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THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF CANADA. i\ AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. h, \ ■^ MONTREAL TED BY JAMES STABKB ft CO. 1845. / 'f Access to the Books in the Library of this House may be had at all hours during the sittings of the Legislature, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in every week during the recess, to the Governor General ; the Members of the Legislative Council, Executive Council, and of the Legislative Assembly ; the Officers of the two Houses, for the time being ; to Her Majesty's Judges ; to the Clerk of the Executive Council, and to the Law Officers of the Crown. But no person having such access, shall be per- mitted to carry any Book or Books out of the Building, except the Governor General, and that for all Books which shall be delivered to His Excellency, a receipt shall be given. That, during the Session of Parliament, Members of the Legislative Council, shall be empowered to have the use, at their residences, in Montreal, of any Four Volumes, not being of a Parliamentary nature or of general reference, and that Members availing themselves of this privilege, shall, previous to receiving the Books, grant a receipt for the same to the Librarian, and return them within one week, in as good order as when received. By order of the House, W. A. ADAMSON, Siiradan. LIBRARY, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, MONTREAL, DECEMBER Ind, 1844, :} !U \\ 4 / ,/ p \. /"• •■ \^ AUTHORS. i\ v CATALOGUE, &C. NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASK, ROOM OBSERVATIONS. N Adams's Roman Antiquities, , Adams's Religious World Displayed, Addison's Reports of Cases in PennsylvaniaJ C Adolphus Sc Ellis's Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, C Adolphus's History of England, ( Smollett & Adolphus,) Aikin's Annals of the Reign of George III. Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary L L Alison's, A. Essay on the Nature and Prin-' ciples of Taste, ' K Alley ne's Legal Degrees of Marriage, ' F Almond's Parliamentary Register, — from^ 1774 to 1780, Ditto, etal. ditto, 1780 to 1811, Annand on the Government of India ' I Anderson's History of Commerce, ' G Anderson's History of France, N 2 2 NO. TITLB OK BOOK. caie.Iroom Anonymous ; I Easay on Puriuit of Truth, O Eiiay on Formation of Opinion, G ConverMtions on Political Economy, ' O Administration de la Justice en France, ..| F. Administration de la Justice Criminelle en France, 1826 to 1834, F Legal Observf^r, ' E Revised Statutes of New York E Anstruther's Reports of Cases in Exchequer, C Archbold's Peel's Acts, Arnot's Criminal Trials in Scotland, Atkinson's Sugden's Acts and Real Pro- perty Acts, Audubon's American Ornithology, F F F 0BSr.RV4TI0NI. 9 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Babbage's Bridgewater Treatise, Bacon's Works, Bacon's Works, (another copy,) . Bacon's Abridgement, Bailey's Dictionary, Barnewell's and Adolphus's Reports, Ditto and Creswell's 3rd to 10th Geo. IV. Barrington on the Statutes, Baskerville's Bible, Bayle's General Dictionary, Beaujour, Aper9u des Etats-Unis, . Beatson's Political Index Beattie's Moral Sciences, Beauce, Biographic des Pairs etdes Deputes de France, Beaumont's Tracts on Savings Banks P G Beaumont and Toqueviile on the) Peniten- tiary System of the United States, Beawes's Lex Mercatoria, F Beawes's Lex Mercatoria, (another copy,)...' F Beckman's History of Inventions and Dis-' coveries, pj case.Iroom G F K D A C E E O G observations. 10 11 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. OBSERVATIONS. Begero, L. Series of Coins, Belsham's History of Great Britain, Bell's, Sir Charles, Bridgewater Treatise, . . Ditto, ditto, ditto Bell's Commentaries on the Laws of Scot land, Bennet on the Master's Office in the Court of Chancery, Bentham, Rationale of Judicial Evidence,... Berry's Real Property Acts, Bertrand's Description des Arts et Metiers, Bertrand's Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles, Bertrand's* Revolution de France, Bigland's Historical Display of the Effect of Physical and Moral Causes on the Ch; racter and Circumstances of Nations,. . .^ Binney's Reports of Cases in Pennsylvania, . Bisset's Reign of George HI Blackwood's Magazine, Blackstone's Cominentiiries, 13th c;«ition,... Ditto ditto, 2 1 St edition,... Blair's Lectures, 12 13 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Blair's Sermons, Blair's Chronology, Bligh's Reports of Cases in thu House of CASE. ROOM, OBSERVATIONS. 7 7 Lords from 1819 to 1821,. Bligh's Reports of Cases in the House of Lords from 1827 to 1829 , C Boone's Book of Churches and Sects, Borthwick on the Law of Libel, Boswell's Life of Johnson, by Croker, . Bouchette's British Dominions in North America, . . • Ditto Topographie du Canada, • • Ditto Statistical Tables of Canada, Bourgeois, Marguerite, la Vie de, , Bourgoing's Tableau de I'Espagne, Atlas de ditto, Bower's Historia Litteraria, Bourdoloue, Pere, Sermons du, Bourrienne's Memoirs of Napoleon, . Brackenridge's History of the Late War with the United States and Great Britain, .,.. Brande's Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art, F O H H G P I K O O G I 14 15 NO. TITLE OF BOOK, Brayley and Britton's Westminster, Brenton's Naval History Bridgewater Treatises, Ditto ditto, Brougham's Lives of British Statesmen, .. . Colonial Policy, Ditto ditto, Historical Sketches of Statesmen Brown's, John, Essays on the Characteristics of the Earl of Shaftesbury, Brown's, J. Parliamentary Cases to 1800,.. . Ditto, ditto, 1697 to J 779,.. History of British Churches, .... CASEjROOM OBSERVATIONS. Brown's, J. B. Memoirs of Howard,. Browne's, J. Chancery Practice> . . . . Browne's P. Reports of Cases in Common Pleas, — Pennsylvania, Brydges', Sir Egerton, Autobiography, . . . Buckingham, J. Silk, on Canada, , Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, Burke's, E. Speeches, Burke's, J. History of the Commoners , Burke's Peerage, Burke's Works, Ditto ditto. K L G L F F I G L N E A K L G P L G J J I ^MM 16 17 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM Burnet's Own Life and Times, , . . L Burns' Ecclesiastical Law, i D D I Burns* Justice, Burns' Works, by Cunningham, Burton's Cromwellian Diary, ; P Burrow's Reports of Cases in the Kins' Bench, * Buxton on Prison Discipline, OBSERVATIONS. A F \ 19 NO. TITLE OK BO«)K. CASE. ROOM O BflRRVATIONM. ■^'^^*r»i^^>^^^*^^^*0^^^^^^^^*0t0*^^\ Caine's Reports, Supreme Court, New York, B Camden's Britannia, by Gough, Campbell's Lives of the Admirals P Poetical Works, j I British Poets, I Gertrude of Wyoming, i I Campbell's Reports, King's Bench and Com- B mon Pleas, i Carpmael on the Law of Patents for Useful Inventions, C Carver's Travels, I Cavendish's Debates on Canada Bill j F Chalmers', A. Biographical Dictionary, O English Poets, | K I Chalmers', G. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers,' F Collection of Treaties between' Great Britain and other Powers, F Estimate of Comparative Strength of Great Britain and of her Loss by War, G Political Annals of the United! StateS) L Political Annals, ('halmcrs', T. Bridgowater Treatise, G Ditto ditto, H Civic Economy, G Ditto ditto, (another copy,) .. F Political Economy, ' G Political Economy, j G 90 u "4 21 !«0. TITLE or BOOK. ,tRO0M| OBIEmVATrOHt. Chambaud'i Dictionary, Ditto ditto, Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, Ch- ndlc'if Debates in House of Commons, irj/n IdCOto 1743, DiUo ditto ditto riito Parliamentary Debates, 1743 to 1819, Charlevoix's Voyage to North America,. Chastellux's, Marquis de. Travels in North America, { T T U Tran*>' riiom, 7 < Chateaubriand's Genie du Christianisme,... I K Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, &c I I Chitty's Collection of Statutes, E Commercial Lavt, D D F Law of Nations,., on the Prerogative of the Crown Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, Clarendon and Rochester's Correspondence, Clarke's Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, Clarke and Finnelly's Reports in House of, Lords^— from 1801 to 1835, Clarkson's Life of Penn, Clayton'^ Memoirs of the House of Medici, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, — from 1803 to lftl8 mclusive, O L 1 B O VW 23 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Cobbett's Parliamentary Hist ry(anl Index) from 1066 to 1660, Ditto ditto, from 1066 to 1660, .... Ditto ditto, from 1066 to 1803, Ditto ditto, ditto, Ditto ditto, from 1066 to 1800, Ditto ditto, from 1803 to 1826, Ditto State Trials,— from 9lh Henry H. to 43rd Elizabeth, . CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Coke's, Sir Edward, Reports, , Colquhoun on Education, on Indigence, , on Wealth, . . . Colton's Lacon ; or, Mny Things in Few Words, r Compte, General, de I'Administration de la Justice Criminelle en France, — from 1826 to 1834, Comte's Traite de Legislation, Comyn's Digest of the Laws of England,.... Comyn on Usury, Cook's Voyages, Cook's History of the Church of Scotland, Reformation in Scotland, R R ST ST RS VW R G G H G F G C C I Cooper on the Public Records, Cornish on the Fisheries Cottu's Justice Criminelle en Angleterre, ... G D 7 7 24 25 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Cowen's Reports of Cases at New York, ,J A I Coxe's House of Austria, n 1 Crabb's English Synonymes, , Crabbe's Works, j Craig's Political Science, q Crantz's History of Greenland, p Cremazie sur les Lois Criminelles, D Croly's, Rev. G. Poetical Works, I Cromwell's Memoirs of Cromwell, p Cruise on the Origin and Nature of Dignities and Titles of Honour, p Curran's Life, by his son, Cuvier's Ossemens Fossiles, q Atlas pour ditto q Histoire des Sciences Naturelles,... o Memoire des Mollusques, q Reguiel des Eloges, q R^gne Animal, q Tableau Histoire Naturelle, q Theory of the Earth, q Cunningham's Burns' Works, t 7 -SlS^ 27 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. BOOM OBSERVATIONS. D'Aguesseau's (Euvres, I 1 Dalrymple's Annals of Scotland, 1 M i Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, L A 1 Daniel's Reports in the Court of Exchequer, Davy's Agricultural Chemistry, H Dean's Abridgment of American Law, D Debrett's Baronetage, G G G Ditto Peerdge, : Ditto ditto, De Felice's Droit de la Nature, F F * Droit de Gens, Defoe's History of the Union between Eng- land and Scotland, N • Degerando de I'Education desSourds-Muets, H i De la Croix on Constitutions, F ' Delamare's Traite de Police, ^ Delaporte's Pandectes Fran^aises, F Deleuze's Histoire Critique du Magnetisme Animal, , Ditto Defense du Magnetisme Animal, H H De Levi's L'Angleterre au Commencement du Dix neuvieme Siecle, O De la Ville's Causes Celebres, 28 ( (1 h 31 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERV. N«. Dupin's, C. Geometrie, Forces de la France, Voyages dans le Grande Bretagne, Force Militaire, Commercial et Navale, .. ditto ditto, Durnford and East's Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, Durham's, Lord, Speeches on Reform, Duvivier's, G. Grammaire des Grammaires, Dwarris on the Statutes, H G I N B P { 1 Trnnn. lator'g room. E • if 33 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. il^^^A^^rt^S^^J^^^^f^^^V*J |CA8E. ROOM OU8KHVATION8. East's Reports, q Edgoworth's, Maria, Memoirs of R. L. Edge- worth, p Edward's West Indies L Index, L G Elsynge's, H. Ancient Method of Holding Parliaments in England, Evans's Parliamentary Report of the Ses- sions,— from 1817 to 1818, Q Evans's Treatise on Agriculture, H 86 NO. TITLK or BOOK. CABC ROOM OBtCRVATIOM. Farqulmr's Works, j i . . I Fergusson's ConMstorial Decisions, C Ferrier's Dictionnaire de Droit, F Floming and Tibbin's Enfrlish and French ( and French and English Dictionary, \ Foster's Crown Law, D 1 Fox's History of James II N I FrankUn's Memoirs, M I Franklin's Narrative of a Voyage to Polar Seas, O I Second Expedition to Polar Seas, I Froissart's Chronicles, H Fry's Report of the Case of the Canadian I Prisoners N Fnretiere's Dictionnaire Univcrsel, I Tr;iiM. hitcii'it riiuni. i NO 37 0. ' TITLE OF BOOK. CKSIS. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. finnilh's! P«;PQi»v l^nnimL... ...... ••.. ' 7 Goodwin's Commonwealth of Rome, i P ! 1 flnrdnn's Histopv of Ireland* • L dncBp's! dansidian Naturalist I Gough's Camdens's Britannica, 7 Gourlay's, R. Statistical Account of Upper 7 Graham's History of the United States Grepnoiio^h's GeolofifV. ...• • H Gregory's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, H NO. 39 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Gregory's Essays, Philosophical, Kistorical, &c Gregson on Savings Banks, , Grey's Debates in House of Commons, — from 1667 to 1694, Ditto ditto ditto, Grotius's Droit de la Guerre, Guyot's Repertoire de Jurisprudence, CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. p F T T F D H 40 a 41 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Hale's Works, Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, .. Power of Parliament, Haliburton's Nova Scotia, Hall on the Rights of the Crown, . Hallan's Constitutional History, Middle Ages, CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. K F F O D L L History of England, ■ N Halliday's History of the House of Guelph, N Hammond on Elections, D Handsard's Parliamentary Debates, new series W ditto, from 1820 to 1 830, 2nd series, W ditto, from 1820 to 1828, W ditto, from 1830 to 1835, 3rd series, W ditto, from 1842 to 1844, 3rd series, T Analytical Parliamentary Digest, 1819, W Hargrave's Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, F State Trials, I Harmond's Travels in the Interior of North America, Harrison's Digest of Cases,. I C Hatsell's Precedents,. Ditto ditto, Ditto ditto, Hawkins's Historical Recollections of Que- bec, Hawley's, W. F. Collection of Poems, .... K K 2 2 2 43 NO. TITLE OK BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS, Head's, Sir F. B. Narrative, O J Heber's Works, Heman's, Mrs. Works, Henry's History of Great Britain, Heron's Custom Laws of Ireland, Hertslei's Collection of Treatises, &c Highmore on Excise, Home's Elements of Criticism, I G L F F F H Howard's Colony Laws, D Howell's State Trials, R Ditto ditto ' R Ditto Index to ditto, I R Hughson's Privileges of London,. F Hmnboldt's New Spain, O Personal Narrative, ' H Essai Politique < L Hume's Essays, Moral, Political, &c. Hume and SmoUet's History of England, Adolphus's Continuation, I L i Humphreys on Real Property, . . . . , ' G Hutcheson's Justice, D Hutchinson's Massachusetts Bay^ O ¥.t 44 45 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Jacob's Lex Constitutionis, or Gentleman's Law,, James's Military and Naval Occurrences in Canada, James's Naval Occurrences, Jardine on Education, Jefferson's Memoirs, Jeremy on Chancery Jurisdiction, Jickling's Laws of the Customs, . . H M H K F Johnson's Works, ' J English Poets, : K Dictionary, Dictionary, by Todd, Johnson's Debates,— from 1668 '.o 1744,... T Debates,— from 1740 to 1743,... j T Reports of Cases at New York, .. A Life, by Boswell, O Jones on the Distribution of Wealth, , Justinian's Diges^., Institutes, by Harris, G C F 7 7 NO. 47 NO. TITLE or BOOK. |CA8E. nOOM OUStnVATlOKII. Kaiu 's Sketches of the History of Man, N Keele's Provincial Justice, D Kelly's Universal Cambist, a Treatise on Exchange G Kendal's Science of Logislation, from the Italian of Chevalier Filangieri, G A idd's Bridgewater Treatise, G ditto ditto, H Kirby's Bridgewater Treatise, G ditto ditto, H i Knapp's Privy Council Cases, 1829 to 1831, D Knox's, Rev. J. Reformation of Scotland,... M , 48 Ni ■1!) NO. TITLE or DOCK. CA8K. ROOM OBSKRVATIONS. Licrotelle's Histoiro tie France, N I Lafituu's Mti'urs des Snuvages, Amori- riuains, Lambe's Poetical Works,, I Landon's, Miss L. E. Poetical Works, .... I I Langhorne's Plutarch's Lives ,. P I Latham on the Disease lately Prevalent at the General Penitentiary,! G Laujuinais, CEuvres de, K Lavater's Essays K Laveaux's Dictionnaire, Leach's Cases in Crown Laws, -... D Lee's Dictionary of Practice in Civil Actions, D Leland's History of Ireknd, ' I Lestrade's Les Nuits Romaines, M Lewis and Clarke's Travels to the Source of the Missouri I Lex Parliamentaria— Law of Parliament, .... Q Leyden's Travels 1 Africa, j I Lingard's History of England ' M Locke's Works,, ' K Essay on Government, i F 51 f NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Lockhart's Life of Scott, I Locr^'s, Baron, Legislation Civile, F Lord's Protests,— from 1242 to 1767, ' Q Principles of Currency and Banking, F Lowndes on Copyrights, C Lynch's Legal Institutions in Ireland, Kl I i NO 63 H NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. 1 Mably, (Kuvres de, G 1 Macauley's History of the Reformation, O 1 Machiavel, (Euvres de, P 1 Mackintosh's Hist, of the Reformation, 1668, on the Law of Nature, Cabinet History of England, . N F L I Mackenzie's Voyages through North Ame- rica, • I 7 . 1 Macpherson's Annals of Commerce, ^^^B H McCuUocVs Commercial Dictionary, ipplement to ditto, British Empire, Political Economy, ditto ditto 1 G G L G G N N G Law Clerk's Room. I McGreffor's British America ^H ditto ditto I McQueen on Divorce Bills 1 Maffei de I'Emploi de I'Argentj 1 Mahon's, Lord, History of England, L , 1 Malte-Brun, Geographie Universelle, Atlas to ditto, Geofirraohv. I I 7 1 Malthus on Population, G G ^B on Po itical Economy I Marten's, Von, Law of Nations D \ H t N( 55 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. 1 Martin's Orleans Term Renorts A A I K c F H G G K G N H L F I , 7 7 7 ditto, ditto, 2nd series,'.. British Colonies Mdssillon, CEuvres de, Maule and Sekryn's Reports of Cases' in the Kind's Bench Mdvor's Vovaeres and Travels. • Mennai's 1' Imitation de J^sus Christ, Merlin's Questions de Droit, Michaux's North American Svlva Millst J. on Political Elconomv Milman's Poetical Works, Mills' British India Millar on Er^'lish Government.... ditto ditto Mitchell's Cyclopoedia of Mathematics,. . . . Moleville's Histoire de la Revolution de France, 1788 to 1791, Montagu's, B. Debates in the House of Com- mons on the Abolishing the Punishment of Death Montestiuieu's Works.' EiSDrit des Lois. Monteromerv's Poetical Works rr \\ )G n 1 I 1 In' ^ > H I f- 51 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Moore's, E. F. Reports of Cases in Privy Council, D Moore's Poetical Works,. Life of Sheridan,, Tjfe of Byron, . . I P I rTosheim's Ecclesiastical History, L ditto ditto M Mo untm orris's History of the Irish Parlia- ment, L i Murray's Encyclopoedia of Geography, I Murray's British America, M Murray's Jury Cases in Scotland, F Murray's Geographical Journal, I Mushet on Currency, G f m m «0. 59 «o. TITLE OF BOOK. , Napoleon, Memoirs of, by DeBourrienne, . . Netherclift's Autographs, CASE.JROOM OBSERVATIONS. O o Niebuhr's History of Rome, ,..J L Norton's Commentaries on the History, Con- stitution and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, K i)| 1^^ ft I! » 1 NO. 61 NO. TITLE OV BOOK. Owen's New View of Society, CASE. K ROOM OBSEaVATlOnS. I 'I \ ft (!. if h ;*' .',1 il'i.'l .\o 03 xo. TITI.R OF BOOK. ■^f'l^s^^t^trs^^^^^ Paloy's Works, Illustrations, Natural Theolofry, Hone PanlinjR, and Evidences, . . . . Palmer's Practice, . . Pandectes Fran ^. 23 WIST MAIN STKIIT WiUTU.N.Y. 14SM (716)S7a-4S03 ;\ NO. NO. TITLE or BOOK. CASE, Yeates' Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Pennsvlvania. ylvania, A Young's Cultivateur Anglais,. Young and Jervis*s Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, ! a ROOM OBSERVATIONS, 1 // CATALOGUE, Sec. wo. TITLE OF BOOK. Abridgement, Bacon's, D CASE. ROOM Abridgement of American Law, by Dean,... Abridgement of Custom and Excise Laws, . Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, Acts, Peel's, byArchbold Acts, Real Property, Sugden's, by Atkinson, Acts, Merchant Seamen's, by Wordsworth,. Administration de la Justice en France, Administration Criminelle en France, D F F F C F F Admirals, Lives of, by Campbell, ' P Affinity of the Latin Language with the Gaelic of Scotland, Africa, Travels in Agriculture, Cours d', .. Agriculture, Treatise on. Agricultural Chemistry, . Almanack, Royal, — from 183! to 1836, . I H H H OBSERVATIONS. 7 i Two copies. li NO. < I 97 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Almanack, British, and Companion, — from 1832 to 1837 i Almanack, American, — 1844, America, British North,, ditto, ditto, .... America, Voyages through North, by Mac- kenzie, America, Travels in the Interior of North, by Harmond, N N America, Travels in North, by Chastellux, America, Voyage to North, by Charlevoix, America, British, by Murray, I I M America and West Indies, an Historical Dic- tionary of, — Thompson's Alcedo N ! America and Charles V. by Robertson, ... N American Annals, by Holmes, F American Ornithology, by Audubon, American War, History of, by Warren, N Analysis of Criminal Acts, by Robinson, ... D Analytical Pariiamentary Digest, (1819,) by Hansard W Ancient History, by Rollin, O Ancient Statutes, Observations on the, 7 7 . ! / NO 99 //' r NO. TITLK OF BOOK. CAMi:. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Ancient Method of holding Parliament in England, by Elsynge, ! G Angleterre, Commencement du Dix-neuvi^me leicle, par Dc Levis Angleterre, Voyage en, par Simond, Angleterre, Lettres sur, par De Staelf . . . Anglo-Saxons, by Turner, Animal Regne, by Cuvier, Annals of Scotland, by Dalrymple, Annals of Commerce, by Macpherson, ..., Annals of the Reign of George III t. Annals, Political, of the United Statesj by Chalmers, « Annual Register, from 1758 to 1834, •••• Index to ditto, Antiquities of Greece, Antiquities, Roman, Aper9U dcs Etats-Unis, par Beaujour,. Arms, Ancient Usage of, by Dugdale,. Army List, for 1844, Alts, Repository of, 1st Series,, ditto, ditto, 2nd Series, O o N K O M N N N N O G I I Two copies. I NO. lUl IfO. TITLE OF BOOK. CAIE, Ai t8, Repository of, Analytical Index to, . . General Index to Arts and Sciences, Dictionary of, by Gregory Arts et Metiers, Description des, par Dertrand H Asia and Africa, Travels in, by Clarke, ... Assembly, House of, Rules of, Atlas a I'Histoire Ancienne, par Segur, ... Atlas tOvOesomen's Fossiles, by Cuvier, ... Atlas to British West Indies, by Edwards,... Australasia, by Wentworth, Austria, House of, by Coxe, j Autobiography, by Sir E. Brydges, I ! Autographs, by Nethercliif, Ayeen Akberry, Institutes of the Emperor Akbar, by Gladwin, I K O L O N K ROOM O OBBCKVATIONI. 103 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM Bacon's Works, ; F ditto, H Banks, on Saving, by Gregson, F Baronetage* by Debretts, G Bees, Natural History of, by Hubers, i Bible, Baskerville's, ! Bible,' I F i Bibliomaina, by Dibbin, K Bibliothoca Bntannica, by Watts, Biographic des Paris, et des Deputes de France, P i Biographical Dictionary, by Chalmers, O Book of the Church, by R Southey, O Blackwood's Magazine, Bridge water Treatise, by Babbage, G Bridgewater Treatise, by Sir Charles Bell,.. G ditto ditto ditto, ' H Bridgewater Treatise, by Buckland, Bridgewater Treatise, bv Chalmers, ditto ditto ditto, . . Bridgewater Treatise, by Kidd,.. ditto ditto ditto, G G H G H 7 7 OBSERVATIONS. 7 \i m 105 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Bridgewater Treatise, by Kirby, G ditto ditto ditto^ i H Bridgewater Treatise, by Front, . ditto ditto ditto. G H Bridgewater Treatise, by Roget, ! G ditto ditto ditto. Bridgewater Treatise, by Whewett, ditto ditto ditto, Britannia, Gough's, by Camden, British Empire by M*Culloch. . . . British India, by Mills, British Almanack and Companion, — from 1832 to 1837, British Statesmen, Lives of, by Lord Brougham, British America, by McGregor, ditto ditto, , British America, by Murray, British Colonies, View of the Constitution, by Stokes, British Colonial Library, Second Edition, . . British Colonies, by Martin, British Poets, by T. Campbell, H G H L L K N N M G I I 106 NO. NO. 107 TITLE OF BOOK. |CA8E, British Dominions in North America, by fiouchette, i jj Burns' Works, by Cunningham, ' I Byron's Life, by Moore, ! p EOOM OBSERVATIONS. ,1 \\ %■ 10<) NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. Cabinet Library, Brit. America, by Gourlay, M I Cambist, a Treatise on Exchange, by Kelly, G Camden's Britannia, by Gough, Canadian Prisoners, Report of the Cases, by Fry, N Canadian Naturalist, by Gosse, I Canada, Upper, Statistical Account of, Canada, Letters from, by Gray, O Canada and United States, Travels in, by Hall, I D Canada, Travels in, by Heriot, F Canada, Memoires sur le, F Canada, by J. Silk Buckingham, L Canada, Topagraphie de, par Bouchette,... H Canada, Statistical Tables of, by Bouchette, G Canada, Military and Naval Occurrences in, by James, H Canada, Naval Occurrences in, by James, . . M Canada, Visit to Upper, by Strachan, M Canada Bill, Debates on, by Cavendish, ... F Cases in Error, New York, by Caines,.... BOOM OnSERVATIONS. , no \ i Ill NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Cases in Supreme Court, Newfoundland, b> Tucker, 'case. 1 1 ROOM OBSERVATIONS. r F 7 Catalogue, London, 1810 to 1831, Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts, .... 7 Catholique, I'Eglise, Motifs qui ont ramen6 un grand nombre de Protestants, 1 7 Cattle, Library of Useful Knowledge, .... F « Causes C616bre8, O 7 Celtic Origin of a great part of the Greek Language, Chancerv Practice, bv Brown F. ^ Chancerv. Proceedinffs in, 7 Chancery Jurisdiction, by Jeremy, F Chemistry, Agricultural, by Pavy, H China, bv D j Haldes 1 1 J H 7 Christianisme, Genie du, 1 Chronicles, by Froissart, Church, Book of the, bv Southev,.... 1 N 7 ] I Church of Scotland, History of, Churches and Sects, Book of, by Boone, . . 7 Civic Economy, by Chalmers, G i li! il 112 !S< ii;j NO. ■■■■ss TITLE or BOOK. CASE. D E I Civil Liberty, Observations on, by Price, . . Civil Law, Elements of, by Taylor, Code (le Procedure Civile, Code Napoleon, or French Civil Code, Coins, Series of, by Bigeron, Colonial Policy of Gr. Britain, by Brougham F ditto, ' ditto, ditto, ' F ditto, ditto, by a Traveller G Colonies, De Pradt on the, G Colonies, Administration of, by Pownall, . . G Colony Laws, by Howard, D Collection of Treaties between Great Britain, and other Powers, by Chalmers, ' E Collection of Poems, by Hawley, ! K Collection of Private Passages of Stale, Weighty Matters of Law, &c. by Rush worth, H ROOMI OBSKRVATIONS. Collection of Statutes, by Chitty, Collection of Treatises, by Hertslets, Collection de Decisions, par Denisart, Colloquies on the Progress of Society, E F C O Conuncntarics on the History, Constitution,! and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, K 7 II 114 i«( 115 NO. TITLC or BdOR. Coininentaries, Blackstonu'i^, 13th Edition, ditto, ditto, '21st Edition, Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland, ... Commerce and Police uf the River Thames, by Colquhoun, CAIE. ROOM OBgrnVAT F F Commerce, History of, by Anderson, Commercial Law, by Chitty Commercial Dictionary, by M*Culloch,. ditto, ditto, Supplement, . Commissioners, Royal Instruction,.... Commoners, Burke's History of the,. Commons, Debates of the, — 1660 to 1743, ditto, ditto, —1667 to 1694, Commonwealth of England, by Goodwin,... Commonwealth of Rome Communaut6 de la Pothier, Company, Joint Stock, by Woodsworth, ... Compte, G6neral, De 1* Administration de la Justice Criminelle en France, from F D G G F L T T P P 1826 to 1834, Conflict of Laws, by Story, Consistorial Decisions, by Ferguson, D 7 f w iir; NO I I l!' i 117 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. I ICASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Constitution of England, Dialogues on the, by Wymes, F Constitution of the Br. Colonies, by Stokes, G Constitution of Canada, View of the, Constitutions, on, by De la Croix, Constitutional History, by Hallam L Contraites, Aleatoires, par Pothier Contrats des Bienfaisance, ditto, ' Conversations on Political Economy, G I Conveyancing, on, by Watkins, F Copyright, on, by Lowndes, C Corn Trade, on the, by Torrens, G Correspondence, by Clarendon & Rochester, L Cotton Manufacture of G. Britain, by Ure,. H Court, Supreme, by Caine, B Coutumes des Duch6 d' Orleans Crimes, on, by Russell, D Criminal Acts, Analysis of, by Robinson, ... D Criminal Trials in Scotland, by Arnot, ' F Criminal Trials, by Pitcairn, G 7 7 118 I !i: NOJ 119 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Criticisms on the Bar, by Amicus Curiae,,.. Criticisms, Elements of, by Home, Criticisms, Elements of, hy Kaines, Cromwell, Memoirs of, by Cromwell, Cromwellian Diary, by Burton, Crown Law, by Foster, Crown Law, Cases in, by Leach, ICAOE. F H H P P D D ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Crown Law, on the Rights of the, by Hall,.. D Crown Law, on the Prerogation of the, by Chitty Cultivateur Anglais, by Young, Curia; Canadensis, or Canadian Law Courts, Curran, Life of, by his Son, Currency, on, by Mushet, Customs, Law of, by Hume, Customs, Law of, by Jickling, F J G G D Customs and Excise Laws, Abridgement of, by Pope, Customs Law of Ireland, by Heron, Cyclopaedia of Mathematics, , Cyclopaedia, The Penny, F F H •' V- ' 120 121 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Debates, Parliamentary, History, &c., from 1743 10 1744, Debates, Parliamentary, from I8'20 to 1826, ditto, ditto, from 1743 to 1813, Debates, Parliamentary, by Cobbett, from 1803 to 1818, lU, V W U Debates in the House of Commons, on the abolishing the Punishment of Death, by Montagu, Debates in the House of Commons, by Grey, from 1667 to 1694, Debates, Hansard's, New Series, from 1820 to 1830, Debates, Hansard's, 3rd Series, from 1830 to 1835, Debates, Hansard's, 3rd Series, from 1842 te 1844, Debates, Analytical Digest of, Hansard's, 1819, F T W W J. w Debates, Johnson's, from 1740 to 1743, ..J T ditto, ditto, from 1668 to 1744, ...I T ditto, ditto, from 1743 to 1744, ... Debates, Chandler's, from 1660 to 1743,... Debates of the House of Lords, from 1660 to 1743, T T Debates in the House of Commons, from 1660 to 1743, T w 123 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Debates on the Canada Bill, by Cavendish. F Decade, by Segur, K Decisions, Consistorial, by Ferguson, G Decisions, Collection of, by Denisart, C Decline and Fall of Rome, by Gibbon, M « Definitions in Political Economy, by Malthus G Description des Arts et des Metiers, H Despatches, Wellington's, I Despatches, Wellesley's, L De I'Emploi de Argent, par Maifei, G Dictionary, Latin, by Ainsworth, Dictionary, Biographical, by Chalmers O Dictionary, General, by Bayles, Dictionary, by Chamband, < Dictionary, by ditto, Dictionary, by Bailey, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, by Gregory, Dictionary, by Jefferson K Dictionary, Commercial, by M'Culloch, . . G i Dictionary, Supplement to ditto, by ditto,,..' G French Trans* lator's ; Koom. I i Ml 1 L.. 125 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. • Dictionary, French & English Pronouncing, by Surenne, Dictionary, French and English and English and French, by Fleming & Tibbins, Dictionarv* bv Sheridan { E D G N H I T t 1 7 French Trani. latot'a Room. 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 ' Dictionary* bv Johnson Dictionary, Johnson's, by Todd, Dictionary. Law. bv Tomlin. ditto, ditto. ditto. ••• Diclionary of the Practice in Civil Actions, bv Lee Dictionory of Science, Literature, and Art, bv Brandes Dictionary, Historical, of America and West Indies, bv ThomDson Dictionary, Spanish and English and English and Spanish, by Barrett, Dictionnaire de I'Industrie. Dictionnaire Universal, par Furtiere, Dictionnaire Universal, Frangaise et Latin, Dictionnaire de Droite de Terriere, Dictionnaire. nar Laveaux •• Dictionnaire Gramatical I I i ,. II t i 127 ^ ?% NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CABE.'rOOM OD8ERVATION9. Dictionnaire vies Miracles, par Romagne, . . Dictionnaire Etymologique, &c., par Quitard, Dictionnaire de l'Acad6mie Franqais, . . . Digeste, par Justinian, ' C Digest of Cases, by Harrison, ' C Digest of the Laws of England by Comyn, C Dignities and Titles of Honor, the Origin and Nature of, by Cruise, | F Discourses, by Reynolds, Discourses, A nalytical, by Hansard, M Discoveries, Northern, by Simpson, N I Distinctions of Ranks, by Millar Distinction of Wealth, by Jones G Divorce, on, McQueen, G Domaine de Droit, par Pothier, Donations, Entre Vifs, par Pothier, Donations Testamentaries, par Pothier,. . . . Donaire, par Pothier, Droit des Gens ot do la Nature, par Felice, ! F Frenrli 'riiDt- Intor't Room. 7 7 7 7 I2f) NO. TITLE OF BOOK. ft^,^^^ ^t^^^A^^f^^m* Droit do la Guorre, par Grotius,. Droit ties Colonies Franguis, . . . . , Droit, Questions do Merlin, CASE. F P F ROOM OBBERVATI0N8. '-^rf 11 •M m m w4 m rm NO, 131 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE- ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Earth, Theory of the, by Cuvier, Ecclesiastical Courts, by Poynter, F 1 1 Ecclesiastical Law. bv Burns D L M G Ecclesiastical History, bv Mosheim ditto, ditto, ditto, Economie Politioue. nar Storch. Economie Politique, par Ganilh G Economie PoHtiniie. nar Rioardn G i Economy* Civic, bv Chalmers. G 1 Economy, Political, by Chalmers, G Edareworth's. Maria. Mpmoirs of. P Edinburgh Review, 7 7 7 Index to Edinburs^h, Blackwood's Masrazine Edinburgh, Chambers' Journal, 7 Edits et Ordinances, H 2 Education, on, by Jardine, Education, on, by Colquhoun, G Education des Sourds-Muets, par Degerando H Elections, on, by Hammond, D 1 Elections, Borough, bv Heywood, F N( 133 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Electricity and Heat, on, by Thompson, ... Elements of Criticism, by Home, Elements of Criticism, by Kaine, Elements of Civil Law, by Taylor, Emploi de 1' Argent, par Maffei CASE. ROOM H H D G Eminent Persons, Lives of, — Library of Use- ful Knowledge, H Eminent Lawyers, Opinions of, F Encyclopoedia Britannica, Supplement, .... Encyclopoedia Metropolitana, Encyclopoedia of Geography, Encyclopedic et Supplement, par Flanche, Encyclopedic du Dictionnaires des Science, &c ditto, ditto, ditto, ...' Encyclopoedique R6vue ■ L England, History of, by Rapin O England, History of, by Hume, O England, History of, by SmoUet & Adolphus L England, History of, by Hallam, , England, History of, by Lingard,. N M 7 7 OBSERVATIONS. 7 7 I NC i 135 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. England, History of, by Lord Mahon,. England and Scotland, History of the Union of, by Defoe, , England, Cabinet of, by Mackintosh, England, Digest of the Laws of, by Comyns, ditto, ditto, ditto, by Woodeson« English Synonymes, by Crabbe, English Poets, by Chalmers, English Poets, by Johnson, English Law, by Reeves, English Government, by Millar, English and French Dictionary, by Fleming and Tibbins, Englishmen, Rights of, or Jura Anglorum, by Plowden, Esprit des Lois, par Montesquieu, . Essaie Politique, par Humboldt, . Essaie Politique, par Ganilh, .... Essaie sur les Meurs, par Voltaire, Essays, Philosophical, Historical, &c., by Gregory, Essays, Moral and Political, by Hume, .... N L C F K K D G,N / French J i TraDii- (^ Koora. I L G K I m id H) m m .~iV;:j i 1 m NO 137 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Essays on the Characteristics of the Earl of Shaftsbury, by Brown, Essays on Government, by Locke,.. Essays on Government, b" Reid, .. Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, ... Essays, by Lavater, Essays on Formations of Opinions, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Truth, by Alison, Essays on Man, by Helvetus, < Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain and her Loss bv War, .... Etats-Unis, Des Aper^u, par Beaujour, . . Etats-Unis, d'Amerique, par Volney, .... Europe, &c.. Travels in, by Clarke, Europe, Modern, by Russell, Evidence, Law of, by Phillips Evidences of Christianity, by Paley, Exchange, Cambist, or a Treatise on, by Kelly, Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 32nd to 37th Geo. III. — Austruther's, , K G O O I N D G C CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. G F K G K G \; iji'ty IF n; 139 NO. TITLE or OOK. Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 50th to 51st Geo. III.— Wightwick's Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 54th Geo. III. to 3rd Geo. IV.— Price's.. . . . Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 4th to 5th Geo. IV.— McClelland's, Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 5th to 6th Geo. III.— McClelland and Young's. Exchequer, Reports of Cases, from 7th to {)th Geo. IV. — Young and Jervis's, .... Exchequer, Equity Side, Reports of Cases, from 57th to 59th Geo. III. — Daniels'. . . CASE. ROOM Excise, by Highmore, Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America, by Goldsmith, I B A F OBSERVATIONS. i 'M m 110 NO )l) i 9 V HI NO. TITLE OF DOOK. CASE. ROOM OD9KUVATION8. Facultv Decisions, 1752 to 1819 G G O N H 7 7 7 7 Trans- lator's liuum Fcrdera. bv Rvmer. ••••• ••• Fiction. Historv of. bv DiinloD. . . Fisheries, on the. bv Cornish* ••§ Forces de la France, oar Duoin Fossiles, Ossements, and Atlas to ditto, by Cuvier • ' Fox. Memoirs of. bv Trctter. •• „ Frv.nce, Exposition of her Conduct towards America, bv Goldsmith. •.. France. Historv of. bv Anderson France. Historv of. bv Lacratelle France, History of, Library of Useful Knowledo'e • • ••• H France* Histoire de» nar Seffur* .• K L K H Fra.^9ai6, Histoire des, par Sismonde, Franchises of London, Commentaries on the Historv of. bv Norton. ••■•• French and English Dictionary, by Flem- ming and Tibbins, Friendly Societies, Library of Useful Know- ledge. • M m I 4i it 'f| ?! ■ h NO 145 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Grande-Bretagne et Irlande, Tableau de, .. Great Britain, History of, by Belsham, .... Great Britain, History of, by Henry, CASE. ROOM M L L Great Britain and Ireland, Memoirs of, by Dalrymple, | L Great Britain, Treaties between, and otherj Powers, by Chalmers, E Great Britain, Comparative Estimate of; Strength and Loss by War, by Chalmers.; G Greece, History of. Library of Useful Knowledge, Greece, Travels in, by Chateaubriand,.... Greece, Antiquities of, by Potter, Greece, Modern Map of, (in case,) Grece, Histoire de la, par Poqueville, . . . . Greenland, History of, by Crantz, Guelph, History of the House of, by Hal- liday, H I N L P N OBSERVATIONS. 4vl ,■'1 «i i U 146 N 147 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Habitation, Droit d', par Pothier, Heat and Electricity, by Thompson, HistorV) Ancient, by Rollin O History of America, by Robertson, L History of the American War, N History of the Anglo-Saxons, by Turner, . . K History of the British West Indies, L History of British Churches, by Brown, .... L History of the Church of Scotland, by Cook, History of the Church of Scotland, by Knox, M History, Constitutional, by Hallam, L History of Commerce, by Anderson, N History of the Commoners, by J. Burke, . . L History of the Decline and Fall of Rome, by Gibbon, History, Ecclesiastical, by Mosheim, ditto, ditto, ditto, . . History of England, Cabinet, by Mackintosh, History of England, by Crantz, History of England, by Hallam, History of England, by Hume and Smollet. M L M L P N L 7 7 m i I- i I i^ 118 NO. V 149 i i i t NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. j Historv of EincrlRnd. bv Liins^ard. ••■ s*^ M History of England, by Lord Mahon, L 1 ■ Historv of France, bv Anderson N ^ t 1 Historv of Great Britain, bv Henrv. T, ! 1 History of Great Britain, by Belsham, L I Historv of Greenland, bv Crantz. P • 1 History of the House of Guelph, by Hal- liday, ' N 1 1 ] History of Ireland, by Goruon, L I Historv of Ireland, bv Leland. 7 1 History of the Irish Parliament, by Mont- 1 morris, ■>. L 1 History of Inventions and Discoveries, H 1 History of James II. by Fox, N 1 Historv of Man. bv Kame •.. N 1 1 History of Military and Naval Occurrences in Canada, by James, L ■• 1 Historv. Naval, bv Brenton L ■ Historv. Naval, bv James. •••...• • M 1 i 1 History, Natural, of Bees, by Huber, 7 History of his Ovm Ti ie,by Bishop Burnet, 1 L 1 ! NO. 151 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. History, Parliamentary, ditto, ditto History of the Quakers, by Sewell, History of the Rebellioti, by Clarendon, ... History of the Reformation, by Macaulay, . . History of the Reign of George HI CASE. 'ROOM OB8EKVATION8. History of the Revolution of 1668, by Mac- intosh, \ ! History of Rome, by Neibuhr, History of the Roman Emperors, by Crevier, History of Scotland, by Robertson, i History of the Union between England and Scotland, by Defoe, History of the United States History of the United States, by Graham, . History of the late War bettveen the United States and Great Britain, by Breakenridge, History of the World, by Gillies, ! i History of Wyoming, by Campbell, Histoire Abr^ge des Jesuites, &c Histoire Ancienne, par Segur, Histoire du Bas Empire, par Segur, R T N O O F N L M L i O I N . I i O K K I '& M ■'if ■ ^:^. N( 153 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. JCASE.JROOM Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise, N Histoire de la Revolution, par Bertrand, ... L Histoire de la Revolution, par MoUeville,... L Histoire de France, par Lacratelle, N Histoire de France, et Atlas, par Segur, ... K Histoire dos Fran^ais, par Sismonde, L Histoire Romaine, par Segur, K I Histoire G6n6rale des Crinties commis pen- dant la Revolution Fran^aise, OBSERVATIONS. Histoire de la Legislation,. Histoire de la Grece, par Poquevilk ditto, ditto, ditto, . . Histoire du I\.'agn6tisnie Animal, par Defesne Histoire Critique du Magnetisme Animal, par Deluze Histoire des Indes, par Raynal, Histoire Philosophique des Empereurs, Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, par Sismonde, Histoire de Pologne, par Rulhiere, Histoire, Tableau Naturel, par Cuvier,.... Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, par Cuvier, O F N L H H L M L O O O 1^ J ' ' 1 M,;:? ti p1 ^Ui I f i i it' f t ITil NO. I Historia Liroraria. Uy «„^er, . . .7 Circunstancos of NaUort .T.T' '""'\ I Historical Skefchoq nf g# . ,„ , K I Hon>' Paul.W., by Pa|„y ;_ I H j House of Assembly, R„|es of, | iHouseofLo,.ds,J..isdietionoU.yHairj p HouseofLords,Jurisdicno„of,hyHar,ravo.i K House of Lords, Journals of, | I House of Lords, Ireland, '\ '''''''''''' ''''^^^'^^ ^-^^ry of, uyuZZJ^ House of Austria, by Coxc, |CA«.|llOOM, OB«KnVATlON,. Hf use of Medici, Mem Howard, Mem oirsof, by Clayton, oirs of. Husbandry, British,- N N Kn )wledge Library of JJ; seful I' H «0. 157 IfO. TITIB OF BOOK. •■•W i^MA kMMM^rsMAM^ ■ w* ■ I .* - . - , ^r i. r -i/^r ■ **■ * »»*»^*» » - , »,»,»,» , - , » , * -|»^ , - , . , .^ | »» | j | a , j , - . , OAIB. [llOON'oMBIlTATlOlf 1. Imperial Calendar, British, — 1837, Inconv6nioii8 du Celibat, India, The Government of, by Annand, . . . . India, British, by Mills, Indies, British West, History of, by Ed- wards, Industrie, Dictionnairc de 1', '*^* il ^ i NO. NO. 159 TITLE OF BOOK. Ireland, History of, by Lellan J , Ireland, King's Inns in, by Duhig, Irish Parliament, History of, by Mountmorris Italie, Voyage en, par Simond, CASE. F L ROOM 7 OBSERVATIONS, ■m ;w!i-i ''.i,f(i >'M >-i k^ 161 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. James II, History of, by Fox, ' N Johnson, Boswell's Life of, by Croker, .... Johnson's Works, Joint Stock Companies, by Woodsworth,.... Journal of Science, Journal of a Naturalist, , . Journal, Chambers' Edinburgh I Journals of the House of Lords, Journals of the House of Commons, with Indices, O J C H Journals of the Irish House of Lords, Journals of the Legislative Council, Lower Canada,— 1792 to 1836, Journals of the House of Assembly, Lower Canada^ — 1792 to 1836, with Appendices Journals of the Special Council of Canada, —1838 to 1841 and 1843, I Journals of the Legislative Council, Upper I Canada,— 1825 to 1840, Journals of the House of Assembly, Upper Canada, — 1825 to 1840, with Appendices Journals of the Legislative Council of Can- ada,— 1841 to 1843, 7 7 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 '>*ii I ''• v.. M t iirj ! ■■^yR m .162 r ii i :U 163 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, — 1841 to 1843, with Appendices Journals of the Legislative Council of New Bronswick,— 1786 to 1830, Journals of the Legislative Council of New Brunswick,— 1831 to 1844, (except 1838) Journals of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick,— 1837 to 1843, CASE. Journals of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia,— 1837 to 1843, Journals of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia,— 1832 to 1843, Journals of the Legislative Council, Prince Edward's Island,— 1833 to 1843, I Journals of the House of Assembly, Prince' Edward's Island— 1843, ! Journals of the Legislative Council of New- foundland, 1833 to 1838, Judicial Evidence, Rationale of, by Bentham, Jura Anglorum, or the Rights of English- men by Plowden, ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, by Har- grave, Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, by Hale, Jurisdiction of Chancery, by Jeremy, . . . . 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 I 3 3 3 7 F F F m - in Ml ■ ii. « 1. -4 ■m • • • • • D Law of Libel, bv Borthwick. t... • F D Law of Nations, bv Chittv. • Law of Nations, bv VatteL ••••••■•• D Law of Nations, by Von Marten, D 1 1 L:iw of Nature, hv Mackintosh F Law of Tenures, bv Wriffht. F Laws of Lower Canada,— 1793 to 1836, . . a Laws of Upper Canada,— 1792 to 1840, ... 3 Laws of Canada,~1841 to 1843, 3 Laws of New Brunswick. — 1836 to 1843,... 3 Laws of Nova Scotia,— 1758 to 1804, 1834 to 1837, and 1841 to 1842 3 Laws of Newfoundland, — 1838, 3 1 liaws of Prince Edward's Island, — 1773 to 1834, 1 i 3 ditto, ditto, ditto, —1773 to to 1820, 1835 to 1839, and 1842, f\ \^^» S/^V^V»'*r..'' t: ' .1 ir . •! ' ij w iB Ill 172 NO. 173 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. Laws — Ordinances of Legislative Council ofi Quebec,— 1774 to 1792, \ Laws — Ordinances of the Special Council of Canada,— 1838 to 1841, I Laws — Index to the Statutes and Ordinances' of the Province of Quebec and Lower Canada,— 1794 to 1841, Laws of the Customs, by Jickling, Laws of the Church of Scotland, Laws of England, by Woodeson, Laws of England, Digest of, by Comyns,... Laws of New York, Laws, Conflict of, by Story Law Reports : — Chancery, Court of: — Brown's Reports of Chancery Practice,... Mylne and Kean,— 3rd Will. I V.; Russell,— 6th to 9th Geo. IV F F C D D ROOM OBSERVATIONS. 3 3 3 7 E B B Crown Cases reserved: — Leach,— 1st to 55th Geo. Ill ' D Exchequer, Pleas Side : — Austruther, — 32nd to 37th Geo. Ill C McCleland,— 4th and 5th Geo. IV * A Price,— 54th Geo. III. to 3rd Geo. IV..' C Whightwick,— 50th to 5lst Geo. III. ... B Young and Jervis,— 7th to 9th Geo. IV. A v'r 174 NO. 175 V ( • NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Law Reports Continued — Exchequer, Equity Side : Daniel,— 57th to 59th Geo. III. House of Lords : — Bligh,— 59th Geo. IIL to 2nd Geo. IV. Bligh, New Series, — 7th to 9th Geo. IV. Clarke and Finnely,— 1831 to 1835 Dow,— 53rd to 58th Geo. Ill King's or Queen's Bench : — Adolphus and ElHs,— 4th to 5th Will. IV. Burrows,— 1st to l'2th Geo III BarnewaU'and Alderson, — 58th Geo. III. to 2nd Geo. IV Barnewall and Creswell, — 3rd to 10th Geo. IV Barnewall and Adolphus, — llth Geo. IV. to 4th Will. IV Durnford and East,— 26th to 40th Geo. Ill < East, — 41st to 53rd Geo. Ill Maule and Selwyn. — 53id to AMh Geo. Ill Raymond, — 1st and 2nd Will. & Anne Geo. I Saunders,— 18th to 24th Charles II Showers— 30th Chas. II. to 6th Will. III. Wilson,— 16th to 26th Geo. Ill Nisi Prius : — Campbell,— 4th to 56th Geo. III. CASE.'ROOMlOBSERVATIO.NH. Privy Council : — Kaapi),— llth Geo. IV. to 1st Will. IV. Moore,— 6th and 7th Will. IV C C B C C A C C A B C A C A C B D C -'I ^1 176 NC A^l NO. 177 TITLE OF BOOK. CASE' ROOM OBSE RVATIONS. Scottish Reports : — Faculty Decisions, 1752 to 1819,. American Reports : — | Louisiana, — Marten's Reports, A Massachusetts, — Pickering's Reports, A Williams's, Supreme Court, B New York, — Caine's, Supreme Court B Caine's Cases in Error, F Johnson's, Supreme Court '. . . A Wendall's, Supreme Court, A Pennsylvania, — > Addison's, County Courts, C Binney's, Supreme Courtp, A Browne's, Common Pleas, A Rawles', Supreme Court, A Sergeant and Rawles', Supreme Court, A Yeates, Supreme Court, A Lower Canada, Court of King's Bench : — Stuart's Reports of Cases, A Laws. — See " Public Records.^' L'Economie Politique, par Ganilh, G L'Economie Politique, par Ricardo, G L'Economie Politique, par Say, G L'Economie Politique, par Storch, G I Lectures, by Blair, Lectures, by Woodeson, C ! ^4 ^1 6] '1 i 4 I . f 1 !■ ■ I 1 1 i NO. 179 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Legal Institutions in Ireland, by Lynch, ... Legal Observer, Legal Degrees of Marriage, Legal Examination of the Impeachment and Sentence against the last Minister of Charles X. by De Peyronnet, Legislation, Traite de, par Comte, Legislation Civile, par Locr6, Legislation du Divorce, Legislation, Histoire de la, par Pastoret, . Legislation, Science of, by Kendall, Leo X, Life of, by Roscoe, L'Espagne, Tableau de et Atlas, par Bour- going, Letters on Prison Discipline, by Stappylton, Letters to S. C. Blythe, by a Catholic Christian, CASE. F E F G G E D F G M P H Letters from Canada, by Gray, Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, Lettres sur I'Angleterre, par De Stael, Lex Parliamentaria, — Law of Parliament,... ROOM O K Q OBSERVATIONS. «f.; I i;V' 'I if' .1 m. '.! i m ;J •ritB '.|)1 ■} % m NO. f/'J 181 r NO. TITLE OF BOOK, iCASE. ROOM; OBSERVATIONS. Lex Constitutionis, or Gentleman's Law, by Jacob, F Lex Mercatoria, by Beauves, F Libel, Law of, by Borthwick, ' F Library of Useful Knowledge, H Library, Manual, by Goodhughes, Librarian, by Savage, Life and Times of Bishop Burnet, Life of Byron, by Moore, I Life of Curran, by his Son, Life of Johnson, by Boswell, ! O Life of Penn, by Clarkson, O Life of Pitt, O Life of Lord John Russell, O Life of Scott, by Lockhart, I Life of Sheridan, by Moore, ; P Life of Lord Sydenham, by Poulett Scrope, N i L' Imitation de Jesu Christ, par I'Abbe de la Mennais, Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, . G i Lives, Plutarch's, by Langhorne P 7 7 Two Copies. / M'i •y* V-A. ill M NO. 183 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Lives of the Admirals, by Campbell, . Lives of A. Smith, William Robertson, and Thomas Reid, by Stewart, , London Catalogue,— I London, Commentaries the City of, by Nortoi *= H H H N F D Master in Chancery's OiSSce, a Treatise on, by Bennet, j F Massachusetts Bay, by Htitcheson, Mathematics, Cyclopoedia of, by Mitchell, . Mathematics, — Library of Useful Know- ledge, Mechanics' Magazine, O H H H 7 7 7 7 7 "i-'-ii 186 187 ' NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Medici, Memoirs of the House of, Clayton's Memoirs of G. F. Cooke, by Dunlop, .... Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, by Dalrymple Memoirs of Franklin, Memoirs de I'Abbe Georgel, Memoirs of Segur, Memoirs of Napoleon, by DeBourrienne,... Memoirs de Sylvio Pellico Memoirs sur le Canada, \!emoirs des Mollesques, par Cuvier, .... Memoirs of Edgeworth, by M. Edgeworth, Memoirs of Cromwell, by Cromwell, Memoirs of J. Howard, by Brown, Memoirs of Jefferson, Memoirs of Fox, by Trotter, Merchant Seamen's Act, by Wordsworth, . . Middle Ages, by Hallam, Middle Ages, by Turner, Military and Naval Occurrences in Canada, by James, CASE. I L M P K O I F O P P N K O c L L H ROOM 0B8EKVATI0NS. m 189 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. ; CASE. ROOM Mind, Essay on the, by Helvetius, Mineralogy, Conversations on, H Mirabeau, Recollections of, by Dumont, ....^ O Mirror of Parliament, — 1828 to 1837,.... Mirror of Parliament,— 1828 to 1889,.... Mirroir de Paris, Missouri, Travels to the Source of the, by Lewis and Clarke, Moise, Institutions de, par Salvador,... Mollesques, Memore des, par Cuvier, Modern Europe, by Russell, Moral and Political Essays, by Hume, Moral and Religious Works, by Hale, Moral Science, by Hume Moral Science, by Beatiff, Moralle Galerie, par Segur, Morea, Tour in the, by Gells, Moeurs des Sauvage Am6riquanis, par Lef- feteau, I P O N K K L 7 7 OBSERVATIONS. 7 7 NO. 191 NO. I TITLE OF BOOK. Narrative, Personal, Humboldt's, ... Narrative, Sir F. B. Head's, Narrative of a Voyage to Polar Seas, Narrative of a Second Expedition, . . . Nations, Law of, by Von Marten,| . . . Nations, Law of, by Chitty, Nations, Law of, by Vattell, ....... Nations, Wealth of, by A. Smith, . . . Nations, Richesses des,'par A. Smith, Naturalist, Canadian, by Gosse, .... Natural History of Bees, by Huber, Naturalist, Journal of a, Natural Theology, by Paley, Naval History, by Brenton, Naval Occurrences, by James, Navigation, Inland, by Phillips, .... New Brunswick, Statistical Observations on. by Wedderburne, New Spain, by Humboldt, Newfoundland, Cases in Supreme Court of, by Tucker, | F I CASE. BOOMOBSERVATIOiMH. H O I O D D F G G I 7 7 7 L M M G O ^1 193 NO. TITLE or BOOK. Nrt^WV^^'W^^V^^^^A North American Sylvio, by Michaux, Nova Scotia, by Haliburton, Nuits Romaines, par Lestrade, CASE' R00.M OBSERVATIONn. H O M Hi ill i' *? 195 NO. TITLE or BOOK. CASK. Obligations, des, par Pothier, Observations on the Ancient Statutes Observations on Civil Liberty, by Price, ... Occurrences in Canada, Military and Naval, by James, H ROOM Occurrences, Naval, by James, CEuvres d'Ageusseau, CEuvres de Diderot, CEuvres Posthume de Diderot, CEuvres de Lajuinais, CEuvres de Mably, CEuvres de Machiavel CEuvres de Massilon, (Euvres de Montesquieu, CEuvres de Pothier, Opinions, by Wilmot, Opinions, Essay on the Formation of, Opinions of Eminent Lawyers, by Chalmers, Oregon Territory, by Thom, Origin and Nature of Titles of Honor, by Cruise, '..., M T J G K G P K G F G F J 7 7 7 OBSKRVA TIONI. t I m 196 197 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Ornithology, American, by Audubon, Ossemens Fossiles, by Cuvier. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. i! NO 199 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Pandectes Fran9ai8es, par De Laporte, .... Paoer Credit, on. bv Thornton. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS. F G L G 1 Parliament, Irish, History of, by Montmorris, Parliament of Scotland. Acts of. Parliament of Scotland, Acts of, from 1424 to 1707, 2 Parliament, Mirror of, from 1828 to 1837, bv Barrow 7 7 « Parliament, Mirror of, from 1828 to 1839, bv Barrow. ••.••••••••••••••••••■•••• Parliament, Ancient Method of Holding in Kns'land. Parliament. Power of the. bv Hale..... F 7 Q Q 1 T T 1 T i Parliamentary Cases, 1701 to 1789, by J. Brown. *. ...... .. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. Parliamentary Cases, 1817 to 1819, by Evans. •... Parliamentary Debates in the House of Lords 1660 to 1743, Timberland's Two Copies. Two Copies. Three Copies. Parliamentary Debates in the House of Com- mons, 1660 to 1743, Chandler's, Parliamentary Debates, from 1667 to 1794, Grev^s* • •••• #•••• s ■ N^:^ 201 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Parliamentary Debates, from 1743 to 1813, Chandler's, Parliamentary Debates, from 1743 to 1744, Debrett's, CASE- ROOM OB8KRVAT10N9. Parliamentary Debates, from 1803 to 1818. Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, from 1803 to 1820, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, from 1820 to 1830, Second Series, Hansard's U T U,V I v,w w Parliamentary Debates, from 1820 to 1826, New Series, Hansard's, W Parliamentary Debates, from 1830 to 1835, Third Series, Hansard's, Parliamentary Debates, from 1842 to 1844, Third Series, Hansard's, Parliamentary Debates, from 1740 to 1743j Johnson's, W T I T Parliamentary Debates, from 1668 to 1744, Johnson's, » I T Parliamentary Digest, 1819, Hansard's, W Parliamentary History and Index, 1066 to j to 1660, by Cobbett, | R Parliamentary History and Index, 1066 to 1803, by Cobbett," S, T Two Copies. 203 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Parliamentary History, 1066 to 1800, by Cobbett, Parliamentary Law, by A. Todd, CASE. T Parliamentary Papers, — being the whole of the Accounts, Papers, and Reports, &c.,' printed each Session, by order of the House of Commons, from 1815 to 1835, Parliamentary Papers, — being a Collection of various Documents, published under the orders of the House of Commons, — 1774 to 1814, Parliamentary Papers and Abstracts, — 1826 and 1827, Parliamentary Register, 1774 to 1780, by Almond, Parliamentary Register, 1780 to 1811, by Almond and others, ROOM Parliamentary Review, — 1825 to 1826,. Parliamentary Review, — 1826 to 1827,. Parochial Returns on Education in England, 1818, Patent Inventions, Repertory of. Patents, on, by Caspmael, Peel's Acts, by Archbold, Peerage, by Burke, Q Q Q Q Q I C F G OBSERVATIONH. Two Copies. 204 NO. V' m i .**J**^ 205 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Peerage, by Debrett ditto, ditto, another edition, . . . . Peerage, by Dodd, ditto, ditto, fourth year, Peninsular War, by Southey,. Penitentiary System in the United States, by Beaumont and Poqueville, Penitentiary, Account of the Disease at the, by Latham, Penn, Life of, by Clarkson, , Penny Cyclopoedia, Personal Narrative, Humdoldt's,. Petit, Droit dcs Colonies, Philosophy, Natural, — Library of Useful Knowledge Philosophy of the Human Mind, by D. Stewart ditto ditto ditto,/.... Philosophical Essays, by D. Stewart,, Philosophical and Historical Essays, by Gregory, Physico Theology, by Derham, Picturesque, on the, by Price, Pilt, Lifeof, by Giffard, CA8E.|R00M G G G G L F G O H F H F F F P H O OBSERVATIONS. Two Copies. m it.,... '.''Hi,.,,,, '■mi :li !i ■i NO. 207 NO. TITLK OF BOOK, CA8R. ROOM 0B8CRVATI0IVM. i Pittoresque Magazin,— 1833, 1835 & 1836, L ! PleadinsTt oiit bv Steohen • .. p i 1 Plutarch's Lives, by Langhorne, , . . . . i P Poems, Collection of, by Hawley, K! 1 Poems, Collection of, by Swain I Poems, Collection of, by a Lady, K t Poetical Works of Moore l' Poetical Works of Scott • I I G i Poetical Works of Miss Landon Poetical Works of Milman, Poetical Works of Southey, G ■ Poetical Works of Crolv I I K Poetical Works of Montgomory, Campbell, Roorers. Lamb, and White. ...••. Poets. En&rlish. bv Johnson Poets. Ensrlish. bv Chalmers K Poets. British, bv Camnbell. I Polar Seas, Narrative of a Voyage to, by 1 Franklin I Polar Seas, Second Expedition to, by Frank- lin, / Mi 2oy no. TITLR or tiM>». I I .CAICVROOM 0IIKRVA1 tnX9, , .. ^ -^-^--. Police of London, on the, by Colquhoun, ,.. G ditto ditto ditto, Political Economy, by Senior, ,. 6 Political Economy, by Whately, G ! Vjlitical Economy, by Chalmers, O Political Economy, by M'CuUoch O Political Economy, by Ricardo, ' G I Political Economy, by Mill, G Political Economy, Definitions on,. .* G Political Economy, Conversations on, byMal- thus G Political Science, by Craig, G Political Index, by Beaston, O Political Annals of U. States, by Chalmers, L Pologne, Histoire de, par Rulhiere , O Poor Law, Scotch, by Dunlop, F ! Population, on, by Malthus, G Power of Parliament, by Hale, F I Practice in Civil Actions, — Dictionary, by Lee, D . Practice in Appeals, by Palmer, C Two Copies. Tw ) Copies. h. 211 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. ROOM OBSERVATIONS Precedents, by Hatsell, 2 Three Copies Precedents by a Committee of the House of Commons, F 2 Prerogatives of tne Crown, by Chitty, .... Pretres, les Inconveniens du Celibat dies, . . K Principle of Currency and Banking, by Lord F Prison Dicipline, on, by Buxton, F Prison Dicipline Society of Boston, Reports, F Prison Dicipline, Remarks on, G H Prison Dicipline, Letters on, by Stapylton,.. Privileges of London, by Hughson, F Private Bills, Instructions on Passing, F Privy Council Cases,— 1829 to 1831, by Knapp, D - Privy Council Cases, by Moore, D Procedure Civil, de la, par Pothier, G 7 Production of Wealth, by Torrens, Prodromus Systematis Mamalium et Avium Illegero, 7 Projet d'une Constitution Religieuse, par un American, ,,... 1 7 Protests, by Lord, q: lyi M m H. ri Mi,. NO. J 213 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE Proof of the Celtic Origin of a great part of the Greek Language, by Stratton, ....< Property, on Real, by Humphrey G Provincial Justice, by Keeles, , Public Records, on the, by Cooper, Public Records of Great Britain : — Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, . Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscript^ in the British Museum, Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, .... Calendarium Inquisitionum Post Mortem, sive Escaetanum. — Temp. Hen. IIL ad RicIII Ducatus Lancastrian Calendarium Inquisi- tionum Post Mortem, and Calendar to the Pleadings. — Temp. Edward I. ad Car. I ! Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, preserved in the Treasury. Vol. I Excerpta e Rotulis Finium m Turvi Lon- dinensi asservates Hen. Tertis Reget 1216 ad 1272, Foedera Conventiones literae et cujuscun- que generis acta publica inter Regis Angliae et alios quos vis Imperatoris, Regis, Pontifices, Principes, et Com- mitatis, 1066 ad 1377, Finis sive Pedes Finium sive finales Con- cordia in Curia Domini Regis 7, Ric. I.I ad Johannis, 1 195 ad 1214. Vol. I. .J General Report of the Commissioners of the Public Records, D Q ROOM OBSERVATIONS. Two Copies. 1 Dup. of Vol. 2 Two Copies. •II. i'l .•i/i Il NO. 215 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. BOOM Public Records of Gr. Britain, Continued. General Introduction to Domesday Book, by Ellis, Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis Ketotnatum quae in Pubicis Archivis Scotise ad hue Servantu abbreviatio, . . Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Can- cellarise Hibernise asservatum reparti- orum Lagenise et Ultoniae, Kalendars & Inventories of His Majesty's Exchequer, Libri Censualis Vocati, Domesday Book; Indices, &c Libri Censualis Vocati, Domesday Book, additamenta ex codie auliquiss, Manuscript in the Harleian Collection,. . . Nonarum Inquisitiones in curia Laccarii. Temp. Edw. III. Regis, . , Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military | Summons, together with the Records | and Monuments relating to the Suit and Service due and performed to the! King's High Court of Parliament and the Council of the Realms, Pacitorum in Domo Capitulari Wcstmo n- asteriensis asservatorum abbreviatio. — Temp. Ric. I. ad Edw. II Placita de quo Warranto, temp. Edw. I. II. et III. in curiae receptae Scaccarii Westmonasteriensi asservata, Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 10th Rich. II. to 33rd Henry VIII Registrum Magnum Sigilli Regum Scoto- rum in Arehivis publicis asservatum, — I 1306 ad 1424, Rotuli Literarum Patentium in Turri Lon- { dinensi asservati; 1199 ad 1216, .... OBSERVATION ^ Two Copies. Two Copies. D uplicates of Vols. 5 & 6. m i"it % m f1 NO. 217 TITLE OF BOOK. Public Records of Gr. Britain, Continued. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Seccarii abbrevatio, Rotulorum Patientium et Clausoriuin Can- cellariae Hiberniae Calendarium, temp. Hen. II. ad Hen. VIII. Vol. I Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. in Turri Londinensi et in Curia receptse Leacarii Westmonasteriensi as servati Registrum Vulgaritu mincupat um. — The Record of Caernarvon, .... Rotuli Literarum Clausarum in Turri CASE. Londinensi asservati, ••••■ ••••••••• Rotuli Curiae, Regis 6 Ric. I. ad Johannes Rotuli Nonnannia in Turri Londinensi, Johanni et Hen. V Statutes of the Realm, from Magna Charta to the end of Queen Anne's Reign, with a Chronological and Alphabetical Index State Papers of Henry VIII Valor Ecclesiasticus, Tem. Hen. VIII. auctorilate regia institutus, — Index et Appendie, ROOM OB8ERVATION9. Two Copies. ! J I "3 ■'§ '[ Ti'tl 219 m NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. Quakers, History of the, by Sewell, N ! Quarterly Review and Index, ! Quebec Papers, I O Quebec, Historical Recollections of, by Hawkins, ■ K Questions de Droit, par Merlin, , Questions Concerning Parliamentary, Juris- diction, by Peyronnet, '. | G ROOMi 0D8KRVATI()^.S I » " ' J": llli n III '! ''"!»!| I IIB*. a* u I NO. NO. 221 TITLE OF BOOK. Ranks, on the Distinction of, by Millar, Real Property, on, by Humphrey, Real Property, on, by Sugden & Humphrey, Real Property Acts, by Berry, Real Property Acts, by Atkinson & Sugden, Rebellion, History of the, by Clarendon, . . Records of Great Britain, Records, on Public, by Cooper, Recollections of Mirabeau, by Dumont, .... Recuiel des Elogcs, Reform, Speeches on, by Lord Durham, . . . Reformation in Scotland, by Cook, Reformation of Scotland, by Knox, Reformation, History of the, by Macauley,.. Register, Parliamentary, — 1774 to 178!?, ... Register, Annual, and Index, — 1758 to 1834 Register, Parliamentary, — 1780 to 1811,... Regne, Animal, par Cuvier Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetnrum, CASK G O F F O Q O O P M O Q N Q O K ROOMOnSKRVAT IONS. Two Copies. PI \\'r\ 1 1' ■n ' :itl ill ■.M NO 22» it NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASK' ROOM Rolijrioiis Worl I Displayed, by Adams,.... Remarks on Prison DicipHne, G Remembrances of the House of Lords, .... G Reminiscences, by Dibdin, O Rente dii Contrat, pur Potliior, Repertoire do Jurisprudence, par Guyot, ... D Repertory of Arts, First Series, .' . ditto, ditto. Second Series, ditto, ditto. Analytical Index to, ... . Repertory of Patent Inventions, First Series, ditto ditto. Second Series, Reports. — See ^^ Law Reports,^' Page 178. Reports of Committees of the House of Commons, and Index, Reports of the House of Commons on Edu- cation, 1816 to 1819, G Reports of State Trials at Montreal, in 1838 and 1839, R Reports of Select Committee on Standing Orders, 1715 to 1773, Reports on Common Law, Reports on Real Property, D D ODSK.nVATIO.N-H. Two Copies. I! % 225 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. Reports on Prison Discipline,. Reports of the Boston Prison Discipline So- ciety, Reports of tlie Case of the Canadian Pri- soners, CASE. P F N ROOM Reports, by Sir Edward Coke, Republiques Italiennes, Review, North American, Edinburgh, and Index, Review, Foreign Quarterly, from 1333,.... Review, Quarterly, and Index, Review, Westminster, Review, Parliamentary, ditto, ditto, from 1825, Review of the Proceedings of the Parliament of Lower Canada in 1831, Revue Encyclopedique, Revised Statutes, Revolution, Histoire de la, par Moleville, Revolution de France, par Bertrand, , Revolution Fran^aise, Histoire de la, par Thiers, , Q Q Q L E L L I I Revolution de Paris, par Prudhomme, | K OBSERVATIO.VS. 7 7 7 7 Two Copies. 227 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE.^ROOM OBSERVATIOi\.S-. • ■ t* tn% •••••• Revolution Fri^nyaise, Histoire de Crimes, Richesse Commerciale, par Simond, , Richesse des Nations, par Smith, Rights of the Crown, by Hall, Rome, Decline and Fall of, by Gibbon, .. Rome, History of, by Neibuhr,... Rome, Commonwealth of, by Gibbon Roman Antiquities, by Adams, \ N Roman Emperors, History of, by Crevier, Royal Institution, Journal of, Royal Commissioners, Instructions to, , Royal Dictionary, by Flemming & Tibbins, O G G D M L P H F lator's 1 Houm. :,;.i^ III t!"ii : Bi It ' I i H, 228 229 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. CASE. Savings Banks, Tracts on, by Beaumont, . . F Savings Banks, on, by Gregson, ' F Science, Political, by Craig, ROOM Science, Journal of, H Science of Legislation, from the Italian of Filangiere, < Science, Naturelle Histoire, par Cuvidr, ... G O Scotland, Criminal Trials in, by Arnot, ...' F Scotland, Compendium of the Law of the Church of, by Stewart, | F Scotland, Acts of the Parliament of, j Scotland, Annals of, by Dalrymple, M Scotland, History of the Church of, by Cook, Scotland, Reformation of, by Rev. J. Knox, M Scotland, History of, by Robertson, M Scotland and England, History of the Union between, by Defoe, Scotch Poor Law, by Dunlop, Scott, Life of, bv Lockhart, . Series of Coins, by Begero, . . Sei moiis, by Blair, N F I OBSERVATIONS. 2 ! 7 7 !! 231 1, 1 NO. TITLE OF BOOK. i CASE. ROOM 1 1 OBSERVATIONH. Sermons* bv Bourdalone K K ShaksDeare* bv Reid Sheridan* Life of. bv Moore ...... P Sketches of the War, by Major Richardson, L Sketches of the History of Man, by Kaine, N Society, Colloquies on, by Colquhoun O Society, New View of, by Owen, K Society, Literary and Historical, G Sneechcs* bv Burke P Speeches on Reform, by Lord Durham, . . . P Two Copies. Speeches in Parliament, by Windham, .... 7 SriRf^rtliRfi. hv WAhstftr. H ~i » "J ~" » , State Trials in Montreal, in 1838 and 1839, R State Trials, bv Harnrave ' 7 1 State Trials, and Index, by Howell, R 1 1 State Trials in Ireland, 1844, by Shaw, . . 1 R ■ State Trials, from 9th Henry II. to 43rd 1 Elizabeth, bv Cobbett R G ! Statistical and Practical Observations on New Brunswick, hv Wedderburn. 1 Statistical Tables, bv Plavfair, I ' ;;;() V'i 'ijl ti32 ( (1 ■'•! ■'I 'id 11 .'■}.