IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // M ^ '^i^ v % A v.. 1.0 I.I ■- illM |30 ' li ^f - light. It is in youth tliat the moFt lasting impressions aie made, and great questions move us as they do not in liper years. It is then the character is forme-l, and the great foundation stones laid, upon which we buihl in after years. How important that the highest ideas should be placed be- fore us and the most ennobling subjects chiirn our attention during this period. We are of ten led to inqurre, since ail tliis is true of the young : How is it that such a multitude are not found clig^(3fe(l iu tlie highest service or dcNoting tliemselves to tlic most important and helpful exercises. So many turn away from the good and pure, that will ennoble and eleva.te iill their ( Jod given faculties and mingle with the vile and polluted until the fair nn.l beautiful thing c Jled youth, th;it the Creator has given each huaum being is Sf>iled and defiled. The} have not i\w- image of Christ upon them they are not united to liun by living I'aitl:. This is the rea- son they turn away fi'om the light and prefer to grope in the darkness. "Walking along the street one day my eye caught sit/ht of somethinf^ In'ii-ht abouc the size of a silver dollar, on drawii.g nearer it proved to bo only a piece of tin lyii»g in the surdight. Now tliat is just like many young people. They are bright and pleasant to look upon and attract the eye of all observers; but they lack the daiivp which makes them worth something, which enaljles them to do some good in the world. Once let them be iilled uith j-n interest in Christ's cause and tlie salvation of a lo>t world and he will stamp His image on their character and on their faces too, until they siiall become vahuible workers". Ic is the duty of all young- people to be iiifi'Tcsfed in missions. We should be interest- ed as christian young pe(jple because Chiist has given us His coujuiand. Ihs Irst partini;' comniand before He left this earth, "(^o ye into all the woTd and preich the gospel to every creature". The "go ye" means yon young people, every one of you, wluj have accepted Christ youisjlves. You are u ider solemn o])ligation to give this salvation to all within till re cli of your inliuence and prayers. f r Thh Mission Work needs you with all your strength time, tdciits and eiithasia-jin, the calls Wfi-e nevei- so loud and inipiritive as to-day, the needs were never so ap- parent or plainly set fortln Doors of golden opp'ortnnity in all lands stand widely open and bid yuu enter. 'riionsands of helpless, hopele:- ly appointed means for evangelizing the world, ) ut also ^"or sanctification of UoVs people. After conveision, t!ie chris- tian life depe::ds decidedly on doin;/, etl'ort on behalf of the salvation of is essential to spiritual development. How the hea't swells and the divine passion of love for the Lord and for the lost, surges through the soul as we se- the who^e worll for whom Christ di-d stretclied out Infore our eyes in its w^-etchedncss, destitution and. despair. We hear the soldnng wail of millions of dying immnrtaJs ciying "Con.o over and help us," shall we not have a miLdity re.])oi!se from a multitude of our young people, who iiave been savc.l them- sdves saying, "we come to the rescue in dcsus name we come. rhe leflex intlueuce of all mi.-,doM vvo:k is to greatly ■sfci.nuliite ;vu iiioreased spiritual life in the iiulividual thus actually engaged. My deai- young people, be assured. You need tliis work as much as this work needs you. We can- not be interested iu that a])0ut which we know nothing, so Ijere 1 would give some means by which this interest may be generated and developed. Kvery young people's .Society sho.ild have a. mis.slo^Hfnj li/,nfn/. The lirst book in that hl,rary shouhn)e the liible. Oh! clu-istian workers, what can so enthuse us witii the true spirit of missions ns a study of (4ods word and especially the lifeof ourLord Jesus Christ t!ie greatest of all missionaries and the Apostle Paul who with untiring z.^al and wonderful courage, told the glad new«» Gfsjalvation through Christ, from the palace to the prison .i'ust as anxious to l)e the meaiis of saving the Roman soldier to whom he was chained as Kuig Agrippa who was "ahnost persuaded" by his earnest entreaties. ^^ Here we have the brightest example of true missir^nary lives. From here the missionary soldier receives his com- mission and marching erders wifh full particulars h®w this battle agamat sin is to ))e carried on; The weapons we are to use, the Captain's name and cliaracter, tne promi-e cf victory if we are faithful unto death, the reward and crown when the ])attle is over. Oh that we may prize and study the l.ible more than any other book; but having done this there are other books that are a great help and which serve to levelope our interest and love for this mission work It isahnightv/hich we clin.b, tirst along the foot hills. \A e must not expect to reach the summit at a sino-h- bourd- but one is a.nply repaid f . r every step, as we" rise, new beauties and^wonders greet our vision. . » t..U.esofoth.„..ssi,!:hero;s'*M;:i:;:;^^^^^^^^^ If vn. wonhl bedeck the sacred walls of memory with emg n,ad. better and inspired with a desn-e to do L * to help bring this lost world to Chi ist. If you want your heart to leap with joy over the sublin.e opportunuy before you, the,, road The Mu-acle of .Missions ~ rheD.v.neK.terprizeofMi..ions. Tnenlthink the English L-,n,„age contains no moiv facinating readi,,. tluu, such boolter hath need of you'' Is there not in these hehls some la))or, That your hand or heart may (hi? 'iTea! to each of Clirist's true disc:i])le.s The commraiil is losiugly givv.n. (ro, bear it to e\ery creaiuie, This wonderful gift of Heaven.'' Price 2 Ce^ts.