TO THE SUBSCRIBERS otst IN AID OP THE jrefl|ei|'s Ipen OTTAWA : PRINTXD BY C W. MITCH£LL, AT THE *' FRBK PRSSS " OFFIOB. 1883. / TO THE SUBSCRIBERS IN AID or THE lltaMfircnwn'a Ksnfcoknt 1 ssociatiom ■«^ ►■■ "^ ■^m^ FRIENDS,— The Managing Committee in making a report of the Receipts and Expenditure in connection with the Pic-Nic held on the 5th of August last, beg leave at the same time to state that after mature deliberation, they have decided to hold no Pic-Nic this year, but should any of the friends see fit to contribute to the support and maintenance of the Association, they can do so by forwarding the same to the Secretary, and they may rest assured that the same will be thankfully received and properly applied. R. A. WAGGONER, No. 2 Station, Secretary. WILLIAM YOUNG, President. 60600 *' ARTICLES OP CONSTITUTION To which we would most respectfully draw the attention of our FRIENDS. ARTICLE I. TITLE AND OBJECT. This Society shall be called the " Otta,wa Firemen's Benevolent Association," and shall have for its object the relief of members who may be injured while engaged in their duties as Firemen, and also to afford aid to the widows and orphans of Firemen, whose death may be caused by being disabled by sickness contracted while in the dis^ charge of their duties, the word duties to be understood as such duties as the Firemen are engaged for by the Corpora- tion ; any duty for which he may receive extra remunera- tion not to be included in the duties of his calling. The yearly subscription from members shall be at the rate $4 pev annum, payable quarterly, in advance. When a member engaged in his duties as a Fireman, as spBcified in Article I of the By-Laws, shall receive such injuries to his limbs or health as may prevent him from following, or attending to, his occupation, he shall receive his full pay and medical attendance, and this Association will pay a man to take his place. In all cases, the Board shall require a doctor's certificate, and the report of two of the Visiting Committee before any benefit shall be paid. • In the event of the death of a member, a funeral benefit of $75 shall be paid to his relative, said sum to be paid p'"*; of the fund of the Association.. The widow or nearest relative of each deceased mem- ber, or the person to whom he may devise the same, shall receive the sum of $100 immediately proof is furnished to the Board. One hundred dollars per annum to l)e paid to the widow of deceased Firemen who may die in active service, and ^25 for each child, not exceeding three in number, the grants to cease when the widow marries ; and in the case of the children, when the boys come to fourteen and the girls sixteen years of age. The sum of $60 be granted to any man who may be compelled to leave the department ; that no man shall be entitled to any bonus unless he shall have served three years, and an additional ten per cent, be granted for each year after three years ; the Managing Committee to decide who shall be entitled to such bonus. No benefit shall be given to any Fireman receiving injury while under the influence of liquor, or caused by the same. LIST OF CASH SUBSCRIBERS. :0: His Excellency the Governor General $10 00 AlUn Gilmour 25 00 Messrs. BroDson & Co , . . . , 20 00 Messrs. T. McKay & Co 20 00 Aiessrs. Psrley & Pattee 20 00 J. R. Booth 20 00 0. H. Mackintosh 20 00 Alonzo Wright 20 CO (Sty of Ottawa 20 00 tunty Council (Carleton) 20 00 mes Gouia 10 00 6. W.Mitchell 10 00 HcLeod Stewart 10 00 ]|evi Young 15 00 Archibald Stewart 10 00 % C. W. MacQuaig,.... 10 00 Jas. Goodwin 10 00 6. Latour 10 00 t.F. Mclntyre 10 00 Han Gilmour, Jr , . . . - 10 00 tohn Gilmour 10 00 wobErratt 10 00 Chas. McOee Wm. Davis Messrs. Kussell, B'orbea & Co Messrs. McLean, Rogers ft Co Messrs. Jas. MacLaren ft Co Mt ssrs. MoClymont ft Co Messrs. Gault & Tatley, " Royal Insurance Co." Bishop Lewis E. C. Malloch, M.D Rev. P. H. Prevost CoL W. PoweU Hon Macpherson Mis. J. D. Slater E. McGillivray Rev. M. J. Whelan E. Perkins W. Kiohol ; D. Murphy J. H. Spencer E.C.Barber W. J. Cuzner. , Geo. Cox N. W. Bethune Geo. May , . . . . Alex. Burritt E. Germnin W. Hodgson J. B. Abbott Alderman O'Leary M. Kavanagh, Sr Thos. F. Nellis Geo. Hay ^ A. O. P. Coleman, V.S D. B. Mactavish . . : Messrs, N". Bate ft Co Perkins Bros C. T. Bate ft Co S. Howell ft Co , Russell, Gardner ft Legg«tt '. . Seybold ft Gibson W. H. Baldwin ft Co C. Gagne & Co Thompson Bros Queen Insurance Co 5 Lancashire Insurance Co. ... . ••••• ••••• 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 JO 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OC 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 OO 5 03 5 OO 6 OO 5 OO 5 OC 5 OC 5 OC 5 OC 5 OC 5 0(1 5 0( 5 0( 5 0( 5 5 5 0. 5 5 5 6 C( 5 01 5 5 5 - Messrs. Fitzsimmona k Brown 5 00 " S. & H. Borbridge 5 00 '• Cregan & Pluokett 5 00 " Parsons & Co 5 00 " Olivtr&Son 5 00 " Kavanagh Bros 5 (K) " Mosgrove & Pearson 5 00 T. McGinnia 5 00 S. Rogers 5 00 Jas. Gordon 5 00 F. Clemow 5 00 H. K. Egan 5 00 A. S. Woodburn 5 CO W. H. Waller 5 00 D. O'Connor 5 00 S.Bingham 5 00 Geo. Logan, M.D 5 00 Alderman Laverdure 5 00 W. W. Brown 5 00 J. Swcetland (Sheriff) 5 00 P. Thompson 5 OJ Jas A. Grant, M.D 5 00 Geo. Brophy 5 00 R. Nagle 5 00 R. Ryan 5 00 Eugene Dupuia 5 00 W. fl. Walker 6 00 A. J. Stevens 5 00 Samuel Daniels 5 00 A. C. Larose 5 00 J. M. Curlier 5 00 John Blyth 5 00 P. Larmonth, Western Insurance Co 5 00 C W. Bangs 5 00 North British and Mercantile Insurance Co 5 00 John Rochester 5 00 E. S Skead 5 00 H. V. Noel 5 00 David Moore 5 00 London, Liverpool &> Globe Insurance Co 5 00 Watertowu Agricultural Insurance Co 5 00 E. King 5 00 Sandford Fleming 5 00 Robert Blackburn 5 00 Pierre St|. Jean (Mayor) 4 OQ T. S. Scott 4 00 H. Brading 4 0() Alex. Workman 4 CO T. & C. Smith 4 00 Messrs. Hamilton Bros 4 0) Ja8. Hoohester 4 00 W. H. Aumond 4 00 A. A. Henderson, M.D H 00 John Bobier 3 00 J. A, MacCabe 3 CO Alfred Bureau 3 00 Henry Living, Jr 2 OJ L. Coutlee 2 00 G. H. Hargrave 2 00 W. H. Johnson 2 00 Charles Martia 2 00 John Roberts 2 OJ Wm. Kehoe 2 00 A. Ma^son 2 00 W. Abbott 2 CO G. O'Keefe 2 00 Dr. G. Hutchison 2 00 C. Christian 2 G. R. Blyth, Sr 2 R. Parker . 2 A. P. Sherwood 2 J. Mather 2 Charles Pinhey 2 Ji Haines , , 2 C.Douglas 2 D.Scott 2 Alex. Martin 2 B.Mellon 2 W. McKay 2 Jos. Mantha 2 Wm. Slattery . 2 W. R. Thistle 2 Crawford Ross , 2 J. M Garland 2 R. M. McMoran 2 W. Y. Soper 2 B. Renaud 2 Hugh Allan ...*......,...!*. 2 R. A. Bradley .,..,. 2 J. C, Parks ',.,.,,,'..',', 2 W. Weir 2 00 A. H. Taylor 2 00 F. H. Chrysler 2 00 John Ferguson 2 00 F.auk Satchell, 2 00 James Buchanan 2 00 H. A. Alexander 2 00 J.T.Lambert 2 00 A. J. Christie 2 00 Oapt. Todd , 2 00 B. J Wickatead 2 00 A. Drummond > 2 00 W. D Chambers 2 00 R. Oassels, Jr 2 00 St. George 2 0') John Stewart . 2 00 John Lamb 2 00 M.O'Gara 2 00 W. O'Brien 2 00 Jas. McCuUough 2 00 R. Surtees 2 00 Wm. Porter 2 00 L. McDougall 2 00 J. M. Courtney 2 00 J.Patterson 2 00 Miles , , ,. .. 2 00 A Keefer 2 00 P. M, Robbins 2 00 R. Montgomery 2 00 Wm Mackey 2 00 W. A. Jamieson 2 00 Ai Ferguson 2 00 J* P. Featherstone 2 00 J, Wigmore 2 00 ^essrs. Stephens Bros 2 00 ■ " Porter &, McLeod 2 00 Elliott & Hamilton 2 00 " R. E. & J. C. Jamieson 2 00 F. &J. Grant 2 00 " Reams & RyaA 2 00 ' »• J. Wilson* Co 2 CO Butterworth & Co 2 00 " J. S. Butterworth &; Co 2 00 R. Stewart & Co 2 00 i " Baldwin Bros. 2 00 i Messrs. Bryson & Graham 2 OO li Leblanc k Lemay 2 OO II J. L. Orme & S«n 2 00 •• O. Dougherty & Co 2 OC ti J. Skinner & Co 2 Of; » Fritohard & Mingard 2 OO ft Graves Bros 2 0( > lii^ Warnock & Clarke 2 Of 'i» Kealey & Mahoney 2 0( William Whillans 1 (K R. K. Clare 1 Oi I. Daz6 10 Mrs. R. Kenly, Sr 1 Ci Wm. Cherry 10 J. Dalglish 10 T. Ahearn 10 D. D. Fraser 10 8. McLaughlia 10 Gemmell Id J. Wilson 10 J. Bishop 1 Oi D. McMartin 10 E. Cherrier 10 J, Warnock 1 J. Parker 10 W. Dunham 10 W. C. Perkins 10 H. F. McCarthy 10 W.Arnold If Geo. Acres * 1 ( , Alex. Routh 1 ( ' F. A. Jackson , , 1 (i , Wm. Pratt 1 ( ^ A. Doney 1 i Jos. Flanagan 1 ( W. E. Brown If E. Hall II J. Rowan 1 i C. Stratton 1 ( W. A. Lloyd 1 ( J. Holt 1( H. C. O'Dell 1 ( W. D. Hogg ^ 1 Babtie 1 E. A. Selwyo ,.,.., 1 Thos. Hector 100 R. O'Reilly 1 00 II. Higgins 1 00 G. Lowe Jr 100 F. Toller 1 00 M. f.Nash 1 00 J.B.H.Neil 100 ^as Young 1 00 k. Robertson 1 00 ^, H. Reiffinstein 1 00 m. Howe 1 00 W. Walsh 1 00 f. M. Morgan 1 00 Christie. 1 00 P. Remon 1 00 J. & R. Craig •. . . . 1 00 Stroud Bros 100 9. Alexander 1 00 I)ewis & Chandler 1 00 E. Lees 50 K. Garland 6if LIST OF PRIZE SUBSCRIBERS. :o; We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to give the Prize It Opposite our respective names to enable the Firemen's mevolent Association to get up a Pic-Nic in aid of their mevolent Fund. . : , "v ?>' / * - • ■;•; ,^■■i:::. ■ V VALUED. t. J. Whalen, medal . ....... . . . . $20 00 )hn Leslie, cup 15 00 )bert Kenly, silver watch 12 00 i, Rosenthal, cake basket 12 50 f. W. Currier &; Co., half dozen chairs 5 00 ^illiam Howe, prizes 9 00 X S. Shaw & Co., cruet 6 OO Ir. Chalmers, clock 6 00 'he Topley Studio, 1 dozMi cabinet cameoi 6 00 >onaIdson, Thompson & Co , prize 5 00 [ohn Shepherd; prize.... 12 00 r, Baskerville, prize. . . ; 4 00 1. R. Eamoode 9 00^ ' ■■.■■■'■'■'' ■ 10 . • Valued. Uglow& Mc^iffin, prize..... 4 00 G. W. McCuUougb, ton of coal 6 50 Thos. Story, water proof coat 10 00 George Peacockj, beat silk hat 5 00 John Heney, one cord wood 4 00 Garrow & Bohl, one cup 5 00 Moreland & Son, one pair vases 1 50 Blyth & Kerr, ladies' sett 3 75 Chatfield, sett of three vases 3 50 James Cowan, box cigars 3 50 McDougal & Cuzner, revolver 7 50 Ed. Hickmet^, mirror and frame 1 50 Jas. Boydc.., one chromo 2 00 R. J. Devlin, hat 5 00 G. M. Holbrcok, prize 2 50 J. Hope & V8.y book and picture . . 2 00 A. L. Cambie, prize 6 00 P, H. Chabot, one sett studs 4 00 (5ro. Murphy, boots 2 OO James Finn, 1 caddie tea 3 OO H. L Cot^, hats, etc 4 OO Kenny Bros. , white shirts 2 OO C Addison, cup 5 OO H. Wi son, umbrella 4 50 H.O.Eoche prize 2 50 Heney & Co. , riding whip 4 OO Selby Lee, one pair boots 2O0. L. Vezeneau, chain 9 OO H. Letch, box cigars 2 0( | Louis Duhamel, box coffee David Goyer sett buttons -w 12 0( j .John Roos. mee- schaum pipe 5 0( | T. Nolan, hai 2 fif ' A. M. Sutherland, one white shirt 17' T, Friedrick, pair vases 3 0( K, D. Grah. m. toilet set 2 fll J. G. Whyte & Son, bill book I 21 T J. Geihausen, cigar holder 1 5C E. Wallis, photos of any kind ... 4 0( M. M. Pyke, ties 4 ' Joa; Smith, set under clothing 2 »^ Pittaway & Jarvis, 1 dozen cabinet photos 5 OC S. E. de la Ronde, barrel apples 4 0( F. S. Warwicker, riding whip • 2 ' S. Jarvis, one dozen cabinets, best 6 ( n GASH EXPENDITURE IN CONNECTION WJTH PIC-NIC. ^b ucher I. Grounds : $20 00 2. Bands. 49 00 3. Printing 90 75 4 Constables 12 CO 5. Men at stations 15 00 6. Posting bills, ticket selling ... 17 03 7. Postage 12 25 8. Cleaning grounds 1 50 9. Cartage 15 00 10 Cash prizes 62 50 11. Lighting grounds 6 00 12. Stationery 4 01 13. Attendance, telephone and dancing 3 00 14. Medal and ribbon 5 88 15. Lumber, nails, etc ^ 4 02 322 69 C«sh receipts as per subscription lists .... . . 1,076 00 GKte receipts 201 80 Entrance to games 19 25 «^ ,. 1,297 05 Bppenditure as per vouchers 322 69 $974 36 We, the undersigned, have examined the above state< snt and find the same correct. « JOSEPH MANNERS, ) . ,., JOSEPH MILLS, i ^^^ors. n ".'^'"'- \. ■■». RECEIPTS. ■- ■'■^••' "-'^ -■'■"'' ^.Vv : "2^ 1882. ■"■- ■' ■-■ ' ■ ' ■■■■-•■^■' Feb. 16. Cash in Bank $1,286 91 •• inhand 29 97 •• from {Secretary for member's dues 99 20 •« !• •• services rend'd 53 75 '• •• H. Latimer eld as Seo'y.. 6 00 , " •• Rev. Father >7halen 5 00 Net receipts of Pic-Nio held August "^' 5th, 1882 : 974 36 \ ' i Donations from some friends > . . 2 66 1883. Feb. 16. Interest on Bank Deposits to date .... 46 6S /--"." ■';":'- _ . ■ "-.^'V.'yx •■■■'' ■'■■■'-^^^■■^■■/■'- i ..v,--;. ::-. :•. ■• < ■■' ': '■ '>\ J . i' : . v. ■ 1",;, ■ ^ ' ■. ::^ ■ V,' •- ;' :.i , ,. •■,.7." m . r,* »'•■,■ ^ • ' "" ■*«■ • ; ■--£ ',-, ■ , • ' - N »'■■■"'- -■'"'■ - ■■■';-h' ,-■ ■■ •^■"Z. ^^■.-«^^^•■■^ . - . . ... .:,,.,.. 't-: -"■' . . •-'»■,>■:>.- ■*.,.■ .--■, .■,■.:: .,.-v*..v-. .■<■■;•: ,:. ■;'.... 'f."-^ -•■.■■'• -^: • . . ■• i-' -1. ^■. ." ' . ' " ;. - ■ ', "s ..^ ;„:;»: ...;,,. .■ t '■: '^y^ ir'■:/^i^:'■fi^^ K ■' "l ,' 12,514 50 1 13 1882. EXPENDITURE. lieb. 16. Order No 1. Secretary's salary $10 00 ti 16. 25. II Dec 11 II 2. Stationery. •• 3. Bonos to H. Latimer on retiring • • •• 4. PaidJames Fraser, as sab* stliate for H. Latimer. •• 5. PaidCharle^Reilly, assab- stitnte for P. Mnrphy . . •• 6. Paid M. Mnrphy, as sub* stitnte for «J. Reilly .... •• 7. Paid M. Mnrphy, as sub< stitnte for C. Taylor. . . . •• 8. Paid pottage on pie-nic acoonnt •' 9. Paid J. Godwin , as snbsti« tnte for C. Taylor •' 10 Paid Dr. Graham, medi- cine for Reilly » 11 Paid Bry son, Graham&Co., for nnder-dothiog .... •» 12 Paid Wm. Millar, as sub- stitute for P. Murphy . . '• IS. Paid P. Gallagher, as sub- stitnte for J. Reilly .... " 14. Paid P. Gallagher, as sub- stitute for J. Manners.. " 15. Paid C. Reilly, as substi- tute for J. Mills " 16. Amount paid for eocks and mitts •• 17. Paid H. Latimer, as substi- tute for R. A. Waggoner 25 84 0(> 10 00 7 00 30 (0 4 00 5 00 8 76 60 88 40 15 00 33 75 23 13 21 25 37 66 9 10 63 20 8. <• «'.20.:P|kl* for oartoge^f hose,. . .J7. 77 ^ ^ • •.»..:;;: ^ •• •• r .: ,,;;. -^-— : — {^lare^ftendfttire te date*./. .*..:.\ ..: . . {. ..$441 48 Cith on hand to date ^,073 02 I^ A. WAIJGONJBIR, 8w% JAS. A. JOHNSTON, Treas. WILUAM YOUNG, Pretident