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THOKOLD I'OST TKINT I ■i\ ■ - i, INSTRUCTIONS IN THE USE OF THOROLD CEMENT IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK. ALSO A FEW TESTIMONIALS FROM AMONG THE MANY RECEIVED I FROM OUR CUSTOMERS. Sndl ISOr EOITIOIV— 4,000. PUBLISHED BY AND PRESENTED WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN BATTLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE THOROLD CEMENT THOROLD, ONT. To the Public: In presenting our Pamphlet for your consideration, we commence by giving you a sketch of the history of the Thorold Cement, which will be found on the following page, and which we trust will prove of interest to our readers. Further on we give full and complete instruc- tions how to use Our Thorold Cement in nearly all kinds of work. wautioti : \ As it has come to our knowledge that other Cements have been sold as Thorold Cement, we call your attention to the fact that there is only one Thorold Cement, and that is made at Thorold, Ont., by us. All our barrels and bags are marked " Battle's Thorold Cement." See that you get the genuine. I The Thorold Cemeiit Works The Thorold Cement Works were established in 1841 by John Brown. Mr. Brown, who had a contract on t'le Welland Canal, was unfortunately killed during its construction, when the Cement Works passed into the hands of Mr. John Battle. That gentleman died in 1891, since which time th'; business has been conducted by his sons under the title of the Estate of John Battle. The extensive quarries cover an extent of forty-four acres, and are situated on the east side of the new canal. A steam drill is kepi in operation the whole year round, con- venient tracks running from the quarries to the kilns, where the burning is done ; and then the burnt stone is loaded in wagons and brought to the mill, situated on the old canal, where it is manufactured. The Thorold Cement has more than a provincial reputation. Almost its first introduc- tion was its in the Victoria Tubular Bridge at Montreal. It was also used exclusively in the building of the old Welland canal, and also in the new Welland Canal, and was used in the Sault Ste. Marie canal, of which W. G. Thompson, Esq., was engineer in charge, and Messrs, Hugh Ryan & Co. were the contractors. It was also extensively used in the construction of the great St. Clair tunnel between Port Huron and Sarnia, of which Joseph Hobson, Esq., ot the Crand Trunk Railway, was chiet engineer, and Mr. William (iibson, M. P., was contractor. The fact of this Cement having been used in such impc.-tant works as the foregoing is sufficient evidence of its reliability. Forty hands altogether are employed. The mill is a three-story frame structure, fitted up with all the latest appliances necessary for carrying on the busines.s, and is 1 50 x 50 feet in extent, with ample storage room for 5,000 barrels. The following tests of Thorold Cement are the highest tests of any Cements that have ever come under our notice— with the exception of Portland Cements : Tests of Thorold Ckment made by P. A. Peterson, Esq., now Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway : Neat Ckment Blocks, i^ iNCHiis Square at Smallest Part I88I No. cf Dricquctte Time in Air Marcli 31 I 1 23 days (( 2 23 " (( 3 23 " It 4 23 " u 5 I " u 6 I " 47 days 47 days Tensile Strength 420 lbs. 470 •• 436 •' 420 ♦* 420 •* 450 " Tests of Thorold Cement made by the (iovernment during the construction of the Quebec (Graving Dock ; John E. Boyd, Esq., Engineer in charge : No. of We;Klitof ^^■■.°y Date of » <»o4 Sam pie, Cubic Foot , "';','=■ Im inersion Oct. 18 2 u 2 Oct. 20 2 <( 2 Oct. 2 1 2 <( 2 I uet te Date of I ''CiwS%T«"-le Strength 67 lbs. 1 i 7 Oct. 19 8 " 19 9 21 ; 10 21 1 1 1 22 i 12 22 1 1 Oct. 26 " 26 " 28 " 28 " 29 " 29 *7 1 450 lbs 440 350 335 310 400 How to Build Concrete Walls For Bank Barns and Basement Barns \VI TH THOROLl) CEMENT The foundation should he dug to the depth of 2 feet in clay soil, and I foot 8 inches in sandy soil. After the trench is dug, take stakes and drive in the ground 2 feet apart, so as to leave room for plank and wedge. Let your stakes come up high enough to tack a strip from each stake to kee{) them from spreading. Now fill in with concrete and stone or brick- bats, and be careful to have your concrete well rammed down. After the footing course is built to the height re(iuired, take out plank and stakes and grade your ground to level of wall. Now take a plank and lay on footing foundation just 16 inches apart, and take 2-in. x 4-in. scantling and place them upright, five feet 'apart and opposite to each other, and 3 inches back from face of plank, to allow for plank and wedge, the outside one plumb and the inside one 4-inch batter ; that will make the wall when completed 16 inches at bottom and I foot at top, and put wires frt n each upright at the bottom to keep them from spreading. After the wall is completed these wires may be cut off and left in wall. For small buildings, the wall can be made i foot at bottom and 10 inches at top, and will he a saving of material. These uprights should be well braced to each other at top to keep them from spreading, and a brace from top to slake in ground to keep them plumb. If the wall is to be built under the building, you can nail the uprights to sill, and do away with the braces, w-hich are a hindrance to the workmen ; and the wires at bottom will keep them from spreading, and do away with the old cumbersome way of braces and stakes. Foi the corners, take two plank 2 in. x 12 in., the height of wall, and nail them together and stand them upright for outside corner, flush with plank at bottom and well nailed to it ; and take a three-cornered strip and nail in angle so that when the wall is completed it will not leave a sharp corner. Now, for inside angle of wall take a plank and stand upright diagonally across the angle, and brace to outside plank ; these planks are stationary, and to be left up till wall is completed ; you can then raise your plank on each side of corner separately, and this is far handier than nailing the Plans for Walls— Barns and Silos [22 x^ spreading, so when the walls are built up to these strips before being driven off there should bs a wire put in the place of these and built in the wall. After the work is completed, these wires can be cut off and left in the wall. The door for the silr is usually made of matched inch stuff of two thicknesses with felt paper in between to make them air-tight. Plan of Wall for Silo Dotted line is Band Iron. 13 Elevation Plan of Silo ^ fe Pmi- C n F' l^ (n ^ +ft Poti- 16 •n 1C t 4«- ■"■— Dmv t «r% 1 Poor l<6 IT 1 4ff . ■■^^ _ ^ •••r « ^ •t ? « 4*V i 4t ■f ti It u U c Dttor !6 /^ 4t 1 ■ I's 1 1 JL " r— 1 r"" — Silo 26 ft. high X 15 ft. x 15 ft. Will hold frotti 115 to 125 tons of Eusilase. sm 11:! H! 14 To Build Horse Stable Floors WITH THOROLI) CEMENT Drive pins next to manger the height required ; then drive some pins at tail posts, about i ^^ or 2 in. lower than those at the manger (using a straight edge on these pins will give a proper grade to stalls). The pas- sage-way behind the horses should be two or three inches lower than stalls where]_^horses :>tand, with a slight grade from wall towards tail posts. The concrete is put in the same as cow stable floors. Thickness of floor should be 6 inches. Special to Farmers Owing to the large and constantly increasing demand for our Thorold Cement among the farming community, we have secured the services of Mr. Norval B. Hagar and Mr. Ward Hagar, who, in addition to being first-class builders and contractors in stone and brickwork and all kinds of masonwork — the former with an experience of 20 years and the latter of 12 years — are also practical farme.s, their farms being situated in the Township of Thorold near the Village of Allanbugh. We mention the abov^e simply to illustrate that they are quite iamiliar with the requirements of farmers in their farm buildings. We send these men, at our own expense, to give instructions and show how work should be done, to any of our patrons who may wish them to come and start their work. They have directed among others the doing of the following work, with the greatest of satisfaction to the several parties whose names are mentioned, and who will be pleased to testify to the same, and give information to any enquirers : Beswetherick Bros. — barn floors — Hagarsville, Ont. A. Mehlenbacher — barn floor — Kohler, Ont. Henry & Son — storehouse floor — Oshawa, Ont. Samuel Kennedy — barn floor — Uxbridge, Ont. Geo. Smith & Son — ^barn floors — (irimsby, Ont. W. F. Young — barn floors — Dunlop, Ont. Chas. E. Brown — basement wall for barn — Corinth, Ont. John McRae — floors and basement walls — Kintyre, Ont. William Paling — stable floors— Tyneside, Ont. Thomas Bell— stable floors — Glanford Station, Ont. Andrew Mit>.hell — stable floors— Canfield, Ont. Peter Zimmerman — stable floors — Jordan, Ont. 15 ors ome pins (using a The pas- wer than ail posts. > of floor Thorold iivices of to being kinds of latter of i in the familiar ind show theui to g work, mes are ind give How to Build Cisterns WITH THOROLD CEMENT Dig the ground out to a true circle and to the depth required. Then take lo or 12 in. plank, bevel their edges, and stand them on end, so as to leave 4 in. between plank and ground. Have the plank so as to have an inch space left between the last two plank you put in, so you ca i put inch blocks between them. Put a wire around the top and twist it up firm, which will hold the plank to their places. Now fill in with concrete to height of plank ; bring the wall up all around the cistern at the same time, so as to keep the plank plumb. After wall is built stand up four 2x4 pieces in cistern and lay some boards across, and fill in on these boards with earth in cone shape. Cover this earth with paper or old cloth to keep the concrete from mixing with the earth ; now fill in with concrete 6 in. thick. Put an eighteen-inch iron ring in the centre for a man-hole. After a day or so take out the earth, and by using a pinch-bar you can take out the inch blocks, which will loosen your plank. Then p-jt in the bottom 2 in. thick. By using some pure Cement like thin batter and a white-wash brush, you can fill in all small holes that are left in the wall. Be sure to get the cistern in ground below frost. PLAN FOR CISTERN How to Build Cellar Floors WITH THOROLD CEMENT Level off ground to proper grade ; have floor lower next the drain ; then lay down a 2 x 4 flat-ways about 2 ft. from wall ; fill in with concrete to level of scantling and ram the concrete well ; float it off with a wooden float or steel trowel. Then move back your 2x4 another 2 ft. and fill in the concrete again until cellar is completed. By using the 2x4 you can keep the floor true and level. ^ 1 6 Read the Following Testittiotiials from Some of the Many Farmers Who have used our Thorold Cement i;i •; I Kerwood, Ont., Dec. 22, 1896. To the Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dear Sirs : Having used your Thorold Cement in my concrete dwelling this last season, I found it a success, and most satisfactory in every particular, and equal to if not better than any Canadian Cement that I have ever used. I raised my planks 3 feet one day, part of it being a single plank. Would prefer the wall to any brick wall. Having run out of Thorold Cement, and not being able to wait until you could send me more, I used some other cement, and must say that the Thorold Cement gave me the best satisfaction. Joseph Harris, Kerwood, Township of Adelaide, Middlesex Co. Elgin Co., Ont., Oct, 26, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellency of your Thorold Cement for building purposes. I built concrete basement under my barn 36 X 55 X 8 feet high from bottom of foundation ; footing for foundation, 18 in. deep and 20 in. wide ; footing of concrete above foundation, 14 in. thick at bottom and 12 in. thick at top. I also built a wing to barn 15 feet wide, same length as barn, with corlcrete foundation 2 feet high. I have used 93 barrels of Cement and 46 loads of gravel. I mixed five parts gravel to i part Cement. The walls are hard and dry. I can strongly recommend your Thorold Cement to all farmers who want first- class basements for stabling. Yours truly, John McRae, Kintyre P. O. (Elgin Co.) '7 Some tit !, 1896. KiNTYKi:, Ont., Nov. 3, 1896. Estate of John Battle^ Thoroid, Ont. Dear Sirs : In reply to your letter in reference to my foundation built this spring of your Thorold Cement, I will say that I am well pleased with it in every respect. I would advise any person to use your Thorold Cement, as I consider it the cheapest and best Cement that has as yet been introduced in this part. I)OUC;.\l,[) CURKIK, F dney P. O. (Elgin Co.), Ont. ' concrete factory in iment that it being a wait until t say that delaide, sex Co. 1896. Thorold my barn indation, >n, 14 in. barn 15 high. I ixed five I can ant first- Wardsvii.ij:, Ont., Oct. 16, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Gkntlemkn : In reply to your entjuiry in reference to your Thorold Cement, I have to say : During the past season I laid in a foundation for drive-house, and later I used some under a stable. Up to the present time I am thoroughly pleased with it, and have not the least fear as to its future. Quite a number have used it in this vicinity for the first this season, and all I have spoken to are well satisfied with it, and purpose using it for various buildings in the coming year. It is my intention during the coming .season to put in floors under the cattle with your Thorold Cement, as I am persuaded that it is cleaner, always dry, more durable and much cheaper than any kind of wood or brick flooring I can use. I have never used any other kind of Cement, but a few here who have speak more highly of your Thorold Cement as being somewhat stronger, not needing to use quite so much cement to the gravel, and not inclined to crumble as some others do if not carefully used. Yours truly, E. G. Hacker. The undersigned have used your Thorold Cement as below stated, and are entirely satisfied with it : John McGregor — cellar and foundation — Wardsviih* I*. O. D. McLean — foundation to barn — Crevin P. O. A. Fisher — stable floors — Clahan P. O. Dugal ('ampbell — cellar, floors and foundations — Wardsville P. O. 1). Johnson — floors — Clahan P. O. E. G. Hacker — foundations to drive-house — ^Vardsville P. O. Wm. Fisher— i^oors -Clahan P. O. Co.) i8 Avon, Ont., April 15, 1896. Mr. H. ChatM^ers, Hardware Merchant^ Springfield^ Ont. Dear Sir : I received yours of loth, and in reply would say I have used the Battle Thorold Cement under my barn in 1891, and was well pleased with it. 1 would recommend it to any person. I ran out of tht Battle Thorold Cement and used other Cement to finish, hut I liked the Battle Thorold Cement best, as it would set so much quicker, and I believe make a better wall. I remain Yours, Angus McIntvre, Township of Dorchester, Middlesex Co. Wardsville p. O., Oct. 20, 1896. Estate of John Battle^ Thorold, Ont. Gentlemen : Agreeable to your request as concerning my experi- ence with your Thorolu Cement during the past season, I have to say I put in a cellar and foundation under my house with it, following your printed instructions, and used no expert labor. We had no difficulty in following instructions furnished with the Cement, and are very much pleased with the results, as it has proved to be a fine, strong wall. The cellar has hardened up and is dry. I believe the Thorold Cement will have an increasing demand here : it is so cheap compared with stone, brick or wood. I am so far so well pleased with it that the coming season I expect to use more of it in the way of stables, raising up my buildings, building under, and using cement walls and floors. Wishing you every success with your 'I'horold (dement, I remain, etc., John McGregor, Cherry Hill Farm, Township of Aldborough, Middlesex Co. •9 1896. I have was well »i. of tht liked the r, and I A Mainitioth Barn ex Co. , 1896. ny experi- to say I king your fficulty in pry much [all. The lent will me, brick season I luildings, lou every lorough, Co. On the back cover of this pamphlet is a photogravure of the mammoth barn and silo raised July 3rd, 1896, on the beautirul farm of Beswetherick Bros., adjoining the town of Hagersville, lot 14, con. 12, township of Walpole, Haldimand county, Ont. The dimensions of the barn are 60 x 120 feet. The basement is a substantial stone wall 26 inches thick and 11^ feet high, and required 1 20 cords of stone in its construction. The masonry was performed by Messrs. .\nderson & Idington of Hagarsville. In the basement is sufficient stabling for 25 horses and 40 cattle. The outside posts are 18 feet ; ine inside, or purline posts, 36 feet high ; and the total distance from the ground to the ridge of the roof is about 57 feet. In the centre of the building will be erected a silo 18 feet in diameter and 30 feet high.. The carpenter work was done by Mr. (ieorge Smith, Hagarsville. About 300 persons were present, and over 200 took part in the raising of this enormous structure. Beswetherick Bros, farm on modern principles — 200 acres of land — anc also engage extensively in the export of hor»jes to Liverpool and other British ports. Cement floors both for horses and cattle were put in this barn with Battle's Thorold Cement. Wia.LANn, Ont., April 24, 1896. Estate of John Battle^ Thorold, Ont. Dear Sirs : We have been contemplating building a very large cellar above ground, 100 x 125 feet. We shall use stone, and would like to know if you could furnish several hundred barrels of your Thorold Cement at short notice. As you are aware, we have purchased large quan- tities of you almost every year, and we find it gives every satisfaction — even in the walls of greenhouses, which is a good test of its quality. Yours truly, Morris, Stone & Wellington, Fonthill Nurseries. ••I ! II 30 NiAc.ARA Falls Soitth, Ont., April 27, 1896, Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dkar Sirs : in reply to your note of enquiry as to my experience in the use of your Thcrold Cement : Privately, I have had twenty years' experience. I have several large cisterns in connection with my wine cellar, built without stone or brick, simply plastered on ground, covered by Cement, arch twelve feet over top, on which I frequently drive my horses. They give me perfect satisfaction. Publicly, we have used your Thorold Cement in building arches and stone culverts throughout the townships ten years to my knowledge. The only Cement we buy now for such work is from the ** Thorold Hydraulic Cement Mills," which is the strongest proof I can give of public satisfaction. Wishing you the continued success you so richly merit for developing such a deserving enterprise in our midst, I remain Very truly yours, J. Harrison Pkw, Warden Co. of Welland. CiTLLODEN, Ont., April 28, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dkar Sirs : I purchased some of your Thorold Cement of Mr. H. Chambers, hardware merchant, of Springfield, for building cellar under brick house last summer, and it gave general satisfaction. Yours truly, R. Dillan, Culloden, Norfolk Co. Kohler, Ont., Dec. 7, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dear Sirs : My concrete floor is as hard as freestone, and I will recommend your Thorold Cement to any who may want to use Cement. Yours truly, A. Mehlenbacher, Kohler, Haldimand Co. at , 1896. experience :nty years' I my wine d, covered drive my jsed your ghout the ly now for ch is the JOHhAN, I,INC"()I,N Co., Nov. T9, 1896. /ts/n/e of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dkar Sirs: In reply to yours of the 19th inst. I beg to say that I had my stable floor put in my barn 50 x 52 in 1894 by your builder, H. W. Hagar. I used your Thorold Cement for same, and it has proved satisfactory in every way. I can recommend your ThoroKI Cement being of g()t)d fjunlity for such work. I remain yours, etc., 1'ktkr Zim.mkhman, fordan, Lincoln ("o. levcloping Velland. , 1896. )f Mr. H. lar under 3lk Co. , 1896. nd I will ; Cement. y\vi,MKK, Ont., May 5, 1896. //. ( haniliers, Ai^ent Bnttle's Thorold Cement, Springfield, Ont. Dkar Sir: I highly recommend Battle's Thorold Cement, as it makes a first-clnss foundation, does not crumble or crack, and stands the frost exceedingly well. Yours truly, JosKPH Harp, Aylmer, Elgin Co. Fknwick, J\n. I, 1897. Estote of John Battle, Tnorold, Ont. Dear Sirs : I beg leave to testify to the good quality of Thorold ('ement. Two years ago I put in a concrete floor in my hog pen 36 x 50 feet. I made the floor 3 in. thick. In using all the largo gravel I could it only took 18 bbls. of Cement. It is as hard as stone, and has never bro- ken up in any place after two years' trial. I think I have the best and cheapest floor in the neighborhood. I remain yours, etc., ¥. H. Stiktzinger. Importer and Breeder of Registered Poland China Hogs. ndCo. ill wmmm fm 22 Read the Following Testimotiials from Some Builders and Contractors who have used our Thorold Cement Fen WICK, Ont., Nov. 4, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Dear Sirs: I have used your Thorold Cement on all kinds of work, such as bank barns, silos, cisterns, pig-pens, cement floors, culverts, bridges, and for concrete structures, and it cannot be beaten. I must say I think it is the strongest Cement made in Canada if it has a fair trial. Wm. F. Haist, Fenwick, Ont. The following is a list of some of the farmers, and the work I have done for them and their P. O. addresses : Samuel Fry — bank barn 40 x 60 x 9 feet — -Jordan, Ont. Ira Sway/.e — bank barn 42 x 56 x 9 feet — St. Johns, Ont. Jacob Fretz — hog house 24 x 40 x 8 feet — Jordan Station, Ont. Dr. Birdsall — house cellar and floor — Fenwick, Ont. Morris, Sione & Wellington — reservoir 8x41 x 7 feet — Fonthill, Ont. Hrown Bros. — water tank 12 x 14 x 10 feet — North Pelham, Ont. I remain youis, W. F. Haist, Mason and Builder, Fenwick, Welland ('ounty. Whkatlev, Ont., Oct. 13, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. In the township of Ronuiey is a tunnel 1,100 feet long, and 4 feet 8 inches in diameter. It was built in 1890, and the Cement is as hard as stone. I was employed by the township to oversee the work. I have used the 'I'horold Cement in l)uilding barn basements, in concrete., and in mortar Tor laying stone and i)rick, culverts, stable floors, verandah floors. :!l . 23 1 Some rs lit 4, 1896. I kinds of s, culverts, must say - trial. k, Ont. k I have )nt. thill, Ont. Ont. -ounty. cisterns and bridge hutments, and in every form it gave the best of satisfaction. T have used other cement.s, but I consider the Thorold Cement superior to any of them. The tunnel goes through a gravel ridge, and is used for draining part of the township. Yours truly, L. P. Burns, xMason and Builder, Wheatley, Kent County. „ , , ^ , , „ DuNHOYNE, Ont., Oct. 28, 1896. Estate of John Battle, ^ Thorold, Ont, I herewith hand you a list of buildings and other works in our vicinity in which I have used your Thorold Cement, and it gave in every case the best of satisfaction : r^arn wall basement— Calvin Brown, Esq.— Brownsville. Foundation wall— E. B. Brown— Brownsville. House cellar wall—Taylor Sowler— Aylmer. Barn wall basement —'J aylor Sowler— Aylmer. Cellar wall— John Heffer— Mt. Salem. Silo wall— N. C. Brown— Dunboyne. Cellar wall and cistern— VVm. Smithson- Dunboyne. Stable floors— Geo. P. Brown — Dunboyne. This is to certify that I have used Cement made by the Estate of John Battle of Thorold with my mixing machine, and f;nd it in every way satisfactory. Oko. p. Brown, Practical Builder, Dunboyne. Patentee of " Wonder Mortar Mixer.'" 1896. 4 feet 8 hard as I have , and in ah floors. HAMir.TON, Ont., Oct. 22, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Gentlemen : I have used large (luantities of 'i'horold Cement on ditiorent kinds of work, and have always found it to work with perfect satisfaction. Erskine Smith, Contractor. mm 34 'Hi ToRONTOj Ont., Jan. 30, 1896- Estate of John Battle, Thoro/d, Ont. Gentlemkn : We used in the conslructian of the " Soo " Canal upwards of 20,000 barrels of Thorold Cement from the Battle Estate at Thorold, and we have no hesitation in saying that the Cemeat gave satis- faction in every particular. Yours truly, HutiH Ryan & Co.^ ("ontractors, Sault Ste. Marie CanaE 1 I i '1 1 1 'I ',, i St. Catharinks, Oct. 5, 1896.. Estaw 0/ John liattfe^ Mamifacturers of Hydraulic Cement^ Thorold, Ont. (Jentlemen : We have been using your 'ITioroId Cement constantly for twenty years, and it has always given good satisfaction. We would recommend it as a first-class Hydraulic Oment. We herewith Land you a list of buildings and other works in which your Thorold Cement has been used by us, giving in every case the best, of satisfiiction : High school building — Niagara Falls, Ont. South wing of Loretto Convent— Niagara Falls, Ont. St. Patrick's Church — Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. A. ]. Langmuir's residence — Niagara Falls, Ont. Niagara Falls Metal Works Co.'s Factoiies.— Niagara Falls^ Ont. McKinnon, Dash (!v: Hardware ('o.'s factories and wheel pits — St. Catharines, Ont. Willson Carbide Works — wheel pits and foundations — Merritton, Ont. Canadian Haircloth factory — foundations and buildings — St. Cathar- ines, Ont. Raceways and foundations for Welland Vale Mfg. Co. — St. Cathar- ines, Ont. Foundations and buildings for Ijiicoln Paper Co. — Merritton and St. Catharines, Ont. (Canadian Colored Cotton Mills — buildings and foundations — Mer- ritton, Ont. Newman Bros., Contractors and Builders, St. Catlvarinesy Ontario. 1,1' 1:1 . ^5 HiBsoN's QuARRiKs,, Ont., Nov. io, 1896 Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Gentlemkn : It gives me the greatest pleasure to testify to the good quahties of the Thorold Hydraulic Cement. During the past thirteen years I have bought it almost exclusively havmg used between 45,000 and 50,000 barrels in building the masonry of the St. Clair Tunnel at Sarnia and in Port Huron, as well as many bridges and culverts on the Grand Trunk R'y System, the Lake Erie & Detroit River R'y bridges and culverts, many county bridges, as weH as Section J of the VVelland Canal; and in each and every case it has met with the approval of the engineer in charge. Yours faithfully, Wm. CilB.SON, Contractor. HaxMilton, Ont., Oct. 3, 1895. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. Gentlemen : I have used your Thorold Cement for the past twenty- five years for floors and cellars, and during that time have invariably found it first-class in every way, not having had a single failure with it. John Hummel, Builder and Contractor. mmsi i!.i 26 Read the Following Testimonials from Some Prominent Dealers who have used and who sell our Thorold Cement TiLSONBUROH, OCT. 21, 1 896. Estate of John Battle^ Thorold, Out. I herewith hand you a list of buildings and other works in which your 'I'horold Cement has been used, givin;:> in every case the best of satisfaction : P'oundations and basement floors for flouring mill ; also walls for flume, 4 walls 24 ft. high, 5 ft. thick, holding 21 ft. depth of water perfectly tight, with two large iron pipes put through near the bottom connecting with the water-wheels ; a wall 1 20 ft. long, 24 ft. high, 4 ft. thick, to hold up the bank at the flouring mill. I also used it for foundation and wheel- pit walls and ba.sement floors for oatmeal mill, a building 125 ft. x 40 ft., 5 stories high ; also basement stone and floor for elevator storehouse, house 40 X 40, no ft. high, brick and stone basement; also for foundation walls of wheel pit and basement floor for pea and barley mill, 32 x 100 ft., 4 stories high. Also a wall for a mill-dam 12 ft. thick, 24 ft. high, 90 ft. long, with 26-foot head of water against it. Also for a building for power house for waterworks and tower, a stone and brick building 120 ft. high, 26 x 40 ft., three basenuiit stories 10 ft. each, and 8-foot wheel-pit below, that being built in a gully and banked up 40 feet on two sides of it, with a building adjoining 50 \ 70 ft., three stories high, stone and brick, foundation wall at one end 10 leet below the water level. I may say that the 12-foot thick wall for mill-dam was of concrete, filled in a timber crib with gravel and small stones, taking 1200 barrels of ('ement. Besides the above, I have used cement in a great many other build- ings — some of them very large — for foundations and Ixisement floors; 12 stores, 22 X 84 ; a lot of dwelling houses and barn basements and floors ; brick barn and cow stable, 75 x 125 ft., 36 ft. high, brick and stone base- ment 10 feet, with cement fl(jor whole size, with five silos 40 feet deep ; m lli;li 27 Some s orold I, 1896. which your le best of ) walls for er perfectly connecting ck, to hold and wheel- ft. X 40 ft., torehouse, foundation X 100 ft., igh, 90 ft. for power o ft. high, jit below, of it, with nd brick, concrete, barrels of ler huild- loors ; 1 2 id floors ; tone base- "eet deep ; stone and brick walls 2 feet thick, all plastered with Cement — some with Portland, some with Thorold and other Cements. I have used nearly ail of the different brands of cement sold in Canada, both Portland and water lime cement, having built a great many sidewalks, for which I used both English and German Portland cement and some Canadian Portland ; .)ut in water-lime cement I have used mostly the Thorold Cement made by your firm and predecessors. So you will see that I have had a good deal of experience in the use of cement, having probably used more than any other single man, for his own use, in Ontario. I forgot to say that I hav . useJ the watev-lime cement for building large stone culverts for water to pass throftgh under roadways in deep gulleys, under 16 feet of water and 40 feet of earth. And, besides, a great many other buildings and uses, more than I can enumerate. The greater part of my cement was bought from the late John Battle. Although I have had a good many car-loads from other firms, I think the Thorold Cement is the best for general purposes. Yours truly, E. D. TiLLSON, Til'sonburg, On^. Windsor, Oni., Oci. 12, 1896. Estate of John Battle^ Thorold, Out. Dkar Sir : We have handled your Thorold Cement for twenty years, and in all that time have never had a complaint about it. It has always given entire satisfaction. We herewith hand you a list of buildings and other works in which your I'horold Cement has been used in our vicinity, giving in every case the best of satisfaction : In all of Messrs. Walker (!!c Sons" buildings. AVindsor Post Office. I'he Hotel Dieu. Collegiate Institute. Home of the Friendless. Ouelette-ave. Sewer — the largest in the city. Mercer-street Sewer. Yours truly, Odette ^: Wherry, Windsor, Ont. I a8 ,. RiDGETOWN, Nov. 23, 1896. Estate of John battle, Thorold, Ont. Dear Sirs : We have sold several cars of your Thorold Cement, and our customers all speak of it in the highest terms. We used a large quantity of it in building the foundation of our large elevator, and after two years we find it in first-class condition. We have no hesitation in recommending it. We herewith hand you a list of buildings and other works in which your Thorold Cement has been used in our vicinity, giving in every case the best of satisfaction : Win. Hamil — Foundation under barn. David Kinsey — Foundation under house. J. Moisley — Foundation under house, j. ty years Battle's Thorold Cement, which is considered by all using it as superior to other Canadian and American cements. Over ten years ago we put in a large basement warehouse floor, facing river front, for freight, being ovi-r three thousand s(]uare feet, and it is as perfect now as can be. W. B. Clark, Customs House Wharf, Sarnia, Ont. 1' •1 I 30 MoNTRKAL, Oct. 22, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. I herewith hand you a list of buildings and other works in which your Thorold Cement has been Used in our viciiiity, giving in every case the best of satisfaction : Montreal Street Railway — Office Building. Bell Telephone Co. — Conduit work. General trade. Yours truly, Alex Bremnkr. Berlin, Ont., Oct. 21, 1896. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, On\ We hereby testify thr.t your Thorold Cement has been used in our vicinity, giving in every case the best of satisfaction. The Berlin (las Co. have used some three cars of your Cement this fall. All our local contractors used it from me also, and tliey seem well pleased with the same. Vours truly, R. BOEHMER, Berlin, Ont. Hi' il ill ill DuNNViLLE, Ont., April 17, 1897. Estate of John Battle, Thorold, Ont. (lENTLEMEN : I havc sold Battle's Thorold Cement for a number of years, and have always found it to give the very best satisfaction, and can highly recommend it. Yours lespectfuUy, James Rolston. 3' Read this Testimonial from The Reeve of Oakville X Brkmnkr. Oakvim.k, Jan. i6, 1897. Estate of John Battle, Manufacturers of Thorold Cement, Thorold, Out. Dear Sirs : '1 horold Cement was used in the construction of Aber- deen swing l)ridge, town of Oakville, and it has given perfect satisfaction. C. J. Marlatt, Reeve, Chairman of Bridge Committee 1894. S ROLSTON. Read this Testimonial from Beswetherick Bros. Hagersville HAdKRSVII.LE, JULV I, 1897. Estate of John Battle. Dear Sirs : Having used your 'I'horold Cement in our stable floors, which were put in last fall under the supervision of your Mr. Ward Hagar, we must say it has given us good satisfaction in every particular. Our floors are as hard as stone. We clean our stables by driving a team and wagon through the stable on the concrete behind our stock, and load the manure on the wagon. We can truly say it is just perfection for stable floors. Yours, Etc., Beswetherick Bros. 32 I !;-i iiii m\\ ■ Ill . ' ; I ! 'i, It \ ! i ii'!::' ' i ,! 1 : ■ I . I ! I How to Estimate on Work in which Thorold Cemetit is to be Used The following will give an idea of the quantities of material — Cement and gravel — required for concrete work for barn walls and floors : We select for example a barn 40 ft. x 60 ft., with walls 9)4 ft. high, including 20 in. x 20 in. footings. For the walls (14 in. at bottom, 12 in. at top), 22 cords gravel and 78^ bbls. of Cement will be required. For the floors (3 in. thick), 4 cords gravel and 36 bbls. Oment will be required. So, taking these figures for a basis, a fairly reliable estimate can be arrived at of the quantity of Cement and gravel that would be required for a barn floor of any size, no matter how large or small. The above figures are for solid work, and all openings put in walls would take so much less material. By using all the broken stone or brick-bats that can be u.sed in walls and floors, it will take about one-third less Cement and gravel. ill 11 L ^e Used 3i How We Ship il — Cement 14 ft. high, gravel and Our Thorold Cement is shipped in harrels, in jute bags, and in paper bags. 'J'wo (2) jute bags make a barrel, and three (3) paper bags make a barrel. Each barrel contains 240 lbs. Cement. Each jute bag contains 120 lbs. Cement. Each paper bag contains 80 lbs. Cement. ement will imate can would l)e ■ small. It in walls e used in gravel. Our Travellers R. J. IJattle, N. li. Hagar and H. Ward Hagar will be pleased to call on any buyers of Thorold Cement and show them how to use it. They will call on any parties who intend using Cement aiid give them reliable estimates of (juantity required, and other u.seful information. 34 Our Guarantee The faithful carryiim out of our printed instructions will always ensure success, but we can.iot assume that every one who uses our Cement will so carry them out. We are prepared to /guarantee any work done with our Thorold Cement when such work is done under our superintendence. Our guarantee is to simply refund any money that has been paid us for any Cement used in work we superintend that does not prove satisfactory. EsiATK oi. John HAiri.i;, Manufacturers of 'I'he Thorold (x-ment, Thorold, Ont. 35 Practical Hints to Users of Thorold Cemetit Never attempt to build concrete walls during frosty weather. Experi- ence has shown that after Nov. ist it is not .safe to do such work before the following summer. Concrete floors may be built with safety after Nov. ist, providing the frost can be kept from the work. Concrete work done in very warm weather should be kept damp for a couple of weeks after being built. All concrete work should be well rammed, as ramming increases its strength very much. The gravel and Cement should be thoroughly mixed dry before any water is applied. Creat care should be taken to have the gravel free from loam or dirt, as such is a great detriment to the strength of concrete walls and floors. Cement work should not be tampered with after setting has begun. Where sand is used, sharp sand with clean water is always the best. Loamy sand is a great enemy to good Cement. Cement and lime should not be used together in the same mortar. Good Cement may be drowned by an excess of water. The less water the better mortar. 36 We have Testimonials from the following; prominent Engineers, in approval of t^ie quality of our Thorold Cement, copies of which will be sent on application: JOHN PA(JE, ESQ, Chief Engineer Dominion of Canada. THOS. MONRO, ESQ, Engineer in charge Soulanges Canal. W. C. THOMPSON, ESQ., Engineer in charge New Welland (^anal. P. A. PETERSON, ESQ., Chief Engineer Canadian Pacific Railway. J. C. HAH.EY, ESQ., Chief Engineer Northern Pacific Junction R. R. JOSEPH HOBSON, ESQ., Chief Engineer (kand Trunk Railway System. The following leading Railways of the cour^ry all used our Thorold Cement in construction: GRAND TRUNK RAHAVAV, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILWAY. CREDLI" VALLEY RAILWAY. ONTARIO AND QUEBEC RAILWAY, WELLAND RAILWAY, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, NORTHERN PA( IFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY, NIA(;ARA falls and QUEENSTON electric RAILWAY, T. i: AND B. RAIIAVAY. 37 E (J B O « E -8 a> g> 83 (U W «- o to « e CD !S ^ M fc k "^ a. ^ ^ 3 ^ *- S "> CD CX) H OS o o .S ■> 2 C c o tr. bO C U o 1) o O -z. V to c 5XD 1) C < V <- tr c 4) c o « 3 £ I-H o o o -'8 5^ •^ S K b4 ooo ooo ooo ■^Ow COiOO OOO"* •^■t^tr) 6^6 v£JooM OOOOn h-wrc Nrr^u-} OOO On O M w (N M OOO 0^ w 00 as 6 CO 00 Tf Tt "« t^ N OOO "1" " "t •1 i-< N OOO N lOOO d fH O' O 00 fO n H M OOO 'too fO Tf ir> CJN •O t^OO ooo • • • t*oc^ ooo CO coo • • • ooo ca o ^H eocqcg ooo ^M t<» CO • • • CO CO CO ■~fi tn ifi in t/i VI «5(/5(/5 uit/)!/) >!>-,>> >,>-,>-, >>>,>, >,>,>-, C3C3rt ncjc^ rtcScj c^c^cS 13 T3 -O 'O T3 TD "73 T3 "O 73 T3 -O OOO OOO ooo ooo « Ss 2 ■^J • mm •r 1) V3 -•-• c •4-) ^ C 1) 1) U 4-^ •4^ k. r^ C Ui r> u O #M (J <«. o u o X H ^ 3 c. -J ■/: >, ON 00 E^ ■S Si \) •fci ^ ^^ ^3 t 38 FA I R BAN K S' Patent Improved AUTOMATIC Cement-testing Machine ^O. 3184 CAPACITY 1000 LBS. SIZE, 22x9 IN. 39 Our CettieMt-testing Machine On the opposite page is a perfect cut of the Machirc- we use in testing our (dement. This machine has no springs or hydraulics to get out of order, but is constructed with levers and pivots, strictly on the principle of the most improved weighing apparatus. 'Ihti action is strictly aittomatic, and re- quires no handling while the test is being made, thereby avoiding danger in sudden jarring, which might break the specimen before its strength is reached. For the benefit of those who may be interested in the working of the machine, we submit the directions given by the makers of the Tester for using it, which directions we carefully follow out in making our tests, thereby insuring accuracy and reliability. Directions for Using To make the specimen, lay the brass mould on a smooth board, fill it with Cement and strike it off even on top. When hard enough, loosen the fastenings at the ends of the mould and carefully take the mould away from the specimen. Hang the cup F on the end of the beam D, as shown in the illustration. See that the poise R is at the zero mark, and balance the beam by turning the ball L. Place the shot in the hopper B, the specimen in the clamps N N, and aij' : the hand wheel P so that the graduated beam I) will rise nearly to the stop K. Open the automatic valve J so as to allow the shot to run slowly. Stand back and leave the machine to make the test. When the specimen breaks, the beam I) drops and closes the valve J. Remove the cup with the shot in it and hang the counterpoise weight G in its place. Hang the cup F on the hook under the large balance ball E, and proceed to weigh the shot in the ordinary way, using the poise R on the graduated beam I) and the weights H on the counterpoise weight G. The result will show the number of pounds required to break the specimen. ^' 40 Victoria Tubular Bridge over the St. Lawrence River Built with Thorold Cement / 1 «1.3 . f , i > V.