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PART FIRST. 1,— Overture lo William Tell Fosnini Arransred by WM SCHCTLTZB. 2.— Air, " Let the bright Seraphim." -(From Samson) Hamdtl MISS FANNY J. KELUXJO. 3. — Fantwsie tor Flute on a Swiss air Boehm [EDWARD HEINDL. 4._"Lorely." — A L-haracteristic piece Kcsvadoa Arrangred by B. HENNIQ. -" Reconciliation.'' — Fantaisie for Clarinet ..Ityan THOMAS EYAN. PART SECOND. 6.—^ lihBalkd.— "BriJe Bells" MISS FANNY J. KELLOOO. .Rocdtat Maid Elsie roams by lane and lea ; Her heart beats low ami sad, Her thoughts are far away At aea With her bonnie sailor lad. But klin^, lang, ling ! S)ie seems to hear her bride l>el!8 rinj; Kling, lang, ling, kling, lang, liut;. She seems to hear her bride bells Ting, Her bride be Is ring ! aBM.i.a. That night her lover's good ship rode The furious Biscay foam, And as the streaming deck he trod, He thougth of her at home, Ue thought of her at home ; While kling, lang, ling ! lie seemed to hear his home bells ring ; Kling, lang, liog, kling, lang, ling, He seamed to hear his home bells rli;g, Hi,4 li'iine bells riu;{. i* A year by seas, a year by lands, A year since then has died. And Elsie at the allar stands. Her sailor at her side. Her sailor at her side ; While kling, lang, ling I Their boqnie bride i'ells gaily ring, Kling, lang, ling, kling, lang, ling, Their bonnie bride belli gaily ring, Their bride bells gailj ring ! 7. — Ranz des Vachi's and Scherzo on a Dutch Dante, for Violoncello. Sfrrai* RUDOLPH HBNNIO. 8. —Solo for Violin on " HuBgarian Sapaody " Ifanser WILLIAM SOUULTZE. J>. — Staccato Polka Muflfer MISS FANNY J. KELLOOO Bridal March and Bridesmaid's Chorus, from the Opera of Lohengrin Rkliard Jfagnn- Arrangred by T. RYAN