IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe .>^:/ 5r W^ 1.0 lil |50 i"^" IIIII^H I.I f^ina 11.25 m U 11.6 '^, V 7 Sciences Corporation d %^ V \\ ■> ^'"*«- 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N,Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4^ ^' ^ (/. 3le IjOUIs Charles Fovch^r, Esquire, one op THE Justices op His Majesty's Court op King's Bench FOR THE District op Montreal. . PRINTED BY ORDER OP THE HOUSE» 1817. • > ,« • I H .<, . , , • ■SAC, ^ .^....: . - ^B^&t,^ _ ,fffwS,'*''^'-ri^ ^ #• r^ HI! I U ) ' ^^■ciaooif J c\ 1 V k. VJ JJL k. i^Kii&^i. ^'lii i: 5^11011 * JOJl .''-n.^puri Mlvr ,; «' ',i ••-• .^>' !■;;! ..ti.1. :M jt^fujfo ^fi (i:rr/ -j% ouMbr ^■j-.'^-w.ratV'Taa.'W AI^I • • • • 4 ^s » ^. .'!'!*'■-/ I •" • • t^'iifiin^y - . M ,i a ' 'nth J * %■ Jpik"-^- I .i ... <»> T' fi M li te V-.i i !»i-i<^'''^''''"i — '■-"«'^''' 1 r WW sntB PROVINCE OF I^QWJER-CANADA. ^ HOtrSE 0^ ASSEMBLY, Saiwday, 25th January, ISir.. ^*i,^£^^' v'^T'" *" Pl^ce impeached LoumCh ABLEg FoucHEB,on» if • : %'^«P/f ^""f "/ 'li' Majesty', Court of King's Bench, for the Diilrict J>f Mon real for divers^High Crime* and Mi-demeanour, and presented t9.,the House Heads of Impeachment against jUg .g^jj l„uis CHARL^s^o,uc«i5e, Esquire, apd which said Heads of Impeachment were delivcfp4,iuat.the Clerks Table a»id are as followeth. that is to Bay: Articles of AcMfektioii and rmpeachmenl exhibited^ against Lmis Charlet Foucher., Esquire, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Kingfi Bench for the District of Montreal.. Ti FIUST CHARGE., HXy the said lau/t Chayiei foucher, being a Jiidffe of Hii M„* jest/s Court of Kh^V Bench for the vJnciofToleTio^Te Province of Lower-^ahaOj, and also a Judge of Hi, Majesty' Court v*^ ^l^J^"!** for the^ District of Three livers, in the same Pro! Vince hath dis^cgardedthedutie* of those high and important Office., •nd contrary to^^ki. oath, hath perverted the course of Justice in the .aid Courts, and rendered his judicial power subservient to the view*, of ludividuai. whowihteresti 4 ha.b'4 desirou^^of pr^mXg. A 2: Tbafu r: 99408 i A ' 1 Ai Sb«*ai :;4|st-^ s-..if~aBi, — -4 .„^ iiniiiiM :S' 4 SECOND CHARGE. qiialihed himself from discharging with impaitialify the dutifs imno- sed on him by those oflices, by giving counsel t„ iiuliv.d..als resnU^ ii^g their supposed rights to be prosecuted and defcndt^d^ befwWh'ft 8UIU Couris of which he was and isa Judge as aforesaid, arid' bVprt^baV* ir.g pleadings and papers for theiri in the prdsecutiou aud'defehcHf such supposed rights and hath afterwards awarderf judgment or 'eon- curred in awarding judgment in favourof'the persons to 4l^ym such advice and assistance was given, upon and in rcspfect of stich ^uppo- Ji.iilUiG;. THIRD CHARGE. 1 o i-ihli'iA Thit the said Louis Charl^Fouchr, beihg such Judge of His Ma-'es- ty 8( oj,rt of lv<8 Bench for the said D^stiict of Montreal, did in or abawt (he inoi.lh of January, in the year of pur Lord, One Thousand iMght Hundred and Ponrteeu, coun>ei and advise one Pierre l^na^e DauecoLt, an intimate fricn-l of the said lowuCAar/w /"owAcr, upou and in respect of a certain act i.,« to be brougl^tio Wis Majesty's said Court of King's Beuchforlhe District of Montreal, by the said P/.r..w! i)flii/^^^.a// against oiu- bAunnc Ducfuinoii, and did draw iiid prepaie the Declaralion to be used by the said Pittrc Isnacc DaUlebout in the said action which dccjaraiion so drawn and prepared by him, he tliesaid Louis ( harles toiakr p„t or caused to be putinto the han^ls of au At- lorney, related to and Ultimately connected with him, to be used in Jhe sa.d aclioiu which was afterwards brought in the Term of the said Court holdenin I;ebrc.ary in the ycaraforesaid,andthe said ZoMiiCAjr/« /wc/i«r did exercise judicial ^o^er apdwt iu Judgment in t^e action J^ j3S»«»/ ■*;;,- ■''•"•nm^tik..^.^ ^"""i-^kt,^. it*5?»-^*llMiK «s(#JtS#*e6^S^"%*«»^' •■ * 'i^t^'^"'"'^'"""'^'^^!*" '' ' "''' "^^^'^^ " ...It --.,„ #' ^5 (K>.bro"ght as aforesaid. rwpeeHng wbi((h he faid giten f «.1n^ »nd aHnstaLco^a^aforesaid, a.Kl did himself prepare and eaiw*.- to be ei^ t«rm» in the laidi action, an interlocutory Judgment, wherebv. certain .««ic^Hf««B Ihad^and filed by the .aid finn^XA^^^J^a tj.^.,i5 »i? r*'h.r''"'"?"i''**' anddid afterwardathoogh he had b««» *b«e«t at the hearing of ihe cause send for and procure to be sent to him the record papersandproccedingia the .aid action, and did thereupon draw up tiK. final judgement to be entered in the said action, in fa- v«ur'<»fthe»ft,d P^^r re fg^iacc DatUdout ^iid KameA and profeuredTthe said final Judgment to be entered in the said action, in favor of the saidP^rrc /gnau DailUbom,. without having heard the parlies ia the saidacl.on. to the manift-st perversion of Law and Justice, and in gross violation ofthe duties of the said Louis Charles Foacher. as such Judge as aforesaid. ,. \.i ,. « . *' 'J *'" r^nium (!■ ^ FOUHTH CHARGE. JUi ihe Biiid, Louts Charles Fouc/icr, being such Judge as aforesaid, hi.tb. I" violation of his di/ty advised one Jm« B. Norrmnd, upon and in respect of ei,f.)rcing a Judgmer,t recovered in His Majesty's said Court of Kings Bench tor .the District of Montreal. by;the said 7w« B Normand ugaiust Austin Cuctf/ur, and hath given assurances to the said JeanB. ^ormand olthe support to beatibrded to him by the said UuisCh^rle^fouhir as such^udge as aforesaid, iivtlie prosecutioii «if jhe 8,ud means, and of th^fMCcess.with wl^icU he would Clause them to be attended. .♦ vm. »« -•'iiian' FIFTH€HARGE. That the feaid Loui% Charln Foucher. being such Judge as aforesaid. Hat 1 acted in a mi^nner disgraceful to the said office, and hath he«h guilty of conduct destructive of the public ccMifidencein.the adminis- tration % " ■".', *5!i"t"i,"',*i!^wly Mr. Sherwood.-^ Resoived, That the Articles of ic^^skAbrtafcd Impeachment against I^o«J", Charles Foucher, Esquire, oqe of the Puisne *'' i" V'Mu . i"^S«" 0*" ^^ Court of King's Bench of the District of '>'u'i *")il ^<>"*''«*l *>e referred tiv a Committee of seven Member«« iuiiVai"*** *'^*"''"e tH6 matter thereof and Evidence thereon, and ,tl'>-,i, ^P r^PO't with all convenient jpeed, with ptwes to send '*"" for Persons, Papers and Records. •'o;'^ V, . '(7 "rt Oil0i^i>« That Mr. O^rfm, Mr. A. Stuart, Mr. ^oma, Mr. Vexi- )j i.iyai v«.„3, Mr Tasebereau, Mr. ShmoodaniUt. i'owtf do com- pose the Committee. Monday 3d February, 1817. ObdeAed, That Mr. Af 'Cor* Mr. %y a«rf Mr. X(W^^o^ be added to the Mid Comtoittte; ' -, ■ t Jriiaf ■"Y' ''"'ife^''"*'""-"*'^'i><'"^'" ""'""*" r?Hp^*i|*« -I\^ Friday, 7th February, I8YT. Ordered. That four Members of the Committee upon tbe Impeacli. mnt of Louis CiiARtEg Foucher, Eiquire. he % quorum and rompetent to act and report notwithntandinir that three Members have been added to the said Committee. Friday, lith February 1817. On Motion of Mr. Ooden, seconded by Mr. Taschereau. Ordered, That One Hundred copies of the proceedings and the re- port of the Committee to which were referred, the accusa- tions against the Hon. Louis Charles Foucher Esq. be printed for the use of the Members of the IjegiiNture, and that the same be printed under the direction itftHl- Speak- er of this House, and that no other person do presume to ' print the same but such person as he shall sfipoillt; Orobred. That the said Committee have power to report from time to time. fgtumiitgm i uiimiiw i n i i V •n .lUiUiuJ lit. - Ml) 01 ii»|)f(„ iii-kcl 'jvfifl h!' 4ij I . rjtrt) .\M>I v\riwtd>'i All I ",n^\nVi ■ ■' ■ ■■■■. -' ...<' '■' f '/'>:i'j')M ,,'\,) .i''':<, ii..'\(,),f,)r; i •f»aD-wj -lilt ,fi«nv'>"i ui»#/ djfrtw oi ;kM>iiiii.«>' ' "iU'iii t»oi.| t,(fi-\u < :.u9l^ tifi'l , 9M» r>fl» i„l i)itifi<( -air, »i)H iiift'tii nort. Hill .)'.!» Dijinj i/JnI;-! -j^f vprh oifj vfiji* f>) tmj«.ii')Uj oil ( •. Mj rtilut (»« U«li f(i!i! , i-ii»..f' AiflHo ;o .liiiviqqB i;.' .J {.„ xi»,«ri.] b i« lixi 'j/ •„: ',fli )„i,,'j ■ .Mil yciiiiiijii. /., bm aif » trin .'iCli) f>.t ;a.iajjO i['iij[iit'--rniri7/>;'7 *'T r'"^^'- J:';'^'"''"*«?«inst Austin Cvnii.r /-^'iU're, lu the Court oi Ku.g s of the District of Mo..trear ^ Yes ^ '^^^^iMni-nm f* r \ J la. X _ Yes next April will %e (hvec years, I bad instituted the action in the m,'iith of Febfiiar)' I&I3, iy)t ^'40. Q. — Did you cause thejudgr.ient to be executed?' A — One year after Ihe date ♦if that jiidgmeiit, my Advocate Mr., O'Sullivan not basing procwded, I mide a aiot'ion personally in Court to revive the jiidigin"nt, and' deliverrd this motion to iVIr. Justice FoucHER, who was then on the Hench. The lat*er hand- ed it to Mr. JiisHce R«id who ga^e it to iVJr. Monk, a Prothono- tary. Th»i Court was of opioilac^ aciy cout' vcrsat ion; upon this subject, with Mr,..J[ustwe I^'oucheh?; A -The cnly con-.ersation I have had w1lh Mr. Justice Fo7)cuer upon this subject was. when he was iu> Court upon the Bench when he gave my motion for reviving the judgnient to tho Prot^onotary say- ing to me " Normand you will appear yuurself." Q.— Bo yonir.colleti whether Mr. Cuviilier wa^ a* your ftoiise o«i the 9th January last, or at Mr. Montiguy 's Mouse in your neigh- bourhood ? A.-*«^«»< Do I! jQ.— Ho yon recotlect fhat Vntoiae Pcrrault vfiih Mr. CuvilHetM Servaiit weut to Mr. Montigny*. ^rX!''J know that Mr, Cuvmier »nd Antoine. Perrault came to Mr. Montignj:s: I believe th i( Perraulthad been senttomyhausfi ' asaapy.Perraultaskad me if [ hid been well paid by Mr.CuvilHer I answered that 1 had not been so by the latter but t)y Mr La- ^ croix, PerratiU 'l 5^2 , Q,—!)!'! not Mr La Croj^th*-!! tcl!,you npttrtjbe^np^py |f yo»i.#hoiiJ4 Ij<: su-..n^hi bt'foie the IJuuse uf A^«eii|bl^, and that' vuu fchould be paid? ' - ■■ ••.<-.•■..' ; , , ^"T^y*'-^: *"** T a«kpd Mf. f.a Cfoi* whether anv harm' coujd afiw ..from the cat,on I,ba,U jestingly t^i^d with ^eiriuit, h« fir^t ^aid if I bad^s9sp«ke,i»,Wt;»igly^.M^harn^py,.;^^^ Hut jf Mr. Gu- vilUer should attack ineipCyjiirtyr^lseWhere, my tiJ/ip . would' be •well paid for. f thought at the tiin^tjiat I should be .paid at the /e^()eiiccuf the persuu wiio stxoMld attacjc inc. The examinatibn of J^aii fiiptiste N^riiiaad was thdii Aiitiuued to • the thud uistaat.. ^v"^^' ■-;^'^ - ^''^'" - ^> Prf cent, Messrs.. Ogde;n; Taschereau, Padfct, and Sb^fwoodl Mr. Ogden called to the Chair. ^ .. The ( fiinmittee proccMed to the continuatioii of the examkiatidh >^«f Jean Ba}fti»H1 "What 19 A.—l told him ihul T was about to dei»ai't. That TVne'w' tMihintt of ■. ^ ^'"-t H^ey intended ^o.a8k luej ; i^e tMkd *• go Iju weve?, tUe ojdejS o# the U(Mi8c inusl Ija (^be^^t^,",^ ^ Q.— Was any thing else inentirtned ? ; v v , A.— I t0l4 ,hiip it yifrt«ia ppinf(»),thing*o.m«, b^ingpoor, to mafcwtuirii a journey, He* said "go how-iver, 1 arij giving down to Quebec a.ul i. '....'■■ ■:.. ,.■■..*' '^ \ Q.~Did yoM not in the conrie of the last year, declare to ^ulien Por- ranU, toOeWiriTie, to'^^wilr and to several t>thfer persons that if yoa had succei'dcd in procuring payment from Mr. Cunlljer. it wmild, hive been to be attributed to the advice of Mr. Justice Folc^er ? A — No, never at anytime ; lam Cjert^in oif it^ Q.— Have you not had frequent coinmunications in the course of the la.t winter aiidnpring with Julien Perrault and others respectiiig the J you reqovcsred agfaiost Mr. CuviJIicr ? A. — Lust antnnwi I met Belair and Julien Perrault vfe spnkje of the J u'gnu.nt but Judge Foucher was not mentioned, except by their tlieu simug to me "Judge Foucher protects you" I answered th(M«'»*'heprotect«mfe lis hedges others'." ;' Q -—tn this conversation or at some other tinje did you not declare to Julion iVrra.It to Bilair or to olhei-s ' tHat you had been put oa «)e t. aqk at, i» thj; i .gh^.^ay tg. »nt^«ed,»tt ypur ««itagaiuat. Mr,. Cu- ' ' '- Ye* i 11? ii^ / A.— Yps, I have declared so lo the penons hareia before named and to inttnj otbers. * «« ^.— Did you noi «hm cxpre«i yourself while the Advocates at the bar ii» Montreal, seceeded from practice at that bar ? A. — Yes, it was during that time. Q.— Of whom do you mean to speak, in seyiag that you had been put oi»treal ? j^ I atn one of the Prothonotaries of that Court and in that capacity I an» one of the Keepers of the Records of the said Court. Q Are yon in poBsessioii of the Record of the ^aid Court in the cause of Pierre Iguaie Daillebout, Plaintiff against Etieiine Duches- nois Defendant, and Etienne Duchesnois, Plaintiff en garaatie a- gainst Thomas Coffin Defendant en garantie ? ^ Yes, and I produce the same before the Committee with a certi- fied copy ot the interlocutory JndgmentB rendered in this cause, marked A, I leave this copy for the use «»f the Committee. I also produce the Draughts of the said interlocutory Judgments, having ^ceived an of der of the Committee to lay before it the Record in the aforesaid'catise or a certified copy thereof within a delay too short ibrthe preparing of copies of all the papers composing the Record, ^ in obedience to the said order, I have taken the Record from the Archives of the Court of King's Bench of Montreal, to lay the same before this Coiraniilfee. Q^—Afe there not on that Record interlocutory Judgments written in the handtif Mr. Justice FbucHER, of the Court of King's Bench of Montreal, and if iH^rfe be, produce the same? A.— On the Record I prt»duce,there are three Draughts of interlocuto- ry Jtidgpients repdered^in the aforesaid cause and those Draugbfs are in the hand^rtting of Mr. J'ustice Foucher one of the Justice! of the said Court; Q.— -Has there been pronounced i» that cause a fioal and definitive Judgment— and wheu ? "■■ Yet • m r( ■«o„ta„|„a.i,Vi|lt ,,a|„., mmtli ^'"^ ':'"','''"'' Judgiunit, which i, A.-Ye., I think I have ,feh U. "S",'"? Q-iV.. it iMh. hand writingof Judge F„uo„E«>, ' '" , ^'u;:;iro^;rr„irr4t:rir£'"'ir"'"'^'--'''''.«» ...(,o,e„i a„ thed.fini.i.rjTdleM'^^X'^' '?"«'" "' "-^^l V.-Ha,e ,„„ .„y „„,e„,Wa„,e „h.(e«r of ihi. f„t f Iwr whi">"« re,ot- «f JudgnuMU H) vacation ? ^ " coiisciting to the reuderiug «^ j;:' «'• •' -"« f «-„.. .t „hc„ .hi, cause „„ pieaCe. „„ t^e ' No. I I f ''"""■^^TT. *.,■•"•.%: Q.— Did hesit often io the term of October 1^1 4l "*'***'*'^ '^ ^'^^ if^ tAr-TtMr. J< •tice Fuucmms^t 0})}.\VV9 ,t||9jiwo^^hrfe ^fjn fiof^ of lA- — :?ickness» *1q.— 09 yon robtlecHhat Ij) tfij?'i?a^aflon o^ October 1814. 'Judge ' ; fiouciiER sent to the olficfe,of 'llle Prothotiotlia^ifej fbf the' Ktfi)rds htn>- ■Nci; ^^^•^Oo y^ou rtpcrtlfect that th« Re^<»rd wai seat .t» the House of aAy of the Judges diiriifg that vacation ? i(' t^ — Have you lately had any conversation wi(h Judge Foucher res- pecting the Record in Question ? and when ? ' ' ^ ^i* a - i A, — I cannot name the day and I cannot evon mil it coivxArsatuin: some days ago the Hon, Mr Jiistite Folcher came wifo my omce i^i:: and saw the, Record in qufsiiou U|>on one wf the o%e ts^b^cs, he cxaiuined it in my presence ard in that oi »^>me g< ntj(^iri,eii of the bar. Having seen the Draught* ot'ihrtline iiilerlocntory Judg- »i nwnts in'his own band writing and now prouufied he sajd •*, It is sur- prising, for it was Judge Reid who rendered ihis J*»dgine»il Mr. Justice Fouchbh tliail •fcou Id go down to Quebec in obedience to the order of the House. WMt Jlidg* had proaoiioced Judgnieut ? . A.--OiM da; the Hoo. Mr. Justice Fo«eHM iikc^ me (which I. bn. ri£'5i""*i""*'''^.*"*J i**'* it happened (hat the Draughts of »BJndgiiie«l, were in the Records, and that every one might (ike jyytmatmnoftl^m: Ihi. qujrtion ^ pot to ^e in pr4uce^f TtJSS!!. fc!i • ' ?f T*'*^i^'l!* ^•J "•"*> «od that I thought 1-7 -2? Sf«»"i"*> *» »e«»«^< QI-^Did' nut M^. Ducfaeittoik brin# m aetfon en gMMiif/ ntjtitm¥' TU<»iMiu Coffin, Efsqiiire, tmliHiiitwiu'ths Uttot thfit Hf^ie^i^* ' A.— Yef , snd thmt^ action waf IHlewuqr: diaoMiolt Hqlie'ki .f.. ^i^Unwnmtihe^aAjgti, at ^It it file Ad!voo«tei> aecmi Im th4^ Viultt'Ht which arer dcpoflifMl the RBc«hli of the Court ^ -ilu I . .\ y.t ^.— When the Judges require of me commuoication of anj Record^ it i\i Hiy duty to give it to fhem t aod I must also give cotfiniuiircat^n to the Advocates, when they aakit; uf the Records of the caiiteaia which they have beea ci»Dceriied« when thoae causes aae not M tf«- Q.-^Do you know that Mr. Juitiee Fouchiw katdrawo any Pleadings for any AdvocMe at the Bar t A.'^No^ 1 have no knowledge of that, Qv^s it not usual in the Court of King's fiiiaek a^ ^tonlveai, for the Judges to prepare the draughts of interlocutory Judgments in cub- tcated causes;. C 8 That n /. Ai— Hiat ii not tiwayl (he cwe^ but it 6ftcn happeni. -»-. Q.^When those draughts of Judgments arc given to the PtoihonoiL 'iMytn enter, are thej hot reld'iu opeu Court ? i. ' A^Yei, generallj. ' * Q.— Haw not the said three draughts of interlocutory Judgmentf. , rendered .» th.s c.une and written by Mr. Justice Fo.,chcr& lead in open Court,and entered as being the^odgmeMt of the jCoprt ?^ ^Fotri*^l'^?-''**'"l^'^''"?*u"''^*' are almost always read in ope r^nrl'll i^'M^' "[** thrtj^ draughts have been read in open ™ I I ^ u"*?*^"'. *''l* I do not particularly recollect. The/ ^ere entered as being the JudgmentN of the Cpurt. , . / ^T.!w«Vl!;" ^/'^«*» "»«>« frequently prepare the draughts of Jodgmeut. than Judge Foucheb does, or ha. Judge Foucher, aa the junior of the four Judges, that ta*k to perform ? It* **** 'IS* ^1"*"^ *^'* •* " ^^* *"'^ ®f **•« junior of the Puian^ ihn^h- M:/'""*«KKiD,.„d Mr. Just.ce*'Fo«cHKR, aretZe ThlJ f T ^;!^"*'''i'3' ^'i** *he inter|o«nt«ry JudgUMJots, in the ihapeof drauglits, when they do not order one of the Prolhcnoto- » wrh« I'T'fl ""a ' «";.""»5'«, <" ««^ ^hic h of these two Judge, -writes most oft lese draughts of Judgments. * ^ZvH *••"*' ?' l*"! "^'L*^^" "^ *^*' ^'''*"«* *»f Montreal, in Term or h A " "; *° ^'^l*^' ^"**'**« ''"•"^ ^i*»» t»^«™. and to meet 4il L^lr:hlTau^?r '" '^"'""^ "p^» -"^ p^^- ^^^-^ A.^DHriDg the Superior Termj, the J udget take home with them, or cause 'X' sx\^\ SI e«uK to be carried thither. Records for eitmination. In vacation It soioetiine. happens that the Judges require the R..cardi. b?r( thai rarely happens. I do not k^bw whether the other Judees ^eet to deliberate at the house of the Judge who has th^ RecorlsJ' l-^iT Q.--Dojoukno* instructed Mr. 0#n of Three Rivers to draw for him his money from Mr, Uuchetnoi^ f - . , A*-r-Mr. Daillebottt then said to me «* I have settled my afiain with Mr. Co^n** without saying any thing more. ^^.T— Are you positive that Ur.J>fiiUeboutdid not then tell you . : Uiat he had^iyeu Mr. C(0n n^ pqw^r of Attorney ? A.— To the best of my knowledge I am positive that he said no ' .more to me relative to this, , than I havesUted in my last ans- . wer. '' ^^ Q. — When Mr. Daillebout mentioned Mr. Coffin's name, did yoii not understand that lie had in fact given a power of Attor- ney to Mr. Coffin to draw rents troin Mr. Dudiesrmn? I did \ t • A" <****•»*»*■- 7 l> . -fy. n 1/ f;. S4 A.~T did not nhderafand soki the tim«. biit a ffe# dfttsifter- wards 1 >vas informed tliat Mr. C>^n liad in fact beei^ cliar- ged with a power of Attorney by Mr. Bi^itteBok "to dtkw Ills monies from Mr. Dwc/tcsMo/*. ' ' '^ ■ - ^^- -- '»* monies from Mr. Duchesnois, Q. — Upon what PuVject did Mr. I)mWeioMrmeRibutrt vpu*Mr. Cnjin' 8 name? *" " i^off A.— That qiiestibn is answeried by my iin.iwer^'*t6tlie foregoing questions. '■ ■ir.3i,\s i)mi "^ Q. — Did not Mr. Daillebout theii Say to ybtfthat hfe was'rftiiliss to know, against wjiom h^ ought to bring. liis action whetlier against Mr. .Coffin o'r'Mr. Duchesnois ^ * *» »' '"" ^^ni U- ; •^r;:"- ■i. <>» ■ 1 .1 , - i' A. — lie did not at all evince uneasiness upon this snlj^^ct^ j,, Q. — Did not Mf. Daillebouttlieiit pjr at somp time before or after tliat coiivGrsation, tell yoif .that ^Ir. Justice F D What I. i.i *'i5*>...-.^''""»4a!)j* w"WieEr.",i5*«,-«, ^'^^r Si5 Q.— What is meant by actio negotiorum geatorum f A.--It means the action which is given to compel to the render- ing of an account, persons who have stood charged with the administration or gestion of the affairs of others. Q— Have you not had in your posse&sionj befoie, durino* or af. ter the said action, a draught of a declaration in the ?ause of Daillebout agamst Duciiesnois, upon the back of which was written .the tiUe of the cause, with the Latin inscription which IS descriptive pf the nature of the cause, and on wiiich those words «c?fo negoHonim gestorum were writieh in Red Ink « m the hand writing of ^udge Foucher ? ' A.--4 never had any draught of a declaration drawn by Judo-e FoucHtR ; I received by Mr. Daillebout his papers, enclosed ,. in a blank paper, containing, to the best of my recollection the loHovving intWrsemerit: D^illeboiit vs. Duchei^nois with the words, actio negotiorum gestorum, in the hand writinjrr of ..v^wlge FoucHER ; butXdo|iol recollect whether the Latin -rAvord}^ were in Red oi;^in ^qk Ink. Q.— What papers were en, ^osea'in that blank paper or docket ? A. -—Instructions, and one or two titles belonging to Mr Daille- bout ; the instructions were in Mr. Daillebout's hand. Q.—Have you in your possession the draught of the declaration 111 the said cause ? A.— Yes ; and I produce the same before the Committee. ^^ Did ■-"•w- 27 Q.— Did you prepaje the declaration used in the cause, from thji very drauglit ? ■' A. — Yea^'r'-- . ; ' - , _, ■,*'■' Q-— Have you in your Law Books forms of declarations in ac- tions of tills nature, verbatim such as this draught ? A.--Not word for word, but the conclusions are tlie same. This kind of action is not unknown, being very often brought in the Courts of Justice, and I think I may have brought forty or fifty of them in the course of my practice at the Bar of Montreal, both m the Superior and Inferior Terms. Q. — As the indorsement of this draught appears to be written in tlie same ink, and with tlie same pen, was it possible to an- ticipate the days for the pleadings, as they are minuted on the back of the said draught, and to put them on the back of the said drauglit, at the same instant ? A. — The five different dates were written by me on the back of the said draught, in the same ink after the first part of the in- dorsement, in order to correspond with my meniorandum of causes, and were all written on the same daj^tb save me i'..e trouble ol searching for the dates, and that to the best of my I knowledge since the rendering of the judgment. Q.— Are you disposed to leave the draught of the declaration beiore the Committee ? li }.i km A-— No. D 3 Will r SI I ^ 7JI?? ^^" ^^'""'^ **^*^ Chairman of the Committep to parth A.—No, I cannot do so, if you have not a right to retain it. Q.—In the action last rtientioned, wefe not exceptions filed and what was the fate of those exceptions? "»n»ea,ana ^"^I"" *;f ^^^flV^ knowledge, excq>rions mddefemes were filed and pleaded by Mr. Louis Michel Viger, on the nart of the Defendant, Etienne Duchesnois, whiclfw^iTdLmiS ^^ro^r *^^ ""^''^^ pleaded on the merits^ and finally adjudged A.--After aii Tnterjocutory Judgment dismissing the exceptions, there were hied Dchah- de Ccmpte ; the cause was then plead- eel on the merits and final Judgment given in the vacation ot the Term of October, 1814, by consentof parties, gio^ed by the Ihree Advocates ou Record. ^ Q.— Is it not usual when an account is rendered by one of the pcuties, for tlie other party to file his Debuts to that account ? A.--That is as the Advocate of the Plaintiff deems necessary ; m that cause no Dtbats were filed, becatise Mr. Louis Michel rSo ^ i i^^^r ""i ^ .Accountant, (the time fixed by tlie Rue oi Practice of the Court of ^Montreal, for filing them, havu)g expned,) objected to tlveir being filed. Q.T-^Vhen tlie cause was licard on the exceptions, did not Mr. Justice ?''^S*awl8?rWW^ 39 Jii 1814, this c-^use was to be pleaded en dwity and there was a continuance to the 16th of the same months wlien the four Judges were on the Bench. I do not at all recollect that Judge Foucher sent to me any Billet or Note, as I have already mentioned in my foregoing answers. Judge Foucher never seiit me any instruction whatever. Jfudge Pouch ER, being on the Bench, has often sent me notes, 4)ul never concerning affairs pending in Court ; and I have, bfleii received notes from the other Judges. 'Qi — In whose fovcur was the final Judgment rendered ? A.— 'In favour of Pierre Ignace paillebout, the Plaintiffs <5.— 'Was Judge Poucher on the Bencli when the cause wto pleaded on the merits, on the 18th of October, 1814? A.-— I do not recollect; but according to the notes I tooli from the Register of tlie Court, or from the Minutes, (Pimnitiff) before leaving Montreal to attend before this (Committee, it appears that the four Jiudges were present. 1 took those' notes according to information I received from Mt* Levesqtie, that an abstract of the proceedings m that cause was wanted. Q.— Have you s6en the draught of the final Judgment Wtidet- ed in that cause .'* Vi A. — Never; Have i. (1 t' 30 O-— Have ymi any knowledge tJjat Jud«re Fouciipn himc^Tf pared the draught of Uiat Judghientf '""^self pre- A. — None wliatever. Q.-I>o jou know that Normand recovered under thh Judgment ? .ndthe<;ostBitheRu,^^^^^^^^^ *»»« •'"^g-al The foUowing Questions were then put to Mr. Lacroix : Q -For what consideration was that Judgment assigned to jou ? Q. — Do you not sue a« Advocatp iin<^n *i,^ -j t . «ame of Je.„«te N.'m.nd "' ' ""^ Judgment, ioth. ^Th. Co«„U,.. oyeeted .o the p„«i„g „, ^.^ ,„„,,.„„^ ,„ .^^ I never tl .: il »' t.'.t ■ l-^afaT*— '-»r^»" /"W?:" **».• 31 A.—In^ver at auy time received any advice from Judge Foucher concerning th*i affair of Nonnind. directly or indirectly, and I ne- ver spoke to him or advised him about it, directly or iodirectly. Q— Did you ever receive from any other client than Mr. Daillebout, any papers or instructions, Wiih the title of the cause, ia the baud writing of Mr. Justice fi^oucuKR ? A. — Ne»er. Q— Were you surprised at the circumstance of seeing upon the pa- pers which you received from Mr, Daillebout, the title ofthe cause in the hand writing of Judge Foucher } A— By no means ; it made no impressioa on me. I exposed it pub- licly in Court. \ . Q.— What occasioned the circumstance that the papers of Mr Dail- lebout Vere enclosed in a paper having the title of the" cause in the hand writing of Mr. Justice Foucher ? A.--I cannot s.iy. having publicly exposed that circumstaoce. as I have said in my foregoing answer, and uot baviug been at all solici- tous about the said paper. And the Committee kdjourned. , The examination of Mr. Lacroix was then continued until toMdrrW. Kth i\hruary, 1817. ." . JL'llESENT, Messieurs Ogdeo. M'Coyd, Sherwood, Languedoc, Burgii, Gugy, Taschcieau, Stuart, and Panet. , ,^, The examiuatioa of Mr. Lacroix was continued as follows : ■'I-.'; V r ■J"?- ft. f\} 5t ^■-z'^fnjmnfivrm. Daillebout fw tfie ffrst tftne rclaf h f fo «I,f» affair did you then tHJ him Ihat he roust prosecute, iMid ^hat kiud ot action did jou tell bun must be instituted ? |i.^To tbo^J>e8t of ray knowledge and recollection Mr. Daillebotit told me Ihat Mr Duchcsflois having collected his Rents he intend^ 2d to sue him. But I- do not recollect whetlicr I then .»ld hini what kuid of action must be instituted. I wrote to Mr Oueheauoir that I was instructed to sue him to compel hira to render an ac- counts Q.~Did that conversation with Mr, Daillebout occur before yon had received the papers from Mr. Daillebout with the title of the cause written upon the envelope of blank paper as well as the latin word* . above mentioned P A.— To the best of my knowledge and memory I received the papers mentioned in the precediqg question after that conversation and even after my writing one or two letters to Mr. Duchesnois. Q.--.Did Mr. Duchesnois appeal from the interlocutory Judirmen^ dismissing his exceptions? ° A.—Not to my knowledge having paid after the rendering of the fiflar^ J Md^ment from which there has been no appeal. Q.-r-IsMr. Duchesnois a man in circumstances to enable him to nro- cure sureties for the institution of an appeal ? A.—Knowing Mr. Duchesnois for twenty years, and that he is a merchant resident at Varennes and very rich, considering what the fortunes in th's country are, he might have appealed from all the proceedings jn the cause in question and have furnished the necws- ■ary sureties appeal by applying t« any citizen either of Moatreal or its environs. Have ■'■'^^'TSSrtt^^jjj^jgSWir S3 afnf fa Hhiw^ id Mhat kiud Daillebotit ts be iiiteiid- ■n .Md him Dueheaiutif ider an ac- bre you had- of the cause latin words the papers rsatioii and [)is. . Judgment'^ oftbefiflar: Im to pro— at he is a ' what the m all the the necQs- either of ^•TT^'*"?/?.?"^ **^'''*'*'**'" **l^f^ *'* ff'^«**» <»>« Committed the Uratrght of the declaration and the paper intitled " Ditatt dt Imttt" yi^bicbprou refused to give yesterday? '^ A.-~I'haye no objection to leave this Draiigbt of a declaration to this Committee according to its desire. If I did not leave it yesterday that was not until after the Committee bad decided that it had no , Tight to oblige me to leave it. But ! offered it> and it was only from « personal discussion with the gentleman who proposed the question to me, that I put the paper into my pocket, I therefore leave the paper in the possession of the Committee* VV ilb respect to the paper intitled " Debats de Cmpte" I have no olyettiou to leave it also with the Committee remarking that this paper \vas written when I was in Court and sitting in my place,and that it was intended to serve as Draught and at original, and that it is the same paper which Mr Viger refused to receive in communication as the delay for filimr it wasexpiried.J "^ • 5 •«• Q.— With what ink did you write those " Dfbats de Cmpte' f A.--Witb the ink which is furnished us in Court by the Crycr df the ^ir*f^'* "'"** *™""ff *^® Advocates at the bar at Montreal to keep the Draughts of the pleadings or Declarations which they file in Court ? "^ A.— My' Custom is to keep them. Q.— You have then in your possession the envelope or blank paper which enclosed the papers transmitted to you by Mr Daillebout ' and tpon which was written the title of the cause of Daillebout vs Duchpsnois in the hand of Judge Foucher as well as the latin "Vr jrds Actip negettorumgestorum f * For thU Ptg>er see note C at the end of this report. t Ftr this Paper tee note D at Ike end of this report. E it /'I ■l: rc- f j^mssm^- »-i ^^mr ' i v.] (A4 A.— I repeat and wy for answer aR I have already done in a prffeed* uig^nnwor, that I no \onserUve th.a paper in my hancliaud that to the best of my knowledge I believe I trauK.nitt.d it or caii«ait to br tran.,«,tto.| to Mr. Daillebo.H on settling my accounts wSt'f,' him and the reufon that makes ine think so, in that it contained Mm na^ nies oCdiver.8 debtors ofi^ii.DaiMebont which the instructions to prosaiufB Mr. DuchesnoiH-that is to say the name of the duht- ors_af whom,Mr. Duchesnoia hadrerei\cd moneyforMr DailUbout- which If)d»eve.«^n the ham^vfMr Beanbien.thc latter being ulc j^, Advocate who repr^-sented, Mr. Colfin. My not preservinirthil ua- ,f per whuh was publicly exposed for the three terms duri.t whkh this cause lasted, and i.> the view of all my Confreres is pwinff to tny not any importance io it. *' ^iT^"." '^ •y^' ''*!'' *^** *^'« P-^P^-r was blank and served as a cover'''"""^ '"'*' contained the names of Mr. Daillebout's ^'''ll^f"^'^^^^^^ that, that paper cover coofa.ueU the name, of certain d.btors of Mr Da.lleboJ.t and {n hii KUK wrmng: to the best of my knowledge, and I am positive in say! I'OL.CHER II have sa.d (hat paper was a blank paper I think my answer wasu. the senseof thequestion which wasthen proposed t<>iSZ Q -Did you receive fi-om Mr Daillebont any other written .-nstrnc- t.ons than those contained in the paper used as a cover ? ^'ZZt' ''"'"''"^ ^'^'^'^^ instructions fromMr. Daillebout once or - ■ . ■ .i ■ f ^Mr^ Daillebout'? ''""'' *"^ of the papers which you received frdm , . No, '/ II II '55 jlJ^Nrt, th««e papers, being the power of Attorn- of ^fr. d^ffln/ wlirh In»cmedas I have'a4(eady laid'^itfa the copy of a BnPd Ftrme by Mr. Daillebout, I suppose he considered them iieceMary,, '"to the • ■ , ^ K A. Yes. : i.\:\\)i,^ .. The further '5\niidat^ La Croix was postponed; ' •* -9^ " . i . / ^;i' ' . - ■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ The "^ISxaminatiou of Pierr« Ignace Daillebout, Eiquire, residing at Nicolct. r 'I- * Q' — Did you not marry a lady named Beaubien? and did not that , ii)ariii*gpk > A.-pY|^8> I 4i*lf!P,f.h?rgehiin about 1803, and he reti^hed lo %ntil Q — P<^}0" fc""w that.jVTr. C9fl&n.piub8tituted Mr. DuchjBsnoiilof Va«> A.-Yes. Ui.- /}.)^n.o1 ^.— fri conseqirtrnce of '^r. Coflfin'f not being punctual in remjttipg to yei! your money, did you nut revoke the said power of Attoruer ■ 11(1 u/kan 3 , , mud when ?, ~ , =r , . E 9 V-r-.I /■ -tftfiK* Mr. A C :|: f 1 ^;f^" 48 L« Croi* nij Advocate. '*''***^**** g" *<> Moutreal to p«^ to Mr. Qr-^cfiJ'QU not very intimalelr«c#uaijitwlwi#fc Hf, li. .i ^ CHER, when jrou wenf to £htd-Ri!^TfVl^ Mr, Jlntlre Fow- Hou,e on Ww^ oc«>»«ou.? '''*"** f^ff^ ."^ j?*^ >?" not .t.^ a* <.ip A, — Yea. .smur. jb ^•*~"^^*n yo" went lo MAn*t**J a'.a ^^ ^ ^ Q.— You were tlien very intimate wi«b him ? • ^";3^'• '"* ' ""' "«- »«"■«"/ «q»««W with Un, toi „,„, to satisfy you ? * wuemer Mr. Ducheinow refused Q.->Duri„g y.„ „.;d.„c. with Mr. j„^„ p^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ' oOee ■■ ^r^»**!Str^ lit IlllWHillll'l*' •ften •p««k to Uii atoMt your aflkiM #it|l Mip.tJ'oiBn und Mr. Du- cheinoii ? - I . , - . , *%, A.—I once tpoke of (hem to him ; ! told him that I had chktMd W Q.-— What did Mr.,Juitice Fqucuer aotwer to that ? A. — He made no answer. i,iiV/-~.v> Qj~Did jou tranimit to Mr Latroijt; Atftdtate, ahr paperi concerA- log-the suit to be commenced agaiiwt Mr. Duchenioii, aii4 wteta ? A.— Yet, sometime in May, 1813, and before the commcocemeot of my suit against Mr. Duchelhoia. ^ iuTTr C ' Q. — What papers were those ? A,---It was a little roll of papers, containing a note of the name of of my debtor*, and written by myself. I had put this note in Jwlgc FoucHER H hands ; he made a little roll of it, and said to me, " rfr. Uaillebou*, do we the favour to give that €npai}ant to Mr. Lm- 0.---I>id the roll which you so handea to Mr. Lacroix, contain other papers than that note of your debtors I A. — I do not know. ♦ ^ZZv ""VJ'^ lu"'*'' P^P*'" •" question, of a size to give you ground to believe that theri were other pa^a than the note iu qaeWitoii ?.^ A.--YCS. ; ■' "'■'• ■' ' • ■ '•■''• ('•'.Jl. ,;, V The Committee then n^'ourned. i Saturday ^J*?''--;;*,. -WW-.- 1 fWf ft/ m :' . ""* T- '-y C ! V i t, II' if 3 » '"l i ,c. i) !l r88 =^'* Thfer teiJftiWrtti^i proceeded i,b (he continuaiibn of 'lUr n' 'ii' ^'\ examination as foIJows : conimuaiiftn of-#r. Dailleboui Q.~Was there any fhin^^V«e,?i/t;.i^t6e^2i^^^ P.^ pers which you so handed to Mr. La Cro.>.^J !*; ^"^^ ""[ ^*; ^Sd^a^aS^''''^w'*'^' ^ recolteetthat when^ tJtlh %!?' • ^^P^'"* ^^ intended *6.e of ,papflts. ■ I do^aotknow whether there was any writing upon that file. oot&nuw Q.^fe fiaa been any wrliin^th.r.,, sho.ldyou'ha;;: p^r^i^i A.—rrjevitabfy. • ^is'tf Msq«q i..,fW > ®F^" r''T"P? ™*''^ IP" Wwriitea tlie note ' of vour »♦ »> to MP LttCrotx, "I'd lie t..riym,thkttharfilfe6ontaiu«d everything accessary to your action ag^kist Mr. Dtjcrf^snois ?- * ' ' ^ ^ h.m .1 can.e fron. J.-l,., F,„,h7h, and-that the fih colin d I tire papers necflswry tor your cause Mr. Duchesnois? >i __in]iiimii Sir A —T fold hi-Ti. if came from Judi^e Pt)crcniBiiv ' fliiU t did nttt^krfow ' • what the, file contained, but I knew it contained the note of mv Q.— Did vati^lveMr. LaCroi/KapoWer of Attorney in writine to prosecute tkB»ai*arti.»ri?^ - ^ '- " >'. I. """"6 ^^ A.~lknowlgavohimrhar2:eofmyafrairi, b„i I do not recoUect whether it was h^j a power of Attorney in writing, or not. Q.— Where did you write that -Dote which contained the nam« of your debtors to serve as instructions to Mr, La Croix ? '''■'■* A —In my room at Mr. Foucher's where I then lived. Q.— How did Judge FoiicnlfR cdme'into possession of that note ? A. — I suppose I gave it to him.' ^'^^"' ^n "^K '*''' ^««CHEfe ever advise er Cbunsel you to sue Mr iitienne Duchesnois. - /""wouc mr* A.-Mr Justice FoucHER never conversed with me on that business- once however while my cause wiih Mr. Duchesnois wlT^HdZT' I said toh.m .. tell me Mr. Justice F.^chkr wUrmyTff ?/t, f^ ^ nue much bnger ?• = he >m,d i< Mr. Dailleboot as you are in my house I will not meddle i*?jih it."' , ^ * Q -Do you recollect that when Mr. Foitchf.r was Provincial Jud*^ Crow:?:''"''"' :t r T '""^'" -'■'''''' ^«" «" ^i^"-' 'i'^'« A.— Yes, it was about the affair of Madame De Montarville, < I 4tn Q.f^lfl vrhal tipac^ Were you lued? A. — Ag Testamentary Executor Onge. t'i I hn of the tote ,6r«)rf >)V«'« fy g|. j»rv 'I;, 'rf liu'') rr.!."' A. — I do not recollect. Q.—Did you employ an Advocate in that affair ? A.-No. setting forth that you relied on justice" '^ ^ "^ *°' ^^^' A.— I do not recollect. A.— I do not think so. Q.~During that affair were you living at jTudge Poucher's ? A.-^I have been ther(?. ' i- <' . Q,-Wcre the same papers ^hich Mr. Justice Fot;cH£R told you to give ■VI > ' ;» 14- 11 give to Mr. Lacroix and M^hich you gav« him, returnfd to vou by Mr. Lacroix, after the termuiatioa of the •uitagaiust Mr. Duches- II018 ? A.j-Mr. Lacroix returned to mcthe papers which concerned my af- tair With Mr. Duchesnois, as well as some Contracts of Co/jim-/ but I do not recollect whether Mr. La Cioix returned to me that 'note of the name of my debtors, which I had before given to Mr Jus- tice FoL'CHEB, and which was with tlie file of papers which he told me to carry to Mr. Lacioix. Q Do yo.i now perfectly recollect that you gave to Mr. Justice I'oucHEB that note containing the name of your debtors? A, — Yes, I remember it. \ Q.— Why did you give it to Mr. Justice Fouc^er ? ' A.— I cannot say why, nor for what reason. ^'that^a^ert ^^'' '^"'^'''^ ^^^^^^^ aay to you when you gave him A. — I do not remember. Q.—What did you then say to Mr. Justice Foucher ? A. — I do not recollect. Q.-jS.'nce the event of the suit with Mr. Duchesnois, have you suffer- ed any sickness, which may have contributed to occasion you to lose your memory > . -^ ^■^stin^^"'^ ""'^ ''^ '^'*^''-' ^'°™ *" *"*^^ of Jaundice, a^d I do Of 1/ ''^ nr ) ^h 42 Q—Of the papers reti.riiftd to yon bv Mr. Ta Croix was«nn « 1.. the ha.uiwritiug ofMr. Justice Foi;chlh% '^ *"" '"^''^ A. — I have no knowledge of it. Q— IfMr. La Croix had returned yon anv snrli .k/ u known it? ^""anjsuch, should jou have A.— Yes, I should have known it, but I did not see anj. Q.~When yo.i gave Mr. Justice Foucher the nofp nfiU^ your debtors d.d you tell him that >'ou im ndcd to T'.l "^ persons ? ^ micnuta to sue those A.— No. Q —Why then did you return or gi^e it to him ? ^ A. — I do not recollect why, ^Kili^erl?^°"°"^°"''''^*'' Quebec meet Mr. La Croix at Three- A — Yes, I saw him. "^tTtt^P"'^^''" of the affair which was bringingyou both A.— I told him I was going to Quebec upon Mr. Fouciier's affair. ^Zuh/enT' '" '" ''"' ^'"" *^S^*^^^ -d - conversatioa upon A. -No. ;, ■ ■ Q.-IIad you any conversation with him after your arrival ai Quebec? • He both 43 A.-He called to iee roe at M r. Duchesnay'g, but we bad not any conversation upon this subject. ^ The examination of Mr. DaiUebout was then adjourned. Examination of Joseph Bedard, Esquire. ^tTial'? ^**" """^ """^ "* ^^^ Advocates practising at the BarofMon" A.— Yes. I have practiced at the Bar of Montreal for twenty years ending m July !ast. ^ " Q— Hatre yo.i a knowledgeaf a cause insti:ut«din the Court of Kinir's Bench at Montreal between Pierre Ignace DaiUebout. Piaintiff'a- gamst Etienne Duchesnois Defendant, and Etienne Dnchesnois Plaintiff, en garaniie against Thomas Coffin Defendant en zaraniU and at what time ? o c, A.— Yes, that cause was pending in the year 1SI4. Q.— Who were the Advocates concerned in that cause ? ^*^!^l ^^^^'''\'^" .^^"^ ^'^''°*^«*® of Mr. DaiUebout, Mr Louis Michel Viger that of Mr Duchesnois, and to the best of my memorj Mr. Beaubien was Advocate of Mr. Coffin. ^ A- — T'lhe seat I have occupied for many years is nMt *« on,i «« ♦!,« r.shtofthat which Mr.'La Croix haLVooccfupTdft'r maVjear.! F 2 Ab :\ 44 Q.--A9.y(f|^4rethu• next (o Mr. La Croix, hare, you not frequeritly an oppurlumij^ of seeing his paper;* which li«; ou the table ? Q. — Did you not see in Court and in the posgogsjon of Mr. La Croix a pa|Tr marked " Oaillehoiit vs. Duchesiiois" aiid the words " Aato n-gotiorum^eitorum" iu ihe hundwriti.i|ir of Judge Fcuhhek and when? A.-Whilr that cause wag pendinp: in ^ . , and before the argument ?Im I "'"A r '^'! ""i:'i '"'-'"' "" '"■'■ ^* ^^'•"'^'« t^'>'« a paper folded in the form ota Deelarafon. 'Ihe indorsement of th.s paper vas 10 the handwriting ..f J -.d-eFouCHER, and when I saw that "^Vuu ZiT"^^l \ ''*' ''•'" '^'■*"^''^ "^''^ eicd to the qiieHtic.ns pi.t to tliem as foUows. Examination of Jean lioch RoUand, Esquire. ^^'Montrea?? """^ """^ °^ ^'''' Advocates practisin^r at tlie Bar of A. — Yes. Q ITp,,e lia^l aknruledgeof a cause instituted in the Court ot Kmir'g Mencli at M(mtieal, between Pierre Iiinace l)callebout, Plaintifr and Etienne Duc!ie«nois, Defendant and Etienne Ducjiesnois, Plahitiff; en gar untie, against Ihomas Lothn, Delnidant en garantie, and at what time ? A.-^Ycs, i;ut I cannot exactly say in M^hat Term ; I believe it IS aoout two or three years since. Q.— Wikn Avere the Advocates concerned in that cau:^ ? A,—Uv. Janvier Domptail Lacroix, was the Plaintiff's Advo- cate, !' /■ it 49 cafe, and Mr. Louis Michel Viger, that of the Dofendant and Mt. lienjaunn Beaubien, Advocate of Mr. Coffin Defen- dant en garantie, * Q.— Is not the plnce you occupy at the Biar ar Moirtreal. neai^ ttial of Mr. La Croix, Advocate ? A. — It is in the second Form behind him. Q.-~Being so situated, have you not freowiently anopportunity of seeing tlie papers which lie before Mr. Lacroix ? A. — Yes. Q,— Have you not seon in Court, and in the possession of Mr La Croix, a paper marked Daillebout vs. Duchesnois, and the words '^ actio negotiorum geatorumr in Jud^e Foucher's hand wrilmg, and at what time ? A.—I have seen before Mr. La Croix, ^nCourtaiid^iw his posses- sion, (I believe upon the day on which the cduse before men- tionetl waa pleaded en droit,) a paper, marked with the names DailiebmU vs. Duchesnm'Sf with tlie Latin wortU " actio jte- gotiorum gestorum;* and what vwas so written, appeared to me to be the hand writing of Mr. Justice Foucher. Q.— Was not that paper folded i^ a declaration? A. — Yes. Q.— Were there not upon the said paper the words " Projet de Declaration^'* '' O As Iff ii I' 50 A.-A9 well 88 T can rpcoUent, the word " dt'darathnr was tjiere;, not remember whctJier the word '' pqjer hus there. "^wfe'u Q.-'^-pId ydlf Tfear ai)y expression of surprise or c ch«iiro" f.nm foV(^gdnig' dirdunisthnce .^ ' ' i.>""^i"o i^. IV /' A,^I,:ponHUe(4ay on which I saw the paper ])cforo mentioned . several q«jer„t;entle,ne« of die Bar louked at it at the ."2' inuc^^JM, .indtiu>He(J^ntlemen exprensod their .urrn- e • . and J MH..M.rm4!ectthatson.eof then! appeared to pa?^^^^^^^^^ . censure o^i M^at *,cca«ioi>. 1 have since heard the .fa n e 1^? spoken o\My.mH;^\ f my cmf re rc^^ho expressed the same sentiments ; but J beheve that on all those occasions, thei T 8ervat,ol^s >^'l'iie' fimnded on the snp,msition of the pane- in . tiueslion bemo. a dmught of a deciaration, written by ^1 o loucii.R ; I cannot affirm that any of llio«e GentleLii -P- peaied ^ertiwu o\ this f^qt, , "uemcn <.p- Did 51 Q..~ni(! you nof at eny time observe to Mr. La Croix, that the . druuglitol iii'.i declarution in that cuu«e, which lie had in hiii possession, was writteii by Mr. Justice Foucher, or otlier wonia to that etiect? A. — I do not rocollect. Q.--ITns not Mr. La Croix at any time acknowledged that tho (Iranoht oj the declaration in the cause in question, was in tiio hand writing of Judge Foucueu ? A.— No. Q.— Do you recoHecl that that cause was pleaded on the mer- its, and wlien ? A.— I think 1 rocoirect its being pleaded on the merits, and final- ly adjudged, but 1 cannot nay at what time. Q. — Have you seen the inside of tliat paper ? A. — No. Q.— ^V'as there a sum mentioned on tlie back of that paper ? A.-I cannot aftirm it, but the paper then appeared to me to be in a thmgs like the docket ol a declaration, and I think I recollect that such was the impression of tiie moment. Q.— Did that paper appear to contain or enclose other papers ? A— As well as I can recollect, it appeared to me to be isolated G 2 when ;ai'i 32 when T read it in Court b^ore Mr. LaCroiT, witb many ether papers of t ,e same cause, aitd i believe that at that momeut the cause had just beeu pleaded. "lomuu ♦ Examination of Frederic Auguate Quesnel, Esquire. ^'MottreS*? """^ ''"'"'^^ *^^^ Advocate-s practising at the Bar of Q.^-Have you liad a Wledg:e of a cause instituted in the K T S, !-g.' ^'^"i^i\^t Montreal, of Pierre Ignace Daille- bout, Plmntift, vs. Ltienr^e Ductiesnois, Defendant, and of Ktienne Ducliesnois, Plaintiff en garantie, against Tliomas C ottin. Defendant en gamntie, and at what time ? A.— I recollect that such a cause was pending ^n Court at Mont real, but not being concerned in it, 1 am not acquainted with lis (iecan> Q.— Who were the Advocates concerned ? A^--^r.l.RCTo\x was Advocate for the Plaintiff, Mr. Louis Mi- cliel \ iger for the Defendant, and Mr. Beaubien for the Ga- rant, ^7r^f TU^^f^'''''^^^" occupy at the Bar at Montreal, near that of Mr. Lacroix ? "^behind hi! ^^"^ ^'''"' '^ ' ^ "^"""^^ ^ P^^^^ ""^ ^^^ ^^^ '^^''''^' '" Being S3 Q.— Being so situated, near Mr. J.a Croix hftw i?h'« ewm«»- :jt ha:i an opportunity of seeing his papers ?^" sbmetnne^ A.r-My eyes are naturally directed to the papers immediately^ betore me, but I am not accustomed to turn tbcm Tthe n« pers of Mr. La Croix in particular. ^ ?*" Q.-Have you not seen in Court, and in the possession of Mr La Croix, a paper marked Daillebout vs. DucheZT^dthL words " act>t* negotiorum gestorumr written in i-R^ CHER'S hand, and at what time ? " ^'"^^^ *^^^^ A.-.-I one day saw, but I do not recollect when amono- Mr Lacroix' papers, which were scattered upoX labra^oat; marked ,n that manner, to the best of my knowled^^?,^ which, from the place I occupy a^ aforesaid, app^aS^lo me to be m the hand writing of &. Justice FoucSer! Q..~Was not that paper folded in the shape of a declaration ? "^•"ceLeS! "'' '"''^^ ''' ^^* '""'^ ^"^ '^' ^^P'^'^on I then re- "^^S^ r "P^" ^^ '''' W- «^^ -"^ « Pro,,, A.— I do not recollect. Q.— Was it the paper now shewn to you ? When "i) lM'^ r i.f !l/ l\ 54 Q.;-Wljen you saw that pap<^r in Mr. La Croix' possession, did It not excite your surprise ? A.--Tq the best of my knowledge, the thing made a ce i tain. imprps^ion upon rae. Q. — Wtiat was that impression ? A,~That of seeing tlie writing of a Judge upon a paper of that nature, ui the huiuls ot an Advocate. '^ f i' Q.--Did you hear expre'^sions cf surprise or censme from some ot the Gentlemen oj the Bar, or any di them, relative to tlie loregomg cu'cumstauce ? A..-I think I then remarked some signs, which appeared to me to be occasioned by the astonishment produced by seoin^' '"^ J A.~I have beard that it was rendered in favour of the Plaintiff. . Q.—Have yoti ever seen i the inside of that paper? ^ ■ : ■■■-■ ■ ■.'.;! ')iac/j.j \, .-,■■ .. .-. . ; A.—I never saw it, nor ever sought to see it. Q.- Did the paprr so indorsed, contain half a sheet, an entire sheet Of many sheets ? , ^ ^ Ai--T cannot say whether that paper contained a sheet or a half 8heef, not hivnig then paid any particular aKeution to it. ' Examination of Joseph Mathons, Residing in the City of Montreal. Q Arc vo., not a Clerk in the Office of the Prothoootaries of the Court ot King s Bench at Moutrtal ? Yes ;> V un Jjiil W r'1 ;■ ». ■S f M--Xft, ^•r:"*,^* J^'V * ^"'^'^te^ of a cause instituted in the Court of . 5;'"g« Bench at Montreal, wherein Pierre Ignace Daillebout was rialatiff, against Etienne D«chesiioi«, DefifrMlant, and Kticnne Du- ehesnois, PhiuiifT en gartintu, against Thomas Cpffiu, Defendants A -I fiave had a knowledge of that cause ; it is to my knowledee thre* jtears 8ince.> .. , .->,.ij i^i,i, , *^ »■ Q— Did jou examine the record in thai cause ^ A.— No. Q.—Do you know that about the end of the Term of October 1814 Mr. J.istice FoucHER sent to the Office for the Record in that eaiUe ? A.-- Yes ; about that time he asked me for the Record in that cause with some others, and I delivered it mjseif iat» his bauds. ' Q.— What did he do with that Record } A.— I cannot say. ^.^Did y«Mi not go to; Judge FoucHEft's some tim^ afterwards, foi\ that Kec ord ? A.—Upon nn goi«i;E^,fp Mr. Justice Foucher.'s for other papers, he retjirued to nw that Record, wijh other Records. Q.— Did Ihat Re« ord contain the final Judgment ? A.— I did u6t see the Judgment. Were 1\ \: 57 Q'—Were not Mr. Joseph Be/m«,Y; the Rules. Orders and Judgments of ^la U„rt, are entered therc.pon as soon as nr,,M,Mn.rd t W Rul.s Order., and Judgment,, m the LHumuf, a e th " ter'ed fair in another Book called a Register. For about a year pa t the Ru . Order, and Ju.l^nn.nt,. therein rendered!, have 600^ nt. eS • n th,t Jteg.sfer. and tl.r.ngthe Term; before that time those en tries were not mude until after th j Term. ^iir.l?r .*"^1\''"*'« ^"P'«« "f <»ie Rules, Orders and Judgment, of lliatlHmor Court are required, frott, what Booksare thc^ tlken ? A.-They are generally taken frcm the Plumuif, when the Ri>o.J«*«.„c,- of ,he causo,, or after Ih. re„deri,fg of ,1," Ju4""of " time. a. ;U Officii '^«'' '^''""'*"' ""™""'-=" "' l""""- "'"l »-»"=- Do <•] 09 g.— po yon know that Mr. Justice Fouchw hai also made emurea M tue Hegister of lUe said Court ? ciBiuret A— Yes ; but I cannot saj whether in interlocutory or'in final Judir, nicrit8. "^ • ^i7ad" f * ^*^'**"' *"** /»/«mz/i/i of what years were those eraiurea A— I belifve from 1&13 to 1817. The Goouuittee then adjourned. Tuesday, l\th February, 1817, The Committee met. RESENT : Messieurs Ogden, Taschereau, Languedoc, Panet. and M'Cord * Mr. Ogden called to the Chair. The Commiftee proceeded to the continuation of the examination of Mr. La Croix,. as follows : Q.— Did yoM receive the money arising from the Judgcaent obtained by Mr. Daillebout against Mr. Duthesnois ? A.— I was paid the amount of that Judgment ; I believe by Mr. Vi- ger, h.s Advocate. Q.— Did you remit that money to Mr Daillebout ? A,—I do not know whether the Committee determine that I ought H 2 to ^i < A i £ .J i*m V, 'M «0 f to iMwer ; t do not wl««h to aniwer, and I think T ouglit not to an- swer that question, the samir relatinir merely to nir pcrHonal afF irs apJ being resiioi.aibleto Mr. Daillebout aloue, ami uoi towards aiiv other. ' ^ in QrrD'd not e paper indorsed in the hand writing of Judge Fouciier was given to yon bv Mr Daillebont, did he not then tell you ihat he came on the part of Judge Foucher ? A.— J shcMld wisli the Committee to determine \vh3t!ierIoii«lit to answer tliat question without a previous reading and com- inunication of the questions put to me on the 8th and 9tli ? TJie Committee decided that Mr. La Croix do answer without receiving- tliat communication. He answers " Not, to tlie best ot'my memory." Q.— Was the note of the names of Mr. Daillebout's debtors contained m the packet which was deUvered to you, or were the names witljin tiie cover and written thereon ? A,— As I Jiave already said, to the best of my memory the names of the diftbrent debtors were written in the inside of the cover, that is to say, upon the same cover the back of which contained the tide of the action I have already spoken of in any foregoing answ ers. Have iu ~»1^,. V 61 t Q.— Have you in your possession youi" memorandum of causes? A. — ^Yes, I have it in my possession. Q.— Will you produce it to the Committee ? A. — I have it not about rae, Q.— The Committee desires to see it, it is necessary that you should produce it. A.— I do not think I ought to submit it to the Committee, inas- much as it concerns the affairs of a number of persons not concerned in this proceeding, and is tor my private use. Examination of Louis Montizambert Esquire, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Q.— Have you in your possession the Record of the cause Do- minus Rex vs. Pierre %nace Daillebput now, in appeal t A. — Y^s, I have. ;: Q.— Will you produce the same for the information of the Com- mittee ? Mr. Montizambert laid the said Record before the Committee.* * For this paper see note E at the end of this report. ExAMI- f Ih i t ) §1 ' itt m ■ 1... 'I ft' I s ^ i \ ^^mm/^m^<^UJngh Fr(^t}r, Esquire. A. — Yes. ■ <. : < Q. — Do you remember the canse bmnn-hf in ♦!,« • • i CourtofThree^JiversintHule^J^oS );uliebout una Joseph iiouulier Sieiu- tie Mo Uar il o ./ intervening party ? • ^>Aowurvillc e< wxor A.--*' the de rndant m his alore.aid quality (clTcsta.uentary Executor ol the late IV ess, re St. Onok) appears in person, and tor X /me savs that he has nnlhin^- to allege and relies entire y upon ,u.l,ce" and that .s the o.dy dejrme made in the action except that 1 have ah'eady inenUoned and lurnished by JudLre Q' — "^Vas the cause finally adjudged ? A.--YCS on the? Uh of September, 1813, the cause was ad- jmoc. m favor ot tlie iufervenin^r party, condemning- the celemaid to rts.oie the inheritances xvithout costs, ancl de- caring- tie 'i e.stameiit of the late Mesair^ De S-r. Onge null. Q.— lvid Jiid^re FoLCHKR sit in that cause and concur in ero- nouncmg Vie said Judgment ? . A.~- As provincial Juf]:Te he sat in the whole proceeding from the entry oi the cause to tlie hiial judgment. Is ^W '.I * -.Mti '? 04 Q. — h the cause now in appeal ? A. — Yes, since the montli of November 1812. Examination of Upiali Judah of Three-Riversi A«"~~ie8« Q.--Have you a knmvlc%e of a catisc instituted in theCourt o*' Kiuff H Bench of that District intituled Dominu>f Rex vs.P I I)aillebout, a.»d Joseplj Bouoher de Mon tar viUe ^< wxor i'n^ tervening party ? A. — 1 have. • Q.— Is the original plea filed in that cause, in' your handwrit- mg . A. — Yes, it is. Q.— From what Draught did you copy the said plea ? A.-I copied it from a Draft given tome by Mr. Judge Foucher and ui his own handwriting. *= oucher Q.Was the said plea made use of in the said cause ? A.—It is marked filed and forms part of the Record in the said cause, as appears by tlie Kecotd now exhibiri Was 65 Q— Was tlie said cause finally adjudged 7 A. — It was. % Q.— To whom did you deliver the said Orifrinal Plea which you so copied from the Draa given you by Mr. JudL^e Fou- CHER? • A. — I gave it to Mr. Judge Fouchbr himself, Q. — Was the addition to the said Plea, purporting to be an Account of Mr. Daillebout's expences, also copied bv vou and from what Draft ? f ) y »> A. — Yes the said addition is in my own hand writing and waM copied from the draft given me by Mr. Judge Foucher at the same time. . Q. — Did you return the said draft to any person and to whom ? A. — I delivered il back to Judge Foucher. Q.— Is the signature signed to the Plea in this cause ol the liand writing of Mr. Daillebout ? A. — It is, to the best of my knowledge* Wednesdax/ f liKi \ |./A| ' Ifl 1^ 66 Wednesduify t2th Februdry, 1817. P' RESENT, Messieurs Oga'erij Sherwood^ Panet, Tasclie- reaUy Stuart and Borgia. ■ ... ft , , • •» > 1 Examination .of the ilonorable Etkcurd Boueny quq oCX^'^ Justices c»f His Majesty's Cuuit of King's £>e;ica foi- Uic Ijid- trict of Quebec. Q.— Did you in ISli, as H. M. Attoriiev ^ft^erai for this provinra file an informatiuii ai>:ainst P. I l.V.iii. hoi-t i i thi^ <'.)iiii of K JL}. ^ in f he District of Thrcr- Rivers? cai) vo^i infoim the Compnttcc what were the grounds of that iiifoaniJio;! ? 7 V A.— In the year 1811, hcing 1. Attofn<>v and i^olicitor Ge- neral for the jMoviuce, I did on or jibMitth.' Kith of Sopdmbir of the sarne yea'- file an mforai ifio.i on the civii snie ofiht: Court of K. B. for the District if Three-Rivers !jj:j;\insf V.[ Djill(b.»i,t as one of the Executors of the last Vtili and 'h-.tament of the late Mes^ire Pierre Garenn df St. Onge in his life tnne Vicar Gcn(U-al of the District of Three- flivers. Tire infor^uation was founded on th* illegal disposition of certain iniinovonb!*' juo'city liequeHthcd bvr lii«last Will and T.-stunNit to a Rriiigious comnunity at Three- Rivers contrary to I.;iw vv\ to (he pr inhibitions of the det 1 nation of Hit Most Chrixtiati VTii stv r.'s;>"' ti i£,' _^'m de maui mt> ' of the vear 1743 The i.f »r n if ioo bei.if^ pare of the Record now shown to m foti any knftwledg'e that an int«rve«tmn was filed bt Jo§. BoufhiT (fe Moiitarville Esquire, aod Marie Joscphte Averard ? A.— The f.rocess which issued to bring i\i the defendant to answer to tbeiiifiraiMtioM was not fclurnable until the 17th oftheskme mouth at whh h period I had left Three-Kiers to return t.) Qtiebec and the s< bMi^uent |}roitrtct of ihiee-kivers were you ;vppoifitedoue of H. M. Judges vfoffitwDistirict of Quebec ? . ,,. , ,, . A. — I was. J uj!*',. Q.— -As such J.idjve were you present at the final hearing and decision of that cause ai the town of Three Rivers ? P A. — 1 sat 00 the Bench. iO I 2 Do 'iy(^ f ) 68 Q.-i-Do ybu Jrecollect Mrho vrerd the other Judges present at thetimefj A.— Mr. Justice Perrault and Mr. Justice Fouciier. -.f f !•>,'(, Q — Did you sit in judgmeqt oo that cause ? A. — No, Ididnot. Q.— Can you say which of ^ithci Judges pronounced the judsrtiient of the Court? , ■' >" ° ■■'if (H i< ;i //.. 1 jr"r; ''-''I •;■ 7 , , A.— Upon reference vo the Record I find that Mr. Justice FoucHEa presided : and consequt^.itiy I pfe^'dmehe pronounced the i»i(l(.M,.nt But I am also certain Mr JusUcePorault'also delivered his opinion "P^n the case as ,i^ M.ijual it) g^ses of importance. 0.-^t>iii J^bu'ijbnSiderlihtt case as a case of iinportanCe ? A.— Certainly* * , .1.': . Q Would the Court have been competerjt in Mr. Justice PerrauU A. — No ; there must be two Judges at least. Q.— Why did you decline sitting in that cause ? ' '■ j 1 A.— Because the Court was competent without me. I declined from m.-tives of delicacy though I consider I had a right to sit beiojcacuse or th« Crown. ° Examination of Charles Porteoiis, Esquire,, Q- — What is your profession? A.— I am an Advocate and Attorney of this province. ' " Did ^.T~^' ".^:iT.ttS. 0.— DM you in the year 1815, practise si& Attorney and Advo- cate in the Court of K. B. in the District of Montreal ? A. — Yes, I did. , ; Q. — Did you act as Attorney for the defendant in a certain cause pending in the inferior Term of the Court of K. B. in that year wiiere Louis Gibeault was plaintiff and Barril dit Namur defendant and e contra ? A.— I did. Q. — Did you attend as Advocate and Attorney for the defendant on the engwefe and trial of that cause, and what Judge or Judges were present ? A*— I attended as the Advocate on the enquete and trial of that cause and the sole Judge present was the Hon. L. C. Foucher,. who presided. Q. — ^Ilelate to the Committee tlie proceedings which were had in that cause and the nature of it. ^.— The action was brought by the plaintiff against the defen- '"dant for the sum of eleven pounds currency. I hand to the Committee a copy of the declaration and summons which the defendant handed to me himself and employed me to defend . the suit. On tlie part of the defendant I pleaded the general issue and an incidental demand. When the cause came ori for Uitil Mr. Binder as Attorney for the plaintiff examined two, J ' ..." witnesses ^ \ ■X ■witnesses and the defendant u^onfaits et articles. I tli^fi cal- led five witnesses who we re. Sworn, and I called one. Pierre Kenoit who entered tlie witness l)ox, to whom 1 put tiie ques- tion whicii is in my opinion always put to witnesses, tliat is to say. " Do you know the parties in this cause r" the Hon. I,. C. I'oucHFR who was then presiding- addve.-sed himy^eh *to nip ^ apparcntty nuich irritated and'asked me " why do you put '-" that question? It is absurd." J answered in a'polite and res- pect Jid manner " niay it please theCionr-t- ^ .•-> X!ie Iioiioral)!e Judge without giving- me time to add another word «' siiifl Mr. Porteous liold your tongue, it is al)surd, there is st«- " pKlityinputtingsuch a question: it is absurd and stupid; pro- ■^' ceed:" I tljcn put to the witness tiie same questionV The Ho- noraHle Judge stOppednie, and in a manner more vioknitand a more irritated tone said " Mr. Porteous hold your torio-ue, ■*' 1 will suspend you until IiisMajesty> pleasure be known," I answcj-ed " but really may it please the Court.— "Tiie 1 lono- rable Judgestill more irritated said *' hold your tongue,cryer,or- " der silence, Mr. Levesque give me souie paper and writeior „ nie,l will not hesiiatean inslai.ttosuspend imp." During t!'at conversation I was standing near the Prothonotary's de.^k as is ciistomary with the Advocates practi'^ing at the Bar at Mon- treal in llic inii?ri<.r tenn. 1 lelt that place took my usual place -at the Par iind addressed 1113 ^eli" to the Court in the Ibllowinr words " May it , please the Court, 1 am but a young man, it *' IS but a very slu)rt tiiiie since 1 made choice of this honorable *' protes8ion.~--"Thel^ioiableJudgejmniediately stopped me and said " Mr. Porteous" ". Crvei, cause silence to be kejA" '' proceed"— I ajiswcred " I >vis:i to proceed." 'Jlie f :iin. Judge said, " Mr. Levesque, ' enter fliat the' defendant M choosing > *m.,^^m r^s"*--'- 71: ♦^choo^rna;toproceed to his proof, T put or tnlfe this caii«e- " en dfUiuere" A short time after that oneot'tlie witnesiies of the defendant addressed himself to the ( ourt lor tiie puipoje of being taxed. The Uoiiorabie' Jiidg-e said, " see wiiat it is *< (shrng-ging his shoulders ) to make witnesses attend wit! wut " exaiTHninn^ them, and to make them lose their tiaie. Mr» Por- " teous hereisone ofyouFwitnessesswhoasks tube taxed;" I answered " that as the Court had not chosen to allow me to- proceed in that cause I could not do any thing about the mat- ter." Thellon. Judaiumac:verl upoii m\ conduci, lit the me- •* tliods deemed proper be taken audisaaU be rtady to answer." ./. After r« CM II ' I h r' After Court I wentdown to the Prothonotary's office, and took out a copy of the interlocutory judgwient, putting tlie cause en delfbere, which copy I produce to the Committee certified hv the Frothonotary.* The next day being: |)resent in Court the ±ion. J udge FoucHER pronounced Judgment in the said cause ot which Judgment I now hand to the Committee a certified copy,+ tiie Judge remarking at the same time « I can render "Judgment m this cause altliough tlxe defendant's witnesses ..have not been heard I have heard Uie plaintift^s witnesses . and have had from them all the information necessary to en- able metoadjudge thecause and decide betweentheparties " A VV rit oi executton was taken out against the defendant, and 1 produce a certified copy of the Procesverbal de Saisie which took place m consequence of the above execution. The con- versation above alluded to, took place in open Court in the ^ presence of the giva;est part of the Bar, and a vast number - t>f Auditors. Q.— Was there a meeting of the Bar upon the subject of what . took piacc on I lie trial of the cause of Gibault vs. Namur and was i\ requested by you ? ' A.— I expressed my feelings to my brother Lawyers who had a meeting on the subject. It was not requested by me, butdone > voluntarily on their part. * For thl6' Paper see Note F at the end of this Report, i For ihi;, Paper see Note G at the end of this Report. '' What ..-....■. «*.v'<-M>«a^ \ n ^Q. — Whal was the result of that meeting ? A. — Themeeting were of opinion t}iat I should petition the House of Assembly ior redress. 1 put the necessary documents into the hands of one of the Members of the House of Assemhly, but he was prevented from doing so by the dissolutiou of Uie Provincial Parliament. " Q.— Do you contlnMe to praetic« at the Bar iA Moatreal ^ A. — I do not at present. ^. — When did you abandon practice ? A.~Io March, 1816. Q — From what cause ? A.—Thc principal cause was the conduct of Judge Foucheh fow* ards me on the trial of the cause Gibault vs. Namiir ; and I should have left the Bar immediately after that, had any other emplovment offered. ^ r j Examination of Jean GuiVaume Delkky of the City of Montreal Esquire. Q. — ^What is your profession ? A.— I am one of the Notaries Public for this Province. ^*^"*i?r"u°"l? *^*."* *" '^^ Superior Term of the Court of Kinir** Bench fur the District of Montreal, in which cause you were Plain- K tiff. ( : r^" ' f i ; i) 74 (i/r and iho. CommUn\onnt% for rctiiovinff the Forlificationi nf M.. said Cit^ were DefeudnntH. and when? ^f'ttcalions oflha A— Ye-', I hud such a ea — » e". 1 nuci such a cause ; it wa, pr^ndine ,'„ that Coup* in IRIA and was thae.u fi.aJi^ adjudged in U. luJuv ibU ' Qj-Whon the said cause xva8^« rf/'jisVe had v-ni anv cr>nver.',tinn « Court of King's Bench of Montreal ? ^ ^ A.-^No, not di.rirg the deuhere, hut alter the rcndrrfn^- nP t j - my lavour. ho told lue that if a h^i:::^^;^^:!^:^ J'ld-es ot the Court of Kiriu-'s Bench of ih«» i\. -t T * damagesin n,onev ft>rthe t.e^..^c ' .^ t U Ud of ;h;rr' '"'^ I)Ia.„ed, the, vvonid not have rl.uiered a J .u^^a^eZ ^ !^ J ^Z jn^..u^ couM>elln,g thenao put .uatter^;; the co^Uiol ';::i^^^^ Q.-Did not you and Madame Helisle, your wife, cake a ccssi<,u of the property and nghrs .yon had in the Snecessi;.n of .hela e J I m Dehsle, Lsqnue your h.Uler. in favour of your children a m] d not a sn.t heh.eeu the Te.taa.entary Executors of /Jur U father, and yaur children, in consequence of that cession ? A— Yes. 8 iatt Q— Have you ever been advised by Judge Fouch£R to make if>r. ,,.M assignment or cewion l "I'tHi-R lo maice Vio aaid A.--No. ■■."•::■■■ ♦ The Committee then adjourned. Thursday ^\^ •■ . , M- ^ f:iji fi&t(.^ ^-idj^^'f 75 Thursday, I3th February, 1817. The Committee met. I^ESTiiNT: Messieuri Ogden, Sherwood, Taschcreau, M'Cord una rauet. -^wiu, Mr Ogden in the Chair. Ordered That to morrow the Chairman do move that this Commit- tee huvo .aye to cause to be printed, in both Languatfes/ one hniidr.d copies of the Evidence produced, and to~ be prod.K ed, hvfote the said Committee, for the informatioa ot the Legislature. The Committee then proceeded to the Examination of Louis Mi- chel ViGLR, Lsqiiire, of the City of Montreal, Advocate. Q— Are jou not one of the Advocates practising at the Bar of Moot- real r o M* A.~Ye8. Q Have yon a knowledge of a cause instituted in the Inferior Term orth.. ( OM,i<,| Kngs n.,Mh at Montreal, in which Louis Gibault \v;,R \ ....a Joseph Barril, otherwise called Namur Defen- Cant, and when ? ' '^■;rJ]lHtl^''rr''^'.c[.'^"*'*"^"' •* ^^^ fixed for the «,^«^. on Q.— Who were the Advocafes concerned in that cause? K^2 Mr. T < i I .mi 3.. r» it*ii r^^^r ."^" »<^V.4ftorney for the Plal..«inr. ant! f.r tl,o \ncu]en^ Defendaut, auJ fur the i.ici.' ..^ •'. ^^^"^"«> *"^ "le Q— Wm the came called iu the u^ual manntpi? • *"Z^^' ^!"^", " *'!'""•«•'' f"f «»» Plaintiff, aflor Fiavi.,- ,(.(0,1 .l, ».- »..»««, ..Xhe „.„„b..r„f four..,, re [^^mTS 'hi »li y ««f sworn. Ooeoflhose wittiesseshiioe placed i,h/l., Jur he kotw the p.rtie, j,, ,[,, „„„ ,h„ Honorable I «l.. ,, „.„„g „,„1 holding that Coo.t, iunrndiatel, tlemn^^ed Aii* p Wteoo, ..,d ,.,d U, hf™ i„ a to„e o%;e;.i;Si. '.l^'ri ^^ |...t that q>,est.o„ to the wit„es,. it ., ab,ur.l, it i, .nlu,?!^* '^': P"''™ > a very rc!pc.lf,.l manner addre.sed the I [1 " "•^"•g •• Mar it Ploa*.- the Court ._!!!!!!...'!, j'^ T .n.u.ed,»N ly ,,:„ „„,,„„ ,,,„, „,,, ;„ ., „,„^, , ,. ^^ ; ^.^^^ ' '«« ai«.« oi greater ualation told Mr. fo.t.ou. .0 hold b» ton/J^ tliat ^T»»- -^' >■•£*■; n k.. .WM. Mr FortroMs fhn. addrrs.n.g the Jud;.. ,a,d .. ^^, oral- ly .n.y 't plctse rhe (\M,rf-^a..d i.itendi..ff ,*' '^f be ( o.nrt ordered h.m to cause s.lenct-fo be ,, reserved, and «aid wri''-- n T'r " ^^^^J^*»n..e fflve L «ome'pape; and writo. --Ihe Jodge w^s at this moment extrrm.-Iy aHgry, and w.thm.t saying any more to Mr. Levesque, addressing hims • f l» •Mr Porteo,.ho sa.d " I shall notbesitat. one io«tanf to suspeni you —Mr. Po.teou8 who until this mo.nent had remained near fhi box where the witness was, resumed his place on the Advocaiei «Mt, and addressed himself to the Court in a ^ery resp* ctli.l manner 111 a x.o cairn. tone and preserving great ^a>'.g irotd saving « uiav it please thr Court. I am but a young man, I have but v.Vy rece/.tlr th<.sen this honovable profe,siou"_/\ud as he was about to con- tinue the ju.lge immediately stopped h.m and, addressiuff Mr Por- J:i"»^A""r'/'*''* " ^'y'' '^"'^ '"*^'"'*' *« ^^ observed"' and ad- , .?"■• *^"*'°"« proceed" Mr. Porteous addressing the C^ourt aai.l, " I wish to proceed" The Judge then ordered the Clerk Vlr Levesque to enter upon the Register that the Defi-ndant not choos- ing to proceed to his proof, he put the cause w<^.',^.'rontftprorpedinthi«r»i.i,r I shall never allow n.v.df(.,ho re«trrtH.«d i.. Um wav..., .lu- tral.on of jn8 ,ce. Ih.; ou.f .Ml.cted u... to ,,ro. .v d but vo., did not .-hose to do «o." Mr Port.oM. (lu-n iv,»li„d " f never re •' fused to proceed iii this cansc and I tiko I., wnmgs (he wh.»U " IW if it ho not fh<. cane •• Th. J .d^^e uu.ued.Uelv ^Jd " V ;- Portcou« I shall out take th. Bar a. ,hnlg.; t„, ,uv part.' I know the powers and auth..nty with whieh i aui ve.sfed I knc ;; and .fjuyco.ui ,ctheto he au.u.uh.r^ed upo:; iHtC^^^ deeuml proper be fakeu .ml I .hall be ready ,« answer.'" O. the lollovvu.g. daydndfTC Foucnm in^. Jndpneut in the Q.-Did Tiottlie Advocates meet atter that business and vvliat occurred at lliat nieetmo- ? ^ A.-Upon the day precediug or tlie very day of ihe rcnderinir ollhe Jud^uient m Iho C«u«e, Mr. Porteous rt>c,u.-sted ,nf to go t<, Ins Ilo,i8e, m order to give him a correct detail of what lim passed to my kno^vled^ro upon that matter— lJavi.,.r goi.e (.i,t KM- 1 there met several of ,uy confreres with whom Ipioceeded to make tue recdal and give the iniormulion I Itave I. \ ^ ■'< 4i ^•^ nr jinvf. just ffiven to this Committee accordinff to our know Q._-^Va^ there not another oc were there not other meeting 111 thai buiiaU and what vvoio the iUrtaer procucvlin^'-j I A.-^Mr. l',».lo()us fediiio; himself ill treated and injured by the cenou.t ol Judf.e Fouchku towards him, and h.lcndina- to take stops a-ainst the ^aid Jud^re Fouchkh, asked me uer- lii.jH, more or less, to go to his llousoto^ive inlbrina- tiun U) 1,'ie |<(r-(ms he \\ishcd to interest in his cause; andliav- ini?: ^(.ue thiliicr, I there again met some of my confreres who were prescM.t in anut wlien that alKiir liappened- Mr Foiteous then intcndino- to apply to the House ofAssembiv to euinplam of the conduct of J utige Folcher. Q.— fJad not Mr.. Porteous as extensive Practice as it isusnal for^(. yonn/.- an Advocate as he then was, to have, and was not his convli;ct in all points respectable and honorable ^ A. — Yes, certainly.. Q.__\V|,atin.prrssiondld the behaviour of Judge FouciiERthen make on tiie Gentlemen of the Bar llien present ? A.— It appeared to me acrording to the conversation, I then had vnUi Hh(.tU ItMi «>f uiy CV;/(/)-emiipon tl.e .-iJfject that they dioappioved the proceedings of Juuge liouciii-m. I, i I Hi i irr 80 Q.— T^not Mr.Porteous of a very respectable family in the District of Monti eai ? ^ A.— -Yes, of one of the most respectable. Q.— Ta he not a young man of good morals aiid irreproachable conduct ? A. — Yes, Q.---Haye you a knowledge of a certain c^nse of Daillebout vs Duchesnois, and Duchesnois plaintiff en garanlie ax-ainst Thomas Coffin defendant ewg-amii/e, instituted in the supe- rior term of the Court of King's Bench for the District of Montreal : and at what time ? \.— Yes, I was concemefd in that cause as Attorney for Mr Duchesnois ; Mr. La Croix was Attorney for Mr. Daillebout and Mk'. Beaubien Attorney for Mr. (Coffin— tliat cause was entered on the 10th of February, 1814. Q.— Is nol the seat you occupy at the Bar of Montreal near that occupied by Mr. La Croix and have you not an opportunitv ot semg tlie papers laying on his table ? ' A.--In the Inferior Terms, the seat I occupy at the Bar is be- hmd that occupied by Mr, La Croix, so that it is easy for me to see the papers which Mr. La Croix may have before him. ^.—Have you not seen in Court in the possession of Mr La ivroix a paper marked Daillebout vs, Duchesnois, and* the words ^^ the 9% word^ actio negothrum gestorum- written by Juda-e Fouchek and when ? o ' A.— On theieih of ApriJ 1814. That cause having been fix- ed on that day for hearing on exceptions, and the argument having been had, I went to return it to Mr. Levesque the I'rothonotary ; Mr. Justice Foucher who was then setting: asked tor the papers in that cause, and I saw him put them nito his coat pocket and upon returning to take my seat one o^myComfi'cres led me to direct my eyes to the paper be- louning to Mr. La Croix^, and which lay on his tablef Mr La Croix not being at that instant hi his place, I perceived the docket of a paper which I then supposed both from its form and the manner in which it was folded, tG»)ethe Dr.iu<»ht of a declaration, as usually prepared by the Advocates upon which paper were written the names of " Pierre Ignace Dail- lebout plaintiff against Etienne Duchesnois defendant" the word « Declaration" as well as those « actio negotiornm o-es- tonim'' andthewhole was the hand writing of the Honora- ble Judge FoucHER. Q.— Was it the red paper marked C now shewn to you ? A.— No ; to the best of my knowledge the paper I have spoken of, was coimaonwiiite paper. til . , ; Q.— When you so saw that paper v/nich appear^ to you to be a Draught ot a declaratign ii Ujc said cause in the possession of Mr, La Croix did it not excite your surprise, as well as among your Confreres, and what were tiie remarks or obser- vations) then made in that behalf? ^ About 1 ^ ^ % ! iJ % '^»^pwp«^»»^i" P"l" ^mm m m m . i 8l^ X.— Afet fiv^or six of my(^)w/7'e7^sM'ho^aw that paper as well as 1 did, testified to me great surprise. As to inyHeit"\viio was nitrusted in tile cause as Attorney for Mr. Uucliesnois, the fii^ht of that paper excited not only my surprise but my indi awjd -what pass04 on that' ocQ^t Vf 'V t': I A. — Some time after the term of October in the said yeztr, being in coavernation with Mr. Joseph Bed«,rd in the bffice of ithe ProtlioiiotarioKofthe Court of King's Bench, I sjavv Mr. Jo- seph Mathou address Mr. Levesque t!ie Proth(w<)tary, saying that Judge Voucher wanted the proceedings in tlie caiLse of Dailit'bout a^-aiust Uuchesnois. Tliat appplication having • surprised nie (inasnuich as the Hon. Judge Kolciieii had not assisted at tl le ti rgument which had occurred oti the 1 8th of (October preceding) occasioned uiy saying to Mr. Levesrpic that the proceedings ought not to be sent to Judgfe Fouch;-:r, conceiving that lie ought not to participate in the deUbcre on , tl^is ('ause inasnuich as he was unacquainted with tlie argu- ments used on the said day (18th October lb 14). Mr. Le- vcsque answered that he must send the papers since the Judge asked tor theai. And thereupon Mr. Levesque gave them to IMr. Mathons.. In Q. — Have you seen at tlie office and when, the Draught of a final judgment in tiiat cause among the papers forming the Re- cord r A. — Upon tlie day in which the judgment M'-as given to the Prothonotary to be entered 1 saw the said Drau^lit of the judgment. LS^ Was. Hi lil ~j \ 84 0;— "VVas it in Judge Foucher's hand writino- ? ; "^'rJ^n'"!.''." .***'" ^'^"^^* ofthejudgment but once, on the day on which it was given to the Prothonotary the impression i received and retain, is that it was written^ jXTou- cher: i am not however as certain that it was the haSd writ- iDg of Judge FoucHER, as I am of the; three. Drauffhts «f the first interlocutoiy judgments whicli had previously been ren! titXl^^''^ ^'' ^'^^' ' '''-' ^^^" ^^"- -^^ Q.-During the pendency of the suit and after having seen the paper which ap,3ears to you to be the DrauMu o tht declara ion m that cause, did you not communicate to you clfent Mr" Duchesuois your apprehensions that he might Lse Wssuit? A.—In the course oftlie eight days following the day of the ar- gumenton the exceptions which was tlie 16th ofApr 18M andtliejudgment rendered on the 1 8th of the same month ,. iiavuig had occasion to see my client Mr. Duchesnois iTnn' ceivecfit my duty to acquaint him that I had see X* ' ^ne; previously described the circumstances at endino ifa^nd at the same time added that he ought to desoair of fhe «" cessofh^s cause. In the course of it I have oS had oc^- sion to s.^^ him and especially after the renderingof the S judgment, I agair. acquainted him with the lasf circuLtln ceswh.chh. lowed the argument of the 1 8th of Octob "^^^^^^ mK\ which I ha ve detailed above. I a so c ncelved it mv^^^^^ ty to acquaint him, that he had a rigiii to uZZl Lm the judgment to a superior C curt v. Jiich if tiie Cou&p^Tist . ^ this 85 thiscountry, an^ even that he had a right to address the House Q.-Did Mr. Duchesnois to your knowledge as his Attorney t?e^lfttho?I T ^«"d«red on on tifi«?h ni'n'/K^^' .^rJ'^'" *'^"^"^* j"^«»^«^ rendered on the 18th of Octoberof the same year ? A.— Although I advised him to do so, he did not do it. Q.—Did Mr. Duchesnois to your linowledge pay the amount of the judgment and costs rendered against him ? A«— -Yes, he paid it about the middle of January, 18' 5. The Committee adjourned to the hour of 4 in the aflemoon. P, 4 o'clock Aftemoon. RESENT,mcssieurs Ogden, Sherwood, Tuschereau, Low- guedoc and Panel. ^ ^^ Mr. Og-d€w called to the Chair. ' ' Examination of F}]x.' Benderi of Montreal, Enquire, . ' . Advocate. ^M^r ^?? ^°* ^^^ °^*^*^ Advocates practising at the Bar of t. Yes. .{., "f i;il ./ 86 A. — Y<^s, Q.— ;-^^ave yon aknowler^^e of a Crit'iee inslitiitcd in the Court of King's Bench at Montreal in t'le Inferior TeiMi, \vherf'ia Loqii GiJ3ault vv'as Plauitiff and Jy^L^ajiii^^j^olJ^iei wi^ cuU- ed Namur was Defendant and when?. ' 1 •. 'i ■ > i ''ill 'M J I, . . :. '..rc. A.— t hcTTe a knnWletf^o of that CfluW 1 Wris the PtiiiitTfrs Attorney, I inslifnted it in the term of Noveniber 1815 and obtained Jndgment in the Piaiutitf s favor on tiie 30Ui of Um? same month. Q. — Who wastlife Defendants Attorney ? A. — Mr. Pirtcus. Q. — AVas the cause called in the usual manner? A. — Yes, and Jud^-e i^aucHEii was then sittino*. Relate to the Committee the circuniHtanccs of that cause. A.— After having proceedi?d to the hearing oftlie Plaintiff's ^llneHscs, the,. Judge asked Mr. Porteous whether he had any wjtriesses to examine. His Answer vva*^ in the Afiirma- tive, and he iimnediately produced two or three witnesses, and having caused tiiem to be sworn, he asked one of them, w-hvse-name 1 dp^iot know, whether he knew the Parties in tHat cause. Ju(!ge Folcher then told the witness not to answer that Question, and addressing Mr. Porteous, he asked Mim wljy he.put so useless a (^iueslion, and wliich according- to him was absurd. Mr. iorteous then answered the X the Vie .TiKl«re'"«'1th the respect d\^ to him, that he C(>n«?idei*ed that Question as imporfaiit to hn ca ise an i s.) much the nriore so as iMIje witness "ihouia Hav he did not know the par- ties his Deposition became useless. The Judge then or- dered Mr. Porteoustobe silent, adding t. it the Question was truly absurd, anrl t'lat there was "Stupidity in putting it addhig, " Proceed Mr. Porteous." Tiie latter again put the Question, the Juflge then toUi him in a tone oi irritation to hold hi« -Tongue, and that he should not hesitate a sin^rle instant tosU8j)eiHl him, to which Mr. Porteous replied, «°liut, may it please the Court.— "Tiic Judge then addressed tiie Cryer enjoining hirti to cau^^e silence to be observed, and asked the Protlionotary lorPjjper saying to iii-n " write,— I shall not he- «* sitate a single instatjf to suspend Mr. Porteous," Mr. Porteous wfio was near the witness removed horn him and went to his seat. The Jnd-;e tiien said to Mr. Porteous, *' proceed Mr. Porteous," the latter said that he wished to proceed ; but was prevented by the Judge. Upon whicli the Judge oiiiered the l-rothonotarylo enter on the Plunutif lliat since the Celendant woidd not proceeil, he took the cau- s-e en del'htrc. Some minutes atlerwards one of the Uefen- clant's witnesses requested the Judge to tax him an allowan -e. I'he Judge said in a loud voice, Cshmggjng his shoulders,) " This is the result oi'maldng witnesses attend tor uotliino," and said to Mr. Porteous. "" IkM-e is one of your vvithes- ses reqtiesting to be tax( 1," Mr. Porteous answered, V'our Honour noMiavJng<;hosen to aiiow ma to proceed, the tauit is not mine." Tiie Judge in a tone of the utuiost iuilatiou, said '* Your asbeiliou is ialse, it is a mer^ falsehood. ti (C « t; i( 88 falsehood, an.1 f so declare publicly.- I never refused to hear your witnesses ; but I wll never allowTf S th restmined in the Ad.ninistration of Justtce I sevemTt m™ told you to proceed and you constontly reS ,o to do MP. Porteons replied, " I never refuLd to pToce^, ° "Ins cause, and I call to witness of this, the wfoTe bL'" The Judge .mmediately said, « I shell not take the Bar L J..dse. For „,y part I kuow the powers wiU, which I am invested; I know the duly I have to fiilKI .,«,], ^h,i the King and to the Public I Lve no accouM f/ "''' '" ; nctto re,Kler to any one but n,yS I amTeXS"' tive of my Sovereign, ancj I do not hesitate to sa"afoidr ' ," upon tlus Bench I »,„ q,„re tl«i„ the King himseh • fo' His Major^ij come- iy Trib.mal and submits toV, J i nsdicfon to be jucL , a'nd if there be for an ," 1^" s.on upon my conduct, let any steps that nuiy be o m e „e D^endant^topayto the PUdntiff, ^^1!^ ^^^'Jl^ ^*Jn^" the following day what did the Judge say in r,rono«n . cmg ^e Judgment ? ® ^ i-Tououn- (( (( (( Yes. IJ i %» do A.— Eftch expressefl Iiis indignation ajwl tt)ok m)t^r in writing of what had passod in Court relative to Mr. Porteous. if^.j^Wasaiiy olher Judge ther setting? ir. ; - A. — I do not recollect. :? j.* , Q. — Did Mr. Porteous also take notce ? i > A. — We took notes in comnjpn with several other geotletneu of the B ar. lU Q— Have you a knowloclge of a cause instituted in thfc inferior term . olthc Ciuiit of King's of MonlrtuI wherein isnsanne Lahaie Avidow of Jacques l^iberson, was plaintill" and Louis Cpusineau de- fendant^ and >v hen ? i «r it I. . . ■- 1 ' > A.— Yey, I was the plaintiff's Attorney. The cause was initituttd in the teini of Set^tember, lSi3. -^ • «- . , n .» p • , Q. — Who was the defendant's Attorney ? A— Mr Joseph Bedar j. ' > ;. Q —Relate to the Committee what happened in that ca^use from he- ginning to end. . » ' ''^ A.— Mr. Juatice FoucHER having heard the parties, aiid^put that M cause M m ctute « mbHmtui on Ihe Bench on tlie 28th May 1814 and fh*'. «.id there ihe »id La,,,, t o,.»i„.a,i the dtfe„da,.t iQ fci.ned ^lk,„t,«f the lutnof rfS. curreney. fi.rthcr conrtem.mur bia to pay Ihecctsof iheactiun a. is more fully exp|«M.ed in the copr ot the judgment which I produce to the I ominittee •iiriied l,v \\L haml^**^*'^' •"<* i« ^ wmtwi in the i^i^^ij^ iu Judge Folcheb'J OiitheSNtorS^of JnnefolWing. I went to the office to carrv tfiejMtlgmei.t,ntoexec,.ti,»n, and as it has been usual since Judse FoucHtR has sat lu the District of Montreal to recopv the PtumtiF upon which the j.ulgmeiWs aro in the first instance entered, and thX upon a register kept for that purp,)se. I tnr,.ed over th.. said reci^tef in order to fiud the before mpi.tioned jndgaient. I then perceived thai with i\^6 exception offhe title <.f the canne and of theie words nieCourt^hanrig heard Joseph Paymant the expm named in lhi9ca,,8e the renuiinde^ofthe said judgment had been entirely erased as With a Penknife, and I therein found the interlocutorv judginent^lfh^ch had beeq su^jsti tilted, and which I now produce and « ,1. the hand writing of Joseph Mathons one of the clerks of the Prothonotaries who usually keeps that register + I then examiiifd the plumitif to sf e whether the Judgment I have first nro^ diiced had not been alsoefl'aced^notbeing so, 1 asked for a copy of it >wh,ch was delivered to meand certified by one of the Prothonotaries' Iwoorthreedaysafterwardslinet Judge Foucher at the office and cxprei^sedt..hin)my surprise at the alteration in question The jlidffe then caused the register to be brought to him, saying tome that he «l!dnot recollect thecause,a,id after haviugexamined the entry whicb * For tfiii paper see note Hat the efid of this report. ^ For fhis papei' see note I at tlie end of this report, had 'fc«v.ngb^e.iiake,i out before th^ .ntr^ of that .ut.rlocutnry n.,^/ copy «t th. sa.d juUg.nent.u wa. i.. the power of the 7Jdl t« r -e »nd amend hi« judgment upon perceiving that he bad fall?n nl IT ror. ^hereupon, -bserved tah'in, that a copy of that^^^^^^^ been taken o.,t. and that the go doing had placed the Sp^ i" ' f/y ;i'P'-sant , The Jnd|e a-keTto .ee the' /a ,' co"pv of the., and upon my teHipg him I had it not rn ,1 ttT. •CHsu, h. answered th.t he would not tbns be stopped in hi f^e cut.0.. of h,« duty. Finding my.elf now und.r iheTce Lity of car-',ntoex.cnru,nthi8 interlorntory. I canned pcoc^S^lr^^ taken ,n obed.cnce thereto, whi h I returned in Coupon the liitb of Scp^ ,ber of the same year , foresaid and returned the .ami to J.ulge h O.CHER who on that d.y was upon the Bench : and then andlherelhe sai, Ij^ Fo.cher diJissed the plaintiff" action copy ofwh.chjudgment [ now produce and wh.cb Ju^ Fo«cr; himself pronounced in Court. * -"u^c roucjiEK, why he had made erasures on the reguter and what did he ^oby!^1 A.— He told me he had dune so byorder of Judge Fou^her, ^'^!I;V^' """"'^ ""^ importance to the plaintiff, with rcpecito Ui ihff f ^ uT IV. '* f«'**«^ <« a garden belonging to the nFain- fen/ ^K .'*'/'*'m'''* '?" ""^ during her lifetime, of whit^the 7- fend.ui had forc.bly taken possesaion an. fe. ,^ ^0 ^. A t/. rf> 1.0 I.I |l'25 II 1.4 1.6 il 1 !-._ Sciences Corooration 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ H^^ m i\ \\ ^^^ ^ ^ -%^ ^-^>».^ u.. & m^'mm^^ ji «'?:C«f??l'^nJf<*8W^fl|Xqn|y,*he ijse ofthf.&aia garden,, <^ ^on^iliofi of £ /etTl\,ii>g*J(;ut,;lU(^ aniwlty buuig uuabfu ^o uiuHage them at her •^ rT^'?^ • r?!"""^^ *''^''^*y' J^^.^^'^®*^^* ^ ^'•^"f • * Relieve iiowcior it'was d(.'i ILJ ill. tn/ 1.:> .'£ V ■ n^] .7 I '' j.f r- .v> >l^;:« ? <^)?-— >» no,ycf,^lhe Advpcatfs employed in that c^ijte ? ^•p^r^y#"'V'(9'" I>';'>'"Pvhi, h thd canse was ar^u. d (ivir La troix haMngU;t his- piucrio approach the P.-athoiTota. ry to rrocure the Hetord ir. Iluit cansc) to look before me and . perceiving upo^n the t»hJe„:.t lb.|. pliwje where !\J,r. La Croix usual- ,,, U puts his p:i|.ers, ,a ^^b.-^-t of p^ajur opei^i and as it occupied some J,,, si>ac,},,^castn.yr.^o^, ,,po.^ the sh^et which was wholly iu the ».i ''^»'vf^';'*^^'?^'^,'^V^tif/^ucHLii with ^hi(h lam pern^/tly ar- quainteU. i ,.a,d paitifnlar attention to its er.ntents, and I percei- ved th^tj^ wasa Vec^iar^itiou dniwu i„ (hat cause by Judge l^ou- I- ■ ^ - % fiishor^l b S i'- CHER. \, 93 CHER. Mr. Tlourret, Advocate bning near roe, I pointed it out to him. Mr. jL* Cioi < ;«Uirned to his seat a inomoot aftiTwurds and folded ^i.. .I.i t r «et «. paper. Upon the back wereaU.) written ill Jiid^e FotjCHJiii o .:a4:J ihe words Daillebout vi Duche-suois. Some inmiites afterwards Mr. LaCrou thei sitting in his place ao-iiii opi'oed that shce^^i pj.per holding it close to him that ^t mtght not be seen, and T a^idu had an opporJunity of ascertaining that it Wis the hajul writing of Judge Foucher. Judge Foucher was tht!u uu the Beuch. Friday, \it/i February, 1817. f RESENT Messieurs Ogden, Taschereau, Sherwood, M'Cord Panet. Mr. Ogden iii the Chair„ Continuation of the Examination of F. X. Bender, Esquire. Q — Was the Paper which yon saw before Mr. La Croix as the :je- claralion ui die caiise of Daillebout vs Duchesnois, common wbite paper or was it red ? A It was common v»hite piper. Q.— Did the inside of th U paper which you so saw con Have -^^"^ ^.-^ E:?W!W|f-8lpt-l y.:^mKm „_»«" *■ ' . . ■ A.-To the best of my knowledge I saw the word* written in Jarffe Characters which usually form th. beginning of the conclu ions ff Declarations " wherefore the Defendant prays." ^**"«'"»»""8 of iQ -Did you see on the inside of that paper the title of the caus^ ? ^'"^^^ ^/* i* ?'"'* returned to his plate a« I have alrcadv sa.d, Mr LaCroi, took the paper (whici was a sheetof .Z cap completely open ) and on his closing the paper, I per e, vl a he begummg of .Is contents these w<,rds " oS-llebout imaZur v! " Duchesno.sjfe/.flrf.«r" and then on again foMmg the pa^r Inr I saw on ,(s baek the same wordsfand the Shole^Xn e bandwrUmg of Judge Foucher. That a.ldcd to o.her w' rd« «. ch as those at the head of paragraphs, and oth.r words usual, whic h I perceived. „ the body of that paper led me to believe, asldo . ,i| believe, that it was the declaration in the said cause. Q.Wheo you saw Mr La Croix open that paper a second time did you again observe thelitle of the cause at the head of the .IZ ad the usual beginning of a declaration ? *^^ ^ collect having seen the rest, for at that »ecoiid timi. Mr r n instantly folded the said sheet and sofonS w^ ^Jf f^ ^1^ the declaration in the cause itself, that I immediately men onedf tosuch of my.o„/«.« aswere near me, e.pressingm; TnTsZon ut «g*,n.t D„ehe,„c>i.. „ ^.u a, the othTr rJLSi Tfter you had gone to Judge Foucher's for then. ? "*^ A.-.I delivered them all to Mr. Levesqoe who I believe put them ia the box in whu h are usually placed the Records of the cause" n which judgmenta have been rendered . Q-— After having received the siimtnons to appear before thii Ta* ;;veto%t^;-"7^rr*'"'"'*»^ M?.''jT.titXeH^^^^^^ t. ve to tfa.8 subject, and what was the nature of that conversation ? A.— Yes, about two days afterwards I went to his house to see him as I occasionally do ; I told hin. I was going down to Quebe^. h" Thr* n*^' H *"*i*^1^ *." "^ ^^^^-^ «n«vvered that I did not know What questions might be put to me. He said " doubtless they wTl - speak to you of the aftair of Mr. Daillebout, and what Low- ■" ''.'^e can you have of that cause?"I told him ihli 1 Ztk *i 'cohcctcd ttiaihe had asked me tor the RttJ^t ^hlt cJ « ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *^a"l^d L'""h '''' ''''' "* ""^''^ '^' ^^^^ House tenter^S - rnrH It 41, ?"" t^" ^"" "^**'^*^ Particularly recollect that Rel ?.?rl **""' T^"'^*"'"^" having known Mr. Dailleboutf for many years ard knowing that he lived at your house, I r^ "marked or paid attention to thateause;" and lie put The sa^ question to nre several times that e. ening. " Well said he tell Tit " vou know of ,t, a,.d tell the trulh,^that is what I wait " H. - wn..M i ^''^^V«"'> ^''^ ^'^ Suspended. The damned HotwJ would do much better to mind the public business than this." tftt register of the inferior term, according to the plumitif ? la rPT S6 A.— In miifJ. 1814, and iS15. it occupred 15t!avs, and 3 weeks it now requires abuut 7 or 8 (lays. The E.VAMiNATioN of Josepfi Matlions was adjourned. The Committee then adjourned. i.> P ■>',<{i Saturday, \ 5th February, 1817. ^.^ ^}^'^f^'^' ^^^^^^^^'^ OgAcu, Shcruood, Tasdiereau, M'Cord and PaDet. ' Mr. Ogden in the Chair. ExAMiXATioN of Pierre Desautels, of the city of Montreal Merchant. ^T^^u'^A^?" rV^'V*1'" "'". '^^aj^sf^'s Court afKing'« Bench fofthedistrictof Montreal several suits ? • A —Yes, both in the superior and in Ihe inferior termsof the said Court. Q -Had yon not among others the two causes following in one of whu-h you were plaintitfagainst Pierre Le Due and the Jthcr aaainst one Desroches ? &«nioi. A.— Yes; and they were both decided in the superior termor thcsaid Court. Q.-Duringthose two suits, ' J yo,. not frequently occasion to so to Mr. Justice J-oucHER., and what conversation had you wnh nim respectuig those suits ? '' In 97 A*r~Tn the year 1815, I had two suite agamst one Pierre Le Due and iiis wife which were comnieaced four years before in superior term. In the inontii ot June of the same year 1815, 1 was one day passing before the door of Mr. Justice Fou- CHER who then lived in the Quebec Suburbs when he called me upon ssome business not at all relating to him as Judge, and in the course of the conversation he said, to me,. " well,, poor Desautels you have many suits in Court I see, you are old, you must abandon all that, and plead no longer ;," I said io him, " It is hard to lose my property — > two Lots, which I purchase^ and built upon myself, I have Uie Deeds of them and pay the Rents." He answered, " you promised to sell that House as appears in " your suit with Le Due, but you took out your writ impro- perly, you ought not to have proceeded as you have done. I fear much that you will lose ;■ — For my own part I had a glimpse of the papers in the suit, I am not alone ; the opinion of others will not perhaps be mine,"~ I said " To lose or to win, is all the same to me, the matter has been so long spun out." He said to me " it does not depend on me : it is occasioned by the opposition, — speak to your Advocate: hasten him," — 1 said " I have gone- so often to him that I am tired of doing so." Mr. Bender, was my Advocate. He said " see Mr. La Croix, take him if you ** choose, or some other, perhaps he would hasten it more." About Christmas last, after having obtained Judgment against Auguste Desroches in the Superior Term of October last, for about £60 I went to Judg« J'ovcher's to get him to (( (( In N: sign -mirzs^ir^fiffc::^^X !t^«k^«._^j^""' n ^im a petition te catwe to be seized sortie fumftiTre helnn«4«* iHinctof Montreal olthe year 1S16, for |:he entry of the Ku'es Orders and JudgiuentHol'the said Court in the yeai atoresaid, aino the Plumitifs containing the Rules, Orders and JudfiimentHorthesaid Co'iri fpr the Term of Novem- ber 18l.'i having been shewn to tlie said Joseph Mathons. he was required by the Committee to point cmt thcjilaces in iliose Registers aiKl Plumitifn in which alterali Albert Bombardier, et al. The Plnintiff not proving any diligence, the Court dismisseg lUtt Action with Costs. Which .7 ■ '■■ ~ l«^ ■'■-4( " J*-. n 104 Wiich entry Mr. Mathons declared to be in the hand writmff of Ant. Louis Levesque, Esquire, one of the Prothonot^ riee of the said Court, and that the foregoing final Judsmeut was pronounced in open Court. VT' Mathons pointed out in the Register of the said Court also under date of 22d November, 1816, the entiy of Uie sdihe caiise in the form following : — oV? - ;,, No. 96, September, 18ia. Antoine Bombardier, otherwise called Labombarde, of Mont- real. Yeoman. Plaintiff. Albert Bombardier, otherwise called Labombarde Carpenter Toussaint Bombardier otherwise called Labombarde of Mont- real, wefaver,PiferreBombardierotherwisecailedLabombarde Of St. Martm, Yeoman, as having espoused Susanne Bom- ( hardier otherwise called Labombarde, and Jean Baptiste Bombardier otherwise called Labombarde, and Josephte Bombardier otherwise called Labombarde, widow of Fran- <^ois B9(rrette of Montreal. The Court heard the Plaintiff, and the Defendant Pierre Bombardier upon the Report of the experts, C. A. V. Mr. Mathons declared that the before mentioned final Judg- ment is as the same is entered upon the said Plumitif, and was to his knowledge entered upon the said llemaler m liie course of the same Term of November, 1816, and that to the W. Monk Esquire, one of the Prot!,or.>taries of the "1 Court That he knows that a few days afterTe said T^rrn Mr. Justice Foucheh «ent for the aakl £^r aml^^^^^^^ Ihesamewa. afterward, returned to the 0&, haW the lina Judg-nient as herein hef(»re entered erased and Lat ched out ; a«d that iu the place and stead of the said final Judgment so emoted and scratclied out. the interlocutnr^ Judgment which is thereto nub^tituted and S S^ thS .ame appears entered on the said U^gkier, appeared thJreoS written ui Judge FouaiKR's own hwid.w^itu^. The Committee then adjourned. the Mr. Ogden in the Chair, ^ZTL7^^r^ '"?"''• ^^''*' ^ thfe Day agate cal- ledbefore the Committee, and the following QuSpuul '^•~1?^ Committee desires that you lav before if »!«. Pfc, m,fi and RegUters of U.e In^rior leS^^ toe ^uj^" of r o IsKdfsTf ""^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ the years A.— I do not think myself justifiable in sa doing— and I will not do^. It was tlien intimated to Mr. Monk tliat he miL^it withdraw. ° The Committee then again called Mr.Monk, and tlie aforesaid X^u'^V"* ^"''^®'' ^*^^'"S ^^^^ ^®*d to liim he was asked wnether he persevered in his answer. To which inquiry Mr. Monk answered " I do persist."' And then he withdrew. Whereupon it was Ordered, That the Chairman do leave the Chair and report the said circumstance to tiie House. li P, Saturday, 22d February, 1^17. ^?£5^T ^^ti^'"'^ ^Sden^ Gugy, Sherwood, Tasche^ rem, M'Cord and Panel. Mr. O^den in the Chair. ' Examination of Benjaiiiin Beaubien of the City of Montreal, Esquire. ^'T^'^^y^^V^.^oneofthe Advocates practising at the Bar at Monti eai r * o \es. '*-» 10^ A. — Yes/ ■■•.■:,■•.'■■' Q. -Have you n knowledge of a cause institutea in the SuBfe- nor Term ot the, Court of Kind's Bench at Montr^^of r,me %nace Daillebout, plaintiff, vs. Etienne DucSois! . deiendan aniEt.e„neDuchesnoi«plamtif^^^ 1 homas Coffni defendant en . garantie, and when ? ^7ehrn;rvirj"''P^l»f*''*^'^^'^''^"^^* ^^ returnable in J^e^ruar> ihi4, and the action engarantie was brought and returnableon the iHt April 1814. "femaaa Q.— ^Vho were the Advocates concerned in that caugcv? A.— Mr. Janvier Domptail La Croix was Mr. DaJnebout's Ad- vocate Mr Louis Michel Vi^^er that of Mr. JDuciiesnois and I was Mr. Cofhn's Advocate. Q.— Did you see in Mr. La Croix' possession pending, that cau?e or afterwards a Draught of a declaration in the afore- said cause m the hand wrHing of Mr. Justice Foucher f A.— On the 2d of April 1814, Mr. Janvier Domptail LaCroix called on me, saymg that in a certain cauSe wherein Mr. IJadlebout was plamlitf, Mr. Duchesnois defendant, and Mr. Coffin garant he was Mr. Daillebout's Advocate, and that he had also been charged by Mr. Coffin with the defence of the action en^garantie ; that he liad even entered an appearance tor Mr. Coffin to that ellect ; but that having since reflected on the matter, he thought it would be better some other Ad- v>ocate siiould be employed ior Mr. Coffin, adding that iie had X k i O 2 every 1 evety power ffom Mr Coffin and that in u«ng that iwwer ht chose me to represent Mr. Coffin in that cause ; that r the Interests were irtatrly d» game, as well those of Mr. Daiile- bout a« those ot Mr. Coflin i,e wished to confe? with met pnfar tc. setUe together the Uiie of defence bo as tlT better o - insure 8«cc«8. "iVthis^^d, Mr. 1^ Croix oomimi^clted to me sevemfpaper^aiKl letters between Mr. Ducliest^rand Mr. Coffin ; and afeo the Urai.oht oftlie declaration in I e- ■ ttd^'^t "''^ a^pear^ to bethe hand whU^^^r " Hon Judge FotJcnBR ; 1 i-ead througli the said Drauu-lit of the declaration to learn the nature ol the action '^ I wish to remark to tlieComttuttee that I feel mvsdf in a sitna. tiono great delicacy I den v. my proi..sioIZn^u:^^Z oftiowt^^^^^^^^ to him the iL o hisown, and I have ever considered myself the frien.l of Mr. La Croix; but it is a consolation to me that liie brin:v.. ingot tbe{jresentaceu«ation.aguiHst the KGn.Judiie 1 olc uL^a IS not^m co-nsequence bia^y information i-iven by me and I owe^honuige to tiuth^.- ^nd unde*- these cncumstance; i ^u! not do otherwise than deplore iny situation. ^hTJ^' I'^^ as well acqiminted with it as with my own. claidtiontilerl m tito said cause", ,aH\ \slv[ltin:c ku • Vv t . .t j«^e^so <«Mii^rmHUe to tiie iuii^or now shewn to you J. r- ^i'he '\. It* me by Mr. La C««ica« the Draught of the origiimi Seclara- tion hied in the sairf cause; but I did not compare it with that original; and the paper now shewn to me i^arfced C to the best ol iny recollection corresponds with the said Draiurht so shewn to me by Mr. La€roix» n* * Q.-~ When Mr. La Croix shewed yon Dhe DratigKt Wthe dedai ration m question did you not remark to him iTbw it happened lliatrt was written by or in the hand writing of Mr.. Justice r oLCHEu, and what was his answer? . ' ■■ I' ^•""^r'. ' *''^ notremcHfiR'^ andtbe ae«n the ff<;/«owa/j«la/jb«cai58e the said motion v .iBff.nndtd.MfMmtwo letters of AUof riey ; luit upon aftcr\var(ls seeing the pleas 1 perceived thi\{ Hri-he frrmer there Whsniore ait. ina>mnch as the said adioi*; included Ihc mUo ne^oitormgestorutfi and the aciw taahdaii. I percei- V€d /' 1 m / il •3 ) / no ..winch iBigjn have bcfo .pplied in the Mio mmkti. ^ ^^ V—Mavejron reason to doubt tJiat the said Draiiffi.tof a declaraf.nn ^^w«8 rti^the ha.rd writing df Mr. Justice FouchiS? *^'''«^**^*»« A —I have no reasdn to doubt that fact. ©.-- You have jaid thai jrau bad considered the condact of Mr Jnstica i' J''VcaBR on that occasion as ind.scroet. .hould you „o J,/ve c ^ 'r^t^::;^:;^:;:';?^-^^^*^--^-^^ A.— 1 thought at the time that he would sit in that cause • hut .* n,. |hal^.« s. he woold render a judgmcrt according to the brsr of his knowledge a though he had so drawn the said D?a -dt of ,he declaration^ and the reason why my feelings were pltZaff^Z ed by h.smd,scret,on, was that such conduct .n.ght occasion thV A.~He did «itjn that Ca«se. I flaw among the pleadinffs two inter. locutory Judgments written by hr«. whTreof LcS rd « 1^ mr and the other ordered the Defendant Mr. D H>hesno s to r^" "tZ T T""'!' ' •^•^' * **** "«t recollect whet^Iier he helrd the pa ^ -lies finally ; that is to say upon the account rendered ^ ^I'i^unced'?' ^"""" fi»^"y adjudged and ^n whose favor ^ it pro- A.~Ycs;~the Judgn>ent in the principal Cause wa. rendered in favor vinSi,^.. fc^or of Mr. D?iiMeb(»iil against Mr. Dttcheinoii. ant] in the Came «i /farantte of Mr. Duchesiiois against Mr. Coffiu the action wai^ diiiniiBsed. Q — Did you tee the Draught of the final J^idgment > [ A.— No.. , •, .:;;., ,H- Q.;^Ha?eyoH ever been consiiUied'by ?^r:' De M^ontarville, respect* ing a certain Cause instituted in the Superior Term of the Court of. King's Bench for the District of Three Rivers, of our Sovereiffo l^ord the King against Pierre Ignace DaiUebout ? ^•""•^^^orB the late War I remember having, been consulted by Mr. De Montarville on the subject of a Crown Cause against the Testa- meutar3^ Executor of the late Mr DeSt which action related to a Legacy left to Demoiselle A^rard wife of Mr. De Moutar- ville ai»dto VlademoisdIeCava.ia. Mr. Justice Foucher was then. Provincial Judge at Three Rivers. 'I he name of Mr. DailJehout was not to the bist of my knowledge at that time mentioned. Q.--Did not Mr. De Mnutarvillethen shew you a letter from Mr* Justice l^oucHEK adv!sing Mr. De Montarville to intervene in that cause ? A.— Mr. De Mrontarville shewed me a letter from Mrr Justice Pou- ch e.a, he even read Ihe said letter to me, it explained the lifflits of Madame I>e Montarville, and eu-agrrrt her to form an intervention.' in the said cause to make her rights tlicctual, and also to employao Q— Was the intervention ftirmed, and what was its fite ?' ^"i^^V^'*' '^'^"^} ''^^^'- *"*^ ^^adame De iiluntarville I entrusted iVir. ve/ii,a ot ihree-ilivers Advocate, to fdrai-thatiuterveutioo, Mr. Veziaat hi ^■'1 ■*jiii\. -^. ) ) K ma Crown httd been dHmissed. "^ "* Examination ofBierrt Bfbaud of the-dUy of Mcwtreal. Q.—Are jou n«t a clerk in the oOiceof the Pi othmioiAi^M «f ♦u^ r> a of King-. Bench f« •!«. :di.t.kt of M,Xl "' "' "" <=""« A.— Vet, 'r;^<' •»»'.' «(r ^:»Hf(tJ»fj' 5eiuh of Jhe dislnct of Montreal vhereiti p I Da ibE ^^iln: L*?* »*"«"^^?ke «f thatcaiHK?. tut I^lo not recollect in trbgt tertti it was bronghl. H was adj iidgM ia October 1 81 *. ^'^11^^*" ^"**' ***^ final judgment rendered in that cause, and ^'^ISJTIZ'^ 1"! HgiDent a f^w daysafter the end of the teroi ^ Uetobei 1814; b«it ido not exactlj rccoflett when. ^iiit?^**'*"**'''''*"^^****^ Draught of the said final judg- A.~I cannot positively assert, or recoHect in what hand the Draught ot thai judgmertt was written, but haviHg latelv ejuwuined th*.i.iftr« In,adeofitin the PlumtU/ of the«aidCou,t ofVSBeJh it? £niiZ\^'''''"^Uru'^fi''i^'' of- the said Court; becauL «»e title of tke iause ati ibe hwd «f lihe>dgmeat i« ^ueatwB, ww to •-^-'? the '--i H^^Af'W6?®'''"'^**'-"''-'»«*..i*;i*«HeM <. m die bebtnf my recoUection, abridred tiki not at full lenirth as (lie •aiii.> is entered in the said Piumti/Aod that to the best of .uv know- ledge the ProthoBotaries or Advocates alwajs iimert at full leiiirth thfi title of the cause in the judgments drawn by them : and as the judgments written in french and not drawn by the Advocates or Pro- thoiujtaries of (he said Court, are almost always in the hand writing of Ji.dgc FoucuEB, 1 am led to believe that the Draught of the sail judgment was writteo by him. Q.— Does any other Judge of the Court of King's Bench for the dis. tnct of iMontrLal, prepare judgnjeuts of that Court in french ? A. — I remember having seen one special JMdgment written in the hand of V!r Justice R. id, in french ; and it is the only one of that nature which Irecollett having sten written in french by any other Judge than Mr. Justice Foucher; I believe Mr. Justice Heid prepares some interlocutory judgments in french, Mr. Cuvilli^'r then declared to the Committee that it was not irt his power to pruceed tn tne li:xH.n. nation of other witnesses upon the said Mead^of Acc.sitioii, ni.til (he Registers and Ptumuifs of the tourt of Kir.g's Be.nh for the District of Montreal which h»ve been called for, are produced before the Committee., Ordered That the Chuirman do leave the Chair and report. The whole neverthcleas h.ymbly submitted. C.R.OGDEN, ^ Chairman, f 1 ) ii'!»i5 .rOj^ ir.) H tf-fj ^n;; l- -f/tiA fill 'h. iuud oil t i.) uftj ii;,,,-;i l!»;-} t^ fv J' ' 't ;)<• i; •'iJi;'iii>i.i 'It* i'jnuJ r f «i :t ; If*. jB,li»hi«)ji i;h. l uij |,i .'■ •>!. ;; (/'iiloui l(» JirK^) riH .1 ■ r» fifi'i VtilOjh. V f ,» ;(> ». iairr ), r ■I t'i !<"'.i.' i •HWiJ '*.'■ I' i.. ( l.i It' 1' 1 ' 1 "Tt*? ai 1 m I f 7VaiiWbM>N.i ^ ^T-«TX7^^7rTi DI^TRrCT OP) , , Wu«MiAt J . J COURT OF KINO*$ BENCH, PRESENT-The Honourable MONDjy, IMA 4pnt, nil, James Ihid, [.E«|ul«Ml.Jwiaefl, P/Vrrc Io;nac€ TiaiUebrnti, ■ resid ?ntf1- ' • " in the PftriHh o\m,Jetin Hiapti^k' \ deAjco/e^, in tlie DiMtrictol'i'/irt'e ■ hhrrs, now at Montreat, in the i<; I District oi Montreal, Esquire. '•' • riahitift; JEt^'enne Dv&heanoh; Merchant, re- siding; in tlii^ Parish of Varennes The Court having hprd the Parties by tlieir Ad-"^ vocates upon tlie except Irons ol the t)efendant, and liaving- deli])erated. quire. ^ Delendant. tions 61tlie. Plaihtill with and The ^sudEtt^nne Duchennoiny :«r vi garantie, TA>wy;* Cnjfm, of the Town of ^//m^ /s/r(/*> in the District of 3/*#tfe hn:ei6, Esquire. ''; hemiaam m garantie, P 2 C osts. 'I'he Defendan f except- ed to this Interlocutory, tVedneiddy, i .ij ^ n \ vi } m __ Wednesday, ZOth April, 1814 PRESENT— The Ilonom-aW, TllTIE Court on the motions W<7,lVf„VUfV'"'ffi'fl»'' Garunt or^ ^ JL (ler, that lilt; Enqitke in the cansc hot!) on' ine l^emunJe in Cf lief and on tfie VemntUe en gm^Ute be tixcdl'or the se- cond WittWBs day in A'jicution. *'>u»t>T. Saturday, \^lh ^kt'\ 1814, PRESENT— The Ilonpuiviljl^, ;; , ^ f'A , rilliE rpuvt having heard the parties by their Counsel hoth JL on t!)e Pi'mande; iu Ciiief'and on that en ^n^in^- {o him, since the year one lUqupand eight huiulred ai^l ten, as also of the titles, Contracts^and ojthcr Papers, whie.! may haye been placed in his handn, or vvt^ich he may luive had belonoino- to the said Pl^intiflfi which apcount upon Cath, and which Sties Contracts and Pn])ers lie sliall 1^ bound to produce and ide ia the OtHce of this Court betvMetJU tiiis day and the fifteenth day of August next, and condemns him U) liie Cosla, audwUhres- -pect to the Vnnande ni garantie, the seid Court suspend* Juci^inent t^reon until the said ^\^count shall be rendered. Thuraday i "JJ'^^'^Wl.-^ ■■' *^ ■;-. «ir T^rsday, iOth Octobery UU, PRESENT— The Honourable, ^aVrtif* 9fhnk, Cliief Justice, , .. haaa Ogden, s »» ^r^KTfj.a • ^ ' Januti Ktia. Tie Court havinnrlkennl the rartitn ly their Advocates upon tlie'acc'(uint. len.lered i)y Isie Delendant on the lentil of i)ct<>fM;'jr i)int^nl, ,t^tMn ex^hiincf I the plea.lin^H, aiul^o^siderod i,\^e wliole, in decidnkg botintiii^ di;,utmde in chiet'ktttlthe ao titui en ^(li'ttniiey disuussciH Uie IMaiiitlli's sail action en garan- tU vvitli cohU, unu upon the demaiide id chicrailjiwl^s audor»> dct's pi.a,l^ie,bai(t DtMttKi.tivl doipay to the 1 laiitJt^li the siuu of ninety live l*ou.i(idH-'>i^ '^idlling* iiud five Petio« cui'i"fency, equal to lliat «»l two thousfMul an.l lorty Meven Iwres and seven pence, forin(?r (uirrency, wiUi inlciTst tnnn the fourth of b'ebruary last, the day (A the heivice ol the sunnnons, at which HUin the said CourtlJUH settled the balance due by him to tlie Piaintili', by the said account rendered, each pwrty pj*yi»g' Ids own costs upon the pn)CcedVng8 snbsecpienl to' the renderink ol the said account, giving acte to tlie said, l^i^fcndaut of Ijlie restoration and pro- duction of the titles and papers demandedr o4' hiiti ))y tlie De- (;laration wlkich shall be restored to (he said Plaintitf. \V e the Prothonotaries ol the Court of Ring's liench for the District of Montreal in the Province of Loner-Canada do cerli* fy that the foregoing copiesot Judgments are couionu^l^le toUir entries of the said Judgments in the llegister of the sanf Court in the Cause No. 95 wherein Pierifc Icnace J(p)aiJlpbout, Es-* q.uire was Plaintitt*, against Ktienne Duchcsnois, lLsv <^w:* of Kmg*i Bench. ^ Pieriflj IMUlebout,. Esquire, . J J^. "**?^ ''«««e^t tha< '■r.r/ni/j 'fo '-/^lyl .j; lli»|l 11,1... ; 'Td;ff;^fi,«l'i (ji „;j.i\aoxTBEAv.20th October 1814 ,.. ...,. hi,. .. „ / y. D, tacrqi-,. Attorney for, Plai„tifl; " • '^' 'rngMyilu^^": "^^f "Wen, attorney for ' •''''^■' . ? ilif ■ ■■■'■', ;■''.. ' ' r\ - V k/1 UJrcScI Mi i , :t(m 5 '^"^^ Coffin/ True C6J)y;/'''.'"'^^''''»/^''^''i:. • :')^ -.q, > ' "•. - L. Levesqufe, p. B. R. D. M. ?J>h».:,. r ^OT «v ' V> J.'.J •iA 10 m Ctratuiation!} ''■" Cotirt bf King's Bench: February Term, 1814. -o ii> >: erf Hli. 1' Jr^/e-^nf DweAe^no^, .;..;;. Defendant PIERRE IGNACEDAILLEBOTITFc ♦ ^ . the Parish nf ^7 ^^*^^»^BUU 1, Esquire, reaiding m trictoTlnlTr '^^'"l Baptute de Nicolet in tlie Dis- Plaintiff, or as emnW fl „ -I, '" Attorney oHrim the ciivers sums of nZer/pl f * °'"°'''^™''''' '-<=«'v«i much .V f*'-'^*i,.,--i».'-." y^^ < I, >i ?s. -n*M5Jils«''' m imidi belonging to t!ie said PlailiJlfF in Capital, interest and costs under a certain Judgment qHWh Court, ofwhicli sum, or of the application thereof tlie said Defenclaiit lias not ren^ei^ C^Mui rdu^^os to reml8r>,*».ffc^oiHlt to.tN fiaid Plaintiff.^ ^^jj ^li That, in order to collect and receive tlie several sums of Mo- ney, rents or otIier.Woilie?' belonging to fHie Plaintiff, there wer*^ placed in his hands in the name and by the Ao-ents or At- tornies of tha'alUL PlaintifJv or-'>»'diid.(»tlie?wi«e ol^miiiTthe se- vt ml titles, comtftuthns de rente, leases to farm (baiix d, ferme) and oilier papers of tlie Plaintiff, vi^hieh he refuses to restore to him and unjustly detains; the whole to his great injury an4. Dainag'e. • That for the reasons aforesaid the said Plaintiff Ja founded irt Law in an Action ni^ainwt the said Doleudant, for the purpose of compelling him to render an account ot^ and receiver the: sums received for him or helonginir to him with Damages. Wherefore he prays that he may be condemned to render ttt^ him a true and faithful account under oath of the sums ofmortev rents. Farm Rents^ or other motiies whatsoever, to pay to hirn the" Balance which shall be ascertained to be due to fdui Avith In- terest from the da/)' of Ids receiving the same : as also to restore to him his titles tontracts and other paiiers which he may have had in bis hand» belongi]jo; to the t-aid Flaintiff, the whole with Costs and umier the penalties and personal arrests by Law. provided, and to pay the ioHts. ,ii 1 MonUeal, 3Ut January, 1814. J» D. LACROJX, Advocate. Indorsement ^■aSJWJwBwi&w*** V. J i.:«n. i'< -It, i (IttJormunt.) King's Bench, Febru^ryterai, 1814. P. /, Dailkhout, £^ Dwaheanois. Action negotiorum gisiorum Ret. 10th. To Plead. 12th April. Cont. 15. Do. 16. Froof the 2d day of Y-,cation Int. CfiM't i io?Lv>i io liwoocHs Jbii.'»* Mii iv \ t:*WW»Ws" **?»*-? ki**v ^ tin' Montreal Cburt o/ King^s Bentk. .^ J Pierre Ignace Baillebout, ,^-' .■■ ' V8; . Etienne Duchemoig, .^■.ojv», » and-'- TAotncw Co^n, Plaintiff. "It- Defendant Garant. Objections to and against the accoimt of the Defendant rr*?. WAe.^e«d^ia^* de comptey tBkenhy the Plaintiff to tl.e charles claimed by the Defendant among the ex,, enses stated in S f ! count by him filed m this cause-that is to say : Because w?th r^pect to the sum paid to Mr. Ross by the Defendant, the Pla n. tiif says that assuming his having paid that sum, he must have been and has been i-epaid by the said Ross the disbursement which he aleges hisJiaving paid ; and for which he does ao?cre^ dit the Plaintiff m the account of receipt • Berans*. L. • Aat he hadpaidtoD. B. r,^r E^nirTAs^:^rZ'"^ mnety four livrea toriner purreucy by him,alleged in his account ofexpence the said Plaintifr.ay8 that he 'i^ reimb„^TZ said 8um, as appears by the j«d(rmeiU filed bv the said Court in Aat cause, and fron. the receipt of the Defemlant to the Sheriff 'ofthisd«trict, the said sura at the foot of the said iu.lement and for which the said Defendant does not credit the' S ff m his said account of receipt, the said PlaiutiffaUesing that Uie said 5 S5.?««iiaifci# :j. (re* arges J a!- with *lain» have lents cre- nin^ n of ount the rtin erifF eiit, utiff the said IS5 said Defendant ought not to pay that sum to the said Viger.who had not a right to receive the same.^-having received his fee* by the mid ju%ment.-^Becau8e the Defendant cannot have or exact the sum ( "£6 currency for thesix journies which he states* his having made for the benefit of the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff aUj leging that if the said jpumieSk have so been performed, the De- fendant performed them for his own profit, he himself b^ing the^ opposant on the judgment filed in that cause, or interested, ajid; that no necessity of performing six journies existed, qor has he a right to the said sum. >^ ^ >; ^ .uh\« i ' Because the Defendant cannot exact the sum 6f fifty six livres former currency by him demanded for preparing the account filed, the Defendant not deserving to have, and not having any right to that charge. , . .„ ,, -i Because theDefendarit Cannot have, and has not a ti^htlb re-* ceive any of the charges, N * . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, con-' tained in his account of expences, and ought only to receive fiVef percent for his trouble and gestion of affairs, on the part of tht* Plaintiff; and that in the five per cent, ought to be included all* the other charges claimed by hhn by his said account of expenses; so that the balance in which he acknowledges him^lf indebted to the Plaintiff amounting to the sum of fifleesi hundred aniJ* twenty-nine livres only, ought to amount to nineteeif hundr^ and sixty-three pounds, and a few half pence former currency^ which he is entitled to claim, and upon the wliole relies on thii Court, and prays its judgment with cosis. • "^ ■ f ForthePlaiptifE -^ *•; i u-.i J. D. LA CROIX, Adv. <^ Montreal lllh October, 1814. Q 2 E I ' ^ 'zs::}^- i w I 1; 124 Offy, *c,x, / Itm ^lU oi tPv^ ic^E^^fj OS tort tK^,;o Junhci-h^J : ;^ J E«!ffict^f Jh* R^rtrd of the (cMrftfAf Kfhiy\i h«*.Ui4 «.^ .1 i ^^.. Hay ;o.'«^;»^t^S^ Province of District o 0/ Three-Rivers. J fMHjrj "ioi.'^ol iw ^/(tc King's Bench Be it remembered tl«U Edward Bovven, Esqttir^ drte rif^rt.ii we, i-awsot, tills,. ^foym^e , of Lo^er; ,t;a»adB„,ho lidii.i,„>i 6*.t*ot «fnat .,«tuw or ki,.,l, Wv,,;, .sinlJk „i;,n t „ ./d unlurysaJe a.,,! acquisilii^,!, exolwMKniwnths are to tj« esehiiat-t GTt and HtmlL;ne \Gun\\^d-M Uic DojuiainiR i)A our said Lora Uie ^.iz^,•>•, to.tiie eit>l tLat the same may be sold and aj'piied to llie Vises ;iij:JpuiiH8('sdir liotc and Uuiy tmcgisterea in tiie saiu j ro-. \iuce of Lovvei Cuiiaaa. hvA: I if' ( ii ! m «f'j*^"l\'lf rli ^"^"V^'^ ^*^^'^" on -behalf of our said T ord «ie King^ doth further give the ( curt oj our .aid lord the Kini; to undej-stand and be infonned th^t on Ijie third day of September which was ,n the j-ear of our Lord thousand seyen Lidred and ninety four, Pk rre Garrault de bt. lOno-e, rcsidinir in the ralof the said District of Three Rivers by his last Will and ll^^!f ";^f'^!" the 8au,e^y and year aforesaid and PnhL> . T*"*"^"^'^ '" presence of A. Badeaux, Notary Public and the witnesses thereiuUo . subswibing, did amono^^ queat to certani persons thereiii described by the names of Dp St 'le'^'f f 'r' t ^'^^^ -^l>eu/oiJ^n"S^^^^^^^^ V abana the miifnut and ei^ ovnient of all the real or i-n proveabtepropertv of which ir^the said Pierre Garrault leM Onge should cfie seized, without any finther exception whatlveri t e same then in an emptacemenl, liweliiuff liuse and Premises hcrem alter described situate in Notre Dan^eSW «i tliesaid Town of Three Rivers and in.«notl^rLt of ^^^^^^ mtuatem the same street also herein alter particularly Shed o be bed and enjoyed by them jointly W separately^ hey onght choose for their lives only, iand ipon the^dea^h^oleither oUheBa.dJosephteAvrardorThereseDr('abana,t^es^^^^^ to have and enjoy tlu3 whole for her life and that in^se J ier the r^iid Josephte Avrard or Therese De C abana ^Lted in the hfe Umeor after the of the said Tes^Z ^CJuoZ be ncncc clepmed of the ^^syfrnit and the eX ^i^ said as It she had died; t!«. c»lher nevertiieJess V,u, - Z kound to pay to lier who shoUd have married as aior. ^Jt of ^ may I'ttf ^"' ..Tags >:^ili!y8ii'"SwtKa of of the umfruit of the said immoveable property the sum of fifty livres of twenty sols each annually clurinth.r hatf fhcreof ,,hHh hi U.^i^d.^ gave an" ,^ -eS «tth.. Church .r (:h,M„JorH„....i,| R.U^L Von>^Zit^''Z^^ J.Hu.n.,,.ctMel^^t.» ... auJ „ul under Mi..Une<.t.ou uuU ioLc u>r^ i^v suiU Roman ( atholic B^.|..op of Quebei^. • '"^P^ciiou <»t That (he said Firrre Gairunlt do St. Onffe tWrrbv nnm.ii *«ll T..W,. of Ihrcc Rucrs, n. f ho District <>f three 'ftMm VIni,.P now nsUhug at th. Parish of St Baptisto Se N ' , It IJ' '^ of (he Townol 1 hrrc Km-r. at the ti.m. of the decease of the su.d Garra,. dc St 0..g. to be the executors of hi. Jd a t w ll jod (c'st^ment h. reby deves.iog himself of his sa.d Property n their favoi aoU revoking all forwer av.IU or Codicils by him made. .That 3*.»«»i«»'™' m Mwn Ke4liii'0©»)rt'ffboiB «n ttie ••(» td¥ii i^tie fti^; wo.lli be Mid and adjudged to »bc lait wid highest bidder tlip followin/r imipidveaMe property beioarlngto tbe eijate ^nd tupcesitpn ofth* flaid late Pi'^^re Qitrrault de St. Ougc jdeceaieit, thot Ip t6 »i^: firit an Emplattmnt sHuate ip the Rorough of Three Rtvtri, c^otain- injp forty feet in frortt upon Notre Darae ^tr^et by one hundred ^n^ Ihree ftet in depth joining oq one sidp to the South Weit by St, PraO* $oii street an4 on the other side to John Autrobuf, Eiquire, and enrfirig in deptl? at the eniplaement belongipg to the Succession tH the late Honorable Mr Deschenaujc #lth a ston? House of foftt Cieet in front upon Notre Dime Street, by thirty two feet in depth upon St. Fran«;oi» Street with a smaM addition '» ^/tonff^-" and a stable thereon— Secondly another Emplacmeht near to the one above des- cribed of sixty five feet upoi) Notre Dame Street b^ fifty nine leel, fronting to warjis the North Ei^sttb St. Francois street joining to the i^lonth West the emplactmeni pf the representatives of Gode^qy d« Tonnanc«»ur, Esquire, and to the South £aM to (he represent^tivef qf Joseph l^amH. That the said two Emplaoemeott belongtng to the Estnte and Sue* cession of the said jate Pierre Garfault db 8t Onge still remain unsold ia the hands und possession of him the said Pierre Ignace Daillebout as the surviving Executoi of the said hist Will and Testament. That by reason of the said several Premifies and by law, the said two emplacenmti wi^h the appustenances have escheated to our said Lor4 tne filing aiiid arig^^t of potion hath accrued to our said Lor(| the Ring to ask, demand and obtain tha^ the saiuf^ and evvry pjfr^ a|(»d^ parcel thereof be reunited to his Domain tube afterwards disposed of according to Law. All ^bich aWegations the said Edward Bowen on the behalf of our said Lord the Kin^ doth hereby aver to be true aud well founded in fac^^qdia |iq,w,«^ud ^be »arae will verify, prove aud maintain wheo and as this Honorable Court shall direct. R Where- ■pi i a MO yVhertfonihf laid Edward Bo wen on behalf of our laid ?««! «.tate ip order that the same maj be paid over to Lc .aid LnrAiU King, the whole witKthd full coi. of Suit. »»»<» 1-ord th«, 4i,^!;K*^u "**' ?.'*'!"*' Bowen oir the behalf aforesaid further nrav. Law and Justtce .hall appertain and be requisite for the prescrvat on ation Dated the 13th September, 1811. > •I I •ijii (%aed) EDWd. BOWEN, For our said Lord the King. ' -^•ep:i.-StiS! 1.11 f-.M'! i 'III n> r" • )«i ' {fnddrt0m0nt,) In the KING'S BENCH Thru Rivem. NO. •'-•'" Our Lord thi King, i» VI, Pierre Ignace Daillebout, ^' DefendanV 7/ A J ■/ f uH 'ili n't INFORMATION. iiHHrno't fjilt III Filed 13th September 1811; i'^iinnl (Signed) Ths. * Fr. P. K. Ib '"^^'^l^'^'^ilf CSigned; EDWd. BOW EN, ' . '' For Our Lord Uie King. ^^ (Orfgi- In % ;.i; L';i.;.V. i .■sssams '-^-^,-.f^ktittLf^.„ m LOWttl-CANADA, I.UWBR.CANADA, > BioHctof Three-Rwer..}^ QKORQE TME TH^RD, by the Grace "of (?od, of tile UniW kingdom of Great Britanundi Mliaii; King Defender of the Faith. JU» S. Tothe Sheriff of Three Rivers, Greeting: w 'E command you to Summon Pierre Ign«ce Daillebout In the vZTJf t'^^Tf '^^r'^^^ noTtml ^ni i- "'• "''""' Biipt'slede Nicolet, in the District of Kmgs Bench at tlK Court House, in the Town Of Thr^ Rivera on Tuesday, i^^^w^tmnMtinl, at the Hour oS in the forenoon, to answer to our demand containedin the in t7t7, V^-^*T'%my,fi. a#.J.W..ypu thS and U.e?; this Wri . Witjje^ Uie Honourable Louis Charles Fouchek l'i^r''""r"''-'"^«e,;and,u, of tl.«,J,«ti«as X,r said S atThi^e-RiverS; or. th^ da* cfSX ia the Z^ C%»^>/!; i THimAm& FRASER, P. B. R. (Original.) ^Idi';!!'?'""''' ■^;"' I ''»ve ^""""oned the within named IMendant to appear, by serving a Copy of the said Writ a^d information Mt-.. .^ m !nft»n(iataoTv anne;i:»4 at hkBrn/kilef i*r the Parfafctjf NidJleL qn the thirteenth in8ta«t»i ^p^^aking to hiitieelft; ' ; b '.v7i^ ' 'tL » >!0 Ji: hi b'yi .,,';i of^<: . <^ ,' tl'Vii''' ,^. . I ,' i . ...rtuqif -liii^'5 ' . , ii',. (,i; ' . , ! -• ft'j/i . w. r/.ii}ui €Hir Sovereigii IU)r(i the King^ 0>w* of Kine'9BenoK September temp lUK .II0:l; ..ioiiliiniil n' Ir: ;,;])u*IU i-! V8'.; M, / ■! r Pierre Ignace Daillebout^ Esquire^ '•l^^itt^'tfoWWtt^btetft^'fetij^iof tlie's^^^ Court. TOsfePW^^:B*IimE^^^^^ of Bbucherville. U Esquire, aud Mane Josephte Avrard, his wife, mostresT pectfully represent to Your Honours. •^•The*' tli^%ai4i'!'Mitiite* Jo^htifr Avmrd, v^ of the said Me)lMArville,Esq«l»ei;i9ife()fl^ Heir in the collateral line of thff fclte'-Messitfe; 'Pieri«# FVau^oife^Oarratilr otherwise called St ' Ofv^ dfeeettsed'iri- thi^ l^ovvn, Priest and Vicar General as af»pea*»|jyi!heie?tt^tf6ta*WHiexfidtottie genealogy wliichthe W liUoners produce. That ix'uU.^^n., : 134 W'\ ife. did by Ins last will and testament bearing date the third dav of September, one thousand s^ven hundredind ninety four dis^e of and give, m contravention Hifthe I^ws^of thld V'„:;L ' P?-® of and real p dgive m contraventionHJfthe ii^ws of thii Countrv'^s for* 4^^l ^^^^^ ^ ^^' Xowi, consisting of. i. A Kit of «n1^»^*^ '^^"^"P^" Notre k J Street, by one hundr^ and three feet m depth along„St,Eran<^ois Street, TdiStt present on one side to John Antrobus, Esquire, and rXoth to the representatives of the latfe Hbnourable L^ub DescU neaux, with a Stone House of forty, ta^t by thi^rthr^ let JvUh ran aUo^^ge and a stable/ sJi: InotLS hfe^ S herein before mentioned of sixty five feet along Notre Danie S.^t aforesaid, and of fifty nine feet upon St. Franco s St^t adjoiningon one side to the representatives of Godefrov S nancou^ Esquire, and on the other side to tfaB representatiV^ ptone Hamel; to persons holding indirectly Vffwwi^m.^r^e as IS more fully explained in the will produced in thatiin^rmationT ;'r ♦I ^^^l *lV^ aforesaid hereditaments are by law the property of the said Mane Josephte Avrard, wife of the said ionterWHe cdleT/o" "'V^'' ^r" ^'"^^"^ GarrauU ot"e called St. OngA>, the annulment of whose Testament is in question. ««. « i» «t 'Wherefore your Petitioners joaost respectfully pray that voui^ Honors ^ill permit them to intervene as parties in that cause or ji.formation and that the will of the said late.I^erre Francois C^arrault be ^et aside and annulled, and the said Ci^re Wee Uaiilebout, Esquire, condemned to abandon Uie pospessiou and * occupation vIh T35 occupation of the aforesaid Hereditaments, and to restore ih. same to them as beino- the propertv of thp^^JH m • i . Avrard descended to\er a^tlSwo^^^^^^^^^ her Uncle, and that His Majesty's cCsLrelm! ^^^^^^^^ missed with Costs againstWsa^SdaTt^ ^""^^^ ^^ Three-Rivers, 20th September, 1811. ♦li'fj.;4^, (Signed) P. VEZINA. Atty. of the Petrff. "^SiXiJ .■»» . / .' ; : (Tttdortemeja) ', '\i i Seotember Term, 1811. Petition in Interventiont Dom : Rex vs. P. I. Daillebout, Esiff, and J. Boucher, & ux : Intervening party. Filed 21st September, 1811; m DrSTRrCT OPJ UISTRrCT 0PI1 Ti^ee-RWer,. Jj COt^^BT 0^ KZ2^Gf' * BENCH, September Term, |8U, Our Soirireigft fcord the King, V9i Ui Pierre Ignace Daillebout, Esquire, and Joseph Boucher de Montarvi(le, Esquire; and M. Josephte Avrard. Th^e Rivei^ 21sC Sepleiliber, 1811. (»gtfed) . , p^ VEZINA ^^^y* of the Intervg, party* ' ij 1 1% (Indorsement) m i\ No. 72. ourt of King's HencK ' Motion to obtain delay. Dominus Rex, ^ 1». I. Daillebout, • :•!; and .l/:r;!7A ;j1«fq5|i^t»l -1/ J. Boucher, Esqr. & uxor,. « • Intervening party. ^'^ Filed, 21st September, 1811. . ^Signed) Ths.. & Fa. P.. ' (Signed < P. V. Zf xhw^iiio.i ot ,' ri !.Ii!:. •>■ ■ !" ::'>\I . '■'A <.'. •J ■ 4 (Original) ■'■uiX' V m9 LOWER CANADA, ) District of Titree Riv«rs.) In the King's Benclu ,,,. , . Our Spve)reign Lord the King, Pierre Ignace Daillebout, and Joseph Boucher de Montarville et Marie Josephte Award, his wife, Intervenant. Be it remembered tliat Edward Bo wen, Esquire, one of the Counsel in the Law of our Sovereign Lord the King, of and for tlie Province of Lower Canada, who prosecutes for our said Lord tlie King, being present here in Court, this twenty third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, in iiis. proper person, hi answer or plea to the merits of the lleqilete of the said Intervenant parties, doth give the Court of our said Lord the King, to understand and be informed that all the allegations and facts given in the said Hcquete and all and each of tliem are insutiicient untrue and un- founded both in law and fact to maintain the several and each of the conclusions contained in tlie said Requete. Wlierefore the said Edward Bowen in behalf aforesaid per- :" -« ■ J i nal) S 2 sisls «*.. .4«*«Cs w^m: ^I4D flista in the concli «..r ..i^ f . }'^^'^^ conUined in his information in behalf < f ourscud LdirdttiQ Knur. ' ■ ■ - . I T No. rg. Three Rivers, 23d September, 181 ll (Signed) A. fiERT HELOT, Atty. Acting for the Attorney General. Court of King's Bench, TU9£^ RlVBRSr September Term, 181K 0\ir Lprd the King P. I- Daillebou^, Defendant., and Joseph Bauaker de Montdrvilley Sf Uxor. IntervenantSi Answer to the Begm^fe of the IntervenantparUes* ' '•"'• ■ ■■ C!.- • ,:,, ,./ Filed, 23d September, 1811. CSigned): Ths.. & Frs. P. (Tramlation.) V 'i*-^ it ^ NO. 141 King's Bench, September Term 181 Ij ' ■ Dominua Rex, I'JVf' 01/ .V8. FierH Ignace Daillebout, Defendant, and Joseph Boucher, Sieur De MontarviUe, Esquire, et uxor] ■ ' ■■ •,■'.•■■ Intervening party*. ' ' * ^Ntti the said Pibrt-e Tgnace Daillebout for defenses or an- swer to the intervention of the said Joseph Boucher de IVlonlai ville and his wife, and so far as it is necessary for him (to.ansvrer saitU that with respect to the conclusionss by them taken tor causing the said Will to be declared null, he cannot do otlierwise than thereupon submit to and he doth submit to JuvHtice.. . J ■ Tfiiit wilh respofct ta their remaining conclusions he saith that they cannot nor can similar ones taken against him by the mfortnartionbegTAnted, be-iauae after tlie decease of the said lai'e'Be St'.''Ohge he tlie'Detendant and the other Testamenta- ry Executor of tlie late De St. Onge took possession of his peii- scnals only, they iiiiin»^diately rendered an account to liie Le- ^ate,es and obtained a le^al and full discliaige. That, M " f % i «% I I- -^mm^ a 148 That with respect to the roal property the sai I Dpfendant was niuiblf' to tuke .lud lid not in fact take po-session'or tlie.n which possession remained in the .-, whicii sale \\u« stopped by the OtHcer ol the Crov\n. 1 liat the said Defendant for his costs and expences lias dis- bursed a sum of ,vhich he hus a nu|»t to t lann, and does claim either against the Inlerveniijg pcy (y or against the Officer of the Cro'.vn, according as the Decision iiia\ be in liivor.yl the one or ol" the other. ." ' . f ''♦Vherefore he prajs that tlie'said sum may be adjudged arid t!iat he nuiy be discharged irom this action with costs.' ■ - . " • ■ • ' '• . • '. niPt oh Three Rivers, 24th Sept. 181.1. , (Signed) P. L daillebout; ; Disbiirsemeuls by Pierre Ignace Daillebout^ Kaquire, Testa- Bienlary Executor of the lute Messire ot. Onge, in executing Uu > '' nil , --' iu/l mu',iii.j: u i»S;iu»iuu jim ;;v!jk kJiiA- t ^.. y ' 145 ^ . I A /'. March— To Copy of the Will - - Do. Do. of tlie acquittance) and (liscliarge ) To (ex|jence of a CaVriage and crosHinL',H oyer to come to'l'own, five jouruies a lOs* - - - - I £0 IT - - 11 0' 2 10 O '• f I : (Signed), ^^3 12 a p. I. DAILLEBOUT. •>-• £ ■■ t- .< > I ' ' ■ ' (Indorsement.) K. B. Seplemher 1811.. Plipa by the Defendant to ttie Interventiou.. Dominvs ReXy VS.- Pierre Ignace Dailleboufy Esquire, and '* Joseph Boucher, Esq. Sievir De Moiiwrville^ et uxori Intervening party.. Filed 24th Sept. 1811.. 7. (Signed) Ths. $s Fr. p.. (Original)^ N ■^ ■Kl ><^l fROrrVCR OF tOVirfrR CANADA, ,/ t44 (Original.) I Q>urtGfKiH^8 nench, ; 9w Soyweiifn Lord the i^n^f, < • ^'1'"." ,.;, w. ^^^''^ ^ff"^co DaiUcbout, Esquire, and Joseph Boucher de Mbntarville, ai^dM^k Josephte A vrard, Aw wife. Intervening. Motion tH,tli£ D^ndpnt's^Pleapr Defence to the Reauete of t le InterN'emng parties be set aside inasaiucli as it con u ins a Plea or Defence to tbe. merit, of the Information, the s^ De endant according to theRulqs of this Court having no mo e nghtcn the tvv-enly fourth instant, to file such a Plea or De! teiice to the nienta of tlie Information. Three Rivers, 25th September 1811. (Signed) A. BERTHELdT, Acting foi; the Atty. Genl. ^1. <,U):-/v.Vir N»; • ..-..-.^. / rfjBai I- I Yi- ■ K K. B. Sep^ewUer T^xxf^ \%\\* Attorney Generars Motion ta set aside the DefeadanVs Vkt^ to the liil'unuiiUun. Our Lord tlie Kin|^^ ▼s. "Pierre Jgnace DaiUebouip. and Joseph Bouefitr de M(mtar>^lle,. Esij^ Filed this 26th Sept. 1811.. (Signed^ Ths. in Fr. P- -yM •;•'> -^Jil ©BTRicr i rnii ii r^,:,> m [■ i. 146 DISTRICT Or> THBE£>Rir£Hf.5 King's BenchJ biir'Lord the l^ing, -l Pmre Ignaca Daillebmt, Defendant, - . - .. i .. '(>...,«. ;i, * t ■>,'. and Joseph Boucher de Montaimlle, et uxor. bni Motion to.have the cause, fixed to be hearH m Tiiree-Rivers,Jg3d September 1811 (Signed) A. BERTHELOT, Attorney acting for the Attorney Generai. L "5 HJTf;''ar^ Jn .^^ M4r V *. ■ r , 1 r' . . •.l.:)JnT ' ■•'■! r ;'j^-^' ^ yIn'th«.iKiii-^g flencfer;.,] frTnifj^o r-»f:-Vxi^ September Term 1811. ' . Our Lord the King, Pierre Ignace DcdUebout, Defendant ♦IfJiA?'^ ■•'.:;nt>.iiiA*iM'''; . ■' and Joseph De MontarvUle, et uxor, Intervenant. Tlie Attorney General's Motion to be heard on the Point of 1-aw.. Filed 26th Sept. 1811. (Signed) Ths. & Fr. P. DISTRICT OF) Three-Iiivers. ) T ^ ( Trumlation.) COURT OF KING'S BENCH, September Term, 1811. Our Sovereign Lord the King, Plaintiff, vs. Pierre Ignace Daillebout, Esquire, Defendant, and MontarvUle, et uxor. Intervenant. HE Intervening party moves ior leave to annex to the T 2 exhibit* i >*v fejftv? «xlilblts of the Tnter»feni»% pi»rty an ^Exto^ct which the Inter- ▼eniiig party has been unable to procure before this time. Three Rivers, ^9th September, 1811. , ^ rSi^ned) / P. VEZINA, hiC Atty. of the Intervg. ptirtyj )::} No. r^. . Vourt of King^s l^ench, S^tember Term, 181 K. Motion to be Admitted to ^^he new Eidubit Dgminus llexp vs» timUehmty Egquirc, and iiJontamWe, Esq. el uxor. Filed 29th Sept. 1811. (Signed) Ths. & Fr. P, '»■!'. DISTRICT -> V DISTRICT 0P>^ Thkee-Hitebi. y Vouri of )tm^*« Bench, .') September Term 1811. Dominua Rex* .Ileii ,;j'iu ». 'i'si^kL IVerre X^iive ZhitJ^oliQuf, Esquire, and Defendant, Joseph Boucher^ Esquire, et uxor. Inter venant. n..;i.^ tteplication. ;. .. THE Tntervenittg! par%> coi^feal^ ijiftt ^e said Defendant has never had nor Could have had possession of the House and Lots in question^ andi tliat4hey r^uce their Intervention solely to the point of the nullity, of the Will of the late Messire P. Francois Garrauit otherwise called St, Onge. Wherefore the said Intervening party pray Judgment accor* ding ta the copcjlq^qns qf their Inter j^^tiqm.upon the nullity of the Will in question, desisting from ^rther and other con* dusions theteupoii taken* with costs. Three Rivera, 16th March 1812. (Signed) P. VEZINA, Atty. of the Intervening party. ' (Indorsement.) I i I r / ft M j/mhr P,,,> , No- A lot ufi"} : rrJirnhp?, Court of King's Bench, September /^'erm, 1811. HeplicdtioBwt^J r V, Hex, vs. . P. I. Daillebout, Defendant and '*' J. Boucher, Esqn & uxor. ■f'lODrrfT?}^ VI .f«'lj/;^'i •m Intervening party. Filed 16th March, 1812. (Signed) H. Fr. P. . ; (Signed) p. VEZINA. i/ ' Atty. of Interv. ■fii] ■;'*'»'jti ,: (Translation.) **«!«; ; (.v'ijol/' I5i (Triuuktbm.} Three R1VER8. " j..,,,.}f ^'...„^-^' " Our Lord the Kiny^ , ; P. I. DalUebput, i' o> Defendant. Joseph Boucher de MontarviUe, Esquire. ■-'--■ * . .»^.- Intervening. *!. ^^^i^"? ^^"^^ *^* ^^"'® ^® *^g"^^ <^« '^^^'o on the merits on tne 22a Instant. ; i .; ^ TJiiree-Rivers, 21st September, 18118. ^v.m ,,tejc| (Signed) | ;a. BERTHELOT, . Acting for the Atty. Genl. ,i TtfO li No. 1 hi ^'^ISPv^^S&fw' If .a.TUViJI aanrV King's Bench, Septaifaiidlllifeiun ilSl I. Motion to reifigM ihlft tfitedseiaSd the merits. Our JSovereign Lord the King, Pierre Ignace XiaiUebout^ ti/iilj!. ♦i'jti and Joscpli^oucher de MontarviIle« ^Filed, 21st September, 1813 (^Signed .-l>|(i|tv j;Mt(|i - ' ' '^H.&Fr.P. s ifTratulatitnf} • ^ ^ ^ i • i . :, t f f»0?'n'-Jii oil) lit' *"K>-.^ )^' nOi(l"f ■ '^ O-^fiC ) 5M| .'.''1 fHil">'./I Transcript of Record. . iui. f^iii Li.j2 a«i Yhree-Rivers, "Tuesday, 17th September, 1811; "'Present,. . / The Honourable JcwA/m F?7/^aw»,> j^gjiggg^ L. C. Voucher ^ j .Of .. Our "•.-^ . ' "I Our Sovereign the Lord King. vs. Pierre Ignace Daillehout, Esquire, Testamentary £x- (^ecutor of the late Messire de St. Onge. Defendant. 153 M. Berthelot appears for out Sovereign Lord the King. The Defendant in his quality >>aforesaid appears in person ana says by way of defense that he has nothing to offer and relies entirely on the Justice of the Court. i) ir Saturday f 21st September, 1811. PRESENT The Honourable Jenkin Williams, 1 • ' . L&. C/is. Foucher.] Justices. Our Sovereign Lord the King,'J Joseph Boucher de Montar- vs. f ville. Esquire, and Marie Jo- Pierre Ignace Baillehout, j sephte Avrard his wife, move Esq, Defendant. J for leave to intervene in this Cause and also for <|elay to file their exhibits in support of their Intervention. The Parties having been heard. Cur, adv. vtdt. Monday, 23d September, 18il, PRESENT The Honourable JeroArm Williams, \ j . Xs.Chs.Foucher,{ ''"slices. y Oiir Ui '■ '..J... 154 OuV Sovereign Lord the King,"] The court having heardthepar- ^ '^' va. ties upon motion of the interven- Fierre Ignace Daillebout, Esq. ling party oi'the twenty-first ins- and Aant, and having ' delihera- Joseph Boucher, Esq. et uxor, ted, permits the said Interve- • Intervening party .J ning party Joseph Boucher, Esquire, Sicuv de Montarvilie, and Marie Josephte Avrard, his wife, to intervene in tins Cause, and grants tliem a delay until W^ednesday next, to tile their exiiibits in support of their Intervention^ Thursday, 26th September, 1811.. PRESENT The Honourable Jenkin Williams,! t .• Ls.Ch,.Foucher.\' Justices. (Original.) f.>- Our Sovereign Lord the King, vs. Pierre Jgnace DaiUebeut, Esq. and Joseph Boucher, Esq. et uxor. Intervening party. Mr. Berthelot acting for the Attorney General moves, that the Defendant's Plea or defense to the llequke of the Interve- ning parties be set aside inas- much as it contains a Plea or ^defense to the merits of the In- formation, the said Defendant according to the rules of thi& Court having no right on the 24tb inst. to file such a Plea or defense to the merits of the luformatioD. (TramMon,) , ^f»i. I.*!' " 'TI\-.-!»*% ' (I^OHllaiion.) The Court having heard the Piirties, considering that the Defendant's Paper is not a defense, uor can in any way be ta- ken forfurther answers than he has already made to the informa- tion of HisMajeHty '9 Attorney General by which the said Defen- dant joined issue by his answers of the seyeDiteenth instant, or- der that the said Mr. Berthelol take nothing by his said motion. On motion of Mr. Berthelot and with consent of Parties the •Codrt fixes this Cause for hearing en Droit to-morrow. Friday, 13th March, 1812. PRESENT The Honourable Isaac Ogden, ) ^ i • Our Sovereign Lord the King,l ^^ ^^^.^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ |-, on the part of our Sovereign , ll.sq. ^Lord the Kuiff the Court lixes this Cause to be heard de no- Pierre Jgnace Daillebout and Joseqh Boucher, Esq. et uxor. Intervening., vo oti Monday next. ^ / ii.' iff^ V 2 .Cvjonoli Monday ' I # 2«^-is>*i^:::~L.. K 1 156 Mmday, 16th March, i812. INHERENT, The rionourable haac Ogden, ) _ Our Sovei-eign Lord the Kiiig,^ vs. I Pifrre IgnaceDaillebout, Esq, { The Parties having been r in r^"^,. [heard. Cwr. adi;, vw/f. Joseph Boucher, Esq. <►< waror, I lulervening parly. J Monday, Slst September, 1812, PRESENT The Honourable Ls. Chs. Fauchevy^ Olimer Perrault, j Justices. Our Sovereign Lord the KJng,^ On motion of Mr. Beitlielot o; r ^^ n . ',*. I ^" *^*® P"^*"^ ^f «"«• Wd tJie Pierre Ignace Daillehout, Ksq. I King, and with consent of the ^"f* rparties, the Court fixes ttie Cause to be heard de novo to-morrow. and Joseph Boucher, Esq. et uxor. Intervening party. Tuesday, 22d September, 1812. PRESENT The Honourable JL*. Chs. Foucher,\ ^ . Olivier PerrauU /Justices. Our 157 Out Sovftreign Lord the King,'> ' vs. I Pierre Ignace Daillebout, Ef^q. I The Parties haria'^ besfi and I licard. Cur. adv. uuU. J,o»eph Boucher y Esq. et uxor. I iy '^ luterveiiing party. J i f; h Thursday y 24th September, 18121 PRESENT The Honourable L«. Cks. Foucher, Olivier Perrault :•} Justice^.. Our Sovereign Lord the King," /vs. Pierre Ignace Daillehovt, Esq. Ticrctofore of the Town of Three llivers now residing in the Pa- rish of St. Jean Baptiste de Ni- colet Testiimentary Executor of tlie late MessireDe St. Onge. Defendant. and Joseph Boucher Esquire, Sieur de Montarmlle and Marie Jo- sephte Arrardy his Wife, Inter- > vening Party. The C^ourt having heard Mr. Bertlielot, Attorney for and in the name of His Majesty; the Intervening parly by their Ad- vocate ; tiie Defendant having aeretol'ore appeared and sub- mitted to tlie Judgment of the Court, and having maturely examined the proceedings and productions of the parties in this cause, adjudge that the conclusions taken by the At- torney General in and by his inlbrmation in this cause, are inadmissible, and in consequence dismiss the said conclusions, and, deciding upon the merits of the iuterveutiou of the said Joseph \% m Joseph Boucher and his wife, adjudge 'atict declare that part of the Will of the said Pierre Fr I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the Register of tiie Court of King's Bencli for the District of Three-Uivers. J T/p T* ■ (Other Papers produced by Mr. Porteou9.y GEORGE the THIRD by the Grace oftJob of tli© (1. 8r) Un>tfrenQOin, upon which flay the contents of the Demande made^' afainst you in the said Declaration will be heard and finally ad-, jbdgedi FaiHng which you will be condemned by default, ,? i Witness the Honourable Isaac Ogderiy Escfuirp one of thqtj Justices of our said t ourt at Montreal on the 20th d^y of Nov. 1815 ijii the 56lh year of our reign. , ToajJailiff to be served. (A true Copy) (Signed) IIeid, Levesque and Mowr, P. B. R. Reid, Leveisque and Monk. P« B. R. . UiiL'jki}> X 508 ^:. ■vi-«: 'i •xit* i 169 30% DISTRICT OF q (?0UJIT OF KINGS BENCH, ' The 20th day of November, I S15, •'il i;>i,y ijL JLoMd* Gibeau of Montreal, Merchant, Plaintiff. ▼i. TF ("' 'i ■■»*•■/' Defendant. T J- HE Plaintiff sues the Defendant for the sum of eleven pounds curit«ncy due to- hi in a^toIlows-8ix pount^s bduo. the value of four cords of hardwood fuffiished and ddiveii^ bv hmi to the Detendant, and three pounds ]>eing tor monies had by the Defendant of liim in advance upori the lease madeto him by the Detendant of an apartment in his house situated in Sf Laurence Suburbs, as i> more fully explained in tije^c^e passed between the parties, received on the l.'^h otOctober last by iMr DesaiUels Notary, atM(,utreal, which apartment the Deleiidant waBGompeUed to abandon hlU en da^r^smce, (rom vvantof Uie re pairsnecessayvtheret(vwhicuthel>efemantneoiect.vjto,nake al- though often require., and which inoieovei tJ:e llaintni . 'jve up.tohimattherequestj.mlwith tiie consent of the s^ii.! Iv'en danl-^hich saidsnni ahi.ou;.h olton demanaed stiii icmania due—W keretore tneinuinUii prays juugmeut. 163 I the undersigned Bailiff do certify that under a d by virtue ofa Writ of execation issued from His Majesty's Courtof King's Bench in and for the District of Montreal and province of Lower C'atiada signed by the I J onourable Louis Chasles Foucher Esquire, one of file Justices of our said Court, tome directed and deli- vered, dated the thirtieth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and tirteen, attliesuitof Louis Gibeau of Montreal, ]VJei chant, Plaintiff, against the moveable property and effects of Joseph Baril otliervvise called Nanuir of the same place, also Merchant, Defendant, for the sum of five pounds seventeen shilingsand two pence currency, being the principal sum and costs of the said execution, I did for the purpose repair to the doiiiiciieof tbesaid Defendant, and in order to seize and take the sanie in execution, ou-so uuich thereof as will suffice to satisfy the aaiountol'the said debt, and t!ie costs mentioned, I did seize auil take in execution as belonging to the said Defendant the ar* tides i()ll«)wing, tfiat is to say : one large double stove of Iron, witii the pipe tiureof, and one Horse having while hair. I do fui th«'r certify that 1 seized the above mentioned eflccts in the house of the said Defendant in the Suburbs of St. Lawrence at Montreal, on the fourteenth day of December, one thousand eight Imndred and fifteen. (Signed) JOHN MONTGOMERY, Bailiff. £2 9 8,, 3 5 0, 2 6, Bill of tlie costs, Debt, Execution, (Signed) £5 172, JOHN MONTGOMERY, Bailiff. X2 H '\ \ m m H •■ ' ' ■ (TranilcUian) Montreal, Court of King's Bench. \r , .« r, Saturday, 28rh May, ,1814: ^ No. 146, September TeiTn, 1813. ^sane Lahaie Widow of] Tlie C^ourt having heard Joseph Jacques Liherson of Ste. | Payement an expert ivamed in this Genevieve. T cause, and examined th.e report and r r. ^"** ^, rplaji, returned by him in tlie said iMuisComineau of the cause, condemn the Defendant to same place Yeoman. J pay to the Plaintiffthe sum ol three pounds currency, Jor the causes nueiitioaed in the Declaration; (A true Copy.) , Reid, Lkvesque and Monk P.B.ii,/ DISTRICT 0F>1 Montreal, f 1 (Translation.) '^ Court of King's Bench: . Satm-day 28th May, I8I4.' Susanne Lahaie and^ The Court having fieard Joseph Pave- Jacques Liberson of j ment the expert named in this cSu e or &te. Genevieve I der that the parties do make prooi on toe vs. ^thirtieth day of June next, of the lacts T.nms Cousineau of the same place Veo- i man* following that is to say, 1st wtiet")er the garden or ground in dispute weie enclos- ed iii March oue thousand ci^iit iiuiuaed and ^■sm.'^ >h is id id to je n. and ten. 2d of what the said grqimd consists as well as that de- signated by the name of an Orchard. 3d whether the said ground in dispute, and tlie sd'd Orcliard were separate from each other and how. 4lh. AU other circumstances indicating whether the • said ground were tlie garden reserved mentioned in the donation > oi the tweutietli of Marcli, one thousand eiglit hundred and. «0. (A true, Copy.) Beid, Levesque and Monk^. K (Translation.) Montreal; Ckntrt of King's Bench., Monday, 12th September, 1814; No. 146, September, 1813. SMsanne halUiie Widow of Jac^wes^ The C ourt having iieardl Libermn ofSte. Genevieve. . j tlie parties and their, wit- ^** ^nesses examined the plea- ,Xom{s CoMs?wf aw of the same place i dings and especially the Yeoman. . J Acte ol Donation of the twentieth of March, one tho'sand eiiiht hundred and ten, and ina'urely con^^idered tne whole, disc large the Defendant frooti thcAction brought against hini, withdvit costs. , (A true ( up .) ^ litw, Levesque and Monk. sm 166 tJr, rs^ Commission appoint, ing Louis Ciiarl'.s J-ou. cher, Rsquire, to be Proviii.iilJudi^, in and (Original.) (Signed) RpBT. S. MTLVES, _ > GEORGE THE TriIRD, by 'h. G?aTof for the Districtof Three GOD of the United Kingdom of Great Biilain H'ver,. J a,,, ireia„d, Ki„g Defender of the FuTth FIAT. Recordtd in the Of- fice of earollmeiits iit Qu.Ik'c tlie 14th day of January 180 J, in the siicond Ri'gister of Let- ter 1 atent uud Commis- sions. Folio 87. (.si-ried) N ATJl. TAYLOR t>ei»y. Rt'jtistcr To o„r Umiy and well heloved L(.uis Chahles I^OLCHER, and to all others whom these pre- sent may c.»uiern ; Greeting: Know ye that we having tak. u into our Royal ^consideration the loyally, i l.grity and ability ot you the said Lous t harl.s Foucher of our lispeciai Grace, ceitain knowledge n„d „.cic mo- tion, have assigniul. constituted and appointed */ei,y K.g.Mcr. j aud by these presents do assign, constitute andao- p>intyoHthesa:d Louis Charles Foucher OnrWovincialJudfte for the District of rhree-Rivers in our Province of Lower Canada? and a,s(» .Mie of our .Jndges ot ot.r ( onrt of King's Bench to be holden m our said n.stnctoi Three Rivers: to have, hold aud exercise and enjo V the said Olh. e and Place unto you the said Louis ( harles Kou- c; iR lor and dnriig our pleasure ami your residence within our said Province of Lower Canada; together with all and singular the lights pr.hlH, privileges and emoluments the said Plaeeand Office be' lot>«iii.g, wilh iull power and authority to hold our Provincial Court ot the ,|ud D.-sfrut ot Three-Riveisatsnch limes a. d places a; d all CmiI to hear and determine,, when by Law the same may be or ought to h done and ail and every the rights, duties and functiong ot our Pimu.nal Judge ol the District afor.said to exercise, per, form.nd fultil. In testimony whereof we hue ca.sed these owr Letters to be made Patent and the great Seal of our said Province to ^ 167 be hereunto affixed, Witness our trusty and well beloved Sir Ro^ BERT Shore Milnes, Binxiet, our Lieutenant Gaveritor of and for our siiid Province of Lower Canada at onr Cistle of Saint L'vvis, ia onr City of Quebec, in our said Province, the first day of Janu try^ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight aud three, and lu the forty third year of ouc Reign. f (Signed) R. S. M. . (Signed) NATH. TAYLOR, !- D. Secy. J do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true Copy af the Original ais on Record inllie Provincial Secretary's Office in a Register, ioti" tulcd, Reg: ofComins. aud Letters Patent, !So. 2, Foho 87. Provincial Secretary's Office, Quebec, 14lh February, 1817, (Signed) JNO. TAYLOR^ Deputy Secretaryr and RegistejL ^ }i .:-_;,yi^iL-_ ^..^ \ fi- P^VIMCI OP M fi^iOfli^W GEOJlGKlhe THIRD, by theGiacnoCGodofthe Unitad Kingdom of Great-Brltai* and Irclaiui, ICuif,- d f-Midi-r of the Faitij. COMMISSION-. AppoinU^Kltx,4b (Jtatfi^r Fm.chPr r:«.q.) f Uur twi8>y and wrll beloved L. C. Fourhrr Eeq. oneol till- Jiisiici < of llio Court of K Bt'nc!ifor(iio Di fnVi of Moiitrcai II AT. Recorded in ihc office of enrollment ' ^ and to nil others whom these presents may concfirn] n lire fon: n Rfgiier of letter-, paten i Li'onsKleratKm, ^i* lovalty, iittcgritj' and ability of ""''9;i';'."J;'^il'r'l'.^]^'''"'^^- C^'S"'''^ fyou th^ saitTLoiils CharU-s Foucher, of our f spe- JOHN TAYLOR, Dopt. Secy. J ,,^, j^^aco, certain knowledge and mere motion, have aSsi^ifed cwnsthirted'andWppoihtiJ*!', and^by these presents do assiti-n 'conxtltute ana 'Ill oflice, unto youtho said Louis Chailis Foucherfornnd during our Fleasnre, and your re- sidence within out said province of Lowor-Canada, together with afll anH «lngalar the rights, profits, privileges and emoluments Unto the said Place and Office belonging with full power, all and eve>y the Rights and FrirlUif*!* of AjustiG< of (^vtsaid jGourt of King's Bench foi the dihtr'(t of Montreal afrtresaid, toexewise anii perform in as full and ample a niani;ir as t^Msaoie by. lutK i.hnrlfs Foucher drew up the said inter- locutory V ■■'W» /#' tm 171 loculory JadgmenU^ which now appear of record, in the hand-writing of liim, the said Louts Laarlcs Foucher, who aUo assisted iu rendering the final Jud^n>ent, Thatihesaid Zou2iCA(zr/«5 Foucher, in this respect has been guilty of gross malversation, corrupt prnclice and injustice, and has violated his oati of office, swerved from his duty to His Sovereign, and has been guilty of conduct tending to disgrace the administration of justice in Lower-Canada. RESOLVED, That in the year 1815, the said Louis Charles Foucher, then being one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench for the District of Montreal, held alone a Court, called Uie Inferior Term of the Court of King's Bench, that in the said Court, the said Louis Charles Foucher was guilty of a denial of justice, ef great oppression towards C7iar/« For- ieous, Esqnire, Attorney and Barrister at Law, tlireatening ille£all\ and unjustly to suspend him, without any reasona- ble cause ; uiid at the same time, using low and insulting language, unworthy of a British Judge upon the Bench, such as : *' Hold your tongue, your question is stupid, you *' tell a falsehood, what you say is false, it is a false- *' hood ; and I do not hesitate to say, in open Court, ** and in the face of the public, that 1 do not understand " that you should come here to tell a falsehood ; I am only " accountable to myself for my conduct : I am the re- '' presentative of the King, I do not hesitate to say, that *' upon the Bench, 1 am greater than His Majesty, be- " cause His Majesty himself comes to my tribunal to be " judged." The said Louis Charles Foucher then proceeded "with anger, to give Judgment against the Client of the said Charles PQrU9us, refusing at the same time tu hear his witnesses. Y g That ■H' I That the said l:ouis Charlet Fonchef, in tM» wsp? f f, lias bcctr S:Hilty of gross malversation, corrupt praclice and injustice, and hag vioJttted liisi oath ot* office, Hwerred from hi« duty to His Sovereign, and has disgraced the administration of^ justice in Lower-Canada. RESOLVED, That in the Month of Mny, 1814, the said Loui$ Charles Foucher alone heW a Court, called tiie Inferior Term of the Court of King's Bcnchfor the District ot Mon- treal, and the said Loun Charles Foucher pronounced u final. jud/,rment m favor of a Plaintiff, one Susanne Lahaie, against %. Defendant, one Louis tausineau^ and afterwards the said: Louis Charles Foucher, caused the said judgment to be erased and scratched out from the Register, and in the Month of September following the said Xow;5 Charles Foucher, render- ed a second final judgment in the same cause, which judg- ment was in favor of the said defendant. Louts Causineau, and dismissed the Action of the said Plaintiff, Smann* i^haie, and on several other occaaioiiit, the said Louis Charles Foucher has caused Records to be altered^ erased and scratched out. That the said Louis Charles Foucher, in (his respect has been guilty of fifross malversation, corrupt practice and injustice, and has violated his oath ofolBce, swerved from his duty to His Sovereign, and has disgraced the administration of Justice in Lower-Cauada. The Question being put on the said Resolutions it was RESOLVED, Tliat this House do concur with- the Committee in the said Resolutions. RESOLVED, i\ rrs RESOrVKD, That an hainhle Address be prosented to Hfs Royal HighnesMtlie Prince Hef»;«nt with the Kesoluiians annexed, and also an humble Address to His liJxcellency the Governor in Chief, uraving hrm to be pleased to tran«mit the said Ad' dress tollisRoyal Ilighni'flsthe Prince Regent and prayinpf His Excellency also to suspend Louii Charles Fcucher^ Es- quire, from the ofliee of Judge of the Court of King;'s Bench, for the District of Montreal, until the pleasure of His Royal Highness shall be knowHr RESOLVED, That a special Committee of Seven Members be ap- pointed to prepare and report di-afts of the said Addre9fle». ORDERED, That Mr. Sherwood, Mr. A. Stuart, Mr, Panel, Mr, Gugy, Mr. Tuschereau, Mr. Borgia and Mr. Ogden, do compose the said Committee. M. Tuesday, 2 ^/i FeK 1817. R. Sherwood, frorri the Spcctal Committee, appomted to prepare and report (iraught* oF'Adfltesses to His Royia\ High. Hess the Prince Regem, and to His ExceWency the Govrrnor in- Chief^ purstiant to the Resolutions o4 this House of yester* day, reported; that the Committee haid prepared the said' Ad- dresses, and had directed him to submit them to the House whenever it &ha41 he pleased to receive the same, And he read the L il «jfc. < .. .> .i . -i#*-' ^ J^; 174 the Report in his place, and afterwards delivered it in at the Uerk s table, where it was again read. The Addresses contained in the said Report^ are as follow- ' ctn : *^ TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT. WE, His Majesty's loyal and faithful subjects, the Com- mens of Lower Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled most respectfully beg leave to approach your Koy»l Highness, and to represent to your Royal Highness that Louts Charles Foucker, esquire, one of the Tudges of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench for the District of Mon- treal, has been accused before us of high crimes and misde* meanorsin his capacity of Jfud^e as aforesaid ; 3nd that, after a patient and diligent examination of witnesses, the testimony «f whom we now transmit, we have unanimously adopted se- veral Resolutions as Articles of Complaint against the said Louis Charles Foucher, esq. which are hereunto annexed. The impartial administration of justice, one of the most important privileges of our fellow subjects in the United King- dom, as declared by our revered and beloved Sovereign, hath been by the said Louis Charles Foucher swerved from, in various instances referred to in the said resolutions. The Criminal Law of Er gland, and the free trial by jmy, in lit : ■"'•.' "f*i>-..„ 175 in criminal cases, has been granted to His Majtjsty's loyal sub- jects of Lower Canada, by ihe wisdom and justice of the Bri- tish Parliament ; and they would be deprived of ihe security for reputation, liberty, and life, which the criminal Law of England, and the free trial by jury are calculated to afford, if a Judge destitute of uprightness, should be allowed to act. That as by the municipal Laws of this Province, the greater number of ciyil suits are tried by the Court without the in- tervention of a Jury, the sole security for the property of His Majestys loyal subjects in this Province, is to be found in the integrity of the persons to whom the administration of justice is confided. Wherefore, We, His Majesty's faithful Commons of this Province, most respectfully bfeg leave to be permitted to lay at the feet of Your Royal 'Highness, the grounds of our com- plaint against the said Louis Charles foucher, esq. and pray, that in consideration of the premises, he may be removed from his office ; and that the authority of His Majesty's Govern- • ment may be interposed in such way as in your Royal High- ness's wisdom may appear necessary for bringing him to ius- ticfri *• BY 'm^[ D» I m 176 TO HIS EXCELLENCY 3ir JOH>J COAPE SHERBROOKE, Knight Grand Cxcm of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Cap- tain^General and Governor in Chief in and over the Pro- vinces of Lower-Canada, Upper-Canada, Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick, and their several dependencies. Vice Admiral ot the same, Lieutenant-General and Con»raan- der of all His Majesty's Forces in the said Provinces of Lower-Canada, -and Upper-Carada, Nova- Scotia and New-Brunswick, and their several dependencies, and in the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince-Edward, Cape-Bre- ton and Bermuda, &c. &c. &c. WE, His Majesty's most dutiful and loya! subjects, the Gommojis of Lower Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly beg leave to represent to Yo^r EKcellcncy, that we have found ourselves constrained by a sense of duty, to direct our attention to the investigation of certain accusa- tions brought against the honorable Louis Charles Foucher, esq, one ot His Majesty's Puisne Judges for the district of Montreal, upon which, after mature deliberation, we have a- dopted certain Resolutions as articles of Complaint against the said Louis Charles Foucher ^ esq. «nd have made an hum- ble Address to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, which ■we have now the honor of presenting to Your Excellency, and pray that Your Excellency will be graciously pleased to transmit them to His Majesty's Ministers, to be laid before His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, together with the docu« Jnents accompanjing the Address* And I '■A \%i i '^i0^' • ' m. Atii ve humbly beg '«**«* to represent to y«iiTl!xQel:l*irejr, ^at from the iroporttinee and magnitude of ihf charges which ve have deemed it our bounden duty to exhibit against the said Lmis Charles foucher, esq it viould be inconsistent with the honor and dignity of His Majesty's Governiiient, and the interest of His faithful subjects in this Province, that the said lout's Charles /bwcAw, esq. should continue to exercise the high and important duties of his office, while the said charges are depending against him. In representing to your ExceU lency \hc necessity of suspending the saidLowM Charks Fatf' €her, esq» from his office, we only act in conformity to the principles which our beloved Sovereign manifested, when he was graciously pleased to declare from the Throne, to both Houses of Parliament, that he looked upon the uprightness of Judges, as one of the best securhies to the rights and liberties of His loving subjects, and as most conducive to the honor of his Crown. Therefore, We, His Majesty's faithful Commons of Lower Canada, humbly pray, that your Excellency will be graciously pleastd to suspend the said Louis Charles FoucJier, esq, frpm ois said office, until His Majesty's pleasure shall be known. RESOLVED, That this House doth concur in the said Ad- dresses. ORDERED, That the said Addresses be engrossed. RESOLVED, That the said Addresses be presented to Hi« ExcellcDcy the Governor io Chief, by the whoIcHouse, ■\ i te I 'i^^f*' ^^ft.'.i ■_ ii^mF^^'^ *"■ ■'■**fc»B^"^'*^ ^'nta.,.. •^:imms^ ■ W' ■^ i V79 ORDERED, That M)-. Panet, Mr, Gugy, Mr, Davidson, and Mr, Dessaulles, do wait upon His Excellency the Governor in Chief, to know when His Excellency will be pleased to receive this House, with the said Addresses. NWMM94MIIWimM M, Wednesday, 26ih February, igir. .R. PaneU accompanied by ihe other messengers re«. ported, that in obedience to the orders of the House of *yes. terday. they had waited upon His Excellency the Governor in thief, to know when he would receive this House, with its Addresses to His Royal Highness the Prince Rep-ent and His Excellency, and that he had been pleased to say, he will re- ceive th'^ House on Monday next, at one o'clock. A Monday, ^d March, 1817. .T the hour appointed, Mr. Speaker and the House went up to the Castle ol St. Lewis, and presented their Addresses. to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and to His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief. And being returned, Mr. Speaker reported, that the House had attended upon His hxcellency [he Governor in Chief, wi'.h their Addresses to which His Excellency had besn pleased to make the toi* iQwing answer : GentUmn i ■■j'^^^'A, ., -■",».."— ■"•^-..ic;«-,.^,. <«'!. K*"* '% 17^ Gentkmen of the Home of Assembly^ • I shall not fail to transmit to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the ColoKies, for the purpose of being laid before His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the Resolutions which you have adopted as ar' 'cles of complaint against Louis Charles toucher, estjuhre^ one of His Majesty's Puisne Judges for the district of Montreal, together with your Address to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent thereupon, and the documents accompanyitig the same» Many objections would have arisen to prevent me from sus. pending Mr. Justice Foucher, on your Address; but particu. larly the precedent furnished by the conduct pursued on a si- miidr occasion, by the late Governor in Chief; respecting whioV, as Hie Majcsty's Government do not appear to have stated any explicit opinion, I couid not but feci some doubt. But this difficulty has been avoided by my having already^ on an attentive perusal of the evidence adduced in the course of this investigation, and under the authority vested in me by my commission, communicated to Mr. Justke Foucher, my desire that he shall abstain from the exercise of his judicial functions, until the determination of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, with respect to any further proceedings oa these accu&jtions, shall be made known. And for this pur- pose,! shall report to His Majesiy's Government the line of conduct 1 h«iv^ thought it necessary to pursue on this occasion* i FINIS. '1 >t f ,.#'««t ..»-'''"■" ' y