto. Wheri?fts, at a final settlement, made between th- : \, *-4. * sf • ,■;■ '5 t ■ \ • . "'•"•"• ■ •\- ( .^ 4 M-:. i;V. •^ v» ■ ■■«. • ^--- '.;-.. --i._»'^t«-.-^ iv • \ \^ H-. «6* No. ixi^^Bt^w. T9 Authorize the Cnvtraction of a - ■ ~ Qertai/i fub^ic Works. '7 loan. /or . Passed 7ih :\lay, 1852. -Whereas it is expedient a«d necessdi7 to raise, fcy way p«„bu. .^Loan, a rf«m pf- muney to eff^l the' public imprTZ^""" , went, or -worlss, hereinafter mentioned, in the United * . ' Countj^s of Leedland Grenyille, that is to say to com- • plete that portion of the Victoria Macadamized Road, now wnder cotitract, frbm Washburn's Bridge, in the TowBsu.i. o[ Iutley,to Smith's Falls, in the Wriship -^^"7' ^"'* to ereciToll Houses and Gates thereon ; ^^soH^.lete that portion of the Keraptville and Prescott •-. County Road, now Under Contract, froih Preseott.'ih the Townshipof Augusta, to Spencerville, in the Township of Edwardsburgh,andtoerectTollHousesaiidGatesthere. > on;tapomple^'tlmtportion^,e Mer/ick^illeand j\tait. kndCounty Rpad, now tmder cont/a«t. frdSi Humphriea . L 7S7?^'"f°^^'.'S^^^*'*°Merrickville.inthefown- ^SJr^^^ r'^'i *^^ to extend the West Portand-Par^ mersville County Road from near Hale's Corners tb ', ' - To! 'Si ''^}^^ Township of Bastard, and to erect ^' * Toll H«it7ses and Gates theron ; and whereas, the esti- - mated agir rebate cost of the said works is JB3900: that* ^^ *l?r^^n^' I ^^i^ ^'°'°"* Macadamized Rond, tk( • HiV^A *^/ *^® keraptville and Prescott Road, th, nt £.1.1.1111 Far tha 1lTn..:.,.l-..:ii . _'. 1 •• •.. ... ^ it" ' », ■ '§ . Work! XJMM. te Mim ForViclorim Rwi4 R2?thl& ^^^t "i" T^^' '^'^r^'^^d FarmersVii:e/i*.U.wu. lioatl.thbvsttn £750; and whereas, it will be necessary *^«i«««««R-'«» tb raise the sitnl of ^624 annually, «sa,,,«ciul rate, for Fo^ve. thepjiymeht ^h6 stid toan and interest thoreon, at the ^1^ several days. aiitim-s herein limited for the payment ^ " il^IIii'^r J*'\VTi''^ val«atior .jJJiitL . ; • !^i&^. ^^JL^^'!*- '-: ^ ' n, at a uinump Pjolitic, I diredit special cetilng esame m saeld- otirae, ach of under f them, ed, for i^arden / to be Bpding --*'^' erson^ j^ on the to be ' made . " ttityot MS ail b^ i(^, ia agthe yearly in the, ftperty iected r both d sum atures d anfl ssiied, J^the } laid B«aid litiire by the Commissioners of the said Roads, respectively. «t Its farst meeting after the completion of each of the saiaworks. EOBEET PEDEN. \ JAMES JES3UIV' t County Clerk. Wardtn. - V / / ' no. XL.— BT-LitW ' To Regulate the Printing of the Council, ''t ?. ^ € Passed May 7, 1852. , *^ ♦i.^i^'v*"'* "eeessary and expedienfto provide for p,,,„„^ s.e |he^,it,ug aud Advertising of this Couudl. Be it^wN^ Ihereftre eaacteJ by the Muiii.-iiml Council of the Uni».-d ^f^li^ "^^itt^t^ds'i'id lirenvillf, and it is herel.y enacted.' aa\ ems ■ m the Aewsjupers pm.lished in tlif se Ci.nntics. ?'''«"•«= ''" for tenilers tor the aUvertis ng all accounts or o.her •"* ' matters in some Newspaper ih.-rein, which may be required to be puhhshed hereafYer by this Council or the . Au«liti){s thereoi; u:ider theaiUhbrity of any A.-t of th I . Legislature, or any By-Law. or order of the Council, an also lor fhe Printing the By-Laws or any other work I the Council, and that he accepi the lowest Tender man to him on the day hereinulter m ntioned, by Ihe Pro- prietor or Publisher of any Newsiiajier iri these Counties. AdllSl?!*^® '^'i J^"''^'^ '•'''" ^*'»*« the price for m«Tenrt.«,« ' ^dver^ng in such Newspuj^r, for th^ first as well as !"" ^"''*»«» ivery stfO-equont insertion, and also the price lor prmtiiig * By-Liws in.lu.ling the.covering thereof, or any of h5 i^A.t I 'V r*" "'"^'*' '*"^' customiry way, and ihattha j^eiirh h day «| June next, Ije app.iut >d to receive such " -leulers l..r the current yd^, ai. the residep^cji of the n!. '.r '!!!'! i^ !}, H'^: '!!\^^*'. J""*^'." '^''^ (miless it iio a *!':■ warden to lay 3. That tho Warden shall lay the tender accepted by bifoieCoS l^'"™' as well as tne others th^t may be made to him, belbre this Council, at the first meeting alter he shall have received and decided on the same. ROBERT PEDEN, '■ Warden, JAMES JESSUP, County Clerk. No. ZLI.-BT*LAW ' "^ To Regulate the Performance of Statute Labor on the County Toll Road in Bastard and Nmh arid South Croslty. Passed May 8, 1852. P»Mmi»i«. Whereas it is expedient and desirable to place the Statute Labor wiibin the limit hcreiniifter mentioned, on- ih:it part of the County To'l iioad from West Port to FiirmiMsville, wjiich is within tlie Townships of Bastiinl luul NortU Crosliy and South Crosby, lui-ler the control of the Municipal Councils tliercof U(> it there-. Tobenmier con- fore enacted by the .Vluuicipul Council of the United Coliilc.lil!"'"*''"' Conn' ies of Le.ds Tind Gren ville. nn.l it is hereby enacted, Thai the Statute Lubor within a half mile «»f e^lher side of the said County Toll Road, in thcr* Townships of Bastard and North Crosj»y and So.ith Crasby, aforesaid, and all Commutation money accruing from the same or any jurt thereof shaji he and is hereby plac^ed, so lar as this Council can legally do so, under the control and directionof the Municipil Councilsof the snid Tovynshiis - " respectively, to Xe expended by them in the immediue : ' VKiniif oith^ Toll Road, on the lateral Roads- leading intoof intersecting the same, and that the said Municipal Councils shall have all the powers and an- thorityto make such orders, rules, and regulations for the -pCTtormancB^suciriSlaiateXaByrrana ibr ihecoIIectTng Biii ^'' .4^-: W^ .,^-"^* -■'-- "■.'■■ :^': ■ ■ ■ '■^':^- ■'.■'■ ^ and enrorcmg paymei|tof snoh commutation money u _ tj>is_Council could legalljr exercise for that purpose^ ' JAMES JESSUP, '^ Ij, County Clerk. t 7o il«e5s 2. '/ ^^ ' Passed May 8, 1852. : l./Be it enncted by the Municipal Coimcil of the United Counties (tf I^eeds and Grenvillp.and it is hereby * enuct«'cl, That there he raised and levied upon the whole ^""TJT'P"""" ' rateuhle property in the s id United Counties, for the JEn99i8»6d. present year, the sum gf £1799 18s. 6d. to defn^y the current and ordinnrv ^xp<'nses thereof, and the fnrthi'r **"""* '"'■^""" sum of ^1049 18s. 6d. for the piiyment of ll^e salaries of 'umiA legally qualiti.d Common S^chool" Teqc'lierg and the sup- . port ol' CommoiKSchools therein, atid that the s.ml sums shiill be so raised and levied in nddltion to all Other ni'es an I assess Hems, and be apporlioiiedfo the sevenil Town- ship .VlnnieijKilities in the said Coiinties in the following lUiuiner, viz: Munidpalitie*. Cminty Rate. Common SckooU. Elizabethtown.,,. :..,.. ..,je:iS3 9 JG 1 17 18 Augnsta......... .......... 212 5 8 12+ 4 - Yomre i9i^ 2 3 8+ 1(» 6 2^':'"'- ••- -V 148 S 7 10417 Kitley.... ...... .......... 121 19 11 97 10 _ 5:'!Mard.slMir!rl, .^. ,;jo jg 3 gg g g B..siard & 13iirg.ss..;v#V.. 13*- 13 80 17 Wollbrd.......^..;i. 48 2 10 29 12 6 ' S!«iuth Gower... ,.:.,. 52 2 5 17 5 P-ear of Leeds & Lai sdowne. 6.t 14 8 36 9 . ' Soul h Crosby. 61 II 11 3.i 12 6 • Elmsley..,. 4S 18 2 35 9 ft NortU^osby. 53 9. 7 32 3 ft " ^: .i ■ , ——TT- -• •' ' • ■ • JB1799 18 6JBlU4y W 6 £. 7, ? *: * * ^ •I i - < ■' * 141 >«:-■ ^ti^**" ' 2. And l)e it further enacted, That there be Atyluin raised <" ami levin! ii^wn the sai-T property in the s lid Townsh ,1 ■*..-'■ MmiiiM|«i.tiis.ffS|HH'tivi'ly, th JiiiOiIrd piuihls.. and so in pr»t|inrt in a.liliti ,u l.» all ulln-r rati-s anJ 'P siiin of SIX \Miy\H in ilie i«»ii oil any Iv^ sum \.s.s<'ssnu'ni.s, li.r tin; , . . ;. Lmiutic Asylum as rccinir.-.! I.y tl.t, s.co«d Section of - ,.; the Avl Mimd U \ictona, Chii|)tir68. v irj«Co»».yTo« 3 An.FhP it fnrlhev:onach..l^TJ..,t iWre h^l^M l\m\ li-vi.-.l n,)on Uu- sJtuI pn.p.Tly in ihf saal ou nsl.in • Mimici|Hliti. s r> .spccliv. ly, ,tlM« snm ot one llallMMnnv in th.' |K,nMil, ui uil.iitjon to«H othirrut* sanxl usscssnu nts pursnunt to the pw-visionS^a' Hy-fJ.u-4flnmher cioUt >>s5oi on the 'IVnth>.lsiy of.Ocuhcr, TRSO. .ntilnlWI - -By-Law to_i,au.n.l;By-biws Nos. 4 an<^ 5. passed on ; th.- h.nrt(;cn:h .lay ot i\,ard«, 1850. and Ih- Law- No. 39 passj^d on- the scvcniU dav ol.^.ay. IH.iS.V ntukd " By- >aw to autln.rwe he couslrnclipu ol a i.Oiik«i> certain Bnwmneefed wKi pi.d: is' ". ':: ''■ ■ -•• . ■ • ■ ..;■-■■■ ■•■ . ..r " . *. And he it further ^nnc^p.l that "ihe wiidbeveto'l" smns li.'rejKhelijrt^iliri'l-lril U) ht- rai.s,-.! aii.l Irvi.-d in the Munu-.pa lilies V.spn-tively. shall he p||,c.>d <.n the Cl- lect.lr $ aplls hy the Clerkn thereof, in s..p.irate Rolnnnia. ?' ^ and f..Ileeted in tike maniierusali oth r h.tvs'i.nd iiss. ^J" " nienfs-hre Uy L^w directe t ti) he coHectea, wmf siiali ho puul over'^to the County Treasurer on or helore the' i teenth % t^fDecenif^'r next, by th^ saiU IWu^hib sftJunicipahties resi^'Ctively. ' " *. r fiiruishe^coumy P- And be it further ertjieteci, thttt the said Township lunicii.alitei.r..spect,veiy,«had. imrtediutelvanef,ihe " he-Collector's Bolls, fanne a statement o"f h of the said rites herehy directed to- lie and c'llecftedt, to U.. lutnisheit to the rer, as the same- shall ajtppar. upoil suoh ' •■ olls-resjiectively. •- >• , , ■) '*» it fuV'ther enacted, that, each and evirV 'cfor shall, on »r ht fore the'fonrleenihdjiof Dec.em- ipxt. return his Co!lectoi'?j ItolT to thcTreasllTPer of »s iVJiiniei|Kili»y und-pay'.iver t<» slu-h IV.^snrer the i directed by this^Sy-L.w to he raise.l, levied, and lollected thereJh, and Shall also, on or. -hefbre the day last mentipnad. deliver Ui the Countj^- Treasurer an h^^'St'" Ao ^he Taxes romaingilue onliis Rpll,*%, required ^^**' ' ' •' sHHh -1 ' '~ ' '■ '■ A'" ;■ a"»- r"- . ■» ■^ i^ !M- '■--,-;%- ' )tKir ■ " -i^-fr-' f/T iMMlMaB 4f- 'ownship ^ ill I lie ■ i'p Mini, li'r tlio • ec lion of 'P miscd t>\MlNliip ' ll-|M'iiiiyf SSIIH iits, ir figiit, ntiliiiWI, isscil on No. 39, ill " By- ' • r ceHufia ..f' ■ -. bfvphit' ■ '(iintl'ie Mie 'C«il- ^ •> '. ' ioliiiuiisi,*'' ^" I US.N« ss- . siiall 4^9 '^ ... If •■■ ' •■ ■„ 7. That this By-Law^shall como into force and take .,„.„ eflfect uptmyUoui, and alter the day of ; lie jm^sirfg hereof. *"'•?•• ^Vhen 10 take V ■■•> tL. S.] Kl^UEltT PEDEN, Warden. .Jtf" ^ii--. jAMi lESSUP * H m»ti/ Clerk. ^^. sv No. XLm.— BY LAi » \, To Cov&r certain Grants oj Mont '-''■'■■ rossed AJny 8, 18^ >A'- JA\-Ui>hi|) iwnship fU'f.ihe ' \ - rneirt oT ; ' d to- lie -, it • to the . ill such,; - „ \ I eviry : Qec,em- ' , ' ff?rr of '", ir«fr the •d, and -J^ he day rer, an p ' •qnired ictojritiV pertain vGraiii. " Be it 6nnete(l by the Munipipal Oouncil of » he Unite Coaiitifc;j4U»til.e. ds ulid qriiivHl^».'.^uid it is hiri*liyeriucl< eu. that thc««»uii.s lollowii»g shall be mid to ihe partits rei^ct»v)«y, 'tiV:— , ;.. * ^'^: . ■■■■' ' •*' . ",•■■ ., • , . To- Alpine Grunt, fo*'/an over fissessmcnt, the sum ofAiphi ' H . J',^<'» pwuuos one shilling anU eight pence." ';- t'-i " '■''■■ >» , ' ■ \\ S To;S. B. Mer/HI, for Prinfins and AdvcrtisinpVthes. b. M.rtSi P" s^"n «i eleven pounds, iourto n shillings aAl eleven » \\ ■ ^^^ -'.pence. . • '""^ ^ -^ ♦^ ■ \ • ■ ^"i'* - ^?"!^y. ^^^'''' f*^ P'«^«g^«-'^'i!i<^rsed, the sunt cA.„v ,.,„k -1^ H*^,^*t'»&'iVs»»dling8^aiKl eight pence.* ' county qie,k, ^ . To Thymus Eliirae, County Siirveyo«, ^ir services as Thon». Huml V. -1 such, surveyor, the smn oi ono v«»i«»d. < Lir^v#'''80'^"bie," .Ea(ri,ire, for blank Assessment riigh scoMe. " ., ¥^. •*oJttu,llhe sum of twenty-eight 4..nuids, tifleen . , \, sniUiugs i^ad' seven pence hiiUjpenny. f * • ' ' \ _"..Trf:theCliujpuianof the B rd of PuLlic Iastruotiun,ifc,,„r,,fPubik. "' ' I • * tVS'^^'*'*'**.' =* ''^^ufed by '.e %ard, Uie «»m.of eight T^irucuS. 1* ' ' -.•"■ ^ ,^1^.*"^ i"^^ hiiiqjfcjice. , . C - i« " . ° '. ■■ M •*% .TP r^'.Statesnjiaii Printing, affic^ foir Advtrtiaiiigiid', ^ ^ry^\ A -^ ■ w. J, "I m ','1 ill }. 270 flMtraimn Ptinu iiig UiSce. Wi'fttniFitzsiin* . moiis. ' it Printing the s.im of twenty-six pounds, ten sKillincs and ilu-fc ivuce. \ * To Ujlllidii Fit'/simmons. f ,r work totht\C(uirt House - thesuui ol one pound eight siiillings and nine pence! \^r^- To Dav.d Wylie.fbr Priniinp: and adve\tisine, tha 6 sum ot thirteen pounds, .three shillings and ten ■pence. \ ^ 'ThotoM name. To Thomns Hume, the sum of four pounds, for services .. as C(.unty ^urv.yor, to he equally paid by the Commissioners of the Merrickville nnd >Iaitlaid , end KemplviIIe.and Pres'cott Toll Roads. ' ' - *''/ . . ■ ' » ■, To Christopher Leggo, the snm of one poimd two s^ulliHirs and four pence, for articles furnished tfife. Council. . • .. Christopher Leg. go. Ji^nes Finlar, i. Denniton. iameiKincak . To James ^Cincaid^the sum of one pound ten shilliii«r8 for atleudunce at this' t^essionas AJesscngeV. '^ ; ■ ' Uu ^'n^"^^ ^''n ''.'.'"^'' ^"^^^^'^ •" ♦'!'« Section be paid out of thp County Toll ilaidsVFun.ls, viz:- ,\ . To Jafnes Finlay fi.r work on the Victoria Macada-" IIVT' , "^"^ ' '"^'■""'" "" Debentiir.-s iMid loss on'' lollsHlM-su ,ol r.rty-,ix pounds six shillings and' ten pi-nco^alf-peuny. ° ' ^°Ai;.^?"''""'. ^n '^r''«^V" S^r^^yink the Victoria lVlaca"^ " ^ *?^' ^ , ^ Road 'nEUwardf. A 'llwit V,, ^„„, ,,/<' , , ' ' ""'»"•■ ir.-mt I ^•"'\**f »^'^''^" P""n<'s tPn shilling ».« ■ fi -nni' 7 . r !'''P^"'f^'l ""i Mi<. Rond betxveen hots No. 6 and 7 Imnl the fr.-nt oi the th.rd Cone ss.on to flie • . • rear ol the rburth C.me.ssion.Jrn the Towns in ,? Vd^ ' / 2;f^l.urfflH_ Pruvi.^.d Ih, Canned of Edwa dl gW g»^l u^prgpnuto and expepd a like sum on the ■&— :J 'm ' ' e a R * Ui P ■':.•-■■ ■> ■ /■ 8 a tl ■■'>. ■' li <" «■■ — ' — r tl ■ > in •-- af /: •! ar C th ■ ."'*■' of ^;i th B fo B] ' rei foi so be an B^ th" y" ".B"-Jf-^ .i1 * w Ji .. ^ 'i X f' .■i' r -■#. f K- ■% - t",9'-Jf'^ •♦^ •■«"v-.'t' ^ jf «■ \ ,._^ _ 271 • , " 5. That the sum of fifteen pounds be irmnted to aKHn„% ''* erecting a Br.dfre ov.r tho Middle Bn.nch. and .IsottS.'I^^ another Br.djre over the Beve? Meadow, ho,h ..n .he . ^ Rua I leatlmg ho,., the .Merr.etviile M;.euda,i,i.ed Road t^Prescotf>, |.rov,iled ^hoOoaucil oC vVoHWr I shull ai.'nrCi-' priute and expend a like sum on^tho said Bridjr. s ^ ^ Irf'.'^I'f* V'f>""' 9f twclye pounds fen shiilinsrs bo nri.,.,„rh.rie. grautedtu a,d ,n the e,-eetiun of a Br.d^e over fl,o Cn-ek •''••'Ki'i* ' ♦ at Charh.ston Mills in the fown.hip of Yon^-v t^-Mded '; ; : the Council of Yonoc- «|,all apj.r, pnute and e^,, end a ■ i' like suni'on the siid Briilge. 7. That th« sum of one hundred and fifty pofuids bo sn.i,hu f.ii. grHjUed fortho Sm.rh's b^tib Brid^.^ pavaldeaslolUnv..^/^^^^^^^^^^ tljji^ ,8 to say: the sum of .W,ty-sov,on pounds' ten shilt- ings m the present y6ar, and eaclrand every year h.^o- n?nh"t' h-V'^'r^'''^"''^^^'" ''" ^'"y P^'^' ^^nd satisfied, ^^ County I re.su.-e,- for the paV'nien. of ,he sai-l'sum uf o{nZ\ey. ^'"""^=^ ''^'^ ^hiliinijs annually tothe^onnci; iJuUge in the lowushiptjl' VVolfiird. • * '' 9. Th-lt thr. «,,.M o„.:„-..l _„ . '. ' .r^'"^- ^ V i.-' r ^' T'^L'!. f'^'-.'^'V''' ''^^'cru] grants of mon^v in the fjMrd 7 ^."- ft.m-h. hhh s.x.h, sev<.,.,h.„d e.irh.h.see.jjAs off^jX^^l^r By-L.w s!,a I he ,,ud l.v ihe C..unfy J'.vas,>rfr„p,,,. the '•"'''• n^4^..s,tKmofthe(:ouneilsof ,1,,. |^,;,1„siMUHWcUv•ot foi which suv.di tfri,its hiivH li<..^n .„ ..I.., ^ \-'. loi which suv.di gunts have been nutlo. 10 Tlv.t iKv, « r....._.- ^"^t * "solut f>i| ot ti.«Cou,icil on the i4th of Oe.fober. IH'i^l l*-»l*miaL.i,»^ ir the balance due th^ r.^nm^u... ,.<• ir.A.;. - /.x .* Uowiw. , ' '*,^' 1 ■ .-. ,, ,. - . ""• "•" '-vni "I v/i-.rooer. in.>l. being the balance due the IWnship of Fniiii of Um-cIs bJ r^rv-'r "^"**" »i'»«ty-five pounds grant..! by JJy-Liw No. U, us nn equivalent fur ih« construeli..n . f ' the KM,r (-ounty Poll 1?„:k|«. a,.d .hat .he sa.'l sui. oE. ^wenty p.u,Kls be paid by ,he bounty Treasurer to tho' ' • :* Counclx/fihe Front of Leeds and L fiVankm- •i * *> • ~ — "^ .* 'H -I j- , _t Ti-T » ,f , ( . '*Ai it ^SH SaoM In certain - . . «WO ■' ■ ' ' V -■- ■'" / " ' ■ * ■;■' '' "■-'' ■■•'.-■ .".','■ Iffb. ZLIV.— BlMJUXr ■V. - . ■•».■:. ^ ... ., - , To Cover certain ^ants of Monev. ' :: ; ^ > ■.■■ ;: •. ^^ ' '■■: --w ■ Passed June 17, 1852. ^ r '•'^ifc.T^'f H}Vh' Muni«Kpal Council of ti^e United Coiintfl^f LeedsandGreiiviJIe.anclitisherebyenaeled. - P ' • .>v . • jm tht^ sums m this sectma mentioned shall be paid to '^,' • the parties, *espi^etiVely, viz:— ^, .;W.,teAnd««j^ '^**/';«™Anden«,ny(hesumofjei Us 10Jd,forc^^^^^ ^ _ ii»r the Collecturs' Rolls - . ^ 1_ S'^r^ '?°^«'" Derbyshi^it5e^amts, thesnm offburteeti """ bw»i«. • . J shfUftigs, lor Advertising. 9. XiOilS* ' . ' *■ ■ : ' . .' . " ■ ■ ■ \ . . ' . ■ r \ ■ ■ ■ * 'V ■ * ^ ■ * • ■ . m ■ To Jamps Kineaidr the siim. of JBl fOs, btihff the . anioimt of hi* uceount for atlendunce. as. A3e«senger ,ftnd lor stationery Juruished^ .. ^. *<. \ ^ ■ ^S:^!^^^ 2.^kt the suni ^1 : wive ^..nds ton ghlfjin^ be ' G«««. ff^ai'ted to aiJ irt th■■ -*-#-4- fc TMH ttiesnm oiPtWPi|ly.#.nr pounds sixtpr»n ghrliiYifli T«W irt^da by tlie Coiwty tiernktef, b«ipg tl$» ^fnouar ,■•■;'■ n:v: r-;*. •.•• ' Vr 'cm re^ ap[ ■•i *C .J I I I ?s \ . E E B . S ... N 4 '><• ^■^ I "■ t .'»• ./: *w .< " vV^.vvjK- .(< ^' *■ ,1 :ri.-'# ''■'^- I ' "* 1852. « ^ ; United Jnaeled, - P ! paid to iitt oChis account forthe Survey ani Plamof the Kemptville ' \ aiMjJ*rescott County Toll Road, V *^ "*^ ,' # ^ S Jl ROBteRT? PEDBN7 JAMES. JESSUP,? ; r covers .'fiifm - nar the ssenger rtffs be/ the l>ig eiiled a Joilnc^l )gs, be nstown ' priaU'd • of the M ai^d * >Dimty t»f the . e been rl) linos "oiitiry V paouat r. burteen ' t-" Hectors* I • % ' NaZLV.— BY4iAW ^ " V To Ajipmiu Superituendemof C\ : Thomas (irafle. • :^, ®y."* • ^* '^ Sauiuel Graham. . ' - JjJrasIey,. ......,;,,.,,,, Elisha Landon.(RepeaIe^t * ^^t ^™& •/£-• ?A*aw Connor., '/ . ,-4 i *■ • ( --*. NorthCr(»by,........it^v,'Mafthpw Connor.- .#'^: ' V #^' _^ aear Leeds & Lansdowne,; tf«iuy |». Watlibuni, ^"^ ' ^ "^ J^'^ * . ' •".■--^ ^r|^ Whwefli the Rev. Joiitai JohAon faa> t^,^ ^f"*.. ' 4 Wi^.- r^ ,. ■■V -■'^*^ an dent of I K«v. Jai. Cooper his tcsignntibn of the office of Superintendenf of Schoo^i i^i'ifpUK*,/*^^ ^^^ Toxirnship of Yonge, su6h resignation to faike Hfv. j.Mbua teh!?d*by" *• A"*^ •* further enacted. That for the pnrpoie Of mohTitwm. enabling the said 4"'')tors tp aludit the said Accounts M hereinbefore required, it shall be the duty of the ± -mhrJftmvwca o£ Sfehod-a mny m^w appointed, or thftt '■* "V-^ T •• '*^"»' '"hrf- . .^-., r /^ ft 27^ may be hereafter appointed, for the several Municinalilies in the saul United CoUnties, find of all other officers ' entrusted with such monies, to lay bef -re such Auditora annually, at the Counfy/rroasiirer^ Office, at an^ timo before the th.rd Monday> January, in oaoh year, a true and correct account m/ll^tail of the receipts aiid expendi- ' ture of all School-monief entrusted to them resiiWfiVel v .durmg the year immediately preceding »he| second Monday m January, together with all rfeceibW ahd other '' vouchers appertaining to the expenditure'of such|mdnies. - 3. And be it further enacted, That if any Jch sub- „ . Treasurer, olf other Officer, shall w^trleci or rifuse to'^Sc/** co„,p|y „,uh any or aU of the requirements contjined. in ^ . the secon^l^sectien of this By-Law, he shall fo Jeit and KrL*. t?r "°^ K^^than five shillings, nor more than twenty shillings, with costs, to be recoveret' before any Justipe of the Peace for the said United Countieji, and in ^ default of payment at such time as the said Justice shall lirait-and appoint to be levied by distr6ss agd sale of the ^dTjdst^ "^"^^ °^*"^^^ "*''^®' *''® >varrani of the tinder^thl r„'t ^"'^H' f "^^t^^' 'J^at all fines bollected Aj,piica.io« of - nnder this ByXaw, shall be paid brsuch Justice of the ^'•' uiTtheVof'' ^'^^'^'^ ""^ ^^^, Townships for thje public " . * ROBERT PEDl^N, f JAMES JESSUI*, -^^ \l •h„e^ aen. County Clerk. \ Vo. ZLVn— BT-LAWr .»■* '•*,. ^To Establisli, Aaume, and Qpen Hie County Toll BaaeU ' ] , y^lherein mentkmed. "\ ' '•' ji : . t ■■! :' '. '. '■ . '■ :.'•''..' ■ j . I '' r Passed October 16, 1852. ■ ' ' •> • r ' ' ' , . ; ' ' Whereas the ConjtmisJiioners appointed to superintend ' V a." the oonstnicUon of th«J County Toll Roads hsroinafter *^«"""*_:3' meotioned, and authorized to be constructed und^r the, . T v ' ■!) t ." -1 ^^ -ff^ ;:,_! #-'-.' ^ l'^"'-' "■•"•■ I MHtrifitiwiiot fkioria KokI, P ,- Fint Section. 2t6 ■ . ■ ■ ■ . •\ -■■.«■ - piPovisious of By-Laws mmhets four a»d eight, tttssed. respectively, on the fourteenth day ofMarch, atad the tenth day of October, in the year of our Lbrd one thousand eight hundred and fifty, were directed by this Council on thef thirty.first day of January last/ to cause Jhe said Roads respectively to be laid out and/surveyed as 4ar as they were then built, or under contifect to be buift, and to report such surveys to this Coifneil ; A^id whefeas in pursuance of such^direction, the Gommissiotiers of the Road known as the Victoria Macadamized Road, have caused those parts of the said.Road to be surveyed and re- ported, as aforesafa, by John Denison, the surveyor or en- gineer employed by them tfy m/ke the same, which snr- vey the said John Denison has/divided into four sections, and described the first, second/and fourth Sections iherW sirtistantially and\to the effedl as follows,— third Section bein^ as yet unfiftished, viz/; «' The first Section extends from the corporation boundkry of the Town of Brockville to Unionville, a dis^nce/ of 8 74-80ths miles, in the following direction, n^>ly, on a main bearing of north 23 degrees west 28 chkins 70 Jinks to the vertex angle formed by cuare No. lA Toll Gate No. 1 is situated at the southeast end of/tMs curve,- and on the sideline between Lots Nos. -IZ^d 13 in the first Concessioh of the rownshi|irt»f Blizabethtown; thence on a main bearing of mifk 59/ degrees west 4 miles 53 chains 8a Imks, to the nurth-)(vest end of the 'straight line at Flint's School House, and td^ertex^angle formed by ciirve-No. 2 ; thence oh a dtHible curve' north 86 \v9st 5 chains 80 hnks, north 88i/westM chains, north 83i.west 8 chains to vertex ang|^ at this^i^ace ; thence noith 72. west 17 chains; thence north 82^ west 61 chains; thence north 86 west 31 chains; thence north 03 J west 17 chains • thence north 55 west 39,chains; thence north 48 west BO chains ."iO links; thence north 58 west 30 chains t thence nurth Hnj west 30 chairts 85 links to Unionville and p^ side line lietwoen Lo^ Nus 33 and 34, in the sevctfth Concession of Elizabethtown.aii'l JHnclion oi the FttrmersvilJe Phmk Ri-rnl ; (iatc No. 2 is "located at this place on Lot No. 33 in the sev:t'utli Concfssion. and H » I ^. clriins aO liilks distant from vertex jinple foriiifd by the - , I 'i^^f!^^'^ ?^ ^'l'^ »'•'•<'''• '^'•"' several Concessions and Lois . hi .Ihrhngh which thi« Section is locatwl. aro as follows:— -;Proui th<» Cor|>omtion Boundary to Toll Gntci No. I, on «g[e side luie liefween Lots Nos. 12 and 13 in the first joec^oh of EliMbethtown ; thence diagonally on part L0^ No..tS,,ia the £ipfc Concession ; thenco on part of ^ >.?: *"!«, M.-J f :f;* .V ;- ■ .^::^:. ,: .'k. ' Mi- ■» :'i%- -:/t ■» m 13, Lot 14, Lot lo, and partof Lot'16, ia th^^wcpnd Concession; thence diagonally on part of Lot U/tdt 17, Lot 18; and part of Lot 19, in the third Concewion • thence on part of Lot 19, Loti>0, Lot 21, and part of 22 fif: fiJi^r'- "* ^^' ^°V26, W 27, and part of Lot 28; in the fafth Concession , thence on part- of Lot 28, Lot 29. Lot 30, and a part of Lot 31, in the sixth Concession • thence on part of Lot 31, Lot 32. Lot 33, in the seven h Concession of Eh2{abQthtown,^at Unionville, and north- tvest end of Section No. l.'P -«- -'(■ e ee^ a distance org 77-80ths miles in the direction *^ following, on a main bearing of north 23 west 60 chains ' 10 links oi^ side line between Lots 33 and 34, in the seventh Concession, ai^d part o* the eighth Conces- sion; thence north 38i west 59 chain?' 60 links: " " thence north 22 west 49 364west27phaiWs70 links; thence ftorth 36 west 58 chains to th^ front of the tenth Concession of the Towh- nnVnt^N^*^;. T^" ?*^« No. 3 is situate at this^.lace, I on Lot No, 21, m Jhe tenth Concessi9n of said Town- '«hip and 2 chains south east of t§nth Concession line : thence ^orflv 36 west 77 chains to Pran.n'* Corners ' thence north 51i west 20 Chains 45 linlis;; thence norih " 59 west II fthains; thenc^ Horth69 w^st 7 chaittsSO links; fthence north ^64 west Schjiins'i thence noith 39 , west 1 \cha.n| T© lipks; thence north 36 west 13 chains: thence)iofth 3^t«irest20 chains; thencagporth 204?^^ 7ch,U«fe; thertce north 39 west 1 chniiiWlinkstoV^ Crepk, and north-we'st end of Section No. 2 and the *ear of Lot No. 22, in the seventh Concession dTVid . lown of Kitiey ^ Section No. 2 is located on sjde fine bet^ycen Lots No 33 and 34, in part of the^sevtnrh c\ ■"~»^'. \ y^' r cession, and Lots 33 npd 34, in cession, and dijigouully on Lot sion at Lewis' Corners ; thence Mo. 34 and 35^ in the ninth the ciphih C, ^ ninth Concei line between to the ■■■1pwli Line between filizuLcM!.- town and^ Yonge; thence oathe^-id Tuvvn line, to t)'i line wmch separates the last named :Xov^nsl.ip from . i.at .of Ki Joy ; ti.ence un Lot No. 21, ijTrihfc te./.h Cou-es- sion oi KiUeyv aiidN,.. 1>1 oh the nintl|,iPoncession^to^ fJninnan's Cokor's; tiience diiigonall/oirpuW of Lo' 21 in th'c. eighth' Concessioh. hnd Lcrt 22,liii'*rcur of the seventh Concession, at Irish Creek." l . ; « Section No. 4».extends from WashbU'sl^^ek. ia the second Concession df Kit|ey, to the north-west end &r, ^'^'^ "T^^^'^'" Falls, in.the Township of South Llmsley, a dilMfee of .*> 9-40ths mites, in the fok lowing dir^ction^ ,:amely: From* Wnsl.i.urn's Creek jorA 35 we»t^37 chains 6& links on side line between ^ts 12-and 13 in the second Concession ; thehce north — ^'".r^st 12 chains 80 links; thence north 35 west 12 ,is 4,7 links'^ thence north 33 east .^2 chains 60 links : icen^rth H east 27 chains 18 links; thence on side between Lots No. 6 and^7, in (he first Concession he Township of South [filmsley, ^lorth 34 west 34 ^ .ms.9,0 hnks to vprtfex ingle a little west of Otter Creek; thence north 9 east 57 chains 60 links ; thence .north 4i east 96 diains; thence north 41* west 25 " chains 90 linksr thence nqrth 18j West 5 chains on a large ciirve at this place; thence north 71 east 55 chains 60 inks to the north end of ilu- Road, near the ,Canal Locks at Smith's Falls. Secti,.n No. 4f is located on part of Lots No. 12 and 13, in the scond andfiS ' Concessions of a|, Township^f Kitley^thence diago- jally on part of lit No. 9, LotK^HS^o.^ and jSt 61 Lot No. 6, :n the first Concession of Souit E m^W- thence diagonally on part of Lot S, Lot 5 and « r' < ^ ij No. 4, m thjff second Concessioi; thence on part oi Lot 4 and part of Lot 3, in the tta Concessit; thence diagonally on part df Lot No. 3 at^%^ part of Lot No. 2 lni^f^"'Tr ?o?°««?ion of SouthElmsley.to the north end of the Victoria Macadamized B|>ad." And whereas public notice ht^ Uen given according, to the Sfatnte in such case, made and provided, that the Municipal Council of the UnitedtCfcunties of Leeds and, Grenville, wouW/at its present deeting, pass a By-Lav?* to •Plume, ««tablisb and open, «s a Comity Road, thoM .J i :■ < £ 't \ a c d n ,.t] h ^ *, ' % * ^ to^ i :Oi« partscof the said Victoria survey lore doscrihed Htid be'it tlioref(»re cii -gled Koad, kiiuwu as rlie.siinie iis tho Vi li Auiifhed u • ouuly Rmd. '•ecu survey as a foresaid, rkat is to suy, inc^^^^^Kaei > y.u sections thereof as so described jili^^Eo1;i; by assuraefj, estabhshed and openo.lMHI^.l » ^* and Hghwav. and sh-ill ho «„ i ' "•' '-"""^Jf Koad fi ft V £.. '**?,^"i",''^' *'"5' *°-^''sh Creek aforesaid -and Mdl^ dermv'rti?'""'' > *« '« of the said ^ ' ■ lo De surveyed and reiiorted to tin* P«,..,„:i i t l Kempiviiie and Burchell. the %.irirt>X.. »L 1 j'. f <-ouncil By John PrtscouRoad. vuiatj * cnains »£ links ; thence on the course nnrth o± Ik™. ««" wl'fJ; thence on the ume course 50 chniM! tab to to^lTEf, "'""•t'"'««'« "est 8eh«J^"i' ■mo to the Itne between the.ihini and fourtll Conce* . » ; ■/ 0^ .'-'■"" ,■ ' -.: -■■"■■ • : . ■, ^ ■:/:.. -....; ■,; ; ; .;. '.;"••..' ;.■'_: : ..^ m ^^F^ ':'■'"■•■ . ■ ^ . ■." ■■■■ ■■?*,;..■■ ■■•- ■ -■■ -,.■■■ , ■''■'. ' : ■.--.. ■•'- ' ■" *' ..'■ ^■^^ '^ '■ ;■ -■; - ■■ ■■'..• - ■ ■' • ' '■ .' . ■'} ^ • ' ' / .. * " " ■ . t '■■■.• ^^^ ■ VT ■' ■■' "' ''- . '; , . .. ' '': •'■• . ;"-^' W^. . f ^ '.''.'. ' - ■ ■ ■ '■ ". ' ■ " • ' ' • " " -'y''--' ■';'■•■■•:■■■..' ■:\-:^ ■.,.''. ■. .•■;, ■^■,,. :.-v. ^t' , ' » - '■" ' " (5 '. ■' . ■ ■ ' '. '■■ ■ '• • .'-..' .•' ■Vi'' ■i'" ■■■■-■- ■ i " ' ,'■'';, . ■' . ;,--... ■ ,». ■ ;'■ . ■■' ■;■ . ■ ■ ■■ "'*.. -,. ' '■'.'. \ ' ... ■ ^ . ^'^ . ' ■■ ■ ■■-. '■ ■ ■ "/"■■■■;:.^"-4': , - - .^■'''■■'.■' ''■:.. ':*'■■ •- ■-.''■. .' ■ ,.' ■ ! ' ' ■'" ■ ■' /^. -■.- .■ 'i: ■■ ' ■' '. ". ■■ ■'"■ -•■■::■;■■■ ^''- '■ .-■,; ,.; . ■ -- /■ '.-'- ■ ■:■' .".■ V ■ ■« • "-'"^ -.".■■ "■;.*■■■'- ' ^ ^ * :'^ .' .(l^ -.■• ^ ■ / ' ■■ :^. ■ " .' V ■ ■-''^■- ■ '■■■'"':., ^ :-': r; -r' ^ ■■■■■;-■ --v. v; ■';■■■ '- .- ■.: , '''■/♦._,.-. ' ', :" ■ ' j ■■ • :•"',: ■ ", »»- . ' ■'-. ' .■■'.. ' .' - i. ';■.'■' -' -'' .. , • -f '< ■ : ■ . . - ■ . . , : ■ .. ■ ■ ■ ■■■-•;,* *■'■■' t • ; , . ' , ■ . . . ■ , ". ■?.,■■;,■. : ' ■ ■■ ■■' '■•' / *■■' .■ ' ■ 1 • . ■ ? ■•..■ ^A "''?■■ ■'^^'■■'^. '■ ' ''^■^.. ^^^'■:-^ -■'*:-■:,''- -^ ;.:...-■■■■■ ■'^1 ■'% :.'■■'■: -V-, ■■.■;;,. , _._...._,_._. . .. -__.... ,. - '^ , - - - - _ .... ^.. ........ : ■■ ' -— . - ■ ■-■■■'■■ ', '■' ■■ i •■■! ■•■-■; -^ \ -^ '■.,;■■-';■, . ' : ' . 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'o' -— ;- —- — — ' ^ > }' • i f- / • ■ r -I '4^ > -' » « ■ js>- ' - ■ « , ' ■;. - • - ^ . ' '-; ,isavf %^ . * -. * -*" • ■ ' s '■ ' • » -■ » , ., - ', * /"*' , , • ; *■ « - '■*■*• 1 • , , r . . , . .-_- ' ■ ' 'J «. ■ * • .• 4 , • * %> ■'■■ * t »' A..... ; ■ ^^\ ; " * * r « . ' . ■ » : -.■- ^'s. .■ * * r t • ** • ^ : .J / I . i ■•« ' ' 1 ■ ■ " • . / . . . . , . ._„.:._ :„'K_^__ t v i 1 • ■ ' ■ - *■ "\ '": I ' • ■ 1 f V /■"•' 1 1 . -., : :U . ■■■■ ./■ ^ ■ . ^ • .,: >a i««Bsiiel'..4j, . I ",. ■„/': ■' >..■ ■ ' ■/ • K [1 .. f J S60 ■ ■■ V ■ ■■> ■ - \" ■ sious of Augusta,^and to the post between Lot4 Nos. 2 and 3 ; theoce on the same courad 3 chains 98 links ; thence on the coursie north S8 degrees weist 19 chains 13 links to a, post marked t^ee miles; thence oif the same course SO chains to a post marked /our mile$-; thence on the same coutsif 1 chain '43link8 to the line between - the fourth and- fiJlhl Concessione of Augusta ; thence on the same course 3 chains 84 linkf ^' thence on the course nbrth 26 deg. 15 minutes west SS'chains 43 liAks; thence . 'on the course north fO degrees west 3 chains^^93 links ; thence on the course north 6 degrees 30 minute^ast 32 chains 37 links to the line between Lots No. 1 andN2 in the fifth Concession of Augusta ; thenc^'on'the sa^e course 5 chairis to a°p^t marked five miles } thence on the* same course 9 chains- 20 links to a small brook^ thence on the same course 4 chtlins 30 links j thenre on the course north 13 degrees east 14 chtiins 12 links to the Town line lietween the Township of Augusta and 'EdwariUburgli, and 17 clwius south of the lindP^belwcen the fifth and sixth Concessions pf Augusta; thence on the ssime course 29 chi^ins 18 links to a small brook course westerly; thence on the «amo coi'irse 1 chain 70 liiiks ; theu:re on the cuursc north 12 degrees 41 minutes east i:i chains 80 links to I he line bt'twt>en Lots No. 36 and 37 in the fifth CiaicesCion of EdwaiDtlsliurgh ; tiu>n<*e on the same course 7 cliAins 70 links^u u pt'ist marked - Six miles; thenbe on the s«nie course; 22 chains^20 links to the line between Lots,No,35and3efin the fifth Con- cession of Edwardsbur^*; thence on the same course 13 chains 30 liuks to the line between the fifth and sixth , Concei|sioiis of Edwdrdsburgh ; thei^ce on the samo course 7 chail^s 50 links ; thence on the course north 20 degrees 24 minutes west 13 chains 20 links to the ^ waterja edge of the Petite, Nation River; thence on the same/teourse 3 chuins IB links crossing the river; thence on thb same conise 2 chains 12 links crossing land flood- ed in the spring ; thence on the same course 17 chains .50 ^inks; thence on the coarse north 43. degrees 53 minutes east 2 chains. to a post marked teven miles; thefnce on the same course 28 chains 74 libks ; thence on th^ course north 17 degrees 1 miiiute, east 18 chains 67 Uiiks ; thsnce on the course north 43 degrees 40 minutes Cist 11 chains 44 links to the centre line of lot number ^ thirty4wo in the sixth Concession of Edwardsburgh ; thence on the same course 21 chains 15 links to a post teaiked right m/lm; thence on the same conise 6 chains »s 64 links ; thence on the coune jwrth 9 degrees 52 minutes west 82. chains 47 links: thenw on^Ja cotirse north 16 degrees 11 minutes west fnwnfeatUnks to a post mwked eleven miles : thence on the sajme course 5 chains 90. links to the »ne between the seventh and eighth Concessions of EdwardsWirgh • and 3 chains 14 links west to the post between Lots No! il V* ^'*® ®'ff***^ Concession ; thence on the same course 19 chains 74 links ; thence on the course north 2 degrees 51 minutes east 27 chains 52 links; thence on the course north 13 degrees 15 minutes west 3 chains- 84 links to a brook course south easterly ; thence on the ^^««*^""® 21 chains to the line between Lots No. 22 and 23 m the eighth Concession of Edwardsburgh; thence on the same course 2 chains to a post marked twelve miesi thence on the same course 40 chains 96 links- .thence on the course i»orth 10 dejjrees 4? minutes east 17 chams 4 links to the line between thd eighth and s nmth Concessions of Ed^rdsbmijh ; thence on the samd course 16 chains 50 links; thence on the course north 3 degrees 42 minutes east 5 chains 50 links to a post marked thirteen miles; also to a small brook* thence on the same course 29 chains 28 links to the »me between Lots No. 20 and 21 in the ninth Conu \ I .'i*u»M- t^v/:'- "ft- ^-'-^ '282 cession of, Edwardsburgh ; thence on the same course 72 links to a small brook, course easterly ; thenco ' on the same course 7, chains 36 links ; thence on the course north 54 minutes west 21 chains 97 links; thence on the course north 13 degree 6 minutes east i chains 37 links to a small brooks course easterly ; thence \on the same course 16 chains 3& links to a pest ni uk' d fourteen miles'; thence on the sai^e icouite 2^.v:hum.s t.^ I the line between the ninth and tenth Concessions uf jEdwardsburgh, and 2 chains 25 links east of the post -: between Lots Nos. 19 and 20 in the tenth Concession ; thence on the same course 4 chaiti^ 67 links ; thence on the iiorth course 18 degrees 14 minutes east 5 chains 83 links.to a small brook, course south-easterly ; thence on the same course 47 chains 50 links to a post marked Jifteen miles) thence on. the same course 13 chains 20 links to the Town line between Edwardsbu%h and Ox- (s ford, (having, crcissed Lot No. 19, Commons/Lot No. 18 and part of Lot No. 17 iji the tenth Concession of Ed- ' wardsburgh) ; thence on the same course 3 chains 40 links to the line between Lots No. 26 and*27 in the tenth ConcessiqK of Oxford ; thence on the same course 18 chains SS^links to the commence|nent ofthe Plank and Gmvelled Eoad at Chnstie's Comer wMtce along the Plank and Gravelled .B^ (pa L^^HP? in the tenth Goncession of Qxfgrd) on the course^nh 29 de- grees 6 minutes west 44 drains 57 link^, to a post mark- ed sixteen miles; thence onthe same course 11 chains 15 links; thence on the course north 22 degrees 6 min- utes west 17 chains 94 lii|lis; thence on the course north 31 degrees 24 minutes .West 31. links to the line between the ninth and tenth ' Concessions of Oxford ; thence (on Lot No. 27 in the ninth Concession of Ox- ford) on the same course 17 chains 10 links to a small brook, course easterly; thence on the same, course 5 5 chains 60 links ,to a creek, course south-easterly ; thence on the same course 12 chains to a small brook, course south-easterly; thence on the same course 15 chains 90 links to a pc^^ marked seventeen miles; thence on the same course i chains 59 links ; thence on the north course 35 degrees 5^inutes, west 21 chains 71 links to the line Sititwee|ith« eighth and ninth Con- cessions of Qifordf thence mil 1t}ie same course (on Lot No. 2Tin the eis^llf Concession) 10 chains 42 lii^ ; thenoe on theiccuxBe nortl^i degrees 50 minutes west 9 chains 28 links toV uhall brook, course l^terly ; thenoe on the stmeipouiBe 38 -chains ,to a post marked C?- ' i (r*«rc$3!cf .' rf^tJ«--»it^r3K«^t*«i V •au. .>.-■ 383 & ''\. eighteen miles; thence on the same course 26 chains T'O links to the line between the seventh and eighth .Concessions of Oxford; thence (on Lot No. 27 in .the seventh Concession of Oxford) on the same course 1 chain 90 links to a small brook, course easterly j thence , on the same course 1 chain 85 links ^ thence on the course north 31 degrees 12 minutes west 49 chains. 75 links to a post marked nineteen miles ; thence on the same course 22 chains 78 links ; thence on the course north 30 decrees 14 minutes west 4 chains 50 links to theiine between the sixth wdd seventh Concessions of Oxford ; thence (on Lot No. 27 in the sixth Concession of Oxford) on the same courso 17 chains 44 links ; th* noo on the course north 31 dr^r .-s twelve minutes w* st 3f> chains 28 links toa pof;!, muked twenty miles; thcuoo on the same course 6 hjim- 50 links; thence on the course north 30 degrers '.'8 minutes west 17 chains 80 links toffie line betwe* u ti.o fifth and sixth Concessions of Oxford ; thence (on l.-t No. 27 jn the fifth Conces- sion of Oxford) on the same coufte 46| chains 60 links; thence on tlio course north*29 degrees 48 minutes west 9 chains iO links to a post marked twenty-otie miles; thence on the same course 17 chains 57 links ; thence on the course north S8 degrees 31 minutes west i chains 63 lipks to the line ^tween the fourth and fifth Concessions of Oxford ; f hence (m Lot No. 27 in^ the fourth Concession of Oxford) oil the j^me cohrse 7 chains 75 links; thenpe on the cqurse north 31 degrees 3 minutes west 42 chains' 45 ynis to the Toll House ; thence on the" same course 3 chains 24 links to tfre icentre of the Prescott and By-town Railroad ; ihence pn the same course 2 chains 16 li^ks to a fmall brook, course easterly; thvune on the'same course.^ chains 20 links to a post mujkr,! twenty-two miles': thence on the same course 21 chains 70 li^ks to the hne between the thitd and fourth Concessions of Oxford ; thence (on Lot No. 27 in the third Concession of Oxford)^ en the same course 2 chains 29 links; thence on the course north 32 degrees one minute west 15 chains 55 links; thence on the course north M» degrees 52 minutes west 26 chains 30 links along — Street 4n the Village of Keinptyille to the south end of the bridge (across a branch of the River Rideau nTnning thnnigh the Vil-' lage); miking the whole distance from the Corporation of Prescott to the bridge in Kemptville twenty-ttoo miles ' three Quarters and Jive chains ei^Uy-four liniu ttad the width fifty feet." o yjy ^<^^^^uf> Ki ^^: 1 ty . « t • •■-^i^ftsm''^^ WJ#^*WTPr«i *K«ferB^ 284 ^ A Aoiiee. Anuineit County Rq 't 4 rrcambl*. Daseripiion of Memckville ■ml North Augiuia Road, 'V And whereas public notice has been igiven according to Law, that the said Council w;otUd, at Its present meet- ing, piiss a By-Law to assume^ establish and open as a County Road, the said Rood hereinbefore described in this section, and surveyed by the said John Burchill ; Be U therefore further enacted by the said Council that the said Eoad from KemptKille to Prescott be, and ihe same is hereby assumed, established and opened as hereinbe- fore described and surveyed fifty feet wide as a County Road and Highway for public use and travel j subject nevertheless to the payment of such Tolls and the ob- servance of such rules and regulations as hereinafter in this By Law provided, fi.x«d and established for the use of the said Road, and to defray the expense of making, \ mmtaining and repairin^the same, or which n^y here- Mler be fixed and established by any By-L««w of this Council to be passed for that purpose. 3. And whereas in pursuance of the said direction, the Commissioners of the Road known as the County Toll Road from Merrickville to MaiUand, have caused ^t part of. the said Road between Merrickville and North Augusta to be surveyed and reported to this Council by John Burchill, the Surveyor employed by them to make sueh Survey, and which is described in his report substantially and to the effect as follows, that is to sai^r " Under instructions for the survey of that part of. the above Robd lying between Merrickville and North Augusta, I proceeded to perform the same, and com- menced on Lot No. 10 Concession A, in the Tovmshipof Wolford, at the commencement of the Macadamized Road J thence on the course south 23 degrees 8 minutes east magnetically 6 chains 87 links to jthe tear ofC^ cession A in Wolford ; thence (on lot No^lO in the first Concession of^ Wolford) on the course^south Si degrels 28 minutes fllst 4 ohiuns 37 links to the Tdl House ; thence otf^the same course 69 chains 76 links to a po^t marked <^ mile j thence on the same course 9 chains to ^^f Ifc® lietween, the first and second! Concessions of Wol^ ; thence on the sanfie bourse 31 chains 87 links ; thence b;i the Ispurse sduth 17 degrees 25 minutes east 14 Chains 37 links j thence on the course south 14 degrees 3 niinutes east 24 c^ns 77 linKH to a post marked two mil^l thence on the same course 12 chains 85 links to the liqe between the second and third Concessions Of Wolfotd, having crossed on Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in the second Concession ; thenco on the same coune 38 chains I"' I. '"^ / -ssK.€ -r \ according «nt meet- open as a icribed in rchill ; Be I that the ihe same hereinbe- a County :; subject^ d the ob- inafter in }i the use ' making, V i^y here- i» of this direction, B County ire caused ville and is Council ' them to his report is to sa/: rt of.the id North md com- (vnshipof idamized t minute» r of Col 1 the.fint I degrees I House; to apo^t chains to ssions of 87 links; lutes east i> degrees rked tu)0> 3 links to sssions df II in the )8 chains h ■ iS — \r 48 links; thence on the course south J2 degrees: 51 nunutes east 14 chains 47 links to the line between Lots W08.ll and 12 in the third Concession of Wolford: thence on the same course 14 chains 20 links to a post marked thtee miles > thence onlthe same course 19 chains^4d links to the line between the third and fourth Concessions of Wolford; thence on the same courae 7 chains 36, links • thence on the course south ^^ degrees 22 minlites west B chains 38 links, to the line between lot No. 12 and . Road m the fourth Concession of Wolford ; thence on' the same courae 33 phains 94 linkk to the line between Lots ;Nos. 13 and 14 in the fourth C^cession of Wolford '; thence on the same courae 13 chains 92 links to a post marked four miles; thence p« the! same course 2 chains ' 40 links to the centre line of Lot fib. 14 in the fourth ConcesMon of Wolford i then66 on the same courae 25 chains ?0 links to a sinall creek courae south-easterly ; thence on the sa^ie courae 23* chains 30 links to the line between Lots Nos. 15 and 16 in the fourth Concession of Wolford ; thence on the same courae 5o chains to a post marked five miles ; thence on the same courae 2 chains 75 links; thence on the courae south 7 degrees 50 minutes west 25 links to the line betw^n the fourth and fifth Concessions of Wolford ; thence on the same^course 5 chaiM 20 links to the lino between Lots Nos. 16 and , 17 in the fifth Concession of Wolford ; thence on the same courae 92 links ; thence on the courae south 1 deirree ^est 48 chains 70 links to the Road leading to Eaion'g Corners; thence oa the same course 22 chains 18 links ^^^P°^^^^^^^x ^i^es ; ,thmce on the same course 12 chainfB2 links ; thence on|h6 course sibuth 1 1 decrees n minutes east^S chains 94 links to the line between thejfthand sixth Concessions dTWolford, having crowed «n ^ts N08.16, 17 and 18 in the fifth ConcessiOnS thence m the same courae (on lot No, 19 V% sixth Concession) »1 chains 53 links ; thenoe on the cou*»e soutK 34 degrees 34 minutes east thirty-six chains seventy-one linla to a post marked seven fiUles ; thence on the same courae 47 chains 78 links ; thence on the cottrse south 58 degrees 49 minutes east 3 chains 64 links tq.the water's edge of the Middle Branch of the Rid6iu ; thence on the same course 2 chains 38 links to the line between the sixth and seventh Concessions of Wolford ; thence (on Lot No. 19 m the seventh Concession) on the ^ame course 1 chain 83 links to the southeast bank of the Creek ; thence on the same course 3 chain* 37 links; thence on the courao south 30 degrees 19 minates ea«t51 ohaiiu to ' /■) -« ■,!■ ■:^'^ >. ,V-' I: \ 'Moiliw. •■ \ ■ ■ '■- ■ 280 a iKwt marked eigfu m^esj tltenoe on ^ same course 1 Cham Hliiiksj thence on the couwe%uth 18 degrees 32^minute8 cast 22 chains 86 links , to flio line between / in t?^''^"*'^^'* *"»>*•* Concessions of Wolford; whence S? 1^!-*°",^/^? ^' ^°- ^ »" t^« eighth Conc«^ 5^) 18 chams 14 Imks j thence pn the course south 47 J!?""^ }? taiinutes eait 23 chi^ns to the To^^Tx'line between the Townships of WolfJd and August*; and J chains 20 hnks east of the Town line tetwe^n le lownships of Augusta and Elizabethtown : thence dh the same course 14 chaips pighty^six litikd to a post marked ni«cmi/ca; thence on thesaine course 34chEns 14 links to the line between the tenth and elevenfh iLTo^"'T °^^"S^' *»»^^»« crossed on Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in the eleventh Concession j thence on the same nnfnJr ? S'^'i^^east 33 chains 15 links to the centre h»n« ^'.?°' ^^ '^ *•»« ^"'*» Concession of Augusta ; ^enceonthe same course 9 chains 85 links to I post T!l f\u^* ?'®"''° ®° ^^^ same coursei/ll chtuns links to the Ime betx^^een Lots Nos. 34 and 35 in the inth ConccMion ; thence on the same course 40 chains ten links; thence on the course south. 24 decrees 17 minutes east 4 chains 20 links to the line between the Ji \t f^^t^nlh Concessions of Augusta, having crossed on |H>ts Nos. 36, 35, and 34, in the tenth ConcesSn ; TlTiS^J^Qi^^T??'^.""® (°'**^»® ««*e line between I^_Ui Nos.3^and 84 m the ninth Concession of,^gu,u) ^23 chains 80 links to a nost mark<%d eleven milei^e^ on ^e same cour8^70eiiains %0 linte to. the Toll House ; 3!i ? ?® "?,"^ '^""^ ^ °*»^»n» 304inkAo a post ttiarked tivdvenules ; thencti on the same coftrse 5 chEns 8 Im^, to the front of the ninth Concession of A^gmto and termination of the Macadamized Road in North Auguita, which mak«8 the ^^le distance from the commencement of th6 road nkr MerrickviUe to the termination tlfererf ,n North Augusta. tv>elve mU^ and «« eight ItnlaiwaA the width throughout Jifty five s ^"i ^herMs public notice has been given accordinir to iawL that ^he said Council would at i^present rneSf n^\By-Law to assume, establish and openas a County B« tt\Kir '^J^^^'^ by the tiFjohn.BurchiU. said Koad from Memobrdle to MkitlaUd so surveyed. .^ t d c t * ti f( . ,^-» d ,t.Kn*o ijtf.*\ }^<.„'i- t^ ■* A 4- * ^- * 287 I U"-^*"^ c described, and reported as aforesaid, be assumed, estab- A«um.a « . Iished, and onenpf? is hereinbefore described 50 feet wide *-'"""'" ^*^ as a County Road .. id Highway, for public use and travel ; subject, neverthel. ss, to the payment of sueh Tolls and the olaervancc of ^nch rules and regujaliofis ns hereinafter m this By-T ..\y aie fixed and established for the use of the said iiouiF, nnd to defray the expense of^making, n>aini!uning, and repairing the sailie, or which may " heroaner be provided, fixed, and established by any By-Luw of the said Corincil for that purpcee to be passed^ f^ ♦ 4. And whereas in pui]BBance of thesaid direction, the p«taibi« Commissioners of the Road known as the County Toll Road from West Port to Farmersville, have caused that*' part of the said Road hereinafter described, to be surveyed and /reported tS this Council by John Denison, the , ' Surveyor employed by them to make such survey, and / wh^h part is described in his Report as follows, that is to sAy : " That part of the Road at present under contract Deicripiion of to be Macad . nized admits of two divisions! The first IS'p ^^""^i'* coiim6ncing on the seventh Concession linl and iltfiaSuV™'" * Ldt of tfie Township, of North Crosby, at the angle '""^ - foirmed by the aforesaid seventh Concessicm line and the Street leading to West Port, and extending to the Town l|(ne l^tween North and; South Crosby at Newboro, a -^ istatice of 5 miles 22 chains 71 links, in the following lurection, namoly: thence on the seventh Concession line on a main bearing of Muth 33^ east 105 chains 20 links to the angle formed by Aje present side line Jietween Lots Nos. 8 knd 7 in the sixth Concession; thenc^ on the side line 6r old Road north 45 eak 28 chains j thence diagonally through Forrester's Lot No. 7 north 61 east 36 chains 70 links ; thence south -734 east 7 chains 8 links to the angle formdH^by the sixth Concession line; thence on the sixth line,on.a main bearing south 331 east 174 chains 10 links ; thence north 78| east 37 chains 43 links • thence north 70 east 40 chains ; thencd north 46| east 10 cjiains tb vertex angle formed by Main Street, We^boro; thence.on Main Street south 53 east 14 chains 20 link^ to the centra of Street on the Town V line between North and. South Crosby and centre of ,rMhe Village of Newboro and east end of division No. ^1, In regard to the Concessions and Lots thipugfa which this division df your Road is looaitbd,' I have to state as follows : commencing as above stated on Lot No, 1 1, then ^ . Lot 10, Lai, 9, Lot 8, in the seventh Conoesnon; then i ♦ wftgonally through the north-east halfof Lot nS.7, on the /■ =^ 388 li; !'■ ?K ffe^!PI! K}^V^ °° *'*« »«^ Concession line on the^southW half of Lot No. 7, Lot No. 6, Lot 5. Lot 4, Lot 3, ^t 2, and a part of Lot No. 1, in the sixth Con- cession ; tlifen diagonally through Lot No. l, in the fifth Concession. Vnd part of Ixit No. I, in the fou'rth Conces! »'°"°V*i?.Tr"'»»Vn of North Crosby, and to the etat end of Division No. 1. The second division com- mences at theWngle formed by Main Street, Newboro. and Town linfe between North and South trosby! and extends to \the end of th« Macadarais^ing on tlfc line of Road leading from Hales' Corners to Thilr^s Hie a distance of 6 miles 23 chains and 69 links, located in the following direction, namely, from the place com- mepcing on the Town line between North and South Crosby, at Newboro, north 54 east 55 chains 30 links on the Town line ; thence south 89 east 22 chains 43 links ; thenw north 86i east 21 chains; thence north 84iea8t 37 chSfns; thence south 681 east 33 chains 20 links; ltefiT*^L*??V^^^t""»«8 links; then8outh74l ?A 1 f °*lu"" ^^ ^*"^5 ^^^^"''^ «o"*h 65i east 7 chainJ ll°Sl' *'*®"°® ~"*^ ^® ®*«t 6 chains 50 libks ; thence south 87i east 9 chains 67 links ; thence 8outh<85 east 7 chains ; thence south 74 j east 5 chains 35 links ; thence east 4 chains 40 links ; thence north 87 east It) chains (the four last bearings are taken on a large curve at femgleton's Comers, and Ue distances ar^ taken to the several vertex angles) ; thence north 85i enst 2i chains • thence wiUh 81 J east 44 chains ; thenc^'sbnth 61 east 27 chains 26 links, to the vertex angle-formed by the fourth Concession hne of the Township of Bastard ; thonce on the fourth Concession line north 54 east -63 chains 75 \ in r ? ?*!f Comers ; thence south 54 east 65 chains 8J l»nk?> fhe end of Macadamfeing and south east end of second division ; making in all, from Westport to the T^ thisDivision 1 U miles. The several CMcessions. Ldts, and Townships through which this Division is lo- oated, are as follows :-.Commencing as above mention- ed ^t Newboro, thence on the Town line between 2l ill"l^°'i^ ^"fJ^y* to nearly the fourth Conces- gon hne, then diagonally on Lot No. 26, and part of Lot rw£, Tu ^''? Concessio^i of the Township of South , ^!^liJ'^*''^'»eonaUyihiQngh a part of fot 25, Lot A^Jfih^' 5f "* * J*^ °^ ^i 22, in the second Coices- JITtL S ^^«^^ V^ of hot 22, Lot 21, and a pert 2«if n *i!? ^ ^. Concession of said Toi^nshiiof •wl* pMlofI.ot No. «9, « thttWid Concession of the Townihip of Bastard, to the fourth Concession line • ' then on siiul fourth line gvpr a part of Lot No. 29 Lot 2^ and u |Kiri of Lot 27 ; th\xc siv dpf>m wTS&o..... ..v.. » .-'"_ • .. SL }%T^ ''^''"\ ««^s«''y. »ot to exceed the »\»eragc rate ol live iwiinds cunency |ie|- niileib reiwir- - ed, (including the present yeai); and that ihrCountv Ireiisurcr be authorized to pay the same from tim6 to tmieupon the requisition of the Said Commissioners re^ siiectivc y and that accounts in detail of such fexpeudi- ' ture sh^ll he laid before this Counsil J)y the saiil Com^ missioners when they shall bo so required. ,. v 6. AntUe it further enacted, that the fourth section of 4.h Sec. ny.uw Jiy-Law JM^o. 8, jiassed on the tenth day of October in the ""* ' ««*^«*- ITi' °, 11"^^'^^°° thousand eight huijdrcd and fifty, and entitled ,♦• By3ltaw to amend By-Laws Nos. 4 and 5 paased on the Uth day of March, ISSO,** be and the aame IS hereby repealed } provided always nevertbelesi] that the repeal of the said section shall not extend «r be eooetrued to oxt^nd to any act done, any penalty or tut X .■ / , ■ r-^ r ^y^ /i^> .^^'^'L-' inoorwd, Of any i^eeding had, takea wTd determined, or which may B» Jpenijiog uadcr Ihe said 8e im.Utsgti^ latlQns, toll'houses, or other buildings or erections tliere- on ; or shall put, place, tloiiosit, or leave any stope. wooti, ' t"nb«r. or other material or ihinar thereon to otMtruci, in- . teroept or endanger thfe travelling on the said roids pr »ny part thereof; or^^to obstruct any culvert,' draiiv water *"'"». or carry uway any plaiiki. stones, gravel or other materials therefrom ; or dig holes or difcbcs vn the nllow- •nce or allowances for^tho same ; or sha^l forcibly pass or attempt to pojjS byYorce any tolUgate iherooni or to use •nch Roads without having first p lid the tidl hereinaf^r lu this By Law for such Ri»ids re-pecfively fixed, or ¥" which may be hereafter fixed by any By-Law of tliiSi "^ Council for that pulrpose to be pawed, all wliich nctt ni)d deeds are herein/ and hereby severally prohibited and forbidden, such narson or pjra ins sh ill- far eviiry sash of- ' fence, forfeit una pay a fine of not raoro than five pouhds , .'> nor less than five shillings, to bo recovered upoii prose- " U .. ention in- a summary way Ijofore any one^or murd Justi- ces of the Peace having jurisdiction within the locality in which the ofi*endcr jihall bo resident or within that in whiclii the offence was committed, by distress and sale of the goods and chatties of the oflTender according to the proviaionsofthe Statute in that behalf, such line or fines when recovered to be disfiosed of and paid ove^iis di- xected by the statute in that bchulf. FJm ^ -■ f^V*' 8. And be^ it further enacted,;that if any person or peraons shall, after procoedrfig on any of tho said Ronds with any waggon, carriage or vehicle, horse or animal liable to pay toll turn out pf the said R; od into any other ^road.and shall or shall not enter such r md Iieyond any of J ^jJMt Ckity without paying toll (unless authtirise I so t<» do) y^^^^**f*t»« payment shall be evaded ; or if unv person or ,Jr -0i§KaH^^ oiBOupying or poKKSsiiig any incluseil lands near V uy toll gates- eiieeted or which shall lie erertod on sugh >^JtaMl«,i^U knowingly permit or aufier any person or . ;v:fi^: ^1^. ^\4I. •■w» u termined, I, but that ur as if the afl»«r the vviiftiily revise (ley nny'pirt >/nti lings, «l«l-*t5gH- >iis lliure- le. w'uuil, I met, in- roads or I IV water or other le nllitw- ly pass or or tu use rcinof^r fixed, or r of this nctinijd itcd und iiieh of-' HHHihds, ni prose- ro Jusrt- loculity I that in i sale of r to the ^r fines iiwas di- i f !is6ii or I Ronds animal ly other I any of i> to do) *raon or ris near m sugh ', son or T.~" '■' '^ '■■■-. "'■/. ■■ / *•*'■■ ' :-'■ ^ persons to pass thrduglf stfch lands or through any gate, passage or way thercun with- any such Y'Aggont^ciurriitgo ^r veliicle, horso or animal liable to 'pay toll wheifby - such payment shall be ^voidedi all which actsWsUfie- mnce and ovtvsiun ore herein and heraby sbver^lly pr^^ ^ hibitcd and furbidden, every persoh, so (mending, bei^ . thereof convicted before aky such Justice or Justifies a3 , aforesaid, shall for every oftence incur, forfeit and pay a ^' 4ino or.' ppualty not exceeding ten shilling^, nor less thto" , ' five shillings to be recovered and appropriated as afore- , said. ' ' • »'■•■-.„ . * „- V • 9. And bo it further enacted, -thai all sncb $nes shall BawteM{MMi^ ^ bo pwitl with costs furlhwith or at- the time limited by W such .liistico or Justices, and in .default tlieneof to be .. ' levied by distress und sale of th^oflfenderV goods and chatties under llue warrant ofsuch Justice or Justices ■'' : " '^ according to4he provision o( the statute in that behalf. V ■ - . . r ■ .. . -, '-■- 1 , ' ■ .. -\... 10. And Ih^ it further enacted; (hat all fines co|leCted app««i«». \ nndcr this By-Luw and (\ppropTiated and paid o*er by ^ such Justir- or Justices of the P^ce, to Jlie Cbunty ^ ' Treasnrer/slmlli/Jl.y him jw.jjlied as the tolls collected " ^" . ° on th^ said iluads respectively. ' \ '.^ -\ \U. And be it furthc^f cnacled, that the tolls npw fixed iVtemToih and cstabli«h^,ut Ujsjwjveml gates on ' be. said Roa\ls, .f*"^"*' '' be>ud the same arc herebv continued until otherwiV , altered by nnyJBy-Lnw of'thia'Couttcil to'bi hereafter for that purpose. RC»ERT.PEpfN, • \ VTardem ^ JAMES JESStJP, doufUtf Clerk, f . I llo. ZLVin.— BY-LAW lb pljneT certam Gram*- ef Monejf. PassedXJcJ^ 16j 1852. Council of^ftM To ^ V 1. Be it. Enacted by the United Counties of Lec^ and Greov: ;»^ itisheiibyriffire . . 1- ■ ' ^'^^, m >::^ '' .^ ._ 'JSt ''. ' * ■• > ;1 (^ ■V 1' r -**.:' „ * - ,; • ■ fc- • _-^ — &^> TV— %F ■ , > ' • I i./ ■ / • .- . 1- 't •*■ S92 M i f , li ■ '.i i ■ ^tt J]?^' the County. Treasarer ^ anthorized to Saf.h^f^t" ^^^T^^ C""'*^-^ and KLmpt^i le unci tftat Ih^saul sum be piiid out of the Coiinf J r iV !• . . pn^t to a Resohltion passed »>v M."cu.^o?n;'"'^ -^ ia^e^nglny other Bylaw to ihe ^l^a^T -itli;! ; . ■ ■/ >i — xK»rBo«, 2. And be it further enacted Thnf f'«« r-^ » m ii.w,p.^..he,s surer be authuriictl and diSd to i.^* ^f""r7 ^''^'^- sionew of the Vic^orK fc! 1 ■ ^"^^r/ *^! ^''^"^ Con.mis. which they Uy find to l^^^''*5r'• ^"^ '^"'""^'o - John Wood^.r^Holmes P cL "?. « ^ '^T^' ^'^^'"•«°' °' contnxcts shall harbeen comnle S",:?^^ / of the said Conmifssioners aTiffil ^^^ f tisfaotion . ^ Wovedofandacclpt^rbV^C to^^^^^^ • County Tolls Fund, any other R?/ i ^'^^P* ""t of the notwithstanding, . ' ^°y ^"•^'•By-Aawto the contmry ' " ' ■^. -ffc' Section 3. (Repealed : see By:Law lo. 64.K ' ■ Comm}i«ifln«»nf_ *• And be it further en.irfPf? ti * ., •^- the Xemptville and Pre^cStt^Tol R^T"r'°»^"' "^ 6cvc-:Uy.5Ve pounds to pay for the To- it ^^ """ "^ on the said Road near Kem uviUo .! ^?""se erected paid out of the County TolN An ' '\r"* ^'""^ »° ^ the contmry notwitSstaS/ ^' ''"^ °"' ^ ^3^"^*^^ to ■...:S' JohaBuTchiU. SridgenCharte nniMiUa. 5, And 1)© ft further enaf tpd tko* *i Pounds ten sl«lli„gs heS^jI^H '"/"? "^ twelve^ County Tolls nuufby the ,i„,tv'k '"'"'' T °^ M amgwnt of his «ccr.,„t L Me " .rvev "r*"', ^"'"= *'« ^^ickyiUe and North Au^.t^^:^;'!;!,j' J^;;^ M 6. e^lS J'2l!?p;r;!':!i'«" «"™n^ i« ■If -**■* fn.n. thc.„«i„ bI^J iX'.r '1'" f"'?™.'""? a "^ ' -; front ; Provided ihe -. tid Council of P^«»» 1,11 prmte a like sum, a ..' oxpend the Lm^ J ♦? "PP'^' tlu. amount here!,, .r..tcn^til^3Sd SoiT''"' ^^^r r.p.u- .r ri,n Bridge at \JrrT^l^U. p' ^V''?^. "" *'^" """■ apprupnaleaLi;:?^-, %X';^^i"-n:« thereof; sIuUl ., / "- >y giauted for the gaid Bridge. 9. Tliat the sum ofWventppn wl©k„ ♦ ' 1 •... Bmw „.„ granted to the CounrH-of ImIJStIVT" ''''"'"S^ ^'« ^^'"'^ cum,.loie a iViri^^c near W', irn "^ n "^"''^"^^ ^^ """• Slid Cou..cil"of Ai,4si« «hnii '"!' Provided the "' .granted ill- the said M?e.^'*i ^''^ ^^mount hereby "is"' ■ " "■ ■ ■ ■ '♦ ' ■ • ' nc OSS Irish Creek in Ki?2x, "PP^'^? fo erect a Bridge CrcV'"**^ of Kitley, or Th^ll^SL'lTVff T^'i ^ ai'propnuip- a hke sum. Td exnPni ,?. ^*''^"«*^'^ shall w.h the amount hereh;;:i:,STSti!^rSr£'" '• ^^ to "; o!;;;^:- :^:'rfth;^";^^ b. a„tho,ized to pay, . . such su.n of r^ioney utch ,Ie?ZJ^r^^ R-uU^vTrS.'^f William Smith -fur ,J-,m „I?T^.^ ^""^^^ ^" ^^ paid to-wxvu,,s„utb. said Road ol-ft^SlTKSJ^ *'»° construction V s".n .of thirtv-.ove,a Z J, ♦^"''Zn -(""^ exceeding the nioney to be' paid o,u o ?hl V "^?.)' s"^'' si»n 6f . soiT^^;;:Ln:i.;^eS:t^^ ;:;'^eb""^ ^" thiss.,.^^: tjvely, viz:— \ ^ »'"*** 'o me parties, respe^pi"^"'*- To Alfred Poulton "^thp «Mm «f « , - tu Ihe Court ui,,e'""'°''''»I«'""d».«''«pur,«^^^ . disbursements. . **"°y» ""^Po^ge* and other \ s •^«" II - . ' ^' '■- ' ' ToS. B. Merrill, the siim of fifteen shillings and four, pence, for printing. " '^'^tiv ^ Huddlesfon, the sum of five pownds six shmmgs and sijirence, for I*ipes and work to Court Hoiisd and Gaol. > ^' To John Shepherd, the sum of twenty-four pounds eighteen shillings and seven-pence half-penny, for repairs to the Gaol. To Harvey Miller, the sum of four pounds eight shilhngs, and ni^ie-pence, for repairs to the Gaol. To Christopher Leggo, the sum of two pounds fifteen shillinps and ten pencd, ior articles furnislied for Court House. , To Edward Robertson, the sum of three pounds, for r p^i^ting notices on Toll Roads. J«ob».B«,w„.. To.iTacob A, Brown, th^. sum of two pounds five ) ' !;^''"^' for putting upTnotices on Toll Roads. %'tMBS.^"'* Toi^'Ac Staiii^n Printing Oflice, the sum of four / t'.^ , pounds sevenrecn shillings and scveu-jrence, for Printing and Advertising. . aSSTr!/'*^'"*'' ^** Richard F. Steele, Esquire, /he §um of tWo pounds "''"•• ten shillings, for Legal aJvide. -^^ iamMKinnii To James Kincaid, the sum of/one pound eishtshillings 0. a M«nill. J.\Y,'HuddieMou John Shepherd. j Harvey Miller. Cbrisiopiicr Leg. go. Edwmnt Robert- and eleven jjence half-pe ny, fur services as Mes- B«w renafn grani* to b« paid. senger, and articles furnislied the Coimcil. 13. And l>e it further enacted. That the said Grants of Money in the thirtj, sixth, seventh, eiglith, ninth, and tenth Sections of this By-Law. shall be paid by the County Treasurer, on the requisition of the Councils of the Townships respectively, iot which such grants have been made. RO^EB^PEDEN, > ^.--"^ Warden [L.S,] JAMES JESSUP, V^^^.. 'y .l'*<4. / .«».f!;;,i,;»i«;fi,sv \ • •'"■■;r^ \ ■• Grants atli, irnd ^ by the incils of Its bave */ 7b Repeal part of B^-Law. Nutnber forty-five. , PassedJaiWarySS, l653r C^UXVfl''^ [>y the Municipal Cou/cil of the United *««..«,„. .^ Com ties of Leeds and Grenville, ao«l it is hereliv enact- \r\ .''^'"•■•' teenth Civ of Ocloher, in the yea> of our Lord one thousand eight hnn.lred ami fifJyXo. Za SnlST, ^•^il- I 7 I*" '•''''"'"^ Superintendents of Common • Scho..Is for the ye»r..l853.» as provides dr relates b^ the ^;S";'";/^V^''^''V ^^""''""- «« superintendent of . &el,ools lor he ' \,«nship of Elmsley. b4 repealed, and the sumo ts hereby re|»ealed. «,«uu 2. 4nd bo it further enacted, that Edward F. Week«cF.i«^rfpw. l .e nppomted Superintendent of Schools for he s^id-pS:ir«2.ij J cnvnship of Elmsley for the residue of the presentyear an, the sa d Edvvak F. Weeks is hereby apnoSd ' such Superintendent for the jsaid Township. *^*^ . fL.S.] ' JAMES JESSUP/ Cotcnty Clerk, ■^' ROBERT fEDEN^ Warden. v»"-"m/.u.J ■ ■■■ / /-■ ': '' . ■. ' • ■ . ■• m.h.'^BY'Um To Autfumze the Rimovaiofthe Tdl House and GaU.and I TjorpOwr Purposes therein mentimed, ■' '■ . I Passed 28th January, 1853. y Count^!«s T/ll!? *^ Municipal.Council oAthe United c.«mf«ten.«.w; Count.es of Leeds and OrenviUe, and^ it is hereby en- 5;"'"'"J*;S.» ;„ r. •' h' ♦!^rC«"»JT.is.Hionen, of the County TMrZ, &?;1^-' cnne.lth«V,ctwa Macadamized Rt«d. otlmniotityot^''^' hem l.e m,thoriz.d 4ml empuv^red.aod thby?r& directed to remove, or caiisijj^ removed wiiK«W«nI unueces-uy delay, the T<^®L';S"SU^^^^ \ ■\ \s&f^^ r • 496 /' J^'* fy'°?J'^«''"°°^ »»»e said Road, f«orn the prcseutlu? to such other pinee or site thereon, ai tlu' s:,ul Cum mist sionors. or a majority of Iheiri, shall think hcot for iho piihhc interests. , . % cwIT'nw'lf.X -2- A"*' l^e it further enacted, that Ihe Commissioners rlirir..'- f ^*^^' '""-^ C...UTty Toll Roads, res,.c,ivc.Iva..th.S to lic coiistrm-fed under the provisions of IJv-I.uus Nos ♦ ml 8. he «lirocted and they « re h.>ivl,y'.lir.vtff Toita •• orrates be established as Oie Tolls tobe paid andtiJeriat g:'-'*''*.*!^.. loll Gate No. four, in thfe Township of Elmsley, on the said Road, namely, for every Double Waggon, Carriage, or Sleigh, drawn by two Horses, wither Cattle, the sum - of sixpence; for every Single Waggon, Carriage, or bleigh, the sum of threepence ; for every Horse, Mare, r^ Sf ou^' ^® ^"™ °^ ^'^^ pennV; for every Head of ^ - CatUe, Sheep, or Swine, the sum of one half-penny, and wh«a the number expeeds ten, the sum of one farthing ^ ■;f -. "v . V 998 r ^■( I *^^«- Sji'w ^^ of returning and repassing the^me at S^y , ROBERT PEDEN, JAMES JESSUP, ■/• Vo. UL-fBT-LAW \ ^®«*d Januaqr 29| 1853. "^^"^ p B®3* ®»??ed W the Mun'icipal Council omtk United c™5»iofcom. Counties of Leeds and GrenviUeiind itiawlk^ umtea niuliMiera to That $Jk^ o^ J -"»a«d eight hundred an^ SS;^^f ;^ ^** *?^« "« hereby placed under the control of the Commissionere of each of the said Roads now anpoJjM, or that may be hereafter apSiSedtrS «)pliea by'them for the purpose of ccimplS^nrthe L^ S!«.lS JT/ f^*^* *^» •"^ *he same is hereby ^ fflolb. ** *^ *"^ *"***' disposition of thS 1 ^ ROBERT PEDEN, JAMES j£ssijp, J u_^ .lj£ iL.. •!..}<. .p£;S^'^^J."*-v1itv^ji..' ... f J .' .^,tj^j>S^-,^>x^ 'j^Kr »-.' 4r , t/ i ito, iSSL—Bt-LLW n prevent uttain Nuisances in the Public Highways of , the United Cmintiis of Leeds and Grer.ville. I*as8ed Janiiury |t9, 185^.{ . Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and it is hereby enacted, P"** *» ««•«* That from and after the passing hereof, if any pliion or tSr^"" "^'" persons shall race or otherwise immoderately ndo^rdiiye any horse or horee^, in any of the Public Ifighway* in m, . „/ /f .> /: the said United Counties, whether the same fc^ Township . ' * or County Roads, such person or penibns so ending, and ■ ' ' ' ** '' ^ being thereof convicted before any one or mpre Justices V of the Peace, having jurisdiction within thelJocalitv in whjch the offence shall be resident, or wi^in thatin * which the offender was committed, shall for&it and pay a^^e not exceeding fifty shillings, or leab than ten shillings. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person ornii«fordri*iiif persons shall ride ^ drive any horse orhorseh, or othei; ?iSJ»'tSS^* Cattle, Carriage, Sleigh, or other Vehicle, on or over any ^»*' County Bridge, erected, j)r to be erected, under the authority of the Municipal Council of the said United . (^unties, faster than a walk, such person or persons 40 offending, and being thereof convicted before any 8uc|i Justice or Justices, . shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding ten shillings, or less than five shillings. ^ /fi \3. And be it further enacted. That if any person Or pta.fi„d;„e^ pe^ns,.shj^jr put, place, or deposit any Wood, timber, iJ!»w^,^ Stone, or other material, *iii and upon any of the said Srifflj!**'™" ' County^Highways or Bridges, or shall in any way wilfuUy ^ injure or damagethe same, or any part thereof, or shaU ^ ■ '^'^' obstruct, Mhder, or molest anj person or person^ riding or driving ^ereon, so as to prevent the free and uninter- rupted use of^e said Highways or Bridges, such person or persons so o&nding, in any or either of the said c^ses, and being therj^df^ebnyicted before any such Justice or Justices, shall foffeitand pay a fine not exceeding twenty shillings, or less/that five shillings. :* / _ 4. And be it further exacted, That all Bnchinesrf»aMk«iM«»it be paid with costs forthvit^, or at the time limited by *** «*«* such Justice or Justices,* itod in default thereof, to b^ ' .._x.^i.^:iE^^,,,^^2^a^ S,,q»"^^?3MS , . ^ *—^«f||M»' ' X-. '^< 360 «!*-f .„/..:■ IN ' tS '• ROBERT PEDEN, JAMES JESSUP, Jtt^ * ^ County Clerk. • " ■ i / . . ■ - WiDMirtKir 2. To William Buell,nhe ^m of three pounds 8i,te«h shil^ngs eleven itence l^lflpenny, l^i^gJheZ^^ of his account renderet? ag£L,t the Co?ncU.' ■\ Aithnt TiUir. : Billing KUbom. 3. To Arthur TiUy , the j^m pTone itound six shilling. **J?if *"^88^^^*~"'M ^"^ Of fbur pounds four J^ r» "1 -Jf ', ^ ", ', 301 a. To ThojOM Newsom, the sumof 8ixWigh»Mohai;ti»'««w.w,« awarded to him for damages done to Lot NoVil. in thenmthConceasionofKitley. \t, ^'I^irr'*"" Lockwood the Slim oftwelve pounds ten Ju««Locta«,^ fillings, awarded to hira far damages done to Lot ^^ JNo. -!I, m the tenth Concession of Kitley. 7. To Gideon Liahey, the sum of forty-two pounds «;^ . v . awarded to him for damages done toLtNo^S '^•"' *^'- the tenth Concession of Kitley. .. 8. To James Connors, the sum of ten pounds twelve '•««• cooaw..* shillings and six-pence, being the amount awarded him for damages to Lot No. 2, in the fifth Conces- sion of Augusta. "-vca- 9. To Charles Spencer, the sum of twenty-one pounds five shillings, awarded him for damages done to Lot '^«" «"*«"• No.29, m the sUth ConceMionof Edwardsburgh. 10. To the County Clerk, thqtsum of sixteen shillings countrcu* account 1 1. To John Toung, the sum of one pound ten shil- . ^ ^ Lnf; Tl'^hr^^ ^^]^ »«« °< on^ poSd/T^^™^. and to Johjtt Holmes the siik of ten shillingsfto in- *'«*"H^ of TKvS.. T ^°' ^°*'?« "^ arbitrators on the claim ^ ot 1 nomas Newsom, for damages bv.the confi£nir> tion of thl Victoria Macadamiffld'ttJcSL '^*^'"*°- 12.rTo Jc _ pjund eich, and to-^lium'S;? S;:™S of ten'??»'S;°f'f^,? shillings to indemnify them for acting as arbitm" «™ °^- . tors on the claim of Justus Lockwood, for daU^ ^^e construcUon of the Victoria MacadaSS as arbitrators on the claim of Qideon Le4he^ fo? damages by ihp constructioii of the said Road. k 14. To Alexander M«Mill4n,^»enh Cook/iuid n.n;>i . ^ ■ '^ , J-f««y. tb. sum of three W^-^^7^^/&£i / r Uiimr. ■#■ «»>;■ V c !:• ^302 (SiiriMopher L«f go. 'UMJ KinciUi). Thomu Robert. ■on an^ \V. «. Bulkijd. V^nneii WtigfaL his account against the douncil. ^ amount of ^^^J? *^""®^ Kincaid, the sum of one pound ten ^7. To Thomas Robertson and W. B. Bnllard the «f.m claim orrF? r '''t'^^^ '^''^ «" afbuS on tlS n^!Z 5"!®^ Spencer, for damages by the con! Z^ for thf ' ^?-^ the.amouht due him for adATn- No 3 in ?h erection of a School House in SecUon wo. 3 m the Township, of Kitley. o«^"on < ^ ROBERT PJgDEN^ JAMES JESSUB, - >^ . County Clerk. ' No. LV.7-B7J4W o/Ki5^ i"®'°°T*'''' ^"'"1*^ ^oo'^'^y in January, the thurd Monday in June, and the second Monday in Octo- Mr in each and every year; provided always that P^orta- for «rti«. nothing herein contained shall prevent the Warden •«*«*^ »•««*"«• ftom caUing special meetings 6f this Council at such other tunes as he may deem expedient. %. And be ifr further enacted, that in callinir such sne- ft., r ^ ■ ernl meeting the Warden shall'give six da^publk St -«nS Il« i n°^A *"^. '*^*" ***^ P"1»se ibr which the same '"•"• are so called, and no other business shall be transacted !1Lk°^ t^ "^'^ meetings except that menUoned in 8uchnoUce,unle88itbere8pectingmatteisconnectedwith \ the mtemal management oftheCoimcil or its officers. « • ■ A, •oLl"fl5^ ''^""^ff, ®"^**^' ^^^^^'"^ By-Law shall Wh.n rir-Uw SSt tK^ ^ "^ r ^""^ *^* **°°' "Pon' from* «»°d aft" Oie «» '-'•^c tturUeth day of June, 1853. * I^T or EGBERT PEDEN, ^ MMES JESSUPp^ County Clerk,. Hi \.A fto. Vn—BY-ldLW To extend the time for receiving Tenders for Pnntine for tfie Present Year. *"' Passed 2*th June, 1853. . v i„ J?l"!!f '|»S«°«?sary to extend the time for receiv.p^„ thireforf o^Tn^'^'T^*^"'/"! ?^ P''^^"' Year; be it&".^Snd«,.. iner^ore oK^ined and euactedHhat the time for receiv- 5"' """SJ *" JAIIES JESSUP; V • CoufOjfCML -UwN«h BOBEBT PEDEN, d »<»(t-'-i- JOi a vo. Ltn.. BTLAW To IUpea2part of the Fira Ltion of By-Lav, No. Si ^^ >^^ ™ed 24th June, 1853. JonufiT i. tl,-',''*~J °" tl>e,twonty.mnth day of «^S -ifffw?^"' '? '•^^ y«*' °f o"^ Loid?^e thou- WcS.?nif""^?^*^4 ^"y' °r»"y other bS^ew of ingoftheCcmntyToU Roads r^>enimi8- B four- ) thou- aw of mplet- f /•i^acte^^^t there be raised and levied npon the ^ wjiqli^ pitcalihKproperty in the suid IFniled Counties »l*Kii ''""''"I ^''""'' **^ *'"" "f^^^T^ ♦» lid. to defray ."ipiigtjfri'nt and orJinury exjienacs thcroof. and th6 further '*moT ^109 11.4s U, forllio poymenj of thq salaries of legilly q.mlifieja Common Sch(»ol TeHfthers^ and the nr'ySo n^n.T°" '^*'*''^''' tlujwin.nnd the furtltciiauni 01 ^ J/43 Os OiJ as a special Rate authorized to be raiier and levifd upon the sai^l propofty, pursuant to the provisiyns of By-Laws Nos. 8awl 39 passSd respectivelv on the tenth day of October, 1850, and on the seventh day of IVTuy, 185'^, and that th« said several sum J shall ue TO raised and levied, in ad«l it ion to all other rates and. assessments, and bo apportioned to the several' Alunici- l>alines.in the said Counties, in the fyflowing manner, VJJ5 •■^■"': - t Municipalitiei. Fur Central Rate. 'Hft Elizub«lhtown, .347 17 10 Auijusta, 218 18 4 /«l?Se, 193 3 6 V^A'onJ, 189 2 ,7 K««l«y. 133 9 6 EdwanUburjrh, . 141 18 6 Bastard ami Burgess, 139 1 3 Wolford, U6 6 11 Front Leeds & Lansdmvne, . 1 53 6 -^Eacott,. . . „. ..^^^2,^- 46 10 10 — SouiR tiower, 53 g H Rear Leeils & Lansdowne, . 57 19 4 South Crosby, 76 19 2; -'-tlmsiey,. 51 7 7 North Crosby,.. ! ,. 51 3 '2 Town of Brotf kville,.. , . . . . . . . . : Town of Prewott,.. . . . v. . v . .... ^nr T] ^pteial Rati Common I for County SchooU. . I ToU Hoadt. £ 8. 124 15 123 9 87 14 107 2 84 113 89 78' 76 33 10 20 13 3'6 13 37 16 34 10 42 15 9 18 4 1 9 0. 6 7 2 10 5^ 6 7 6 4 6 1 1 11 3 £ 608 320 286 366 D. 8i ■(\ 194 18 11 207 « 4i 203 10 169 16 223 9 67 19 77 17 84 13 112 8 75 -0 74 14 590 14 279 15 ?f I ? 3 5 8 2 2 mm 4 1111091 4 213743 OJ wUUf 'the reby \ -^ ^. AnJbe It further enacted, That there be raised and kxi»;«j«-*™. levied upoa the .said property in the .said Township fo^KlSriSfS? Municipalities re^spectivoly, the sum of sixpence in the 'T*^ hundred pounds and so in projioriioif on any lessaijra, in % r^^^^ addition to all other Rates and Assessments |br the i Lunatic Asylum as required by the second Section of* ' the Act 13 and 14 Victbria Chapter 68. < 3. Apd be it 4|r|b«r enacted, That the: nUd Mveial 2« >*^; % v.- »Hf'" -\-^ -;l«t^. f j^:^^, If ;?^i- . %J^' t A-; ■. And be it further enacted, That the said.i\Junicinali- of Vhf A^i. f ^'p^'I; i"'"^«erebydirectedtoberaisdd,,lfe^ " ' "f '*,,^"^'^t«d' »o ^e furnished to the County Treasurer ' * res ectiver^ I ^^^^' "^'^ such Collector's Rolls '^re",„?a^_ 5 And be it further enacted, That each and every T^wnshipTrea- Collector shall ou or^before the fourteenth day of December next return his Roll to the Treasurer of his Municipality and pay ovfer to him the sums directed bv - this ,By.Law to be raised, levied, and collected, and shalV . - also, on or before the daylast mentione.l, deliver to iSe dn'J'^^ h^lTT' ""* r^^*"'"^ ^^ *'»^ Taxes remaining on his Roll according to the Statute in that behalf. - ' '* 6. And be it further enacited, That this By-Law shall come into force and take efffecf npon, from, and after the day of the pas^ng hereof. ^ - .'" fl •' .ROBERT PEDEN, [L. S.] . '• ' . V ■ ' Wfirdirn. JAMES Tl?<3fiH^ 1 Wh^n this By- law to take effect. ■ -I ■ ■< Cikmty Clerk. ■ .- .'■} " -, ' ' " , : , , ■ Jb Caver certain Graai^ (f ^Monev. • ' ^ , . ■■ ' " ' ^ Passea June 25, 1853. fiJI:„?S" ??°*!? ^y ?« Mi^'cipal Council of the United CkwmtwB of Loads and GfenvUle, and it ia heieby enact. \ '#^ * BVied in the ac6(I on the in separate other rates llected,,and, >n or before said Muni- Municipali- dompletibn th* total of sdd, ^levied, Treasurer, stbr's Rolls and every th day of nrer of his lirected by I, and shall ivcr to the remaining lat behalf. Law shall 1 after the DEN, Vnrd^n, , 1853. ed, tW the sura of ten pounds/be granted to,iid in the l cutt.ng down of two hills in/the .ixth Concession of rten'„^ J^eeds known as the Baxter a/id Gainford Hills, as soon rf «»>«'■ and as ,1.0 Municipal Council of Lt Township .hall apro! E±r '"'" ^ pr.a e and expcul a likesiiil/for that pi.posc^, !o be paid ' on the requisition of the To/aishi|«:ouncil of the Rear oi Leeds and JUnsdowne. / . . ^ y.i| be^^rfnf.S^'"' several sun/s in this Sectioh mentioned sL Sw„,ed .o be granted and paul by /he County Treasurer to the / parties-; respectively, viz.: J- ' ( To the Receiver Geiieral thesum of four nound«5i. ^ eighteeii shillings, I books furnishei the RrgJ^r"""" ""' of the County of G/enville. , / "^^^ AJ!*"^ Anderson, /the sum of two pounds eif^hteen aa . . / shillings and four Lnce, for book binding. "" '""'"""• To the Coj^ty CleVk; the, sum of seventeen shillings Conwycierk. Countie?^"'^''' I ^'^^''^ ^^'^ ^y ^"^ ^of ^^^ •To Christoplier l(eggo, the sum of sixteen shillings chris.opherLe* the g'io/''""t ' '"''P^"^^^ incurred in cleansing «?"• ^"tw^rjitrn^^/"' ^^f «""^ *«f twenty-seven pounds UavidWyuJ twelve shillings and one penny, for printing. / To C. Fieltis, tile sum of fifteen shillings, for a table c Field., lor the use of the Council. . • ' To ne Statesrkmt Printing Office, theswm of twenty- The state.man t\voj)ounds/ fourteen shillings and^ six-pence, fpr ^"""'«o«"- To ArthuF Ttlly, the sum of one pound, for balance a rihorXiUr. 01 his account rendered at the last Session. To John Burfethll, the sum oflhirt/y pounds, being the John BurchilL amount ot /his account for surveying the Merrickville and Maitl^nd Roaclfc-. : ° To John yVoods, the sum of one hundred' and forty- Mu Wood* lour poui^s, for work done by him ou the Kempt- viiifl rt'>"<'P-" gcott Mftcadamiged fifettdi =^ :V'^'' *"-'-^-— i^H ■ »- n-Of. I....... 4 V - 'i -^-'■T'- 308 hum KimMd. ^ ^° James Kincaid, the sum of two pounds two shilliies "^ * -^ »»°,?fven pence, for articled furnished, and ^. i tend^ce as Messenger during this Session. rii S 1 W ROBERT PEDEN, * ' 'J ' Warden. ' JAMES JESSUP, (bounty Clerk. t' No. LX.— BT-MW To B^ate the Salary of the County Treasurer. • / i Passed October, 12, 1853. LuntL^yr!.; ^-'^t ^nlL"^""^^^ ^"•^"^■' °f »i^^ United Counties of Leeds and C^nvfHc, and it is hereby en- ""^Zt-^' Sotr'^^'h;'^"' No ia.,p,3sedun.he twelfth dly of / W I ; ^''l y^-'*'' •'^ ""•■ r-"rd (.ne thousand ei-ht / mrl of R "t fi"y;,'^»^/"tituled. « By Law to Re ,e 4Lec.B>-i.wP!^ .,^.f^ ^-.F"'';.^"; '^^' P^^^^'i '»y t|ie lute Dis riot No. 136 iji.trict ^^l'""Cll on tilt! |5th diiy of PVliriiaiV « ISIQ •" n.irl nlfa^ /Cou„c.>.epe.e. the /u..rth sectjon of Bh..y^T\lh 1^'^eh e &£ year last afore^.d^ and entitled " By-Law to Rrp.,late the Salaries aitfl Duties ojT certain District Olficcrs " and D^rie? 'c'"' ^y^« Vl^^^* '-a^ By-Law Of the late District Council, or og^his Couifcil rehUing to the Sa- Jary, percentage or allowance to t^he County Treasurer be, and the same are hereby repeaied. ^^^asurer. ofto ^i"*^ ^° •' ^"J",'*"^ enacted, that upon, from and _ after the passing of this By-Law, the sun of two lu,". the said Treasurer ,n Jieu of all fries, percenta-^es or de- mands for services as such Treasure'r,^and that the L.me shall be payable quarterly, that istosay, on the first day c1rtS7ofr '^^/de^ ^""^^^ - ^'-^' -^ rj^ g , ROBERT PEDEN, ' * '■' Warden. JAMES JESaUP, 3 / County Clerk. • Amonnt of Trea nirer't Salary. 'o shillings I, and at- m. DEN, Varden, zsurer. :, lvS53. le United ereby en- fth day of uid eight to Repeal 3 District and aliso late Dis- iry/inthe Rep'ilate :ers." and :" the late the Sa- Veasurer, Tom and wo hiin- Suhiry of ?s or de- the same first day r, on the / EN, 309 Na LXI— BY-LAW ^To Repeat^rt ofpJie Fifth Section of BytaufNo. 4 and farther Pioppses therein mtnf.ioncd. ' Passed October, 12, 1853. Be it. cnactod by the rvluniciixil Conncil of the United Counties ot Leeds and Grenville, arid it is hereby enact- ed, that so nuich of the fifth section of By-Law No 4 jasscd on the fonrtetnth day of March, in the yea; J our Lord one thousand eight hnndred and fifty, as relates y tlie appointment of Commissioners for the Kemptviile alnd Prescott Bo.d and alsaBy-Law No. 17, passed on the first day ol lebruary, in the year of dur Lord on.- tt^jsand eight hnndred and fifty-one, shall be and the saxne are herei)y repealed. . And be I't further enacted.that the following persons be,tand thoy uro |,erd,y appointed Commissioners for t^ie Krmptvillo and Pr^seott County Toll Road, to wit, RobcVr krrn.bnn., William H. Bottom, John s! Arx^hi- «il.i.\. umcs K^cler, and William H. Brouse, and shall have the same power and airthority, and be subject to the sabe r(-spons|b,Iitic55 as the other Commissioners ap- pmnUcUy the sa.d By-Law No. 4, or any other By-Law r?"."""!;'" '^^ "''''^'"»' constructing, and com- pleting ^f the County Toll Roads respectively. Appointment of Cominissioiicr* for Kemptviile & Hre«cii(i Road rujiealed. ^y-.'ji'.v No. 17 repi'jlcii. MeMrsKemahnn, Hottoni, Arclii. I«« t- ' , -X . ■ • 311 party so Tendering shall furnish security as hereinafter .^ \ me^Uoned ; and provided also that they kail not rcept "^ 4^.Jf iu "" ''-'"^ amount than was realized at such Vr^te for the current year. , i^l'n^'^^ ?^ *^."^ Commissioners shall take a bond tor the-SST'' '" t'«P^"«'s"m of double the amount of -r."CK me lender accepted, conditioned for the payment of the ^^'^""• rent ,„ equal , monthly payments to the ComUy TreVsu! rer the first of which siiall be. made on the fii^t da^ "f :^ February next following the conin^encement of the year for which the Gate shall be Ifeasecir. ^ ' 5. Provided nevertheless that in any case where the bvThe fi'XTnf"?''^ ^" ^"'''^ ^''"1' ""* ''^ determined Te^^S-^o^ oy tlje hrst day of Janufiry next, the Gate or Gates so f i"'f '"' «"« i« nnH tl^l r J thirty-first day of December following, ^ mntl^ f^Y ^■''^''"^"/ ''^^" ^"" ^"« '^'^ first day of the month following such expiration, and shall be for the eS ;„3'ti " ^^"""^ •" "'^•^'^ ^"^^^ '-- ^i-» ha': i l^^^i^^blJeVo^S^ payments shall be monthly ^ . ' ii, ^' J^^^ *^'^ following sums or rates be established as „ Uie Tolls to be demanded, paid and collected at ea°h '" ""*" tw ^^*V\ ^^ 'r"^ ^^'^'^ respectively now erected or that may be hereafter erected thereon, that is to say :- For every description of Summer or Winter Vehicle drawn by one Horse, or other Beast, the sum of two pence; ¥■' . ' " ■ ' ' For every atyitionul Horse or other Beast attached to any such \ ehicle, the sum of one penny. , . with Its rider, th.e suni of one penny. # - r— -, ^ For every Horae, Mare, Geldiiig, Ass, Mule, Bull. Ox ' Cow, or head ofCattle, the sSm of one penny. ' " ' For every Sheep, Calf, iamb. Goat, or JTog, the sum ' ?LT° .u^'P^-^^i and when the number exceeds twelve, the sitm of one farthing eaph. ■ r .^,J 11 7. .P«.Ya«d always, aiui M it anaoted, That tli« ::^j .^i^iMki: li. '^■j- i ■'V J-. ♦ . ■. .,.■•. ' 312 ■ ; ■; . ^ ':,. . fe'^r'X f^l^' .°f evety Toll Gate shall affi.v or cause to be iai,teofT.,ii» amxed m some .conspicuons placo on rvcrvsuch l^oll . .nG«^c. Gate or Toll-House atlac!,ed tlu-,etc>. u t,Z !nlS!V^ ; .^>- payable for passing the su.ne j; Piovido.l also, Thnr no W„ '*'' '''¥1''' ^nwn their n,.irch or ou duty, us well ^m^r'"'''^' S^Providvd thef are n^t otherwise loaded - : , .. I" shftll be c mrgeable with^ny toll ^; Rate whatWer' ^^:S!^,^^ Provided 'also. That all Person^^ Horses, or cSes v^iHk..,tpfT<>ii, going to. or,attenduig, or returniiW ffom any funenl nf - / , ^ any person or going to or r.;nrning from D ^ne So rv ee on. the Sabbath day, shall puss the Gate, free o? ToU° and aho Clergymen on all occasions while travellin.^ in' their own conveyances. == jp.ontofu.come, }^^^^ respectively, shall furnish to this Counfcil at thJ^ io. January Se«ion in each year, a detailed s te .^L of , ."'^"^'^""^^'^"aexpeuditnre^QfsuehRdadsrespcS^ *^"!risr^ to t S ^V^^T'f '""^'^ ""^^ appoilited or hereafter itaymemofToii. to I e appointed on the four County Toll Ro:U\s be oxen nt and hey are hereby exempted from the p:ty„e„, ,^ffi on the Road over which they huve power and control and that any By-Law or part of an{^ By-W con i n' . jnS provisions contrary to' the provisions herein co I tamed shall be repealed, and the same ard^Je'ebv declared to. be repealed. «r|, ^lereuy -. fL- $0 '^ ROBERT PED^, JAMES JESSUP, i ' • . County Clerk, Warden, ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ .. ■ -'^. . " . . ■.. • \ ■"■ . No. LXnr.-^B7-LAW To Repeal part of By-I^w number forty eight. . ■-:^: 4 Passed October 14., 1853. " . rl?®i* *"*?«^,*»y *fce Municipal Conncil of the United ■v.. J f c T C( at M on pa W th sa: Ml to 4w -*■ :^7: /.«*': ■v.:-^: -.ti'?-; " 113 ^--i That^the third section of By-Law numbed forty.eight.3fds.c.B,.uw passed on the sixteenth d&y of October, in the year of N"- « wp««ie«J our Lord one thousand eight hundred aVd fifty-two, and ^-.' entitled,«By-Lawtqcover5ertain grants of money" . f 'A" T^^ ^^ ^®'*^y repealed, and that the sum • * °"y Pow^asrgranted by the said Section, be transferred I to the JNIumcipal Council of the front of Leeds and Lans-x» g«^^^ downe, to b? expended m repairing the Aidge across the Warden. 4 "?.. r I t No. LXV.--BT-LAW To Cover certain Grants of Money. . Passed Odfeber ISi-^lSSa, ■,.■'.; • ' *■ - x ■ ^ Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Unitea ^'' Su"^^^^ °^ Leeds and GrenviUe, and it is hereby enactedllSJ^JlyM^JSJ /. 1 hat the sum of five pounds be paid to the Townshio r'iS"?" 1^- \ Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh, for opening ©1""^ """^ and surveying the Road between that Township and Matilda, phisuant to the Resolution of the CouncU passed on. the twelfth day of October, 1850. / " 2; That the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds be qnu.A;£25o „ paidout of the County funds to the Commissioners of the {«i'#«<^bi to West Port arfd FarmersviUe County Toll Road to enable WcTpoT«Sf them to hqmdate the debt due the Contractors on the &""'"'' said Road; ■ ' . . • H 3. That the sum of fifty pounds be granted « to the <5™n« °f JE»\, * Municipal Council of the Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, S'UeiLf A^ w be expended as follows, that is to say; the sum, of *^°"*^ »<*^ ^KHrndsiTTart thexeutiw the Beverly aSd" 2u I' f -' / . :■•/. 5^ . ' 314 ■V... * Kingston lUwd ; the sum of twelve potmds ten shilliniw. other part thereof, on the White Fish Road, and the sum of twelve pounds tea shillings, the residue, on the two . Koads leading to Gananoque. SymiKmniedto , *' That the several sums in this Section mentioned be granted and paid by the CountyTreasurei to the parties respectively, viz : — ^ David wyu«. To David Wylie, the sum of one pound four shiUings .,, and thre? pence,; for printing. stjjhenB.Mer. 'To Stephen B. Merrill, the sum of twelve shillings and three pence, for printing. > . ,. 7 "'■ . Aifttd PoiHton. To Alfred Poultop, the sum of fi^ pounds, for repairs to Gaol and Court House. . ^ To William Buell, the sum of three pounds and nine shillings, for stationery. ," To Henry Lillie, the sum of twenty-five pounds, for 8urveying;^the West Port and Farpersville Road. , 4&> Harv^ Millar, the sum of one pound and sixpence for wo)k to the Gaol. ,■' i -■■' ' ~.-» . ' '" ' ■ - To the County Clerk, the sum jof fourteen shUlings. for postages disbursed by hun for the Counties. • TbJames l^incaid.the sum of tm^ pounds and tenpence halfpenny, ior stationery furnished and attendance as Messenger of the\ConiiciI. , 1 - X..- ' ' ■ ■ » To Henry l|lUe, the sumV three pounds five shillingi^ for surveying Roads in Bastard and South Crosby. ctei,,oph«L..- To ChristopW Leggo, the ^um of nineteen shillings, ■^ fo'fueli and cleaning the Court House. * ■William BocU. Henry Liljio. Huvey Millv. Cottnly Clerk. Jam^e Kiiiciaid. Henry Liliie. Jmeekincid. Tb James Kinpaid, the sum of five shillings, for one dav'S additiniial otf«n<4»»> HIT. 6 , *w» wuu day»s additional attendance as Messenger! ®CSSLno«;iJfe a sum not exceeding theim of twentv-fi ^tt ou. ^"f^»^,,8«n*ed for the purpose of lighting the JUrt House With Gas, and that the Wanle^be aSthoria^ to mrange for such lighfin^ 5t '-315 • ■■'■■ ■ '■ ■■■ ' '% ■_ ♦hf 'w*^f n^t''"^ of fifteen pounds be.granted to repair xia gnmi ,„ the West Port and FarmersviUe County Road, and mid 2««»w".1po,i ^^the Qounty Treasurer to the Commissioners of Sat LST""^'* ■ h7^!^^^}^e ^".u °^*'"® hundred and ninety-five pounds xi9c G«n.ed for oe granted tor the purpose of purchasinff a Lot in thA i->t«ndbuiidin(r .Town of Prescott LdTr the%rectioX a stiUle Sttiur' building thereon for a Registry Office for the County of Grenville and that the Warden for the time being Wilham H. Brouse, and William Garvey be appointed Commissioners to purchase ihe said lot and to erect or cause to he erected the s^id building for a Regist^ Ofice as aforesaid, arid, that the Treasurer be authorized and required to pay the said sum of one hundred and ninety-five pounds at such times and in such sum&as me said Gommissioneis, or a majority of them, shall ' ->- require. .; . * > 'm I ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■■ ' 8. That ^Jirfum of twenty-five pounds be granted to ^« . ae« of the Victoria Macadamized* Road ^^fe h!;fjS?f^'°''®'!i'"/"'' '^""'™ xuacaaamizea J outttf-the County funds for repairing the said Road RiMd. [L. S.] JAMES JESSUP, County Cltrk. ROBERT PEDEN, Warden. 3nce lance / A' No. LXVI-BY.LAW T^A^me, Open and Establish the County Toll Hoods ^ therein mentioned* Passfl^ December 7, 1853. Whereas the Commissioners appointed to superintend F»Mmu. the construction of the County Toll Roads hereinafter '- mentioned, arid authorized to be constructed under the /^ provision's of By-lAws Nos. 4 and 8, passed respectively on the fourteenth day of March and the tenth day of Go' - . tohfl^ i» tho y d aar of mx Lord ouu IhoiWMtd^^ht hun- f: x, \m A ■V lU Description of Law No. 50, passed on the twenty-eighth davof JaA^ uary. m the year of tur Lord one^thofisaud eight W^^^ ^red and fifty-three, to complete the %u{vey of the whafe hne of each of the said County Toll Roads under tS ScSi* '^r^'r'^' andS^port such survey to tion fS n ' • y^^'^^J^^ pursuance of such direc tion the Commissioners of the Road, known Hs th« County Toll Road from MerrickviUe lo'SSd, hav? gusta and Ma.tland, to be surveyed and re#jl*d to th"s Council by John BurchiU, the 'surveyor Sbyed bv them to make ^uch survey, ^nd which is dsSrS in £' toT;^'??'?'''^^^"y ^""^ *° '^^^^^^^ ^ follows! tha" W^K^l ^""i^'^f^^^^^^^s for the survey of thai part N ijoaa7romNonh„f 7h^^J ^""«"°st™ctions tor. the. survey of thai part Au«u.u.oA«..of the above Road lying between Nqrth Augusta knd Maitland, I proceeded to perform the same, and com- ^ S^^'t^'l^'"^^:^ ninth Concession ^? Augusta, 55 links south-west of tfu^post between Lots 33 and 34 msaid Cpncession. thencJIlJng the St^^et o„ the co„«e south 12 degrees 30 minut^^vee^ I chainlSsrnfa- thence.on the course soufh" 14 degrees 33 minutes S' 4 chains 25 linlcs to the water's edfe of the Sh tS of the Rideau; thence , on the same course 1 bhain 25 / ctwf!"i'^"r '^ ^^^ 5 thcTice on the same^ourse Ichaineimks; thence t)n the coiirse south 31 deer^s ^"|ij«tf s^ast 2 chains 88 links; thence on the Slirae south 2^ degrees 30 tainutes east 18 chains 98 links to a deep gully along side the old Road, in which is a smalt 38 chains 79 hnks; thence on the course south 40 de- ^grees 32 ramutes east 2 chains 71 links to the side line , between Lots 33 and 34 in the eighth Concession of Au! gusta; ithenpe on the same course 8 chains 50 links to a post marked o^ me/ej thence on the same cotirae 23 chains 20 links to the front of the eighth ConceSn of ^q"f nT^^T^ "'"^^'^ 'i'""''^^ "^l^ Concession on LJs 33 and 34; thence on the same "course 13 chains 87 Imte; thence on the course south 26 degrees 8 minutes «Mt 42 chains 93 links to a post marked tu^ZlT- thence on the same course 47 chains 96 fnks; thence on thecouise south. 26 degrees 48 minutesleast 2 chains 34 Unks, to the'froat of the seventh Concession of Au- |«sto, having crossed tiiiongh said Concession on Lot ? i „«"°® ?•* '^® "*™6 coi'se on the side line between S? ^^'j^f^^^ ^ ^^^ '^'^^ Concession of Au^tei; chains 70 links to a post marked thne miies ; thZe on ^e S nS/^* «l»ainsi) hnks to the water's edge ot ine lent JNation, course soUth-easterlv tli«.nrt« *'*i^ sime counie 1 chain creasing ,« J S, .' tfSf "° '° • same courss 32 chains 75 SnK. .1.^ ' ™"?<' »■> *o soutK 26 dc„.es 48™"^',™'$ 26 eh^/Jo tk. r° SnTi' i{:f Si tt ^ *'^r -^^ "s" ■ s s=rs 1 irr2%n'o!„5 w--™^^ the same col,rse 14 cliain^ fi« r V F' thence on , -go south 25 i^;^ l^i^^z^ i ^^dSL^^St^:^^^ thence ^I^S'Sr^f i 27 degrees 72 minutes ea^tHhi"^ ^""^ water's edge of the pStNatiite '"^ *° *^^ tlience onfhe same co ,L l S^fe^^^^^^ River; thence on tlie ?ame c^ , J « ^' "°'!,'°^ ^^ to the ffont of the fourth <^L?"'^V^ ?^^'"« ^4 links crossed thro/gi^S^toS^S^^^^ thence on the same course 3 chain^fifiXi; * ** ^^5 marked ..... n^^s; the«ce o„ ttSm' cS *° chlw^ 50 hnks ; thence on the course 3^25^1^^ mmutes east 38 chains ^iO linirc L »« aegrees 51 links, to the front of the ^ecoTSonceSn ^f A^I^'*! ^ course 1* chains Ql Untc. fw ' tnen<^ on the saiAe degrees 52 StL ea^lVl'Sf.^'^"^ «»»«» ^4 of the Village of MaSfand • t^n«^'^! W^"*'^'»««' --r *r ""u. *--*--. ■^ - iE ?*<, 318 r '*^^ ^ termmation of^ the;RpW^in said Villagd^ making he whole distance from North Augusta to i\dand . — , fcn^mtlajind seventy-nine chains. tL LaKias been laul oat|?^^ feet ia width from North An^nst^ to the - ,*°™'J^^?'.*'^'^'ns 93 Unks; and the remaining distance ' rwidUu- "' ^ ^'^^^ ''"'" ^^^ ""* onlffortylel uir^a'tito W S^it'SJ^ff^J^^'^f *'''^^"" given^cording '"**"^ f ii! T't i ^"^ Municipal Council of the United Coun- ^inT'''^"'^^'^''^"'^'^*^"^^ a' its present meeting ^ ' Kfy\^^^\toassiime, establish and dpen as a County Road, that part of the said Road hereinbefore described and surveyed by the said John Burchill: Be it there^ R . - fh?^"rS*^ aV^^ ^'^ ^°"»°"' that that part of ""«*cripiion of Ro«i! bel)f een T- _--iii, ^- ^^ w** l» \ ■ /' ^9 (■■ 22 chains 42 links lo the ccntte nf r^.A n between the sixth and srveuth'golS, of kS"° the Rouil pass ng throuffh Lot mool^fu ^*"''> » Concessiourthen^ce (onSid RoS^-2\iS^^,^^ ?«^f^»» course north 55 dpi»rPf.« inim,ioo f',. ^"®°*^® on 15 chains 90 links to a p<^' Sed A^^T'.T^ |ter;The£-".-HcSiS north H degrees 55 minutes west S^L 85 Sf ■ ftrongh Lo |s Nril! ul 'SJ^afSVjteg!!^ t hroo. ei. II I. - wmc coi.i»e HtouB 15 IfaLygT? ,; i"^' rS ■ ,■„..-..,,/: 1 * < J^\ ^' +• t- 320 V ' the course north 8 degrees 57. nliin^tes, west 36 chains ' ; 51 hnks , to the centre of Road allowance between Lqts -/ Nos^ j|2 and J3 in the fourth Concession of Kkley ; the I "Road parsing diagonally through Lot No. 13 in said Concession ; thence on the coufsiS north \&3 degrees 32 ^linutes west (along the centre of said Rbad allowance) -_'■,:, 24 chains 94 links to a. post marked-j«a; mjfles.; thence on . . the same course 14 chains 77. links ; thence on the course north 8 degrees ,58 minutes west 4 chains 43 links to the front of the fourth Concession of Kitley ; thence on the , gj^jjjg course 7 chains 36 links to the centre of Road allotvance between Lots Nos. 12 and 13 in the third v5 Concession of Kitley ; the Road passing diagonally through the north- wc^t corner of Lot Mq. 12 in the fourtb ^ Concessjon and through the south-east corner of Lot No. .4$*' 13 in tjte third Concession ; thencJe on the course north 33 degrees 5 minutes west (along the centre of said Road ^ allowance) 53 chains 44 links to a post marked seven miles ;. thence on the same course 18 chains^ 28 links; thence on the^course north 57 degrees is minutes west 1 chain 32 links to the front of the third Concession of Kitley ; thepce on the same course 2 chains 7 links to the centre of Road allowance between Lots Nos. 12 and 13 in the second Concession of Kitley ; the Road passing diagonally through the north-east corner of Lot No. 13 in tBfe^ third Concession, and through the south-west 'corner of Lot No. 12 in the second Concession ; thence on the course north thirty-three degrees wejit (along the centre of said Road allowance) 47 chains 83 links to the water's edge of the south bank of Was/tburn''s Creek; thence on the same cpurse 1 chain 2$ links crossing said Creek} which makes the whole distance from the south side of IriA Creek to the north side of WasliMifn's Creek seven miles three-quarters and ten chains seventy-five links, and the tsridth throughout j«^<«/ge«.» Notice that Bv-j And whcrcas public notice has been given according ^wonid 6e to law that the said Council would at its present meet- ing pass a By-Law to assume, establish and open as a CountyRc«d,thatpartof the said Victoria Macadamized Road hereinbefore described in this section and surveyed •^oZrHi>h'^y ***® *^** ^°^^ Burohill : Be it therefore further enacted way. 'by the said Council, that that part of the said Victoria Macadamized Road so as afbresaid in this Section described, surveyed, and reportedj-be assumed, established and opened as hereinbefore deacribed, as A, County Road* >n d lligh%v»y} B ub jec t ncv e rthd ca s t o thy j ^y ii ieiit vt C T] T] pu re! re: th< an^ en the Pe< per oth hoR bur oth( exp whi the *" 'u ' » 1 I iN « / t J^lt, ■-»* - «i j « Mi ii < a t «. N t \ : \. 322 , For every horse, ass, or mule, or other beast, bearing burthen, an additional sum of £2. For every man sailing with a ddoked vessel, trading - and exposing for sale, goods,wares and merchandize, on board or from the same, the sum of J612 10s. Od. For every man trading with a boat or other craft, and exposing for sale, good§, wares^ and merchandize, for each boat and crafl the sum of jC5, 'thireof^m 2* ^^^ ^ ^* further enacted, That nothing herein of Goods, &c., coi^tained shall extend or be construed to extend to |^^"^|™J^ prohibit anjj^ person or persons who are the real makers reiau or other- af any goods, warcs, and merchandize of the manufac- '^" ture of this Province, or his, her, or their agents from selling such goods, wares, and merchandize, by retail or otherwise, 'nS^^pe^m^ 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful seiiinjfwithouiafor any Justico of the Peace, Constable, or Peace Officer, i^ Liceiwo. jQ seize and detain any such Hawker, Pedlar^ or Petty Chapman, or^ther trading person as aforesaid, who shall bo found trading v/ithout a dicense, contrary to this . By-Law, -or being fc^nd trading" shall refuse or jjeglect to produce a License according to this By-Law, after being required so to do, in order to his or her being carried, and they are hereby required to carry such ■ persons so^seized, unless he or she shall produce their respective Licenses, before one or more Justices of the Peace, the nearest to the place ^here such offence or How QOendeni to offcncesf shall be committed, which said Justice or Justices »» P'«:eedc(i arc hcfcby required and authorized, either upon the concession of the party offending, or due proof by witness or witnesses, other than the informer, upon oatM ; which «oath he or they are hereby authorized to administer, that the person ot,per?ons so brought before him or them, had traded as aforesaid, witliont a License, and in case no f suclli License shall Ibc produced by such offender orj oflemlcrs before such Justice or Justices, the said JtMi^iire or Justices by warrant under his or their hands and seals, directed to a Constable or other Pcaco.Officer shall cause ' a sum not exceeding JBIO with reasonable costs, to be fortlil^th levied by distress and sale of the goods, wares and merchandize of such ofTcnder or offenders, or of the goods, with wl^ich such offender or ofTcndens shall hi agninfU Fine. i i Dimd t r ading a s ^. ifu r e saidjTendCTing thu uv er plm, if L be ::t' ■^~ "^ — t, bearing i, trading chandizO) 2 10s. Od. craft, and chandiz», ig herein )xtend to il makers manufac- 3nts from f retail or be laTitful ^ ;e Officer,^ or Petty who shall y to this trjjeglect taw, after ler being .rry such Lice their es of the ffence or r Justices upon the y witness I; which ister, that hem, had 1 case no f ender orj d JtMi(iie:b and seals, lall cause ' its, to be ds, wares or of the shall be Which shall be m force until the ff^f ^nxrJ-rJt .®'Tn>a»urerto • ; • ; l>u»^|ionof and not until thenTnv J^^^ * ^ ^^ of January next i^wwtake' withstoSg '^ '°^*° *^^ contrary herein not- •=«^'- .■ ROBERT PEDEN, >s,^ [L.S.J JAMES JESSUP, ^ pounty Clerk: V Warden. No. LXVnL-BT-LAW 2>» CVwcr certain Grants of Money. :^assed December 8, 1853. ^ Be it enacted ^y the Municipal Council of the United . • .".'', .-,■■" Se cSiS! ' '*«'^»««»eiite made hy him fS<^«'»«? . I«< •i ^ ■ V » • -f: s*' \. ■.■■v ■t- : y / ; INDE^ to BY-IAWS OF THE DISTRICT COmciL Vh V '--^■---l^'^^^^.^,..^,^^^^,/^ No*, of By.Lau>, Ditf. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do,, tkt. Do. /Do. - Do. Do., Do.' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. • 16 20 21 44 61 66 madefrom, . v. — ^, Of the District for the year 1842, ' ' A ' Of^undrySchoolDfetricts,86,9l,104,13'l,134,i61,16(; IM W the D^^ff °1^-"P''^*«°'*«°^ °f Schools ^^^^^ Of the District for the year 1845, / ^w 1044, 86 0fthe.Di8tr.ct for the year 1846 id 1847, . < jm JJI For Common Schools for 1847 °*'' • ,129,146 Of Sundry-School Districts, te'i^pea^ pai of Byllaw Ni.'"'' For support of 'oistrictModel 'school 'foAui, . " }« Of the District for 1848, . . ' i * . ' For Conanon Schools for 1848, '' . -' . Of certain School Sections, . ^ * -.'- - * Of School Sections, to repeal pait of By-Law No 171 Of ce rtain School iWioM for 184?. ' ' Do. -^oreonnnbn SChOolsTor 184J^ OfAe District for general purposes foi 1849,* . * . 1.61. ..163 165 . 171 172 ,178 ^J8t- 182 183 *• 1 1:>A ■ \ ■ ■■■■.y^^t^'.'r-- ■ ■ _ . ■■■ ■ " ., .328^ ■ ■ ;.. ■:, ■ ■;-;";.'- Asaessmenta, OflSchOol Section No. 5, in Bastanjl, , • . . ^m\ Ho. Oi School Seciion No. 3, Kitley. to repeal part of By-Law No.l7i; . ; ... ,. ,94 Assessors, t(^rovide"certain information to be furnished to, . 105 Do. To regulate compensation ^owed to, for assessing a School Section, . ... . •. . . 167 Auditors, tq regulate the Salaiy o/, . I . . . ^ 103 Augusta, To establish a Boad in the Township ofj 52, 80, Sb, 101, 120, 12^ -. . : ■ J:. ',-■■.-' B, '■- , ../, -•._ ■ - Breach or violation of By-Laws, Fine imposed for, . ". H Bastard, To.establish a Road in the townships of Baetaid and South rt» n, ^^^y> • • . , ..36,120,124 DO. To establish a fioad in, 61,82, 91,92, 109, 110, 133, 136, 139, 141, ■^ ' , • 166, 193 Do. To close an old Boad in, . ', , . lOOL 123 Books, to provide fw the custody of, . . , . 187"! Boundary Line of the Township of Edwardsburgh, . . ' 22 Bridges and Roads, to expend certam moneys granted for, . . 162 Buigess, to establish a Boad in, . . 46,141,186,193(3) Burgess aiid Bastard, to unite the Township84)f, . .188 Clerk of District Council, relatmg to the Salary of, ^. " . . 65 Collec&rs ii arrear for Taxes, how to be collected, '. ' . 18 Do. .To regulate compensation to, for collecting Tax in a School Section, . . . . . .167 Do, To pay over Schbca Moneys oh or before the 3id Tuesday ^ December, . . » . . . 170 Councillors, to provide for vacating seats oi^ . . . 4 Do. To determine the number of, to go out of oflSce annually, 96 D(fc To ensure the punctual attendance of, .' . Do.. to compensate for attending District Council, . ' . Do. -^ To direct performance of Statute Labour, .. . j Court House and Gaol (new), to provide for payment of residue of Debt , ^'» • • • . . . . 126 Crosby North, to establish a Highway in ninth Concession of, . 23 Do. To clb80 a Road in, . ... . . 36 ^' J]°ggJ§MiflhaPoadin, i^,10fl,i37,,ia 8 ,.1 4 0^1 8 5(£)^ia ^^ 119 142 156 Bji-Lum. . 189, •Law 194 . 105 ihool 167 X 103 20,135, 166, Ids It outh 20,124 )9, 141, 66,193 00,123 lOT! 22 152 193(3) 188 66 18 lOOl 167 iii 170 4 96 119 142 155 >bt 126 23 36 i9 3 (g)L. i yjtisiby South, S2d ■-./■ J'.' ^ Do. To Cftisby, to establi; •0 e^aJ.Jish a Ui^^w^in Bastanl atid South Crosb^ Mtabliah a Boad l^a Road in North and South Crosby, ' X. 36, ^ „ 39, 41, 120, 124 ^9, 11^, 124, 173, 185 113 ^District Officers, to fix, the Salaries of. ^\^ E • "fVv. 148 1^ -r-*f-. Edwardabuigh, to establish a Road in « ^, , ^- To close a Road in / i69» 173, 193(4) Do. To es^blish a Rold i„,^and to .ij^I By-Law,' Nos '' "" TV. n, 47 and 58, (see Sec. 2) . ^ «« ^ I°««t*W»haRoad,andtoclo8eanoldone/n ' n* "^'S^SS^^ '«;i«6 C2i, 173(iK Do. TocJr^^- "^''r^''^^"'38,«^ f .'*/•,-, * • • . 192 - 10 43 u.,t, ■ Fees, relating to ceifain, .. Fineii, To hnpoae, in certain cases, Halls, Tot^, To provide for erection of in Townihipi, ■ ' ■■■:■■ ■■:■•■ '■■ "--Ih- • ;' "' 14S iwpection of Pot and Pearl Ashes, to^rovide for, . 2t\ 4 45 T ♦ , /!.'■ •-s)^^ "^•^r* 3.10 K- /■' A'oi. of By- Late. 168 Kemptville, To establish Streets in, . . . \ Kitley, To establinh a 'RoM, and to close one in, . . | . 63 Do. To estftblish a Soad in, ... . 64, 166 (2), 186 Dp. To e^ablish a Hoad in Kitley and Elizabethtown, . . 76 Do. To i«peal part of By-Law No. 64, establishing a Road in, 84 Lansdoirae to establish a Road in, . , 33, 114, 132, 173 (2), 185, J93 Leeds, To establish aHbadln, . , . 37,69,73,114,116 Leeds and Lansdowne (iront), To establish a Road in, 54, 65, 60, 193 ^ Lock-np-Hchise, To establish in Gananoque, ^ . . .162 Do. To appoint Trustees to expend monies for erection of 184 ► ■ * : . ' ■ . ' . * ' . ■■ * . - ■ ■ ;M - ; . -/x; ; Macadamized Roads, To set aside £300 to pay interest on loan for, 145 ' , . Do. To set aside JC600 to pay interest on loan for^ 159 Do. To s^rtion £600 for, . . 191 Meetings, Township, To regulate the places of holding; Do. B> 143 To repeal tio much of By-Law No.l43 as provides for tbe Meeting in the Front of Leeds and ^Lansdowne, . 154" To repeal so much of By-Law No. 143 as provides for the Meeting in Bastard, . • / -' "1^ To repeal so much of By-Law No. 143 as provides for \h.h Meeting in Burgees, . - 180 Model School, To establish in tbtf^District of Johnstown, 122 Do. Assessment for maintenance of, for 1847, .153 Moneys, To provide fat the refunding of, in certain cases, "^ . 12 Bo. Tocovprqeitaingrantooi' , , _ 7"^ 1^4 D9. Do. N Kuisances, Tapgfvent iti the District, 176 Offices, To provide for filling up vacancies in, A ' . Office of District Treapur^r, To be held in the Cobrt House, Officers, To regulate bond of, . Du. TOMX HHTS alaries o t, — 5- 156 15 IW ■--i \ ■i"^-:^"^ Xo*. ej By- Law. 168 . 63 6 (2), 186 . 76 84 180 122 153 12 \% 176 — 6- 156 15 TW /■' 1 „ '■■_•■, .,. .j" ■ :'. ' ■ . .tiot.ej lOfficera ^ regulat^ the Salaries ami duties of . - " \^' Pverseere^f Roails, To cprapleto authority of gg Oxford, To establish a Roiid in, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 48,77,78, 120, 144 n.. T .^ D . - r 158 (2), 173 (2), 193- Wo. fo close a Road in, . I9i loo Pound-keepers, To regula{S>ppointment and duties of, • *n • 8 Public Health, To proteot^J'. .;. . yj^' Public Irnpiove'raent»,"to ptovide for expenditure of certain monies for, 179 x» R «.* Roads,. Td provide for the opening of, .. . '^ . .6 Do. To regulate the mode of qpernhg^of new Roads, closing of old ones, and altering of their course, Do. To provide for the payment^f certain nionies applieabirio^"lV72 - Dot™Jp.cloieqertainRoadsinaieDi8trictj;J . 192 Roads and Bridges, To ejjpend certain monies granted for, . . 162 Rural W^rdi,-*To divide certain Townships into, . . . 190 ■ i-' .• ■ ■ ' :.s ■ : •■ ' ■ ,■■'„■'■,. o • Salarie^, to regulate, of District Oftcers, Statute Labour, relating to the Jterformanfie of, . P^* ^/To remove dobuts cenceming the DcL .To empower Coimcillors to dir*t SubpcenaW, to enable Clerk ta issue, in certain ca^s. Superintendents of Schools, assessment for the payment of, fci 1844, Supermtebdent District, to regulate duties (^r, &c. . ( A Surveyoriof Highways, to provide for tte appointment of, / Do. I do. To define duties of, &c. erformaAce of, ' bAnance of, Do. do. duties oU^ — — ^ — w- • • • To repeal part of By-Law No. 3, relating, to 14, 148 I . 83 155 9, 86> 127 2 3 95 Taxes, to p^vitto for |n,blication of lists of Lands in arrears for, _ 12a lownship Meetings, to reflate the places for holding ot, . ' J48 Tnwnii^n'L -Jo/»P«al part of By-Law No. 143, . . 164,168 1 own HaUs, ko provide for eruption of in Townships, .143 ■Treaaur^r, ttlkegBlatapay aaiteta^e f mon^ by. Do., Relating to th^auties of. |9> X. 3n Tre^aurer to k|^^certain infonnation to assessora. Do, To ^)g!i|lftte contingencies of office of, . Do. To Uidefhnify the late Treasurer, . Dp. ,,T6 kdep office in the Court House, • ■'■'■■' '' '■' ■ ■■■•,v. ...' ,'" . ■Vwl. ^ 105 106 ISO 156 ;A? 176 177 Victoria Road, To make provision for the oompllBUbn of Do. To appoint Commissioners to superintend, . Do. / To authorize Commissioners of, to Macadamize certain ..;/■;■■■ : parts o^ ;,^: /, ■ ..: '. . •: ^- . ■'.. ■ |87 a'' w Wards Runl, To divide certain Tpwnahipa Into, . . 190 WeirtPort,^ To ««ab]lish certain Streets in, ^^ T~r---~- -\ 195 Wolford, To establish a Road in, . 26, 80, 93, 136, 173, 186 Do. Relating to a Road leading through the Township of, . 56,62 Yonge, To establish a Raad in, ^v M'-\ . 67,74,89,98,99,184 As 105 106 150 156 176 177 187 y- ■t-'- INDEX TO ^; BW^ OF THE CWTY COUNCIL \r^i Assessment Of the Counlies for the year 1850, Do.c To authorize the collection of Schools, ; To amend By-Law No. 194 of School-Section No. 3, j^ Ofthe Counties for 1851, . bii the Counties for 1852, .- \ J Do. Of the Counties for 1853, :'-' Auditing School Accounts, to provide for, , B A'M. of Do. Do. I>o. an, in Oxford, for Common itrict Council relating to ,^ iwnship of Kitley, . U .25 • *■„-'■. 42 . 58 46 Books, tj repe^ By-Law of District Comicil providing for the custody of. 30^ Bndge, Lyndhii^t, to ^orize the issue of Pebe^s for, . " » Commissioners, to explain the 3id Section of By-Law No. 4, 22 ^ n ^' . Appoint^^ent of »Levi Adams in place of Geirge Weir, 17 ** qounciUors, to compen^atejpfprtlieir attendance in CouncU. i k' County Clerk, to regulate Salary oft . . ' • ,^ County Council, to provide for re Jiar meetings©^ \ *^ I*±_ ^ "" ,,* "' •■ -^A- Debentures, to the issue of^ Do. To authorize issue of, for Lyndhurst Bridge, x^l T!- ^^^2 rf 334 - ^lf • -^ . ■ Nos.of Highways, to preVent certa.n Nuisances, Horse-racing, &c., in, T'tT Hawkers, Pedlars, &c., to impose a duty on Lice„.e;issued to, tradi^. in {l^e Counties, . . , ' ° „^\ \ 23 39 Lyndhurst Bridge, to authorize issue of Debentures for,- . Loan, to authorize the contraction of, for County Toll Roads, ( y ■■ .■ - ■ .... ■■■ ■ ' ■ ' Macadamized Roads, to repeal By-Laws of District Council relating to, and to make other provisions for construction of, . A Moiiey, to authorize the borrowing of, to rnept current expenses, ' 3, 21 Do. To^authorize a loan for Victoria Macadamized Road, -. g' Do. 1 cover certam grants of, 13, 18, 27, 32, 36, 43, 14, 48, 54, 59, 65, 68 Do. To repeal 3rd Section^of By-Law No. 48, granting i;50 for South : Lake Bridge, .___ ^^ _- ^ ^ ^ r Printing, to regulate, . . . ^, Do. To extend the time for receiving Tenders lor, ^Pedlars, &c.,^fo inipose a duty on Licenses issued to^--- 40 56 67. W ,-> '■» ■ R , , Rates, to provide for the collection of, . jq Roads, to close certain old Roads of the line of Victoria Macadamised • ■ Roads, Commissioners of County ToU.Roads to cause old -Roacjs adjacent to, to be surveyed, . «> Rural Wards, to repeal part of By-Law JVo. 190, of District Counci?, II ■ ' ■' y ' s- • ■" ■ ■ • Salaries, to repeal part of By-Law No. 186 of District Council, . 12 Do. To amend By-Law No. 186 of District Council, . 26 School Circuits, to divide tlio CoUYitics into, . ' 9 34 School Money, to provide for and iting accounts of Of^cers entrusted with', 46 btatuto Labour, to repeal the 8th and 9th Sections ot ^y-Law No. 4, 24 \^ , . •v» kLT^^t • -*<; :?3r) iVoj. o/" hy-taw. %T 23 39 40 56 67. la ft'- 37 50 It; " , .' iVoj. o/t Slatiuo Labor, 3o legulale on Toll Rbads in Bastard, North and South ^"' Crosby, . . . . , ^ _ . ^j Sub-Treasjirers, to providt'^oi: appointment of, . . \ 9 Superintendents of Schools, for appoiiitment of, , . * . * 9 To definffi jurisdiction of, in certain cases, 15 , For appointment of Rev. William Atkin, in place of Etlward F. Weeks, for Elmsley," 16 Appointrhent ot Thomas Graffe, for Wolford, 16 Appoftitment 6T Rev. Wm. J. M'Dowell, for 28 ^ 3ft. 31 33 45 Do. • • Do. Do.j / -::Do. Do. Do. Do. • Do. Dof^V Do. ^ Do. Do. Do. •. - ■ Do. Do. Do. Do. "" Do. Oxford^ To authorize the payment of . .,; ,^ Appointment of; for 1852, .0 . • Appoiutme'nt of, for Elmsley, . . Appointment of, for 1853; . . • A]|)l)oiatment of Edward F. Weeks, in place of Elisha Landon, ^f\ 49 T Toll Road Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Dp. " Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. 19 22 24 29 35 Is, to repeal By-Laws of District Council relating to, and to' ,/ make other provision for their construction, ' . 4 ' To'amcnd By-Laws Nos. 4 and 5 relating to, . . 8 ^ "^ " To amend By-Law No. 4, aarespects thc'calling bieetings of the Commi!,sionar^, and to repeal the 6th Section, To explain the 3d Section of By-Law No. 4, To repeal the 8lh and 9th Sections of By-Law No. 4, T» irant further aid to, . ;. To fepeal By-Law No. 29, grrvnting further aid to . To^authorize the contraction of a loan for, by issue of Debentures, . . . _ .39 '^o regulate Sfafuto Labor on, in Bastard, North and Soith ' Crosby, . . . To establish, assume, and open the County Toll Roads, Commissioners to remove Toll-House and Gate in Kitley to .sorno other site. To complete survey of whole jlno of each Road, ' . To repeal part of 5lh Section of By-Law No. 4, . To apply Tolls collected on each Road to its completion,' To repeal part of ft^rst Section of By-Law No. 61, &c., . lo repeal part of 5th Section of By-Law No. 4, &c , To appropriate £750 out of ^ Tolls of Victoria Road after its completion, for the KemptviUe and Prescott Road, 41 47 * r 50 H. /^ 60' 51 ■ 52 ^<- « 57 61 1^ 62 I1 -A. '^'%r '' "■j^^^'ii^'' A f J 336 t .Voj, , . (. . »12 Do. To regulate Salary of ' . . .• . . 60 Victoria Macadamized Road, to close certain old Roads on the lihe of, 37 Do. Do. ' iJo. To authoHze 'the payment of a ^um of ; money for repairs of, ' .- . ^38 ^K Wards Rural, to repeal part of By-Law No. 190, of District Council, 11 > % ERRATA The 4th Section of Bs)-Law No. 186 of the District Council has been repealed. ' See By-Law No. 60 of the Cbunty Council. Part of th& 5th Section of By-Law No. 4 of the i6punty pduncil has been repealed. See By-Law No. 61 of the CotlKty .Counbil. I 'Vf. DAVID WYLIE, TIUNtE«, BROCJCVILLE, C. W^ M*» ' r-, -^-..X- .' ;., ^ ^/♦..f I •^: V .-^ Zau .Voj,