• CJHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) . s: ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) T CI IT O K d Canadiah Inttitut* for Historical IMicroraprOductions / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductions historiqua* M TMHntMl and tibUorcpfiM NotM / NoMt tMhniquM •( biMnoff aptiMlwM TM in«t»lMl« hm ancmptvd to obw»« tht hmt orifNMl copy ••••••bto tor filmmf FMtufM ol ifiU copy which iiMv b« WMiotraiihMMllv untqu*. whtch may alMr any of tha imafat wi «ha rapro d uction. o» whiah mav f4fniftcanttv ehanf* Iha wmmI mathod of f llmk««. art Ghachad bylow. □ ColOMrad eovari/ Coyytf tura da eowlawf HCovart damap^ Couvarttira an)lommafAa □ Covart rattorad and/or laminatMl/ CoMvartura rattaurAa at/ou pallkulAa as D D n D Covar tttia mlatint/ titra da eoMvartura maiM|u* n Colourad map*/ — Caitas gAof'apti'qiMi an oouiaur CokHirad ink (i.a. othar than blua or Maek)/ Encra da couMur (i.a. autra qua Waita ou noira) Colourad platas and/or illuttrationt/ Planeha* at/ou iiluitrationt an couiaur Bound with othar matarial/ Rali4 avac d'autrat documanti Tight binding may cauia (hadows or diitortion along intarior margin/ La raiiura larrAa paut cauMr da I'ombra ou da ia distortion la long da la marga intiriaura Blank laava* addad during rattoration may appaar within tha taut. Whanavar pouiMa. thaw hava baan omittad from filming/ II la paut qua cartairtat pagat blanchat aioutiat lort d'una rattauration apparaitsant dani la taxta, mait, lortqua cala *Uit poisibla. cat pagat n'ont patMfilmAat. L'ImtttUt ■ m n Additional commantt:/ Commanuirat tupplAmanttirat: Thit itam it f ilmad at tha raduction ratio chackad balow/ Ca document alt film* au taux da rMuction indiqu* ci-dattout. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26X 30X t2X liX 20X 2*X ^B^ 32 X / .t Ihm copy filmed h«r« Hm b—n r«prodiio«lee aulvint* appacattra aur la darni«r# Image de chabue microfiche, •elon le ' oaa: la symbole -^ aignifle "A 8UIVRE". la •ymbolt V •Ignlfl^ "IflN". / ( Lee cartea, planohaajtablaauN. etc., peuvent Atre filmte i dee taux dajTMuctlon diffiranta. Loraqua la docuiiieni eat xtop grand pour Atra reprodult en un aeul ollohA, II e^t fllm« i partir de I'angia •upArleur gauche, da gauche * drolte, et de haut •n baa, a|h prenant la nombra "^ ^I'lmagaa nAcaa^alrd. Lea diagrammaa aulvanta llluatrant la mAthor m h c * - ■ » ■ - ^ 1 2 i 1 1 .1, .1 * ■ * ' ■♦ > - ' ■ . ■ .. - M ■ • 1 ■ .■■■■ ■. .1 " * 4 5 ' ■;■.-■ ; •' .» ,.^ ■ ■. ^ • . >■ ...'■■•'•■. •«K»OCOfY IVOUITIOM TMT CHAIT (AN$I qnd ISO TI8T CHART No. J) ^ APPLIED IN/HGE IBS J Cotl Main SIrMi Roch«n,r, Nm York 14809 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phon, inc USA sit fs < w~HTw t fl{ ' f. 1 A SERMON • HV * \ W. A. M^KAY, B. A., Minutir of Pr^abyttnan Church, HAITIMOHK A>?|) (•()^USPI^^^JH. ONTARIO. a Isll'rmy/ witli thc\Child? It h well. 'i. * V 3 I: c ^^H 1 «p 'I 1 ' ' k i ' OOBOURQ PKWTKT) AT THE "WORLD" OFFK^K, KINiJ «TRKET 1877. •vil'v''-'. i^jMiikim^kLiJi ■'it \^"^ f ■' 4 1 ti ■ r* 1^ JlI ' JSJifeL • * i-'^t**^'- "j'*^ i*»^. '-^if-t 'a » ".■.'?*: **i^ V^i^ "^T^ %' ^ x^^ / WFJtjirr SM£ vjtriwr. ■M A SERMON BY- !&• ^' (^'l|»H' "^^ J^' •'?,'■ ""r*' ^ P/t§byt«ri Baltitnor*. Munh. 1877. S -y^ - -**- j^ -ili •ii' jtk J"^ */5&a, ip.K_ ^iJ.-i* ' ^^|6li^ .!;.ii4v'V''^.^*"^'^^ '.. .'% ■f .'IP S^i, rairiMr of ijfF^jfTa. form «r«« <« aw,anif t^f it W. •' A'wfi #r) 1/ iff not the will i\f your Fatkm' wkieh %$ in hmrtn, thiit om of them little tmen nhould J perieh," Maw. xvrii. 14. Th« 4ubJ«el (o whtob I with tu (ilnct your •(tontlon Xo-Atij if tb« 8«lratloo of UbUdrtn d/lof la lofMC/. I do not, bowivtr, la- l«rpi«l Om text M rartrrlog •xeluslrd/, or tvaa iiMoisa/, to infkote. It AppliM to All wt*k «od lowl/ bolUrtn, m well m to tbo young. Tb« eonoaotlon ia which it lUndi wttb tb« (wrabla of tb« bnodrvd •bMp, oDfl of which w«at Mtr*/, puU tbit bojond doubt. Tb« tMt •hova tb«t our Lord Jmur Obritl ta • 8b«pb«rd who o*r«a Undarlj for tTwy toQl committed to bis ebart*. Tho ypangtft, Um WMkoit, tb« •iclcll««t, of his flook is •■ dtar to him u tb« atroagtat. U ta not bit will nor tb« will of oar r»tb«r in b««T«n that on* m. tb«a« Uttla on«a ahould pariib. But wbiia our Lord's sutcmpnt Appiisa to many adntte^U andoubtedlj inoludea obildraa ; aad itelanguaga an 4 spirit ar« sack aa to maka it a satubla teit for a diaeoorsa on tbJa in^ot. Tba qnaaUon than la, Ara any ebUdran dying in infancy sarad 7 If ao, ara all anoh aavad, or ia It traa of only aoma of tba nambar that tbay ara ckoaan to aT«rlaatlng llfa ? J*' 9. t 1-^ •\. Wt ' :*'h ^: ■M f ' • ■t-.^ I • RAi.VATtfrtf Of turAirm pntm !• MMr I !»• iMflklngt ot o«r« W«t4 Tto tlMk*!* «# Ik* Otaftli tf ■•••, Um R^kMofKU C}it«v«l», !*• L«tk«ff«« CtkNf«M«4 «' ••• M«ll«I«I Ofc«»«fc, lMi,4a rMMiy,«ll wM r«lbM k«|>tlMi ut iufcm* M«Mi« «# iMr tMblttif t<» iMttof • aMi**. If (My *a«>l4 IM lofUAlif ««Ml«taNl, tm tk« MM* »•••«« 4«ii/ «• i»Uni» lh« glfl «r •vcriMilni Ufc " !•»••• M*«4 f Aad 1/ w« ftpf hr »•»• «•• irt Infiiww. •..•i«Ui*««/ «l«MAii4a fbr U) mIuIu ^4 Id iImm 011I7. 0«44 Mr. Wwt«y. U kit trMita* •• la^Rt Ba^tlMi, i>«bli«M kf %U a*m*f\ Oiinfcr«nc« f>/ tiM ll«tii«KlUl Ohurtk tn Ik* irniM lUtM, alMfly ftvowt ik« M«ita«al ik«l (■AiiiU mhmI or4lN«rll7 k« Mft^ irlikMi k«ptl«ia. •• If," Mjrt k«, •• lafkala am fvUty •# •?- If liMt aia. tk«« tkaj m* pfoft in^lMtt of k«|>tlM i M«liif , I* tk« tr4ln«rj w*/, lk«7 Mnhot Im aikfad, hbUm Ikli Im wMk«4 avs; k| kapUip. 1 1 ht ainUj b««B provf4," b« Ml4a, " lk*l ikia url(l«al •«Ala «tMvw to •ftj «kll4 oT MM i »*4 ikal kMiby ik$j Mt •»«• iiM •# vralk, MditAkU 10 tltra*! dMrnattoa." (Do«t. TrMU, P. itl..) Fnrlhar on, !■ ■ttetnlHi ap hlaMf«m«at, Mr.WMlay urgM tkAl " oalward baptUn Is gmmnfUj, In •■ «)i4lo«r]r way, a«M«Mr/ to MlraUon." Oar owa Okarak it aet aaAraqaaatljr akargad wllk koMlag aat* ft>w and gloomy vl««rt 0a lk« •ukjaet of infknl MiTatloe. Wko kat BOt k«ard tb« " apao-long " tUndtr r«pfat«4 Ilka a eoakoo-aoag, •Bill, BO doabt, tka raUlltr kattarad Mi owb alory T OartBlaly Ibart BOVtr waa a alaadar mora anfbandad. Oalvia, tka graat MoA- am atpoaitor of oor ralth, InaUiad of nalng anek worda, Of koldlag itiek a Bionttroaa dootrina, argnaa at graat langtk in favor of Ika MlraUon of lafkat*. 8m bit Tbaol. laai., tk ,IW. •h. 1«, Baa. II, wkara, ia tka aoaraa of kU argomant, ka ns«8 tka following worda, M AD tkoaa wkom Okrlat blaaaaa ara aiampt f^om tha enra« of Adam aad tka wratk of Ood. Now, aa It la known tkat Infknta ware tltitiH by Un, it followa tkat tbay ara aaaapt tMm avarlaaUag Aaatk." Any aambarafqaofatloaa nlgbt ba glvao firon Bnnyaa, IMl* 4r1dga, 8«0tt, Dick, Hill, Oaadliab, Onnningkam, and Hodga, all •iraag Oalrlalata, aad m«at of tkan rapraaanUtlTa aaa In tka Praa- bytariaa Ohar«k, ikowing bow nttarly uafoandad ia tkta oalnmny. !• k.i- -.- — ■ • t. ■ \.' '■ £di^ ' ^ ^- ■ w^r^w - ^-"Tsw-^ ^-"^w ' ■" i "" 4 '^^' U M- Mkt^hjvm Of wf Awm • Ml, m4 I 4« «M «««4«r iMl M*. Rr«'f****« **'*' I"* liii«««« h*ir«4 •r w^i »# IwlU* ••4 lt;^M«#tU««l. I«M« aH p«lt«*«« «lM««|)Mbl«| «# itaa. •• H !»•,- W itf t, - *••• w« •U«4«» •g«U, Ui IN !!• •«*«4 In M««t«( •• »o«r ttfy «lM«li, H y«« ^ ««ti«bl« of « kUth. W« IM? • M««r 4r«^«4. of M«k • iMsf . 0«lf t»l«u b«f « Mvtr !■- •||1m4 IkAl «llU4r«» 4yl«f M Itlkali M»« MHth-d | ktti wt h«»t tolMV«4 tk»« «lM>y •••••r In!* »»*• p«r«4l«« <>^*"«l " »•« (» U t^ Ul«» o«r Cool^aliMi «€ l^**** %meM» *U% mmt ^ •ho 4I« In Imt^a*/ *r« iMi. U« M M*. 0«t Oo«fM«l«« wftiw !• tliit M^MI kat «Mi, aai liw wofit M« tiMw, •« llMt lafbau, ^< lay is jnftttKiy, •» r«g«»«mw4 •n4 i«»«4 kf CJhHtt lhrti«ih lk« llplHt, who workclh whan, Md wham, wnd how, Iw ploMik " ll U 4K,«M»ia«l o' ^hl- P*«i-«« »•»•• " '' iOiM wko dk to iBfkMy m« « «!•««,' «tkMi vko 414041 lalka«j f * Mprokai* ."* Rat ■nnty «Hla Is *■ aa«ftrr*Nt«4 lafrwiK-* Wh«« •• •!>«•* ot lolkaW 4? lii* !• I«fka«r M mitX, w« MfUlnlj do not mMn (bat lb«y •rm •l«et of obuMii o«l oT • iHurtkalar ag* of «la««, bat out ol tk« wholt laaac ofbafaaa bataf*. Thii k tba IkHptart aia of tb« word "•iMt,"— for MampU, John, whaa a44niMlin tho "tUot lady," tpaaki ofliar ** tlMt aUtar." (11 John V.l».) But no una iuppoata thia iaofuaf* 10 laiply tkat aba had a rtprokat* ilitar. /obn aiaaea that tba lady harMlf, as wall as bar itilar, waa obotaa out af tb^ f»n«n family *f Adaa. /aat la tbia aaaaa la tba word uaad It <4ur Confaaaloo of Faltb. Wbaa It apaakaof Idfanti dytog la Infk^^y aa «' alaot.- lU obvlooi maaalag la tkai tbay ara alaetad oat of ^^ whola oiaaa of boman balagt. Aa^ balag tbaa alaeud, tbay ara alt, wlthoat aieap- Uoo, gifan by tha Fathar to tba Ron aa tba raoonpanaa of hia oba« dtanoa aad aalhrin«, and takan ly ib« Son from tha avlla of aartb^T |o b« tralaad and aartatad ia tba achool aad bona of b«av««f Oar MatbodiM brctbran, la tketr Diaoiplloa, uadar tha kaad of ** Tba Mialatration of BaptUai to laflaaU," oaaka a tiaUar om of tka *i A,l -^ *-^- *,^' .•--— ^^^g- -w^'--«-^»^,=«^ ■It \ m IT* 0'- • ; • N. SALVATION OF INFANTS. word "^ImI." Then iha ailaUtor U dlr««Ud to pnij ihat tb« child to tM baptlMd naj •' b« fouod at IMI U Ibt num\mt of tbj. fkitbfb) and tUtt ahildrrn." If tka infknt ba Id tha nunbar of the alaat, It nun ila«lf ba alaotf-xan alaet iofaoi. 8u tbej, too, I an hap^ to ■aj, ballava in iniknt alaotion. And iofknt alaetion, I think, noat ba aooondltionai alaetion, that la, not foondad on foraaaao faith or good worka, batdapaodinf aulclj upon tha frae^aoraraign will of God. That tha paaaaga in oar Ooofaaaion waa not iotandad to taaok thatAQX f them than in thoaa of any other eTaofa|la«l , cbaroh.' — 1 . (d.) Priortothaltimaoftha WeatminaterAaaarabiy,thaObnreh of Scotland, in her "National Covenant or Oonfiraaion of Faith,*' tUU boand op with ooL Coofaaiion, giTea tha following atrong taa- timoay In fikvor 0/ tha aalvation of infaati : " We abhor and dstut • • • (hare folio w4 an ennmaration of tha chief errora of RomaJ " l^ia erMtljvdgmnt alaloat infanta departing witbant the aaor*- ■Mt." . 1 ■ (a.) la tha Direotocy of Publio Worahip, agreed apoa by tba Waatmiaatar Afaembly,\aad alao booad with our Oonfaaaloa, in tha Motion oa Baj^tiam oeoar the following worda :-^" Outward baptliai !■ not lo oeeeaiary, th«t, through the waat thareof, (ho iafitat la la daager of damaatioa." I hava thua, at aoiae Icagth, rafarrad to Ota oplaioai of mea on tkit •akjaot.aot la order to proTO tha truth or ISUaity of the dootriaf, bat to vlndloata 0B^-,8obordMt« Standard againat nnfouadad oal- mugr, aad t» «Uow with what an iU gxa«o ohargas of tha kind m >pM 1k>jura IwoBght agalaat oar ehajreh hj maaiban of aay alttar jtoMaMaftttpBt, Of, ladaad, ly lay php fTO«Mf ^L|w^ „ ^"^ If* ■• «• *Wiiir«M to tWiadfcwi^. kb^^ •UjhjidMi^aff la laAui^ aia Mvad ; and I balfeva it fcr OM fol- Ms»'^ >■>■■■ MM ^^^wJ*- .i' \ iAl.VATION OF INFANTS. T I. CkUdrtn art eapahlt of k«ing rtgtntraltd and iMdt p«rfcilr«ri tif"tk« laming grae* of Ckriil in in/anty. Tbftt llMj nt«d anoh • thorough oh«ng«, no ont will d«nj. Th«j eannot b* ■•▼•d on th« gronod of th«lr nMtur»l Innoctnoj and paritj, imtpoetiTelr of thaeUotiog lof* of the Father. th« radMmingwork of th« Son, and the reganaratint grao«> of tha Holy Spirit." No ; '* b7 natara thaj ara children of wrath, avan nu othari." «• lo Adam all dla.*' «• That which It born of tha fleth la flash •* Tha whole human race, Ibfaati not exoeptad, datcefided from Adam bj ordln- t^tj gaoaratlon, Inherit depravitj, and ara liable to death and other penal eTili. (Rom. V. 13.) Children, then, need regeneration and laTing grace aa well at adalU. But how can thej reeeUe this ? I replj, that " aa in Adam •11 dlt, avau io in Christ shall all be made allTa." Our children, born in sin because of their descent from the Brst Adam, are bcirs of graea in Ttrtue of their covenant relation to the second. " As by the olhnee of one Judgment came upon all men to coDderonation,eTen •0 by tha righteousness of one the trt9 gjft came upon all mea unto JasUflcatlon of Ufa." On these words Dr. Hodge, of Priaceton.par- baps tha higbeat Iking authority In the PresbyterUn Church, re- marks, " Wa baTe no right to piit any limit on these general terms, exoapt what tha Bible Itself places upon them. The Scriptures no- where eznlade any class of infants, baptised or unbaptised, born io Christian or in Heathen lands, of beliering or unbelieTlng parents, ttam tha benefits of the redemption of Christ. All the descendants of Adam, exoapt Christ, are under condemnation'; all the descend- ants of Adam, except those of whom it is expressly (VTealed that thay cannot inherit the Kingdoni of God, are sa»ed." As ignorance doei not prarant children snflbrlng fVom tha sin of Adam, so ignor- aaca na«d not prsTant then heing sared through the righteousnafs of Oliriat ; for^wbera sin abounded grace did mnob more abound.** If tin sin of Adam has so much abounded as to kill their bodies for 6000 years, will not tha graoaof Christ, whieh inu«h more abounds, fofloo to aara tbair sonls 7 ft>iy ■ . , V " Wide aa the rsaoh of Satan's rage, ,...,T,.?,.^ f Doth hia salration flow ; '■ ' ■ *Tia not confined to H«x or aKe, jifjjif The lofty or the low." 'Mi Vow lafkntt are mada partaken of saTlnf grace we may not be at^l* to explain. Ood is not a bard taskmaster, reaping where be ImMi ttoisoWB, or gatherihg where he hal not itrawed . FalUi , naoi. •filty to iMklvaMoa In the «as« of adolto, is hot oeoeMnry io tb* e«*a of inftufti, Mt in lk» laufMbge of dor OosfeMipn, " they ar« Mgaa^ ^#^7*" ■>♦«( , ■ • .' -. Jk'V •^•^ ;«i'i .W-- r-f^, ■.-!{. ^^^ii^i:^^^^ f* • ■• ..:'.. I ■ r .. . ^ '■ ' ''- t- ■ ftVA' ■.■'.. *^-* t V 1 \%. f-J'- 1 V 1 T v i-: i-. y. . 1 ■;• ■ t .■. V' • gALTATION OF mVAimi •r«Ud ftttd Mvtd by Ohriil (krough tiM Spirit, vho wollwtli #bM, •D<1 whtrv, aad huw h« pUM«th." Bat viMUvflr ajilary aay tw ocaMctMi with tk« BKtd* of the Spirit'! worklag oa lh« lM*rt of a child, iba poMibilltj of lafhat ra^. taaaralian la provad by Seriptura iaaUneaa. Baaaal wai aallad af tha Lord wblle ba was jat a baba. Joha tha BaptUt was UM with tb« Holy Gboat tfm his notkar's woiah ; aad to alio Jaraalah.^ W« raaauB, ther«-fbre, that IT thaaa " lUUa oaca" »tra ragaaaratad aed saved, so may others be. And slnM it Is not tha will of oar Father la baavan that oaa of then should perish they aadoabtedly •r*. 2. CkUArvK «Mr< IA« o6^«cl« ^f CkrUt'$ ^eiai rtgttrd tmd tindr- ASM, wktn kt dwtlt on tartk. lB*lah si^s, '* He shall feed his look like a shepherd, ha shall gather the lambs In bis aras and carry them in his bosoa." Jesoa earaa for all his flock ; not one of thasa shall Uek any good thing ; bat specially does he naaifiist care and tenderness for tha lanba. Ilsewherc be is represented as carrying the sbaap aa his shoalden, bat hare the eTaagelloal prophet rapresanta him as carrying tha lamba, not on his shoalders, bat in his bosom, the place of eadaar* meal and warmth. On many occasloiS dl/l oar Lord's tender «od> cam for the little ones manifest Itaalf. <• Take head," said ha to his dlsclplear"that ye despise not on* of these little ones, for I say onto yoa, that In haavea their angels do always bahold tha Ihoa of my ratbar whlab la In haavea." (Matt. ZVIIi. 10.) When his dlaclplea dlspnted among tbemseWies who sboald be the greatest In tha king- dom of heaven, he took a little child and set It in the midst of them, and said, •* Bsoapt ye be eoavertad and beeodia aa llttla childtaD, ya shall mot enter iato tha Jlagdom of baaTan. Matt. XYIII. l-'4. To the chlar priests and acrlbes looking with haughty contempt on tba ehlldraa crying Hoa4">a to the Son of David, Jesus saM, ** H*va ya navar read, oat of tha moath of babes of sucklings thoo baat par* fl^tad praMw V (Mutt. XXL 16, 1«.) Do not thaaa words aaam t« Imply that in baavan there shall ba " pcrftct praise** to Ood fWim maltltndas who here on earth ware babes ftnd sncklliigs,— litlla onat aarly torn from fond mntamal boaomi T On another occasion, whan his dl8«lples were displeased at thoaa #bo bronght tbair liitla onaa to him, be spoka thoaa chaaring fhmiliar words, *U.) /•« i«M my iaaha* wna m part of bfa flMwrBttiiaMoao* w fo<4 *«ll|^ Im^" IUk«tktlas|MMte. TlmUmi^ i^ ,- V it' 'j^^Hfei^AS^^ hi —i^ r^K^r SAfilTATION or INVA] >. ** H« Justly eiykiaM IhiMM for hia oiia, . I,. Whu boutfh^ tbflin with » prio« ^^ *b4, b«Uf bit, tbtj arc mA^. 8aNlj thsM InlUDMi of «ur Lor4't •poeUI rofknl, toadormtM, •nd lovt, for ehlldrtn ftffbrd • ttrong •Doout«tftin«Dt m to thtir ct«rn»l MlvAtloQ If b« «liim«d tbcm on ffarib,i|rlll b« dtiown tbcat in h««Ttn T If b«r« bo •noouragcd thoni to oon|i« antd bim, will b« htr«*fl«r forbid tbein eomincT If on eartbi'bo blaind tbtm, Iq hMTsn will h« enrM tbcm T Forbid tb« tboogbt. J«tui, oar KIdtr Brotbor, hM itlll the Mme gr««t tender loTlqig bewrt m in the da^t when he rejoiced in the pr»iMioftbe <'llttl« oaet," Invited them t* fiome onto bIm, took thrn up In hit amil and blened them. _, 3. CkiUrtn, aceording to ChrUt'i 9um tttelaraiion, ftcloef tt tht ftmUyo/Chd. I ' J In a passage already qno^ed be gives M t^ rea«on why obildran ought not to be hindered firom oonlng unt6 blm that "of suoh is the Kingdom of Ood." The meanfng of tbi^ expresaioo, aeoording to the great mftjorlty of the best commAntat<^rs, U< that " of saoh "—of Infants — ^heaven is in a great measure ma / . > poes not Obrist's recognition of ebildrea as members of his char( on earth imply that he will recognise them as members of bis chnri in bsaven 7 Men'may misUke as to those who are entitled to ihk priviiogM of -Christ's ehureb. But Christ bimself eannot. J^md tbsrefors, i bolisve bs will oot SzeUide from Um obareb in k«^a those 10 whom be has assigned a place in the shoroh •• earth. / / In. whichetrsr sense, then, wo take th« oxpression, «R3ngv> dom of Qod," ths fcet that " little eMldten," as saoh, bslOflg t^ tito 1:W ^-M / * IhmUy of Ood eloarly revMled. I saj Ilttls eMIdfta, «s > Ml • V V *+.n \ /* > ^f^ 10 HALVATTON or rNrANTM. < r '• t ! _ . »'••>■.'■ [■ ''■ ■ .^, If , 't • L *^'. .; ,f ■ , •>r^ K'vrY '■" ■ , ■ < ^ ..■■ B'f'''' - ]•; f ifel'" ' ■ K $mek, for I do aot for • itioai«Bt ooadUioa tiMir Mtvatloa 00 tlk« eirf omaUnM of ihoir paroHtt boing botiavort. B« the ahild Ibo off- •prlnf of ■onarob or p«M*at, OhristUn or boatbon, oar Lord b«ft 'dooiarM bim U b« • nembor of Ood'i fbmil j, —an btir of bU kingdom . 4. • CkUdrtn dying in k\fainqt mt* fffrom Ikt gfound qf eon- imnation. Thay bava original ■In, It la trut, bat tbat, I thiak, is aavar praaanlad in Ood'a Word aa tba ground t>f ooadaoinatioa. Il*« - ara loat baeauat tbaj;^ rcjaot oflhrad taltMAloo. fiat tboaa dyisf^' bafora ihaj bare done good or 111 cannot ba taid to bava r«> jtettd talTation. Sinaars wllljon tba laat daj ba Judgad aooordlng to tbair worka, wbatbar thajr ba good or bad. It ia auffleNnt to ra- tkr to tba following paasagaa, Matt. XVI. 27 ; XXV. 41—46 ; II Oor. V. 10 : Rav. XX. 13 ; XXII. 12. But tboaa dying in Infanoj oannot ba oondamnad on tba gA>nnd of tbair worka. Wa tbarafora oon- olada tbat whan tba Son of Man aball aand forth bia angala, and •ball gather out of hia lilagdom all things tbat ofllind, and tham wbtch do iniquitj, and shall eaat tham into a furnaoa of flra, tbara will not ba an infant foand who has oflhndad or dona Iniqoitj. 6« ^ CkiUrtn dying in ii\fanq/ potuu non* C{f tk$ eharo€t«ri$ti«» Paul, (Rom. II. R, 9,) dascribtng tba lost, says, " tbay ara ooa- iantioas, and do not, obaj the truth, but obey unrightaoasness *," and ha tails as that to suob Qod will render indignation and wrath, trlbotation and anguish. But ara tba sins hara mantlonad aina of whieh an infant eould ba gniltyT In Oal. V. 19—91, tba apoitle giras a Hat of the works of tba flash, and a blapk and tarribla list it la Ha tells us tbat thay who do suob things shall not iabarit tha , kingdom of Ood. But In thii long Ustof soal-dastroying ains tbara * la not one ain of which an infant could ba guilty. I would rafar, «!••, t6 tha character of tba lost, as giran in Baf. XXI. 8. In thaaa And otbar paaaages of Sorlptura we have anumaratad a vaat . ▼ariaty of ains, of which wa ara told that such as do tham cannot , antar into tba kingdom of Qod. But yat none of these is aver found in an Infant. Tha roaebud, finpt opening to the smile of the light, Is n9t Hora nn«onsoioas of tba mda blasts of the #orld than tba n«w«i ; |kw»: Mb* is nneonscions of Ummo aina of omiation or eommissloft^ whioh nink* up the eharactar of tba loat. from the envy, malioa^ tavt, hntrad, folly, fidsahoad, ornelty, injustiea, impiatyi amdnesi, isnidar, wbiah ao blaakan tha Itfo ^ man, Infanta ara firaa. Tbajr b*T» " wt «lnna4 nftar tha aimiUtad* of Adam's transgraMion.'*v ..-t^ .*,3» :.* "^X. it^iMiJn v*,;».._,V'J., ^.f,.jii-«j^,j,. ■1 •^*;V'^'f*: HAI.VATIC»N OV INFANTft. 'll From ilila I im lot oonoludt thai iii«j will b* Mttd Immum of tlMlr lnaoe«BO«. I bov* olrcady show* froon Ood't Word (hoi tlioj Mvoaiaflil notaroo ood nood rtgooorolloa. But thoj wiU'aol to eoodaiBDod on th« ground of poaaaMing thoaa fbarful «borMt«rts(l«t b/ whiob th« InapUrad writora daicriba tb« loat. t. CkUdrtn Jyimg in t^firnqf mrt oliooyi r^ftrrtd Ht in tk« Scr^ imrtt in Irnngvagt that i$ toothing and tneouraging. Id KMk. XVI; 31, Ood rvbukM hU poopio for givinf up tbolr «bUdr«D to Moloch, bj coming th«m to pMt through th« Arc, ond thoM llttU on«i who wero •aorlfload, Ood c*lU " my ehildrtn." AU roadj wo have M«n Jolus spoaking of thon m •• mj Umbt," and b«r« Ood Mji " my ohildron, • Unj wo not, theroforo, bolloTt that ttfoy . will BOTor bo dUowited tr east away ? In II San. XII. 16—33, w« havt tbo aocoant of the death of the flret ehlld of David by Qatbeheba. While tbo child waa lifik, David prayed and fatted and wept, but when they told him the child waa dead, he ceased from hie grief, and taid, *' Now be iadead, wharefore abould I fkatT Can I bring him back again? I iball go to him, but be tball not return to me." Nbw^ where did David expect to Mod his child f CerUioly not in ihe grave. That wonld bo no ground of conaolation He meana that when hia own work would bo over, and hia pilgrimage completed, he would bo reunited with hia child in heaven. Oontraat David'a calm, cheerfol compoauro on tbo death of thia child with hia agoniaing f^enay of mind at the death oU hltadnltand rebellioua aon Abaalom. Why thia diflhrence? Ah, ho could liot aay of Abaalom, " I ahall go to him." He had no hope of Abaalom, and, therefore,he bitterly bewailed, <* my aon Abaalom i ■y aon, my aon Abaalom I Would Ood I had died for the«, O Ab- aalom, my aon, my aon I" But not ao with hia babe ; be could, let him go wHh perfect confldenco, for ho " aorrowed not aa they that are wHhoat hope." Many a bereaved parent baa found cotdfort and tBOonragoment in tbU paaaagr. A few weeka ago, » i^otber aat looping with her aorrowiog huaband and family. It waa Sabbath evening, and the atill aolemn ailence of the day aeemed to givo depth and intenaity to feeling. Bvery heart In that family knov Hia own bittorneaa that Sabbath evening, for in the afternoon the remalna of dear little Jiary were uken away and Uid in tbo eold '|rave,and ^here waa an empty chair at the table, and a (JMnlliar teiee waa gone. While that bereaved inothor'a heart waa brcaklBg, Md ahe waa giving way to immoderate grief, abe aent op a atlont pet i t io n for h elp l o the Ood of all ooa a olati o n. — S he thon aakad far a Bible. It waa bronght her. Opening it at a vtatarc, the flnt • ■* W ^ ' * t 'M \ I L * - Ir . ■ '_ t: ^■y « • ■■.i^- ,■ ■ '. » ^.' ■•■ *; •^■ ,-• -«*^' ,.f / It fULVATION or INrANTft. ««Ha ik«t MUflil iMnr f »•?• iImm bsAtM «•, •' B«t ht it iMi, irlMr«fbf« ilMuld I fbttt Om I bring bias b««k •fftla T I thall fo to bitti, but b« tball not ratnrn to ma." Iftcb iMf p«t viMt osplAnntlon bo pUoaoa on tbia |r«aiork«blo «ir«unMtoaoo ; I havo tlnply roUUd tho tmoi*. I would only ndd, furtbor, tlMl «lM BibU b«d not b««n oponodnt tbntpArtUnUr pUMfor aoatlM b«fi>r«. To 017 own mind tb«r« is no difflouUjr in th« mntt#r. WblU I wonid ■brt^k ttom uaini th« Word of Uud na « lottcrj, jtt I hnvt fnltb.to boIloT* tbnt bo whobaabora |b« bnln of our h««da, nod btMt th« MntMt ery of • dbtrvaMd aoal, ««b and doaa, in aaawar to pr^tr, diroot car mind* to a parlleular paaaaf* or word aa Indieatlag to aa bla niod. And tbia h« will «lo in bia own wajr. On ib« ocoa- aloQ rafbrrod to, Ood'a ap«eial galdaoea waa too avidant to b« duabt- •d. Tba impraaalon produead waa nnnauallj da«p and aolaBln. All (bit that wblle they eeuld not call tbair lovad ona baok again, and would not if th«j oould, yal tbay eoold go whara aba waa,ttor woold tba Jonrnay b« long. Boon all will ba homt. In 11 Kinga, ob. IT, w« bava tba death of anotbar child raoord- •d.. When the aen of the pieut Shnnammite anddanly dl^, aba baatanad tu nWbt the prophet Kliaha. On her near approach the prophet aant hlfe aerrant Oabail to meet her and to aak, ** la It wall with thee T la Uwell with thy huaband ? la'it well with the child 7" And aha anawered, " ttUwtU." bat how could aha aoaoawerreapeet- Ing her dead child, if that child had na future and bappy axlatanea T Any doubt aMiBi tlBM HmT* will h« MVM ■ttv«4 »mtot** dl aatloM," Knd «« «o MoUur cao ba m**4|, <0«l. V. It- 11.) who MBOOK Uu lM«th«a will b« Mv«l mUm Umm wko 4M la MTlf elilldkoo4f IwmM sot; of ooanM, prM* loo fhr a lltoral lattr^itutlea ot tkaaa wordt '* all oaiiuas," ke. Th« poaaac* Ukaa kj iiaalf ailght aot bafa aiucb baaring oo tba aaitalliMi of lofaata, bm takao wltk •«har oonaldaralioM It la at Uttal w«rtll polntlag oat. T1mi« . It taralj a eroaik of ooarort (a It. To mj owa aatad it la a walaont aad blaaaad tbougbl that oat of fvary oatlon aad eoantrj aadariha •aa tha oiohltuthrt of ebiidran, wbo dia ia iafkaoj, ara "oaaghl up to Odd aad to bU tbroaa," twalllag tha aumbar of tha radaaaad, aad eoaatitulljig iapartahahla noauaianta of tha fra«a -and powar of tha Radaaaar. t. Ckildrm M«iM <• h« inclmtUd in lAoaa pa»$agu 9f atriftmr* mhiek tptmk of tkt numk*r tkmt akaU «*ra. f !▼• nillliaiia 9I ^ n tk* wM b«b««, II t« r««llua«4,41« avarjr jrMur. If Ums all Umm m« aAvai, «• iMf* MOM tlMs b*ir of iIm hiiM** (kaiktiy ••v«4 la liiflka«| m4 Mtiy •kildhood. And noir (f 10 Umm w ^44 Um aaalMr e< aAalla who aliKM Acinm Im*« b««n a«««4, «a4 tin nunlMra Ihal ar« yat to ka radaaaiad whaa t&a ftilaaaa of iha Uaotllaa ahall enma ta,-«»lMn . Impm! tlMll ka raaiorad,— wkaa 8aUa aluiU ba booad, aa4 aUlaaaUl fmm sii ffotf^tj ilMtt ni§»r'-imimm tiM wImIi Mrtk ibAtt l»- aoM* IIm fardan of tha t.urd and a nuraary for b«a««n, «rb«t a flomi of ligbl Aot auch a coaaldarallon throw oa thoaa dallgbifVil pro«i- kat «y«k apaak of Um aooaUaaa nullUodaa ikataball at laat ^ rt* daaoMid. Oraat, tarriblj tr«at,aa Um naaibar of tba loat la, bow la- eonoalvably graatar tba noMbar uf Um Mvad. Il nuat aaraljr ka (railljlag to avarj (Jhrlatlan hnart lo think that trma iha tary ka^ flaalaf Okrlst baa bad Uia aii^orUjr of our raaa. Ak no ara baa Um Priaoa of Oarkaaaa baaa abia to boaat of tba viatory. And aa tha yaara roll on thU ahall ba mora and mora tba o««a. la all tbiaga Ohrlat aball ba*a tba pra^mlnaoca. " lla ahall aaa of tba travail of bit tool aad aball ba aaUaBad." But In ordar to tbla tba " llttia oaaa" auai ba aavad. Tbaaa, than, mj frianda, ara aona raaaona wbj I baHara that all ablldraa djiag lo Infaaoj aia aavad. That aaob of tbaaa raaaoat la aoaolaalva la Itaalf, or avaa that all of tham takan tagatkar aaoaat to a matbimatloal damonatralloo, I do not pratand. 8U1I I think I kava aald anougb to aatlafy tba aorrowlag baarta of karaavad par- ••ta tbat-lo oar '* litUa oaaa" daath la galo. In mj owa alad tkaia la •ot tba " akadow of a doubt" 00 tba aalijaat. If otbart aaaoot aajoj Um laaM ooaBdanoe I am aorry for tham. Yaara ago tka ankjaat of lafiuit aalvatioa eaaa*4 to ba to ma ona ot mora apaoalaUva l»port- Maa, aad kaoama ona of tka moat Inuaaalj abaorblag IntOtaat. Aa lovad oaa altar lovad ooa baa baan tabaa Awaf, tba InMraat baa la- ■raaaad, aaUl aaw tha ooavletloa la atrong aa llfk Itaalf that It la •ot tba will of mj Vptbmr lo boavaa (bat ooa of tbaaa ** lilUo oaat" ■MaM parlak. ■: ',' "■ r-*^ ,.■■■' jr.,.. _.. /' wrr Baiaavad paraaU, I apaak aa o«a of yoonalVaa. Hava 70a baaa «:J»Mr--«)ral7 triad 7 So bava I. I know what it la to alt day by 4aj Mid Bifbt b7 algbt baaida tba ooucb of a dyibg child, to witnaaa "r Iba paogi that sbaka Uia (babU tnm; to liataa to (ba ibortaaiaf 1 aa4 MraggUag braatb, to aaa Um ebamb aya grow diia la daaUi, tba ¥ny A ««|fbi «r baarVfrkr vblih. ^Mgb fclt, mmoi b^ dtMriM i «• iM i-. ^m i^ •AtVATIOK or HffAHt*. li . ottif to M« (b« •mplf anUlU, CMt uV elolhM,sa4 umUm i^Uy thing:*. I kaow *li lhl«, for I %*f Aill It all, 0«r llttla orm arc ffuna, •■4 wa nlM tliani riu«Ii. No loaff«ff wItt %k»f gU44«o ua by tbalr •bIIm, Of aarl*!! ua with tlMlr l*f«. IM Ma ^aala ta yoa lk« taaaklag worda of an aalaaaiod mlalatar kaowa to fm all :— ' "(l«Mi«l Uum! ()<■«« I Wn ni(M h«r alifht mmI i1i^.». W« mlM th« tmn* ul attnahlna, Aim! Um v<>I|ia, 'Vhn rhoak.th* hanil, til** liair ; Wa uiIm frmn Imim tbair ayaa." , Tbair happy aplrlta peaoefulljr rapoaa In raalaa of glory ; the light of heaven ahtnea on tbam ; their viaiona ura ua- clouded, and their Infant power*, ao fpeedtly paralyied by tba rutbleaa hand of death, are now oipanding amid the untold ^loriaa of the bAvanly world. Would wa, tbap, wish them back again 00 life'* atormy aea? Did they not live long enough in thla world? It I* truly said, ha hath aailed long enough that ha* won tha har- bour ; and ha hatt) fought long enough that hath obtained the vie* ' tory ;- ba hath run long eiOuKb that bath touched the goal, and ba bath lirad long enough on earth that hath won heaTen, ba hi* days .'. ^ never so few. See that yoo make the Harlour of your^chlldran your \- Savionr, tbarf^pkjor thoughts ba ao mnch abaorbed in Him that, mueb as yon tbink of yonr departed lo^red'onee, yon can stni,s»y of Obrlst, '* Whoa* bare I in baaren but Tba* ;** and than, after '* a few mSH , . toils, » fbw mora taan," jronr iMt tMur wUl bf wipo(t^iraiy,aa4 l^oav ^-^^ '4* it- ' i * ' » / "St 1 1 . ' , -; >..■ ^\ fcfc.*- '-f^i w^ htt who* jtm w . fffiw lift on •u<;b. U jr«i«ir hotu* •«! Iliiill, lf*va y« |t«u«f hitly nXiRti wkKTwIt T«ki« th« gUi awhlU hr«lo«r#«l | Ti»k« Ihe oWM. H" IniHf**- mliMi t Tliiii* h« ks for rr«r thiM V* — i\ WMII.RV. I \ \ * -J>r % » .^ ■. «- ^ • .# -.^ «. . -W ^,^, i-r- V ■* ■ , #'■**!>«■ (Ksasj^xafctjBs ssrwrawsesce'-r'aBsm M-