IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 •-la |50 ""'== •;; IIIIIM "■' 1116 IIIM 2.0 1.8 U III 1.6 V] 07.9r) Leaving the balance now $095,911, Gi February 2. — To Report to Council, recommending deductions as mentioned. February 19 March 30. — From Order in Council, on Report to Council. April 3. — To C. Schreiber, with copy of Order in Council authorb/mg tho adjustment of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's account. I'ROQRESS ESTIMATE NO. 44. MAKING 95-1 MILE.S ON CENTRAIi SECTION: December 6, ^, 1883. — From C. Schreiber, Progress Eitimato No U : — 05 1 miles $9,719,08-' Balance on rails 131,250 $9,851,232 December G. — To Report of Council on Progress Estimate, No. 44. December 6. — To Minister of Interior, informing him of same. December 6. — From Order in Council, on Report to Council. December II. — To C. Drinkwater, informing him of Ordei in Council. December 11. — To Auditor Genera), informing him of Order in Council. PROaBESS ESTIMATE NO. 10 ; KIAKINQ 167 tllLES ON EASTEEN SECTION. December, 15, 17, 1883.— From C. Schreiber, ProgresB Estimate No. 10; 100 miles west of Callander, 6*7 east of Port Arthar=:107 miles. ...$2,569,229 Advance on rails 207,985 $2,777,214 December 17. — To Report of Council, for authority to pay $(;26,32(;, on Progre^is Estimate No. 10. December 17. — To Minister of Interior, informing him of estimate No. 10. December 19, 20. — From Order in Council, on Report to Council. I *i December 21. — To Auditor General, informing him of Order in Council. December 21. — To C. Drinkwater, informing him of Order in Council. ADVANCE ON RAILS, HOCnBLAQA. January 29, February 2. — From Thos. Ridout, memo of rails at Hochelaga. February 5. — To Report to Council, for advance on rails at Hochelaga, on a good title being given. February 6, 9. — From Order in Council, authorizing advance on Eeport to Council. February 12. — To Minister of Justice, with papers re advance on rails at Hochelaga. February 14. — To Minister of Justice, with the agreement with the company of the 16th December last. February 14, 15.— From Minister of Justice, asking for first agreement. February 21. 22.— From Minister of Justice, asks that a perBoa be named to act with his Agent to take delivery. • 31 a— IJ '\ .' > Febniniy 22, 23. — From Minister of Justice; hia Agent reporta it nooe.iaary to havo another formal delivery of the rails. February 2fi, 2G. — From Minister of Justice, with agreement for signature. P'ebruary 27. — To Minister of Justice, with a duplicate of agreement. March 3, 3. — From Minister of Justice, returning first agreement. March 6. — To C. Drinkwater, ir, Number Four. BRANCH LINES June 22, 23.— From C. J)iink\vater, with plan.s and book.s of rolorenco of South western brunch, fi-om Winnipeg; via the town of Morria. July 11, 12. — From C. Drinkwater, with plana and books of the Selkirk J3ranch. August 6. — To C. Drinkwater, i-eturnint; pjjina, &c., South-Wostorn branch. August 6. — To C. Drinkwater, stating that plans, &c. of the Selkirk branch have boon approved of. August 7, 9. — From C. Drinkwater, acknowledging, and returning plana, &c,, duly certified to. August 11, 13. — From C. Drinkwater, with plans, &c,, Kmorson Branch,^ sho-ving lands required therefor. September 4. — To C. Drinkwater, returning plans, &c,, of Emoi'>«)u nranch. Number Five. BATES AND TOLLS. February, C, 8, 1882, — From C. Drinkwater, replying to communication and roq'L't^.i.- _» ing that aiithority be given for the temporary extension of the tu '..'f' n of tolls now in force in the west Division, to the section of tl^o roaa ^ between Telford and Rat Portage. ij Mai-ch, 23, 27, 1883, — From Order in Council, approving of attached tariff oi' t.' and freight on the Western Division of the Canadian Pacific Raii'' ay ■ for one year, up to 1st January, 1884, April 4, 5. — From C. Drinkwater, enclosing copy of Western Division classification, with instructions to Agents, &o. April 7. — To C. Drinkwater, with copy of tariff of tolls and freight for Western Divi- sion, sanctioned up to lat Januray, 1884. July S.- July !', ry to havo a. Railway )int wost of )ortoil into '$60,000. orizing an ,$9,27'J,993 . 255,000 $9,534,9U3 of Soutli ranch. 1 havo boon 3, &c., duly , sho'ying I. nu roq'Lij;,!,- of thots.-.i;f of tj>« roaa nff or Ua\k tic iJaii^'ay assificatioD, jatern Divi- April 7, 17.— From C. J. Biydgos, ProBid nt of the Hoai-d of Tradoof Winnipeg, witli copy of lottor from tho Hoard to the Canadian PaoiHo Railway upon recent heavy increase in their fiolght (aritV. April 19.— To C. J. Biydges, President of tho Board of Trade of Winnir>og, acknow- ledging preccd'tig. i\pril 18, 19. — FromC. Dnnkwaicr, with tariff of toIU by-law, Wortlcrn Divisiy. caOSi ItUAlN AT .ST. ANDRKWS iniOM PEMItlNA lillANCII. August G, ISS;). — To C. Drinkwater, with copies of corre-ipondenco had with the municipal authorities of St. Andrews, Manitoba r<; a bridge over :in off-take drain at that place, opposite Iho Hudson Bay Com- pany's .Stone Fort (15 enclosures.) October 2.;. — From W. C. \'an llorno, returning tho above corrospondonce which was sent to Air. J)rinkwater and inclosing the report of • llicir solitito/ at Winnipeg on ihc subject. Number Seven. (No. l.)-TK.\N.SFl-:iJ AND OPRR.VTIOX OF TUUXDKR H.W SECTION. May 17, IS. — From C, Drinkwater. Ptatinj.' terms on which the Company will take over tho Thuinlor Bay section, Jul}- 3, 5.— From AV. C. Van Ilorne, proposition to comjilete the road from Fort William to SelUirk. July 4, '). — From C. Sehrciber, report on Canuiian Pacitic Riilway terms on Thunder Buy section. July 5. — To Ri^port to Council, recommendipg the acceptance of the proposition. July !', l (council aulhorizini^ rc(;om- mcndation. July 7, 9, — From C. Schreibci*, Pi-ogress Estimate No. 1, to 7th .luly, for work between Prince Arthur's liandlng and Selkirk, S1.')0,00() i July 4, 11.— From W. C. Van llorne re tho purchase of rolling stock botvvoon Fort Bj William and IJat Portage. * .Tuly 19. — To CoUingwood Sehrciber, with copy of Order in Council. J^ August 9.— To C. Drinkwater, with copy of Order in Council. P Septcnioor 18, 19.— From W. C. A'an llorno ; asks the name of the Police Commis- sioner over district between Thunder Bay and Winnipeg. September -"7, 28. — FVom C. Drinkwjiti r, for a further paymenl on account of wol'k dono between Portage and Thunder Bay. September 28. — To C. Drinkwater, acknowledging preceding, and stating that a tcrtiticato has been i'Jisucd for 8136,000. October 1, 2.— From C. Drinkwatcr, acknowledging same. Soptembor 27, October 2. — From Auditor-General; asks for a copy of tho Order in Council which authorizes the payment of the $130,000. October 2. — To Auditor General, with copy of Oi"der in Council. October 4. — To W. C. Van Ilorno, replying to letter of September 18, 19. October 4. 5. — From Auditor-General ; asks for a statement of cost of unfininhed'work between Prince. Arthur's Landing and Selkirk. September 21, October 12. — From C. Schrciber, Progrens Estimate No. 2, to 27th ■ September, $286,000, nett $13(>,000. October 18, 19.r-From 0. Drinkwater ; police force not required by tho Company betAveen Prince Arthur's Landing and Selkirk. November 2. — To Report to Council, for discontinuance of the Act for the preserva- tion of peace between Port Arthur and Eat Portage, and tho ter- mination of Commissioner MacDonald's services. November '5, 9. — From Order in Council, on report to Council. November l:{. — To John MaclJonald, informing him of the discontinuant-o of his ser- vices as Police Commissioner. November 14, Ki. — From the Minister of Justice re Order in Council ; ' cxpecl.-< that instructions will be issued to the parties interested therein, either by the Department of Railways or the Secretary of State. (Xo. 2.)— THUNDER BAY BRANCH TAKHN OVER. July 19, 189lj. — To James Croseen, informing him of his appointment toappraiso roll- ing stock, except locomotives, west of Prince Arthur's Landing. July 27, 28. — From James Crossen, acknowledging preceding. July 9. — To Peter Clarke, appointing him appraiser of locomotives of Prince Arthur's Landing. July 10, 11. — From Peter Clarke, accepting appointment. July 11. — To Peter Clarke ; commuoicate wiih Mr. James Crosaen. Cobourg, and proceed as soon as possible ; advise when you leave. July 11. — To James Crossen ; comunicate with Peter Clarke, Toronto, and proceed as soon as possible; advise when you leave. July 14.— To "W. C. Van Home ; Clarke has accepted duty of valuator, and has been asked to communicate with Crossen as to time of leaving, that they may go together. .Fuly 14, 15. — From James Crossen ; in reply, says ho is arranging with Clarke, and hopes to leave next week. July 18, 20. — From P. Clarke ; Mr. Cros.sen ar.d self intend to leave by steamer "Campana" next Tuet-day, July 18, 20. — From James Crossen; will leave next Tuesday morning with P. Clarke, vid Toronto and Collingwood. , September 22, 25. — From .lames Crossen ; valuation of rolling stock (cars) Canadian Pacific Railway, west of Port Arthur. September 18, 25. — From Peter Clarke ; valuation of rolling stock (bco^notives) Canadian Pacific Railway west of Port An bur. October 5.— To C. Schreiber, instructing him to transfer rolling slock on lino west of Port Arthur to Cunaiian Pacific Railway Company . on on Iio Order in ninhedVork . 2, to 27th 10 Company ho preserva- and tlio tor- of Ilia 8or- xpect,-! that 5reifi, cither te. ppraiso roll- Landing. t of Prince ;bourg, and i proceed as nd has been aving, that Clarko, and by stoamor I!g Willi P. • c (cars) on motives) on ino west of NUMBER ONE. SELECTION OF TUE EOIJTK. Location from South Sast'Oteheican, Medidne Hat to West Limit, Range 22, Township 22, West of 4th Meridian— Distance 123 Miles. Canadian Pacikc Railway Company, Oi't'icK 01' THE Secretary, Montreal, 20th June, 188o. Sir, — I have the honor to transmit herewith for the approval of His Excellency tho Governor General in Council, plan and profile of the location of that portion of the main lino of the Canadian Pacific Bailway, extending from tho crossing of tho Saskatchewan River, at Modicino Hat, to tho western limit of Range 22, in Township 22, west of the 4th Initial Meridian, being a distance of 123 miles. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railways and Canals?. (/Anaiiian Pacifio Railway. Oki-'ice of the KNiiiNEER-iN-CiiiEF, Ottawa, 2l8t Juno, 1383. S[R, — Tho communication from tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, dated the 20th instant, making application lor tho approval of the location of the line of tho ijanadian Pacific Railway for a distance of about 123 miles, west of the South Saskatchewan crossing, having beon submitted to mo, I have tho honor to report- That as far as tho section roforrod to is concerned and its suitability for a line of railway, the country is favorable, the grades and curves shown on the plans now submitted being well within tho conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act, and in tho event of the Kicking Uorso Pass being approved by tho Government, the location shown on their plans may be considered satisfactor}'. I have tho honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, COLLIJNGWOOD SCHREIRHR, por Frances J. Lynch. A. P. EiiAnt.EY, Secretary Railways and Canals. Memorandum. Ottawa, 21 st June, 1833. The undorsigiiod has tho honor to represent that under date the 20th inst., tho Oanadian Pacific Pnilway Canipany have submitted for approval a plan and profile, showing the location of that portion of their main line extending from tho crossing of tho River Saskatchewan, at Medecine Hat, to tho western limit ofRaDge22, in Town- ship 22, west of tho 4th Initial Meridian, being a distance of 123 miles. That under date the 21et inst, the Government Chief lingineer has reported that the country is favorable, tho grades and curves shown on tho plans submitted being well within tho conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act, and that in the event of tho ivicking llorso Pass being approved of by tlio Government, tho location shown on those plans may bo considered satisfactory. Tho V ndorsigned recommends that the location of the section ni>w submitted bo approved of. Respectfully submitted. .]. \li PO^Vi, Actithj Minister Railways an I Canals. €e;{tifieij Cop\ of a Report of a Committee of the Honorablo the Prioi/ Council, appro- ved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 2Gih June, 1833. On a memorandum dated 2Ist Juno, 1833, from tho Acting Minister of Railway:* and Canals, stating that under date the 20ih June instant, tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company have sulimitted for approval a plan and profile, showing the loca- tion of that portion of their main lino, extending from the crossing of tho River Saskatchewan at Medicine Hat to the western limit of Range 22, in Townahip 22, west of the 4th Initial Meridian, being a distance of 123 mileH. The Minister further states that under date the 2181 June instant, the (lovern- ment Chief Engineer has reported that the country is favorable, the grades an/. Location from Crcwfoot Creek io Calganj, Distance (19 milc.'i — (13 ndleii already apiiioi;td — 56 miles now considered.) Canadian pAcrnc Railavay Company, Office OF THE Seciietary, MoNTitEAL, 19th July, 1883. Sir, — i beg to forward a plan and profile of the location of that portion of tlio main line of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, extending from Crowfoot Creole to Calgary a distance of C9 miles, and to request that tho same may bo submitted for tho approval of Ilis Kxcclloncy the Governor General in Council, at an early date. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, ' C. DRINK' WATER, Secretary. A. P. RsAnr.EY, Secretary, Railways and Canals. Canadian Pacific Railway Com I'ANv, Office of the Enoineer-inCiuef, Ottawa, 20L1i July, 1883. Sir,— The communication from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, datod tho Ittth instant, making application for tho approval of tho location of the main line of the Canadian Parific Railway, extending from the portion last approved to Calgary, a distance of about 5b' miles having been submitted to me, I have the honor to report. That, as far as the section referred to and its suitability for aline of railway, the country is favorable, the grades and curves shown on the plan and profile, now sub- mitted, being well within the conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act, and in the event of the Kicking Horse Pass being approved by the Governmotit, the location shown on tho plans may bo considered satisfactory. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, C. SCIIREIBRR, per Francis J. Lynch. A. P. Rradlev, Secretary, Railways and Canal.^. Memorandum, Ottawa, 20th July, 1883. The undersigned has the honor to represent that under date the 19th instant, tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company have submitted a plan and profile showing the location which they pi-opose to adopt lor their main lino, from Crowfoot Creek mahip 22, (I'ovorr- radcs an 3 tho honor nil way, the , now fiuli- c Railway ")vernment, Cebtjfif.I) Cuvy of a liiporf of Committee of the llonorrble the Privy Council, approved by J lis Exccilcncy the Governor General in Council, on the'2-ilh July, 1883. On a memoradum, dated 20(.h July, 1S83, from tho Acting Minister of Kailwoys f.nd Canals representing that under date the 19(h instant, the Canadian Pa'itic JRailway Company have submitted a ]>lan and profile showing tho location wnloh t hoy propose to adopt i'or their main lino from Crowfoot Creek to Calagary, a dis- tance of CD, miles, of which, however, a jjortion 13 miles in length, west from tho Crowfoot Crossing, has already ]iccn approved under the Order in Council of iho 2()th ultimo, leaving 56 miles to bo now dealt with : The Ministers further represent that under date the 20th instant, tho Ciovorn- mcnt Chief Engineer has rcporloJ that as far us this said section of 5(i miles, and its suitability for ri lino of railway are concerned, the country is fiivorablo, tho grades and curves shown <.>n the plan and profile submitted being well within the conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act; Tho Minister accordingly recommends that ajiproval bo given to tho location now fcubmittod. Tho committee advise that tho location submitted bo approved as i-ecommoniK-i. JOUN J. McGlOl-:. Hon. Minister of Railways and Canati'. 0:taw.\, 27th July, 1883. Sir, — Herewith I send yon a copy of tho Order in Council passed on the 24tlv iuKLint approving of tho location of tho Canadian Pacific: Railway lino to Calgary. I am, Sif, yoxiv obedient servant, C. ScuREiiJEii, Chief Kngincer. A. P BRADLEY, Secretary. ; . Ottawa, 27th July, 1833. Srn, — Herewith I send yow r copy cf the Order in Council passed on tho 2flh. instant approving of the location of tho Canadian Pacilic Railway lino to Calgary. T am, Sir, your obedient For%'ant, C. Bbi.nkwateu, Sei rotary, C.P.R. A. P. BRADLEY, ^SVcr^/rt,-//. • ^ J. LvNrn, , 1883. )th instant, le showing irfoot Creek Canadian Pa( ii ic; Railway Company, Oi'KicE uv THE Secretahy, Mo.NTUEAi., 28th July, IS33. Sir, — I have tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of tho 27th inst., enclosing copy of tho Order in Council passed on tho 24th inst., approving of tho location ol tho Canadian Pacific Railw.iy line to Calgary. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. P. BnAl^^E^, Secretary, Railways and Canals. 1# Location from Calgary to Padmore, on the Bow River, Distance 55 miles. Canadian Pacific Eailway Company-, Office of the Secretauv, Montkeai., IGtli August, 1883. Sir. — 1 be^ to liund you for the approval of lUs Excellency the Governor Gen- eral in Council, plan and profile showing the location of that portion of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway extending from Calgary ♦-> PaJraore, on the Bow River, a distance of about 55 miles. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, C. Dl {INK WAT ER, St'cretari,'. A. P. BitAor.EV, Secretary, Railways and Canals. By Ttleijraph from Montreal to A. F. Bradley. Ottawa, August 17th, 18S3, Please return today, the plans sent yoii last night. Wish to see tliom again bo- fore approved. C.DRmKWXT^n, Secretary. Ottawa, 17th August, 1883. As requested by your telegram, iho plans receive 1 this morning have been sent back to you by express. ' A. P. RRADLKY, Secretary. C. Drinkwateu, Montreal. Montreal, 2l3t August, 1883, Sir, — I am much obliged r()r the plan'', ko,., Calgary to Padraoro*, winch you sent mo, and which I am return iiig to yon by express to-day. ^ Yours Irulv, C. DRINK WATKR, .SV plans may be considered satisfactory. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant. C. SCHREIBER, per. F.J.L A. P. Bhaduev, Sccrctarj-, Railways and Canals. Jlemorandum. Ottawa, 2;5rd August, ISr.'j. The undorsigued'has the honor to represent that under date the 2l8t instant, . the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have submitted for approval a plan and profile showing the proposed location of their main line for a further distance of •sibout 55 miles, extending from the point at Calgary up to which approval has already been given, to Padmore. "That under date the 22nd instant, the Chief Engineer has reported that the country is favorable, the grades and curves shown on the plans and profile fur- tlie 11 miles. St, 188 J. vernor Gon- )t' tho main aoro, on tlio h-crefari/. th, 1833. em again bo- ecretanj. ist, 1883. vo boon Hont 'ecretavj. St. 1883. lich you sent ecr^tary. i8t 1833. npany, dated ho main lino approved at ted to mo, I »f railway i.s ho plan and -ho Canadian approved by isfactory. •. F.J.L. dt, 18:3. 2l3t instant, a phm and distance of ipproval has cd that tho [ profile fur- nidhed being well within tho conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The undorsignoJ thereupon recommends that approval be given to the location in question. I'ospcctfully submitted. J. H. POPE, Acting Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, August 24th, 1883. StR, — In compliance with tho request made in your letter of tho 14th instant, I havo .tho honor to transmit herewith copies of plans showing the location of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, between the South Saskatchewan Crossing and Calgary. lam to c.xphiin that those tracings do not indicate tho exact position oftha i-ailway as completed, but aro^merely plans of the location of the line by this Depart- ment, as a preliminary to tho work of construction being carried on ; and that devia- tions from these plans within tho powers of the Company, as defined by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act, are permissible. I am Sir, your obedient sorvant, A. P. BR M)LEY, Secretary, A. W. HuaoESs, Deputy Minister of tho Interior. Certified Coi'v of a Report of the Committee of t he Honorable the Frivy Council, ap- proved by J lis Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 25tli August, 1833. On a memorandum dated August 23rd, 1883, from the Acting Minister of Rail- ways and Canals, representing that under date the 2 Ist instant, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have submitted for approval plans and profile showing the pro- posed location of their main lino for a further distance of about 55 miles, extending from tho point at Calgaiy up to which apj^roval has already beon given, t ) Pad more. That under date tho 22nd instant, the Chief Engineer has reported that tho cuiintiy is favorable, the grades and curves shown on the plans and profile furnished Loing well within tho conditions imposed by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act. Tho Minister accordingly recommends that approval be given to the location in O'.iesiic ' Tho Committee submit the above I'eeommondation for your Excellency's approval. . JOIIXJ. McGKK. Hon. Minister Railways and Canals. , Ottawa, 14lh September, 1883. Sir, — [ liuve tho honor to transmit heiewilh copy of an Order in Cjunci!, dated ,11 iho 25th ultimo, approving o*' the plans and profile submitted by you ou tho 16tb, showing the location of that portion of tho main lino of tho Canadian Pacific Railway extending from Calgary to Padmoro, a distance of about 55 miles. I am Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. URA DEKV, Secretary. C. Dut.MCWATER, Secretary C. P. Railway Co. Ottawa, 14th September, 1883. Sir, I havo tho honor to transmit to y(Mi horovvith copy of an Order in Council approving of the plans and prjfilo submilled by the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, showing the location of that portion ot their railway extending from Calgary to Padmoro, a distance of about 55 miles. I am Sir, your obedient servant, A. [\ BRADLKY, Secretary. C SciiREinKR, Es(j, Chief Hngincor. m h! i'< u MoNTHEAr, 17lh Soptombor, 1883. Sm, — 1 have Iho honor to JU'knowloJgo receipt of your letter of the 14th instant. encloeing copy of an Order in Council dated 25th ultimo, approving of the plan and profile showing the location of that portion of the main line of the Caiiadian Pacific Jtailway Company, extcndini^ from Calgary to Padraoro; for which I am obliged. 1 am Sir, your obedient porv^nt, ('. DRINKWATKH, Sccretanj. A. P. Bradle*-, Secretary, Railways and Canal-?. ' " •■■>- i^-- . • Location from Padmore to Forti/-mile Cra/c, Distance liS ynih'^. , Canadian Pacific Railway Companv, Oi'h'iCB ov THE Secretauy, Montreal, lOlh September, 1883. Sir, — I send you herewith for the approval of His Tixcelloncy the Govorno.- (reneral in Council plan and protilo of the location of that portion of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Kailwny extonding along the valley of the Bow River from Padmore to Forty-Mile Creek, a distance of 28 mii.-'s. ] have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, C. J )R1NK WATER, .SeoT^rz-y. A. r. Dradi.kv, Sooiolni-y Riiilways and Canals. Canadian PAnvrD PiAri-WAY Companv, Office of^he Enuineer-in Chief, Ottawa, ItUh September, ISS:^. Sir, — The communication from the Canadian Pacific Railway Compariy, datoc? the lOlh instant, making application for the approval of the location of tho main lino of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, extending from tho portion last approved at Padmore, to Forty-Mile Cicek, a distance of about 28 milcH, having been submitted to me, I have the honor to report : That as far as tho section referred to is concerned, the country is favorable, the grades and curves t-hown on tho plan and ])rolile, now submitted, being well within the conditions imposed by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act, and in the event of tho route via tho Kicking Horse Pas:^, being approve 1 by the Government, the location submitted may bo considoroi satisfactory. ' ■ I have the honor to bo. Sir, your obedient servant, C. SCHRl-:iBi:U, chid J-n.jineer, per F.J.I.. A. P. Braplfy, Secretary. . • Memorandum. \ . Ottawa, 18th September, 1883. Tho undorsigiu! 1 has tho honor to report that tho Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany, on tho lOtli instant, submitted for approval a plan and profile, showing the proposed location of that part of their main lino extending along tho valley of tho Bow River, from Padmore to Forty-Mile Crock, a distance of 28 mile-". That tho Chief Engineer of Railway's, in a communication dated the lOlh inst,, states that tho country to be traversed by this portion of tho lino is favorable, and that tho grades and curves indicated on tho plan and profile are well within tho con- ditions impo-od by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The undcrsignol accordingly recomtncnds ' that] Iho.localion, as above, bo apj'i'ovcd. Respectful ly submitted, J. H. POPE, Actinij Minister liailwai/s and Canals. Cer:5IPI2U Copy of a report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, ap- proved by Bis Excellency the dorernor General in Council, on the 2lst Septem- ber, 1883, On a memorandum dated 18ih September, 1883, from tho Acting Minister of Railways and Canals, stating that tho Canadian I'acific Railway Company, on tlvo 13 •, 1883. 4Lh instant, 10 plan and Jian Pacific obliged. relaru. ■, 1883. ic Governor main line <-I ^ivor from cretiirt/. nuiin lino )prove(l Id n submittei] rorable, the veil ■within vent of tho ho location F.J.L. , 1883. lilway Com- hovving the Hoy of tho Ifilh inst,, >r!ible, and in tho coji- i above, bo Citnuls . Council, op- 1st Septem- Ministor of ny, on the lOth instant, bubmittod for approval a plan and profile, showing the proposed location of that part of their main line extending along tho valley of the IJow River, from I'admoreto Forty-Mile Creek, a distance of 28 miloa. The Minister represents that the Chief Engineer of Ilailway^, in a commanioa- (ion, dated the 16tb instant, states that the country to bo traversed by this portion of the lino is favorable, and that the grades and curves indicated on tho plan and profile are'well within the conditions imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act. Tho Minister accordingly recommends that the location as above bo approved. The commiltoa submit .the above rocoinmondution for Your Excellency's upproval. ■ , . .JOHN J. McGKE. Ilunr Minister Kuilw.nyj* and Canul-*. ■ . Ottawa, 27th September. 1883. Sill, — I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of an Order in Council, dated tlie Slfst September, approving of the plan and profile of the location of tho main lino of iho Canndian Pacific Kailway, from Padmoro to Forty-Mile Creek, submitted with your lettoi' of the 10th instant. 1 am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. V. mWDLKY, Sccretnnj. CuAULK« Drinkwateu, Secretary, C. P. K., Montreal. OTTA^yi, 27th September, 18S3. SiK,-—! bog to transmit for your informatiop. copy of an Order in Council, dated I ho Uth instant, approving of the proposed location of the Canadian Pacific Railway between Padmore and Forty-Mile Creek, a distance of 28 miles. I am, Sir, your obodfent seivant, ' A. l\ BRADLllY. Secretary. €, ScfiKEiKKK, Ottawa. . ,, • . . ^ • >\ , • CANAi'trAN Pacific Railway C()Mi>any,* Okkice ov the SKCKET.\Kr, MoxTREAi., 28th September, 1883. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of tho 27th instant, enclosing copy of an Order in Council, dated 2l3t September, approving of the plan and profile of tho location of tho main line of tho Railway, from Padmoro to Foity-Milo^Cioek. ^ 1 am, Sir, your obedient servant, . :■ \ . C. DlnSK^yATKR, Secretary. A. P. BaADLEY, Secretary, Railways and Canals. Location from Forty-mile Creek, 83 miles West of Calgary, to a point 118 mi' es furl her West, or from the 'J24th mile to the 959^/t mile, West of Winnipe'j. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, • Ofkicb ok the Secretauy, Montreal, 6th Nov-ombor, 18S3. Sir, — I have tho honor to hand you, for the approval of Hi.s Excellency tho Govo'^nor General in Council, plan and profile showing the location of that portion of tho main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, extending from a point on the Bow River, known as Forty-Mile Ci-ook, being 83 miles, to tho llSthmile vrost of Calgary, a distance of about 35 miles, or from tho 924th mile to tho 959th mile, w^st of Winnipeg. 1 have the honor to bo. Sir, your obedient servant, ' C, DRINKWATBR, Secretary. A. P. Braulky, Secretary Railways and Canals. ^mi 14 ii Canadian Pacific Eailway Companv, ( Office of the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, 7tb Novoinbor, 1883. Sin, — A communication from llio Canadian Pacific Eailway Company, dated tho 6th instant, making application for the approval of tho location of tho main lino of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, extending westward from that portion last approved at Forty-Mile Creolf, a distance of about 35 miles, having been submitted^o me, I have tho honor to report, — That on the section referred to, tho maximum grade is 0.15 feet per 100 foot, and tho minimum curve 8°; that tho country is favorable, and tho conditiona as shown on the plan and profile now submitted, within those imposed by tho Canadian Pacifio iiailway Act, and if tho route rid the Kicking Horse Pass is approved by ^ tho Government, the location now submitted may bo considered satisfactorily. I have tho honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, > C. SCJIREir.lvFi, Chief Engineer. A. P. Bradt,ev, Secretary, Railways and Canals. 2Iemorandum. Ottawa, 9th November, 1883. Tho undersigned has tho honor te roprosont, that under date of tho 6th instant, tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company have submitted a plan and profile showing tho proposed location u ' that portion of their main line extending from a point on the IJow River, known as " Forty-Mile Creek," for a distance westward of about 35 miles, or from tho 924th mile to the 959th mile, west of Winnipeg. That under date of tho 1th instant the Chief Engineer has reported, that on the section referred to the country is favorable, and that tho conditions, as shown on tho present plan and profile, within those imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The undersigned recommends that the proposed location be approved. Respectfully submitted, , J. H. POPE, Acting Minister Eailways and Canals. Ceutified Copy of a Report of a Commltiee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 9th November, 1883. On a memorandum from the Acting Minister of Railways and Canals, dated 9th November, 1883, submitting tho application dated 6th November instant, of tho Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company, with plan and profile showing the proposed location of that portion of their main line extending from a point on tho ]3ow River known as " Forty-Mile Creek," for a distance westward of about 35 mile?, or from the 924th mile to the 959th mile, west of Winnip-^g. The Minister represents that under date tlio 7th inst., the Chief Engineer has reported that on the section referred to the country is favorable, and that the con- ditions, as shown on tho present plan and profile, are within those imposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The Minister recommends that the proposed location be approved accordingly. The committee submit tho above recommendation for Your Excellency'H approval. . . JOHN J. McGEE. lion. Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 20th November, 1883. Sib, — I am directed to forward to you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in Council dated the 9th inst., approving tho location of the Canadian Pacific line of railwfcy from a point on tho Bow River known as " Forty-Mile Creek," for a dis- tanc€|W08tward8 of about 35 miles. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretari/. C ScnRiiBEB. Chief Engineer Railways. 15 Ottaw.\, 20th Novcmbor, 1883. .Sin, — I am directed to enclose to you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in L'ouncil dated llio Dth inst., approving the localion of the Canadian Pacific lino at railway fVota a point on tho B )\v IJivor known as " Forty-Mile Creek," for a distanco iveistward (A about llo miles. I am, Sir, your oboJiont servant, . A. P. BRADLKY, Secretary. 'iiAiiLEs DiUNKWATEii, Secretary. C. P. R, Co., Montreal. Montreal, 22nd November, 1833. Sib, — I have thu honor to acknowlenditione, as shown in plan and profile, within thone impouod by tho Canadian Pacific Ilailway Act. The undornii^ncd recoramotuli ih;it the location of thl^ sodion of railway roforrod to bo approved. liospcctfully Hiibmitlod, • I J. H. POPE, Actin'j Minhter RaUwiiys ani CamU. CEBTifiBD Uopy of a Jieport of a Qommittec of the I/morahle th». Privy Couniuf, approoed by His fvvcellenci/ the Governor (jeneral in Council, on the i)th December, 1883. On a memorandum dated 4lh December, 1833, from tho Acting Minifetor of Kailways and Canals, itubmitting a plan and profile bhowing the location on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, extending from a point on tho south branch of :he Bow River to the summit of the Jiooky MountaiiH, a distance of about 5 miloi. Tho Minister represents that the Chief Railway Engineer of his Department reports onder date the 3rd instant, that tho maximum gradcon this piece of road is 1.4'i feet per 100 feet, and the minimum curve T^ ; that the country is favorable for a riil- way and the conditions as shown on plan and profile, within t.hoso irapottod by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The Minister recommends that tho location of tho section of railway referred to l>o approved. • JOHN J. MctJKK. C/t'rA-Pr/rvfV(ma7. Hon. Mini(«ter Railways and Canals. Ottawa, I'lth December, 188 5. Sir, — I am directed to enclose you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in fauncil dated 6th inat., approving tho location of the Canadian Pacific Railway lino, from a point on the south branch of tho Bow River to the eumrait of the Rocky Mountains, a distance of about r> miles. 1 am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Serre'anj. CuARi.Es DaiNKW.^TER, Secretary, C. P. R., Montreal. • Ottawa, lllli December, 1S33. EiR, — I am directed to enclose you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in Council dated the 6th inst., approving the location of tho line of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, from a point on the south branch of tho Bow River to tho Mimmit of tho Rocky Mountains, a distance of 5 miles. T am, Sir, your obedient seivant, A. P. BJiADLltlY, Secretanj. C. ScfiREiuER, Chief Engineer. •C' - . ' , • Canadian Pacij»ic Railway Company, Office the Secretauy, Montreal, 13th December, 1883. Sir, — I ha«e tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th instant, enclosing copy of an Order in Council dated 6th instant, approving tho location of the line of this railway from a point on the south branch of the Bow River to the summit of the Rocky Mountains, a distance of about 5 miles. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railways and Canals. If uy, :ind thu i 10 CiioadiHti fny roforred CanaU. ivy Counoit, It December, Minibtor ot'j on tho main I ii brand) of ut 5 milo.^. lonl reports 1 is 1.4'i foot I I for a riil- Mod by thu I ' roferrod to Councit. »r, 188 {. an Order in Railway lino, tlio Rocky wre'an/. I, 1SS3. ,n Order in 10 Canadian Hi vol' to tho hretary. , 1833. Df the 11th proving tho of the Bow cretary. Location from the Crossing of the Wahnapitae River to the 130th mile, West of Callander. Canadian Paoikio Railway Company, * Office of tub SKORETAay, M«jntreal, 29th Novombor, 1883. Sib,— I bog to hand you, for tho approval of His Kxoolloncy tho (rovornor- Genoral in Conncil, plan and profile Hhowi'ig tho location of that p()rti')n of the main lino of tho Canadian Pacific Riilway, in tho Nipissing District oxtonding from tho croBHing of tho Wahnapitae Rivor, at Stih milcH to the ISOlh milo, wost of (!allander. Accompanying this, for your information, is a nm-M scale, general map, showing tho proposed route of the lino to the 200th milo west of Callander. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient Horvant, C. DRINK WAT KH, Secretary. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, RailwayH and Canals. Canadian Pacific Railway, Office of the ENaiNEER-iN-CiiiEF, Ottawa, Docombor 4th, 1883. Sir, — A commnniimtion from tho Canadian Pacific R-iilw.iy C>mpany, dated tho 2SUh ultimo, asking for the approval of tho location of the main lino of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, and Hubmitting a plan and profile thereof, extending from the 85th to the 130th mile west, of Callatidor, having boon referred to mo, I have the honor to report- That on the section referred to tho maximum grade is 1.10 foot per 100 foot, and the minumum curve 6°; that tho country is generally favorable and the con- ditions, as shown on the plan and profile, within the limits imposed by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act. 1 therefore locommend that tho location, us now submitted, bo approved. r have the honor to be Sir, your obedient servant, C. SCUREIBER, pc . J. L. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railways undCanab, Memorandum . Ottawa, December, 5th, 1883. The undorsignod has tho honour to represent that under date tho 29th ult., the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have submitted a plan and profile, showing tho proposed location of that portion of their main lino in the Nipissing District, extend- ing from the crossing of the Wahnapatae River to the 130lh mile, west of Callander. That under date the 4th inst., tho Government Chief Engineer has reported that the maximum grade in this section of railway will be 1.10 feet jjer 100 feet, and tho minnimum cure; .5° that the country is generally favorable, and (ho conditions, as shown in the plan and profile, within the limits proposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Act. The undersigned acoorJingly recommends that the location of tb(> paid piece of road be apporoved. > -, .: Respectfully submitted, - ^ ; J. H. POPE, Acting Minister Eaihoajj;^ ani Canals. Certified copy of a report of a Oommittee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the dth December, 1883. On u momorandum dated 5th Decembor, 1883, from the Acting Minister of Rail ways and Canals, submitting a plan and profile, showing the proposed location of that portion of tho main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in tho Nipissing Dis-' trict, extending from the crossing of the Wahnapatae River to the 130th mile west of Callander. The Minister represents that under date the 4th inst., the Chief Engineer of Rail- ways has reported that the maximum grade on this Boction of tho Canadian Pacific 31a— 2 18 RftilwRy will bo 1.10 foet per 100 feot.and the minimum carvo 6**, that tho country is tronoruiiy fuvoiirHblo aid tho conditionn, m nhow on tho pina and profile, within tho imitH impoHod by iho Canadian Pacific Railway Act. Tho Minister accordingly r«oomraond» that the location of the aaid piooe of road be appro^'od. The Coaimittoo submit the abovo rocommondations for Your Kxcellency'H approval. JOHN J. McGEE, C. P. C. Ottawa, llth Doombor, 1883. Sir, — I am directed to enclose you a copy of a cortitiod copy of an Order in Council, dated tho 6th instant, authorizinEf the location of tho main lino of the Can- adian I'acitic Huilwuy, in tho Nipijaing District, extending from the crossing of the Wahnapitao Uivor to tho 130th milo west of Callander. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLP]Y, Secretary. CiiAHLBs Drinkwateu, Soorotary, U. P. R. Company. Ottawa, llth December, 1883. Sir, — I am directed to enclose to you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in Council, dated tho (Jth inst., approving of the location of the main lino of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, in the Nipissing District, extending from tho crossing of tho Wahnap'.tae Kivor to tho ISOth mile west of Callander. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. C SciiBEiBBR, Chief Engineer. Canadian PAoirio Railway Company, Office op the Seorktary, Montreal, I3th December, 1883. Sir, — I have the honour to acknowledge tho receipt of your letter of the lllh Inst., enclosing copy of an Order in Council, dated tho 6lh inst., authorizing tho loca* tion of tho main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in tho Nipissing District, •extending from the crossing of the Wahnapitao Uivor to the 130th mile west of Callander. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINK WATER, ,Secrc8 miles. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, .; Montreal, 20th March, 1883. Sir, — I have now tho honor to transmit a profile and plan showing tho location of the main line of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, from Prince Arthur's Landing to Nipigon, and I am instructed to requ6:.t, that tho same may bo submitted for the approval of His Excellency tho Governor General in Council. I have tho honor to bo, S'r. your obedient servant. i '; C. DRINKWATER, Secretary, A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Kailways and Canals. Canadian Pacific Railway, Office of the Enqineer-in-Chief, Ottawa, 2l8t March, 1883. By letter dated 20th inst., the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany submits for approval a plan and profile of the main line, between Prince Arthur's Landing and Nipigon, a distance of about 68 miles. Af the Go^ inil/ ^n^meer. A. P. Bradi,ey, Secretary, Railways and Canals. i Ottawa, 17th February, 1883. Sir, — I have to acknowledged the receipt of your letter of the 9th inst., in relation to the question of the land at Rat Portage, to be taken from the Hudson Bay Company for the use of the Canadian Pacific Railway, such letter being acconj- panied by a plan showing the location of the said land, as amended in accordance with the letter of the Company's Land Commissioner, addressed to you under date the 2nd inst., whereby they represent that they have divided their land in thia place into town lots which have been already sold, and asking that the railway boundary may be altered so as to avoid iheir inclusion. In reply, I am directed to say that the Minister approves of the amended louar- tion of the railway property as shown on the plan submitted to you, and to request that you will tako the necessary steps to eflfoot its transfer to the Government. I am Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. C. SciiRBiBBR, Chief Engineer, C. P. R. 1 NUMBER THREE. CORRESPOND !':NCE RELATING TO THE ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT AND THE COMPANY, AND SUBSIDY. , Canadian Pacific Railway, Ottawa, 1st February, 1883. Sir. — ^The account against the Canadian Pacific Railway, amounting to $1,042,519.29, subiect to correction, rendered some time ago, has this day been under discussion with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's officers, with a view to adjustment. It is considered that under the terms of their contract, the following sums do nafe for m proper charges against the Company, viz : — No. 1. Wire fencing, Skead & Haycock $18,500 00 2. " " Stubbs&Co 8,000 00 ' 3. Temporary bridge over Red River 6,950 00 4. duty on engines '7,59 !4 60 5. Freight in store 2,158 01 6. '< transit 3,400 U I. YDGES. $46,60t 65 ' The following are the reasopp for omitting the above mentioned sums from th» account against the Canadian Paoific Railway Company. I ^ ?2 let. The contract made with Messrs. Skead and Haycock, wai? cancelled in con- sequence of the contract made with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to construct the railway ; the materials delivered by Messrs. Skoad & Haycock wero paid for, and subsequently sold by auction, the proceeds being paid in to the credilb: of the Eeceiver-General. 2nd. The sum of $8,000 was paid Messrs. Stubbs & Co., for fencing on thO' Pembina Branch which had not previously been executed. 3rd. The temporary bridge was not erected directly in connection with the contract for the 100 miles west of Red River, but was used for traffic purposes. 4th. Custom duties were included in making the valuation of the engines, and it is now considered the valuation should havo been exclusive of duties. 5th. A portion of the f-oight in store when the transfer was made to the Com- pany, consisted of a quantity of goods and chattels not worth the freight, and which •were never called for ; in fact, some were not worth the cost of removing. Tho sum of $2,158.01 represents the freight on such materials, and is struck out. 6th. By error, an overcharge of $3400.14, was made on freight in transit, which' is now corrected. The account therefore stands as follows : — Account formerly rendered (subject to coiTcction)... $1,042,519 29 Amount erroneously charged 46,607 65 Account as adjusted $995,911 64 I have the hon,"' to be. Sir, your obedient r .'vant, C. SCHREIBER. A. P. Bbadlet, Secretary Railways and Canals. Memorandum. Ottawa, 2nd February, 1883. The undersigned has the honor to represent that under the terms of the contrao- made with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, they were to take over the por- tion of railway, 100 miles in length, extendinglromtheCity of Winnipeg westwards, they paying the cost of the w^rk up to the time, when it was taken out of the hands of the contractor, and the expenses subsequently incurred by the Government In its prosecution. That under the terms of the Order in Council of the 9th April, 1881, transfer- ring the Pembina Branch and the line from Selkkirk to Telford, to the Company, they were to take over, at a fair valuation, such rolling stock as ^jhe Government could dispense with, togotuor with general stores, cordwoixi, station furniture, &c., also rails, &c., in sidings. They were further to take over the freight, paying to tho Government the charges thereon. 'y' That accordingly a valuation was made, subject to correction, and in the first estimate given by the Chief Engineer, dated the 18th of January, 1882, the company were debited with the sum of $1,042,5 19. '^9, as representing "work performed on first 100 miles west of Rod River, including rails, plant, rolling stock, &c., trans- ferred freight in transit and in store on the 1st of May 18^1." That a report has now been furnished by the Chief Engineer, dated the Ist iust., from which it appears that certain items of the said account should not prop- erly be charged against the Company. They are as f )llow8 : — No. 1. Wire fencing, Skead & Haycock $18,500 00 2. " " Stubbs&Co 8,000 00 3. Temporary bridge over Red River... 6,950 00 4. Duty on engines 1599 50 5. Freight in store 2,158 01 6. *' transit 3,400 14 $46,607 6& 23 jd in con- ripany, to ock wero tho credit ig on the- with the ises. gines, and • the Cotn- and which nog. The It. Qsit, which :9 55 IIBEB. , 1883. he contrao- ar the por- westwards, out of the Jovernment 31, tranafer- npany, they ment could e, &c., also iying to tho in the first 10 company er formed on &c., trana- the Ist iust., d not prop- 00 00 GO 50 01 14 6& That the reasons given by the Chief Engineer for the omission of the abovo mentioned eums from the account against the Company areas follows: — 1. The contraet with Messrs. Skead & Haycock was cancelled in consequence of the contract made with the Company for the construction of the railway. The ma- terials delivered by Messrs. Skead & Haycock were paid for and were subsequently 8old by auction, the proceeds being paid in to the Receiver- General. 2. The sum of 88,000 was paid to Messrs. Stubbs & Co., for fencing on the Pem- bina JBiunch, which had not previously been exe'uted. 3. The temporary bridga was not erected directly in connection with the con- tract for the 1 00 miles west of Red River, but was used for traflSc purposes. 4. Custom duties wore included in making the valuation of the engines, and it is now considered that the valuation should have been exclusive of duty. 5. A portion of the freight in store when the transfer was made 'othe Company consisted of a quantity Oi" goods and chattels not worth the freight, which wero recancelled for, in fact, tiomo were not worth the cost of removing. The sum of $2,158.01, represents the freight charges on such goods, and is struck out. 6. By error, an overcharge of ?3,400.14 was made on freight in transit, which is now corrected . That the Chief Engineer shows the account against the Company now to stand as follows : — Account formerly rendered (subject to correction).. ..$1,043,519 29 . Amount erroneously charged 48,607 65 Account as adjusted $995,911 64 The undersigned recommends that the said sum of $995,911.64 be the basis of tho adjustment of this account. Rospeotfully submitted, CHARLES TUPPER, Minister Mailways and Canals. Certified Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council^ approved by His Excellency the Governor Ceneral in Council, on the 2Vh March^ 18^-3. Ou a Report dated 2Dd February, 1883, from the Minister of Railways and Canals, submitting that under the terms of the contract made with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, they wore to take over the portion of railway 100 miles in length, extending from tho City of Winnipeg westwards, they paying the cost of the work up to the time when it was taken out of the hands of the contractor, and tho expenses subsequently incurred by the Government in its prosecution. Tho Minister represents that under tho terms of the Order in Council of the 9th of April, 1881, transferring the Pombina Branch and the line iVom Selkirk to Telford to tho Company, they were to take over at a fair valuation, such rolling stock as the Government could dispense with, together with general stores, conlwood, station furniture, &o. ; also rails, &c., in sidings. They were further to take over the freight paying to the Government the charges thereon. That accordingly a valuation was made, subject to correctien, and in the first estimate given by the Chief Engineer, dated the I8th of January, 1882, the Com- pany weie debited with the sum of $1,042, 519.29 as representing " work performed on first 100 miles west of Red River, including rails, plant, rolling stock, &o., trans- ferred, freight in transit and in store, on the 1st May, 1881." Tho Minister further represents that a report has now been furnished by the Chief Engineer, dated the Ist instant, from which it appears that certain items of the said account should not properly be charged against the Company. They are aa follows : — 24 fi-. No, 1. Wire fencing, and Haycock $18,500 00 Wire fencing, Stubbs & Co 8,000 00 Temporary bridge over Red Ftiver 6,950 00 Duty on Enginea 7,599 60 Fioight in store 2,158 01 2. 3. 4. 5. Freiglit in Biore transit 3,400 14 $46,60*7 65 That the rea^iona given by the Chief Engineer for the omiHsion of the above men- tioned suras froru the account against the Company, are as follows : — 1. The contract with Messrs. Skead & Haycock was concolled in consequence of the contract made with the Company for the construction of the railwaj'. The mate- rials delivered by Messrs Skead & tlaycock were paid for and wore subsequently sold by auction, the proceeds being paid in to the Receiver General. 2. The sum of 8,000 was paid to Moasrs. Stubbs & Co., for fencing on the Pem- bina Branch, which had not been previously executed. 3. The temporary bridge was not erected directly in connection with the con- tract for the 100 miles west of Eed River, but was used for traffic purposes. 4. Custom duties were included in making the valiation of the engines, and it is now con.sidored that the valuation should have been exclusive of duty. 5. A portion of the freight in store when the transfer was made to the Company, consisted of a quantity of goods and chattels not worth the freight, and which were never called for, in fact, some were not worth the cost of removing. The sum ot $2,158.01 represents the fr'eight charges on such goods and is struck out. 6. By error an overcharge of $3,400.14 was made on freight in transit, which is now corrected. That the Chief Engineer shows the account against the Company now to stand, as follows : — Account formerly rendered (subject to correction)... $1,042,519 29 Amount erroneously charged 46,607 65 ' Account as adjusted $995,911 64. The Minister recommends that the said sum of $995,911.64 be the basis of th« adjustment of this account. The Committee submit the above recommendation for Your Excellency's approval. , JOHN J. McGEB. Hon. Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 3rd April, 1883. Sir, — I am directed to enclose you a copy of a certified copy of an Order in Councils uthorizing that the account of $1,04. ',5 19. 29 made out (subject to correction) against the Canudian Pacific Railway Company, be adjusted by the omission of items aggregating $46,607.65, leaving the balance of $995,911,64 as the basis of adjust- ment of this account C. SoHREiBSR, Chief Engineer. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Subsidy — Central Section— Estimate No. 4i— distance completed 900 miVes, Eastern Division ; 54 miles Western Division ; Total, 954 miles, •5 Description of Works — Cash Subsidy — No. of Contract, Canadian Pacific Eailway Company— Locality of Works West of Red River — Central Section — Name of Contractors Canadian Pacific Railway Company— Date of Contract, October 2 let, 1880. 10 00 10 00 ' lO 00 )9 50 ; )8 01 )0 14 J7 65 " ' ho above men- onsequenco of j ay. The mate- | subsequently on the Pem- with the con- poses, ngines, and it I the Company, ad which were f. The sum ot )Ut. _ I ansit, which is 1 i ' now to stand ! »19 29 m 65 11 64. le basis of th« r Excellency's J. McGBB. .pril, 1883. of an Order iu jt to correction) mission of items basis of adjust- nt, ', Secretary. miles, Eastern . I anadian Pacific I Section— Nfttn© }t, October 2tBt| it Progress Estimate of Work done and materials delivered from the beginning of operation;^ undo" this contract, to the 5th Docembor, 1883. The work», of which this is an estimate, are being executed by the authority of the Department of Ilailwnys and Caiials^, under Contract numbered and dated as above. Total value of work done and materials delivered to the 5th December, 1883 8f),719,982 00 Eastern Division, 900 milep, at 810,000... $9,000,000 00 Western Division, 54 " " 13,3,53 719,982 00 : Total amount $9,719,932 00 Add— advance on rails, 56,530 tons @S 50=r$2,826,500x75 percent 2,119,875^00 Lkss — For raiison track upon which an advance has been made, 53,030 tons @ a50=$2,651,500x75 p. c... 1,988,625 00 131,250 00 $9,S51,232 00 The above is a correct estimate, made up from toe returns forwarded by James Dickoy and J. St. V. Caddj'. The quantities so furnished have been a oui-ately moneyed out at the contract rates, or at rates specially authoi'izod by Departmental letters above mentioned. J. E. CHAMBERLAIN. I have examined the return on which this estimate is based, have verified ths calculation^, and am satisfied that all the work returned, as done, has been duly autho- rized by the Department. FRANCIS J. LYNCH, in charge of C. P. B. Head Office. Total amount now certified on this contract, $9,851,232. All previous payments to be deducted. C. SCHREIBBR, Engineer-in Chief, per F. J. L. - Officis of Enqineerin-Chiep, Ottawa, 5th December, 1883. I hereby certify that 954 miles of the Central Section of the Canadian Pacific Railway arc so far completed as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, together withjsuch equipment thereof as is required for the traffic thereon. C. SOHRBIBER, per F. J. L. MONEY SUBSIDY. Section. • Uilcs. Rate of Subsidy per mile. Subsidy on Mileage. Payments on Rails. 1 Net Amoont Total. certified to by Engineer. 1 0»n Central Section— KiLRtem Division 900 54 120 10,00f 00 13,333 00 16,384 61 9,000,000 719,982 1,848,163 9,000,000 851,233 2,150,888 Weatern Division......«» 131,250 304,736 9,861,23a 2,650,888 Slastern Section 1,074 11,566,136 435,985 12,002,120 12,002,120 LAND SUBSIDY. V I Section. Miles. No. of Acres per Mile. 1 Total No. of Less J to be Aeres. Deducted. Total No. of Acres less |. Central Section— Eastern Division Western Division. ,.„ Eastern Section 900 64 120 12,500 16,666A«„ 11,260,000 990,000 1,163,842 2,250,000 180,000 230,768 9,000,000 720,000 923,074 10,643,074 Total 1,074 13,303,842 2,660,768 m 6th December, 1883. Sib, — I have the honor to inform ymi that under date the 6th inst., a certificate haHiHBiied from the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Kaiiway, showing the comiilotion and equipment 8uf3ciently to admit of the running of regular trains thereon of a further extent of Similes of road on the Western Division of the Centra -joction. Under this certificate, the Company are entitled to receive their land subsidy, viz. : 33 miles, at 16,666-66, making a total of 649,999 78 acres, less one fifth retained by the Government. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, A,F. BRADLEY, Secretary. Deputy Minister of the Interior. . ^Memorandum. 6th December, 1883. The undersigned has the honor to repi'esont that, under date the 6th inst., a certificalohas issued from the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, phow- ingthe completion nnd equipment, so far as to admit of the runuing of regulai* trains thereon, of a further section of H3 miles of road, on the Western Division of the Central Section, the total distance so completed on this section being 954 miles. The following are the particulars of said certificate : — Total value of work done and materials delivered up to 6lh December, 1883, on tho Central Section : — EasternDivision, 900 miles, at $10,000 $9,000,000 00 Western «' 54 " at' 13,333 119,982 00 $9,719,982 00 Add — Advance on rails, 56,530 tone, at , $50=82,82ii,500x75 p. c $2,119,875 00 Less — P'or rails on track on which an advance has been made, 53,030 ton8,at$3U=:|2,65l,500X75p.c. 1,988,625 00 . .' $131,250 00 Total $9,851,232 00 That of this amount there has already been paid the ' sum of 9,534,:^>93 00 leaving the balance now payable to the Canadian Pacific Rail way Company $316,239 00 That under the certificate In question, the Company are! further entitled to receive their land subsidy for the said 33 miles of road at tho rate of 16,666-66 acres, or a iotal of 540,999 75 less one-fifth retained I y tho Government . )tal No. of cresleB8|. 9,000,000 720,000 923,074 10,643,074 1883. ertificato tving the 1 thereon Section. viz. : 33 d by the )ntary. 1883. i inst., a r&y, show- ilai' trains le Central 3, on the ) ) ) ntitled to ;-66 acres, 27 The nndersipjned recommonds that authority be given for the payment to th» Company of the balance of the Money Subsidy due under the present certificate, namely, $316,23 i. ,7 JReHpectfnlly submitted . J . H . POPE, Acting Minister, Railways and Canals. Certifikd Copt of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 10th of December, 1883. On a memorandum dated the 6th of December, 18°3, from the Acting Minister of Railways and Canals, representing that a certificate, dated the 6ih instant, has been received trom the Government Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, showing that upon the Western Division of the Oontral Section of the railway, there has been completed and equipped, so far as to admit of the running of regular trains tliereon, a iuither extent of thirty-three (33) miles of road, making a total on this section of 054 miles so completed. The Minirttor submits the following particulars of the present certificate : — Total value of work done and materials delivered up to 5th December, 1883, oa the central section : — Eastern Division, 900 miles, at $10,000 $9,000,000 Western " 54 " 13,333 719,98:J $0,719,98^ Add— Advance on rails, 56,530 tons, at $50=$2,826,500+75. $2,119,875 Less— For rails on track, upon which an advance has been made, 53,030 tons, at $50 = $2,651,500 + 15 p. c $1,988,625 _«— 131,250 $9,851,232 That of this amount the books of the Accountant of the Department show that there has been already paid the sum of $9,534,993 Leaving the balance now payable to the Company $316,239 The Minister states that the present certificate further shows that the company are entitled to receive their land subsidy for the said thirty-three (33) miles at the rate of 16,66ti'66 acres a mile, or a total of 549,999-78 acres, loss one fifth retained by the Government under the contract. The Minister recommends that authority be given for the payment to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company of the aforesaid balance, namely, three hundred and sixteen thousarid two hundred and thirty-nine dollars (8316,239 00). The Committee advise that the requisite authority be granted. JOHN J. McGEE. Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 11 th December, 1883. Sir, — I have the honor to inform you that under date the 10th inst., an Order in Council was passed authorizing the payment to your Company of the sum of $316,239, for a further extent of 33 miles of road on the Western Division of the Central Section of yopr lire, completed and equipped so far as to ailmit of the running of regular trains thereon, making a total of 954 miles on that section so completed. The total value of work done and of materials delivered up to 5th December, 1883, on both Divisions of the Central Section is : — Eastern Division, 900 miles, at $10,000 $3,000,000 Western " 54 " 13,333 719,082 $9,119, 82 28 Add — Advance on rails, viz.: 66,530 tone, at $50= 2,826,500+75 per coat J2,119,876 Liss— Kor rails on track, on which an advance has been made, viz. : 53,030 tons, at $50 = 2,651,500 + 75 per cent... 1,988,625 That of this amount there has already been paid in llio sum of., 131,250 $9,851,232 9,634,993 Leavint,' a balance now payable . $316,239 That in addition to the money tiubsidy, the Cci 'ipany are further entitled to a subsidy in land for tlio 33 miles so completed, at the r.ile of 16,666*66 acres per mile, or a total of 549,999'78 acres, leas one tifth, retained by the Goverument under the contract. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Charles Duinkwatek, Secretary, 0. P. K. Co. Ottawa, 11th December, 1883. Sir, — I have the honor to inform your that under date the 10th instant, an Order in Council passed, authorizing the payment to the Canadian Pacific Eailway Com- Eany of the sum of $316,239, ior a further extent of 33 miles of road on the Western •[vision of the Central Section of the line, making a total in all of 954 miles on this section completed and equipped so far as to admit of the running of trains thereon. The pio-ent Order is based on a certificate of the Government Engineer, a copy of whif'h has already been furnished you. The company are further entitled, under the certificate, to their land subsidy for the said 33 miles, at the rate of 16,666'66 acres per mile, or a total of 549,999'78 acres, less ono-fifLh, retained by the Government. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. J. L. McDoDOALL, Auditor-General. Subsidy Eastern Section, Estimate No. 10, distance 100 miles West of Oallander, 57 miles East of Port Arthur. Description of works. Cash subsidy — No. of contract— Canadian Pacific JRailway Comyany — locality of works — Eastern Section, Callander to Junction with Lake Superior Section — Name of Contractors, Canadian Pacific Railway Company — Date of Contract, October 21, 1880. Progress estimate of work done and materials delivered from the beginning of operations under this contract to 15th December, 1883. I'lie works, of which this is an estimate, are being executed by the authority of the Department of Railways and Canals, under contract numbered and dated as above. Total value of work done and materials delivered to the 15th December, 1883. West of Callander, 100 miles, ) „<. eir oai at East of Port Arthur, 67 miles, J ^^ »lo.^«*-^A - 2,569,229 Total amount 2,669,22a Add— advance on rails : — Mattawa 9,342, at $30=$280,260-|- 75 p.c... $210,195 Hochelega— 4,312, at$28=$l20,.36-f75p.o... 90,552 Port Arthur— 2,398, at $33=79,00-^ 75 p.c... 59,250 Bed Rock ftnd vicinity-6,903 at $34.60=',i38,153 +75 p.c 178,616 $538,612 Bic ey( ten cal( ise( to Bai togi Mei the tent «dn mil< 8Ub£ »21' com 29 LesH— Covered by this estimate : 6,170 at $30=185,100 + 75 p.c $138,825 4,312" $28=120,736 + 75 p.c 90,552 2,008" $33= 66,000+76 p.c 49,500 2,000 " $34.60=69,000 + 75 p.c 51,750 330.627 207,985 $2,777,214 The above is a correct estimate, made up from the returns forwarded by Thos. Bidout and J. St. V. Caddy, The quantities so furnished havo been accurately mon- eyed out at the contract rates, or at rates specially authoi'ized by Da])artmental let- ters above mentioned. J. R. CHAMBERLAIN. I have examined the return on which this estimate is based, have verified the- calculations, and am satisfied that all the work returned as done has boon duly author- ised by the Department. FRANCIS J. LYNCH, In charge of C. P. R. Head Office. Total amount now certified on this contract, $2,777,214. All previous payments to be deducted. C. SCHREIBER, Engineer-in-Chief. Ofpiok or Bnqineer-inChief, Ottawa, 15th Decerabor, 1883, I hereby certify that 167 miles of the eastern section of the Canadian Pacific Railway aru so far completed as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, together with such equipment thereof as is required for the traffic thereon, C. SCHREIBER. Memorandum. Ottawa, 17th December, 1883. The undersigned has the honor to represent that under date tho 15th instant, the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, has certified that a further ex- tent of 47 miles on the Eastern Section has been so f&r completed and oqiiipped as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, making a total in this division of 16T miles so completed. The following are the details of the said certificates : — The total value of work done and materials delivered up to 15th December, 1883, 167 miles, at $15,384.61 a mile $'?,569,229 Add— Net advonce on rails 207,985 $2,777,214 Of this amount there has already been paid , 2,150,888 Leaving the balance now payable to the Canadian Paci- fic Railway Company $R26,326 Under the said cortificato, the company are further enl;itlod to receive their land subsidy for the said 47 miles, ut the rate of 9,61535 acres a mile, or a total of 451,- 921*45 acres, less one-fifth, retained by tho Government under the contract. The undersigned recommends that authority be given for tho payment to the company of $626,326. , - Respectfully submitted, J. H. VOPE, Acting Minister Bailways and Canals. 30 Ottawa, 17th December, 1883. Sra, — I have the honor to inform you, that under date the 15th instant, the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific liailway hns issued a certificate Hhowing the completion and equipment ho far as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, of a further extent of 47 miles of road west of Callander, 20 milea; oawi of Port Ar- thur, 27 i total, 47 miles on the Eastern Section, making a total of 167 miles on tliiH flection bO completed. Under this certificate the company are entitled to their land subsidy for said 47 miles, at the rate of 9,615-35 acres a mile, or a total of 432,701*45 acres, less one-fifth, retained by the Government. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. J. R. Hall, Esfj., Secretary. Dopt. of the Interior. Certified Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Gooermr General in Council, on the VHh December, 1883. On a memorandum dated 17th Docembor, 1833, from the Acting Minister of Railways and Canals, representing that a Certificate, dated the 15th instant, has been received from the Government Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Hhowing that upon the Eastern Section (Callander to junction with Lake Superior Section) of the railway, there has been completed and equipped, so far as to admit of >lio running of regular trains thereon, a further extent of 47 mihs of road, making a t<)tal on this division of 167 miles so completed. The Mini.-ter submits the following particulars of the present certificate : — Total value of work done, materials delivered, up to 15th December, 1883 : 167 milen, at 615,384.61 a mile $2,569,229 The 167 miles being divided thus ; West of Callander, 100; eaHt of Port Arthur, 67. Add advance on rails. 9,342 at 83 ).00j=$280,260+75 percent $210,195 4,:i2 " 28.00= 120,73C-f75 " 90,552 2,304 " 33.00== 7;^,002-f75 " 59,250 6,903 " 34.50-- 238,153+75 " 178,615 $538,612 Less — Covered by this estimate : — 6,170 at 830.00=$ 185, 100-!- 75 per cent $138,825 4,312 «' 28.00= 120.736-f-75 " 90,562 2,000" 33.00= 66,000+75 " 49,500 2,000 " 34..50= 69,300+75 " 51,750 330,627 207,985 $2,777,214 Of this amount, the books of the Accountant of the Department show that there has been already paia the sum of 2,150,888 Leaving *Ve balance now paj'able to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company 626 326 The Minister states that the present certificate further shows that the Company are entitled to receive their land subsidy for the said (47) forty-seven mites, at the rate of 9,615,3^ acres a mile, or a total of 451,921^*5^^ acres, less oae-fiflh, retained ander the contract. The Minister recommends that authority be given for the payment to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, of the aforesaid balance, namely, six hundred' .and twont;'-six thousand, three hundred and twenty-six dollars ($626,326). The Committee advise that the requisite authority be granted. JOHN J. McGBB. 81 r77,214 150,888 526,326 mpanj at the itained to the undrod Ottawa, 2 l8t Docembcr, 1883. Sir, — I httvo the honor to inform yon, that under date Iho I9th iriHt., an Ordor in Council pnHsod uuthoiizing the payment to the Ciiniiiiian PaciHc Fluilway Com- pany of the Hum ot $626,3'i6, for a further extent of 47 miles (weal ot Callander 20, and oaet of Port Arthur 27), of road on the Kastorn .Section of tlio line, making a total of 167 miloH on thia section complotod and ct^uippud, so far as to admit of the running of tiains thoroon. The present Ordor is based on a certificate of the (rovornmont EuLjineor, a copy of which has already been turnished you. The Company are further entitled, under the cerliiicate, to theii- land wabsidy for the Haid 17 miles at the rate of 9,C15"35 acres a mile, or a total of 45l,021"45 acres less one- fifth rotainod under their contract. I have the honor to bo. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BKADLKV, Secretary, J. L. McDouoALL, Esq., Auditor General. Ottawa, 2l8t December, 1883. Sir, — I have the honor to inform you that under date the Kith inst., an Order in Council passed authorizing payment to your Company of the sum of $626,326, for a farther extent of 47 miles of road (west of Callander 20, eaht of Port Arthur 27), on the Eastern Section of your lino, completed and equipped so far as to admit of the running of roi^ulur trains thereon, making a total ot 167 miles on the sec lion so completed. The total value of work done and of materials delivered up to 15th December, 1883, being west of Callander, 100 miles; oast of Port Arthur, 67 — 167 miles, at8l5,;-'.84.()l a mile $2,r)69,229 Add — Advance on rails : — 9,342 at J30.00=8380,2604-75 per cent «2 [0,195 4,312 " 28.00= 120,786 + 75 " 90,552 2,394 " .33.00= 79,002+75 " 69,2iO 6,903 " 34.50= 238,15;{+75 " 178,*;i5 $538,6,2 L«88 — Covered by this estimate: — 6,17J at $30.(10=$ 185. 100+75 per cent $138,825 4.312 " ?8.00= 120,736+76 " 90,552 2,000 " 33.00= 66,000+75 " 49,500 2,000 " 34.50= t;i),000-i-75 " 51,750 330,627 207,985 $2,777,214 Of this amount the books of the Accountant of the Depart- ment show that there has been already paid the sum of 2,150,888 Leaving the balance now payable to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company of $626,3 26 Under the said certificate, the Company are further entitled to receive a subsidy in land for the waid 47 niiles, at the the rate ot 9,615 35 acres a mile, or a total of 461,92l'45 acroH, less one-fifth, retained by the Government under the contract. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant; A. P. BRADLEY, Secreiary. €b.vrle8 Dui.vKWATKR, Secretary, C.P.R. Co. Eastern Section — Advances on Hails —Second Advance on Stock at Mochelaga^ Mtmorandum. TZe-advances on rails delivered at llochelaga. The Minister of Justice reports on application of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., dated 10th November, 1882, for advances on rails delivered at Hochelaga. That' M althougli u doubt oxiats an to wh ithor thono raih msiy bo oonsidoro'l as dolivorod of tho lino of tho Ciinadiiin Paoiflo Railway, as doflnod by Soo. 1, 37 Vi(3., chap 14, yet aa tho advaiicoB ankod for d ) not oxcood thrco-foiirthH of tho valuo of Baid rails, he Hco.s no oltjoction to Ihoir boing inado, caro being taken that a good litlo to tho rails bo male to Ilor Majesty. Order in Council, 2nd Docombor, 188?, anthorizlng tho advance of $-^5,638 oa 4,078 ton* of rails, boing 75 por cent, of thoir valuo, at 82S nor ton— $114,184. As tho above Ordor in Council is not general as to all rails dolivorod at llocho- laga, but for a specific quantity, it will be necessary to obtnin another Order in Council for tho advance oi\ tho rails returned by Mr. Schroiber, 23rd Jutiuary, 1883, viz.: 234 tons at $J8, $6,552 by 75, 84,914, and thou payment may bo made, on a good title to tho same boing made to Ilor Majesty, in accordance with report of tho Minister of Justice. Tho necessary papers with rogai-d to title would be drawn up in tho Dep'vrtraent of Justice. T. R. Memorandum. Ottawa, 5Lh February, 1883. The undersigned has tho honor to represent that, under date of 2ud Docombor last, an Order in Council was passed, authorizing an advance upon steel rails, »Sc., th© property of tho Canadian Pacilic Railway Company, stored at Hocholaga, such ad- vance boing made upon an opinion given by tho lion, the Minister of Justice. That application having been made by tho Company for an advance on a farther quantity, an inspection has boon made by tho proper officer, who has reported to tho effect tiiiit owing to the depth of snow ho was unable to verify the quantities clairacil t ) be in store by tho Company, beyond a quantity of 234 ton.s, as to tho proseiico of ivhich ho certified. Up'in a report received from the Chief Engineer, dated tho 23rd ult., the un- dersigned recommends that authority be given for an advance to tho comp.iny upon a further quantity of 234 tons of steel rails, «&c., in store at Hocholaga, as follows : an advance of $4,914, being 75 por cent, of thoii v.\-'uo at $iS a ton, payment to bo made on receipt of a good title to tho said ra'ls h<. iig given to Her Majesty by the Company, such titleto be approved by the Hon. tlic Minister of Justice. .F.'::.};f "^tfully submitted, CHARLES TUPI'Eli, Minister Railways and Canals. CiBTiFiED Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council, on the 6th February, 1883. On a memorandum dated 5th February, 1883, from tho Minister of Railways and Canals, submitting that by Order in Council, dated 2nd December last, authority was granted for an advance upon steel rails, Ac, tho property of tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, stored at Hocholaga, such advance boing made upon an opinion given by tho Minister of Justice, and thoy now make application for an advance upon a further quantity. Tho Minister represents that an inspection was made by the proper officer, who reports to tho effect that owing to tho depth of snow he was unablo to verify tho quantities claimed to bo in store by tho Company, beyond a quantity of 234 tons as to the presence of which ho certifies. Tho Minister recommends, upon tho report dated 23rd January, ult., of the Chief Engineer, that authority bo given for an advance to the Company upon a fur- ther quantity of 234 tons of steel rails, in store at Hocholaga, as follows : — An advance of four thoudaud nine hundred and fourteen dollars ($4,914), being 76 per cent, of their valuo, at $28 a ton, p.aymont to be made on receipt of a good title to the said rails being given to Her Majesty by the Company, such title to be approved by the Minister of Justice. The Committee submit the above recommendation for Your Excellency'* approval, rion. Minister Railways and Canals. - ' JOHN McGrEB. in Coi Comp bor la of tho 'I shall I please ing of Oeo. \ Si of this !)any c •-as ten advanc docum( Geo. Vi lie Sin «ncloso( of rails Socretai Re Sir you will ing sncli Mr. U. . matter. Jii i rails ron agree to pany cla Secrotai Re 6 Sir,- hat tho 31 l«!il rored of 14, yet rftilH, he Iho riviU >,638 oa 84. FIiKsho- Older iti y, 1883, ido, on a i-t of the p'lrlraont P. R. 1883. Docombor rt, &c., the Huoh ad- ,00. 1 a farther •tod to the quivntitioa as to the ., tho ua- i!\ny upon iH foUowa : uent to be ity by tho Janals. il, approved 188H. EailwayB rtuthorily Canadian upon an ion for an Ujor, who •orify tho !34 tons as ult., of the ipon a fur- own : — An I, being 75 of a good title to be Ixcellenoy'ft LcGEE. Ottawa, 12lh February, 1H83. Sir, — I havo tho lionor to i;ifonii you, Ihat under dato tho Oth Inst., un Order in Council was passed authorizing a lurllier mlvanco to tho (yanadiaii Pucitic Jtailway Company of $I,!>I4 u))on railn stored at llochalnga, your report of tho 30th Novem- ber last in rospoc't of a Himilar advance having boon tlio basis of tho jocommendation of tho Mini.slor of this Department for the present advance. Tho ordor rerjuircs, as in tiio former innlanco, that a good title to tho said rails hhall bo veHtcd in Her MnjcHty, and I have nccoidingly to request that yon will bo pleased to cause tho fame courHO to bo followed aw on tho last occai*i(»n for tho obtain- ing of buch title from tho Company. I have the honor to b'', Sir, } our obedient servant, A. P. miADLKY, Secretary. (rEo. W. lUraniixiE, Deputy Minister of Jiistico. Ottawa, 14th February, ISSiJ. Sir, — 1 have tho honor, in compliance with j'our request contained in your letter of thifl day's date, to enclose tho agreement with tho Canadian PaciGc Railway Com- pany of the IGth December last, under whi';h certain rails intended for use on tho Eastern Section of their road, wore assigned to tho Crown as security for tho sum advanced to them thereon, under their contract. I have to request that tho present document juay bo returned to this oflifo. I have the honor to be. Sir, yotir obedient servant, A. V.m{ADLEY,Sr:cretar!/. Geo. W. BuRBtDOB, Deputy Minislor of Justice. Ottawa, Hih I'ebruary, 1833. /le advance on steel rails. Sir, — I have tho honor to request that you will return mo tho agrooment 1 enclosed to you in my letter of tho I8th Docombor last, convoying tho first quantity ■ of rails to tho Crown. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, (r. \V. BUKBIDQE, Deputy Minister of Justice. Secretary Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 2l8t Fobniary, 188J. lie second advance upon steel luiis. Sir, — Roferring to your favor of tho I2th inst., I have the honor to request that you will bo pleased to name some person to take delivery of tho rails. When advis- ing such person of his appointment, please instruct him to act under tho advice of Mr. 11. Abbott, advocate, of Montreal, the Agent of this Department in the above matter. In instructing Mr. Abbott in this matter, 1 have requested him to have all tho rails remaining in the yard transferred to the Crown, so that should the Government agree to advance a further sum upon tho security of tho 123 tons which the Com- pany claims in the yard, a further agreement will not be necessary. 1 have tho honor to bo, Sir, j-our obedient servant, A. POWER,/ori). .y. J. ecretary Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 23rd February, 1883. lie second advance on steel rails. Sir, — Referring to my letter of the 2l8t inst. I have the honor to inform you that tho Agent of this Department reports that it will bo annccesearj to havo 31 a— 3 34 another formal delivery of rail^, as Mr. li )bei'tf. J/. J. Secretary Eailways and Canals. THIS AC K'EEMENT made between Her Majesty Lbe Qucon represented and acting for and on behalf of the Dominion of Canada by the Honorable Sir Charles Tuppor, Minister Railways and Canals of tho Dominion, hereinafter called tho Government, and the Canadian Pacific Kail way Company, a body corporate and politic represented by Duncan Mclntyrc, tho Vice-President, and Cbarle.s Dnnkwator, the Secretary thereof. Wn'NESSE.s that under the terms of tho existing contract between tho Government and tho Company for the construction of the Canadian Pacific J{ailway, and under' the Statute in such case made and provided, tho Government has advanced to the Company the sura of four^and nine hundred and fourteen dollars upon two hun- dred and thirty -four tons of tteel rails, amounting, at twenty-eight dollars per tor,| to the sura of six thousand five hundred and lifty-two dollars ; tho said advance being seventy-five per cent, of the said amount; the siiid rails being now deposited near tho lino of thd said Canadian Pacific Railway, in the Parish of Hocholaga, in tho County of nochelaga, in the Province of (Quebec, and boing intended to bo used in tho coo- Mini 35 ssei^sion of M. J. , 18S3. cccalion by iilicv suclt the oihor to for service* ■of Iho 3 let sent to tlio Jaatiee. y. 1S33. )r to return iilicalo of tho ■spect of tho payment, Secretary n, 1883. ill the paperw V. M. J. ed and acting iirloH Tuppor, (lovernmont, u represented I ho Secretary eGovornmont !»y, apd under anced to the pon two hun- Uar.s per tor,: xdvance being j wited near tho n tho County] :d in tho con- struction of the said railway, tho receipt of which advance tho ■'aid Company horoby acknowledge whereof quit. And in consideration of tho said advance, and a>* security therefor, tho Company have assigned, and do hereby assign, trunfcr to tho Government hereof, at afoi'osaid. the quanty of throe hundred and fifty nine tons of steel rails now lying ia tho yard of tho eaid Company, in the said Parish of Hochelaga, and have already delivered tho name to mo, G . W. Jiobinson, of tho City of Montreal, together with a larger quantity of rails, who has taken possession of tho same for and behalf of tho (lOvornmcnt. And it is hereby covenanted and agreed by tho Company that they will not onoumbor tho said steel rails for any purpose or in any manner or way whatever, and will not remove tho same from tho said yard except for tho pn!po;io of tho con- struction of tho Canadian Pacific Eailway, west of Callonder, upon tho portion thereof known as tho Ji'a.^tcrn Section thereof. And tho (iovernmcnt hereby authorizes the Company to take such portion of tho said rails as shall bo required lor tho t 1,600 tons in stock, on which they appear to bo entitled to an advanco under thtiir contract, as follows :— 1,600 tons at $50 $80,000 75 percent, of which 60,000 I havo tho honor to bo, Sii", your obedient servant, C. SCHREIBER, Chief Engineer. A. P. Ba.iDLiiY, Secretary, Railways and Canals. 31 S83. and tlio ,oel raiU romovcd a groat jral busi- ^horo wo e in tho ,y of tho nont and up to re- ;/rtry. 18S:5. ;• tho Gtli X point on nals. Not r, I looked It would Iways and horo tor hisfice. 1883. of rails and tho last ad- '•etary. apf..ioalion ino of tho report — fi^tool rails i for, and ., > 1,600 ir contract, ,o Memorandum. Ottawa, 13th February, 1883. Tho undersigned has tho honor to represent that application having been made by the Canadian Pacific Hallway Company for a further advance upon steel rails and fasteninsfs, by a letter dated the 9th inst., tho Government Chief Bo^lneer has, under date the 13th inst., reported to the effect that in addition to tho 0,797 tons. of rails and fastenings transferred to them under tho contract, and not yet paid for, and those on which an advance has ah'eady been made, the Company have now In stocic along the line of the Central Section of their railway, 1,690 tons upon which thoy appear to be entitled to an advance under their contract as follows : — 1,600tonH, at ?50 ?S0,000 . 75 per cent, of which 60,000 Tho underriigDcd thereupon recommends that authority bo given for an advance to tho Company of §60,000 upon the rails and fastenings delivered as aforesaid. fJcspectfully submitted, CHARLES TUPPER, Minkfer Railways (xnu Canals. Certified C vy of a Report of a Commiitee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency tin Governor General in Council, on the Hth February, 1883. On a menorandum dated 13th February, 1883, from the l^'.inistcr of Railways and Canals, subinitthig an application da'.ed 9th February Inst., from tho Canadian Pacilic Eailway Companj', for a further advance upon steel rails and fastenings im- ported into tho North- West. Tho Minister represents that the Government Chief Ecgineer has reported, under even date, to tho eftect that in addition to tho 6,797 tons of rails and fastenings transferred to them under the contract and not yet paid for, and those on which au advajK c h'(8 already been made, the Company have now In stock along the line of tho Cent ,; . .jc^iion ot their railway 1,600 tons, upon which they appear to bo entitled to nriii'v'i'^ under their contract, as follows : — •• OOtonp, ut$50 , $80,000 ' ;i ,ji'V cent, of which 60,000 The "aiiiiister recommends that authority bo given for an advance to tho Com- pany of $60,000 upon tho rails and fastenings dtlivercu as aforesaid. The Committee eubrait tho foregoing recommcidation for Your Iv^oeilency's approval. Hon. Minister llailways and Canala. JOHN J. McCiJilE. 00 00 ngineer. Il Statement of Rails. Yyai'- Description. Rails in Stock. Tons. 7,653 4,47j 68,855 1,679 1883. ;Cci)lrul Section— Ml- Dicliey'3 return at end of tracU..... On line between Stonewall aud Portage la Prairie ;• \"oV\ Mr. Dickey's rctw., .' • f.M passed bt. Vii.cent, to 7th N^ . •— ! Rails banded over to u: pany under the terms of their co ct, and not, vet paid for • "•••"•",'; I'l Mr. Dickeys return, Nov. 7th to 14tli Rails laid on S. W. Branch from Emersou, Rails removed from line between htone- wall and Portage la Prainc.......... ••••••• Mr. Dickeys return, Kov. 14th to 2l3t 1,566 Less- Subsidy 20,-20 mile section^.. ........ Mr. Dickeys rL-tarn, Nov. 2l8t to 30th 2,033 do Dec. 1st to 7lh. ' 2,oui do Dec. 7th to 3lst | 4,105 LES3-Sub=i(]v 2!st, 20 mile section.. Mr. Dickevs return, Jan. 1st to 21st., lio 22nd to 31st Lb.'i. 576 1,149 1,440 2.180 964 19 1 Totalis 1882. May^ 8.. .Tune " July do Aug. do Dec. do do do ^20.. "15.. 22.. 1.. 15.. 15., 19., 23. LES3_Rail3 in track , .., , R^ils in which the Co-apany are mtitlcd to an advance -• " Tons, Tons, Advance 5,000 do 5,000 !do 10.000 do 6,000 3.62T 1,605 599 1,.380 81,€0i 56,985 24,617 2,082 299 1,781 do do do do do 1,400 1,350 600 3,400 800 1883. Jan. 16,. do 31.. Feb. 13.. do 2,000 do do do 2,100 3,650 1,600 44,SO0 Deduction — Estimate Nos, 5 to 19. as pre- viously staled 20^3co 2-1,600 17 1,783 RaiU in Track, Tons, Lbs. 6,7&"' 5,755 2,432 411,000 2,000 2,170 369 56,935 299 Ottawa ,1'lth February, 1883. I am, Sir, your obedient 'servant, ' ' -^ A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Charles Dhinkwater, Secretary, C. P. R. Co. la Track. Lbs. T 5 2,170 32 369 10 00 )35 2S9 lary, 1883. this day's date, Rtock of 1,600 tic R.'iilway, and for the amount lY, Secretary. 39 Advaxoe ox^K.viLs, — EsrtMVTE No. 43. Description of works, cash subsidy — No. of Contract, Canadian Pacific Railway Company— locality of works, west of Red Rivor, Central Section — Name of contract- ors — Canadian Pacific Railwry Company," Date of contract, October 21, 1880. Progress estimate of work done and materials delivered from the beginning of operations under this contract to the 1st November, 1883. The works, of which this is an estimate, are being executed by the authority of the Department of Railways and Canals, under contract numbered and dated as above. Total value of work done and materials delivered to the 1st November, 1 883 $9,270,9')3 00 KasterQ Division, 900 miles at $ 10,000 $0,000,000 00 Wo.^torn " 21 miles at $13,333 279,993 00 Total amount S9,279,!)93 00 Add advance on railp. 5(j,530 tons, at 850=2,8^6,500+75 pc 82,ll!t,875 00 ' , Less for rails in track upon which an advance has been made, 4'J,730 tonsat $50.-2,4Sh\r)00 + 75 pc... 1,8 ■54,875 00 255,000 00 $9,534,993 00 The al)Ove is a correct estimate, made up from the returns forwarded by James Dickey. The quantities so furni-heJ have been accurately moneyed out at the con- tract ratcH, or'at rates specially authorized by Departmental letters above mentioned. J. R. CU AMBERFjAIN I have examined the j-eturn on which this estimate is based, have verified the oalculalions, and am salisfiod that all iho work returned as done has been duly authorized by the Department. FRANCIS J. LVNCII, In charje of C. P. B. Uead Office. Total amount now certified on this contract. 89,,'>34,993. Alt previous payments to bo deducted. COLLINGWOOD SCIIREIBER, Engineer-in Civ ef Okfice of E.\ai>:i.£RiN-CiuEF, Ottawa, Cth November, 18S3. I hereby certify that 921 milds of the eastern section of tho C.inadian Pauifio Railway are so far completed as to admit of the running of rogiihir trains thereon-, togo.her with such equipment as ife required for the tratTn thereon, coLLiNC WOOD sun liraiJER. M0.VE7 Sl^nSlMV. Section. Miles. Rate of Subsidy per mile Suli.93 001 253,000 00' 534,993 00 9,534,99T 00 15,381 61 1,538,461 CO] 219,270 00 1,757,731 OOl 1,757,731 00 10,818,454 00] 474,270 00 11,292,724 00 11,292,724 00 If 40 LAND SUBSIDV. Section. Miles. K«. of Acres per Mile. Total No. of T,p?s It to be Actus. Deducted. Totnl Xo. of Acres les3 Central Section— Eastern Division Western Division Eastern Section .... 900 21 100| 12,500-(iO 16,066-66 9.616-35 11,250,000 350.000 961,535 l.OL'l' 12,561.535 2,260,000 70,000 192,307 2,512,307 9,000,000 280,000 769,228 10,049,228 Memorandum. Ottawa, 5th Xovembor, 18S3. The undersigned ha.s the honor to represent that under dato tho 5th instant, i\ ccrtiticato has been i:-8iicd by the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific llaihvay, showing the delivery of a further quantity of material, over and above tho quantity <^!Overcd by his previous certificate, namely, on tho central section a quantity of 1,23<> tons of steel rails at §50 per ton, or a total of 801,500 upon which under the term? of their contract the Company are entitled lo receive an advance of 75 per cent., or 840,125. Tho under,' igncJ recommends that authority bo given for tho payment of the buni above named, as an adv?"ce on tho rails in question. KospectfuUy i^ubmittcd, .r. II. POPE, Acting Minister Railways and Canals. Certified Coi'v of n Jicport cf the Honorable the Frivi/ Council, approved by If is Excelkncij the Goccrr^or General in Council, on the lih ]\ovember, 18S3. On a memorandum dated 5th November, 183.3, fi-om ;io Actiiig Minister of Eailways and Canal.s, representing that under date the 5th instant, a certificate has been ssaed by tho Chief Engineer of tho Can.adian Pacific Railway, showing thcr delivery of a further quantity of matcriul, over and above tho quantity covorci by hisprevious certificate' namely, wct-t of lied Hivcr, Central Section, a quantity o 1,230 tons of stool rails, valued at §50 a ton, or a total of §6 1,500, upon which under the terms of their contract tho Company aro entitled to receive an advance of 15 per cent., or forty six thousand one hundred and twenty-iivo dollars, (846,125.00). The Minister recommends that authority bo given for tho payment of the above named sum as an advance on tho rails in question. Tho Committee [submit tho above recommendation for Your Excelloncy'u approval . .TOIIN J. McGEE. Hon. Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 13th November, ISSo'. Sir,— I have the honor to inform you that under dato tho 1th instant, an Order in Council has passed authorizing the payment to your Company of the sum of $i6.125 as an advance equal to 75 per cent, on 861,500 the value at 050 per ton, of 1,230 tons of steel rails delivered on the Central Section of the Canadian Pacific Railway in addition to the quantity upon which an advance has already been made. The Auditor General has been duly notified in respect of such advance. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Charles Drinkwater, Secretary, C. P. II, Co. A. J I Total Xo. of Acres 9,000,000 280,000 769,228 10,049,228 r, 1883. ,h instant, u fie, Hail way, tho quantity itity of 1,230 the teriup of )cr cont^ or pnymont of 1 Canals. •are.d h\j lUs 1SS3. Minister of ertiticate has Bhowing tho \f covorc.1 by quantity o 3 which \indcr inco of IT) per 25.00). t of the above ExccUoncy'ri McGEI':. bcr, 1S8J. int, an Order of tho Bum of iO per ton, of ladian Pacifio ly baen made, vance. Secretary. 41 Number Pour. CO PJlE.srONDRNCE r.ELATING TO BLANCHES AND PROGRESS Tin: RKOX. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Office of the SEciiEXAnY, Montueal, 22nd Juno, 1883. Sir, — I have the honor to send you herewith land plans and books of roforoneo in duplicate of the south wewtorn branch, extending from tho f-tation ground in tlij City of AVinnipe /a tho town of Morris, to tho international baunlary lino, within Section 5, Range (, west, and from a point wjthin Sojtion 31, Township 2, Range S, west, tho whole in the Province of Manitob:i, tho length being about 115 miles. In addition to the above there are plans and books of rolerence of the several counties through which the branch line passes, as well as of the portion within the City of Winnipeg. Those latter are for deposit with tho Clorks of tho Po:ico. In no case does tho wi'lth of land, proposed to be taken, exceed tho limit lixcd by the General Railway Act. I have the honor to i»o, Sii-, your obedient servant, C. DRIXKWATER, Secretary. A. P. RnADf.EY, Secretary, Railways and Canals. C'anadi.w Pacific Railway Companv, Office of the Secretauy, Montseal, llth July, ISii. Siu, — 1 bog to transmit herewith books of ^oferenco, profiles and p'aiis of tho Selkirk IJraneh. Tiioso are in duplicato, and separate boolcs and |»i:ins aio included, covering so niuch of tho lino as is within tho City of Winn' p3g a id tho County ofLisgar. Those, as required by the Act, have to bedcpobitcd ir. the oflices of the Clerks of tho Peace. I b"'g to request that those ii'ans and books of reference may bo tninsmittod for the certiticate of tho Mini;jter of Railways, and that one copy, go certitied, together with tho separate plans for the ' 'lerks of tho Peace, may bo returned to rac at as tarly a dato as convenient. I have the ho:ioi' to be. Sir, your obedient servant, 0. DRINKWATER, Secretarij. A. P. lUiADLEV, Socretary, Railways and Canals. Selkirk; Branch. , To be returned to Company : — 1. Plan of whole lino; 2. ditto Winnipeg terminus; 2. ditto Selkirk terminus; 1. ditto County of Selkirk; 1. ditto County of Lisgar ; t)lal, 7. 1. Protileof whole line; 1. ditto City of Wiiincpcg; 1, ditto County of Selkirk; 1. ditto County of Lifgar; total, 4. 1. Books of reference of whole line; 1. ditto City of Winnipeg; 1. ditto County of Selkirk; 1. ditto County of Lisgar, total, 4. Ottawa, Gth August, 1833. Sir, — I have to inform you that the land plans, profiles and books of reference of tho South-Western Branch of the Canadian Pacifio Railway, extending from the station ground in Winnipeg, via the Town of Morris, to the International boundary line, within Section 5, Range 1, west ; and from a point within Section 31, Township 2, Range 8, west, have been duly examined and certified, under date the 4th inet. One set is retained in this ofiico and tho remaining two sets have been returned to you by express, per receipt herewith. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary/. C. Drink WATER, Secretary, C.P.R. Co. Ottawa, 6th August, 1883. Sir, — I have to inform you that the plans, profiles and books of reference of the Selkirk Branch Railway, sent by you on the llth ult, have been duly examined and 12 m ccrtilicd, under il.tlo Iho 4 h inst. Ono of Iho triplicatos sent Iris boon retained in tliis ofl'u'o, und the remaining two havo boon returned to you by oxpross. I urn, Sir, 3'our obo lient servant. A. v. BRA OLE V, Secret anj. Q. I'ui.NKWATKii, Sooretaiy, C.P.R. Co. Canadian Paoikio JIaii.way Company, Oki'ick ok the Skcretary, Montreai-. tih August, 1831. Stii,— ! beg to uolinowledge tho receipt of your letters (2) of the 6th inst.. tran>»- mitting plans and books of refci once of the South-VVeatorn Branch, and tho Selkirk Jh'ancii of this raihvav, the same having been ccrtiticd uh required by tho liailway Act. 1 am, Sir, vour obedient Kcrvant, C. D R I N K X AT !•: R, Sr.cretanj, A. I*. HiiAiu.F.v, Sccrelary, Railways and Canals. MoNTHEAT,, 1 Ith August, 188.'5. Sirt. —I I'CLr to h'lnd yon. for examination and certificato of tho Honourable tho Minisier ot Railway s and Cann!-", ])lap, prolilcs, and books of reference, in triplicate, ofthc lands jeqnired for the limerson Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway, extending from the Pembina Branch, in the Town of Emerson, to a junction with the .^onth Western IJrancb, in Section 8, Township 3, litinge I, west, having a length of nearlr 21 miles : all in the County of Manchester, and Province of Manitoba. Tho-o documents arc to bo used for cxproi)riation purposes, ono copy of each to be retained in your l)o|«ulmcnt, tho other two to bo returned to mo. I have the honour to bo, Sir, your obedient pcrvant, C. D\\ I N K \V ATE W, Serrct.irj/. A. V. UraiiLKv, SccetJiry Railways and Canals. OrxAWA, 4Lh Soptembei', 188 !. Sill. — T liave the honour to return to yon herewith, plans, profiles, and books of roforcnce, in dupliuato, of land required foi- th j ICmcrson Branch of tho Canadian I'acific Railway, between tho town ot Emorson and its junction with the South- West- ern Branch, in Section 8, Township ;?, iJiinge 1, wo-v tho uctcd b}' tbo tolls which 1 last, lor tho mo authority A now in force vnd Eat Por- idon is in tho suggestion . Secretary . (jt\<.xiviE\) Covr of a Jit'port of a Committee of the Eonorahle tin: Privy Council, ap- proved by Jlis Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 2'6rd March, 1883. On a memorandum, date 1 9th Docembor, 1852, from tho Minister of Ilailway^ imJ Canals, submitting for approval, in accordance with tho provisions of tbo Con- solidated Railway Act, 1879, the accompanying propose] freight tarilV on tho WcHtorii Division of llio Canadian Pacific Railway. Tbat in relation (lieroto the Chief Engineer of Giivorrinont llailw;iys statom und"! d.ito Uio 9th of Di'ccmber, 1882, that though higlier than t!io taiili'-ior railw;iys in Ivi'slern Canada, it is in bis opinion so only in ])roportion to tbo cumpjiralivcl)' grciilei cost of operating a railway in tho Nortb-West, and that the ratus hubinilted are Just and fair, taking into cony-idcralion the fact that tho ('o'o cd by Iho my cams lo of this ,vLh-We8t, atlontion ,he COS I of a contract udent. ry- 1883. from tlio avo now ?hich wero e Canadian lately been it tbo ti-ado uu to grow imtni^raut-i Canada and .in try at St. tiust ba sold ton now ill hcrcforo, in fh prices of an injurious or and fuel ranst render States or ion how lar ture growth arliamont of those terms ox working in fact, the our contract sBible, cover- attention of and first to k ago. The ■when they ernment for therefore in jan wore then .nderstood to fuel, in this The following coraparativo statement will whow iho groat inoroi-to e por cent. _72_ 82 21 11 (il 2ii Hi i 12 1 10 40 52 •62 (;5 i 41 1 54 3i 1 43 27 24 21 1. ; 50 (J4 5!) i 22 i;i !» Ill i:» i.i (> 4(1 11 11 52 as far oyond Being an average increa.-o of nearly 5!) per cent. The above are samplers ol the rates. A full com parson (o ever}' station .'IS Braniiou, would show simil ir results. Jt is undeistooa iliut for all goods lirandon, as long as the old Government mileage rates wore in force, the laiilf rate was charged to Brandon, ani arbitrary figures tixod by llio contractors cotihlructing the line aiAded to destination as the railway was opened. It cani'ot Lo doubled that an increase of 5;> per cent, upon rate. •; it-.h wore already very much in excess of wliat .'xrc charged in the Middle . States j. Jiastcrn Canada, must have a seiious elToct upon the trade of the coiinlry, and combined with tho extremely high rates up to the boundary, render it neeo.-sary for a vor3' much larger capital to bo employed in conducting any general business than is lequired it> other parts of Canada. This must pre.^s with a sjceial severity upon a now country , lir&t entering upon tho tiireshold of its trade. The Council of tho Board of Trade trust that the important questions involved in this very largo and sudden increase of rates upon general marchandiso, will receive tho very careful consideration of yourself and tho Directors of your Company, as well as regards its effects upon tho raercantilo community of Manitoba, as upon tliei-ottle- raont of tho country and the future profits of the railway itself. Tho Board dosiro nest to call your very earnest attention to a matter which they can hardly suppose, from the results apparent, can have received duo consideration at your hands. Thoy refer lo tho discrimination which tho working of tho new tariff presents in regard to tho trade of Winnipeg. Iti 3'our interview with tho committee, you state that it was tho do idcd dosiro and interest of yourself and tho Directors of tho railway to do all in their power to promote tho City of Winnipeg, as the great distributing centre of business upon the railway. You slated as evidence of this desire, tho intention of your Company to make such comparatively low rates to Winnipeg,from Thunder Bay, during the season of narigationas would enable its merchants to lay ialarge supplies at a moderate cost, [so as to permit of the distribution of those goods throughout the country to tho west. i 48 I : . ii' (> i iSiuIi apolk'3' is nndonbtodly wIho. Every f»reat railway company in'isfc havo a central doHtributinf^ point, whoro capital or onlorpriso will contro and which, by tho growth of u lar^o city will attract labor of all kinds and OHtablish lar^o depots of inatoriulri, londin<^ to tho advantage of tho railway as providiiiLj it with labor and materials at reasonable prices and Buj)plying it with a largo ami constantly growing traffic. Sich a largo contro of biiKinoa is of adrantago to (ho oountr}' ; westward also, at almost all your Hlations, small villages will arinc, and at f^cvoral points cotiijideruble towns will grow into existence. l\)r soino 3'cars tho capital employed at all theso p'acos must of nocoHf-ity bo limited, and it will bo greatly to their advantiigo to htn-o a largo contro of busincws connected with thorn by railway, where largo btockd of merchandise ni'o hold, ami from which they can draw raodorate quantities as they may require them. But tho following statement of comparative rates will show that your ])ro.scnt tariff is calculated to work both against Winnipeg, and bo also an injury to all west- ern points, wiiiidi must, for many years deal with Winnipeg for what they require. Per 100 Lbs. idt C1H8-. 2Qd Cla89. 3rd CI«SH. 4th Class 1 31 22 19 1 41 10 40 22 32 54 14 55 1 ". Ist. Winnipeg and Portage Laprairlo : — Through rate, St. Vincent to Portage Lapiairio.... C,2 52 41 1 St. Vincent to Winnipeg ...^ Winnipeg to Portngo Laprairio 43 3S 36 32 29 26 c. 81 ()8 55 Extra rate charged j)gaini?t Winnipeg.... 19 16 67 14 54 ^dJ. Hrandon ; — 1 G. Through, St. Vincent to Brandon 80 0. St. Vincent to Winnipeg 43 (J5 36 51 29 43 Winnipeg to Brandon , 1.08 90 72 (r. f'xfra rale charged against Winnipeg 3ril lil'f)R(ll71AtV • — 23 23 18 C. ] Through, St. Vincent to Broadview 1.09 91 73 St. Vincent to Winnipeg 43 95 36 T9 29 63 22 48 70 15 Winnipeg to Broadview 1 (^ ' 1.38 1.15 92 , C. 1 J'iXtru rate charged against Winniresr 29 24 19 ... t> • » t> J. '^o 4tn Kpfina'— Through, St. Vincent to JRegina 1.28 1.07 36 i>6 86 64 22 58 80 16| i St. Vincent to Winnipeg 43 1.15 29 76 1 ('-'J Winipog to Kcgina C. 1 1.53 1.32 1.05 i Extra rate charged again-.t VVinnipoiJr 30 25 19 47 ,k havo a ih, by tbo dopolB of [iibor an«l f growing irJ also, at c.ibidorablo ■coHHity bo )t bnrtincHrt held, un. Tlio fact is really xmn-vi tlian tbi-', bccausu in V/innipog cartage between tho railway ntation and tho merchants' stores coats 4 cents per 100 each way, thus making tbo extra charge about 28 cents per 100. Tho proper remedy for this will bo to follow the jilnn adopted ty railways in EaHtorn Canada, and havo a npecial tarill'lor goods .Hliip])d to local points from groat distributing centres. Ah an illustration of tho very heavy chai'ges miulo upon ^oods hhipi)od from Winnipeg to country points, as compared with tho rales chaigod by tho Grand Trunk IJailway, from Montreal, during tho pre-jont wintor, tho following lijjuies will ovidonco some startling rosnlts. Tho figures arc all takon from Iho lately increased tarilVof tho Canudiun I'auilic Railway, and tho pros-ont winter tarid' of tho (I'rand Trunk Kallway westward from Montreal, and which wintor tariff is iibout 7tn pur cent, higher than their summer tarilV. Tho stations having tho nearest distances from Montreal to tho-o on the (Cana- dian I'acitif, on tho following list, havo hoon takon : — Per 100 Lbs. 0. T. II., Montreal to Cornwall, 07 miles C. P. K , St. Vincont to Winnipeg, 68 " 1st 2aa C'luss. 3r.l CIks,-. 4th Clil:if. 21 i.i 1 ncreaso. 10 per cent 20 36 16 80 I 16 I 1. 81 (Jr. T. ]{., Montreal to Lancastoi-, 54 miles. C. P. 11., AVinnipeg to Portage Laprairie, 56 •' . 24 35 20 32 16 I'd 12 10 12: It) Increase " per cent. G. T. 11., Montreal to Mallorytown, 133 miles. 0. P. R, Winnipeg to Brandon, 133 . '• . Increase , percent, G. T. U., Montreal to Cobourg 2(U miles. ■ I C. P. 11, Winnipeg to Broadview, 261 " . Increase per cent. I G. T. R., Montreal to Bramption, 3ri4 miles C. P, 11, Winnipeg to Ilogina, 35V Increase per cent , 1 14 12 10 53 i' 6U 63 5S 42 1 65 • 35 51 1^8 43 15 54 21 ;i2 23 10 11 .^5 54 52 56 !)5 47 79 37 63 28 43 30 32 2ii 20 60 68 70 47 76 71 70 1.15 58 1)6 35 53 45 38 20 23 64 m 02 i'>(i 48 Mi i I I' "r ii^^il From Iho foreijoin^ tabic, it appoara that tho avoraofo rates oa tUo Canadian Pivoitic- JJtiiIw:iy, 1))' it'^ new . mI in "roasod tariff, are upwaf-d^ of 65 per cent, iiighor tium iho wirUcr rates from Montreal westvvard, on the Grand Trunk Ha 11 way, for .vimila" dietanccH ; but in addition to tiieir ordinary winter rates, the Grand Trunk Railway Company issue special tarifld and at lower rates for a number of different kinds of goods. Amongstolhers, forgrain and flour, lumber, butter and cheese, potatoes, bark, manufactures and wholesale merchandise. For the labt a special tariff is made i'roiji Montreal, Toronto and Uamilton, the three lat-ge distributing points on the Grand Trunk system. The following table of rates charged from Toronto, eastward, on the former classes of goois, will further show the comparative rates charged on the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railw vyg to the manufacturers and wholesale merchants from their respective distributing centres of Toronto and Winnipeg: — For 100 LbH. G T. R., Toronto to Cohoure-, 01) milos. P. h'., St Vincent to Winnipeg, 68 '• Increase percent. G. C. T. R., Toionto to Napaneo, 135 miles. P. 11., Winnipeg to Brandon, 135 '• Increase per cent G C. T. 11 , Toronto to Cornwall, 200 miles. P. 11 , Winnipeg to Bn udview, 2G-1 '• Increase " per cent. G, C. T. R , Toroiito to St. llilairo, .355 miles. P. R , Winnipeg to Rcgina, 357 '' . Increase. per cent 1-30 21 10 1 M2 15 11 'j5 1-07 1-00 20 05 ■ 22 17 43 13 32 39 32 20 19 150 35 I'5 1-45 1-53 r4« 30 79 2.1 (i3 4a 00 49 SO 2Qh 1-71 ■1 50 M5 1'03 42 90 1-02 3.-} TO M7 ^j8 05 54 43 33 1-30 l-^d 13; 1-32 - The average increase charged by iho Canadian Pacific Railway to manufacturers imd wholesale merchants from its distributing centres as shown above, is ao less than 1'33 per cent, higher than for similar distances on the Grand Trunk Railway from its distributing centres. The Grand Trunk Railway also g* vos still lower special rates for plaster, sugar, syrup and iron. Nails and spikes in kegs, and pig iron and salt, all in car load lots. •^ pr( 49 higbor vay, for I Trunk lift'oront )Otatoc8, is mado on tho istwavd, rgcd on rholcsalo og :— 1 4t.h og. Glass. U 21) n 'J2 uiufacturers m ao IcsH than wayiVomits i9tor, sugar, vr load lots. The special rates are f follows : — Per 100 Lbs. 1st 01as8. 10 1 i 15" 28 2nd Class. 3rd Class. Toronto to Cobourt? • ..» 10 \i 15 22i 9 " Napanee " Corijwall - 12 14 " St. Hiiaire 22 Which aro all lower thi n tho ordinary fo.irth-class rates quotod above. The Board of Trade of Winnipeg having placed before you the iiwAs Bet out in this letter, earnestly hope that the whole question will bo very carefully considered by tho directors of the Company and by ) ourself. It is of vast importance to tho Eail way Company itself, to the rapid growth of the whole c^'Uiitry, and to tho trade of Winnipeg, which supplies so very large and growing a proportion of the traffic of the railway. This Boaid, whilst fully admitting that tho higher cost of Ifibor, materials and fuel, render i' imponsiblo to fix railway- rates at as low a standard in Manitoba as are in force in E; 4orn CanadJi, believe that the comparative figures net out in this letter cannot be considered to justify tho soundness of the greatly increased standard of, rates which have lately been published by your Company, and they aro of opinion that if persevered with, without some such modifications, as have been suggested in this letter, the result must ultimately prove alike injurious to tho country and to tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The Board of Trade cannot agree with the argumont that tho rates upon the aparso traffic at the commencement must be fixed so as to cover tlio cost of workiiig t '^ railvsray Irora tho start, because tho clear intention of Parliaraetit, in entering iocO tho contraci with your company, was to give such a subsidy, us would cover the wellforesoen heavy loss which must arido in the working of the line for the first few years, and uatil tho count'T' became fairly settled. The Board of Trade desire in conclusion to say that it is their earnest desire to di'icusb these mut'.ers in the fairest and most friendly spirt,. Thoy especially desire to promote by every reasonable moans, the succot^s of you> railwaj^ in the rapid con- clusion of wiiiyh we are all deeply interested. But tbe ' ate also bound to point out what thoy conceive to be mistakes, alike injurious to thj country and to your own company. We have tho honor to be, Sir, your obedient servants, C. J. ERYDCi ES. President . L. M. LEWIS, Secretary, Ottawa, Iflth April, 1883. Sib, —1 am directed to acknowledge tho rocoipt of your letter of the 17th inst.,. 1 enclosing a copy of a letter addressed by tho Board of Trade of Winnipeg to the iCanadian Pacific Eailwray Company, bearing upon the roeont heavy increase in thoir ^freight tariff. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. jC. J. Br.TD0F,8; President, Board of Trade, Winnipeg. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, OPFiuii OP THE Secuetary, Montreaf 18th April, 1888. Sia, — I beg to transmit herewith two certified copies of a by-law passed bj lis Company, at a meeting of the Board of Directors, Leid on the Itlth inst.» 31a— 4 DO \l I' e8tal)li^hing a tariff of tolls and fores pi-oposed to be charged on the Weetern Division of the Canadian Pacific Eailyay, to which is attached a classification sheet, I have (.-ei-tifiod the same under the seal of the Company, and have the honor to request that the said by-law may bo submitted for the approval of the Governor in Council. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATEE, Secretary. A. P. Bbauley, Secretary, Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 27th April, 1883. Sir, — lam flirected to transmit to you copy of a communication, dated the 7th inst., and of the enclosure sent therewith, received from the President of the Board of Trade of the City of Winnipeg, on the i^ubjouL of the recent increase in the freight tariff of the Canadian Pacific Railway ; and I am to request that you will be good enough to favor the Department with any observations in regard thereto which your Company may desire to offer. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Sscretary. Charles Drinkwater, Secretary, C. P. R. Co. Ottawa, 1st May, 1883. honor to represent that, under date the 18th Pacific Railway Company has submitted for , in accordance with the requirements of the enacted and such by-law Sir, — The undersigned has the ult., the Seorotary of the Canadian approval by the (T,)vernor in Counci Consolidated Railway Act, section 17, sub-section 9, a by-law No. 56, passed at a meeting of that Board of Directors held on tho IGlh ult embodying a rovi-ed schedule of freight rates and passenger fares proposed to be charged on the Western Division of thyir road and its branches, commencing at Prince Arthur's Landing. That in relation to thi> freight tariff, the Govornmont Chief Engineer has reported, under date the 9th of December last, that though higher than the tariffs of railways in Kastern Canada, it is so, in his opinion, only in proportion to the com- paratively greater cost of operating a railway in the North- West, and that the rates submitted are just and fair, taking into consideration the fact that tho cost of fuel used on this section of railway is at least IIG per cent, higher than on roads in Eastern Canada; that of labor, 45 per cent., and of general supplies, 60 per cent, higho! ; further Ihftt the line runs for hundreds of milen through a country but sparsely settled, and yielding for some time to come but a very light traflflc. That the *^tiriff in ques'ion has, however, been formed with a view to tho settlement of the country and the promotion of its trade, and to this end low rates have been placed on some of the more important articles, such as immigrants' effects, coal, cordwood, lumber and grain. In view of the changes which tho rapid rate of settlement in the country may bo expected to produce, ho advises that tho period for the operation of the proposed tariff bo one year only. That with respect to tho passenger taritt' propo?od, the Chief Engineer, under date tho 30th ult,, has expressed the opinion that this tariff* is fair and just. The undersigned, concurring in the views of the Chief Engineer, recommends that approval be given to both the freight and passenger tariffs proposed, so embodied in the aforesaid by-law No. 56, such tnriffs to bo and continue in force for one year from and after full compliance by the Company with tho conditions of the Consolidated Railway Act, as to publication. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES TUPPER, Mi7iister Railways and Canals. Ckrtifiei) Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, ap- proved by His Excellency the Governor Qeneial in Council, on the 28th May, 1883. On a memorandum, dated 1st May,1883, lom tho Minister of Railways and Cana!s, ^submitting 'jr approval by the Governor i.i Council, in accoi-dance with the require- i 'i. View April to the appro 61 Division ) honor to vernor in etary. 1883. 3d the 7th the Boai'd the freight I be good oto which retary. ', 1883. 9 the I8th jmitted for onts of the nacted and uch by-law )Osod to be mencing at igineer has de tariffs of to the com- it the rates 'o^t of fael 311 roads in per cent, uoiintry but rafilc. That itnent of the been placed il, cordwood, jment in the operation of ;ineer, under 18t. recommends proposed, so in force for ditions of the d Canals. Council, ap- i k May, 1883. ' ys and Canals, the require- no in force for one year from jnd; lions t»f the Consolid; 56, pu. ment-* of the Consolidated Railway Act, section 17, sub-section 9, the accompanying by-law No. 5fJ, enacted and passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, held on the IGth ult., such by-law embody- ing u revised schedule of freight rates and passenger faros proposed to be charged on the western division of their road and its branches, commencing at Prince Authur's Landing. The Minister observes, that in relation to the freight tariff, the Government Chief Engineer has reported under date the 9th of December last, that though higher than the tariffs of railways in Eastern Canada, H is so, in his opinion, only in proportion to the comparfltivoly greater cost of operating in the North- VVost, and that the rates submitted are just and fair, taking into consideration the fact that the cost of fuel used on this neclion of railway is at least 110 per cent, higher than on roads in Easteri Canndji; that of labor 45 per cent, and of general supplies (JO per cent. higher : further, that the line runs for hundreds of miles through a country bat Bparsely set Hod and yieldiug, for some time to come, but a very light traffic. That the tariff in question has, however, been framed with a view of the settle- ment of the country and the promotion of its trade, and to this end, low rates have been placed on some of the more important articles, sucLi as immigrant's effects, coal, cordwood, lumber and grain. In view of the changes which the rapid rate of b 'tle- ment in the country may be expocto '. to produce, he advises that the period for the operation of the proposed tariff be one year only. That with respect to the passenger tariff proposed, the Chief Engineer, under date the 30th ult., has expre.ssed the opinion that this tanlF is fair and just. The Minister concurring in the views of the Chief Engineer, ad', i. sea that appro- val bo given to both the freight and passenger ta-'^' proposed, as embodied, in the aforesaid by-law No. 56. Such tariffs to be and c and after full compliance by the Company with the Railway Act, as to publication. The Committee reeoramend that the by-law No ult., by the Board of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, proved accordingly. JOHN J, McGEE, Extract from the Minutes of an Adjourned Meeting of Board of -Directors hef i pursuant to resolution passed a1 an Adjournment of the Regular Monthly Meeting heli on Saturday the 1th day of April, 1H83, on this Monday, the \Gth day of April, 18S3, at the h^ur of 12 o'clock, Noon, at the Office of the Company, in Montzal. Present : — Mr. DiNCAN MnlNTVRB, in the chair. Ma. R. B. Angus, Hon. D. a. Smith. And by proxy : — Ma. Geo. Stephen, M». H. S. NoRTUCOTE, Mr. J. S. Kennedy, Mr p. du p. Greenfield, Mr, C. D, Rose, Baron J. de Reinaoh. Reported, that negotiations had been in progress with the Government with the view of obtaining a revision of the tariff of tolls on the Western Division, adopted in April, 1881, and embodied in by-law No. 43, That a revistd tarift" had been prepared by the General Manager, and submitted to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and that the Government had signified their approval of the same. A copy of the said tariff and classification sheet was laid on the table. And it was Resolved, that the same be and is hereby substituted for the tariff embodied in by-law No. 48. 31 a--4i / cd on the 16th "f ~ubmittt'l, April, be ap- 52 That the said by-law No. 43 be and the same is hereby rescinded and cancelled and that the following by-law bo and the same is enacted and passed as the 56th by-law of this cotnpany. Bf/-law M. 56,— Tolls. The following shall be the tariff of tolls, rates and fares to be charged on the Western Division, comprising that portion of the railway from Prince Arthur's Landing westward, with the branches thereof. The said tariff to bo in force for one year and thereafter until revised, viz.: — Proposed Frbight Tariff of the Canadian Pacific Eail way Company, Western Division : — Passenger Tariff. Three cents per mile between Prince Arthur's Landing and Brandon, and between Emerson and Winnipeg. 1 Four cents per mile between Brandon and the crossing of the Saskatchewan Eiver, and on all branch lines west of Winnipeg. Emigrants fares, one-half first-claes passenger rates. Certified to be a true extract from the minutes of the Company. C. DRINK WATER Secretary, Montreal, 17th April, 1883. '1 i 1 ' , CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY (Western Division.) Local Freioht Tariff No. H, taking effect March 10, 1883. Rates include Cartage in Winnipeg on Merchandise, Classes I, 2, 3, 4 and Special Class 6. Freight to Stations marked * must be prepaid. EMERSON SECTION. 3 •12 23 31 40 •48 66 66 68 Between Winnipeg and St. Boniface .... St. Norbert. ... Niverville Otterburne Duffost Arnaud Dominion City Emerson St. Vincent.... 9 •16 23 •26 •32 38 Merchandise o 19 22 28 33 35 39 43 47 47 o o a. 17 19 24 i> 28 (' 30 33 37 40 40 i a. 14 16 20 24 26 28 30 33 33 o o .— * to u 12 13 16 19 20 22 24 26 26 Special Classes. o o 07 08 10 IH 12 13 14 15 15 c9 Ph 14 16 20 23 24 26 28 30 30 at .O O O 18! 21 261 30| 3J: 36 i> 39 41 41 05 '5J 06^ 07i 08 09 10 11 11 09 u u 4) 10 00 13 00 18 00 21 00 22 50 26 00 28 00 31 50 31 50 to 21 00 23 00 27 00 31 00 33 00 37 00 41 00 44 00 44 00 o o 06 07 08J 10 11 12 13 13 13 d o Zs S),—t 0.0 $ eta. 1 0) 1 20 50 65 70 80 95 2 06 2 05 RAT PORT AGE SECTION. Bird's Hill Gonor Selkirlc Oolville Landing Tyndall Beausejou 19 17 14 12 07 14 18 05 10 00 21 00 06 25 22 18 15 09 18 e 24 06 16 00 25 00 08 28 24 20 16 10 20 26 oeh 18 00 27 00 08i 09 31 27 2i 18 11 22 28 07* 19 50 29 00 33 28 24 19 11* 23 30 07J 21 00 31 00 10 35 30 25 20 12 24 32 08 22 50 33 00 11 1 00 1 45 1 50 1 60 1 68 1 70 \ •22 29 35 41 49 66 «4 Bil 71 Bd •79M1 86 93 *99 106 114 l_^ •122|d] 128 CJ ISBBif wood III class. d cancelled 19 the 56tli •ged on the e Arthur's I, viz.: — ly, Western •andon, and I ibkatchewan ecretary. lo Cartage in i6. ;3. 0) p. to p< CO u O .2 21 00 06 23 00 07 27 00 084 31 00 10 33 00 U 37 00 12 41 00 13 44 00 13. 13i 44 00 O Ct8. 1 0) 1 20 I 50 1 65 1 70 1 80 1 95 2 06 2 06 1 21 00 06 1 1 OO 25 00 08 1 45 27 00 08;^ 1 60 29 00 09 1 60 31 00 10 1 65 33 00 11 I 70 63 CANADIAN PACIFIC KAILWAY COMPANY— Confmue^f. (Western Division.) RAT PORTAGR SEOTIOM— Con<»n«ec« 48 58 64 73 84 94 •98 ♦104 112 119 ^124 132 136 Between Winnipeg and Monmouth..., Shelley Whiiemoiith Darwin Reiinie Telford Gro?s Lake. Ingulf.... Kalniar Deception ..., Oatersund ... Keewatin.... Rat Portage Merchandise. o o . cts. 39 9 43 45 -ig 53 57 58 61 64 64 67 70 70 Special Classes. o5 i 1— J 2 tn XI p— « o o U § u a. O c O o 1— < u v a. o O V CI. 5 m 4^ m S u o M CO Cts. 1— « cts. cts. n cts. $ cts. $ cts $ cts 3-i 28 22 13 26 36 09 37 30 24 14 28 39 10 38 31 25 14 29 40 lOj ii; 42 34 27 15, 31 42 45 37 29 U- 33 45 m 48 39 30 17 34 47 13 49 40 31 17^ 35 48 14' 52 42 33 18 36 50 14i 54 44 3-1 ,9 38 52 15 54 41 34 19 38 52 16 57 46 35 19.^ 39 54 15}, 59 48 37 20 40 5*5 16 59 48 37 20 40 56 16 u «* cts. $ Cts. 37 00 12 41 00 13 43 00 13 45 00 14 47 00 15 49 00 15* 50 00 16 ' 00 17 52 00 18 52 00 18 54 00 19 66 00 20 56 00 20 STONEWALL SECTION. 13 Stony .Mountain 22 25 19 22 16 18 13 15 08 09 16 18 21 24 05J 06 13 00 16 00 23 00 25 00 07 08 1 ' 20 Stonewall 1 ' 20 4S BRANDON SECTION. •8 Winnipeg) West 19 22 28 31 33 37 39 43 45 49 51 53 57 58 61 64 67 67 70 17 19 24 27 28 32 33 37 38 42 43 46 48 49 52 54 57 57 59 14 16 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 34 35 37 39 40 42 44 46 46 48 12 13 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 35 37 07 08 10 11 lU u\ 13 "i 15} 16 le;^ 17" 17i 18 19 19* \^ 20 14 16 20 22 23 25 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 39 40 18 21 26 28 30 34 36 39 40 42 44 45 47 48 50 52 64 54 56 05 05* 06* 07 07* 08} 09 10 10* ll| 12 12* 13} 14 14} 15 16* 15} 16 10 00 13 00 18 00 19 SO 21 00 24 00 25 00 28 00 29 50 33 00 34 60 36 00 38 00 39 00 42 OO 44 00 46 00 46 00 48 00 21 00 23 00 27 00 29 00 31 00 35 00 37 00 41 00 43 00 45 00 46 00 47 00 49 00 50 00 51 00 52 00 54 00 54 00 56 00 06 07 08} 09 10 11} 12 13 13 14 14} 15 15} 16 17 18 19 19 20 I 00 15 Rosspr., 1 20 *V Meadows 1 SO W Marouotte • 1 60 36 41 Reabui'D Poniar Point 1 6S 1 7» 49 56 Hifrh Bluff' Portaere la Prairie ......... I 80 1 95 <(4 Burn side.... ...•. 2 OO 71 •79 Bagot McGreffor 2 10 2 IN 85 93 Austin 2 20 2 30 •99 Mell)ourne 2 35 106 Carberrv 2 4S 114 *122 128 133 Sewell Douglas Chater Brandon 2 6S 2 65 2 65 2 75 Coal rates will also apply for transportation of brick, stine, sand aad lime in car loads. Cord wood in (juantities, at coal rates, on special conditions. Pressed hay in bales (car 1 jads) at No. 4 special class. Car load rates are for 20,000 lbs. y^ 64 CANADIAN PACIFIC KAILWAY COMPANY— Cw^t/iued. (Western Division.) Bu'-'.OVIEW SECTION. •141 149 •157 166 180 •188 197 •211 219 •226 235 •24:^ 249 •266 264 Between Winnipeg and Kenmay Alexander.. Griswold ... Oak Lake... Vi.den Hargrave..., (filkborn Fleming Moosomin... Rel Jacket Wapella .... -iurrowa , Whitewood Perceval.... Broadview,. •271 Oakshela tl79 Greufell •286 :Si)mmerberry. 291 Wolseley •302 Sintaluta 312 [ndian Head.. 324 Qu' Appelle.... •332 McLean 341 Bftlgonie *348|Pilot Biitte.... 357 Regina •366 374 •382 391 399 •407 416 •424 433 •443 452 •461 471 •480 489 •500 611 Merchandise. o o 73 73 76 78 80 82 84 90 90 92 94 96 96 98 1 Oj (V a N 62 62 64 66 68 69 71 76 76 78 79 8 81 82 8i o © 50 50 52 6 53 55 56 58 61 61 6) 61 65 65 67 68 © © 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 74 48 49 511 50 51 52 Special Clas:es. 4) a. 21 21 22 22 i 23 23J 24 25 25 25J 26 2H 26 27 27i o p. 42 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 50 51 52 5i 53 64 55 o o 58 58 60 62 64 65 6ii 70 7i) 72 74 76 76 78 80 16 16 16i 17" 17i 18" 18.^ 19J 19| 20" 20j 2uJ 21" 21i in 60 00 50 00 52 CO 64 00 56 00 58 00 60 00 61 00 64 00 65 50 67 00 68 50 08 50 70 00 71 60 * u a> P. *** o © s. ZJ 58 00 20A 68 on 20, 60 00 21 02 1 2\^ 64 00 2; 66 00 22i 6S 00 23 72 00 24 72 00 24 73 50 24.1 75 < 25 76 60 2oi 76 50 25.^ 78 Oo 26 79 50 26^ REGINA SEOTIOX. 1 03 86 69 63 28 66 82 22 73 00 81 00 27 1 03 86 69 63 28 66 8i 22 73 00 81 00 27 1 04 87 70 64 28A 57 83 22J 75 00 83 00 274 1 06 89 72 55 29 58 8* 23 77 00 85 00 28 1 09 9> 74 57 29^ 59 86 2^ 79 00 87 01' 28,5 1 li 93 75 58 30 611 88 24 81 00 89 00 29 1 13 95 77 59 30 A 61 9a 24^1 82 60 90 50 29i 1 15 97 78 60 31 62 92 25 84 00 92 no 30 1 17 1)8 79 61 31* 63 94 26 85 50 93 5(1 30 A 3 4 1 17 93 79 61 3li 63 94 25 85 50 93 5 1 19 1 OJ 80 6i 32 61 95 25J 87 00 95 00 3i SWIFT CURRENT SECTION. Grand Coul6c Pense Belle Plaine... Pasijua Vfoosejaw Boharm Caron Mortlach Parkbeg Secretan Chaplin Erntold Morse Herbert Rush Lake , Waldeck Swift Current, 1 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1 43 1 43 1 45 1 47 1 52 1 07 1 15 I 20 82 84 85 86 86 87 89 90 91 93 94 95 97 97 98 99 1 03 63 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 74 75 •76 78 32J 33 33J 34 34 34j 35 35| 36 36 36i 37 37 37 37iJ 38 39 65 66 67 6H 6 69 70 71 72 72 73 74 74 74 75 76 78 96 97 98 89 99 1 01 1 03 1 05 1 07 1 09 1 10 1 11 1 r 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 18 26 26.1 27" 27J 27J 28 284 29" 29.1| 29J 30 30j 31 31 31^ 32 33 88 90 92 94 94 95 97 93 100 101 103 104 106 lii6 108 110 113 96 98 100 102 102 103 105 106 108 109 111 112 114 114 116 118 121 31J 32 33 33 33 j 34 ^ :<5 35i 36 36^ 37 37 37j 38 39j 2 95 3i.30 3 60 80 80 85 90 00 10 20 30 40 40 60 65 60 66 70 70 80 90 00 10 20 6 30 35 40 40 45 60 70 o a •529 638 •546 '665 •566 576 •587 •631 641 •652 660 ■ 3 18 42 65 69 64ji 55 o o 20J 2(4 21 2li 2! 22i 2;i 1 24 24 24J 25 2^ 25i 26 26J 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 05 10 30 30 40 60 3 60 3 60 3 70 3 76 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COyiFA^Y— Continued. (Western Division.) MEDICINE HAT SECTION. 519 •529 638 •646 :665 •666 676 •587 697 •608 618 •631 641 •662 660 Between Winnipeg and Leven Goose Lake.... Antelope Gull Lake ..... Uypr<-33 Sijewood Craue Lake.... Colley Maple Creek . Kincarth Forrej Walsh Irvine Duumore Medicine Hat Merchandise. o 2 U4 • S. P. ei ** o o f— * c» 1 80 1 28 32 32 32 3C 36 39 39 39 1 -ii 1 44 47 47 51 51 o o Ol 1 03 1 OH 1 06 1 06 1 09 1 09 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 15 1 If) 1 19 1 19 1 21 1 21 4> Or 78 fiO 80 80 81 8t 85 85 8^ 87 87 90 90 Si 92 30 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 i-k 45 45 53 .a 5 u 78 80 80 80 82 82 84 81 84 86 86 CiS 88 9IJ 90 Special Classes. as J3 1 37 o o i 113 117 117 117 120 120 121 124 124 128 128 132 13 1 136 136 a, to 121 125 00 125 12.> 128 128 132 1!2 112 136 136 140 140 1.4 141 39J 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 41* 44 1 46 46 47 47 a n 4) — ' — O O 70 90 90 90 10 10 30 30 6 30 6 50 6 50 6 70 6 70 6 90 6 90 PEMBINA MOUNTAIN SECTIO.K. 00 27 3 80 00 27 3 80 00 27* 3 85 00 28 3 90 00 2Hi 4 00 00 29 4 10 .50 29i 4 20 iiO 30 4 30 5u 30 i 4 40 5 3'i 4 40 UO 3l 4 50 G 50 3 00 00 2 00 2 00 3 5:»| i5 00 16 .50 i8 00 )9 5' 11 CO 12 50 14 OOJ 14 ) 16 00 18 00 21 50 31 J 32 32i 3.< 33 33i 34 :-4il :<5 I 35J 36 31!^ 37 37 37J 38 39J 4 55 4 60 4 65 4 70 70 80 90 00 10 20 30 5 35 5 40 5 40 5 46 5 60 5 70 3 18 42 65 69 64, St. James La Halle Morris I'embina Mtn. Junction.. Gri'tna Plum Coulee, teui. sta'n. 101 8ll Cheval Ore. k "do Darlingtord .Manitoba Uity, tem. sta'n 19 17 14 12 07 14 18 05 25 22 18 15 09 18 24 06 37 32 26 21 12* 13* 2f. 31 08* 41 35 29 21 27 S'^ 09ii 47 40 33 26 15 30 41 11 45 38 31 25 14* 29 40 lOi 53 45 37 29 16^ 31 a 45 12* 57 48 :-9 3 1 17 34 47 13. 61 52 42 33 18 36 50 14^ 10 00 16 (10 24 00| 26 5. 31 50 29 50 36 00 3* 00 42 00 21 10 06 25 00 08 35 00 IL^ ,9 Oc 12. 44 1 13, 43 00 13 47 Ol 15 i9 00 15* 51 00 17 00 45 76 90 05 00 20 30 45 56 I CANADIAN PACIFKJ RAILWAY COMPANY— Oonfinuei. (WBSTEttN Division.) IJOCAL MiLBAQE Freight Tariff, between Way Stations. To bo applied whoro no separate tariff is given. DiatancoH. 10mile8. 15 " . 20 " . 25 " . 30 " . 35 " . 40 " . 45 " . 60 " . 65 " . 60 " . 66 " . 70 " . 75 <' 80 " . 85 " , 90 " . 95 " . 100 " . 110 " . 120 " . 130 " 140 " . 160 " . 160 " , 170 " , 180 " , 190 " , 200 " 210 " , 220 " , 230 " 240 " 260 " 260 " 270 " 280 " 290 " 300 " 310 " [m 320 « 330 " 340 " 350 « 360 " 370 " 380 " 390 " 400 " 410 « 420 " ■430 '« Merchandise. o o o o .-I u £ a ^ o 03 o .Q J3 -H u u »-l ID O a. O. A ♦i S 2 o o u .-H CI CO ,t3. $ Ct3 $ cts. 7. 14 18 8 16 21 9 18 24 10 20 26 11 22 28 11* 23 30 12 24 32 12^ 2f) 34 13 26 36 13* 27 38 K 28 39 14* 29 40 15 30 41 15i 31 42 16 32 44 164 33 45 17 34 46 17 34 47 17* 35 48 18 36 50 19 38 51 19* 39 64 20 40 56 21 42 68 22 44 60 2'* 45 62 23 46 64 23* 47 65 24 48 68 24* 49 63 25 50 70 25^ 51 72 26 52 74 2«* 53 76 27 51 78 27* 5) 80 28 56 82 28^ 57 83 29 58 84 29* 59 86 30 60 88 30* 61 90 31 ' 6i 92 31'* 63 94 3i' 64 95 3* 63 96 33 66 97 33* 67 98 34 68 99 34* 69 1 01 35 70 1 03 35* 71 1 05 o Ct3. 6 5J 6 6* 7" ^ 8 8* 9 9* 10 10* 11 11* u 12i 13 13 13* 14} 15 15* 16 16 16* 17 n* 18 18* 19 19* 20 2*t* 20* 21 21* 22 22} 23 23* 2t 24* 26 26 25* 26 26* 27 27J 28 28* 29 ;(i cts. 10 00 13 00 16 CO 18 00 19 50 21 00 22 50 24 00 26 00 26 60 28 00 29 60 31 60 33 00 34 50 36 00 37 00 38 00 39 00 42 00 44 00 46 00 48 00 50 00 52 00 64 00 56 00 58 00 60 00 62 00 64 00 65 50 67 00 68 50 70 00 71 50 73 00 76 00 77 00 79 00 81 00 82 50 84 00 85 50 87 00 88 60 90 00 92 00 94 00 95 50 97 00 98 50 $ Ct3. 13 00 15 00 17 00 19 00 21 00 23 00 25 00 27 00 29 CO 31 00 33 00 35 00 36 00 37 00 38 00 39 00 40 (10 41 00 42 00 43 00 44 00 46 00 48 00 50 00 62 00 64 00 56 00 68 00 60 00 62 (0 64 00 6J 60 67 00 68 50 70 1 71 60 73 00 75 00 77 00 79 01 81 00 82 60 84 00 85^0 87 00 88 60 90 00 92 00 94 00 95 50 97 00 98 60 6 7 8 8* 9 10 11 11* 12 12* 13 13 13* 14 14* 15 15 15* 16 17 18 19 20 20* 21 21* 22 22* 23 23* 24 24* 25 26* 26 26i 27 27 28 28* 29 29* 30 30j 31 31* 32 32* 33 33J 34 34* 00 20 45 60 60 1 65 I 70 \ 75 80 90 1 1 1 95 00 06 10 15 2 20 2 26 2 30 2 35 46 65 65 78 •' 85 2 »0 2 95 06 05 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 76 80 85 90 00 10 20 30 40 50 55 «0 66 70 80 4 90 6 00 67 whoro no CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY ^Continued. (Wehtebn Division — Continued.) Local Mioeaqe Freight Tariff, botwoon Way Slations, kc— Continued. 5 cts. 1 6» Distances. 440 m 4B0 460 470 480 490 600 S2S 650 675 600 625 660 676 700 725 760 776 800 826 850 875 900 925 950 976 1,000 les. •••••• Merchandise. o o 1 48 2 01 2 0.5 CO o i Ut 111 2 « n 1 09 87 1 11 89 1 13 90 1 14 91 1 16 93 1 18 91 1 19 95 1 2i 99 \ 28 1 02 1 32 1 05 1 35 1 08 1 40 1 11 1 43 1 15 1 47 1 17 1 60 1 20 1 54 1 23 1 58 1 26 1 61 1 29 1 64 1 31 1 68 1 34 1 71 1 37 1 74 1 40 1 78 1 42 1 81 1 45 1 84 1 47 1 88 1 50 1 90 1 52 o o 66 G7 m 69 70 71 72 -.4 76 79 81 83 86 88 90 93 94 97 99 1 06 1 12 1 14 36 36 36j 37" 37 37J 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48|j 49 50 51 '^IJ 52 5i 5t 54J 55 Special Clftssei. a) Xi 72 72 73 71 74 75 76 78 80 82 8t 86 88 90 92 91 96 97 98 1 00 1 02 1 03 1 04 1 (6 1 08 1 00 1 10 91 -3 CO 1 07 1 09 1 00 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 29 1 33 37 41 44 48 I 62 1 66 1 69 1 63 1 67 1 71 1 74 1 78 1 82 1 86 1 89 ■1 o O o o rH r-t <0 a. 03 u as m 0) HI en in o :j ■^ ■y> V> 35 29J 29: 100 00 100 00 101 50 101 50 3.H 30 103 00 103 00 36 30J 104 50 104 50 36J 31 106 00 106 00 37 31^ 108 00 108 00 37i 32 110 00 110 00 38 33 113 50 113 50 39.', 34 117 00 117 00 41 35 120 50 120 50 42 36 124 0) 124 00 43 37: 128 00 128 00 44} 39 132 00 132 00 40 40 136 00 136 00 47 41 140 00 140 00 48 42 143 50 143 50 49J 43 147 00 147 00 51 44 150 00 150 00 52 45 153 00 153 00 53 46 156 00 156 00 5U 47 lu9 50 159 50 56 48 163 00 163 00 57 49 166 00 166 00 68 50 170 00 170 00 59J 51 173 50 173 50 61 52 177 00 177 Oj 62 52^ 180 00 180 00 63 a uX> O 10 20 30 35 40 46 6 60 6 70 6 90 6 10 6 30 6 60 6 70 90 10 25 60 75 8 00 8 25 8 60 8 76 9 00 9 26 9 60 9 75 10 00 When rates are not shown in the table, the rates given for the next greater distance should be used. 68 CANADIAN PACIFC RAILWAY COMPANY.— Con^mwerf. (Western Division.) Freiqht Tarifi', taking offoct lUh June, 1883. PORT ARTHUR SECTION. 1 'V II 1- 1 Merchaadise. Special Olaasoa. m m to . a m Cm Between Port Artbar 1— < J3 J3 ■S. .J3 , Xi XI h and o i (—4 1 .0 § •— < i-4 1 u Ih M u u u flS d u k.S %. %. a, 0. 0) a. '1 M ♦J m B S *; m ♦-» 3 S. a. S <3B 00 08 03 11 6 Foil William 15 21 27 31 13 18 23 26 10 14 :s 21 10 00 16 00 19 50 22 50 13 00 17 (0 21 00 25 00 $ 1 00 19 29 38 Mm till 1 45 Kaniiiiiati()utti 1 60 Fiiiiiiark.. 1 70 <5 50 •Hmli bio "i'j"' 0*28 "b"39 i'o "is" 60 33" bo 13 Nonllnnd 39 33 26 1 95 fifi 'iiiiilcdoping 76 oiivunne 47 61 "o "57 60 6 39 43 "'o"48 50 6 si 34 '"o"39 40 24 2(i 29 30 16 17 32 44 46 "b 50 52 12 13 15 34 fO 37 00 42 00 44 00 38 00 40 00 14J 15 2 15 jfrt IJi'Siila 2 26 95 ••'aristftd. Bridijc River 1 18 36 19 ,0 38 1 105 43 00 41 00 17 18 2 46 117 Rnjrl'-^h River 2 55 125 VMm[1,u 136 Boriluuir 66 55 b 41 33 20 ,0 40 56 16 48 00 48 ()0 20 3 76 146 'Fulcoii WABIGOON SECTION. 164 Ifi? Ignace , ♦ lltllT 72 60 6» "b 69 72 74 75 77 48 "b'ei "o'55 57 36 0*38 41 ft 4^ 22 "23 "24^ 25 25 J 44 46 49 50 60 "b 64 "' 68 70 72 74 76 "6 80 ""b"82 84 16J 'in "ib' inj 20 20J 20J 21" "2'2" 23 52 00 56 00 "62 00 64 00 65 50 67 00 68 50 71 50 73 01 77 00 52 00 21 2 90 172 182 191 S04 211 Raleigh • Iftcho ♦yictor Wnbiiroon Haiclny 76 "6 83 86 88 90 92 56 00 62 "(b 61 0(; 65 50 67 00 6a 50 7i'eo "73'bb 77 00 22 "23J 24 24j 25 25;\ "2'6J 27 28 3 00 'T'io 3 30 22 i! OKlrilt 59 44 CO n "15 3 40 ?33 1' iigl River 26 52 2Hj^0 53 27 j o'55 "28 Ir 56 3 50 243 251 Veiniillion Bay •'iiibi-rt 61 64 65 68 46 b 48 49 51 :; 60 261 267 «74 Pairywood •Siiniinit II iwk Luke 96 ""0*99 1 02 80 "0 82 85 ?. 76 H'qo 292 R'jSThuid 29 58 3 90 RAT PORTAGE SECTION. 300 ao3 Rat Portage Keewatin ,.„ 1 02 1 05 '"i"b7 1 09 P5 88 "b'e'g 91 68 70 ""6"i\ 73 51 53 5i 5-) 29 2^ 30 iO} 58 59 60 61 84 86 "b"'88 n 90 23 23j "2*4" 24J 77 00 79 to 'sVob 82 50 77 00 79 00 81 00 82 50 28 2-'i '29" 29J 3 90 4 00 311 316 323 331 •Oatorsiind Deception Kalnmr •Ingolf "i'lO 4 20 ■•••••••• 60 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COKF ANY— Continued. (Westbrn Division.) Frkiuht Tariff taking effect lllh Juno, 1883. RAT PORTAGE aEOTION— (Jonc/ucfei. ^^" (m o d -i hl-4 > E.O i > 1- o $ 1 00 8 1 46 3 1 60 I 1 70 ii 1 95 4* 2 15 15 2 26 i?" 2 46 18 2 55 20 ' 2 76 21 2 90 22' 3 00 •*■■••••• 23^ 3 20 •2 A 3 30 214 3 40 25 3 50 25?. :; 60 26J .'. 75 27 6 80 28 3 W 28 3 90 2i 4 00 29' 4 10 29j 4 20 • •••• 337 341 351 362 371 377 387 397 403 415 412 419 426 435 Between Port Arthur and •Hrnsg Lake Telford Renn e. Darwin Wbitemouth ShdU-y Monniouth Hoiiiiscjour •Tyndiill •(Jolville Landing St'lkiik 'Goiior Birds Hill t Winnipeg (see foot note) Mr-rchandiso. s Cm 1 13 1 15 1 21 I 23 1 27 1 35 S. 94 i^6 98 99 •0 99 1 (il 1 03 1 06 1 08 1 l.i o o Oi o o 75 57 76 5H 78 5" 8o() 60 80 6(1 81 61 82 62 85 '086 91 64 6,^ 70 Special GlasHo:!. 31J 3i ■Mi 33 3< 33 J 34 S. 63 G4 66 66 66 67 68 70 35J 7i 36 10 72 Ac s o 94 9'> 96 97 97 98 99 1 03 i V 25 25} m 2Gh 26^ 27 27i •A 85 50 87 50 88 50 90 00 90 00 92 00 94 00 2Si '29" 29} 97 00 98 50 100 00 9t to 85 50 87 60 88 f.n 90 01 1 1 90 eo, 92 00] 94 00 3;i 97 00 98 r.d 10< 00 STONEWALL SECTION. 448 465 Stony Mountain. Stuiiewall 1 3:i 1 11 89 67 36;! 72 1 09 29J 101 50 101 50 ;<6J 1 35 1 i:^ 90 u 68 36} 73 1 10 30 103 00 lOJ 00 36 PEMBINA MOUNTAIN SECTION. 438 463 477 490 504 499 616 530 536 ♦St James. La Salle Morria Pembina Mtn. Junction... Gi'etna * Plum Coulee 1 Tempor- Clieval (>reek J ary Sin. •Darlingford Manitoba City, Tempor- ary Station 1 2:^ 1 15 1 OH 1 03 1 ""19 1 27 1 02 96 8^ 86 99 1 06 82 76 70 68 79 84 62 58 53 52 60 64 34 32 29 28 33 35 68 6t 58 56 066 70 1 02 94 87 8i "0 98 1 05 29 27 25} 25 28 30 100 00 94 50 88 00 85 00 '97 50 103 00 109 101 95 93 105 00 113 00 31 i 29?, 3n 35} 4 90 EMERSON SKOnON. 438 447 458 St. Boniface •St. Norbert Nivei'ville 1 29 '"i'i'i 1 18 1 14 .'.. 1 04 1 03 1 07 ""Toi 98 95 "o"87 80 85 "0 80 79 75 'o'69 68 65 61 59 57 o'ss 52 35} 33 32 29' 28 71 o'67 66 64 0*5.^ 56 1 06 1 0(1 97 93 "o"86 84 29} '2*8} 28 27 25' 25 100 CO 99'00 97 00 94 00 8650 85 00 1 00 00 107 00 .04 ■ 100 00 9VT0 93 00 35 "34" 3 (J 31} 29 28} 5 10 6 25 466 Otterburne 5 30 475 D 11 frost r 5 35 483 491 * Arnaud Dominion City 6 40 601 Emerson 5 30 5 20 5 30 5 20 5 35 5 45- 5 30 5 6& 5 80 60 h/.f ill'' ■1.;! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY— C^n^nued. (Western Division.) Preioht Turrif, liiUing oilbct lltli Jiiiio, 1883 — Continued. URANDON SPiOTION. • Betwpen Port Arthur and Mcrchandi^o. Special Claues. 8 a « at Q m .a i i i s CO m i S. o"67 o"69 69 70 71 72 72 74 b"74 76 o"76 76 b'79 79 m Xi i u 36" "37" 37 37 37 A 38' 38 39 '39" 40 To 40 41" 41 S. CO o"72 o"74 74 7-V 75 76 76 78 o"78 80 80 80 b'a2 82 tn u CO 1 1- a. m *-* u t '29J 30 J 30,] 31 3li 32 32 33 "'i's' '3-1 i 34j 35 j 35} S u V a. to '/> loTeb 1045b 101 60 106 00 108 00 no 00 no 00 113 50 n's'so 117 00 n7 bo 117 00 120 iiO 120 50 m :2 m "sbl 36i ml 37" 37i 38" 38 39^ 39A 41 4*1" 41 "42" 42 0.0 •3"* 443 460 Winnipeg, West RosHor 133 'i"37 1 37 1 39 1 41 1 43 1 43 1 48 ""i"48 1 63 ""153 1 53 "T'li ....... 1 14 1 10 1 18 1 19 1 19 1 24 ......„, 1 28 "l"28 1 28 " o'89 "o'oi 91 93 9> 95 95 99 '"'o"99 1 02 '""1 02 1 02 "I'od "i'u 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 14 1 18 "i""i'8 1 22 "l"22 1 22 'i'ik 1 26 ioTiib 104 60 104 5(1 106 00 108 00 110 00 110 00 113 60 11350 117 00 \'\i 06 117 09 120 51 120 eo 5 20 467 464 * Meadowa Mar<|netto ....,>>......•. 6 34 470 Realiura 6 36 476 Poplar Point 6 40 4A4 High lUuff 5 45 491 Poftrtifc la Prairie 6 60 499 Burn side 5 60 B06 Brti'Dt 6 70 614 •Alcdregor Austin 620 6 70 6?I8 Sydney 6 90 634 641 649 •Melbourne Oaibt^rry Sewell "5 90 5 90 667 *i)()up;la8 563 668 Chiller Bran jon 1 68 1 58 I 33 1 32 1 05 1 05 6 10 6 10 BROADVIEW SECTIO.V. REGINA SECTION. 676 684 •Kenmay Aloxarjuer , ""i"62 ""i"67 1 67 "l"72 "i"'76 "l'35 "i"40 1 40 "143 ""r47 "i'b's "I'Vi 1 11 "1 15 "1 17 o'si o"a3 83 bse b'88 b'88 90 90 ■42" "43" 43 "44 '45' "45" "46 '46* b"84 b'ee 86 b'88 90 90 b'92 b'92 " "i'20 ' I "33 1 33 "137 "I'i'i 36 j 37J 37J "39" 40 iw'b'b 128 bo 128 00 13200 1 36 "bb 136 bb 124 00 128 bi 128 00 132"bo 136 00 136 bo '43" '44* 44i "46' 47" 47" 6 "30 692 *Uriswold fiOl Oak Lake 6 60 fS]6 Virden 6 6* 623 fi3? •Hargrave El1-■ s S . 9 r-t rH 1-^ ,a ^ u t!5 U u u u t. b 03 03 a 0. (U ex, V a. a. i S. ^ 0. ^g 2 ♦J u u 3 3 n ♦J S. 0/ to I'c- 1— * e>j CO 99 o"9"9 49 "49" CM 98 o'bs « 45 "45' w 163 00 153 "00 l- 53 77fi Ralgnnio ,,, 1 97 "i'*97 1 64 "1*64 1 31 Til 1 69 1 59 153 00 i'53'ob S 8 00 r7f!i •I'ilot Uutto 7(1 _) lio)^ina. 8 00 SWIFT CTJRllENT SBOTION . 801 *(trand Ooulco 809 i'eiise 2 01 "2 "05 2 06 "'2"06 '"2"09 1 68 ■'i"'7i 1 71 ""i'u 1 34 ""i"'37 1 37 '"r'37 ■"I'io 1 00 102 1 02 r')2 ro4 50 ■51" 61 "51" "51 i 1 00 To 2 1 02 r"o2 "fos 1 63 "'l"67 1 67 "r'67 ...„.„. 46 47 ■"47"' "is" 156 00 i'59""50 159 50 I'sg'eo i'63"o6 156 OU 159 50 159 BO 159 "50 i'es'oo 5t.^ "m 56 "56* "57" 8 25 817 •Belle Plaine Paa(iua , 8 60 834 Moose Jaw 8 60 842 R50 •Boharm Caron •• 8 60 859 86R •Moitlach Park beg 8 75 878 •Secretan.... 887 Cbapliu 2 13 1 78 1 42 1 06 52 1 04 1 74 49 166 00 1«6 00 58 9 00 896 •Ernfold 906" Morse 2 17 1 81 1 45 1 08 63 1 06 """1" 78 60 170 00 170 00 59j 9 25 91 r> •Herbert 1 92'1 J^ush Lake 2 17 1 81 1 45 1 03 53 1 OB 1 78 60 170 00 170 00 59J 9 25 935 •vValdeck 94/1 iawift Ourrent 2 21 1 84 1 47 1 10 54 1 08 1 82 51 173 50 173 50 61 9 60 MEDICINE HAT SECTION. 954 Leven 2 25 1 88 1 "i" 1 50 "50 '52 1 12 r'i2 i"'i4 li'e ..... 1 18 r'2'0 64J 5"4J 55 1 09 1 09 I'lO 1 86 "Tee 62 "5*2" 177 00' 177 00 1 in "bo|i77"oo 62 "62 9 75 964 •(ioose Lfiiko 973 Antf-loDG 2 25 "2"28 1 88 '"i"90 9 75 981 •Gull Lake 990 1001 (jvpresa *rti(iewood 52i 180 00 ISO 00 63 10 00 1011 1022 Crane Lake •Colley Maple Creek 'Kincarth 2 32 2'36 2 39 '2 "42 ■"2"42 1 93 '"'l"96 "1 99 "i oi 2 01 1 ...„ "1" i "1 54 '56 "58 'ei 56 '57" 57} "m" "58" 1 12 1 14 r""i"5 r"i6 l"l6 1 93 53 183 00 183 00 i 61j 10 10 1032 104'H 1 97 '"'2'oi ""in '""2 04 54 "55 "m "56" 187 00'l87 00 19 Too loTob 66 "67" "68 " "03 10 30 1053 Forres 10 60 1068 1076 1087 1095 •Walsh Irvine •Dunmore Medicine Hat l'9"4"o6 V94 'bb 19 fob "ib"""7'6 10 95 NoTK. — Rates to Winnipeg include cartage on merchandise, Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Special Class 6. * No Agent. Way bill to station next beyond. Oar load rates are for 20,000 lbs. Coal rates will also apply for transportation of brick, atone, sand and lime, in car loads- Pressed hay, in bales (car lo;\d8), at Special Glass 4 rates. Emigrants and settlers' elfects coming into Manitoba and the North -West will bo carried at one-half Special Class 6, in car loads. In less than car loads one-half iirst-class rates. 62 ,s K? O O ««^ u , ffl »-~N Ph IK C (/; r^ -t-* m c *"^ o > C p a S5 •^ Q] T. «l o 00 !? 1 >w' -f IT5 cc q O O o 5S o pq cc m a SI ZI ^01 •flO'lBJI pjoj3ni*iJtt(j- napiojv 69 It mo.ij 'Bupjf) oj. BoanB^siQ c a OS 050N'*toc30'>T>iMini^ooocMTHcooooe>»£o«so5omcro>o CO -ji T)i ■* ■<»i -1 3 lO »■ J «5 lO lO ;o o O 1:0 «0 1- r- t- t- t- 00 CD Ot CO Oi ai f CO t- e^ t- 'M o o o 'H ri ^ CO 00 O CO CO « CO CO CO 03 v^t~i— oocTJOi^ -C5>o«)a5CD!i'»-tTOOoooao>ooeico'* ^C'-lC, -*< a ,: j3 a o i"*o0'-ie'icoTj*ooooOi05 0»-M-^c<:P'-ic^icn'^iocc>i-^ao>-^i— 'r^n ;i0C0C0C0C0C0C0'>*-*'*T|l'«>T#-^'*Tti^Oi0l0i0WO'0'niO!D«C«0«0 Cd o o c cc 93 o Tji (35 •»)i •-, t- a> O CI (J> f O 00 '— CO ■>* «i5 -"I" r^ o — . IN CO CO 10 Tfi O 00 «D O 0> >* >o Q0O'-^*-''^Or-0iOC0kc7C0CCO(M-^»01— 03 -iC0tC5I^0iOC0»nt"^■•t~^-r-l:-l■-00aOTOC X>0S0ja3 0JiJ>0>O<5OOC?— r-n— ',-iC u r3 3 « > r; 01 5r,OQ •^ a o a .-. o a f/) TS ocMi-c. 0-, »--i<(Mcnco— '-I'CflCO— 't- -ex in oooomoc— ^c«co — co-^co f-( r-* r-» .-* rH pH l-H -^ ^^ — 4 f * CI ^ Cfl M tM CO *^ t-- r- t- '^ 00 r |•t^ «> O -I — 1 >! C> ■'«' 'T >0 lO lO rH -^ c-< CI CM c^ c» en er^ C*l c» c^ c a "» Egg ,2 a 133 l~ a ■= 'o to eS Du a ti^ 03 a. bij <-< ~ be _o CI fi S'SSS !a as J a a S ,-n ai jg ~ g. a cu co ca •< j? O .-jq O cq ■< O > ■3 S'g -" 2 ^ g an o I i) ^ jooooojo--cni>:'rtiociTtio.-ao(»ooooa>090>ooo — •-'CjcJcocO'«(ii'jcococ« ^c-iMojcocococoMoocococococociciciMcjocicococ^cocoaj.iSroco'Ocoe'XO o 33 j'tnooootoioco—f*— t-o*tiftO**'oco«*t— "aj'^ooo^-fOic^oo-^— 4irtM*»* 5icoco'ocot-i»330t~aio — coco>o"Ocot-t~ooov osoc«c«»*-"-jo25or>o— 'i»)>o 0-^'r"r'V'*"V-t»0'^^»o*oir-iOTf-t-^-t^i^'^-^»0»o»C5i/^»i:j»/)ir>*ococococo s 2 aars P fl ■K» ^ Pi •^ 73 ® .5t -2 V 4-> !t> .0 -2Q .T ^7t 4) f3 ■-ca -=3 S 4-^ Si t-» ftq" :h OS H a 0* o T "^ c a _&. 15 00 u ■ut ;; a >z a K •^ ^"3 z^ — -> a !2^ ? c a: b pi § Og el ^ M^ fb -^ 1^ Pi oil t^^ 93 it a .o ?tt > in I 1 c-^ '/5 525 a d ^c^ a Ottawa, I3th Juno, 1883. Sift, — I am directed to forward, for yoar information a copy of an Order in Council pasBed on the 28th ult., apj roving ot the tariff of freight and pHSHeiigci' fares and toiirt established by the by-law of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, No. 56, passed on the 16th of April, for u deem necessary. Board to Meet on Tuesday of Every Week. 7. The Board of Directo'-s shall meet without notice on Tuesday of every week at twelve o'clock noon, at the principal office of tbo Company; but if such day should bo a public holiday, such meatiug fhall be held on tho day tollowing. And at any 8U('h mooting, business may be transacted by a quorum of the Board in tlio same mjiuaor aui witb lo same validity as if «uoh meeting had boeu specially caliol, and notice thereof duly given. 64 President can call Special Meetings. 8. Tho Prosideut, or any t\vo of tho Directors of tho Company, may at any time call a special meeting of tho Board, to bo hold at such timo and at ouch lawful place, as shall bo mentioned in the no' ice of such meeting And the obioct of Huch special meetini!; shail be stated in a summary manner in tho notice calling the same. Special Meetings of Board of Directors. 9. '1 ho firHt meeting of tho Board of Direotorn, after their election in each year, shall bo held for tho election of officers, at the office of tho Company, on tho day of such election, immediately upon the adjournment of the meeting of sharoliolders, at which such election hhall have taken place; and notice of every other special meet- ing of the Board of Directors, to be held at Montreal, specifying the timo and place of such meeting, and intimating in general torm^i, the business to bo dealt w^ith thereat, shall bo given by the Secretary, or by any two directors, by circular, addressed to tho las! known domicile of each Director resident in Canala or the United States, and to tho last known domicile in Canada or the United Slates, of the proxy of each Director resident elsewhere; or to any address registered with tho Secretary of the Company by any Director, for tho purposes of such notices; such circular to be mailed, with tho postage paid thereon, at least two clear days before such meeting. Meetings may be held in London. 10. The business of the Company may b'> transacted, and tho Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Company, respectively, may hold meetings for that pur- pose, within tho meaning of the charter, at the office of the Company, 101 Canon street, in the City of London, in England ; and all by-laws enacted, resolutions passed, and business transacted at any meeting or adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors, or of tho shareholders, held at the said place, shall be as valid, and as binding upon the Company, as if such meetings, respectively, were held at tho chief place of busi- ness of the Company in Montreal, Notices of Meetings to he held in London. 11. Notice of every meeting of Directors to be held at any place in the City of London, in England, shall be given by a notice signed by tho Secretary of the Com- pany, and posted to each Director, addressed to him at his ordinary residence, or at any other place to which he shall have notified tho Secretary, in writing, to address such notices ; and if all the Directors arc then in Europe, or if those absent from Europe have notified the Secretary in writing of an address in Europe to which such notices may be sent, such notices may be posted in London at any timo not less than four days bofoio tho day fixed for such meeting. But otherwise, if such notices b« issued at Montreal, they shall be posted at least twenty one days before the day fixed for such meeting; or if they shall be issued at London aforesaid, they shall be posted at least one calendar month before the day fixed for such meeting; and such noticts ■ball specify, in general terms, the nature of tho business, for the transaction of which such meeting is called. Meetings may be held in New York. 12. The business of the Company may bo trans.aoted, and tho Board of Directors and tho fharoholders of the Company, respectively, may hold meetings foi- that pur- pose, witliin the meaning of tho charter, at the office oi- place of business of Messrs, J. S. Kennedy and Company, in the City of Mo.v York, in tho State of Now York, being at No. 63 of William street, in tho said City of Now York. And all by-laws enacted, resolutions passed, and business transacted at any meeting, or adjourned meeting, of the Board of Directors, or of tho shareholders, hold at the said place, shall be as valid and as binding upon the Company as if such meetings, respectively, were held at the chief place of business of the Company in Montreal. And notices of meot- appr afieid ing ofw of bj man! by meel vostj the of til minf 65 iiy time il place, special ich year, } day of ilders, at ial meet- ,nd ply CO ?,alt with circular, a or the tcs, of the with the iocs; Buch ys before I Directors that pur- 101 Canon ons passed, fDiiectora, iding upon ice of busi- tho City of )f the Cora- enco, or at to address ab8ent from which such lot less than notices b« ho day fixed all bo posted juch notict'S ansaction of of Directors for that pur- est Territories. 46. Tho office of the Company at Regina, in the Territory of Assiniboia, in the North- West Territories, is hereby appointed and fixed as the place where sorvico of pr'ocess may be made upon this Company, in respect of any cause of action arising within tho said Territories. TOLLS. Bates on Western Division. 56, Bylaw No. b'Ms the Tariff of Tolls, Rates and Fares to be charged on the Western Division for passengers and fr<"'ght. This by-law having been submitted to the Government for approval, was not repealed and retains its original number. Montreal, Juno 6th, 1883. NUMBER SIX. CORRKSPONDENCE ON SUNDRY MATTERS. 1.— Chauactek of Bridges Constuucted by tug Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 2. — On the SuBjiici of a Biudge over a Duain fhom the Pem- bina Branch. Canadian Government Railways, Ottawa, 25th September, 1883. SiR,~In reply to your inquiry as to the character of the bridges being erected by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, upon tho Canadian Pacific Railway, I desire to say that the large streams are being spanned by strong iron and steel del C. . taki dre dra sho Ch^ 0j)p| eari autl n bo kept London, Slalos of 3 charge 30 Board Company day fixed loss than ii' interest shull be tranwforee tina, or to thoroof to which such contain the rds " Incor- , in the Pro- vice of pro- ition arising Qiboia, in the re borvico of ction arising harged on the ubmitted to the ciFio Railway b^ROM THE PEM- abor, 1883. being erected jific Railway, I ig iron and steel fltructuroB, resting on massive masonry, and the Htnull brooI, written by Mr. K)wan, in which ho stated ho haf given orders to have tho bridge put in and also refer you to a letter of Mr. Bradlej", of 12th October, 1883, in which it is slated that the claim of St. Andrews cannot bo entertained, so that it would seem there is still a qaestion as to tho liability by tho Government to tho municipality. I would also call your attention to the apers which refer also to a bridge in St. Paul's Paiish.' See Mr. Schroiber's letter ot M ay, 1881. J. M. EaAN, Gonl. Supt. at Winnipeg. Yours truly, J.A.M.AIKENS. NUMBER SEVEN. (1.) COERESPONDE.VCE RELATING TO THE TRANSFER AND OPERA- TION OF THE THUNDER BAY SECTION, PORT ARTHUR TO RAT PORTAGE, TO THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Office of the Seciietauy, Montueal, 17th May, 1883. Sir,— Referring to tho negotiations which hav<. boon lately taking place with a view to the rocopliou by this Company of tho Tuundoi' ii:xy Branch, tt\)in Rtit Po age to Prince Arthur's Landing, I am instructed by the directors of this Company state that while tho Company are prepared to take over this portion of tho railwa and equip and operate it, thoy have not as yet had time to complete the examination of it as to the extent to which it has been completed, or to which its condition would meet tho roquiromonts of the contract between tho Government and the Company — in order, therefore, to proven L any misconstruction hereaflor, as to the position of the Company in assuming possession of tb;8 portion of the railway, I am instructed to say that it will be taken over by tho Company, under express reserve of the rights of the Company to have it oompleted in all respects in conformity with 76 tho contract, to tuo Barno oxlont as if the Company wore not now undertaking ita operation. i urn further instructed to state that tho Company have reason to bolievo that it« vtondition and state of preparation aro open to all tho objections contained in thoir letter to tho Department of Railway;, and Car.als, under date the 'ind of February, 1882, with I cforonco to tho line between Telford and Rat Portaj;o. In addition to the points suggested in that letter, and without relinquishing any right of tho Com- pany in respect of any matter not desigi/ated here, 1 vkonid indicate vari lus timber trestles across water stretches which, in the opinion of the Company, would require to bo filled, in whole or in part, to conform to tho "pirit of the contrac^, and it is probable, also, thattimlter work of various bridges will require renewal, irom decay Laving taken place since such work was constructed. VVithout further specifying details in which the Company believe the work is undoubtedly incomplete. I have only to repeat that, in assumii^g this portion of tho railway, the Company do so under express rcsor^'e, not only ot their rights in respect of the matters referred to above 'uid in their former letter, but also of all other matters in connection with this section, which thoy would be entitled by their contract to hav? adjusted, if they had awaited the entire completion of the work oe- fore taking possession of it. I hpvo the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINK WATJ3R, Secretary. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railways and Canals, Canadian Pacipic Railway Company, General Mawaqer's Opi'icb, Montreal, 3rd July, 1883. SfR, — In vjew of tha l reat importance to the countiy of the early opening of the line from Fort WiUiam^to Winnipeg, an arra».gement was made between the Company and the Hon. Ministor of Railways, early in May, whereby the section between Rat Portage and Fort William was turned over to this Company in an incomplete condi- tion, wirb the understanding that it should be finished by the Company and that tho cost thereof sh:;r,ld be paid by the Government. Owity to the necessity of immediate action, no details were agreed upon, except that so much of ihe work as was covered by tho 'Contract of Manning, McDonald, McLaren and Co., should be completed by the Company at contract prices, less 15 per cent , which had been allowed tho contractors for preliminary work. This work was all included iii what is known as Contract 42. The remaining sections, known as Contracts 41, Zb and 13, were also incomplete, a large r mount of ballasting and filling being rci^uired upon all of these, and in the caf"' of the tv70 latter, upon which the track had been laid six to eight yen,r8, all of the turber structures and a large proportion of the ties required renewal at au early date. At many stations between Rat Porta^jo and Fort William, the side tracks were incor;;plete, and in some cases, none had yet boon provided. At ea^h of the two divisional points, 9,600 feet of side track and an engine house track had yet to bo pro- vided. The water service was only suitable for con.struction purposes and not for regular trafi^c, and 20 frost pi oof tanks were required. No depots had been erected save one at Rat Portago. The Government h;id put 6 under contract, but 35 more wore necessary. A number of houses built of logs for the use of tho engineers during construction, had been erected along the line, 'i'hese tho Company hold to bo unfit for depot-s, although they will answer tor section houses. But if th(:y aio so used, 27 additional section houses will be no. dcd. Two engine sheds and turn-tables, each to hold 12 engines, are also necessary. Aside fi'oni the work of construction, a hu'go oxpr .I'ture of labor will be required in replacing tics and removing bent rails from the main line and relaying them in sidings, and work of similar character. tioil the! be mal tioj fillf Hoi cing its til at ita a th^ir bruary, ition to le Com- tirabor require nd it is n decay he work )rt.ion of ■ights in id of all by their work oe- 'ary. 7, 1883. ing of the Company iwaoR Rat ote condi- d that the on, except McDonald, >riceB, 1 683 ork. This ncomplote, and in the ren.T'8, all of at aa early xacks were of the two 3t to bo pro- for regular ont had put oC logs for line. 'Ihese :ition bouses. Two engine jf labor will and relaying 77 When the lino between Selkirk and Cross Lake was taken over by this Company in 1S8I, t. largo amount of ballasting had yet to be done, and it was agreed that the Company should complete this for the Government at a price agreed upon. The Government havo paid nothing on this account as yet. The section between Cross Lake and Eat Portage, was turned over to the Com- pany in 1832, without depots or section houses, save a number of onginoors' houses, which may be utilized for the latter purposes. On this section five depots are needed. It is already apparent that many diflicult and embarrassing questions will arise in connection with the tinal completion of t > railway, and with a view to avoiding those and to securing the completion of the and buikliJgs. in conformity with the standards of the Com))any, which in most cases difior from those of the Govern- ment, the Company desire to propose to relievo the Government of the entire work for a lump sum. I beg, thcrcforo, to submit the following proposition : The Company will under- take, for the sum of S94(),000, to complete, in a first class manner, the entire line from Selkiik to Fort William, aiid provide all sidifigs and all depots, section houses, engine sheds, and all other u--ual and necessary structures, and make all renewals of ties and bridges, and do all other necessary work, provided that the Government (-hall co,ti- plete and pay for the six depot buildings now under (ontract, and shall furnish the necesstiry rails and fastenings (which are undei'stood to be already on hand) for the completion of all citation sidings, to a length of 1,(>00 feet, and for 9,600 feet of sidings at each of two divisional points, and for an engine-house trick, 700 feet in lenyth, at each of said points, provided also that the Company may bo i'rcc to follow their own Htandards where standiirds have been adopted, and to arrange all stations, buildings, &c., as they may deem best for the convenient operation of tho railway. Tho Company will also take over and pa^ the Government tho co«t price of any ties or timher, or other material now on hand, that may be required for tho comple- tion of the lino. Tho Company will also take over and pa_y> their fair market value for any rails or fastenings that maj'' remain, after pioviding for the sidings, as before mentioned. In tbis connection, I would d^-aw attention to tho fact that the lino between Thunder Bay and Winnipeg, while its local traffic for some years to oome will be light, will a through trafdc mainly competitive, requiring to be carried out at a reasonable rate of speed, and the character of the road, »i:i well as the facilities to be provided f )r business, must necessarily bo far beyond w lat would be required for a meic local line, and, while the lump sum named is believed to be much loh-s than it would cost the Government to complete the lino in accordance with the lettoi- of tho contract with tho Company, a very large additional amount will have to bo expended by the Company in strengthening dangerous points, in providing additional facilities, and generally in making tho lino all that it should be for the traffic it will havo to carry. r have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, W. C. VAN HORNE. P. S. — Tho foregoing communication having been returned to me for explana- tion as to ceitain points, I b-g to say that the sum named, 89-10,000, is exclusive ot tho 15 per cent, deducted from the train work on Cont-act 42, and if this :tem is to be consideied in this conueetion, tho amount should be added to the lump sum, making it $981,li()0. I beg to say, also, that the Company wil consent to the deduc- tion of 81^,643, being tho value of tho temporary trestles on Contract 42, where no filling has been done. W.C. VAN IIORNE, General Manager. Hon. J. II. Pope, Acting Minister Railways and Cikuals. 78 Canadian PAcrric Railway, OpprrE OF THE ENomBBB iJi-CHiEP, OTTAWA, 4tli, July 1883. Sir, — Mr. Van llorne'ri letter of the 3rfl ini^t., making a pvopowal on behalf of the Canadiun P;4<-itic Kiiilwiiy Company, for a bulk Hiira of nine himdrcd and forty thousarul dollars,,(|940,000) to complete tno workn upon contraots A end B, the bal- laisting upon C-ontrnct 14, the renewals of bridges, tie.s, &c., upon the Hoction of road between Prince Arthur'H Landing and English Eiver, iho erection of station houses, engine houses, Hcction men's houses and the water service, in fact, to do everything necessary to complete the road thorcnghly and efficiently, having been referred to me, 1 have the honor to report that if the 15 j oi' cent, on the train tilling retorred. to by Mr. Van Ilorne, which amounts to $11,200, he added to the sum of S!>40,000, it appears that his estimate of the cost of work is $9S 1,200, I caiefully invcstiguicd this matter and made an estimate of $'. 79,000, which is practically the same as his. I therefore recommend that his fi/tij-cs of ;$'»81,200 be accepted as being, in my judgment, fair and reasonabh', From this sum, as I understand it, shoull bo deducted certain items referred to in the Order in Council upon this'jct, dated the 80th April, 1883, I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, C. HCmmimR, chief Jiugineer, A. P. Brvdley, Secretary, Railways and Canals. (Memorandum.) Ottawa, 5th July, 1883. The undersigned has the honor to represent that under date the 3rd inst., the Canadian Pacific Railway (Jompany have submitted a proposition for the completion of the several works remaining to be done on the lino between Selkiik and Pi-ince Arthur's Landing, the portion of which, between Solldrk and Telford, was trans- ferred to them by an Order in Council of the Sth April, 1881, and the portion be- tween Telford and Rut Portage, by an Order of the I'ith of January, lS8.i. That, by an order of the 30th April \a>t, sanction was given to an arrangement whereby the contractors for section '' B " might be enabled to surrender to the Can- adian Pacific Railway Company their work still Remaining unexecuted, together with the operation of the rend eastward to Prince Arthur's Landing, then conducted by them, the object being the avoidance of the difficulty and danger which would attach to the running of construction and passenger trains uridcr ditloront control, and since the iOlh of May lost, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have, accordingly, con- ducted this traffic. That the Company now propose to complete the line, erecting the neces'^ary sta- tion buildings, and providing the water service, woi'k which, under the 7th He(!tion ot their contract, rests with the Government; further pertbrmingsu rrangeinent to the Can- getherv?itb mducted by rould attach ol, and since I dingly, con- ] eces'^ary stn- 7lh Htclion ork of bridge vcr, and to &c'., as may fheso works -six thons ind rcporiod to svery clorioly , (list of the )lolion of tbo ig, it follows r,t, to expect lu tbirt view, )pcrat.ion and liiul Iho otfor the iriiiuioiiB on tail, recom- mends that in the public interests, authority bo given for the acooptanco of the olTor now made by the Company, tho work to bo porformod, in all respects, to tho lull natis- faction of the Chief Engineer, and to bo paid for in Huch proportions as may bo lixod from time to time by his ccrtiticato. Ecspcctfully submitted, J. II. POPE, Acting Minister Iinihca>js and Canals. Certified Copy of a Erport of n Committee of the IFonorahle the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Govonior General in Council on the iUh July, 1883. On a memorandum dated ."ith July, 188.^, from the Acting Minister of Railways and Canals, repicHcnting that under date tho Hrd July, inst., the Canadian Paeitic Eail way Company have submitted a proposition for tho completion of tho sovoial works remaining to bo done on the line between Selkirk and Princo Arthur's Land- ing, the portion of which between Selkirk and Telford, was transferred to them by an Older in Council of the 9th April, 1881, and tho portion between Telford and liut Port'ipe by an Order in Council of tho 12th of January, 18M2. The Minister further represents that by an Order in Council of tho 30th of April ■ rtt, sanction was granted to an arrangement whereby the contractors for Sc(!tion *'B," between KoewHtin (a shoit disianco west of Ijat Portage) and Eagio liiver, might be enabled to wurrender to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the work still remaining unexecuted, together with the operation of the road east to Prince Arthur's Landing, then conducted by them, the object being the avoidance of the diflSculiy and danger which would attach to the running of construction and passen- frer trains under different control, and since the 10th of May last the Canadian Paeitic Railway Company have conducted tho traffic accordingly. The Minister also states that the Company now propo^^o to complet;> the line, erertirg the necessary station buildings and providing the water service, work which, under the 7lh section of their contract, rests with the Government, and farther performing such work of bridge and tie renewal, &c., between Prince Arthur's Landing and P^nglish River, ballasting and engine-house construction as may bo required to complete the road thoroughly and efficiently. These works *hoy under- take to perform for the bulk sum of nine hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars ($920,000), and under date the 4lh inst., the Chief Engineer has reported to the effect that the amount r.amed is fair and resonable, and approximates very closely to his own estimate of the value of the work to bo done, and that the contract date for the completion of Section " B," between Eagle River and Koewatin, was tho first of the current month, and this being the latest of all dates fixed for the com])letion of the works of construction between Rat Portage and Princo Aithur's Landing, it follows that tiio Company have now the right, under tho terms of their cmtract, to expect tho whole of this portion of the road at the hands of the Government. In this view, and bearing in mind the irapractibility of cariying on the works of operation and construction under other than tho one control, the Chief Engineer advises that tho offer of tho Company bo accepted. Tho Minister, considering the eircumstances of the case and the injurious delays and diffioulties which the adoption of any other course would entail, recommonds that, in the public interest, authority bo fjiven for tho ac^;eptaiicc of tho od'ur now made by the Comp.'. y, tho work to bo performed in all respects to the full satisfac- tion of Iho Chiel Engmeor, and to iio paid in such proportion as may be hxod from time to time by his cortificoto. ']f'/)e,Cf);nmitteo cori'iir in tho report of the Acting Minister of Railways and Canals and i h(* rocomraondiAion fchoroin, and they submit the stirao tov Your Excel- lency's approval. Hon. Minister Railways find Canals, JOHN J. McGI'B. a^n 80 Estsniate No. 1. Office of ENaiNEEB in Chief, Ottawa, tth July, 1883, Do.scriplion of works, works of complelion, graling, ballasting, stations, water service, renewals, etc. — Locality of works, Prince Arthur's Landing to Selkirk. — Name of contractors, Canadian Pacific Eailway Company. — Date of contract, July. Progress Estimate of work done and materials delivered, from the beginning of operations under thin (Contract to the 7th July, 1883. Tho work', of which this is an Estimate, are being executed by the authority of the Department of Railways and Canals, under contract numbered and dated as above, also under Order in Council. Total value of work done and materials delivered to the 7th July, 1883 $150,000 Total amount $150,000 The total amount of work authorized to be paid for the completion of the works, between Prince Arthur's Landing and Selkirk, is $92^,000, to be paid from time to time, as fixed by tht ■ ortificate of tho Chief Knginecr. The amount now payable for the work performed, and materials delivered, including tics, timbor, etc. The above is a correct Estimate, made up by rae. Total amount now certified on this co.ilract, $150,000. All previous payments to be deducted. C. SCHREIBER, Engineer-in-CKieJ. Canadian Pacific Eailwat Company, Office of the General Manaqer, Montreal, 11th July, 1883. Siu,~I have hud a careful examination made of tlij rolling stock belonging to the Government on the line between Fort William and Kit Portage, and which I understand you desire this Company to take at its value. Some of this rolling stock is very old, and all of it has seen hard usage in con- struction service. There are eight different kinds of locomotives, and many varieties of platform cars. In no respect does any of this equipment conform with any of our standards, and this fact, together with its mixod character, largely detracts from its value to this Company. Tho platform s! to bo suppliol with a copy of tho^ agreement between your Depurtment and the above Cjir.puiy, for the completion of the works, &c., &c., between Prince Arthur's Landing and Red River The Order in Council referred to by you has not reached this ofHco. I have the honor to bo,' Sir, your obodior.t servant, . J. L. Mcl>OUGALL, Au liior-Qeneral. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railway and Canals. 1 82 MoNTREAT,, 1st October, 1883. Sir, — I have Uio honor to acknowledge the rocoipt of your letter of the 28th ult., informing nno that a oortiticato hurt boc-n issued for the paynaent to this Company of a further sura of $136,000 on account of work portormed ou that portion of the lino between Hat Portage and Thunder Hay. I am, Sir, your ohcdient servant, 0. DHINKWATER, Secretary. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Railways and Canals. Ottawa, ^nd October, 1883. Sir, — In reply to your letter of the 28th ult., I have the honor to transmit here- with, copy of the communication dated the 3rd July. 1883, from the General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway, making certain proposals with regard to the com- pletion of that road between Fort William and Rit Portage. I understand you are already in possession of a copy of the Order in Council relating to the subject. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. J. L, McDouGALL, Auditor-General. Ottawa, 4th October, 1883. Sir, — In reply to your letter of the 18th ult., lam directed to inform you that the present Police Commissioner for the District between Thunder Bay and Winni- peg is Mr. John Mc Donald, and his salary $ 100 per month. The constables employed m the service, with their salaries and stations, are as follows : — 1. Grant Murdoch, Prince Arthur's Landing and Nipigon Division $50 00 2. R. " Donkin, Keowatin 30 00 3. Patrick O'Kcefo, do 50 UO 4. Donald McLonnar, Prince Arthur's Landing and Nipi- gon Division 50 00 I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. W. C. Van Houne, General Manager, C. P. R. Co. Ottawa, 4th October, 1883. Sir, — I Lave pa=.oclarG \ by pnfwlamation to be no longer in tunc alowj; (ho line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, wor within ton niilcM on ether suic theieot, between Rut Portage and Port Arthur; further, that the services of Mi-. John Macdonald ho tci nnnated, as being no longer required. Respectfully submitted, J. il. POPE, Ai'tinii Minister, HUlw.iys and fJc-ials. 31 a—q I i> I, 84 CEUTrFiEi) Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable thr. Privy Council, approoed by Jlis Excellency the Governor (leneral in Council on the 5th November, 188J. On a momorandum dfitoJ 2nd November, 188'5, from the Acting MiniHtor of BailwHyB and CanulH, Hubmitting that undei' varioin Orders in Council Hoctionn of the ActH for the preHervalion of the peace have boon brought into force along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, between Selkirk and Prince Arthur's Landing, and comiAiHHioiiorM have been appointed for the enforcement of their proviHions. The Minister rej)rosentH, that in consequence of the completion of the works, the need for the operation of those Acts no longer existing, the districts comprised in the distance between Selkirk and Rat Portage, and in the limits of the Town of Eat Portage itself, have boon declared by authority of Orders in Council, no longer sub- ject to the Acts in question, leaving tho lino botwoon Rit Portage and Prince Arthur's Landing still so subject ; and that under date the 6tb ult , the Canadian Pacitic Railway Company have notified this Department that the services of tho Commissioner aro not required by them. Tho Minister accordingly recommends that the Act of Parliament of Canada, 32 and 33, Vic, chap. 24, intituled, " An Act for tho better preservation of the Peace in tho vicinity ol Public Works," and the Act 33, Vic, chap 28, intituled, " An Act to amend an Act for the bettor preservation of tho Peace in the vicinity of Public Works," be, in pursuance of the provisions of the said Acts, declared by proclamation to bo no longer in force along the line of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, nor within 10 miles of either side thereof, between Rat Portage and Prince Arthur's Landing; and further, that the services of Mr. John McDonald, Commissioner, be terminated as being no longer required. The Committee submit the foregoing recommendations for Your Excellency's approval. JOHN J. MoGEB. Hon. Minister Railways and Canals. Ottawa, I3th November, 18S3. Sir, — B}' direction of the Acting Minister of this Department, I havo to inform you that under date the r)th inst., an Order in Council has passed, authorizing the withdrawal of' tho seciion of the Canadian Pacitic Railway, between Prince Anhur'a Lan.ling and Rnt Porlago, from the opctation of tho Acts lor the preservation of the P^ce on l\iblic Works. Your own further services as Ci>mmissioner being, by rea-on of huch withdrawal not now required, tho eaid OcJcr authoriaos their tornii nation. I am accordingly to inform you thai your services in this connection will ceuso at tho dose of the present mouth. I am, Sir, your obedient peV^''U|fci A. P. HliAhLISt, Secretary. John McDonald, P>q. Oti'AWA, l4th, November, 1883. Sru, — I have received from the Sccretiuy of Suite Daparlniotit an Order in Council of the 6th inst., authorizing a proclamalion to withdraw from tho oporullnti of tho Acts 3" and 3.^ Vic, u|ia|i. 24, and 33 Vic, chap. 28, the territory lietweon I'rincij Arlliuis Landing. Selkirk and I see by tho Oaler in Council that tho services of Mr. McDonald are to bi; di Eensed with. I lake it for granted that instructions to tlint elloct will bo sent cllliii y your Department or by tho Secretary of State. 1 am, Sir, youi' obedient servant, GEO. W. BUUBl DUE, Deputy Minister Justice. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, RuHwfty Rn*) Cftnule. B- ur A. by xj Whoii IMI A. f pOSfij p. d 85 piirooed lister of /lonrt of 3,1^ tho janding, ns. I wovkrt, prirtod in 1 of Rat igoi' Hub- id Princo Canadian ert of tho ;;atiada, 32 Poaco in An Act to of Public 3claniation nor within Landing ; terminated lxcelloncy'8 loGEE. bcr, 18:*3. to inform horiKing the Aco Avthur'a ration of the , withdrawal ccordingly to )f tho preHont Secretary. xn\m', 1883. an Onlor in , iho op"'""""" lilory bolweou J lu-o to bo difi- boBOUteJlH^f ui UUr Justice. (2.) COIiHHSPONDJ^^NOK IIELAT[N(} TO ASSUMITION AND VALUA- TION OF KOLLING STOCK ON TIIK TllUN UKU HAY SKCTION. Ottawa, inth July, 1883. Sm, — A'^ you have been appointed 1)y the Government, hh well :is by tho Lantv- dian Pacific Hallway Conipatiy. to appraise tho Government rolling Htock (except locomotiveH),west of Piinoo Arthur'H Landing, this Department will bo glad to know whon you propoHo leaving for tho purpose. Mr. Stronach, tho Government Inspector of rolling stock, in Winnipeg, is noti- fied of your visit, and is instrncted to go with you and give you any information you may require. I am, Sir, your obedient Horvant, A. P.. BRADLEY, Secretary. Jambs Cuossen, Cobourg, Ont. Conouno, Ont,, 27th July, 188*. Dear Sir, — I received your letter of tho 19th inst., with many thanks. I have boon away from homo for 8 or 10 days, and have just returned. I will try, if I can make it convenient, to leave horo tho wook after next, to appraise tho Govoruraont rolling stock (except locomotives), west of Princo Arthur's Landing. I will let you know definitely 2 or 3 days before I leave. I am, respectfully yourB, JAMES CJJOS.SEN. A. P. Braoley, Secretary, Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 9th August, 1883. Sir, — I am directed to inform you that your appointment as Valuator of the loco- motives belonging to tho Government, and used by Messrs. Manning, MacDonald & Co., on tho line ot the Canadian Pacific Railway embraced in their contract No. 41, has been agreed upon by both tho Government and tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, by whom tho stock is to be purchased. I am to request that you will state whether you are prepared to undortako tho dnij involved, and to suggest, that if so prepared, you should proceed to the West in company with Mr. Crosscn, valuator of the cars. I am. Sir, your obedient servant. A P. BRADLEY, Secretary. P. Clarice, Mechanical Supt , Noi-thern Eailway, Toronto. Northern and North-Western Railway, Machanical Department, Toronto, 10th August, 1883. Dear Sir, — I received your favor of the 9th inst., to-day, and immediately replied by wire, as follows : — "Letter received ; will undertake tho duty and proceed West with Mr. Crossen when required. Ploa-(o iilviso." You will please, if possible, advise pie a day or two before I am required to lottvo, mill obllgo. Yours truly, P. CLARKE. A. P. Bradley, Secretary, Iluilways and Canals. Ottawa, llth August, 1883. Uominunicate with .Tames Orossen, Ooboui'g, and proceed wilji him as soon as ibio to value the rolling stock. Address wJicn you leave, possible to value P. Clarice, Mechanical Supt, Norlljei'D ^fi)!wfl|', 'f^FO/^W' A. P. m.kX)lA')Y. 8t5 Ottawa, 11th August, 18S3. Corarniiiiicato with P. Clarko, Mechanical SiiporintotHlont, Nortliorti Railway, Toronto, and ])rocood with him a^ noon an poHsiblo to value tho rolling ntoek. Adviso when you loavo. A. 1\ BRADLKY. jAMEa Ckossen, Cuboiirg. CoHOURd Cau WoiiKs, CoBoiuio, Ont., 14th Augu-st, 18 53. Dear StR, — I rccoivod yourtologrum, "Communioato with P. Clarke, Mechanical Supcrintondont Nortliorn Railway, Toronto, and proceed with him a.-f (-(.on as pos- Hiblo to value the rolling stock. Advise when you leave." I am makitig my arrangements and also arranging with Mr. Clarko to try and loavo next weeck. I will advise you two or three da3^H bof'oro I leave. I am, respcctfuUv yours, JAMES CKOSSEN, A. P. Bradley, Secretary Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 14th August, 1883. Clarko has accepted the dniy of Valuator, and has been asked to communicato with Croeson, as to time of leaving, that they may go together."' J. II. POPE. W. C. Van Horne, Montreal. By telegraph from Toronto. To A. P. Bradley, Secretary Railways and Canals, August 18th, 1883. Mr. Crossen and mysulf intend to leave by S.S. " Carapana " next Tuesday. P. CLARKE. CobouroCar Wouks, Cobourq, Ont., August 18th, 1883. Dkar Sir, — I have concluded arrangements with Mr. Van Horno and Mr. Peter Clarke to leave hero ou Tuosday morning next for Prince Arthur's Landing, vid Toronto and Collingwood. Mr. Van Horne bus arranged to have a car there for us on Friday morning and promised tonotify your Mr. Stronach, Government Inspec- tor, to bo there, so as to commence work at that point and proceed on our journey until we got through. Trusting this will bo satisfactory to all concerned. Yours truly, JAMES CROSSEN. A. P. Bradley, Secrota'-y Railways and Canals. CoBouHQ, 22nd September, 1883. Deah Sir, — Referring to your favor of li)th July last, I proceeded on tho 2l8t day of August, in company with Messrs, F. R. F. Brown, of tho Canadian l-'aiiiic Railway, and P, Clarke, of Toronto, to Prince Arthur's Landing, where we met Mr Stronach, Government Inspector, and at once commenced to cany out jour instruc lions in said letter, viz. : to value certain rolling stock on tho Canadian Pacific Rail way, west of Port Arthur, and now have the pleasure of enclosing you a statement of tho result of my labors, which I trust will give satisfaction to all concerned. All the cars aro included in this valuation with the exception of No. 1 combi- nation, baggage, axpress and smoking car, that h:is been changed to an olTi'ial car, and in being used by Messrs. Manning, McDonald & Co. I have taken a memorandum of same, but it is not included in statement. I reman, dear Sir, yours veiy icspcct fully, JAMES CROSSEN. P. S. — Enclosed you will find a communication from Mr. P. Clarke, which ho requested mo to forward with mine, A. P. Bkadley, Secretary Railways and Canals. 4 c; 7 7 26 Car 9t I way, ulvitto {. 3. lanical iia pos- .vy and IN, 183. uinicato r PE. lalfl, ;ih, 1883. ay- [KB. 1883. ^Ir, Poter iding, vid sro tor us it Inspoc- tr journey 3SEN. , 1883. ,n tho 2lBt ian Pa"'iflc fo mot ilv 3ur inatvuc :'acific Rail a Htalcment rned. [). 1 combi- offi'ial car, mcnt. OSSEN. :o, which ho Valuation of Cortnin Rolling? Stock on tho (Janadinn Paoiflo Railway, (WoHtorn i)iviHion), made by tho undoiHii^nied, Aii«iist, HH.i, iit thn ichiu '«L of tho Dotniri. ion Croyornmont and tho Canadian Pauilio Kiiilway Company. FLAT CARS-0LAS3 No. 1. a 3 >-< O Doacri[)tion. 1 •i 5 6 7 8 10 11 I'i 14' 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 26 2G 27 28 29 W.D. See. B do do do do do do do ( do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Red G do 22 Cars. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Red G' 62 W.D. Sec. B 63 do iRed G 65 do 66 do 67 1 do Sec. B 68 do do do 69 do do 70 do • do 71 do do 72 do rlo 73 do do 1 74 do do 75 do do 76 do 77 do do 78 do 10 do 37 1 do 41 do 69 do 71 1 72 do , 73 do 1 74 do 76 1 do 78 i a O , >.< > ^«> -.0. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT^S) .<' «<=. Q. : .1 1.0 I.I IIM 13.2 2.5 |Z2 IIM ^ Ii4£ 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 — 1 — 1.6 ^ 6" — ► I Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 '£?. 88 li l>u ft ^ U Valuation of certain Eolling Stock on the Canadian Pacific Railway, otc— Continued. PLaT 0AR3.— glass No. I— Continued. a 3 55 Description. i •a 3 • Description. i •-3 o > 03 154 > 113 i Sec. B • Green Sec. B Green 114 do do 155 do ao 116 do 158 do do 116 ' Sec. B do 168 do do 117 RedG do 159 do do 118 Sec. B do 160 do do 120 do do 161 (?0 do 123 do Red G do 162 do do 127 do do 163 do do 131 do do ■ 164 do do 132 do do 165 do do 133 do do 3062 do 136 do 3063 do t^ 137 Sec. B do 3064 do I H 138 do do 3065 do > L4 139 do do 3066 do r XI 140 do do 3067 do ti 141 do do 3068 do !z;. 143 do do 3069 do 144 do do 3070 do 145 do do 3071 do 146 do do 3072 do 147 do do 3073 do I 149 d« do 3074 do 1 150 do do 3075 do I 152 do do 3076 do ' 153 do Sec. B do do do do do do do Sec. B do do do Sec. B do do do do do do do do do RedG RedG do Sec. B do do Sec. A do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do RedG do do do do do do do do do do do RedG do do do do do do do do do do do do • ■ \ I 27 Cars. 26 Cars. 3077 3078 3079 3081 3082 3083 3084 3035 3087 3088 3089 3080 3091 3092 30°' 30 3088 3097 3098 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3108 3109 3110 6 9 15 32 3* 35 36 37 38 43 44 45 52 58 64 65 66 69 71 72 76 81 84 a u .Q B a 3107 do 1 '26 Cars 37 Cars 26 Cars. 89 tinned. ^i^-of^^a|^Ro™^„_j^^^^ SI a J3 a 1 i PLAT CARS—CLASS NO. 90 Valuation of certain Eolling Stock of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, oic— Continued FLAT OARS— CLASSES Nos. 3 & 4. it I? I 11^^ J* Ml m p [if:, 41 a 3 u Descriptioa u 0/ ^ B , ' d :^. r— « 1 »* 1 OS !»* , i o 4 19 52 58 5 6 8 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 31 33 36 36 38 39 42 45 47 60 W.D. Sec D. do 1 do do de 1 RedG Sec .B. ] Nui c c Du catc 18 C Pol. do inued 91 Valua ^0. Of cortal^ I^|„„g Stock „„ „„ Canadian Pacific Eaiiwa,, c.c.-0»,~.. 0) a p S 3 1 8 7 8 17 23 30 40 42 48 61 55 No Number , do do Dupli- cateNoa. 10 37 3 18 Cars. Descn Sec. A do do do do do do do do do do do I Sec. B do do RedG do do do I do 94,585.00 $185,890.00 In this connection, however, it appears from the memorandum furnished by you, dated the 1st inst., that in addition to tbe above, the following, completing the stock owned by the Government, have inadvertently been omitted, namely: — 9 Platform cars, 1 Baggage and smoking, 2 Box cars, 1 Boarding car. In handing over, you will see that the Company ate charged with their value. 1 enclose a copy of the several valuations, for trinsmission to the Company. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. C. SouiiEiBER, Chioi Engineer, C.P.R.