vO^ **A Ya* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ 50 •^~ ^ m IE U 111,6 6" <^ ^^ 7i '/ s Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WEBSTIR.N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 873-4503 .V ■ iO Emigrant Department, c; Falls, time of going tlirough, 10 Fire Department, 26 Fire Wards, ib. Free Ch. Bap. Church, 48 Fredcricton, Corporation of 32 :-j ' \ I- >y t V - ♦ Fish Markot Due«, page 10 (jrraramar School, 26 Hackney Coach Fares, 10 Hand Cartmen and Porters, ib. 9 41 4 28 A 41 30 Harbour blaster's Fees, House of Assembly, Holidays at Public Offices, Joint Stock Companies, King's Collegs, Land Damages, Appraisers of i 1 Latitude, Longitude, &c., 7 Legislative Council, 40 Light Hov.ses, o Lunatic Asylum, B Marine Hospital, ib. Market Tolls, 10 Mechanics' Institute, 27 Morning and Evening Stars, 4 Miscellaneous Extracts, 53 to £9 Officers of the Crown, Parish of Portland, Parish of Simonds, Parish of Lancaster, Parish of Saint Martins, Police Department, Post Office, Penitentiary, Presbyterian Church, Provincial Bourd of E(lucat'n,48 Provincial Militia, (Slafi",) D Hates of Pilotage, &c., 8 Hates of Wharfage, &c.. 9 Kales of Carkton ibteam Ferry, 9 Hates of Cartage, Hailwjjy B« ard, llevettue. Provincial Uef. Presbyterian Church, Roads and Distances, Signals, 7 Societies, Public 26, 27, 28 Table, Seamen's Wages 61 Tolls on Suspension Bridge, 10 Time for going through the Falls. 10 W'cather Table, 60 Weighing Machines, 10 Wesleyan Missionaries, 47 Works, Jioard of 41 ib. ib. 26 43 B 46 i)3 41 44 4b m 'Z (I e 10: 26 1 10; ib.t 9 41 ' 4 28 Ai cf 4 1 j 71 401 5i B' lb. I lOl 27 i ITS, 4 I to £9; 30! ?1; ib. ' ib.l 26 46 t'n,48 I l)i .,-. 8 i .^ <)| rrv, 9 ; \ 7i 57, 28 ! 61 1 :e. 10 he 10 60 ''10 47 41 Ji/^A .' ^^^ ;»■ r ■/^ M ^n^4^ ^^>'»-<^% 7?^^^A^<^ ^■i--^^ r ,a» '\- ,*» ^ f fif ^ .*»-.-Jt **p-, » 2 ^' ...J^ /^ -z- ^>^ l^ 2 ^^ ' ^^^'-^r ^y-y ^ /,- x^ y^u^ c^^ ? / -r X ^#^ /^> /-. //. ^e. IzJi. '^f-' /. a^^ Z*-^ a ^^—/^/^ ^?X <7 ^**J7^-' /. ^S, -t Z^^r»^ 4.--*^ « -* ^v-;^ r/c >^ r^l %.i "^^ /T. /■/ >. 1. o M. A ; 5 3 4 5 6 1 7 I S !,^ In !I2 14 15 16 17 IH 19 i20 •21 22 •2:j ;> 6 G 6 7 7 8 8 3 9 9 9 10 10 10 It n 11 12 12 12 12 \?y 13 13 J: 13 :i .13 4 NoTli When Theri I.— T Februa , 11.- 1 17th da ginning t'hase, I III.- day, in^ I IV.— visible 1 time, e^ V.~'I day, in\ VI.- day.jtiv mmmm '\ 1 EQUATION OF TIME FOR 1851), For the Meridian of Greenwich, I > jx^x 1 KEHV., MRCH. APRrL. MA?. JUNE. JULV AUG. SBPT 0/' ocrn. M)V. HKC. '. O i'^i 67 a Si 0f'« ^^•vt; 3 44 M. 9. J3ij2 11. 9. 12 40 M. 9. 4 4 M. ». 2*59 M. 9. M. 9. 3 23 M. 9. 3 3 M. 9. M. 9 10 12 M. S. 1(5 15 M. «.; 2 34 10 52' 4 12 14 12 2r! 3 46 3 r 2 25 3 34 3 00 19 10 31 16 17 10 3o! 3 4 40 14 7 12 15 3 28314 2 16 3 4(3 5 56J0 38 10 49 16 17 10 6 4 5 8 14 13 12 2 3 ll|3 20 2 6 3 57 ) ol i)< 11 8 16 17 9 42 i) 14 18 1149 2 53 3 2li 1 56 4 e > 46 I 17 H2u 16J6 :) 18 6 6 2 14 23 1135 2 3513 31 1 46 4 11^ S 40 I 37 1144 16 14 8 5:i / G28 14 26 1121 2 1813 3ii 1 35 4 28 5 33 ! 57 12 1 16 11 8 27 8 6 54 14 29 11 6 2 1 3 40 1 24 4 38 5 26 2 17 12 18 16 7 8 I' 9 7 20 1431 10 51 1 44 3 44 I 13 4 47 5 18 2 3S 12 35 16 3 7 35 10 7 41 14 32 10 36 1 27 3 47 1 1 4 56 5 10;2 58 12 51 1 — f- 7 8 11 8 8 14 33 10 20 1 10'3 49 49 5 4 5 1 3 19 13 6 15 51 6 40 12 8 32 14 32 10 4 54 3 5] 37 5 12 4 51 3 40 13 21 1544 6 12 la 955 14 31 9 47 38 353 25 5 20 4 41 4 1 13 36 15 36 5 44 14 9 17 14 29 9 30 23 3 54 13 5 27 4 30 4 22 13 50 15 27 516 fl5 9 38 14 26 9 13 7 3 54 5 33 4 19 4 43 14 4 15 18 4 47 16 9 59 14 23 8 56 W' 8 3 54 K^s.i'2 5 39 4 8 5 4 14 17 15 7 4 18 17 10 20 14 19 8 39 32 3 53 25 5 45 3 35 5 26 14 29 (4 56 3 48 U^ 10 39 14 14 8 21 36 3 51 38,5 50 3 43 5 47 14 41 14 44 3 li> 19 1058 14 9 8 3 50 3 49 51 5 54 3 3(1 •> 8 14 52 14 30 2 4'> i20 1116 14 2 7 45 1 4 3 47 1 4 5 59 3 16 3 29 15 3 14 17 2 19 121 1133 13 56 7 27 I 16 3 44 1 17|6 2 3 2 3 50 1513 14 2 149 22 1150 13 48 7 8 1 29 3 40 1 30 6 5 2 47 7 11 15 22 13 46 1 19 •2:j 12 5 13 40 6 50 1 41 3 36 I 43:6 7 2 32 7 31 1531 13 30 49 24 12 20 13 31 6 32 1 53 3 31 1 56 6 9 2 17 7 52 15 39 1313 19 25 12 35 13 2*^ 613 2 4 3 25 2 8 6 11 2 1 3 12 15 46 1255 '^•v. 1 1 ^26 12 4S 13 12 5 55 2 14 320 2,21 6 11 145 8 33 15 5v 12 3a 41 27 13 ! 13 2 5 36 2 24 3 13 2 34 6 12 128 8 53 15 58 12 17 1 11 28 1313 12 51 5 18 2 34 3 6 2 46 6 11 1 11 9 13 16 3 1157 1 41 29 13-::»4 4 59 2 43 2 5!)i 2 59 6 10 54 9 33 16 7 113(j 2 10 30 13 31 4 41 2 51 2f ? ll|6 8 36 9 52 16 11 11 14 2 40 31 I3 4:i 4 23 2 4. |6 6 18 11613 3 Note. — VVlieu ilie ."sun is slow, When tlif Sun is I'\ist, Equation to be iiatlun to be added to Apparent Tiiuc — btracted from AppMrenl Time. ECLIPSES OF J859. There will be Six Eclipses tUis year ;— .Four of the Sun, and two of tlie Moon : I.— The first will be a very Partial Eclipse of the Sun, on Wcdnetiday, Februaiy 2d day, invisible to U3. 11. — The Skcond will be a Total Ecltpsr of theMooN,on Thursday, February 17th day, and visible Lure :—*First contact with the Penumbra, at 3h*. 'ilni ; t)u- ginning of Total I'hasc, 5h. l.'>m. ; middle of the Eclipse, 6h. 3m. ; cud ol' Total I'hase, 6h. 52m. ; Moon sets Eclipsed, at 7h. 3m.— 'Mean time, morning. III. — The Third will be a Partial Eclipsb of the Sun, on Friday, March 4th day, invisible to us. IV .—The Fourth will be a Partial Eclipse of the Sun. on Friday July 90th day, visible to U8, : — Beginning, at 5h. -.idm. ; End of the EclipBe> (fh. 33iu. .Meitn time, evening. v.— The Fiftli will be a Total Eclipse of the Moosr, on Saturday, August l.>th day. invisible to us. Yl.— The Sixth will be a Partial EcLirsa of the 8un, ob Sunday , August £8;h day,_invisible to Uf». ' ■iiWHipHMUNiMMtiiniiiM ri ] MORNING AND EVENING STAR3 OF J8r>9. The Planet Venus ( $ ) wjll be Morning Star until September 27th; then Evening Star uni'ii the end of the year. — Mars (^) will be Evening Star until June 2lst ; then Morning Star to the end of the year. — Jupiter (2X) will be Evening Star until June 25th ; then Morning Star to the end of the year. — Saturn (h) will be Murniit^ S^ar until January 29th; then Evening Star till Aug. 8th; then Aforntff^ 6£ar to the end of the year. t t iv. I Chronological Cycles <>/*1859. Domin. Letter, B. Golden Number, or Lunar Cycle, Epact, 26 i.^ Solar Cycle. 20 , 5 *' Hegira, :i275-6 Roman Indiction, 2 Julian Period, ^572 Jewish yr. a.m. 5G19-20 JS'ames and Characters of the Planets 0The Sun. e The Earth. gill The Moon. 9 Mercury. 2 Venus. ^ Mars. fi Vesta. 5 Juno. $ Pallas. ^ CerjBS. 11 Jupiter. ^ Saturn. ^I Ilerschel, or U rail us. JVames and Characters of th^ Aspects and Swedes. n^ (5 Conjunction. P Quadrature, 90°. S Opposition, 180®. Q Ascending Node. I Sup. Superiour. X3 Descending Node. N. North. S. South Inf. Inferiour. E. East. W. West. m '^.■•:|. Names and Characters of the Signs of the Zodiac. '* 1 ^ Aries,, head. 2^) Taurus, neck 3 n Gemini, arms. 4 °^ Cancer, breast. 5^ Leo, heait. 6 n^ Virgo, belly. 7^2= Libra, reins. 8 iTi Scorpio, secrets. 9 / Sagittarius, thighs. 10 V3 Capricornus, knees- 11 ^:: Aquarius, legs. 12 ^Pisces, feet. , . Moveahle Festivals of the Church in 18^19. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 20 j Rogation Sunday, ; Sexagesima Sunday, ''27 ; Quinqnagesima Sunday, March C ! Ash Wed. Lent beg. " 9 Good Friday, April 22 ; -V/ af-- 1 ^-»"V" » ».«»,, ^ Easter Sujiday, 24 5 .'•i^ May 29 j January 1, New Year's Day, I March 'X7, Saint Patrick, April 23, Saint George, M*y 24, Queen's Birth Day, June 20, Queen's Accession, Jun© 534,,, Saint John^ ' t*t.ii<» June 38, Queen's Coronati&n, Sept. S9, Michaelmas, Ascension Day, Holy ? j o Thursday,^ ^ l-^""^2 Whit Sun. or Pentecost, " 12 Trinity Sunday, '19 Advent Sunday, , Nov. 27 Holidnys at the Public Offi€fis. --^M-- "^ l Nov. 30, Saint Andrew, l^:^ Dec. 25, Christu)as D^y^..ni ' •( o^' c Christmas llo]iday.s, Ash Wednesday, ',;^;^',^%,,. Good Ftida.y,;u7r ltt1.^ offr^.v Easter Monday, Efistor Tuesday, , i ,v:r ■M i<4 1 27th; j ill he| of the 1 then ! rniiio then 2 1 6572,3 ■ 019-20 j T 1 , r. n. he], or lUS. M»t'r ! 1 ir. ! I South ! West. ; 1 i' ^ -- highs, i 1 , knees- 1 gs. 1 ^fay 29 ;i June 2 1 •"'• 19 i Nov. 27 3 olidays, ; /fit .y.'ia ■ ^ :i ; -^: >■ y • • f< !,,■»:.■ : i> v; • .1 Boa ; Futuhj ! Lieut. mid C Hay (» lutigiii Cap j Bay ol white be sec sery cl breaic: from I some theref Brii tiiated tlieret Dio placetj ward, fore c Gar, appro tend f lanee cond.i painie Uear'u ' This J From i From From From To th( From N67 Lcdgb always Hou^c 9ix mi BuU. near Ij I . . .LIGHT HOUSES. ! Board of Commissioners fur the several Light Houses in the Bay of \ FuH(hj. — Robert W CrookshanU, Joiin Ward, Isaac Woodward. I Lieut. Clmrl«4 Hare, R. N.. John James Uobiusoii, 11. N., and Do- j unld Clark. Ksqaires. I liiaae WoodwarJ, Rsqiiire, Surveyor oftho^e Lisht Honsen in the 1 Hay of Futidy belonging to New BrunvvViolt, and also of those be* ; longing to Novit Scotia which are partly supported by this Pro\ ince. Cape Sable Seal Island Light. — The first Light in approaching the Bay of Fundy, is on the South Point of the Seal Island. This is a plain white Light, elevated about 80 feet above high water mark, and may he seen in approaching the Island fruaiauy point of the coi;npass. A sery dangerous rock, under water, but upon which the sea always I breaks, called Blonde hock, lies about 3^ miles S. by W. by compass, ' from the Light Mouse Between this rock and the Inland, there are {some dangers — the ground is rocky tliroughout, and large vessels, I therefore, ought not to attempt passing between them. j Brier Island Light. — In advancing np the Bay, the next Light i.«i si- j tiiated on Brierlsland, about half a mile N. E. from the N. W. point I thereof. A plain white light I Dighy Gat Light.^-The next light on the coast of Nova Scot'm is ' placed on the west side of Digby Gut— 'from Brier Island North East- ; ward. The coast is very bold a«d not indented ; the Light is there- i fore chiefly intended as a guide into Digby Basin — A white Light. 1 Gannet Rock Light. — This Light is intended to warn vessels of their \ I approach to a very dangerous range of shoals and ledges, which ex- 1 tend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal Islands off Machias, a dis- tance of about twenty miles. It is a flashlight — ichite — twenty se- j conds dark and forty light in each minute. The Light House is I puiniedinstripf-M, vfsrtical, black and white - ' : • v/ a/ I Bearings and Distance by Compass from ',}i'^- nHni — ^r--!i ^f Note. — Between the Northernmost and Southernmost of the Murr Ledges, there is a range of dangerous rocks and shoals, many of them always above water, and which extends Westward frem the Light Hou^e about four miles; from this range, farther Westerly, about six miles from the Gannet Light, lies a dangeroua breaker oailed the Bull , This may be avoided by keeping three remarkable headkinds near Ihe 3- W. end of Grand Mantn« o|>eQ. f ' ^ From Brier Island Light to ibe Old Proprietor, N. aud by W. i W- ]8i miles ...n _,_^ The Blonde liock from the Southprnniost point of the Cape Sable, Sea! Islands S. and by W. 3^ miles distant. II ■ff'i' Mfichias Scdl Tstnnd Lights. — There are two fixed white lights upon the Machias Seal Islands, elevated about forty-five feet above hijih water, and bnar from each other E. S. E. and W. N. W. distant about 200 feet, by which circumstance of two Light IJouses at the Mme station, they will be immediately distinguished from all otlif>r lights upon the coast, (British or American) Both t!ie Buildinofs are painted white. The following are the beaVings from them, viz : To the Southernmost Murr Ledge, (St. Mary's) E. S. E. easterly. Gannet Rock Light E. by S. ;| S. 13 miles. Southern Head of Grand Manan, E. by N. ^ N.f ' ;^'' Northern Head of Grand Manan. N. E. \ £. N E. Rock, distant 2 miles, N. E. by N. Little River Head, N. by VV. " Libby Island Light House, (American,) N. W. by W. Vessels standing to the Northward, between these Lights and the Gannet Rock, should tack or haul off the moment they bring these Lights in one, as they will not then be more than three fourths of a mile from the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the East of the » 7* lights. n ^.f. » •,)>fi>h u jH [It is recomtnended that the Shlp*fl Compasses should he well compared and adjusted (particularly in new ships), before they leave I'ar'iridpe Island, as se- rious errors hnve frequently occurred from want of attention on this point ; and as the variation in the Bay of Fundy is seventeen defrees VVejsterly, or (1\ points) it will be found by the latest published Admiralty Charts, that the cou'e from Partridge Island down the Bny (South Channel) between the Old Proprietor and N. W. Ledire, is S. W. h S., but the course to be steered must depend on the di- tection of the wind on leaving Partridge Island.] ■.A Head Harbour Light. — Next in order after passing Grand Manan and the plain white Light, (American) on West Qnoddy Point, is Head Harbour Light. This is placed on the North East extremity of Campo Bello, and i/» a guide to vessels entering the main Channel to West Isles, Moose Island, and the inner Bay of Passamaquody ; it enables vessels also at all times to enter Head' Hnrbotir — it is a fixed The building is painted White, with a red crosa on it. tchUe light. .1,1 i, (. Point Ij6 Preau Lights. —Upon this projecting head land two lights are placed, one abovH the other, in the same house, and distant 28 feet — Both lights can be seen from every point of the c«ni)p«s.s where they may be useful— both are fixed and tckite. The Light House is painted red and white, in stripes of five feet broad each, horizontally. Pattridgf. Tdand L/^.—Thiflightattho^ntranceof the River and Harbour of 8aint John, havmg been estahlished upwards of forty years, reqoireano particular notice, further than that it is a fixed leAfte light, and that the Light House h red and while, in vertical stripes, i ••■ -•"r'lT" '^"-*' -- -- —■■ ■ - upon hi/;h nbnut same lights tcrly. id the these 18 of a of the i Vl Manen )int, IS nity of imel to { ody; it • a fixed I n l!j»lit8 taut '28 where ouse \» ontally. ■ 't! »p Beoi which dries 2 a light of Sai ablest 1 tphite 11 i Qua Head, he see House Cap land, r The 1 the W Eastp Cap enlroE It ex quarte white, Lati lowinj Bruns Panrid Beacon Head F Point 1 I < an net Saint / Ouar.o, CaiME j Disph I i On ! On Tw I Tw ! AJ A i ^' \ A i I _..._ ■■■ w i' Wi 'it B ain- ■.', Beacon Light. — Within Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or ba'" which extends about half a mile S. S. E. off Sand Fnint, and which dries at two-thirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. Upon this Tower a light is eslabiiiiihed, which is eminently iiBeful to the coasting trade ; of Saint John, and to all other vessels having pilots on board, as it en- [ ables them to enter the harboMr at all hours of the night. A tixed ' tphke light. The House is white and black, in stripes vsrtically. Quaco. — A revolving tchite light is placed on a small rock off Quaco j Mead, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. This light can ' be seen from any quarter where a vessel can ap>proach. The Light > House is painted white and'red in horizontal stripes. ;..■■ ■' , , : ',.1 _* ,, Cape Enrage Light. — On the point of that name, in Westmor- land, nearly opposite Apple River Harbour, N. S. A plain ichite light. The House is paintedl white, and is about 120 feet above tide mark. West Quiddy Light. — This is an American Light, and is placed on the West side of the entrance into the Saint Croix by Lubec and Cape Fnrchu Light — On CapeForchu,on the western side of the entrance to Yarmouth (Nova-Scotia), in lat. 43,30, N. long, 66^8. W. It exhibits a plain revolving light — visible one minute and a quarter, and invisible half a minute The building is itaintc! white, and is elevated 135 feet above the level of the sea. Latitude, Longitude, and Variation of the Compass, at the fol- lowing Light Stations in the Bay of Fundy, belonging to New Brunswick: , . n > II Partridge Island, . . Beacon, '^ Mend Martionr, . . . Point LePreaii, . . . i (>annet Rock, . . . I A^^ctiins Seal Islnnda, I Saint Andrews, . . ()uar.o, CaiM Enrage, . . Lat. 45 14 20 N. Long. 65 3 50 W. C5 3 36 " (iO 53 55 " 66 27 4 " m 42 50 *« a 6 10 «» C7 4 09 " 65 31 55 " 04 46 40 «* <« «< 45 15 00 ♦• 44 57 40 " 45 3 50 ** 44 30 40 ♦• " 44 30 3 " '» ^5 4 10 " " 45 19«33 »' ♦• 45 30 00 « u • c «c tt << 4t Var. 16 .^0 W. '« 16 30 ♦» 16 20 •« 10 30 " 16 20 " 16 20 '« 16 20 " 16 :iO '• 16 50 » K It l< (I 4( l( IW SIGNALS. Displayed at Partridge Island^ on the approach of Vessels Harbour of Saint John. One ball close, for one square-rigged Vessel, to the One ball half hoisted for two Two Balls close, for three Two Balls separated, for four A Pendant of any colouii for five A ditto under a Ball, for six A ditto over a Ball half hoisted, for seven ditto A ditto undei two Balls cloie, for eight ditto ditto. Vessels ditto ^itto ditto mm wmmmm mrm A ditlo between two Balls separate, for nine ditto A Flag of any colour, for ten or more ditto The above are displayed at the East or West yard arm, accord- ing to tlie direction in which the Vessels are at frrst observed, and a»*soon as their iiio can he distinguished, descriptive Colours will he hoisted at the mast head, in the following order: A Union Jack for a Flag Ship, with or without a squadron. " with a Red Pendant over, for a two-decker , .« , - with a Blue Pendant over, for a Frigate " with a white ditto, for a small armed vessel ^ , A blue Pendant for a Merchant Ship I A red ditto, for a Merchant Brig • . ■; A white and blue ditto, for a Foreign Vessel A white ditto, [without a ball,] for a Topsail Schooner or Sloop . A blue Flag pierced white, for a steamboat frum Saint Andrews or Edstport. ' « c A Red Flag pierced white, for a Steamboat from Digby - '* A Red Flag with a white snquare, for a Steamboat from Boston A Ball nt the mast head. Vessel is on Shore or in distress RATES OF PILOTAGE, Established by a Law or Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Saint John— passed 3d August ^ 1848. Five Shillings per foot, for bringing any Ship or V^cs'sel into the ; Harbour of Saint John, and mooring her into a safe place or berth, or ! securing her alongside of one of the Wharves; and Five Shillings ; I per foot for removing and taking any Ship or Vessel out of the j Maibour. j In cases where Pilots shall be detained on board of Vessels, under i and by Virtue of the Quarantine or Health Laws of the Province, I they shall be entitled to demand and receive from Masters of such I Vessels, the sum of Ten Shillings per day, for every day of such detention, m addition to the allowance aforesaid. ' ; Coasting Vessels, going from one part of the Bay of Fundy to ' another, Britiish Steaiii Boats, or British Vessels drawing under six I feel of water, are not compelled to take pilots; when employed, : • they are to be paid according to the rate above mentioned. • j For removing Vessels from any mooring ground to any Wharf, or , from one Wharf to another Wharf, and seeing them properly moored : I or secured, the following rates: For Vessels not exceeding Gnu Hun- ' died Tons, Seven Shillings and Sixpence; for Vessels over One; Hundred and not exceedmg Two Hundred Tons. Ten Shillings;! j for Vessels over Two Hundred and not exceeding Three Hundred j Tons, Fifteen Sellings; and for all VesseU over Three Hundred; Tons, the sum of Twenty Shillings. j First Distance. — From Patridge Island to Musquash Cove Head,t bearing North West, Five Shillings per foot. I Second Distance. — From Musquash Head to Point LePreaiix,! bearingNorth West, Six Shillings and Threepence per foot. Third Distance. — From Point Lepreaiix to North Head ol Grand j Manan, bearing North West — ^or North Channel, bearing South East, Seven Shillings and Sixpence per fool« ■ over 30 over 7ij Rati Cily of sel, or 1 day; ah 2^, ; ab( : ab«)ve i I J 00, an 150, an , 200, an and un under '. mmm Fourth Distance. — From the North Head of Grand Manaii— or North Channel as aforesaid— to Mwchiaa Sea Island, hearing South, or Brier (slind bearing South South East, Eight Shillings and Nine- pcuc.pt per foot. Fifth Distance.— \nY vvhenj outside the aforesaid distance, Ten Shillings per foot. * HARBOUR MASTER'S FEES. ' V ' On Vessels of 30 Tons and under 50, 2s. 6d. ; Vessels of 50 Tons and under 75, 3s. 9d. ; 75 and under 100 tons, 5s.; 100 and tender 150 tons, 6s. 3d. ; 150 and under 200 tons, 7s. 6d. ; 200 and under 300 tons, 10s.; 300 and under 400 tons, 12s. 6d.; 400 tons and up- wards, 35s.; Decked Vessels, under 100 tons, owned and registered at S;iint .Tohn, and all British Vessels under that tonnage trading within the Bay of Fundy, or arriving from Ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, or the Westward of Cape Canso, or from any Port in Nova Scotia, to pay annually as follows: Under 30 tons, 3s. 9d. ; over 30 and under 50 tons, 5s. ; over 50 and under 75 tons, Gs. ; over 75 aud under 80 tons, lOs. ' ! 1 .» I ',1 .; i" ' .* vJ I > r .j . > R\TK« OF Wharfage, established by Act 5 Vict. cap. 49, in the City of Saint John and Parish of Portland. -"Y or every decked ves- sel, or wood boat, of the burthen of 40 tons and under Is. 6d. per day; above 40 tons, and under 50, Is. 91. ; above i>0, and under 60, 2^«. ; above 60, and under 70, 2s. 3d. ; above 70, and under 80,2s 6d.; above 80, and under 90, 2s 9d ; above 90, and under 100, 3s. ; above J 00, and under 120, 3s 6d ; above 120, and under 150, 4s ; above 150, and under 180, 4s 6d; above 180, and under 200, 5s ; above 200, and under 220, os 6d ; above 220, and under 240, Gs ; above 240, and under 2G0, 6s 6d ; above 260 and under 280, 78 ; above 280, and under 300, 73 6d ; above 300, and under 320. 8s ; above 320, and un- der 340,8sGd ; above 340, and under 360, 9s ; above 360, and under 380, 9s 6d; above 380. and under 400, lOs; above 400, and under 450. 1 Is 3d ; above 450, and under 500, 12s 6d ', and Ig 3d for every additional 50 tons. RATES OF SLIPPAGE AT THE CORPORATION SLIPS. All Decked Ves.'^els, same rates as for Wharfage; Wood Boats, and other Boats, or unlecked Vessels, having standingMasts, and all Scows, and not lying at the wharves on either side of Slips, to pay the follotvinff rates : ^'^ '•{? Every Wooriboatof sufficient burthen to carry lOCordH of Wood, onjnder,ls. Rd tlitto aitto Mpwards of 10 Cords, ami not more than J."), -Js. Gd. ditto ditto U|iward8()f 1.5 Cord.<«, and nut more tlmti 20, :]s. 9d. ditto ditto upwiirda of 20 Cords, • C>a. The above to bo paid each trip, and if any such Vessel remains over six days, an additional duty to be paid of from 2s. 6d. toSs. daily, ac- cording to the burthen. Other Bol^ts and Ves.sels without decks, and having fixed or standing in-Asts, and all Scows, to pay Is. 6d. each trip and Is. 6d. additional per day, if sutfered to remain over three days. RATES OF FERRIAGE ACROSS THE HARBOUR OF ST. JOHN —Foot pag»eng#r,2d. ; Child under twelve years, Id. ; Horse, 3d: Ox, or other large animal, 3d. ; Elephant or Camel, li. 3d ', lin* 1 \\ M I :tii g\e Waggon, not loaded, 2d.; single waggon, with horse and one man, 6d.; single waggon, with horiie, load and man, 7d. ; double waggon, not loaded, 7d.; double waggon, with horseg and man, 9d.; double waggon, with hori^es, lo»d and man, ]h. 3d.; barrel, Id.; bag. contain- ing two bushels, Id.; firkin, keg,. PUBLIC PORTERS AND HANO CART MEN— For loading carryine, and housing any goods, or any other article on any Hand Cart, from thfc Maiket Plip in King's and Qeen's Wards, or fiom any other place within the limits of the first district, to any other place within the faid several Five districts, the inies of prices are as follow :— For the first district 3d.j second district 3|d. ; third di8trict4d.; tburlh district 44d.; fifth dibtriciSd. .,,.... .,.'..= | MARKET TOLLB.— Beef, per qifarter, Qd. ; Calf, Sheep, flog. Goat, lamh, ' Kid, orShoat 2d.; Tub, Pail or Jar of Butter, l^d.; Firkin, yd.; everv 10 llis. of Roll Birtter, Id ; Cheese, ^d.; lond of Potatoes under Mi bushels, 3d.; 'ditto over 15 bushels, fid.; load of Oysters in shell or tub, Gd ; Turkey, fiooae, or dozen of Pidueou?, id.; pair of Ducks, FowI^^ or Partridges, Jd.; bag of Flour, Meal, Outs, Peas, or Beans, ^d.; Ham or Shoulder, Jd.j Eggs, per 10 dozen, id.; and all I otiier articles ia like proportion. f.i:~K PISH MARKET DUES.— For every Palmon, lid.. Codfish, Pollock, Baw, or I Shad, each Jd.; Hallibut, not exceeding 20 lbs. Id.; exceeding' 30 lbs., nnd for ! every 20 lbs.. Id.; every Lobster, ^d. ; dozen of Haddock, lid.; every 100 of! GaKpereaux, Alewives, Herrings, or otHfer email fish, Ud. TiM« FOR Coijio THnouoH TBR F»i-us~-(nf!«r 5Amt.;o;m.)— The Falls are level OT still water at about three nnd a half hours on the Jiond. and about two nnd a half on the tbh, mt tli:U they aie pansHble four times in twenty four hours, stiout ten or fii'teen minutes each time. No other rule can be given, as moch depends on the fltwds in the River Paint John, and the time of high water or full eea, wliirb le often hettened by high winds, and in proportion to the height of tbeu. mmim le man, i aggon, double I ontain- ca^k of rt.sled, rice, or affi.'on. riages, I In? One j Iditional iv puhl'C :'her part d if any B by »ny ' s by the For any ?ery linff j d. Pro-! Ferry to t land and ituruing. ' it'. >»'S t- »' •*. ^i •-%-s, . rfj ^l > ■m' I ;m :'"' ' T ■-■ «* ikctfrlip ta of the the rates I. ; third , f.amb, 10 lliH. of itto over do7.cn of nl, Ont», ; and all iBamUfOr I , and for ' 100 of i I are level wo and a if^, atM)Ut I depend* i'uU tfea, of ttMMn. mmmmm \ 42. /-^^^ ♦<^^ £^ ^^^ ^^-rz^^ ^jt-'*- ^^j.--»^^ /f*^-^^ **^^^ ^>n~ *^ z:^ ^^^ y RHM 1 2 3 4 r> () Mo| Tul'JI W. Th Fri 8 Sat 9'SU 10 Ml 14 15 Sat I if. su 17 Mo 19 VV p A \i 91 F S Fri G U 2( F Mo Tu W. v>0 Th Fri Sat r'24 '25 8« 27 528 29 31 Mo Tu W, Th Fri Sal SUM Mo|(2 ■ Ml-i. « JANUARV. r.J8o9 Peace, plenty, and happy New Yearf Here's a bundle of " little accounts ;" And their bearers left word they'd be glad If you'd settle their little amounts. The'TC all got •« large suras" to " make up," And cannot wait longer they swear, *. /. So I wish you the joys of the season, Peace, plenty, and happy New YenT I Here's the doctor's — a horrid long bill— L And he vows he's as badly as you ; > . '. For his patients won't pay him a groat, And he's dying of Tick Doloreux. ^ New Moon 4th day, Uh. 47ni. morning. ^ First Quarter r2th day, ^h. 44m. mortiin ^ Full Moon 18th day, 7ii. JOm evening. (^) Last Quarter yrjth dav. 4h. Gtn. evpninsr. S- N. N. W. N. W. 9 • • ;^ 1 Sat 2 SU 3 Mo .4 Tu r> W. (> Th 7 Fri 8 Sat 9 SU 10 Mo Ml Tu 112 W. !i:5 Th tu Fri 15 Sat \i^ SU J7 Mo fl8 Tu iU) vv- ;>() Th 'il Fri e-2 Sfit \n SU •24 Mo »i N. VV. (^ First Quarter lUili day, 3h. lin. evening. S. E. % Full Moon 17th day, 6h. 2m. morning. VV. ^ Last Quarter 24th dny, 9h. 4'2m. morning. S. W. Pi? Ri.«feSets h.m. h.m 2^|Tu i23VV 24i'rh 25|Fri 2f>;Saf 27|SU 4d;Mo Hilary Tarm bngins, Candlemiis Blustery Vohiey horn, 17.57 iiichard I. ransomed, 1194 Her. 8ta. .5th Sunday after Epiphany Mars. con. © Cholera in Paris 1833 Mariner's Compass iuv. 1302 Queen's Marriage, ]rt4l) Her. con. 9 Pleasant Hilary Term ends Gth Sunday after Epiphany Valentine. ^ j,, , Nisi Prius SUtinffs • 't* - , Melanlheon born, 1497 <• ' Michael Angeio died, 1563 b Luther died, 1536 \6 H. M. 104th Rejit red'd. 'J7(5 Septugesima Sunday 6 James L asstassinated. 1437 Sunbury Circuit. 6 Peace with Tippo Saib, 1791 6 St. Matthias G Earl of E^sex hehaad«d 1601 6 Bonaparte left Elba 1815 <> Sezagesima Sunday 6 J. B. V. Guillotinabeh. 1794 6 21 19 1? 17 16 15 13 12 11 9 7 7 7 5 4 2 7 / 7 ii r>9 58 57 55 53 51 50 48 47 45 4:i 4a D 5 ^ a ') ') 5 5 o 5 5 h o o 5 5 * ..) 5 3 5 5 O 5 a O 5 5 5 dc.S. d. m. (2i R&S h. m. 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 2t^ 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 3i^ 39 41 4f).8 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 U 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 7( 50l 33! 15| 57: 38 15 ET 6 49 7 17 sets. 7 3;feet 8! feet 14lreet line legs legs 8 ' 9 20 1 42 oo! 43! 23( 3 42' !1! .391 lel 57i 10 22ihead 11 32|head morninec 46 1 15 22 18, 43 45 6 6 rises. 7 24 8 41 9 55 35ill 9 23i morn ai 1 29 2 32 3 27 5li 29 7^ 45 nee arm arm. bres bres Sjh'art 36^h'art baly bely rein rein rein seer siecr High water h. m. I I 2 2 o 7 Uiig this l^ne 4 I3|kne 4 50ikne 10 50; 11 31: ev. 6 : 34 2 37 5; 431 3 29 ! 4 25 49' 2d: 8 58 ' 9 59, 10 51 11 35; morn 12' 48| 1 25 1 58; 2 35; 3 20 4 24 5 24 r> 46 8. 5 9 4 h < /A 2 3 id 1 /^ /I ■ yX 0\' \ ISS. High water \ h. m. I > 10 50 U 31 ev. 6 : 34 i 2 1 371 2 5; 2 431 3 2!) ! 4 25 5 49^ 7 2.S : 8 58 9 59, 10 51 11 35 inorn 12 48; 1 25 1 58 2 35, 3 20! 4 24| 5 24' (> 48 8. 5( 9 4 '^ /^x,-^-^^^ j-^ P^S4^^ .yJ*-i"/- -^ '^*'' ^ />' ^. r ^,^^ vT /-^ /^^ ^, '/ -•e-C V ^ ^-'•-m. .^^C-s^ t i' I x '«? I ' ¥' nmi .^■'V ^;, . ■, . ♦, I ^^r' #-^^ » ■ vV \ *»:> ,4?%:-' ** ■^; V;-ii»^v".>^ ■*■'*■ -4^ ■*^ ■^ > /(■■■v.. '>^' *»:"""lt^^ ^^; se *> ^ ur -»- m V '^■>»- y ill i / A^ ^^4.^4..^ ^ ^2-fei- Z^ .V > -^-^ ^/i ,y<. / ^"^-TU -K iC. >^ /vi^ ■; bi u JITu Q B 2iW. 3'Th 4!Fri SJSat f 7|Mo|L \ ' 8|Tii,S : niFnjiS rajsuii ir)!Tu|8 17|Thi^ IrtlFrijg 19iSal /! •2()i8U|2 21 1 Mo 221 Til i23!W. 1 24 IT h 251 Fri 2«!Sat 27ISU 281 Mo- !29!Tu |;aiTh IVIARCH. [1859. ,' .. All living things — nor called on man To plough and sow the seed. ^^ But Adam fell, and toil became ' The lot of great and small ; And though we labour now to live Lcr u^ •• Thank God for all." God ga^« iia strength, He gave us health Our daily bread to earn, Blessiugg i?jperior far to wealth, When we its truth discern. • "We see His hand in everything. • -• i; ■X ^ New Moon 4tii day, '^ii. fUin. evaiuug, 6. \V. (31 First Uuartet 12lh day. Oh. Om. morning. \V. .H Full Moon ]8tb day, oh. 3fc|5 4i>l 5 50 5 51 5 53 5 54 5 55 Q ! ^ dc.S.jR&S d. m.ib. m. © (> 3(^ 6 3S 31 6 29 6 2b 6 2t> 6 24 U) 2:> lOBaltleof Ahoiikir, 1701 duinquagesima Sunday Lord Collingwoodd. 1610 SjTn I Shrove Tuesday 9!W.|Ash Wednesday, 1S25 10!Th|H«r. con. ® n I Fn j (^ runs high If con. © r2 SaflGhBJsea liospt. found. 1082J6 2l 13 SU 1st Sunday in Lent 6 li-jo HlMoiKlopstockdied, 1803 !6 17 B ~ ' G 6 (v fi 6 5 20 5 45 6 51 i 6 6 6 28 sets. 6 5 7 5 5 42 8 13 5 loiTujSth William HI. died, 1702,6 15 lOfW.iBishop Burnet died, 1715 l6 1.3 17iThiSt. Patrick's Day, IrtLFri j Sterne died, 1708, a 54 19iSatJAIi. so. 1, 3 m. raor. 20|8Ui2d Sunday in Lent l6 11 if) 10 16 e '» 56 :* 58 5 59 t) 3! 5! 91 7 37 5 20 legs 7 14 5 45 legs feet feet feet h'ad 9 23ih'ad 4 55|10 36 i nee. 4 32ill 5ijn«c 4 8 1 raornijirni 19 21 1 Mo 22! Ti. 23iW. 24!Th 25|Fri 26! Sat 27ISU 281 Mo i29!Tu l30iW. |;aiTh 16 i6 3 451 1 4 3 21 i 2 12 2 58} 3 10 2 34i 3 56 2 lOi 4 33 I High water !h. m. 'X52 10 30 11 5 11 37 ev. 1) 37 1 8 1 44 2 24 3 13 4 17 : 5 40 7 19 i 8 42 9 43 1 47 1 23 59 36 Oranmer burnt, 1556 Jona. Edwards died, 1750 J6 2 Kotzebne assass. 1819 . :6 Flora Macdonald d. 1790 |5. 58 ©lo. S. 13i 35 6 14 6 15! 6 ]6i 6 18i 5 191 6 20i 6 211 59 1 23 1 461 2 lOi 2 33l 2 57! 3 20 arm j arm ! hres j bres j b'arti 5 2ih'art!10 28! 5 27|bely Jl 9] rises. ibely 111 431 7 291 rein ImoTU j 8 451 rein ; 201 10 OJsecr 11 111 seer morn thigs fhigs thigs! 6 23" 3 43 6 241 18 1 17 2 .8!kne , 2 AS\ kne 3 2] I legs 3 47 {legs : 4 lOHeffs, 4 341 i feet i 53 1 30 2 8 2 52 3 47 4 48 G 7 18 8 20 9 14 !) 1)7 t'l 2' *l\ I- ! it i^^' r i ^il 13 !'. ■ 'i ItloO.] APIilL. II ( . I hear tby voice, O Spring ! Its flute-like tones are floating through the air, AV inning my soul with their wild rayishing, From earth's heart- weary care. ^ I'or where are they, the young, The loved, the beautiful, who, when thy voice A year agone, along these valley o rung, Did hear thee and rejoice ? i.j ' Thou eeek'st for them in vain- No more they'll greet thee in thy joyous round ; Calmly they sleep beneath the murmuring main, Or moulder in the ground. ^ New Moon, 3d day, 5ii. 38ni. morning. £. (5 First Ciuarter lOih day, 6h. 4*2m morning.^' "■ N. -f :< Th Handel died. 1795 Fri An.nrians Enter Paris IS 14 All Fool's Day. Battle of the Baltic, 1801 4th Sunday in Lent. :: 5 6C- 9n. 4,7 mor. Kednc. of timber duty 1848 7^'a 6 ©• Storm at hand U con. (g). U so. 4. 1 ev, London Rojal Society in-l5 Ri.&Set8 h.ip. h.m. 13 14 15 lOi 17 18 19 20 21 t2 24 2i> 261 27 26 2<) corporated, 1G35. SUJith Sunday in Lent. Satis hakspeare born, 15(34. SUiPa 44 42 40 38 37 35 33 31 29 280 2b 6 1 nim Sunday. MoiEarl Camden died. 1794. Tu^Shakspeare died, 1616. W]Span. Fleet destr. J657 ThiA. Cook captured, 1644 FrilGood Friday 2o SaV Easter term ends. St. George SL Ga-sler Sunday St. Mark. Changeable. David Hume born, 1717 *:> 4 4 Tu W. Vork, (U. C.) taken by the Th| AmericHiifl, 1813. Fri'lVen. con. ^ ItOSatShukflpeare's mon. erec. 1741 •J 15 I-- lo 5 5 5 5 24 2-2 21 19 17 16 14 12 II 9 4 2 1 59 58 56 55 6 6 6 () 6 6 6 6 i\ 6 6 6 16 6 6 6 6 25 2(i 27 29 30 31 32 31 35 3^ 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 4(i 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 £8 59 dc.N. d. m 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 li 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 30 53 16 39 2 25 47 10 32 54 16 36 22 43 5 2<> 47 8 28 49 9 29 49 9 28 48 7 25 44 R&S h. m. 4 47 5 6 sets. 8 23 9 39 10 54 morn 5 1 5 1 55 2 34 3 4 3 29 3 52 4 12 4 33 rises 8 49 10 11 11 11 5s morn 44 1 20 @ 2 p High water h. in. feet h'ad h'ad nee nee nee arm arin i»res bres h'art h'art bely bely rein rein seer, senr. seer, ihig ting, kne^ kne^: knes 1 48 logs UUM isfffai vmammu 2 12 2 33 2 51 .•< 8 3 28 mm*m legs feet feet feet h'ad 10 31 11 5 U 28 ev. 12 48 1 29 2 14 3 6 4 12 5 32 7 1 8 16 9 16 10 2 10 42 11 18 11 55 morn 31 1 10 1 48 2 31 3 18 4 10 5 12 6 18 7 27 8 23 9 13 9 67 14 *l '?*** t^-.^ \ i v 32 7 li 8 16'! 9 10 10 2 10 42 11 JH 11 55 morn 31 1 10 1 48 2 31 3 18 4 lo!] 5 12ll ) 6 IH 7 27 8 23 9 13 ul 9 57 .% * <• ^ 3k •'\ ■sv *'*h, »%!•» '■-Ht ^v %1*.-- J»:; -«• r*- »*':>iB^. > -fc .*,:ii. w-^ ^i €jr ) x » s !»• -;! V ^ ^€/f A^C ^ ^^l-.-^ /^ C/U^. / ^2 4»-«^«, ^7. M^^ \ © ^ (i F a»F % 1 -1 C • '^ ^ < Mk ' 1 sTJ !sti 1 2 \Io 1 V\ a Tn Flor 4 W 5 Th 2>l» 6 Fri Gre< 1 7 Sa; All 8 SIJ W J: 9 Mo CIo: 10 Tii S^ . 11 W Bos n Tb Sch 13 Fr* Old 11 t>nt Vac U^);:?U •Wg \ 10 .Mu Mrs i 17JTu 18 I : l8i\V. Laii 19 Th Sj •^0 Fri Coh Ul Sal Lafii •J2Sli Ith 1 IW'Mo \Vn: •v>4iTn (ilK! :ir>',\v All. 2() Th Cor 27 Fri Veji 28 8h» Geo 29 SU 5lh i 30iMo Mi:r i3|i Ti* 7* /T .X^^A/-^ ^r/L iff A V, [Ib59. Twine a wreath for May's sweet morning — Twine it of the fairest flowers, Which, the brow of Spring adorning, Blossom in her joyful hours. . By the brooklet they are springing, v On the hill and on the lea, Where the wild bird's song is ringing , J Gaily from the scented tree. -* From the bough the breeze is swaying, .. Fall the blossoms white as snow, , j. Where a mt?rry group are playing ,.^,, , On the soft bright turf below. Ct New Muun 5iil day, 5ii. 25»i. evening. (§ First Quarter 9th day, Oh. 20ai. evening. -'. O Fiiil Moon 16th day, 4h. 28in evening. N ^ i^a.st Quarter 24th da y, 6h. 10m. evening. y/r> 1 2 a 4 5 6 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 tl .\fo Tn \V Th Fri Sa; SIJ Mo Tu ,W Th Fn Sat U)\iiV IO'Mu 17iTu 181 VV. 19 Th CALENDAR, &c. 1 ^ jRi.&^Sets !h.ni. h.m 20 21 Fn Sal •J2SU 24; Tn 25' \V 2(> 27 2S Th Fri Sh» 1st Sunday after EaMer I VVeMin^ton bom, 1760 Florida talhi. N. 2^6®. CireeU Festival of Job. Ali HO. 9, 4G ev. M Sunday after Easter CioL'ks introduced, 1638 St. John Circuit Boscovich horn, 1811 V , Schiller died, 1S05 01(1 May Day, Rain Vaccination iirsl tried, 1796 id Sunday after F.aster Mrs. lliMuans! died, 1835. 18 Belliiighaui ex. 1812. 4 oa i4 5'* i 51 4 49 4 4& 1 46 4 4r 44 42 41 40 3!i 3e 36 35 34 33 Landing of the Loyalists ati4 3ii Saint John, 1783 Colinnbus died, 15(K). Lafayette died 1834. Ith Sunday al'ier Easter \Vn5.3d. landed in Ire. 1600 Q,neen Victoria born 1819 Ali. so. 8, 36 ev. .._,> Corp'ts Christi. Venerable IWde born 078 George Isf horn, 1660. 5th Sunday after Ea:*ler. iVIer. eon. C^. 29 SU 3uiMo 31iT<4 7 >fc's con. ^. ^i^ con (^ _ 31 30 29 2r 27 27 2t) 25 15 2 15 20 15 38 15 56 16 13 16 30 16 47 17 3 17 19 17 35 17 51 J8 6 18 21 18 36 18 50 19 4 19 18 19 31 22J19 44 23|l9 57 24120 10 7 25120 22 7 26:20 33 7 27l20 4b 7 28 20 56 7 2921 6 24 7 30 21 17 4 237 31 21 27 4 237 32 21 3(. 6 7 8 ](' 11 12 Ki 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 dc.N. d. m, 4 22 7 33 4 22 7 34 21 45 m. 3 4V 8et8. 8 37 9 52t.irm • ' ^f M > f i k If ,:i;^ 4 ! i : r 15 I tl I \^>9.} JUi^E. r *% <.. sing me a song for the mouth of June, When linnets and robins their hearts attune; 1 care not now for the April sky, When the clouds sweep fast, auJ the winds blow high ; I care not for the buddinc; May, When the grass springs lirst where the streamlets play, When the half-0])ed bhissom that greets his eyes, The child bears home as a costly prize : A suii with a steadier beam for me, And a darker robe for the shadowy tree, A deeper green lor the winding vale, And 51 rosier hue for the tloweret pale. Q, JNew iMoon, Lsl day. v;h. *,ilm. uiorning. N. i\. (S5 First U(iarter7t!i day Oh. i^m. evening. ri. ^ Full Moon I5th h. iV.hn. morning. S. W. ® :\ew Mo<»n :?Oth dav. lUh. i2ni. uiorning. S. K. CALENDAR, &o. . 10 (*>, , !Ri.&Sets!dc.-N.!R,J,Si h.m. h.rn.d. ni. h. ni. I i I W j Fdtr and vtilU. iJThio" & 2i6®.© Iii-N. :)|[.'riiTannahil horn, 1774. 4irfat|r.e.o. Iir born 1778. 4 21 17 :>4::>*J 31 sets, n^ i W^ \'>'i 11 4 i>0'7 :i();-22 18; JO 31 hres : 4 W7 o7\22 2tV.l1 8h'arll 5!SU|Snnday after Ascension 1) 1 1917 37|-i-2 3*.^: II 3(5:h'anl OlMoj Patrick Henry died l/Dl) \ J0 7 3S|-J-i 3V)! morii,h'art' 7 Tnl Bishop VVhajbnrtond.l77i>i4 ISJ 3Hji-J 4.5! j'heiy 8iVV.!DoHglass JerrolHdiedJ857,i4 ie^7 Ailtl 51! <^ 2'2bely 9!Th ; Queen Victoria, proc. I8:)7,4 IS 7 45:23 2 Stanhope born, 175 4 17 7 45123 JiO 10 39 l.'jis I 1 44 2 }^ { 17 7 45123 2 n F Sat SU 27 M 4 1(^7 45 '2.^ 2 fyiftdy \ 1,^7 40i23 2 4 J8 7 40j23 2 1 19 7 40 23 2 1st Sunday nAerTiinitv 4 19 7 40123 2 CJharles XII. bor»', 10!'2. 4 19 7 4023 2 Ijonscst Day. St. John Rapti«it. Triniiij term end '2S Til Nisi Prius SUtinijs 20;VV.!f?t. Peter, 3oIT!« , ii «& ,? con. (^. '4 20 7 40123 1! Fuiri 20 7 46,23 V 4 2 17 40J23 1' i6 "" !7 li) 5e !7 n K >7 11 34 >7 11 5r >l) inon >5 V 13 37 >\ I ^ 8 1 4! 5 2 41 2 sots. :le<:s :iVel ! 2 53 rr.-et I 3 31 ih'adl 4 15 h'ad; 5 13 ^Ih'nd jrek 'nek arm |arm Ibres 21 . 7 40 8 54' 9 55 10 49 11 38 y^^ 1 -I ; ■ * 2 3 4 5 6 ^1 8 9 Fri Sar SV iMo Tu W Th Fri Sa» SU iMo Tu W. 'Ph Fri Sa; 81- Mo Tn W !1 Tb ,Fri! |23'SatJ! '24|SUl- '25|Mol» i20,Tni^ 27;WJ? 2v-^!Th 2 ; 29! Fri I J IWiSatll :)iisui nio !!i2 13 14 15 10 17 ':18 ii 19 20 21 22 13 I : m\\ ^ 1 n>uh y (Water * li. in. 17' 1 1 4.") • 's; ev.Sl !8 I ]7 rt 2 ••> "' '2 41) rt 8 40' V 4 ^4 y r> 4ii 11 (1 r/) n; 8 4 r i 9 4 r 1 1) ot) L' '10 '^\i s !I I!) IT B n ,'}) morn p :r s 1 10 s 1 44 s t> le 't '2 53 t 3 :u u] 1 4 K') id '; T) i:i; id ! r. 21 . k 7 40 k 8 54' n i 1) 55 1) 10 49 »s 11 "fi /^>^ JUI.\\ I love the gunshine every where, — In wood, and iield, and glen ; I love it in the busy hannts * Of town- imprisoned men. - : - I love it M'hen it streameth in The humble cottage door, And casts the chequered casement ehad Upon the red-brick floor. I love it where the children lie >'j' Deep in the clovery grass, ■ To watch among the twining root.s, The gold green beetles pass. [1859. > i ' t e i.i.; . . ! (^ Fiist Cliiarter 7tli day. 111. I5iii morning. • Full .Moon 14th dav. 81i. Mm oveiiinjr. f) Last (inarter 'i*2d day, 10b. 4Tm. evening. New Moon 20th dav. 5l». 5»n. eveninj:. U. }:. 2: !; 2 1 2 4 5 6 », B 9 10 11 12 IS 11 15 in 17 18 19 20 21 22 ^i CALENDAR, &c. ; Ri.iVSetf dc.N.lRiVS - ih.m. h.ui.ld. ni.lh. ni. Vx\ ^ in \)^.T. iMer. con. ^). |4 21 '. 45 23 Sar »;> con. <5^. RainX 22 7 45 Sr id Sunday after Trinity. 1 22 7 45 Mo U. S independence. i77ti. 4 2:^7 45 Tu W Ti> Fri Sat SU Mo Tu \V. 'I'h Fri Sa; 8i 9 p hrt's Hi<:li vviiit?r h. m. ev'2;"i 4 2*.? I 24 4 2,' 7 Ao 7 44 7 44 2:^ 41 9 aOlli'art! 1 {^ 23 O^IO 4ih\irt 1 48 22 55110 2:n)(>|y I 2 2*; •22 49! 10 47 holy 3 11 22 44iU 8 rein 1 3 59 ■22 37111 :n'fvinl ^ 59 4 25 7 43-22 3l|n 50^.or.' •'. 12 22 24!niornj^orr.; 7 30 22 17' 2()i^ccr.; 8 39 '4 2(5 4 27 ;4 2> 7 43 7 43 'jJirT. More. ex. 1536. Zimmerman dieil. 1815. Sheridan died. 1S16 9 ri. 2. 50 mor. ' ^Mniiind Burke died. T797 3d Sunday aftor Trinity J. it. Adams horn. 17()7 Kim/snuii Albert Circuits. i4 2817 41:22 ]'. 14^ Marat assassinated, 1793 |4 2917 41|2l 52; 2 41 French Umoln. bei-an 1798 :4 30i7 4021 41' rises !Vap. sailed for Si. H*dena'J5N* 3l|7 4(>21 34; 8 J9 Oeranirer di«'d, 1857 7 42i"i2 9S 1 3 thi. ' 9 38 ihi. 110 23 kneln 5 knc jll 43 St' 1th Suntlay aTter Trinity Mo Ali. so. 5, 5 morn Tn Wrsfmortand Circuit. VV Vcn. 'con. 2^ ThiRnrnsdied, 17% Fri! Rattle of Salamanca. 1812 23' SatJ Roger Sherman died, 179:1 A 39 24 SU 5th Sunday after Trinity '4 40 • 31 7 40'21 34' 8 19 lo-zs.! n.ovii 4 32i7 ;i2l 25) 8 43|U'gs.i 15 4 33!7 38;21 J5i 9 3ilf^s.; 47 4 3/jl7 37 21 5; 9 2-:|t;'*'t | 1 17 25jMo U^f con. © SniTuiSt. Anne. 4 35l7 37:20 54| 9 40|rcet I \ 47 14 38 7 34,20 20 10 3<-hcad 7 33,20 8 1 1 5 nee r 32' 19 .55 11 39ncc rim '\ 41 7 31119 43 n»orn arm. I4 42 7 30tl9 30: 2l arm I 27 29 W Spanish Armada di'.ct.l5-\8 14 43i7 29 19 Kii 1 24 Th U Fril Rattle of TahvfM'a, J809 :^iSat!Pcnn dit'd, J718 '• ' i' M iSlJlst Sunday after Triniiv. 4 4717 2r •'t"' 41.". mtwtmm il )) r 11 H II ilH59.] AUGUST. Thy breath i8 abroad in the fragrant breeze, And the leaves expand on the waving trees : ? The eye beams bright on the fisher's home, i That rises in sight of the blue wave'« foam : And blithe of heart he ^nfurls the sail, , . And welcomes the bland auspicious gale. The heavens behold the glance of thy eye, And smiling put on a mellower dye ; ^ ; Changed is the storm for the genial shower, All balmy with breath of the leaf and flower, And the rainbow dressed in its brilliant dyes, Its smile of promise sends warm from the skies. (3j> f inst iduartei otii day, lUh. 4*iic(»n. ©. Ri.-^nw-r.-i.-r',=iia,rr^i^.-r,,rTj~^^^~^~^-~-: ■MC- J,8 SXr^PVEIUBJ^fi. [1859. Breeze of Autumn ! Breeze of Aut.uinn ! . Sighing through yon leafless tree;,^ , ; ; "Well with my dejected bosom ^ Suits thy wild lorn melody. nv The gales of Spring light hearts may please, 1 love the Autuawi breeze. *^ \ - Like ^olian'lJ'Ve^my bosom Maltea with xl^e her plaintive moan, While each heart string, wildly throbbing. Sounds with thee in unison. The gales of Spring light hearts may please, I love the Autumn breeze. evening. (^ First Cluarter 3d day, 11 h. 26in % Full Moon 12th day, 3h. 52m ® Last (Quarter 19th day, 5h. 35m. evening 1^ New Moon, 26 day, 9h. 17ni. morning. mornnig. W. s. w. N. S. E. 1 2 3 4 ^ o 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 CALENDAR, &c. Ri.&Set8 h.m. h.m. Louis XIV. died, 1715 Great Fire in London, 1666 CroQiwell died, 1658. Nth Sunday after Trinity Island ot Malta surren. 1800 o Gloucester Circuit. 5 Mer. sta. Mer. con. ^ Fall of tiebaatapool, 1855 William the Conq. d. 1087 Mer. in Q. Fine 5 12tli Sunday after Trinity Lord Thurlow died, 1806. Northumberland Circuit. o 5 24 25. 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 Th|Marie Antoinette tried, 179315 40 Fri Jamas 11. died, 1701 SatiGen. Wolfe killed, 1759 SU|l3th Sunday after Trinity 19;Mo Battle of Poictiers, 1356 20 Tu'Dattle of Alma, 1854. .') 5 15 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 dc.N. d. in 21 VV.iKicCoria Circuit 22Th|GeorgeIlLcr. 1768 23;Fri|Days and nights nearly equal.5 49 24iSdt'c; in per. Marp; con. Moon. '5 50 25!SUJJ 4th Sunday after Trinity |5 51 26!MoiSt. Cyprian. Ilain'^ 53 27iTu Carleton Circuit, 5 54 Battle of Busaco, 1810 Nelson born, 1758 St. Jerome. 6 35 6 34 6 32 6 30 6 26 6 27 6 25 6 23 6 21 6 19 6 17 6 10 6 14 6 12 6 10 6 8 6 4 2 I 59 57 55 8 21 7 50 7 37 7 15 6 53 6 31 6 8 40 23 !28;w. i29;Th !30Tri o 5 55 5 56 5 5 ^ o 4 4 3 3 3 R&S h. m. /S* 51 5 49 5 46 5 46 o 44 5 5715 42 .y 15 52 29 6 2 43 2 19 1 56 1 33 J 9 46 23 N. S. 24 47 1 IJ I 34 1 53 2 21 2 45 8 28 9 1 9 42 10 30 U 26 morn 28 1 32 2 37 3 41 4 45 rises. 6 29 6 49 7 12 7 40 8 16 9 2 10 1 11 )] rnorn 29 1 50 3 13 seer. seor. ihig. thig knes kncir knetj l.jgs legs feet feet feet h'ad h'ad nee nee. nee arm arm bres hres h'art h'art bely 4 341 bely sets, rein 5 591 rein 6 26 G 58 7 30 High water ; h. m. 3 3 3 56 5 5 6 23 7 44 8 48 9 36 10 15 10 49 11 20 1 1 50 morn 20 51 seer, seer, thig, 1 25 2 3 2 49 3 45 5 2 G 31 8 1 9 IJ 10 4 10 46 11 23 ev. 1 38 1 16 1 57 ■If ;■■ 4^ ]itl 1859] 'OCTOBER, ill ■H *f i! Earth laughs no longer on the glancing Spring, But veils her matron features in their prime ; The birds of passage flap the sudden wing, As nature lures them to a fairer clime. The .vigorous season, rich with fruits mature, Sighs not with kissing of the Summer's bloom, Glad Amalthea li^angs his painted bower, Then sportive hides amid th' empurpled gloom. The Hours, young Houris, twirl the gaudy leaf, The Golden letters of Time's ripened lore : And Man, the Gleaner, more with hope than grief. Lingers to con the varied lessons o'er ! g J, E. E. N. VV. (^ First Quarter Hd day, 3h. 53in. eve # Full Moon 11th day, 7h. 12m. evei .^ ® Last Q,uarter 19th day. lh.,4m. morning. H New iMoon ^oth day, 7h, 5thn. evening. II mg. eiiing. C3 isat SU iVlo Tn W. Th Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 27 28iFri Sat :J<^|sU CALENDAR. &c. 2d Major Andre exec. '1780 I5th Sunday after Trinity John Ronnie died, 1821 # in ap. - ■ Blustery Peace with U. S. 1783 Mars in ap. Admiral Benbow died. 1702 Ri.&SetH h.m. h.m. Ic.S. d. m 31 Mo Mtchaebna$ Terrn begins. Battle of Jenna. 1806 2d Dr. Channin^ died, 1842 HiiskiFson killed, 1130 17th Sunday after Trinity King Cthelstan died, 941 U con. © Storm CornwalliH Furrend'd, 1781 2l£t Ld. Nelson killed. 1805 ^ con. ©, Mars Con (g> Mkhadmas Term ends IHth Sunday after Trinity 25th Heavy Gules in SBint [John, 1840 9 ^ ^ con. % Thomson died, 1748 St. Simon and St. Jnde Battle of Fort Erie, 1812 I9fh Sunday after 'Trinity. All Hallow Eve 5 6 () 6 (> 6 6 6 10 6 11 6 6 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 12 13 15 16 40 3fc 37 35 5 33 31 29 27 5 26 o 24 h 22 5 2(i 19 17 15 14 5 12 10 9 5 7 5 4 t) 1 R&S h. m. 3 p 6 17 G 18 6 20 6 21 6 22 24 6 25 6 26 6 27 6 29 6 30 G 3J 6 33 6 34,4 53 6 35 4 52 6 37i4_50 tm —I mil, i ■■ 4 4 4 1 55 3 8 3 31 54 18 41 4 27 50 6 13 6 36 6 58 7 21 7 44 8 6 8 28 8 51 9 13 35 9 56 10 18 10 40 8 9 10 11 22|thig 17thig 17 l VI ifi ■^*■ t*"*'- ,4*J.-»«- '«H|»,r- ■*■ ■ ■:k -•^i K!^,- •% .'"* ,!?. .f't f'V 1 ■1. V.,^!}. ''4 >v: ^i^ ' (S^ ■ 3r---t ,H''. ■ •;.! ■ ^cVu^.ji^^^-'- ^ ^ /y<£» r4. *L - J/A^''^'^ ^^U *^^-— ^<«--^ 2%^^^/^'- ^ ^^ * /•. *i /X A /i / :-^ ^» * ^ i. J^^^ A %. /-L ^*^-.. -^^ ^^ '^*^ a/. .^ ^w «£ 2J^ ///^^^^ i s-*y*^ ^- _ c /i-iO^^--^'^^ - o^^ A iy^ '^' / .^r-y (B \p ^ llTn 2 VV 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (0 5 \ G P G Th Fri SUf4 Vlo5 f I ; Tu VV. rh niFri Mo Tu \V Th 13 14 il5 :i7 llHiFn •lOiSat i*ii .\fo •24 25 2() 27 Tn VV. Th Fri Sal 28 5In :i&Tu saw. IVOVEIVIIK <• ti85y. 1 saw the leaves drop tren jling From crests of cony lime -i ; The wind sang through the branches Most sorrow-waking rhymes, No flower in all the valleys Look'd up with face of mirth ; Uut shroud like vapour rested Upon the bloomless earth. Then fearful thoughts, too truth-like, Of inner change and blight, Came o'er my startled spirit, ,,^ As fell the early night. ' (§ First Clnartervid (lay. I lli. 3Um. morning. E. % Full Moon 1 0th 17 Mo Tu VV Th IHJFn lOiSat •M \fo 24 25 2() 27 28 29 Tn VV. Th Fri Sat au 5Jo Tu saw. Saint John Circuit. All jSouIs. Great Comet seen, 1600 Polii'l riots, Montreal, 1837 Gunpowder Plot 20th Sunday ilifr Trinity^ 5 Battle of Inkerman, 1855 G Princoss Charlotte d. 1817 Prince of Wales born, 1841 All. so. 9. 2i> ev. La> fay ette e.xecuted, 1794 «)hi. x\. If sta. 21st Sunday after Trinity Storm in Black Sea, 1854 Ali. so 9, 9 ev, Snow James II. died, 1701 ^; con © ^ r\ II, 8 ev. Keubens born 1577 7 2lHt Priceas Royal b. 1840 7 22d Sunday after Trinity c? con. ©. Gov. Carleton sworn in at Parrtown (St. John) 1784 Sterne born 1713 9 con. ® Cdol 25th ilaTclock died 1857» Advent Sunday. 27th Ada Byron d. 1852 Newspapers, first printed by 7 St. Andrew. [steam 18447 () i) i) I) G li t) I) () () () () 6 6 () 7 38 4 39 41 42 44 49 47 46 45 43 45i4 42 4014 41 48 49 50 52 53 54 :>6 57 58 ] 2 4 5 () 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 J6 40 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 22 21 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 2P 20 21 21 21 21 24 43 2 21 39 58 16 33 51 8 24 41 57 13 28 44 5S 13 27 41 54 8 20 33 45 56 8 18 29 39 (^ ® iHi-hl R&S ^ 'water] h. ni. 10 12 ST • Unt; li. m. .3 55 10 17 legs 4 50 morn Iwes 5 54 22 feel 6 59 1 25 feet 7 59 2 28 feet 8 54 3 3.3 h'ad 9 37 4 40 h'ad 10 18 5 51 nek 10 58 rises. nek It 39 4 57 arm morn 5 49 arm 20 6 54 bres I 4 8 7 bres 1 49 9 24 bres 2 36 10 43 h'art 3 29 12 h'an 4 25 morn bely 5 37 1 16 bely 6 53 2 31 rdin 8 4 :i 4ft rein 9 5! 5 seer 9 55 6 16 seer 10 40 sets. thig 11 22 4 53 ihig ev. 3 5 51 thig 43 6 63 kne 1 21 7 £8 kne 1 59 9 4 legs 2 36 10 9 legD :i 15 r 'f li ' (I t t 21 I 1859 J DECilJflBRR. Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, . The flying clouds, the frosty light ; Tlie year is dying, in the night ; King out, wild bells, and let him die. King out the old, ring in the new ; King happy bells, across the snow ; The year is going— let hind go — King out the false, ring in the true. King out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more ; King out the feuds of rich and poor. King in redress to all mankind. O First Quarter 2nd day, 9h. J Im. morning. N. E ^ Full Moon 9th day, JOh. 33m. evening. S. E. (D Last Quarter 16th day/4h. 36m. evening. N. W. # New Moon 24th day. Ih. 8m. morninir. N. O O 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Lieo "•21 22 23 24 25 26 1127 28 29 30 31 Th Fji Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W- Th Fri gat SU Mo Tu W* Th Fr Sat CALENDAR, &c. Chas. I. imprisoned, J648 Bonaparte cr. 1804 Battle orHohenlinden,180b 2d Sunday in advent Macbeth siain, 1050 Rebels defeated near To- '!oL' «* I ronio, 1837 Conception of B. V. M. Her. con. © Snoto Moon, runs high 3d Sunday in Advent U con. fJ)! Henry IV.of France b 1798 Peace with Vienna 1809 Royal Charter King's Col- lege, Fredericton, 1826 Gen Bolivar died,' 1830 4lh Sunday in Advent Battle of Nia;?ra, 1813 Gray born, 1716 Cold St. Thomas :« Shortest Day. Sir R.Arkwright born, 1732 Battle of Wakefield 1460 Christinas Day St. Stephen- Cold St. John Holy Innoconts. ' ^^^^ Lord Satfford exec. 1680 Dr. Cariwright died, 1823 Silvester. i 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1714 4 4 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 i4 324 3314 .]34 Ri.<&Sets h.ni. h.m. " ^21 2(1 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 dc.S. m. 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38,4 28 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 R^S h. m. 4 29 48 58 6 15 22 30 37 44 50 &5 1 5 10 13 17 20 22 24 26 27 27 27 27 26 25 23 21 18 11 11 morn 13 I 2 3 4 5 3 p High water h. m. 17 22 30 41 55 rise?. 4 38 5 5« 7 10 8 30 9 49 11 6 morn 21 1 35 2 49 feet feet feet head head nee. nee. uec. arm arm bres bres h'art h'arJ ibely bely rein rein seer. 3 58 4 47 5 46 {\ 53 57 59 52" 4 2 seer. 5 14 6 22 7 20 sets. 5 45 6 51 7 8 15 10 Jl II 55 58 1 4 mum seer. tkig thig kne kne legs legs legs feet feet head 7 8 9 10 40 11 25] morn ' 12 56 39 22 8 58 57 I 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 27 8 37 9 35 10 24 11 8 11 48 ev.2r> 59 1 2 2 3 3 32, 4 36 12 54 ^^ /^ y!/^/;^ ^ -^Z;^;. j^y^r,^^ ^f,^ ',.*''> ■*p7^^ >.*» V ,^ ': I ^> ^^ *^ //^ ^y '^ - ,«y>^ 4V 4- ^ y^^ ^r-rs^^iu,-.'^ i-.^< .^J^-Sr- ^^ ^t-ftlfki^- /^■%^ ^ 13— J W^^sx**^"^ ■<2^:^«^V ^vy-se-*^*^ <«jr>^ S^.st4-3»Jit-._ *5» ' -i**!* r i '^■^- •-^V- ',• /" A CtMv, c^< T Ai^ c-.^ 'J"*'*^ 3' 2 ^-.^.A^ Rs For A loi For a loi For a lo i toes, or an I infi, excep For a pi) the door oi For a pu 10 cwt., ai For a pi 10 cwt. or For a he Fish, of 1 and storh For a lo Treenails, Goods, or tioned, t crate of I \ a ho^hei or quantit r.riining 6 Turpentiti Quantity i load of an j For a ( I MolassDS, ; or a load ( For Cal coil, per t( For riai For Bri For Lui i For the half a loa The J south lit the wesl of PriiK building the Mar King sti Stcom north lit lies witli line of ( out or b j Sidney j FoVLTi beyond I marthe] Fifth beyond Rates of Cartag^e In Saint John. 3(1. 14ti) ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. For A load of Wodd, (Ciuarter of :i Cord,) For a loud of Coals, (Waif a Chaldron,) - - - For a load' containing 15 bushels of Grain, Bait, Pota- toes, or any ot^er articlea measured at loading or unload- in |r, except Coals, _.--... For a pipe of Wine, Gin, or Brandy, atid housing^vvithin the door of the first floor, - - - - . For a puncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, - - - - - - For a puncheon of Molasses, a hog^^head of Sugar of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, & housing. For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt. or a common load of household Goods, and storing, . - - - - For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Heading, Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any other articles not herein men- tioned, or a hogshead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Eartlienware, oi" two tierces of Earthenware, a hothead of Dried Fish, two tierces of Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt. or a load con- triining 6 bbls. Flour, or 5 barrels Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of Iron, or the same Quantity of Cordage, in coil not exceeding 4 cwt. or a load of any articles not herein mentioned, B'or a 64-gallon cask of Wine, Rum, Gin, Brandy, !MoIass«s, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel or Stones, or a load of 4 barrels of any Spirituous Liquor or molasses, For Cables and Cordage, in coils above a cwt. or if toj coil, per ton, o! if for Hay loose, per ton, - - . 15 For Hay, screwed, per ton, ----,- For Bricks, per thousand, - - - - - For Lumber, per thousand feet, - - For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, l^t, d. 13 m 3 1 G 2 1 3 09 1 9 ti 4 3 2d. 8. d. 9 1 4i I 3IJ I n f. d.[S. d. 10^ 1 1 1 3 3 1 9 17^ s. d. ill 1 9 1 3 ;i 4^ I 3 4ii3 « I 1 10 2 ■5 i^a 3 9 4.^.3 r 14^ r 6 lO.i I 1] 5 3 •J 8 43 3 3 *i \ 9 1 I 1 J 1 3 I 31 4^!l t> 5 f) I 10 4 6 3 e 5 9 '0 3 i3 '3 4 9 15 3 U \A i iO^I The First District to comprise nil that part of the City betvveoii the south line of Pond street and north line of Duke street, which Ilea to the westward of the East line of Mill street, Dock street, and that part of Prince William street situated between the north line of the brick building' formerly belonging to William Tyng Peters (northward ol the Market square), and the north line of Duke street, and including- King street, to the westward of the west line of Germain street. Second District to comprise all that part of the City between thn north line of Union street and south line of Saint James' street, which lies without or beyond the First District, to the westward of iho easi line of Charlotte street. Third District to coinpriae all that part of the City, winch lies with out or beyond the Second District, to the weetward of the east line of Sidney street. Fourth District to comprise all that part of the City lying without or beyond the Third District, to tlie westward of the East line of Car- marthen street. ^,, ,;,,w,1l .»..., .1^r..> ,it ..eVV /i/ Fifth District to comprise all that part of the City lying without or beyond the Fourth District. 23 ) n ;< *l ^ i II '>]'-i'v CITY OF SAINT JOHN. WiLMAM O, Smith, Enquire ^ Mayor. HoDorable UoBEnT L. Hazkn, Recorder. j Aldermen. Robert Armafrong, i Stephen K. Foster, John MriGratli, Thomas M'Avity, John C. Littlchule, Charles Ketchum, Edward B. Peters, en I S CO I J Councillors. Mr. Thornas M. Heed, Mr. E. E. Lockhart, Mr. John Wilson, Jr., Mr. B. Coxetter, Mr. Samuel Brittain, Mr. Josiah Adams, Mr. Joseph Mercer, '.fi Wards. King's. Q,ueen's. Duke's, Sydney, luy 8. Brook'g. Wellington. Thomas Merritt, Esquire, Treasurer or Chamberlain, W. R. M. Burtis, Esquire, Common Clerk. p^v^nm ^ * James II. Ruel, Esquire, Deputy Common Clerk. Simeon L. Lugrin, Land Agent. Thomas Coram, Land Agent, Carleton. • » , ^ James R. Ruel, Auditor City Accounts. * '-^ ''' ^' ' ' » -' George Stockford, High C«msiable; John Herrington, P. Duffy, Bernard Murray, and Charles Pidgeon, Marshals; G. Stoekford, i B. Murray, Charles Pidgeon, John Herrington, P. Duffy, Thos ! Budge, Wm. Kilpatrick,"" Patrick J.Carey, Patrick Connelly^and i John Eagles, Constables. i Edvv. Bennison, Deputy Clerk of the Market, King's Square ; W. M'Bay, do. do.. Market Squar ; William Jaraes, Clerk ofj i the Fish Market, Duke Street. i Geo. J. Harding, M.D., and Boyle Travers, M. D., Visiting j ; Physicians. i ! Thomas Hanford, \V. D. W. Hubbard, George A. Lockharf,; \ SVni.Garnett, Cudlip & Snider, Isaac H. Anderson, JohnV. Thur-j igar, W. H. Street «& Son, Kinnear & Howard, Licensed Auc- 1 : tionf.ers. ■ i Thomas M. Smith, George Thomas, Isaac Woodward, J. W.i I M. Irish, Charles M'Lauchian, .VI ichael McCarthy, Zebedee King,! 1 Augustus Uuick, William Dudnee, John D.Purdy, Levi II. Wa^i i terhouse, Joseph S. Kenny, James U. Thomae, CJeorge Stack- j i house, and George A. Lockhart, Port Warden*. 1 I Thomas Heed, Port or Harbour Mjsier. '••;': 'nii- -. Daniel Hatfield, Deputy Harbour Master. ' <'-^ '•> .Jj'i'fH 'i-a John Murray, Harbour Inspector. Bkanch Pilots. — John Keed, George Thomai»> Daniel Hal- , field, John Spears, Jame» Heed, Thomas Vaughan, Joh'n !:^(Jolt,| Samuel Ruther/ord, Michael Garrity, George Mulhening, Richard || CIine,Wm. Hatfield, John Mills, E. J. Fletcher, Wm. DonHghey,! Heniy Thomas, George Thring, Daniel Mulherring, William La- hey, Alexander Mills, James McPartlan, Cliarles Daley, Daniel Daley, Charles Taylor, John Sherrard, and Patrick Traynor. Alexander Reed, Light House Keepeir at Partridge Island; Jdmes Lane, ditto at the Beacon. Wm. Wright, Wm. O. Smith, and Joseph Fairweather, Com-j nQissionem to settle disputes relative to Dockage and Wharfage Allan M' Lean, Shipping Master. ^ m. ^i U. C. Minnette, City i^urveyor. | John Ansley, Robert t^hives, Francis G. Jordan, Seth Wbeton,! i AsseflRors of Tuxes, , j Jolin INIcGrath, Charles Ketchum, Bartholomew Coxetter, Tho-i inasM. Rued, and Joseph Mercer, Kevisors under Election Law.; K. Forsyth, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at the Market! Slip; Daniel JDonovan, Collector of Slippage at Union Street; J.' ; Fairweather, Collector of !!?lippage at North Slip; J. Kirk, Col- lector of Wharfage at the Breakwater; Feler Besnard, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at Rodney Wharf; James Williams, Collector of Anchorage; A. C. O. 'f'rentowsky, Collector of Slip- page at Sidney Market Slip ; Jas. E. iioss, ditto at Market Slip, i j (iuy's Ward ; James E. Ross, ditto at Ludlow Slip; Jarnes Olive, j 1 ditto at Ship Slip; W. J. Thompson, do. Market Slip, Brook's! j Ward. . G. M. Gerow, Weigh Master at North Slip; J. Winters, Weigh ; Master at Union Street; J. O. Beatteay Weigh Master at Carleton; I John Winters, Weigh Master at Hay Market. I William H. A. Keans, Superintendent of Flour Inspectori", and ; Superintendent of Weighers of Coals and Measurers of Salt. J. Humbert, J. Berryman, Henry Leavitt Jus. Clarke, and John Clarke, Inspectors of Flour and Meal. . ut 11 j ' James Stewart, Gauger of Liquors. | Samuel Gillespie, James Peacock, and William Thompson, Gau- • ; gprs and Searchers of Oil. i Jacob Wil^'on, Francis Wilson, William M'Auley, Robert Riley, | James Cullinan, William J. Lockhart, William Thompson, John ' M'Gourty, A. B. Lockhart, John Riley, Francis McDeviit, Pat. | Mahony, and John Jackson, Weighers of Coal. Jacob Wilson. 1 Wrn. J. L ckhart, William Thompson, A. B. Lockhart, John McGourty, and William M'Auley, Measurers of Salt. " James Peacock, Thomas Miles, Inspectors of Lathwood, Staves, Hoop Poles, &c. II Samuel Gillespie, William Dunham, William Thompson, Jas. { I i^tackhouse, jr., Thos. Whelpley, Geo. Young, Andrew Hamm,; 'Thomas Miles, J^mes Colwell, William Colwell, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. I Samuel Gillespie, Jamrs Peacock, William Thompson, and! George Young, Cullers of Dried FisJi. John Robinson, Inspector of Cordwood and Bark at the Market Slip ; John Paul, ditto at Lower Cove Slip ; G. W. Oerow, ditto at i North Slip. I Wm. Woodstock, Pound Keener on the Eastern Side of tht i Harbour ; Evan Evans, Pound Keeper at Carleton. [ Wm. Kilpatrick, James Duffy, Hog Reeves on thfl Eastern j Side of the Haibour, Wm. Cronk, Evan Evans, Hog Koevea on tho Western Side of the Harbour. Thomas M'Avity, Superintendent of Partridge Island and the } Quarantine Station. \- Thomas M. Smith and H. P Siurdee, Esqrs., Commissioners of Wrecks and Shipwreckad Goods for the City and County ofij Saint John. ( '-I i '1 -' i, 1 ■ii ' tl i '■\ 25 Samuel Jordan, David M. "Whiting, George CasKJe, Thomas Fairweather, Edward D. Gore, James H. Fairweather, Chnries E. Fairweather, Charles E. Harding, Nelson A. Cougle, "William i Grady, C. N- Perkins, Francis Jordan, Jarvis Wilson, Oliver B. Cougle, J. M. Cougle, 1). M'Callum, Samuel R. James, Alexander Boyne, James M'Loon, Stephen G. Blizzard, J. D'Orsay, Edwin J. "Wetmore, John P. Bell, James Reed, ITenry Colwell, Joseph J. Wetmore, G. A. DeForest, Samuel K. "Wil- 1 son, G. "W. G. Fairweather, William Urquhart, Sargpnt S Lit- \ jtlehale, James Martin, Alexander McHarg, Surveyors of | Lumber. . ) ,. , i FIRE DEPARTxMENT. v!.l ; Un VV , Thomas Marter, Chief Engineer. Engine Qompany J^''o. 1.— James Poitinore, Engineer i B. Cosetter, Foreman^ Tiiomas Kee, .Assistant Foreman. Engine Company ^o.Q.— George Anderson, Engineer; Kobert Collins, Fore- man ; Jacob Kay Assistant Foreman. Engine Company J^o. 3.— John Veals, Engineer ; Robert L&skey, Foreman ; W. D. Robinson, Assistant Foreman. Engine Company JWi. 4. — Thos. Campbell, En^iiiccr; Richard Dinn, Foreman; Patrick P. M^GIinthey, jissistant Foreman. ' Engine Company J^o. 5.— Thomas M. Reed, ^rtofin«er ; Archibald Rowan, Fore- man: Jatnea Reynolds, ^^.nstant J^Weman. ^ugtne CtfMipanyA*©. 6.— Charles B. Potter, Engineer; Wm. F. Bunting, Fore- man; Edward Allison, jr., Assistant Foreman. Carleton Engine Company J^o. 7. — John C. Linihale, Engineer; Joseph S. Wet- more, Foreman; Geo. W. 8cackhDUFe, .Assistant Foreman. \ Carleion Engine Company Jfo. 8.— John Munro, Engineer; William J. Thomp- son, Foreman ; Hugh Adam Glasgow, .Assistant Foreman. Fire PoUce.—Geo. W. Smith, Captain; Robt. Shives, Lieutenant; James Ge- row. Treasurer; W. 11. A. Keans, Secretary. Hooktnd Ladder Company.— W. U. Patterson, Captain; James Carr, Fore- man; John Jackson, ./9j)«i«ta7tt Foreman. His Worship the Mayor, Joseph Fairweather, Bartholomew Coxetter, W*. H. A. Kean-s Georj;e A. Lockhart, George V. Nowlln, Alex. Balloch, J. C. Tiittle- hale, J. Benttey, James A. Harding. G. D. Cveritt, W. A. Robertson, William Mackay, Charles J. Melick, William C. Dunham, J. iVI. Walker, Joseph Coram, Thomas Hanford, Joseph Alercer, J. M. Robinson, Thomas M*Avity, Kobert Kedey, J. Wilson, Jr.', E. E. Lockhart, E. B. Peters, C. A. Everitt, S. K. Foster, James Colwell, Charles Ketchum, ank Robert Armstrong, Fireuards. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Humphrey K. Gilbert, Esquire, Police Magistrate ; George A. Lockhart, W. O. flmith, and G. V. Nowlin, Esquires, Sitting Magistrates. Georee W. Clearv, Esquire, Clerk. Mr. George Scouilar, Chief of the Police Force. . i^ t^i-^ Public Grammar School irc the City or Faijit Joh«.— The Rector of Trinity Churchy President ; the Hon. Judge Parker, the Hon. R, L. Hazen, the Hon. John H. Gray, Rev. Wm. Scovilj the Rev. William Duunid, A. M., William Wright, Esquire, Wm. Livingstone, Esq., M. D., Members of the Board ; Jniiies Pater- son, LL. D., Classical Teacher; Mr. liutchinsou, Sd do.: Mr. Manning, Eng- liih Department. Saint John District Committee or the Socirty for Pbomotino CHBISTIA^ Knowlidob..— Reverenu the Rector of Saint John, President; — — , Es>qnire, Vice President { Beverioy Robinson, Esquire, Secvelary and 'I rensmrer. Saii»t Johh Mkchanici' litiTiTUTs.— .loseph W. Lawrence^ President; Robert Foulls, and William F. Smith, Vico Presidents; James K. Ruei, 26 oremaUf Fore- } W. D. oreman ; HyFort- g, Fore- p. Wet- TJioinp- tnes Ge- r, For« , W. H. . Tiittle- William Coram, Robert I S. K. xards. art, W. ■'< • Trinity tn.John Wright, 9 Pnter- g, Eiig- RISTIAN __— _ J •nsHirer. sident ; . Rtiel, J. ^.y^-^' V ^»/x.A ^t~ Saint Joh:* Roman Catholic Total Abstinence RsLiEr Hociety.— Rev. E, J. Dutnphy President ; W. H. A. Keans, Bsquire, Vice President. Irish Frivnoly Society. — BoyJe Traverse. Esq., M. D., President; John Kerr and Thomas Bobinson, Vice Presidents ; William Keane, Recording Sec- retary ; John C. Harrington, Corresponding Secretary j Janif s WcJ'nrley, Tre.v siirer; John Bogan, James Duffy, Laurence M'CuIlough, Charles Dtvine, Law- rence Davis and John M'Gnirlc. Directory. VouNo Mcn's Christian Amociatioit. — Hon. W. B. Kinnear, President; James Paterson, Esq., LL. D., LeBaron Botsfcrd, M. D., T W. Daniel, B. £. Loclihart, B. J. Underhill, E. H. Duvnl, Esquires, Vice-Presidentti; Jnmes Reed, Esq., 1'rensurer ; J. R. Calhoun, Recording Secretary; A. A. B. Smith, Coiresponding Secretary; VV. F. Hawlcins, Auditor. | Church of Enoland Young Men's Society, at Saint Johw, N. B. — Patrons,! The Lord Bishop of Fredericton, Rev. John Armstronf;, Mr. Justice Parker, Rev. i Dr. Gray, Rev. Ueorge M. Armstrong, ReT. W. Armstrong ; President, James ; R. huel, Esquire; Vice-Presidents, Thomas W. Daniel, and W. H. Frith, Es-j quires; Treasurer, C. Kirlipatrick ; Corresponding Secretary, A. W. Savaryjj Recording Secretary, Geo. F. Matthew; Standing Committee, Bobert Bynd, W. ! VV. Jarvis, and B. Peniston Starr. { Chj^mbbrof Commerce. -Francis Ferguson, Esquire, President ; John W.Cud- ; Up, Esquire, Vice-President ; C V. Foreter, Esq.. Secretary and Treasurer; Hon. j John Eobertson, William Thomson. A Jardine, Jcel Rending, Sninnel D. Berton, i J. V. Troop, Z. Ring, G. Morrisey, George Thomas and Wm. Wright, l-sjiuirea, } Committres; George Thomas, S.D. Berton, Charles MeLauchlan, Joel Reading,, Robert Jardine. Z. Ring, G. Morrisey, C. W. Fairweather, John Duncan, Wm. I VVriglitj W. H. Adams, W. Thouic^on and J. V. Troop, I'.sqa., Arbitrators. i Saint John Gas Light Company — Capital Forty Thousand Pounds. — John M* ! Walker, Esquire, President; Jc!in Duncan, William Parks, W. G. Lawton, Geo. | Carvill, W. Smith, Daniel J. M'Laughlan, Williani Jack, and R. Jardine, EfqrF.,| Directors; Robert Britain, Secretary and Treasurer; ■ — — — , Esquire,! Solicitor ; R. Britain, Manner. Fredericton Gas CnMFANY.—Capital Five Thousand Pounds. — S. Barker,; Esquire, President ; John Simpson, F. W. Hatheway, J.Wilkinson, and John Davis, Directors ; Win. M'Beath, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. M^lnnis, Manager. RuJiAL CEMETrRY COMPANY. Directors, — LeBaron Botsford, M. D., Charles Drury, Beverly Robiiison, James Pettingeil, John M. Walker, I Williani Parks, William G. Lawton, Solomon Henley, W. J. Ritchie, Wil-i liam Jack, and William Wright, Esqs. ; John M. Walker, Esquire, President;! LeBaron Botsford, M. D., Director ; Edward B. Peters, Esquire, Secretary and | Treasurer; , Landscape Gardener ; John Adams, Superintendent.! South Bay Boom CortPANv. —Hon. Alexander M'L. Seely, President; lion. A. M'L. Seely, Hon. John Roberlsun, Francis Fergus^on, F A. Wiggins, R. W.i Crookshank, Jr., W. G. Lawton, and Gecrg<; L. Lovett, Esqrs. \ Electric Telegraph Company.— R. Jardine, Esquire, President; D« B. ; Stevens, Secretary and Superintendent; R. Jardine, Edward Allison, J. Dun-! can, R. Reed, Esquires, St. John, and G. E. Morton, Esq., of Halifax, Directors.! St. John AND Fbedehicton FircTnic Teleoraph Company.— George Bots-I ford, Esquire, President; S. Barker, W. H. Robinson, S. W. Babbitt, andR., Jardine, Esquires, Directors , D, B. Stevens, Superintendent. I New Brunswick Marine Assurance Company — In St. John. — Capital Fiflyi Thousand Pounds, with power tp increase to One Hundred Thousand Pounds, John Ward, Esquire, President, John Wishart, John Ward, John V. Thurgar, Edward Seats, D. J. M'Lauphlin, W. H. Adams, George V. Nowlln, William Smith, Samuel J. Scovil, Esquires, Directors; G. M. Jack, Enquire, Secretary.! The. Mutual Insurance Company — In St. JoAn.— Joseph Fairweather, Esquire, President; Joseph W. Lawrence, S. K. Foster, C U. EFtabrooks, and John An-i derenn. Esquires, Directors ; Isaac Woodward, Esquire, Secretary j J. M. Robin-; son. Esquire, Solicitor. j Saint John Suspen.rs. I I -John M. I ton, Geo- 1 e, Efqrs., j , Llsquire,! I I '. Barker,' and John Manager. M. D.,: Walker,! hie, VVil-i President ; ' etary and intendent. i snt ; Hon. ns, R. W.j I t ; D. B. ; n, J. Dun-! Directors. I orge Bots-1 ;t, andU.; pifal Fifty! Cl Pouniis. Thnrgar, , William Secretary. , Esquire,; John An-i M. Robin- 1 President ; | Lauchlan,, President;] :|uite8, Di- \f ;Hv' 'r/- .V-, =■ * • I ?*"♦ I i ) V >y.- ^ The Maj The Ma> mas M'A^ Peters, and theCluorui U^UMMMkh i George Ai I shank. Rol I son, Wm. iKorr, VV'iii Wishart, J Vernon, G jder Lockhi I Henry G. I Ferguson, mill, Geo. I dick, John jloch, Benj I Jns. Olive I Owens, T John S. Pi Littlehale, Garbntt, Esquires, Jumes 1 Hon. V Willian Isaac L James Hon. \ W. CI i Hon Iter Stubs Robert L vid S. K Wm. M. R. Wetn [Huinpiir I bert Par Geo. Bla I Frith, \ j Geo. G. I Jack, Fr I Altnon, mas T. burne, ( Charles Esquiree j Court' ! Gehai i Comrnii!. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. The Mayor and Recorder, Justices of the Mayor's Court. The Mayor, the Recorder, Siephnn K. Fester', JohnM'Grath Tho- mas M'Avity.John C. Littlehale, Charles Ketchum, Edwd. B Peters, and Robert Armstrong, Esqi^., Justici^.of the Peace and of theQ,uorum. i: ll et n i .>» hl8-€4wft « » S i iH d W l s, GehardusC. 'Carman. John Jordan, George Anderson, James Moran, Henry Gilbert, Robert VV. Crook- Uhank, Robt. Payne, Arch. Menzies, Chas. Ward, Hon. John Robert son, Wm. H. Street, Danie! Leavitt, John Gillin, James Brown, John Kerr, VVm Leavitt, Wm. Olive, Sam. Strange, Jas. Gallagher. John Wishart, Robert Ke'tio. Leveret H. DeVeber. Wm. Hawks, Moses Vernon, Geo. A. Lockhari, William Parks, Wm. O. Smith, Alexan- der Lockhart, John Haws, Thos. Allan, Hugh Sharkey, Jas. Travis, Henry G. Simonds, Joseph Fairweather, Robert Douglas, Francis Ferguson, F. A. Wiggins, Peter Besnard Jas Olive, Nathan S. De- mill, Geo. Carvill, John Humbert, Stephen K. Foster, Francis Rud-j ]dick, John F. Goddard. T. Otty Crookshank, J. Beatteay, Alex. Bal- loch, Benj. J.Un'ierliill. CD. Everitt, Robert Jard'ne, Robert Bowes, Jas. Olive, 3d, R. Salter, J. W. M. Irish, Alex. McTavish, John; Owens, Thos. E. Millidge, Daniel J. M'Lauj^hlan, John Doherty,' John S.Parker, John Foster, Robert Power, David Collins, John C* ! Littlehale, Robert Robertson, Chas. Ketchum, Jas. Quinton, Henry i Garbutt, Samuel Clark, William Scoullar, and George >. Nowliu, 1 Esquires, Jnstices of the Peace. James A. Harding, Esq., High Sheriff** Hon. William B. Kinnear, Clerk of the Peace William Bayard, Esquire, M. D., Coroner. Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, County Treasurer. James R. Ruel, Esq., Auditor of County Accounts. I Hon, W. B. Kinnoar, Esquire, Judge of Probates. I W, Chipman Drury, Esquire, Rgister of Deeds and W'ills. I Hon Wm. B. Kinnear, Robert Eraser Hazcn, Wm Wright, Pe- ter Stubs, H. N. H. Lugrin, J. M. Robinson, M. H. Perley, Hon. Robert L Hazen, Jas. VV. Boyd,Wm. Jack, Duncan Robertson, Da- vid S.Kerr, John H. Gray, Jas. VV. Peters, Robertson Bayard. | Wm. M. Burtis, Edw. B. Peters, Charles Duff, Jas. J. Kaye, And. R. Wetmore, Geo. F. Rouse, VVm. M. Howe, Chas. Doherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, B. Boyd Kinnear, John G. Campbell, Ro- ben Parker, Jr., Richard S Armstrong. Hon. Charles Walters, Geo. Blatch, Ward Chipman Drury, W.H. Hatheway, Henry W. Frith, Wm. Hutchinson, Benj. L. Peters, Chas. W. Stockton, Geo. G. Gilbert, Jun., John Simonds, Samuel R. Thomson, Edw. Jack, Fred. C. Frith, Robert B. Street, Benj. G. (irav, Lewie J. i Almon, Chas. VV. Weldon, Alex. Ballentine, Wm F.'Dole, Tho- I mas T. Ilanford W. H. Tuck, Wm. W. Street, William VVedder- Iburne, Charles Simonds, jr., A. VV. Savary, Jan;os R. Macshane, i Charles A. ILirding, Charles N. Skinner, and G. Sidney Smith, I Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in iho SMpreme j Court' j Gehardus C. Carman, John Jordan, and Jame*. ilora-n, Esquires, j Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. ^ iSMm 'i i>0 i i ■Ksae nt John Campbell, Esquire, Inspector of Schools. '• 1 * i ? John Sears, George Bbitch, and S. P. VVctmore, Esquires, Trus tees of Schools, City of Saint John. . • Rev. James QuiniiL James Gallasher, Esquire, and William Car viile, Commissioners (^i' theManrlgelnent of the Free School at Saini John, unconnected with the Madras Board. Moses H. Perley, and Dr. William Bayard, Esquires, Commissi- oners of Indian Reserves, under Act 7 Vic. c. 45. Charle.s Drury and Bradford Gilbert, Commissioners of Sewers Isaac Woodward, and Charles W. Wardlaw Esquires, Commissi- ouers for the Bay of Fundy and River Saint John, under the Act \:\ Vict, c. 26, relating to Steamboats. Gehardus C. Carman, James Moran, Jarties Gallagher, William O. Smith, and John Owens, Esquires, Commissioneis of the Alms House, Work House and Infirmary. James Beatty, Esq., M. D., Physician. William Cunningham, Keopcr. Surveyors of Lumber in the County. — James E. Vincent, John R. Rigby, William Henneberry, John Taplcy, Wm. D. Shaw, John Coleman, Joseph E. Lingley, John Henneberry, Robert Ewing, Wrn. M. Balcolm, Zachariali B . Hoberts, William Allingham, Moses Tuck, Ezekiel Jordan, Andrew J. Tracey, George C.Dun- ham, Wm. Cunard, John Morrison, U. Robertson, jr., Joseph Hornecastle, Abraham J. Estabrooks, Gilbert Mays, 1- vancis Gal- laher, Stephen E. Stevens, Gilbert Jordan, Chaa. W. Watters, CUyton Scott, William Lynch, James McNi^nley, John Dowling, and Joseph Maher. ," * , , , , /i Terms of the General Sessions and Common P/ffls.— Third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in June, September and December. 7 ,/. PARISH OF PORTLAND. ! '^ Robert Payne, Eequ ire. Police Mapistrate ; Ilenrj' G. Siinonds, and Jamea Travis, Esquires, Sitting AJagistratesj Jolm Duncan, Moses Tuck, and George b. Snider, tlsquires, Commissioners of i'olioe. David Tapley, jr., J. G. Tobin, and C W. Stockton, Trustees of Schools. James tlewvvelling, Joseph Kuddick, and Jamed L. WoodworlU, Assessors of Taxes. , , ,. /, Charles Wiiaon, Collector of Taxes. Thomas Sroles, Jacob Pidgeon, D. M. Fritrh, Richard I idgeon, and Samuel McJunkin, Constables. Robert Al'Caun and Owen McKenna, Hog Reeves. ' Ihomas Morrison, Michael M'Cluskev, and Michael Mahony, Fence Viewers. Morris Delaney and David Miinroe, Pound Kee ers. John Cowan, ^nrveyor of Dams. " *vee ers. ,, , .,, ueorge uuin, Sealer of Leather. '/ Charles Rottgers, Field Driver. . ' . •, ' Jacob I'lrtgecm, T,m-n Clerk. - iui < .■, . ; ' Dnnie M. Km,),, clerk ol tli. Market. MeVXrU'7S,b" ■'"'''" ^«'>' '^""■i" F..l.,r, Uevi^or. „f t„c,„„ to, i : i • i! iKois, Hog Ke* ■(HMOTk PARISH OF SIMONDS. Jamc« Davidson, and R. S. Armstrong, TriiJjices orScliooj!». John Farrel, Hubert Bowes, Jr. and Claudiua Hamilton, Aaseasora of Taxes. John Johnston, Collector of Taxes. I' J. Wade, J. A. Bowea, A. Henry, Neil Quin, R. Moore, Bloomsbury, R. Moore, Win. Slack, J. W. Ciouk, W. Haunuh, H. Fiizpatrick, and J. Maxwell, Con- 1 1 Hiuhles. M. McNaniee, T. Garnett, J. Warnock, 6. Anthony, J. Ingledew, Wm. Bean, I Win. Daley, Wm. Wood, J. Carney, J. Colgan, Hngh Ryan, Jas. M'Gee, John j Moore, Thos. Bowes, Sen., and Jas. Bryden, Sen., Fence Viewers. i C. M. Whooten, D '^U/.patrick. W. black, R. Daley, Pat. Mile«, S. Harrigan, '!J. Harris, J. Cummin^, Ifenry Ushorne, ftj. Robertson, C. Keenan, Wm. Rich- mond, Wm. Lake, J. Higgins, F. Graham, and J. Wade, Hog Reeves. |: J. Hiegins, George Doherty, Philip Furlong, John Johnston, J. Cnningham, |< (J. Waue, Wm /r Garnet, Uobt. Moore, Chas. Keenan, Dan. Fitzpatrick, Ja<. M'Guire, John Johnston, and Thomas Russell, Pound Keepers. J. M'Avity, John Carney, and James Robertson, ConimisBioneii of High- |t ways. — John Parks, Geo. Hardenbrook, H. Anthony, Wm. Armstrong, A. Moore, I R. Martin, R. B. Douglas, G. Anthony, John Dever, Wm. Bean, J. Moore, Wm. I Be:ijatvin, O. M'Guire, S. Fraser, Jos. Bowes, £. Senlill, Jas. Bryden,sen., R. li Moore, I. Shelaton, Jas. Dowd, R. Strahan, J. Dnfry,)H. Warnoek,'A. M'Gowan, " J. MnCormick, T. Simonds, B. Stackhouse, P. M'Dade, D. Gallagher, 'J'homaa ., Bowes, jr. Wm. Lake, L. Reed, J. Colgan, J. Dalan, M. Dooliu, G. Scott, £dw. ! Murphy, A. Henry, H. Graham, G. Ooherly, R. McGeoch, R. Evans, J. Brophy, |i M. M'ManuB, J. Cain, R. M'Donald, Jas. Bryden, jr. L. Chittick, F. McGanney, John Robertson, J. Crosier, S. Hoisted, F. Johnston, R. Daley, and H. Stanley, ! Purveyors of Highways. James Stackhouse, Surveyor of Dams.— Thos. Bowes, Jr. Town Clerk. I John M'Avity, R. S. Armstrong, and Robert Bowes, Kevisors of Electors. ■'A PARISH OF LANCASTER. :«r'ri > Barnabas Tiiton, Rev. G. Bedell, and J.D. Lewin, Truetees of Schools. J.Tiner, Sen. Jas. Quinton, A. Menzies, Assessors of Taxes.— Jno. Galbreath, jr. Collector of Taxes.— J. Balcoin, T. Donely, J. M'Auley, ii^urveyors of Dams. 11. (luig, P. P. Burns, John Cassidy, F. M'Avoy, J. Dunham, Jas. Wain, jr. J. Early, Constables.— T. Ready, Thos. Reed, and Edw. MacShea, Hog Reeves.— T. Ualbreath, M. Balcom, W. Boggs, and A. TLompson, Pound Keepers.— James Heavey, Sam. Cunningham, and W. Boggs, Fence Viewers — John Tiner, Sen. W. Clerko, m, and John M'Laren, Commissioners for spending grant« for Bye | Roads — Robert Fair, Robt. Nugent, John Monihan, G. S. Baker, D. Morri£«>n, i (J. F. Robertson, Wm. Bogs, AIe.\. Law, Archd, Jamie.«on, J. T. Lord, Alex. } Cooper, John Miniss, J. J.Clarke, Henry Galbreath, William Tiner, W^illiaml WiUon, R. Bradley, J. Kerns, J. E. Balcom. J. Heavy, C. H. Deforest, Thomas ' M'Cruni, J. McPheraon,jp. McLaughian, J. Roden, Jno. Greames, Ssn. J. Bel- j more and George MuPen, Surveyors of Highways.— John Tiner, Town Clerk. G. C. Carman, James Uuinton, and A. Menzies, Revisors under Election Law. :^ ^ PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. David Vaugliau, Valentine Harding, Abel Washburn, Trustees of Schools. Tlicmas H. Black, Jas. H. ivloran, and John B. Brown, Assessors of Taxes. Jolin M. Brown, Collector of Taxes.— Kli Angevlne, Arch. Parks, and J. M. lUrown, Constables.— 'Jliomas Lewis, Pound Keeper— Jas. O'Donnell, and James JHois, Hog Reeves iM H. Farrell, Wm. M'Cumber, Isaac Burchell, Wm. Floyd, mil James Shanklin, Fence Viewers. ' ' *!* ■ ■ •• - Hcury llenrahan, Tmiber Driver. Thomas H. Black, Town Clerk.— John M. Brown, Clerk of the Market. riiilip Mosher, Edw. Brown, and William M'Afee, Commissioners of Hiph- [kvays,— J. Walton, J. Tufts, R. Gilchrist, W. Greer, Wm. Fownes, A. Porter, I. Al. Bradslmw, Nehon Smith, L Cleveland.A. Porter, J. M. Brown, Cauipley, M. Biillivan, Robert Flovd, Jas. O'Neal, R. M'Ciitclieon, P. Canty, I. Burchill, y. Porter, Hugh Rvan, Wm. Flovd, H. Sands, J. Curry, M. M'Dade, V. Harding, eo. Patterson, J. 'Morrow, Jas. Curry, Jno. MtCullo'jh, Jas. Henry, 'Jeo 1 abor, Vin. Black, S. Brown, Jas Nuecnt, I. Mosher, John Simonds, and Thos. Ellis, 6urvev(irs of Hi- '« ■'■*ft ■# j; II COUNTY OF YORK. CORPORATION OF FREDERICTON. " WillumiHr5N««d4Mfn, Esquire, Mayor • I *. I fTeZiijiFton Ward. Robert Wiley. St. .Ami's, i' M'Caiieland George Todd, Geo. N. Se'gee, Es»iuire, City Clerk Alex. Ciunmirips, Esq., City Auditor, Carleton. John Mnore. W. Broderick, Queen^s. I Kimr^a. WiilianiGrieTe^.lKohcrt Reid. j William Moore. IJ. C. Scfjee. I Xliosi.,£M£obM«s»n, City Tre.'isurer. i Andrew Blair, E»\- ■(..■.XtHi ■' ; ,■>! !(■ Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, George Miii- chin, William II. Odell, James A. Macla»ichlan, John Simpson, Tho- mas Jones, William Davidson, Patrick Campbell. James Miles. Itoss Currie, Adam D. Allan, Geo. Garden, L. B. Rainsford, David B. Shelton, Geo. Cheyne, Wm. J. Bedell, Thos. (Jill, Richard IlayneJ Geo. Clements, Allan M'Lean, Thos, Pickard, Thos. U. Robertson, Asa Coy, Isaac Kilbnrn, Edward Simonds, Tred W. Hatheway, Charles M'Pherson, Geo. Morehouse, Geo. L. Hathewny, Ira Irigra- ham. Spafford J. Barker, Beverley A. Robinson, Benj. Yerxa, BcujA Goodspeed, James Fairlie, Isiael Smith, Enoch Dow, Edward Pid- ffenn, J. McDonald, Andrew Calder. Samuel Fox, Joseph Pirkard, JohnT. Smith, Thos. Murray, Jas. S. Beek. Thos. L. Simmons. Jis, McLngffan, Thos. C. Atherton, Wni. R. Busiin, Calvtn L, G'ood speed, Francis M'.Uanus, Joseph Myshrall, John M'lnlosh, Robert! Foreman, John S. Ellegood, Jehn Ilea, jr., 'Moses Ilillnian, Ilezi; kiah Cronkhite, John Guion, Thos Temple, Hugh M'Kay, Bensonl Smiih, Thos. Herbert, Lewis M. Heustis. Jeremiah Christy, John S. Barker, Thos. Stewart, Ale.xander Shives, Martin Muckav. SamnH A. Akerley, Joseph H.Dykeman, Win. C. Brown, George W. Knox. Alex. Moody, Matthew Graham, Saml. F.Grosvenor, Wm.C.Brovvtil Geo Nevers. Wm. Gibson, John S. Patterson, and Henry IJogers, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. McLean, Esq., High SherilV; (yha«. Brannen, Deputy Sheriff.— Geo. J. Dibblee, Esq., Keeper olj the Rolls, and Cferk of the Vearo, and of the Inferior Court of (vOin- nion Pleas. — Geo. F. H. Minchin, Esq., Surrogate. — F'rancis A. I! , iStralon, Esq , Register of Probates. — Joseph Beek, Esq , Kegistcr ofl Deeds and Wills. — Jas.B.Toldervey. HenryFisber.Jr., IleiiryJonP!". Goo. Morehouse, Judnh Hammond, and John M 'Gibbon. Esqs.,Coi(i ners. — Mark Ncedham,- Esquire. County Treasurer. — Hon. John S Saunders. Comujissiouer for taking Bail in the Supreme Cou!l.-| Hon. John A. Street, Daniel Ludlow Robiji.^on, \Vm. End, Cieort'if J. Dibblee, Hon. Charles Fisher, George F. IT. Minehin. Wm. Il| Th Vail, Thor A. C muQ Johi more Fre< , Eiiaa ; dersn Perk ' Jhh. ! Wrig jsonv Jl'Li I Buch field, ' Cent rirb. Tt,' C. G Geor II Jr., Justic Betts ii Odell, (leorge Botsfoffd, Francw A. H. StratoA, John C. Allen, G«o. I N. Segee, Jas. P. Wctniore, James Fraser Berton, Edward H. Wil-IM mot, Edward VV. Miller, B. O. Friel, Henry B. Robinson, John J. Fraser, John L. Marsh, jr;, Jag. Taylor, jr., and John iirby. Es- quires, Commissioners fortaking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. — James A. Maclauchlan, John Allen, John Robinson, J. Harrison, and Jas. A. Mil^a, Esqnires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. — Mark N^ c-uham, Heniry Fisher, Sam. A. Akerley, Joseph Myshrall, and Tho:r;j*s R. Barker, Li6enseld Auctione«rs. Alms House and Work House — Thomas Murray, John Pickard, Jr. Esquires, and Rev. VVm. Jaffrey, CommisHiohers; John Fleming, KecJpelr. i^ ,.,...; v» <-•-•■■; ■ James McLanghlan, Inspector of Schools. 'V •••?. "■n-ii rtp.;'^ Terms of tlie General Sessions and Common Pleas, eHtablished by thn Act m Vict. 6. 47—- 'iSecond Tuesday in January and Juno, i Addiii- onal Terms of the Common Fleas. — Third Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in October. • ..,...,» j Fredericton Society of Saint vlm/rew.— William i A. M'Lean, Ew|nire, i President; John Neill, Esquire, 1st Vice-President; Alexander Mit- I chell, 2d ditto; Robert Fulton, Esquire, Treasurer; John J. Frrt*!fr. i Esquire, Secretary; Rev. John M. Brooke, I). D., Chaplain. Fredericton Society of Saint Patrick.-^Wiiv.EnA, Esq., President! , James S. Beek, Vice President; Michael White, 2d Vice President; I James iVIount, Treasurer! — - — i ,. Secretary i KING'S COUNTY. ! Thomas Beei[,Ju8tu«}S.Wetmore, Henry A Scpyil, and John C- ; I Vail, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. — i Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetmore, Henry A. Scovil, John C. Vail, I I A. C. Evanson, John Barberio, Ebenezer Smith, Isaac Haviluurf, Su- i ; muol Foster, John Wightman, John Britlain, James Brittain, lUm. [ I John H. Ryan, Charles VV. Stockton, John C. Price, Elias S. W*it- , I moro^ John Hagarty, Thomas C. Sharp, Robort.M'CuIly, Williani : ^ Freeze, jr., Sainuel Hailett. C raven, Lon<5stroth, Matthew M'Leod, , , Eliaa S. Freeze, Duncan M» Campbell, Isiific A. Dodge, Samuel Heu- : dorson, VVeeden Fowler, ^ohn L. Wilmot, Jaincs l.ake, Elijah A. Perkins, William PyewqH, Walter B. Scovil, Charlos C. Stewart, !ja«. Fiiirvvcather, James W. Nowlnh, Samuel Fosier, John II. ^ ! Wright, J. D. M, Keator, Robert S. Faster, John M'Leod, jr., N< I- 1 i son Arnold, Wm. Pearson, Win. A. Stockton, Wm. B. M'Keel, VV ui. ' : M'Leod. Chas. Gray, Pfiilo M. Raymond, 'Nathaniel Belyea, Wni.j I Buchanan, John O. Dann,' Jas. Cookson, Henry Fowler, David Hat- ; field. Zebulon Connor, Geo H. Wallace, James A, Fenwick, Wm, ; Coates, John M'Arthur, Wm. Keith, Jantes L. Flewwellifrj?, John, ' Mrb. Johti M'Intyre, Datiiel M'Lachlan. John Uiquhart, William S. 'T»,-^kles, Robert Morrison, William Buskin, T. Oliver Arnold', John! ;C. Go day in every nioKth, except the month of March, and for that month on the Monday next before the iir&t Tuesday. COUNTY OF CARLETON. John Dibblee,/ohn Bedell, and Joseph Harvey, Justices of Infe- rior Court of Common Pleas.— John Dibblee, John BedelY, Joseph Harvey, Jas. Upham, Josiah Brown, Adam B. Sharp, Jas. Ketchuu*, Abr.'^hamN Garden, A Upton, Paul M. Bedel', Chas. Perley, Benj. Noble, \X. D. Beardsley, S Estabrooks, Chas. Connell, J.A. Phillips, J»mes Lockvvood, George Clowes, Joseph Biirpe, Zepha^iah Mill*, Leonard R. Harding, Geo L Raymond. James R. Topper, William T. Baird, Matthew L Phillips, Ahurr Bull, Joseph Rid»»ut, Jatrvis Kstpy, Michael McGuirk, James Kellef, Jo Jin Bradley, Stephen G. Burpe, William Hayward, Benjamin L* Richardson, Murphy Gi- berson, William S. Nevers, JoJin Buhar, John Holland Esty, Cal- vwi Churchill, William Gray, Rubert Htmphill, Robert Hay, Ro- bert A. I^ay, William Lindsay, Kichard S. Bull, Anthony K«ar* t|cy, George M'Donaugh, Alexander Kirkpatrick, Charles Shea, James Jordan, Edwin R. Parson*, Willium Forrest, John Burt, Hugh Cowperthwaite, Amos Diekenson, Elisha Shaw. Hamilton KiMiMire. Surrogate.— A. K. S.^ Wetmore, Esquire, Kegi.«Jter of Pro- bftteii.— 'Au]{ustus Bedell, Esquire, Register of Df eds and Wills;— Jaiii$s M'Laughlan Inspector of Scliools.^-Amns Gallop, William l>ixon, Anders Gi- al- R«- lert, uri, I her. Prd- ! la.— I nnd |/Vci Terms of the General Sesiions and Comnkon Pleas — Fihit Tuesday in January, and fourth l\ie«d(iiy in June. Additional Terms of t/u .Coinin0it iPZMs-'First Tuesday in March and October. " ' ■,V' '. .i' COUNTY OP CHAttLOTTE. Robert Thomson, Patrick Clinch, Jame^ W. Chandler, Thomas Burton Abbott, and (^harles R. Hathew^y, Esquires, Justicca of the Inferior Court of .Common Plefis.-^-- Robert Thomson, Patrick Clinch, James W. Cbaiidler, Trit^am Moore, Charles R. Hathe* way, David MowattjWiiliam Kerr, Qeorge Porter, VVilford Fisher, Abraham J, Wetmore, Thomas H. Moses^ Cochran Craig* George M'Kay, David A. Rose, John /• Robinson, i/ames W. Street, Jas, Boyd, R. Watson, J. Grimmer, John Farmer, Jaa. Br >wn, D. Giimour, Isaac Knight,' Arphibald McCallumi Wm. C. M'Stny, Jacob Young, Robert M. I'odd, Albert Robinson, John C impbefl, Henrjr Webber, William Thomson, John Carlyle, >iaIcol.jii Mealy, Frances Hibbert, Claudius Messinett, Jeremilb ^cott, Peter Morri- son, George Hiitz, Bartholomew R. Fitzgerald, George Fountain, George F. Campbell, Justus Wetmore, John C. Messinett, Hugh Ludgate, Peter Brown, John Marks, Ninian Lindsay^ James M'tiibbon, James Elli?, Geo. P. Knight, Augustine Bancroft, John A. Heney, John Mann, jr , Charles Bradley, Samuel M'Farlane, Thomas Barry, John £, Aloore, Thomas Cotterel, Robert V. Han- son, James Carter, jr., Henry Stiles, Robert Acheson, Gideon Prescott, Wm. K. Roy nblds, Isaac Justison, James Russell, jr. Da- vid Upton, Zachariah Chipman, Hugh Cullinan, James MurchiC) George B. AHwood, (of the Quorum), and George S. Grimmert Esq., Justices of the Peace. •--Thomas Jones, Esq., High Sheriif.— Wellington Hatch, Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls. - George J. Tbomsoni Surrogate.— George D. Street, Esq., Register— Harrfs W. Hatch, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills John Campbell, Esquire, Inspector of Schools. — Charles R. Hatheway and Sainuel il. Whitlock^ Commissioners under the Absconding Debtor's Act.— David A. Rose. Robert Thomson, William J. Rose, Coroners- John H. Rose, Arthur H. Giimour, John M'Lauchlan, Israel J. Hanson, George S. Grimmer. George B. All ward, George F. Camp- bell, Thomas Watt, and He^ltry E. Seelye, Auctioneers. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas — Second Tues- daf in April tind thiid Tuesday in September. Additional Terms of Xkis Commoii P/sm— Second Tuesday in July and Deceukber, i COUNTY OP WBSTlfORLAKD. Amos E. Botsford, William Wilson, John Chapman, and Joseph Avard, Esouires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas;-— Amos E. Botsford. William. Wiliion, John Cha|ii8n, Joseph Avard, Philip Palmer, Wm. Chapman, Robert Scott; Daniel Han- ingion, John Trenholm, George Oullon, Amasa Wcldon, George Pittfeeld, Samuel Black, Philip Chapman, Chas. Dixon, jr., Thos. E.Smith, Thomas Keillor, Rufus Cole, Joseph Chapman, Chas. pixon, John Carey, Alexander Muntoe, William Fawcett, James Anderson, Alexander Wright, James L. Witmot, Peter McS wee- nay, William Steadmen, jr., Jonas Cutler, Patrick McGinley, V ,i '6 I? l:i ^ a5 m 'M m M * David Murj-av, Thooii^ Qochrani,Jdilvi;tnus Minor, Joseph 1\ Aili- son, Michael S. Harris, ieas'ie L, Bent, William Allen, Reuben (JhasB, Kphraim Ravvorth, Antaqd Lnndty, Silas -C. Charters, Abraham Jones, Hugh McMonagle, Samuel S. Wilmot, David Boyd, Charles MulrooneV, Moses Jones; Charles Cahill,.Tl|onfia:i Gamble. James Dickson;' Jo^ejiUBleakhieyl Thomas Browrj^^ilas i>. Copp, fsrael Steves. John'Re^d, Thomas Carter, "Warren Pri.ce, Rufus Chappell, JohttS. parttaby, Sshad Allvirood, John Held, (Bay de VerbO Frank Gallaihe'r.'PoJffett vai).^"!' •f'^Vn S. THtes,(o/^e Qtiorufny) and Robert Madi^oh*, Estfaii'fe's, Justices of the t^ace.'-- \ Blair Botsford. Eaquri^fe, High piie/iff-Edwatd Bl Chandler, Esq , } Clerk of the Peace and K^e|)er of th6 Rolls.— Honorable Edward B. { Chandler, Surrogatn --Tt'homas 9. Sayre, Esquire, Register^—Wlliram j Backhbnse, Esquire, Register of Defed^ and XVills --Edmund 11. i)n-; vial. Eo-qui^e, Inspector of Schools;-- Andrew Weldqn, John Crandall, \ Jacob Wortmrn Zachariah Tingley, and Hepry Livingstone, i^sqrs* ! Corohers.-" 'William LaWrencei Ebenezcr L. Cowling, Roberi K^- \ kinson, Ichabod St^es, Joshua Wdod, anc( J. W. Chapman, Auc- 1 tioneers. " '^•■'■^ ■• ■ ■''.,'' .\ Terms- of the General Sessions aiid Commoti^ Pleas. — ThiM Tiiesday i in June and November. Ailditionhi Terms of th^ Cdm^oh FUUs.-^ \ First Tuesday in April and second Taelsday ih September.; '.' i COUNTY QF.CJi'-LOUCESTEIl. :X ,fiO' ^Joseph Read, William Napier, and Patrick M'N^ughton, Esqra., | Justices of the Inferior Court of Co m,m.on Pleaa*--^ Joseph Read,; William Napier, Patrick M'N^iightwin,. Jamies Blackball, Perry J. ; N. Dumqreeq, John Richey, Johpi Ppran, Rqbert Robinson, Frani , cis l^erguson, Samuel ]i. Bishop^ Joshua Alexander, John Chal- ; I raers, James Young, Jfilliam. /^FiUon,jrobfl Jf^alsh, Johii WTooliier, | Michael Rivers, fFilliam Tayloi*, Joseph SeWell, Hugh A. Caie, j John Ferguson,. rohn Meehan, (^ieorge Smith, John £. 0'Brien,^| Charles D. LeGarde, Samuel. Miller, Edward Hickson, Charles : Meahan. James, Smith, Roiifrt Brplvvn, . John B; RoSx, Robert i Young, Robert Nixon, JFillit\m Davidson; ♦Johil W'idtterson, ffhi. i Molloy, {of the Qi^orurn) and James G. C. Blhckhall, Esq. Juk-' lices of the Peace.-, Benjamin VV. WeWbn, Esquire, High- Sheriff.-- j Theopbilus DesBrisa^, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of i the Rplls.—;Henry '»Villiam Baldwin, Esqiiire, Surrogate.— Robl^rtJ Gordon, Esquire, Reaigtor.— Henry William Baldwin, Esquire, *R«- 1 gister of Deeds an^ Wills.— D. Guslavus Maclauchlan, Coroner.— i John Bennett, Inspector of Schoor8.--Francis Alexandre and Benja-j min W. Weldon, Auctioneerili -^ 'f '• j Terms of the General Session^ aritf C(ni$mon Pleas. — First Tnesdhy in January and first Tuesday in July.' Ad'ditioyial Terms of Vie Com' irtan P/«i*«—M|«t Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in Oclobejr. *" ijjk^> . ^ ■ ■ • .■• • ■ ' ,)Otvn > '.I'i iui<.>/' dUHEN'a CPUNTY. ,.; . i'J ' Harry Peters^ fFillinn\Foshay, Jcdin Earlc, and John M'Loan.H EaqS.^ Justices of the ]ni'eriQ^< Cou^t o^ Common Pieus.-r-Harryl j Peters, Frillian> Foshay, John F^arlg, Thooi^s ,P, .Hewlett, John j j M'Allistor, Lewis M*Dojiu1d,. Jplin ^^Le^n, Joseph B, Perkkiis,.! 'Robert Goiding, ffilliam Murray, Chailes ITeitii, Geo. Jf. Hoben,t r IPW mm 3a wmm ' t\: ttti ['Lean, Gilbert Perry, Variies Slip, jr. David Marshal irle^'E. Langan, David PhiUips, /rijliam F BonueU, I Ebenezar L.'Burpc, Thomas Harrison, . Pix i it ' K ^ ii l H hj, Jo.Veph Cloy, I J gS ^m iam i H^w^t, Gideon D, Bailie, Barnes Ingledew, Charles P. I fr gister 6f Wills and Deeds.— John Campbell, Esquire, , Iii8pecto|r qf Schools.— Robert P. Babbit, George PK /Fhite, and John Murphy, 1 Esquires, Coroners.— James T. Tool, John Arnisiropg, James'Star- j key', Butler Thorn, and James Pearson, Auctioneers.— Jame&I^j^le- ; dew. Commissioner for taking Bailahd Affidavits., f _^.,,r»y; jt^j^^. ;,; , I T. Murray and I. C. Burpe,'Cotnmissioners fol* taking Amdavits. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — Fourth Tuesday j in January and June. Additional Terms ofthf CpnimonPleas, — Fourth I Tuesday iu April and October.' ' , ■^,'^" , . ;"nl - n»/> '.■ " '.A- ■ i: . ft r.ol ,.:.-■.. i':sm»y f: ,' COLTNTK OF SUNBURY. • v>;-r h'» \' '*» »^^* John S. Stundere, NathaniBlHubbard, George Hay ward, Thos Hai^rison, Calvin L. Hwhev^ay, and Robert D. Wilmot, Justices of Che inferior Court ofCdmmon Pleas.— John S. Saunders, Na- thanidl Hubbard, George Hay ward, Thom&s Harrison, CalvittL; i Hatheway, Robert D. Wilmoi; Charles F. Street^ Charlefe Hazen, William Hoy t, John Peabody, Thomas N. 'Gilbert, Wm. Bur^, Eboch Lum, Charles H. Clowes, Thomas Hartt, jr., Tfilliam Scoullar. Thomas H. Smith, John Glazier, Moses Coburn, George Morrow,' ThomarfO. Miloji, .Benjamin J. Bailey, Wm, Estabrooks, Charles Tracey, Charles J: Bailey, Reuben Hohen, Steplren T. Estabrooks, Charles Brown, (of the Quorum)^ and John Simmons, Esquires, Justicef of the Peace.— James S. White, Esquire, High Sheriff .—Geo. J. Bliss, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace and Keeper ofthc Rolls.— William J. Gilbert, Esquire, Surrogate —Nathaniel Hnbbard, Esquire, Register.— Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire^ Register of Deeds and Wills.— James M'Lauchlan, Inspector of Hchools.— J amps Seely, jr. Garhardus Clowefe, Moses H. Cobnrn, and Frederick SfteUy, Co- rorters.-Geo. C. Nevers, Thoinaf A. Beckwith, and Johu S. Cowrf, Auctioneers,. . • '''"V^ i - Terms of the General Sessions And Comwion P/iM».—Sec*day is Janutfy, and Thind Taosday in Juno.- Addiiional TMs vf ths^^ Cowman PUaa.^Tbkti T«««day iik March and October. -i , 'V' ■ 'y .it M f- iiS »■ »,f .M .'^1 ?».'• COUNTY OS" KBNT.' John Jfheton, Qe^t^Pa'gkfi, John P. Ford, Datld fTork,' Johi Bowsiiri L^itook P. D6sBri8ay,'iit<« Thomas fP; Bliis, tstiMitfH^ justices of the Inferior Cburt of Gortirtion Pleas.— Jp'hn Iflifit^^ George Pagan, John Bowser, /rilliam Hanington, Thomas Powdll, l< H > | l I I* ' ,^ ! I I A •*'';^ John P. Fordf fFiUiam M'Leod, James Long, David ffark, Les* took P. W. Desbrisay, David M'Aimon, Francis M'Phelim, Wm. S. Caie, Thomas W. Bliss, Robert Powejl, Germain \Vhite, Reu- ben Johnson, Isaac Sovverby, Lawrence M'Laren, AlbertB. Smitbi ja,mes Burns, james Girvan, Terrence Ciirran Mordaunt, S. Levy, johii Jardine, jr. (a/ the Oaorum,') and John Robertson. Esquires, justices of the ¥eace,X.3mmfke!SliwtmBve, Esquire, High Sheriff.— Charles J. Sayie, Esq., Clerk ofthe Peace and Kee^r of the Rolls.— James A. James, Esquire, Surrogate.— Charles J. Sayre, Es- quire, Register.-* -George Pagan, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills-.— Laurence M'Laren, Esquire, M. D., Coroner.— John Ben- nett, Esquire, Inspector of Schools.— Wm. G. Sutherland, Commisp sioner for taking Bail and Affidavits.— William T. P. Wheten,, Ri- chard M'Lauchlan, Edward Hob^on, William Hamilton, john L. Dwyer, William Raymond, William j. Keswick, and John An- drew, Auctioneers. Terms ofUie General Sess^ionsand Common Pleas. — Second Tuesday in January, and Fourth Tuesday in June. Additional Terfn$ of the CommoiiL Pleas.—hul Tuesday in April aqd September. ^^^,,1 COtJNTV Of NORTHUMBEIlLAJNfD. '»v<3" v George Kerr, John Nesmith, and Peter Mitchell, Esquires, jus- tices of the Inferior Court* yhitney, William Russell, John Haws, jr., John Williston, {of the QMorum,) and Louis llobicheuu, Esquires, Justices ofthe. Peace.— James Mitchell, Esquire. High Sheriff.— Sa- rauel Thomson, Esquire, Clerk of th^ Peace and Keeper of the Roils.-^-WilHam Wilkinson, Esquire, £" arrogate.— George Kerr, Esi qiiire, Register.— John Lawler, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Willi. --^Sltafford Beesonj Martin Cranney, Allan A. Davidson, Ro- bert B. Wasson, Edward Rogers, john M'Leod, William O Bileif, EaquiteB, Coroners. »-Johfi Bennett. Esquire, Inapeotor of Schools.*^- Alexander GdodfelJow, Donald MKay, and Robert Doak, £•> qvires, Commissioners for iiolemnizing Marriage.— J aiues L; Prtoe, Bsquire, Issuer of Marriage Licentf^s.— james M.Wolhaup- ter, Robert T. Miller, Sanvuet Thom|Mon, David P. Howe, Alelt- ander FitMr, Alexander Morriion, and H. Blake^— AiAotioneers. jTernif ^^ht Q^nwai $e$9ions vi/i C»mmm JP/«i».— Sacpnd Tutadax in Jtnaar^ and July. JAdditiitmi Term$ nfiU Cawpfton Pltas^—Vwa^i Tqesdaj^ m llHay and October. , .. ; COUNTY OP ftEBTlGOUGHB. John Montgomery, D. Stewart, Arthur Ritchie, and Adam Fcr> gufton, Esquires, Jus'ices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas.— John Montgomery, D. Stewart, Adam Ferguson, Arthur Ritchie, Archibald Ramsay, William Hamilton, AVilliam S. Smith, John Ultican, John M'Nair, John Coolc, jr., John M'Millan, John Dun- can, John M'Millan, jr., John Giiliea, Robert Ferguson, David Ritchie, Alexander C.DesBrisay, Charles Murray, Patrick Doyle, John H; Pride, Allan Andrew, Donald M'Alister, and Wiliian) Hamilton the 2nd, Esqs., Justices of ihq Peace. — John L. Barberie, Esquire, High Sheriff.—And. Barberie, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the RoHs.--Chipman Botsford, Esquii^e, Surrogate.— Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Probate8.-~John Bennett, inspector of Schoola.— John M'Millan, Esquire, Supervi- sor of Roadd.—Dugald Stewart and George Gordon, £8quires,Com- missioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court.— A. Barbaric, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage iiicenses.— Dugald Stewart and Archi- bald Ramsay, Comfnissioners under the Absconding Debtor's Act.— ^ugh Montgomery and James S. Morse, Esquires, Coroners..- John U. Campbell, Charles Murray and David Sadler, Auc- tioneers.— -John Duncan and Alexander Cook, Fish Wardens. Uestlvouckt ^griouUurul Society, — A. Barbaric, Ei>q., President ; Hugh Montgomery and Adam Ferguson, Esqs., Vice-Presidents ; Dugald Stewart,, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tiiesday in January, and Second Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Com- mom Pleas, — Second Tuesday in April and October. ^f^, H :>^f;, COUNTY OF ALBERT. ^v , Hon. E. B. Chandler, John Smith, Peter M'Lellan, James Brew* ster, John Lewis, Hon. W. H. Staves, and George Calhoun, Esqs., Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Hon. £. fi. Chan, dier, John Smith, Peter M'Lelan, lames Brewster, John Lewis, W. H Sti^ves, George Calhoun, Eiisha Peck, Geo. Steves, Enoch Stiles. Edward Stevens, J. S. Colpitis, Robert Wtight, Ii4aac Gross, John Wallace, Edward Steves, James Rogers, Levi Wells, John A, Reed, Hiram Edgeit, Ezra Steves, James Ryan, William 9. Hopper, Jr., John Baruhard, A. R. Chapman, James Horseman, and Thitmas Colpitl, Esquires, Justices of the Peace.— Thonlas Gilbert, Es^iilr^, High Sheritf.— Samuel G. Morse, {l8<|uire. Keeper of the Rolls, an4 Clerk of lite Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pl6as.—M. B. Palmer, Esquire, Surrogate— Sfmuel G. Morse, Esquirf, Register of Probates.-George Calhoun, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Willa. J^hn Edeett and Josppb J. Reed, Esquires, Corone#«.— ^Ednilii^d H. Duvftl, Initpector of Schools.— George Calhoun, fisquirei CoM txiidiiontr for taking £pc«ial Bail in the Suprems Court if fJbie W(ell. Terv^ #/ the Albert Cpnuil C«iirt*'^ Second ^nnadnf in JiiIy.->— tirmf ^iht Oeneral Sc»sionSi(Mfd Common PiiM.'^tonrih Tnesdav in }n«t, and Secfind Taexday in Hovea]^%x.'**A4dmomal %'orpt$qftU Cowunm Pkas. — Second Tuasday in March anu Septatnbar. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmigSSmSimm II! I l! !| COUNTS OF YlcrORIA. A. K. Smfedes Wetmdre, Lconnrd R- Coombs, Benjamin Bever- cdge; Charlefi A. Hammond, Francis Rice, and Peter C. Amiroaux, Esquires, justice* of the Inferior Conrt of C»mnion Plea8.>^.A* K Smedes Wetmore, Leoiiard R. C/OombetJ, Benjamin Bevereogo, Charted A* Hammond, Peter C. Aitiireaux, jolin Keaton^ Vital Tibidcau, Francis Rice, Antoine Bollefleur, j^ames Diiihup, George W. Curry, Barnabas Armstrong, Joseph Hcbert^ Thomas f^nn, Registe Hcriault, Pruden G^gnon^ Stephen Giasier, Waiter Brit, Michael Kirlin, john Ahderson, Heni'y Baiid, AVilliarn CliiTord, William Hallett, ^yilliam Hartt', Abiraham C. Hammond, Punder- son H. Beardsley, Hifaire LeVassenr, Floront Foupnier, aohn Harrt, Koderick McLean, jam6s Grew, Rbsamont VioJette, {oftbe Quorumr) and Joshua D. Giberson, Estjs., justices oftbe Peace. --- F^mcis E. Beoltwith', JBsquire, High Sheriff.*- William T. Wilmot, Esquire, K'eeper of the Ro)ls,*&nd Clerk of t4ie Peace, and of the l!*ifefior Court of Common PItfas.--* William M. Maciauchlan, Es* quirfe, Surrogate. "-Daniel B. Raymond, EsquirH; Register of Pro- bates. ---John Costigan, Register of D^cds and Wills. ---John Em- merson, Francis Tibhets and William- CUffordy Coroners.— James M'Laughlan, Inspector of Sch6oIs. ^ *. ' , t i .jm. Tprmsofthcdineral Sessions and Vammori'Ple^s^'-^^econd Tuesday in January and First Tuesday in July. • Additidnal Terms oftho Com- mon Pleas— 2d Tuesday in 'March ami 2d Tuesday in October. ■ at* _ ' '' ' ■ ■ .. _ , PROVINCE^ NteW~BRUNSVVM^~' His Excellency Hon. JoHK HiNRY Thomas Manners Sutton, ' ' Lieiutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Pro- vince of New Brunswick, &c.&c.&.c. ' G. M. Campbell, Esquire, Private Secretary to the^Lieutenant Go- ^■- -^ ' " v^rnor.^^ ' ' •' ' "• *^*f . Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hayne, and LieutiBDanf Colonel ! j Charles Drury, Provincial Aids-do-camp. ' . • • ' '_J_ - ' . ■ ■ ' ' .1 I Hkbcutivk Council.— Hon. OharlesFishar, I|on. James Brotvh, ! Hoifv Sami>^l L. Tiliey, Hon; William H. Steves, Hou. Jf^k^sM. |M»bn i iit »i ^ i Hon. Albert J. • Smitlv Hou. DttVfd Wttrk,t aa4 Uoi (Charles Waftters. y i'W^^*. --/^ 7-;^njsi4" l'% A ;'f'-*,^ X£0|«LAf(V£ CouHiCiLi^The Hoporable Wilhani»BTack, President ; ^^ T:.u..af.^... a^...j .. . •^ -, Aii^osE-Botsfprd, Hon^' E^Ward l^^nJl^^iUiaipB. Kihn^ar, Hon. Petefs, Ilo^. Robert L. HSzep, I Hon. Charles Harrison. Hon. James Davidson, Hon. William'H. I #afl, Hon. D'. Wftrk; floii:. W. H. 8tevfeA,'H'on;'J. H. Ry>in.^ Hon. Wirtiafm Haralltbn, Horf, Robert Gol'tfofi> H^n. William Todd. Hoft. H^texanUer McLlSfeelye, Hdin. Francl* RitjiT, Uoii. John J. RoMnso^, and Hon. John Btfrl. • ■'" ■' ' iJ « >* MHHU M ;^ „ HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Cojin'tjr of York.-— Charles Macpbersoii, John ^clqtoshi John IC.ATlep, Esquires, and Jlon. Charles Fisher. County of fsaiiu Jphn.— Richard Wright, John >V..Cudlip, B,Qbert j p. Wilinot, and Jotih H.Gray, l^^fiiquirea. ; !^ ; I County of Weslmprlawd.-rHou. Albert J. Sinith; James Stead- 1 man, Bliss Bo'tsford, a^(i Daniel Han^ingtun, flsqiiires. , ; County of Charlolte.-rArthur H. Gilmor, John MpAdpn), Eaquire^ Hon. James Brown, and James V/, Chandler, Esquire. King's County. —Edwin A. Vuil, Walter B. Scovil, and lliatthew [M'lHe.od, Esquires. , i., ' ;: I Queen's County. — Smmnel H. Gilbert, and John ^'errisj Esquires. County of Sunbury.— William E. Perley and 1/avid 'l^apley, Esqs. ! County of Carietoq.— Charles Connell, and Qharles.Perlev, Esqs. \ Cqunty of Noithumberiand.— George Kerr, |^e tar Mitchell Esqs. \ [Hon. John M. Johnson, and Edward Wiliistou, Esquire. j County of Kent —Francis M'Piielim and Lestock P. Wi DesBrisay, i [Esquires. | County of Gloucester. — Joseph Read and WilHim Erid, Esquires, i County of Restigouche. — John M'Milian, Esquire, and Hon. John > iMontgomery. * County of Albert;— Abner R. M'Clelan, and John Lewis Esquires. 1 County of Victoria. — James Tibbets, and Chas., Wallers Esquires, i City of Saint John.-^Hdn. S. L. Tilley, and Joseph W. Lawrence, \ [Csquir«. , ^ .• .■ ■ , ■ , ■ .1 Officers or the CROWK.-rf-Hon. Cbarles Fisher. Attorney Gene- I Iral; Hon. Charles Watters, Solicitor General; WilJi«m Wright, Esq. i Advocate General; Hon. Samuel L. Tilley, Provincial Secretary;' Hon. James Brown, Surv^eyor General; Hoii. H i C i«i fc ^ c , Receiye^r ; [General; John 11. Partelbw, Esquire. Auditor GeHeriil ; John A. j Street, Esquire, Hon. William B,' Kinnear, Hon E. B. Chandler, ; Hon. Robert L. Hazen,' John W. Welddn, James W. Chandlni», ■ [George Kerr, and John H. Grhy, Esquires, Cttateeh's Counseli * i Clerk of the Executive Council -^Francis A, H.Straton, Eac} , O/^FiGERs or THE LeoisIlatiyk ChfiJ.vcit. — Ge6rge Botaford, Es- ; Iqujre, Clerk; John Gregory^ .Esquire,C'lerjk As»3t8tant ; B.; H..Jouet£, Esquir,e, Sergeant at Arms Hind U^herof the Black.Rod;i KeverenU : ftoarge G»ain^, A. M., Chaplain. .t .v.^ > s or Trtk Hotjs* o^ Assl-.MBLt -^Oha*. PVWetmore, Esq. Clerk; George J. Bhsfs, Efeq., Glerk Assistant ;AbrahathT. Coburn, Esquire, g-ergeant at Argys;' IteT. Wy'E. 8eelye,lRobert Bowes, W.K^^^ j {Isaac Burpee, Esquires. SS-i HZ-^ei I' ■ Vtl '«m;2- r /W . «» «Will|--ri— "'•'"■'■•■" UK* tJi«»»!h«t*i»ljJtAif. 'Jfcit».i»i«riK*'j* *»>t *'• m *-» ! 1 1 } \\ f} lii 41 m^ . ' '[^ J /tf ' 'f t' ' SupRKMB CovRT OP JuDicATURK. — Chief Jiistice, Hon. Jamesl Carter, dth January* 1851 ; Justices, Hon. Neville Parker ; Hon Ko| bert Parker, Octob'er 1834; Hon. Lemuel Allen Wilmot, 8th ianuJ arr, 1351 ; Hon. William J. Ritchie, 17th August, 1855; Andrew R. Wetmore, Esq., Clerk of the Crown ; William Carman, Esquire, Clerk of the Pleas; Hon. John Simcoo Saanders; Clerk of the CirJ cults, and Clerk of the Crown on the Circaits. Tkrms : Hilary^Tmi Tuesday in February : Easter— Second Tuesday in April : Tri-f ii{/|^Second Tuesday in June: Miehadmas— Second Tuesday in| October. Nisi Prius sittings in the County of yori— Third Tuesdajl in Febl-nafy and fourth Tuesday in June. John C. Allen, Esquire, Reporter of the Decisions in the S upreinej Court; 03* The Court of Chancery was abolished, and the Master of thel Rolls appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court, by Act of Assembljl 17 Vict. c. 67. All causea heretofore cognizable fay the Court of Chan| eery are tobe determined in the '* Equity side of the Supremo Cuuft." Circuit Courts. — Saint John: Second Tuesday in May and fird Tuesday in November ; Sunhury : Last Tuesday in February ; Qtteetts;! First Tuesday in March; Charlotte: First Tuesday in Aujfnst;! Kings: Second Tuesday in July; Albtrt: Second Tuesday in J ulvj Westmorland: Third Tuesday in July; Kent: Tuesday after FourthI Tuesday in July ; /2£9ti^ouc/(« .'Last Tuesday in August; Gloucesttr\ First Tuesday in September ; Northumberland : ^ecnnd Tuesday in September; Carle-ton: Last Tuesday in September; Victoria^ Wednesday before the last Tuesday in September. Courts for thc Probate of Wills amo Grantikg AdmirijI TRATioNs. — The Probate Court for the City and County of Saintl John is held every Monday, at three o'clock, at the Chambers of tlifll Jiidge ; and the like Court in the other Counties of the Province ii| held at the times specially appointed by the respective Judges* Court of GovbiRNor akd Courcil, /or hearing and determintn^l onuses relating to Marriage and Divorce. — His Excellency thel Lieutenant Governor, President; tlonorable Neville Parker, Vicel President; the Hon. Her Majesty's Executive Council, MeniT hers; John C. Allen, Esquire, Registrar and Clerk; Terms : Tiiel second Tiiesday in February, and third Tuesdays in June andl October. . ,A a.v. -^^^CouRT oA, Vicft Aamiraltt.— ^H&noraole Robert L. HazenJ judge and Commisiary; William Wright, Esquire, Advocate Gel ncral; John M. Robinson, Esquire, Retgister and i^cribe ; Ji«1!q| Humbert, Esquire, Marshal. . * QeuRt for thi jSrial and Punishment of Ptt&ey Ahd other ^ Off4n-\ 06sm the High Seas^—The Gov«r!nor; The Chifif Justioe, niidl other Judges of t)i«Sup^me Couvt^ the Members of the'Eiecutivtl Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty ; The Pjiblic; Secretary;! ^,f}i\iQ Treasurer; Commander in Chief, Flag Officers, and Cap- tains, end CoiniQandir's of Ships o^ War on this Station fortliej Uhie being ; ^- — — ^ , tle^Utrar and Scribe, Esquire, Marshal. u 3J" The Court siu at anyplace within the Province to be lip- }oiDted by any three of the members, the Governor, Chief Justice, it one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or Jildge of the Adrnf* ralty, being one. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Fredericton, Hon. UnimMmMmmmi, Postmnster General ; Clerks, '^alentine B. Hutchinson, James Hale, and William Puisley. Saint ^ohn. John Howe, Esq., Postmaster; Clerks, Henry C. Frink, T. 1. Allen. John F. M'Guirk, and T. O. Rainsford; George Murray, )ffice Keeper. Post Masters. — Andrew S. Phair, Esquire, Frede* hcton; William F. Bonneli, Esquire. Gagetown ; Geo F. Campbell, !.squire, Saint Andrews; David A. Rose, Esqnire, Saint Stephen; xideon Knight, Esquire, Saint George ; Christopher Milner, Esauire, ^ackville ; £. J. Smith, Esq., Shediac: G. Pitfield, Esquire, Salisbory; foseph Crandall, Esquire, Bend of Petitcodiac ; James Caie, Escjuire, 'Chatham (Miramichi) ; J. Johnston; Esquire, Newcastle (Miramiehi) ; '. B. HetheringtoD, Esquire, Richibucto ; Geo. B. Cowper, Esquire, )alhou8ie ; Mrs. Carman, Bathurst; James Grover, Esq., Woodstock; Samuel Foster, Esquire, Kingston; Hugh M'Monagle, Esquire, Siis- [ex Vale; A. VV. Raymond, Esquire, Grand Falls; JohuT. Hodgson, :laquire, Edmundston ; J. H. Black, Esquire, Saint Martins; B. Be* jreridge, Esquire, Andover; J. M. Stevens, Harvey (Albert); Henry lallett, Hampton Ferry; J. Abbott, Milltown; Charles B. God- trey, Dorchester; James S. Morse, Campbelltawn ; John R. MTher* [on, Oromocto; A. Robinson, Upper Milts; R. E. Steves. Hillshoro'; \. Gallagher, Campobello ; S. Gooden. Bay Verte; Joseph Lakeman, iJrand Manan ; James Hamilton/Sheffield ; Weeden Fowler, Upham ^lle; Joseph H. Laoillois, Ksqiifre, Restigouche, and Two iiun- Ired and Three Sub or Way Unices. HER MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. Ponx or Saiwt Johi*.— Controller of Customs and Navigation !iRws, Wiliiam Smith, Esquire. Saint Andrcws* — Controller of Cuftoms and Navigation Laws, I. W.Jack, Esquire. , -ip-'.^iuvj ^^^-w^>/'4v^,*^^'' SAI^'T Stephen.— Controller of Cu8t«mi and Navigation Lawl, [ohn Grimmer, Esquire. SACKViLLE.—ControIler of Customa and Navigation Laws, fames Dixon, Esquire. Campobkllo.— Controller ofCirstomftand Navigation LAvsyTht* las Moses, Esquire. ' fii6HiB0CTo.— Controller ofCustoms and Navigation Laws, H«nfy 'ivingstone. Enquire. m'm CHATHAM.-^Controllef of GiMi^ms and Navigation Laws, I. T. /illfston. Esquire. -i. u NiwcASTLc Controller of Caotoms and Navigation Ltwa, Hieli* irdt)utto«,;£fiqiiiro. *. . • t' CAiiPBBLtTowi*.— Controlter of Cuatomf and N«vigatton Ltw^ )hipniao Botaford. Esqairo. 4» '^ »iV v.- 1^ !.l ■ BuoTODCHf:.-^C6nUr611er of Customs and Navigation Laws, Hoberq ' Doijglils, Esquive. • < • . DoRCHCBYCR.-^CoDtrolierofCustonit arid Navigation Laws, Johnl IliukmsHf Esquire. HlMBQKp^iou. — Qoniroller of Customs and Navigation LftWM,| William Wallace, Esquire Dalhousii:, — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws Dugald i Stewart, Esquife. I3ATHUKST. — Controller, of Customs and Navigation Laws, Josepii Read, Esquirp. Shediac. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Hon] Daniel Hanington, Esquire. MoNCToif.— Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Aim Weldon, Junior, Esquire. CARAquEfTE.— Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Peter| NcNaughton, Esquire. r ^HippEGAw. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, P. J,| NtDumaresq, Esquire. '^^Hakvet. — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Jame Brewster, Esquire. > »^ > ' ■< t; . i ToBi^uB — Controller of Customs and Navigation Laws, Fraucii iTibbils, Esquire. I Fkedericton. — ^Controller of ,Cu8'-oms and Navigation ,Law8,| ' Tliouia^ R, Robert9Qu, Esqu|irev .,..;..; :«»..%.. - * » ri -r — r- i 'I I PROVINCIAL RE VEfiUE: 'Itiitr.y^i U |1«j'Vi(,f, . Ill Saikt John. — Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Province Treasurer] Geoirge D' Rbbihson, Warehouse Keeper ; Henry Whrieside, Coll lecting Clerk; Ciiarles C* J>Bri!H;oe, James ']\ Hanford, John SanJ dall, and George Mathew, Clerks; Richard M. Lon'gmaid, Stephenl E» Gerow, Waiters and Searchers; William Bovvyer, Tide Surveyf Fitzpatrick, Jatnen Steamboat Locker I Jamos T. liaufordj \ or; W.J. B. Marter, William Dudne. John MUcHell^iWarehouse. Lockers; John Colley, George D. Robinson, Isaac Woodward, and Appraisers of Dutiat*!© Articles., ' ; Saint Andrews. — David VV. Jack, Deputy Treasurer; Jam**s H.| Wliittock, Waiter and Seardier; Jain^a W. Stre«t, Appraiser of Du' tiable Articles. Saint Stephens. — John Grimmer, Deputy Trea- inrar; IBiQcan Stewart. VViaiter^nd'Searcher. Saint GxoROR.^.il J. Wetmore, Deputy Treasurer. Campo BELLo.-^Thomas Mosei pe||6tv lV«Jisurei!i Fr-edrrictow.-^T. R. Robertson, Deputy Titv surer, ASJUUiam ^mith, Preventive Officer. Woudsi^ock —iHeiiry " Dibme0,.Deputy Treasurer. Tubmiue,Cou!ii'y op Victoria. — Fran' cw Tibbets, Deputy Treasurer. Grand Falls. — Wm. M. M'LaucI Itn. Deputy. Treasurer. 'Ei>MU«i«»sro]r.-^Vital Hubert, Deputy Tre surer. Chatham.— J. T. Williston, Deputy Tr«ati^r«t ; )J. E. Ct mi«hftel» Landinif; Surveyor v M. Oranney, Waiter^ Searober a«iii| Locker. NEwcASTLs.—Richard Sutton, De^utJI yte*Mumr.\rDm 'HE UNIT ^ithereil, Waiter and Searcher. DAt.H'VsiK.t—Dugald Stewart, >epniy Treasurer; A. Rainany, Wuit^r, Searcher and Lockegr. Iampbelltown. — Chipman BotsPord, Deputy Treasttrnr, J. S. [orse, Locker. Bathdrst. — Joseph Read^ Df.pnty Trensiirer; W. lapier, W;^iter, Searcher, and Locker. Shippcoa?!. — Periry J. N. Iiimar^siq. Deputy Treasurer. CARAquBTTK.— Peter M'Naughon* )eputy Trea^urfir. Richibucto. — Henry Livinijstone, Depnty ! Veasurer; Geo. Pagan, Waiter, Searcher, aridLocker. Nrw; Uwporf.— John Kerr, Preventive Officer. BncToucHE. — Robert i )ouglas, Deputy Tieasurer. SHEDiAc-rPaniel Ilaningtpn, Deputy 're«|3i»reV. Day Vkrtk-- Edward Wood; 'Deputy Treasurer. Sa^k* nLT.E.-^Jarties Dixo'u, Deputy Treasurer, I)oRCHE!3TRR.~-John lickma'n, Deputy Treasurer; North JoGorNs.";— Kdward Cole. De- mty Treasurer. Hillsbohouoh. — VVm. Wallace, Deputy Treasu- rer. lVra>jctOH — AmasaWeldon, Deputy Treasurer. Harvkt — Jas. Jrewstci', Deputy Treasure/. '^ ^'^ ECCLESIASTICAL. ii.i..' HE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRPLAND. Bishop — The Kiglit Uev. Joh.h, Lord Bishop of Fredcricton — Frederieton. 1^cHOKAcon--T\u^JiammtimmmamJamaKrt, lUctor of Fredericton~Uural D«an. Hudson, Rev. Jamea, Vl«iting Mission- ary, Miramichi itj^.B«Vw.J*i»n>^«'ft>-»., Rpctor of Saint Andrews— /JuraZ Dean. (Armstrong, Rev. Willi.im, Rector of St. Jatrfcs Church, l^aint John, ^nnitron;;, Rev. G. M., llectnr of St. John's, Parish of &«t. Mark. }acon,Rev. Sainui^I, Rector of Chatham — Rural Dean. nlell,.R»*t**. Rector of Twncajter. Ilhck, Rev John, Rector of KiDgaclcar. liss.Rev. C. P., Rector of Springfield. }liM, Rev. Donald, Rector of West- morland. iBoyer, Rey. \V. iV., Rector of Moncton. pirey, Re*. GeorgeT., Rector of Gr^nd Mrthfin. Ir/Ofller, Rev, f'red., 8f ctor of Carleton. [Uoaier, Rev. N. A., Rector of Richi- bucto. — Rural Dena. |Coater, Rev. Cburlcti G., Assistant Mi nisier ai Frederieton. |Cruden, Rev. VV., Missionary at Nelson and BInckvillc. |DftV«t>Mir Pollard, Rev, H., Curate of St. Ste|»k*n of I at OeWolfe, R,e,v. I'homas N., Missionary {Roberta. Rev. O. G. Misiionary a» Doug- j alSackville. J Jaa. „ ' • r! .^AiMlMHoTScpvily Rov. William Eliat, Rector'v«f j Kingston. - i Scovil, Rev. William, Paint Jobh. j Strert.itev. B. I>. lAe^ Rector of Woo*' ! •slotk— i?ttr«Z D^an. > • Street, Rev. W Henry, Pliisidrtary at ; Canning, Grand Lake. ' Street, Uev. C. F. Mlw'y at Bathnrsi:! ' Tippett, Rev, Willlato H., HevAot t( Uueensburyi |tiray, Rev. I. WilHnm D., D. D., Rector of Saiii4jobn. |l|a»fo»«S iU«4 S, iones, Mi^sioaary at Andovor. [Harrison, Kev. W., Rector of Portland -^ Rural Dean. Illartln, .Acv^ Thoinas, M}9eiionary ft Canterftiiry. , t ,-.V ^4- ' «. -2 ^^ ;««.•/ t I 4h ThoDMon, Iler. ^kefftnfton, LL. O. /lector of ISt. St«phenR. Thomion, Rot. Samuel, Uetired Mis- tionttry, St. George'i. Thomion, Rev. John S.,liector of Saint Larid'a. Warneford, Rev.E. \. Uectorof Norton. W«lk«r, Rev. William W., R«etor of Hampton. W«ekfl, Rer. A. V/., Curala of Co caigne. W t fBU r fty i i Payhi ' iif UkaU mufi Williams, Rer, J. 3., Missionary Campobello. Wiggins, Rev. Abratiam V., D. D., Ree or of Maugerville. riimi^^^m -'aiid -Botersvillev Wood, Kev. Abraham, Rector of Wa terborongh. . Woodman, Re v. 6. Curate of WoodetocU PBESBVTEBIAN CHURCH OF NKW BRUNSWICK IN CONNECTIOlj WlTH THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND.— Rev. Wm. Macrobie, Moderator! Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D., Clerk. 1. Pre.ibytery of Saint John.— "Bev. Wnil D«nald, A. M., Clerk : Fredeiicton, Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D. ; NnshwaakJ Rev. Peter Keay, A. M.jMpncton, Rev. William Murray, A. M. ; Richmonii| Rev. John Hunter; St. Andrews and St. I'atrick, Rev. John Ross: City of Stl John, Rev. Wm. Donald, A.M. Woodstock und Northampton, Rev. Henri M' Lardy. 2. Presbytery ttfMiramirM.-~B.er. William Henderson, A.M., Clerk] Bathurst, Rev. James Murray ; Campbelltown and Flatlands, Rev. lames Sif J ven ; Chatham, Rev. Wm. Stewart ; Dalhousie, Rev. Alexander Forlet!; Newcastle, DoupIastownandRedBank, Bev. Wm. Hondersou, A. hi. ; 1'abut- intac and Burnt Church, Bev.Wm. Macrobie. -^-- - -f--- I^PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK. .«! BlSOU OF THK PrE8BYT«RU.'! ChURCH OF NeW BrDNSWICIC. Rev. William Bennett, Madtraior. Rev. James Bennett, CUrk. Presbytery of Saint Jvhn. ^ Presbytery of York, Rer. Chas. Gordon Glas.s, A. M.,r fi^f> ()'•■ Rev. Andrew Donald, " William Ferrie, A.M., Clerk, •' Lewis Jack, '* James Bennet, •>' 'f^. * - « •' William Alves, A. M., " James Baird, A. M., Jamei Gray, A. M. H «M ROMAN CATMOLtC CLEROVMFN— In thi Diocbsb op Niw BauKKWifRJ The Right Rev. Thomas Louis Counollv, I). D., Bishop of St. John, N. B.J The Very Rev. John Sweeney, Revs. J. Ciuinn, P. Parrell, Mr. Nugent, SslntJ Jsin; Revs. J. C. N'Oeviti, and L. O'Regari, Frederlcton j Revs. E. Qninn,] and Jas. Quinii, St. Stephens; Bev. E. Doyle, f^t. ^ndrews; Kcv. Jas. V«re| ker, Sussex Vale ; Revs. F. X. Lafranre, J. Murray, MeuirRinCook: Rev. A.j Oosselin, Shediac; Rev. J. Babineau, Barsrhois, (Shedlc;) R»v. W. M'ManuiJ 0uetouche ; RevK. Joseph Pelleticr, Juniex PeterHon, Richibucto ; Aev. R. Veri-I ker, Chathnm, (Mi,); Rev. M. Epan, Nelson, (Ml.) } iiev. F. GauvreaUiTrsfH-j die ; Q'he Very Kev. J. M. Paqiivt, Cararupt; Rev. M. Meloy, Bathurst ; /lev- ThO!». Connelly, Wood«toek; Rev. If M'Ouirk, St. Basil, (Mada.) ; /inv. P. M'Keagney, Mt. Bruno, (Madn.); Jievs. 11. Xionna, M. Sweion, St. Lucf,! (Mada.) > itsV, B'. J. Dunphy^ Carluton ; ftev. W. Aylwnrd, Uuaco ; Aev. J. A.| Muoney, Shippegan. 46 hma^anfi Statitns ofaomf oftkfi.Miiii^i^s 0/ (A« W49iiiifti,n JUetkoditt C^tutmon. Churchy ofEasitrn BriUtk Jtnertea.—ii^v. Matthew /^icbey, D. D., President ; r. Aichard Knight, D. D., Co-Delegnte ; Rev. 11. PickArd, A. M,, Secretary, , Halifax DiAraiOT.— A«r. A. M'Nutt,' Chairmaa ;)!«▼. JHoland Morton, fancial Secretary 2d, Thk St. John DtSTRiCT.-^AeT. Edmund Botterell, lirnian i Rev. T. M. AlhrightoD, Financial Srxretary. St. Joha^ South, rd. Edmund Botterell, Thos. M. Aibrighton, Wrn. Wilson; St. John, North, r. John Snowball } St. John, West, Rnv. Aicburd Smith ; St. Andrews, Rer. L Johnson ; St. Stephen, Rer. John B. Browi^ll ; St David, jRav. J. V. Jott; lltown, Rer. W. Smitlison ; Sussex Vale, Kevs. Wvn. Allen, Wto. Alcorn ; ^^tiiwich, Rar. J. Burns : Uphain, Rev. Henry Holland. 3rd, Thb Tbvbo iTRiCT.-^AeT. John Maclmirray, Ghairmnn ; ReT. R. A. Temple. Financial betary. 4th, Pbinck fiDirA,ao (slaro DiSTBiCT.-^&«r. Ingrahaai SutcliflTe, [airman ; Henry Pope, Jt;, Financial Secretary. . Sih, Ths Fbvdk&igtow Pia- ItOT.— Bey. Richard Knipht, D.' l)., Co-Delegate, Chairman } Sier. John Princch, Uncial Secratarr. Fredericton, KeTs. John Brewster, George J?utcher ; Shef- lii, Rer. Richard Knight, D. D. ; Woodstock, Revs. John Prince, Robert Was- h, T. W. Smith ; Andorer, Rer. J. Read ; Nashwaak, Rev. W. C. Brown ; betown and Burton, Revs. Uezekiah McKeown, David B. Scott; Mtramirhi, It. William Smith ; Bathurf.:, Rev. Wfsley C Heals ; Dalhousie, to be supplied. ), Ths SaCktillk Districi. — ReT. Thomas A. Davies, Chairman; Rev. Wil- McCarly. Financial i^ecretary j Sackville, Rcva. J. B.. Narraway, A. M., ^pheii Utimphrey, A. B. Mount Allison Institution, Principal of Mule Branch, jimphrey Pickard, D. D., do. Female do., John Allison, A. B.; Point de Hule, |v8 I'homas K^ Davius, Douglas (jfhapman ; Moncton and Coverdnle, Revs; liiliam Temple, Isaac Thurlow .; Hopewoll, iZev. James Buckley ; Uichibueto, Ir. Duncan D. Currie; Amherst, Rev. Wiliiaip McCarty ; Parrshorough, R«t» jVVodiliill. 7th, Thk Asx 4poli8 District.— Rev. James Tweedy, Chairman ; Iv. James Taylor^ Finahrial Secretary. Hth, Thb NbwfouNdt.and Distetct^ [t, Uenry Daniel, Cltttirman.} R«t. John S. Peacbi Finaocial Secretary ; Rev" )oina« Angwin. .ii,ii. : j5^ .m^ro.i'^ .t<^ «m'// . . BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. IWmtbrn AsBociATioif. —James Tozer, William Harris, Gideon Estabrookv, , monds ; Thoitias W. XaunAers, Prince William ; Samuel Hohinsnn, I. B. Rill, 1 iward N. Harris, Saint John ; James Walker, Stephen March, Saint George ;' D. Thompson, Saint Andrews ; John Magee, Nashwaak ; H. P. Bigby, Ares- l)k ; James M. Tupper, Queensbury; W. L. Hopkins, Pennfield; W. D. Fitch, kgetown ; Thomas Todd, JaeksontoWii ; K. Webb^ Nerepii; Bdwin MMnnis, I Clay, Carleton ; Juhii Davis, P. K Island ; George Seely, J. G. Harvey, Wood- belt ; Isaiah Wallace, Miramichi J W. S. How,ei)ipman; H. P. Guilford,, Fre- Jiicton ; G. R. Campbell, HAwnrd Settlement ; Thomas Lockey, New Jeriisa- \n ; W. A. Troop, Springfield ; A. H. Esrey, Mnine ; D. Outhouse, Reckagufmie. ]Liee»xeii to Preack.—W, Gremiev, R. Wells, W. Annis, A. H. Munroe, Jamea kildriip, .\lexander listabrooks, Benjamin Jewiit, G. ^ Day,T. B. Davis, D.C. lilwell, lleinamin Hiipheii. The following lahour in connection with both As- ria)ions:— Klders Bleakney, D. Crandal, and Josiah Wallace. Aev. Pete r |tii|>ht. French Mib»iooary. Eastkrw ABfociATioH.— Jamea Blakney, Gondola Point; Joi- lua Bunting, (0. John ; Samuel Bancroft. Jamea H(>rritt, Merritt [pith. Butternut lliclge ; George Burn?, Upham ; David Crandall, fet«r Sprague, Caleb Sprague, James Trimble, VV. A. Troop, (pringfield ; D. V.Crandal, Elgin; Nathaniel Cleveland, W. A. p«lem?in, Levi If. AfaraKall, Horvey ; Patrick DwfTy, J./T. /fughca niisboro' ; i*eter Knight, Dorchester; David McKeeUt Sackville ; \ .WcPhnil, fiuctouche; Alexander .Vutch, Wamplon; Jamea Jowcomho, Moncton ; William rulcifer, Alma; JaLies L. Reed, fope\v«U J. C. Skinner, Cainbriiige ; J. A. Smith,' St, ^lartlns ; 'itus Stone, vSuaaex ; Charles Thorn, Johnston ; Jamea Wallace, I'ovtjrdole ; Tavid Lawaon, Point DeHiWe. Lutnsedto PrBock.-^ ohn Searn, Salomon Smith, Richard G. Barton, William L. Prince, f I V, ?'■ pi 47 mi Hez^kt^Ii Httrris, 'fanning StarHt, Judson Blakney, Benjar I Hughes, David Bleakncy, James Irving and fV. A. Cory. Jar filakney, Isaiah HTallace and JPavid C7randal> Jt/issionaries. kEFORiyfED PRESBYTERIAN dIURCH OF IRflLANDj Rev. Alexander MXeod Stavely, Saint John ; South Stream, m| Stream and Black River, vacant. ' auo i . . ■' ' ^ .1 .. \ ' ■ • . ■ . ■. 'I J . • CJONGR^IGATIOlijAL CHURCHE^.-T-5wnt John, Eev. A Thornton; Sheiiieid and Grand Lake, Rev. Wi Wilson ; Cardigj and Keswick Ridge, R«v. Georg,e Stirjini; MilUown,— ^— ,^- St. ptepiiepB, ,— — '.■:■■.,. •- •,.;},.fcv»;i ,n..i.'»it ♦f>jT'( .TuMttMSs i: DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, OR CHRISTIANS.— Saint Joh W.F. Hugfi^f, IX :;(,!<;•!/ '-ofMl«, Job ; S. Saunders, S. 'L.'ISlley, Frederick A. Wiggins, t>(j., H. Rowyj I Smith', Ijsq:, Coloftel .^ohn Robinr)on. Treasiirer, William J. Bedci i Esquire. Secretary. Rev. William Q,. ketchiuu^ Auditors. \V. n IScovil, and Georgo D. Robinson, Enquires. Loan Committee, Fr^ |d«riclc;Ai. Wtggiub, VViHiam Wright, aftd William Jack, Esquires. ' Secfetary to the Executive Committee,; Rev. William Q, Ketchuia I •'•.-.■; '■ '■''> ;ui}ia: .*L,^ ,.t^\.}>^^.\ 48 i Promncial I^oai^d of Edncation, under the Art%\ Vkt. e, Oi—Thi"^ Lieutenant Governor or Adniiuistrator of tbj^ Government for tl ; i time being, t|ie Ej^eculive Council, and the Chief Superintendent! J 1 ^.qhopls.—llenry, Fisher, Esq., Chiet' Superinseijdent of SchooNil i George 'phonips«n^.'Ci«rk .—Edmund H." Duval, Inspector for, m t; Conntiei^ of ititigs, Atl^ert and Westmorland ; John CauopbelL Iiil ; spector for Sai^it John, Charlotte and' Qn'epf^'s Cpm>tv; Jamos McJ I Lauchlan, Ir»spectpr for YorkvStinbury, ttarleton ind 'Victoria ; Jobpl > Bennet, Inspeetu|r for Northumberland, Ibkcnt, (^ioucostef and Ki'stij .gnuHhe. • ' ' • ..■ «wu ??T!^ irn3Sr^^Tz!SH53K^^ CjNIVKRSITY of KING'S COLLEGK-I'-RBnuRicTow. Patron, the (liue^n ; Visitor on Uor Majesty's behalf, the Lieiite- ! mint Governor. Chaucellor, the ChiefJuitice. President^ fhe Lord Bishop. Council— the Chancellor, Pr»sideti|, Master of the Rolls- i Spieaker of the Assembly, Secretary of the Province, Attorney Ge- neral. Honorable William Black, LL. D., Honorably John Montgom- 1 ery, Honorable Amos E. Botsfurd, Honorable William B. Kinnear, i ^Honorable Robert, Leonard Hazen, Honorable Judge Wilraot, and 1 Dr. J. Toldcrvy. Convocation — the Chancellor, President, profes- j.^ors, and all persons admitted Masters of Arts, or to any Degree in ! Divinity, Law or Medicine. ' i . jji College: Principal— -The Rev. Edwin Jacob, D. D. ; Professors |i — Classical Li teraturi^^ History, Moral Philosophy and Divinity— Rev. |! Dr. Jacob; Mathematijcs and Natural Philosophy — William Brydeti Jack, Av-M. : Cliemi-stry and Natural History— -James Robb,M, D. ; i Modern Langiagen, M. D'Avray. ^^;"V, /' " ^''; j CoLLBOfATE ScHooL. — Head Master, George Roberts, Esquire ; j Classical and Mathematical Masters. George Robert, and Charles ; Coster, A. M. ; French Master, the Professor of Modern Languages m King's College; lilnglish and Writing Master, W. Rodgers. r, Esquire, A. B. ; Librarian, ! ! Register. \n \p 'Ariufe MApKAS School. — The Governor and Trustees of theMadriis Schoolf in JS( em, BrunstDick : — The Lieutenant Governor; the Loid Bishop of the Diocese; the Members of Her Majesty's Council; the Judge of the Admiralty ; the Speaker of the House of As- cembly; the Mayor and Recorder of Saint John ; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church, Saint John ; together vyith the Rev. W^lli?im Donald, Frederick A. Wiggins, W. Wright, Esqrs., and Rev. V^ , Scovil. *-£ , hiv. jp William M. Wright.' Esq., tlerk, W. Wright, Esq.» Treasm trer. o't •.*A $. i'-'M %i i V * NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Elder I. E. Bill, President; Elders David Crandall and Jame^ A. Smith, and Honorable William B. Kinnear, Vice Presidents ; Elder Charles Spurden, Secretary; Elder Charles S()urden, Principal; Klder Charles Spurdett; Messrs. H- P. Guilford, J. O. Watson, J. T. Smith, C. L. Hart, and W. Estey, Committee. ■■ynlK* /im. ■tit 0^ i 1 * //:.'« : ^^^-i^MtiiJ X ..u'^iif.^^ ■ ■ BANKS. Bank of New Brunavnck St. John. Capital, £150,000. Presi- ^lent, James D. Lewin, Esqujre ; Directors: L. H. DeVeber, James % Lewin, Thomas E. MilUdge, L L. Bedell, T., W. Daniel, Wil- liaYn Wright, Frederick A. Vvlgffjns, ThrmasGtlbert and Edward .^ears, Esqiiires. Cashier, Richard WhiteBide, Esquire ; Slicitor, John M. RobinBon, Esquire. 1 Commeroial J^ank of New Brunswick, St. John, Incorporated by Royal Charter. CapitalX 150,000, W,i(h power to increase to £300,pOp. ■J i It !i i;i8; ^ggHjHHHUgg^ tw^ m i[«t^»*v. .»--. ^4 4i»* ^M ~f ■•*»***"*MW<« •ll*. ♦»*»'■--.*■». "I i"^^34''VV4 • I President: — William Parks, Esquire; Directors: — Mark Dole, John Duncan, Hon. Robert L Hazen, William Jack, George L. Lo- vett, €harles Merrht, D. J. M*Lan]?hlin, William Park**, A. iVIcL- Seely, George Carvill, John M. Walker, Solomon Hersey, and Jbh. Vernon, Equires. Cashier, Geo. P. Sancton, I^Miuire; ." olicitor, Hon. Robert L. Hazen. Commercial Branch Bank, Newcasfte^ Miramichi. Committee of Management: Richard Hutchinson, Esq., Cashier, T. C. Allen. Esq. Commercial Bank Agency at Woodstock. Ag/ent, . Esquire; Cashier, James Grover, Esquire. Central Bank of New Brunsioick. Capital, £:?5,000, wjlh power to increase to £50,000 President^ George Botsford, Esquire ; Cashier. Samuel W. Babbit, Esquire ; Solicitor, George J. Dibblee, Esquire. Central Bank Agency, at Woodstock. Agont, E. jC. Winslow. Esq. i Central Bank Agency, Chatham — Agent, GeoVije Korr. I'squiru. I Cashier, W. M. S. Evans, Esquire. I Charlotte County Bank. Capital £l."i,000. President, J. W. Stnjot I Cashier, C. W. Wardlaw, Esquire. j Saint Stephen's Bank. Capital, £"25,000 President, William I Todd, Esquire; Cashier, Robert Watson, Esquire. I Bankof British North America. (Established in l^oudon.) Capital j £1,000,000 sterling, with power lo increase the capital. Manager i of the Branch at St. John, Tiiomas Christan, Esq. Accountant. r Henry Jack, Esquire. Local Directors at Saiut John: Hon. I John Robertson, and J. V. 'J'hurgar, Esquires. Gray «& Kaye, I Solicitors. *iMt.ft^^ ^ ' { Westmorland Bank of JSeit) Brunswick, President O. Jones. Esquire ; Cashier, J. Johnston, Esquire. MARINE HOSPITAL. For the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen, (in Saint John.) John Ward, Robert W. Crookshank, John Wisharl, Wm. J^eavitt, T. M. Smith, John M'Grath, Thomas Vaiighn, Charles M'Lauchlnn, and Willlan Doherty, Esquires, Commissioners; Charles Ward, Es- quire, Secretary; The Bank of New Brunswick, Treasurer; LeBuroti Botsford, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Provincial Lunatic Asylum. — [At Saint John.] John Ward, William Olive, Esquires, Hon. L. A. Wilmot, John Simpson, Robert F. Hazen, Peter Besnard, John Duncan, and John R. Parlelow, Es- quires, Commssioners; Chas. Ward, Esquire Secretary ; Rev. Wm. Scovil, Chaplain ; J. Waddell, M. D., Superintendent; R. Graham, Supervisor, Book and Store Keeper. Provincial Penitbntiary. — [At Saint John.] Commissioners. John Ward, Chairman, Hon. Robert L. Hazen ; Chas. C. Stewjut John Owens, William O. Smith, William H. Scpvil.John M. Robin- 1 son, and John Doherty, Hfiquires: S. D^ Rerton, Sec'y. and Treasurer, j Board ofHtvlthfor the Cily of Saint John and Pariak i^f Portland.-^Wm Ray ard, i M. D., (Chairman,) Mr. John Ansley, Seeretarf, CoMMissioHSRs OP 8bw|biiagi aro Wat^r 8upri.r.—John fc^ean, (Cbairnian,) John M. Walker, and John Owens Superitit^ndent of Works : Gilbsrt Mnniock. i;l EMIGRANT DEPARTMENT. •Robert Shiveti; E»qiilre, Goveriirhent Emigration Esquire, Acting Emigration Officer at Saint St. JoHrr Officer; — Andrews. The Deputy Treasurers atthn Other Ports of the Pro- vince act as Emiffration* Officer's. *'' ■iV**.!"'^ ^- ,i.'t»i/'^ ,«.ir.*.w,' ^^gyj^g ^^P AGENTS. /ames VV. Woihaupter, Esquire, French Vice Consular Agent at Miramichi; ^c..*»!! . . »< W. B. S. Muore» Esquire, United States Consul General for the British Colonies ; V!M4tiwWlttUii4ter, Esquire, United States Consul .at the Port of Saint John and dependencies ; United States Con- sulur jigtnts — Thomas Jones Esquire, Saint Andrews ; Francis ilibbard, St. George ; James Porter, St. Stephens; William J. Frazer, Esquire, IMiramichi ; Charles S. Theal, Enquire, Shediac ; Andrew Barharie, Esquire, Dalhonsic. ' Edward Allison, Esquire, Portuguese Consul General for New Brunswick, I l.Uif| A. C. O. Trentowaky« Esquire, Prussian Consul in New Bruns- wick, --u-''^' • -^^^«.-.-: .-.n..^,-<."'/ .,^»:^. • . ' >.r ■7. .1h'\ ■'■\ i COUJ^SELLORS AJSTD JlTTORJflES PR.^CTISIJfO tJ^ THE PROVJJ^CE. Fredtricton. — Hon. J ohn A. Street, Daniel L Robinson, Wi lliam End, George J. Dibblee, William Hazen Needham, Ge«. F. U. I Minchin, Charles Fisher, Geoige Botsford, Francis A. U Straton, John C. Allen, George N. Segee, James P. Wetmore, James F. ' Berton, Edward H. Wilmot, Edward W. Miller, Bernard C. Friel. I Henlry B. Robinson, John J. Fraaer, John L* Marsh, Jr., James i Taylor, and John Kirby, Esquires. 1 SamtJoAw.— Hon. William B. Kipnear, Robert F. Hazen, Wil- liam Wright, Peter Stubs, Horatio Nelson H Lugrn, John. M. Ro- binson, Moses H. Perley, Hon. Robert L. Huzen, John W. Wel- don, James W.vBoyd, Wm. Jack, Duncan Robertson, David S. ! Kerr, Hon. John H. Gray, James W. Peters, Robertson Bayard, Wm. R. M. Burtis, Edw. B. Peters, Chas. Duff, James J. Kaye, Andrew R. Wetmore, George F, Rouse, William M. Howe, Chas. Ooherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, B. Boyd Kinnear, John G. Camp- bell, Charles A. Hartt, Richard Sands Armstrong, Charles Watters. i George Blatch. Ward Chipman Drury,W. H. Halheway, Henry\V. Friih, Wm. Hutchinson, Benjamin L. Peters, Charles W. Stock- I ton, Geo. G. Gilbert, jr., John Simonds, Samuel R. Thomson, Fred C. Frith, Robert B. Street, Benjamin G. Gray, Lewis J. Almon, IChdrles W. Woldon, Alexander Ballentine, Hurii Peters, Wil- 1 liam P. Dole, Thomas T. Hanford, W. H. Tuck, Wm. ^, Street, IWm. Wedderburn, Charles Simonds, Jr., A. W. Savary, James R. MacShane, Chas. A. Harding, Chirles ft% Skinper and G. Sid- jpey Smith, Esqrs. Saint w«nrfrcw5.— Samuel H. Whitlock, Jan. W. Chandfer, Rich- liird M. Andrews, Goorg© Dixon SlrOet, Wellington Hatch and Alexander Thompson Paul, Esquires. dfiiiiMiiMiiiSiiii^^ 1 l!^ r^ .) I'-.j, i£ i f N-. i mem riMMMmdMM Miramkhi. — Thomtts H.Pfeiers, Georg;e Rerr, Rdward VVilliston, John M. Jplin^^^'n, Al)iin, A. Davidsop, Samuel Thomson, William Wilkinson, and Jam^ai Fifuier, Esquires /JflMTcAwier.— Hon. Ed^^fd 0. Cl^andler (Q,ueen'a Counsel^) T. Is. Sayre, Uobert K. Gilbert, A. L. Palmer, AlbervJi.:i;$miib,lo»«t>h L. Moore, and Joseph B. Peck, Esquires. -U.T •. Saekville. — Christophet Milncr, Junior, taud Charles E. Knapp, lEsquireSr i , . ' . ' Bend of Petitcodiae. — Bliss Botsford, Jas. Steadruan, and Edw. B* iChandler, Junior, Esquires^ . ,'\ , m .' Bap Verte, — Thomns 0. Chapman, Esquire. vjD « unoUt' > lUili HopewelL—t^* G. MQrse^ M. B. Palmer, and T< B. Moore, Esqs. Bathursft-rr-'V, DesBrisaj, and D.- G. Maclauchlat, Esquires. Dalhousif, — Andrew Barherio, Esquire. CV»m/»6cW^ic«.-^Chipman.Botsford, and Jns. S. Morse, Esquires. St. Stephens. — Stephen R. Hitchiugs, T, B. Abbott, Gecx. Thorn - jiton, JafU^s G. Stevens, Qtorge S, Grimmer, and George Frederick Hill, Esquires. Ij^ichibueto, — James A.^Janies,, Robert Hutchinson, Th9mas W. Bliss, Charles J. Sayre, aad William M. Wright, Esquires. Saint George. — Wm. B. Chandler, and W. Cameron, Esquires. JM Gagetoton, — T. R. Wetmore, SamuelH. Gilbert, and James R. Curry, Esquires. Kingston, — Edward B..Snihb, Ewquire. i- ■. "'••- *'-^;)^.>!vri Hampton. — George Ottj, tuad Morval Hallett, Esquires. «-^ *)^ i^ Susstx Vale* — Theophiius^D; M'Elmen,. Esquire. > * . w i Woodstock, — A. K. Smedes Wetraore, A. Nelson Garden. Bavid Lewi9 D^blee, Lewis Petfer Fisher, George Conhell, Edwin J. iJacoby A.M., and John C.Wipslow, Esquires. ^ Grand Falls.— V^m. T. Wilmot, Andrew W. Rainsftjrd, and \v\ iM. Mac^auchlan, Esquires. ,^^^i .liumliiV .Moll^,>i\^Aiv^c Oropiocto.--George. J.B isg, Esquire, ^^,^^^ ,.^^.,^| .jiUnV; u Burton, — WilliamJ. Gilbert, Esquire. i - TTg^^ r^^ I U!L-.Li-ii1 i . .iJ •S"-?" .;•' ■■iV.i. a 'ii I h PROVINCIAL MILITIA. j I j . fcjtu i > r^vifoH . I ' % ? j »u : s 'f A l*T . ■ ' f * »'»^ ' ' ^^^ ** ^^ • 5^ w ' Hi* fexiiiflehcy Hon. Joii!y»ii>»'#. CommissariiU Department -—Saint John, E. J. McMahon, A«uil, Deputy Assistant Commissuriat General; Smith, Clerk. ' MUUarp Store Department. — Saint John, W. H. Tapp, Esquire, As- sistant Military Storekeeper; Mr. Hiiyghue, First Clerk; James Emerson, Storehoiisemau; Frederick Harrison, Armourer; Wiiiiam Smith, Office Keeper. Barrack Department. -"Snint John, VV. H. Tapp, Esquire, Assistant Military Storkeeper and Barack Master; James Sage, Barrack Ser- geant. Fredericton. George Priestley, Esquire, Barrack Master; John Edwards. Barrack Sergeant. Saint Andrews, A. White, ^Bar- rack Sergeapt. Royal Engineer Department —Snint John, Captain Freeth, Com- manaant; Edward Lloyd, Clerk; Mr. Grant, Clerk of Works. Medical Department. — Saint John, Staff- Assistant Surgeon W. R« Stewart. Fredencton, StafToAssistant Surgeon Street, M. D. Board of Respectine Oj^ccrs.— Saint John, Capt. Freeth, R. E. ; W. H. Tnpp, Ei/f|tiire, Military Storekeeper ; Capt. F. Carey, R. A. I OFFICERS OF COUPS SERVING IN THE PROVINCE. Ropal Artillery.— Sdini John, Copt. F. Carey, Lieut. R» B. Web- ster. 02nd Regiment, rredericton.—Liettt. Colonel Daubeny, C. B., Commandant; Capt. £. H. Hunter, Lieut. W.R. Scott, Lieut. Kerr, Lieut. Sawyer, Town Adjutant. ^ 62itd Regiment, Saint John.-^Captv Graham Hay, Lieut. A. F- Walih, Ensign B. Beer«. I I ■ i i;,i 't. i I' : 1^ H ! Differences ix Soils.— Soil is the rafjth irherein crops of every i kind are produced. The component parts are argill, sand, water, i and air. Argill is tlie soft i\nd unctitt^a part of clay Argill and mud contain each, in nearly equal* ^dis^edp, the lOod of plants. There are different kinds of soil, vrhich may be divided into four ' claHses, namely : clay, sand, gravel, and what is termed peat earth. There is, however, another kind of soil called gardoi mould, but I as it is mainly of artificial creation, it can hardly be ranked with \ natural or original soils. Loam, too, has been considered by some \ as an original earth, but in reality it is un artificial soil, produced by calcareous matters, and animal and vegetable manures. In process of time the strongest clay may be converted into a loam, 1 by repeated applicjltion of the substances just mentioned. Sandy I soils may also be convel-tcd into light loams by the application Of i lime, chalk, marl and clay. And even peat may be turned into a 1 black, soft loam, and rendered fertile and productive. ,.^.... I A clay soil dif&rs from all other soils, ajid is tough, wet and ' cold, and requires a good deal of labour to render it fit for bearing : artificial crops of corn or grass. When once wetted it does not soon dry, and when thoroughly dry it is not easily wetted. When I it is ploughed in a wet state it sticlcs to the plough like mortar, ' and in a dry summer the clods can scarcely be broken or separated : by the heaviest roller. Sandy soils are managed with much less trouble, alid at an ex- I pense greatly inferior to what clay soils lequire; but the crops ji which are i^roduced from them are generally of eraaller value. 1: There are several varieties of sandy soils, and in some artificial \\ plants will not thrive, unless a portion of good earth is previously j ; mixed. A true sandy loam resting upon a sound subsoil, is called j the most valuable of all soils upon which all kinds of grain may I be raised with advantage, and no soil is better adapted for turnips or grass. Sandy soils thoroughly invigorated with cloy and mail, by judicious management, may be made to produce the krgest crops. («ravelly soils freely imbibe moisture, and part with it with great facility. From the lightness of their uxture, they are nei- ther expensive nor difiicult in the moans of cultivation. They are usually barren, but by frequent applications of tianure, and j by frequent returns of graj-s, they may be made fertile and prolific. j Deep ploughing i« essentially necessary, so that the surface soil " may be augmented, and greater room given to the gi'owth of the plants cultivated on them. If shallow ploughed, it is either j burned up in a rlny or two of drought, or equally injured by an , excessive fall of rain. , i^oat earth, probably, is ah artifieiol ^oil, made and produced ; by certain sul^itancea deported upon tho surface of the earth. - Vh ilosophers, however, disagree on th iw point, ily one it is called ^ pwmitive earth ; by another, a vegetable which grows and in- ; creases, und contijr.ies to increase until it dcetroys all other 6oil* ; ~.-Sr,-:ii,r-r"-~.~rr~ I. I ttitimiMimiii jvery 1 t 1 'ater, ( and 1 ants. 1 four ' arth. i ♦ but; with: 1 1 some 1 luced 1 . Ini loam, ! ?andy 1 ion Of i into a : 1 t and \ 'ariiig ' js not When ; or tar, : arated \ 1 Hi ex- ; n crops ; 1 value. \ tificial ; iously ; called i 1 n may I uruips : I marl, ! largest 1- 1 t with i fe nei- They , •e, and j rolific. i ce Boil 1 I of the either j 1 by an 1 [KlUC«d i earth. | ^ called j nd in- i ■ r ioiU ; 1 _ 1 •i and b> a third, that it consists of ligneous and aquatic plants. It has been said that one-fourth of the habitable globe is peat, or moss earth, and it is, perhaps, surprising that so little is Known on a Subject of so mtich importance. This soil is friendly to the growth of oats, if previously it has been summer-fallowed and enriched with * manurfe. A heavy crop of wheat, if the season is favourable, may also be obtained. A« to the uses to which soils may be most advaiiYaijcously ap- plied, it is requisite that clay soil be kept rich and full of manure, which qualifies it for carrying crops of wheat, oats, beans, and clovfcr. Usually, clay soils require great industry and cure, and a thorough knowledge in the dressing, to keep them in a proper condition. No soil is so ungrateful as this one, if allowed to get into a sterile condition ; but if manure is profusely appropriated, with an occasional summer-fallowing, it will yield the heaviest and most abundant crops. Upon light soils the ca«re is somewhat different. The facility with which they arc cultivated, furnishes encouragement to keep them under the plough. Grasses flourish the best, and summer- fallow is rarely required. The best method perhaps, of procuring wheat, 19 to sow upon a clover stubble, w;hich gives an artificial solidity to the soil, and is thereby rendered Cjipable of sustaining this grain until it arrives at maturity. r w ; - Soap Suds. — Save th6 suds from the sink and the laundry. If you do not want it for purposes of irrigation, let it be conveyed to manure heaps, or mixed with materials of compost. No arti- cle of a l(iquid nature possesses more powerful alimentary proper- ties, and its economizing will be found a source of considerable profit to any one v/ho will properly use it. It contains the food of plants in a state of solution, and therefore is prepared to act at once, and with eujer^y. By mixing it with sods, chip manure, muck, refuse straw, green vegetable matter, or, indeed, any kind of decomposed rubbish, and allowing the whole to ferment slowly, a most excellent fertilizer for Indian corn may be prepared, and one that will bring forward the crop with greatet vigor than al- most any other article that can bo named. It is also very valuable as a manure for cukailerous vegetablea— melons, squas'hes, cucum- bers, &c. CuRiKO Clover Hay. — As the time of cutting and curing clover hay is near at hand, 1 have felt it my duty to write a few lines describing the true manner of curing Clover hay. To begin with, never cock your hay until it is dry enough to i»o into the stack or barn. If the grass ever heats or sweats in cock or stack, it must necessarily bo dusty and damaged. And for myself, I had as leave it would sweat and burn in the mow as in the cock. Clover hay is always cut when it is green and full Oi juice, and of all the grassps, needs the niost careful curing. 1 think there has been ten tons of hay spoiled for the fear of rain, to one of actual rain. Cut your clover and let it alone until one side is cured thoroughly by the sun, and then turn it oyer and ^uumamaum ->-^-»»»«-.-^^«= iB-»M^tr««wr-.-iiPH. Iw : i! 1 IIW 11 f'^viV ■r;H let that dry, and then gather it up as soon as possible and secure it in the stack or barn. In the first place, it is not half the labor that attends the cocking system ; it is not h^lf the work to lake dry hay as it is wet grass, because it is not more than half' as heavy But some are foolish enough to say that the sun will burn your clover all up, and that the best part, the leaves, will all be lost. In regard to the first objection, it is not true. Clover when dry is light, and particularly so when cock or mow burned. The truth is that before the following spring it must be dry or rotten, and the man tliat flatters himself, that because he draws into his barn twenty tons of hay and ten tons of water, that he has got thirty tons of hay, is deceived. And in regard to the se- ! cond objection, the loss of leaves is comparatively nothing, as what few do fall off upon the ground will not hurt tlie ground at all; at least those that believe in plowing in clover will agree to it. But, says the objector, what are you going to do in a catchy or rainy time ? All you have to do, is to let your grass lay in the swath until it does dry ; but in case there is danger of moulding, turn it over ; but it will stand rain a great M'hile without mould - i ing, for there is not quantity enough together to give chance for heating and destruction. And for leaching the hay to injure it, that is all humbug. 1 have had grass lay in the swath two weeks, 1 1 and yet made good hay, but I had to turn the grass over occasion- ally. In conclusion 1 say to all new besrinners, to tjy it on a small scale at first, and they will become satisfied ; but I have little hope of convincing anybody against their will. «• Make hay while the sunshines." To Prevent Sows kilung theie Picw. — A correspondent of the Maine Farmer, speaks of several cases of sows destroying their pigs, which, indeed, is not unusual, and commends as an easy and sure prevention " to give the sow about half a pint of ffood rum, Gt gin, which Foon produces intoxication, and the drunken mother becomes entirely harmless toward her young, and willll ever aceommodate her position to the best advantage of the pigs," retaining this disposition ever afterwards. The editor confirms this statement from cases within his own knowledge. Colic in Hoeses. — Colic in horses is s very common diwase, and if t^ken in time may be easily cured in most case^. It is not unfrequently confounded with inflammation of the bowels, but is easily distinguished as follows : — Colic lias no increase of t,h8 pulse, which is not over fiity a minute ; the animal often rolls ; i the disease intermits, and there is but little fev«r. With inflam- mation of the bowels there is much fever ; the pulse is sometiraps a hundred a minute^ the attack is gradual, and the disease doet) n»t intermit. j Whwi colic arises from bad Ibod, a pint or bo of a solution oft saleratuA will often afford entire relief. As it assumes more of a I spasmodic character, peppermint and ginger may be aidded. We;! have used with entire* and immediate success, a small spoonful of! saleratus, the same quantity of ginger, and a tea-spoonful of pep-j permiut, added to a pint of nearly hot water, and given from a: ^ junk bottle. Powdered charcoal is one of the best and safest me- diums for any disease resulting from derangement of the digestion, and two or three ounces or more mixed with water, may be given at any time with great advantage. Inflammation of the bowels is generally increased and rendered fatal by irritating medicines. A drink of slippery elm, hourly, to allay irritation, giving the animal but little food, and that weak gruel, and keeping him quiet, is good and safe treatment. MiLKiNo Young Cows.— It is said that young cows, the first year they give milk, may be made, with careful milking and good keeping, to give milk, almost any length of time deemed desirable ; but that if they are allowed to dry up early in the fall, they will, if they have a calf at the same season, dry up at the same time each succeeding year, and nothing but extra feed will prevent it, and that but for a short time. The t*R0PEKTiE8 OP A. Good Horsb. — A good horse sheuld have fifteen properties and conditions, viz. : three of a man, three of a woman, three of a fox, three of a hare, and three of an as«. Of a man, bold, proud and hardy; of a woman, fair-breasted, quick hearing and easy to move ; of a fox, a fair tail, short ears and a good trot ; of a hair, a clear eye, a dry head and a well formed body ; of an ass, a big chin, a flat leg and a good hoof. Remahka-blb Works op Huxak LABOR.--Nineveh was 15 miles long, 8 wide, and 40 miles round, with a wall 100 feet high, \ and thick enough for three chariots abreast. Babylon was 50 I miles within the walls, which were 76 feet thick and 100 high, | within 100 brazen gates. The temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was | 4*^0 feet to the support of the roof. It was a hundred years in j building. The largest of the Pyramids was 481 feet high, andj 653 on the sides ; its base covers eleven acres. The stones are j about 60 feet in length, and the layers are 208. It employed | 330,000 men in building. The labyrinth in Egypt presents ruins i 27 miles round, and 100 gates. Carthage was 29 miles round. | Athens was 25 miles, and contained 320 thousand citizens and | too slaves. The temple of Delphus was so rich in donations that | it was plundered of £12,500,000, and Nero carried away from it \ 200 statues. The walls of Kome were 13 miles round. j Evening Hours for Mechanics. — What have evening hours ; done for Mechanics who had only ten hours toil ? Hearken to i the following facts :— One of the best editors the Westminster Revicic ever had, and ono of the most brilliant writers of the passing hour wa«j a cooper in Aberdeen. One of the editors of the liondon Daily Jyurnal was a baker in EJgin ; perhaps the be^t reporter of the liOndon Times was a weaver in Edinburgh ; the editor of the Witness was a stone mason. Dne of the ablest mi- nisters in London was a blacksmith in Dundee ; and another was a watch-maker in Bauft*. The late Dr. Milne of China, was a herd-boy in Rhine. The principal of the Loudon Missionary |i i ■I I - tl nm Society's College at Hong Kong, was a saddler in Ilnntley ; and j one of the best raissionarieg that, ever went to India was a tailor \ from Keith. The leading machinist on the London and Birming- j ham railway ; with a salary of £700 a year, was a mechanic in j Glaspow ; and perhaps the very richest iron founder in England \ was a working man in Morap. Sir James Clark, Her Majesty's physician, was a druggist in Bauff. Joseph Hnmc waa a sailor first, and then a labourer at the mortar and pestle in Montrose ; | Mr. McGregor, the member of Parliament from Glasgow, was a j poor boy in Rosshire. Jt^nies Wilson, the member from West- j bury, was a plou2:hman in Haddington, and Arthur Anderson, the ; member from Orkney, earned his bread by thti sweat dl his brow ' : in the Ultima Thule. ' ,,. ,;i j • .■ • ..,••.. . ..ij ,iv f I UrrEii Stokier of the Pkoi'essiox.'—A young man is said to j i have inquired of DanioJ Webster whether there was any room ; I for him in the legal profession. His answer was, that there is ; ; room enough for thousands in the upper stories of all the prqfes- i I sions. To a casual observer, the professions all seem to be full ; ! they seem, indeed, to be crowded to excess with young aspirants, i I The reason is because we look only at the lower stories of the • i professions ; the more exalted and intellectual portion of them do | ' not come under our notice. When a man, therefore, tells us that \ I there is abundance of room for more lawyers, preachers, and doc- ' tors, we are ready to pasait as hyperbole. We find it hard to ! ' bring our mind to believe that a single individual can elbow his \ 1 way through the hungry crowd that throngs eyery professional j '< business within our acquaintance. Yet it is doubtless true that , the higher grades of mental culture^ e-xist nowhere in too great i i profusion. Whether we mako chir inquiries amon^ the pro- 1 1 fessibns, the sciences or the literature of our country, tve^hall find | i a paucity rather than a surplus of finished talent. Is there any j ' danger of* scientific acuem being goon at a discount from a want | i of subjects of further investigation ? Could not a few more ac- j I complished jurists and diplwnatists find employment fel in the ' various department^ of Government ? Gould not a physician of i 8U«pferior attainments 'find employment almost any where without i infringingon the rights of others in the same bus'iness as himself? i Indeed, there is no erapioyiiient known to civilized society; where j the occupants of the most talented and accomplislied circles would \ have any occasion to disturb one another's equanimity in conse- I quence of a ^lo^en^js of contact. The fact is, the best, the most talented, the upper stories of all ; the employments are not overrun. There i« room enough for all ' the young jaeopje now in our pchcols. The world i*i asking for a \ lofty but practirf^al talent, for noble, generous-hearted patriotism, i and for reeolut^, uniiir.ching moral endowments. Tho«e ^H>«se8- 1 sing thoftc quaiitiei canijot fail to find ample opport^niliea ei Onr of the finest «poci possessed of an estimable character. To be corrected for accidental fault* with the same severity as | if they were those of intention. The child who does ill when he j meant to do well, merits pity, not upbraiding. The disappoint- | ment to the young projector, attendant on the disastrous failure ! of any little enterprise, is of itself a sufficient punishment, even ! were the result brought about by carelessness. To add more is i as cruel as it is hurtful. To be made to feel that they we?e only burdens. Parents who give a child to understand that he is burdensome to them, need not be surprised should they one day be given to understand that they are burdensome to him. They should bear with childhood, i ** Show me how a yonng ma%i^p«nds his evenings," said a wise and good mwchant, ♦' and I will i^ll you at once his future pros- pects." ',"•; ! OoREiCT Spiakiko.— We adviM« 4U yo^ng people to acquire, i' in early life, th« habit of using god language, both in speaking ' and writing, and to abandon, as eafly wpoisiblt, any use of slang III; V " I • ■l : f" wards aud phrases. The longer they live, the more difficult the acijuisition of such language will be ; and if the golden age of youth, the proper season fur the acquisition of language, be past in its abuse, the unfortunaite victim of neglected education is very probably doomed to talk slang for life. Money is not neces- sary to procure this education. Every man has it in his power, lie lias merely to use the language which he reads, instead of the slang which he hears ; to form his taste from the best speakers and poets of the country ; to treasure up choice phrases in his memory, and to habituate himself to their use — avoiding, at the same time, that pedantic precision and bombast, which show ra- ther the weakness of a vain ambition than the polish of an educa- ted mind. r-' «« HOW BEAUTIFUL IS EARTH." Oh God ! how beautiful is earth, ^ In sunlight or in shade. Her forests with their waving arch, Her flowers that gem the glade. Her hillocks white with fleecy flocks, Her fields with grain that glow; Her sparkling rivers, deep and broad. That through the valley flow. Her crested waves that clash the shore, And lift their anthem loud, Her mountains with their solemn brows. That woo t*}ie yielding cloud. Oh God ! how beautiful is life That thou dost lend us here, With tinted hopes that line the cloud, And joys that gem the tear. Wifch cradle-hymns of mothers young, And tread of youthful feet, That scarce in their elastic boUnd, Bow down the grass -flowers sweet. With brightness round the pilgrim's stafiE^ Who at thf pet of tun. Beholds the golden gates thrown wide, And all the work well done. But if this earth, which changes mar. This life, to death that leads, Are made so beautifully by Him From whom all good proceeds. How glorious must that region be, W here all the pure atud blest. From chance, %nd fear, and sorrow fVee, Attain eternal rett. ■w ',.? 0''f^' mm§ Thb Amount op Food Cox3Umbd by a Majc DuRiica Hia ' liiPBTiMB. — M. Alexis Soyer, the celebrated professor of the gas- : tronomic art, entered into a calculation, which he published in the London Times, as to t>^e amount of flesh, fowl and fish eaten |; \ by a man in ah average lifetime, and among the items we find the ) following enormous quantities : — 30 oxen, 200 slieep, 100 calves, ' 200 lambs, 50 pijgs ; in poultry, 1,200 fowls, 300 turkeys, 160 [ I geese, 400 ducklings, 263 pidgeons ; 1,400 partridges, pheasants ? and grouse, 600 woodcock and snipe, 600 Wild pidgeons and teal; '( 45C> plovers ; ruffs, and reeves ; 80O quails, ortolan and dotterills, \ and a few guillemots and other foreign birds ; also 500 hares and j rabbits, 40 deer, 120 guinea fowl, 10 peacocks, and 360 wild fowl. | In the way offish, 120 turbot, 140 salmon, 120 cod, 260 trout, ; 400 mackerel, 300 whitings, 800 soles and slips, 400 flounders, 400 red mullet, 200 eels, 150 haddock, 400 herrings, and 5,000 > I I smelts; and some hundred thousands of those delicious silvery ^^ j whitebait, besides a few hundred species of fresh water fishes.' Ilnshelfish, 20 turtle, 30,000 oysters, 1,500 lobsters or crabs, I 300,000 pra\^ns, shrimps, sardines, and anchovies. Don't Fret. — It is unamiable. A frettin* man or woman is one of the most unloveable objects in the world. A wasp is a comfortable housemate in comparison ; it only stings when dis- ' turbed. But an habitual fretter buzzes if he don't sting, with or I without provocation. »* It is better to dwell in the corner of a I housetop thau with a brawling woman and in a wide house." It ' is useless ; it sets no broken bones, stops no leaks, gathers uo spilt r jimilk, repairs no broken glass, cures no spoiled hay, and changes no east winds. It affects nobody but the fretter himself. Chil- dren or servants cease to respect the authority or obey the com- mands of a complaining, worrisome, exacting parent or master. They know that ** barking dogs don't bite," and fretters don't strike, and they conduct themselves accordingly. Experience. — Experience keeps a dear school : but fooh will i learn in no other, and scarce in that ; for it is true, we may give I advice, but we cannot give conduct. However, they that will not j be counselled, cannot be helped, and if you will not hear reason, \ I she will surely rap your knuckles. i A Writer of much merit says, that with a wife a husband's' j faults should be sacred. A woruau ibrpots what is due to herself when she condescends to that refuge of weakness, a female con- fidant. A wife's bosom should be the tomb of her husband's failings, and his character far more valuable,* in her estimation, than his life ; and vice versa. Hair Splittiko. — ** I am willing to split hairs with my oppo- nent all day if he insists on it," said a very distinguished lawyer iu a speech at the bar. •♦Split that then," said the opponent, pulling a coarse specimen from his own hend and extending it. ♦♦ May it please the court, I did'nt say bristk i." A Traveller annof.noes that lie once beheld pi'ople •* mindin?? their own bwsinesH !" This happened at sea— the pftssengers being loo sick to attend to each others' conecrnt. P .* 1' i i III SHEaiDAK said, beautifully, '• Women govern ub ; let ua render Ihem perfect ; the, more they are enlightened, so much more shall we be. On the caltivation of their minds depends the wisdom of: men." TiiB tomb-stone of n sweet girl, blind from her birth, bears this inscription: "There is no night there." The tomb of a child 'i of three years has inscribed upon it—" VVeInt in the morning." \s old revolutioqer says, that of all the solemn hours he ever s saw, that ocpupied in going l^orae one night from the widow Bern's, j ^Itcr being told by her daughter Sally, that he •* need'nt come again," was the most solemn. A CONCEITED fellow, on introducing his friend into company, ,\ said, " Gentlemen, I assure you he is not so great a fool as he see ins." The gentleman immediately replied : *» That is exactly the difference between my friend and myself." '" ' A Me^jbeb of the Lazy Society was complained of for running. His defence was that lie was going down ill, and that it was more labour to walk thau run. Complaint dismissed with ex- pfeuses. Says ^Irs. Partiiigton, " When a woman has once married with a congealing heart, and one that beats responsible to her own, bhe will never want to enter the luaritiiue state again." ' The Latest Atkocity. — Why is a gardener like a proud fiir. I mer ? Ans, — IJecaitse he is a haughty cultnrist. ] Which are the laziest fish in the sea ? Oysters, because they 1 are always found in beds. i ' ' ! Why is a starched head dress like a ship on beam-ends ? It is I Why is a ship's freight like a locomotive ? Because it makes jthe car go. I When do soldiers roeemblc the Sinapia nigra f When they are Why does a farmer, by planting his land, place it out of his' ,' hands ? Because he cedes it. ' Why does the fanner, without domestic animals, resemble an insolvent trader ? He fails for want of stock. \ How TO Cook Clams. — Take one do?en clams — open, pnviiig, juice and ineat — drop the meat line. Take six fg^s, mixing tht, white and the yelks ; then mix the clams ( juict* uud meat) with the eggs, and cook over a flow Jlrc, ftirring coustantly till the mivt^rp has the ^onsUteucy of ttilf crcay*. 'i'aktj V^J' ?-iid serve— 4 dish lit fur a king. To Ji'umiii^vu CtoTWT'.a.— As clothes, when laia up for a time, acquire an uupleaftunt odonj", whi^h requires considerable expo- sure tp the RtuK^ph^riii ftir, it ^ill bo prcv^i^tfd by laying re- C^utlr mfidf! (}l\&.c<3Qal b«t>rccii the folds of th« f!;iirmentA; and even when the odour U^ X^k^n pitftcf, tU« «hAf«K5^l will uUorb it. : ■_■ : ■ ■ - - --..---.„. ^1 i I if' o ^ I U « < fie.' .4«. *K I ^ O 1 w®£ •J Sm o •I '] w ft? ^l!'l N Pi a o ® i-i tr « S? S'^ 5 '^ •• *- 14 b « P^'.-'-gSils^? -2 S's'^'s o B 4* V «1 2 5*; -25^1^.5 "aw -23 U 01 O O l^So^i "-S a:^ 5 g| S B g g ^i;.2f i S5 ^'^^.5^2 S Sill •» ^ oo«oac-«-oao^c>a>voab^oao^ox^ox^oao^oao ^^ •^ 1^ ^n "^ ^^ ^-. -1^ 9^ "^ r^ ^» ^i* fmi 99 o CO ^ m -^ 1^ o oo o o iCJC««c*ei««rtfo«co'«»'^-f-T'-c«oo»nnr:' r^ n -f •^ •^ •* ■ '•«5 ^- r-» 1-^ —^ •^ -^^^^^ ^^t-^^^ ^M«r^»^ l-^fH^t.^ PW*-^ oeoooo — — — ---- — c»e»«wc»«p:r>wc3r:c^n'«r^»"'^^ t ?J B520 •» ^ •o i<^ f ooGooooooocooosoooeccoooosoeoo 3 O O O C 0> 'Cie»r»(?»«a«rjMn«r!««i"^i»^ 9jQ^^C^OO(X(<0«rC«OOal>(CTra4CCX«C)VO«CC!viL/£VC<0 1-^ ^^ ^* »« ^^ »^ —< »^ ^* •^ ^^ ^^ ^i* l»^ — • -^ ^-^ ^M OTH »a^ ^^ O 00 V O l (H ^ r- o |. ■» oo o o oo o " H r-«-^^ .-..-• — oj (?) CT o« ?) 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'K r.-n r- -t, «' '** u« ^ 'ii*-.** v'^ >*/ w' 1^ tii *ip I ^- {■*■■ *1 .' ;s ' SAINT JOHN, N. B." •, aentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS. Particular attention paid to i^« CUSTOM WORK. Hrtrclasli at It^bUons ail J. '».'•<",• I LEATHER AND SHOE FINDING STORE, No. 56 South Side King Street, Saint John, N. B, -,..-■ . i. ," r . ON SALE AT This ESt-ABUSIIMENT, ALL filNftS OF OLE AND UFFERLEATHEE, All kinds of Patent Leather and Doeskins for Tender Feet, Nail8 orttl kitids, Patent Scr6#c, {Steel Tacks, i^liank La.stcrs, Awls «rnd Patent do., hhoe Brusbei, Peg Brakes, Varnish, tvhKes nnd ITook Bills, Edge Blacking, Pincers and Nippers, Size Sticks, l{«»blic»ns and Slav Tape, liamtncrs, assorted, IJecl Ball, ALL KINDS OF THE BEST QUALITY OF SHOE TilEEADS, .' LASTS, BOOT TREES, CRAMPS, STEEL TOES, &G., &C. Ij:;^' All ui'ders attended t0 with piinctuality and despatch. X]] Sole Leather, N«at'8 LeathiT, ^^ Kips and Calfskins, Morrcrcos and Kids, Bindings and Linings^, Hurdash and Silk, A. ARCHIBALD ROWAiy, •■ -f' i r,S*.- *'i ^ .^* ■■*?« ;»» Si't'fsnrrtll .c^. •■- TIN PLATE WORKEE, It WATER STREET, SAINT JOHN, N. B 1 ■'1 ! ^1 f' ll as Fittings, Clopp^r Zinc, Tin- Ware, &c. 3 ! ■ 1 ■ ' i w PEARCE'S PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1 Ritchie^s Brick Building, PRINCESS STREET, SAINT JOHN, N. B., F WHERE MAY BE FOUND THE BEST OF WATER CLOSETS, FORGE AND OTHER FUfflPS, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, BRASS AND SILVER PLATED COCKS, WARM, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS. WASH BASINS, BATH BOILERS, ACQUEDUCTS, HTDRAITTS, And every descripiion of K k is' mmm For Pablic Buildings, Hotels and Private RcsideDce? K. B.— OrdcTC exceuted m Town or Country in th« most nf- proved or tliorougb manner. F. TTlGOiyS, Esq., W. H. ADAMS, Eftfj., W l)AVlI>iiOH, Ikq., Mwarg. »MALL & CKQSB^ n ;nt, I. B., OF iii " ■ IPS, ad, ICKS, ER8, TS, ideBte? mOKt af' iHOSB'V JAMES > CHl^AF 2S North Side Ming Street, Saint John, N. K., -^ i -OIMPORTER AND DEAT^ER INO- •j : t J fr\ r. RUBBERS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Children's Berlin Boots, Bootees, Boolakins»GaitcK *( » GAUNTLETS, BOAS. &C. Will have constantly on hand; a large assortment of t9ISLIilf» a^itl!@A^ » ■^ AND; DOMESTIC MANUFACTURED -- '« 'e%«%'^ (5j WHICH WILL BE SOLD WBOs;i£!SA.&i: and hbtaxzi, AT THE SMALLEST REMUNERATING PRICMS, : };»!» i li' , i : f-^ 14 OWARD HOUSE, Mo. 17 King Street. JW,""* 4'vi, ^■ %i.iiu 'iHi .ti'iii'^iiii WW Wm ''«! 'la '« ?^ -^OIMPORTER AND DEALER INC.^^ WEST OP ENGLAND BROAD CLOTHS, IE SHIIG GOOBS, OF ALL KINDS, HATS AND CAPS, ALSO, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF 1<0' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, /I. INDIA RUBBER GOODS, TrunkSj Valises, and Carpet Bags. , t?" Particular attention paid to the Custora department. Having engaged the services of an experienced SHIRT CUT- TER, he is prepared to make all kinds of Shikts to order. Agent for the London and New York Fashions, which wi-ll be idonapnlicalion. ustinb: 'B ' OIMPORTER OFCZx^ DRY GOODS, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT 0? GREY, WHITE, STRIPED, AND PRINTED COTTONS, COTTON WARPS, TICKING, TOWELLING, LINEN, Osnaburgs, Blankets, Horse Rugs, hemp" AND WOOL CARPETING, ( i DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, ^^ MOLESKINS, SATINETTS, RUSSEL CORDS, C0BUR6S, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOS, LAMAS, Challie and l.ucknovv Checks, Gala and Wool Plaids, Black and Colored SILKS ; Cashmere, Wool, and Paisley SHAWLS; UMBRELLAk^^ PARASOLS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Polkas, Berlin Hoods, Gauntlets, FURS. Also, a general assort- ment of Fancy Goods and Small Wares. The above Goods will be sold at extremely low prices for Cash. ., ,f,. - j1 Liberal Discount to Wholesale Dealers. ■\ i 14 41 H ■ 4:/ i . . . 1 COSCBOTE & CO no. 75 PRZ2)?CX3 WZZ.LZA2XC STRBET, SAINT JOHN, N. B., IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOCKS, WATCHES, . JEWELLERY AND WATCH MATERIALS. ALSO : DAGUERREOTYPE AND AMBROTYPE STOCK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Portmonies, of every description ; Razors, Combs, Hrusiies, llubbcr Goods and Toys ; Leltcr and Nole Paper ; Plain and Fancy Envelopes ; Tablets, Dlank and Copy Books ; Steel Pens, Holders, Letter Stamps Faber*s Pencils, Slate and Wood do.; Mason's Black- 'u)gf Court Plasters ; Fancy Wax, Glass, Coral, and Steel Beads ; Ivory and Quill Tootb Picks ; Accor- deons, FliiteSjA^iolins, Guitars and Banjoes ;' V'iolin Bows, Strings, Bridges, &c. ; Laugbing Dolls and Crying Babies, Fancy Baskets, Reticules, Spy and Pocket Glasses, Silver Plated and Steel Spectacles, Plated and Silver Spoons, Butter Knives; Wood, Work, and Fancy Glass Boxes, Fancy Soaps and Sbaving Cream, Suspenders and Elastics, Pins, Nee- dles, and Knitting Pins, Hooks and Eyes, TIdmbles and Hair Pins, Agate, Gilt and Fancy Buttons, Per- cussion Caps, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Fancy Pipes and Cigar Cases, Tweezers, Key Rings, Toy BelL-i, German Harps and Harmonious, Cork Screws, Ra- zor Strops, 'I'ack and Nail Hammers, Tin and Pewter Toys, Men's, Boys' and Jjadies' Belts. In sbort any article to be found in jf Fancy Goods Establisliinent, oltlier on band or supplied at tbe sbort est notice, as we sell at Wholesale, (to tbe Trade only.) t3r We hope by ptrict attention, aided by the superior facilitie* whioh wo posseas, to merit and receiyo a share of your patronoge. ♦♦♦Ordera rwpectfttily solicited and promptly attended to Fri u i et- ■Dm Pr 1 .f'i J xxapoRTSR or meneaii u ;;;,. ,..,i,,i_.«" ..-.^Y^, A P (Ta JUL .<*- 1 f- (js- -If -Au3SriD (■ .* r- ri !•; liU^'^'H M6. 104 f\ i^i/ mfM^ 'ihM.} t J I PrmceWm. Street 5 * i I. I W SABNT JOHN. N. B. fi JIh IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ 10 I.I b£|M 125 no ■^" m m ■ 2.2 u Hi £ ll£& 12.0 Aluu HI' IL25 ID 1.4 1.6 6" 0% I '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WnSTH.N.Y. MSIO (716)t72-4S03 I J. 1^ A. M'MILLAINr, BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS, p t' * ■ M' J. $t A. M'MILLAN, FRINGE WILLIAM STREET^*? \ ♦ 'I' ^ J* SAINT JOHN, N. B. iS' I .:i I I I! ^'. iV 4. .. •* J. tt A. MCMILLAN, •.*. BOOKBINDERS, , 78 Prince William Street, Saint John, N. B. J. & A. M'MILLAN continue to keep on hand at their Old Establishment, 78 Prince William Street, all the New Works of the day, with a full assort- ment of Papers of every description, and a general Stock of Stationery, which they will sell at th« i.t ft3r» Bookbinding and Printing executed in the neatest manner, and on the shortest notice. JAMES COLEMAN, •V0TIOIjEEA.liB .A.1^TID RBTA.IX* 9 :>AND DEALER INO^- STS, OILS. BUSS, VAiNISHES, PUTTY, 9 SOAPS, BRUSHES, a \ 1 % « 1 PATENT MEDZCZSfZSS, &C. * . ■ V T» •% ^ * ' r^ W Vi ^..ALSO •r\ CONFECTIONARY AND CIGARS GREAT VARIETY. 1^ CHERRY SYRUP. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. The above is Warranted to Cure any Cough or Cold, or the money will be refunded. JAMES COLEMAN. I ! M I i rifr lli,^ 79 k:i jsr a- STREET. 120 Prince William STREET. IMPORTERS AND RfANUFACTURERS OP '.I LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S FURS, afi 'Jk. Wholesale Importers of Staple and Faocy ,?j,f?T 'ii***??? ■ ■ ;R?Sr >"'- Cloths, Clothing, Hosiery and Gloves, GENERAL DEALERS IN SHIRTS, STOCKS, COLLARS, TIES, STK..A.-^77'"'T^GOOIDSV'Tr; ! TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET AND TRAVELLING BAGS, HAT CASES, CLOTH, TWEED, AND FANCY CAPS, .^<^ Rubber Goods^ Canadian Moccasins, Umbrelka, Braces, ■ t ■■ ■' ' .^ * *■ ■ ■ 'ir'J / AND: a . h Dog nglish Iiment N8. JOHN HASTINGS, No. 27 Prince William Street, IMPORTER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF AND AMERICAN i .1 / Has constantly on hand a General Assortment of GOODS suitable for each Season. CONSISTING IN PART OF— Blankets, Flannels, Cloths, Doeskins, TTveeds, Carpets, Hearth Rugs, Drugget3,OilCloths, Prints, Grey & White Cottons, Strip'd & Fancy Shirtings, Wool, Cashmere and Paisley filled Shawls, Woollen and Gala Plaids, Cotton Warps, Printed DeLaines, Stays, Drills, Tickens, vi, jni.)^,. Ducks, Joans, Satinetts, Demins, ..„ Corset Jeans, Cotton Batting. Mantles, French Merinos, Col'd & Printed Coburgs, Lustres, plain and fancy ; Ribbons, Silk Velvets, Australian Crape and Pararaetta Cloths, Linens, !. ' Silk Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Lawns, " "' Table Cloths, Diapers and Towellings, Silks, in black and coloured, Satins, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces and Edgings, MUSLINS, WHALEBONE, Round and Square Skirt Cane, &q. Together with a General Assortment of SMALL WARES, all of which will be Sold At the Lowest Possible Prices, '9 ':« m ROADS AND fVom Saint John to frederieton by the J^'erepis Rnnd. ^liles. Lcwin'?, (Yorkshire tav.) 4 Watters', 10 Douglas Arms Inn, 4 Uurton'8, 8 Bradley'H, 5 Howell's, 2 Darby Giilan's. 7 Geary, (\Vm. Smith's,) 7 Oromocto, 7 Fredericton , 1 1 — 65 Oh the Kast Sidt of tht Riter. Torryburn, (Bunker's,) 7 Gondola Point, D Kingston, 4 Head of Bellisle, 14 Washademoac, 13 Jemseg Ferry, 6 Sheffield, (Tillcy's,) 13 Widow Parley's, 8 Predericton, 12—86 Less by the Nercpis Koad, 21 Saint John to Saint jUndreiet. Lakeiield, (Byrne's,) 9 Musquash, (Tilton's,) 6^ Clements', 6 M'Gowan's, 8 Pemifield, (M'Carl's,) 12 Magaguadavic, (Douglas',) 3^ Bocabec, (Mrs. Boyd's,) 10 Saint Andrews, 10 Total, 65 Saint John to Martinet Head. To Cody's, 11 Beatty'.s, 9 Quaco, 1 1 Melvin, or Fuller's Beach, Big Salmon Iliver, 3 Little ifalmon lUver, 6 Martin's Head, 4 Total, 49 Saint John to fihfpodi'. Frencli Village, (Dobou's,) 80 Drummond's, 1 2 M'Manus', 12 Dormau's, 12 Shepody Meeting House. 13 Total, 79 DISTANCES. Saint John ta Ualifazt (A*. S.) Torryburn, (Bunker's) 7 Wright's, ;> Hammond Kivcr Bridge, 4 Hanvpton Ferry, 7 Hay's. ii\\ Finger Board, (Baxter's) 4i| Roach e's, 10 Sheck's, 2 M'Monagle's, - 1 To Sussex Vale, 4« Portage, M'Leod's, 1 1 Steves', 13 Nixon's, 121 Bend, Lewis', 13 To Bend Petitcodiac, 94 Memramcook, (Charters',) 18 Dorchester, (Hickman's) 8 ' ' To Dorchester, 118 Sackvillo, 4 Tantramar, ft Amherst, ' * > ' 10 To Amherst, 137; To Power's, (Sprue Grove Inn,) Ml Purdy's, (\Yest Chester Inn,) 17 i Mrs. Fraser's, (Folly Vil- lage,) Truro, •*«. ^ , , Poiiok's, ;,v. Woodward's, ^^*^* Shultz's, Dartmouth, R To Ban 1 Bay du ! Black B i Chathai ; Chatham \ To Goo( i Crtrraut ! Forcin*! i Lee's, Court I 194; 16 16 14 A 12 18 Total to Halifax, 264 Bend of Petitcodiac to Riehibucto. ToShediac, (Smith's,) 13 j Lennans, 1 r Cocaignc Bridge, 8 ■ Little Buctouche, (Smith's,', 9 Big Buctouche, (Keswick's) 2 Harris', 7 Ilichibucto, 8 Total. 48 Little B Belledu Nash's Dalhou! Maple ( Campbt Bathurst To Bass Jane\ il New Bi Grand Caraqu Caraqu Pokem( Little '] Big Trj Tabusi Burnt Oak P( Chathn Newca llUL daily, i eschev marry RiekibuitQ U MiramiekL _ Milcf. To Hankin's, 12 Bay du Vin, (Dicken's.) 10 mack Ki ver, ,;M'Beath'8) 1 2 Chathum, 5 Total. 40 Chatham to BathmrH^ {Baf it ChMtur.) To Goodfellow'i, 6 Carrauthers', 1 1 Forein's, j . . 12^ Uoiirt IIouic, , 9 Total, 48 ' BathurH tt CambtlUon. Little Kock, (Rainey's,) 10^ Belledune, (Chalnier's,) 9Z, 13 20 27 JIfay 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 27 13|M15 2()!2122 •26 3 4 2223 2 9 1516 22:^24 10 17 24 3 10 17 June K 8 45 32 2^ 29130 5 12:13 19|20 2627 29 09- July 11 18 25 4 11112 I8UO 2526 J^UiT 12 J9 ^6 31 2 9 16 23 30 3^ 4 10; 11 Wif£ 24'85 31 I b 16 7 H 0Se;>< 2 >^ c H la O 3 4 lulii i7:itf 24 25 yi 1 8 14^16 2122 28129 5 H, -^ 1 8 15 2L, , 29 ^Q Oft. JVov 25:36 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 Id 20 27 3 10 1 24 31 • • 7 14 7 14 21 2829 B 1920|8J 2827!fi8 12113 119 20 |26 27|28i29 7 14 2122 fi 9 16 23 3U| 3 10 17 24 4 11 la 25 3 3 910 16117 23 24 30j31 6 7 I3;i4 30 21 27 28 15 21 22,33 28 29 30 lojlt 32!23 30 € 13 20 27 S 1(1 17 34 II1I2 1819 25 26 Die 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 6 13 30 27 9J10 16 23 30 4 11 18 252613' 19k0 17 24 1 8 7 14 31 28 4 11 18 25 9 9 m 7 1415 21 22|i3 ,28129130 1 8 15 ^2 29' 5 Ki! 19 2t 3 10 I ■24 31 IP 2 3 CO P9 O z lO ff^S ALEXANDEIA FLOUE 3 R STATE SUPERFINU ANi? FINE f LOUK, RYE FtOUR,COIIN MEAL, YELLOW CORN, Mess Porir, Groceries, Faints, Oils, &c. 1 >***j^SJ5«)i#.W.^ PORK, John, N. B. I on hand, i ^ CO jM ^ 6'B fin P "'ti en SB fU il^ i )UK, CORN, 1