#^ ^y^>\^-.o. s^^\^ v: (9 /} e% '•' ^m // /;>2 O 7 w IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 144 11^ \m 12.5 IM III 2.2 IM I.I 2.0 1.8 1.25 U IIIIII.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation // A #/ V i^ g. ^ /. w. ist,lves found- ed upon the truth and moulded hy th(;. tru.th that they may be said to come wjthin the range of worthy testimony. And they c'ir'e witl.'Jn that range just so far as they are true opi,i7]ons, ^ tr,ue desires, and true feelings. o^- YoLi step into the court-room. A prisoner is arraigned on the charge of theft. , A man comes for ward to give his testimony concerning the prisoner at the bar of justice. Is he asked io give his individ- ual opinion as to whether or not he thinks the prisoner guilty.'* Is he asked to express his feelings towards the prisoner at the bar? Is he asked to 62823 state what he desires should be done with the pri •- oner? Assuredly he is not. What is r(!quired of the witness is that he speak "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing !)gl**fhe truth." He is there not to speak about hiijiit^elf, or his feelini^^s, opinions, or desires; but h2;;j*s* there to speak the truth in so far as he know.s.'»it* concern inij;^ the prisoner at the bar of jusgoQ aj^tjr/jhe crime laid to his charge. Apart hfifv, i^i^ilvioii altowther; it may be seen that wortKA/t<'^.tHi^ony is based not upon human opinion, tfuijre.W^r feeling, but upon the truth. It ma\ furtluH'*l}e^st>c*n that worthy testimony refers primarily 116tUo scJlf, but to another, or others. While ^^7H"lhyyt^^timony is based upon the truth, "worthy QJir^^stijlTij*: Testimony" is based upon the truth as itiv'in •C^U'ist Jesus. This at once shows that the l?(*wb' ju'.ojmd whom Christian testimony centres is (^ai'isL... Jesus cat^cg HD^!? ^^'^ Apostles to bear witness of or testify* ex )ix«w'e a poor type of a Christ- ian, who cannot be known as such by his dail) walk and conversation; but who in order to be re- coiifnized as such must tell men that he is a Christ- ian. Jesus in warninij^ his disciples aij^ainst false prophets, said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men leather grapes of thorns, or fi^^s of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good frtiit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit . Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt. 7: 16-20.) When Peter and John had healed the lame man, they were brought before the council. Here, they did not talk about the great power they exercised as miracle-workers, and what good men they were; but, they testified that the impotent man had been made whole, "by the name of Jesus Christ ef Nazareth." Although the Council was chieHy com- posed of those who were enemies to the cross of Christ, yet they needed not the testimony of Peter and John that they were the followers of Jesus. But the council, perceiving the boldness of Peter and John, marvelled and took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. There is a kind of testimony that is full of self, ■MMM r 8 but has in it none of Christ. Sometimes such arrogates to itself the name of "perfection," while in reality it is self-glorying, self-exaltation, spirit- ual pride. Flee such testimony. Mark those who use it. They may be likened to an apple, which presents a very beautiful appearance from without, but it seems to ripen prematurely, and drop to the ground. You pick it up, cut it open, and, lo! all its beauty is on the outside— it is rotten at the core. There is a kind of testimony that is "none of self but all of Christ," and it is lovely and of good report. It is the testimony of prophets and apost- les, of saints and martyrs. It is the testimony of the faithful in the past and in the present. It is the testimony of those who with Paul "forgetting the things that are behind reach forth unto those things that are before;" and, who count all things as refuse that they may win Christ, and be found In him, clothed with his righteousness. (Phil. 3: 13, 8, 9). It is the testimony of those who boldly de- clare the truth and defend the truth as it is in Jesus; and who like Peter and John manifest even to the men of the world that they have been with Jesus, It is the testimony that has Christ Jesus and him crucified as its centre, the witness of the Holy Spirit as its ground of assurance, the truth of God as its basis, the fruit of the Spirit and a walk and conversation becoming a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus as its manifestation to the world. May the God of all grace grant you grace, that in the light of His truth, and by the aid and guid- ance of the Spirit of Truth you may testify to the Truth as it is in Jesus. av,i'niim