IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 lis Iti iM 13.6 14.0 12.5 tii 1.25 iu 2.0 1.6 .^. '/ 150mm APPLIED A IIV14GE . r^c ^B 1653 East Main Street ■^^ - Rochester, NY 14609 USA ^S^^ Phone: 716/482-0300 J^^J^B, Fax: 716/288-5989 e 1993, Applied Imaga. Inc . All Rights n«Mrv*d m f\ i\ <^ ^1^ ^' '^ ,,,t one arew Dr« dtsiu':;5^'.?;.:r:„"d ;„'r "■™° *'• oCr ."t:"^- "r^^ hazard the «p,ri„„„t f^, him^ f ""a f ' T^''^ '"-i »? one w« ,il|i'„Vto •t firat expenment.. but particular v ».. •."?''. "'•'I'""™ in a new country ar. if?^o,?h:;i™ tatXTinttt"?^^^^ Accordincly thA f^ai, i^ ® "^^^'^^ referred to. land was underbn.-L^"' was begu„. Late in the autumn of l«o. ,, . ■hipment of live .took forward d ThlTlf "**/ "*^*"'' ""^ *»>• «"' •"•II w-. now Htored away i„ JJe ir^^Ij! ** . l^'^P ?' «"•». •"•H •» it neceMarfly encouraging one. takijg i„to con.'S;„ Sl/?'^ ** **^'''«*' *« »^ • verJ •nd that the .eaaon w»i unu.uallv ^ .l'' ' '"■ ■°'^° o** '»>« Awt plowin/ filled .nd hard, barle^^ pI^T o^.,;;V.vv ^^V'r'^ ^''^ ''»'«*' -•"-«?• enormouH growth. *^ ^' ''*"*''J'' *''»''" «lover and timothy made i'lH COUNTRY. Many poopio are incredulous when tnW *!..* ~. j i , a ^ood country or more e^ It .fT* ''"''' ■"'"°'«°' *° "^^nt to tniles and mile, of tediouH journev n/'^hr^ i, ?i. ^' ''^*'""- '^""^ P«'"»'»P» ^'ter extended along the northern Z^ff5T*i "•' ^^"^ *'« ••*>«'^y ^*«t« that e^ of a pnce fertile country, ^herrTncredutkVi;'"?^ ""^^ '''^ *^""'^''«d «keleU>n nothing here but rock,"theva«ier " w« ^ . °°' "" ••«'«»''k»»'le. "Tliepe ii The farther west thoy'c«„ZcaTe the r.?"'''«°°° ^^*"''°''*'- '"tile pU n« " many .re content to U 1 vea of .olitmle I 'J*'^' ,°^ '^"^' «««" *<> '^ke it. and far from railroad oommuniiltfon wj 1 re* ^on. ''''**'°"' t' '''•°™ "'»"^«^ and advantage., and other, a. well a^« 1. *^ ""*L.*' '''"^ poiseasing the.e the fact that there i. « dUtance LnH'' °''''' . Th«7 too often lo.e .^ht"f r».-^«ofa«nculturalp;dtrc::aer iLTro^rUe""^ '^^^"^ ^'^^ '^ ^^^^^^^^'Zr\^ What i. I he casual trAvnlinv ..*». • .. . »"«<»ge» i joil. n,ay not re^rf f^n? htf ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ in the product, of the from the country he ha. rpp«„f?I T that the region differ, very materially poplar, spruce, jack pin^and t^mL ^^ f """"^ ''"•°"8''- ^he light growth of -ent. nothing 'nU!' ZShlheTl::'!'^^^^ strpl pre raUroad cuttings, instead of rurn^n^ ZouthT:,'*" ^'" *'.?'*>"'>' »«« 'hat'ihe rock as heretofore, now pass throu'rh ^''^"SV"'*^^' S'"*'^^"^ »°". or the .olid t.on of the countr; has u'ndergone a com^olLT"' ''^^^T^''^^ that the forma tram, and, wading through the nnHt-^ ^ ?• ''?*''8®- ^'*«» '«t him leave the tion ; let him loo? tJThe'north^the .o^h 'att '"^ ''^ '7Z' the nearest eleva see a vast extent of unbroken ml liL'.^i''^ ^'"^*°'' *ho west, and he will of small timber with a 1 ght ^^owtX 3 'T '^??^ *^«'**'^^ ^^^-^^ -^th clump hundreds of acres lie the?rafZt read v for th^^. ^'""T' '*» ^'«^'' »° '»«'• thJt -nota„>ck,notastone everrbeleCany^htr ^"' «"«>-'»>«- this, there The Soil. r I riv.r, «. u... v,„ 1,1 ...nt'r 7i.tTu''„;!::,%r*^' """'■ ™" *« '"• Tin: W'atkk Sui'i-i.v. the Wabigoon river. l\ow.\orT^T:.Jr'^{^'^t'''''^.^''^'''>^- ^Wi^ ahand«ntw«ter.powor«t intervals. "' * ^"°'"^ navigable stream with TlIK Tl.MliI.K RksouKCKs. vinct tXlt everywhere .neet the eye eon- Herce hrea have swept acrosaUo^n several T "'''I" ^"' '" •*" probabilit?, clumps of dead timbir, which now cnnTf •'°*'*«""'»"' '«»ving little but a few -ettler. The country han not airbin bu"^*- 'L"* '' '"P'''^ "' ^'"" ^«^ '^e Away m the distance to the nor h east easJanr* ^?uT'' '^^ '''"' »<>' '"^^ntly forest growth, but the timber is smaUa^d easily Zrea' "' '"*^ '" "«» »» '^^'^ thougTt!;:,SLtd'rprr;tt°hl:?^^^ ^'-^ ^-^^ Government has .ng material may be obtJinedf the logs SJ' In"" * J'f""^"' '"PP'^' «' buuS -o^e hve or si. Oeda^ for fen^ ^, et^^mWadt^.^ t^rh! Tin: Climate. in ^e%j£ToVt:zzi^ tr^iizrr'f'T ^ °- - -^^^ »>« 'ound nor 18 the water alkaline to caus, rlvl * '^^''- . ^° •»»'»"» or fever exiT and bright sunlight. «re dimply pf>rfect.on tA • * i^"® l"**cing atmosphere Bnowfall is usually light. For 1895 nl2^-; ° *'"'**' "'^^ ^^^'^ *« "toady, but the 2nd, although it Jnig'ht haveTeen l^rtT a'^fl?"'".'" °°''1»' ^'^^ far^'on May stopped running on November sSi! '^^ ^"'•'^'- ^''^ Plo^ practically A Dairying Section. Dej^rtL^d^L'JtT^^^ *han a grain growin. co„„t.. that *h- not anticipated that he coifd Veil ToVJ^T^^L'J the intendine settler Itl^ production of wheat, whereas! rrJfnlTnSstl'"'?'.°PT'^ farmer in the •H - his W Clover and .'^loltT^;:^^:-^^^^^^^ 3 6 J in all the creek bottoms '^S^ver tt » k"' ^'^ l^' .'^"^ ^^^^ *° be obtained cattle from flies in Summer an^thl r^uZ.J"''"''^ *''.° ^^"''^ *'^«''« P^t««t« shelter in stormy weatheT T ^''^'^^^'^^^ ^o'^'" * very desirable ACCESS TO MARKETS. settler by the ready meaLthLilfoTM '^ ^'T^*'' *° **»« ^^'^ ' '''" '^'' J^« *«"«"'■ :visr ''^ ''' -^°^« 5i«tric,^°n?rt ttx^r^w/Te at ^^^:^:^^ ^ower afforded by the river which »ill prove o(." at ™i„',T; i ?^ *" mexhaustible »uppl/„f power that . t../^.e ^''''^n::^'Ji^T:t7:2zr^ " ^ " "■«!»'"' 1 ' I • t 1 i « < INFORMATION FOR SETTLERS. in half sections of 320 acres. Oth^ tow"!hL «Sl^" '"'^"^"^ """^ ^^^ o«t may require. For the convenience of traffic ^h GpT'^'i *« ^''^'^^ agreed remove their station from Barly Jo a do^m An"^-**"'?^"*'^^ h*^« from this station the Government will at oLrbLfnTh« ^ '^^ '*^^' *°d mzation road, leading through the ce- . Tthe tolshlpB '" °^ * '°'°- Tfie Class of Settlers Wanted. may be they have a little capital at their dkpoaal^vefSnV^J"?' ^°" '^^"^ > «' i* older se tied districts to procure land cheap^roL^h fo •i'A'"P°'"^^« »»» tl»e aee but little prospect of obtainmg farms !L homes „f.»f"'* ^^''' P^*''^^*^' «°d are who owing to the depressed state of agricultZ fin^ >' °n^' - Others there on rented farms to make ends meet. GooTsol d O^tarfn f '''" ""'^^ i-npossibie Bons with a little capital at their commS and anxfo. « ?™''"' '^"'^ ^*'''°«"' ered homes for themselves-these are the itM«r- fS ?. *° '^''^''^ unencumb- see located at Wabigoon. Settlertluf wXt' ^^'-''^n^^^^d "^^^ 'o obstacles well-nigh impossible to overcome sT/m? '*°^ *'"® ^""'^d to meet selves but stand in the way of the p;og^e;3 and nros'l^"' °?^y,^«^P^e«« them: few intelligent settlers of the class indicated ?f CT'^ .? }^^ ^"'"^t- A ous. as they would soon surely be, wS induce othe',^ °\*^? '^^d and prosper- and result in a very short time'in L thrivingt^ltlT b^in^^e^^^^^^^^^ How Land May Be Secured. and?o%^rnn:tlltrinr^^^^^^ {^ ^^ ^^^ «>- fide settler unproductive to the detriment of SmentTat hV^"*^ '' ""^g^' remaiS conditions : That the amount of land each set lerZ "'*'? "P°^ **»« ^oWo^ing half a section, or 320 acres; that the price^aW «Cf ,?T.*'*«" «»»»" "<>' exceed fourth down and the balance in three equal^ailal in f f^*^ "'°'« P«^ *«^«. one SIX per cent. The settler will be requirS to cC ' /^'^'''^ ""''^ ^"<«^««fc at east ten per cent, of the land purchUd and to «-nf P"t under cultivation at less than 16x20 feet. When this hrbZdoLT'. ^u''*^'**^^^ ^°"«« of not on the land for at least six months in each of th« .fT"^ ^^^ ^''''^'^^' has resided continuously, and has fully paid for thrsam. he * ' -""' °'' '°' ^'^^ ^^" The Superintendent at the Pionee'r Farm' Mr A eT '" T""'' 8 Barclay, Ont, will act as Land Agent wd win' £ ^^'"''f' ''^'^^ ^*' office information and aswstance to those rS n^it Tnd t ^T'^ ^''^'"''^ ^ 8*^6 communicate with him. ««l«inng it, and intending purchasers should Ir- 8 Reduced Fares. would advise that77heXera ^Jirof^^^^^^^ '^ l""'"' '^' ^«P'»'*'°«»»* are anxious to obtl^n further 7^oZJj T' 'I ''l^ 'T" °«'g»>borhood to ^U tol^ "■^tut'eM't™ '"'t.''"° Oo™"-^-" o«not undertake tion from om partTuie Pmvi^rT' 'l"" "^'t^mpl'" hanging their loo- Wat aer^y t'ie individu.^"™" t .fcTp^''." ""* "■ «Pendtare would .ore not in /eo„rd.uoe wttS' rOotrteXXrin' .'r^.tri' *''- The lightness of"he s^t^aU ad^UsoTS^^^^^^^ \T'' *°^. t "°P- some extent during the winter months: ""^^^''''"'^'"'S' «*«'' ^emg carried on to 2. Ease of access by means of railway, road and water communication, .i. Ihe existence of good markets close at hand. 4. Sufficient timber for building, fencing and fuel '' ^^Tl'cHmttr^ '°"' '" "^''°^''"' '"PP^y °' P"'« -»*««•. •'^d a health- 6. Plenty of fish and game to supply the need of the settler. 7. Winter employment in the lumber camps. I 1 i intry from low may ?ent, y to aent lood heir pro- atry »ke oca- mid ere- as 3 a riy bhe op. to 1 J J } I I " i r i r i I 4 * . ' 3 g CO O «2 O o 02 Q i :B J > \ J . » « f 1 J