IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. DOMINION ALLIANCE OFFICE, Toronto, KKMiirAiiY, 2Gth, 1S})7. Dear Friend. In view of the overwhelming majority I'ccorded hy Ontario npfrtinst the li(inor traffic in the Provincial plebiscite, the demand made by the frreat Convention held in this city last July, and the promises made by the Ontario Government, it was contidently anticipated that an important measure of useful restrictive legis- lation for the cui-tailment of the li(|Uor traffic would be enacted by the Legislature at its present se^ision. Tlie measure introduced into the Legislature on Thursday of this week, while good in some particulars, was, however, so far short of what was anticipated, and in some respects so retro- grade in its character— being directly favorable to the liquor traffic — that it has deeply disappointed the fiiends of tenjperance A hurridly convened meeting of active temperance workers representing all classes and parties, held .yesterday afternoon