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Tous las autras axamplairas origlnaux aont fllmAs an commanfant par la pramMro paga qui comporto una amprainta dimpraaalon ou dlllustration at an farminant par la damMra paga' qui comporto vna talla ontpralnta. ^ ' ■• Un das symbdaa aulvants %pparaftra sur la ^ damlAra Imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la^ l cas: la symbola i%i»- signifia "A SUIVRE". la " symbols ▼ signifia "FIN''. ' Maps, piataa. charta. ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduction rattos^^Thosa too larga to ba ontlraly included In ona axpoaura ara filmad cjbaglnnlng'ki tha uppar )aft hand comor. loft to right and top to'bottom. as mfny dramas as raqulrad. Tha following diagrams lllustrata tha mathod: 's Las cartas, ptehchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra fllmAs A daa 6e nodo. ni»,4v. rte..W!'^Zc;^UV(^»k*^ ' <»-;; .{#»,; IRBIGATION m BRITISH OOI4UMBIA. Bt b: Moqmr, N. (jam. 800. 'C. SL ' '|(k» Uf^pr inigirtioii auj ahui tob*«ie Imto (WMtiied by >lMttbrM»' * ■ " " — ^j: ~ ► - . '1 «^' UdMt brraeh of that profcnioD wbicb M«ks to dinet the gnat aodnos , ofpowwinnaianfertiMiueand aerrieeofmap. Ita origin is loit in ^vlat » of wtiqiiity, bit th« riciU and knowledge of bjdnaUtf lam pMMMud bjr ti^ftnt otril eiwioeen uw attested by the jUitts of the gigtntia worin MMU^net ed j^ tbon in Bgypt and AssjWa. In tbe feraer we ibd the artificiial Like Mceris^ two hnndred and twenty^ve ' i^ in oiTCtttttfSmnee, aosording to Herodotns, snppaaed to bam been •oM^aeted -by Ameaembit 3rd abodt 2380 B.C. The gnat Ckuial ^ir-Tooiiip, 3M miles k»g, conatniHed under the Pharaohs, and/ ^l^aind by Salaidin._ And the Sweet Water Cknal attributed to Seaos-' tri(abontl4ei6B.C. In Assyria, Khammongas^probabfyabont 2000 &0^ is eieditad with the conatn^tion of nsuerons c^ala and the embant^awtoftheTipia. -^ Aboot 600 BlO. HeSiehadnenar embanked the Bnphtatea; tmt eanab to eany its onrlow into the ISgria j exeavatMl a leserrmr; 40 mllas aqvare and tUrty-flve feet deep {lETerodottts) to leeaiTe^ waters of the Ibnnerriiw, while its obannelwasMns lined with bffll; 'and eonMfattad the Alr-ftmed Hangbg Gardens of Babykm, on a s«iti«raidMaatjMat9Sftel high and 400 Oio^ftetsanaie. Itk asMthM^lhawoMMvAein inigalioa WMiniaed ft^ tha i^phwi,, by an AnUAsdtan ismw. In Oiina its hi^oiy appaurs to be eoefal with aat of the Ohineaii timpire. In bdia in modem times the Imperial Gotennmit ipent hi ten years on irrigation no less a snm than £10,457,702 steriing. Of this smonnt £6,673,401 waa ezpendod in the North West Profineia,indading th* great works of the Ganges, the Bastan Jama, the 4in> *»A the Lower Gangm eanak; the ana in the Korth Wast Provfames irrigated was 1,461,428 aeiw Oaeof the most gigaalio of modem irrigation sebcMs'to in 9imth«m Idaho, and hel nSes the «onstnetkm,^»(wirp«at 300and'280milaskMg rei^cetiraly, f^uW^^a of irr^ati^ aw abated area of 4^S00,000^a$tNr''At the present day ^nigalien is in syMMBliu naa onji^-een^nent, and has ptored of IndHimaMe valwt in adfi;g,4rdw^iod aappliaa of the popnktion of the i^bo. ,"^^1878 thaanthorrceeiTed instnotions to report npon irrigation a» piMtbsd in British CUnstbia fiir the inftimalkm of the Bomtaioa Gfnrwnmi^t; adlthis ps]^ ia prineipaUy based npon the notmlhen tnkea; he wovli also be^eak tht indn^anoe flK tHinhili, > Ttn tornm mining sMJiwi Inlhn flaniiw>i KfeHMiimiittaiilnilli'iMknntgtiM ly^tia fnnir, ^p7' -1==^: v ■llj «M n nit. • aimto. Aymt ilttMa yMrfngl^ Mr. Abm ^ow- ■Ma, BOW of tha Gcokigied Sarvey of Caiteda, am in Cytftniia, inade ' < * pfMtieal and •dalrablo tngtiwl^n, namd^, that an ineb aC^ntMr ' ihoaU Mao 100 raUe feet ao hnu^ or 2400 onbic ftat a day. Had >4iii taggUtium beea adopted, tho' mittor woold have been moeh eim- IiliMf.* . Ib I'nS iheMbi^ Lam of Britiafa OohimUa permitted die oriSee to be ten inehea or loa 1b depth, with, any head not more than fBTen- teen inehea abore tbs ioMom of the' oriSoe. A ftw yean Uter the anthor bronght the matter to the notiee of tha Prorineial Qoremment ; At IbDowing ia now the deinition aeeording to the Land Aet:— ' <* In meaaaring water in^ anyditah or ilniee, the following roloi ibaUbeobaened:— " The water taken into a ditdi at ilniee shall be'meainrtd at the ditoh or ihiiee head. No water Aall be iaken into a ditoh or ifari* eseept in a tioni^ piaeed horiiontaDy at the plaee at^di the water enters it, and wbieh tioi^ shall be extended two feetbqrond the oriAoe for the diaehafgeof the water. One inch of water, or any mnltiple of OM ineb, 4wll iMan half the qnanUty that will paai "throng^ an , oriiee two indisa hbb by one or more indiea wide, with a eonatant bead of saren inebaa abore t^ npper side of the oriSoe." Tbaae dimenriona and head were adopted a» being as naarfy as poanble , iBaeeofdaneewitblbeenatbmarymeaanrement. It is believed that thia itsndaid ha«.sinee been adoptedby the 0omudon OoTemineiit. Taking the vahwtf e. at 0^ (Orcenbill & Dnwin), one ineb=s •.64ft V^ X 0.01380 X 48200=2(^6 onbio feet a day. And for orifiee of diflhient depiha witii othet.b|i|^ the niunber oi ineheasO Vh-X' 873.4 X a. ♦.<'''. - ,v : ; * ilt"' The eonatmotion of ga««aB bA for Hong Uma deenpied the attto- '' tion of the hydranlfe engineeraof Northern Italy;' trind the naearchea' andeiperimentaaNdebyth^m, forthepupoeeafeataUiabingaaimple aelf-aeting iMtmrnant of that daeeription, led to the diaeoreiy of the following enriona kw of bydrodynamien, npon wbieh is baaed the prin- eiple'of the g*ogM oMd in Piedmont and Lombardy, " Jt was aaeartained that, in a vaae eonatantly sniped, bat ditidnd into two portiona by a diaphragm soseeptible of being aW>«ad vartieally witbadiaAMgiBgoriSeeoBOneaide ofthe wae, aeonstantdiArenee gf lercl asirted in th» aarfaoea of the reqwetiva poitioaa of the '^rewmrf'- ao tag is the water flowed ; and tbat tbia diSarbnee of leral irtfpaatir in pnqiortion aa the opening 4^ the diaphragtn was lesa eom^ed to that Of the oriflee. And it waa alao obaerrad th^t if, by any eha^ b the d&eetion of Hm snpply or the flow, Ibe leril were made to altar «■ dthar aide of the dUphragm, the Ooneaponding wia. liona in Iba Mvet npon ^ two sides eontfauied alwaya to be pioportional to the rtapaotiTe diflamiee of lent fliat eatabliahed." (BnmeUO A aketeh of ona of tbaae modalea k shewn ia Plate V, Vigure 1, in wbieh the water b admitted bto tha regnlating ehamber A b]r the movable ■Iniee b. The water k mabtaiaed at the proper height b the regnbti ng ehamber whea dkehargiag thrangh the oriflee O, by raiaiag orlowerbg thadakeb. The ehamber A k eoverod with a flnling at the esaet k«4 of tha nqnind bead (wluefr'iiiendkated by a gange) to atill the agitatka of the aaterbg water. The onit of maasnKaent noiaa b JMkaat looalitka aa foUowa :— Hdditof Width of Head above Oiuoa. Oriflee. -top of Oriiee. ft ft. ft. CkaalLodi... 1.18 0.18416 0.^ OaaalofOiMMBa. 1.81816 0.181 0.181 Saribiaa kodak. 0.6ft68 0.6562 0.6668 Oaeb ilagktrak orifika OiOSft 0.8426 0.82iM Diadianain enbknet 0.616y 0.7220 2.046 0.866 0.8426 ti lE^aia a moduk giviag very good ««Blk k b aae on tha MidrM Ohaal, Hgnn 8. lu oonatraetlon, howevwr, bvohreaa aerioas l«m of level betweaa the eaaalaad tha irrigatknditeh. Tbkmodokeoa- ^ki£t|^«huibin. oaa abova tha other ; to *• VPW Mw th« water rft" u kaafMaaMvliam llm eaaal, h ik floor, wUM M IW OilMtflM k«ar«hambtr;thenkaeii«akfaharp«dgaAoriflaaiaabteaM ' ta whkh baag» a eirDnkr ptag of varybg ^meter eaapsade«"^ floats Thaplag'kao Aaped that aa tha water b tha appar ikmaadfiJkaad tha4sataadplH«M> i*> t^ <^r<'*'Ht*'**^ (torn a s^. .iVi ,/•-' - ' \% "^Jkl -/-* •i.-, v- • » y „^, - •« -i^ "^r- ' H ii> f<^ . ."J> ?■-• rtWHK %.. \ \ ■ ' V. •m C:.. ■«^-., T f/..' :.":■< tJ u^ thMgli Um hMd Mty nwy. Fi«« rti»lB«« *««»*,*••■•» ■•*• •kMRadihiOTRh •ndmlUvillMifriRMiMiaiMh. _. . I« tkia MMdnla Um orlie* m« ia • dWH^g "Hil !*••. ** **"*?*J[^ ■ liik to • btn, tm»k0i •! «••«*»•• io* •• ^*». "■*« IgM. MtataW^ «!»♦<»•( *••.!•*. Wiii*** *»***T*» ■•ffc«ortha«»l6r. IK AppQUI««liotaf«to4««rfrtil*^««* I • hmrfpmMtim, w iHopufUo-d Ikat llw «M tog»>K.wWw riw ilM pnAiln "^ li MMto J . ! «■*'' ■«"■■"' _ J K«ml ral«^ fcr irrigidi^ aNpt, Wd *»» fcy IM3.«*«». ^ (hw britly eMMiAtwl ly Ihmtmj :— i lit. Tli«t the wa^ihoiUdbtwdl •.•«•*;*• |N»MM» of •tawi*«»« •ir wgood, Uit th»tU«Mfbo«le aeid RMMwdi bMtr; aad it bdMlr- •Uft that tiM wtiM Ao«»d MMlaia fertUiiiag Mttw*. M. Ib the wiati Um thm ihowld b» littto Mf/Okm, Umm th* pbaH^uv thMMloniMt, aad water i« thaa MptnlMadMl la ifriag a^watKiiaMallpbaadiM. la tamaMr it ia waatfag ; and al ikat lime tiM water dKniUlMgiTMiia the aTwias. 3rd. TIk> qoaaUiy of tlie water *» !»• ayfliad Aoald ba failad a. Totheol^eetof tliee«itara:-^WbaaibrlM««a,wirawalac ba given thaa wbea Ibr towera; Im water akoald bo givaa "* graiaa or (hula. | ^ 6. To the dapiha of the roota:— TIm apfliaatka aho^ flvqnaat to tlw ^te of whiA tlie roota ara'aiipefM^il Im to deeper roota. y^ 'e. To the atraeUw of tlie foliige :— Thoaj^ieh evaponMo BMh (aaeb aa pbata wiA laiga leavM) aara M«*«^y tkaa pareaaial, or plante witli tliidc leav^ y^ d To Um eoaUateaee of Um alaMaad of the root*:— Boala with UAf »wa do Mt thrite If^ id aa adaa U y w-wadj a» *• aaao Uae Otey are i^jar^/C^ *y** Tkka»«alo« ar balkaaa pluil8,>or pfawu witli leaJHrMree, eaa bear a Ic a g eaa t ia w dd iya iav •ad themfore lnrie«i«fp m4arwinagwa^biii)«HM»d.i..«iad«. H. daa ilrtj*.* *a ^■aaMrfWlMUvaUiwo^riaobeaUaMladtofavan^UOadriolMadiV; Itit aa iM ii a* aaaaaUaKy aqaaUa ilaM, i«|Bi|ii« to be aoMlaaUy iBT ,M,tk<|h*4ilft|wM toi"^>»" MadMMMwba labMI iy.iB ITai* AM«, mmk haiktofi tea ia llwwqr«r ''", 'f - y \ daring the lut few ymn, by mmii* oT ■rtMiaii «*lii^ Thiea gl w * ' ' di« loir-lying' portUma or thn Alf(rrina Sahara, there aMMan to ba an abuniUnou «(' ■jibtarranein walcru, which oaly require ■• Miilat iK^Uiii HurliioA bi oauM tlia fiil«| b)nMM>m a* the roaa. Tha flmt Weuoh well waa bured in iHIMI, which jrivMed about 88 imhaa; and by tlw iiil Urtolier, 1885, thvre w«ni in Ike Oaad, Bir, a valley about ridgi3 ; on the nininit of the ridge b tha atiallow feeder or floa^UK tmvuli, ''">■» "hioli the water ia theiToTar ^ the K^n^y itloping lideil of Iht* ridge. The naual diatenxiani of tha^ Hoiiling triiu)shii »re about 20 inelie* wide at their janotionii witnOM oonduotoM, aqd da^reaM in width lo about 12 inohoaiat thuir lowerS , end*, Ihey arn ){uncraUy ifbottt TO y>i%ia long. The mai& eoaduetor' < fiooT which tho floating trough* nn> supplied ia umiilty but not naeai' ' ■arily at right anglea to lh«n, and the water *i» eanmonly turned off -by eloaiog the upper «nd of iWfloaiing trough with a Rod. Between the ridgoa^re XMiall draina iu'whtoh the mipMluou* water i* oollaeted and conveyed lo a main dmin, (from whioh it fa either again uaed \ar ii^rigate lower Ijing land*, or retunted to the Htrean froin which it waa originally taken. '- * Figure 3 ahewM how with favourable natural enntoura a eoaparatively ■mall amount of water ciq be of very ooniiderablo aorvice. *In< the Figure AA i* the miin conductor, BB the main drain, '. aa the floating trough*, bb. the drain*, ce are eithte condactan or draina according to eirauniNtanoeii, D, K, F, G, H A L, are hatehea or aluiee* for tho direction of the water. It ii obvion* tlwt By opening or eloeang the hatelie* a* cirenuiHtiince* dietato, the-whole or any partioa* of {ho Water can bo directed to any partienbr laetion, and the anper- « flnoni water from coo diviMon timid upon a lower one.' In mouMtainooa' • diatriet* the main conductor* h«ve frequently a fUl of 1 in MO ; in the plains the fall uaually i* 09111 I in,lBOO to 1 in 3600. ' . In the eatehwater'ayitem, 'extensively med in the wal^ meadowa of England; though generally considered inl'cnor to the bed work, the water i* 'convoked along the Hide of a dope in a nearly level ditch witiionit an onilct ; ai soon a* the ditch i* „iiill, it* contoqta begin to flow over tlio lower .'bank; at distaoco* of about 30 feet, other level d dilefaes on onritour linca wTtliout ou^et* are formed, frhieh eoUeet and i«4iatribnle ' t|ie water over the next, lofer area, when it ia again nanght and redistributed,' until it Anally reachea the lowest ditch, whieh ii a djain. , . ' A third method, thai of anb-irri^ation, hw Ikoen onpioyed both in England and in the United Statedj generally fbr the pnifcM ofntil- iiing and dispoaing without offonee of liquid aewagow It haa been received with favour by Rome pciaons, and has boen adoptad on Area ■oili. wi& apparent suoce^, but aa the liquid i* distribated through the snbaoil by underground pipes whieh htc out of light, the pfo- eeaa is liable to oUoctions whioh lanitariAis cannot fail to raeogniMkud appreciate. , The foremost of these objections is the fact that the diatribnting pipes must sooner or' later Jieoome choked "With the minate aniid ' matters held by the liquid refnae in-saspen*iou, and when thb ia ilM .ease an "excrement sodden" condition of soil ia prodneed. A slof* page can only be' detected by positive rigns of wetnasa on the swftea, and not until the evih produced by eshala^om fltM anraMBlitioaa mneh'to overcome theae objections. The drains by wUekhoeftnlii * the distribution of the liquid consists of eottaon-agrienltaral drain pipi^ laid some 10 or 12 inches below tl»^ sarface upon a wri^aiMw ' of bigerhaUr pipes. This bed ia not diatubad when the pipit ajfata \ • K i ) I \ V. J w N jiir<«^«lM«i;'wU4 «M«tt tiMir Matt naiHy mM4 W «rtM fMl- v^MN'TlM *iMgi iMM MiTor Um joial* Into *• wil ■■4 fM«b tka «•)(•- •Mioii,tfea'(r*atieal Maalto oMaiaa4 >f Mr.' Wariag oTIIavport, ''U. a A., «A»lNMa4af«ad«liUBMfaa«rii«*a{ita«iMiMliaaiaTiiria«i . laalaMH ia Atripa, it U oatjr rif^t to v^f^xmA ao aitnat 4hM ona '4^.'oirthU liatHMBiad K»ntleiiina'ii leUer* on (hi^ rabJoM. ' ila it to i«yi^: •' I m oarryiDR, mh tiM priMiptw of MMafia atil^ wtioo here to maw esl^Di, not, Aowarar, in aarfaat iivif|[rfioQ, bat UL Ac 4iiliJrti(iMioaV/ baWag a lafga aaMoat of vincral mibaCfeaoM iB>aii|^Hi<)ti, lb* waur bajl^ Mdaad apoa the laad -itntil Mm rartilhlag «wU«r (wi baaa ' ta Britirii Ooiaaibia it has aol bean Iband praefieaUe ia away 'laahuMMa, o*iag awiDly lo tbe high priee oTlMbonr, jo |iM|i«riy prapara ^kerarfaee for tb« reeaption of the watar. and ii b obriooi that wan nwb praparatioM nada, * imaUar qilballty of water thM ia now ia t:.ji. 1 y,„^^ ^ miaind, ajlwa aMM« n«»iy afycoaabad to" / 1te aHit MMoaJeri il al i lbaliia. Ia li|ia ^aee aai*ar 'iroilc it<» oiitahwater araieaM b««« baaa aAftad ia *air iatagrit^., the HMmpeaaral aMibad in aae appeara to Wdbrivad froia *a Aa«ar. 9ba. gnmad ia ftaqaaMJ^ftnMd ia aamffiUgM, awl the wnlar it eairied.iA^ bolowa katweaa Ifcam, bnl^'t^ a* in tha b adww* ayalaiiMpraiV'MiMpoi'lhNt. uA intk >•* W ^ ^ 1**8*"'' P*"' tiona oF the ridge by enpillary atiraotion, ao tliat in eibct^ lowar ^knur iba ridKaiawatamd fay KarTnee and «bu npper^ ky a«b- irrigation; a eariwu amqtle of a eombiaation of dlfcrmt prinaipiea. Tba MMlwd; bewatar, appaaia a aaeBeWal aae. OnM empa are genir- tMj flMtdad to a di^ oT aibw iaebaa at eaeh pariad of irrigatiea ; Ilia dtpth vartaa and defaada nwialy on the aaMant at the diapiwal of tba agriflaltariat. ^ ' fa €bMbnia, vhtra krigalian, nadar l aaaawbat abaiUr aand i tiana or tMttaU and nfl M thiba wbieh obuin in tbia pf4ftin«a,'baa pivMad ' •mm anaaaHlU, it ia an rt ewary anaag the diteb.atapai^ la riMwaa «a ftiMr«r ona anhie.lbat oT waiar a ai^ w id , M lnibaa , fc r Mtfi «M trandrtd and iiOf aaraa vadar nJ U ipilia, a<|ahnlaa> ta «M«^Ha«Mkp«r aanaday, ar a«MUy niaMI«r 4| iaAa*, «r whiib it ia«atiaMtad\thatnataMn4hanahaat|tinalMliyitaAad ^IM^ w intf-n 4ipLiw rfaaaipan y , ^tpgad la i rtH ii H Jrri- gaiing apiia*int,atatad»* ^."W **wd^ «» wm. fila,t«ik4l»'*«ia*aaariMaihMtidliBllMafmg,M > «» ii «nt,^-llM* ia ab awN «v ««• aMa^JMhP* Itbobtioaa tba aMft » ««tM ■•Aiw>. only appUaabb tomiy to ba raaMrlrad tbat thaw la ao ijaeial iniga- . I ',' P--, I --V ^ -t > J :.. ■\ y ^ ' ►^3'' (^' *s?^^^^ •t'<^^^?^' Mftfi- \ Ifllle; none after they nn ^oted. Otlwr f^ljit reqain* irrigatiHi. An iiieh of wnt^ ranniDf; n'lKht and dar will irr%a»e Am* one to i«n aerea for aome proaoeta. For rimi Md slowr, 10 indMi, ra«- n\n^ three daya in llMr week (of 24 hoai-a eaeh). would inigate im a^ Perbapa a ennaUnt flow of five Inolm to envtj ton tiim ««onld be ne»i; the mark, in other produeta on»hairM ineh to.theaefe. - ; The few reaalta obtained bjr the writer, aa eumplca of the qaanU^ of water mqnircd to irrixaio an acre, naj be atatod aa follovi : ! For bay, one inch to bajf an inoh per aere, maning night aad .^v- . ; ■ w^ , / ,. ^ For berriea and newly planted Tine8,^ono half to one qoartor |n«h p«r /aerc, running nif^ht and day.' For tree*, one quarter to ono tenth of an ineh |ier aen, nUaiag aight and day. About 11 yearn ago a Mr. Pike aank an arteaian well in the 8aa Joaquin -Valley, 268 Ibtt deep, whieh it ia Mated ooat/iMtweea |40ft and 9500. Tlie flow from thia well waa eathnatad fi abi4t 18,0fl« onbio fert a day, betwoeo 7 and 8 inehea, and it waa oUiawl to ha** snccerafully irrigated about 10 aoi«* of barley, 6 aoraa of wheat, 5 acrBtofKngliahpea8,2aoreBofOhiDeaoiagareaiii,4aBW8«^oatliM, 1^ aera* of earn, bcaidea f anall orehaid and TegetoMa flwdeb, in ail Hay from 28 to 30 aerea ; or approxinwtoly that one ineh irripted four aerea of land. In California the ezteaaive tiaeta "f l«H whitb eaa be onltimM with the aid of irrigation anoonn^ the forauiiM by Joint aioek o^uipanies of irrigation ditdiea on too kige a aeale, and generally oftoo eoatlya eharaoter, to'be undertaken by indiTidnak AmoDg them way be mentioned : , . > The Rodea IMteh length about 10 milea, eoat,a|KMit 910,000 Lower King'a Rirer Diteh LaatChanoe Diteh......... Mnaael Sfeagh Ditch The People'* Diteh , Then irr^tiott might, at all eventa to a vety groat extent, be diqtemed with. It muat be remembered, however, that aa ari eannot ooapate wit^ nature in the equable diatribntion tf water, a larger quantity b nqutied for artiloial irrigation than would eonatitale an abundant liinlUI. And it may farther be obaerved that the raiafall which would eonoHtuta an ample ivipply for the generally retentive loila of the lower, wowM pomi- biy proVe inadequate for aome of the aoila of the unMrmuntry. Further, in the irrigating dittriet, a heavy precipitation la often the leault of audden and violent atorma, the eifeet of which ia aometimea aMMte iqjttriona than benoBeial. An inaUnee of thb ooenrred on the 20th July, 1878, when a anddea atorm buiat on the Bonaparte Valira, »Uh the reault that aevaral aerea of cultivated land were covered with wM gravel, tbe eropa daalroyed, and that portion of the Arm reudeicd , worthleaa. It ia obvioaa that aueh a alorm would laigdy increaae the Kgiatered rabfldl, though ita eflacta were aimply dbwtiona. In the fittaui^ landa of the no»irr%atiag .diatrict, itorma of thb deaeription an ahnoat unknown, the nia fUling bmn freqncMly and bai riobatly, and with a correaponding increaae of beneleial dwt. UmUM or WATIK. "^ Then an three principal heada under which the lama of water after iMvbg the reaarvoir or atream may be cbaiied, namely i— Laaa by cvapontwn, .^ . LoMbyknkagaintnaai^and ,*■ ' ■ _ Loaa ia dirtributiou. Aa ngarda the irat then an no data darivud IhM rapariMUta b Ihb province flmi whbh to deduce any c^duMtiaa. In OaUfonb hMB by evaporation doaa not appear to be tfkea into ecnaidarailmi. On thb poffit the fbUowiag an Ike opiuoaa of aome emiuMit laclfak mgjnceta: — Mr. Bateajau phcaa the baa by awpcraHau t Itom » ip 16 lnahK with aa aventga of IS iwhML Mr. BaaMMwal)MraA«a»18tol4'iaalMai r^ • Mr. Puncau cyUiataa U «r IS fa^Mi •■ the aoMuat Um M Mm- pc(d, and Iband tfai.ka mM liHla, MMiwiih ofnldyL -'"^^ A y,^Ki'-\t^i ■ ». ' ' ■ . "• ' -I ■ ' . ■ ' r "• •7*: "BvBpontion ia diore BMtly IB IimIm* tliMi "y " "itiP" *y-'' e«i«fm <|nMaenta, •xtending orer a period of 26 jmn, made in H«rtfarddiii«f ^land, «^ow«d that with a mean annaal rainfall of 26.609 intim, th« nean pereoUtioo waa 8.22t inohea, 4nd the nean baa bj avaporatioa 18.382 tnehea. Mr. Dampsey qnotea the rollowing rteolta of ezperimeiila made in Yorkahire doriog five eonaeantive yean : mean annaal rainfall 24.6, neftn annnal peraoliition 4.82, which f^ivea doable the loaa by orapora- tion reeordad in Hertfordabire. , iDr. Dalton givea the following leaolta : mean annaal rainfall 33.56 inebci, mean evaporation 26.168, and mean peT0olation''8.402. By another act of obterrationa qaoted by Bempaey and alao by Haakoll we ham : mean annaal rainfall 26.614, moan pere6l»tion 11.294, ■•an eraporation 16.32 ineliea. To tabulate tbem we hav« -^ ,- ;^ Rainfidl/ Bvaiwration. Ptoreolatioa. lat.. 26.609 18JJ82 8.227 2nd , ...... 24.6 19.78 4.8? 8rd..... 83.66 26.168 8.402 4tb ."..... 26.614 16.32 11.294 The mean of theao Tariona independent obaerrationa wonld give rain- ftll 27.846 inehen, evaporation 19.66, pereolation 8.186, or in roand ■nmbera the loaa by evaporation would be about aeven-tenths, lenving about threo-tenllia of the whole rainbll for pereolation. Theae reaulta, however, are for the entire year j during the aummcr nontiia the evaporation ia probably mueh greater. The amount kat in transit by leakage and evaporation hu, in aome eoaes, been catiaaated at 60 per cent, of the amoniit entering at the head ' «tf tiie diteh. It ia obvioua that the quantity kiat tiirough theae eauaea i dependa upon the oonatruetion, the length and exposure of the ditoh. The loaa by iiltration may often be roduood by the eonatmetion of tim- ber tumea when th« soil is poroua, and by dirowing into the diteh at 'inlarvala amall qnantitiea of ,aoil, «h1eh boing firat oarried alonz in aa»: panrion, and then gradnaUy deported, aaais^the eqaaoUdation of the bottom and baidcai ' The main oondoelora are often neeeaaarily earried along ateep aide UUa, and around bluib and aeroas ravind in tnaber llunieft Theae ditehea and flamca have generally been aet out and eooatrueted by .their ownera, and aa a rule moat aaooearfally, ihou^ in aome inataneea too -gr^t a gradient bavin; been adopted, overfalla have been foand neeaaaary at iatervab to reduce the velocity whieh threatened aerioua damage. In onror two inatanooa when the water refuaed to diaobey the UwB of gravify and flow up hill, heavy loaasa have been the reanlt to the unfortoaate profeetora. The kw in diatribation may be reduced to n minimum by the pri^r preparation oT the auHaee fSw the reoeption, and by auking adequate piovUon for die diatribation of the wuler. No hard and fiMt mlea eaa be laid down by which to eanmatc those kiaaea, each eaae moat be tnntad on ita individual merila. ~ .' QVAimTT or' WATIi. It Ida been outomary in tlui pravinee to record and claim one inch of water per acre, or 2636 cuUc fbet per acre a day. Aa to the amount Bntijinaarjr, one cnbic fbot a aecond, or 34 indiea, will cover Smk acres to a depth of over aix inches in a day, which certainly appaara to be a not unrauonably low estimate of the quantity required at aaeh perktd ofiriigatioa. On tkis a— mption, and (liat die land raquiias inigatiag onoe in 26 days, 84 indMa will irtigale one hundred acraa of land, and 84 inches ' on 100 acraa is •9">J^M to 864 cuImc Ibct par aera a day. Jadging llr^ the quantitiaa j|^ <>J Mr. BaraaU as raqaiiwl in Hwifps this UMont ahonld jHUfffl^lJiM. . /Bfa gwaanOly eonaid»ad by ci^ncaw timt.fiw c nc.half to two. - (iinlaorthc whole quantity ddivcrcdiakiat or waalad. Nowlhaaaout Mtnni ait eodt period of irrigation on ono Ibnr aars 'tract is 86,400 '' mUo feat, or 81,600 «abte bet {wracMaday ; dednMing tim»lb«i(tia oTthataMoikftraUbsaaa^ wnhava 6,400 cubic foet par aars ak caali period of irrigation, or a daily average throughout the irrigation i af21««nbi«fcstpara«tepcrda7n«tnaUyntiliasd, cqpiialant in i I to SMonlUy absorption «f 1.8 inches of rma; as,lMM]Nr,it 9 m.im With ,1.1, . w^ u i. ^rt«, th/t IHg.Uoo wo-M b. •tawbrd of OM oubie (bot a woond for m^om homlnd ud riitv fim^jMHJ, to .rng^te «W« 100 to 160^«f ««ri.or «H»t.««rf- ing tt pMidon ud Mil. / ^^ v ^ 1440 o„b« fcH per .«• . d.y, it .odd .ppMr ««,«ibl. to •MUMu.pp«xin»to Mm, •iy4B iMhwd^Ufand M«k« nowd. for Moh hundred •oNi of grMi«ad«rmiW»tio.. 8"*^, hwn leftfor .11 k-M. in di-ribmloo, «d th. ..tbor^ Soogh^iou, tp wh«d>er, idth p(op« Mortruetioo .nd haodlio^ twothird; of the ftnoaat wonld not pram snleiMt. To give M oampk of tha enonnou qnultiliM imppdMd by nma to «J»e to lb. knd to b. «ng««i h«l . wlodty of 8^6 f«t . tooood, Witt .n MM of 1 26 iqiura feet, equd to . ddly diMhaige of 2S8.800 d«y., that aie.irtig.tod nm eoaprW nboBt BO new. of grwi .Bd 30 •w- of g«,» that daring dity d.y. the gmi woei»ed tbe «.ter ud dunng thirty d.yithegfMo. Wehnre thentbeMton«di.g«»«|iriUt pm 2,820 enbie feet per mm . d.y, eq«iiT.lent to oTer 26 iwdM. of iwnfd^ • month, or enongh in ninety d.ys to eoarert the whole «e. into. l^orerej feet deq. Robnbly not «ora then oo^to!!^ •f««*«J»«^«nd when oompewd with other f«^ taji«»jlnde th« to thi. OMB .t lewt the supply eweeded the h«itlM DmAOTAOk ' . In Ihie prarinee hot Kitle hM been done, nd in mt eete- Ihmi the nitufri oontonr rf tha iMd «rf the eh.wet«r of the wbnwit ImtMBb wqniiw to bo done for the pwrpo* of renmring the ■■rpln. irrigiitio. wnter. When, howerer, it doe. not n.t«rde.totoa. emmtont .Iditim. to dm «dao of wsITioiHa. ♦h»ongh.«wecbymemmofirfet»«t«i,g,tAort intsmk«mlthe aggngtto ma of thi inlato is Ihns iMMnsad toiasT aaw dme. d» •moftheaaweritodf." '"J -any «ma. tlie Thaanthor hasoa tWDor thnaoeendaniofaawvedNanHsooiilNi. atory to a aartoi. eif«t of tUa stote^Bfc ami worfd be glad to learn iriiedierthofdnthaaattraetod the attention af othan, and ho# flw It uafrilableinpw^ a«l* "V CWond Waringi ho ha. n.«w aaen tbeaMttirnAmdtoinknywoA.ori«AnMa4owhiihhohasMMMM. thd djw^iwbdity ,r not mwdi praadeal importanao in d,. owmtreo! don orsmdiohaHads a.dfaiM«eandimgadonditehaa,hew««ldsnbmit dmt itmay pnma ssrions pdatlbr esaddtntioa in dedaimeaaeh aoslfysnbtarranean works as sMor.. Ihom dm drawinga aeoomnmying diis paper Hal. V haa been pro. -^ .J, t L, » 9 V' 1 \ \ J ,\ r r • '"-^. ■;«■ ■ ; >. ' / " / > .--■"^ ^ ^ • - t. '4 ■ i:i V ,r