^% ■a> O^.. \^>^S. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. /. 4, // ^^° 4fe "^^ #/ m^^.r M/a ..I/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 i^llllM ill 12.2 1^ 2.0 1.8 i.4 111.6 V] ^ ^ l]lo^ ^ y /'^jf^ r^^/'J^-j n I ' X £:.' -J -7 I .1' III: INDEX. s:~i 'y. PAOB Article 1. Name, 5 ** 2. Pledge, 5 «« 3. Officers. 6 " 4. DutiLrf ox^ Officers, 6 •* 5. Eiigil)iII(y for Membership, 10 ** 6. Contributions and Benefits, 11 ** 7. Offence, 12 " 8. Terms, 14 ♦• 9. Eligibility for Chief Offices, 15 *• 10. Violating Article 2, 15 ** 11. Alteration, 18f Article I. Meetings, 19 '* 2. Order of Business, 19 •* 3. Visitation of the Sick, 20 •* 4. Trustees, 20 " 5. Committees, 21 •* 6. Admission, 22 ** 7. Withdrawing and Adjoining, — 22 ♦' 8. Suspended Members, 22 •* 9. Benefits, 23 ** 10. Imposition, 23 ** 11. Penalties, 23 ** 12. Immorality, 24 ** 13. Divulging Private Business, 25 " 14. Fees and Dues, 25 " 15. Balloting, 26 " 16. Attendance, 2tj ** 17. Funerals, 26 " 18. Quorum, 27 *< 19. Subjects excluded, 27 ** 20. Vacancies, 27 ** 21. Appeals, 27 ** 22. Chaplain, 27 '* 23. Amendments, 28 Rules of Order, . .. . r.. 28 to 32 lA . WHtwn a a i PREAMBLE. We, whose names arc annexed, desirous of forming: a Society to shield us from the evils of in- temperance, afford mutual assistance in case of sickness, and elevate our characters as men — do pledge ourselves to be governed by the follov^ing Constitution and Bv-Laws. . CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE 1.— Name. This Association shall be known as the Cum- D£aLA]!«ri> Division, No. 35, of the Sons of Tem- perance, of the Province of Nova Scotia. ARTICI.E «.— Pledge. Nc brother shall make, b: y, sell, or use as a beverage, any Spirituous or Malt Liquors, Wine, or Cider.* *The following resolution explanatory of the Pledge of the Order, was unanimously adopted at the recent session of the National Division. *' Resolved^ That the National Division hereby declare that the true intent and meaning of the Pledge is to prohibit the manufacture, purchase, sale and use of all alcoholic, or intoxicating liquors as a beverage, whether enumenitcd by name in iho Pledge or no't." M. W. S< M 6 CONSTITUTION OF ARTICXE 3.— OiRcers. Hie Officers shall consist of a W. P., W. A., R. S., A. R. S., F.8., T„ C, A.C., I. S. and O. 8., all of whom shall be elected by ballot every three months, viz; last regular meetings in September, December, March and June; a.^d installed the first regular meetings in October, January, April and July. ARTICl^E 4— Duties of omcersc Sect. 1. — It shall be the duty of the W. P. to preside in the Division, enforce a due observance of the Constitution and By-Laws, and exact a com- pliance to the Rules and Usages of the Order; to see that all Officers perform their respective duties ; appoint all committees and officers not otherv/ise provided for ; give the casting vote on all matters before the Division wh^n a tie may occur; inspect and announce the result of all balloting or other votes; direct the R. S. to call special meetings when application shall be made in writing, by five members of the Division; draw upon the T. for all sums necessary to pay the benefits provided for by the Constitution and By-Laws, and other appro- priations made by the Division. He shall, on the night he vacates the chair, see that the Quarterly Returns are prepared for the Grand Division, and the per centage appropriated, and forward the same r -'*w r ^ -• CUMUiiULAND DIVISION. f in tune for the Quarterly Session, certified by him with the seal of the Division. He shall perform such other duties as the Division or his charge shall require of him. Sect. 2. — It shall be the duty of the W. A. to render the W. P. such assistance as he may lequtre of him. and in the absence of 'he W. P., the W. As shall pe: rm his duties. Sect. 3. — The R. 8. shall keep a fair and im- partial record of the proceedings cf the Division ; write communications; notify ail •'Subordinate Divi- sions not more than ten miles of 'f > place of meet- ing, within Oiie week after, of me name, occupation and residence of every person suspended, rejected or expelled from this Division^ He shall fill up certificates ; notify meetings when ordered by the W. P.; attest to all monies or^^'^red to be paid at a regular meeting, and none other. He shall make out at the end of his term, for the Division, a full report of the proceedings during his term ; and also the quarterly returns to the Grand Division, which shall embrace the number of members initiated, ad- mitted b^ card, initiated by dispensation, suspended, reinstated, and who have withdrawn, during his term — together with the names and occupations of those suspended, expelled and rejected, with the dates, and causes of expulsion, the number who violate the Pledge, how mai.y sign ov^r, a_*d how many violate it the second time, the number of deaths, and the whole number of actual contribute * • ■ ••*■ 1 CONSTITUTION OP ing members — the amount of receipts for initiation fees and dues, with the per centage due the Grand Division — the amount expended for benefits, with the amount on hand-— and, with the W. P., certify to the same. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Division or his charge; and deliver up to his successor, within one week from the expiration of his term, all books, papers, or other property in his possession, belong- ing to his office. Sect. 4.~The A. R. S. shall be an aid to the R. S. under whose direction he shall act. He shall render such assistance to the R. S. in the perform- ance of his duties, as he or the Division may re- quire of him. Sect. 5 — It shall be the duty of the F. S. to keep just and true accounts between the Division and its members; credit the amounts paid, and pay the same over to the T. immediately, taking his receipt. He shall, just previous to the close of his term, notify every member who is two months or more in arrears, of the amount due by him to the Division, adding 7Jd. to each notice. At the end of his term, he shall make out for the Division a full report; and furnish the R. S. with the amount of receipts for initiation fees and dues during his term, with any other information connected with his office necessary to enable the R. S. to prepare correct returns for the Grand Division. He shall perform such other duties as the Division or his fWm ■'^^^mai r CUMBERLAND DIVISION. q charge may require of him. Hd shall deliver up to his successor all matters appertakdng to his of- fice in his possession. Skct. 6. — It shall be the duty of the T. to pay all orders drawn on him by the W. P., attested by the R. S., and none others ; he shall receive all monies of the Division, and hold the same until the expiration of his term, unless otherwise ordered by the Division. He shall keep a full and correct account of all monies received and expended. He shall give the Division a monthly statement of the funds; and deliver up, when legally called upon, all monies, books, papers, and other property of the Division, to his successor in office^ or to whom the Division may specially appoint. He shall perfonn such other dutii^s as may be required of him by the Division or his charge. Sect. 7. — It shall be the duty of the C. to intro- duce for initiation persons who have been pre- viousljr elected. He shall also introduce visitors, and furnish them with suitable regalia. He shall, with the aid of the A. C, examine those present at the opening of the Division. He shall see that the officers' regalia are in their proper places at the opening of the Division, and take charge of the same at the close. He shall have charge of such property of the Division as may not be otherwise provided for, and render a full report to the Divi- sion at the end of his term* SfiCT. 8. — It shall be the duty of the A. C. to I T^ CONSTITUTION OP render sucTi services as the Cc or Division may require of him. Sect. 9 — It shall be the duty of the I. S. to attend the door; to admit none but members of the Order, and candidates for initiation. Sect. 10. — The O. S. shall guard the door out- side, and keep off intruders. :!, 'J ARTICI.E S.— Eligibility for Membership. Sect. 1 — No person shall bs initiated into the Division under eighteen years of age, nor for a less sum than ten shillings. Sect. 2 — No person shall be admitted into this Division who does not possess a good mora! character, or who is in any way incapacitated from earning a livelihood, or who has no visible means of support. Sect. 3. — The name of a person offered for membership must be proposed by a member in writing, stating age, residence, and business, which must be entered on the record, and the subject re- ferred to three brothers for investigation, who shall report in writing at a succeeding meeting, when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots, and if not more than four black balls appear against him, he shall be declared elected ; but if FIVE or more black balls c^ppear, he shall be rei^ct- ed, and so declared. No per*;o:i so r«BJected shal- be 1, I. \ CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 11 again proposed in any Division of the Order under six months. • Sect. 4. — A proposition for membership shall not be withdrawn after it has been referred to a committee for investigation, without the consent of a majority of the members present. Sect. 6. — A vote of rejection may be reconsid- ered within three meet-ngs, exclusive of the meet- ing at which the vote was taken. But a vote that has resulted in an election, shall not be reconsid- ered. Sect. 6. — The name of a candidate or brother constitutionally suspended, rejected, or expelled, shall not be published in any other manner than the usual notice to the Divisions. Sect. 7. — Any brother applying for member- ship by deposit of card, shall be subject to the same ballot as a new applicant. ARTICIiE 6.— Contributions and Benefits, Sect. 1. — ^The regular dues to this Division shall not be less than three pence half-penny per week. Sect. 2. — Every bona fide member, who shall be quahfied as required by the Constitution and By-LawF of this Division, shall, in case of sickness or disability, be entitled to, and receive weekly, not less than fifteen shillings ; except it be shown that such sickness or disability be brought on by his own improper conduct. lA mdm ■MMl 12 CONSTITUTION OF Sect. 3. — No brother residing within five miles of the Division of which he is a member, shall be entitled to benefits for more than one week previous to his case being reported to such Division. No benefits shall be granted for a less time than one week. All arrears, either for dues or fines, shall in every case be deducted from the first payment. Sect. 4. — In case of the death of a brother en- titled to benefits, the sum of £7 10s. shall be ap- propriated as a funeral benefit. The W. P., in the absence of competent friends or relations, shall take charge of the funeral, and keep an account of the disbursements. Sect. 5 — On the death of the wife of a brother, also beneficial, he shall be entitled to the sum of £3 15s. as a funeral benefit. ARTICI^E T.-~Offence. Sect. 1. — Any member who shall offend against these Articles, or the By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, as two-thirds of the members present, at any regular meeting, may determine. Sect. 2. — Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, sus- pension, or expulsion ; but no member shall })e put on trial, unless charges, duly specifying his offence, be submitted in writing by a member of the Division. Sect. 3 — When charges have been preferred CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 13 against a brother in a proper manner, or any mat- ters of grievance between brothers are brought be- fore the Division, they shall be referred to a special committee of five members, who shall, with as lit- tle delay as the case will admit, summon the par- ties, examine and determine the matter in question; and if their decision does not involve the suspen- sion or expulsion of a member, and no appeal be taken from it to the Division, it shall be final, without other action. Should the committee be convinced of the necessity of suspending or expel- ling a member, they shall submit a motion for the purpose to the Division, for action. Sect. 4. — When a motion for the expulsion or suspension of a member shall have been submitted in due form, it shall be announced at one regular meeting previous to action being taken; and the accused shall be summoned to be in attendance at the Division, at the time when it may have been determined to consider the question ; at which time, whether the implicated member be present or not, the Division may proceed to consider and determine it. Two-thirds of the members present voting in favour of the motion, it shall be carried ; but the Division shall be fully competent, while such motion is under consideration, to vary the penalty from the original motion. Sect. 5. — When the decision of a committee ap- pointed under Sect. 3, of this Article, otherwise iinal, shall not be satisfactory to all parties, either 14 CONSTITUTION OF of those interested shall have the privilege of an appeal to the Division ; and at the time appointed for trving the appeal, the committee shall present to the Division, in writing, the grounds on v^^hich their decision was founded ; and the parties shall have the privilege of being heard before the Divi- sion ; and the Division shall determine the correct- ne^s of the decision of the committee by a majority of votes present. Sect. 6. — Any member having been expelled, shall not be proposed for membership under six months from the date of expulsion. Sect. 7. — The provisions of this Article shall not extend to violations of Article 2. ARTICIiE 8.— Terms. Regular Quarterly Terms shall commence on the first of October, January, April and July. Officers elected previous to the expiration of half the Term, shall be entitled to the full honors of the Term ; those elected after half the Term has expired shall not count the honors, except where they may be elected to fill vacancies occasioned by resignation, suspension, expulsion, or death, in which case the brother who serves the residue of the Term shall be entitled to the full honors, and he who resigns, or is suspended or expelled, shall forfeit his claim. f»>'' CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 15 AKTIC1.E 0'.- Eligibility for Chief Oifices. Sect. 1. — After a Division has been instituted three terms, no brother shall be eligible to the office of W. P., unless he has served a regular quarterly term as W. A., nor shall any brother be eligible to the office of W. A., unless he has served two terms in a subordinate office or offices. Sect. 2. — No brother shall serve two terms in the same office, during the term of one year, ex- cept in the offices of R. S., F. S, and T. Sect. 3. — No brother shall be eligible to office who is under twenty-one years of age. ARTICIiE 10.-VioIating Article 2. Sect. 1. — Any member who knows a brother to have violated Article 2, and neglects to prefer the charge, and specify the offence to the Division with- in three weeks after the violation shall have come to his knowledge, shall be fined five shillings. Sect. 2. — The charge for violation of Article 2, shall be presented in writing, duly signed, when it shall be referred to a committee of five members, who shall as soon as practicable, summon the par- ties, and investigate the matter. Sect. 3. — The committee shall organize by ap- pointing a chairman and secretary. The secretary shall make a correct record of the proceedings, with such testimony as may be presented, which record ^¥m ^1^rf„ 1*1 >ll 'll iftll iU 16 CONSTITUTION OF shall be produced to the Division on the call of any member, after the committee have reported. Sect. 4. — If the committee agree that the charge is sustained, they shall report the fact to the Divi- sion by resolution, with a second resolution to the effect that the brother be reinstated or expelled, as the case may be — which report and resolutions shall lie upon the table at least one week, and the offending brother shall be notified of the character of the resolutions, by the R. S., and requested to be present at the time appointed for considering the same, with a view of giving him an opportunity to make a defence. Sect. 5. — If the committee agree that the charge is not sustained, they shall report a resolution to that effect, and if the resolution be adopted the charge shall be dismissed. Sect. 6. — When the committee report the charge sustained, and a majority of the members present at a regular meeting ballot in favor thereof, the offending person shall forfeit his membership, and the W. P. shall direct his name to be erased from the Constitution. If a majority of the Division vote in opposition to the resolution, all further pro- ceedings shall be stayed. Sect. 7. — If two-third 3 of those voting are in favor of reinstating a member who has been found guilty of violating Article 2, he shall be restored to mem- bership by re-signing the Constitution, and paying for the first offence, five shillings, and for the second ^^^a^^' CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 17 offence, ten shillings, which shall be paid to the F. S. at the meeting succeeding the vote, or the mem- ber to stand suspended until the fine is paid. The power to reinstate, however, shall not extend over the term of one month from the time the offence was proven. Sect. 8. — When the Division vote in favour of reinstatement, and the m: iber neglects to come forward to sign the Constitution for one month thereafter, he may be declared expelled by a two- third vote. Sect. 9. — If a Division refuse to reinstate the member, he shall be declared expelled by the W. P., and the H. S. shall give the usual notice. Sect. 10. — A member convicted for the third time of having violated Article 2, shall lose the privilege of reinstatement, and shall be declared ex- pelled; and the R. 8. shall give the usual notice. Sect- 11. — If a brother come forward and ac- knowledge that he has violated Article 2, (except it be the third offence,) the Division, after erasure of name, &c., may, at their option, reinstate him on the same evening, if two-thirds of the members voting are in favour thereof. Sect. 12. — An officer or representative to the Grand Division violating Article 2, shall not be eligible to fill any official position for twelve months from the time he is reinstated. Sect. 1 3. — A member expelled under this Ar- TI^ 18 CONSTITUTION* tide, shall not be eligible for membership undei six months thereafter. AHTICIiE !!• No alteration or addition shall be made to this Constitution unless by a two-third vote of the National Division^ [er BY-LAWS. lis he V ARTICLE l.-MceUiigs. This Division shall meet on Monday evening of each week to transact general business, and diffuse the principles of Temperance and Benevolence. The hour of opening shall be, from the first of April to the first of October, 7i o'clock ; and from the first of October to je first of April, 7 o'clock. The hour of closing not to be later than 10 o'clock. In the absence of the W. P. and W. A. the senior P. W. P. present shall perform the duties of the W. P. ARTICLE 2.— Order of Business. 1. Opening the Division in the manner prescribed in the B. B. 2. The F. S. will call the roll of officers, notice ab- sentees, and notify absentees of last meeting. 3. Reading the minutes of the previ'-'as meeting. 4. Reception of Reports of Investigating Committee. 5. Initiation of Candidates. 6. Balloting for Candidates. 7. Reception of Report of Visiting Committee, 8. Dues and other monies col L ted. * * kl»<^49. 20 BY-LAWS OF 9. The W« P. shall inquire — are any of the breth- ren sick or in distress'? Has any brother vio- lated tho pledge? Or does any brother know of a brother who has violated the pledge? Has any brother divulged, in violation of his obli- v»ation, the private afiliirs of the Order? Or does any brother know of a brother who has thus divulged the private a flairs of the Order? 10. Proposals for Membership. 11. Report of Finance Committee. 12. Election of Officer s. 13. Communications and Correspondence. 14. Keceivingthe Reports of Special Committees. 15. Reading List of Fines. 1 6. Attending to unfinished business on the docket. 17. Miscellaneous Business. 18. Has any brother any thing to offer for the be- nefit of our Institution. ARTICLE 3.— Visitation of 13ie Siclc. If a brother is reported sick, it sliall be the duty of the '^^^'. l. lo appoint one or more, who, in con- nection with himself, shall aflford the necessary at- tention to him. The W. A. shall be Chairman of the Committee on the Sick. ARTICLE 4.— Trustees. There shall be a board of three Trustees, elected annually at the first regular meeting in May, whose I l,mmmmmm ■ftvufmmms.'sa: ^gm-if'vm « 'm.Mf CUMBERLAND DIVISION, 21 duty it shall be to invest all monlas, as ordered by the Division, and perform such other duties as may be required of them, and make a quarterly report on the second Tuesday of August, November, Feb- ruary, and May. I ARTICLE 5.-~Coinmittec«. Sect, 1. — Investigating Committee.'^ h\\ propo- sitions for membership shall be submitted to the Tnvestigatuig Committee, who shall make full and diligent inquiry into the moral character and statf! of health Kii the applicants, and make their reports weekly to the Division. They shall have access to the Black Book, and make themselves acquainted with the matters therein recorded. Sect. ^.-"Committee of Finance and Audit.^^ It shall be the duty of this Committee to examine all bills and accounts against the Division, upon which, if in their opinion correct, they shall endorse their names. They shall audit the accounts of the F. S. and T., and report at the next meeting after their appointment. Sect. S.—Speciai Ccmmittees.—kW (yommit^ecs appointed for special purposes shall report. the:r proceedings in *vriting to the Division, signed by a majority. No pe'soa shall be appointed Chairmar^ of any Committee unless he be present at the time of appointment. lA aa riBM 22 BY-LAWS OF ARTICLE e.—AdmissioML. Before a candidate is initiated, it shall be the duty of the W. A. to inquire of him whether he is subject to any hereditary or intermittent disease, which will be likely to render him chargeable to the Division : and if it shall afterv/ards appear that the Candidate concealed any knowledge of this kind from the Division, it shall debar him from re- ceiving any benefit in case of disability resulting or having origin from such disease. ARTICLE 7.—lVltlidrawing and Adjoining* Sect. 1.— When any brother desires his card of clearance, he shall signify the same in open Divi- i^on, or in writing, and if clear of the books, and in ^ood standing in every other respect, he shall be entitled to a Card of Clearance, on his paying for the same Is. 3d., unless charges shall have been preferred against him, and are in the course of in- vestigation. Brothers desirous of obtaining Tra- velling Cards are subject to the same regulations. Sect. 2.— When a brothe- from another Division sends in his card, and asks to be admitted to mem- bership, it shall take the same course as a propo- sition, one half of the adjoining fee paid at the time of admission. ARTICLE 8.~Suspended Members. Suspended members when reinstated shall pay I :^^r .^»«i«««**^^' ^^. CUMBERLAND DIVISION. sa the amount due by them at the time of their sus- pension, together with the whole sum to which they would have been subject had they not been sus- pended; provided such additional sum shall not exceed 25s.: nor shall any suspended member be entitled to receive benefits for three months from the time at which he is reinstated. ARTICLE 9.— Benefits. Sect. 1. — Any brother who shall have been a. member of this Division one year, in case of sick- ness, or disability, shall be entitled to fifteen shil- lings per week, during the existence of such illness or disability. Sect. 2. — In case of the death of a brother enti- tled to benefits, the sum of £7 10s. shall be appro- priated for the funeral expences : and for the wife of a brother (also beneficial) the sum^of £3 15s. Sect. 3. — Parties entitled to benefits shall, in all cases, be under obligation to receive them. ARTICLE 10.— Imposition. Any member feigning sickness or disability shall be expelled. ARTICLE 11.— Penalties. Sect. I. — Any member of the Division, who is over three months in arrcar, shall not be privileged to vote at the election of officers. u tmmmm 24 BY-LAWS OF Sect 2 —Any member who shall be appointed on a committee, and not attend to its duties, shall be fined not less than Is. 3d., unless excused by the Division. Sect. 3. — Any member who shall knowingly bring false charges against a brother, or shall knowingly propose unworthy characters for mem- bership, shall be expelled. Sect. 4. — Every member who shall neglect or refuse to pay his dues or fines for the space of eleven months, shall be notified thereof by the F. S., if practicable ; and if, after four weeks, his ac- count remains unsettled, he shall be suspended. Sect. 5. — All fines shall be charged by the F. S. to those by whom incurred, and entered by the R, 8. on the minutes. Sect. 6. — All laws imposing penaltiec shall be strictly enforced. ARTICLE 12.— Immorality. Sect. I. — If any member be convicted of felony, fraud, or any disfi^raccful crime, or if he follow any notoriously immoral practices, or use any unjusti- fiable means in procuring a livelihood, he shall be expelled. Sect. 2. — Any member who shall, in the Divi- sion, make use of any profane or indecent language, or refuse to obey the commands of the W. P. when >« i CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 25 called to order, or use disrespectful expressions to the officers or members, shall be subject to a fine for each offence, of not less than 5s. ARTICLE 13.— Divulging* Private Business* Sect. 1.— When a person has been proposed for membership, the fact that such a proposition has been made shall not be mentioned by any brother to any brother who is not a member of this Division, until a decision shall have been had on the propo- sition, and not then unless such decision is favorable. Sect. 2.— Any member who shall divulge the name of a brother who has spoken or vottid against any person proposed to become a Son of Temper- ance, or reveal the private affairs of the Division shall be expelled. ARTICLE 14.— Fees and Dues. Sect* 1 . — The Initiation fees of this Division shall be as follows: — For all persons from eighteen to twenty- five years of age £0 10 From twenty-five to thirty ,. 12 6 From thirty to thirty-five ..* 15 From thirty-five to forty 17 6 From forty to forty-five 1 2 6 From forty-five to fifty 1 7 6 From fifty to fifty-five . . 1 15 From fifty-five to sixty 2 5 Above sixty, 5s. for each ydditional vear. <^ 26 BY-LAWS OF Sect, 2. — The regular d ues to the Division shall be Is. 3d. per month, from each member; and no br, - ther will be entitled to receive the quarterly pa -s word until he is clear of the books of the F. S. Any member initiated during the month, (even should it occur on the last day thereof) shall be Hable to pay the dues for the month in which he became a member. ARTICLE 15.— Balloting. In balloting the C. shall present the box with the balls to each member in his place. The ballot thus obtained shall be examined by the W. P. and W, A., and the result declared by the former. No Candidate shall be initiated on the night of his clecti n, except by dispensation. ARTICLE 16— Atteiidance. Sect. 1. — Every brother who is elected to office «hall attend at the time and place appointed for meeting, and if al eent at the opening of the Divi- sion, shall be fined Is., unless a satisfactory excuse be given. If either the R. S. or F. S. neglect to have his books at any regular meeting, he shall be fined 6d., except under extraordinary circumstances. Sect, 2. — Any officer absenting himself for three successive meetings, his seat may be declared vacant. ARTICLE 17.— Funeralg. Sect, 1. — In case of the death of a ir.ember, in* formation thereof shall be communicated to the W. 1 ^4^ 1 CUMBERLAND DIVISION, 27 p. who shall order the R. S. to call a meeting of the Division to attend the funeral, if requested by the family or friends of the deceased. Sect, 2.— The members shall assemble at the Division Room half an hour previous to the time appointed for the funeral, and it is specially en- joined upon the brethren to attend all funerals of the members of this Division. ARTICLE 18.— Ctiiorum. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE 19.— SnlJJects exclwded. No subject of a sectarian or political nature shall be introduced before the Division. ARTICLE 20.— Vacancies. All vacancies shall be filled at regular meetings, ARTICLE 21.— Appeals, Each member of this Division shall have a right of appeal to tlie Grand Division. ARTICLE 22.— CUapl*'ln. The W. P., at the first quarterly meeting, shall appoint a chaplain or chaplains, who shall perform the duties appertaining to his office. • •^n l 28 RULES OF ORDEll OF ARTICLE 23.-Amendments. These By-Laws shall not be aitereti, repealed, or suspended, except by a proposal m writing, to be presented to the Division at least two regular meetings previous to the discussion, and not then, unless a majority of the members belonging to the Division be present, when, if two-thirds of the mem- bers present vote in favour of the motion, it shall be adopted. A unanimous vote may suspend any By-Law for the evening. '*'N^^^^^# ^^•^V/VN^ RULES OF ORDER. * 1. All questions of order shall be decided by the W. P. subject to an appeal to the Division, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once. 2. No member shall speak to another, or other- 'wise interrupt the business of the Division, while the minutes or other papers arc being read, or when a member is addressing the chair. 3. No member shall be interrupted while speak- ing, excepting a call to order from the chair, or a member of the Division ; and when called to order, the member speaking shall cease, and take his seat until the point of order is stated and determined. GUMBEHLAND DIVISION. 29 4. Every member when he speaks shall stand up uncovered, and respectfully address the chair ; after which he shall resume his seat. Members must confine themselves to the question under debate. 5. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the chairman shall decide which is en- titled to the floor, 6. No member shall speak more than once upon the same subject or question until all the members wishing to speak shall have had an opportunity to do so, nor more than twice without permission of the chair or a vote of the Division, which shall be given without debate, and no meml3er while speak- ing, shall name another by his proper name, but shall use the word " brother" with the appropriate designation belonging to his standing in the order, 7. No motion shall be subject to debate, until it shall have been seconded and stated by the chair- man ; and all motions shall be in writing if required by the W. P. 8. When a question is before the Division, no motion shall be received, except to adjourn, for the previous question to lie oa the table, to postpone indefinitely or to a certain time, to divide, to com- mit, or amend. 9. On the call of a member, the majority of tho Division may demand, that the previous questiou shall be put, which shall always be in this form. *< shall the main questiou be now putT' and until 1 '"' ii 30 RULES OF ORDER OF it is decided, shall preclude all amendments to the main question, and ail further debate. 10. It shall be competent for any member to call for the reading of any paper, document, or other matter, which may relate to the subject then pend- ing before the Division. 11. All communications shall be presented through a member of the Division, and a brief state- ment of their contents entered upon the minutes. 12. Before putting a question, the chairman shall ask, <ne shpll walk out of, or across the room, nor entertain private discourse. 13. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, after the requisite business has been gone through, which motion shall be acted on without debate; and if a question be carried for adjournment, the Division shall not be co-nsidered as adjourned until closed in due form. 14. No motion for re-consideration shall be re- ceived unless made and seconded by members who voted with the majority. 15. Any member may excuse himself from serving on any committee at the time of his ap- pointment, if he be at the time a member of one other committee. * mm ' ' IhI CUMBERLAND DIVISION. 31 16. The person first named on a committee shall act as chairman thereof. In his absence a chair- man shall be chosen by the committee. The chair- man shall appoint a secretary. IT. No committee shall be coaisidered as finally discharged, until all the debts contracted by it shall have been paid. 18« The consequence of a measure may be re- probated in strong terms ; but to impugn the mo- tives of those who propose or advocate it, ?.s a per- sonality, and against order. 19. When a member is called to order for words spoken, the objectionable words shall, if requirt^d, be taken down in writing by the Recording Scribe. 20. No member maybe present when a question concerning himself is under debate, nor is any mem- ber to speak to the merits until he withdraws; but the member concerned may be permitted to speak in his own defence and have the perusal of all pa- pers relating to the matter in question. 21. The chairman or any other member doubt- ing the decision of a question, may call for a divi- sion, and a count ofthe affirmative and negative vote. 22. No member shall be permitted to speak un- less clothed in suitable regalia. 23. No brother from another Division shall be permitted to speak upon any subject under discus- sion, unless by permission of the W. P. 24. It is particularly enjoined that all members of this Division shall treat each other during its I 32 RULES OF ORDEK. uittings with all due delicacy and respect, and that all ungenerous remarks, or sarcastic language, be carefully avoided, by which the feelings of any brother may be wounded, and the most prominent objects of our institution (Temperance, Benevo- lence and Harmony) be diminished or interrupted; and that all our discussions be conducted in that spirit of candour, moderation and open generosity which leads men to the altar of concord and good fellowship. V, « t, and that iguage, be igs of any prominent , Benevo- iterrupted ; ed in that generosity and good TIA Pksiiix Book and Stationery Warehouse,* S.AA. 3MCcSizZ.ZiA3Bffj Bootsellerg, Publishers, Stationers, Bool Book and Job Printers, Respectfully inform their friends and ti ihkt they are prepared to execute all o| trusted to them, in the best style, and at tl price. Sons of Temperance Blanks, Od^ of Constitutions and By-Laws, Ac, pronj nished to order. 1 JUST PUBLISHED.-Ihe IBTew- wiek Temperance Songrster ; a i of Songs and Hymns, original and select^ Member of the St John Temperance A^ Choir. Neatly bound in coloured Leathd As a Book of this kind has long been nj the use of the Temperance community,! public meetings, the P Wishers have beeri, at the earnest solicitation of the Tempeii cieties of this city, to produce this littl^ It has been compiled with great care, Jjy ] man of musical taste, and arranged to i familiar tunes. To insure its wide circula price has been put at Is., or IGs. per doz< Whe TemperaiicerfllCanuaL by Ebwabds, D. D., is decidedly the jest bo^ subject in pnnt. No S. of T. should be wj Price 6d., or 3a. 9d. per doz. I - 'to'V^G^.'Aiw^.iC.Mbfc*^ „ ■ I I--I (tr, ^tmMmAmmditSiMmimaBUtai^