IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) M ^4L// \i^^^' h :a 11.25 ■ 50 ■^* AQ Hill 2.0 2.5 2.2 us iL 11116 Photographic .Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSBO (716) 872-4503 ^ iV V N> ^V <^\ ^\ '>o' '"«■ ^ received his '"''^^'"^ ^^'^ «ame if they so desire : qotnf- •^''^'' ^^ 00 T , o'' to 4o. . A , ,^ ' Lods:e8.45to5o,..;;;:;:;..:;..;-;-;-^;; ^[||] ■ore English- All accepted candidates for financial ove specified, meraber.ship. who shal' not en te? or mbers of thissick and funeral beneHtt an"i shal ge w,l, com- jnter the Beneficiary Department only «m1 ^^^'^'"''-^^'^^^ W an initiation fee as follow.s • Hna procure lisi f^ i- information ^^ J° ^^^ years $3 00 of a lodge, ^}l^''^^}' fnemhei-s' initiation fees ..hall 3w lodore. ^'^^^ ^ola.s for linancial members \ IS charged, reekly sub<^criptioMS the same as in :ept open for*?'^ next .succeeding />|,hus?. f necessary^^'ie subscription of financial mem- wili dependjf^s shall be according to the following er members, ^'^'^s ; » ohtV^\hf!^^^^'l^ °u^ attaining thesjer'g si ?o^ nnul f "'''^^y ^*« ^««" forme-*, of fhn« otf- "^ "members togethet. an. Ilea, Is tnus attain a power for good whiofis. It individually they could not obtain fhipti flical e Advantages. [If^l^^ Men are educated in its lodges. i In the principles of worthy mfcnhoodf ( In the duties which they owe to tht^iini Queen and Cou try, and the privilegl^^^ T' they enjoy under British Kule V" ^^"1 ness otlfZ^'^^' ""f ^" *h^, happird^Lo" T t u ■ ttges, an in torethought by preparing for .ler capit time when sicKness may interfere witlf he Offi( their daily work. .flge are i In the duty of providing for thei^^e Subc family after death. by initi, In addition to these objects of practilff ^^-^ cal advan-age there i. the pleasure Z^^fi,^^''"" joining in social enjoyment with brotliS ,I^U™ ^^^f^^he sam. blood and kinship, n^ '? /^^ |oy-tr^rri-;^-f-^^^ ^^v^nT.^^ ^- ^- -n.bei.4?^^ . Every lodge of the Sons of EnglaiiS wan offlTT " ^"i^^"^^ enthusiasm^ aXgeme" whirb*i!''^Kl' and patriotic associaticfhH m^m which IS obtainable in no other societ^'l distin €^raeet on Membership. JistahtHsj Membership in the Society is ormn tiTrl'pan'Jf ^ nr J^o*^'^^''*'^'^^*'^ therasefves born ii7 '"the goi or are descendants either through tht^ompliX e 8 f attalninj? thes^Ws side or throuijh thfllr mother's naa been formo*^, of ancestors born in EnKland •8 together an.Hes Isle of Mann, or th« Channei for good whiol^s. It IS a further reqiii>ite to mem- Jhip that auplicants shall pass a pcal examination, certifying thev ^ in sound health, and be of good ral charactev. d not obtain. its lodges. i^orthy mfcnhoo.1 Government. KlIhi^iWu!^;:|^^ S^vernment of the Ord- r is vest- ihUule '^''''^•^naSuprem. Grand Lodge, and in J ■ . , bordinate Lodges. The Snnromo 'L"" '^^ happiand Lodge is composed of delegates eoce and a.d .(^ted annually by^he Subordinate tlges, and is supported finan ially by preparing for jjer capita tax payable quarterly y interfere witlfhe Officers of the Supreme Grand 'tlge are elected annually. ^irting for theiV^^ ^4^.*^^'^^"ate Lodges ar > .support- by initiation fees and we. kly dues bjects of practiff .^-^ control of their own funds,' ^)rt their own officers, pay the sick the plea.sure leut nd kinship •iotic piea.sure lU^^^. i "i ^"'^'-^-'i y^y mo hick with broth,T ,n '.1^^^® ^^^"' P'^^ ^y ^ ^ws (sub- kinship, M,;^ '?;^,f, approval of the Supreme •lOtic purposesT"^uf^'1f^): ^^^^ ^^ ^^'^ry way con- history of oi,ri -^''"^"T^^^ to suit the majority •its WelNbei^J?^L'"^'"b«rs. Members rnit in "«i"-|ir lodge rooms at stated times in <■ T-i , f^ernal intercourse, i earn no- earh ons of Englaiilier's wants and giving wo Js of en Qthus.asm, a..,trag.ment and good chelr tic associatiotf he moment the lodge roon> is enter other 8ociet4ll distinctions are "lost s'^^Jof, and e meet on one common level By this lip. •J'Stant association and intercourse an n^t„ • iafi the same ^nn^ for Be. Will be re^Msrr 1874. le Insurancl >f Ontario. ince of Que PS, 1898. f . Esg„ resident. I).. LK.C.P , lident. N. Hirer. ER. Esq.. ; Secretiiri id President fj Esq., King Winnipegf— RH d-A. J, Cra>^t.J se Yard. G .M( . England. TER, cretary, try Hal), Toronll