^J 4^ ^>5 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. 1.0 I.I ■" Ilia IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -< 6" — ► Photographic SciencBS Corporation ^ m. ^ te. ^^.\'^\i:> -f •PERTH DISTRICT CCUnT. Sliv'Uou StoidurJ, P!atntlin t^. Vua Ii'm;jUsr Mc*nllK DcHnJatt spRreiiOF Ce»itkmen t^thc Jury f ilw Wfliflt <1rtipV.tt5?<* and v^ncf'ct'sv C!wsusi(tcnit"n)n» Jl is a |)i«;vfttlii'jr l)«:tN«.«*l iw ^ubtrjl'i'gj' ;if.»| lii'Ujtt'ty. It i» us fiasb^'oii rqircsoiitc'cl an atlicii <^f Tios.s])!iss, hl•ol!^Ilt■ fiul fjuwcvcr. iis tlio K(Mir!» iffd CdudsoI would iiidiioe you to siiiipose, by tlic Plaiiit'll' ?*Ir ^^l(!^l(laul. — No (itMlicjiu'ii i it i-' ;'.;* Jfrtioit instituted by a niucli luoio illusli-ious iudividiial, do k.^s n peise tKiui Mr W'iliiani M tthcioo, of tlrs Town, a character (U'scrvcd! y ttiti-iotw citizi-'ii, but, tVoiii a still i-iort" ttinteit.ptibk* k.\« A^xCi-VMcnl, au anxiety to do n\vay with Iiis own aietunliibility, and as suili, I uiiii'i.iUil.»;ii:ly |»t.* Ihtttitsi; it a most desp:cid)!e, a iiiobt nialig-nant, and a uu)!.t iiii'aniuu.-) |)iiit(.'du!e,. That the Plaintifl" Mr .Stoddard^ i« indiK(•.■- J. 'ft I s»:all be just a* well salisfknl. " Now Cu'ntlenien, wiiat inlerence are wc to draw tV( ni lln-c «|»iclofcUres? If this lan<)'ua_ife be susceptible «)f any meanini^ nf all, it j^'oes most ini(jue^tioii;d)!\ iu!t ? Because let the issue of this investiw citizen. If then, Gentlenjeii f a proceedinij; was ever calculated to arouse feelin brought uiuler ciit•um^tance.» « I « tl-'grading and discreditable character; if ever » «ase UiWiited juU.tiai uiiimadvcisioii^ it i« the tan?44if»"r funsxk'iatiuu. W'iiat are the facts? It appears that the Plaintiff, in (his Cause, dm'ng the winter nf 18123, on a visit to this T )«^,, put up at the c Irhrittcd Iini of Mr William Malheson. Mis hoiscv l»ciillemen, a> a mal- Iw of course, was put into tlie stable, and his i^lei;;-!! as usual left in die \ard. Jt appears, dial tiiero .^wore several other sleighs in the yard, this sauie night, aid among the nuii.ber, M.e belonging uv . m- Mr Wiekhaui of Beckwith, and wl.ich the Defentiant, in ihiscau-e, it aj peas Iiatl j (•ui:im'>;( n a* lUitiiuUp' tliw'|)ur^)(j*e vf ij^iiiuviiii^' ji K«'^ t/'i'ubattu, the projjwt)' i^i'd ^U W .ley. Luun^ '-i»>-wiii'-t»,. « ?.-.^s purpose. u.u;>rt>;wttelv- ^ .k t-,.r W ^^«""-^"^'« ""^' V"? '■"*' ^^'^•*' J^<'^^*^««I fi>r U.^. "ffonor fuui shame A'oni no coiulkion riRP, ^, . ' '• n '*"*■'••'' )'"Ur part, tliarc all the lionor Ik*."' .... xnHlu!.-i,Wucli.sdK,tJofXv T.Kl7^ < t .M, 1 ull.y ,i,kI s,> m.lisnacit at tlie l,uil..v,)lon«. ami injustice of Uus i„<,..,.o.li, / I,. .", cloiifil It witlioui 1 10 s irlitest roluct-ii.rn VIM, ,. ,1, , ■ .1 I'Kniodiii^r, II, at t|„.y a(„|,;, ^^vi. like Mr «t.,,i,t:u„'t;:;l,hX;;':;;^,'-;ii:: ::';■'• ;,"'':' '^^rt^ vyf"'»r '•■- l.a.b.eatl,oco.„.uct„fM,- Willil'kMKlso.f '" V.ttt^Ju.rp;;;.'' ' ""'""'■""'■'' '"-'i. " ITo wlio slanders with l,is pen— will wield a knifo, ^, . , . l^""'ewhostabsyouifainc— will take your life. " expedient -xml uh Jr ..tl ' (iisappointcd advocate, are drive, to adopt a..,otrH.r iT^ CM 'U-M " '""'' ^•^''•"""'"'«' y, this machination althouoh indebted to th« mmlv«Tr,tin!,;'''f It' ''" '^''r'''"' f"""' """. ■r""j; »■•-' •'="■'•""-'' ■" 1- influence,! l,v l.a.ticulan.e.l the' l^^:^L^Z^-J:;!'i^Z:!^l'^'' "^7^ "^fT '" ''""''' " connected with the removd nf th. T \ "'^ ^'^-'Mh uas taken, and shewn that he was in nowjiy With an L^io\u^lus^ol I t'^Tl^ ^ '"'' ^'">';'"" '''''*• '^"^■'' « representation combined i-ac4 % s.r;S;:::ao^''^ '^ ^^ '^'S':::Sr:e' -i^.-,.bc.ond an - '■"« •"PP"«J .i.a. M. wuuld have, .eadil^- «daia.cd hX' i;S;su,lKe of IIL iCf ""^ *"'"""' «1'^""'"". "">* *«« '■. " Foitune and IJope, adiftr'; f soo mv port, loo long your dupf ; Jio otlnTs now -The slei.i.-h. vou know, uaV lak-M/ mU of rnv 11 ^ '7'^""y ^Pl'^'''.'' ^'V» "''"^''^^ «^'«i'>^t I""., tul. i will p.y ..li costs. " • ' ° ' '''''' ^"^^"^' • ^'-■'■'■'^'^' ""^' '^ ^J'^^ stratagem i. uo^ucccs^! iu..h ,o.. ...[, . .. rj,,;i^:; :!- jrri ^";];.;t ir t ^z:;lr "--^^ ^^ bevond".":'v"s;'StrS^^ cIav-Ycs(;entlcmen! itwill be ostabHshca remove thrsulontical T b ceo T t V „ nHnn'ir'' ^"^^^^^^^^ ^''r'^"'»'' ''' ^^' Wickharn, to -cted Alio.- to take this sl^l^i n„j L^'SieXlcf '^Tj s:;,Tl ''f '''^^^f "<'-^ '>*' — ^li. luciuslriouslv attempted to csTablish --m if on Vri ;•''■,''' "' •'"'' '""•'"''' <-'"""""^' ''='^ '^•^ the .nisf.ke'oi- Aile r. «imp . br the k .l' ' ^ '"'"^^'''-'V'y ^'"""•'t be hehl ac-co.Mtabk- for t);^-....h n.i.ake. bnn.s ^.e u:.:!':! is!: ijiiiiii^ '1^- .:;;;\;:i:f ^,;;;-; '^""•^ ^^'-"^ , 4 4 !{ -4 .^ xp-jo.Cf] tlic pc'zuro, •!! t!u> riv.1 Vistnrffo,- Piippcse* it .-tic.nl*! ft)'f en? 4f> j-ctt AiA t};- for(t.-f»# • i|, j!;Uioii (if iho propurtv procwdml a!tu},'L'thor Irom Lis own nc^li^r^.uce, ?!.;it i* was lli? J«.-{i*i ti 1:1,4 «.I)Ntliiiicv and iiid'scrkion, Would it he just aii'1 (-(iuitiihlc iii.der Midi riMtmi^tafi'ts, | .•*'%, Ut c )nti.'ud"tliiit my Client should sustiiin the loss ? (lenth-iucii f yoii appoaj,- }<» me tif> Ik- Tc-iTcuUii/Je «).(! iiitel!i<4ent citi/eiis, and as such, I know you ivill be oxen plary in U,<' distluuge icithi* tjiijMir- t mt dutv, and that you \v;Il irever suJL'J- your reputation* ta>b* taaiibhed bj mi tui]^»%k'iMi«Mi4| a reuior-ieless, and initjuitoiis verdict, I .sliall iKv^v, (Gentlemen, call t3ie V/Itnossos on ttie pwt «f tfce flefer.fp, t!ien'«J'(P Witness^ h'lieve uie, ot'uuhleinished reputatioii, luul tVuni their testinicuy, I thiiite,, jt.u will be pei tl-ctljr «:*• t sded, that there is little or no pretext t(» just'l^y thi« hostile aifLiressiou. Ve» {ientJitdfrt, tV*-«| tlii-ir test uiony you will learn this d;-iy, that thii* proseeuliuu ki* Wwtt-d»vtKii4 l(J" » »ie^aiiilii-g A«|* li.liiico*, tlut A ia Uic oIi^piiiij5 uf uiiiuui-itcU peiaetutauu. ,> irtwa > ' "n i| il m »«*air?. 'iJlK^- ^A.Ajss BcMJLTOir, Cmmsel lor Kaittt'flR rANitL McMartu?, CouoscI tov |)cicuUa£t. \^KU|%%4^% w * 1*» » Mi tii*ijfe»rwiHa lil » iii .' ii • ' r-v 4 t I ..:&• I