/ V if X >tl pjja:s OF PART or .'Skewing the position of the cmis m cfiosar act htm ■*a ¥f*r{f> sr aotroN. SCAi£ 6 /c to so 40 so to 'o to »o '00 "o izo /JO /*o /so /eoCAumt. JihXK'^'^-^J/^^ W/ND60F{ N. S. Jany187J. (ieoio^ist Jl mo C^ms V? 3calcZOCliainsto one Inch. . ..,,.. /o /A V "> >" ^^ ■ ^'' > ^ r^' \^! jOf^££fi/ SHh'4. « >• M ^^]\f LIJ>fll A. S. ^T \ .' ♦. ^,. If II ^' i H ilii— ■ I 5 -i V 7f f- r I I t in I ■■ iiiiiiiliililil il ; i>l»i.l II I II IHW H H o :r> i> t •mmM* ^-L 4m- 'tJtifiiftltlfillllltjtttjJtlL :r> V t :^ :^ <• ^ i^^^si. CO £M(/H i/»/n <- •♦ V (/^ DIAGRAVI Shewing Method of Working SCALE 20Ch?ONElNCH. c/kmiH.etojar teesini -m (f^i^ aaemM. 4/ SHAFT ge* er*' ^ (»* 11*9 ^s* flC ,«■" io'^ :?** ./•-V //t*'^ ^^^ V- .'nV < •♦ ) tr^ er cent, in fuel, an increase of 7.56 per cent, in horse power, anc^ a positive gain in the consumption of smoke, of 21.84 P^"^ cent. The general introduction of Coal for locomotive use is not far distant, it is now used more or less on the Nova Scotia lines, and it is found to be more economical in several ways than wood. (Vide Mr. Hartley's Report page 41-42.) 12. — RAILWAY AND LOADING GROUND. The length of Railway constructed by the General Mining Association from the New Winning to the Loading Ground at North Sydney is about four miles. The distance from the Engine Pit of the Sydney colliery to the Loading Ground at North Sydney is about 5^ miles, but in case the mouth of the Little Bras D'or should be selected at the Loading Ground the distance would be about two miles only. In view however of the great advantages possessed by Sydney Harbour it is probable that the Loading Ground will be situated on some convenient part of this safe, capacious and well-known ship- ping place. A narrow guage Railway similar to many now constructed for Mining purposes in Europe will amply suffice for all the requirements of the Colliery even supposing the yearly out- put reaches 200,000 tons. Stationary engines are now employed for similar purposes in Europe and are more econo- mical than locomotives. • 13. — CONCLUSION. Bearing in view that the physical features of the country, the capabilities of the harbour, the regularity of the measures, and the exceptional quality of the coal, are all of a highly favourable character, it is sufficiently evident that all the elements for the establishment of a first-class Colliery exist at unusually low cost for preliminary work. The subsequent and not less important items connected with the underground operations are under complete control, as far as such opera- it Report on the tions can be predicated, and may be briefly enumerated under the following heads : — I. — Ventilation. — By means of Guibals, or other approved machines. II. — Drainage. — By the preservation of a barrier 200 feet broad at the outset, to cut off the water from the rise ; thereby reducing the pumping service to a minimum. III. — Storage or Coal. — By the use of Coal-cutting machines to take out the coal in large blocks and store it underground during the season of suspended naviga- tion. IV. — Getting the Coal. — By means of Coal cutting ma- chines, in order to economize labour, time, and loss in slack, as well as to ensure safety. It is not unreasonable to state that by the adoption of these artifices the cost of a ton of Coal from the Sydney Colliery, placed on board a vessel at the loading ground, will fall considerably below the cost at which a ton of Coal of equal quality has ever been shipped either in Nova Scotia or Cape Breton. HENRY Y. HIND, M. A., Geologist. Windsor, January, 1871. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SYDNEY COAL MINING CO. I. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly as follows : Robert Boak, the younger, Peter Ross, Joseph J. Northup, H. E. Ross, and John B. Campbell, their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of the Sydney Coal Mining Company, for the purpose of opening and working coal mines in the Island of Cape Breton, or elsewhere in the Province of Nova Scotia, and manufacturing coal oil and other substances from coal, and trading in the products of such mines or manu> bctures, and transacting business connected with the purposes aforesaid, or any of them, to purchase, take, or lease or otherwise acquire any lands or other property, and to construct and make such railways, tramways or other roads as may be deemed necessary for the transportation of the products of mines worked . Sydney Colliery. 23 By the Company, and of other articles to and from such mines ; and to purchase, or hire, construct, build, or erect all such wharves, docks and piers, mills, houses, buildings and machinery as may from time to time appear expedient, and to do all other matters and thmgs which the Company may deem incidental or condu- pive to those objects or any of them. 2. The capital stock of the Company shall be two hundred thousand do'iars, divided into shares of ten dollars eacn, which shall \» personal property, trans- missible and assienable as such, and the Company shall have power to mcrease their capital stock to one million dollars by the issue of new shares ; but the Company shall not go into operation until twenty-five per cent, of the capital Mock shall have been actually paid in. ■^. The first meeting of^ the Company shall be held at such time and place in this Province as the above corporators, or any three of them, shall determine, and of which public notice shall be given in one or more newspapers, published in the city of Halifax, in this Province, at least twenty days previous to such meeting, and continued to the date thereof, at whicn, or at any subsequent inerting, the Company may be organized by the election of not les& than three Pirectors, and of otner necessary officers ; and the Shareholders present in Ctrson, or by proxy, shall have power to organize the Company, establish bye< ws, and elect all necessary officers. 4. No member of the Corporation shall be liable in his pierson or separate tstate for the liabilities of the Company to a greater amount in the whole than the amount of stock held by him, deducting therefrom the amount actually paid to the Company on account of such stock, unless he shall have rendered himself liable for a greater sum, by becomins surety for the debts of the Company ; hut no Shareholder, who may nave transferred his interest in the stock of the Com- pany, shall cease to be liable for any contracts of the Company entered into Defore the date of such transfer, so as any action in respect of such liability shall bo brought within six months after such transfer. 5. The Directors of the Company may receive lands, mines, buildings, wharves, machinery, mining rights or privileges, or any interest therein, respect- ively, in payment for stock subscribed for, or of any instalment or instalments due thereon ; but subject, nevertheless, to such conditions as to valuation, or acceptance of the same or otherwise, as may be imposed by the bye-laws of the Company. 6. The transfer of shares in the Company shall be valid and efiectual, for all purposes, from the time such transfer is made, and entered in the books of the Company. 7. A list of the Stockholders of the Company and of the number of Shares held by «ach of them, on the first days of May and November in each year, certified under the hands of the President and Secretary, shall be filed in th« months of May and November in each year, with the Registrar of Deeds of the County or District where the principal works of the Company are situated in this Province, such certificate to contain the names of the Stockholders, and the number of Shares held by each of them respectively, on the first day of the month in which such certificate is filed ; and it shall not be necessary to file any other certificate of transfer or copy thereof. 8. The meetings of the Company shall be held at such place in this Pro- vince as the Directors may appoint ; and the Company, through their Directors or otherwise, shall appoint a recognized Manager or Agent, resident in this Province, service on whom of all process notices and other documents shall be held to be sufficient service on the Company, and the name and address of such Agent shall be filed with the Registrars of Deeds for the County of Halifax, and for the County or District where the principal works of the Company are situated in this Province. In default of such appointment, or in case of the absence or death of such Agent, pipp^s^ notices qi]q ^ocmjnents ipay be served on any officer or employee of th4.vQ *>tetessA*v Jn^t^e pOn^tsirattcnr or maintenance of the works of the't^oAil^a^yAthdt th^'^dng^y jshbpld t^ invested with land* i% Sydney Colliery^ conticirous thcrrto, and no agreement can he made for the j)iirchase thereof, it Hhnll l)c lawful for the iJirectors to apply by |>ctiti<)n, with a plan annexed, to any enu of the Judges of the Supreme Court, setting forth the nature and situation of the lands required, the names of the owners or occupiers thereof, and praying a conveyance of the same to the Company, whereupon such Judge, being satisfied that the lands arc rcciuircd, and arc not more extensive than may be reasonably necessary, shall appoint a time and place for the consideration of such petition, and shall direct a proper notice in writing to be served upon the owners or occupiers of the lane's, if in the Province, and to be published for one month in at least two newspapers published in Halifax, and also in one newspaper (if any) of the County wnere the lands lie, reciuiring them to attend at such time and place personally or by Attorney; and tne Judge shall require the Directors to nominate one appraiser, and such owners to unite in naming one appraiser ; and the Judge shall nominate a third appraiser, but in case such owners do not at- tend, or shall neglect or refuse, or cannot agree to make such nomination, the Judge shall, on proof of such publication or service of such notice, nominate two appraisers, and shall, by order in writing, direct such three appraisers to value the lands so required, and the appraisers having first subscrioed an affidavit in writing, to be sworn to before a Justice of the I'cacc, and annexed to such order, to the effect that they will faithfully make such appraisement, shall, with all convenient speed, proceed to and appraise such land, and shall make such ap- praisement in writing, and return it under the hands of the appraisers, or a majority of them, with such order and affidavit, to a Judge, who may confirm, modify, alter or reject such appraisement, or direct an appraisement de novo ; and the Company, upon tendering or paying the amount of the appraised value, as finally confirmed, and the expenses of the owners on snch appraisement to the owners, or, in case of dispate, to such parties as the Court or a Judge shall direct, and registering such order, affidavit, appraisement and confirmation in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for the County or District in which such lands lie, who is hereby required to register the same, shall be considered the owners of such lands. 10. It shall be lawful for the Company to make or construct railways or tramways over and across any railroads or tramroads, and over any river, brook or stream, subject, nevertheless, in such cases, to regulations to be made by the Court of Sessions, to ensure the safety of the inhabitants and their property. 11. The Company may proceed either alone or with any other Company to render navigable any harbors, lakes or rivers, by deepening, widening or extend- ing the channels, or by opening a new channel or channels. They may erect piers, breakwaters and shipping places for coal upon any lands owned by the Company, or acquired, as herein provided, or upon any lands of the Crown, in respect of which permission shall be granted by the Governor in Council, in and about the shores of such harbors, lakes or rivers. The portions of such harbors, lakes or rivers thus rendered navigable shall be open and free for the use of all ships, vessels and boats, and to all persons desirous of using the same for trading purposes, subject to such tolls and regulations at such rates as shall be fixed by the Company, and approved by the Sessions of the Connty. 12. The books and accounts of the Company shall at all times be open to the examination of such persons as the Governor in Council shall appoint to inspect the same. 13. This Act shall cease and determine if effective works shall not be commenced and continued under it within two years from the date of its passing. t « I '.«'•• i . -. » » • • • ' < • •• ■ • • t . t k • • • > • • , , g , , I. , I 1. . 1 .. • « • f » < • «