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II tst ftinvt t ptrtir dt'i'anglt supArttur gadcht. dt gtucht * droitt. tt 3Elt haut en baa, an pranitnt It /tombrt d'lmagta°ntotattlrt. ltt dttgrtf^mtt tuivtnta illuatrant It mtthodt./ •f?t':)"T*w CATALOGUE 01! A VALUABLE COLLECTION BOOKS, OOHPRISIiro TBI UBBABYOF Til UTI LOUD BBHoi' OF mm, ooNsitTiNo or HiMMkrmw and Valuable I^cyotopaedias, latin Siary, Clarke, Scott, Whitbv.&c ftc ii«*Ai^ fc»editi«n.of tteBibleiavffiSlS^ tte great standard Histories, and W<^^ nieolegy and g' m E?5 /■ GAT ALOGUE OV TBI LiBRtRf OF M im mmxf or ma • " ' ' ■ III » 1 Kitto's htih BiUe UluitratioM, 8 roU. V 2 Pinnock'8 GfoWamiA's England, Greece, and Rw/S b >k«. ^ ^n^e';'^;.'' "^^ ^^ D': 'Leona^l Sohmif, F.R.S.E., 6 JJ^eae aad Thankfutoe«, by the Rev; C. B. Taylor, 6 Hahn'g Grwk Tepfcament, Robinson, in one vol. 7 Lincolii'B Livy, with Engliah Notes. : T « Ciqero Interlinear, by Clarke. 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ISO Lippitioott's Pronouncing Oawtcor of the World, in 2 rota., good copy, new, calf, 18ttl. 181 Po«t Office London Directorjr^ for 1868. .182 Conoordanco between the Civil Tiawn and the LaWi of Napo- leon, Civil and EcclcsiaHtical. 188 Shoridan'ii Speochen, complete in 8 volumet. 184 Anthon'B Cvaaax ; Anthon's Horace ; Anthon's Virgil. 186 amith'd Wealth of Nationi. 186 ^Mward'n. Works, in 2 volumes. ^ ' 187 Blair's Sermons. 188 Stafford's Gazetteer ; Dred, in 2 volumes. 189 Tooko's History of Russia, in 8 vols., half calf. 140 Robertson's America, in 4 volumes. / 141 History of Ireland, by Patrick O'Kelly. 142 Memoirs of Maiy L. Ware, wife of Henry Ware, Junr., by E. B. Hall ; Ferguson's Astronomy, illustrated. 148 Hoc Dictionari vm Pertinet ad Antoninum Cregvy, in 1 large quarto vol., half morocco ; Mandoll's Ancient History m French. 144 Sermons, by 0. SchoU. ♦ • 146 Waterworth'fl Reformation. 14Q End of Controversy, by Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont. 147 Memoirs of F. L. 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T 278 Lockhart's Life of Scott, in 2 vols., calf, fine copy, pktes • Scott's Marmion, in 1 vol., highly illustrated. / ' 274, The British Poets, published by D. Appletcn & Co., N. Y., , full of st^el plate engravings, in -3 vote.; Univeraal Histoir! m 2 vols., full calf, illustrated. H r -'» 276 The Works of John Bunyan, complete, illustrated h & Co., London, new copy, very fine, full gilt; Le' Science and Art, good copy, new. 276i The British Association Reports, about 20 vols. 276. Blackwood's Magazine, consecutive from 1851 cnrr o-'^'^'^s's Wqrkp, half calf, nice copy, in 12 vols. 277 Su- Walter Scott's complete Poetical Works. 278 Bums' complete Poetical Works. / 279 Lord Byron's Life and Poetical Works. 280 Moore's Journal and Correspdndence, by Lord John Russell m 8 vols., English edition, plates. ' 281 Canadian Scenenr, in 2 vols, new foil gUt, 120 steel plate oQo T .^"Sravmgs of best scenes in Canada, by Bartlett. 282 Irish Scenery, in 2 vols, new, nicely bound, gilt, 120 Stee] AQo A P***®®**F*^g8 of best scenes in Ireland. 288 American Scenery in 2 vols., new, richly illustrated, 120 steel ooA m- '^^^^^ engravings of the best scenes in America.^ 284 Tillotson's Serffions, in 10 vols., fine copy, full calf. 1185 TillotBon's Works, foU bound Calf Ay fine copy lln SST^®!*' Commentaries oh the NeViestament, in 1 large vol. Ml Bible, fine large type, fuU bound, gilt edges in cover; IKblo marbled edges. - ' 288 McCull^h's Commercial Dictionary, half mor., marble edges. J89 Census Returns for Upper and Lower Canada, in 2yols.. com- juete. _ 4 290 Historical and Geographical view of Japan^ up to the present tune, m 1 vol., sheep, fine copy; Aristotle's Poetry, two yoj8.'m one, half mor., fine copy. Virtue ores on 1862; r u \ Lot 291 W«thering*8 Botany, in 4 vols., fall calf, a fine copy, 292 Key to iho Old and New Tettamento, half bound, with mtps, tables, &o./ 298 Watson's Lifer, 9 vols, in ono, half moroooo, fine copy. 294 Nicholson's Cyolopndia, in 5 vols., calf, full bound. 296 Elements of !l^tany, 2 vols, in one, new, full of plates ; Tra- ditiona of De-Coo-Dah, aQ4 Aiiti()uanaB BeaearohM, full of plates. 296 Beeoher's Lectures to Toung Men ; Undying Soul ; Songs of die Redeemer, and Marriage of the Lamb, all new. 297 Sttooessful Merchant, Life of, G. W. Heniy ; and Leisure Hour, 8 books all new, the latter pcely illustrated : Reeve's Bible History, half bound ; The Kfe of the Rev. J. Braith- waite, by R. IHokinson ; Life of Maty Queen of Soots, by MacLeod ; and the Young Curate ana Quicksands of lafe. 298 Arundel, and Letters of l^ope Clement the 44th (Ganganelly.) 299 Foster's Essays on Decision of CharactjBr ; and a Tour in Dalmatia, iUustrated, new book ; Arotiij} liliscellanies of the 'f Search of Franklin, and the lUastratf tt London Instructor, *^ beautifully iUustrated. _ I * - 800 Macbride's Essays, and Cowper's Poeibs) in 2 vols., a fine copy, calf ; f^tus, the Bateman's Household, by James Payn. 801 Lectures on the Mountains of Scotland : Perversion, by Cony- beare, and Notabilities in France and England. 802 life of James Montgomery, by Knight ; The great CommunMn by Harris, both new books. 408 Photograph of an Eastern Tour, iUustrated; Life of Dr. Johnson, by RusseU, 2 copies. 804 Anthon's Jacob's Greek Reader ; Aniihon*t Greek Prosody. 806 Christian Year ; Songs of the Redeemer ; Boyhood of great Painters; Daniel's Prophecy of the Yolouks, nearly aU new. 806 Ben. 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