^ V] m % •^ VI iV ^^ :\ \ % Photographic Sciences Corporation ""V ^"v '-^o^' ..^% ^ >. ^ <^^>.rked fairly and legitimately, and depart well pleased, and with the good wished of all. Success to the Wizards. THE ^ Prom the Superior (WlsJ Wave. ^Representatives of Hamlins Wizard Oil Co. are in town giving a series of open air concerts. These gentleinen constitute a concert compan)r<»^«t Ss worth goin^ miles to hear^a^ their ren^itjon of the popular "songs of the day cannot be excelled. Do not fail to attend the concerts as you can learn more by hearing them five minutes than we can tell you in a column of type. Prom the T^m City (La Salle, 111.) Times. The Wizard Oil Concert Company have drawn crowds every evening this week. The vocalists are not only superb singei s but perfect gentlemen as well, and their open air concerts are free from the slightest tinge of anything that could offend the most fastidious. Their entire programme was rendered in the best style. Do not fail to hear them. OTHER Prom the Port' Worth (Texas) Democrat. To-day the Wizard Oil Concert Company leave us. Never have we met a company of gentlemen who, in so short a time became so universally popular, and we bid them good-bye with feelings of re- gret. Honorable, upright, pleasant and entertaining, we take pleasure m recommending them as worthy of the confidence and esteem of any community, and we wish them continued success and prosperity. From the Chamhershurg (Pa.) Repository. Long before dark last evening the pavement around the public square was crowded with an audience who had assembled to hear the concert by the AVizaid Oil Company. The entertainment throughout was a most enjoyable one. They are perfect gentlemen^ and their concerts of a refined and cultivated nature. They are all first-class musicians, the vo- alists possessing rare voices, and the instrumental performers being thoroughly acquainted with their various instru- ments. SIDE. Prom the Easton (Pa.) Express. Hamlins Wizard Oil Concert Company are entitled to much commendation. Seldom, if ever, has it been our pleasure to listen to better arranged programmes and" more artistic rendering. Their songs and melodies seem to have been especially fitted for this combi- nation, and certainly make a visit to their concerts worthy. Lovers