signifia "A SUIVRE", le symbola V signifia "FIN ". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may ba fiimad at different reduction ratios. Those too large to ba entirely included in one exposure ara fiimad baginning in the upper left hand cornar, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. Tha following diagrams illustrate tha method: Lea cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte d des taux da reduction diff^rents. Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi d partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et da haut en bas, an pranant le nombre d'imagaa nicasaaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f J ,11. I HISTORY OF HOMEOPATHY IN MONTREAL. The first records of Homeopathy in this city are contained in Dr. Wanless's clever pamphlet pnhhslied in 18(54, givinfj; the substance ot a series of letters ajjtainst Homeopathy and his own replies to the same, as they appeared in the Montreal Transcript of that time. In it he mentions Dr. Roseiistein as one of our first Homeopaths, and details the treatment he received while trying to conduct an ex- perimental case in the Montreal lle;ie Avoinie, consistinj; (»f a four storey brick buildinji, and ;'>:'.(»() square feet of land, was purchased for the sum of $80o0. Ill February the i)roperty became absolutely vested in the A.ssociation, and in .Inly ISiU, the Deed of Trust was si-^ued for the Associatiou by Mr. (has. Mexa" ler. the President, and Ird, lS94, the Association met and elettted the (dlicers of the Hospital, the Life (Jovernors. and twenty F'lective Oovernors, besides passim; necessary r>y-!/aws for the conducting of the Hospital. Messrs. F. E.Grafton and W. II. Stanley were elected Hom^rary Life Governors. At 8ubse(iueut meetlnjjs of the Hoard of Mana.:ement, the le of doin^r ^^ood work for Homeopathy. The Ladies Committee supplied the H()Sj)ital with all necessary furn shin;is. .\u (Mli -ient Lady Superintendent and Stalf of Nurses havin;; been secured, also the appointnuMit of a Sur«ieon and Physicians haviuit been made; on (October 'Jnd, istM, the Hospital was ready for the formal opening. On that date, the Lord Hishoj) of Montreal, and other representative (derirymen conducted an imposiu'i inauiiural ceremony in the preaeuce of a larj/e number of prominent citizens. Thus was launched into benevolent activity, the first Homeopathic Hospital in the Province of (Quebec. Since that date thirty-five i)atienit.s have occupied its beds, and the results have more than justified the Hospital's exist Mice. Too much praise cannot be ^iven to the Women of .Montreal Homeopathy. To their <.'ood sense and enerjjjetic support this rational System of .Medicine owes its rapid pro<;ress here. On Deceml'cr ;'>rd, Is'.U, the .\ssociation at its \nnual Meeting? jjassed the P>y-Laws of the Hospitil, and <.)f (he ('olle.;e<»f Homeop.ithic I'hysicians and Surgeons. The first list of tlie Hospital Oflicials ap])ointed in ls94, was aa fcdlriws: — Presihiller Mrs. S. .1. >Litlie\vson Mis.s. M. C. .Ames. Clias. Alexander. J no. T. Ha.:ar. Sainnel Uell. Dr. 11. M. I'atton. Uoswell Kisher. I. O. O^'den. KI.KtTI VIJ UOV KKNOIIS. Mrs..!. A. Matlie\VHon,.Ir Miss. Anna Moodie. Dr. A. \i. (irillith. Ed. J. Harheau. Jas. A. O^'livy. Major K. .1. Lvans. fireor)j;e Sumner. Arthur P. I'atton. r>r. T. Seott Nicli.d. .Mrs. ("lias. Morton. .Mrs. \y n. Mn.lsav. K. G. OTonnc.r. Dr .lohn Wan less. Mrs. A. O. «iran;ier. Mrs. Sutherland Ta\ lor .ALs. II. TiKjinas. "^Irs. Stewart Munn." (\ II. IVinks. .^lr.^. K. .1. Lvans. Dr. lI.Aspinwall llowe .loel Leduc Mrs, .las. Hutton. .Lis. Havlis. Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Mrs. .T. T. ILiirar. .Mrs. It. ('. Kisher. D. M .lohnson. ( i. K .Taqnes. e]l. Nice-Presidents: — Jas Baylis, Jas. A. ()<;;livy. Treasurer: — E. (1. O'Connor. Secretary: — J. .\. >Lithewson, Jr COMMITTKK OK MANAtiEMKM'. Lady Van Horne, Mrs. Hector Mackenzie, Mrs. Chas. Morton, Mrs. W. Sutherland Taylor, Mrs. W.P. Lindsay, Mrs. T. Nichol, Mrs. 11. Thomas, .Mrs. Koswell Fisher, Mrs. A. O. (Jran^er, Dr. (triflith, until .March 14th. Mrs. R. J. Evans, after March 14th. nuSI'lTAI, SrATI'. Cov.oiiltini/ Sl'iil': — Dr. .\ l-'islicr. Dr. (Jeo. I). Lo^ran. Dr. D. C. McLaien, l>r. (leorge Oale. Atti ikHik/ rin/sifittiix : — Dr. .lohn Wanlcss, Dr. W, it. Nichol, Dr. T. Scott Ni«-hol, Dr. A. R. (iritlith. . Alhiiiliini Siirtjinv: — Dr. 11. .M. Putlon. ,Sv/)iriii(*'7ninit :—]*)•. II. .M. I'atton. L(it/y SuperintenHent : — Miss Thoni])Mon. COLLEGE OF HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF MONTKEAL. • T.IHT OF OFKICERb. . isy.-). President: — Tohn Torrance. Vico-President :— L G. Ogden. Treasurer :—Ros\vell Fisher. Re^'istrar :— Dr. A. R. Griffith. lio,m1 of Truf^hr^ .—Omi'QVS, and .las. Baylis, Jas. A. Mathevvsou, Major Evans, Sutherhuul Taylor, A. O. Granger, Rev. Thos. Hall. Board of Examiners .-Drs. W. G. Nichol. H. M. Patten. A. R. Griffith. Rt'gifitrar :—Dr. A. R. Griffith, 535 Wellington Street. Telephone S544. W. ■tl ,* . WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. ^ . LIST OF OFFICERS, 1895. rresident :— Mrs «.Uia8. Morton. Vice-Presidents —Mrs. Ci. D. Phillips, Mrs. Sutherland Taylor. Treasurer:— Miss Van Home. Secretary :—MrH. A. O. Oran^'er. 0)MMITTi:fm 'rrmnhuj .Sr/((W.— Mr.s. Sutherland Taylor, Mrs Ciaunt, Mrs. R..T. Evans. Library: — Miss Laura Miller. i-Vr/us/iin*;.— Mrs. W. B. Lind.say, Miss Baylin. InvHstigating :—'^h'9. Huizli Watson. Sunday ,S>rrices .— Mrs. H. Thomas, Mrs. Jas. Mcr)ou<.'all. Diit Kitrhf')) :—UrH. T. Nichol. ,Sv,n„9;— Mrs. Hector Mackenzie. Mrs. Edwin Ptould, Miss Van Home. Executive :— Officers, Chairmen of Committees, Mrs. .John T. Hagar, and Mrs. Stewart Munn. EnUrtainTniiit:—y\\»s Van Tlorne. Vi'*itiuy (Jorernors :— Lady Van Horne, Mrs. Hector Mackenzie, Mrs. Jamei* A. (Gillespie, Mr.s. Sutherlan<1 Taylor. W' m tarn: vans. 1 fonie. r, and VI eiizie, 'avl