I -I. v"^ v^ ^^^ ^ C«ntim«t#r t 2 Inches In AnMMtaalvlMMaHMMflMllMfaMnatMMai IMO «tl/N7-l r • jnnrHr ♦ 10 11 liliiiiliiiiliiiiltinlni jTTTT|iTTnr 4-- |||||H1U IS lirtiLiii rTTr 3 u 15 flMR 1*111 L" Itt '% 1^ . * «• * • 1 ^"' » « -^ ^ "4^'i3'P"*' f! )f ^. W-''''.! <» > /' t» .'/^ , ?>-■«.•«' 'A 1 11, ^ilH^^^pw>«"«I^W^ ■ . ''"'■■ '■•^^^^^^^ 1.^11. wnpiip llllil If 1 ,1 i,;ni >"ip , A wi '•• V.^: ■■ ■ ■fefS-'.v'i;! "" ■ ,. '^'k ■■■* CIHM Microfiche 8«rl«s (Monographs) ■•vf-' *{•- emmtHm iMtliMto Im i •"v^ >t "* ■ ■;.*'/ Collection do « microfichet ^ ^ (monographlos) i/lmtitiit .,> ieiiiliiiiiipiiiMlliin •.;, ;>T .,.■'.; V '<'.';*/' .f5 Tht imtiiMM Ml a Wm ipnit M I taf f MIIMf* Fi 9f tR9 iNMflM M W0 .^n ' WM^Mi^^jl Ww C««iri P P CowrtHliMWnt/ CartM □ CetaMrad Mi Oa Mfur thw Mm or Maak)/ ElMT* * MMtaMT 0^. Miir* fM Mwt M iidv«^ □ CotoMrad piMM Mid/br ilhMtraiiofM/ PlMMlMi M/bM iNMMrMiom M pouk m r D D II^^T vHNHH^ ^MjV^ or flMortton <> rowfcri OM dt Id I I BMfNI NSW «id( llM|Mllt4IM« loMKli. PW .|Rv hI^NWV* Q MaM «••• LjNpidaooMlMr " LJ Npt iMttMfiM oi/te paNiOMMw piPfepgrfMMlNd/ L I^MdHMMM r~~l/Oualllv of print variM/ r 1 1ndtidat indaKiai)/ THM on naadir tahan froni: / U titra da I'an-llia proviant: p~1TitlapaiaofiiMia/ LJ Nfi da titra da ia livrahon r~l CaiHion of mmf LJ Titia da dipart da la livraiton (3 Additional oonmianti!/ , Q4nAriqua (pAriodiquai) da la livraiton Paipts of ppftp [l]-6 ara aippttig* TMi itam it fUmad at tha t aduction ratio < Ca doeiMMnt aft fMni* au taux da rkhiction ind H oJ ai da w oMa . 10X ux 1M v' ■'■■■■■■. ait •■■:'■■■..■ V ,»X.v ■ .._.,., .j^jj. •■:■.,.;,:, V 1 ■■ . ■ X t2X ItX 20X 24X 28X 32X Tba eooy filmed hun has Immi raproduead ttwniu to th« gMMToaity of : AfcMvM of .Olnttrii^? 'M' 1 t.. Tho lmo900 oppooring horo.aro tt«o boot quolltv pooolMo eonokloHiHp tho eondldon oiid logtbHIty of ttio ortglnol oopy and In koopi w g wMi ttw filming oontraet ipoolfleatloho. r L'oHomploiro fNmd fut roproduH grioo i Id OOniroaIti doi Of do M notioto do oonfoffmnd ovoo om Old roproduhoo ovoo Id o pm pto tonu do lo oondltlon ot roKomploIro fllmd. ot on oondMono du oontrat do ■ '*ote. . p o u voht Atro fHmdo * doo taux do rOduetien dlffdr o nt a . ioraqua lo dooumom oot trop grond pour dfro roprodult on un ooui eliohd.il oat fHmd A portir df I'onglo aupdriour gouoho. do goueho * droito. o( do hout on boo« on pronont lo nombrd dlmOgoo ndeoaaoiro. i«o diogrammoa iuKranta iiluatront io mOtftodo. % 1 2 3 ''•^ D 12% A 6 "** "'"^ Y."Z:Z^^'. :^' y £.THE LM|>»AUD^^ -■»,.**." FA GTS' . MlW. if tt ■isTi ^ r>*: . Nlii«tuMtthat I Mtor oil • ittl^ict iriilth »«« «|B| ^rtM 9tf^ Md lri«oaMb«or. ito MtM« nu«t flomiMl im to mko hp tb« tsttMil^;i»«ald wiHiDtlyaMMliiai. athM oTtho nMntly d>««ue<1 ; bat yow l«l. M AiJM^lnlP'^ *■> «> Thand*' l«ir •ddrtMod to mr In th« ToroalA £mi^ •«* ^ «J|3l |i|lity tmi A* foUow tk« tfith DMtmber, Imvci me no tholod bat « ItttlipiitBcffl oiiBatai^t. w1 •Uhcr to diaehargc thts diugreoabU daty or -" ^-^- ' * - ' •■tl«r my ehantctor to b« elbr.h^d ''4Aik iodi iQteiil|M yoar pen an^ inflneneo tj^ •a/jfi^ ^ing to it. AnJ. wUhoul talthor t»r«» raftohfy, I sabmit tbe following AmU to t^r MrtoOt )MMtid«ration ;— t Mvar parehaMd * lot, or an aervj of iritd^ ta any o^er of the Grown TownuMpa of tliia Oovniy than the Townahip of Or«y,i % Aefer wmI a fletitiott* name nor any nameaate tboa* of myself and niy own children, In eooneetidc ^wlth tho parehaae of landu, and I m«w pniv kiNM. iadhada^ ^ythiag IthtWtale. IndMd. Iwaaaa fr.OlarinvbU tbe 8dft eooUi in pMrf^i'&id ttMi ooly •jh lerely to ■^ h| io # - UiifaigB « , hvMf all ■>jr4WWlilt" "twg* •! Iik«' muMrUlpbl'H inpi' Aned to Vft* Im ooi • half .llllatiaiof Inoir jBothing of ■lYeflroaiboanMqir. The only) dereddaftaf|6«MtVoand « taininv ovor Iko leovet of (nrioe(i_;.|.ftjN tlf dayih'weii^i t)iitbf li^Ofl flhaoad or held the full eomplement whtoh tlit' Book " to lad U tho party iaweand regalationa of the Croim Loads Dt^', w«re the tifll parly, aod pi^tmeat would anthorlw 0. boya,BOpbowg of hio 4«k * 'liitlliiiimpli'anabloto pay fiw tbom, mit' ililbay-'l i lS l ovidoatly bo aold to aom^M^dSf lyftbiJiiMMFiaYe tbomwaaotbof. ': lf|l^ W lif piqi^'ho aild, k» i^aui L mib^iboii'tba m§m ttaw? bad itir'l W «« -ttN^ll^lbwiag ;«bo,UMla tliMora ngnl. polntad ont tba ofljr diflk^lty In wbiab tba arror bad iavolvad bin, aadlall bataakad m to giv* an tlwlata. I«toi|cirMallaJtohtanMiBorytba opan, fair, loMd makaar in wbieh tba ioto bad baaa parduMd, alfaartd bin Uiat tba atory SIirr.*r / ^r ""• '^•"' "* W o^ ba^ p-^ba^d. aUafd bin. tbat tba atory tba 7th Caa ; aad and il any ona ba. a battarX of aMapatioa Md iIpn»,«nant/wM wlHS alal«.apaaka«a- No ona oltfacUd a^ tba addad tU if Mr. l3Ut/.S liu ri^Tt two iou wara tbtn and tbata fotarad itt tba aama book in wbiob all otbar lalN «rf tbat aad thapraoadiag day bad baan antarad. Tbay wara antarad in iba mom way aad by tbaaaaM Ototkaa aU dtb«|ibad baan aatarad, opanly Mdiif tbapraMnaaofaorowd "^iritngpia ffba.paiilai at tba window and around tba U> Wa at tba tbaa, wara of aonrM, abiaify fattlrra la Orty. I aannot afflrm tbat any of tba I*.' aoata w«« praaant^ baaama I woold not bava kiown tbm, but aa nuuy of tbair naigbbopi wara prMwt, Iftalntitfl^ Ibat Mr. Allan lanMBk, bi forty a%bt boon aftarwardi, mnat bava baao fatfDnaad tbat tba loU bad baanaold 1019a. Aaddaiing,tbaaaztlbnrwaaks,aavaral of hla nalgbbon wara awdoaa to pnicbaia >nblio buMU, tartly my than tor tbair own otn* Olark't aiplanatioo to lua itdidnotdif- bat I b»Ta «a bay aad mlithm mum bad arlgbt to b I ka«w aotbing of M tba Itaipartmtnt bat I for .aiatariaily Anm I wroU a vtry tirli bitUr to Mr Al- lan Lamapt. ia wbieh I told bim tba i^ay I bad got tba tou. told bin tbat I eoold not raoognita aay right in thl oialni wbiab ba tat op, a» bU boyt bad uarar kaqoirad a "right of pra-anptioo" aa inlaadad Unr tba Grown Landa DapartOMtOt-pointadto tbifaattbat bad laot parebat^ tbam &ay wooML of aonrat^ bava baao told to tooia otbar pMaL in taa minataa after, and attnrad bim tbat i Wao Intaatioa of tailing tbam. I inlbrmadb^tbattbayii^ boQgbt for my al^ too wbo ioLndad to maka hit booM Oft tbam, W Mbadldn^wUi to Haaiing thai tba Umontt wara making aonl •idarabla aaita aboat loaing tbair "ImpiaTr* 1It« 00 bad ttrmt with biaoaigli BMta" OB thata le(% I aant, on tba a7tb ofSap. wllllag to MbiBit tojUibUowing tembar, aaiotalUgant and azparianaad friaad wtoaly. Ifba,Mi>rUmoat.arbia toaxaqdaatbaloteaadaaawbatiiiigbtbatba - - f Tflaa ofUMi ImproTamantt^ to tbatlougbt pay ibr tbaok Hia r^Hurt waa to tba affact thai, I aaad.Bot gira nyaalf any onaaainaia ftboak tha inpioTamaatt, aa ba bad travanad Um tf tba UH^. tbay tbould bara tba otbtrVith aa- iottahnaat paid on ft, and alto bava U(^ link arop off tba tan aartt wbiab tbay wara ferAUAa. Oonridariagtha prioaof aL^r attbattioMblbadoflMadtha lotatltM^-. «Na>/Nirt!lofwbat thtgr oojild bava got lorSv pNMimiat tihty Intaodad to aeU, aad I aam prm m tad otharwita. Tin thia lattarl momtmI oa OMwar. iha whola matlar had baao ba|^«^ baad oTtba ■\^ y'i i.i,~::T:7V7^.— "'~~"^«*il»woapaai»iy wbom matiariiad baao bagttw^tta baad oTtha ^^^^^^^''t^'''^^^ D.|«i-. *r maatbt^S^iZ^S i!^*!'^iT*fr?»?'« >«^ »n««F«tl- baaaglwa My to« wfl»d to «i aa thi b... glfia Mytflniaftaatdtogeoatha lota wtthoBk « lattlta^Mit, aad alter waiting HU wMMtiaaa io Janoaiy ISif, I aaotladad la a«V IhMoa^to paiahaiatwv'aihMiaatoad, toaoMaatharpart ofthatowad% Ki ~ Im wi% hf tUa ItMi M^Mw* M Iha •rtba''gaad-will**bad1 publlttaltc Bat 1 did Mtavaalaokforapurc intoONk aad that wat atfadttoMw la Harpuil tobimlatbatarly pan tba otbar waa aold U vatki alter. Both of batamada aoaaid««bl navarbad any iufonai poiiafthaLamonU.tl tarly aatoaWitd to laar hadboMibalbratbaOo plalat. mtrU 0atHh»§rM iktftrtgttMi HattrntmU ingflh»hmt^mjilm [Bigaad] TI Bwambtforamaia thtOoaatyofHunnl A committ i oii for ta How. Mr. Qowan, ] ativa a OMMi impoi thftpUtira aad your of thatSthDac-^Mfa ■loiamaotoffiMtt. 1 •pad in grata miarap fcbrlaatad falatboodi plaaiibUlty tbat a pi taUaallaaapabla of A laiwtthmyanooath pttMudad that a?to Ihajaatitaafthaaa't •MNJr yom tha "dai •iraaiMr8."My«i flwatlaaikMtb* " OooHBlarfao^ iacam hanng oaiririy pii iwoyooaffiMbhad barfBTtwafkllyaai '. ahaiaatar, ilr^ latoU Mtool oana p atloa 1 haTafOodfaaaaoIlD try to pcova it if 1 t parAtaad tha L \$ itaoara^Mtti thaa4|aiaiag1 /fliriattfalf % *iwtiHa|l :«ffi^i^ ^^'^W'S^mw " **! ■'*^«Kr,'"'iuf ,*^ M *■' ' *,-|*v*. • 9f having irhish r«lM •intd • Mr^ irwif %nar. th« mhtUk* D( that th« twtbaykud tOM orthii , TH. pointed MMtWiMd » to giv* an pmaotf tho ko lot* b«l tt tbo Mory MralM.Mia kad a rifhi •aralymy rirowniwn* ilanatioa to dldnotdir. TO aUUd. » Mr A)* 1 tho «^7 [ eoald Ml liob bo wt a "right of own Laoda itbadlaot araof havo M mlnatao > intontidH ortboogood-wlirhadbooa. provloM to tho ^bHo Ml& B«l 1 did not adf ortlM. I did aotovoolookforaparohaaor. I aoooptod tho ink oOn; and that waa from J^hn If oUMhlln. • 4rod«iMw U Harpaihojr. Ono }o« waa aold to hfan la tho oarly part ff Janaarj 1166, and Iho othor »aa oold to John Mololoah aono vMha aftor. Both of th«M man. I holUvo. hatoaado oonaidorablo ImprovooMoto : bat I tmm had any ioforaialion t4 laiorfwrooM on |Wft of tho Lamonta, till in Jraaalaat* I waa at. torly aalooWiad to loam that Mr. Allan Lamoot had boMiboftw* tho Ooa wiw a lo ooti with a mm- pWot. • /iiNorlyilhii^*!* fl^«^«'«*^*^. tk4/^ngU»i »Uim»iil$mr«HltrmU9irm,*tmri' [Bignod] THOMAS MAOQUBBH. Bwon hoforo mo In tho Tbwn ofCkdoridi. la tho Ooanty of Haroa tho iSth Jaooary. A. a ■ THO&MI0H0LLB. ^^ j^ A coamiwionor for taking affldavila fbr aald Oo. I tho lota ttting ilU liadod to 0m/^ <»MrH ^gp^ ll a p ^ mmoIj. Iho In- lOata of a hamo radaly olohad on tho hark ofa troa^ On thia fkod tenwo. Btr. thonaaada of aaroa waro "iMlT-^Ud fioa aatoal 9m- potion by tndoatrtoaa aattiara who rooUy ro> italiod honMfer thoir flunlUM-J"hold'* tiU ■MO poor honoot alaploton ahoold aomo along t0Ud»ptdmit^tmmU]f»rMrtgfm»4» Av ■^^1 \ r.g u) .. % mi dit0U Ml Many an J Ik* I How. Mr. Qowan, yon oannot fUl to par- oaivo a moat important dlfforonoo botwoon Ihia piativo and yoar •«ltambar r* in tho JDaodtr of tho Mth DoA^Min^ la a plain anvamlahad •Utomootoffkola. Tooiaiaalaw fltotaooTol- •podiagraaa nlaropraaantation and aorloaaiy Mrlaatfd felaahooda, iamiabad with all tho plaaiibUlty that a proatitatad, moroonary in> toUoat la aapabla of bringing forth. I eall a ipado«apada,and honoo,yoaranat.Jtoiboatart* M with my anooath/Talgar opithota» aa I ao panoadad that orOn yip.S|r, wiUnoknowlodga Iha joatiaa oCthaaa'apithota whan I bring bo« Ikit yom tho ''damning*' faiktnraa of yoor *ir«Bhar 8." My orimlnaUty In thia aaaa, law teatlaaitaitho "aaMMiartakon bofbro tho Oommlarfoa^ ia coooomod. eonabte aatMy ia hanag aahlriy pawhaaad two tola oa whlah iwo yaoag moa had laaldad aad apaot tholr tor borfcrtwofkttyaaia. Tho blaokapotoamy rtam*- 4r^ rmolto from thaio two yaan of Mtaal ooonpatloa and loHworamaata. Ball kavo food NMOB Ibr baUoTlog. Sir. aad I wfU try to pcovo U If MqoiNd, that at tho IliM i parahaagfl tho Lota, (latorSndSopt. ISM) mUkmi hmimf mU t i ftm n » /bar Aaara liwikaara mori^a mmi, *»««»*r^ Tha Vito»Jlr. ^01*0 *« ^iPlfca . toaaro, ai ttooaaad M aeraa Ifet thai , thoa4|oialag tov^iilpa wovoImU, VoMaa tfm lm k k Mp , aa hoof'a ! a^Saaillaifcwwirjto fM If iifoa m*' tkftftdwur •f oaoallont bnndrod /kfmmtt»»tmlthmmU Inthia way.aadmanj • haadnddollara baro boon fllahad ont of tho almplolou In aiahango for that vary Talaabla eoauBodltytho"good-wiU.'' Itlaof nooonao- qaoaoo to mo whothor thoN LaoMnto hald thooo loto with tho proapoot^Snding a " good wttl" oaatomar, or whothor thay intondad to hold thooi in thoir anooanplad, nnlmprovad atala.fortaBortwaatyyoara loogor, taU tho hoya ahoold grow pU oooogh to nood thamt to la aaoogh fbr mo to know that thay bold thaa foraoartyjwoftatt yoa»,inaway altogothar la oppoaltlon to tho oonditlona on whiah tha prifUafoofaqaattingonthopobllalaBda had haon graatad by tho OoTommantor tho Ugia- latora^ Mr. Allan Lamont la, I ptoanmo, aa agad man. bati am aony that I aanaot givo hImorodltfbralthorBnfaoltyoralooority.whoB, in hia noto to tha Agant(Mth Saptyhapraunda IgBoraaoo of tho aak of tho toto to mo. and aU ■o protoada to haTO board that I bad boon ol> faring to aaU thampr«A>w lo «*ajwiM<« ml*— Thia, Sir, to aadtraah, to bo amit forth in tho naoM of an oldmaa } aadmorooapaolaUywhoB totokMwathalhtobrothor, Donald Umont* eooldaariiy haTO aat him right oo both thoao pointa, by almply tailing him that I had nOTor howd of aidiar tho totaor tho lada that al^ad thorn, tUl tolbrmad by iUm, not " proTknia* to tha anU, bat dMHi^ tho aato-and that «n Ma |M/brmaftoa/A«i|Mr«koMd thm. Bat, dow oona tho " domaing'* UMlarM of tho plotoro— •< Stnaga aa to may appaar, at tha fory tima thto tottor waa writtaa. and fof ooma tto^a pro. Ttooa to to. thato toada bad aot oaly boon aold JJS: •^ ^ bat raaold by Mm at a tofgo adma to MalAVghlla aad Meiatoab, and tho n-« of MeLaaiblln oatarad on tho Aganta mar«r tha TowMhlp>aathooiislnalparAaaar fkom thoOroira| Ifow, Mr,Ctotraa,thtotoaot "ondaaaa takoa bolbio tho Oomniimtoa." Thto.Sir. to yoar own grataitooaoTldmMa^ It to, I pi*auma, part of tha prtoa whtoh yoa aro to pay fcr yoar noxl QoTommaalappoiataMatiOr. aa my fl>rwMit woold hava i«M. JTa •%V^<»i'^- Mrtlna that " all ikia tlma" (ap to tba 0th Oat iU4,) "tha lot bad baae ra^d to John II aUoohlia," la tharafbra, what I aall a bold lUaahood, ooa that raftaaaa to ba Umltad by uj poMibtlitlaa or Impaaalbilltiaa, whathar aataral oroMral. Oo tha etb Oetobar )8&4. and fbr imll (Jkra* aiaaiiU t^Urwrda, I had uartr. to my kBOwladfa.aaaa or avan liaard of thit John llaUoahlla. Now, whara. Sir. did yon gtt thia boldfalaaboodi f moat find it oat, (or tkooghl eaamaka gr^ allowanaa for tha s«KtraTaf|aat aarrilitiaa of aaeh nardy political advaatarara aa yoaiMlfand Mr. Morgan Ham> Utoa, tboogh I am awara of tha axiganaiaa of ftm anqtloyer, (for I will sot lasult Mr. Can* abon by diarging him with yonrappointm ant) thoagh tha anlightanad aonditioa of tha Pro- Tlnet tondan «kf ranom of tba mareanary hlraliag aomparaHTely ionocenooa. and thoagh yon aoB« forth at praaant nofflad Id tha an> ferity of thaExaantlTa, I cannot aahnowladga yottr right to diaMmlnaU thaaa bold falaahooda. throngbont aoaiaty. 1 aaaoot admit that tha auMtion of av«n an ham^ admiaiatratioD ahoald piotaat from panUhmant »nd Infamy, tha man who,in hiaiaal toaarva hlaamployar, raaklaaa* ly and at nuidom,flinga tba firebrand* of falaa- bood itl the rapnUUoD of hia matter'a Ing to tha hiw for proteatlon ; and, in tha third' plaaa, I aoon diwovarad Uiat taaa than three timaa tha priee I had received wonid not ^mr- ebaae two loU aqaally g>MMl. In the aanie Towa- ablp. You, are not aatlafiad, air. itjti. having flaaf tha polaonad dart, but in order tha bet* tar to aaaura your baae parpoae and more ef' faataally aarve year employer, yon make a dea* perata effort to **rab It in," yon aay . "In tlia esplanatloa oAirpd by the Aiant.ha thna aeooanta (or the latter wntten by him to LamooL " I gave thia latter (Lamont'a uf tho '•t8tbSant.)tothaperaen(Mr* • * )whom " I (oan4. It neaeanary to employ aa an aaiiiatant< > " daring the hurry o( the aalea, and a»kad him " to aaaartaia whoa and to whom, thry had " been raid. AfMr lookinc ever the aalaa book •< he atld that be eoald not find that they had " bean aold to any one, hot that they ware " marked en the printed IMa aa aold, whieh *' he believed waa owing to my own ord^r,that " all the lota ratumad on the Snrvavor'a Ltat " aa ooeupiad,abould bo ao marked c«, topro* " vent their being aold to otharab" Aad again:. "Mr * * * , the temporary alark of the Asent, of whom he apeaka in a aahaaonenl part of hia »planatlon, "he had availed liimaelf of hi* able aa^ptanea dnring tha firat few daya of the aale," a^d tho lota to himaelf— re^ld tliem to othara, poaketed the proeeeda, entered the nameofhia eon for one of.the k>ta, aad the name of one of the other partita to whom he aold for tha other, aa tha original purehaaera from the Crown, and when aaked by %*^^ Agent, to find Mt when and to whom th4y had been aold," aaid, "after looking over the mIo book ha eoald not find tbcy had been aold to any oaali:" Now air, I muat amare yon that had tbia' pifltata baea*preaaated to dm by any other man : in Canada but Ogle .B. Ctowaa , I would haya : aought radreaa otherwiaa than ib ike eolamaa . of a Kawapapar. «uid y$t I mm mo pidrimmn. Bntaa no oUiar redreai la oome*at*able, I eoo- > tent myiwlf witk simply doalariag that .Jka flag witkS^biek you greeted Ear Mi^lM^ BaipvfaantaMvealrBfQakyiUa, ia 184t, vai iMk Maekor than tba dark fhlsebeoda yen kofro, kpnygtaak tegatbar. Aid, ataal alaa! M#aei /oMMM> «>« yMT owa. aad . bM partalA-t ing to "avideooatakaa k« r- ba Acant.ha n by him to nont'a uf tha • •)wbom an aMiRtank- d ai>ked bim I. th»T had la mIw book at they had tliay " wara •oM, wbhsh n ord^r.that rvavor'a Ltat id «l«rk of tha atnoani part idliiraMirot I few days of -ra-eold tTiam eaterad'tha Dta, and tha to whom ha 1 parehaaara •y t^e Afant. i4y had baaii' .ha Mia book aold to any lat had tfcia ny other nan: woaMhar*' iha ealamaa b.abla.1 lag t]Mt,.JlM [ar M^Im^ lB4t. irai iMft la yoo ttMti I alaal lAM«t nai paruia*< a h«Ma Mag. I daa^ fl tteal«lalf aad 4a tata. aM /*mM yMir f»«^ hMar af pri- Tata ehaiaaier I pity yoa, CHr, freailbe hot* toaaalmyaonL I haM n faint idea af th« preeiiag nata re of yottr iiee a Mlttee. leKsidar at the eoutempialion of eirsunMtaaeea whleh wotfld ooaipal a omm to live aithar by pand^ Inf to tlia enlndlaaa af the loweat Ignoranaa ur;by tnrtharing tae decpiaabia lntn|«ea of palttleal ganblim. In Ihd, Sir, aij woiat «»ll towarda yon la an appofntmaotMMl ofLa flag abaurdity of tha pietaret tf you have thoa. Sir, ArMMaiof /y. jombladop Oty poaltton in tbia franaaotioa with tha pool- tioa and aenrieea af a very different iadividual, ibr tha meva pofpaae a, mud /a«twr MoagJiiijraw wr« )i '«i mMfd. Too have given wbatyoa re p raaeat : *a ft qooutloo firom Mr Clark> "asplanatioB' and I (harafot«,praonme the ducumant lain yoor ' |»oaaaoaioai How. Sir, I dare ^oa to prodao* . ^ ^Waot t daira yOa to prodaoa th»( t. * liiiV OlDar lattarof taa daaoaaau John OkAM ''mk ht lapraaoQtadWM M avaiiM^ li iUl'Mlai, or ta Wiii^ kataj^tlMlI waa va- Ij h^uaa aa^raateofaomaalaawMiapraai^ •o«laobk.orMijri)jdkbr ad on thOBM^M '•!"»««»« Mromtliaifc, XwM ^^,ii»tib^mm»id4voMu,^iifat¥^MUf>t ratafaded by oooia of iboaa pr^aaat iM «»• "'•iirtL^' tBOvw iraa|i|i«ii«*i:>-p aafaotbi a Moffe of IwC otteriy «Mifi ~ Tli« F«ota of tha (Num. liBtTBaTlOPSDe TO OatE RTobWAlf Esa 8m:— I aoma^ow to yoai^aeoond pletora o^ my 'tland fraudiT whieh yott have moAcdf - Number W," tad 1 1>«| yomr aUMtioo t» tba fbllowlni CMta:— '^V^ Befwa tha eommanaaiBMii of ihi jfatfifli tid* oa the Hat AugtMt, 18S4, 1 mantionad to tha lata Aianti In praaaoaa of aavaral gontliMnaQ who wara la tly olBea at tba tima,- Oka^. If poo> albla^ I woBld Ilka to got Im Ma. aa« thot «a they wata waatad for my Own fluatljr, I woatd likato hava them within a roaMMMbIa dlatau^ of^aab otbar. Ha aaM I wotdd hifa to aHMt them f^rbaoklu the townahIp,aa the iMar lido ' oTit woaohloS/ «Boaplad. I got the li- «d fer Uto I'Md t •>» Um SoJ 0«a. I Mkod almv»f ApHLanJUi^l lh«y htdMHtOMfcaM* Mr OUrkifk* kM€ •nylkUi •! Ikte mm. w of kla. I Mk«d wk*l k« kad bMa 4«lat kH WM UkJy lk«l l« wm Urlug m tk«M lotol M U»« Uiii« h« ImJ b««ii ■Uyinti la tk« lllito i« Mid k« aoaU uu4 U MpMUd lo rMoll««r^ H«t. •• tfc« wk«U vi«ibl« labMr «e«ld boI m- llM auiMruiu p«rtl«« wkM« »•««• w«r« •ol«r^ tMd IkrM or fkar days work •( M ordlaorj idhitUM*ouk— tkoyworoaUalrMfmlobiiu, uomao; b«l thouuh th« broUioni StrookM ' - --■ J"- •- r««i1«d*ntb«a4Joiitlni lot, iboy dldnolMoai lo h*f« h«J Ally MqiiAinuiioo witk kka. I' mM U> ThomM BtnichMi that tkould BMoko*-* rldfo •vvr com* U look alUr tbo lot, k« ailgkt l«U kim ibat I woal »o ay kooM la tk« Townablp of Oodarlah.— HadaalaradtbaM^wara tba tw« lota ba kad Ha told ma who ha waa, aald I bad baaaaa eflOMto piimbM* aalii ba bad "took tham ''^« l«* *ixl ^^ Mai> hia liltia abaaty abd tka no" a loos Uma ago. and bad mada^trtoin im^ bagianlng ba bad aada, told bm ha bad baaa '^ ^ ' llTlngaUaammarlntbaTowaabipofWaUaalay I think— apologiaad for not baTli^ baaa at Iha •ala. and bopad I woald lat hiai hara kH 1, andbawoald pay bm wbaiavarl thoaght H WM worth. I Mid ba Mrtainly eonld aot as- paat to gat tba lot now— that bad I aotpoi^ ahaaad it at tba aala thara waraokhara praaaat who wantad it, and who woald hava gol It— I told him that had ha baaa at tha aala ha waold haTa got It and I woald bava aaltad my- aalf aith anotbar, bat m tba aala wm now loaf paat, I h«d uo ahanM of Moriog aaothar lot, aadi aoald not aM that any of my aoM iboald ba thrown oat of a fkrm maraly oa aaMoat of hIa naoliganM. I offarod to pay him tlaiaa tba valaa of hia labor aod to aaatat la aMorlBf aaothar lot la tba aaoM loaaHty t bat thla oflbr wm apamad, and aftar daaeaa> dag mo u aSpooolator, ha thraataoad to ap> paal totha Qovammaat. I told bim ta do ao, aadthaklftlMOMa iraf| daaidod la hia flifor. I woaM havo no haid fcoliagatowarda hba, aar wiald I aaak ladNMlkoB him, bat *«■ • dif. teoat qoartar. I aftwwarda nw Iha aWkvto whiah ha h«A ledgad with tha Afiot. Thay won mada hf IfhMBMStMflliia aad Doaal^ F ot ^y t h a aad provooMaU oo tkam whiob ha wm praparod to aartify. Ihadalraady haard aadaaaa'taoagb of tba " taUag ap" proaaaa, and of tha im- provaoMBta aad aartlflaatM to p^raut ma tram attaabiog much valoa toaoeb alalma, andalYar a good daal of pratty pungaot diMtuaaion. ic 'Whloh Mvaral of th« MtUara In tba naighboar- bood of tha loU, had ibair My, I told Mr. MaKMniaB Uiat ona Brakaubridga had hia nama utarad for tha lota and that if ho eama forward in daatlma I woaM withdraw myap- pllaatloa in hia ikYor, bat in favor of no othor. Mr. MoKaamaa apoko of aaaklog radraM at law, aad'tha tela wara an«ar«td in nama of aiy aaaoDdaoo,TboBua MoQoaan. Thla waa not doao ia a aoraar, bat la a crowd. ITaariy a muath aftar I bod purcbaaad, nama* ly, oa tha 2Ttiii-8vtombar, I wont to aao thaM loia. ThadlMaaaafkomChidariehlaaboatfiN ty.twomllaa» (nd tha alato of tha roadi. or bvph, at timt tbaa. nada Ha ^wo-jitpiamtmtf oahonabaak. I gotDooald Fo^ytho oatba IhiiSlhOoneoMioaofONy, aad^ Ihoaaaa aod .Toha Btnabaa oft tba trd CoaaMiaa, to iMMmpaay a* to tho apot aad ahow oiaBrakakbrid^a ImprovamaDta. ThaMwara a» Lot 1, and ooiwiatad of tlia ahaaljy or 'ao^Blanylifo.*BdIthiakaotinflrathaahall thaM yooag maa had flMda tomaofttlMiltk ,1 'dwaUlqg hooM I had avar aoaaiitad of tha aoao atatamaata whkb ■'■"a , , as.aera9r''aia^|^'' Ik* yoaof told SapWoibar.intbtlM addMoa of lilir4tant»i I ihai BricMaoGiidfo hi4 Mliuny ttTod ia tfca bt ob fho fOlh Oitobar. 'ttoMttto ahwtylidijf * WfpMMJfck tit tl IkaMlmriiiiwIaUrMK^ wmmmmmmmm^ m :>^- iiUMtogte- talk* IIIU* ral4 BoiM- M •fdiBMJ ini BirMhM AUlWtMMI rith Ua. I* lid BhmIim-' lot, h« allkk hk Improra- ny mM*! k- ingthctomi- Nir Mr« to nd w whiok Man la lA* natur UU oa nriA§» MM* Ootetak— had baMM latjr aldtha ih«liadb««i t «( W«U«l«y f baaaatUM ■> hava lo4 1, I tbaafkt H eoold aal ax- td I aakpaiw >than praaaat lavagol It— A tbaaala 1m kva raltod my- waanaw loaf (aaothar lal, If aooa ilMald oaaaaaaakaf pay hla ftvr ItoaMtakhlM laaa laaaHty; afUr daooaa> tatamd to ■p> hln to da aa, ilabkfcfir.I r«rdaMa,Bar bat*«aadir. waiamadabj rarqptiM aad lOMala wUab BMatttlMiltk t Uiiwam * allar afldavlM, ■«, a( tba fcllawlag yaar, wbaa ba aaat to loAma OM that ^a mI* to BM af Lat t. aa tba Sad Ooaaaarian. bad baaa "Stayad* a«d tbat ha »aa raqaaatad to glva aia baak tba inotahsaat. Had It baaa Brakaarid(a'a lat ar Lamoat'a lato I ^aiM hava eaf^aotarad tha aaaaa; batlao^ldaat tmaflM wby tba a^a of tot t. abuald ba "itoy- ad." I bad op to tbia Una, ralralaad htm htovliriac in tba aoiaplainU aad aflJavIti that bad baaa proMatad a^aiaat aa; bat I aaold laAaia no loafor. I lauaadiataly wroto to Mr. CMahoa taillaf hla wby I had par-, ahaaad tbaM flva Iota on tba Snd Oaaaaria n Mkat ay flually bad grawn ap to tba yaan of atitorily witbdaVavwMuviaf baaa loarnad to jWark at aiyUHH wvi tha fara, and that /thoagh I bad baaa Ihlrtaan yMura In tba Pro- i^inca,I had ap till aow,4iaglMttad to taeara liad for thaa. My lattar wa« dAtad at Ooda. liah. oc, t tblak, tha llth ar 14th of Jana and tha Haa. Mr. CaaaLon'a raply waa datad at Qaabaa aa tha 16tb. Tha anbttaaaa of it waa that tha tola to aa had baan " Btoyad " anara. If throagh aabtaka, bat tbat I alght aallalad tha arror Ud baaa aorraeUd and lot had baan antwad inWy aaaa b tba Boaka of tho Dtpartaant ▲ «bort UaM allar raaatviog tbla Uttar I took with OMafoatlaaaa of aaab oipariaajBa in watarpewaw aad mill aaahlMry, aad aoooaa* paaiad hf foar athar oaa. wa pcaoaadad to tha Snd Goa. of any aad took tha eOl of Iha Hvor m Iha hriadth ofay iyo loU ThafbUiaooly aboot loar fbak aad not aTalUhto wUhoaft drowning froaifty to onahaadradaoaa of 'food kal OnratardagfkoathorivarBf** Uw, I had aalla^ Ibv iha pwpaaa af hla that II b« woold laava Iha lat ly. I waa wllllag to pay for bla whate khar a» aardlaf to tha atliaato of two boaoot tf Ihli aibr WM rafoaod. I woald aat aoM of ^ioaHag hla, bat I woaM aavar aflbr biM ooo •blUiag Ibr aay watk ba apMt or aUf bt ■paaH oa iha lai. Ma foifoarod aa Ibroafh tha baah for aara thaa two alaa aailaoa for a ba Haa bat« . I ballad, aad la praaoaoa af Iha wi t aiaa aabalMad aaalhar prnpoaaUaa. ly twa half-laa oo tha iial Oaa. with aa la* alalaaat paU, proTldli« ba woald lotbothipoooapUd aadfllva aOaa ■aaayaaaa^ Ha atkad f ' afar aad I graatod it Waak altor ' 4A away aad tba waly intalllginn I had af 'Braakaarldga wot that, ha had gal apa iMrd ml 9f •f fi im ih aad a vary foka aad ahwlva BMaMttol agalaat bm, all whiah had baaa for* wardad to tba Ckmalatoaar al Cbowa Laadki Afollyoarbad naw alapaad alaoa I had pa9> abaad tbaaa loadii Vo lapravaaaala had baaa atoda aa thaa la itinilmi with Iha oaadltloaa af aala. to ay a h oppwa had hata lild fi«NB bagloalag. by Ihraaa of mm ' Tha Mia of tha laada to ao had folly eonflraad by tha haad af tho Bo* partmaat.aad.1 was, tharafora, awaralhal,! Boat irtthar aaart aad protaat ay owa righia artotbr tha aonaaqnOnaa of ay gaaoaaad good oatara. Oa tha fMh Of taabar. IMft. I again tlartad for Gray, wNh a loadaf pravWooo. badding. aooMaff aMaaUa, dto., foa.,*^d thraa aton who wara toaaaaaiiaa oparatloaa Oa thOaTOningof that7th;Bnk- aarMgo and I had a aaali^ la tha h#oaa af Thoaaa Stcaahaa oa tha trd OoBoaoiotk. Mj oMa aada aoahar of othan warn ffoa^at, aad allar auaypropaaalafraa bath aldaa, I, wtth atry fTMlrtloitana^ aaaioalad toglva hla Lak /w wlia tha iaMaliMnt paid. If ha woald latol. ly abaadaa IM aa* la tUaarfaagatoal f aataaHy glviag Ma at laaal, aaa Oathafolawlag radf . Jaaa Oadatfok I lag, ha aad Mb alaitod wilk iMfor «■ •atardayotoa kaaridga waa dttlof at Iha aatnuMB af tha lag aad Ihoy Hald with ao ovar Baadaf^ pad MMlohokoaliptl.and^lnpraoanaaoflhaBMa o» Moaday ibraaooa. tot ofOato h ar, VMn . wa who vara with aa aad aba of hia owa ooando^ wfat muhw to 1^ (kawa Uida «Aop. whacoajfoaaBoHaoa^Bai^ ina iaiMB Aadanoa. I told hiai^ha had >oao Mdidi w «7 P**9«4r« ^ vUg* ^ m i §pmmk # M It nai ha fnt aa I:- la Mtmm, m MrfgaMMt af kit laUf mi I«« t. Wkil* !• CM«r<«h Im Mk«4 «• if I wo«M am glvt Ilia » lluU tn MMtal In fMMlug ap ■ •Imii' Ij iio«mI<>im, I had navar avaa aaa a man who b«d, to my knowladMtMl^ any nf th« M«, or wIm> aould gl v« in« any lnlbf> matlon aonaarnlnu lh*m. And ••> (kr from ba- lug "plakad Iota" tba two on tlia Ulh C«aa«| •ion. pnrvbaMd for Il«*t«y MtQiirati and oniarad in liar uamr, ar« not worth tba taaaa, for Tann- ing parpaaca. Tb«>y do not aooUia twaa^y aaraa of Worbalda laiul on tba wbola two-baa drad ; and aa iha waa naading a homa. I iaTa bar my lot 9 on tba tad Con. Tba two balf loU on tba !st,C'on.,bou:(litfrr Janat MaQoaaa aiid antarad in bar own nam«>. ara of tba aama daBoripliou^d a* aba alao waa naadiag a boma I lafa bar m^ lot 4 on ilialiiH Con. Yon aay tba nina lota bad "astanaW a watar powara an tbaro," and toiba axtaotof tbaMwau^powa^a I liava al randy awo^ ; and laatly, yoa My that ihaaa nIna loii bad alao **«•, or •t laMt ay arrar in paying bim for that ^|,^ forcgronnd gaU atuddad with indortriooa / V Iravyaw. »«a laylag down • dangarooa pra- .rttlara and thair wl»a wid HtUa ooaa balng , «adtat. wbiab if fbllawad aigbt laad to dapior^ j^y,„ f^^^ f^^ t|,^ ^Ib. lots, u honiataia tiM aooMqaaaaaa. SilU tba tailiog. ia thia In- jaafitaUon in tha daaart, wblla mwiy a looglttg / ilafM^. It aa tba aUa of gaawo a ity, aod 1 am ||„g,riim look ia throwa baakon Ihaaoafoti- fcr ^pa bains •khaaad of tt. Yo«r"iram' sbladwallingboaMa.f(irUlaflalda.aBdb«idtiral bar 1ft.' Sir. doaa aot affaar to ba "avl. ipu^«M vbiah ihair aloawy armi and nr«rty , 4aaaa talma boftM tha ComaiHiaa," or y^„ bad forawl lata •xlMaaaat Tiib ilr, i.,«lbarwlM it i«w •rtfally iotarlardad with thla ia a t>i«tara to tiy tba ntrraaoTtha tMr> . > 9«w ajr* gratailaba falaaha a da Uat I aaiaot git^ ^bj tba philutiiropiat i Yea IMW it^ ted diatiagaiah tha ooa fbam tha otbar. At all ^jg^i yooalaolrtaw tfaiw vMr iha(toB ■ aWam km h d lf of it iaaa waateaiyfilta that I ^f ^^ gm« apaot by ih« lad BHMkaarid|a luilMl aiaMtat David Braakanvidia woaU ahad. ^^^ y^ ^ naa. womaa or ahild, (aol«» p&l» rt. 4atal^ Ibr %VMk h alnila aigkl. o« aay oa« d( tba iMa ri-.t'. •dwaiaoaa t owart rt r t ia it;. V 'ft*.- >ft>f>ng|t tt ii y' w w .'%B m ii H i m ' mtMkk la - .v««r,av.wiiHo M7M'iiif»«&^ ■■I^-' lil" I h«v« •k«nril u| iiMnplalnai(ta Wirt* all nfiin- iMirwIaiiU wiiiiaii on ■ lu.ig aliit «>( wHiin^^ |>a|i«r. ariiititi wan liaiif up in iha dar-Kouni. 1 tvMl ..»tr lh# LUt *li«n«r than ..m#. ^•aJ., utm ot Un> C'<>m|ilNiHai*i* alaid a »M>l«|KCftt In my houiw wmtlnn M* mrn, and |i« enpixd lh« liat aii.t had it »iili hlni lor iilaown fiiid- «»••. Hm» barlil llrakanrMya was Hot •• Nurti- b«r 16" M«r mnti tthtrHHrnlur, on tbai lf iinoua*. WliaiLwr yotir tan di>|. !*>• a-ttay wa« «»r waa ni*t runiiiMg o„ liu.lng lli««a Mvaii woaks «>f nbnanct ia a loaiUr of MiiatI monifliit ; knl if ia not a MsUvr ul small iiionifiit t» know that all this lima, tha tmiuiry wai eondui'ted by tha aulitary Individual, Mor- sun llaiuiliiin. whu wri^ta •Ui.wn avrrythrng that was proa^MtaJ, and whu tissaiJ hn I oftsii to Im r^provad for iiia rvmllnaa* t« asoiu tha Com-, plainanu to inaka out a strong raso againat tba aeuiuad. Thrat. oK at imtMi lour casos aday, wara htfard, wliiia i crowd of |i«TliMpa thirty poor boiiMinivn wrr« |i«pt haiiifjng about Iha bar-rooMia of Uudaiioh. Car waaka. waiiingSlis ••Uonor'a" oonvanianca and p|«««ur«, whan thay should liava bran at boms planting Ibair |>otato«s or gattiuit up i hair fene«a. You earns baca on tno Snd of Angait. or # least you wara preaent, on tlia evening of that day, at a pulitieal moating in the Exolianga Hotel, whicli Mr Cayley btdeonvenadto hear his defence oT tba Minhtterlal |>olicy. You sat in the body of the ueeling like other* decent lisiauers, but your eullaagoa, Hamilton, witb thraa others, tha sturdy adbarenu of thespeak- ef , waa perched up at the and ol the platform, for tha purpose of doiag tha " Hoar, Hear I" part of tha paHormaneo. Mr. Cayley, In hia rambles mada soma UlHnv b^ii on tha laudtkblo esartlotts tbeji being pat lorth by the Miniatry to eheek and axpoM tbo nefarloua Jobbings of land spoealatora. "McQaaan is ona of tham," ••W a Toloa in tba aiowd, «Haar I Hear I" from Oonmlaaionar Hanlilt.m. Now, air. It ia tma. jott had at tbia tima diaeovarad that I had sold • tho two loU alaimed by Lamont. bat it Ia also, true, that both Commisaioaar Hamilton and OommiaaioDar Oowan, wrra aware that tha gan>' tloawu than aitUng at Mr. Hamilton'a albow, aa ona of Oaylay'a foar friends, bad tight^tkne loU— bad tight thoumud tknt kundrtdtrndttm* •eru of theia lands, pnblloly advartiaod in tha Huron Signal t»t sala I Taa, air. yon Inow tbiat ^ yon ooald not help knowing it, for on tho 6th of Jnna whan yon eamnianoad yonr Enqniry. thaaa tight IjAmm^Miw AinUrWaiMianaaaraa wara ataringvion boldly in tha fhaa aa a pnbHa adTortiaamaat, wit^Charlaa Wid4ai^a aama a(- taehod^toit And tboogh tho nameol tho Oodo' i # 10 .if V ^ rMh AiMtioBMr «u MilMUtMltd in th« Mlovlng inMrtioM, thii Aang* «o«ld not rtmovt tU Uoda b«]rond the rMch of yoiranqulr/. H«r«. •Ir, WM th« Ttry tblng you had b««ii tent l« dlMAvar and vipoMl How U w..— • wholw IModoroiu Lancfa of it. Sir, Mt uiddry, and rtdy to your band. Wliat did yoo maiko of it. BIrf NotntnanMntitHl butinthoToroB- OR thi iMJo or OMMNNk Mraly my notation on fhd Mala otmiiU might hava b«Ni of«rlooli. •d. Two himkt do not maka • mhUt, and I do not rafar to tbaM manaioUi apaaalatloM vitli • TlowtoCjjakorJi»llfyniyown .mallarar. ror. H or do I drag lb«M g.nU«man Wfora tha pnUla tnm any bad (baling towaida tbam ; twt .ny.Urioo|.h.liao#th.b.adf.and.„amblg.. "quiry «,A a«o,7MaSl tJ^-w £^^^ ou. InalnuaUon aboit tb. „a»n.o.h apaeol.. wiSin/y and Sy y^" wouW t^in aT Uooa 01 a oarUI* Claar Orit patriot." tha £..,. ih. ...t and .wallow tifa Jl^nt^^^l^r fblmaBn.t«daofwI.o.aJobb.ng.yo«haJbi.a <• Jod««d.tha i^ad .I.T.Ztiuthr!ulK.t >^ «a.blatoa«,.rt.ln! Why man. wUy did you ligllfflpUitSw'Sr^^^ not bonaatly proalalm that I bad .p«ulat«l la Th^^H^wX.^ tSTi^^ ^ Hut you knaw^tha ownar of Mr. WiddU WaAl fra« " m.. I m? J !li " ^'"^^ ^ f^* "*'* rAmMMJiAM* A..J -J J »»w««r« •*^*< ir««. mi. I Mr. Cayl»yV lUMUmg convii,.,.j ,n« rx.r"r„':x's";:r« r-*"-'r '■ — '•^^■^--■ ar. » ,l»th.r ,„.™» fort «,,., b.1 «... »lof U«£!t!; . ,1^^1" *"* * •"• ieitor RobloMio ofTorvato waa a Si.M>nl.t«. i.-«- T vl?^ . ^"*' ***'''• "•*""«' thatothar Solialtor Rob.„H>« of Toron o. . S^ S S^' ir..^Ua« li^^^^ . .p««I.tortotb..»u„tor^/yAu^,^«;.. th'a tTwH. hoott L^*^^^^ .»d tl.1. Jn.l,« II • • . . . „, Toronto, .' .oli^H^.^;:^''^!^ ""l""* >•"•"'* J""'- rtttrrqi'frrxro' ./'^^•-r--rorMr.oowau. tbat ..pa«ulat«r?otbaa.t.,tofW.ArAliSX* " J?"*'** W' ««' •"•"'r to drag ».. be- la..ur.yoa,8lr.IfchT«i^CtnrZ^ I^^'^^VTIT'^"^ "^ •"■"•*"' I|ill««look^ra,y..a«. I fal[ui.,S:.!jrr S^ ZLSSi^'^ '"if:;' •"?' '""• "-^ Orit patriot" of Oodariob. dwl^llad lute JrtrtJlV S.^^^^ -fothing„..,Jn„ndjobWng.wban^^; euUrl"*''?- ^l-y *" l.„.. U,.. f„„.^own •d whh tb. apilatibnaof 3^ VLirT-- 1^^^; ^."'^r'y'f «'•"•'• "•Trl.d«.d ' PMlof Toro«toU«Myoa,KKfaar;-Ifloi~ V^^T*'*' ' V."' '•'^'"' •"'^ >"" •" KBMyUtni., air, that thaaag^Uaaan did '*? . "^^ f •"" '^''* '»"« •'^ "•^« iHrtWrehaie I. tha«H». Wr.apan p„bli« Un^tTtT "^^ ««»aarih.tldld. tbay p»,r*htjr.l Loud '^^ '?."•?•'»* '•»*«f'"*»«.Md I. «)' fwaiiMra tboN would ba fcwar rtiVi^ .wa *- »«»"»*•« "fld own tkam M anj otkar ntan in •a>|MM« knttwii iK« |,w and tha *^nAt^ L^ ^?1^' ^'^ Wl *••» ana Ih* gaaatar ^-m.:^ ''"mm^- If?' HI my noUllon b«iMov«rlook- M^ito, aiid I do ««laUoM with "n (iiuilUrflr- men kvfor* th« •rda them ; tmt M«^, thAtfnNr I -work of voor to khow how il«l "Mmin at I"— V»ur'i,.lr, y U through th« p inquiry only a wivr that the n alt«nipt tn !<)u«e|i, and to to |r«> •' Milt eoitviii«(ij inA Wi. jar, Cay- irwile a pmJu- l«iid iiptcuU> •I UicM mam- idiata «onn«r. Toruolo, and for afUr u wrt • wit- t own mtttiuff Vflve iQonlhii th« four u««r « manner, for re diiM«Ter«olntment was to pre|t«re hie way. lint furtlier, Sir, «li J it not ooeur tw ywe that the method of eoiiJuetina the euf uifr, the manner In which the evidence waa uken, the ' iiatafe of ilie evidenee, and tbe wbole aHair, oonatituted a moat flagrant watraxe on the lirinelplea of vlvii liberty, ot Jiittiue, and of conmoneenaet Fou will rememWtr that on the aeeoiid day «f the enquiry, I pointed oat to you, in tlie publie room, tbe abiaiditf and injuatiee of allufring intereated men to come forward and meke tbe moat damnjna «li«n(«a •gainat a nian'a ebaraoter, without Wug Uid' aqder any obUgation to tell tiie trvlli. You Maid you Iwd Ha iKiwvr u> -(Hit tlieni on (lalli. and you referred Uie to the «»• pdtittott i^tpiti^ "i^ou eom- in^neetTyoor mve«t)gtftioa« In atter igpdrine^^' ofyoordnty.tnd^ot! do if^ seem fo liar<^' I'l ■4 .% •^-tf i ./ y ■••...,.;: .■ ■ ■»...-; , Y'*l*«t.M yo« pro««4Nl«L lUd yon Utn ffcf- iikh«J with a oopy of tho iMt^rnetlon* hy Inch Mr. Clark waa ffuld in r«r-r«»M lo ilia vlaiuiM and rigbUorUqualtart— haeriloiw Journoying* to Qoderich, would hara ba«n randerad «n(ira. ly •a|««rAaou«, aa a aingia glaoa« at your •• In* utruatioiw " woulU hava abown wnathcrtha lad waa ^ouratying for bit own amuMmant or whttbar bia Journayiag aataally reanltad from ii\)aitica And oppraaaion vo (ha pari of tha Lo- «•! Agent and the Mpartmant But you did ^no^iah to laarn tliis oommon tanM wav of •oAdueting the Enquiry. Yoo w«ra afrft/il t»f i*or< method*. Thara waavash capiul to ba in«de out of the Uh dollan a-rt, you had liada"bu«y time of It" In making out De*da or AokiunmenU, o( building sites for Orange IxKtuas. Now I see no reaaon why ' tha OooMuHUa, Hi^viUmt and other unmerous villagaa in the wilderness, should ba without their Orange Lodgaa, and It ia quite poaalbla that in making out these Deeda or Aasignments at the publie expense, you were flllfilliag your mission and promoting Mr. Csyl«y^aleeiien> i nteresia, Jnat as mneh sa you eould have daue In any other way. But aeeording to the fol. lowing eztraet from baa of a numberi^ letten, , on the sal»)e«t, the '•Commission" bad been doing somsthing won* than propagating Orangsisio. The lettisr is dated "Howiok 8ept 4tb 1868," «niy about twelve or fourteen days afker your visit. " Sines the Ooamissionwu round we have "~..**"f "I"? on « Inrgo seal* Waliaee is sending fbrth hsr legions uA ssttUng up every vacant lot— even lou parshased at high priess ■>7Poormsn who intend to eome upon thsm this winter, hava been taken poassmion of by J^'^T**'!*? ''»»«»*»l» rin in hand, dinuto the right or tha real ownera. one of tbsae Wal lass infadera,r— by name, says that thsy will wada to the knees In blood rather than yield the lands. I fkar. sir, we wfll have serious work before this U ended. Tim mytiU arm Commimlmir peas tktm mummgtiimf . Now. Sir; I have no faith la thb •• bmu foree" method oTeBeoarafing aetttalljr Mtlla* meat. I think It was adopted throng sheer ' IgBoranee of year daty, and met from nty In- tsntioa to do wreog. and I iras mash pUassd to sea that eithar, yoa or the Hted af tha Crowa Iiaada Oepartmeal^ bad disoovefed the Mderrar,>aadpromptty andearored ia eotrest ' Itbjr the fbUowHig aetisa in ttie Huron Bign^^ OetbberaKh.— * ' ■V\ '-■»,»!*«.»»-.»»»',<»:/-" • r /"■ '%:\'^^f^;:fi. A HnMBBRoriMnoM iMTing MttMap. JX M VMMt Unda io th« n«wly sa^tyad iMrMhip* of th« UnlUJd Coantiea of Huroo Md Brace linc* tha lit of Beptelnbar 18M.— fU uadoraigped Oomminionan tradIraot«d to ^- W»n> all anoli Mrsooa baring no other claim, «h»t they will be treated aa treapa«iera, and la no inatance wilt any auoh aqoattara right be re* ■ eof niaad aa siriog prA<«mption to auoh Lota. [SIgnadJ OOLE B. OOWAN. MOaSAN J. HAWILTON. Now, Sir, this waa coming to the poiot in the right way) and, as I wrote at tha tima, had this little Notice been published at the com- ueneetlient, inatead of at the e/o«#, of yonr in- Teatigatlons, the labors of thi Oom'mission would hare been wonderfully abridged, and much bad feeling, disappointment and threat- ened tiolence been prerantad, for all woa 7wi<< «Am yoM wtrt appointed. I have now done, for the present. Theeleo* tioaeering adventures of the " Gommbiion "^ Ita poUtleal exhibitions of Paddy Wslker and ilM <>bi| Dhran*'— it! land Jobbiogi •( tht sal* of town lou la Piaettagore, and ttc tW* ^aand-and-ona other freaks, oapers and AM* hingt, at ten dollars a-day, are all faithfully rwjovded, and will be fortheoa|iag when i«. quired. Ifr. Oowan, I hare now replied i» your letter of the aGtji Daoember. I haTf candidly aUtad the (kets of my own land- deallag, and I haT* awom to 'them. I faaT« also freely ex|^raaaed my opinion^ jtt the "Cons' miasion," and lu prooeedlngSi I hata not th« aliRhtest intention to add on« black spot t9 .your character. I merely wish to ahow thf kind of senrioesyonare willing to perform fttf those who pay yon, and alao to ahow that« with all her progreat* the QoTemment of Oaaa* da yet embraces some maniibers who require your services. I again call on you to retract the faliebooda you have published against ma and for which I hold your employers raspoii* ■ibto. XpOHAS McQUBBN, Tbb Btmot «v tai BttoK8iaiAi„ ' >•>» -, ' '■*■' bnita vt hf ■*•' ■^ Jk JiSUJ •%% m - ^ M 'i *^!^ N J' V >i fA. •# ■ \ • l-S #•«« t ^if4> %K^^%^^ « .4. ^w^m^ •♦ .»." -f ^^ N • « ,- V X r- Ns- r-: **<'' I •JJV i ':^J *UW'- : ->J -^ •k y^" t .u.^ i^ziy .*>*• m ■* '1,1 ' J-, r f ,1 // # ( '■< mi' //