'SW^^^ , 'v , > w >;: A" ■-' . ^•^ *- ^, . .-- ,', ■; -. ,..I.^r' ■-.-'<• , tf 'V -v.; ^\^ i- \^ c OcT/-. ^ c^ '/ '/% /'^7/y7i//V "V^ith Best Wishes, J=(^ie ^ (Urke, TOI^ONTO, A BLESS3W6. "Tk LORD Me35 tKec, a»\cl keejD tKee: TK^ LORD make HI5 face to sKlKc ^l^oh tKc^, ahcl fae gr'aciou5 uKto tkc^: Tkc LORD lift \xp His cour\tcr\ahce ^Jpo^ tke^, a»\c| giVc tke^ Ipcac^^." 7 NUM. 6 54-16. / 70370 / (tiONIEWiTS. »»«<*: TKc ri»-At (ii\k-iMtna3 1 . A Hajspy .Service l^. At\ \Jt\kt\oWii\ PatK 5. TKc Clo5it\g Year 7. TKe HMdcA Life . . . . . .15. Irtvfu-oviKg TJ\e Time IZ4. BeTKou raitKful 16. TKc Law Of TKc Lore! 1 7. A Orateful 5cirvicc 1^. Tull A^AUfarxcc 21. He KrxoWctK Be^t 25. A Prayer Tor Heljj . . . , . . 2Zf. A(5ici•^g Place* 2t5. TKe dreat^M Of TKcAc U Love . . .27. Little TKi^9* .;.... 26. TKi* «5att\e JcAUA 2<^. TKe Book Of Book* . . . . .54. TKe -SKac^oW Of TKe Croi^ 36. JeAM^s, lAy Kmc^ ^7» I Will Praise TKy Name 3^. A LiUlc WKilc ^1. Our TatKcr ^2. WKatAo^Ver ^^• Nohe OtKer Name 4'^' A BiK^-clay WI&K ...... 50. EaAtcr ^uKcjay ^*^' TatKer, 1 TKarxk Tke '^^• P\y Beloved Is MiKe ...... 55. BeKoM He ComctK 57. Co, PreacK TKe Clos)3cl 5^. He KKoWetK 6d. TKma 5alti\ TK^ Lor4 65. TKe Ciuicilt\g Har\c| ,,.... 66. TK« OM Homestead 6S. TKc U>\cKa»\9eable Ot\e 71* JcAUA, ]^y PoKioK 7^ly» o'c** ^^C kill top*, i^ose a t>ri9l\tKeA5 lik^ tke *uK. It gr^w i^ glo^'y ai>d grandeur, Till tke ka^^ty filled tke ^ky, WKile al\9el Voice* QkaKted "Olory to (lod ot\ kigk." *'Ciloiry to c| t^oo(4 Will" ok cartK; We come to t)lfir\cj "c^oocl ticiiKq3," Of tKc i^cAAiaK'3 MrtK. TKc t>^iciKt»\e*5 -sloWly facletl, Arvcj (^eaieci tK^ joyful -sou^ycl; Quicker tKahy licjKtrvi^tj fla5Ke5, 1 TKji tic|i^5^5 ^preaci arourvci, TK^ tnouKtai»\5 cavic^Kt tK^ ccKo, AM Aer\t it far aWay ; AacI tKe muiic Atiil i^ nr\<^iK3 TKrouc^Kout tK^ Woflcl to-c|ay. «3olT\t Kearc^, aM AaW, at\ci Wo^c^erccl, t I Arvci turr\ec| ac)air\ to aIccjj ; \i5onr\^ Atairtleci— aKci yet c^out)ti^<^, l^eAolVcci a Watcl^ to keep. 5om^ tKou^l\^ aWKil^, ar\c| marvelecl, About tJye Wo»\c|rou5 ace^^, ' Ar\cl pai^ccl ac^aity to liv^ tKeir liVe^, A5 if it rve'er Kac| |3eer\. 2 But ^ohrve tKefe Wcr^^, a faltKful feW, W^\o tru.stec| ir\ Cloc|'5 Wore]; Wl^oAe Keart^ Wer^^ full of loVe ar\c| |:jraiA<, Tor wKat, t^at »\i9K^i *^\*^y Kea^-cl. Witlx l\ea>-tA er\>-a^tu>-ec| WitK tke ryeW^, TKe ahycjel^' joyous ^tory ; TK^^y set out at tke c|aWt\ of c|ay To seek tK^ Lorcj of (jlory. TKey fouiAcl Him irv a n\a^t|er laic|, Iry BetKI^Kem'^ tjuair\t o|<4 toWfyj Tl\e lor\c| foietolcl /^eaiial\ — KiKcj — At last to eartl\ com^ c|oWt\. TKey WoriKilipeci ahcj acjorecj Him, Witl\ KvaVc^';s exultiK^ tKl-ohc^, At\c\ i\\\i-s> eartl\ kar^yt'c| tKe muAi(;^ Of tKe cjreat l-erjemptiol^ aoKcj, He came tKe Kihcj of Acje5 — Trom Hi^ (aricjKt Kom^^ \k\ HeaVer\, To Auffci-— cjie at\ci rise acjait\, TKat Wc micjKt be forcjivet\« A loVe (jeyoKcl osir mea^ui-cmeht, Etcirhal — cKar\gelc3s — c|ccp, A loVe tKat Kat»\ tKc poWcr to aaVc, Akc| aUo |3oWet- to keefj. ■So, tKfou^ly all our CKri^tm?^^ 9>'«2etir\35, TKe key-Kot^ aKoviIcJ (d^ LoVc — "Peace aKc| ^oocj Will" to tT\ar\ (jeloW, "Cilory to God," above. .'f^il >»>«< 'S- A HAPPy SERUJdE O Work wKile tKc dayll^K^ 15 daWhirvg, (Jo tell of JHe5AiaK'5 loW h'l^<\\, Arycj carry tk^ ligkt of tke mcrKiKg Tar iKto tkc dark laKcj^ of eartk. T'mW iooh ^kall tk^ >'ay-s of tl\c (Jo^pel, Be mcr^ecj iM.o ivrvligkt a^airy; Tke Day -Star t>ut kcral<;5 ll\c rT\orrvi»\g, Wkerv tkc ?\a3ter 15 comirvg to reljK. Tkere are trvaKy wko khoW Kot tkc story Of Jesu^' first cottxirv^ to saVe, A How He left HI5 t»r-igKt Kom^ i^ tl\e glol-y, Tot- 5ufferir\9, a^d cieatly, aKci tKe graVc, HI5 glaci re^ul-r^ctiohy, ar\c| victok-y, ttii a5c^r\5lot\ to HeaVehy to i'eig^y, HI5 living to JDlcad for His peofjie, Hi^ prolTvi^e of cotT\lr\g a3air\. Tl\ek*e are Korr\e5 t\at ar^ loKely aKc! dr^afy, Ahd l\^airts tKat ar^ cKeerles^ aKc| saci, Mahvy troupled o^ye5, foot-^ore arvc| Weak-y, WKom J23v«5 alo^e car\ lT»ak^ ^lacj. TKct\ go, a5 HIa Witf\es5, a^c| ca»-r-y TKe »T\essa9e to all, far ar\c| rvear, A»\cl JesM5 will croWt\ eV^ry effort, At\c| cjive you a Happy NeW Year. AW "UNKNiUlilN PAIH. CANNOT sc^ tl\e years before me, I khvoW Kot wKetKert ^ey (ae t>rief orlohg, DarkeK^d WitK clouds, Weary, rougK, ahyd lohely. Or (rrigKt witK su^sKir^e, ahd tKe Voic^ of sok^. 1 oKly kt\oW tkat TKovi, my KIk^ aVM^ *5a/iovH', Wilt 5\i>-ely cjuicie mc i^ tKc patK tKat'5 ficjKt; I an\ .so .si^ful, Wa^c^<^i'i^c^, Wilfu), WayWard., i^akc nt\y Will TKirv^, aKc| IcacJ me iKto lit^l\t. I (^aKKot &^^ tK^ WoJrk tKat li^5 [^zfof^ m^, TKe jaast is mat-kecj fjy failuJ-e aKc^ WitK f eair^, «5o mvicK tkat migkt KaVe |:cct\ aQcompli^K^c); I movirrv my faitl^lessKes^ W\i\\ bitter teaf^s. Help me, <^ea»- Lore), (ay 5ty-eK9tK Almi^Kty, To cjo eacK ta^k TKy loVe .see5 |^it to giv^, 5o ^^atie^t fie, \t\ Worki>\cj, oir ir\ Waitihycj, At\ci ohly j^ok- Tl\y gloiry ^ye^QefoKK liV^. I (^aKKot .se^ tK^ maK5ioK TKou aK fjuilcjihyg, Tk^ c^olcleK ci'oWK aWaiti>\9 me afaoVe; 1 chvly kt\cWtKat I .some j^W^Ls yet may c^atK^^^i TocroWKtny Loi-cl, & tKek-eWitK|3fcV^ my loVe. XeacK me, Lorcj, to mekz TKy Will my J3lea.sure, Ak-^ lr\ TKy ^eWicc f\t\r^, my joy QcmjDlete, A^:ic]ihc^ Ik TKee, fruitfvil ar\c| Victoi'iou.s. AM i^ 3We^t coKVer.se .sitting at TKy feet. I ^ahKot 5ee tK^ joy tKat lie.s (before m^, TKe t>li.S5 Wl\erv I sKall 5ee TKee fa^^ to face. I ohvly khoW tKc ir^^t of TKy ialVatior\, TKc itjqKcs of TKy free ahci bouhcjlcsa g^'acc, TKe |3eaQe tl\at pasActK KvimaK uKcleirMar\c|lK^, Is tut tKe earrye^t of tKe life to come; WKcfN caKlx'5 dark maz^ witK glory Is illumlKed By tK^ clear sufxIlgKt of tKe Tatl^er'A Kome- CHE ltLiDS3N6 UEAR. HE f>a5t Kas gohe forever, WitK its shxiles, arxcj witK its t^ars, Its sKadoWs, z.W(\ it5 suKsKiKe, It;:> trustit\g, ar\ci its fears; Its 5orroWs, ahci rejoi(;^il>gs, Its galhir\g, ahcj its loss, lt5 Vic^oi'ie-s, ahvd its failures. Its coh\forts, ahcj its cross, TKe past Ka5 goKe foYzy/^Y, WitK Its poV^Ky, or WealtK, It5 (jusih^ss, aKcj its pleasures, Its sickrxess, arvcl its Kealtl\ ; Its cKarvcc5 o^t Kcglecteci, lt5 grace* left viKWoK, TKe sIk* Wc KaVe comrtxktecl, At\<\ i\\^ gooci We'V^ left vit\c|ot\e. Tl-^ t^a-st Ka* flohye fo»-eV^r, 'Twill Ke'ef »-et\4k-r\ a^aih, TKougK faiK We Wo VI lei t'e(;^all It, Ovijr cffcK^ air^ Ik ValK. (JoKe to JeKoVal\'* keepirvg, 'Ti5 ^lurrvberiK^, t>ut r\ot cieaci, AM witK uherr-irc^ judt^rT\cf\t Its i-^corcl sl\all t>e Jreaci. TKe futviir^ lie^ fjcfofe us, We Qar\r\ot see tl\e Way, WKetlyef It t>c i^^ cia»-kr\es5. Or tncjKt ahcl golc|^r\ 4ay; WHclKer call^ci to latour oK, Or* lay cvir arirvovir cJoWIa, WKetKer to licet' tl^c ceHl\ly c^'^-^S' Or Wear tKe KeaV^hly croW^. We cahhot re-call tKe year ^oKe t>y, Nor se^ tKe years to corrx^, 6 TKc ipcit Ke.5 gcr\c {roiT\ cVcry mar\, No {utvtk-e Kcrc, for ^orrxc. A5 We jDoKcieir |3a.st aK-^ {utvre, Our cKougl^ts ar\cl KcaK^ c^roW ^ac^, But ''r\oW i^ tKe acccjDteci tlrrx^," To mak^ tK^ future ^lacl. BetWeeh tl^e past ahvcj future, Like a ray of ^\eaVe^'5 ligKt, Ti\e pre-ser\t (;^orT\e5 (3^ fore us, Witl\iK our grasp arycjsigl^t. A tlm^ to ask forgiveness For tKe errors of tKe past, AM ir\ view of future testing, ^eek treasure tkat Will last. TKe past trvay IcaVe us faulty, Ik tke present We nrvay groW, AkcI tke goocl We *>oW accorT\plisl\, All future time will skoW, Let us f^e ^p ^^^ c|oihg, Anc^ u^e <[\z l\our5 to-clay, Tor quickly claWf\-s tke morroW, Witk life's ckaKce passec) aWay. TKe^ -sit r\ot cioW>\ Ik IcjIckcaa, Tor AoolA will life t>e cloK^, At\ci ^re5ct\t, f>a5t, ar\<4 fvituir^ Be ^atkefcci mto oKe. WKe»\ "time 5Kall t>C ^^o lohget*,** Ik HeaVcK all c|ay aKc| lit^Kt, Ik Hell, oKe KeVet- cKatx^iKg, L0K9, bla^k, et^t-Kal Kl^Kt. TKeK let U5 ^avise aWKIIe, aKcj cKoo&e TKe t>cUe»- tlylK^s tKat laM; Take Jc-sv«5 fo>* o^** -SaVlouf KoW; He Will h\o< out tKe fJa^t. We stahycl KoW at t^e tv-y^tlK^ filacc, Years past al\c| yeairs to coltxe, «5Kall tKey take f\iri\\zY from our Clod, Or jpf\t\^ U5 Kearer Kohve? We may Kot Keeci, or kl\oW it, We may treat tKe tkougjyt WitK But We are Wor^e o^ better KoW, TKat\ at tKe last clay-claWt\. Holler, Kojaler, )purer, Nearer to (loci, aKcl rest, scorK, 10 Or ^rifi\t\^ aWay \t\ tKc ^KacloW, rurtKcr from all tKat'^ bU-st. Tl\c past may mock, ajspal us, TK^ fvitvifc may allure, Ohve got\c, tl^e otl\cr cloujatful. Of e ovir store, Tor time but (srihgs us to tKat pla(^e WK«^« ^•'^^ sKall be ho more. -«► 11 RE5T1NCI AND LEARNlNCi. ^^ AT THE: MA5TE:R\5 TEET. IHE H3DDEN L3FE. [UR "life iA Klcj witK CKHM," irv secret WitK CKriit WKo ir\ tKe TatKcr'A fjo^om live*; Yc5» We »»*€ Hi5, a»\c| He i* our'* forcVcr, A5 day t>y c^ay We take <\\^ life He ^iv^^. We Kcecl l\ot live ir\ ciarkhe-s-i Kere, or AorroW, DWellihg \t\ Him make^ all e^Kk'-s ^KacjoW^ fjH^kt; Tor tko^c Wko claim a felloWAkijp Witk HeaVe^, Tke Kir\g ka* ^aicj, may eVcr Walk 'H\ ligkt. Okl Aafe at>ic)ir\9 t>l^<^C; O^* -sW^et QommuhvioK; "Hicicieh WitkCKn^it ihCloci;" all Aafe aboVc, He ckahgetk Kot, &t\<\ He Will eVer keej) ua Pvi^e, fr-ee from siK, at>iciir\9 \t\ H\^ loV^. He cjiecl \ipot\ tl\e ci'o*5 to gairv o\x\r paHoK, He t>ici* MA tell t^c Atory o'er ar\c| o'er, Walking \t\ li^kt Witl\ Him alo^g e^*'^^'* patk- Way, Till We ikall «ee Him orv fair Ziorx'^ skore. 13 3I1FIPRIDU3NIB IHE iTJJFlE. ^^/hxis/ not thyself of to-mornnv,''' Provcrhs 2y: i. HE" jDreA^I>t taik Ia all We KaVc to c|o, TKe futviirc lie* WitK (loc| ahcj He ii tfuc, He Kah^A HIa cuKair\ o'cir our eartKly VieW A^c^ i5ici5 u^ Work to-cjay. Tl\c preAeKt (jattic i* t^e or\c to f I^Kt, To Va»\qui5K eVil by tK« spirit'* li^Kt, To co»\cjuel' Wrohg, to folloW ir\ tke lrl<^l\t, Akc| 5olclie»'A t>e, to-cjay. Ir\ preA^Kt c|al*kKcsA i^ tke time to ^kiKe, Tkat otker* may jp^fceiVe tke ligkt Divirxe, Akc| A^ek to khoW tke t>r-|gl\t»\eAA tkat \s» tki^c• TkelA t>e a \\^t\K. to-cjay. Tl\c )3rc5eKt momeht is tl\e o»\e to re^t I^V cklMIIke truM upoK tke Mastev'^ t>»-eaAt, 5ure tl\at W^ate'er befal, He khvoWctk be^t. Tk^K Walk \w faitk to-cjay. 14 TK^ J>reAC»\t cKaKQCA at-e tK^ oK^a to ^cck A loVi»\g WorcJ to Weary ^ouU to Apeak, A |jit of cour\Ael to tKc WalAcjerer Weak, , »3ome otKer, K^lf) to-c|ay. TKe pre^eKt joy^ are tKoA^ for wKicK to jarai^e, A prayer of c^ratituc]^ to Crocj to rai^e, WI\OAe loVi»\9 kir^4^^eA5 croW^etK all tKy cjay^, lie full of tKahk* to-cjay. TKe pr.Aelyt le^AoK j^ tl\v' o^^ to rea(^J\, To l^arK tl\< trutK* tKe spirit yearrx* toteacK, Be iileKt, iJMeKmg, wKil^ Ctoci cjotK b^AcccK, A»\c| 3tu<4iouA be, to-day. TKe |Dre5ervt momervt ji tKe tlt-A^ to ^ih^, AM i^ reKear^al for tl\e Kir\^, LearK tKe 5or\g witl\ wKicK H^aveK will rihg ; TKeK joyful t>e, to-day. Live rigKt to-day, aKd Clod will ble^^ tKy decc|*i TKi* World Kas Keed of life, ar\d ^°< of Qreed^, TKou wilt a f}|eA&ir\g fjc, if J^aua iead^, 5o follow Him to-day. 15 Tl\er\ cjally tojl ir\ tl^irxc ajajsoiKted place, AM cjo iky duty, Ood will ^iVc e couKted faitKful, Mu^t hot cKoo^c Kii Work at all. Do tKe dvitie^ tl\at li^ »\eareM, Plu^k tkc floWer5 alotyg tly^ Way; i^ef\der jarolnpt ahd cKjerful Aervl^^, Do »\ot Wa^te tk^ jareA^ryt day* Do hot Akur\ tke littl^ laf>ourA, If tkou Would'<&t Wih true rehoWK; He tKat'A "faitkful," hot 5ucceA5ful, ^l\all receive tke promised croWh. 16 IHE LAli) iDF IHELiDRD -x lA per- fect, cor^Vc^'ti^9 ^Ke Aoul; kirvg Kirn wKole. (Jo 4' A Worcl U Ao Aure, tKe fool it make5 Wiicj It rejoice5 tixe Keart, ahcl etxIi^Ktcrx* tKc eye^; It is laitih^ ar\4 rigKteouA, aKci true a* of o|4, It ii sWeeter tKa»\ Ko^ey, arxil ricKc*" tKat\ ^oM; It War^i U5 of c|ar\c|cr; it cleatxseA from iirx, AM \i\ kecJ>i»Ng it* rccorc|5, rcWard* Kere t>egm. To Kold b^ck frorjv error, ar\c| all ^ecr^t iiK; TKe remecjy Aureit, i* OocJ'a WorcJ WitKih. 17 A SRAIEFUE SERUJeE. E tl\at\k TKce, ol\I oui- ratket-. ror our KajDpy CKr-iMiarN laM, WKci-^ all ar-^ free to Wor-^Kija TKe^, I»\ all TKou cjost Qomrrxahc^. Oviir KeaKs 90 out \t\ ^ympatky Tok- tko^e Ih l\eatkcK ^i^K^, Wko »\^Ver keafcl Tky f)>-e(^|ou5 Worc|, Akc) kr\oW Kot tke Tt-ue Ll^kt. I^ laKcl-^ all cole) aKc) c|eaolate, Fa^t l^ovitNc) •►> ice aKc^ 3t\oW; Ir\ couKtlrle^ clac) Witk V^irdut-e, WKe^e liVihg Watei-^ floW; 5o hfva»\y aire ih cjairkK^^^, IciolatJry, &t\^ ^ihv, Tkey cjo Kot loVc tk^ Lo»rc| at>oVe, \/\\o diecl tkelr A0UI5 to Wl»\, "Cto tell to eVet-y cfeatufe'* Tki^ I5 o\iY LoItc^'a commaK^; Tke rick, tke Jjooir, tke great, tke 5mall, Of zW^Vy creed, aM lat\<4. Trar (lo Wak^ - call; Wkat He K^^-a c|o>\t fo** y°^*» It i^ your Loirci'o commi^^io^, To pt-cack to all tkc Worlc|; TkeK cV^l'y l\our put foKk your poWef, AKci kee|3 Hi^ fla^ uhfuHcc^. Ari^cl t>e up, aM cjoiK^, Atyd lat>ouir Wklle you trvay, Tkc time for Work i^ pa^^lrxg, Tull ^oor\ will qIo^^ tke clay. Adcl to tk^ Lorcl'i great army, Tke t>raVe, tke true tke ^troiyg, Ahvcl clally flt^kt for e I0K3. If you cahvKot preaQJ^ tk^ (lospel Ik tkose reg|ohy3 far a Way; IS You ca^ ^iVe to &zr\^ tKc rT\e35age, A»\ci 5j>ccci it wKlle you jpiray. Prayer Ia tl\e golcjeh laclcjc*"? TKat rcacl\e3 to (Joc^'a tKiror\^, AM rrvaki* Weak mahy orrvKl)3oter\t, Ir\ Je^U5' streK^tK aloK^. TKer\ {?r-aVely t>attle o^Warc|, Al\cl fear hot c|eatK of Ioaa; But carry Ihto eVc»'y (l^llrne TKe story of tKe CroA5. Ar\d witK tKe Ciosfjel hrxessa^e ^Some r-aKAoineci 5l»\KC*" To jom WltK your* tKeir Voice* lt\ tKe Palace of T\yz Kihg. "zcr FULL ASSURANltl. 2 Tim, I: 12; Nah. i: 7; Prov. 16: j; I Pet. 4: ig; Psalm jy: 5. KNOW wKom I l^aVe truM- ^cj," ahvci H^ caK heVe>- fail; No jDoWe»' oh eaKK caK eVel*, HI5 WeakK of loVc a^Aail. f\y Lok-d ar\c| my !^^c|ecnr\^t-, WKo boMgKt tnc wItK HU (}looc); ' Wl\o c|reW me from X\\z de- sert Way, AkcJ macjc me KlgK to Cioci. BeyoMtKe poWet* of tellirx^, 1^ tKe loVe of CKr-l^t for me; AM WoKcleirou* Qotycle^Qeh^lory! 'Ti* offeir^cj full ahd free, H^ l^roM^Kt m^ from e «llCV- it\^ ^ovi); "He kt\Dv^itK tKjm tXat trust Him," tKe okca H^ KatK rrvaciz wK^ie, ' He RrNow'-s tKz 5!^ ar\4 5Drrow', feeU foir ^acK t>ur-cleKe<4 K^art; He k»%oVs C^cl\ l\jir of glory, a^ci ^alletK tl\e»n apart. '•He kADWetk tXem trvat tru^t Himj" for tK^m His p.-ayers ay/all; 'I k.^jV yV.\3nt\IKa/^ trusted;" I kKoW He ca^>^- rvoi: fail, H£KNiDlil£iEH BESC. HEN likea tkick curtail tke eloucj of lift* a 5orroW5, Ot>s(^ures from our vi^iory tke b>'igkt laKc|of reMj T^e^, trust i Kg ir\ Jes\is,Welear)\our(;^kief les«ol\, TkatourWay hr\ear\s failure;a»\c) Hi^Way is f>est. 2d A PRAIJER FlDR HEtP Ol^D, I ahr\ Weary, cjoTKou givc me r^^t; Let me \t\ f&\<\y leah ofxTKy loVi^g bk-ea^t; ComfoK aKd ^uppoK m^, ^Kleld me witK TKiKe arm, TKerx tKovigk triaU f>re^^ me, KaugKt caK cjo me Karm, I am Ao coM ahc| faitklea^, OKI 5el\cl TKy li^Kt Wkkih, nil me WitK TKy Jjl-e^ehce; take aWay my 24 TcacK tni to follow closely, TKy AtcJ>A aloK^ e cVcl* faitKful — )pa^K, to tKe marx- Aiot\^ of tl\e bl^M, AM 1 sKall dwell fol-eVer, i»\ <\\^ realm of jpc*"- feet re^t. "/// jy> Fathet^s house are many abiding places.'^ John 14: 2. (R. F.J BIDlNd Placeil — carx It be, TKat JeiU5 KaA prepared for m^, A K^nrx^, a re^tltx^ pla^e witK Him, WKere truest joy^ sKall heVer dif^? "A'pidi^9 place*," t>eyol\d tKe rat>ge Of d«atK, of AorroW, or of cKarxge. 2^ "Ihe greatest of these is Loue/' • written ir\ tl\e livJKg Woirci, HOPE carv Ae^ tKe futu.^ glories; Aul>Atar\ct of iKc tKirv^A A!-yc'A lyeafci, LOVC cal\ feci tl\e gloHc^ pre^erxt, LOVC car\ ol\ tKe |3roift\iA^ **C*ti LOVC ca^ reacK tKe (ioc| of HeaVeh, lay Iyer l\eacj upoK Hi^ iarea-st. TAITH car\ make CKi^ Worlc| a palac^, a^c^ b^iKg H^aV^r\ cioVtN to eartK; HOPC carv 3il4 C^\e cloucj WitK iilVer, ahc| turn «ac(r\e«5 iryto miirtK; LOVC caK or\ly f\t\^ Ker 4Wellir\g ir\ tKc Keart of Him ^Ke loVe^, Irv HIa arrrxA ^K^ jaroVc^ Ker HeaVeh, at Hi5 Voice alor\^ ^Ke moVe^. fAlTH aM HOPE are but aAat\gel5, tKatc^K leaci to Zio^'« lahcj, LOVE l\aA e^ter^ci, arxH foreVer KoIc|a tKe key Wit^\i^ Ker Kar\ci; 27 LOVE will make tKe sW^zifst muAic tKat aKall QcKo from 'cig^5 t^erc for cVei-morc NLY a IIUlc Wor<\ A^okeh ir\ loVe, 0>\ly a Weary soul poiKtecl at>oVc OKly a kir\cl!y act— a t^rNcJer ^mile, Ot\ly a t>urclehc9 tKougl\t cJyeriily^cl WitKcarc, 0»\ly a tiKy ^oir\ cK^erfully glVe»\, OKly a grateful Keart lifted to HeaVeh. Ohiy a (jattl^ fougiyt — a victory Wo>\, Ohly wroKg Vai\q\iiAKeci, at\ci tKe rigkt <\ot\^. 0»\ly tl\e littl^ tlyi»\gA make \ip tKe great, Ohly Work earKe^ly — time Will Kot Wait; Ak<^ at tKe (^loAe of life JeAM5 Will Aay [ aye. TaitKfxil \t\ little tKihg*, Til croWK tl\ec f or 26 " IHSS SAJFIE 3ESUS " ACTS i: I J, H15 Aame JCAU5" WKo Wa5 Q»-ac|l^c| LoW irv iSetKleKerT\'5 marxt^et* t>cc|, Humfjl^ir iKarv Hi5 oWK ci-^atiohv, "Haci »\ot wKe»-e ar\c|. "TKIa 3amc JcauA,** liVcA forcVe^, Arvci I5 comlhg bye aM by^ To QoKcluct HJA IoVIk^ cKlMreK To a tl^AAecl Kom^ oh KIgK. "TKlAAamc JcAMA,'* WKo Ih cKiMKooci Aye ofjcyecl HIa J)al-eKt*5 Will, Of iKK; TKe AalVatior\ Of eacK KatloK, Deic^heci to clWcll a* cKiM oh ^aKk. "TKi* Aarrve Je^vi^" liV^A foreVer, A^ci JA comir\cj t>ye ar\c| (aye, To )preAe»\t Hi5 loyal ^Kilclreh To tl\eiir TatKek- ir\ tK^ sky. "Tl\l5 Aam^ JeAU5," WKo lt\ ma^Kooci Toilec^ a* Qa>-|Der\teir Witl\ h\aK, Dit^hified all JyoKe^t lafjor By It5 \xt\\ot\ \r\ HI5 jplarv; To^ He caretK AkcI He ^KaretK It\ tKe cornhxorx c|aily ta^k ; 5till He liVetK, Orace He ^iVetl^, EVeJry jjle^^ih^ tkat We a^k. "TKU Aam^ JeA\i5*' liVe^ foreVeir, Ahvcl I A comirxg t>ye ah<^ t>y« To ireWaH HIa faitKfvil Wo»-kmct\ Wltl\ a ^r-oWrN, ahcl re^t or\ Ki^K. 50 "TKI^ dame Jcaua" Wl\o Wa* cVer Daily Walkihcj, c|oiK^ 9ooc|, Life, aM light, at\c| KealtK i»n|3aKit\g, ^i^Kt ar\4 Kcarihc^, Atrchgtk aM foocj, 5iM\cirA k^oWi^g, Yet f>eAtoWir\9 All tKey Ke^4 to make tkem ^ure, TeacKir\g, Kyc To call tKo^e wKo Ker^ l-eceiVe Him, To Hii Jjalace m yc aKci t>y^, Wlyc^ t»o^K ''^'^9? &lcej)lr\g CkriitiahA, All 5Kall meet Him irv tKe -sky. "Tl\i^ 3a»^C Jc-SM-s," WKo a^cehciecl From tKe mouKt H^ loVec) Ao Well, WK^t'C He gaVe Hi* la^t ^s^\r<\\ me^^age, Bacje m^h go, Hii (Jo^tiel tell. 52 (( Duty 5KoWi>\9, PoWer t>e^toWir\g, TKat tKc ticJilN^A ^t)k-eacl arouhc), Till tKc ciawr\l»\g Of tKat moi-Kihg, WKe»\ oi\ caKK agalK He'5 fouhc|. "TKii ^ame Jc-su5'* IIVca forcVer AkcI i& Qomlhg (jye ai\c| t>ycj Watcly ye, «|3feaci atifoac) tKc Mory, Tor tKc Kouk* ia cIrawlKg »\igK. TKU «amc Jc"*U3» AaitK tKc ^drlptM^c <3Kall Ao come, e'cK a^ H^ Wcht, Quickly, quietly, witKe^^ccI or\ly By tKc f «W, tKc ^Sjjirit-Acht ; •5taKc)ir\g, gaziK^, Pi-ayc**^ uipraiiirx^ To tKc Master WKo KacI goh^ ; Ahgcl c(\iciir\95 CoiTxc, witK tidihg* TJ\et-e I A Woirk tKat tnuM t>e <\°t\^ ; T'or tKi^ JcAUA liVcA fofcVeir, Ahci i* coiT\lr\g jpyz ahc| t>yc, AM tKc faitKful oKcA ^l\all meet Hirn All t»-iumpKar\t ir\ tKc *ky. 5d "TKi* iamc JcAUA," WKo KatK 5e»\t U5 5wect Worcl^ from Hi* tKrohc aboVe, *'NeVcr leave <^^^^ ^^o^- forsake tKe^," U Mill uheJ\ah9eci, aKc| full of loVe ; TcacKirxg, ^uicjio^, Ar\c| proVic)i^d Tol- lessirN9, Poor- — witKout His t>leAsir\g Kcre. *'TKiA same Jesus" liVe^ forcVer, Ahcj is con\ir\g fjye ahci tye, L^t us ([^omf ort ohe arvotkek* WitK tke J>romise "He is fxi^k." IHE BlDiDK iDF BlDiDKS. Y f>lessec), ^k'e(^ious 15ibki Tkc iiook of books to m^, WriUeh ot^ all tky )3ages TKc loVe of CK»-isi 1 see. 5Z^ TJyou cii<4M ^^oW rn^ rny cohcjitioK Wf\cr\ far- aWay f l-ohrv (loci, TJ\at from 5ir\ looleA^ Amhcr, Tr-emfalmg before doc)'* fac^, 5till He, WKo gave HI* life for miAc, Wouici ^aVc me f>y HI* gra^e. Tl\at 'a>>'SgireAAor, MigKi (je macie pure Wi\k." TKou c|ic|*M tell of "pe»'fcC^ r-2^ce,** TJ\at JeAU5 CKri^t Will giVe To all wKo will atMe li\ Him, AM for HU glory live. 56 TKy 5Weet Voice WKl^JDcrccj of tru^ joy, Tull JjcrfeetAe-s* of loVe, TKat We ca»N ta^c wKile dWelllKt^ Kcrc, rot-eta5te of HcaVe»\ a^oVe. My t>le5^eci, prcciovi^ Bifjle, I c\o loVe tKce nxok-^ at\c| mdre, TKy rlcKc3 ai-c viK^eak-cKafjIe, A free aKcl t>our\c|le33 Mo^-e. I will loVe tKee tnotz a^ yeair^ lro|| or\, Walk ever \t\ t^y llgKt, Till I sKall khoW — wKere t\oW I truM WKer\ TaitK i5 lo^t \t\ iigkt. «5 augkt t>ut lo^s? Tkeire i^ fe^t, ahvcj f>eace, aKc| iu^iki^e1 '>>ea<:k tke ^l^acjovv of tke CroA^ ; Ia tke Way loKg ar\c| Weary? eartk'5 golc| all mixecl witk c|ro35? Tkere are ricke* — free — u>\failiAg, 'Kcatk tke Al\a<^oW of {\\z CroAS, 56 3E8U8 Ifiy K3]^3. E.5U5 tKc rnc^k aKcl loWly, Ai>ic)e WitK tni'y OKI make m^ f)uire ar\c| Koly, Like to T\\^^. TKy bleAAed jsi-eAclyc^ all ike Way, T\\y&z\f aloi\e my duicje ai\c| ^tay, TKy loVe moire pr^cioM^ cVelry day, J^AUA, my Kit\9. TcacK m^ to tell tke Atolry O'er ahd o*el-; Live oryly fof TKy glory, More a»\ci more. Till TJ\o\i 4o&< come i»\ glory (srig^t, AM faitK |>e lo-st i^ perfect ^igKt, W^eh ea^rtK clouds facjc "^ HeaVe^'* ligKt, Ahcj fulKcAA of TKy loV^. 37 3 UI3IL PBA3SE IHy HATfiE Psalm 14^: 2. ( Sii^^^^ested by Rev. Charles H. Spur^reon.) A^TCRI from my \ijbX*i I tKa^k TKee for TKy lov^, TKat TKovi did'^t leave TKyglon'ovi dwelling up afjoV^; My ^alVaiiohy t>y TKy blood moAt precious , TKou ^\^3t WoK; ^Sealed my pa^dorv — made m^ TKir\e fcr- REV. CHAS. H. SPURGEON. eVef - all i^ ^:>\yz. Master I I will praJA^ Tke^, all alot\9 \\z Way, F'or TKy bov^^dlc■S3 good^2-S3 ; p^'ai^i TKe^ eVery day. Master! more aK'J more I tKa^k TKce; — TKou art mirye, I posses^ TKy free -salVatiofx; I am TKI^e; 3q I jDirai^c TKc^ tKat my aoul from cia»'krvcA5TKou TKat I migKt QoKqvier, t>y TKy ireiurrectior\, <\\^ (l^olcl t^raVe ; i^a^ter! I will pralie TKee all alor\g tKe Way; For TKy pou»>4le3A goocirNCi^, prai*^ TKcc eVery 4ay. A^c| wKcK AorroWa come, aKci clark itormA ga- tKcf, fraug} t WitK |^ai^; TKou Wik giV^ tKe (;^lear t^'iyKt AKi^ir^g after raiK, TKy Voice sKall geKtIy wKi^per to me, "c|o rvot fear, Be faitKful — patieKt — eV^*" WatcKful, — 1 am r\ear," 5o Master, I will f)k'aise TKe^ all alo^g tK^ Way, At\4 soo»\ ril iirvg TKy Jaraises i^ HeaVeK's eter- nal c|ay. 40 "AL3iriELEli)H]tE. tt LITTLE wKile" wl\ile pilgrim* Kere we roam, "A littl< wKile, " before tKe re^t of Kome, "A little wKile, " of fjaticrvt, tel>c|er Qare, *'A littl^ wKile, " of 5oWir\g 5eeci, WitK jsrayer, "A little wKil^, " of eartKly joy, or AorroW, '* A littl^ wKile," aMtKeK tK^ ^lacj to-morroW, *' A little Wl\ile, " of 5^ffc'*''>9i o*" of lo-SA, *'A little wKile, " to KoMy bear tKe c»*0'*5^ "A little Wl\ile, " tKet\ lay life'* b^rcjeK c|oWl>, " A littl^ WKilc, " \5l\iK2, or of Ki^Kt, " A little wKile," t^xe^ CKri^t fitcKah^eless ligiyt. Zjl IDUR FAIHER. * ' Our Father ivhich art in Heaven^ Hallowed be Thy fiame.'^ Ul^ TatKcr, clear TatKer, Wc cotn^ to TJ\ce ►xoW, At\(^ aik TKcc to i3le5A, aA Kumbly Wc t>oW, AM tcacK Ui to KalloW TKy WoKc^rouA Aatrx^, 0^ cartK, a* Irv H^aVc^, ita ^lory proQialm. *'7%v Kingdom come.'''' We aik TKe^ to Ka^teh tKe c^loriou^ Kour, WKe»\ JcAus Irv t>ca^ty sKall rule K^rc ir\ jDoWer; WKcrv eartl\ to Hi* footstool, K^r tribute iKall AM oVcr all r\atio»N5, our Lorc| Al\all be Kirxg. ''''Thy will be done on earthy as it is in //eaven." AM tcacK U3, ciear ratl\cr, to liVe ir\ Tl\y Will, Ik all llfe'5 dark places, to truM, aKc| t>c -still; WitK f aitk \t\ Tky guicjiK^, tl\e croWh iKall be Wor\, AM 'twill 5Wcetc»\ life'* -sorroWi, if ''TKy will be c^oKe." H2 '"''Give Its this day our daily bread '^ Wc a^k TKc^ to ^iVc VIA tKe fjle^AlrygA Wc ^ceci, AM out of TKy fjouKty, Tl\y jaoor oKca We'll fccc|, TKy poWef will -svi^taitN ir\ ^i^'i QorvAtarNt Atrlfo, «5o ciay by day ^IVe va tKc tru^ *'I5r-eac| of Lift." '"'' Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.'' ^'TorglVc U5 out- tr-c^lDaAACA," Talker! We jsray, Aa We forgive tKoie wl\o KaVe Wforvgcc^ ua today. May We t>e CKri^t-like, for^iviryg ar\dkiMi ActitygcVer toWaH otl\et-A, WitKT^y loVir\g rT\ir\c|. ^^And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thi?te is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. AmenJ^ Keep UA from tetrxptatioK; from Wa>\c|c^'>\9 ai>c| AiK; Deliver from all evil, WitKout, ar\d WitKiK; AM teacK UA to Walk \l\ TKy life-giviKg ligKt, *' Tor TKihc i5 tKe kiKgdom," tK^ glory ar\d migKt. 45 "lilH2\iCSlDEUER" H050EVnR," Ia tKe mc^^agc of ^al- Vatior\, full ar\ci free; ||e tKat J\earetK ar\ci bdieVetly, il^all t>e AaVec| eterrxally, [^W<\ to all Wl^o tKuA accept Him, all wK© KaVe tKI* OoApel Kearcl, JKere'A tKe b«viMkA3 "WHATSOEVER," faithful a* Hi* (^Ka»\9eleA5 Worci, Secl*ytKir\^ tKou l>e^c|eat, aak for; put tKia pro- mise to tKe teat, RollupohHia "WHATSOEVER," forih cok« ficjeKce, is rest. ^4 "NlDNE iDIHER NAME " N a ciream, I tKoucjKt I Atooc| oKe r\ifjl\t, By tKe Aic]e o|^ ar\ ahcjel clac| \t\ wKit^, JviAt out^icle HeaV^f\'A c|<'olr. Ar\c| 1 Wat(;^l\ec| t;artK'A (aviAy, k-e^tle^A tKrohcj, AloVirxcj WitK ryoi^elt^AA Kaste aloKcj, ToWar4 Eterryity'* ^ouKcJIe^A iKore; At\<\ a* tK^ir term o^ Ij^e Wa* cjohe, TKey QroAA^ci tKe riVeir, or\c fjy or\e, To tkc fc)oircie>'* of <5|3ini: lahc|. I 5aW of\e (^orn^ to tK^ cjolc|cK ^ate, ^e^jmlK^ im|Dati^r\t at KaVitx^ to Wait OutAJcle tKc mahiioKA (jrif^l^t. But tke aKcjcl aikecj, "WKat Ia your* ^arT^^? " LJ|3or\ wKo5e nr\erit5 c|o you claim "A Kom^ i^ tKi^ city of licjKt? " WKat iA your paA^Worcl to crxteir ih? "To aKoW you are |3ure, ar\c| fre^ from 5ih, "Tor all tkitxc^^s are perfect kere." 45 "Ik PRE5ByTE:RlANI5in I MieVe, AacI al) tKe laW3 of tXa^t CAur^K »-cceiVc, Akc| Wol'sKip y CKrist alor\c; You caKKot ehter Kere." ^7 Aa I WatcKed ar\ci WoMer^4, aKotKer clrcW Kcair, AkcJ r-|gKt Wc ^^^^ commuhvioh t>y caKcjl^ li^K^i 'Tl^ a graKcl religious 5K0W. Wc*Ve a si^terKoocI, aKcJ a 5u»-pli(;^^c| cKoir, AM a W^ite-rokcl preacKcr; — Wc KeVcf tire Of Working our Way to (ioc|." But tKe angel sacjly sl^ook [\\& K^ac); "TKi* is t\o |Dla(;^e for you,*' Ke sai4 cjuestiorxs agairy Wer^ askec). "TKe RO?\AN CATHOLIC cKurcK I attcM, AkcJ Kours of J)^r\a»\Qe, a^c| fast I 5per\ci, To ato^e for sifvs of tK^ past. £f6 To maktlfvA ar\c| VcsJaeirA I alway^ go, 1 coK^e^A to tKe Iprie^t all my ^Irv^tKat I know, Ar\c| Kope foY ^alVatloK at la^t. I'lTv gooci to tl\c pooi-, I'm klKcjIy ahci true Wl\ate'ct- my cKvil-cK a^k^ I cKc^ir^Mlly cjo, I llVca rellgloM^ lij^e." ^' Works will not gain you tKe lar\cl of ciay, Je^us CKrIst i5 tl\e or\|y way; You Qat>>\ot ent^r \\-ougK JE5U5 CHRI5T I may ent^r in. His t>looci Kas cleanseci aWay my sit\; Yes, Jesu5 l\a5 cliec| for me. I once Was lo5t i»\ cle^p g^ilt ar\c| Woe, He WasKecj tl\^ Qrimson as wKitc as 5noW, Anc| mac|^ me pure &t\^ frie." TK^n tKe golden gate^ f lew open wide, Ant tKe Koly on^ for wKom CKrist died, Passed in to tKe glory land. 4S TKc»\ tl\c aK^^I ^oi^tecl afsoVe tKc c|oor, A^ci I 5aW wKat I KacJ Kot *ec»\ fjcforc, TKe o»y|y pa3AWot-<4 for youK^ a»\ci oici, *^JE5U5 ONLY," \t\ letters of gold, Yei, (i^KurcK a»\ci religio^ at-e all \t\ Valr\; TKey ca^\^ot aWay WitK aJk'a dark ^tair\; But saVed t>y tKe MaAt^»-*5 prccloui t>lood, Made free f rohr\ iit\, afxd t>>'ougl\< higK to (lod; 'Tl* "JE5U5 ONLY," a»Nd HIa dear loVc, (jiVe 5alVatloh Kcre, ahd Hi* t^^t afjoy^. Ye^I Jc5VJ5 CKrl^t i* tKe ohly Way By wKlcl\ iiKKer* caK cKtcr tKc lahd of day; TK^ oKly hamc to mortaU giVeh, Aa a title deed of tKc Koine i^ HeaVch. A B3RiCHDAy f^JBH. EAR rrle»\d, I Wr\<^ to Wl^K you joy, Oh tl\iA your hatal day, May HcaVcrx'^ fair^^t f loWcir^ be ^tfcWh Alot\g your caKl\ly Way. 50 May your J)atK |>c (jlrigKt, W\<\\ Clod'* oWK ligKt, ArNci {re^ f roh\ sorrow or care, For tKe Keart5 oj^ tKo^^ wKo loV^ you i^^mcmt>er you oft l^ prayer. 1 will hot wIaK you earthly gaiK, Tor ri^KeA, give hot rest; Nor yet for years all free frotw pairv, Tor JeKoVal\ kKoWetk U-st. H^ Is your Trl^hcl, WKate*er He seKcj, Will ever Qohrve cioW»\ l^y loV^; He is t>ut makihg us meet [jeloW, F'or tl\e fjetter Kortx^ a|3oVe. ?\ay "'perfect peace" relgr\ witKirv your soul, AmicI earth's toil ar\c| ^trif^; (Joel's glory a»\c| docl's grace i>i -s^C*^ i^efle^teci il\ your life; Your hyame e^graVecj Ohv tke roll of tl\e saV^c|, Al\c| ahxohg eartK's Kot>le aKcj true, May you f>e fsle^sec) \>y tk^ doc| ajjoV^, . As His cl\ilclrel\ are t)lc5se4 by yo^. 61 A joy tKat ^Kall Ke'^i* cjejaaK; TKe tKree-foM Corel — TaitK, Hope, ar\cl LoVe E^tWiKecl about your K^aK. May |3eac^ ar\c| poWcr, r*!*)) cVcry Kour, Till tKc victor'5 cfowr> be Woh; Her^, tKe Qi-053 to (jear, TKere, tKc croWK to Wear, WKeK all caKK'3 ta^k^ are cjoKc. May you I0K9 t>^ 5y>arcc| to cartKly frichcjs, To cohrx^ort. Kelp, aKcj cKcer, To "rejoice WitK tKetn tKat cjo rejoice," To streKgtKeK tl\elTv tKat fear. TKeK i^ HeaVch afjoVe, By (Jocl'3 gr^at loVe, We'll rel^hy tKrou^K eternal c|ay, WKere K^art greet5 Kcart, No mor^ to part, Arxcj all 5Kac|oWs are passecj aWay. 52 EASIER SHWDAy Wc Kcar- tKe -silver c^imc, Of miilioK VoJQc^ -si^xgihg, TKI.S Ka()py Ea^tcl- tim^. EaK^v mu^ie (jl^hciA WkK HcaVch, To Qrow»\ our J^^u^ Kihg, All jjower to Him i^ giVeK, All ^k-ai^^ to Him Wc t^fihg. 55 OK! grahcl atNci Wor\c)rouA Atol-y; It WaA for VIA He cji^ci, Tl\at tK^ 9olye9o>\e c|ay, [ Way, Tor tKe Kelp tl\at TKou Ixa^t gIVeK all alo»\g tK^ Tor tl\e aAAurah(;^e Cl\rl4t Will [>«»** All my AorroW, all my c^fe, TKat He Will eV^l^y t>\»rcieh s^arc, Tatlyer, I tKarvk 1 Kee. AZ^ FatKcf, c^o TI\ou WatcK ar\c| (^ua)rait\, or care, To ciWcll Ih Jaeace foreVer tker^, Tatker, Witk Tkee. mU BELlDUED 38 PF13NE, AND J AJFi msr ( Song of Solomon 2: i6. ) ' HOU loVe^t m^, ok! WoKcjrouA t»ll'S5, Tar, far fc)cyoKc| my keart'^ cle^ire — My klgke^t wbk; Akc| at Tky aIcIc^ ^y *°^l '5 -satiificcl. A6 T\y all i»\ aII TKou aK, PrcA5Cc| to Tl\iKc Ixcart I feel ^o care, ho f^ar WKehv TKou art »\ea»-; TK^ Cor\3vir»\matloty of all fjli-s* -•* tKii, To khoW tKat TKou art tnihc afvci 1 am TKlKe. 1 khoW lAo otl\er will, r\o poWer t>ut TKlt\e, A 5IAVC to Tl\e^, yet I am ^We^tly free. OK Worvdrous li^c^'ty of loVe! Ohe will all otKer Will^ afaoVc, Ohc at Wt\ose feet 'TIa WorAKi{3 meet, To fjoW IW acjoratioh ^W^et, Offering myself, my Keart, my all, Irv glaci iurrer\cierto LoVe's call; No lohv^er cle^olate to roam. Tor witKirv TKy boAom i^ my Kome. 56 BEHiOLD HE itlDPflEiCH. Mattheiv 24: 42 44. |T may bc a< tK^ daWKiryg, ~ at tKe ro^y li^lxt °f momlh^, TKat tKe MaAtc*''5 loVlrxg 5tc|3 iKall Qomc; Ahcl cartK's Weary Warfare o'er, We ^Kall 5iK a»\ci Weep »\o more, T5ut WitK J^AMA re5t forever Aafe at Kome. It may be Vc^^y -sooh, at tKe goMeh gloW of Kool\, Tlyat We Al\all Aec our .3aVlour come a^aiK; EeKo far aM Wicie tKe cry, tK^ Bridegroom draWetK »\lgK» Our Klt\g c|otK come, i»\ majesty to reigrx. It may fc>e at eVet\ llgKt — or ir\ tKc Aolem»\ KigK^, WKeiy tKe iilv^r moc»> Ia AKiKit\g o'er tKe ^ea; We sKall aK^*** **••* S'o^'y t»'"'9^^» ^^►^^i i>« clotKeci iK 3|}otleAA wKite, WitK our Lord a>\d Saviour ^Ver more to fje. "57 ■'^fr^._ PREACHINCi TO THE INDIAN5. 56 m PREAHH lEHE SiDSPEL. i^OM oVer i\\z ocea^, <[\z rTve.sAagc, Ia 3ouhciir\^ toWarci you to-ciay, Trotn tKoAc wKo ir\ 5i^ ^aV^ becK ^Ic^pir^j^, "Come oVcr ahci \\^\p ua, We jal'ay. W^ k»\oW ^ot iK^ trvitK a5 Ih Je^ui, Our i\a\9 Ik fxl^Kt; OK! will you hot (jrih^ ua tl\^ Clo^pel, Ye iDeople tKat Walk Ih tKe llglxt" Clo^e, qIo^c to our c|oor come5 tKe ^tory Of CKlKa's VaAt hrvilliorx^ of aouU, WKIIe Warm witK tKe b^'catK of tKe cjc^ert, TKe me^aage from Africa rolU. From 5iam, Ja|3a»\, ahci Corca, Trom Ihciia'^ Womer\ \t\ Woe; [(seam^, Trom lips wKIcK are toucKec| witK tKe ^ury- Trom Keart5 tKat are cKillecl fiy tKe sKoW. Ir\ mahy a greet\ floWe^y IslaKcl, i^e-^l^lehdeht ih Kature's array; Irv maKy a (^ourxtry a»\c| city, A Welcome {5 Waitihg to-cjay. ^H 3o l^r\a^y arc willlrNg to follow, If ^ohrvc will but ^KoW tl^crrx tKc ligKt, •SJ>r""'c THE FIELDS ARE WHITE TO HARVEST. But labouir^r^s afc scat\ty \t\ hummer, Wl\lle ficMi, Witl\ tke KaWe^t, are wKitc. 60 5o h\in\y arc livlhg, arvc| ciyi^g, WKo ^ever l^aVc Kearc^ of tKat Li^^t, TKcir live^ by tKe Atory uh^WeetcKcci, TKeir c|eatK i* eterrxity'^ ^if^Kt. Wr\ le _y^ to your bosoms are folc|i^9 TKe Book Witlx tl^e ^aViour'^ co»^^^a^^c|, '•(J) tKerefore, ahvcj teacK eVery ^^atio^, ProcIaimi^g i^y Wore] tKrougK tke laM." ^^^TSl^Hrs. ^'^ f«r-Warc|, aMgive tk^rrx j^^^^^aJK iKe ticiir>g5, [trutk, ■Hf^Bll ^^^ Wo^ci^rful ticjirNcjA of Hltii/b^ira '^^^y ^^^ suited for eV^ry MB^/iiH^ vOKcjitiory, ^^cBl^Q^r ^°^ cKilc|l\ooc], afAcI tnary- ^^^S^^ Kood, aKcl youtK. Tor tKe HcK, a^d tt^e lofty l^ 5tatioK, Tor tKo^c wKo are poor from tKeir Mrtl\, ^aivatlot^ i^ free to all f>coplc, All laK^^ oty tKe face of tlxc eartK. Tl\ery will ye Kot give tK^^v vit tarries H'ia c^^^'^^i Till tKi* Word to all »\atioK3 t>c toM. i:?z"::z7_.7.fzxi/ TELLING THE STORY IN AFRICA. TKcK Kait^ y^, arise, aKcj |dc cioih^. Ol\, l^t hot i\\^ rt\orr\ct\t5 t>c lo5t; 62 TK^ 5aViour*A ''Well cio^e" arvcl His Welcome, Will more iKaK repay all iKe cost, WKer\ out of all climc^ sKall be gatKered, A people preparecl for tl\e Kirvg, WKo, irv glory a^c^ beauty, foreVcr TKe prai5e of JeKoVaK sKall sit\g. » « ■ > ' : - "HE KKiDiatlEIH." JE krvoWetK tKem tl\at tru5t irv Him," OK! sWeet at\cl precious tKougl\t, A»\cl He will keep foreVer sure. [He bouglyt. TVyose wKotTx Witl\ blooci He makes m^ wKole, He keeps my soul, He saVe5 from sirv ar>c^ sorrow, He plaKs my Way; I'll praise to-c|ay, At\4 trust Him for to--morroW. 6d He k»\oWctK &\\ my caKKIy jaatK, AM t>e it cjar-k, or b»'lgKt, It eVer Ia tKc t>cM foi- rrve, Tor He ciotK gulcie arigKt, 5afe tkr-ou^K tKe Klgkt, To HeaVe^'* I'^kt, He JA hr\y kojae aKcj itay; He kolcj^ my l\ahc|, By Him I stahd, AM let Him lead tke Way. He k>\oW£ koW to cjeliV^f me, WkeK t^mjDtecl iol-e, ahd tried, I Ke^d t\o< feat- tke Atl-orxge^t foe, W\\zt\ cloAe to Je^ui' ^ide I'll e WitK UA, aKc| keejj ua, eacK 5tc|p of tKe Way, Gen. 28: 7J. At all tlrne^, aM ih all Jjlace^, Ih cjafkrxe^^ or ciay, J/rt://. 28: 20. 66 I^ corNitaht comrtvu^^lo^, a5 ^T\on^e^tA pa^^ by, Num. II: ij. Ar\-tl^'A commoK c|utie-s ^e^m lir\keci to tK< sky. Z^z'. 26: 12. He ^yaA pfoml^ccl to t>lcAA all tl\c ^mall tKit\gA of life, Z>6'///. 2(!?.- 8. Ar\c| figl\t all our (jattle* \w Aihv*^ Weary strife. Exod. 14: 14. He r\eVc>' Will leaVe u.s, fjut keep u.s eaQl\ Koxir, Josh. I: s. Tl\e Weak may (3^ ^tforN^ i^ tke irvigKt of Hi.5 poW^f. 2 Cor. 12: 10. He will kee|3 ua from .sturT\{}lir\g, a»\ci make c)airk- K^AA t>t'lgK^» ^ 5«w. 2.- ^/ 2 Sam. 22: 2g. He will illumiK^ ^acK ^orroW, WitK HeaVt^'5 oW^ '•9^^^; y<^/^^^ z-^." 18. H^ will give to via freely, all t^leA^iKg We ([^laim, Esther p; 72, /. c. Yea, all tKat We a-sk for, tkrougK faltk it^ HIa »\ame. ye a^Kairvecj tkat irely ot\ Hi* For He i* AlmigKty, ahciwill cohcjMerat lc»\gtK. Rom. 14: II. A5 a Wall o^ ^protectio^, H^ ikielcletK Hi* oWr\, Zech. 2: j", / c. AM tkat keart kc*^ real safety, wkere He kai Hi* tl\rorNe. Zech. 2.- 5. /. c. All tkiKg* tkat He 5C>^cic^^^» »^^5< Work for tk^ (je^t, Rom. 8: 28. For He ^at^ ^o l^romi^eci, a»\c| trviitihvg, We re^t. / Pet. J: 12. He claims our wkole beihg; Hi^ will ikouM \?z AWeet, Afa/t. 4: 10, I. c. Luke 22: 42^ f. c. He will "keep ua frotn falling," ahc| make u* Qomplet^. Jtide 24; Col. 2: 10. Tkougk poor guilty Ait\Ker&, H^ cah make UAall |Dure, I John J: 2. At\<\ "faultlcAi |^re5e^t" ua, ap Hi* Wor<4 4otf\ a^Aure; Jude 24. 67 Ar\c| tKat Wore! AtarycJ* foreVc**, tKoxigK often aAAailed, Matt, 24: 35. No Worcl of Hia |>roh\Uc Ka* eVcr yet failed. /Kings S: 56. At\d We AKall be WitK Him, wKer-^ joy iKall ne'er ([^ea&e, Rev. 7: 14^ 15. And tl\e true King of i^iglxteouAhcAA, iKall gov- ern i»\ peace. Isa. Il: g. IHE $1130314$ HA3MD. ^ tKe gently ilyoWer^, to tKe cirooj>ing f|oWer5, Do fre^Kne^A ancj life impart, 5o from above, may tKe deW of TKy loVc (lently cliitil on my Kcart. Aa bt'igKt al\cl as free as tKe dc«t> t>lv tkrovigk tkcW^II krxoWh street* I kac| of tcK Wa»\clerec| cjoWK. Tke f resk ahd &W^z< greeK kecj^cA, Tkc leafy, Atately tree^, Tl\e fjircJA 5till Aaf\g a5 i»\ by^ohc cJayA To tl\e tuK^ of tke Aummcr breeze. Up tkroMgi\ tlxe road to tke farmyard gateA, i^igkt oh to tke Qottage cjoor — 6S My C^'MKooci'A kom^ 1 Kacj pat-c^d from Tull fifty y^ar* J>«forc. rrom room to r^om 1 Wa»\ciercci, WKilc memory, from [yar itoi^, Deep tKir\ga of ti\c pa^t urvfolcjecl: Of tKe Way 1 Kacj traVclleci o'er; I tKovi^Kt of tKe maKy c^ear ot\zA WKo l^acl troqcieix life'* Jjatk witK mc, WKo how arc Wearing tKc victor'* crowrx, By tKe ^icjc of tKe ^ryMal ica. Ir\ fancy 1 ^aw rny fatKcr agairv, A* Fc Aat ih tKe olc) arm-cKair, WKIIe Wc gatKereci a^ovihcl cjear rixotKer, At tKe Kour of eVet\ir\g prayer; Ar\c| all tKat Ka^come a»\c| goK^ 5i>\ce tker\ Wa* Acrvt ty Je^oVaK'* l\anci; He Kolcj* tK^ tKr-eacI of tKe taKgleci Web, AM Will guic^e to tKc ^lo^'y laM. TKah iWe^tly c^oWK tKr-ougl^ tKe maz^ of tKougKt, Came a Voice like •t^^^'c, trxi^ "Aa ohe wKom KIa motKer Qomfort^tK, 5o will I comfort you." AK yea! tl^ougK long year* may pa35 aWay; Ar\c| our eartKly Kom^* may cKang^i 70 TKcre U for ua a (;^ity falir» Far ise^orvcl AorroW'* rarv^e, AM tKou^K We tT\iA5 our loVecl o»\eA Kere, TKcy arc 5afe t^yoAcj tKc ^ky, Wat^Kityg be^icie tlyc )3early gate^, Till tKc mcetii>9 ciay oK Ki9l\. 'Tii fjut a rxarroW lir\c fjctWccK TKat fjri^Kt lahcl, At\<\ our oW»\; Wc ihv tKc Master' A vihcyarcl, Work — TKcy 5erVc fief ore tl\c tKro|\c, AkcI 50, tl\rougl\ all tKc time to come, I'll truAt my Saviour — rrictycj, WKo KitKeKo KatK IH me Aaf^j Will keep m^ to tKc «l^<^' IHE "UNltiiANlBEABLE iDNE. y forever. E cKaK^etK hot, wKat WorycirouA c)e|>tK of 5Wc«tr\cA5 ih tKc tKougKt I To maKy a W^ary, loKcly Kcart, wKat joy tKc^c Worci^ KaVe l^rougKt. It He cKa^g^tK Kot, tKougl^ cartKly joy^ may f aaM- foreVer — ahd to-day. 72 JESUS, my PlDROlDK HOU Eter-Kal Ohz^ TKou ^Vei boWerful 5aVlo\4ir, TI\ou art mirx^, A»\ci cjay fc>yc|ay to Tl\y loVcd oK^a, tKou glVe^t TKy life Divirse. Tor mc <\\zr^ i.s rxo deatl^ — forTKou KaAtdicd; Tor mc — a 3lt\Ac»- -TKovi Wa^'t c^^cif**^^; A»\ci KoW, WltJ\ me, TKou eVer c|oAt a^ide, Dwelling ItN me, my Lord, a»\d I 1^ TKec. OK! WorxdrouA t^ryder mercy, 5aviour, Lord, To give TKy loVc, To Icavc TKy ratKcr'3 ^ide \t\ Olory kigKt, TKy Kom^ afjoVe. TKrougK rxature'* voice* Qomc* tKe glad Aouhd rihgiKg, TKy jDreciouA Word tKe 5a>T^c ^Weet me^^age i>»''»>gi>^g» [ ihg, TKy loV^ Ka* filled my l\eart WitK joy a^d Ai»\g- Tor, Master, lamTKihe, ar^dTKou art mit\e. 73 T'or tne TKou Ka^t jarepa^-ccj bcyoKc^ tK^ iky, Ag|o|-louA Iplac^. WKile age* come aKcl cjo, I tKerc 5Kall cVcr (jWell, A^ci 5^c TKy fecc, CaKK'A t>»'ief life o'er, I iKall for^Vcr 5)3Chc| Ohelorxg Etcrhyity WitKTKee, hr\y«5aVlour, rriehcj, At KoiTv^, at k-c-s^i WitK )Deac^ tKat hc'^r Al\allchc|, CroW»\ec| (jy TKy loV^ ; my life, my all TKou art. ►•««•; IHE LiDRD 38 ITiy SHEPHERD. PSALM 2j. HE: doci cVerla^tmg, tKe mlc^kty JcKoVaJy, Creator of HeaVch, of iea, al\cl of lar\c| Tl\iA Lorci I5 "my ^SKejpKerci," I KeVer ca^ jaerl^k, He KoMetK tke sKe^J) of HI5 fk^k irxHl5 Ka^cj. "TK^ Lorcl Ia my^KcpKcrcJ," t\o waKt Qar\o'er* take me. He guidetk Hi5 flock to tlxe teKcjereAt fooci; 74 H^ ntxaketk tkem rcit py i[\z iide of "itlll Waters," WitKKoMihg »\o blc5*«'^9 ^^^at ii for tKcir goocj. He K^AletK, rcAtoretk, aKc| IcacJctK HIa cKo^crx, Ih jaatKv^ay^ of r-igl^teou^K^AA, c^ay after c|ay: Ik ''tKe Valley of ^KacjoW," 1 fear KaugKtof ^Vil, "Hi5 roc^,'* ahcl ^'HU^taff," Will giv< Qomfort ar\c| 5tay. "Tl\c Lore! Ia my *3K^|3l\crc|," Ko foe car\ o'er- tKroW me, He proVicietty, aKolMetK, ahcl filletK ^^^^ joy; HIa ''gooc|r\e.s5 2kr\cl mercy" ^Kall follow meev^r, Tf\^ p^ace tKat H^ giV^tK, ^\o^\^ ^\^^ cah c|eAtroy. '^TKe Lorcl i«^ my iKefiKerc|," ahc| 1 witiy Him ^Kall ciWell Tor^Ver aM eve** i^ gl^^fy ui\tolc|; WKet\ a* tKe "CKief ^Keplxerci," He cometK to gatker TKe far Acatter^cl Al\ee|> of Hi^ fl°C^' ^^ '^^^ foM. 7^^