'iu ^>. ^!*^Q..^'^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^ /.^ A * ^-». ^^ c signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, chartai. etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upf/er left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent fttre filmis A des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est I'tlmi A partir de I'angib supdrieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ntcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. ta are. ] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ki^^^,f<=^*i!y^-'i^l^^ ^ CATALOGUE ^%, •?** '^SJS^ •">■?? ;iif Abee Abbe Abb< (( (( i( Adai tt u k^'",'^^' 'l ■ ' r' CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. tt t( A 8vo. Adam's Roman Antiquities. Advices on the Study of the Law. Ainsworth's Latin Dicticnary. Ambrose's Works. American Journal of Science and Art. " Oratory, Specimens of. " Quarterly Review, 1829. Anecdotes of the Life of Bishop Wataon* Archbold's Criminal Forms. Civil do. and Christian's, Blackstone's Commentaries. Animal Kingdom displayed, by the Baron Cuvier, 4 vols, Art of Making Masts and Yards. Alheneum The, of Fashion, Literature, &c, AvlofF's Calender of the Ancient Charters, 12mo, Abeel's Journal of Residence iii Chin^ Abbess The, 2 vole- Abbott's Young Christian. " Moral Influence of Education, , ** Abercrombie on the Intellectual Pow^n^ " Scripture Natural History. Adam's Arithmetic, " Classical Biography, » ; ft Roman iV-nti<|uitiej|, M E. LESSLIE & SONS Adventures in the Peninsula during the War. Adli^n^^ the Vine. Almack's Revisited, 2 vols. AUeine's Alarm to Unconverted Sinners. American Library — History. American, Northern Coasts of. American Farriery, Dutch and English. " Gardener. " Gardener, 1834, 35 & 37. Americans as they are. Amelia, 2 vols. Anastasius, 2 vols. Animals, History of. Antiseptic, The. An.'iiuals, viz. Amulet— Friendship's Offering— Keepsake Picturesque — Souvenir— Landscape — Oriental. Annuals, Illustrations to. Arabia, History of. Arabian Nights Entertainni«nts. Archbold's Pleading & Evidence. " Practice, 2 vols. Arlington, a Novel, 2 vols. Arts and Manufactures of the Greeks and Romans. 18mo. Abelard & Heloise. Abel, Death of. Abercrombie on the Philosophy, of the Moral Feelings. Abbott's real Dialogues. " Mother's Friend. " Young Christian.. . Adam's Select Lessdns. , '. ' Adam's Private Thoughts. Advice to a Young Christian. * - Address to Protestant Dissenters, ^schylus, translated by Potterl ' ' -^sop's Fables. ; />^ w . «: Angu Aposi Arabi Arab] ArtS( (< u jepsake ntal. .ns. eelings. | CATALOGUE O^ BOOKS. African Travellers, Memoirs of. ' Africa, History of. Aikman's History of Religious Liberty in Etigland. Ainslee's Tables for Weighing Cattle. Almar's Dictionary of Chemistry. Albums, Plain and Elegantly Bound. I Alleine's Alarm to Unconverted Sinners. Althon's. Memoirs of Mrs Alexander the Great. Life of ' American Songster. Alphabet of Phrenology. American Chesterfield. " History, 3 vols. Amulet, The, 1834. American Juvenile Keepsake, 1825. " Revolution, 2 vols. Animals, History of. Anthon's Greek Exercises. Angus Album, 1834. Apostles. Lives of the ' ^ Arabian Nights Entertainments, 2 vols. Arabia. History of Arts of Life. " of Glass Blowing. " Arliss' Pocket Magazine, plates. Argonaut's of AppoUonius Rhodius, 4 vols. Aunt Helen, a tale. Austin on the Prussian System of Education^ Awful Disclosures by Maria Monk. " Exposures of do, do. Bernard's Travels in North America. I Beclard's General Anatomy. Bennett's Arithmetic and BookkdejpiRg. < ' ' I A I :.€(! t^ 6 ». UES6LIB T Boydell's Ullage Cask Gruager. ..):'! ... Brand's Manual of Chemistry. , , > i Braidwood on Fire Engines* , Brown's Bible, 2 vols. 4to. " " Dictionary. < / Mathematical Tables. Barnu Barkei Baxtej << Beddo Beckfc I Beatri Beaste Berri« Bello Bever Bell's Belfra Benso Berna Berth Bible Birds « Bible Biblic n Becke it l^liio. 1 1 Babcock's Arithmetic. Bacon's Essays. i iu^ . Balfour's Weeds and Wild flowers. ' Baptists, the, in America^. Barnwell, George, a novel; Barclay on the Arteries. Barker's Cicero. Barnes, Rev. A. . jN[(H€M 0;i the Kv T< Do. Defence before the AaseflftblyQjtJfijaji^jlya^. Barrow, woika-^:Jh^ilamt:!ly^»:.ii:;l'^i, .^•.::,vi;'-:r Brow Back' Buck' Buchi Buch Burn Burn Butte Butle Buny ■I I CAtlLOGUB OP BOOKS. ifif 1 Barnum's Family Receipts. Barker's National Reader. Baxter's Poor Man's Family Book. " Saint's Rest, Beddorae's Village Discourses, 2 vols. Beckford's Sketches of Spain, Italy, &c. Beatrice, a novel, 2 vols. Beastall's Grocer's and Distiller's Guide. Berridge's Christian World Unmasked. Bell on Baths and Mineral Waters. Beveridge's Private Thoughts. Bell's Anatomy, 2 vols. Belfrage's Counsels for the Sanctuary. Benson's Meditations on the works of God. Bernay's German Ghrammar. Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England. 2 vols. Bible Teacher. Birds Architecture of, 2 vqU. " Natural History of. Bible Dictionary. ; v Biblical Dialogues. / " CyclopsBdia, 2 vols. 8vo. Beckersteth's Christian Hearer. 8vo. Brown's Essay on the Existence of ^ Sup?eni0 Cr^^tar. " History of Poetry. :! Back's Aneedoles. Buck's Thelogical Dictipnary. .•; Buchanan's Sermons. Buchan's Domiestic Modiioilie. v Burn's Justice, 4 vols. ,- ., Burnett on the 39 Articles. Butterworth's Concordance. Butler's Poetical Remains. Bunyan's Pilgrim, gilfi*, >.i- .. i •X'l i i.' 1 ■ I i. 1 8 E. LESSLIG & SONS Burnet's Medical Adviser, 2 vols. Butler's Ancient and Modern Atlas. 12 mo. Bums' Burdei Black Hawke. (Life of the Indian) Blake's Natural Philosophy. Blair's Reading Exercises. Body and Soul, 2 vols. Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key. " Arithmetic and Key. *' Mensuration and Key. Book of Politeness. Borderers, the, 2 vols. Botanic Annual. Boyatsky's Golden Treasury. Booth's principles of English Composition. Bourcheir's, Capt., Shipwreck and Journal. Bourrienne's Napoleon, 3 vols, plates. Book of Trades. Boys Ovtrn Book. > " Book of Science. " Week day Book. Bowdler's Essays and Poems. Bravo, the, 2 vols. Brewster's Letters of Euler. Bridgewater Treatises, by Chalmers, Prout, Bell, &c. British India, History of, 3 vols. Brown's Scenes in Scotland. Brougham's Discourse of Natural Theology. Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic. Bruyere's Works, 2 vols. .^.^,^ ,i Buck's Anecdotes. { . . /,, Brunton's Mechanics' Text Book. , . ; / << Buffon' Bunyai u Burretl Butler' Bacon Bandit Barbai; <( (( Barrov Baxter <( (< Beattie Beauti Do [Belsha (I [Belfra, i Bicker << [Bedel] <( [Black' << [Bogati [Boy's (( (( IBoltor ell, &;c. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Burns' Works, 4 vols. JBurder's Memoirs cf Pious Women. *• Mental Discipline. BufFon's Natural History, 4 vols. Bunyan's Holy War. " Pilgrim's Progress. Burrett's Geograpliv of Heavens vi^ith Atlas. Butler's Analogy of Religion. 18mo. % Bacon on the Advancement of Learning. Bandit's Bride, 2 vols. Barbauid's Evemngs at Home. ** Hymns. " Lessons for Children. Barrow's Life of Peter the Great. Baxter's Dying Thoughts. " Saint's Rest. " Call to the Unconverted. Beattie's Minstrel. Beauties of Binning. Do. of Literature by Howard, 40 vols. iBelsham's History of George IH, " Chronology of George IV. Belfrage's Sketches of Life and Character. Bickersteth on Prayer. " on the Lord's Supper. Bedell's Is it well 1 " Ezekiel's Vision. Black's Etymological Dictionary. " Student's Manual. Bogatsky's Golden Treasury. jBoy's Own Book. • . " Week day Book. " and Girl's Library/, 24 yols, ^ [Bolton's Four Last Things, 9 10 ^. LESSLIE & SONS Boston's Four-fold State. " Crook ha the Lot. " Life of Reverend Thomas. Bouquet, The, or Spirit of English PojBtry. Bourne's Picture of Slavery. Bowen's History of Ireland, Brewster's Philosophical Letters of ISuler, 2 vols. " Life of Sir Isaac Nswton. Ibiooke's Apples of Gold. British Satirist, The Brown'o Child's First Book. Scripture Selections. Concordance. Catechism. Notes on the Psalms. Buck's Models of Female Character. Buchan's Medicine. Bunyan's Pilgrim. Holy War. Burns and Ramsay's Poems. Burn's Works, 2 vols. Burdor's Early Piety. " Sermons. Burnet's History Reformation, 6 vols. Bush's Life of Mohammed. Butterfly, The, by Mrs. Sherwpod. Butler's Analogy of Religion. ** Hudibras, 2 vols. « (( it it 8vo. Caldwell on Arbitration. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, Cambridge Physics — Optica. Carpenter's and Joiner's Instructor. CATALOGUE OP BOOKS. 11 )arson's Tactics, )arscn on Baptism. !ampbeirs Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. Caesar's Commentaries. " Delphini. Jelebrated Trials of all Countrieis. Jhalmers* Worki of Rev. Thos. )hatham, Burke, JSfskine, and Mackintosh's Speeches. Jhambep's B dinbiirgh Journal. •* R^«;ii^oir8 of the Rebellion in 1745. " J formation for th6 PebpH6. Jicero de Natura Deoruitt. *hapman^s Therapeutics. Christian Instructor, Edinburgh Jhemistry of the Arts, 2 vols'. 31arke*8 Commentary 6n^ the Bible, 6 vols. Jlia'a, Capt., Gymnastic Exercises, /larke's Grotius on the Truth of th^Ohiristjan Religion. )oke's Commentary upon Lyttleton oii English Caw. /ombe's Phrenology. Jomyn on Contracts, Comprehensive Bible, 4to. /ompanion to the Newspaper, /ooper's Surgical Dictionary, 2 vols, loster's Practice of Medicine. Jobbett's English Housekeeper. j> Jowper and Thomson's PbteticM WdrkiV ;owper*s Law Reports. Jox's AdvenMres on the Columbia; Riveii*. 'rowp Circuit Companion. Jrabbe's Synonymes. Jruden's Concordance, /ultivator, The, published monthly ait' Ss". dd. pjbf ixmnm. Cabinet of American History, f vols. " Library, 2 vols. 12 B. X.]^SSLIE Jlz) SONS Campbell's Pulpit Eloquence. Carpenter's Geography of the New Testament,., ; " Synpn^mee. CsBsarls I'd.tersonii, " Dymock. Casket of Literary Gems, Caunter's Records of London Clergymen. .' Chambaud's French Books for Schools. Chambers' Reekiana, or Traditions of Edinburgh. " Minor Antiquities of Edmburgh, " Picture of Scotland. Chesterfield's Letters to his Son. Chronology of History, 1 Christian Church, by Stebbing. Child's American Frugal Housewife. Chalmers' (Rev. Dr.) Works, 2 vols. Clerk's Magazine. Clouds and Sunshine. Clater's Farripry. Clayton's Sketches of Biography. ^ ; Clubs of London, 2 vols. Cobb's Walker's Dictionary. Colborne's Arithmetic. V Collyer's Celsius. .^i Colonial Harmonist. Columbian Orator. Colquhoun on the Law and Gospel. Combe on Education. " Constitution of Man. i , . Common Events. s Comstock's Philosophy, . ,> " Chemistry. Companion to the Altar. .,. ;, ,i Condorcet's Arithmetic. Conquest's Outlines of Midwifery. Conversations on the Bible. Conversations on Geology. iConv ill r Confd Cookl Come Corrc I Cove Coun Cowp unn's Present, ►ury's Monthly Teacher. Dutchess of St. Leue, Memoirs of. |D wight's Hebrew Wife* ISmo. )aily Light, Expositor, Instructor, Incence, &c. [Dairy of a Physician, 2 vols. Davis' Tour in America. De Lolme on the English Constitution, Dewhurst's Phrenology. i Dendy's Book of the Nursery (Medical.) ! Diversions of Hollycott. Dick on on the Diffusion of Knowledge. Divine Origin of Christianity. Don Quixote, 6 vols., French. Dore on Faith, 4 vols., English, Doddridge's Rise and Progress. Dodd's Thoughts in Prison. Dodsley's Economy of Human Life, Dryden's Virgil. Dwight on Prayer. D wight's Theology, 5 vols. Dyer's Christ's Famous Titles. Dymock's Ainsworth's Dictionary, Dymock's Ovid. E 8vo. Eaton*s Geological Text Book. Edinburgh Theological Magazine. " Encyclopsedia, 4to. Elegant Epistles. " Extracts. IS E. LESSLIB & dONS English Common Law Reports. Encyclopaedia Americana, 13 vols. Etymons of English Words. Evans's Agriculture and Supplement. E wing's Synopsis of Mathematics. 12mo. Early English Navigators, Lives of Ede's Address to Youth. Edge worth, Maria*8 Works. " " Letters for Literary Ladies. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, 12 vols. Elegantia Latina. Elements of Morality. Elia. Emigrant's Guide to the Missisippi. Enfield's Artist's Assistant. Entick's Latin Dictionary. Eton's Latii. Grammar. " Prosody. Erskine on Faith. " Freeness of the Gospel. Egyptian Antiquities. Egypt, History of Europe During the MkJdIe Ages, 3 voh. Ellis, Memoirs of Mrs. Eutropius. Evelina, a Novel, 2 vols. Exempla Minora. Example, or Family Scenes. 18mo. Economy of Human Life. " of Hands and Feet. Eccentric and Odd Characters. ■*» 'aradi ^arrai ^earo: ^emal ^ergu << C4 J'erna 'esse ^ieldl ^leet 'lave 'ren< ^ry's ^ulle ^ulle (( CATALOGUE OF fiOOtCS. 19 <( « dinburgh Almanac, 1830. Sd wards on the Affections. Sermon. on Redemption, eminent Painters and Sculptors. Cmma and her Nurse. Cnd and Essence of Sunday School Teaching. Sn gland, History of, 2 vols. Crskine, Life of John. " Consolatory Letters, vans's History of all Religions, xtracts in Prose and Verse. 8vo. i'araday'e Chemical Manipulation, ^'arrar's Treatise on Optics, earon's Sketches of America, emale Biography. 'erguson's Lectures on Experimental Philosophy. " Introduction to Electricity. " Astronomy, 'ernandes* Spanish Grammar, ^essenden's Interest and Exchange Tablet, 'ielding's Works, 2 vols, leetw^ood's Life of Christ, lavel on the Soul, rench Revolution, History of ry's Hebrew Psalmist, uller on Genesis, 2 vols. uUer's Miscellaneous Pieces. Memoirs. Prophecy. 20 E. LESSLIfi & SONS 12mo. False Step, The Family Book, The Family Receipt Book. Farmer's Library, ' " Own Book. Fatal Errors and Fundamental Truths. Female Biography. Ferguson's Astronomy. Fisk, Memoirs of Rev. S. Finney's Revival Lectures. Fletcher's History of Poland. Flint's Surveying. Forsyth's Medical Manual. Forster's Encyclopedia of Natural Phenomena. " Essay on Popular Ignorance. Fowle on Drawing ana Perspective. France, The Tour of Fraser on Sanctification. ' Francis' (Bishop of St.) Christian Institutes. Frost's Outline of History. " Elements of Criticism. ,• 18mo. Faith, as unfold'}d by many Prophets, by Miss Martineau Fairy Book, 1837, Father's Second Present to his Children. Fanny Newell, Memoirs of Falconer's Shipwreck, Family Dyer and Scourer. Familiar Conversation. , . Ferguson's Poems, calf, Fitzosborne's Letters. - , . Fletcher's Address. .,■ Forest, the / ; jit0' CATALOGUE OP BOOKS. 21 Form Book. Franklin, Life of— Fraiiklin's Polar Voyages, 4 vol.nci# ** 's Sophocles, 2 vols. French Classics, 2 vols. " Wives and Politics, by Miss Martineau. I Freeness of Grace, by J. Graham. Fresnoy's Abridgment of Ancient Geography. Friendship's Offering, 1836 & 37. French Testament. [Frugal Housewife. 8vo. allery of Portraits, 5 vols. Kxalbraith's Mathematical Tables. 'Gardens and Menageries of the Zoological Society. ^Genesee Farmer. 'Goethe's Memoirs. ^^^IfGibson's Surveying. , f Iprillie's Greece. i felasgow Medical Journal, 5 vols. ,■ > jproldsmith's Works, 4 vols. %" Animated Nature, 4 vols, ood's Study of Medicine, 5 vols. Grattan's Miscellaneous Speeches, &c. iartineau Graham's Domestic Medicine. Gray's Travels in Western Africa. Plough Wright. Supplement to PharmacopSBia. Worlds Displayed. Grseca Minora. " Majora. Greenbank's Periodical Library, '^regory's Conspectus. LattTi. " Practice, 2 vols, uthrie's Geographical Grammar, ummere's Land Surveying, uyse's Practical Expositor on the New Testament. X (< <• i( 22 E. LESSLIE & SONS 12mo. Gait, Autobiography of, 2 vols. " Life of JByron. Geographical Annual 1832. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Girl's Own Book. *' Week Day Book. Goldsmith's Natural History. Godman's Rambles of a Naturalist. Gordon's Translation of Livy. Gough's Arithmetic and Key. Graham, Memoirs of Mrs. Grseca Minora. Gregory's Memorials of Mrs, Hemans, Griffin on Divine Efficiency. Grimshaw's History of England. Grotius de Veritate Relig. Christ. Gutstaff's History of China. B' if^ 18mo. Gilt's Life of Byron. Gay's Fables. Gems of British Poesy. Glass Blowing, Art of Gleanings from Natural History. Gleig's History of the Bible. Godfrey Hall, a Tale. Goldsmith's Essays and Bee. Geography. History of Greece, 2 vols. " Rome. Poems. Goodriqh on Maternal Influence. " Lectures to Children, Good Servant, the It it it u 1 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 23 Gould *8 Stenography. Graham on the Scriptures. Graham, Memoirs of Mrs. Grandfather Gregory. Grandfather, Tales of a, four series. Griffin's Chemical Recreation. Guide to Domestic Happiness. *' to Thought or Moralist Text Book. Gurney's Dictionary of the Bible, i Guy's Astronomy. 8vo. Haydn and Handel's Collection of Sacred Music. Hall's Works, 2 vols. Hamilton's History of Medicine. " on Purgative Medicine. Hartley on Man. ^'arrison'a Digest, 3 vols. / art's Diversity of Theological Subjects, assler's Geometry. " Astronomy. " Trigonometry. ' 'ayward on the Science of Agricultlire. ederici's Lexicon. Heman's, Heber's, and Pollock's Poems, "'enderson's Description of Iceland, iistory of France, 4 vols. (Mezeroy.) ill's Logarithmical Tables, istory of the Secret Societies of the Army. istoire d' Angleterre. ^ itchcock's Geological History of Massachusetts, ooper's Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. ' <^ iHorne's Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures. [Holmes on the Revelation of St. John. ' - 24 £. LESSLIE & 30NS M I [i (( us. ''ft'. (( <( Innis' Sketches of Human Nature* Evidence of Christianity. Christian Biography, Insect Architecture. Josephus* Works, 5 vols. Journal of a Nobleman of the Congreto of Vienna. Joyce's Arithmetic and Key. Ivans Veejeeghans, or Life in Russia, 2 vols. Ivemey's Life of John Milton. Jane way on Christian Diligence, Jay's Short Discourses. " Family Prayers. Jesus Shewing Mercy. Johnson's Letters and Essays. " Dictionary. " Tour to the Hebrides. Jones' Beauties of Sturnme. Joyce's Scientific Dialogues. Junius' Letters. K M M 8vo. Karnes' History of Man, 3 vols, JCeepler's Astronomy. Kirke White, Remains of H. 12 mo. Karnes' Elements of Criticism, " Art of Thinking. Keach's Travels of Ungodline»3, Keith's Signs of the Times. " Prophecy. " Mensuration. ICpnnedy'a Fitful Fqtncies. .^MkF 28 E. LESSLIE &. SONS m i Keepsake 1828—29—30. Kennedy on the Management of Children. King's Secret, the, a novel, 2 vols. Kirkham's Elocution & Grammar. Kitchener's Cook's Oracle. " Vocal Music. Kitchener On Telescopes. ISmo. Keith on Prophecy. Kitchener's Invalid's Oracle. Klopstock's Messiah. Knowledge for the People. 8vo. Lardner on the Steam Engine. Larry's Surgical Memoirs. Las Cases Memoriale de St. Helene. Latter Struggles of a Bookseller. Law Magazine. Lee's Observations on the Writings of Jefferson. Leighton's Sermons. Lemprier's Classical Dictionary. Library of Useful Knowledge, completed to March, 1837. " " Farmer's Series — Cattie,the Horse, &c, Lloyd on "What it is to Preach the Gospel." Locke on Government. " " St. Paul's Epistles, " " Education. London Encyclopaedia, 22 vols.— Boards, " Stage, 2 vols. Loudon's Encyclopsedia of Plants. of Gardening. of Cottage & Villa Architecture. <( (« a <( Hi CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 29 on. rch,1837. orse, &c, iitecture. I Law Bookis Continued* |l Tidd's Practice. I " Forms. I Vanbenthusen's Equity Draftsman. I Wynn's Eunomous. I Advice on the Study of the Law. I Archbold's Pleading. I " Forms. Bingham on Infancy. " Judgments. Cabinet Lawyer. Caldwell on Arbitration. Blackstona's Commentaries, 4 vols. Burns' Justice, 4 vols. Chitty's Blackstone. " on Pleading. I " 's Practice. 1 " Bills of Exchange. : " on Contracts. I^pke upon Littleton's Ccmmentaries. S Bird's Pocket Conveyancer, 2 vols. iCrown Circuit Companion and Supplement, t Chancery Reports. ^^ickf bison's Justice of the Peace, 4 vols. '.English Common Law Reports, form Book, the Jacob's Law Grammar, ^arvis on the duties of Coroners. Ujbw Magazine. f *' Summary. ffVoodlall's Landlord and Tenant liee's Dictionary of Practice. Montagu on Set-OfF. Biitford's Pleading. *faddock's Chancery Practice, arker on Arbitration. «'-i 30 C. LESSLIfi & SONS Provincial Justice* Petersdorf on Bail. Runnington on Ejectment. Roscoe on Ev'Jence. " Bills of Exchange. Saunders's Pleading and Evidence. Li 12mo. Last Supper, the Law's Serious Gall. Lackington, Jas. Memoirs of Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. La Fayette, Private Life of Leslie's 200 Receipts in Cooking. Leslie Linkfield. Levizac's French Dictionary. Le Brun's Adventures of Telemachus, (French.) L'histoire d' Angleterre. Library of Romance. " of Entertaining Knowledge, viz : — Insect Ar- chitecf-ure — Menageries — Quadrupeds — Insect Transformations — Pompeii — British Mtiseum — Criminal Trial — Historical Parallels. Lillie's British Perfumer, Lincoln's Dictionary of CheroisU'y. Literary Rambler. " Gems. Lounger, The, 3 vols. Looking-Glass for the Mind. Lyell's Geology, 4 vols, plates. Laird of Logan, or the Wit of the Weit. Lambe's Tales. Ladies' Lexicon. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 31 Le Bas' Life of Wickliffe. Lady of the Lake, by Sir W. Scott. Larington's Address to Christians. Lander's Expedition to the Niger. Langley's Builder. Leland's Translation of Demosthenes. Letters from a Lady to her Niece. Le Nouveau Testament. Leslie (Mrs.) and her Grandchildren. Lennie's Grammar and Key. Linneus, The Young Liberia, Missionary History of Literary Coronal. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. " Eminent Painters and Sculptors. London Letter Writer, new. Lockhart's Life of Napoleon. Locke on Toleration. " the Human Understanding. Luther and the Reformation. \lnsect At- \8 — Insect Mtiseum \aUels, m 8vo. Macadam on Roads. Mackenzie's 5000 Receipts. Macknight's Translation of the Epistles. i " Harmony of the Gospels. [Mackay on the Longitude. jMacuUoch on Remittent and Intermittent Diseases. •* on Political Economy, lacintosh's View of the Progress of EtJiical Philosophy 'Magistrate's Manual, "lair's Book-Keeping. lalte Brun's Geography, [arryatt'c, Capt's. Worki, 32 E. LESSLIE & SONS Marshall on Mania and Hydrophobia. Mechanic's Magazine. Medwin's Conversation of Lord Byron. Med'co Chirurgical Review. Medical Journal (Glasgow) 5 vols. Methodist Preacher, 1832, 33. Milton's Poems, 1 vol. Milner's Church History. Minister on the Cutting of Coats. Mitchell's Portable Encyclopaedia. Mirror of Literature, Amusement, Modern Builder's Guide. Modern Literature, 2 vols. " Life Wesley. M )rrison's Book-keeping. Morrell's Voyage in the Pacific, &c. Musical Monitor. Murray's Encyclopaedia of Geography, 2 vols. Grammar. History of Galloway. and Instruction. <( n 12mo. Macewen on Grace and Truth. Macnish on Drunkenness. ** 's Philosophy of Sleep. Mair's Vocabulary and Introduction to Latin, McRoy, Annals of the Family of. McLeod's Sketch Book in Gaelic. McLean on the Apostolic Commission. Mair's Tyro's Dictionary. MacLaren's Journal of a Tour in Scotland. Malcolm's Scenes of War and other Poems. Marolle, Martyrdom and Sufferings of Louis de. Marchall's Ecclesiastical History, Mason's Collections for Schools. Eli » CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 33 Mansfield's Political Grammar of the U. States. Majendie's Formulary. Maternal Solicitude, by Taylor. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge. Mayor's Classical Poetry. Maxwell, a novel, 2 vols. Maygrier's Anatomy. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Menageries. Mentoria, or Young Lady's Instructor. Mercator's Guide to Trade. Mellen's Poems. Mitchell's Traveller's Guide. Milton's Works, 6 vols. Millenial Church, or History of the Shakers. Miller's History of Greece. Montague, or Is this Religion *? Moore's Hour of Retribution and other Poems. " History of Ireland. Montgomery's Poems. Morgan's (Lady) History of France. Moral of Flowers, Beautifully Illustrated. Morrison's Bookkeeping. " Arithmetic and Key. Mothers and Daughters, a novel, 2 vols Mother's Conversations on History, Moubray on Poultry. Monroe on the Bones. Murray's Grammar, Exercises and Key. My Grandfather's Farm. Myliu's Class Book. 13mo, Mackenzie's Works, 24mo. Macgowan's Dialogues of Devils. Malcolm, Memoirs of Mrs. 34 K. LESSLIK & SONS Malan, Narrative of Rer. C. Marcus Aurelius, by Mrs. Sigourney. Marmion, by Sir W. Soott. Mason's Select Remains. " On Self Knowledge. Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols. " and Julia, a tale. Meadow's French and English. Dictionary. Meikle's Traveller. Melvin's Prosody Grammar. Melrose's Arithmetic by Ingram Merchant's and Banker's Commercial Guide. Milman's History of the Jews, 3 vols. Milton's Works, Review of. " Paradise Lost. Miniature Lexicon. 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