IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 .8 I.I IIIM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► P^. Y WATER VTNDTCATKl) ACAINST TIIH SXEKU8 OF THE KJNOKANT AND TFfF. UNCIODLY. «' Let us draw iionr with a true lifiiit in fullnosH of fnith, linving our hearts sprinkled frnn iin evil i-imsciciinc, and o\ir ^)odie^^ \vnshod willi clean wiiter." IIeuhf.wh X. '2'.'. HALIFAX, N. S. .1 iV W . (J O M P T O N J854. ffijS*^ rf^'-Jt'" 'J(^i^-^'«Sr^^V?*^"- ■^.- . ^L :v. [M'\iiAlijwilii-ii>rjBM«BgMMiMUiiill l-ait.Tc! !i>'!Jonliiitc to llcvi.-" ■•^U.'. t :., c ! I't, iu !i.i yci" ol' On. !"i;i;ht.i'ii llu.nivt'd n;ul Fifly-toiii', !; V J . .V \; . (' n ^. V T '> N , In till' •^icri'tai", 5 ( J'.c ,)rilij ''n-viiKO of \ovii ;"■!()' 'rt. •P' Q n i^m fi(H,V W ATKK. TiiKf;!". arr ftw dintriiics or oliMTvamcs of tlio Holy Catliniir Churcli \\iiirli li;i\(' fwMpcd the ridicul',' up ini,-rc|ir('sciit;iiii»n n!' her (^ncniifs. Aiiiuiifrst the v;ist ijuaiility dl" iinti-Ciitlndic liti'r;itMr<« Aviiicli this :iii:i'. iirolilic in iiicdiocrity. scinls toi-tii to the world, how little of :iv!zii!iu'iit is to he louiid, iiiid ;it tin.' smuk; tiniciiow :iiurli of rrroiiroiis stMii'iiK'iits, taUc propositions, doiihtiul histoi'ics v.itii hlank iKiiiics of ii;'r-oii.- and \>\,\vv>s iiiiju:4 iiiii>iitatioiis ; how umnx jtsi and railU'vv, sneer ami sarcasm, n;oe!andoncd, would be to destroy it ; lo advance ir« c»-|ual!v disastrous, for tin' oni.ard journey if lioncstly and loiricnlly pUHjUod on I'rote.-tant priMe)p''> must al'ruptiy terminate in tho cloomv uhvss oi' infidelity. Son;clinies, no doul-t, it will display exiraordinarv powers oi' ratiocination, and )ie;ir down on roiue unfor- tiuiale dotiina ol' ' Ponerv' Avith thi'. In avie>i artillery of Aristotle and l^lato, and wlsen it has acliievcd therel)y a f;incied victory will ilap its hands v.ilit joy and c!)nscious triumph. IJniaias! ior the -dory ('i' the adfu vemeut, Protestantism only deniolishin,;^ a ticrion of iis own creation. haitiM-in.i:- down the walls of an imn-^ina ry easile, and con.|uerin,i:; a ])h:intom in pasteboarfl, in,4ead of a real iiormui 'danf. The dou-nui wi)ich It attaclced so fiercely vuts no* a t'alholic do'jcnia, Init a ProLeslnnt invention; was as much or more fibliorred bvthecalumniaiiHl 'Papist' thanbyhisPrctestant nccu'-cr. m n ^ ' m- Mfaaniabi Jtmmmttt^ IH»I.Y WATKIl. Tlii.H is Ml tVcinioiitly tlif caM', that v\va\ runderatcfiy iiifoniUMl (!atholirs arc siirprisiiil at the ('Xt(Mit of the (loliisioii which is jinic- tised (Ml their hiipluss lu'iijthhoiirs. aii'l still iiiori! m> at the voniei- niis iiiamic)- iis which those hu;:e fictions are j^nlped dowii. Ilarely, il'i'ver, is u Catholic flo^mu truly stated l>y our o]»j>oii(>nts, or if then; he a i>raiii or two (d' truth, it is su small, and .so mixed up with erroi', that it is hard to distiiijiuisli it. Sometimes the doe- trine is not state(l at all. and a passin;^ sneer is deemed quite suHi- .•iiMit to refute it; or to condemn some pious practice with which it is connectcfl. There ari^ some ptit topics, too, witli which Protest- antism is particularly enamoured, liecanse they afford so m e'l rocrii for the display of that species of profane, wit to which \\', li.iVJ alluded. .Moreover, it is so easy to aeipiire a cheap and speedy renown l»y tierce attacks on the horrid ' l'a[»ists,' the Image-wor- slii|>pers and Idolaters, that there are nniny 'godly ministers of the word' who never mount a pulpit without discharging therefrom a full vial of wrath on the head of tliat unfortiuiatc; and well-al)us(>d lady who is supjiosed to have n(jne hut scifrlet-colori'd dresses in her wardrobe, and v/hoso proper domicile should Irj on the bahks o; the Kuphrati's, or the Tigris, or souu- other outlandish river, instead ol' appearing bodily in the haunts ol" the; orthodo.K, and making the chickens of grace scream with aifright at her flame- vesture. To compose a good moral sermon, or to deliver a sound well-reasoned discourse on man's duty (o (Jod, to his neighbour and himself; to unfold the secret windings of the myste- rious and incomprehensible heart of man ; to trace, the crimes of individuals and ihe vices of society to thi'ir source, and, in demon- strating their wickedness, to sug..';est an efficacious i-emcdy ; to explain points of doctrine supposed to !)(> lielieMid by the eon'>'rei....l)shcll at the (!!viireh of Home, or an cxplor^ioii of derisive laughter at the .scarlet criminal aforesaid — these eouu! so pat, so natural, so easy, they require so littU^ study, jtrepa ration, or talent, that it is vi'ry hard indeed to resist the temptation. The siteces,-., too, of this sacred artillery is certain lu'fonihand ; n^iU\Uu . ..,• ,.,.,,,al,ii,^ . ..f tl,.. oM ♦ "''"''"• ••'""•'•I' ^•H..^. tlu. o,H. aP.,. .,11. ,!,..„. . lu.utv , ,■.•■..],- "^nms, .i,o..,. ^ lHfM..l>; to,-. ..f ............ -I...:.../!.,, wrong, or ll,.. ,d.ol.. worM l.nndos ^^onM no., ,1, j, ,„ .lr.a.Ilul . .nau.u.r. W. h.-.v. .s.i.l .ha, l',-ot...s,a..t,>, „! .,.,.> PH ^»^•^H•ls of wl.i.;!, i, .a> pnrti.ulaHv lo,,,!-...... Mom.fv,,.. jokos in IWf whiJ, i, .H.M ,H., .f}:..; to lo... ,;.,. .Inv ..ons^il,.,;. . v.Tv larur p..r.,on or.ho .to.-k in tn.-Io ol' Joun.aii.,. ,.,,.1 ;•..,,„„ mu:.. .\n.on..t tl,..,.e, lb,,v \V.vr,;,< (.t,.,rt not n ..|.,.. ,t ,„. .''wfnl anno«ncon.cnt) oc-upies « ( Hum Watiu no, .n liquid], but nu.tapl.or,onl .In,,,., is constantly in ' .' fa... l.y J'M.t.Man,s. ||,.,,v W.tkr soa.ons nianv an inM ,. .I..courM.. ami enlivens many a .Inll a.liele. an.l a thL lor many a stupid cormsi.onilfnf. Ft would he hard to find what is called a r.//^/.,,. Journal in II '. <.r ,iK. ne,ghI.M:rin. .onntries whiel, is not filled with IVolhv deelann- <.HU. pivost wondenullv in thi. ^. Jhat wo ha., .aid of the pu'plt. wo .nay also prodieale o; f'-enow.pnpcr. Jts pngo. would u. .tnl., flat, .ml mmmm n0L\ WATKR. if thf'v "lifMiiit iinbiln' a delicious >avou!- tVoin llio ' ^^).I'o^)c^y l•ca>t ^A' the ItevelatioM-i, nm.ilter littf). |>(,'a«'()n Drvsiviill would he at a sad io.>-s tor pejiin-r and allspiee to -live some pMnji;eni y to hi>: unsuvourinir hasli, cooked L'ratiiitonsly lor till" devourtM'sol' ' 7V/r Manaa of Uic Wi/dcrnexs' (a }c\\A ol' a joiiuial I) ii' he eoidd not ihrow in u hlaelv Kriar i'or elovi", or a red Cardinal tor CavemK-, jnst as the llccerend Ikn'iaiitiu /IV/^/v///. h(ddina( the head of all the streets' is compelled in self-dcfenec, and for laek of solid arirnnient, to bej^in to l)astc i'ojiery with all the dauui!icd flour of his barrel oratory. Indeed w 'ever take ii}) (mk- of those satietinionious .fournal.* without S' ■ ^1.- it eraiunKM! with all kinds of stuft" about the uboiiii- tiatio;,» of • the >lun of Sin,' and the su])crstitions (»f tlie '• pri(3St- i'idd((n J'n])ist<.' "Wonderfully quicl people, too, these Papists are, nader such a load of abn-c. IJonie, liome, riomo is eontinuiilly driven into theii- ear,-, Imt the creatures are so meek that they seiin aiin;illy deal', or b( nunilied in foelini'. 'I'lu'V keep on mindinu,' tiu'ir Ii:. ine>-, and are acliialiy ;>o po-iitive, that the uiorc their religion is .ibusi'd. the more ihe} appear to like it. What a bun- dle of (•ouir.'ul'ctions luiii'an nature is to bo sure ! Hero in Nova Scotia, for the li;amphletH, terrible tracts, and scriptural squibs, rhat have biK-n scattered abroad both in town and country ; and yet during all that time the ' benighted RonianJKts' have been as silent as tlie grave, have not written one word in reply, have left a clear htago, Pin > r:- ^' :.i' ♦ 't" '"-"""■"-■""Bl iiMiiiiMiiiiiiiini "<»r,V WATKU. especially.-., ncwspaiK.,-s. t.. ,i!l ti,.;,- ..ppononts; an.l-wonM you '"''"■'" " •~"'^'.^' •'""'t ^''f'"- an hi,.. IVo„. tho.. cTm,s of I'opny uhi.h his n.refatho.-s were ta„.ht, n.o,.e than tw,. -" '"^<^o ■ or .1. tones nioi'(> "■''"';■'";'' ' "'"' '■ «l™at!,: I„.I|H,,, „„ , f, „,„„.,„ .:,a™h,.„,^.^;|,,„. ^„,, „„.„„„„ i„ Xi„n )• Tl,„ Mii.i,uo ,„„C "^«n:;;:::;;;;';;;:;:::r" T" '""' '■-'""■ "■« "■-' ' " -■ I ■Piii A • - '^ nOLY "WATER. 9 sor of languages pockets his money ; his holy disciple is cncaaated at the trick which ho thinks he has successfully played off on the innocent savage ; they are both wcU-matchecl. It is only tV.'^ pooi* dupes who have to come down with the dust for all these wonderful performance.'*, that arc really to be pitied. Perhaps, however, tho flattering deliglat which they experience when th"y hear tho glad tidings of even one poor savage beiu2 rescued from Rome, is nioro than an equivalent for the price they pay towards this pious artitico. But, if you go to tho wigwam the first inmate you meet will tell you that the redeemed neophyte had beon remarka- ble for his spiritual tendencies before he received the enlistment money from Sergeant Swaddler, and that, since that auspicious period, hi-* progress in spirituality had astonished not only tho natives, but the rum-seliors. Let the Godhj Gazettes print what they please, and the well-paid Evanoiciizors give their own aocouui of their esperienoos at noctur- nal gatherings, in secret convonticles where there is no of con- tradiction, every one who is acquauitei with the Indlrns knows well that it would be as hard to disoovor a veal, live Micmac Pro- testant, as the Philosopher's stone, or to catch the Mcimaiu 3 look- iu'"' glass, or the tail of the great Sua Serpent. Evury candid Protestant in the country will admit that it would bo mu;.'h bcLter to leave the Micmac in the hands of those spiritual guides, for whom he has u genuine; nnorence, and in the quiet [jossession of (hat lleligion vvhioii has wrought so many wonders for him and for his iorefathors ; which has taugiii him to control his savage appe- tites, to regulate his pas-^ion.-. to discharge the domestic duties, to four the punishments of a i'uUuv ftvate. and to hope for the bliss of licaven. Disairb him in his religious 'Oi'iiou weaken liis rcspoei for those whom ht has bet'U taught lo reverence and love, and you vob him, without any equivaictu, of his most vakiable posse^t '.on;, ; yon Kuccecd at best in transforming him either into an inSdel or a hypo- crite, or ii libertine Now, wo are oid-lashloned enough to supposo 10 UOLY ■\rATER. that none of these characters is to he compared with a moral, sin- core, and CJod-foaring Indian, althoua;h he is a Catholic. But enough for the present of I'lc Micmacs, and let us return to the pet .••u'Dject fur Protcitunt .sneers, t!ie njuch-nialigned, but still dreaded JtIoly Watkh. Any a mount of siiuiij:^ and crackers has been let off amongst us on thi^ haeknied stibject. "When all othc" arguments fail, Holy ^.Vater is one ut the powerful resources of your canting controvertist. A good dash of this liquid !> suy.pii: ■- 1 to be a regular sedative for any obstinate ' Roniiinist' who !;a,%bcen stubborn upon all other })oints. * Come now ; what have you to say for the absurdity of Holy "\\'ati:;h ? Ted me that /' is very often the triumphant query of some brniiiless creature whose ignorance is on a par Vt'ith his boldness, who knows nothing whatsoever on the subject, who has )iever taken rlie i(>ast trouble to en([uire about it, and wlio, nevertheless, is more dogmatical, on this and other points, than five hundred Prelates in a General Council . Softly, softly, \xi\ good Protestant I'riend : we have somethino' to say about Uolv \\'.VTi;a; and if you have the graee or patience to listen, perhaps you would admit rliat it is not so rtr// absurd as yoa think, A\'e miglit be able to show you that there is nothiuo- un- scriptural or unreasonable in it, tiial there is a very dciicioits ilavor of antitjuity .nbout It, tlia.t there is some mystery connected with it, and Very great iiisivuctiun ; tli.-it the nr-emonics which aceomoanvits benediclion and use iire \\n-\ uk.v'ul:', very sug^stive aul verv well ealcidateil lo itroduee sabitary imjues.-ions on the sou!. Do tr.en condescend to lisun to a i'ew wr.viU in beiuilt'o'.' Ifolv Water, ibr although it has p.isseil into a ju'overl) vhi.t a certain cloven-footed old genilenuin in bhick, iia.^ a di:d,ioiieal iuuTor of ti:is eioueut, a Christian ought not to lie afraid of ai;y thing ihat has been sjo-ued with thi! Vn\<^ of Christ. Don't be \\i\y:v\', \\\ \\\ our Introductory remarks, we have indulged in a little .".ood iuunour, iur you ou'Ji* to consider now nmcli has be.'U exjjuioed u;m)u u.-, v/'u,! ;; ruuiJUiL; ia-e of jokes and gibes, and horsc-laugiis, we have hau toeudur.'; and curely it is much bi'tter fo b.' cliecr!'ul, and gay a.nd goorl-humoured loider ail these provoking assaults, liiau Ui show any sour ten er. Having preuiisod ec nuich. we nou- cciue dlrcctlv to our siibicct, HOLY WATER. 11 which we will dii-cnss as briefly as the nature of the case will admit, and in ianpiarro so simple that we trust every capacity will be able to nnflorstanil it. Anrl fir-«t we 'nii>t say a few words aboni I WATER. Water i:- nuo of the four jv.'i'jiary ciciii.Mit^, and, in the opinion of many J^hilosoniiers, it is siinerior to tire, air and eavth/'<= In faet tiiev say tliat be.^idi'< its many otiier wonderful jinipertios it contains within it the i',>st.'a(c .tei- con- sists of a chfn!i(ai union of oxyi-cu iim' hydrouvn. Eiiiht parts out of nine in wato- »)•!■ i'.v_,-i:(Mi, and one-ninth part is hydrofjen. if we roc-ard W(;iy mea.--in'e. two-thirds of water are hydrogen. Oxyovn, as is well known, i- so ijnoortant, tiiat no animal or vege- ti'.olo could live v.i.oont it. Ixo'iiovo o>;y:pvn, and \xo ^ould all cease to oxist. Oxv:,"! ;-< a (Mii-iitiient of stones and earth, and it form.. a})oiit a iii'tii pai'- of the ;iimo^[ihere. A very ji'reat portion both ofaniroid .-md vewtaMo sii'.'.-tan'.'i's consists of hydroii-en, which likewise i.-; inHaniinalMe, rJiitoimh it docs not support (as the che- mists sav) corabostion or ver-pivation. Thus w(> s; e hovr compre- hensive arc tite proper! i;.; oi' v;i'er. it is as it wore tin? b!ood of ihoeart!!. Tho-e docp ibinitaios o'" w'ltfM- which are hidden in the sccrci abyss oi the eartli may he «iid to be the heart of thu globe ; for as the hnmaJi heart, tiie vi\ er\ oir cX thi' life-giving I'urvent, sends the blood iiy innnmerabic vein-. »>:>•., to every part of the body, to nourish, sustain and cnlive!i it, so the watery fotmtaiu in the midd of the eurlh somls forth throii:ih countless channels, mysteiiotis ttibes, and winding veins, those refi-eshintr streams whicii are so essential to man's \'f\'c and itanpiness ; wiiich enli^-en and feri(l t;at.>ciiot. instruet. on Baptism, ,< « .-IH 12 n L y W A T £ K , eSbcts astonishing. It is strong; and woak, gentle and violent, im- petuous and yielding. >\vt"lling into ^^ a vo.<, bubbling into foam, melt- lu^ into spray, and (a.^ wlion it leaps through j-iid air iVom the iearl'ul height of Alpine .■^imimits) eruniblin imo dust! Uith touehiug b,,-auty and niagie pcwer are its prop.-rties described by the ilnly {.'atlu.lie ('hureh, when, on on the oeeasion of dedicating a Temple of Saeritico and J'rayer to tiie Lor.l. she direiUs her Ponliifs to hallow the ,.ater of hisiraliou used in the ceremony, apostrophi- zing the liquid element in tiiis wise : " Be thou hallowed by the word of (uhI, (.) heavenly Water ; be iriou hallowed ( ) Water trodden by the footsteps of Christ ! Pressed bvmonnt.insthouareuot shut up, < a.hed against rueks thou art not broken ; out through the earth, thou dost not fail. Thou bearcat the dry land, ihou sustainest the weight of umutuaius, yot '•u.keM not. On the s.anmit of the heavens art thou contained- thoroughly diffused thDu-li all. thou washest all, nor art thou ^•ashed thy.veif Ilard.ened into a mass wert thou boimd up to =-^.;me tb. ilid.i of the Hobrow j.-op! ■. Thou, unbound ao.In in bnny uhn-lp.t pursue their hu>ule band, being at the same time salvation to the lairliful, and pmiishment to the wicked. Thuu didsi gu^:h forth fi-rim the ro.k when it was stricken by :\Iose.. nor eouldst th';ii remain ronccaled within its crags, when, bidden bv the power of Majesty, ihou .atn.M forth. Thou being born<. in the clouds dost ferubze the fields with joyf\d showers. ]}y thee into bodies parched by ^eat. .s poured .(rink, to taste gralelul, and ibr health salubrious, -hrough inmost channels streannng tho.i dost, enclosed, yield vital auv or jnice. le^t the earth exhausted from Its iu-id voml^ ::hould nlWe io bring Ibrth In wonted supply, l^y thee, the bo^da- nmg, oy tnee the ond rejolrcth, or rath,>r it is IVom Uod that' we -neither those of Thy operations, God kiiuw n( r thy bounds Ahuighty, of whose powers being n,indnil. we proclaim th^'gloriill works whi!.-t we announce the benetits oi' water." And h;,ving given this extract from the lloman Poutifioa), we carumot refrain (although in some measure it anticipates our desi-n) ^:-om gu-iii^' another passage in which the Holy Catholic Church'at ■\^ N ^^ nOLY WATEll. 13 the iicucdictiuii of water fcr the Baptismal Font on the vigil of Easter, doscriVios sonio of tiio mystic and sacix-d associations of thid admirable eleni'.'nt. " U Ciod wliose snirit, i:i the very luuinnintr of the v.orhl, moved upon tlie waters, tiiat tlie nauire of wa.tei' niiiilit e\.'n iliei) receive the vinue of siju.-tiiiralinii I O «i«!u, w'no by wat^'r didst wash away tlie crinies of a {iuiicy world, and b} the overllowin:.' of the dcktire didst L'ive ns a fiu'iire of regeneration, tluit one jiiid the same element niiidit my^■!'•a!iy bceoiao ihe end of vii.;*.', and the origin of virtue— look, down () J^ord on Thy Clinrch, and inulliMiy in her Thv regenerations, who i)V the streams of Tiiv abunthmt a;race fillest Thy City wirli joy. and oiicne-t ttie Fonts of jJa.ptisni all over the woild for the renovation of the y the command of Thy .Majesty, ihis \Vaier may receive the grace oi' Tiiy Son from the Uoly (liiost, wh'L-ier mixture; ol" i!is divine virtue, mav render it fruitful foi- the reu-eneratiou of men ; so tiiat all who are to lie sam-iilied in the innnacnian.' womb of tiiis divine fountain, and are to be Ijorn auani new t-reanires, may omerge iVom it a hea- \ei)lv eifsprini'-. and that iiraci-, thuir spiritual mother, may ijring tlieui all ibrtii v.wti) tiu' sanie iiUAuu-y, howsoever distinu'uished by aw in linte. or ?ex in liody. Tiiercbre, Lord, may all unclean spirits, by 'thv eomniaiul, depart from iience : may all tlic malice of diabolic wile-! be totaUy l)ahl>!ied ; may no jjower of the enomy prevail here; let him not fy about to lay snaie.= ; let him not bv secret artifices entep in; let him not corrupt it iiv his in!':;riion. Mav tills holv a.mi inuoeera creature be fr(!e from all assaults of the enemy, and ]inriiied iiy tiie de!ny it InrouK! a iiviim ibmita;!!. a re'^aieral ing water, a. piirllying ^(,-e:ui. — tli-t ab tlio-e wiio ave to b,' washed in tliis viaviiig bath, mav obtain, i>y ihe eiheacv of the iioly (iho-t, the ti'raco of a ner- fecl pariiu-ation. Wherefore, I bless ihee O creauire of W ater,^ * 'J'Uc wiokc'-iiiis. (.f aii'.n liad i.'un upted, ami iu;V'.t(.d U' trio r^erviiic vi lii'^ di;vil, n.niiy of tin; -lu'ious tlnus.i ol' en.a's civatii.n. lionco, tliu Apusik- sc.ys : ' The cicaiuro \va.s nia.dc .subject to vanity, not Avillinsly."— (Rom. viii., 20.; But tbo Church knows from tlie same .\ pestle that ovory cn>aturo of God ... is .tcnctified by tho uurd uf God a.nd praytr.' — (1 Tim. iv., 5.) 14 II L V W A T K R hy ftc L,v,„s. On.!, V the Tr.o G„,l, i,y ,1,0 ,r„|. Go,,. ,,, ,h„ 1.0C w,,o :„ ,1„, k.p„„i,,^so,„„,vccl thoefm,., .Loih-v l„„d bv Hi. v.-onl, :,,„I ,v„os,, ,;,%•:, ,„„,,„. ,„,„„ ,;,„,, „.,,„ ,_;,^_,, ^,_; ' fro.., ,„o to,„„am „r r„,-.,i;.,, „,„! ;„ ,;,„, ,,,,„,, „„„„„„„,,_.; ,,,^,^. )K.„,io ,..,.,,, , ,i,„ ,..„.„ ,,„ ,,„,^^ , ,,,^,^^ ^.^ ^^ ^^ -y ""!7rrr ^ ""•/'"•■ '"■■' >■<,„».-.,. ''":""""■■■"' =-i".i;..-l,v.l„l„,„,,i,c.l„„b„ ';;;;':' '.'■'-"-"'i--...*.-i.^^-i...ii,.v,,N,„ .,„„;J , ' '■ -v m ,1.. „„.. Do {.n(nMvsl!iTiivi>ioiiihl,l,.^st'p,-,|; nnv. i,;;;v |,.;„,,„ , . T::e .i.H.e exn-aofs sn.k fn,- thon.sei.os. .n,l alrho.-,;. they .re oui .to,. . d .0 l..k to t.e ;.gin,ung .A' tl.iu.., ave to rho very t ;. ' ■ :''"^' "^^^"'"^ "^' ''^' ^^^"-i^''^ I'i^tcT, in the li,..t lew woais 01 Oviio^ii. M-c u.oct with water :- " In the^ God created hoavo,, and earth ; and the earth nOLY WATER 15 lau ;uii was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep : and the spirit of God moved over the waters. And God .s^iid : be light made, ^:c." llencc many writers havo not scrupled to give to water the epithet of uncreated, and ro assert that it was the foun- tain, principle and essence of all uutterial things, it wus called uncreated becau--e in the description of all ilie wonderful thin-s which were made i)y the Lord duriu.i^ the six diiys of ercaiion, it h not written that water was made ; just as it is said of 3ielehi,sedG3k th;\t he wn.: ' without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither bejt;innincr nor end of days', bejau'o his parentage or family, his birth or his death are not recorded in the sacred pa 20, At all event'*, we see that water is very ancient, and that the spirit of God was nif.'ving upon it even amidst the darkness of chaos. Tliat th.crc was a nn^icry in this mutioa of ihe Spirit over the water is certain, and that iie moved not over them ai vain is equallv so. Watf- then, most pro'oal^ly, received some wonderful properties: perhaps, fruitfuine.s, diffusibiiity, tlio dlrsolviniv and puritying prin::ipii's, ihe canuci'.y io rellejt and roi'ri'Ct ti.c .;p.c.. do irs of thtit eroatcd ligiit which w;i.-- :iO suoii to illumine the dark faee of the ab\ ss, Nvere amongst tlic.-e. Water, which thus occupi(>s no distinguished a place in the infancy of Creation, has always urc^i-rvcd its Importance in tlio history of this world. All the Iciiuing t^vcnts soe;ii to i)e assoclat'^d with Wa- ter, and )\othing of importance (o have been done with- out it. When Paradise was phuitiMl ' n river went out of ih- place of plea.-ure to water it.' (Gt;n. ii. l<',) Wueu ihe aboiainations of earth eui^iiidh-.i ihe wraiii of (l<>d., ' tiie waters of a great ilood' arc made the ministers (u liis vciigeauce, and the jiuriiication of ihe world. Tims, wnen the leimtalns o\' the great deoi) were bro- ken up, and the Hood-g.itc- nf heaven oi-tnieJ, tiu! wiiok- earih vra.-t baptized in waier, an 1 it> deiik^ment;^ were wa.-!ied away. And when the Aluddity would g:'.e Noe a -!':n of [leaee, and of iii•^ever- lastinii' eovenaut. ;i iVoiu tiie walery clouds is lae mystic and consoling token. \\'iien the Aiigol of God called to Agar from lieaveu and declare i that the Lord would liUike her ."^.m a groat nation, 'God oneucd lur eye:', and sue ba^v' a we! I of v;ater.'' 16 HOLY >V A T K n . (Gon .::,. 10.) - Xi,.h the sprin-; of water' Rebecca is chosen for the patriarch Lauc, an.l Jacob likewise meets Jacob at the well. In the water of ih. Nile is Moso. saved, the future le violator and deliverer of God's p.oj.lo. If the Egyptians would not'beliovo the first tu-G ,ign, which the Lord gave to Mo.-'.s he was desired « to lake of the river, water, and pour it out upon the dry land, and what- poever tliou drawost out of the river shall be turned into blood ' (Exod IV. 9.) )Vhen he led the people of God from E^ypt into tho promised land, thoy were all saved by tho miraculous a^vency of water,and the .same extraordinary element, melting from the rirdditv of a wall into the restless whirlpool, destroys their pursuing enemies'- thus furnisbing a baptism of life for somo, and of death for others' In their journry tlirr.ugh the desert, a watery cloud acoompani.^ their path by day, as well as a pillar of lire by night, n^ien this wandering peopie murmured tor want of drink, Moses, hy God'.^ command, .truck the rook Horeb with the rod which smote the river of Egypt, and \\ator gushed forth; and amongst the other diro> tions for the tabernacie and altar, ' tho Lord spoke to Moses, s.y- mg : Tuou shalt make also a brazen iaver with its foot to wash in • and thou Shalt set it between the tabernacle of tiie testimony and tho altar. And walor being ptu into it, Aaron and his sons shall wash vheir hands and feet in it, when they are goin- in to the tab'^r- naclo of the testimony, and when they are come to'the aiiar to oiier mcense on it to ih. Lord; lest perhaps they die. It .hall bo an everhisri.ig law to him and to his seed by successions.' (Exod. xxx. 17, '21.) Again, in the Book of Numbers, (v. 17,) in the di- rection to the priest on the law of jealousy, it is' said : 'And he shall take holy water in an earthen ve,sel.' an.t also 'siuiil held the most bitter waters' whieh he has cursed, it is almost nnneee^ary to remind the reader, tiiat in the various puriiieations required by the Module law lor legal uncleanness, water was consianily used In the nm.teenth ehapror of Xumbers we find a panieular descrip- lion of the aslios of tiic red cow burned for sin, and the ' water of aspersion' and expiation conneeted therewirii. St. Paul in his Spistle to the Eebrews (ix. 19,) testides that water was mincried ^■ith the blood with which the people of God were srrinkled. (Evod « H L y W A T E n . n God'rt xxiv. f^). ' For when every commandment of the law had been read by Moses to all the ])eoplo ho took the blood of calves and goats, with wat(!r, and scarlet wool and hysr-op, and sprhikled both the book itself and all tin.' people." What a .singular eoinciidence it is, that when the adorablt; N'ictiin who was fore-shadowed by those .Jewish types, jiiid by tin; spriiiklinti; of Whose IJlooil His p(^opK! were cleansed fpjin sin, was snspended npon the Cross, ' one of the soldiers with a spear opened His side, and innnediately thert? came ont blood and water.' (John xix. :U.) Tlins, (,'hrist was the Trne llock, from which, when stricken with tlu; lance, water as well as blood gnshed forth ; ibr the water was ' a testimony on earth, as the beloved Disciple says: (l.v. . 17.) Hence the allusion in the t*.salm of Deliverance (ps. cxiii.) ' When Israel Avent out of Kgypt, the house of Jacob from a barbarous people. ' the sea saw and iled. Jorilan was turned back.' When by Sa- muel's exhortations the people put away their strange (iods and repented, he said : ' (iather all Israel to Masphath that I nuiy pray to the Lord for you. And they gathered together to Masphath ; and they drew Water, and pOLired it out before the Lord, and they fasted un that day.' (1 Kings vii. 5. ().) • 3 mmmmm liiiii aani IK II L V \v A r f; i; AVhon Klias ..onfouudcd the false l'm,,l„.fs, l.v U'mrr\u^r ,lown tiro ironi „cavon upon tho sacrifir,-, mo nv..! tl>af ' !„. m.-lea'tronch for \\ Htor.-of tho hreu.ith of tu'o ftuTovvs, round about the A Itur And lie laid tho woo,l in order, and cut tl,o ).uih„-k in pinoos ,n,d it -'pon the wood, and ho said : Fill fo,„. huckels with Water, and !•<'»>• It upon the hurnt-olfering, .„d upon tlu> wood,' (this he enjoined t >m> diHcront tin.e.) and the ;.-,^er run round ..hout the Alta'r, und the troneh WMS filled with water,' <:{ kin^s, wiii. :JJ. :;5.) and when tho same prophet on the ' toj, of (htrn.el ' prayed for another n.iraele. ' l>ohol,l the heavens greu- dark, and there fell a .^■eat rain ;' ([|„d ■U) and when he fled into the wilderness tVon. the perseculion of .loxahel, and n, his sorrow requestin;^ that his soul .nid.t die hnnself down and slept un.ler a juniper tree, • an An.el of the Lord f'";';''-> '"n>, and said to hin. : arise and e;,t. IJe looked, and be- '.old there was at his head, a hearth-eake. .n.l a vessel of water . . . .And he aro.o, ane with the n.antle of KHas, they were divided hunor and thither and he passed over.' (Ibid U) Mo -over, we read of the same Prophet the fbllowinrr ren.arkable nrcunstance connected with Water, which the iJibhweadln. seof" ..•s at our Ifoly A\'ater ou^hl not to forget ^ An■> ) When 4 i ♦ ma II I, Y W KTV.M. m till! Kings of Israel, ilu-la. mil Ivloiii roni»ht against the .MoabiuH, tlu' sanio Pro[»ht't, iti tlicir cxtniinity, prorun^il I'tn them Wator without rain, ' ami tlio c.ouiitry was tilled with water,' which cauui by the w;:} ol' Ivlom. And . . tin,' Moabitcrt rose (larly in tho uiorn- in<.' .... sa\/ tho Waters over a<2ainHt them red liko blood. And they said : it is tiio Idood ol' the sword ' (lb. iii., 'JO., '22.) It is not unworthy uf remark li»at the I'rocious lilood by which we wero all redeemed, and the !rue eliildren ol' Israel rescued Ironi ihi^ jn-oud urroganc*! of the infernal .Moab, ' came' also ' by the way of Kdoni,' accordini;' to that mairnilicent propluiey of Christ's I'assion in the sixty-third (;haper of Isaias : ' Who is this that cometh from Kdoni, with dyed i^arnuMits from Hnsra ; this beautiful one i". hi.s robe, walkinji in the uri'atne.-s of his strent'lli i I, that speak jun- l ticf, and am a delendrr to save. Why then is thy apparel red, ■ and thy garments like theirs that tread in the winc-^n-ess ^ [ have trodden the wiue-prrss alone, and of llie gentiles there ia not a maa with mo .... and their blood is sprinkled upon my garments, and i. have .staineu all my ap[»arol.' When -\aanian the <)leni'ral oi' the Syrian army eame into Israel to be eured of nis leprosy, the same man of (iod * Eliseus .sent a inespenger to him saying: go and wash seven times in the Jordau . . . and thou shalt be clean;' and after he had done sj, ' accordhig to the word of the man of Govl. his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was made clean.' (lb. v. l(>. 14.) On tho waters of the same Jordan ilid this Prophet likewise make iron swim when ' he cut oH" a piece of wood, and cast it in.' (vi. 6.) Thus, say the Holy Fathers, was obdurate hiunan nature sunk to the lowest depths, but when wood is applied to the Jonlan, that is, the efficacy of Christ's Cross to tho waters of Baptism, man is raised up from his misery. In a some what similar sense do many of them beautifully explain tho casting of salt into the bitter and unfruitful waters of .Jericho — unfruitful as some of them suppose with 8t. Ambrose, not only '• xendcring the neighbouring soil barren, but also in producing sterility amongst the women of the City; and hence that the Prophet not only restored sweetness and purity to the water, and fruitful ess to the earth, but also saved the city M. 'JO II <• I, V \\ A T K H , lr<..n KrH.l,ml .l..,.r>p„!„tlon hy onsilv^ i„ the now vos^-l of sfth to '•'•"•'V'"- WHt,.r. oar.1, ......i .„ .,. Kli....,«, .icnntioH (in.l tl,<. Saviour -•lu..alv.,.onor(;...|, (Kiis.,., .„. Kl (sa) ami wa. . .yp, of < l";..t ... 1... a,.tio,..s a„.I ,.a,m.. St. A,..u.,i..c., i., 1,1, L,i .'.-a.nst lu!rr,.„ti,.> tli.. J>onati.t. >vrit(.- ; * Klj,,.,,.. is CI,.: ' .i... <■..] ■•",|'*;''''''''''!'''''^'"'-'''^>'^'''»''^- warn.: that is, thcMintmithil. iK««nJ the iKM.t.lcs. l.v .lostroyi,,.. ohon.,aH oo, tho sae.-iKcos ,hat woro lai.l n„, to ho Jri,.k. -1 wuh tho san.o wato.-, hoth tho woou and tho thin,,, that wo.v '-'lu,Kn.,t. An,lwhontniswas.lono,an.ltl:ot;n.o;a,.,od.atth.: -M sho... out whioh l.lo,. was in a ,.W, tlu.o was a ..^^^^ 1^-llod MMhat all wo...lo.od V..d whon tho W«,^, consun,o.l ^o eou...andod tho wato. that was lot> to ho po t c o„r .po,. tho ,..oat sto.K.s, whioh hoi..g dono thore .as kind od a .; but, twa.oonsun.odhy tho ligi.t that. ^ ..0111 tin, iiliai-.' (2 Jla,.pi,|,. i, .jii^ ;;2 I «-o ma;; ,l„,s ,H:,,.oivx. „,„1,.,. ,1,, ,„„.i,,„ ,li,,,„„„i„„ ,„, ";'"" '!'" >™>- '--""""s »i' '1.0 world tiK. ..i„ „t ;„• ,,'' r! I n>™ a .■o,i»i,io,,„,« ,,a,-t, ,1,1,1 tl„it fVoi,, ,l„. ,„,.„„,|„„,„ „„j ,,„„„„;: ''•''7 '":'";•'''''"'' »l'l'l-i it >■.•,.....,! ,,..,,.,,,i,i,,,, _„„„,. .^.iiirti, „ ,,.tn..l„iiv„,. ;, ,.,,,e, „,„, „ „„,^^ ^„,,„^^,.^^^ ^, ' i» lH,n.uo ,„„■ .,,„,„i,.i,,» ,i„,h„,. „„j ,„^,„„.„^ 1 i f Vn m nf ^ #• .'. M n 1, Y W A T »: il S^l 'At the very ))e;^iimiiig of tin- (ion|»!| history wo have tin- holy l'rocm-*or .'ohii liiiptiy' y(t in thi,H iiiy.sti'riouH eLiueiit tit liolhaiiiu, aii«l poi'itiiij; out thf! I^aiiili of ilod who wa," to take away thu hiiw oT iIk! horld, ami .'ho wan lo ' Bapti/i! with tht; Holy (Jlio-it, ami with liri'.' We lirhoM .Jesus hiinsolf ((>w there were set then; six watcr-jiots of stone according to the niaimerof the purifying of the .lews* .... .lesus saith to them : Fill the water-pots witli water, and they iilled them up to the brim. And Jesus saith to them ; !)raw out now, au'l earry to the chief steward of the feast.' It is lun.ocessary to re-peat the remark of thi.; functionary when he • had tasted the wattn- made wine ;' (John ii. 0. It.) but we caimot help observing that as Moses turned water into blood, Jesus ehanged water into wine, the emblem of His Uloud, which precious Blood lie waste beiMicatli for ever to His Church, luider the appearance of wine; and as He h'ld sanctified water in the Jordan to prepare * Toi' thu Phari.soes and nil tiio .tews, unless they often wash tlicir liauds, cat not, holding ihc traditicu of the aucieuts.'— (-Mark vii, 'J.) oo II L V W A T JC 11 that olomc-nt for Baptisn.. so Ho,l nnd sanctified wine ... extraord-.nuiy ...iracles, to ,)repa.e then, a,s matter for the \y the ^Vater of B.,.tisn. we are incorporated (.hr..t s 3[ystic Hody, the (^luuvh, an.l hy the Hlood of the Kuc,, w„I. ilis natural iiody ! * This is ti.e linpli«m of which I-. .poke to \icodenu,. when Ho said : >Amen, Amen, I say to tnce. nn!e>s a man In- horn agnin of Wafer and of (he Holy (Jhost nv. cannot enter info the Kingdom of (;od._(.lohn iii fi ) This .s the Kncharist of which |[esaifc m t^ljuil j»(l m y, wliiro fl ■ tUiiii)g. 1 HOLY ^VATJni. 23 niiciiod ,-ido, and pouring down its livin;^ waters unon tlio ;.nulty earth, washed away the a))oniinations of a;ics. Airain we find our Lord on the waters in Peter's Bark, instruct- intr the multitude, rebuking the winds and the sea, lirinirim,' tlu; iiii- raeuU)us drauirht nf (ishes from its h)west depth ; vadking upon t!u> water, and inviting the i'rince of the A])osties wlu) was to rule over ;dl iiiitions. to w;;llc upon the Waters liicewise ; for Feter said: ' Lord, ii" it lie Thou, hid me come to T'iieo ui,.)n the waters. And iie said : come. And I'eter deseendinir out of the (loat, walkrd U(.on the wat.'r to eonie to Jesus. (Miitt. xiv.. :!>-, l''.).) i'roeeed we now to eoutemphite othci- winders oi' the divine iiienv, in con- nection with "Water, whieli are recorded in tiie (!i-speL At the pond (if IJethsaida, desus cui'ed the h(^li)!css miiu that lieen ' eight and tlurty years under liis infiniuty.' iiere u(! iiaveaii'aiu the motion of water and its n)iriK-ido;is eite:.'t, for as tin- sacred text reconl>: 'T'liere i- at-leriHalem a pond, ealle:] Prohatica, which in ilelirev,- is named iJetiisaiihi; hiaviog fiv>"■"'«■ I f.^nva and c.rd,.' "•' llicii blesses (!io S-iIf . ,.-• '■";■" '.'^ '--.....-.ha, u,„„ ;:,:;:':"" ■"", """• '- -..!>■..,,„, „ri,di.:vo-., .,,,,.1 .„„.„ ,„■ 11 ,, ■', '■''•"-•'*'' »""-. .W. '"'ii. ... -ul a,„l l„„h , I H ; "* "■'"' "■^*' ""■■". I.«.ltl.r..l '''^'l' L> I'iJAV. TLy'Li- !;;:;ti.:'i;';;;tt':;,;7'' "", ""■' """""^ ""i>'»- ™-™ "f »,«. . I ■'''■'/ '-'"-■■ -'I ..N ;„. ■'■';' ^'-"..-^-..-.i .,..,;;;;:::]::" "-^"•"-''«-;,,:,.i,., '■\ '-i-eek word, ^•in.nifVi,,,, , - '"■■;■ r-.-nt liberty, f. =„„,, tl„ „• rM ;'""?*' '""""- *'"■' ''^P'-iv-l 'f / tl (11 tl HOLY WATIJR. •2.'> " anaocouiit md salutary roads to liei- i<"li M-;Uor is ajj '), tliroui;h v.ater, to I unto tho I >Iia]t !)(! Jf" Satui;, 'iay devils, and eur';..; .liseases; and that whatsoever sluill be spriiikloc' with this \va*:or in thehousos or places 01' tho faii.hi'ul, may oe free from all uneloanness, and delivered from injury ; let no pestilrulial soirits there reside, no corrupting air ; let all the snares oi" iJiC hidden enemy depart, and if there be ;iught which envic;; the safety or repose of inc inhabi- tants, may it be put to ilight by the sprinkling of this water ; that the welfare which is asked through the invocation of Thy holy name may be defended from all ussaulls. Through Our Lord Ji;sus Chris*, &c.' iiere he thrice puts the salt into the water in tlie form of a Cross, saying once : ' Let this salt and water bo mingled together in the name of tlie Father ^u ami of the .Son -.u and of the Holy Ghost ►T^, Anion." * V. The Ijovd lie with you. 11. And with thy spirit. LKT i:s PUAY. ' God the author of irncon(> acred power, and King oi' invinci- *.Somu are of opinion tliat tiio words ' Coaiuiixtio sails et aquco pariter fiat,' wero origiually a, uiero Rubiical direotion. — Grdncoias in Brev. Raman, cap. 41. 26 n L Y w A T i: ]^ . )( f oiupirc, and who art cv <;s t th or 111 I'oanno- power of adverse tyninnj, w igiiitieeiit iu triuni| "1 ; '.Viio restrain. "0 the fm-y of t treinbjirio' Th enemy, Who powoi-AiUy ivpollest hostile wi.kednLL IK! lOLl supplication, wo pn,y and hoseecl kindly regard tl •with I Tl-eo .j,„rd, that it with beni,o;riity, vvherftsoover it Hs creature of .salt and Holy Xaine, ''"letify it wiih the dew ,,'i ' sprinkl U'ater, enliohtcn Th ,V pioty, that overy infl'station of tl l«l tliro>Hi the invocation of T !1V J'U'ay, and tin; droad of th 10 unclean spint may he d men i.shed f't' overywhere with ns, who inv venomons serpent may ho, ,uf, !"-! that the presence of the fTolv <;! oriy fiaii- 10,'jt i;iay V(niclisate to '^'sus Christ, Siv., in )1 \V 10 UllI hen the al ty on ■oKo ,!iy mercy. 'J^iu-ou- iie .same Holy ( .'nour Ijiivi] '•u I led A Now, I qua Hive rite has been performed Boiiedicta, that i.Ek^sed, or Holy M- "liOSt. over the MMtcr. it u 'oiore we proeecd fi!rthci G sprinkled with \lo]y \V •^^ii'ir of (jach, -!o entrance of her Ten'.ple.s that ! pla. it in approach to the H pi'iiying at the every stain of si f'Ord in His Holv tl onsc of (.'od, niay souLs m ■:ime time that their 11, so that with clean hearts the mctuai-y, and wortidiy assist HT ehil'drea on their ^prmjvle thcinsclves with it ny h e puriiied from 'J may I'overenco th ' the divme iny,steries. She lik at the colein-at ion P the I k! ne.stwho is about to offer (he H JWise directs that « tlie altar, himself; his attemh •'^iijin.u' at the same time : olvSacrifi li' :ill iSnndays CO s;iould 'ti^, and atterwards ti iirst snrin- pooj )ie, !'>ou Shalt sr-rinkle mo Lord with h'ss ■-•eit .■^'iow. ' H l-"ou wilt wash me, and T .shall Oj) ai; -hall b »o made whiter tl lian n-e mercy on nie O (iod 'doiy be to the j-'ati: accordlnii- to Thy irr(;at nicrcv, iVc. 'fter wh or and to the 8on and to tiie IJoi ..Vft leu toe antiphon, ' Thou shaitsprinkl or tiie a. persioi priest say.s or the faithful witi 1 i; V (iliost, re[)eated. 0, ivC, IS V. Show unto us <■) L(n-d tl ly mercy, H L Y WATER. 27 1 ; '.viio rcirtrain- t!io i'livy of th(i ee Lord, tluil-. H'.-ilcM', ciiliVhten i'ii.y piotj-, tluit oeation of Tliy iiiii}- !x' dri\eii !)o tufcrly p;ii!- IV vouclistti.; to .•ou;^:lioiir Lord iio M-atcr. if ]h d)op.t [he aiitl- •e will (^iiii])ly :-s tlio { !!iurcii fSf^ins;: of (jac:;, i; Jilac'cs it in Ireu o!i tlioii- Ivcs '.viili ir, )ariiied from •evcreiK'C the colefnr.tion tdl Sundays d first spriii- tiit; l>eoj>Jo, i .siiall ho Viiiter than i.i, .'^ i'e[)eatud. Vator, fho n. \'. V. fi. And give unto us Ihy .salvation. ( ) Lord, hear my itraycr, And let my cry come unto thee. Tiie liOrd be witli you, And with thy Spirit. ' l-KT IS I'K.W. • (IratldUi^ly hear us, ( ) Holy J.ord, Almighty Father, Eternal (I oil. ;ind vouchsafe to send down from heaven Thy holy Angel to guard, cheritsh, protect, visit, and defend ;dl who abide ni this dweb ling, through Christ Our Lord.' {hiring the }*uschal time, Alleluia is added to the verse and re- :-ponsory, and in place of the antiplion ' Thou shalt sprinkle,' t^e., (ho following is used : — ' 1 saw Avater flowing from the right side of the temple, Alleluia ; • and all to whom that water came wore saved, and they .shall say, Alleluia. ' I'raise the JiOrd, 'jeeause lie is good, because His mercy en- :U it was done, lu U, Me.a, Hi.tory of .Ko K,,,.i* nation (Book . c.uv^ .„,) he quotes a letter written by I'ope bt, Oregory the ea.. to the Allt Melli.ns, on going to linglan.l, tn v.l.teU the l.olj Father savs: -When Ahnighty God will have eondttetej you , ha l.^t'-vere,Kl n,an, onr liro.her the lii.hop August n,e, tell Z resolution .Meh 1 have to after tnueh re «.,on een ernin- Eu.lanJ, vi.: that the .etnple. of niol, are not to ,e de.- Zi'in that country, but that the Idol, in, are .o be destroy, r.hat water i» to be l,le«ed, ra.d .priukled ,n the «,n,e teutple., t, r e d, and reties deposited. Tor if -he .tid tetnpie. are w ll Id they Aould be ehan»..d from the worAi, of Dc„,o„. ,nto ; to i ; of the true God, .0 that the nation, .eeing tbe.r temple, tet dctroved, may ptrt awy error from thetr hear,, a,r a. Cowld..iu.. a,;d adoring tl,e true God, may more meet at tho»o r ;^ e- they were wont to a.seml,ie.- * The .ante w,.e eours !f „ oe d .'' i reeommended in the .ub.o,,ue„t part of tht. mo=t ot proeceain„ (•■a,;„;i„n Jlissiouaries to any „„t letter. »-<^-- ' ^/^ , ^ 'l , ,,, ,„e feelin,., eu> Heathen eountry, may Aow a te.idci u. -ee .- ,o,„.,a,.d prejndiee,of the people; »»«'•-''-"* ';";; J,' ■ :,,. .triv.' 1>V all pnaiel.t mcan^ to gain t,)em ,0 ia,»t. C:tre':^:.lin.oLree,the,,,oti..byw,tieh.o...a.,o. ,re perlbrn.ed, and to diveet the,,, ,o the,r proper end ; A., eo.Ue rbndtfor Idolatrota, worship; but, to ehange the wo,.,, , ,t^ , not always neeessary to ctefoy tlte bniiotng. '«'» J^ ^^ ;> Uving God u,ay be adored there, nay, j ; ^^ -;^:: .'L abominatonsof I'agan woiship. IM"-" ..t „,, ihc ;dor;,tio„ of the true God. .."ast down the tdol, and >a_n,^e .Quum -^o^^~"'^"7' :, ^ "j,,;, diu ..euuf do causa A.glo- -- cogUans tructa^ , -^^ ' ^ ^,^,^^ .,„„ ao^f.antur, l^.cN.DU.rA imnimc debcant : .cd ip^^'M'"'^ '» « ' -; ' ^ ^ ^^„j„ ,,u,,n\^, ct)iupouat,tur. r..., in d.le,n tUni. -P-'^'^^-'' Tn '^-"t ut n c«U« dcntcnuui iutl.o- Quia Hi fa.ia oudcm bono .on- tructi, ^u .t i ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^.^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^ ,^^ ,uia vovi Doi d.bc-an. conniuuav., u ^;^-^;^^-^,^^^,,,,,, ,e dc.tmi,decord.emHmdq,ou t,e n^^^^^^^^^ ^.^^ quae coiisuevic, fomilianus coiK' llOhV WAT UK \ma{*c or.Je.*a:-i Cnicifiorl ; ilcstroy tho Pajran oiubloni, and erect in !tf« ^tearl ' t!u! si<:ii of tho Son of Man;' nfT(!r to i\\v Kin:; of KiiiiTs, with the Wise Mvn at liothlohoni, the fraiikiiici-nso whit-h was hcM-ctoforo used likcwiise hy tho Jews in tho sorvioc nf (Jod, although by tho Pagans it was presented to Idols — in fine, (■han;i;ini; tho ol)Jectof venorutioii and worship, from what is false and wicked to what is holy and true, what is there that is not evil in itself, tluit leay not he eni[iloyed in tho service of ("lod ? And even if tho I'a/vans used water of lustration what was there to prevent the iirst 'irini'-hers of the (lospel from correctinr; that soyierstition, and by 1 onneetinf^ water with the mysteries and observances of Kelijnon, not only to jn-event evil, but to turn evil into good ?=^ ^Toreover it is not so certain that many of the rites and customs of tho early Church were adaptations of Paganism to Christianity, as is some- times contidemly asserted. For there is good i.-ason to show, that I'aganism its(;lf borrowed many of its religious opinions and cus- toms from the traditions and inspired v.'ritings of tho people of God, dishguring and corrupting them, no doubt, by their abominable superstitions. Thus St. ('lenient of Alexandria in his exhortation to the Gentiles, after reciting P];tto's definition of God and his attributes, thus apostrophizes the j*agan Philosopher. ' From whence Plato, dc ou jiublish thissigniiication of truth ? Whence have you derived that co{)ious fluency of words, in which yon explain the worship that is due to Cvs. though you wish to conceal them. Vou learned Geometry from the Egyptians ; Astronomy from the Babylonians, and inc;in- tations you received from the Thracians. Th(! Asfvrians also trnight you man}' things. i>ut ichatsocirr Jam arc cmijnriii- iililf to rcdsnii, and that idea nf God, these vere fxrh'/shed to yon. Inj the Uehreirs.' Tho same ancient writer in the Mfth Book of the Stronate/. ilevelopes this ide;i at consider;ible length., shows the wonderful concurrence between many of the Heathen Maxims and the Sacred Scri])tures, and says expressly (chat), xiv.) that 'what * It i,s well l>uii«i, ">-j - ^, "' llowovci-, .iiorc Hum ...oush has l,»ii ™Ul u,.m> lh,s par. ... .... ,«,„. ,„ V.,...u,is.«, lor tUc pri...Uiv.. Kl..a o. llolj- W n. r. N..t ,,Vtl.e Idoa, l,ut .1.. „u„ \Vu,o,.,,„.a Us a.,,e,a.,o„ .„ , ;:;:,U. ntos . ,0 w .— in u.,iy wvu. ;-^"' ■';<:;■';•;; ,,,,11 ,ako /«.(y muer in un oavtl,.... v.«sol, ai.d ... si- . ■ .'-l ■' '" „,„1 .l,at l„»lral Water >vas ,,.-osc.-ve.l l»n.uv.heu ,o„, «.■„. The pvuK-iBlo eoi.licct«l With tliw .ite ,,.,„,. ,„„ rf,,.tly vi,„licute,l, v;o must „„w -»■•■"; ■„„;„,„1 l,v vvh..,., was Holy vater U,,, n„rod..oe.l (.., .lu , ' ,. ,„.„u we are eia.hlcd to go U>A for ."o.-.- than '"''"'" ^"'''d?n ■■ . ; , ■ ..■,le°.,.,tl.,-my as ah „-.ts. ChiuTh of llonic' we liiul the following :- ;;:Sa!;r;:i::rt.;oi— :e.reeatoa.i...ittha,n "utf , V ,■ ■ 1 'ht a.ld;,;.,,.al effort «o«Ul have hrcght .he,„ up a hall, a ^e.} .J , ^^.^, ^.„„^ ,,,,,„ ,„, „ to the very age (.1 the Apostle. 1 . • ,, ^„ „|a „, lUtlo iorther hereafter, ih... .a a,..v ease , >■ ^^^_ to the use of llnly Watov, tu- term '^ ;'"^ '^ ; ' ^ ^^ .^ ,i„,nlar, t-.o. that iC .aithof,.ei,ivi.l.,.^ ,W^^^^^;^^^^ ^^^^,^ ,,,,,,,,, , U. Holy Water was .> ..cKed an n l>t ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^.^^ ^^^^^^^, ,^^^,„ ,„,. tunes of the Apcstle., none of the tour demnedU. Theywcvcwd.a™of,t.e.ut.n.e. 82 HOLY WATER. after St. Pptcr, — who wns elccterl hotwoen tlio years lOs cid 110 of tho C'a-btianorti, (sonio say in tlio year lUO,) does not floMcrvo the mockery and t^wvn with which it is treated by the irreverent Bcoffers of our d.iy. Su[)iiosini^ l\)[>o AU-xauder to have been thirty years of a;.rc at his elect ioit, St. John the Evangelist was living for many years after his birth. St. Alexander is said to have studied under Pliny the youn;^er, and Plutarch, and was raised to the highest dJL'nity in the (jhurch at a comparatively early ajre, on 'ac- count of hi.-i t xtraordinary [licty and learning. He must have seen and conversed with man;- win were ac(iuaintel'l"<\^-'''''" """-"'" .. , ,,,,. ,;. . .pnnldM tlu.n.with, n-.y 1.0 «n..-t;iinl nuA ,unti...l. IMswch.- ; ; ,a .1,1. laoli. .a.u.ti«oa ...a < tl. ,.nw. ^,.nt,nixMwi,hsUt.anal.alWc^^^^^ V V nr.l . tin. ikm,,,!... holy niul rlor,n ? An.l .1 t!M« l.ur- ''^■''':':n;:: ws,o^ :;;;:::::;l;:;:t"::- the ci-artini'ss ol' evil sinrits ^ =^ , , , v m P.-fr or St St (M.,.H.n>. the H...>au, (v.l.o was conv.,.toa ,v ^t. I du _o • .^., ,^ ,,_^, , . U.K) aoclaroH that tlu> custom ol b Is- , . W-,tof w.: e^4ahHslu..l hv St. Matthew, and jr.vos th. :;;:;nJi:^:ii:Honwh^ ^'t;;:t"':"^^^^ thontyofS.Kpl,ha..l, „t..,ioiH of th. .lews wore .ontV.uiuled by one Josephus. , .,,,,1 tint i\y 'IV'niHl., was u.H..-ili":-'ly ',.'.!. "";■;;, ■„.;„„■>. ..rS,.rin-,vs......n.l,»M,.™v.,U Sick ehiltt, i.> nit >'• ,- ..11 ,i;m..,se The same I. reek .tored him t<. his mother iree trom all disease. . , r •,.,,< ,it ...1 ciiucti a.-'l"'t at.,.>o munclabat ; Na.n.icini.vitula.-.ani.iune '^■".■j,. ',.,.,;,,,„ ,,,,,ta i-opuluu. uudto .na^i. aMua -'" -l^''^' '';;";, ^ lU.lis.a-n l'n,,hetan. .tcvilita. anuac atnue .nunaat ! Kt .. -;;';^r'"; " , .„ ,,eratus sal storilitatem revu.u aut.rt sa,.ata e.t quanto .na.-n < nnn. V x. .^^. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^,,^^ y^ humauanun, et coiuqvunatu. sana • , l j,^„i^,„,^ruu. v«»utii- hwmin« d«- ..Uti,Uoa.etin.aias^W. ^x .;>^^^J^^^^__ tVudit !— '^. AU-tan. I. ^/"*f- •I' " y n ■■ 34 aOliV WAT>. II. Father. (Horn. IS, in 1 Cor.) alla^in- to tho well known custom of he clcansoil tVoin si)iritual n., \v.>!l as bo.lily at'tor tho couimissictn of sin, run to rseli' aioro dirty than t.ilfin'i Holy Water to .Icnicnieut, say^s: ' ^Wn do you the hath? 1> it not hct-an^^e you clooin you any Hllh V An.i a.jfoln, (Hon.. ad Pop. Antiooh.) lie ^ays, 'Thou wouMst not utt.MMi.t to t.Hieh tho Sacred Victim with unwa.liod hands. iatl^on..h stained by -voat n(.v..s:4ity. Do not, theroibre, api-roaeh witii an un..-!euu s.ail.' rft. J'auliuus ol' Nola to.tifu.-. that tho ane.ent Latin Churetioc. and .-pefially the uM Vatican, had Fonts at their cntriuicr ; (in K /st. ad Ak'thiuni) and in his U2d Iv/wt. to Sulpi- ciuH .5cvcru.s ho writes that the Ua^-iu or Fountain whirh he eall. Ca...haru.s,^' i'urnlshos water in tiie court tin; Church, to wa'ilt the hruidjt of tl>". iuiihtul who cuter;— Saui'ta nUouH taniulls iriti;r;luil atria lyuiphis (.'antharu.', intn-ntuniquo numus lavat auine niinititro. -ni,> '.neritis vcnerauda i-ucraria Pnuli Iiiorederis supplcx, abhic fuute mauus Perdidcr::t li. cmn |aii!j.;eva inoiu-ia cur.-iH (Aios tiin null'- pleno \'a';tl!arns ore vomit. Provida l^astorih per totinn .■aia. i^cuuis llioc ovil>iis Chri-li 1:'r!i;a ilucnta dcdit. • Water wa>m-s ths-^taius of thollc^li ; init tait:K purer than water, rlc'inses iiviu cvimc, a. id piniii* ■^ soul-. AVhocvor tlmu art that ,.ni.M-eM \n sm-jdiaut M'iHt, this >acr.:(i temple widch is venerable ;;,i- !l)c i-critx.f lilia (.-'t. I'aul) \ hose uauic it iu'ars. wash thv iuiid-; ;,. ;iii- iWimtidn. Thrau-h inn^ • :k'-t, had been lost, the w;:i.-rcoiu>c vuirii tliis oviiameutai iuuutaiu now pours Ibrth for thee iu abundant strcaui-. The juovidon; and comiu'chouslve^care '*T]^'Crnl/mrus innn his .V^CM-iptio.i ..'vm^ to 1k.vo a t..m,Uiii. in wLich the v>dry WHS ihiulo c jft fortli IVoui <;urious stattmry, vith a snii. i (lorao or ..u- :ola ',vor it . e<,voro,l with 'orus= t.. ,.ot.«t it from tlio w.athor. ' I bi Cantharum uiimniu imuiilms <'t ovibns nostcis iiiuiita ructantwn taslij;uitus solido xrt thdus orruit tt i„un.hnvt : non .ine mvMi.-a speclo .,natu..r olumnis sahentoi UOliV TTATEB. 8S of Leo the Hhcphcrcl hu. .^M H^o flook of HuU nith the.,c couious waters.' . . ■ In ,l,e lir. or P,.,,o Sv.n.n.,.-h„».t,y Anasta^ns U,.. I -^v^m. wo mc 1. . .V,,,.. ,•„,.. na^ilic. :.a,U„ r.U W, uu,„ « €a,, «nu . TI,o ,-,«om |..Tvail,,l amou.-^t ,„c .r.A.-. '1„ 4l „, iL to.,.,.™.. Tom,,!.. »1,W. Pa..l...... l.-l 1..,,!. . l>...l 1 I. Lc .. ...ivcso K,..k.i,. ..r..«.>. <.u ,„,.,..,,. ....:..-. !L of his works alluao. to this eomu>«n ..n::c u. 'S. <• mK souls, that cleauHUgot ^^l^.h la. >vu ,.-.,,, ,t,ter the ,v the ^vatovs at tb: Chun-h anor, he .ay s ^^ Uu. w. ..nt . Tomnlo ^Y0 Nva?h the haivl,-, hut not tiie heart, lonipic, ^^' ^" , ^ , ,..,„. (-;rookHoh;sovv'J tio nto oi Tlenco, doNvn to th. present .hiN the Uu s . . , ,. II ',. Wmi.t ;).; wo I as the natui?. !"'■ Itehig ana .prn.kUn.^ Hon >N.t"i. ^^ ^ benedietion ot th. saki .. ,^^. j;,,|,,i, aireot. the Su.ulayofthonumth,u. laite. ^>^' ^ - (.o,,ro,ation. Pvl.-t 10 sprinkle the water upon th. ( huuh of Christ's IJupt.s.H '^^ neavlN all t . _ • ,. .■ ..(• Christ aio iill'"i*'^l '"'" '''^"'''' in the hyn-u, [iVua -..uuluw, .nao ^l-j Lavaciaimn saigiti^ Cuilcstii- Annus atti:.nt, &<.. se nOLY WATKn. II c . vf.rv ^olonm blessing of Holy - ,he Orck Church. V^'^'^^^'jJ,,,,, ,,™Uins thoir Water. Thoy crry »o,nc o ''" " „,„,,, „,„cncc ,„„il ,ho .,«t rccurrcue ol tlu, l.|. .h .^ [ „^ ,,i..inrtly i">v. HO.-V.. ,>r™.>u..> on <;»';-•■'■;;;„,, ;;„.„,,,,, .„ ..„ ,„„,„i„„>. ,h,s ,u..un,. ' • c "... ^^^ .^ ^j^^^^^.^,1 ^.,^1, fromtl,«...*ou... W'.i.. ,„„.h by ^'■«;^"-';; ^^;;::, „„.„ ,„o .h.,!,, <.f proof. Ao.,M .revor havo doho. .1 . - .. . o^^ _. ^^ .^^^_^ S, „„gory of Tours ... h.. W ",,,,.„,.„,„„„ &„,ily of ,h,- Scalor nortc..s.u^, hy ■ u..l.i., ,^ ^,.|,„ St. Gregory tho t...Mt s'"> . , ,„,„a by ,„, ,, .„igh h....o .n*.u ... ';:;;;,:;.;,,.,, „/„„„ „f «» -- Uoly ^^a.or ;"■';_.;;;';,,,, „„u.h «o g.vo from this Woly I'opo tho p »..o ;• ;, ,„ „,.,,,„, „„ veoora. arc uml.hroot.iu.^. ( i" ^.^ ^.,,,„ , „ K„„,„-,raot voho..,™tor '■ -;■ '•'--, ,„„,... -..twit, i.a o..."- fc--""- ''"'"'"•■' •'^'' , , , s (IroK „:; rostm... ,.t hora oa.!.-.,. .h- :..•,.. ..r.?or.., .^.. - <-^- Mag. l>i:>l. i. l'>- _ .iwinlr of tlu' rouowucd St. [siJovo, ot ^cvllk^ ^MOtc, an mn . ■'""•f^t^jZtt'Zlk^ ..^v,.ro o.,U. IlOIiY 'tV'ATER. 37 Tfwogofrou, Spun .0 '•■".^'•'"', ^^ ,,■ ,,,„ (:i,„„-l-,. Bopidos the pt'.^^ag^ .ilH.ii} , pertinont ; i^ r u v.,t;nn there aro nuiuv onui^ it|iwu. ^ of the Knglish .Nation thcu- .^^. .^^^^^^.^_ such as I unc ^^^^ j^.^,^^,^.^ .^p^t. .Ic. tens obtuli regro potaudum. Nu moia Lib. iii. c, l:i. ^^^ celchratca St. Willi- brovd deUvored a uoiibo iiu Wi/Jihrord. -n^:;;:-,^.-:::i,t;r;;:t:;s;;:i^-- Passing oviTU .on. -">^°' ' „,,,„,„-,■„..>.• 10 an W* ..,, Mi..aK«rgK.l ..>»!.-.-.. ' ^ ^ ^^^ ^^,^^^_ „ rvolonnJ von.rauon t m tl« ..« j. ^,^^^^_, '^•■^'' '■«■'■■*-*:■" ^^'""'^;::iil-u:::nac...v,i,^ of >v- (nn-i..,.,n inonas,,,,,^ = .^^^^ ^_,^.,.,,^ ,, ,„ „,„„ ""'^ ^^■'-'- ""^ ^^""'"r' ' : .,.. »,.......;....«- gun.!.,.. U.n„H.i ""^'^''" ''fZlCX" "*'"*"'• " """'"".■ '" r''^'":t::,;:::;;;" -»--'■' --••' •—■•■"'■'■" lituva luox lU i.uu,.u. ^ auu.alHuainlorrouu..hi.uunonU. go n LY U ATEB vvhitbcr he had gone to rocelvo shon tiroc ^Tilh St. l^ern vaus. From thcii'-e, on land, tind fuun I ncrn-y, tho Sou of Kin!^ the Pallium, he remained for a holv community at Cbair- safely arrived in Soot- David, at th.e point of He d and his his way home, .le The nionarc humMy entreated him to heal hi> son blessed, and, looking upon .l,rh,Uul ,1H. youU, .l.h «•'""■ -"-; ' _ ^^,,„ „„, ,v. this .■,..«.■■ H,,., .a-.l ^ l>-c- »f 7=^'; '';•;. 'I^a, .„ .1.0 g>-eat ad-.s'-' St. Bermn-d. {Lt(>. rl'^ '-f'^' Spot'am Et invemt David ^"•'"^ ""■"■"" "'"7 ,ox..,-„.ul, u. .an„..t aUun s,,,... . Kogc Misccptu., c. liura" . ^^„„_ ^,f, Con- „„;, ™,- *""■«*. r: /,:'■'";::;.: ;:;, c. ,«o s„,uo,.,i ado. a\i, .."i. -"""'■■•■^* :'•"; V'.i,;,'K>tr;H, cU,m«- .^t strcpUu. 10- ,„cu.» .,. -.-.»- ,-'"•»";"' i , , nl >l.,.laK..s .!u,t vvUon W „,,.., bo>« i-.ti...- .'"i *'■ -■"• '"';';; ^ -. „,^„ ,,„„, ,„ i„.,i„g,'.y a. km^ "^ ^'^^ =•""';;■;■ '.,„.„ ■,., „;,,,„ly, .'...bribing lachy, ... Lem,lo„ ." . ,„,„„,,,, ,„„l spri„kk-,l, or rathev ropes, ,.hom V,,: ov.Wk ■ _ . _^^ ^_^^^j^^,^^ ^|_^,^., ■,, ,i,a,a,n „shod, «,..> lioly U . ^ J, „„,,„, ,„,.„, fmiibuspUwl»-amM,hMU>-". '■ ' Lota ost, ct sana.a '■^: ^'^J'^]^^ ,,„ ^.„,„a Don.o.l, a „k,,,, .na,,. a,.a a ,k,„o,, ho ah , ^^ ^^^^^ ^___^_ ^^^ .^_^^. ^^ St. .Maht.hy sov.roly ra.UM'.i hu„ t ^^ ^^_^^ ,^^ ^^.^^^ k;„Mvi,hUolvUaU.v.,,.a,..l,uon>o.,tho.a^^,^^_.,,^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^,,ie to mount Ins h-u-e at unu, ■ ,\. /;,„mo/t f/tc/'/«'>/'/f'« ^Vlond- .Diarmitmml>.mnlom,..^'/^o j>un U»n>^' * In luocU'vn times .lu'li a ivxnt.^vi Ro.vall'nuco.iu that vavtoitho world. U L Y W A 1' E a , 30 y>k- h'cto duritn quid .m increpans, .luud mains homo ossot, immode. ratius sorvions veutri ot gala), />^-»^r//r/a a.vpn-.^^;/^ fl7''« surgere. fc'it sine mora, ita valonlom. ut, euuum asc-omleret, ilUeo, &e ' (C.n xxili.) Bui-ino' his journ.y towards Komo. (he died at his beloved ClairvauK on the ^vay.) St. 'ikew.e men- tions that he cured a wonru. of a divadtul, by sprmkhng Uoly Water upon it. This oerurred in th. North ot England, at a place ^vhi(•h St. Bernard o.ll^ Gisihuvno. ' Ibi adducta e.t ad can,, Lulier patiens morbum. (piem eanerum vulgo appellant, ipso nor- rendum visu ; et sanavit earn. :ber. It was the san.o year that^ the eek^brat- cd Battle of the Standard, so disastrous to the Seotch, was^lou^ht Ltween King David, who was the Unele of Matilda and .tepheu the Norman,^ho had so craftily usurped the I^nghsh throne soon after the death of Henry 1. ,,,,-.• .i But we have been led fort'.or than we intended, botu m time and ^lace Ret..rnin. ■. France, and going back two centnnes earlier. we have an important testimony respecting the custom of blessing I'ter and .tlinklin. the people .i-h it. which now prevails U^wdiout the (^aholic Chun-h. u, ^. Ca.f^U>r,o^ ^...n.^, ■ ^ Uheims, anno >.-. lie .ive the n.UowM>gu,rec.t>,.nm the ;:an.iav, hi each Pric-t in his own Bishop of :>th chapter : " On every . . , im ,^ . .,.;,*>!; :n.n.,l,. i.,.i;i,.^.i...o,„o..„ 1- «- ■ „„, ,-,nniao •,..„, ri,n.- 1 ,« :n„Uu.|,K .. >v.,u,- .... u..,o. necno,. ™,,cr c-il.o. o. l...t..m suum ..msporcant Wc,„,Ut».:W a l,ri..r but pe.'-ineut quotation lromM»« 40 Holy Wntov ^viv•- n^o- 11 O 1- Y \Y .\ T i; V> ,1 fdv still otluM- puvpo l!«OS. " S;\ lit is blessed. ;mt :i wiitov, !nr various uses of the fai if eat- a^'aiiist tie, i'ov in dlvorsos lu .'VllV the dehisions of the em- the banislunent of diseasi iUS fideliuiu, id honiiti iitu sa iiitateiii, thfid. lb)' those ^vho ave sie foi- the health or eurinir o- ' .' Bewdicitur .w/ et aqua i^ilnuos. eontra vhautasiam I morltos awlereiuW, k^ ki' 11. o this rite by Vo\ iie ■li aiK St. Alexander, and to d tosicther, d ^vater are nnxeil tog- ininiiei, ad pceor alludes to the institution the divine authority by w:mc'.inm. .^ -^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ,,a blessed.* In the sau>e pi- t > - ^_^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ .^,,, ascribe the natural 1-1;;:; -;- ; ^^^^^ ,,,,,„ and havin, the Hty of then- narure, a. l^n^, ^^ of eleansing, purifyn.g san.e office and ..gnihcation , ^Ih'M '^ ^^^, ^ho =>-^'^ ^'---^''^ "•^'^"■7;;2 J tiieslvour of prudence. He avink of wisdon., and salt [^j '^ ^,^ ^,, ^,,aerful ctfcets ,^,,,,, the ^--^:-X: ,tt! >d hi,:self blesses then, by the ,f the D.vme operation bu..K, ^.^^^^^^,^ ^^^^^ ^,,.^ ,,.,,thofthel'viost,anameredull>lK..tnN. ,OU,Ut tor in th. -aecrdotal ,n-aye,> ^,^^ ^.^^,^^. ^^,, We fear we are exeeedn.g the Inu ts p^ - . ,,olongn.g our ^^^V^^^_ i,,,,,,, ,, .ve have been speak- Blessing and using Uol> >Y>' -^^ .^jauee another testimony ironi dleotit^x. i _ exovoi..ns Mc.siug. and l-^y-' ;'" ^^^ ^"^ ,, n.ur.h in this .a.rcd rite. Xu ^HmnK,spa^.a....o.U..,u^^ ne.a.on. i„ the yea. s^O. alt.v lu- luul ^^ ? ^^'J /Xeply in scriptural and promne or the u.o.t ,votV,una seholav. o 1 j^. , J > ,,,,ln.ovl>er, a, an l,„,ni,„, and enjoying thc_ voiaU.tnn o b^ „ ',,,,., o,.,.„.,.-u. was .•oH.- a«, and an ox,n>..te poet. H> ^^,_^^ ^,,,^^, ,1- F„ida,..r ;oscd upward, of forty years l.etorc h. ^^^, ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ,^^^,^^ _,„,, , s,o. at least a Monk in tlurt n.mastu.^, tor l^^ J ^^, ^j^_^^^^ ArcUMshop He^s- It was dcdieated to one olius predea.^^ols in I tulphus, wlu, .lied in Si.. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^. ,^ ,^^,„ ^ ,„.,,, LuniUen- „A?r::" "" cr ivi.. li.... w. cau.a lu.... TI L Y WATER 41 the year lOilO, adclrcssed a Treatise to tlie Blslio^s of Trela.i.l Be Statu Ecclesm'.. lu this very interesting relic of anticiuity, he minutely de^a-ibes, amongst other things, the various orders iu the Church, with their respei;live powers and duties. Spenking of the powers of a Prient, lie says ;—.iit'«prZ/ce/-e potest, pnesentc copo, aqmm ct sal in Dominicis sacerdos. ' Tlio Priest can bk.'ss water and salt on Sundays, in i)rescuce of the IJishop.' And ni recounting a list of various thimr% which it is lit for a Priest to have, an.l which do not rcfpiire the Ijlessing of a iJishop, the hrst he mentions is ' Holy Water, and the Aspers^es' or itistrument by which it is snrinkled, then - tlie text of the Holy Cospel, the Psalter, the Missal, the Book of Hours, the Manual, the Sy- nodal Book, ^i-: Aqua Benedkta, aspergit (seu aspersoriuui). Tcxtus Sancti Evangelii, Psallerium, Missale, Horarius, Manuale, otSynodalis Liber, &c*. The allusion to the Asperges or As- penorium, the instrument with which tlie Holy A\ ater is sprm- kled by the Priest upon the people, or upon any thing which lie blesses, naturally su,.-ests a reference to the Heathen i-nd Jewish mode of sprinkling the water of lustration, and with tnis, we are reluctantly forced to conclude, altliough much stiM remains to be said upon the subject. In the sprinkling of the Lustral Vraters of Paganism, a branch of the Laurel or the Olive was generally used. Thus in the well known lines of Juvenal, avo read : — I . Lustrari si qua dareiitur Salr)hura cum tanlis, et si foret humida J.aurus.' (Sfit. ii., I'lS. Sec Pliny, lib. xv., cap. ult.) -^s;;i;:^a:Ep,.t7m:...::vp- os, s^r Bef;.; we^cav^ Bishop Giiubort, ^ve cannot resist the temptation - quoting from this ancient Father of tlje In=h Ohureh, the foUo.ino. .plendid testimony in favonr of the Prnnacy an.l Lmvor- .al Jn-isaiction of the Koman PoutilV. Iti. fomv' '.n the concluaing sentencos i.f the Treatise de Stain Ecrlenii'^. . , , , -Loeum itaque quern ain..l Orientalcs Pafnarcke possnlent, hunc apu,l no« P.rnatrs quoclammodo obtinere viclentur : cxiuquk Roma,no lunno gradu S.PPONUSTLU. Sed quia PatrianI.e sedibu. pr.vsident Apo.tohc.s (ut /Wi/- r>.Ua..u., Anuochenus, Ale.andrinus) ideirco Archiepi.eopo. ord.nant et pare, quodan naodo Romano aseribuntur. ?oli tamkn Pktuo dictum est : Fu cs Fans, PBOJEMINKT ECCLESIJS, ET IPSE OMSES ORDINAT ET JODICAT. 1 ^o And in Vir?il uoi y WATER , pun cir .'umtulit unda or socios Spargcns rorc levi, et ruuio tclie.s ^'--^^^.^^ ^,_ ,30.) . pf ti^e Devil ; ^nt. in all the Tbesc were cn.ployed in t^o |^j:vicc ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^, ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Lustrations^.-^^ ^^^ ^ ,^^.,,,, ,,v herb Hyssop -'« ";^;,,^:^,,.,ou of St. P.ul in 0. n.nth Mimbers XIX., SI"!"'" """'■ ^ ' ciaptel't.rthelica.-«vs-— , i^^,,^ „„) by „„.. to all the ,>eo„le b. ";«~; ^ "^ j t,. .Ul., i«U U.c hooU water, a..a scarlet xvool and 1 ;p-P, "'■ 1 i.scU' and all tl,o lio"l)l»- ^\• '' ■' _ ,^^ ,.„„,„ „,„y i.ot be TUB 1>1««1 .-as n,i„«ied ,v,.h ^^a,a , , ,^^^ ^^^ ^^^ congealed, a„d tin., .lu- nnxua-e ;"f ^, ;, ,,if„ ,„„,n„„od in diff:.»d. The blood and .1.0 --';.„, ,„ .„,,,o„s Blood and Pas..on o, Je.u» Cun t m ^^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^,_^^ ^|^^j,.,,yi„,, ,„„.,,, Wool and by«op,^vlnch,ol.bu. -^ ,.,,. j,-,, ,„,,ed v.te, ■„,„ water, like » .ponge. «-er., ve ... ■ ^ ^^^^^...^^ ,-,,, ideation. „„a moreover, had -;-,;, ,,„ ,.ot.e. h.noconee of The ds .vatural ^^'""" -' ;,, „.„„,, ,,y „„v su«, J.,„,ChrU., a=;.«« .^_^_^^ ^^^^ ^,,_.^^.„,,^ ^^ j,., which «ere the eau« o lH' •■■ ,,„.,,,„, )j„, al iKe =»"'« Blood. l!j.«op U one „1 iho io" -. , o J ^^ ^^^^^^ .^. ^^.^^ ^,. ,-,me, of a ,.ar,ienlurl, «arn, ran on e « , ^^^ ,Ko God-Man : IV. Ineavnat.on »- '; '^^^^^^ ,,,, „, ,,ari.y Indeed Chri.t may be ^"^''"^'^^^ ,„ ,,,e cdar wood by ,0 the cro.s-the h>>.^op -^ ...^.,„„ „, „;, ^ro., He the purple woollen tlrreu,.'-. i" "'^ - - 2 This U the ob=cnvUK<. ^ 4 And diipms I'ls fi"S^' " of the tabernacle «evenum..,^^^^^^^^^_ I U "^.■>-*^ m- iu lib oor U L Y \V A T ii a . healed *hc swelling prido of our licarts, us the humble hyssop has i«cdir:inal inopertie. for puriiy ing nnd healing the i.iterior. \\ hen this divine hv.,sop is reddened upon the cros^, he sprinkles NVith His own lilood ail true believers, and washes away the sins and, unclean- Tl^l.^rbuvu hor in Ih. si«;7t ofalLTkUvering ui- to tho fire, her skin, ^'f uldT^S^KVI-lc^r:;;::!! «nthev u, the n.he. of tho cow, and shall r,o«r1 C; o 1 1. w t, u t ea,n,. in a uu,.t clciin i>lac., that they may bo roser. ?S fJr t'e iBulti^i onh,. elnhiren of i.rael, and lor a water ot a3per..on : ''^l^l.S H;:;rthar;L'rLd ti>e a.hes of tho cow, hath washed his gav.erUs oi^so 'hall be cleansed. If he were not ^paukKd on lue thud day. he caaaot •"'n '^c';' ^0 ';hanoSh;th tl.e .•nn.e of a man, and i. not sprinkled with thi. 1,^ L\uv ?" - ";;.;\;. . , i^, ;,[• th^ Lord, aud .-i.all pen^h out of Israel : Si?s:i;S':i^m^';n.[;;kie:i^ '-«'-!• *- --•-"• ^"?^'J^l":S^i:; <:;•:; ,;a^^::u [;i:\h -n a tent = ah ti>at .o into his tent 6 Kanvn^n n t e tUd touch tho corp.e of a man that was sla.n, or th»t ^^I'lSix-sJftr^ft^^ ^^^i; ^;:[ r:.!":? S l. olllau S !^:".:;::^;S them, ana shaU .prmkle the^e. ^viS nil the tent, and all the furniture, a.ul the nuMi that are dci.led touch- ing any such thin- : , „„^,,.,i,, „n tho third .i:n^i'",^!;^:aa;:^A;Kit-.^:i;^^^^^^^ ^„.eif aad hi. ^^T^^:^ :^S:'^,.m«. -> ^.«'";;«^::c : : .:x-tio„, a,.d ,h» .a. „V«i„covo ,,cna"«- " ' f ^v m it. ..a.»na *.to l^lovo it i» halloaed by tlK l"-ayor» a «1 lxo.u. n ,^^ .___ ,W,on of hallowed .al, .t •." > _,,,„,„ „„iy .„,„,uu,i a,„i puvuic, •"';;'■■:;;„„, ;,„„ ,„,„ ivo„. u>o (llioH, tlie fouiitam oi w.suooi. I"'- •"' corruption of sio. ^ _ ^ ^^^.^. ^^,, ,,_,.„ ,„„pu.d to Wl,™,tl>er<-loro,.otl.cll..l> '-''>' .,,,,:„„ t„c UolvWutor, „fl«,d Uod, .0 «i». '0- l..-»y"-- »-' . ;V ; no .ha'. ;a,ov h:>s ,.,„. away .he '"''«™»' -':-;;"": :;, I- V,U „ri,.g .0 o.n- I f "'■'-"■""'' '^'"' "" .- ■;<«^-' ;i^; '•-'•:'■:«: ;v:^^ ,^,: ,^ :/' ■■„ ^|*g|;|2£;fe|g||| ,) and what can more forcibly remind us of thi^ obligation than the Holy Water Font placed at the very entrance of the temple, silently protesting against the ^sacrilegious entrance of the un-dean, and powerfully proclairr^ing to all, thrt as the house of prayer is the image of Heaven, < nothing that is denied, .should e\er enter there V What more calculate^! ,j realize the wish of the Apostle, (I Tim. 11. 8.) 'that men should pray, lifting up pure hands? , , ,. , , But, most of all, when wo remoml)er the great lathohc uogma ot the Real Presence ol' onr Blessed Lord in the Eucharist, and that, in croin-' to His Holy Temple, we are approaching the Palace of tho Kincr of Heaven, the 'Tabernacle of t^od with men,' the Holy of Holies in which the Majesty of ihe Lord is really, though invisibly, present ;— when we remember all this on the one hand, and our own miserable and sinful deliler.icuts on the otlier, if wc are tempted to despair, or ierritied bv our unworthiness, tho Holy ^Vatcr Font, at the porch, instructs and consoles us, and points our attention to that Precious Fountain, in whose living and salutary waters, we can if wc will, bathe our sanul souls. If again, without due re- flection, or serious thought, we rush at once from all the bustle and temptation of the world to the peaceful Sanctuary of God ; it, in hastening to tne Holy Sacrilice, and to the Great Sapper of the Lamb, wc forget that it is only with His true Disciples He will cele- brate His Pasch ; if, with henrls dchlcd by undeanness, we attempt to brill- lielial face to lace with Christ, and try to obtrude our wicked UOLY WATER. .acred run.,« »,u.. admn- .ho h ,. e ^ ^^^^ ^,,^^^,^^^ ^^^ o„c, .„a »f - -■ ^;;;;::tr„ ' :,u a,.o„, .,„.. Ucr c«„o. ae«« (hat, with F"'*"' ' """'■'• ', ■* „ ;' ^,.., ,„crc to ollcf the hotnugo ofthcivrousonabloscnic. '"""^ ^ ,^, „„ ii„,j. Water Font, to collect our "-^^ "« j*^";;;'^;^^^^ . ,, „„k„o.len .he hoa... a„a • .a^oa,, °^:!';r:i^:^«^c,ou,ra,wuhH..op,a„di.hau^ Have mercy on mc Go., ^''^'^J^ ^ ^^^^,^^ ^ot And ucWing to the MUvmuDK ol Tin * . Blessed are thoy that wash ^''^'^'J ; ^,,,,^. ;,, i,y the gat.s into the city „,ay have a right to the tree ot ^^^l^f^H'^^^ ..^cerers, an-l unchaste, and ;4ouT(that is 0--'7.r;«:^^;\":;o;cthat lovcth and .ak^thalie.' xnurderers, and servers of idoU, and every> 15. i (k nOLY WATBR* 41 {> To fill a hliink piiro at tho cud of tlii. treatise, the following pas- Micros arc inserted from two ancient Fathers, viz : St. Opt.tua of MUevis. in Africa, and St. Ambro.o, IJishop of Milan, and Doctor of the Church. The former reproving the violence and protanity of the Donatists who washed the very walls of the Cathohc Church with water, and profanely sprinkled it within the sacred enclosure. us if to cleanse it from defilement, addresses a l.oautiful apostrophe *° .^JunVmud ciuale est, quod in nudtis locis ctiam parietes lavurc voluistis, et inclnsa spatia aci-ia salsa sparj,! prrccopist.s. O Aqua aau3 dulcis a J)eo creaia es, super quum ante ipsos natales mundi Sanctus Spiritus ierobatur ! U Acjua, quto ut purum iaeeres orbem. lavisti terram! O Aqua, qu.e sub Moyse ut, naturak.n amantu- ditiem perdercs, italulcata ligno, tot populorum pectova suav.ssums haustibus ! Uestabat tibi post promotionem non levjta decradari. Prrcsentia Moysi in te amaritvtdo n.orltu,^ et a sch^s- .n^ticis hodie cum Catholicorum turba dulcedo tua vexat ^a^ patimur beUum ; pares cxspectamus v.nd.cem Deum. - ^nis- mate Donatlst, Lio. vt. ind 8.. Ambro*. " N»". J--' Aq™ quid lo<,.v ? ...pcv aqua. r ..tnU-. ^nnptn>i ut Ic'^is, spiritus fcrebatur. U Riite Dsori mundi natalCs', oancius, m i^f,>.-', i I „.i\,.., n.v.teiia A te pnncipuim a te incipi" prima, tit ™,nrlespetlecta.i.)^tu.a. II fini, vd potms tt, f-cis at line, iiese.aams. Jre, 1.^ ^tcr !^Wa an.i. aboletut, .t po,ot,„f,a situ vi.eva, a^per^o .ale ,n tTm nabo. ea.H, iUl sa. ,uandi, ktc Foa» v„.e o... Qu. !, t bu, preaa ,to>. olaudevi., q..t. «opulU ilhsa, ,v.t frangen., r e"i ' nfasa non dolWi., .ed infuai. .cataviens ve„., aut spt- Hum u a vitaletn inbalas ; aut succa,n diffusa fe.tden, pt.estas « aga urn superfusa coatmodttm subtaiuisfas. ne stccatts caouoata I -. > 48 HOT.Y WATF.n 1 i.a..,..A ^iilviitovH fViuniieP'S {unuN-'M .. f' tdmttia m u tim HALIFAX TRACTS FOll Till: TIMES. rpiIE want of cheap Catholic Tracts for distribution In this and J- the neighbouring Provinces, has beeu long seriously felt. Emboldened by the sirecess which their appeal in behalf of the new Catholic Jourual has received, and encouraged by promises ^ of support from some of the most influential friends of religion, ; the Publi-^hcrs have determined to issue a regular series of Tracts under the above title. A number will appear about once a month, and they will be so arranged, that at the close of each year they may form a hand- some and instructive volume. The sul)jects treated of will be supposed to suit the require- ments of the Catholic body in the Ecclesia-.tical Province of Halifax, and at the same time of so general a nature as to be i useful to the members of our Holy Church wherever the English '• language is spoken. The price of each Tract will be as low as I possible, and in proportion to its length ; extensive circulation ! being a main object in the publication of this cheap series. ' The success of the undertidcing will entirely depend on the patronage of the Venerable Clergy, and the zealous members of their respective flocks. If a certain number of copies of cacli Tract be taken in every parish or desirict, the good work would be cncoui-aged, sound information diffused amongst the people, and the knowledge of Catholic doctrines brought within the reach of thousands who are now ignorant of them. The Tracts likewise could bo published at a lower rate if they be extensively patronized. A liberal iilowance will be made to those who take a large number of copies. Orders will be received by the Publishers. J. k W. COMPTON, Cheapsido, Hamvax, N. S., May, \^i>i. * l\ I /