IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. 1.0 I.I •^ 1^ III 2.2 - lis IIIIIM 1.8 1.25 1.4 ||,6 •a 6" ► m ^ n 7: ^ y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 :- the said river or rivers, British suhjeels. with their .'j,()0!ls and pnxlucc. shall l)!> treated on the same footini;- as citizens of the Cuited Slates; it heinj;-, however, always nnchn-stood, that nothini;- in this Article shall he construed as preventiuj;'. or intended to i)revent. the (iovornmentoi'the United States i'roni makini;- any ref;ulalions respectin<;- the navi<;'ation ol" the said river oi- rivers, not ineonsistenl with the |>rt'>eiit 'I'reaty. ARTICLK III. In ilie rutur(> appropriation oi' tiu' territory south ol" the Ibrty-ninth parallel of north latitude, as provided in the First Article ol' this Treaty, the po.ssessoi-y iii>hts ol' the i huison's ISay Company, and of all Hrilish siilijcets who may be already in t!ie oecupation of land (-r other pro|)crly la^^^ull\ aeipiired within the said t(M-rit()i-y. shall be respected. ARTIC'LK IV. ihe parties ARTICLE V. Tile ])resent Treatv shall be ratihed bv Her IJritannie Majesty, and l)\ the President of the'l'nited States, by and witii the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and the ratiheations shall be exchani>-e(l at London at the expii-ation o\' six months from the date hereof, or sooner il possible. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and haveallixed thereto the seals of their arms. Done at AVashim>-ton, the hfleenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one tliousand eii;-lit hundred and forty-six. RICHARD RAKKNllAM. (L.S.) .JAMES MUCHANAN. (L.S.)